High School welcome guide 2020/2021 - Dover Campus - UWCSEA

Page created by Ida Crawford
High School welcome guide 2020/2021 - Dover Campus - UWCSEA
High School welcome guide 2020/2021
                        Dover Campus

                                                                                                          Welcome to the
Contents                                                                                                  UWCSEA Dover High School
Welcome to the UWCSEA Dover High School..........................1                                                                 It is my pleasure to welcome you to
                                                                                                                                   the High School at UWCSEA Dover.
Parents’ role in High School..........................................................2
                                                                                                                                   Our High School community is a
UWCSEA mission and values........................................................2
                                                                                                                                   vibrant, high-energy environment for
High School ethos............................................................................3                                     learning and you will join a diverse
                                                                                                                                   group of young adults that represent
Organisation of High School.........................................................3
                                                                                                                                   over 70 different nationalities
High School Team............................................................................4                                      from all over the world. Your High
UWCSEA’s High School Learning Programme...........................5                                                                School years should be enjoyable,
                                                                                                                                   challenging and rewarding, and our
Useful information...........................................................................7                                     belief in the benefits of a holistic
Preparing for life after UWCSEA...................................................9                       education ensure that you will grow and develop through all
                                                                                                          elements of our learning programme: academics, activities,
Uniform..............................................................................................10   outdoor education, personal and social education and service.
Parent involvement.........................................................................10             All of our programmes are underpinned by a core set of
Acronym glossary............................................................................11            values and a genuine commitment to embrace challenge
                                                                                                          and take responsibility for shaping a better world. We have
Dover High School contacts..........................................................12                    high expectations and we expect you to act with honesty,
                                                                                                          integrity, respect and compassion.
                                                                                                          You will be given more freedom and responsibility to learn
                                                                                                          alongside other passionate individuals that will inspire,
                                                                                                          challenge and support you. We want you to graduate from
                                                                                                          UWCSEA with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will
                                                                                                          enable you to make the right choices in life.
                                                                                                          If you value yourself and others and you’re willing to
                                                                                                          commit to the ideals of the UWC movement, you will gain
                                                                                                          enormously from our High School learning programme.
                                                                                                          We look forward to welcoming you to the College.
                                                                                                          Kind regards,
                                                                                                          Rebecca Butterworth
                                                                                                          High School Principal

Parents’ role in High School                                      UWCSEA mission and values
With increasing focus in High School being placed on              UWCSEA is a member of the UWC movement. We are a
students taking responsibility for their learning, parents        mission-driven organisation with a strong commitment to
sometimes ask us about their role in the learning process         the educational principles of Kurt Hahn, our founder, and a
when their child starts High School.                              passionate belief in the importance of education as a force for
                                                                  good in the world. There are 17 UWCs around the world.
Parents play a very important role in supporting their child’s
learning and maintaining open lines of communication with         The UWCSEA community consists of staff, parents, teachers,
teachers and the leadership team. Our doors are always            students, alumni and alumni parents. Parents are asked to
open and we are here to support all parents in helping their      lead by example, emulate our values and encourage them in
children become autonomous young adults. The last four            their children.
years of school are energising, exciting and challenging.
Students face significant decisions about the future and          UWC mission
prepare to leave the security of school and the home. Parents     The UWC movement makes education a force to unite people,
have a crucial role in helping their children navigate this       nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future.
transition. As a school, we also rely on parents to help us get
to know their children so that we can best meet their needs.      UWCSEA educational goal
This guide is designed to provide an overview of the High         Our goal is to educate individuals to embrace challenge and
School, to highlight the opportunities the College provides for   take responsibility for shaping a better world.
our students and the expectations we have of them.                Values
Every Friday parents will receive the eBrief which is our key     The UWCSEA community expects members to:
means of communication to all parents.                            • be honest and act with integrity
                                                                  • avoid prejudice by developing views based on evidence,
                                                                    reasoning and understanding
                                                                  • be compassionate and morally responsible
                                                                  • embrace challenge in order to maximise their potential
                                                                  • help other people
                                                                  • take an interest in and enjoy friendship with people of all
                                                                    cultures and backgrounds
                                                                  • minimise their harmful impact on the environment

