Page created by George Woods
                        Do Justice • Love Kindness • Walk Humbly

  March 22, 2019

                               Dear friends and fellow disciples,
                               Lent has always surprised me with its complexity.
                               We know we are called to slow down, reflect, and prayerfully prepare. We do so in a spirit of
                               penitence, bowing ourselves, humbly, before the One who was crucified. We know the pain
                               of the Holy Week stories that await us.
                               But all the while the daffodils spring up, and buds spring forth on the tree limbs; there are
                               signs of new life and the smell of the Bradford pear trees. We plan for spring breaks, and try
                               to steal a few days out of town, away from the relentless pace. March Madness beckons, and
                               productivity decreases as we huddle around televisions and cheer on the Goliaths we know
                               and the mid-major Davids we learn about along the way. Emotionally, we are pulled all sorts
                               of directions, most of which move us away from carefully paced penitence.
I continue to invite you to spend time with The Confession of Belhar, and read it, as it shapes our Lenten reflection. We had
a rich conversation last night at Aperture about the saints of the Dutch Reformed Mission Church who stood firm in the
face of oppression and proclaimed their faith in the God of justice and hope. Come to worship, read the daily devotional,
and pray for God's own wisdom for us and our world.
As we move through Lent, know that behind the scenes our three Search Committees are hard at work. Last week,
members of all three teams enjoyed dinner and a time of fellowship together, before receiving an orientation and training
on the work ahead with our Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry. The Search Committees then gathered into their
groups to discuss next steps. There was a wonderful energy and excitement in the room, but we were also feeling a bit
overwhelmed – it’s A LOT of work, and it is work that will require a great deal of care, discernment, and prayer.
One of the biggest considerations in this process will be maintaining the level of strict confidentiality required to ensure
a positive, balanced, equitable, and successful search process that honors both the church and all the candidates the
committees will be speaking with. Presbytery representatives instructed Search Committee members to approach all
of their work with the highest level of confidentiality. What does this look like in practical terms? It means Committee
members can’t discuss any details of their work with their spouses, and our Committees’ youth members cannot share
information with their parents. Likewise, Committee members may not converse with members of the church about their
work, even in the most casual sense. This doesn’t mean that Committees can’t share with us where they are in the process
- we'll receive periodic progress reports from each team - but they can't share names and places related to their work. Let
us all work together to take great care with this.
The most important thing you can do, truly, is pray for them and for the candidates with whom we’ll be speaking. The
foundation of all of this work must be prayer. Please pray for all of these folks - see a listing of each committee on page 7.
And, be sure to thank them for their willingness to serve!
As these committees get going - they are working to have their first meetings in the next couple of weeks - you can
expect to hear regular updates from them. These good folks will be walking the line of respecting your interest, but also
maintaining the level of confidentiality required. We ask that you send any suggestions that you have to Monica Nichols,
who will keep the information on file and provide it to the Committees when appropriate. We are so thankful to Monica for
all her hard work to keep our Committees organized and on track moving forward. It’s a big job!
This is a lot to digest, I know. But seasons like this make me all the more grateful for you - leaders who step up, over and
over again. And for the God who created it all and sustains us with more than enough for the journey. I'm grateful to be in
it with you.

                                      Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).
March 22, 2019

                                          Concerns & Celebrations
                             Sharon Barnes                                                  Mark Howell
                             Lennie Barton                                             Judy Lamon’s friends
                          The Rev. Bill Bigger                                       Lynn Leubuscher’s father
                            Danielle Bishop                                               Beverly McGraw
                               Linda Clack                                               Pru Meyer’s friend
                             Ralph Coonrad                                                  Sue Murphy
                       Brandon Garcia's friend                                             Chip Reinhardt
         Tully and Natalia Fletcher on the birth of a daughter,                         Jeff Scouten’s sister
                   Barbara Fletcher's granddaughter                                        Bob Timmons
                            Katie Hanczaryk                                              Ellen Vogel’s aunt
                         Ron Hawkins' brother


Sunday Morning Preaching Schedule
 March 24 Third Sunday of Lent
 Chris Tuttle - Confession of Belhar, Part II (cont.)
 March 31 Fourth Sunday of Lent
                                                                             a worship service @ westminster
 Alex Stayer-Brewington - Confession of Belhar, Part III                         Contemplative. Contemporary.
 April 7 Fourth Sunday of Lent, Communion                                            Peaceful. Participatory.
 Sermon by Carrie Tuttle - Confession of Belhar, Part IV                         A retreat for weary souls eager
                                                                              to find connection with our Creator
 April 14 Palm Sunday
 Chris Tuttle - Confession of Belhar, Part V                                            and one another.

