Page created by Brittany Barnett
Dear Church Family,

                          Melinda and I have a big announcement to make. We have set our
                          retirement date for June 30, 2021. We both believe that this is the right
                          time for us to begin a new season of life. We have plans to spend time
                          with our family, run a few Marathons, travel, and find ways to be involved
                          in our community. We are planning to stay in our home and to make AH
                          our church home, after a six month hiatus.

I am also very excited to announce that Bishop Palmer has appointed the Reverend Jon Ferguson
to be my successor. Jon’s first Sunday with us will be March 28. His wife Jennifer and their three
children will arrive once the children’s school is out for the summer. Jon will spend three months
getting to know the culture of our staff and congregation, share in preaching and teaching
responsibilities with me, and invest in some of our ministries that he is passionate about. On June
30, I will step down as the Senior Pastor and Jon will assume all the duties of leadership.

Jon is an excellent choice. He graduated from Asbury Seminary and has
served as a youth pastor and Executive Pastor. In 2012, he was appointed
to be the Senior Pastor at the Stillwater Church in Dayton. The church
was facing a serious financial crisis and he turned it around and it is now
a healthy growing congregation. We have known each other for the past
nine years when Jon became a part of the Large Church clergy cluster.
Jon is fully aligned with AH’s mission, vision, core values and beliefs.

There is more information on our website under the Leadership tab. God
has been guiding us through the entire process and we can’t wait to see
what the future holds for AH. Please be praying as we go through this
time of transition together.

With much love,
Mark and Melinda Rowland

                                             ABOUT MARK ROWLAND
                                            Pastor Mark Rowland is a native of Athens, Ohio, and grad-
                                            uated from Ohio University in 1976. He earned his Master of
                                            Divinity Degree from Asbury Theological Seminary in 1979.

                                           Mark began his ministry as the Youth Pastor at Anderson
                                           Hills from 1979-1983. He served the Green Camp United
                                           Methodist Church from 1983-1987, the Arlington United
 Methodist church from 1987-1998, and the New Albany United Methodist Church from 1998-2003. In
 2003, Mark returned to Anderson Hills as the Senior Pastor. The church had been suffering from rapid
 attendance and financial losses. Mark was able to turn the church around and today the church has
 seen growth in all areas of ministry.

2 | Anderson Hills UMC
Several building and remodeling projects have been undertaken,
                        different worship services have been added, small groups, and mission
                        projects including the Wash Project in Zambia which has raised nearly
                        $1,000,000 since 2008. The church became a multisite church when
                        it acquired the Salem Community Church.

                        Mark has served as a pastor in the West Ohio Conference for 42 years.
                        He has served on a variety of District and
                        Conference positions such as District Youth
                        Coordinator, District Strategy Chairperson,
                        Committee on Ordained Ministry, as a mentor
                        for candidates, and as Financial Chair of the
Conference Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry.
Currently he leads the Large Church clergy cluster. He is also involved
in the Walk to Emmaus.

Mark and Melinda have been married for 42 years. The Rowlands have
two grown daughters Megan and Christa, their husbands Drew and
Scott, and five grandchildren.

                                              FROM JON FERGUSON

                                          "My family and I are so so honored to join the incredible
                                          work that God is doing at Anderson Hills! We have been
                                          blessed to serve a church where God is on the move, new
                                          people are coming to faith in Jesus, and lives are being
                                          transformed. We know these same things are happening
                                          at AH, and we are so excited to join the team and be part
of what God has been doing for over 200 years!”

“Mark and Melinda's ministry continues to bear incredible Kingdom fruit, and I am so thankful that they
will continue to be a vital part of the AH family for years to come. I have been blessed to learn so much
from Mark over the years, and I look forward to learning much more and growing together as we lead
through this season of transition. Together, we believe that God's best for AH will continue to come by
God's power!"

“In 2001, Jennifer and I began our lifelong covenant of marriage, and we are the proud parents of three
wonderful children: Jacob (16), Tyson (14), and Marissa (11). We enjoy water skiing, soccer, and travel,
plus a Labrador Retriever (Hershey) and a rabbit (Waffles). Our life together is many things, but boring is
never one of them!”