High School ethos                                                 Organisation of High School
A common High School ethos is shared across Grades 9–12.          The High School encompasses students in Grades 9 to 12.
It is:
                                                                  Your child will be guided and supported throughout by a
We, as High School students aspire to contribute, to the best     number of staff in the following ways:
of our abilities, to the UWCSEA community. Mindful of our         • Academic subject teachers – classroom delivery of the
experience and maturity, we acknowledge that we are role            academic element of the Learning programme
models to younger students, and as such, will promote goodwill
                                                                  • Mentor (home room teacher) – meets with your child daily
and strive towards excellence in all our endeavours.
                                                                    and delivers the Personal and Social Education programme
To achieve this, we will actively work towards our own            • Head of Grade – leads mentors in guiding students and
personal development and individual achievement, therefore          delivering the PSE programme
contributing to the betterment of our learning environment at
                                                                  • Grade Secretary – always ready in the High School office to
all levels. We aim to recognise and learn from the differences
                                                                    help with daily queries
in culture, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, religion and physical
appearance that make up our College experience. We aim to         • College Counsellors – confidential counsellors that students
encourage individuality and cooperation, acknowledging the          can see one-on-one for help
benefits of both. We seek to reach our potential, and actively    • High School Leadership (Principal, Vice Principals, DP
help our peers to do the same.                                      Coordinator) – set the strategic direction of the HS and
                                                                    work closely with all staff to ensure high quality learning for
The UWCSEA ACHIEVER                                                 all students
For our students, ‘ACHIEVE’ means being:                          • University Advising Centre (UAC) – a team of staff to
• Aware (self-awareness, global awareness, community                support your future planning.
  awareness)                                                      The first opportunity parents will have to meet some of these
• Compassionate (service to others, understanding, empathy)       staff members will be during orientation week. There will be
• Honest (integrity, trust, reliability)                          other opportunities to meet them during the year, such as the
• International (inter-cultural, appreciation, open-mindedness)   Principals’ forums, coffee mornings and parent evenings.
• Encouraging (supportive, constructively critical, inspiring)    In August, we are planning both virtual and face-to-face
• Virtuous (principled, respectful)                               orientations to support families who are here in Singapore
                                                                  as well as those who will find it hard to be here by August.
• Engaged (pro-active, involved)                                  To support all families, we will be continuing with a blend of
                                                                  face-to face and virtual meetings and forums throughout the
                                                                  academic year.

High School Team
The following people will guide and support you throughout your time in High School.

Rebecca                   Pippa Haley                    Gary Seston                 Linsey Lawrence            Jensen Hjorth
Butterworth               Vice Principal                 Vice Principal              Vice Principal             Vice Principal (Curriculum
Principal                 (Curriculum)                   (Grades 9–10, Pastoral)     (Grades 11–12, Pastoral)   and IBDP Coordinator)

Grade 9                                                                     Grade 10

Simon Bignell                       Esperanza Gutierrez                     Denise Stevenson                    Neil Cowdy
Senior Head of Grade 9              Deputy Head of Grade 9                  Senior Head of Grade 10             Deputy Head of Grade 10

Grade 11                                                                    Grade 12

Barry Daniels                       Sara Walker                             Martin Lyon                         Julie Martens
Senior Head of Grade 11             Deputy Head of Grade 11                 Senior Head of Grade 12             Deputy Head of Grade 12


Priscilla Wong                      Li Hui Tan                             Annie Ang                            Crystal Chan
Grade 9 Secretary                   Grade 10 Secretary                     Grade 11 Secretary                   Grade 12 Secretary

Mentor groups                                                            Who to contact
During orientation, students are placed into mentor groups.              The mentor is a parent’s first line of communication with the
Mentor groups are identified by three initials of the mentor             school, followed by the Head of Grade.
(e.g., 10MLy). The mentor groups are then assigned to a Head
                                                                         Curriculum-based queries should be directed to the subject
of Grade.
                                                                         teacher, and then to the Head of Department.
                                                                         More serious issues which concern High School as a whole
                                                                         should be directed to the Vice Principal and then the Principal.