 April 21 Resurrection of the Lord - Easter                                     Sunday, March 24, 4:00pm
 Chris Tuttle                                                                 Join us for this final service of the season
 April 28 - Birthday Sunday
 Youth Sunday
 May 5 - Communion Sunday
 Libby Boehne, Presbyterian Campus Minister
 Duke University
 May 12
                                                                                    Music news
 Chris Tuttle                                                                         Save the Date!
 May 19
 Chris Tuttle
                                                                              Sunday, May 5, 7:00pm
 May 26 - 10:00am Summer Worship Schedule Begins                         Annual Spring Choral Program
 Alex Stayer-Brewington
                                                                        Inspirational & Interactive l Reception to Follow
                                                                        Contact: Monica Rossman (monica@wpcdurham.org)

Westminster Presbyterian Church

                             LENT & HOLY WEEK at WESTMINSTER

                    In June 2016, the 222nd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) took the rare step of approving a
                    recommendation to add The Confession of Belhar to our Book of Confessions. It was written as a protest against
                    ideas held by the white Dutch Reformed Church that used the Bible and the Confessions to justify the harsh,
                    unjust system of Apartheid. There are five parts to Belhar, and we will explore each one during the Sundays of
                    Lent and on Palm Sunday (see page 2 for the preaching schedule).
                    You can download a full text of the Confession at http://bit.ly/Lent2019-Belhar. We will also utilize a study
                    guide, Lenten Reflections on The Confession of Belhar, which is available for purchase in the Mission Center.

           Lenten & Holy Week Happenings & Worship Services
                                 Wednesday, April 3, 6:30pm                                           Sunday, April 14 - Palm Sunday
                             "Lenten Imagery as Seen in Modern                                           8:30am & 11:00am Worship
                                    & Contemporary Art"                                            Children are invited to gather in the
                                    Led by Ruth Caccavale                                          Courtyard 10 minutes before each
                                         Music Room                                                service to line up for our Palm Parade
                            Hear a discussion of Lenten                                            with their Fish Banks for One Great
                            influences on art in our modern                                        Hour of Sharing.
                            times. Ruth is a former professor
                            of art with Rutgers University and
                            currently serves as a gallery guide
at the Nasher Museum. A gifted teacher, some of you may                  April 18 - Maundy Thursday
remember a few years ago the excellent class Ruth taught, along                  7:30pm Worship
with Monica Rossman, on the music and art of Holy Week. We             Come remember the intimacy
hope you will join us.                                                 of the upper room and the Last
                                                                       Supper as we gather around the
                                      Friday Morning Prayers,          table in communion. Remember
                                          Throughout Lent              the words Jesus gave us as he
                               The Congregational Care Committee       departed, his agony, his betrayal
                               invites you to pray with them on        by Judas, his final hours on the cross.
                               Fridays at 7:00am. Wherever you
                               are at that hour, take a few minutes                                         April 19 - Good Friday
                               to pray for those you know and                                                  12:00pm Worship
                               love, and for the needs of the world.                                          2:00pm Prayer Walk
                               Know that the Congregational Care                                                 of the Passion
                               Committee and others will also be
                                                                                                      Experience a unique adaptation of
praying at that same time, that we might be bound together as
                                                                                                      the “Prayer Walk of the Passion,”
our hearts are lifted to God. Prayer Concerns & Celebrations are
                                                                                                      an intergenerational, interactive
included in the worship bulletin.
                                                                                                      event depicting the transformative
                                                                       moments of the Holy Week. “Prayer Walk of the Passion” touches
                   Holy Week Silent Campus                             the core of who we are as Christians. Come and see! Sign up at
             To maintain our rhythm of worship and
         reflection, we do not schedule meetings on our
                                                                           April 21 - Easter Sunday
        campus during Holy Week. The only groups that
                                                                           Resurrection of the Lord
          will meet are support groups (NA, OA), Bible
           studies, and groups that support Holy Week                    8:30am & 11:00am Worship
        worship services. We pray you will join us in this             Special music by Chancel Choir
               journey: Come by, take a walk, or sit                         and Brass Ensemble
                and pray in the Memorial Garden.                       9:45am Potluck Easter Brunch
                                                                       Bring your favorite breakfast
                                                                       dish to share; beverages provided.