                                                                      The Link, Winter/Spring 2021 | 3

                         JANUARY- FEBRUARY 14
                         Churches are filled with people who profess saving faith in Jesus
                         Christ, yet all too few live into the sanctifying fullness of the Holy
                         Spirit. Most people do not set goals for spiritual development as
                         they do for their career or health, and thus have no serious spiritual
                         progress. What we all need is for the Lord to awaken us in a deeper
                         way to the presence of God in our lives and His purposes for our
                         times. Without a personal awakening, we will not be able to be
                         agents of awakening for others, making the difference needed in
                         our world today. Find out more about this series at

                                   This Lent, we will look at different types of psalms, from
                                   praise through lament to thanksgiving, and see how they
                                   help us to grow in how we relate to God emotionally and
                                   truthfully. And through reading and meditating on psalms,
                                   we will open our hearts and allow the Holy Spirit to form
                                   within us the One who is reflected in so many ways within
                                   them, Jesus Christ our Lord. The Bible Reading Plan for all
                                   sermon series is here

                                    Message from the Pastor         pg. 2-3
                                    Upcoming Sermon Series		          pg. 4
                                    2021 Goals		                      pg. 5
 of contents                        Women & Men’s Ministry
                                    Preschool/ Break Free Class
                                                                      pg. 6
                                                                      pg. 7
                                    UMW/ Comstock Scholarship         pg. 8
                                    Fresh Expressions/ New members pg. 9
                                    WASH/ Student Ministry           pg. 10
                                    Bands/ Growth Track              pg. 11
                                    Activities & Updates		        pg. 12-13
                                    Life Events                   pg. 14-15

4 | Anderson Hills UMC
From Pastor Mark Rowland

The one area this church has always struggled with is sharing our faith. And guess what? We still do.
So we are going to focus on three areas this year.

The first is evangelism…sharing our faith. It is the very reason we exist. The last thing Jesus said be-
fore his ascension is found in Matthew 28:19, Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

There are a couple ways we will do that. One is digital evangelism. It is using the internet, mobile, and
social media platforms to share the Gospel. It’s perfect for a COVID world. It’s not broadcasting. Broad-
casting is limited by one-way communication. Digital at it’s best is relational. It is interaction. There are
7 billion people on the planet. 4 billion on the internet. 3 billion are on social media. What is means is
that all of us can be missionaries. There is no longer any excuse for not doing it.

The other way we will do that is our Salem Campus. Despite the obstacles we have encountered, God
is bringing people and the church is welcoming them, introducing them to Jesus and discipling them.
One of the things that happens when you open up a new venue is that it attracts new people who
may not have considered attending the current one. They have passed out 2500 door hangers. Plus
the Thursday night meals has attracted the attention of the community. A stranger handed SueLee a
check for $1000 because she heard what was happening there.

The second goal is to form new bands. A band is not a traditional small group. It is not a Bible study.
It is not a fellowship group. It is made up of 3-5 persons of the same gender who read scripture, pray,
and meet together to become the love of God for one another for the world.

Each week they answer five questions: How is it with your soul? What are your struggles and success-
es? How might the Spirit and Scriptures be speaking in your life? Do you have any sin that you want to
confess? Are there any secrets or hidden things you would like to share?

Our vision is for your spiritual growth and that does not happen without spiritual friendships. We plan
to start eight more bands this year. If you are interested, contact Amy Tomlinson.

Finally, we are continuing to invest in Fresh Expressions. Fresh Expressions is movement of missionary
disciples cultivating new kinds of church alongside existing congregations to more effectively engage
our growing post-Christian society.

Since Pastor Jonathan Kollmann started, we have formed venues at several retirement communities
and breweries. He started one at the Colorful cupboard for artists. Covid put a temporary halt to our
retirement communities at the Glen and Anthropology but we have been able to reopen our Little
Miami and Big Ash venues.

Fresh Expression is a form of church for our changing culture, established primarily for the benefit
of those who are not yet part of any church. We need to make it a priority to invite friends, relatives,
neighbors and associates to our Fresh Expression ministries!
                                                                      The Link, Winter/Spring 2021 | 5

                            January 24 and March 21 6:30 pm
                            This is a required class for parents who would like to have their child (ages
                            0-9) baptized or blessed. Once you have taken this class, you do not have
                            to repeat it for other children. The Baptism service following these classes
                            are Sunday, February 14 and April 18. Sign up

   The Men’s Super Bowl Breakfast is not happening this
   February due to the pandemic. They hope to have something
   similar at the start of the fall football season. The Men of
   Anderson Hills Leadership will be looking at another rally for
   the 2nd quarter.

