Biology Curriculum Map 2020-2021

Page created by Patricia Barton
Biology Curriculum Map 2020-2021
                                KEVI HWGA Curriculum Map
Curriculum Purpose:
          Beyond KEVI   Science can lead to further education through either degree level studies or apprenticeships in a wide variety of areas linked to the
          HWGA:         three specialisms or Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

                        Science can lead to a wide range of career options linked to each of the science areas.
                        Biological Careers: Aerobiologoist - Agricultural Scientist – Bioinformatician – Biomechanics Engineer – Biomedical engineer or
                        researcher – Biophysicist – Biostatistician – Cell Biologist – Conservationist – Cryobiologist – Cytologist – Ecologist – Exotoxicologist –
                        Embryologist – Endocrinologist – Entomologist – Forensic Psychologist – Forensic Scientist – Geneticist – Genomics – Immunologist –
                        Marine Biologist – Molecular Biologist – Pharmacologist – Teaching - Toxicologist – Veterinarian – Virologist – Zoologist

                        Chemistry Careers: Analytical Chemist – Biochemist – Chemical Engineer – Cheminformatics – Cosmetic Chemist – Crystallographer –
                        Food Technologist – Forensic Scientist – Geochemist – Immunologist – Laboratory Analyst – Manufacturing Chemist – Materials
                        Engineer – Organic or Inorganic Chemist – Pharmacist – Process Chemist – Product Developer – Researcher – Toxicologist – Quantum
                        Chemist – Water Chemist

                        Physics Careers: Aerospace Engineer – Acoustician – Applied Mathematician -Astronomer Atomic Physicist – Architect – Astrophysicist
                        – Biophysicist – Chemical Physicist – Civil Engineer – Computer Physicist – Cosmologist – Cryophysicist – Data analyst – Electrical
                        Engineer – Electromagnetic Physicist – Fluid dynamics/mechanics physicist – Geophysicist – High Energy Physicist – Laser Physicist –
                        Mechanical Physicist – Meteorologist – Molecular Physicist – Nanotechnologist – Nuclear Technician – Nuclear physicist – Optical
                        Physicist – Particle Physicist - Patent analyst – Plasma Physicist – Quantum Physicists – Roboticist – X-ray Analysis

                        And many many more careers!

          KS5           KS5 Biologists will be taken on a journey that inspires and nurtures a passion for the subject through an in-depth study of Biological
                        Molecules, Cells, Organisms, Genetics, Energy Transfers and links with the environment which is taught through theory, research,
                        independent study and practical work.
KS5 Chemists will be taken on a journey that inspires and nurtures a passion for the subject through an in-depth study of physical
              chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry through theory, research, independent study and practical work.
              BTEC Applied Science students will be taken on a journey of applied learning that brings together a wide knowledge and
              understanding of all three sciences with practical and technical skills. This is achieved through students performing vocational tasks
              that encourage the development of appropriate vocational behaviours and transferrable skills such as communication, teamwork and
              research and analysis. Students will study a range of mandatory units such as Principles and Application of Science, Science
              Investigation skills and Contemporary issues in Science and then will undertake a number of optional units.
KS4- set 1    When studying biology you will develop a detailed and in depth knowledge and understanding of all major biological, chemical and
biology       physical concepts and will enhance your ability to apply this knowledge to a wide range of concepts within the scientific world. You
              will also enhance and refine the practical skills you developed in KS3 which will lead to a deeper understanding of how to work and
              think scientifically thus developing your analytical and evaluation skills. Through a study of bilogy, we will foster a love of the subject
              and ensure you learn to see and understand the world through the eyes of a scientist and apply the breadth and depth of your
              knowledge eand understanding to many real life sceanrios.
KS3           At KS3 you will learn to develop an enquirying mind where you can; analyse patterns, draw conclusions, present data, communicate
              ideas, critique claims, justify opinions, collect data, plan varibales, test hypothesese, estimate risk, review theories and interrogate
              You will do this through learning about 10 key concepts; Forces, Electromagnets, Energy, Waves, Matter, Reactions, Earth. Organisms,
              Ecosystems and Genes. These foundations of knowledge, practical and analysitical skills will prepare you for a more in depth study of
              science at KS4 and above
KS1/2 links   Students at KS1/2 are encouraged to experience and observe scientific phenomena and look closely at the natural and constructed
              world around them. They are encouraged to be curious and develop scientific enquiry skills by investigating their own questions. They
              will develop a basic scientific vocabulary. Students will be encouraged to look at interactions, relationships and functions and will
              develop their scientific skills further by observing changes over time, noticing patterns, grouping and classifying and carrying out
              simple comparative tests using basic scientific equipment and writing basic conclusions.
              Students will study plants and be able to identify functions of each part, investigate water transport and pollination. They will study
              animals and learn that they gain nutrition from the food they eat and their basic life cycles and will understand the purpose of muscles
              and the skeleton. They will be able to state the basic functions of organs in the digestive system and be able to construct food chains
              as well as describing the human life cycle and basic variation. They will be able to group and classify rocks and simple describe how
              fossils form as well as being able to group materials according to their state of matter. They will know how to separate mixtures and
              know that dissolving and mixing are reversible They will understand they need light to see things and that it is reflected of surfaces,
              they will know how shadows form and that sound is created by vibrations that can travel through different medium. They will
              understand how magnets repel and attract and the basics of electrical circuits and the solar system and earth’s rotation as well as the
              basics of forces and the interactions with other objects.
KEVI HWGA Curriculum Map

Big Qs         Autumn 1                           Autumn 2                     Spring 1                               Spring 2                             Summer 1   Summer 2
Linked to NC

