Winning Solutions Nairobi, 30 October 2013 - Siemens Stiftung

Page created by Ivan Casey
Winning Solutions Nairobi, 30 October 2013 - Siemens Stiftung
Winning Solutions
    Nairobi, 30 October 2013
Winning Solutions Nairobi, 30 October 2013 - Siemens Stiftung
Contents                                                                                                  Foreword
                                                                                                          Promoting technical solutions for human needs

Foreword                                        3   Mobile Charging Kiosk                            21   Millions of people in developing countries face urgent challenges      The competition received acclaim all over the world and indeed
                                                                                                          in their daily lives such as a lack of basic services, health issues   uncovered great potential. Over 800 submissions from over
Partners and Jury                               4   OpenIR – Democratizing Infrared Satellite Data   22   and scarcity of food, energy or clean water. However, sustained        90 countries reached us and were evaluated in detail by experts.
                                                                                                          social and economic growth can often be reached with the               Over the next few pages, we are delighted to present the
Milestones of the “empowering people. Award“    6   Pee Poo – Single-use Toilet                      23   help of innovative technologies. These provide the chance to           winners of the “empowering people. Award“ – solutions that are
                                                                                                          level out acute deficits and offer diverse opportunities for inde-     impressive due to their brilliant simplicity and practicability.
                                                    Permafunnel: Internal Funnel for Hand Pumps      24   pendent economic activities and income generation. This applies        These solutions are representative of the extraordinary creativity
Top Three Winners:                                                                                        just as much to high-tech solutions as to simple and intelligent       and power of innovation that can be found in the numerous
                                                    ReMotion Knee                                    25   technologies, which can often be easily implemented in a time-         other entries which did not make it onto the shortlist.
1st Place: OneDollarGlasses                     8                                                         and cost-effective manner.
                                                    River Ice – Cooling System                       26                                                                          Congratulations to the 23 winners of the “empowering people.
2nd Place: Makapads Sanitary Pads              10                                                         Empowering people to improve basic supply for themselves and           Award”!
                                                    ROTOR – Swimming Power Plant                     27   for their families in an independent way is the main objective of
3rd Place: Jompy Water Boiler                  12                                                         the Siemens Stiftung. To achieve this, we aspire to initiate and
                                                    Score Stove™ 2                                   28   to promote social entrepreneurship models which use simple
                                                                                                          and appropriate technological solutions to reach improvements
Twenty Runners-Up:                                  SimGas GesiShamba rural biogas digester          29   in infrastructure and income generation.

BioGas Backpack                                14   SMSGYAN – Information & Communication            30   By launching the “empowering people. Award“ we initiated a
                                                                                                          worldwide competition for practical inventions, which are
ElectroChemical Arsenic Remediation            15   SOLARKIOSK                                       31   designed to help improve the living conditions of people in
                                                                                                          developing countries and to further social development.
Eliodomestico                                  16   Solar reflectors                                 32   Although dedicated inventors all over the world have already
                                                                                                          developed and tested numerous such solutions, these mostly
Embrace Nest                                   17   SunSaluter                                       33   do not reach those who need them most. Even experienced
                                                                                                          practitioners working in development cooperation often come
The Fish Farm                                  18   Perspectives of Siemens Stiftung                 34   across the right solution for a specific problem only by pure
                                                                                                          chance. As a consequence, costs are incurred where they could
Leveraged Freedom Chair                        19   Credits/Imprint                                  35   have been avoided and valuable synergy effects are lost.
                                                                                                                                                                              Rolf Huber
Mapeo de Napas con Georadar – Soil Research    20                                                         This is where the “empowering people. Award“ intervenes.            Managing Director of the Siemens Stiftung
                                                                                                          The competition aims to identify and promote urgently needed
                                                                                                          appropriate technologies. By collecting best-practice solutions
                                                                                                          and making them accessible to all players in the devel­opment
                                                                                                          context, we want to foster their implementation on a global
                                                                                                          scale. We are convinced that transparency, the transfer of know-
                                                                                                          ledge and cooperative partnerships are essential prerequisites
                                                                                                          for the targeted improvement of daily life in impoverished regions.

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Winning Solutions Nairobi, 30 October 2013 - Siemens Stiftung
The Partners                                                                                                                               The Jury

The “empowering people. Award” is supported by selected organizations.                                                                     An international and interdisciplinary jury offered its support in selecting the winners of the "empowering people. Award".
The Siemens Stiftung would like to thank the following partners for their support:
                                                                                                                                           Prof. Daniel Fletcher                                               Stephan Opitz
                                                                                                                                           Lloyd Distinguished Professor of Bioengineering and Biophysics      Director General for Policy and Latin American Region
                                                                                                                                           University of California Berkeley                                   KfW Development Bank

                                                                                                                                           Dr. Christoph W. Frei                                               Dr. Dorothea Ringe
                                                                                                                                           Secretary General                                                   Head of Strategy and Finance
                                                                                                                                           World Energy Council (WEC)                                          Oxford Entrepreneurship Centre

KfW                                             Helmholtz Association                         AT-Verband                                   Tanja Gönner                                                        Gerry Salole
KfW (business area development bank)            The Helmholtz Association is a community      AT-Verband (AT-Association) is an associa-   Chair of the Management Board                                       Chief Executive
finances investments and consultancy            of 18 scientific-technical and biological-    tion that stands for advanced socially       Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)       European Foundation Centre
services in over 100 countries, in particular   medical research centres. The Association     and environmentally sound technology
on behalf of the Federal Government.            has been commissioned with pursuing           practice. AT-Verband has been registered     Prof. Dr. Peter Gruss                                               Mirjam Schöning
Reducing poverty, peace-keeping, the pro-       basic research on behalf of the state, the    in Germany as a non-profit organisation      President                                                           Senior Researcher at the Skoll Center
tection of the climate and environment          economy and society. It strives to gain       since 1988. The 30 members are indepen-      Max Planck Society                                                  Said Business School, Oxford University
as well as shaping the globalisation agenda     insights and knowledge so that it can help    dent consultants, researchers, trainers,
are at the forefront of its work. For this      to preserve and improve the foundations       institutes and consultancy companies. AT     Wolfgang Hafenmayer                                                 Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Georg Teutsch
purpose, the KfW promotes reforms, infra-       of human life. It does this by identifying    stands for a qualified technology practice   Managing Partner                                                    Scientific Managing Director
structure and financial systems for social      and working on the grand challenges faced     that enhances conscious choice by the        LGT Venture Philanthropy                                            Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
and eco-compatible economic growth in its       by society, science and industry. Helm-       users and enables them to develop or apply
partner countries. As part of KfW Banken-       holtz Centres perform top-class research      technical solutions that are in their own    Manuela Kasper-Claridge                                             Prof. Dr. Klaus Toepfer
gruppe, the development bank business           in strategic programmes in six core fields:   genuine interest.                            Head of Economics Department                                        Executive Director
area uses own funds for development             Aeronautics, Space and Transport, Earth                                                    Deutsche Welle-TV                                                   Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)
projects.                                       and Environment, Energy, Health, Key
                                                Technologies and Structure of Matter.                                                      Thomas Loster                                                       Simon Trace
                                                                                                                                           Chairman                                                            Chief Executive
                                                                                                                                           Munich Re Foundation                                                Practical Action

