2019 Boys' Volleyball Playoff Bulletin - Cif ss

2019 Boys' Volleyball Playoff Bulletin - Cif ss
2019 Boys’ Volleyball
   Playoff Bulletin

2019 Boys' Volleyball Playoff Bulletin - Cif ss
2019 CIF-SS Boys' Volleyball Advisory Committee

                                                                               * Denotes Division Rep

Division 1/2
*Matt Marrujo, Servite / Trinity, mmarrujo@servitehs.org
*Seth Burnham, Thousand Oaks / Marmonte, sburnham@conejousd.org
Gus Culver, At Large / South Coast, culverg@svusd.org
Michael Boehle, Loyola / Mission, mboehle@loyolahs.edu
Joel Brinton, Burroughs (Burbank) / Pacific, joelbrinton@burbankusd.org
Pat Casey, Oxnard / Pacific View, patrick.casey@ouhsd.k12.ca.us
Charles Freberg, Arcadia / Pacific, chuckfreberg@gmail.com

Division 3
*Bernie Wendling, Claremont / Pacific, bernie_wendling@chino.k12.ca.us
Liane Sato, Santa Monica / Ocean, Lsato@smmusd.org
Randy Bohlmann, Damien / Hacienda, rmbohlmann@aol.com

Division 4
*Frankie Perales, Garden Grove / Golden West, frankiep22c@aol.com
Dave Denham, At Large / SFV & San Gabriel Area, vbdenham@c-logic.net

Division 5
*Greg Ng, Montebello / Almont, Ng_Greg@montebello.k12.ca.us
Joe Schnake, Hemet / Mountain Pass, joeschnake@gmail.com
Sid Davidson, El Modena / Century Conference, sdavidson@orangeusd.org

Division 6
*Robert Gibbs, Southwestern Academy / International, rgibbs@southwesternacademy.edu
Ted Grissom, Palmdale Aerospace / Freelance, tjgrissom@tpaa.org

CIF Southern Section Championship Event Manager:
 Naoto Tashiro, Naoto.Tashiro@gmail.com
 Joanne Venditto, jvenditto22@gmail.com
 CIF Officials Rep:
 Todd Frost, frostmay@sbcglobal.net

                                              TOP TEN POLL:
                                        ** Division Representative **
  It is imperative that you contact the Boys’ Volleyball Advisory Committee member in your division on
      a weekly basis regarding Top Ten Poll rankings if your team or a team in our league should be

2019 Boys' Volleyball Playoff Bulletin - Cif ss
                                BOYS’ VOLLEYBALL PLAYOFFS
                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS

PLAYOFF COIN FLIPS / CHECKLIST ..................................................................................5
MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................................6
GAME RULES ..........................................................................................................................6
FREE LANCE QUALIFICATION ...........................................................................................6
PLAYOFF DUE DATES ....................................................................................................... 7-8
PLAYOFF REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................ 9-10
POST SEASON AWARDS ............................................................................................... 11-12
JL CUSTOM JACKETS / SOUVENIRS ................................................................................13
PLAYOFF PAIRING FORMAT .............................................................................................14
LEAGUE ENTRY/AT-LARGE ENTRY .......................................................................... 15-17
PRE-GAME ARRANGEMENTS ...........................................................................................19
ELIGIBILITY LISTS ..............................................................................................................19
SQUAD SIZE ..........................................................................................................................19
GAMES OFFICIALS ..............................................................................................................19
LINE JUDGES.........................................................................................................................19
GAME RESULTS ...................................................................................................................20
WILD CARD CONTEST ........................................................................................................20
RELEASE OF PAIRING INFORMATION ............................................................................21
PLAYOFF GAME TIMES ......................................................................................................22
PLAYOFF GAME TIME / LOCATION CHANGES .............................................................22
PLAYOFF DATES ..................................................................................................................23
PLAYOFF SITES ....................................................................................................................23
PLAYOFF TICKET PRICES ..................................................................................................23
PLAYOFF TICKET PROCEDURES ............................................................................... 24-25

THREE-BALL SYSTEM ........................................................................................................26
CIF-SS OFFICIAL BALL PROGRAM ..................................................................................27
WARM-UP PROCEDURES ...................................................................................................28
RALLY SCORING ..................................................................................................................28
MANDATORY GAME BALL ...............................................................................................28
OFFICIAL SCORER, LIBERO TRACKER & TIMER .........................................................28
2019 Boys' Volleyball Playoff Bulletin - Cif ss
ANNOUNCER PRE-GAME SCRIPT ....................................................................................28
MECHANICAL NOISEMAKERS / FACE PAINT ...............................................................29
PEP BANDS, CHEERING SQUADS .....................................................................................29
POSTERS AND BANNERS ...................................................................................................30
PROTESTS ..............................................................................................................................30
TICKETS .................................................................................................................................30

FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ..............................................................................................31
FINANCIAL REPORT ...............................................................................................................31
TRAVEL EXPENSE STATEMENT .........................................................................................31
ALLOWABLE TRAVEL EXPENSE ........................................................................................32
MEALS AND LODGING ..........................................................................................................32
TELEPHONE CALLS ................................................................................................................32
CONCESSIONS .........................................................................................................................32
GAME PERSONNEL.................................................................................................................33
GATE PROCEDURES ...............................................................................................................33
ADMISSION OF WORKING FACULTY PERSONNEL ........................................................34
COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS ................................................................................................34
COURTESY CARDS AND PASSES .................................................................................. 34-35
TICKET SALES .........................................................................................................................36
PRE-GAME SALE AT VISITING SCHOOL ...........................................................................36
STUDENT PRESALE TICKETS...............................................................................................36
PLAYOFF FORMS ....................................................................................................................37