UWCSEA’s High School
Learning Programme
The College has a strong learning programme, which allows us      Activities
to provide a holistic learning experience for our students. The   The Activities programme has something to suit the interests
programme is based on five interlinking elements: Academics,      of every student. A large selection of music, drama, sports,
Activities, Outdoor Education, Personal and Social Education      arts, student publications and many other opportunities are
and Service. Equal emphasis is placed on each element as          on offer at the College each term.
we seek to develop in our students the skills and qualities to
enable them to become aware, able and active contributors         Sign-up for activities, including sports and service, is
to both local and global communities.                             completed by registering online. While parents can look at
                                                                  the offerings, the students need to submit their preferences
                                                                  for participation in the Activities programme themselves
                                                                  using their own login.
                                                                  Please note that there is a compulsory commitment to a
                                                                  service activity required of all High School students.

                                                                  Personal and Social Education (PSE)
                                                                  The PSE programme in the High School is largely delivered
                                                                  to students via mentor group time and during assembly
                                                                  each week. The programme follows closely the experience of
                                                                  students as they progress through their courses.
                                                                  The Counselling Department provides a professional
                                                                  service to support and enhance the personal growth,
                                                                  resilience and wellbeing of our students, complementing
                                                                  the PSE programme.
                                                                  Professional counsellors work closely with the tutors,
                                                                  Heads of Grade, Vice Principals, Principals and boarding
                                                                  houseparents to support the emotional and social needs of
                                                                  students. Their main responsibilities are to:
                                                                  • offer students a confidential, empathetic empowerment
                                                                    service that enhances their wellbeing and full access to
Academics                                                           learning opportunities
There are three academic programmes in the High School:           • offer staff the support to enable the academic, social or
IGCSE – for students joining the College in Grade 9                 emotional development of students
A full outline of the IGCSE programme and details on each         • work collaboratively with parents and families as a
subject, including course content and assessments, is contained     wellbeing resource in times where an individual need
in the Grade 9 and 10 Academic Learning Programme available         has arisen
on the website.                                                   Depending on the age of the student, counsellors can be
FIB – for students joining the College in Grade 10                accessed through self-referral or by referral from a parent or
                                                                  staff member; all consultations are confidential unless there
An outline of the Foundation IB Academic Learning programme
                                                                  is a possibility of imminent harm.
is available on the website.
                                                                  There is more information in a leaflet on the website. The
IB Diploma Programme – for students joining the College
                                                                  counsellors also facilitate workshops for parents throughout
in Grade 11
                                                                  the year at appropriate times. Please look for these in eBrief
A full outline of the IB Diploma programme is contained in        and on the College calendar.
the Grade 11 and 12 Academic Learning Programme. The guide is
available on the website.

Service                                                            Outdoor Education
UWCSEA has developed a three-tiered Service programme              Grade 9 and FIB
involving College, local and global service.                       Due to COVID-19 in 2020/2021, students are unable to
• College Service refers to some of the service activities for     do overseas trips in Term 1. Instead, the FIB students will
  the UWCSEA community                                             undertake a local outdoor education experience here in
• Local Service involves working with Singaporean service          Singapore. The trips for Grade 9 will be reviewed before the
  projects                                                         October break to determine which ones might be able to run
                                                                   in the second half of the year.
• Global Service refers to our work with UWCSEA Global
  Concerns (GCs)                                                   Students in the High School can also complete the NYAA
                                                                   award. More information will be communicated to new
All students are expected to participate, and opportunities
                                                                   students about this award after their arrival in August.
are built into our programme to facilitate both participation
and learning.                                                      Grade 11 – Project Week
We expect members of the UWCSEA community to be                    Project Week is part of the Grade 11 learning programme.
compassionate and responsible. Service allows our students to      Historically, it has been an opportunity for students to travel
put these values into action whilst also offering an opportunity   outside of Singapore with a particular focus on service and
to practice interpersonal skills. As some services are shared      experiential learning. In 2020/2021 we will be reviewing
between the different schools, the older students often become     Project Week outcomes in light of COVID-19 restrictions and
role models and mentors to their younger counterparts. Through     will communicate the focus for Project Week with Grade 11
participation in Service students are encouraged to reflect on     students and their families before the October mid-term
their own experiences, attitudes and actions.                      break.