                 How do plants convert the             How are messages        What do offspring look similar             What is the impact of
Year 13           light energy to chemical             transmitted across              to their parents?                external factors on gene
                energy create in the form of                synapses?          How does the combination of                     expression?
                       carbohydrates?                  What mechanisms         alleles contribute to variation        How can we manipulate our
               How does cellular respiration        control contraction of               in a species?                    genome so as to treat
                 provide ATP for metabolic                  muscles ?           How can we use statistics to          disease, for medical, forensic
               processes in living organisms?       Why is manintaining a      determine the probability of a            and breeding purposes?
               How and why do multicellular             constant internal         genotype in a population?              What is the coonection
               organisms respond to stimuli         environment essential          Why are some inherited               between epigenetics and
               both within and outside their         for living organisms?        diseases more common in                        cancer?
                           bodies?                  How does our lifestyle                  males?
                                                        impact metabolic          How does selection affect               Students will learn about
                   Comparing aerobic with                diseases such as      evolution and can geographic              mutations, stems cells and
                     anaerobic respiration.                 diabetes?           isolation cause the evolution          regulation of transcription and
                                                                                                                        translation. How epigenetics
               Exploring the light dependent       Students will learn how            of a new species?
                                                                                                                      influences expression of genes,
                    and light independent              nerve impulses are      What can we do to encourage              genome projects and how to
                        reactions within               generated across a                biodiversity?                prdice DNA fragments throuhh
                photosynthesis, the structure         neuromuscular and          Students will study monohybrid       PCR. In vivo and in vitro cloning,
                   of the chloroplast and its         cholinergic synpase.     and dihybrid inheritance, calculate        locating of genes, genetic
                      organelles to enable            Explore the effect of         probability of genotypes in       engineering and fingerprinting.
                                                                               populations using Hardy Weinberg
               photosynthesis to occur. Learn          drugs on synpases.
                                                                                   principles, codominance, sex
                about the different reactions       Examination of muscle        linkage and autosomal limkage.
               involved in respiration such as      structure and function.    Use the chi square test to establish
                  glycolysis and Kreb’s cycle.      Mechanism involved in           if outcomes are statistically
                 Examining the advantges to         contraction of muscles         significant or due to chance.
                  organisms of being able to       including importance of       Selection and speciation will be
               detect stimuli, describing taxis      the nervous system in     studies, isolation and its impact on
               and kinesis, tropisms and how          muscle contraction.      speciation. Competition, predation
                                                                                 and variation in species survival
                 each response increases an       Principles of homeostssis
                                                                                   will be explored and stages of
               orgnaims’s chance of survival.       and negative feedback      succession in plants. Conservation
                   Plant growth factors and          mechnisms to control         methods and various habitats.
                 impact on flowering plants,       temperature and blood
                       phototropism and               glucose. Role of the
                      gravitoptropism and          pancreas and hormones
                 investigate these in the lab.    in control of blood sugar.
                Discovering how the nervous       Structure and function of
                   system protects us from         kidneys and their role in
                danger. Differences between              osmoregulation.
voluntary reaction and reflex
               action and pathways involved.
                 How the eye functions and
                    control of heart rate.
                 Comparing hormonal with
                       nervous sytem
Key            Labelling different stages of the    Labelling various organs,         Chi square, Hardy Weinberg           Gene expression, recombinant
               cycles, structure and function       dissecting kidney and liver       principles, calculating ratios and   DNA technology, gene location,
               chloroplast and organelles within,   10 and 11. Data analysis and      probability, drawing genetic         screening and counselling,
Concepts       various proteins used in transport   interpretation of graphs and      diagrams, predicting genotypes
and skills     of ions such as potassium/sodium     data. Practical skills. Role of   and phenotypes, analysing family
               pump. RP investigations on energy    negative feedback in              pedigree trees and explaining
               transfer and pigments.               thermoregulation and              linkage. Conservation methods,
               Chromatography. Calculation of Rf.   osmoregulation. Importance        how succession occurs, data
               RP 7,8,9.                            of homeostasis.                   analysis and calculations based on
Feedback &                                          Synoptic essays                   Synoptic essays                      Full paper 3
Assessment     RP 7,8,9                             RP 10 and 11s                     Mock examinations                    Synoptic essays
               End of topic assessment              End of topic assessment                                                Paper 1 and 2
               Synoptic essays

Big Qs         Autumn 1                             Autumn 2                          Spring 1                             Spring 2                         Summer 1                       Summer 2
Linked to NC

               Big Q                                            Big Q                               Big Q                              Big Q
Year 12                                                                                                                                                                Big Q                        Big Q
                    Why are carbon based               Why are biological             How are living organisms such           What is the role of mass                                       How do organisms
                                                                                                                                                              Why do mistakes such as
               biological molecules important       molecules important in            as mammals, fish, insects and          transport in exchange and                                      maintain their energy
                                                                                                                                                              mutations cause distinct
                    to the survival of living           the transport of               plants specialised in order to      transport of substances such                                        requirements?
                                                                                                                                                             differences in individuals?
                   organisms and how does            substances across cell                efficiently exchange              oxygen in blood and tissue                                    How can we investigate
                                                                                                                                                              How does meiosis ensure
                water serve a wide range of          surface membranes?                   substances with their             fluid through the lymphatic                                       energy transfer in
                                                                                                                                                              that variation occurs in a
                   roles in living organisms          How are cell surface                     environment?                           system?                                                    organisms?
                 despite its small and simple       membranes adapted to               How is the digestive system             How does the nervous                                        How do plants obtain the
                                                                                                                                                             How does genetic diversity
                    nature. How is genetic              enable efficient              organised in order to carry out           system determine the                                        necessary nutrients in
                                                                                                                                                            enable natural selection and
                material replicated and how          transport of essential               absorption efficiently?            functioning of the cardiac                                        spite of hostile
                                                                                                                                                                 survival of species?
                      does this impact on                  molecules?                                                                  cycle?                                                    conditions?
                                                                                                                                                                What is the impact of
                characteristics of individuals      How does the selectivity                                                  Why do larger organisms          natural selection on the
                 including the inheritance of          of the cell surface                                                   need specialised transport                                      Energy and ecosystems
genetic disorders through             membrane contribute to                 Structure and function of gas       systems and how are these             development of antibiotic              Food chains and energy
               mutations. What is the role of               the transport of                exchange surfaces. Explore the       systems adapted to perform           resistant superbugs and how                      transfer
               ATP in various processes in the          molecules into and out               different parts of the digestive             effectively?                could we reduce the creation               Energy transfer and
                                                                                               system, its adaptations and                                                                                   productivity. Nutrient cycles.
               body and how is this molecule                    of cells?                                                               How does sexual               of these? How does selection
                                                                                          function in absorption of nutrients.                                                                                 Uses of fertilisers and its
                  made available to cells?                 How does the body                 Calculate rates of absorption,           reproduction lead to            ensure survival of a species?                     impact.
                Students will learn about various          defend itself from                 ventilation rates and ways to       variation and what are the
                 carbon and non-carbon-based              pathogens? How do                reduce the loss of water from gas            benefits of this?                Meiosis, mutations, genetic
                  biological molecules and their        different types of white           exchange surfaces. Mechanism of        How is this genetic material           diversity, types of selection,
               importance. The structure of RNA                                              ventilation and contrasting of                                            Hardy Weinberg hypothesis and
                                                       blood cells recognize and                                                 Tran scripted and translated
                 and DNA and semiconservative                                              breathing mechanisms in various                                              equations. Natural selection,
                replication will be explored. The        bring about responses                                                   in order to create the correct
                                                                                                        organisms.                                                      stabilising and non-stabilising
               importance of water in living cells        that are specific and                                                  proteins in living organisms?        selection. Biodiversity, courtship,
               and its structure and function. Cell           appropriate?                                                          Evidence for a universal            taxonomy, index of diversity,
                  structure and function will be          How do vaccination                                                             genetic code?                 selection pressures, phylogeny.
               explored and methods of studying            programmes help
                cells. Cell cycle and specialisation       eradicate disease?                                                    Structure of haemoglobin and its
                  of cells. Differences between        Students will learn about the                                              role in transport of oxygen. How
                  prokaryotes and eukaryotes.          fluid mosaic structure of the                                               dissociation curves in different
                                                        cell surface membrane and                                                organisms vary to allow effective
                                                        relate structure to function.                                                respiration to occur. Blood
                                                           They will compare and                                                  vessels and their adaptations to
                                                        contrast the different ways                                               enable mass transport of blood.
                                                       in which essential molecules                                                   Cardiac cycle sequence of
                                                         can enter and exit the cells                                             events. Formation and transport
                                                             surface membrane.                                                         of lymphatic fluid. Mass
                                                                                                                                     transport of water through
                                                                                                                                    plants and organic molecules
                                                                                                                                    through the phloem. Genetic
                                                                                                                                        code, translation and
Key            Using graticules to calculate sizes     Structure and function of          Structure and function of gas          Dissection of various organs,        Natural selection, cell division,      Calculating percentage
               of organelles, transposing equation     cell surface membrane,             exchange surfaces. Explore the         label various organs, learn their    sexual reproduction, genetic           efficiency of energy transfer,
               to calculate image size,                different modes of                 different parts of the digestive       structural adaptations, sequence     diversity, directional and             interpreting data tables and
Concepts       magnification and actual size of        transport, defence                 system, its adaptations and            of cardiac cycle, creation of        stabilising selection, biodiversity.   graphs, cycles of nitrogen and
and skills     organelles, calculating mitotic         mechanisms, cell mediated          function in absorption of nutrients.   lymph and transport of glucose       Calculating index of diversity,        phosphorous. Impact of
               index.                                  and humoral Reponses,              Calculate rates of absorption,         and water in plants. Genes and       human impact on diversity,             nitrogen-based fertilisers and
               Practical skills, evaluating data on    vaccination and HIV. RP            ventilation rates and ways to          the triplet code, comparing          random sampling and normal             eutrophication.
               enzymes and calculating molarity        skills, maths skills, evaluating   reduce the loss of water from gas      different types of RNA.              distribution curves, mode,
               and rates of reaction. Drawing          data, drawing calibration          exchange surfaces. Mechanism of                                             median, mean, standard
               tangents and applying structure of      curves, increase/decrease in       ventilation and contrasting of                                              deviation. Using log function,
               biological structures to their          percentage mass                    breathing mechanisms in various                                             histograms, sampling
               functions.                              calculations.                      organisms.                                                                  techniques.
Feedback &     Baseline assessment                     RP 3 and 4                         End of topic assessment                             RP 5                    End of topic assessment                RP12
Assessment     RP 1 and 2                              End of topic assessment            Maths skills test                      End of topic assessment              Home study project on                  Mock exam Paper 1
               End of topic assessment                 EWT                                                                                                            biodiversity
               EWT                                     Exampro questions
               Exampro questions