PRESS CREDENTIALS ............................................................................................................38
STUDENT PHOTO CREDENTIALS ........................................................................................38
STATE CIF PASS ......................................................................................................................38
COURTESY & PRESS CARDS ................................................................................................38
RADIO BROADCASTS ............................................................................................................38
TELEVISION COVERAGE ......................................................................................................39
AUDIO AND VIDEO REPRODUCTION - RE-BROADCAST...............................................39
2018 - 2019 ALL CIF-SS NOMINATION FORM .............................................................. 40-41

2019 Boys' Volleyball Playoff Bulletin - Cif ss

Information contained in this bulletin has been developed by the CIF Southern Section Staff for
use by Athletic Administrators and other selected school personnel to assist in conducting an
efficient playoff program. With such a short period between playoff dates, early planning will
greatly assist this office in securing officials, ticket distribution and notification of game sites
and times to the media.

                                               COIN FLIPS

The coin flips, where necessary, are conducted under the direction of the Commissioner at 9:00
a.m. the day following the first contest in the CIF Southern Section office. Pre-flips will be
available on the website at www.cifss.org under the Boys’ Volleyball sports page after the
first round. If any coaches or a representative wish to be present, they are most cordially invited
to attend. Telephone number for the CIF-SS Office: (562) 493-9500

Schools in the 2019 CIF Southern Section Boys’ Volleyball Playoffs are to forward the
following to the CIF-SS Office.

                                       PLAYOFF CHECK LIST

                                                                                    Completed Date
1.     Use cifsshome.org Team Roster/Team Photo – By April 26th              _____________________

2.     Eligibility list is included in roster on www.cifsshome.org              _____________________
       Any potential player that could appear in a playoff match must be listed.

3.     Use www.cifsshome.org                                                 _____________________
       DEADLINE: April 26th

4.     Game Management under the “Finances” tab on www.cifsshome.org         _____________________
       must be entered prior to first playoff contest.

5.     E-mail "ALL CIF-SS Form” No later than May 4 to your                  _____________________
       Division Representative (see page 2)

6.     Make arrangements for tickets (See Off-site Procedure)                _____________________

7.     Have court reserved if school is to "host" next round game            _____________________

8.     Arrange for emergency contacts with opponent                          _____________________

9.     Game ball for all rounds must be the “Spalding” TF-VB5, TF-VB3        _____________________
       If Spalding ball not used you next “home” match will be surrendered

2019 Boys' Volleyball Playoff Bulletin - Cif ss


In accordance with Article 330, of the CIF-Southern Section By-laws, all playoffs of the CIF
Southern Section shall be under the management of the Commissioner of Athletics.

                                        GAME RULES

All playoff games will be played under the 2018-19 National Federation Volleyball Rules,
except where superseded by Blue Book rulings or this handbook.

                             FREE LANCE QUALIFICATION

Free Lance schools interested in participating in the volleyball playoffs should have submitted a
schedule to the CIF-SS Office prior to the start of the season. Game results must be sent to the
CIF-SS Office by 11:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 24, 2019.

2019 Boys' Volleyball Playoff Bulletin - Cif ss
Attention Athletic Directors / Coaches: It is very important that you enter your entire
season schedule into CIFSSHome (www.cifsshome.org) as well as update the scores
immediately following your contests.
Log in to www.cifsshome.org (If you do not have a log in & password as a coach, check with
your Athletic Director). Once you are logged in:
-On the left panel, click on “Teams”, select “VOLLEYBALL, BOYS”
-To Add a game, click “Add Game” at the top right and fill out all of the required fields which
are marked by a red (*) to complete your schedule.
-To Submit your score, click on the “Teams”, select “VOLLEYBALL, BOYS”. Scroll through
your schedule and click on the green “Post Result” button.
-Make sure that your overall and team records are correct on your team page. To clarify: the
only results that should be included in your overall record are from 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5 set
matches that have been played. Please include results from single set matches in the NOTES
section provided when recording tournament results. ALL set scores go into the “NOTES” for

Please only include results for full matches (2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5 sets) as wins or losses.
Any single set matches (one set to 25 etc.) that are played due to tournament format should
be included in the notes section only and NOT as a single itemized match. Single set
scores/results SHOULD NOT be included in your overall record. If you must enter one set
matches for internal reasons, enter the opponent as a NON-CIFSS school. ALL results
should include set scores in the NOTES section provided on the POST RESULTS page.

VARSITY TEAM PHOTO DUE no later than Friday, April 26, 2019.
Attention Athletic Directors/Coaches: It is very important that your Boys’ Volleyball
Varsity Team Photo is uploaded to CIFSSHome (www.cifsshome.org)

Log in to www.cifsshome.org (If you do not have a log in & password as a coach, check with
your Athletic Director).
-On the left panel, click "Teams” tab on the left navigation bar. Click on the corresponding
varsity team.
- Under Team Picture, click Add/Edit picture, click Browse, find your file and click “Upload
Picture” – Please upload a HIGH RESOLUTION Team Photo yet no larger than 2 MB- 672
pixels x 480 pixels (7”x5”) and 300 dpi

2019 Boys' Volleyball Playoff Bulletin - Cif ss
VARISTY TEAM/COACHES INFORMATION DUE no later than Friday April 26, 2019.
Attention Athletic Directors/Coaches: It is very important that you enter your entire Boys’
Volleyball Varsity roster and Varsity coaches into CIFSSHome (www.cifsshome.org)

Log in to www.cifsshome.org (If you do not have a log in & password as a coach, check with
your Athletic Director).
Once you are logged in:
-On the left panel, Click on the “Teams” tab, select your “VOLLEYBALL, BOYS”.
-Click on “Add/Edit Coaches”, select the information to add both your HEAD & ASSISTANT
- To add your team roster, you can add each player separately or upload from a spreadsheet:

       Instructions for using the sample file:
       - Download the sample file and delete the “contents only”. Copy and paste or type your
       roster information into the file as the contents and save the file to your computer. You
       can only upload an excel file (xls) that is the exact same format as the sample file.
       Columns for information not required for your sport may be left blank, but the

       Required columns for Volleyball are: First Name, Last Name, Birth date, Year,
       Number, Position, Height & Eligibility.