March 16,
   March 22,2016

Community Opportunities and more
                                                                      Families Moving Forward
                                                                      Volunteers Needed April 8-9
                                                                      WPC’s next rotation with Families Moving Forward is coming
                                                                      up fast! Please consider joining us by signing up to cook, serve
                                                                      dinner, or provide childcare on April 8 or 9 at http://bit.ly/
                                                                      AprilFMF. Our help allows families in the FMF program to
                                                                      participate in important life skills and parenting training.
                                                                      Mark your calendars for our following rotation - June 24-25.
                                                                      Contact: Rachel Chang (racheljoychang@gmail.com)

     CROP Hunger Walk, April 7                                        A Delicious Way to Support Families
We challenge all of Westminster to fight world hunger one step        Moving Forward
at a time by participating in the CROP Walk, an 8-kilometer walk      Want to help support Families
and symbolic journey that is the typical daily trek for thousands     Moving Forward while enjoying
in developing countries to gather fresh water.                        delicious food prepared by a
Durham's 2019 CROP Walk will take place on Sunday, April 7,           distinguished local chef?
at 2:30pm and begins at Duke Chapel. Sign-ups for walkers are         Chefs for Change is a
available in the Mission Center, or you can sign up, sponsor a        fundraising dinner series
walker, or make donations at https://www.crophungerwalk.              that pairs the burgeoning
org/durhamnc/wpc.                                                     Durham food scene with the
Last year, WPC raised $14,000 and won the "golden sneaker"            needs of families experiencing
award for money raised by a church of our size! Our 2019 goal is      homelessness. This is more
$15,000.                                                              than a dinner - this is a fine dining experience with a purpose.
Please mark your calendars and plan to join us, either as a           Get details, dates, and tickets at fmfnc.org/chefsforchange.
walker or sponsor!
Contact: Neil McElroy (mcelroy_neil@hotmail.com)

                                           Hope and Healing: Faith Communities & the Suicide Crisis
                                           Faith Connections on Mental Illness 9th Annual Conference
                                           Friday, April 5, 9:00am-5:00pm
                                           St. Thomas More Catholic Church (940 Carmichael St, Chapel Hill, NC 27514)
                                           Westminster is one of many local sponsoring congregations of this important annual
                                           event, which is focusing this year on the church's response to suicide. The conversation
                                           will be initiated by The Rev. Rachel Keefe, who will present how faith communities can
                                           respond morally and ethically to this mental health challenge. Rev. Keefe’s book, The
                                           Lifesaving Church: Faith Communities and Suicide Prevention, will be featured. Other
                                           topics to be discussed include:
                                           •    How faith communities can offer hope to those living with suicidal thoughts
                                           •     Mental health issues facing those incarcerated in our local jails and prisons, including
                                           •    Methods and challenges for engaging clergy to foster mental health resiliency for our
                                                faith communities
                                           Registration and full details at http://www.faithconnectionsonmentalillness.org/annual-
                                           Contact: Nancye Bryan (919-942-4033)

                                                                                                    Westminster  PresbyterianChurch

All Things Haiti
                                                                        March 31 is Undy Sundy!
             Haiti Education Mission Team                               Though their trip has been postponed, Helen Harrison and Emily
                                                                        Strader are collecting new underwear for girls and boys in the
      We will commission our Haiti Education Mission
                                                                        HOM schools, in addition to supplies for the sewing school
      Team on Sunday, March 24, at the 11:00am worship
                                                                        operated by Haiti Outreach Ministries (HOM).
      Political unrest in Haiti appears to have subsided, so                                                       March 31 is “Undy
      our team is proceeding with plans to travel early next                                                       Sundy,” the day to
      month.                                                                                                       bring in donations of
                                                                                                                   new underwear for the
      Please keep these folks in your prayers as they make
      final preparations for their trip:
                                                                                                                   You can also drop off
             Lisa Beaman                  Kelly Leder
                                                                                                                   donations in the green
         Izabella Cope-Mulseh         Jo Ann Lytle-Olson                                                           bin in the Mission Center.
         Tamara Cope-Mulseh             Jonny Megazzi
              Peggy Force             Dorene Palermo                    If you would like to help provide supplies for the sewing school,
             Kristina Gilbert            Jules Taylor                   please consider making a donation to the Haiti Fund. You can
             Kathy Hancock            Stacy Whitenight                  drop a check into the offering plate, or give online at www.
               Kim Henry             Lenette Whitworth                  wpcdurham.org/give. Be sure to add a note directing your gift
                                                                        toward the Mission Stitches' sewing trip.
              Lisa Lazarus               Elsa Woods  
                                                                        Contact: Helen Harrison (heh@adornments.biz)