                                                                                                                                           Dr. Peter Muchiri Ngatia                                            Jean-Luc Vincent
                                                                                                                                           Director of Capacity Building                                       Founding President
                                                                                                                                           African Medical & Research Foundation (AMREF)                       International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva

                                                                                                                                           Felix Oldenburg                                                     Gavin Lindsay Wall
                                                                                                                                           Europe Leader and Director Germany                                  Director
                                                                                                                                           Ashoka                                                              Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries Division (AGS) of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

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Winning Solutions Nairobi, 30 October 2013 - Siemens Stiftung
Milestones of the “empowering people. Award”
                                                                                                                                                                                               30 October 2013
                                                                                                                                                                                   Award Ceremony in Nairobi, Kenya

                     16 June 2012                                                                                                                                                          Prize Money
                     Launch of the ”empowering                                                                                                                                             1st Prize €50,000
                     people. Award” at the                                                                                                                                                 2nd Prize €30,000
                     United Nations Summit for                                                                                                                                             3rd Prize €20,000
                     Sustainable Development in                                                                                                                                            and 20 x    €5,000
                     Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

                                                                                                                                                      16 September 2013
                                                                                                                                                         Shortlist is published,
                                                                                                                                                         “empowering people.
                                                                                                                                                             Award” website is
                                                                                                                                                       relaunched, Community
                                        31 January 2013
                                                                                                                                                                   Voting starts
                                        Close of competition with

                                        800 entries
                                        from 90 countries

                                        February – June 2013                                                              July – August 2013                                            from November 2013
                                        Expert panel evaluates all entries and finalizes shortlist                        Jury selects the top three winners                            Creation of “empowering people. Platform“

       2012   2013

mber                 January                  February                      March                    April   May   June            July                        August              September                  October

       6                                                                                                                                                                                                                       7
Winning Solutions Nairobi, 30 October 2013 - Siemens Stiftung
          1st Place

          The Solution
          The OneDollarGlasses are manufactured on bending and milling            gainful employment. The attractive design also helps to give
          machines specially designed for this purpose. The spectacle             people the confidence to wear the glasses in public – often
          frames consist of a lightweight and flexible frame made of              being the first in their village to do so. The production can be
          extremely robust, rustproof and hypoallergenic spring steel wire        done locally by spectacle manufacturers who have to attend
          (1mm). The frames are manufactured by hand on a bending                 a 14-day intensive training course on the equipment. These
          device which does not need a power supply. Different physiog­           craftsmen work independently and on their own responsibility.
          nomies can be taken into account individually when bending              The production of the glasses can take place at home, so that
          the frame. The elliptical polished, unbreakable lenses are given        especially women can work and take care of their children at
          the notches and steps for fastening in the spectacle frames on          the same time.
          the milling attachment and can be inserted in no time. This milling     A production unit includes all equipment and tools necessary
          machine can be operated via a decentralized power supply                for the production of the glasses. It can be awarded in the form
          thanks to the low power consumption (generator or solar station).       of a loan to a group of 4 or 5 persons, who in addition to funding
          Heat-shrinkable sleeves made of hypoallergenic plastic on the           the ongoing costs for materials can also repay the loan from
          ear piece ends increase the wearing comfort of the glasses. As          the production and the sale of the glasses. After two to three years,
          the glasses have very little weight, they do not require nose-          the production unit becomes the property of the group. The
          bridges. Two coloured glass pearls give each pair of glasses its        area covered by a production unit can be increased considerably
          own personal design.                                                    if mobile opticians use motorbikes to regularly visit the people
                                                                                  in the villages.
          Background Information
          Figures from the WHO show that around 150 million people in   
          the world suffer from defective eyesight which could be rectified
          with a simple seeing aid. However, many of these of these
          people live on a very small budget which prevents them from
          buying a conventional pair of glasses. This has serious conse-             Facts & Figures
          quences for them: Their poor vision prohibits people from working          Material: Spring steel wire (1 mm), plastic lenses, heat-shrinkable
          or pursuing vocational training – the resulting loss to national           sleeves, pearls
          income worldwide is estimated to be around 120 billion dollars             Required training: 2 weeks
          per year.                                                                  Time required for the production of 1 pair of glasses: 15 minutes
          Until now, people in developing and emerging countries have                Production capacity of a unit (with trained workers): Approx. 100
          mainly helped themselves by recycling old glasses – but these              glasses per day
                                                                                     Energy requirement: The milling machine requires electricity, but is
          are difficult to recondition and adjust. Additionally, there is often
                                                                                     tolerant towards voltage fluctuations. For example, the 12-V version
          a lack of local knowledge and technical equipment. Another                 can also be operated via a solar-charged car battery
          economic alternative could be glasses from China. However, these           Maintenance: Not necessary
          have not reached a sufficient distribution so far, because costs
                                                                                     Used by Countries
          are still too high (due to shipping in regions off the major trade
                                                                                     Africa: Rwanda, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania
          routes) and appropriate distribution structures are missing.
          Social Impact
          The glasses are also affordable for very poor people due to low
          production costs. The correction of defective eyesight is an
          important prerequisite in order to, for example, be able to pursue
8                                                                                                                                                           9
Winning Solutions Nairobi, 30 October 2013 - Siemens Stiftung
           2nd Place
           MakaPads Sanitary Pads

           The Solution
           MakaPads are sanitary pads made from papyrus and paper waste.           camp in Uganda for the production of MakaPads and provides
           The naturally absorbent material has a high capacity (one pad           them with a source of income. Being produced from local materials,
           can be used for 8 to 10 hours). Contrary to most other sanitary         the producers are independent from imports or contributions to
           pads on the market, there is no additional absorption enhance-          establish their own businesses. The use of natural raw materials
           ment required. They are assembled with a moisture barrier               ensures that no disposal problems arise. Alternative business
           and mesh covering and can be purchased with or without an               models would also be conceivable, according to which smaller
           adhesive.                                                               groups of women could manufacture and distribute MakaPads
           The dried and pulverised papyrus fibres are processed into a thick      themselves. The concept is easily transferable.
           paste with paper and water. This is dried in the sun, smoothed,
           pressed and cut to size into absorbent inserts with mechanically
           operated machines. The pads are sealed in packs of ten and are
           then exposed to ultra violet light to kill off all bacteria or germs.
           Because the sanitary napkins are made of natural material and
           do not contain any chemical additives, they are almost 100%                Facts & Figures
           biodegradable and do not cause any intolerances. The mostly                Material: Papyrus, (waste) paper,
           manual production process needs very little electrical energy              Characteristics: 100% biodegradable, chemical-free
           and can be generated via solar panels of total wattage 350 W.              Energy consumption: Solar panels (of total wattage 350 W), direct
           Thus, Makapads are produced with minimum carbon footprints.
                                                                                      Used by Countries
           Background Information                                                     Africa: Sierra Leone, Uganda
           In the west of Uganda, the average income of the population is             Category
           less than 1.25 USD per day. A packet of normal sanitary pads               Healthcare
           costs twice as much – a luxury that only very few women can
           afford there. What applies for Uganda, applies to females in
           many other developing and emerging countries. Usually, women
           substitute sanitary pads with simple cloth rags, waste paper or
           banana leaves. Not only is this largely ineffective, the hygiene is
           also questionable. Such solutions constitute risks for the women’s
           health. Due to a sense of shame, many young girls no longer go
           to school with the onset of puberty and women are no longer
           seen in public. The supply of disposable pads, e.g. by aid agencies,
           is a considerable cost factor and raises garbage disposal problems.