       Next, click “Choose file”, find your file, then click check box “Resolve Birth date” and
       then click “Import Student”.

Attention Athletic Directors / Coaches: Please follow the instructions below to enter your
school as an At Large Entry for Boys’ Volleyball. The At Large Application is to be
submitted by your school, not the League Coordinator, no later than Wednesday, April 24,
2019 @ 11:00 p.m.

Log in to www.cifsshome.org (If you do not have a log in & password as a coach, check with
your Athletic Director).
Once you are logged in:
-On the left panel, Hover over the "Forms" tab
- Then select "At Large Petition"
-Select “YOUR SPORT” then click “Add”

Please be sure that your Schedule is updated in CIFSSHome as this is where the information
for the At Large Petition will be created.

2019 Boys' Volleyball Playoff Bulletin - Cif ss
2019 Boys' Volleyball Playoff Bulletin - Cif ss

The CIF-SS Volleyball Commissioner and the Volleyball Advisory Committee, has made an
effort to update, clarify and enhance the overall presentation of the CIF-SS Ford Boys Volleyball
Championships, new language for the construction of playoff brackets has been adopted. SEEDS
- The initial step is to designate four teams in rank order as seeds, with No. 1, 2, 3, and 4 placed
in the designated draw position in each quarter of the bracket (see diagram 1). Now, designate
the next four teams in rank order as seeds, with No. 5, 6, 7, and 8 being placed in each quarter of
the designated bracket (see diagram 1). Next, the teams designated as seeds No. 9, 10, 11, and 12
will be placed in each quarter of the designated bracket (see diagram 1). The last four teams in
rank order designated as No. 13, 14, 15, and 16 will now be placed in each quarter of the
designated bracket (see diagram 1).

Adjustments to this procedure would be made if the seeds in the same half/quarter of the bracket
were from the same league. If this occurs, using the example of the top half of the bracket, should
the No. 1 and 4 seeds be from the same league, No. 4 would become the No. 3 seed and the No. 3
seed would fill the No. 4 designated position.

Another adjustment may become necessary to ensure that the No. 1 and 2 entries from the same
league are placed in opposite halves of the overall bracket.

Note: Throughout this process, a league No. 2 entry may not be seeded higher than the No. 1 entry
from the same league, nor may a No. 3 league entry be seeded higher than the No. 2 entry from
the same league. If there are First Round byes available in playoff brackets, those byes will be
awarded to League Champions first, regardless of the overall seeding for that particular bracket. If
all of the League Champions in that particular bracket have been awarded a bye, and there are still
additional byes available, 2nd place teams will have priority to receive them.

                                      FILLING THE DRAW
The next step is to begin completing the draw by placing any remaining No. 2 league entries in the
opposite half of the bracket from the No. 1 entries from the same league. The final step to complete
the draw is to place the remaining No. 3 entries (along with any No. 4 entries, At-Large and/or
Freelance teams) from each of the respective leagues in the remaining open slots, attempting to
place each in one of the remaining “quarters” of the bracket where the league is not represented.
This process eliminates the aspect of schools from the same league meeting in the second round
of competition (Exception: if the overall bracket holds less than 32 teams, it is possible for two
teams from the same league to meet in the second round).

                               LEAGUE CHANGE OF ENTRY
Once the draw sheet has been finalized by the CIF Southern Section Office and then notification
is received that a league has made a mistake in submitting the proper entries in order of priority,
this Office will exchange positions of the schools involved in the bracket from that league.

Each league is entitled to two (2) entries with a four-team league, three (3) entries with a five or
six team league, four (4) entries with a seven or eight team league and five (5) entries with a nine
or more team League

                                      END OF COMPETITION
All league competition for entries must end on or before the Thursday (girls) and Wednesday
(boys) prior to the first playoff date. For girls’ teams October 11 and for boys’ teams April 24.
Schools may compete until Saturday in non‐league contests. For the girls’ teams October 13 and
for boys’ teams April 27. Any contest(s) played after the completion of league play and/or
submission of league entries will not impact the seeding or ranking of a team or teams that were
involved in those events.


To decide who shall be the host team AFTER the first round of competition will be the sole
responsibility of the Commissioner. In cases where two teams are paired after the first round of
the playoffs, the team having the fewest number of host games in playoff competition shall be
designated as the host team. When both teams have had an equal number of host playoff contests,
the Commissioner shall toss a coin to decide the host team. When a school has been designated as
the host school for a playoff contest it shall (1) act in that capacity unless excused by the
Commissioner, and (2) be considered the host team regardless of where the game is being played.
SPECIAL NOTE: Teams receiving a bye in the first round shall automatically be the host team
in the next round of the playoffs.

The designation of "host" does not guarantee the game will be played at the host school's facility.
It does designate the responsibility for management of the contest which includes suggesting a site
that will handle the anticipated crowd. A host school may use its home site facility if it can safely
provide for the anticipated crowd.