 New Date for Women’s Retreat
 The retreat has been moved from March 6 to November 13. It is a one-day Women’s Retreat at
 Anderson Hills. We’re each living out a unique story, a life marked by our own personal ups and downs,
 notable for both the triumphs and the traumas. Of course, some stories unfold
 with more twists and turns than others. Pioneering contemporary Christian singer
 Michele Pillar could never have predicted the path her life would take.

 She was flying high in 1985 when a public fall from grace left her ministry in
 shambles, her heart broken and her mind reeling. As Michele worked hard to repair
 the lingering damage from a difficult childhood, a “comeback” was the furthest
 thing from her mind. As a wiser, more authentic version of herself, Michele realized
 she had a new message to share.

 Today, she’s a sought-after speaker and singer. She recently added the title “author” to her diverse
 resume’ with her first book, Untangled: The Truth Will Set You Free.​Michele’s reach extends to social
 media as well. Her Facebook posts regularly go viral, reaching upwards of 20 million users. And her
 message is resonating in some surprising places. Women 18-24 make up her biggest demographic
 on Facebook. At first, she wasn’t sure how to respond to millennials, but she sensed God saying, “I’m
 sending them to you!” Somehow these kids feel safe to ask really hard questions, and Michele is ready
 to offer honest answers. Her video Bible devotional, The Two Minute Miracle posts Monday-Friday on
 her Facebook Page and is viewed by over 20-thousand weekly.

     6 week study on Tuesday evenings (630-8 pm) beginning
     March 2
     The atmosphere around you is alive with unseen spiritual
     activity - a battle between forces of darkness and light.
     You will learn how to identify and take dominion over the
     supernatural environment for the kingdom of God! Led by
     Laura Burger. Sign up https://andersonhillsumc.ccbchurch.

6 | Anderson Hills UMC
The children of Anderson Hills Preschool experience the love of Jesus and learn biblical truths
through their daily interactions with our staff. We partner with parents in helping children to grow
spiritually, academically, socially and emotionally. Admission is for children from the ages of 30 months
(by 8/1/21) through 5 years old. Classes are a play-based setting which promotes learning and a
positive self-image. Registration is Jan. 5-31. Invite families with preschool-aged children to our open
house on January 14, 6-7 pm! More info

   Break Free Workshop
   For us to move on in our journey to grow closer to and more like Jesus, the Apostle Paul tells
   us that there is first work to be done. We must throw off or break free from what hinders us,
   like unforgiveness, hurts from past rejections, shame, fear from traumas we’ve experienced.
   He also told us that must be rid of the sin that so easily entangles— envy, deceit, anger,
   unhealthy habits, and so on. And because of these hindrances, you may find yourself willing
   to grow in your walk with Christ, but are spiritually unable.

   In this 6-week Break Free Workshop, you will learn about the most common kinds of
   strongholds that hinder us, how to overcome the lies you have believed about yourself or God
   that have taken you off track and replace them with God’s truth, and begin to walk anew in
   freedom, with peace and joy that only the Lord can provide.

   The workshop will be on Tuesday evenings, 6:30-8:00, at the Anderson campus starting
   January 19. For more information about it, contact Sharon Guard (
   Sign up here to participate.

                                                                     The Link, Winter/Spring 2021 | 7
Marcie Huffer went on to life triumphant on January 5, 2021.
                        Marcie had just received the UMW’s Special
                        Mission Recognition Award in December.

                        Every year the United Methodist Women honors
                        one of their members for outstanding service to
 the organization and the church.

 Marcie served as church secretary for 25 years. Upon retirement from
 that position, she was involved as UMW secretary, rummage sale
 co-leader, circle leader and was currently UMW first vice president. She
 also gave many hours to the AHUMC 200th anniversary committee
 researching historical documents.

 For her service and dedication, received the 2020 UMW Special Mission pin and certificate. The pre-
 sentation was made personally to Marcie prior to the New Year.


 The January UMW general meeting is canceled. February and March are still to be determined. The
 Spring Rummage Sale is canceled. UMW is hoping to resume the Rummage Sale in the Fall.

We have Stephen Ministers to walk alongside you during a difficult time. Stephen Ministers receive 50
hours of training. We have Stephen Ministers now that are available to have a care receiver. You can
find more information Stephen Ministry on our website at or contact
Laura Burger at

   The Walter S. Comstock Scholarship application deadline is April 5. The $3,000 scholarship
   honors the memory of Walter C. Comstock, a biology teacher in the Forest Hills School District
   and a member of the Anderson Hills United Methodist Church. The scholarship is to be granted
   to a student graduating from a Forest Hills High School (or other area high school if the
   recipient is a member of Anderson Hills United Methodist Church) who plans to major in a basic
   science discipline. Access the online application on our events page. Mail the application to
   Walter C. Comstock Memorial Scholarship, c/o AHUMC, 7663 Five Mile Road, 45230 by April 5.