Big Qs                    Autumn 1                             Autumn 2                               Spring 1                              Spring 2                  Summer 1                               Summer 2
Linked to NC
Year 11- set    (B6 Inheritance, Variation &            How do we use the             How do we use the analysis of         How do we use the analysis
1 only                   Evolution)                   analysis of Mock Paper           Mock Paper 2s to devise a            of Mock Papers to devise a
                                                      1s to devise a revision            revision programme?                   revision programme?
                  Interleaving opportunity                 programme?                      Students will be taught              Students will be taught
                                                     Students will be taught            individually, in groups and as       individually, in groups and as
                 How are fossils formed and          individually, in groups and as   whole sets, areas of need based on    whole sets, areas of need based
                                                     whole sets, areas of need           the analysis of Mock Papers        on the analysis of Mock Papers
               what can we learn from tehm
                                                     based on the analysis of
                in terms of the origins of life
                                                     Mock Papers                       How do we revise and study           How do we revise and study
                          on earth?
               What can fossil records reveal                                               independently?                       independently?
                                                      How do we revise and                Students will be taught a nd        Students will be taught a nd
                about how an organism has
                                                      study independently?               practice a variety of revision       practice a variety of revision
               changed over time or become                                            techniques and apply these to their    techniques and apply these to
                                                     Students will be taught a nd
                           extinct?                  practice a variety of revision             areas of need.                    their areas of need.
                What are the leading casues          techniques and apply these
                        of extinction                to their areas of need.               What knowledge and                  What knowledge and
               How do we classify organisms                                            understanding is required to         understanding is required to
                  and how has technology               What knowledge and              successfully answer Required             successfully answer
                changed how organisms are                understanding is               Practical Questions in Paper             Required Practical
                      classified today?               required to successfully                       2?                             Questions?
                 Classification of organisms and         answer Required              Students will undertake or observe       Students will undertake or
               interpreting of evolutionary trees.     Practical Questions in           required practical’s and answer      observe requird practicals and
               Antibiotic resistance as an example            Paper 1?                examination style questions based        answer examination style
                    of natural selection will be      Students will undertake or                  upon these.                 questions based upon these.
                    explored. New systems of         observe required practical’s
                 classification such as the three      and answer examination
                 domain systems will be studied      style questions based upon
                    including how to interpret                  these.
                        evolutionary trees.

Key            Theory of evolution and how           Analysis of strengths and        Analysis of strengths and areas       Analysis of strengths and
Knowledge,     speciation occurs. Devlopment         areas of development,            of development, Revision              areas of development,
Concepts       of antibiotic resistance.             Revision Skills,                 Skills, knowledge and                 Revision Skills, knowledge
               Interpreting evolutionary trees       knowledge and                    understanding of required             and understanding of
and skills
               and mastering the new way of          understanding of                 practicals.                           required practicals.
               classifying organisms. reduce         required practicals.
               the occurrence of of superbugs
               and extinction
Feedback &     AO1 Knowledge &                       AO1 Knowledge &                  AO1 Knowledge &                       AO1 Knowledge &
Assessment     Understanding of Units                Understanding of                 Understanding of areas of             Understanding of areas of
               AO2 Application of                    areas of need, revision          need, revision techniques &           need, revision techniques
               knowledge via a variety of            techniques & paper 1             paper 1 required practicals           & paper 1 required
               taught examples                       required practicals                                                    practicals
AO3 Analysis & Evaluation                AO2 Application of              AO2 Application of revison               AO2 Application of
               via required practicals and              revison skills and              skills and Required Pracitcal            revison skills and Required
               practical activities                     Required Pracitcal              skills                                   Pracitcal skills
               EWT-Evolution                            skills
               Exam style questions                     Paper 1 Biology Mock            EWT On Required Practicals               Paper 2 Biology Mock2
               Catch up on any RPs missed                                               determined by areas of
               in year 10                                                               need