The host school is charged with the responsibility of securing an adequate gymnasium for the
holding of a volleyball playoff contest. It is recommended that where available and when
approved, playoff games shall be played in rent-free high school gymnasiums, but in cases where
it is necessary to pay a rental fee for an outside gymnasium; such an arrangement must be approved
by the Commissioner prior to the contest. Although it is necessary that one team be designated as
the host team, it shall be kept in mind that the game belongs to both competing schools, and facility
seating must be split equally. A pre-game planning meeting may be conducted to plan all
details connected with the staging of every playoff contest.

Competing schools are reminded that CIF Southern Section playoff volleyball games, while they
may be played at one school, are under the control of the CIF-SS. Both competing schools in any
one game are given equal consideration in regard to seating. If, in the Commissioner's opinion, the
host team gym is not large enough to accommodate the anticipated crowd, the host team will be
required to reserve one-half of the gym's capacity for the visiting school's rooters.

*The CIF - Southern Section Division 6 Championships will take place on Saturday, May 11, 2019
@ 6:00pm. One team will be designated as the “Home” team and will be responsible for securing
a site for the Section Championship. A host school may use its home site facility if it can safely
provide for the anticipated crowd. A date and or time change may be adjusted if the two opponents
can mutually agree on the adjustment and upon approval from the CIF-SS office.

In addition, selected divisions will be played at Cerritos College on Saturday, May 11, 2019 OR a
designated “Home” site. The determination of which divisions will be played at Cerritos College
will be made after the semi-final round on Wednesday, May 8, 2019. The Division 1 Southern
Section Boys’ Volleyball Championship will be played at Cerritos College on Saturday, May 11,
The host school is responsible for:
       1) Securing an adequate court for use in all playoff games which meets the
                regulations as outlined in the National Federation Rules Book.
       2) Contacting the visiting school prior to game day to establish any necessary ground
                rules should the court or equipment not be within specified standards.
       3) Game Ball - It is the responsibility of the host school to inform the visiting
                schools prior to game day of the model of volleyball available for use in the
                playoff game. (Spalding TF-VB5, TF-VB3)
      4) Providing information to the visitors regarding directions to the school, locker
                room arrangements, visitor parking, anticipated crowds, or any special court
      5) Ticket Procedure for both Home and Visiting school. The CIF-SS Office is not
                presently equipped to survey all sites in use during the coming post season
                competition. Therefore, we depend upon the good judgment of the host school
                management to notify this Office and all opponents if a given site does not meet
                minimum standards as outlined in the National Federation Rules Book.

                                       ELIGIBILITY LISTS
The eligibility list is your updated and complete roster which is submitted to Cifsshome.org
PRIOR to your first playoff contest and will suffice for all remaining volleyball playoff contests.

                                            SQUAD SIZE
There is no restriction on the number of players on each squad; however, the CIF-SS will only
provide awards up to 18 per team. There is a seat limit at the Championship Finals and all
overflow players/coaches/trainer/stats personnel will be seated behind the team bench area if
possible or in the bleachers off the court.

                                       GAMES OFFICIALS
Officials for all playoff matches will be coordinated through your local assignor and confirmed
with the CIF-Southern Section. Out of area Officials will be assigned staring in the Semi-Final
round. Schools will be notified of the names of officials assigned to their games. In all matches
leading to the championship finals, First Referee shall receive $85 and Second Referee $79.

When officials travel significant distances to officiate a playoff game, meals and mileage may also
be authorized.

                                         LINE JUDGES
It is recommended that schools hire officials or use adults and not students to act as line persons
during the wild card, first and second round games. If officials are not hired the visiting school
should have the opportunity to provide one of the line persons. Two-line persons will be
automatically assigned to all quarterfinal and semifinal contests. The line persons shall receive
$42 each.


Attention Athletic Directors/Coaches:

It is very important that you enter your playoff information into CIFSSHome
(www.cifsshome.org) as well as updated the scores immediately following your playoff

   1.   Log in @ www.cifsshome.org
   2.   Click on the “’TEAMS” tab on the left navigation bar.
   3.   Click on the corresponding varsity team (Boys Volleyball)
   4.   Scroll down through your schedule and click on the green “POST RESULTS” button.
        (All set scores must be entered in the notes area)

The official representative of EACH school MUST report their score to www.cifsshome.org
after each playoff contest (follow directions above). You may also contact the CIF-SS Office
between 8:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. the morning following the contest to verify scores. This is for
score reporting only.

No information for the next round will be released until after 10:00 a.m. as coin flips will be
conducted by the CIF-SS Office at 9:00 a.m. Pre-flips will only be done after the conclusion of
the wild card round. You will locate this information under the boys’ volleyball sports tab at

If any coaches or a representative wish to be present, they are cordially invited, please contact the
CIF-SS Office at (562) 493-9500 to notify us who will be representing your school.

Following each playoff contest, it is the responsibility of each school to call their local newspaper.

                                     WILD CARD CONTEST

Where the number of teams exceeds the number of openings in the draw, the Commissioner may
order a special playoff contest (Wild-Card System) to determine the draw for the playoffs.
Insofar as host team designation in the regular playoff draw, this "Wild-Card" contest will have
no bearing when such a procedure is used.

                     Wild Card playing information will be released on
                       Friday, April 26, 2019 no later than 11:00 a.m.
        Teams in Wild-Card contests shall conduct their playoff contest at 6:00 p.m. on
                                Saturday, April 27, 2019.

                       IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ!