           Social Impact
           MakaPads protect women from health problems and discrimination
           and can help to reduce the high rate of early school leavers
           among girls. As the production of MakaPads does not require any
           special knowledge, they can be manufactured by people without
           training. This creates jobs for those who would otherwise have
           no chance of getting gainful employment. For example, Tech-
           nology for Tomorrow Limited employs mainly women of a refugee
10                                                                                                                                                        11
Winning Solutions Nairobi, 30 October 2013 - Siemens Stiftung
3rd Place
           Jompy Water Boiler

           The Solution
           The Jompy Water Boiler is a lightweight and inexpensive fire top        energy and CO2 reduction, which results in time and money savings
           device which sits between cooking pots on an open flame. It enables     combined with improved quality of drinking water and hygiene,
           households to cook a meal while at the same time heating water          leading to better health conditions. An added benefit recorded
           to temperatures high enough to kill 98% of waterborne bacteria          by the families was the reduction in coughs and eye problems,
           (according to entrants). As a result, the water is safe to drink and    previously caused by indoor air pollution.Families reported that
           can be used for cooking or bathing. Gravity pushes the water            they saved 3kg of firewood per day and more than 3 hours a day
           through the Jompy Water Boiler, which then delivers near boiling        due to a shorter cooking period. They also needed less time to
           hot water within seconds and at a rate of one litre per minute. It      source firewood. Financial savings amounted to 1,800 UGX
           works equally efficient on stoves or simple three stone fires, ma-      ($0.78 USD) per day, thus 657,000 UGX ($284 USD) annually.
           king it suitable for the use in both rural areas and urban dwellings.   This represents between 30-60% of the annual household
           Through a more efficient use of the cooking fire, the Jompy Water       ncome of families it benefits, and could make the difference for
           Boiler also dramatically reduces fuel costs for poor families.          children being able to attend school or not. The financial benefits
                                                                                   of the Jompy use are even higher when counting in savings on
           Background Information                                                  medicine, time taken off work, looking after sick children or time
           It is estimated that over a billion people worldwide are without        taken to collect fire wood.
           access to clean drinking water. As a result, water-borne diseases
           such as diarrhoea kill 1.8 million people annually. Access to clean
           water alone could reduce deaths caused by diarrhoea by up to
           25%. In 2011, AMREF concluded that water-borne diseases like
           diarrhoea, cholera or typhoid fever, are mainly caused by the lack
                                                                                      Facts & Figures
           of access to safe drinking water, to water used to wash hands,
           food or utensils before eating and also, by a lack of adequate             Material: A micro-bored aluminum tube, coiled to a flat disc with a
           sanitary facilities.                                                       large heat conductive surface area 1 litre of water per minute can
                                                                                      be heated to about 86 degrees
                                                                                      Characteristics: Suited for all types of cookers, even for 3 stone fire
           Social Impact                                                              Weight: 700g
           The Jompy Water Boiler reduces waterborne diseases by providing
           social, economic and environmental benefits. It pasteurizes                Used by Countries
                                                                                      Asia: India
           water stemming from the commonly used, poor water sources,
                                                                                      Africa: Kenya, Uganda
           making it safe to drink and thereby reducing death rates and
           illnesses caused by diarrheal diseases. Clean water instantaneously        Category
                                                                                      Water & Waste Water
           improves hygiene and sanitation, and leads to better health
           conditions. Economically, users also benefit from the more efficient
           fuel use. Not only is the same fuel which is used for cooking also

