Page created by Phillip Ruiz
                                            February 2022

This self assessment document has been produced for the wider Wingate Community for the academic Year 2021/2022 but it
will remain in place until Dec 2022 after the next school Inspection. It sets out what the school considers to be its main
achievements, key strengths and the positive steps taken to ensure that all our students continue to learn, grow and develop in
a safe, caring and nurturing environment. Additionally, we have identified the areas of our work which we feel need further
development and improvement. These areas will be a key focus in the coming months; unfortunately some of them are
dependent on the removal of COVID enforced restrictions.

The document is structured using the BSO/NABSS Inspection framework. The self assessment of the school is measured against
seven criteria.

Useful Abbreviations explained: EYFS - Early Years and Foundation, Nursery & Reception classes; Primary - Years 1 to 6; Secondary - Years 7 to 11;
KS1 - Key Stage 1, Years 1 & 2; KS2 - Key stage 2, Years 3 to 6; KS3 - Key Stage 3, Years 7 to 9; KS4 - Key Stage 4, Years 10 & 11; KS5 - Years 12 & 13,
the Sixth Form; BSO - British Schools Overseas; NABSS - National Association of British Schools in Spain; IGCSE - the external exams sat at the end of
Year 11; A Levels (including IAS & IAL) - external exams sat in Years 12 & 13; TA - Teaching Assistant; CPD - Continued Professional Development
8.1 Accommodation and Resources
Due to the continuing Covid-19 pandemic and in line with government legislation, the school continues with the series of protocols and procedures which were implemented last year. We
continuously review all practices and adapt as necessary where we can. We have had multiple contacts and a small number of Covid-19 positive children which have required students to
isolate. The quarantine procedure once we are informed of a contact or positive case has been fine tuned to improve efficiency and communication with staff and parents. More picnic
tables were constructed and distributed around the school play and social areas. Every classroom has been assessed for adequate ventilation and fans fitted where necessary.
As requested by the Sixth Form student counsellors, the Sixth Form bathrooms require refurbishment. Landscaping of the lower play area to the North of the school will begin in early
2022. The new EYFS Curriculum has required considerable investment in books and equipment, as well as Years 1 & 2 new reading schemes. The Science department budget has been
increased to facilitate the increased practical applied science in KS3 & 4.

Actions (including staff training needs)             Key Personnel    Time           Success Criteria/Intended Outcomes                                        Progress Update
                                                     involved         Scale
The refurbishment of the Sixth Form bathrooms        CM, JT & JG      By end of      Bathroom facilities are fit for purpose
will take place over the Easter holidays                              April 2022
Landscaping of the lower play area to the North      CM, JT & JG      By Sept        Students play away from the Science Labs less impact on learning
of the school will begin in early 2022.                               2022

8.2 Health Safety and Welfare
Safeguarding, maintaining and improving the health, safety, and welfare of all staff and students continues to be a key priority for the School. Managing the Covid-19 pandemic in the day
to day operation of the school has placed additional pressure and responsibility on all staff and students. Strict protocols and procedures continue to ensure that students and staff are
kept as safe as possible. Designated school entrances continue as last year as do entry procedures. Parents, guardians and external visitors are still not permitted to enter school premises
with all communication by email, telephone or online meetings. Face masks must be worn by all staff and students aged 6 and over but we have removed the 2 metre distancing rule in
classrooms due to increased ventilation. Class tutors have to have seating plans where students eat at lunchtime as their masks are removed while eating. The school office entrance has
improved CCTV with restricted access maintained. The required Covid-19 policies and procedures are robust and reviewed consistently.
Signage and evacuation procedures across the school are clearly presented. Fire Drills are practiced twice per year. One drill is observed by our external H&S advisory company - Preving.
All staff have access to an annual health check in School.
The School has a well established Behaviour and Discipline Policy which underpins behaviour management in school. All classrooms display an adapted policy for students to access. All
episodes of unacceptable behaviour in school are recorded and actioned on the departmental student tracking files. A Confidential Harassment Register has been implemented and some
historical cases added as those students concerned are still students in the school. A student survey of some Primary and all Secondary students helped identify both incidents and areas
within the school where anti-social behaviour can take place. Though on the whole, the results were very positive. Every year, all staff complete both online CPD and in-house training on
safeguarding as well as wellness and wellbeing training. The Seniors Wellbeing Coordinator is well established and a Primary Wellbeing Coordinator will be appointed this year.
     The school has a registered First Aid practitioner, some senior staff and administration staff will have Basic First Aid in the Workplace training in the new year. The Medical/First Aid
room is well equipped and maintained. Due to Covid-19 there will be no out of school activities, this is kept under constant review.
The School DSL is accessible at all times during and out of School hours. Senior staff will undergo online training and the Senior Designated Mental Health Lead appointed in early 2022.
The Head and Bursar represent the school with the Safeguarding Alliance and the Head is one of the founder members of the British Council Spanish Safeguarding Network initiative.
Promoting Health and Wellbeing of staff and students continues to develop and improve.
     Internet safety remains a priority and a new Gooseberry Planet coordinator will be appointed to relaunch the software across the school.
All classes within school use electronic attendance registers. This provides immediate intelligence to managers, administration and class teachers on levels of attendance, absence and
Some school practices are not eco-friendly. As Wingate School wants to become more ‘eco-friendly’, various initiatives will be implemented this coming year.