                        RESPONSIBILITY OF SCHOOLS

One designated representative of each school qualifying for the 2019 CIF Southern
Section Boys’ Volleyball Playoffs may be present at the CIF-SS Office in Los
Alamitos in accordance with the following release schedule:

                BOYS’ VOLLEYBALL
             WILL BE RELEASED ON
               FRIDAY, APRIL 26TH
                  BY 11:00 A.M.

Telephone:          Information will be available during the time above regarding teams
                    selected, pairings, ticket orders, etc. However, to facilitate the
                    handling of phone calls to the CIF-SS Office, we suggest that only one call
                    be made by each school to ascertain pairing information either by the Head
                    Coach or Athletic Director.

Playoff Brackets:   All Playoff brackets will be available on the CIF-SS web site www.cifss.org
                    Friday, April 26th by 11:00 a.m.

In Person:          It is strongly urged that ticket orders be placed and picked up together
                    with draw sheets and other materials. You may also pick up tickets at the
                    offsite ticket venues (except for Wild Card tickets that are only available at
                    the CIF-SS office).
                    See pages 24-25 for more ticket info. It is highly recommended you call
                    the off-site venues to confirm ticket availability and to have your ticket
                    packages ready for you.

       The CIF-Southern Section office closes at 4:00 p.m.

                       (All Rounds Leading to Championships)

                                          GAME TIMES

All games are scheduled for 6:00 p.m.

When schools must travel extensive distances for a playoff game, it is recommended that the
teams mutually agree to an earlier start time if possible.

Any changes must be confirmed between your opponent prior to contacting our office or the
match officials/local assignor.

                            GAME TIME/LOCATION CHANGES

Any game time, location change, or date change must be sent via e-mail to the CIF-SS

The e-mail must include the following information:
       - Division
       - Teams in the Contest
       - New game time / location / date
       - The statement “I have confirmed this change with the Athletic Director, (insert
       - The visiting school’s Athletic Director has been included in the e-mail

Email all of the following individuals:

       Assistant Commissioner:      Mike Middlebrook at mikem@cifss.org

       Program Coordinator:         Lisa McInerney at lisam@cifss.org

       CIF Officials Rep:           Joanne Venditto at jvenditto22@gmail.com

       CIF Officials Rep:           Todd Frost at frostmay@sbcglobal.net

       Your local Assignor:         for matches played in the Wild Card, 1st, 2nd or
                                    Quarter final round


  Listed below are the approved post-season playoff dates and sites for the volleyball season

                           PLAYOFF DATES • TIMES • LOCATION

                                                       32-TEAM BRACKET

         WILD CARD                                 Saturday, April 27 - 6:00 pm*
                                                          (If Necessary)

          1st ROUND                                 Tuesday, April 30 - 6:00 pm*

         2nd ROUND                                  Thursday, May 2 - 6:00 pm*
                                                      (Divisions 2 – 6 Only)

        QTR-FINALS                                  Saturday, May 4 - 6:00 pm*

        SEMI-FINALS                                Wednesday, May 8 - 6:00 pm*

           FINALS                                    Saturday, May 11, 2019
                                                     CERRITOS COLLEGE
                                                   DESIGNATED HOST SITES

                                                    *All matches begin at 6:00pm
                                                        except championships

  *Designated Host Site

                             (Amounts are not printed on tickets)
                    Preliminary Rounds - See Ticket Procedure pages 24-25

                Child (5-13 yr. old)/Student with proper high school I.D. - $5.00
                                   General Admission - $10.00

The CIF-SS Office will provide, free of charge to all schools hosting a playoff contest, an
adequate supply of ticket boards on which will be listed the correct admission prices for all
playoff matches. Schools hosting more than one match should retain the original posters
for use in later contests.


To facilitate continuous play, and depending upon the facility, the three-ball system should be used.

                             HOW TO RUN A 3-BALL SYSTEM

1.                    Three people (with towels) are placed on same side of court.
2.                    Ball persons “A” and “B” should have a ball.
3.                    Ball person “C” rolls balls to opposite sides as service changes side –
                      keeping a ball at serving side at all times.


     A                                                                                          B




Prior to timed warmups, a conference shall be conducted between the head coach and captains from
each team. Once the meeting ends, teams are guaranteed a minimum of 17 minutes; 5 minutes
shared court, 6 minutes on, 6 minutes off, (Serving is included within your 6 minutes). If the game
court is available earlier, teams may share the court for ball handling. After the 12 minutes of
warmups, teams will retire to their bench and then to the end line and prepare for the final 3 minutes
of introductions and National Anthem.

                                    RALLY SCORING

Rally scoring will be used during all contests for all rounds and championship contests. All matches
will be three out of five sets played to 25 points and the fifth and deciding game shall be played to
15 points. No cap on set score and you must win by two points.

                                           GAME BALL

The official game ball for playoff all rounds is the Spalding; TF-VB5, TF-VB3. The
Spalding TF VB5, Color Silver/Navy/White will be used in the final championship matches
on May 11, 2019. If a host or “home” school fails to use the mandatory ball the violating
team will not be allowed to host their next available home playoff contest. See page 27 for
additional information.


The official scorer, Libero tracker and timer are recognized as game officials, and it is required
that a faculty member or other qualified responsible ADULT staff these important positions.

                             (Please read prior to start of each contest)

The announcer should be a responsible adult who can set the tone of the game by calling the fans'
attention to the following points of reference:

(1) CIF Southern Section Playoff contests are conducted under the strictest code of good
sportsmanship. (2) The officials are neutral people, representing the Commissioner, and have
been selected because of demonstrated ability. (3) Fans are encouraged to support their own
team and are requested to display proper sportsmanship with respect to the visiting school
and the officials. (4) Spectators are asked not to use flash photography. The CIF-SS
appreciates your attendance and support of high school volleyball.