           the source for water pasteurization, this heating process is also
           quicker than with conventional methods consumes less fuel and
           reduces CO2 emissions. Jompy was used in Uganda during a
           4-month field project and as part of this research the water quality
           was tested before and after using the water boiler. Alongside
           energy savings and water quality, health and social impacts were
           evaluated and in particular the benefits of savings in fuel, time
           and money were investigated. The results provided evidence of
12                                                                                                                                                              13
Winning Solutions Nairobi, 30 October 2013 - Siemens Stiftung
BioGas Backpack                                                                                                                             ElectroChemical Arsenic Remediation                                       it with groundwater, which was contaminated with about 250 µg/l
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of arsenic. The prototype consistently reduced arsenic levels
The Solution                                                                                                                                The Solution                                                              below the WHO recommended maximum contaminant level (MCL)
The Biogas Backpack is a pillow shaped balloon from flexible, gas                                                                           ECAR is a highly effective ultra low-cost water treatment technology      of 10 µg/l over several weeks of operation by a trained com­
tight material, plastic sheet and fabric. The two inner layers are                                                                          designed to bring locally affordable and sustainable arsenic-safe         munity member. Educating young generations about the importance
made of gas tight PE-sheet, welded at the two open ends and                                                                                 water to rural communities. In ECAR, or ElectroChemical Arsenic           of water safety will give them the tools to make better choices
equipped with a welded, threaded flange, holding a mini ball                                                                                Remediation, ordinary steel plates use low voltage electricity to         for their communities in the future. Schools are therefore the
valve. The backpack is filled with biogas from the biogas plant                                                                             produce iron oxide (e.g. rust) particles in water that adsorb and         natural choice to introduce the new water technology and were
by simple pressure equalization instead of by pump or compressor.                                                                           trap arsenic. During the process, arsenite (which is more toxic           selected to test and operate ECAR 100l and 600l prototypes.
Therefore, it does not need to be equipped with a security valve                                                                            and difficult to remove) is converted into arsenate, allowing the         Arsenic-safe water could also easily be included in the existing
to release gas in the case of over pressure.To use the Biogas                                                                               process to be highly effective under robust conditions. Treated           government sponsored midday-meal programs, opening up
Backpack efficiently, it would make sense to produce the biogas                                                                             water exceeds international WHO standards for arsenic and iron            opportunities for subsidies to reduce the initial capital cost of a
in one central, technically advanced biogas plant. This way,                                                                                across many groundwater sources. The electrodes are cleaned by            treatment center.
farmers in the surrounding areas could contribute to the biogas                                                                             reversing the current, making operation and maintenance simple
production by selling substrate to the plant owner in exchange                                                                              and non-hazardous. The technology was designed to work within   
for biogas and fertilizer. Because of the limited amount of biogas,                                                                         a sustainable service delivery model that can cover the cost of
the high content (30-60%) of non-flammable CO2 in biogas and                                                                                an electricity source and still sell arsenic-safe water at a locally
the non-pressurized status of the gas, there is no risk of an explosion.                                                                    affordable price while simultaneously covering all costs. The
Even if in contact with open fire, the backpack does not explode,                                                                           requirements for maintenance are low and electrode passivation
but rather burns down in a controlled manner. To avoid accidents                                                                            can be limited by reversing voltage regularly. Operating ECAR is
with leaking gas, the backpack is designed to be stored outside                                                                             simple and non-hazardous: voltage is very low (about 3 V DC)
the house.                                                                                                                                  and no corrosive chemicals are needed. ECAR can be operated by
                                                                                                                                            trained local community members. Operating costs are extremely
Background Information                                                                                                                      low (~ 0.04 USD/l), making it possible to sell the arsenic-safe water
Combustible materials which are used for cooking, such as fire-                                                                             at a locally affordable price while simultaneously covering the
wood and charcoal, are associated with a range of problems in                                                                               expenses.
many countries. Gathering these materials is time-consuming
and difficult, especially because they are often in short supply.                                                                           Background Information
In addition, cooking with these materials can cause significant                                                                             An estimated 60 million people in low-income countries like South
health problems. Replacing wood fuels, biogas can alleviate                                                                                 Asia are exposed to naturally occuring toxic arsenic, every time             Facts & Figures
such problems while simultaneously reducing deforestation and                                                                               they drink from their local well. The arsenic crisis in the Bengal           Material: Mild steel plates and an aluminium sulfate coagulant –
soil erosion. However, once produced in biogas digesters it is                                                                              Basin has been described as the largest mass poisoning in human              both available in the region.
very difficult to transport the gas to the respective households.          Facts & Figures                                                  history. Arsenic is tasteless, colorless, odorless and its chronic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Assuming per capita consumption of 10l/day, this amounts to 1.46
                                                                           Capacity: 1.2 m³ of biogas
                                                                                                                                            ingestion leads to health problems, such as painful lesions or cancers,      USD per capita/year, or 10.22 USD per family/year, assuming 7
Social Impact                                                              Weight: 4.4 kg (in a fully inflated state)                       only in the long-run. Therefore, education is needed to raise                people per family. As comparison, it is estimated that an average
The Biogas Backpack aims to provide poor rural households with                                                                              awareness of the risks and to ensure the consumption of arsenic-             family in West Bengal incurs a cost of 84 USD per year to consume
                                                                           Used by Countries
an affordable source of energy for lighting or cooking, thereby                                                                             safe water. Most solutions fail because their maintenance is                 water with more than 50 μg/l arsenic. This includes the cost of
                                                                           Europe: Germany, Portugal, Switzerland,
improving living conditions. Helping to avoid the time consuming                                                                            being neglected.                                                             partially-effective preventative measures, medical expenditures,
                                                                           Asia: India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Nepal,
task of collecting fuel wood, the biogas backpack helps to ease the                                                                                                                                                      and loss of working hours due to illness, which can be attributed
                                                                           Africa: Tanzania, Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         to arsenic poisoning.
daily work of women in developing countries. In addition, health risks     North America: Mexico                                            Social Impact
can be minimized as burning biogas is nearly smokeless. This solution      Category
                                                                                                                                            In the preliminary testing at Jadavpur University (Kolkata), the             Used by Countries