Actions (including staff training needs)            Key Personnel     Time          Success Criteria/Intended Outcomes                                       Progress Update
                                                    involved          Scale
Training completed for the role of Senior           CM, CT & LE       Early 2022    Online training completed
Designated Mental Health Lead
Primary Wellness and Wellbeing is appointed         CM & LE           Autumn        Designated person, trained and in post                                   CS appointed and training
                                                                      term 2021                                                                              ongoing
First Aid training for senior staff completed       CM, MH, CT,       By May        Training completed
                                                    LE, LP, JT & SE   2022
                                                    + Admin staff
Gooseberry Planet coordinator (Guru) appointed      CM, CT & LE       Autumn        All staff and students from Years 2 to 9 are using the software with     SM appointed and programme
and the software relaunched from Yr 2 to Yr 8                         term 2021     confidence                                                               of staff training instigated
Review uniform suppliers and fabrics.               JT, NC & SE       By            School uniforms, fabrics and cleaning products are more eco-friendly.
Review cleaning products and suppliers.                               September     Documents are scanned onto the relevant areas of the cloud and
                                                                      2022          billing system.

 8.3 The Curriculum
     In October 2021 the decision was taken to amalgamate Years 1 & 2 in the Junior Department to create a ‘Primary Department’ which LE will lead. LP will lead EYFS.
The new statutory EYFS framework was introduced in September. Staff were presented with a great deal of information to clarify the new changes and initial staff meeting time was
allotted to share information, deepen understanding and answer queries that staff had. This is to continue throughout the year so that all EYFS staff are confident in their knowledge and
of the expectations of the EYFS curriculum. In addition, all Reception children have two scheduled Spanish lessons per week, the groups being differentiated by ability.
The new Reading Framework (July 2022) highlighted the need to adopt a different reading scheme for Reception class which meets the needs of teaching by phonics. The school invested
in a wide range of Phase 2 and 3 reading books. We intend to introduce the Tapestry software to all easier tracking and monitoring of student progress.
COVID-19 continues to impact greatly on the teachers, children and parents. For staff, the teachers have become confident in delivering ‘alternative’ style lessons for our young children in
the cases of having to close the school and children work at home. When in school, the children are unaware of any impact to their learning, since this scenario is normal for them, they
haven't known anything else! Maintaining communication between teachers and parents continues to present some challenges as not all parents and guardians´ are first language English.
In addition, some parents are anxious and like to have regular contact with staff (pre-covid, this was easy to do), emailing has become the most effective way of communicating and LP and
RM have spent much time outside of school hours responding to parents´ emails of questions or concerns.