8 | Anderson Hills UMC
The Holy season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 17.
                               Our service is at 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary. It is a service of prayer,
                               confession and repentance. Several times in scripture we read of
                               people applying ashes to themselves as a sign of repentance before

                               Contemporary and traditional styles of worship will be incorporated
                               as we gather as one family and one church to hear again the powerful
                               words of Psalm 51 “Cast me not away from your presence and take not
   your Holy Spirit from me, restore to me the joy of your salvation and sustain in me a willing spirit.”

Exciting Plans for 2021

2020 brought some challenges for our
Fresh Expression ministries. However,
our team was able to hold 44 Fresh
Expressions opportunities in various
locations. Even though we only averaged
42 people in person and through live streaming, we met many new faces.

Currently, we are reaching out to the Glen and Anthology assisted living centers to see when we
can begin offering worship and communion again. We plan to re-start the Faith and Friends Art
Experience in September 2021.

We plan to launch a NEW Faith and Friends on Tap Experience brewery ministry in April! Pastor
Jonathan has met with Mt. Carmel Brewery and Dead Low Brewery and both places are excited to
host Fresh Expressions of Anderson Hills UMC. We will keep you posted on the location, day, and

  Ken Collier                     Leah Nipper
  Sharon Collier                  Matt Nipper
  Kim Day                         Virginia O’Leary
  Linda Dolive                    Dana Rivard
  Vincent Dotson                  Ryan Rivard
  Beth Dubois                     Michele Schnell
  Mark Dubois                     Jacqueline Spence
  Dan Early                       Laura Walke
  Susan Early                     Mary Wessel
  Janice Frech                    Tom Wessel
  Carol Heidel                    Andrea Whitley
  Tom Heidel                      Lee Whitley
  Brandi Lairmore
  Brandon Lairmore

                                                                     The Link, Winter/Spring 2021 | 9
                                   As of January 17, we broke the $1,000,000 mark for the WASH
                                   Program! $1,007,646 has been raised in the 12 years of this program.
                                   Thank you for your generosity. Because of you thousands of lives are
                                   being saved with clean water, sanitation and hygiene. The best news
                                   is that all those people are hearing the good news of Jesus!

Student Ministry has two offerings for Summer 2021: ASP (current 8th
graders and up) June 13-19, and Crossings (current 6th-12 graders) July
8-12. At this point, both of these organizations are making plans to
welcome students back to their program this summer. Both have also
said that in the event that they again have to cancel, they will refund all
money, The deadline to sign up for these trips will be January 31. More

                                                        CONSTRUCTION DEBT PAID
                                                        Thanks to an estate gift from the Withrow Family,
                                                        we were able to pay off our Building Connections
                                                        Capital Campaign debt. The Building Connections
                                                        campaign started in 2016 to construct the
                                                        Connections Center, add parking to the front,
                                                        renovate children’s classrooms, improve our
                                                        technology and create the Garden Patio.

  Receipts through 10/31/20 were $2.354 million, which was $154,000, or 7%, above the originally
  estimated pledge amount of $2.2 million. Thank you to our generous congregation!

  As of 11/6/20, the balance on the loan was $1.367 million. We applied $1.345 million of proceeds from
  the Withrow estate gift, along with the remaining $22K in the Building Connections fund, to pay off the
  balance of the loan.

  Thanks to everyone who gave during this capital campaign. You have helped us to expand our
  capacity to reach more people with the good news of Jesus!

10 | Anderson Hills UMC
One of our goals for 2021 is helping people go deeper in their spiritual journey. We have already
launched more than a dozen bands. It is not the same as a life group. Bands are all men or all
women. Discussions are confidential. Band meetings consist of an opening prayer, then five ques-

1. How is it with your soul?
2. What are your struggles and successes?
3. How might the Spirit and Scriptures be speaking in your life?
4. Do you have any sin that you want to confess?
5. Are there any secrets or hidden things you would like to share?

The band members then do a closing prayer. Interested in knowing more? Contact our Director of
Discipleship, Amy Tomlinson

                          GET ON THE GROWTH TRACK
                          The purpose of our Growth Track class is to help you identify where you
                          are spiritually, discover your personal and spiritual makeup, and learn
                          how to move to the next level and into a place where you can use your
                          gifts to go and serve God. It is also a prerequisite to membership.