was developed in order to facilitate the sale of biogas in developing                                                                       prototype was placed in Dhopdhopi High School near Kolkata                   Asia: India
countries and therefore makes it possible to start a business.             Food & Agriculture                                               for a three-month field trial starting in October 2012. This village         Category
                                                                           Waste Management & Recycling                                     school received pipe water for approximately 1 hour per day                  Water & Waste Water                                                                                                               (inadequate to meet the needs of 2600 students) and supplemented
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Winning Solutions Nairobi, 30 October 2013 - Siemens Stiftung
Eliodomestico                                                             Lastly, the traditional forms and materials make the Eliodomestico   Embrace Nest: The Embrace Infant Warmer                                 them the flexibility and freedom to work, to tend to family
                                                                          highly recognizable and very easy to understand.                                                                                             needs, and to perform other critical daily tasks.
The Solution                                                                                                                                   The Solution
Eliodomestico is an innovative solar distiller for households, designed                                             Embrace developed a low-cost and energy-efficient infant      
to function without filters or electricity. The device is made from                                                                            warmer, which addresses the key challenge of preventing
readily available materials, such as burnt clay and tin metal, and                                                                             hypothermia for infants with low birth weight in developing
can be entirely produced by local craftsmen. The body is made of                                                                               countries. The design looks like a miniature sleeping bag and
two earthenware parts. The evaporator (black boiler) and the                                                                                   incorporates phase change material, which maintains a constant,
condenser consist of tin-welded metal sheets. The freshwater                                                                                   clinically ideal temperature for up to 6 hours. Unlike traditional
bowl is made of clay. Its design takes into account the habit of                                                                               incubators, it allows physical contact between mother and child,
transporting objects on the head. The choice of materials, shape                                                                               promoting the development of a strong maternal bond. It is an
and colors is also based on technical reasons, such as the thermal                                                                             intuitive device that can be reused, sterilized and repaired locally.
insulation, ventilation, heat resistance, absorption or exchange.                                                                              The design of the device incorporates a wax-like phase change
In the morning, the dirty or salty water is filled in a water tank,                                                                            material (PCM) which, when heated for 25 minutes using an
and in the evening, clean water can be collected. The water evap­                                                                              electric heater, ensures that the infant remains in a clinically
orates and re-condenses in a portable recipient placed under-                                                                                  approved temperature for up to 6 hours. The device was engi-
neath the tank. The prototype model which has a diameter of                                                                                    neered to minimize the heat loss from the PCM to its surroundings.
60 cm and a surface area of 0.28 m², produces 3 liters of fresh-                                                                               The electric heater requires intermittent access to an AC power
water per day. This results in the production of 10 liters per day                                                                             source; however, it can also run off a generator or any alternate
per square meter of surface.                                                                                                                   AC power source. A new version of the infant warmer, which is
                                                                                                                                               heated by boiling water and would therefore be suitable for
Background Information                                                                                                                         more remote and resource-poor areas, is currently under pilot
According to figures estimated by the WHO, over a billion people                                                                               testing.
worldwide do not have access to fresh drinking water. Immediate
help can be provided by desalinating and/or sterilizing seawater                                                                               Background Information
or brackish water before drinking. Desalination plants are, however,                                                                           Approximately 15 million babies are born prematurely every
very energy and maintenance intensive, making their usage in                                                                                   year, not completing the 37 weeks of gestation, with numbers
remote areas without connections to power grids impossible.                                                                                    rising (WHO). According to a study conducted by the US
The areas with the most severe water shortages are the warm,                                                                                   organization March of Dimes, over one million of these premature
arid countries in Northern and Southern Africa and West and                                                                                    babies die each year before completing their first month. Over
Southern Asia. As these are also the regions with the most intense                                                                             85% of all premature births take place in developing countries.
solar radiation, using solar energy for the desalination and                                                                                   75% of these children could be saved if the simplest methods
sterilization of contaminated or salt water can create a realistic                                                                             were employed, such as keeping the infants warm the first few              Facts & Figures
opportunity for a new source of clean drinking water.                                                                                          days after their birth.                                                    Material: Wax-like phase change material (PCM)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Energy Demand: Electric heater requires access to an AC power
Social Impact                                                                                                                                  Social Impact                                                              source for 25 minutes
Eliodomestico is a simple device which delivers a basic quantity                                                                               The infant warmer is a very useful and much needed device, as              Lifecycle: Can be repaired locally, sterilized and reused (estimated)
                                                                             Facts & Figures
of clean drinking water in areas where salt or brackish water                                                                                  even the big hospitals in developing countries are often not               50 times
is prevalent as ground and/or surface water. The system can                  Water filtration: 10 liters per day per square meter of surface   adequatly equipped with efficiently working incubators. The device         Used by Countries
                                                                             Material: Burnt clay and tin metal
induce positive outcomes for local economies. It is designed to                                                                                is made of a durable, hypoallergenic, bio-compatible, medical              Asia: Afghanistan, India, China
be entirely produced on site and can thus create small businesses            Used by Countries                                                 grade material that can be repaired easily in rural, resource poor         Africa: Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Zambia, Mozambique
and generate income for local people. The device is self-ex-                 Europe: Italy                                                     areas. The infant warmer is designed to complement Kangaroo                North America: Mexico, Guatemala
planatory and requires no maintenance except cleaning. Its size              Category                                                          Mother Care (practice of providing warmth with skin-to-skin                Category
can be adapted to the respective water demand, an output of                  Water & Waste Water                                               contact), because it enables physical contact between mother               Healthcare
5 to 10 liters per day meets the needs of an average household.                                                                                and child. Notably, it allows mothers to breastfeed and gives
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                17
Winning Solutions Nairobi, 30 October 2013 - Siemens Stiftung
The Fish Farm                                                                                                                                Leveraged Freedom Chair