Big Qs         Autumn 1- half term 1                    Autumn 2- Half term             Spring 1- Half term 3                    Spring 2- Half term 4                 Summer 1- Half term 5                  Summer 2- Half term
Linked to NC                                            2                                                                                                                                                     6
Year 10- set    How do plants harness the Sun’s              How does the body           Why is auxin so important to the          What are the advantages and           Revision and preparation for           How can scientists use
                 energy and how is the oxygen             effectively maintain and               growth of plants?                 disadvantages of asexual and              mock exam Paper 1.                cloning to improve yield
1 only                                                                                                                                 sexual reproduction?
                  used to transfer the energy                 regulate internal             How do light and affect the                                                  How do we revise and study           and tackle world hunger?
                organism need to perform their                   conditions?                impact of growth in plants?             How do cells divide to form                 independently?
                                                                                                                                    gametes and how is the full                                                How can embryo cloning
                           functions?                   Why are reflexes important          How can plant hormones be                                                    Students will be taught a nd
                      (B4 Bioenergetics)                      and how does the               manipulated by farmers to           chromosomal number restored?            practice a variety of revision            be used to produce
                                                         arrangement of the reflex        increase fruit size and promote             What are the benefits to          techniques and apply these to                  medicines?
                                                                                                                                    organisms for having both                                                 How has the contribution
                    Students will learn about the              arc protect us?          flowering hence increasing yield?                                                     their areas of need.
                                                                                                                                  sexual and asexual life cycles?
               process of photosynthesis and how        How does thyroxine impact       What mechanisms are involved in                                                                                            of Mendel affected
                                                                                                                                    How does DNA control the
               it is limited as well as the processes       metabolism through          the cotrol of body temeprture and              synthesis of proteins?                What knowledge and                     modern genetics?
                       of Anaerobic and Aerobic              negative feedback?            why is that crucial to survival?      What is a genome and what are          understanding are required to           How have contributions
                    Respiration. The use of green          What role do hormones           (B5 Homeostsis and response)             the benefits of studying the         successfully answer Required            of Rosalind Franklin,
                    houses to increase yield. The       play in fertility and how can                                                    human genome?                  Practical Questions in Paper 1?
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Watson and Crick, paved
                   process of respiration and the       these be manipulated in IVF      Review of homeostasis prior to                                                Students will undertake or
                  impact of exercise on heart rate        to help infertile couples?              assessment                                                           observe required practical’s and         the road for geneticists
                   and breathing rate. Comparing        What scientific methods are                                               What happens in a mutation           answer examination style                          today?
                aerobic with anaerobic repiration         involved in studying the                                               and how does DNA control the          questions based upon these.               What is the theory of
                      and the role of the liver in              human brain?                Students will be taught about             expression of genes?                                                    evolution and what is the
                             metabolism.                How does the anatomy and         photropism and geotropism, how           Why do some couples fear the                           .                    evidence that supports it?
                                                            physiology of the eye            plant hormones are used in          screening of embryos and what           How do we use the analysis of         How does evolution lead
                                                         enable us to read, ans see       agriculture and horticulture and         useful information can can               Mock Papers to devise a
                                                                                                                                    genetic diagrams provide                                                   to the production of new
                                                                   colour?               how these hormones can be used                                                  revision/study programme for
                                                                                                                                          families with?                                                      species and to explore the
                                                         Why do some people need         to control fruit ripening and yield.                                                the summer holidays?
                                                         spectacles to correct their           Application of auxins in                                                Students will be taught                      consequences of
                                                                    vision?              weedkillers, rooting powders and          (B6 Genetics and evolution)         individually, in groups and as           geographic isolation in
                                                            (B5 Homeostasis and                     tissue culture.                                                    whole sets, areas of need based            terms of speciation?
                                                                                                                                  Preparation for the Mock/ end
                                                                  response)               Students will explore the role of                                            on the analysis of Mock Papers
                                                                                                                                          of year exam
                                                                                        kidneys and the live rin reglation of                                          and will be provided a question         (B6 genetics, variation
                                                          Students will explore the     waste products and they will learn                                             level analysis that highlights their        and evolution)
                                                           role of hormones in the        to label the role of ADH in water       Students will learn life cycles of   strengths and areas for                  Different ways of creating
                                                        menstrual cycle and in both         balance and creation of urine.        various organisms such as fungi      development.                           plant and animals clones will
                                                        IVF and fertility treatments.     Furthermore the effect of kidney       and ferns. They will evaluate the                                            be studies including adult cell
                                                            They will learn about       failure on the quality of life and its   usefulness of having both sexual                                               cloning and its evaluation.
                                                            negative and positive          treatment by dialysis and organ         and asexual life cycles in term     What is the role of variation            Evaluation of the ethics of
                                                         feedback in the control of       transplant will be discussed. The        sof species preservation. The        in the preservation of a               genetic technologies will be
                                                               blood sugar and            impotance of tissue matching to            structure of DNA and the                                                            explored.
                                                                 metabolism.            reduce organ rejection will also be      synthesis of proteins is studied in                                          Genetic diagrams are used to
                                                         Students will learn to label                   learnt.                                                        How does natural selection
                                                                                                                                   details. Gene expression and                                                    predict probability of
                                                          the brain and explore the                                                                                     lead diversity in a gene
                                                                                                                                 mutations are discussed in order                                               Mendel’s pea texture and
                                                              different scanning                                                      to understand inherited                     pool?                       colour. Students will explore
techniques used to study the                                           diseases. Genetic diagrams are    Is selective breeding always          the contribution of Watson
                                                      brain anatomy. The main                                              used to predict probability of             desirable?                  and Crick in discovering the
                                                    structures of the eye will eb                                          inherited diseases and family                                                 structure of DNA.
                                                          studies to further                                                trees are studied in order to                                         Contributions of Darwin and
                                                                                                                                                                Are GM crops safe to
                                                        understand pupillary                                                prect inherited conditions in                                           Lamarck will be studied.
                                                     reflexes, accommodation,                                                   future generations.                  consume?                       Students will explore the
                                                       myopia and hyperopia.                                                                                      Students will learn about      theories of evolution in terms
                                                     Common problems of the                                                                                  different types of variation.They   of speciation and the benefits
                                                      eye will be discussed and                                                                                 will learn about how natural          of variation in species
                                                    role of the new technology                                                                                    selection works and how         survival. Further more they
                                                    in treating eye defects such                                                                                evolution occurs via natural     will debate the use of cloning
                                                     as laser and contact lenses                                                                              selection. They will learn about         in the production of
                                                                                                                                                               how geographic isolation can      medicines and higher yield of
                                                                                                                                                               lead to natural selection. And             milk and meat.
                                                                                                                                                               species diversity. Benefits and
                                                                                                                                                              risk sof selective breeding and
                                                                                                                                                                 genetic engineering will be                   .
                                                                                                                                                            debated. The safety of GM crops
                                                                                                                                                                and examples of various GM
                                                                                                                                                            crops. Principles of the technique
                                                                                                                                                             involved to manufacture insulin
                                                                                                                                                            through genetic manipulation of