                          Ther first Growth Track of the year started January 10. The next one is
                          February 28. You can attend in person or via zoom. Register here.

In January, we resumed our Thursday evening
Community Dinners at our Salem Campus. Weekly, we serve
meals to those in need in the Mt. Washington area every
Thursday evening. We always need volunteers to provide
request meal items or serve meals. Sign up on events page.

                                                                     The Link, Winter/Spring 2021 | 11

                            JAN       BREAK FREE WORKSHOP
                                      Address the whys and hows behind the harmful thoughts and behaviors
                              19      in your life, and will equip you with strategies for how to overcome and
                                      find freedom in Christ. Tuesday evenings, 6:30-8 pm

                              24       BAPTISM & BLESSING CLASS
                                       11 am The class is required for parents to have their children baptized
                                       or blessed. (After attending one time, you do not need to attend
                                       again.) Next Baptism service is Feb. 14

                                 WELCOME LUNCH
                                 If you are
                     GLOBAL LEADERSHIP      new to AH, join us for a boxed lunch at 12:15 in the Atrium/
                     AHUMC is a host site           Center.
                                          for these two daysChildren are welcome.
                                                             of world-class
                                                                                  SEPT 9 SPIRITUAL GROW
                                                                                   Register on our events
                                                                            leadership                    page.
                                                                                                      6:30-8  pm. This four
                     training.                                                                        spiritually, discover y
                                                                                                      move to the next lev
                                                                                                      go and serve God. T
                              26     MOPS & MOMSNEXT
                                     6:30 pm Fellowship Hall. Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) and
                                     MOMSNext (mothers of school-aged children) will be doing a mix of
                                     evening in-person and virtual meetings this school year.

                               31    SUMMER TRIP SIGN UP DEADLINE
                                     Student Ministry has two offerings for Summer 2021: ASP (current 8th
                                     graders and up) June 13-19, and Crossings (current 6th-12 graders)

                                     PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION DEADLINE
                                     Registration open until Jan. 31.

12 | Anderson Hills UMC

                        FEB      BAPTISM/NEW MEMBERS IN SERVICES
                                 Must have gone through Growth Track (starts Jan 10) or Baptism class
                         14      (Jan.24)

                                 ASH WEDNESDAY
                           17    7:30 pm, Sanctuary. Worship, message and distribution of ashes.

                                 SPIRITUAL GROWTH TRACK CLASS
                           28    6:30 pm This four-week class helps you identify where you are spiritually,
                                 discover your personal and spiritual makeup, and learn how to move
WTH TRACK CLASS                  to the next level. This class is required for membership. It is offered in
 r-week class helps you identify where   andare
 your personal and spiritual makeup, and learn how to
                      MAR        SHIFTING
 vel and into a place where you can  use yourATMOSPHERES
                                               gifts to            CLASS
                                 Six week study on Tuesday evenings (630-8 pm) The atmosphere
 This class is required for membership.
                        2        around you is alive with unseen spiritual activity - a battle between
                                 forces of darkness and light. You will learn how to identify and take
                                 dominion over the supernatural environment for the kingdom of God!
                                 Sign up on events page.

                            21 BAPTISM    & BLESSING CLASS
                               11 am The class is required for parents to have their children baptized
                                 or blessed. (After attending one time, you do not need to attend
                                 again.) Next Baptism service is Feb. 14

                                   MAUNDY THURS. APRIL 1, GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 2, EASTER
                                   APRIL 4

                                                                                          The Link, Winter/Spring 2021 | 13
  Jeanna McIntire was born to Kamdyn McIntire 11/18
  Riley Jean (RJ) Ricker, born to Britney & Kyle Ricker, 12/9
  Cordelia Hope Bundus, 1/12/21, granddaughter of Tim & Barb


  9/8     Doug Brownlee
  9/10    Guz Bublitz
  9/11    Harold Britton, father of Carol Vandenmeer
          Barbara Krause, sister of Bob Esberger
  9/18    Ann Palmisano, sister of Barb Wolf
          Polly Anderson Carranza, sister of Beth Lockwood
  10/6    John Finley, father of Lisa Ratterman
  10/15 James Farmer
  11/8    Sharon Schafer
  11/15   Chuck Brewer
  11/16   Dick Burson
  12/1    Bob Carr
  12/8    Jeanne Bausmigh, sister of Don Lomax
  12/10 Marcy Kraemer, mother of Jim Kraemer
  12/11   Robert Sandlin, father of Bev Fortuna
  12/12 Mary Ellen Dubois, mother of Mark Dubois
  12/17 Karen Hartje
  12/24 Donna Maret, mother of Mark Maret
  1/5/21 Marcie Huffer