Fan/Student cheering sections are encouraged to cheer and support their own team and should
display proper sportsmanship with respect to the opposing team and the game officials. They are
expected to follow the following guidelines and failure to do so may lead to removal from the
contest and or/forfeiture of the contest.
1. No noisemakers (horns, bells, victory bells, sirens, chimes, wooden blocks, balloons, thunder
sticks, musical instruments other than those in the band, etc.) will be permitted inside the
gymnasium at any CIF Southern Section Volleyball Game (non-league, league, tournaments, or
playoff). Megaphones may only be used by the school’s uniformed cheer squads.
2. Cheering devices such as rally towels, pompoms and pennants are acceptable when used
within the bounds of good sportsmanship.
3. Face painting is acceptable from the NECK UP ONLY and shall not include any inappropriate
letters or symbols. Assigned school staff shall monitor their cheering sections at all times.
4. It is the expectation that cheering section behavior will be monitored by the assigned school
staff of the school that they represent. All improper behavior/language should be addressed
and corrected immediately by school staff supervisors.
5. Rules are subject to specific events and or venue limitations.

                            PEP BANDS, CHEERING SQUADS

If the host school has a band of not more than 12 members capable of contributing to the
entertainment, there is no objection to having it play before games and during intermissions.
Under no circumstances may the band instruments be used for cheering purposes. Electronic
amplification is prohibited.

Even though additional members of the band purchase tickets, not more than 12 members may
comprise the pep band. Because many of gymnasiums have poor acoustics, it has been necessary
to limit the number of players in a pep band. The noise generated by a large band in a gym with
poor acoustics is detrimental to the match and possibly distracting to players.

No band other than the one from the host school shall be admitted as an organization except by
special permission of the Commissioner, who will act upon petition by the principal of the host
school. Under no circumstances may more than 12 members comprise a pep band.

Members of an authorized pep band, cheer and song leaders from both competing schools shall be
admitted free of charge if in uniform and accompanied by an adult supervisor.


Posters and banners are an excellent way of creating good sportsmanship between competing
schools. Only those posters and banners exhibiting this concept will be permitted. Schools that
hang banners are responsible for removing them as the end of the match.



Coaches may direct questions to the game officials as they pertain to a possible misapplication of
the rules in accordance with the National Federation rules governing that sport. No protest may be
carried forth once the contest is completed.

Coaches are encouraged to carry National Federation rule books with them for all playoff contests.

Schools may have the opportunity to protest a contest in accordance with Southern Section rules,
Rule 1111, as it pertains to use of ineligible player or violations of any CIF-SS rule in accordance
with the contest.


For games under the direct control of the Commissioner's Office, tickets will be issued to
competing schools in accordance with their request. See Ticket Procedure page 24-25.


The principal of each school participating in the CIF Southern Section Volleyball Playoffs shall be
responsible to see that prescribed procedures pertaining to playoff regulations, as outlined in this
section, are followed. If the principal so desires, this responsibility may be delegated to a member
of his staff.

                                     FINANCIAL REPORT

The CIF-SS Executive Committee has required that the host school charge admission to
Boys Volleyball Playoff contest. (See financial policy Article 1, Section 143-145, CIF-SS
Blue Book, page 57). All information can be found on the CIF-SS website at www.cifss.org.

Financial forms shall be submitted via www.cifsshome.org. Any reports submitted via e-mail
or U.S. Mail will be returned to the submitting school as submission via the link above is
mandatory. Checks and unused tickets are the only items that should be physically mailed to

                 All Playoff costs exceeding $350 must have CIF-SS pre-approval.

                                   SPECIAL NOTE:
         Financial reports MUST be submitted within TEN DAYS after the contest.

                               TRAVEL EXPENSE STATEMENT

The visiting school will pay its own traveling expenses and submit a statement of these
expenses, after the game (within three days), via www.cifsshome.org. These expenses would
include mileage for transportation and lodging and/or meals where approved by CIF-SS Office.
Traveling expenses of the visiting team are considered part of the game expenses.


The CIF-SS Executive Committee has set the allowable travel expense as it pertains to

Traveling squads shall be limited to a maximum of 18 in the party, including players, coaches,
manager, and administrators. Schools may take additional personnel if they wish, but at their
own expense. A maximum of $1.50 per mile round trip will be approved for either chartered or
school bus transportation. The maximum allowance for private automobile transportation (limit
of three cars) would be $0.50 per mile, per car, round trip. Distance obtained from Map Quest,
Google Maps or Yahoo Maps shall be used, when available, for computing expense.

It is the intent to encourage schools to utilize private automobile transportation when possible to
keep the travel allowance at a minimum and possible financial loss to schools involved. Please
pass this information along to the person on your campus charged with completing the financial
report form.

                                     MEALS AND LODGING

No allowance will be permitted for meals or lodging without prior approval of the CIF-SS
Office. Approval to travel will only be accepted via e-mail. Please send to Erin Courtemarche,
erinc@cifss.org. This pre-approval is necessary to insure uniform expenditures for all schools.
Where approved, maximums are $3.00 for breakfast, $5.00 for lunch, $8.00 for dinner for a party
of 18. The number of meals allowed a school will be determined by the CIF-SS Office based on
distance traveled and the scheduled time of the game. No meals will be authorized when the
travel distance is less than 140 miles round trip. Where lodging is authorized, the maximum shall
be $10.00 per person for a group of not more than 18.