Local and College service
All High School students undertake Service.
• Grade 9 and 10 students give either half an academic year
  (starting in September or February) of Local Service or
  commit to a full year of College service.
• Grade 11 students undertake a full year of weekly Local
  Service. Many continue this into Term 1 in Grade 12
Participation is taken very seriously and students are
expected to attend as they would academic lessons, with a
strong commitment and full participation.

Global Concerns–‘Turning ideas into action’
Global Concerns (GC) is our global service programme.
It seeks to integrate an awareness of global development
and environmental issues into the College’s educational
programme. GC aims to increase students’ awareness
of these issues and to enable committed students to do
something about their concerns. Through the motto ‘Turning
Ideas into Action,’ GCs aim to:
• promote desirable values and action among students
• raise awareness and educate students about broader issues
   relating to specific projects
• encourage students to be aware, informed and active
• highlight the values of service and environmental
• foster amongst the students the sense of belonging to
   an international educational movement with 15 member
   colleges with a common ethos and mission

Useful information
Absences – students                                               United Nations (UN) Night
Parents need to notify the High School Office if their child is   UN Night is a celebration of the cultural diversity in the College,
absent or going to be late to school. Contact details can be      and this occurs annually in October just before the mid-term
found at the back of the brochure.                                break. UN Night performances are a colourful smörgåsbord
                                                                  of dance, song and drama from around the world. Items are
Absences – parents                                                initiated and produced entirely by High School students.
Parents are required to be resident in Singapore with their
child, unless their child is staying in the boarding house.       Being late
                                                                  The College expects students to be punctual. If a student
If both parents are travelling outside Singapore for a short      arrives to school late, they must sign in at the High School
period of time, we need to know the name of the child’s           Office. Students will be provided with a late slip to be
guardian in case of an emergency. Please let us know by           handed to the class teacher. If a child is consistently late
returning a completed Nomination of a Supervisor during           then we will contact parents for a meeting. With the physical
Temporary Parental Absence form, which can be found on the        distancing restrictions in place in Singapore, we are looking
website portal, under ‘Forms’.                                    at ways to build on the success of our Arts programme and
Arts programme                                                    simultaneously transform it using a range of media.
Over 500 students across the High School are involved in          Parents can view their child’s attendance records on the
our annual calendar of arts events, which take place across       website portal.
all three terms. These include drama and dance productions,
classical music and rock concerts and cultural evenings.          Boarding community
Involvement in the Arts programme is a great way for              UWCSEA seeks to provide a ‘home away from home’ for
students to experience the Arts. Students need not be taking      nearly 200 students as part of an international boarding
Theatre, Music or Visual Arts subjects as many productions        community. Boarding life at UWCSEA is a rich, culturally
are run through the Activities programme.                         diverse experience which nurtures self-discipline, self-
                                                                  management and leadership skills and is true to the traditions
There are many ways in which students can become involved         of the UWC movement.
in the Arts: backstage management, lighting, sound, set
construction, costuming and props as well as performing. All      Boarding students can be invited for a sleepover or a family
drama, dance and music productions require someone behind         outing with day student families. This can be arranged by
the scenes helping to make the production a success, and          contacting the boarding house.
UWCSEA provides training for these key roles.
                                                                  Coming on to campus
Music                                                             All visitors need to register with the security office at the
Students can participate in the intermediate level choirs and     front gate and wear a pass while on campus. Parents and
ensembles, including:                                             other regular visitors can register for their own security pass
• The Band (intermediate wind and jazz band)                      that should be worn while on campus.
• Singers (non-auditioned choir)                                  With COVID-19 restrictions in place, all High School students,
• Camerata (intermediate string orchestra)                        parents and staff are required to complete safe entry/exit
• Guitar Ensemble and various other chamber ensembles             and temperatures must be taken at home prior to students
                                                                  and adults coming onto campus. Parents must complete the
• Percussion group
                                                                  online declaration and record their child’s temperature in
The performance standards achieved by the students are            CIMS before the child leaves for school.
a direct result of the College’s extensive Instrumental
Teaching Programme (ITP). Individual, pair and group
lessons are offered in a comprehensive range of instruments.      Students arriving by car should alight at the designated drop-
More information on the ITP is available on the website.          off point. The security guards have been asked to be strict in
                                                                  enforcing this rule.
There are numerous concerts on campus each year which
families are welcome to attend.                                   We ask that students being collected by car at the end of
                                                                  the day be collected at 3.30pm, after the buses have left the
The annual highlight is the OPUS at the Esplanade Concert         campus.
Hall in Term 2. This is the concert to attend for all parents.