14 | Anderson Hills UMC
                                                BIRTHDAYS 90+
JANUARY                                         JANUARY
18-Richard & Jane Swaim, 51 years               6-Gene Ledbetter, 91
22-Wes & Connie Lampe, 66 years                 8-Joyce Baron, 90
29-Cleve & Pat Campbell, 60 years               17-Jeanette Brunett, 93
30-Marx & Rosemary Swingley, 67 years           24-Mary Jo Memke, 91
                                                25-Bill Kerr, 92
FEBRUARY                                        28-Gwen Doppler, 94
6-Bill & Jo Anne Harvey, 67 years                  Hope Greer, 97

MARCH                                           FEBRUARY
1-Jerry & Eestelle Blankenbecker, 64 years      16-Betty Cooper, 94
27-Rob & Brenda Smith, 50 years                 17-Bill Shinkle, 90
                                                19-Margaret Kerr, 94
                                                   Ida Mae King, 91
                                                24-Dee Zazanis, 91
                                                26-Jeanette Katz, 103

                                                8- Walter Don Justice, 93
        GIVE US FEEDBACK                19-Jean Brown, 96
      What did you think of this issue? We
     would love to hear your thoughts and
    suggestions on what you are interested
     in seeing in this quarterly publication.

                                                             The Link, Winter/Spring 2021 | 15
Mark W. Rowland, Senior Pastor                                    ANDERSONHILLS.ORG
Mark Putman, Executive Pastor                                 Access CCB the same way as before.
                                                              Tell your friends about our website so
Jonathan Kollmann, Associate Pastor Connections/                  we can connect them to Christ!
New Ministry Development
Linda Troy, Pastor of Senior Ministries & Visitation
SueLee Jin, Salem Campus Pastor
Howard D. Preston, Pastor Emeritus

Ron Zemites, Director of Administration
Pam Schwirtz, Director of Lay Mobilization                         COME. GROW. GO.
Laura Burger, Director of Caring/Outreach              ANDERSON HILLS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
Amy Tomlinson, Director of Adult Ministry                  ANDERSON                 SALEM CAMPUS
Sharon Guard, Dir. of Curriculum Development                CAMPUS                  6137 SALEM RD
                                                       7515 FOREST ROAD             CINCINNATI, OH
Dana Caldwell, Dir. of Children’s Ministry              CINCINNATI, OH                  45230
Stacey Hammond, Children’s Ministry, Pre-K                   45255
Erik Wilson, Director Contemporary Worship                            PHONE: 513-231-4172
Danny Stover, Dir. of Traditional Worship                            ANDERSONHILLS.ORG
Julie Dima, Asst. Director Traditional Worship                       OFFICE ADDRESS:
Sarah Fortner, Asst. Dir. Contemporary Worship                      7663 FIVE MILE ROAD
                                                                      CINCINNATI, OH
Sue Black, Treasurer                                                       45230
Jim Martin, Financial Secretary
Stephanie Bishop, Anderson Hills Preschool Dir.
                                                           Office Hours M – F | 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Melissa Kaylor, Administrative Assistant
Lydia McCauley, Administrative Assistant                  SUNDAY WORSHIP / ANDERSON CAMPUS
                                                           Traditional Worship | 8:30 am & 11:00 am
Kathy Porter, Administrative Assistant                   Contemporary Worship | 9:30 am & 11:00 am
Brenda Sellmeyer, Administrative Assistant                 Nursery & Children’s Ministry | 11:00 am
Darlene Woosley, Administrative Assistant                         Student Ministry I 9:30 am
Becky Frazier, Childcare Coordinator                       SUNDAY WORSHIP / SALEM CAMPUS
Sandy Snoke, Babies & Toddlers Coordinator                   Contemporary Worship | 10 am
                                                        Sunday Evening Worship & Prayer I 6:00 pm
Scott Bitzer, Custodian
Gyubeom Chae, Custodian
Jim Cornell, Custodian                                  FOR MORE UPDATES FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL
Nate Head, Custodian                                                   MEDIA!
Pat O’Donnell, Custodian
Susan Mahaney, Communications Director

                                                       AndersonHillsUMC              @AndersonHills
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