The Solution                                                                                                                                 The Solution
The Fish Farm is a patented, micro-intensive fish farm designed                                                                              The Leveraged Freedom Chair (LFC) was designed by the devel­
within the confines of a 12-metre shipping container, delivering                                                                             opment team at MIT to help people with physical disabilities
2-4 tons of tilapia (or other species) annually. By placing a series                                                                         in developing countries and has been in operation since 2008.
of tanks, filters and pumps inside a container, the product im-                                                                              It has been tested in East Africa, Central America and India.
mediately delivers a profitable, affordable, transportable and                                                                               The LFC uses a unique lever drivetrain which makes it faster than
replicable aquaculture business into poor urban or rural commu-                                                                              conventional wheelchairs and enables it to travel over extremely
nities.The Prototype comprises 6 tanks (in a row) of 1,500 liters                                                                            rough terrain. Instead of using gears and derailleurs which are
each, a 200 liters solids filter (to deal with the solid waste) and                                                                          likely to break under the rough conditions in developing countries,
a 5,000 liters bio-filter (to deal with the chemical waste), a circula-                                                                      the user can change gears and achieves a 3:1 change in mechan­
tion pump and an aerator. The Fish Farm dumps 1% of its volume                                                                               ical advantage by simply moving his hands up and down a set
per day to maintain water quality and it would be able to supply                                                                             of levers that are connected to the drivetrain. Grabbing high on
this fertilized water to the vegetable farmers. The Fish Farm only re-                                                                       the levers provides more torque to get over obstacles, while
quires minimal space and the energy for its operation can be provi-                                                                          grabbing low on the levers increases angular velocity for fast
ded by solar power. The Fish Farm is a simple and environmentally                                                                            travel on smooth ground. By using common bicycle parts in
compatible way of ensuring food security, creating jobs and ma-                                                                              the production of the LFC, the costs are kept low and users, even
king profits.                                                                                                                                in rural villages, can easily repair and maintain the product
Background Information
With marine fish stocks depleting, the demand for sustainably                                                                                Background Information
produced and community based fish continues to rise. Globally,                                                                               Over 65 million people, an estimated 1% of the world's population,
aquaculture is characterized by high investment, low employ-                                                                                 need a wheelchair. Providing wheelchairs which are applicable,
ment and high technical skills and installations. “Advances in                                                                               well-designed, fitted and affordable, enhances mobility and also
these areas can pay huge dividends in reducing hunger and poverty                                                                            opens up a world of education, work and social life for those in
because fish and other aquatic organisms are a major source                                                                                  need of such support (WHO). Donor-funded non-profit organisa-
of food and income for poor people in developing countries.                                                                                  tions have tried to aid by mass-producing and distributing hospital-
Millions more can benefit from increased investment in fisheries                                                                             style wheelchairs in devel­o ping countries. However, these
and sustainable aquaculture to make this sector a more powerful                                                                              have proven to be unfit for the terrain as they cannot cope with
engine for poverty reduction.” (                                                                                         rough terrain and spare parts are difficult to procure.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Facts & Figures
Social Impact                                                                                                                                Social Impact
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Materials: Mild steel and bicycle parts, ensuring that spare parts are
The solution supports sustainable aquaculture, which creates                                                                                 The Leveraged Freedom Chairs enable mobility across long and           always available, even in the most rural village
benefits by saving resources. Furthermore, the Fish Farm can                                                                                 difficult terrain. Therefore, they not only enhance a sense            Benefit: Comparative testing shows that the LFC is 80% faster than a
contribute to a balanced diet due to the high quality protein in                                                                             of independence, but also provide the opportunity to access            conventional wheelchair on the road and that users can produce 50%
fish. Due to the moderate price of the fish, it is an affordable          Facts & Figures                                                    education, employment and participation in community life.             more torque at the wheels, enabling them to overcome obstacles 0n
alternative and healthy protein supply for the people. Generating                                                                                                                                                   the road.
income, the fish can be sold to restaurants and/or directly to the        A minimum supply of reasonably clean water of 250 litres per day                                                      Used by Countries
                                                                          A level ground area for the placement of the container(s)
population at retail prices. Also, communities can play a part in                                                                                                                                                   North America: Guatemala, Haiti
the production of food for the fish (e.g. maggot farms, snail farms,      Used by Countries                                                                                                                         Africa: Kenya, Uganda
algae farms), as well as, in the filleting and packaging services.        Africa: South Africa                                                                                                                      Asia: India, Philippines, Vietnam
Each Fish Farm can bring 1-5 people into economic productivity.           Category                                                                                                                                  Category
                                                                          Food & Agriculture                                                                                                                        Healthcare
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           19
Mapeo de Napas con Georadar – Soil Research                               water from the water table zone. Such improvement of ground                Mobile Charging Kiosk
                                                                          water use will help farmers to make their operation more stable.
The Solution                                                              This knowledge could also give useful information for soil prepa-          The Solution
Georadar technology can be used to map and to determine the               ration, e.g. quantifying supply of soil conditioner in form of             The Mobile Charging Kiosk (MCK) is a mobile charging point,
depth of water tables. Even without rain water, water can be provided     compost, adapted fertilizer utilization etc. Due to the relatively         which can be attached to bicycles and mopeds. It offers a micro
for crops, if the roots come into contact with the water table zone.      high purchase costs, the service should be provided on the regional        solution to quickly charge cell phones for people on the go,
Georadar (GPR, Ground Penetrating Radar) is used as a non-destruc-        or local (village, cooperatives) levels, or by big farms.                  using renewable energy technology. The Quick Charge has two
tive technique for low-depth subsoil investigation, which produces                                                                                   retractable solar panels with 40 watts each at the top, a lock
excellent results in terms of soil profile mapping. It consists of an                                                      system to keep the cell phone system and the solar panels secured
electromagnetic waves unit and a second digital recording system                                                                                     at night, as well as, a lithium battery to store electricity for night
unit. Wave reflection time delays and wave speed in the material                                                                                     charging. A manual charging mechanism can be used when the
containing the antennae, are used to deduce the depth at which                                                                                       device is in a stationary position and in the case of bad weather.
the reflector unit (pipe) is located. The georadar generates a subsoil                                                                               Since the whole system is on wheels, MCK can go where the
image with high lateral and vertical resolution which not only                                                                                       customers are or where they gather, such as at market places,
identifies specific objects, but also characterizes the area.                                                                                        churches or bus stops. The whole unit is fitted onto a plastic
The depth of penetration and the resolution depend on which type                                                                                     body, which can also offer space for advertisement. However,
of antenna is used. In high-resolution urban areas shielded antennas                                                                                 the kiosk does not only offer charging services but is also a
are used because they are better equipped to control noise and air                                                                                   one-stop micro shop selling phones, renewable lights and airtime
reflections with high-quality imaging and a depth range of up to 10m.                                                                                electronically.
Estudio G&D uses existing technology in a new context. The innovation
is a compact, small-scale technology, which makes it easy to trans-                                                                                  Background Information
port. Thus big areas can be analyzed without costly and labor-intensive                                                                              It is an undisputed fact that mobile phones can drive progress
drillings. Deeper soil and ground water levels can also be detected.                                                                                 in developing and emerging markets. Due to technological
                                                                                                                                                     advance­ments in mobile services, the prices for mobile phones
Background Information                                                                                                                               have become so low that access to mobiles is widespread.
The problem of water shortage in developing regions does not only                                                                                    Charging these phones, however, is often a significant problem.
affect clean drinking water. Water consumption of households and                                                                                     In many countries, mobile penetration has far outpaced the
businesses only constitutes one fifth of the entire water use – the                                                                                  growth of the electricity grid, and even when it is available, the
lion’s share is used on the production of food. The usage of ground-                                                                                 connection is often unaffordable and/or unreliable. This means
water is frequently inefficient and a key question for food security                                                                                 that people often have to undertake long journeys to reach the
is therefore how efficiency can be increased. Due to climate change                                                                                  next power source and that there is a huge demand for affordable
processes, such as longer drought periods or heavy rains, it has                                                                                     backup options.
become increasingly important to know about the basics of farming.           Facts & Figures
                                                                             Components: 1 electromagnetic waves unit, 1 digital recording system
                                                                                                                                                     Social Impact
Social Impact                                                                unit                                                                    Mobile phones do not only foster communication, they are also
The Georadar can boost crop yields at locations with underground             Depth of penetration/ resolution: Up to10 metres using antenna with     an important source of information and offer a constantly growing
water tables. When the location and distribution of water tables are         frequencies between 10 MHz and 1,000MHz                                 range of services, such as mobile payment systems or agricultural