                                                                                                                                                             (B6 Genetics, variation and

Key          Bioenergetics. Role of                Negative and positive            Geotropism and photropism.           Drawing of genetic diagrams        Techniques for cloning and           Theories of evolution and
Knowledge,   photosynthesis and                    feedback. Homeostatic            Role of auxins in abgriculture       and interpreting family trees.     genetic engineering. The             selection. Scientists and
             respiration. Comapring aerobic        control of blood sugar           and horticulture. Effect of          Translation of proteins and        evaluation of the use of GM          their dicoveries.
Concepts     and anaeronic repsiration and         and the role of the liver        rooting powder on growth of          consequences of mutations.         crops and the benefits and           Evaluation of genetic
and skills   impact of exercise on heart           in metabolism.                   plants. Thermoregulation and         Screening of embryos and its       limitations of screening of          technologies and the
             rate. Uses of anaerobic               Uses of scanning                 homeostatic control by kidneys       dangers. Sex determination         embryos.Application of               advantages and
             respiration in industry to make       technologies to study the        and the liver. Role of dialysis in   and genetic engineering.           knowledge, analysis of data,         limitations of cloning.
             alcohol and bread.                    brain. The role of the eye       kidney failure and organ                                                practical skills, evaluation         Revision Techniques and
             Application of knowledge,             muscles in                       transplats. Practical skills,                                           and analysis.                        timetabling
             analysis of data, practical skills,   accommodation. The               analysis of results ad making                                                                                Application of knowledge,
             evaluation and analysis.              impact of hyperopia and          valid conclusions.                                                                                           analysis of data, practical
                                                   myopia and their                                                                                                                              skills, evaluation and
                                                   treatment.                                                                                                                                    analysis.

Feedback & AO1 Knowledge &                         AO1 Knowledge &                  AO1 Knowledge &                      AO1 Knowledge &                    AO1 Knowledge &                      AO1 Knowledge &
Assessment Understanding of Units                  Understanding of Units           Understanding of Units               Understanding of Units             Understanding of Units               Understanding of Units
             AO2 Application of                    AO2 Application of               AO2 Application of                   AO2 Application of                 AO2 Application of                   AO2 Application of
             knowledge via a variety of            knowledge via a                  knowledge via a variety of           knowledge via a variety of         knowledge via a variety of           knowledge via a variety
             taught examples                       variety of taught                taught examples                      taught examples                    taught examples                      of taught examples
             AO3 Analysis & Evaluation             examples                         AO3 Analysis & Evaluation            AO3 Analysis & Evaluation          AO3 Analysis & Evaluation            AO3 Analysis &
             via required practical’s and          AO3 Analysis &                   via required practical’s and         via required practical’s           via required practicals and          Evaluation via required
             practical activities                  Evaluation via required          practical activities                 and practical activities           practical activities
Assessment 3 –                         practical’s and                                                                                                                        practical’s and practical
               Bioenergetics                          practical activities        EWT- phototropism                    Assessment 5 –Genetics            Mock Examination Biology            activities
               EWT – Photosynthesis                                               EWT- thermoregulation                and organisation (synoptic                                            EWT- antibiotic
               RP – light intensity on rate           Assessment 4 –              RP- Effect of hormones-              exam)                                                                 resistance
               of photosynthesis                      Hormonal and nervous        phototropism/geotropism              EWT-Embryo screening                                                  EWT- speciation
                                                      coordination                in plants                                                                                                  Exam style question on
                                                      EWT- IVF                                                                                                                               topic
                                                      RP- Reaction time