Actions (including staff training needs)            Key Personnel     Time          Success Criteria/Intended Outcomes                                        Progress Update
                                                    involved          Scale
Procure technology devices (ipads) for teachers     JT & CM           May 2022      All EYFS staff have access to suitable devices                            2 ipads for staff, 3 for pupils
                                                                                                                                                              purchased. More ipads would
                                                                                                                                                              be beneficial for the children
                                                                                                                                                              to have more access.
Continue to dedicate staff meeting time to fully    RM, LP            April 2022    Staff are confident in the use and terminology involved in the
understanding all the new documentation and         & TA’s when                     Statutory framework and have also familiarise themselves with
how best to implement in our school                 needed                          Development Matters and Birth to 5 matters (non-statutory)

8.3 The Curriculum
In October 2021 the decision was taken to amalgamate Years 1 & 2 in the Junior’s Department to create a ‘Primary Department’ which LE will lead to allow greater synergy between KS1 &
In addition to the Curriculum Core subjects, all KS1 students have two timetabled Spanish lessons per week and KS2 students receive three. The groups are differentiated by ability. The ICT
curriculum is delivered by a subject specialist in conjunction with the class teachers. The SRE curriculum is delivered using the Christopher Winter Project - Teaching SRE with Confidence in
Primary Schools. In addition a themed SRE week is planned into the Curriculum; this underpins the teaching scheme and focuses the students on current issues facing young people.
Furthermore, a Religious Celebration and Cultural Diversity week is delivered in the Summer Term, allowing the children the opportunity to experience and explore different religions and
cultures in the World.
Primary Curriculum Newsletters have been made available on the school website alongside the current Curriculum Overviews. These provided detailed information for the parents and
guardians detailing the curriculum areas of KS1 and KS2.
Planet Gooseberry has been relaunched across the Primary department under the guidance of a newly appointed Gooseberry Guru. All staff attended CPD training on the use of this
resource in PSHE lessons.
To support reading progression and to improve reading continuity across the two Key Stages, an expertly levelled reading programme has been implemented with the purchase of new
reading materials for KS1. A range of fiction and non-fiction texts are now available for all children to help develop their own reading tastes.
The PE curriculum has been enhanced by having Year 12 students, who are completing their Sports Leader Award (SLA) working with the children. The KS2 students have benefited from
having positive role models work with them during PE lessons. It has also helped their individual progress as the SLA students have been able to provide 1:1 and small group coaching. KS1
and KS2 Staff have also benefited from the purchase of a concise PE planning resource; providing guidance across all National Curriculum PE objectives.

Actions (including staff training needs)             Key Personnel     Time          Success Criteria/Intended Outcomes                                        Progress Update
                                                     involved          Scale
Updated phonics programme for KS1 and                LE, LP & KS1      June 2022     Increased language development
creation of a reading spine                          staff                           Improved reading levels through increased phonic knowledge
                                                                                     Improved phonics knowledge - Phonics Screening Check is
                                                                                     administered to all Year 1.
Assessment Tracking for KS1                          LE & KS1 staff    June 2022     Termly Tracking is produced for KS1.
                                                                                     Seamless transition between Key Stages.

8.3 The Curriculum
Wingate Senior School, will introduce a revised Spanish Curriculum for First Language students. Students will sit the Edexcel IGCSE Spanish exam in Year 10. Alongside the compulsory
elements of the Spanish course, Year 11 students will study elements of the AS Spanish curriculum with the option to sit GCE Spanish in Year 12.
To enhance the Spanish curriculum and improve students’ confidence, we have introduced a Spanish Media Project course led by MA. This will run alongside Music and Art on a carousel
giving students of all abilities to take part. The course will be delivered in Spanish but will include cross curriculum skills to include ICT, performance and creative writing.
In line with other UK Sixth Form Colleges, to enhance entry into the top UK Universities, The Extended Level 3 Project will be introduced.
We will restructure the IAL Maths timetable to include FP1 and FP2 courses for all students who are deemed suitable.
In response to the ongoing effects of isolation and lockdown and our concerns for the mental wellbeing of our students, the Senior PSHE SoW continues to be updated with a focus on
restorative behaviour, wellbeing and kindness. We have updated and expanded the Mental Health and Well Being module as well as reorganizing and prioritising the delivery of this
module for the start of the year. Ongoing CPD for tutors on delivering effective PSHE and recognising at risk students will remain a focus this year.
A ‘curriculum recovery’ plan was introduced for all subject areas with Students of Concern identified and strategies put in place to support ongoing learning and attainment levels. Tutors
and Key Stage Heads, continue the Monitoring of students 'homeschooling’ ensuring there are communication pathways set up with parents and subject teachers.
KS3 Science department has been redesigned to utilise and maximize individual subject teachers’ areas of expertise. Biology, Physics, and Chemistry will now be taught on a carousel;
giving specific subject teachers the opportunity to assess individual students’ abilities within their subject. This helps determine subject choices at the end of Year 9, allowing a smoother
transition into KS4. IGCSE Biology remains compulsory for Year 10 students. We continue to offer Edexcel Entry Level Science for the few students who find it too challenging to access the
IGCSE Biology course material.
Despite the restraints of Covid protocols, we will still hold a Year 6 Transition day where students will join senior lessons in the core subjects, Maths, English, and Science allowing Senior
teachers to assess capabilities and aiding the transition from Junior school.
Planet Gooseberry will be relaunched for Year 7 & 8. Tutors will attend CPD sessions held by the Guru, allowing them to embed this into their PSHE lessons.
UNIFROG is now embedded within KS4 and 5 so will now be extended to all Year 9 students giving them access to education and career pathways before making GCSE option choices. All
Year 9 tutors and students will receive specific UNIFROG and career pathway training.
KS5 students have access to a mentor - in light of BREXIT; new university pathways continue to be sourced to include the EU, America, Canada, and Australia. CT and ID attended the UCAS
Conference providing links to UK universities and support with writing outstanding personal statements.
Year 12 students will have the option of taking the ‘Sports Leaders’ program, extending links with EYFS and Junior PE lessons, giving them practical experience with younger children and
enabling them to reflect and evaluate their performance as a sports leader.