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Facts & Figures
known, hybrids and fertilizers can be selected according to the              Result of investigation: Subsoil image with high lateral and vertical   information. MCK allows people with limited access to electricity
amount of water which is available. Thereby, crop yields are maxi-           resolution that characterizes the soil                                  to solve their phone charging needs without having to walk               Material: 2 retractable solar panels (40 watts), lithium battery, wheels,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              aluminium frame, alternator 150W, sim card
mized and the water is used more efficiently. There is no need for           Used by Countries                                                       miles to a charging station. These units can be deployed in a
a destructive technique for low-depth subsoil investigation. Crops           South America: Argentina                                                franchise system, creating sources of income for people in these         Used by Countries
can be grown regardless of the climate situation and can secure an                                                                                   areas.                                                                   Africa: Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda
economically profitable output. Knowledge about water retention              Water & Waste Water                                                                                                                              Category
capacities or groundwater can help to provide water for crops inde-          Food & Agriculture                                                                                                      Energy
pendently of precipitation, because the roots of the crops can draw
20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        21
OpenIR – Democratizing Infrared Satellite Data                        crucial information. Maps are a powerful way for all kinds of      Pee Poo – Single-use Toilet                                           commercial fertilizer. Currently, the col­lection and processing
                                                                      groups to protect their land and ecosystems. With this in mind,                                                                          is performed by Peepoople with the aim of demonstrating
The Solution                                                          OpenIR can ultimately help developed and under-developed           The Solution                                                          viable business models that later can be franchized.
OpenIR is an ICT (information communication technology) that          economic regions, as well as ecologically vulnerable regions, to   Peepoo is a personal, single-use toilet which sanitizes human
maps the environmental risks and features, which are revealed         save millions of dollars.                                          excreta shortly after defecation, thereby preventing faeces from
by infrared satellite data. This includes algorithms for flood risk                                                                      contaminating and spreading lethal diseases such as cholera
map generations and a web map application. OpenIR’s initial                                         and diarrhoea. After use, urea inside Peepoo inactivates harmful
validation case will take place in Indonesia. At the same time,                                                                          pathogens in the faeces within 2-4 weeks. It is designed in
OpenIR collaborates with FEMA (Federal Emergency Management                                                                              the form of a slim elongated outer bag with a wider inner funnel
Agency) to determine additional validation and use case scenarios.                                                                       that expands the opening while using it. After use, Peepoo is
OpenIR also works towards interfacing flood risk maps with crowd                                                                         sealed with a knot that makes it completely airtight. It works as
maps and allows global access to this data.OpenIR’s initial com-                                                                         a micro-treatment plant: With the help of the enzyme urease
ponent is a geo-server system that serves visible and infrared                                                                           present in human faeces, the urea in Peepoo breaks down to
spectrum data into web map layers. Currently, the team runs tests                                                                        carbon dioxide and ammonia. Each Peepoo can contain up to
on processing and serving data in-house and/or using data from                                                                           800 ml of faeces and urine. To facilitate usage, Peepoo can be
Google’s Earth Engine that will soon be available.The team created                                                                       fitted on any standard 1-3 liter container/bucket or the specially
a prototype of a Risk Map Builder, which automatically generates                                                                         designed Peepoo seat/holder for sitting or squatting, called
a flood risk map for any given area. The goal is to expand the                                                                           Peepoo Kiti. Peepoo remains odor-free for at least 12 hours after
resolution based on additional inputs. OpenIR exists as a prototype                                                                      use and can be stored in the immediate environment.
that is currently undergoing user testing and data validation.
                                                                                                                                         Background Information
Background Information                                                                                                                   The number of slum dwellers continues to grow. Fed by an
Since the tsunami in 2004, Indonesia has strengthened its crisis                                                                         accelerating pace of urbanisation, 863 million people are now
response systems. However, as a recent Jakarta Globe article                                                                             estimated to be living in slums compared to 760 million in 2000
points out, preparedness systems are still underdeveloped. At the                                                                        according to statistics by UN Habitat 2012. In Asia and the
same time, increasingly severe weather phenomena worldwide                                                                               Pacific, two out of five urban dwellers live in slums, compared
make access to standardized risk maps more important than ever.                                                                          with three out of five in Africa. In percentage terms, sub-Saharan
Digital Maps using infrared satellite data are a powerful way to                                                                         Africa has about 72% of city dwellers living in slums. Among
protect land, the ecosystem and its inhabitants. It is important                                                                         a range of other problems, these slums are largely lacking sani-
for the software to be made available to users in developing                                                                             tation which has a major impact on the health and lives of
countries, which are more environmentally and ecologically                                                                               people living in these hazardous environments.                           Facts & Figures
vulnerable. This could contribute to an environmental visualization
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Constituents: Aliphatic/aromatic co-polyesters (Ecoflex) and polylactic
system in even deeper and detailed ways.                                                                                                 Social Impact
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  acid (PLA), with small additives of wax and lime
                                                                                                                                         Peepoo is easy to use at home, which increases health and safety         Initial substance: Urea (white crystalline substance with the chemical
Social Impact                                                            Facts & Figures                                                 especially for woman and children. This makes Peepoo a rele-             formula (NH2)2CO, which contains 46% nitrogen)
OpenIR’s work with the Indonesian government, universities and                                                                           vant solution for urban slums, schools, emergencies and refugee-         Dimensions: 146x380 mm with a thickness of 20 microns
                                                                         Setting: OpenIR is set up on an MIT Media Lab 300 GB virtual
NGOs through community partners, will help all parties to better                                                                         camps. Peepoos can be collected in a specially developed                 Weight: 11 grams, of which 6 grams is the weight of the urea powder
understand how a standardized environmental mapping system                                                                               collection system or utilized as fertilizer in household gardens         Capacity: Up to 800 ml of faeces and urine
                                                                         Initial component: Geo-server system, which feeds visible and
with easily comprehensible risk maps can be used for planning            infrared spectrum data into web map layers                      after storing them for four weeks. Peepoo offers a variety of            Used by Countries
and prevention. OpenIR's initial focus is on Indonesia, a country        Data use for algorithm: Surface_reflectance, radiance, toa,     opportunities for small local businesses. Women micro-entrepreneurs      Asia: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan
at the intersection of economic and environmental vulnerability.         mcd43a4, USGS, SRTM product lines et al.                        and small kiosk retail outlets are the most important sales              Africa: Kenya, South Africa
However, as OpenIR expands its production of risk maps to a global       Requirements: Updated web browser, with Javascript activated    channels in urban slums. The women sell Peepoos door-to-door,            North America: Haiti
reach, more regions can benefit. OpenIR’s Flood Risk Map will            Category                                                        or at plot parties which are organized like Tupperware parties.          Category
function as a resource for goverments, universities and NGOs, but        Information & Communication Technology                          When the volume increases, local businesses can also develop             Healthcare
the web map format will also allow individual citizens to receive                                                                        from the collection and the processing of used Peepoos into
22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          23
Permafunnel: Internal Funnel for Hand Pumps                                                                                                       ReMotion Knee                                                                robustness of the ReMotion Knee joint and its ability to withstand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               heavy usage in rugged environments. Above-knee amputees
The Solution                                                                                                                                      The Solution                                                                 fitted with the knee can now hold jobs that used to be too physically
Permafunnel is an internal funnel, which is easily installed in hand                                                                              ReMotion Knee is an affordable, polycentric prosthetic knee designed         demanding, such as standing for hours, peddling, or walking long
pumps in order to provide a straight water flow. It is machined                                                                                   for amputees in developing countries. Using durable, polymer-based           distances. This means that amputees can return to work or school
from the food grade plastic UHMWPE (ultra-high-molecular-weight                                                                                   materials with proven polycentric mechanism, instead of the typical          and will be able to lead independent, productive lives.
polyethylene) and is fully inserted into the spout of a hand pump.                                                                                steel or titanium, the ReMotion Knee is designed to improve usability
The outer diameter is selected to ensure a slight interference                                                                                    and manufacturability. It has simple, universal attachments to inter-
which fits with the inside of the spout and can be installed by using                                                                             face with standard prosthetic leg systems, is made up of five compo-
a hammer or alternatively, a hydraulic press. The inner diameter                                                                                  nents and four standard fasteners and weighs less than 0.5kg – one
is designed to prevent restriction of the water flow at the highest                                                                               of the lightest knees on the market. The knee’s 165-degree range
possible pump rates. The funnel is cut at a 45 degree angle to                                                                                    of motion makes movements possible that are relevant to local
enable it to be fitted deep inside the outlet spout. The upper part                                                                               cultures. Its lifespan has shown to exceed 3-5 years (3 million gait
is specifically shaped to calm and guide the water flow. The correct                                                                              cycles), which is consistent with the benchmark set by prosthetics
size is selected to match the particular pump spout diameter and the                                                                              available on Western markets.The solution also addresses sensitive
installation is quick and simple. It can be fitted following the manu­                                                                            user issues, such as smooth and quiet operation, critical quality
facture and prior to installation or also, into previously assembled                                                                              and bandwidth problems with local manufacturing through injec-
hand pumps. It is not limited to a certain hand pump model.                                                                                       tion molding for mass production.