Traffic congestion during peak arrival and departure times can     Laptops
be significant. Drivers are expected to be patient, polite and     All UWCSEA students in Grades 6–12 must have an up-to-
comply with traffic laws on approaching and leaving campus.        date Apple MacBook laptop to support their learning and
Cars should be registered with the UWCSEA security                 complete the remote laptop orientation process – Ready
department and display a UWCSEA decal.                             Learner One @ UWCSEA – for students and families.
Parking                                                            Families have two options to source a laptop for school:
Parking is limited. If the main car parks are full, parents may    • use an Apple laptop that you already own
use the right hand side of the bus park from 7.40–8.30am.          • purchase a new Apple laptop
To ensure the safety of students and the quick and efficient       Ready Learner One @ UWCSEA is a set of learning
loading and departure of the buses, we ask you to drive slowly     engagements and families will be supported remotely to
and only park in allocated lots.                                   complete both levels:
Taxi                                                               • Level 1: System Setup
Taxis need to come to ‘UWCSEA on Dover Road’—we have                 – This level will help set you up to use the school systems;
two campuses, and they are on opposite sides of the island!            including wifi, printing and our software distribution
                                                                       system (Filewave)
                                                                   • Level 2: Taking Care
Students are welcome to cycle to school, and there are secure
bicycle racks available under cover. Cyclists must wear a            – This level will help you consider how you will take care
safety helmet and obey all road rules.                                 of your laptop and yourself. You will also create a shared
                                                                       family media agreement to help develop a positive
Public transport                                                       environment for use of a laptop at home.
There are a number of public buses that drop off near the
entrance to the school driveway. Students in High School are       Lockers
permitted to leave the campus without an accompanying              Lockers are provided for students to use. Students must keep
adult and therefore are able to use the extensive public           their locker secure with a lock at all times.
transport system.
                                                                   Lost property
                                                                   Students go to the Reception to ask about lost property, or to
The most common way to get to and from school is by the            hand something in. Found valuables are recorded and kept by
school bus, which is provided by Yeap Transport. They go to        the receptionists. Missing items can be reported to the Grade
most places in Singapore. The Transport Office organises the       Secretary or Head of Grade.
school bus service—contact details are on the back cover of
this guide. Parents can book either a one-way or two-way           Lunch and snacks
service.                                                           There are two canteens offering a wide variety of food, with
Buses arrive in time for the start of school each day, and leave   influences from all over the world. A bought lunch costs
at around 3.10pm. Pick-up and drop-off times are advised           between $5 and $10 per day.
when parents book the bus service, which is door-to-door.          The Verandah has several counters and many options,
Students who have an after-school activity that ends at            ranging from healthy snacks like sushi, fruit salad and freshly
4.20pm can take the activity bus home which leaves at              squeezed juices to more substantial offerings like pasta, pizza,
4.35pm. Students will have to make their own arrangements          a salad bar and a sandwich bar where you can choose the
to get home if the activity ends after this time.                  fillings. Rolls, sandwiches, fruit smoothies and other drinks
                                                                   are also available.
Drug testing
                                                                   In the second canteen, The Pavilion, there is an Indian
Any High School student can be selected for random drug            stall where fresh naan is cooked daily and served with a
testing. When selected, students go to the medical clinic and      variety of Indian curries. There is also a large counter with
the hair or urine sample is taken in private.                      a wide selection of hot Western, Asian or Halal dishes and
                                                                   sandwiches, wraps, sushi, fruit and yoghurt.
                                                                   Fresh whole fruit is available in both canteens. There are also
                                                                   options for breakfast and after-school snacks.
                                                                   Chilled, filtered water is available in water fountains, not
                                                                   bottles— bring a water bottle from home to refill during the day.