Actions (including staff training needs)            Key Personnel     Time          Success Criteria/Intended Outcomes                                       Progress Update
                                                    involved          Scale
Produce PSHE Curriculum Map for KS3,4 & 5           CT & JH           Jan 2022      PSHE now covers updated guidelines and learning practices for            Completed
                                                                                    Harassment and Bullying.
Introduce Extended Projects at KS5 - key            CT, ID & MB       October       Specific students to trial Extended Project 3.                           Completed
members of staff to access CPD from Edexcel on                        2021
delivering and moderating projects.                                                 Students will successfully gain extra UCAS points and experience.        Ongoing

8.4 Staffing
Mrs Margaret Green, Mr Jonathan Green and Mr Damien Green are the proprietors of the School.
The Head of Wingate and the School Bursar continue with COBIS Safer Recruitment procedures and will review Safer Recruitment policies and practices.
Vacancies for teaching staff are advertised in the Times Educational Supplement (TES), on the School website and the school social media. The School also uses Astute Education, an
external teacher recruitment agency. However, Brexit has made recruitment of experienced and skilled staff incredibly difficult. All staff appointed to Wingate School receive excellent help
and support before and on their arrival. All new staff are required to participate in a two part induction programme.
All teaching and support staff have undergone Police checks as required by the Spanish Authorities and are renewed every 3 years.
All teaching and support staff have access to the online learning portal and are actively encouraged to access CPD through the Schools registration with Optimus Education. Some units are
set as compulsory to complete each year. As we are BSO Standard, we actively encourage and support those suitably qualified staff to undertake teacher training and the school supports
the transition of new teachers through their NQT (ECT) year.
All staff must complete the annual Health and Safety in the Workplace (online) provided by Preving, the recommended provider in Spain. Additionally we have to comply with Spanish
Psychosocial and Equality Laws. The Plan de Autoprotección (Spanish legal document for the Safety Procedures) expired in September 2021. We have changed companies and will work
with Preving to update this document as it has to be renewed every 4 years.
The staff appraisal scheme is now fully embedded.
We intend to recruit a number of TA’s to increase the amount of support for EYFS and Primary classes. A training programme is being designed to support them.
There have been considerable changes to the Administration Team and we continue to develop the school’s Billing & Administration systems to enable consistent practices.
Actions (including staff training needs)             Key Personnel     Time          Success Criteria/Intended Outcomes                                         Progress Update
                                                     involved          Scale
Conduct a whole school Skill’s Audit to share        CM, CT & JH       Easter        Centralised record of expertise and skills gaps for all staff - in house
expertise and support in creating in-house CPD                         2022          CPD to improve teaching & learning.
to improve teaching and classroom management
Review of ALL policies regarding Safeguarding,       CM & JT           Autumn        All relevant P&P updated                                                   Completed
H&S and Safer Recruitment                                              Term 2021
Continue to try and establish protocols for post     CM                Ongoing       Any staff required are recruited
Brexit recruitment of staff
Appoint a part-time admin assistant                  CM, JT            Spring        New admin assistant in place and shadowing JR                              Appointed Jan 2022
                                                                       Term 2022
Adopt the Preving Plan de Autoprotección             ER                Dec 2021      The new document complete and checked                                      Completed