No lodging will be permitted unless the distance is over 550 miles round trip.

                                      TELEPHONE CALLS

Telephone calls will not be listed as game expense. Both competing schools and the CIF-SS
Office will pay for all calls from their share of the game receipts.


Where concessions and programs are involved in a playoff contest, the profit or loss from
such enterprises shall not be included in the financial report. The host school reserves the
right to handle the program and concessions as a separate venture and need not share the profit
nor expect the CIF-SS or the visiting school to share in any loss.


The host management is responsible for staffing the gymnasium with the personnel necessary to
conduct the contest. It would be expected that the same pay schedule followed for league
contests would be used to reimburse ticket sellers, ticket takers, police, physician, and custodial
help. In determining the pay scale for working personnel in playoff games, schools are reminded
that it should be computed based on one contest.

In playoff contests, payment to faculty personnel to supervise a rooting section is not an
allowable expense and may not be charged to game expense. It is realized that some schools pay
faculty persons to supervise rooting sections in league contests, but because this is not the policy
in many schools, the Executive Committee has ruled that if a school (host or visitor) desires to
pay such personnel, it shall do so out of its share of the net receipts and not charge the cost to
game expense.

There is a wide disparity of staffing policies for athletic contests among schools in the Southern
Section. Because of this, schools in the playoffs are asked to assign the minimum number of
personnel necessary to assure efficiency and safety.

                                      GATE PROCEDURES

All schools hosting playoff games should make certain that gate personnel handling tickets
are advised of the following procedures.

   1. All tickets presented for admission are to be torn in half to prevent further use.

   2. All tickets are to be checked for appropriate color. This is to prevent someone from
      entering with a ticket designated for another game or with a ticket that was used for the
      previous playoff round. This also prevents an adult from entering with a student ticket, a
      student with a child's ticket, etc.

   3. All ticket-takers and gate personnel should familiarize themselves with the CIF-SS Press
      Pass, CIF-SS Photo Pass, and CIF-SS Courtesy Card.

   4. All ticket-takers and gate personnel will be provided a CIF-SS Courtesy Card Void List
      sent prior to playoffs via email to the Athletic Directors to check for any invalid cards.
      Please instruct them to confiscate any voided cards and return them to the CIF Southern
      Section office.


BOTH SCHOOLS: Only those regular faculty personnel from the competing schools who have
been assigned definite supervisory responsibilities for the playoff game will be admitted free of
charge. No other administrators, counselors, faculty or staff members will be admitted without a
complimentary or general admission ticket.

HOST SCHOOL: The host school shall submit its designated number of working faculty
personnel (i.e., supervisors for reserved seat areas or rooting sections, and other related
assignments) as part of the Game Management Form which is required by the CIF-SS Office
prior to each scheduled playoff game.

VISITING SCHOOL: The visiting school shall submit its list of working faculty personnel
(i.e., supervisors for rooters' buses and rooting sections) directly to the host school prior to the
date of the game.

                                  COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS

Each school participating in the CIF Southern Section Volleyball Playoffs will receive an
allotment of 10 general admission tickets for each match in which they compete.

If additional tickets are desired, they must be purchased at the prevailing rate by the school.

Drivers of team and rooter buses must be provided with tickets by the school; they will not be
admitted without a ticket. These tickets are also to be used for scouting purposes.

                                COURTESY CARDS AND PASSES

CIF-Southern Section Courtesy Cards will be honored for all volleyball playoff contests,
INCLUDING THE CHAMPIONSHIP FINALS. Courtesy Cards will be checked at the gate.
Courtesy cards from other sections and officials' association passes are not valid for admission at
any CIF Southern Section playoff contest.

CIF-SS press and photographer's credentials (see Media Section) issued by the Commissioner's
Office, the State CIF Courtesy Card, and the State CIF Life Pass are the only credentials to be
honored for admission to volleyball playoff contests.



Ticket sales for all games, except those under the direct management of the Commissioner’s
Office, will be controlled by the competing schools, with the school designated as the host school
responsible for ticket accounting for the game. ALL UNUSED TICKETS MUST BE

The CIF-SS Office will provide pre-sale and ticket supplies. See pages 24-25.

Tickets for each host school will not be provided by the CIF-SS Office unless specifically
requested. Drivers of team and rooter buses must be provided with tickets by the school. They
will not be admitted without a ticket.

                        PRE-GAME SALES AT VISITING SCHOOL

Each visiting school will be provided, upon request to the CIF-SS Office, with student tickets.

BE REQUESTED. General admission tickets for sale may be secured upon request. Although
these tickets will be issued to the visiting school directly from the CIF-SS Office, the accounting
of these tickets will be made to the host school.

As soon as possible (preferably the night of the game) the visiting school should send the
following items to the financial manager of the host school:

1) All unsold tickets

2) Complete report for all advance ticket sales vis www.ciffinancialreports.org

3) Check of the total amount of the ticket sales

4) Statement of travel expenses, including mileage for transportation and lodging and/or meals
   where approved.

We suggest that the visiting school return all unsold adult tickets to the host school, prior to
the contest to ensure that there are ample tickets available at the gate.

                                      STUDENT TICKETS

For games in all divisions, students from the competing schools will have an opportunity to
purchase a STUDET TICKET food for admission. To get the discounted student price, please
encourage our student to either carry or have a picture of their ID’s on their cellular device.