                                                                   Preparing for life after UWCSEA
Plagiarism and collusion                                           University Advising
Plagiarism is the practice of presenting the ideas or work of      Students and parents have access to the dedicated University
others as one’s own. Collusion is copying from a friend or         Advising microsite via the website portals, which provides very
allowing a friend to copy one’s own work. The College views        detailed information to assist students to explore
such academic dishonesty very seriously and has a policy           their options.
of suspension for those who plagiarise. The full policy is
                                                                   For students in Grade 10, the university advisors hold several
available on the portal for both students and parents, and
                                                                   presentations towards the end of the year as they prepare
students are taken through information on academic honesty
                                                                   to make subject selections for Grade 11 and the IB Diploma
as part of the Personal and Social Education (PSE) programme.
                                                                   programme. This helps students make informed subject
Round Square                                                       choices to ensure they keep desired future learning pathways
Founded by Kurt Hahn, who also founded the UWC
movement, Round Square is a worldwide association of               UWCSEA’s individualised University Advising programme
schools on five continents sharing unique and ambitious            commences in Grade 10.
goals. Member schools share a similar educational philosophy       Over 200 universities visit UWCSEA each year, and there are
to UWCSEA. UWCSEA belongs to the Australia and East Asia           several annual university fairs held in Singapore by various
Region, which offers opportunities for collaboration with          countries such as the US and Australia. The University
other member schools at many different levels, and in many         Advising calendar is linked to the High School College
different ways. These include:                                     calendar; all these visits to campus are listed on this calendar.
• regional and international conferences
                                                                   The PA organises an annual Careers Fair at the College where
• student exchange programme                                       professionals—UWCSEA parents, alumni and staff—provide
• international service projects                                   students with information on their own areas of expertise
• Gap Year programme                                               to make informed career and university choices. Calls for
• Round Square committee membership (by school section)            volunteers to participate at the fair are sent out in Term 2 via
                                                                   eFlyer and eBrief. There is also a work placement programme
Please visit the dedicated Round Square microsite for more         being developed.
details: www.uwcsea.edu.sg/roundsquare.
                                                                   National Service
Student leadership                                                 Each year we have a number of students who are eligible for
Many opportunities, both formal and informal, for student          National Service. We offer information and advice sessions
action and leadership are provided at UWCSEA. For example,         for these families involving the University Advisors as well as
students can be involved in Student Council, Sports Council,       the Vice Principal, Gary Seston.
Global Concern Executive, Student Forums, PRISM, UWC
Taskforce, Initiative for Peace and more.