In September the school subscribed to Tapestry - an online learning journal. Whilst the new framework states that “teachers should draw on their knowledge of the child and their own
expert professional judgement” LP felt that Tapestry could aid to provide a more in-depth pupil profile. Additionally, evidence of children's work and ability is captured in the ´Special
Yellow Books´ where staff may add evidence, photos and “WOW” moments.
It is vital that the staff (teachers and TA’s) who work in each class have a good understanding of the children in their care and what they want them to achieve. Different staff assisting in
different lessons can mean that staff do not truly understand the potential of the individuals in our care. The aim is to have dedicated TA’s for each EYFS class. TA’s have been involved
with EYFS training at the start of the year, been given links to EYFS webinars and information and been invited to training in after-school meetings to be more au-fait with new initiatives
e.g. Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle, Dough Disco, etc.
Actions (including staff training needs)            Key Personnel     Time          Success Criteria/Intended Outcomes                                        Progress Update
                                                    involved          Scale
To have dedicated TA’s per EYFS class               CM, JT & LP       asap          TA’s appointed                                                            Sept 2021 KR & JB full time in
                                                                                                                                                              Nursery. January 2022 KT
                                                                                                                                                              appointed as the full time TA
                                                                                                                                                              in Reception class
Hold CPD workshop for TA´s                          NS, MT, KT        Feb 2022      TA´s agree a standard format for classroom support

To look again at the TA handbook in the light of    All EYFS staff    June 2022     A TA guidance is compiled by LP with helpful advice and links for TA’s
aiming it at just EYFS staff
To pool websites/ideas and understand the           All EYFS staff    Summer        Share information/sites eg White Rose Maths (which does not
development from Nursery to Reception                                 term 2022     include Nursery) to support how they can provide activities to lead to
                                                                                    Reception learning

The Primary School continues to drive for excellence in teaching, learning and assessment. The use of Google classroom is embedded across all years in KS2 - with a greater focus in Year 5
& 6, as they have their own Chromebooks.
All KS1 and KS2 staff are fully competent in delivering online teaching. Google Classrooms and Google Meet were both employed by KS2 teachers to deliver engaging online lessons.
Pre-Covid, the English and Maths parent mornings in KS2 were productive and well attended. These provided opportunities for parents and carers to observe and work alongside their
child, forged greater working partnerships between School, teachers and parents and enabled parents and carers to have an improved knowledge of the KS2 curriculum. We hope these
can be restarted at some point in 2022.
Effective assessment of learning has been maintained with all year group tracking collected and workbook scrutiny in place. Writing Assessment procedure has been updated and internal
moderation is taking place to ensure all assessments are standardised.
Teacher learning and staff workload continue to be prioritised. The expectation is still on staff to have a professional obligation to improve as teachers. The creation and implementation of
an in-house continuous professional development programme called the Teacher First approach supports this expectation. Through instructional coaching, staff development is aided by
the implementation of Professional Learning Conversations with all Primary teaching staff.
Our Live Marking and Verbal Feedback policy continues to be embedded across KS2, with it being introduced into KS1. Pupil conferences continue to be delivered in all KS2 year groups to
allow for effective conversations between teacher and pupil. All new TA’s have received dedicated training with the implementation of English and Maths workshops. These workshops
focused on delivering courses on White Rose Maths and KS2 English grammar.