Big Qs         Autumn 1                               Autumn 2                    Spring 1                             Spring 2                          Summer 1                            Summer 2
Linked to NC
Year 9         How do structural differences             How can we use the         How do chemists use the            What pathogens make us ill         What is electricity and how           How do we use the
               in cells allow them to perfom          particle model to predict     theories of structure and               and how are they              do we measure it, what do           analysis of End of Year
                  their function and what                 behaviour of solids,     bonding to explain physical           transmitted and how do          we use it for and how? What         examinations to devise a
                feature of cells has allowed            liquids and gases and       and chmical properties of          they make us ill? How does        kind of powerstations should          revision programme?
               scieticist to develop stem cell          how do scienitists use             materials?                    the body defend against           we build for a sustainable        Students will be taught
                         technology?                  this knowledge to design     (C2 Bonding, Strucutre and               these pathogens?                         future                  individually, in groups and as
                       (B1 Cell Biology)                   submarines and             properties of matter)             (B3 Infection & Response)                (P2 Electricity)            whole sets, areas of need
               Students will learn the differences                                Students will learn about all the    Students will learn about the 4   Students will learn all about       based on the analysis of Mock
               between cell types and will be able                                ways that elements can be bonded     main pathogens and will leanr     circuits and how to make them,      Papers
                                                        (P3 Particle Model of
               to analyse strucutres and                        Matter)           tgether, how these bonds             about specific inrfections and    they will be able to predict
               determine their functions. They        Students will be able to    determine the prorperties and will   diseases. They will learn how     potential difference and currents     How do we revise and
               will learn how celld divide and        explain changes in state    be able to discuss a number of       they are transmitted, how they    across components in different        study independently?
               produce new identical cells and will   using their knowledge of    specific examples.                                                     circuits and will be able to
investigate how stem cell research      states of matter and internal                                           effect the body and how the        calculate resistance and charge.   Students will be taught a nd
             is being used to repair cells, organs   energy and will investigate                                             body defends its self.             They will be able to identify      practice a variety of revision
             and grow new tissue.                    density and pressue and be       How is the idea of energy used                                            components by the way they         techniques and apply these to
                                                     able to explain its affects on   to explain the work output of          How does our knowledge of          behave and the IV graph they       their areas of need.
               What is the purpose of the            objects and materilas             devices and machinery and                                                produce. They will understand
                                                                                                                             chemical change allow us to
             periodic table and how was it                                                                                                                      power and different methods of          What powers our
                                                                                        how physicists using their            predict exactly what new
             developed using knowledge of               How do the digestive,                                                                                   electricity generation.             ecosystem and how are
                                                                                         knowledge of energy to               substance will be formed?
                   atomic strucutre?                       respiratory and                                                                                                                          material cycled through
                                                                                        identify ways of reducing               (C4 Chemical Chnages)
              (C1 Atomic structure and the               circulatory systems                                                                                    How do we revise and study           it? How do organisms
                                                                                              energy usage?                  Students will learn about the
                     periodic table)                    complete their bodily                                                recitvity of metals and will be         independently?                 interact with each other
                                                                                               (P1 Energy)
             Students will leanr that the              functions and how can                                                 able to predict how and whether    Students will be taught a nd         and their environment
                                                                                      Students will learn how energy is
             periodic table provides chemists             damage to these                                                    metals will react. Students will   practice a variety of revision        and how are humans
                                                                                      stored and changed and how we
             with a structured organisation of       systems be debilitating if                                              investigate how metals can be      techniques and apply these to
                                                                                      can calaculate enegy and efficiency                                                                               trying to manage
             the known chemical elements so                                                                                  extracted in a number of           their areas of need.
                                                              not fatal?              of devices. Students will be able to                                                                               ecosystems in a
             they can make sense of physicsla              (B2 Principles of          analsyse the pros an cons of a         different ways and how salts are
                                                                                                                                                                   What knowledge and                    sustainable way
             and chemical properties. Students                                        variety of methods for generating      fromed from acid and alskali
                                                            Organisation)                                                                                                                                  (B7 Ecology)
             will investigate the properties of                                       electricity as well as being able to   reactions.                         understanding are required
             elements and their placement in         Students will learn the                                                                                                                       Students will leanr about how
                                                                                      explaintrends in energy usage.                                               to successfully answer
             the periodic table and will leanr       structure and function of                                                                                                                     animals are adapted to their
                                                                                                                                                                Required Practical Questions       environment and how they
             how the development of scientific       the major organ systems
                                                                                                                                                                         in Paper 1?               interact with other
             knowledge has lead to the               of the body and will                                                                                       Students will undertake or
             production of the current periodic                                                                                                                                                    orgnaisms, They will be bale
                                                     analyse what will happen                                                                                   observe required practical’s and
             table.                                                                                                                                                                                to analyse and determine
                                                     to the these systems if                                                                                    answer examination style           enrgy losses through a system
                                                     they are treated poorly                                                                                    questions based upon these.        and explain and interpret
                                                     and become damaged by                                                                                                                         how materials are cycled
                                                     human excesses.                                                                                                                               through an ecosystem as well
                                                                                                                                                                                                   as discussing methods for
                                                                                                                                                                                                   maintaining and measuring
                                                                                                                                                                                                   bidodiversity in a habitat or
Key          Cell Biology.                           Particle model of                Bonding, Structure and                 Infection and response             Electrcity                         Ecology
Knowledge,   Atomic Strucutre and the                matter                           properties of matter.                  Chemical changes                   Revision Techniques                Revision Techniques
Concepts     periodic table                          Priciples of                     Energy                                 Application of knowledge,          Required Pracitcal skills          Required Pracitcal skills
and skills   Application of knowledge,               Organisation                     Application of knowledge,              analysis of data, practical        and understanding.                 and understanding.
             analysis of data, practical             Application of                   analysis of data, practical            skills, evaluation and             Application of knowledge,          Application of
             skills, evaluation and                  knowledge, analysis of           skills, evaluation and                 analysis                           analysis of data, practical        knowledge, analysis of
             analysis                                data, practical skills,          analysis                                                                  skills, evaluation and             data, practical skills,
                                                     evaluation and                                                                                             analysis                           evaluation and analysis
Feedback & AO1 Knowledge &                           AO1 Knowledge &                  AO1 Knowledge &                        AO1 Knowledge &                    AO1 Knowledge &                    AO1 Knowledge &
Assessment Understanding of Units                    Understanding of Units           Understanding of Units                 Understanding of Units             Understanding of Units             Understanding of Units
             AO2 Application of                      AO2 Application of               AO2 Application of                     AO2 Application of                 AO2 Application of                 AO2 Application of
             knowledge via a variety of              knowledge via a                  knowledge via a variety of             knowledge via a variety of         knowledge via a variety of         knowledge via a variety
             taught examples                         variety of taught                taught examples                        taught examples                    taught examples                    of taught examples
             AO3 Analysis & Evaluation               examples                         AO3 Analysis & Evaluation              AO3 Analysis & Evaluation          AO3 Analysis & Evaluation          AO3 Analysis &
             via required practical’s and            AO3 Analysis &                   via required practical’s and           via required practical’s           via required practical’s           Evaluation via required
             practical activities                    Evaluation via required          practical activities                   and practical activities           and practical activities
EWT – Microscopy                  practical’s and             EWT – Ionic and covalent        Assessment 2 –               End of Year Assessment –        practical’s and practical
               EWT - Chromatography              practical activities        bonds                           0rganistion, Bonding         Al units covered                activities
               EWT – Photosynthesis              Assessment 1 – Cell         EWT – Specific Heat             Strucutre and properies of   EWT – Calculating               EWT – Adaptations
                                                 Biology, Atomic             Capacity Required Practical     matter & Energy              resistance                      EWT – Any relevant to
                                                 Strucutre and the                                           EWT – Vaccination                                            areas of developemtn
                                                 periodic table, Particle                                    EWT – Metal Reactivity or                                    highlighted in
                                                 model of matter.                                            Extraction                                                   examinations
                                                 EWT – Density
                                                 Required Practical
                                                 EWT – Enzymes
                                                 Required PRactical of
                                                 Food test Required