Dover Campus has over 120 sports teams across 18
representative sports, and also provides access to a number
of other recreational sports.UWCSEA is linked with two
sporting conferences, SEASAC (across Asia) and ACSIS (within
Singapore), and our representative teams have been very
successful in both these competitions.
The sports microsite lists all the representative sports seasons
as well as details on tryouts and training commitments.
These are also published in eBrief at the start of the year.
Once selected, students participation is registered in the
activities programme database. Recreational sports are part
of the Activities programme, and students sign up for each of
the four seasons through the online sign-up system.
Parents are encouraged to support the Dover Phoenix teams
and come and watch the matches. We have covered seating
at both the pool and the main Ayer Rajah field to make
watching sport a more comfortable experience—though it is
advisable to bring a cushion!

Uniform                                                             Parent involvement

                                                                    The College communicates with parents primarily by email.
All High School students wear a short-sleeved polo shirt with
                                                                    The website portal is the key place to start any search for
a skirt, trousers or shorts. A white t-shirt may be worn under
the uniform shirt, provided it is visible only at the neck.
                                                                    Workshops for parents are offered to help familiarise you
Grades 9 and 10 wear a dark blue coloured polo shirt with
                                                                    with the features of the website portal and calendars.
grey culottes, skirt or shorts.
                                                                    Parent portal
Grades 11 and 12 wear a white coloured polo shirt with smart
black trousers, skirts or shorts of their own choosing.             Parent are issued with a login to the parent portal via our
                                                                    website where they can view information specific to their
Skirts and shorts are required to be a discreet length and          child/ren. This provides access to a number of key systems, as
should be in a fabric appropriate for the climate. Black denim      well as daily updated notices, including:
is not acceptable.
                                                                    • online medical information system (for review and updating)
Sweaters must be black, white, grey or navy blue. A UWCSEA          • contact information update system (for review and updating)
sweater is available.
                                                                    • student record system (timetable, attendance records,
Shoes                                                                 reports and assessments)
Should be black, grey or white, or a discreet combination of        • notices for parents
these. They should fully enclose the feet but not cover the
                                                                    Login information for the portal will be sent prior to the start
ankles. Socks should be white, grey or black. No flip-flops!
                                                                    of the school year.
PE uniform
Should be worn with sturdy trainers (athletic shoes) in black
                                                                    There is an up-to-date online calendar on the school website.
or white. Students must bring their normal school uniform to
school to get changed into if they have PE during the day. High     The College uses Google Calendar, which can be imported
School students always shower after their PE lessons, so they       to parent calendars. If setting this up in advance, please
will need to bring a towel to school with them on PE days.          make sure to include the High School, Dover Campus and
                                                                    UWCSEA/College calendars. Other school sections and the
Backpack and laptop bag
                                                                    PA calendar can also be included.
Students may choose their own backpack/school bag style.
Students must minimize the risk of damage when carrying             eBrief
the computer to and from lessons.                                   This weekly email consolidates key information into an easy-
                                                                    to-read format for parents. Considered essential reading,
Sun protection
                                                                    eBrief is sent to all parents every Friday during the school
All students are advised to protect against UV when outside at      term. It contains information for parents on the upcoming
break, during PE, for lunchtime sports, sports team practices       two weeks. You can expect the first eBrief the Friday before
and sports days.                                                    school commences—to help you get ready for the start of the
Jewellery                                                           year. It is not sent during school holidays.
Students may wear one pair of earrings (studs or sleepers) in       Workshops for parents are scheduled during Term 1 to
any part of the ear they wish. Any religious symbols should         help familiarise you with the features of the website portal
be discreet. Nose studs are not permitted, unless written           and calendars.
permission is given for cultural or religious reasons, and tongue
                                                                    UWCSEA App
studs and eyebrow rings are prohibited. Rings, bracelets, chains
and ankle chains may not be worn.                                   The UWCSEA App is available for iOS and Android in the app
                                                                    stores. Search for UWCSEA and download the app to access
Where to purchase?                                                  eBrief, the calendar, notices, a campus map, student timetable
Uniforms for all grades of the school can be obtained from the      (including their activities for each day), the staff directory and
College Shop on Dover Campus in the orientation week prior to       more.
the start of school, as well as any school day during term time.    Parents will need login details to access the App, as the
Dover College Shop                                                  information is customised to each user.
8am–12pm; 12.45–4pm
School holiday hours: 8.30am–12pm; 1–4pm
Tel: 6775 5344 | ext 1923 dovershopstaff@uwcsea.edu.sg