Actions (including staff training needs)           Key Personnel    Time          Success Criteria/Intended Outcomes                                      Progress Update
                                                   involved         Scale
White Rose Maths workshops                         LE               October       TA’s to have an improved knowledge of the National Curriculum           Completed in September 2021
English workshops                                  All TA’s         2021          Maths objectives.
                                                                                  TA’s to have an improved knowledge and delivery of English
Maintaining an effective assessment policy         LE               Ongoing       All termly tracking collected by LE
Workbook scrutiny of core subjects                                                All work sampled
Continued implementation of termly English and     LE               Ongoing       Provide opportunities for parents & carers to observe and work          Postponed due to Covid
Maths Parent Mornings across all KS2 classes.      All class                      alongside their child within class.
                                                   teachers                       Parents & carers have an improved knowledge of working methods
                                                                                  and the KS2 curriculum.
                                                                                  Improved relationships between the wider school community.
Assessment moderation meetings with KS1 &          LE               Easter        Assessment practise by all staff is standardised and reliable
KS2                                                                 2022
Live Marking and Verbal Feedback implemented       LE               June 2022     All staff use Live Marking and Conferencing as part of daily and
in KS1                                                                            weekly assessment.
                                                                                  Children’s Target Books to be maintained across the Key Stages.
CPD - Teacher first approach                       LE               Ongoing       All KS1 and KS2 staff demonstrate their professional obligation to
                                                                                  improve. This will be monitored through monthly PLCs and help build
                                                                                  a stronger team.
                                                                                  Self directed learning leading to improved teaching and learning.
                                                                                  Data from the termly tracking will be consistent and uniform.

KS3, 4 & 5 SENIORS
Following the ongoing Covid 19 restrictions and continued uncertainty around exams in 2022, the need for evidenced-based predicted grades remains. The Senior School has updated the
centralised Assessment Tracker consolidating subject-specific levels to ensure we meet the requirements at KS3, 4 and 5. All staff attended CPD training on Assessment Tracking and
collecting meaningful data. Parallel teaching of topics within sets in Science and English continues to allow progressive fluidity in movement during the year. Professional Development
meetings will be introduced for every member of the senior teaching staff to assess and address personal training needs or wants. Senior teaching staff to share knowledge and attend
learning workshops delivered by JH and CT to improve ‘Active Learning’ across the curriculum. The Senior school continues to offer online learning and access to resources for students
who are forced to isolate wherever possible. Teacher Assessed grades were implemented for Edexcel IGCSE and A-Level subjects. However, AS Biology, Chemistry and Physics opted to
defer and give students the opportunity to sit their AS modules in the November series. All exam data will be collated and shared to form the basis of the subject teacher’s planning of
their SoW.
The Wingate Merit System continues to promote positive attitudes to learning, allowing teachers to reward good effort and attainment. The Senior Behaviour Tracking System is now
embedded where barriers to learning are logged. Head of KS, subject teachers and form tutos work together to develop strategies for pupils on an individual basis. Due to recruitment
difficulties, internal staff development remains a high priority.

Actions (including staff training needs)              Key Personnel   Time          Success Criteria/Intended Outcomes                                       Progress Update
                                                      involved        Scale
Training is given to all staff on ‘Active Learning’   CT, JH &        May 22        Training delivered both in senior staff meetings and on a 1-to-1 basis   Ongoing
Overhauling KS5 Reports to be more university         CT, ID & SG     Dec 2021      Information on Reports suitable for post 16 applications, including      Completed
or FE friendly                                                                      international and european universities

The Infant School continues to ensure that the spiritual, moral, social and cultural needs of the children are met. The department provides a wide range of activities to engage the children.
Despite the lockdown restrictions the EYFS staff are committed to ensuring that the children's experiences are affected as little as possible. Sports Day, Harvest festival, Remembrance Day,
Christmas, Mothers Day, Easter are perfect opportunities for the children to participate in activities and events which can be recorded and sent to parents, whilst fully adhering to the
restrictions and Covid protocols. Extra initiatives such as World Nursery Rhyme Week and Anti-Bullying week are also embraced.
 A “Confidential Student Harassment and Bullying Central Registrar and a Confidential Individual Student Wellbeing Record” needs to be implemented.
Communication and liaison with parents continues to be a key strength. RM and LP send additional emails to parents with ideas and activities to help their child, as well as photos and
videos so parents can have a better knowledge of what the children have been doing, in the light of not being able to enter the school grounds.