Big Qs         Autumn 1                          Autumn 2                    Spring 1                        Spring 2                     Summer 1                        Summer 2
Linked to NC
Year 8            How do we maintain a             How does light and          How do we revise and           How do we revise and         How do we revise and                What would be
                 healthy body and what           sound travel and how            revisit learning?               revisit learning?           revisit learning?             expected of me when
               factors can affect our organ      to scientists represent       (Health Interleaving)           (Chemical Reactions         (Waves Interleaving)              completing a GCSE
                         systems?                 this in diagrammatic         Students will learn some            Interleaving)           Students will learn some          Required Practical?
                         (Health)                  form? What are the        revision techniques and apply    Students will learn some      revision techniques and         (Full Practical Write-
               Students will investigate the         key features of            them to the health unit        revision techniques and    apply them to the Chemical                 ups)
               how to maintain a healthy                                                                     apply them to the Chemical          Reactions unit           Students will embed their
               body and determine how the                (Waves)             What is the structure of the           Reactions unit                                             practical write-up
               body fights infection. Students   Students will investigate    earth, what resources can                                                                   knowledge. Students will
               will also learn the structure                                 we obtain from it? How has       Which light bulb is the     How do we revise and study          be able to identify
                                                 how light travels through
               and function of the main organ                                                                most cost effective to run     independently so we are         variables in a practical,
                                                 different medium and          the atmosphere evolved
               systems in the body.                                                                                                       successful in our End of Year      collect valid data and
                                                 investigate why sound       and what factors continue          a filament bulb or a
                                                                                                                                                  Assessment?              identify errors. They will
                                                 cannot travel in a          to change its composition?       fluorescent? What are
                                                 vacuum. Students will                                       the energy transfers in a                                       be able to graph their
How do you know when a            learn the models used to      Students will be able to           car or computer? What is        Students will be taught a nd      results and draw a valid
                chemical reaction has           represent waves and will      describe the structure of the       work done and how do           practice a variety of revision           conclusion
              occurred and how can we           be able to calculate          earth and state how different      we measure it? How can          techniques and apply these
                                                reflection and refraction     forms of rocks and fossils are                                     to their areas of need.             What question can I
                determine reactivity?                                                                              we prevent heat loss?
                                                angles.                       formed. Students will be able                                                                          investigate or what
                (Chemical Reactions)                                                                                      (Energy)
                                                                              to determine what factors                                                                             topic of interest can I
              Students will investigate how                                                                      Students will be able to
                                                   How and why do             have changed the composition
             acid and alkalis react, what the                                                                    compare the running costs of                                     improve my knowledge
                                                  humans vary from            of the atmosphere and will be
              form when they react and be                                                                        a variety of equipment and                                        and understanding of?
                                                                              able to interpret graphs based
             able to write word and formula     each other? How have                                             be able to calculate the                                                 (Projects)
                                                                              on these changes. Students will
                  equations. Students will          these changes                                                running costs. Students will                                        Students will work in
                                                                              look at what resources we can
             undertake a variety of chemical    occurred over millions                                           learn about different ways of                                      groups on a project of
                                                                              obtain from the earth and
                 reactions learning who to            of years?                                                  generating electricity.                                          their choice and develop a
                                                                              determine how we can use
               identify when a reaction has            (Genes)                                                   Students will be able to                                            wider knowledge and
                                                                              these in a sustainable manner.
                 occurred and how to rank       Students will be                                                 determine and explain                                              understanding of their
                                                                               (This unit will carry on in
                  according to reactivity.      explained how variation                                          energy changes for a variety                                      chosen area. Groups will
              (This unit will carry on in                                              Spring 2)                 of equipment. Students will
                                                may have led to the                                                                                                                present back to the class.
                     Autumn 2)                  survival of one species                                          be able to calculate work
                                                and the extinction of                                            done and explain it.
                                                another. Students will                                           Students will learn how to
                                                identify characteristics as                                      reduce energy loss by
                                                inherited and                                                    radiation, convection and
                                                environmental and be                                             conduction.
                                                able to explain why they                                         (This unit will carry on in
                                                have grouped them as                                                    Summer 1)
                                                such. Students will be
                                                able to explain how
                                                genetic material is stored
                                                in a cell and how it
                                                passes from generation
                                                to generation
                                                (This unit will carry on
                                                      in Spring 1)

Key          Healthy Body, Organ systems,       Wave types. Light &           Genes, Earths structure,           Energy Costs, Energy            Revision Techniques              Practical skills;
Knowledge,   Chemical reactions and             Sound and Genes,              Atmosphere composition and         Transfer, Work Done and         Graph skills and                 predictions, variables,
             reactivity.                        inheritance and               evolution, Metal extraction        Heating and Cooling.            understanding.                   data collection, error
Concepts     Analysis of data. Hypothesis       evolution.                    and sustainability of resources.
and skills                                                                                                       Revision Techniques             Data analysis skills             identification, graph
             and predictions Variables          Interpretation of light       Revision techniques.
                                                                                                                 Application of physical         Application of knowledge,        skills and conclusions.
                                                diagrams. Measuring           Analysis of data atmospheric
                                                angles and analysing          changes. Hypothesis and            formulae. Graph skills for      practical skills, evaluation
                                                reflection and refraction     predictions of changes to the      cooling curves. Evaluation      and analysis                     Projects: Group work,
                                                patterns. Analysis of         atmosphere and resources.          of energy generation                                             self-motivation,
                                                data. Hypothesis and          Group work and discussion          types.                                                           research, organisation,
                                                predictions. Determining      skills.
Variables. Measuring                                                                                                     presentation skills,
                                                   continuous and categoric                                                                                                 confidence

Feedback & AO1 Knowledge and                       AO1 Knowledge and          AO1 Knowledge and               AO1 Knowledge and             AO1 Knowledge &                 AO1 Improved
Assessment understanding of; Health Body           understanding of Waves     understanding of Genes, Earth   understanding of energy &     Understanding of all Units      knowledge of chosen
               & Organ systems, Chemical           & Genes                    and revision techniques         revision techniques           AO2 Application of              topic
               reactions and reactivity.           AO2 Applying their         AO2 Applying their knowledge    AO2 Applying their
                                                                                                                                            knowledge via a variety of      AO2 Application of
               AO2 Applying their knowledge        knowledge to wave          to atmospheres of other         knowledge to a variety of
                                                                                                                                            taught examples                 practical skills
               to a variety of health situations   diagrams and inheritance   planets, sustainability.        examples for efficiency and
               and reactions.                      examples.                  AO3 Analysing atmosphere        energy transfers. Applying    AO3 Analysis & Evaluation       AO3 Analysis and
               AO3 Analysing reaction data         AO3 Analysing light        composition and evolution       knowledge to reduced heat     of a number of data and         evaluation of practical
               and health data.                    diagrams and sound data                                    loss.                         practical activities            data
                                                                                                              AO3 Analysing energy costs
               EWT – Smoking
               EWI – Best Indicator
                                                                              EWT – Evolution                 EWT – Energy Generation       Unit Assessment 4 –             Yellow Sheets for
                                                   EWT – Waves                EWT – Evolution of the
                                                                                                                                            Genes, Earth & Energy           Practical write up
                                                   comparison                 atmosphere
                                                   Unit Assessment 3 –                                                                      End of Year Assessment –        Yellow sheet for project
                                                   Health, Chemical                                                                         Al units covered                work
                                                   Reactions & Waves                                                                        EWT – Graph Skills