                                                                Acronym glossary
Reports and assessments                                         FIB       Foundation IB – a one-year course for students
Students receive an early ‘Approaches to Learning’ (ATL)                  joining in Grade 10
report, a subject attainment report, a subject written report   GC        Global Concerns
and a pastoral written report over the course of each year.
                                                                HoD/HoG   Head of Department/Head of Grade
Reports are accessed through the online portal.
                                                                ITP       Instrumental Teaching Programme
Meetings and presentations
                                                                NYAA      National Youth Achievement Award
Information evenings, parent workshops and a number of
other presentations are on the annual calendar.                 PSE       Personal and Social Education
The High School Principal’s forum is designed to keep parents
up-to-date with developments and events at the school and
to obtain feedback, as is the Head of Campus Forum and
the annual Board of Governors Open Forum. These are all
advertised in eBrief.

Parents’ Association (PA)
The Dover Campus Parents’ Association is very active in
supporting initiatives and events on campus. They plan
a number of events each year for families and parents to
become better connected as a community.
The PA grade and nationality representatives have an
important role in fostering positive communication between
the College, the PA and families. They organise social events
for parents to attend, to help build stronger ties within the
community. These include coffee mornings or dinners, which
provide an excellent way of meeting other parents who have
students the same age and to share ideas and support each
other. Watch for invitations in the weekly eBrief.

Dover High School contacts
Dover Campus Reception                                 +65 6775 5344
High School Office                                     +65 6419 9316 (Grade 9 and 10/FIB)
                                                       +65 6419 9317 (Grade 11 and 12)

Grade secretaries
Grade 9 – Priscilla (Fong Hui) Wong                    Fong.Hui.Wong@uwcsea.edu.sg
Grade 10 – Li Hui Tan                                  lihuitanuwc@uwcsea.edu.sg
Grade 11 – Annie Ang                                   annie.angc@uwcsea.edu.sg
Grade 12 – Crystal Chan                                crystal.chan@uwcsea.edu.sg

Counselling team
Denise Cox-McPherson (Head of Counselling)             denise.coxmcpherson@uwcsea.edu.sg
Anise Robinson                                         anise.robinson@uwcsea.edu.sg
Camille Ko                                             camille.ko@uwcsea.edu.sg
Chris Kearnes                                          chris.kearnes@uwcsea.edu.sg

University Advising Centre (UAC)
John Liu (Head of UAC)                                 jyl@gapps.uwcsea.edu.sg
Charles Knowles                                        charles.knowles@uwcsea.edu.sg
Greer Bevel                                            greer.bevel@uwcsea.edu.sg
Jacqueline Villa Evanko                                jacqueline.evanko@uwcsea.edu.sg
Linda De Flavis                                        linda.deflavis@uwcsea.edu.sg
Shruti Tewari                                          shruti.tewari@uwcsea.edu.sg
Sriyuni Henningsson (Secretary)                        sriyuni.henningsson@uwcsea.edu.sg
Tay Hui Wen (Secretary)                                huiwen.tay@uwcsea.edu.sg

School services
College Clinic                                         +65 6775 5321
Transport Office                                       +65 6872 3213
Library                                                library.uwcsea.edu.sg
Sports                                                 uwcsea.edu.sg/dover-sports
Round Square                                           uwcsea.edu.sg/roundsquare
University Advising                                    www.uwcsea.edu.sg/uacdover

Parents’ Association                                   +65 6775 5344 | ext 1080

Online staff directory
All staff contact email addresses can be found on the school website. Please look in the online staff directory for email addresses
for individual staff and in the Campus Contacts section of the website for the emails and telephone numbers for departments such
as Admissions and Finance.
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