Actions (including staff training needs)              Key Personnel   Time          Success Criteria/Intended Outcomes                                       Progress Update
                                                      involved        Scale
Restart paired reading initiative with KS2 Yr 5       LP & CS         Ongoing       Improved reading levels
Implement a “Confidential Student Harassment         LP                Ongoing       Document is created and shared with EYFS staff and subsequently
and Bullying Central Registrar and a Confidential                                    staff note any areas of concern
Individual Student Wellbeing Record”

Due to Covid restrictions, educational visits and trips have not been held this year and extracurricular clubs continue to be suspended. However, as a school we have continued to
celebrate cultural events virtually. Community values were strengthened through community projects.
Remembrance Day is recognised and celebrated within the Primary School. Anti- Bullying week November 2021 will be celebrated with various activities, including Odd Socks Day and acts
of kindness being the focus for the weekly Celebration Assemblies. As part of our Anti-Bullying week, all children in KS2 will complete a bullying survey in order for staff to gain an insight
into the children’s thoughts and fears surrounding bullying. Collaboration between Primary and Senior HOD’s has resulted in a Confidential Student Harassment and Bullying Central
Registrar and a Confidential Individual Student Wellbeing Record being created.
In order to continue to maintain relationships within the wider community, weekly Primary Celebration Assemblies and monthly Primary House Assemblies will continue to be held
virtually, with parents and carers being invited to join the Google Meet and being able to share the recognition of the children’s achievements. Last academic year, feedback from parents
was very positive and they were well attended.
     We continue to recognise and celebrate individual birthdays in KS1 - with Happy Birthday stickers and class singing.
     Inline with Covid restrictions, a KS1 Nativity will be emailed to parents along with a Year 1 and Year 2 Christmas Concert.
Through our annual Religious Celebration and Cultural Diversity Week, children are exposed to the different cultures and religions of the world and a wider celebration of international
cultural events. The children experience different customs and traditions through the use of stories, hands-on activities and craft sessions.
Celebration of World Book Week is a key feature in the Primary School Calendar with a variety of hands-on activities & competitions relating to reading and promoting the enjoyment of
books. Children will be encouraged to dress up as a book character.
The Primary department continues to embrace and enhance the PSHE/RSE curriculum with practical application through role play & drama. Thematic discussions with practical activities,
including Circle time enable topical areas to be taught in a creative, stimulating way.
Communication between Primary staff will be enhanced through the use of a social wellbeing tracking programme which allows staff to record and keep evidence of any incidents. A
behaviour tracking system is also in place with a focus on the classroom and social behaviour of each child in the Primary school.

Actions (including staff training needs)             Key Personnel     Time          Success Criteria/Intended Outcomes                                        Progress Update
                                                     involved          Scale
Complete a bullying survey                           LE                Oct/Nov       Data analysed, areas of concern identified and strategies in place to     Data collected showed that
                                                                       2021          support students                                                          children in Upper Key Stage 2
are 100% confident that a
                                                                                                                                                             teacher would deal with a
                                                                                                                                                             bullying incident, with 92.6% in
                                                                                                                                                             Lower Key Stage 2.
Incorporate cultural events within Primary           LE               June 22       Each year group in KS2 celebrates cultural events with activities and
School calendar                                                                     lessons. Curriculum planning includes references to cultural
                                                                                    celebrations. Religious Celebration and Cultural Diversity Week
Celebration Assemblies and monthly House             LE               Ongoing       Assemblies celebrate children’s success in and out of school.            Assemblies have been
Assemblies                                                                          All children have the opportunity to participate in the experience and   celebrated via Google Meet
Annual Junior Christmas Play                                                        immersion of the Dramatic Arts. Celebration of the children who are      with parents watching online.
Parent Workshops                                                                    creative rather than academic.
Weekly clubs within KS2 and KS1                                                     Children access weekly Clubs
Peer reading with Year 6 children and Year 1         LE, SM, JB, CT   June 2022     Bridging gaps and improved reading levels across Year 1                  Ongoing and Yr 10 students
Peer reading with Senior Prefects and Year 1         & TB                                                                                                    added as peer readers
Research a new PSHE scheme of work for               LE               June 2022     A new PSHE scheme of work is identified and ready to be purchased
Primary                                                                             in September 2022 in time for the start of a new academic year. The
                                                                                    scheme needs to be purposeful and easy to use for all Primary staff.