Big Qs         Autumn 1                            Autumn 2                   Spring 1                        Spring 2                      Summer 1                        Summer 2
Linked to NC
Year 7            How do you conduct a              What is the particle       What advice would you          Separating Mixtures will        How do we revise and             What would be a
               science investigation safely         model and how to          give a pregnant woman to         continue into Spring 2            revisit learning?           professional scientist
                  and so you can obtain             scientists use it to          ensure the embryo                                            (Forces Interleaving)          expect of me when
                 reliable and valid data?           explain changes of        develops well and safely?         How do we revise and        Students will learn some            completing an
                (introduction to practical           state? How are             (Human Reproduction)              revisit learning?         revision techniques and             investigation?
                         science)                                                                               (Matter Interleaving)       apply them to the health unit
Students will learn how to be safe     elements arranged in              Students will be able to         Students will learn some          How do we revise and study       (Full Practical Write-
             in a laboratory and will conduct a                                                                        revision techniques and             independently so we are
                                                     the periodic table?              label and describe the                                                                                       ups)
             practical determining variables and                                                                       apply them to the health unit     successful in our End of Year
             safety precautions as well as                (Matter)                    functions of the male and                                                                          Students will embed their
                                                    Students will be able to                                                                                     Assessment?                  practical write-up
             gathering valid data and writing a                                       female reproductive
             detailed conclusion.                   relate features of the                                              What are the differences        Students will be taught a nd     knowledge. Students will
                                                                                      systems. Students will learn
                                                    particle model to the                                                in Current, Voltage and        practice a variety of revision        be able to identify
                                                    properties of materials in        about how genetic                                                 techniques and apply these
             What are the main features                                                                                  resistance in series and                                          variables in a practical,
                                                    different states, sort            information is passed from                                        to their areas of need.
                                                                                                                       parallel circuits? How can                                           collect valid data and
             of an onion and cheek cell             elements using chemical           parents and how to look
                                                    data and relate this to the                                          we vary the strength of                                          identify errors. They will
              and how can we observe                                                  after the development of a
                                                    position in the periodic                                                                                                                be able to graph their
              them? What are the key                                                  baby. Students will analyse       an electromagnet? What
                                                    table. They will also                                                                                                                  results and draw a valid
              features of the digestive                                               data on gestation periods.          does the field pattern
                                                    compare the properties of                                                                                                                     conclusion
             system and what are their              elements with the                                                  look like around the earth
                     functions?                     properties of a compound
                                                                                        How do we revise and                and how does this                                               What question can I
                                                    formed from them.                                                     compare to a magnet?
                    (Organisms)                                                            revisit learning?                                                                                investigate or what
             Students will make microscope
                                                                                       (Organisms Interleaving)              (Electromagnets)                                              topic of interest can I
             slides for a cheek and onion cell           How is speed                                                  Students will be able to set
             and will then be able to explain the                                     Students will learn some                                                                           improve my knowledge
                                                       calculated, what                                                   up and draw series and
             structural differences and the                                           revision techniques and apply                                                                       and understanding of?
                                                      effect does gravity                                               parallel circuits and will be
             organelle functions. Students will                                       them to the health unit                                                                                    (Projects)
                                                      have on objects on                                                  able to draw an identify
             undertake a journey through the                                                                                                                                             Students will work in
             digestive system and be able to           different planets,                                               components. Students will
                                                                                        How can you separate a                                                                           groups on a project of
             explain the function of each part.                                                                         investigate the differences
                                                      what factors affect                mixture of salt, sand,                                                                          their choice and develop a
             Students will be able determine                                                                           between series and parallel
                                                     frictional forces and               plastic beads and iron                                                                          wider knowledge and
             diets for specific needs and will                                                                          circuits in terms of current
             complete food tests for all the          how and why does                           filings?                and voltage. Students will                                      understanding of their
             major food groups.                         pressure vary?                   (Separating Mixtures)         investigate how to increase                                       chosen area. Groups will
                                                            (Forces)                                                   an electromagnets strength                                        present back to the class.
                                                                                      Students will learn about
              Matter unit may start in this         Students will investigate the                                        and what magnetic fields
                                                                                      pure substances and
                          HT                        variables that affect the                                                     look like.
                                                    speed of a toy car on a           mixtures. They will
                                                    ramp. They will be able to        complete a number of
                                                    explain how an astronaut’s                                             Electromagnets may
                                                                                      investigations to separate a
                                                    weight varies on their                                                continue in Summer 1
                                                                                      variety of mixtures and be
                                                    journey to the moon.
                                                    Students will investigate a       able to explain what is it
                                                    range of factors that affect      happening in each
                                                    friction. They will investigate   technique as well as being
                                                    why objects sink and float
                                                                                      able to name the technique
                                                    and what pressures are
                                                    being applied

                                                     Reproduction Unit may
                                                          start this HT.
Key          Practical Skills                       Matter, Forces and                Human reproduction.              Electromagnets.                  Revision Techniques              Practical skills;
Knowledge,   Organisms and cell structure           human reproduction.               Analysis of gestation periods.   Differences between              Graph skills and                 predictions, variables,
             Predictions, Variables,                Analysis of gestation             Separating Techniques            series and parallel circuits.    understanding.                   data collection, error
Concepts                                            periods.
             errors, conclusions, graph                                               Practical Skills                 Practical Skills                 Data analysis skills
and skills
skills. Interpretation of       Features to function        Data analysis                   Data analysis                    Application of knowledge,      identification, graph
               graphs and data. Evaluation     Sorting according to        Revision skills and revision    Revision skills and revision     practical skills, evaluation   skills and conclusions.
               of practical’s and results.     properties                  techniques                      techniques                       and analysis
               Use of a microscope.            Investigation skills        Independent study.              Independent study.                                              Projects: Group work,
               Biological diagrams.            Speed and pressure                                                                                                          self-motivation,
                                               calculations                                                                                                                research, organisation,
                                                                                                                                                                           presentation skills,
Feedback & AO1 Knowledge and                   AO1 Knowledge and           AO1 Knowledge and               AO1 Knowledge and                AO1 Knowledge &                AO1 Improved
Assessment understanding of practical skills   understanding of Matter,    understanding of reproduction   understanding of                 Understanding of all Units     knowledge of chosen
               and organism’s unit             Forces and reproduction     and separating techniques       electromagnet Unit               AO2 Application of             topic
               AO2 Applying their knowledge    units                       units                           AO2 Applying their
                                                                                                                                            knowledge via a variety of     AO2 Application of
               unusual cells                   AO2 Applying their          AO2 Applying their knowledge    knowledge to determine
                                                                                                                                            taught examples                practical skills
               AO3 Analysing practical data.   knowledge to features       to determine how to separate    voltage and current in circuit
                                               and functions, sorting by   a mixture                       diagrams                         AO3 Analysis & Evaluation      AO3 Analysis and
                                               properties                  AO3 Analysing practical data    AO3 Analysing practical          of a number of data and        evaluation of practical
                                               AO3 Analysing practical     and gestation data.             electromagnet strength.          practical activities           data

               Full Practical write up EWT –
               Euglena                                                     EWT – Gestation time            EWT – Electromagnets
                                                                                                                                            Unit Assessment 2 –            Yellow Sheets for
                                               Unit Assessment 1 –         EWT - Chromatography
                                               Organism’s, Matter &                                                                         Reproduction, Separating       Practical write up
                                               Forces                                                                                       techniques &                   Yellow sheet for project
                                               EWT – Changes of State                                                                       Electromagnets                 work
                                               EWT – Hooke’s Law                                                                            End of Year Assessment –
                                                                                                                                            All units covered
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