ALL FORMS ARE submitted
  at www.cifsshome.org

     At-Large Petition (under “Forms” tab)

    Team Photo/Roster (under “Teams” tab)

     Player Eligibility (under “Teams” tab)

Game Management Form (under “Financial” tab)

 Playoff Finances Form (under “Financial” tab)


                                  PRESS CREDENTIALS
CIF-SS Press and Photo Credentials issued by the CIF-SS Office will be honored at all CIF
Southern Section volleyball games unless otherwise noted on the back.

                              STUDENT PHOTO CREDENTIAL
Participating schools are allowed two Photo Credentials. This credential will be included in the
Finalist package.

                            PASSES AND PRESS CREDENTIALS
Pass gate personnel shall be instructed to honor the multi-colored CIF-SS Courtesy Card, gold
CIF-SS Life Membership Pass, AND the CIF-SS Press Pass issued to members of the working
press. The CIF-SS Photo Pass will also be honored. No other type of pass issued by schools or
leagues shall be honored for admission. Faculty personnel with supervisory responsibilities for
the game from either school shall be admitted in accordance with the procedures listed in this
preview and handbook.

                                       STATE CIF PASS
The State CIF has issued two types of passes which are to be honored at all events, a Courtesy
Card and a Gold Life Pass.

                               COURTESY AND PRESS CARDS
The multi-colored CIF-SS Courtesy Press and Photo Cards for 2018-2019 shall be honored for
admission to all contests unless otherwise noted on the back.

                                     RADIO BROADCASTS
Radio stations planning to broadcast volleyball games MUST request prior permission from the
CIF-SS Office. Stations shall contact the CIF-SS office for approval. For playoff games other
than championship finals and games managed by the CIF-SS, a rights fee of $175 must be
submitted DIRECTLY TO THE CIF-SS OFFICE prior to the contest. For championship games
and those managed directly by the CIF-SS the fee is $250. Rights fees for radio broadcasts are to
be filed directly with the CIF-SS Office and are not to be included as part of the financial report.

There will be no fee charged for periodic progress reports by a radio station at various times
during a game, provided there are no more than six of these reports for any one game, the length
of such reports does not exceed two minutes in length, and the reports do not include play-by-
play descriptions of live action.


The CIF-SS Office retains the broadcasting rights for all telecasts of all contests and permission
for same must be secured from the Communications Department, who will have the sole authority
to approve the telecast, a minimum of one week in advance.

Exclusive rights for television coverage will not be granted for CIF-SS events except for Fox
Sports and NFHS Network. However, the CIF-SS Office will base its broadcast/cablecast
approval on information provided by the host school, in consideration of facilities and game
management concerns.

Delayed telecasts of CIF Southern Section games are permissible but may not be aired prior to
10:00 p.m. on the date of the contest. Please contact Anita Fopma at the CIF-SS office for
pricing. Consideration for any LIVE TELECAST will necessitate advance contractual
negotiations with the CIF-SS Office.

Television rights fees will be paid DIRECTLY TO THE CIF-SS OFFICE in advance of each
contest to be broadcast. Rights fees for television broadcasts are to be filed directly with the CIF-
SS Office and are not to be included as part of the financial report. To obtain approval for game
telecasts of any type, broadcasters must secure permission from the CIF-SS Office. Television
rights fees must be paid for coverage of any CIF-SS contest regardless of commercial/non-
commercial intent of the broadcast.

News reports film/video tape of any CIF Southern Section contest is permissible to produce and
telecast without payment of fees, so long as the intent of such reports are for news reports only
and do not contain extended play-by-play descriptions of live action.


All CIF Southern Section contests are copyrighted events of the CIF Southern Section. Any
rebroadcast, live or delayed by any medium, will be subject to a rights clearance from the CIF
Southern Section Office prior to the contest.

For all other CIF Southern Section sponsored playoff events, rights fees will be negotiated upon
inquiry. The stipulation requiring prior approval of such broadcasts, as noted above, remains in

The CIF Southern Section reserves the right to contract independently with a radio, television or
cable-television or cable-television Production Company for exclusive coverage rights to any
CIF-SS event.


Attention:    Boys Volleyball Head Coaches or Athletic Directors


A nomination form for the selection of the All CIF-Southern Section Boys’ Volleyball Team can
be located on the next page. The selection will be made based on nominations submitted by
individual coaches by the volleyball advisory committee. All coaches are asked to send in a
nomination form for either their own player(s) or players they have seen throughout the season.

The nomination form must be returned to the division representative NO LATER THAN MAY
4th, 2019.

  Division      Member/E-mail                       High School          League
     1          Matt Marrujo                        Servite              Trinity

     2          Seth Burnham                        Thousand Oaks        Marmonte

     3          Bernie Wendling                     Claremont            Pacific

     4          Frankie Perales                     Garden Grove         Golden West

     5          Greg Ng                             Montebello           Almont

     6          Robert Gibbs                        Southwestern         International

Thank you in advance for your assistance and nominations. If you have any questions, please
contact our office at (562) 493-9500.

Head Coach: We would appreciate your prompt cooperation in returning your nomination form to us, noting your:
Team Selections, outstanding performers from your team, League Selections, outstanding performers from your League,
and outstanding performers outside your division. As well as your Division Player and Coach of the Year. Forward
your All League First Team List if available. If this form is not turned in, your players may not be recognized.

                      Please return this Nomination Form to us NO LATER THAN MAY 4, 2019
     Your input is very valuable. All coaches are asked to fill out all or part of this form and return by the deadline

    Your High School:                                        Division:                              League:
    Head Coach:                                                               Team Record:
    Head Coach Cell #:                                                        League Finish:



    If selected by due date, please send First Team All League Information with this form.




                              Return to Appropriate Division Rep. before May 4, 2019.

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