KS3, 4 & 5 SENIORS
 The Senior School Council gives each class, as part of the PSHE program, the opportunity of electing their representative. Formalised contracts are agreed upon at the initial meeting
 before holding Termly meetings scheduled and chaired by CM. All tutors continue to schedule one-to-one meets with individual students where both personal and academic issues can be
 flagged. The seniors Wellbeing Coordinator, continues to support all senior students. KS3 & 4 students to complete a Harassment and Bullying survey at the beginning and end of term.
 Results will link to the PSHE curriculum.
 Behaviour management in and out of the classroom is continuously monitored with incidents logged on the Behaviour Tracker. A focus on ‘Restorative Justice’ with CPD for all teachers on
 using ‘Restorative Questioning’ will take place to ensure more positive outcomes and less repetition of incidents.
 Despite the ongoing COVID measures, the Senior school will continue to celebrate Remembrance Day and other International events. With a focus on community values, last year, the
 Senior school collected non-perishable foods for Harvest Festival as well as forging links with local homeless charities. This will continue this academic year, where Prefects help drive a
 charity collection for vital food, toiletries and baby items.
 Our KS3 students continue to study the culture of all main religious beliefs, often joining in for special religious festivals.
 To encourage and reward our students, Wingate Senior School has implemented - and will continue with, a Merit system where a student's hard work is recognised and shared with
 Due to the constraints of COVID, we have expanded the Wingate Online Library, giving access to many more up to date books and audio books thus enriching the Wingate Readers project
in KS3.
KS4 Students continue to use their free time to support reluctant readers in the Primary Classes, giving them a sense of responsibility and understanding and really showcasing the sense
of our Wingate Community.
Building on our British values of nurturing the whole student, we will take part in Anti Bullying Week alongside World Kindness Day where all Senior students come ‘off timetable’ to focus
on the importance of ‘kindness’ to others.
The KS4 Prefect Team continues to be proactive in supporting teachers and spreading the importance of complying with the COVID measures that were put in place. The COVID
ambassadors returned to school early in August to be trained on the new school measures before supporting the students when they returned in September.
We will expand our recycling efforts, supporting a local project that recycles pens, tippex and other stationery items.

Actions (including staff training needs)            Key Personnel    Time          Success Criteria/Intended Outcomes                                       Progress Update
                                                    involved         Scale
Form community partnerships with Canary             CM, CT, ID &     Jan 2022      KS5 Students will have a better understanding of personal branding -
Green - re pupil branding                           SG                             increase employability
Create a centralised record for harassment and      CM, CT & JH      February      Document in use, created and shared with relevant members of staff.
bullying                                                             2022          Improved communication with key members of staff.
Create and implement a bullying and harassment      CT & JH          Ongoing       Initial and follow up surveys completed with results analysed and
survey for all students                                                            action taken as a whole school. Students feel safe at school and
                                                                                   understand policy of reporting any incidents

The School has a strong, proactive leadership team, supported by a clear staffing structure with clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
The School Leadership team continues to respond effectively to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and to maintain face-to-face teaching as a priority, whilst still protecting staff and
students as much as possible.
The Owner, Head and Head of Seniors continue to be part of the CIIS forum with other Heads of Schools in the Canaries. This continues to provide support and sharing of good practices
between schools.
EYFS and Primary Newsletters are produced weekly and disseminated to parents. Termly newsletters are produced for parents in KS3/4 to showcase the achievements of the students and
strengthen the links between home and school. The school website continues to be a very useful tool for communication with parents and prospective parents. It continues to be updated
continually - particularly the ever changing Covid-19 situation. The website also provides a key marketing and promotional tool to the external environment. There has been an increase in
the use of Social Networks to further improve communication with parents and prospective parents.
The Senior Management team meet regularly, and provide clear direction to the staff in their respective departments. The School has rigorous recruitment procedures which work
effectively given the constraints imposed by the Schools geographical location and Brexit. Staff performance is monitored through the bi-annual appraisal process. Staff training needs are
identified, prioritised and actioned via the appraisal target setting process. The Senior Management continues to identify staff training and development as a priority.
    Heads of EYFS, Primary & Secondary produce an Improvement Plan for their respective department; these subsequently inform and form an integral part of the School Improvement
A bespoke central data management and administration system continues to be developed and implemented to ensure that the School Office can respond swiftly to requests for
information and streamline admin procedures. The system also permits enhanced data security and is able to generate management information rapidly.

Actions (including staff training needs)          Key Personnel     Time        Success Criteria/Intended Outcomes                                    Progress Update
                                                  involved          Scale
Identify gaps in school/department leaders        CM, JT, CT, LE,   Ongoing     Through dialogue and the appraisal system, staff are identified for
management skills                                 LP & JG                       potential promotions as and when they become available
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