Background Information                                                                                                                            Background Information
Without a funnel, the chaotic water flow exiting from hand pumps                                                                                  In contrast to industrial countries, where health systems offer care
results in water waste of 30% or more. Hand pumps provide                                                                                         for amputees, the existence of those living in developing and
access to drinking water for many millions of people in rural and                                                                                 threshold countries is often threatened by their handicap. If the am-
developing areas. When water is pumped into containers with                                                                                       putee is also the breadwinner of the family, their survival is frequently
narrow openings (jerry cans etc.) a large percentage is spilled due                                                                               put at risk. For children the handicap means not being able to go to
to the uncontrolled water flow exiting the pump spout. This waste                                                                                 school. Therefore the value of high-tech prosthesis is priceless.
contributes to unsanitary water points; longer pumping times and                                                                                  Prosthetic knee joints are the most expensive component in a pros-
hence queues. Sometimes external funnels are made from organic                                                                                    thetic leg system. Too often, the cheapest and most common designs,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Facts & Figures
materials such as leaves, but they are usually not handled properly                                                                               such as single-axis knee joints (acts similarly to a door hinge), are
and fall into the muddy area around the pump, contributing to                                                                                     mechanically unstable and many amputees wear them in a locked                   Number of amputees fit: 5,000+
the contamination of water.                                                                                                                       (peg-leg) position. Polycentric and hydraulic mechanical joints have            Material: Polymer-based materials with proven polycentric mechanism,
                                                                                                                                                  better performing gaits, but are very expensive with costs ranging              composed of five components and four standard fasteners
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Weight: Less than 0.5kg.
Social Impact                                                                                                                                     from 1,400 to 50,000 USD. Left with limited options, many amputees
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lifecycle: At least 3–5 years (3 million gait cycles)
In regions where clean drinking water is a precious commodity, it is                                                                              resort to improvised prosthetics made from wood and metal scraps,               Characteristics: 165-degree range of motion, universal attachments
imperative to have easy-to-handle systems that can stem the chaotic                                                                               donations of previously-worn components, or they use makeshift                  interface with standard prosthetic leg systems
flow of water. This leads to less water being wasted and the popu-          Facts & Figures                                                       wooden staffs or crutches.                                                      Required conditions: Trained level 3 prosthetist, clinic that is able to
lation being able to save time and money on procuring water for             Material: UHMWPE                                                                                                                                      appropriately fit patients and provide necessary standard follow-up care
their needs. Additionally, an invisible funnel system will not be touched   Diameter: Variety of external diameters to match the sizes found on   Social Impact                                                                   Used by Countries
by users, further reducing the rate of infection. Geographically,           installed hand pumps                                                  The ReMotion Knee has remobilized over 5,000 amputees in twelve                 Asia: India, Indonesia, Iraq, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
                                                                            Tools required: Hammer or hydraulic press
the funnel can have a huge impact in all areas where hand pumps                                                                                   countries, allowing them to start or to return to their jobs or to school.      Africa: Liberia, Tanzania, Uganda
are a primary source of clean drinking water. Small local companies         Used by Countries                                                     Unlike other prosthetic knees, ReMotion is optimized for the environ-           South America: Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala
could produce the funnel in order to retrofit previously installed hand     Africa: Sudan                                                         ment (agricultural and outdoor exposure), physical activities                   Oceania: Fiji
pumps. Thus, jobs could be created by production and retrofitting.          Category                                                              (kneeling and squatting), and it is adjusted to the price requirements          Category
                                                                            Water & Waste Water                                                   of low-resource users. Extensive testing, including fatigue, long-term          Healthcare                                                                                                                                   wear, ultimate strength, and kinematic gait analysis, has proven the
24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           25
River Ice – Cooling System                                               result produce absolutely clean and germ-free water for the ice         ROTOR – Swimming Power Plant                                            advantage of producing energy 24/7 without the need of expensive
                                                                         blocks from the river water.                                                                                                                    battery storage. The distribution of a self-built Rotor or a pre-
The Solution                                                                                                                                     The Solution                                                            fabricated construction kit could also offer opportunities for local
River Ice is a small-scale Garman river turbine directly connected                                                      Rotor is a small, hydro power plant, which provides an easy way         businesses and create jobs.
to an open refrigeration compressor. Polyethylene bags which                                                                                     to generate electricity by using the current of a river. A vertical
contain filtered water produce ice blocks through the energy of                                                                                  axis water wheel is mounted in the center of a circular tube. 
the currant. Garman river turbines (or the very similar Tyson- and                                                                               Induced by the flow of a river, the wheel turns like a turbine.
VHL-turbines) are well known technologies. Their typical power                                                                                   The rotational energy is transferred by the axis to a wheel where
output is 300-500 W and they are mainly used for house light-                                                                                    several conventional bicycle dynamos – in the advanced version
ning, cellphone recharging, etc. In contrast to the conventional                                                                                 a specially designed generator – transform the kinetic energy into
turbines, the River Ice turbine is connected directly to a mechanical                                                                            electricity. The rotor is fixed to the embankment, a bridge or
compressor, which cools down through polyethylene bags                                                                                           something similar by mooring ropes. The prototype rotor consists
containing water, thus producing ice blocks. For this system                                                                                     of a tractor tire tube, flat bar steel as frame construction, bicycle
to work, a river must have a minimum depth of 1.7m and a                                                                                         dynamos and blades made of sheet. All of the used materials are
flow rate of at least 0.6 m/sec. If the energy flow of a river sur-                                                                              substitutable and are therefore available worldwide for little
passes 12 kWh/day, it is sufficient to produce more than 250kg/24h                                                                               money. A flow speed of 1.5m/s can provide an output of up to
of ice in tropical areas with temperatures of 30ºC or higher.                                                                                    150W. An online-Do-It-Yourself manual will be created, which
According to Aprotec, the River Ice plant allows a direct cost                                                                                   offers a variety of possible materials to be used. Moreover, an
saving of about 66%, compared to usual ice production                                                                                            affordable pre-fabricated construction kit which includes the
methods.                                                                                                                                         important parts, i.e. tire tube, blade profiles, canvas cover and
                                                                                                                                                 a specific generator is being developed. The objective is to provide
Background Information                                                                                                                           a stable power output of approximately 100W.
According to WHO estimations, a great deal of food is spoiled
due to inadequate storage options in developing countries. This                                                                                  Background Information
amount rises in tropical regions. Particularly affected is fresh                                                                                 According to figures published by the International Energy
fish as an estimated 40% of the stock rots before it can be processed.                                                                           Agency (IEA), 1.4 billion people do not have access to electrical
Cooling devices are not available and the hygiene is insufficient.                                                                               energy. Over 2.5 billion people rely on traditional biomass for
Many rural communities in proximity to rivers e.g. the Amazon                                                                                    cooking. Access to electrical power plays a significant role in
River, the Orinoco River, the Zambezi, Congo and the Nile, live on                                                                               improving living conditions. Among other things, it can be used
fishing and fish trade without the possibility of maintaining                                                                                    for the cold storage of food, for the use of electric pumps to gain
stocks. In these regions cooling is often as important as electricity.                                                                           access to drinking water and also, to provide lighting in house­
                                                                            Facts & Figures                                                      holds. In accordance with the Millennium Goals, it is important
Social Impact                                                                                                                                    to use ecologically sustainable technology to enable access to
                                                                            Component: Garman river turbines (Typical power output: 300-500W )
River Ice is a cooling system which operates around the year,               Conditions of floating mechanism: Rivers with minimum depth of
independent of the supply of conventional fuels. It will improve                                                                                                                                                            Facts & Figures
                                                                            1.7m and a flow rate of at least 0.6m/sec
the livelihood of villagers living near to tropical rivers.The social       Energy production: 12 kWh/day (sufficient to produce more than       Social Impact                                                              Material: Tractor tire tube, flat bar steel as frame construction, bicycle
impact is especially high with regard to the improvement of local           250kg/24h of ice in tropical areas with temperatures of 30ºC or      The Rotor uses low-cost technology and can be constructed in               dynamos, blades made of sheet
living conditions and a better commercial exploitation of local             higher)                                                              an easy manner. Required materials are substitutable and                   Electric capacity: 150 W for the prototype dimensions at a flow speed
fishing. The possibility of keeping their fish cooled, will lead to                                                                              available worldwide. A special focus is put on recycling materials.        of 1.5 m/s (with an appropriate generator)
                                                                            Used by Countries
greater job potential in the communities. Job creation can also             South America: Colombia                                              In many regions local generation is the only possible way to               Used by Countries
be expected from distribution, installation and maintenance of              Category
                                                                                                                                                 get access to power. For families in rural areas with rivers nearby        Europe: Germany
the River Ice plants. Moreover, water current turbines are a reliable       Water & Waste Water                                                  the Rotor means the availability of renewable energy with a                Category
and ecologically friendly technology. Overall, the River Ice plant          Energy                                                               permanent output (day and night). It can be used for lighting,             Water & Waste Water
could pave the way for other technologies: The system could be              Healthcare                                                           cooling or charging batteries and mobile phones. In comparison             Energy
supplemented by a small PV-driven ultrafiltration plant and as a                                                                                 to small PV cells and wind turbines the stream turbine has the
26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       27
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