                                                                        Christian Education news
                                                                        Sojourners Begin New Study Topic
                                                                        The Sojourners are beginning a new, short-term study: Half
                                                                        Truths: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things
                                                                        the Bible Doesn’t Say.
                                                                                                  Join Adam Hamilton, via DVD, in
                                                                                                  searching for the "whole truth" by
                                                                                                  comparing common Christian clichés
                Suitcases Needed                                                                  to the message and ministry of Jesus.
                                                                                                  Hamilton is senior pastor of the United
The Haiti Education Mission Team is in need of large, checkable,
                                                                                                  Methodist Church of the Resurrection
rolling suitcases to transport school supplies, clothing, and shoes
                                                                                                  in Leawood, Kansas, named the most
to the HOM schools.
                                                                                                  influential mainline church in America by
Sizes needed: Extra large - Approx 20 x 30 x 12                                                   The Church Report.
              Large - Approx 16 x 26 x 10                                                         The class schedule will be:
Clean out your closet and LOAN the team a suitcase or GIVE a                                      March 24: "God Helps Those Who Help
suitcase that can be left in Haiti (HOM schools use the suitcases                                 Themselves"
as storage). Be sure to let the team know if you wish to have
your suitcase returned or will be donating it for the mission trip.     March 31: "God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle"
Please bring suitcases to church by Monday, April 1. Thanks!            April 7: "God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It"
Contact: Dorene Palermo (dorenepalermo@gmail.com)                       April 14: "Love The Sinner, Hate The Sin"
                                                                        Each class features a brief DVD presentation, followed by
                                                                        discussion, with no homework. Join us on Sundays at 9:45am in
                                                                        Room 205 of the Mission Center.
                                                                        Contact: Bill Pogue (bmapogue@aol.com)

March 16,
  March 22,2016

youth ministry                                                                    Summer Pre-Trip Meetings
news                                                                            Pre-trip meetings are mandatory for all youth
                                                                                who plan to participate in summer trips.
Final Youth Group & Senior Send-Off                                             We'll discuss trip logistics and expectations for
                                                                                how we'll conduct ourselves while we're away.
Sunday, April 28, 5:30-7:00pm                                                   We also ask that each youth have one parent/
At our last Youth Group of                                                      guardian in attendance at the meeting.
the 2018-19 school year, we'll                                                               ASP - May 29 @ 6:30pm
celebrate everyone who's
graduating this year. Yay!                                                               Massanetta - June 5 @ 6:30pm
If there's a high school senior                                                            Montreat - June 12 @ 6:30
you'd like to honor, please let                                                 All meetings will take place in the Youth Suite.
Alex know by April 14.                                                          If you cannot make a meeting, please make
Contact: Alex Stayer-Brewington (alex@wpcdurham.org)                            arrangements to meet with Alex at another time.
                                                                                Contact: Alex Stayer-Brewington
                                    Flour War FUN!
                                    On Sunday, March 10, we
                                    met up with youth from First
                                    Presbyterian, Trinity Avenue,         Reminder: Sign Up to Serve the Shelter Meal
                                    and Mount Bethel for pizza,           WPC Youth will be serving dinner at Urban Ministries on
                                    fellowship, and a rousing             Tuesday, March 26.
                                    evening of throwing colored
                                    flour at other Presbyterians.         Come from 6:00-8:00pm for an evening of service and
                                    It was wild!                          fellowship!
                                                                          Sign up at http://bit.ly/WPCYouthsheltermeal

                           Celebrate Westminster School with the Gift of Reading
Join us in celebrating 50 years of Westminster School for Young Children by donating a book to our school library.
We are updating and diversifying our school library by filling it with new titles given in honor of Westminster students, families, and
friends. Each book purchased from our Amazon Wishlist will be given a nameplate recognizing the donor, and each book will be
enjoyed and loved by children for years to come.
Please follow this link to our Amazon Wishlist: http://bit.ly/wsycbook. Don’t forget to include a gift tag with your name and the
message you’d like printed on the book’s nameplate. Thank you for your donation!

                    Save the Date: Celebrating Carol Van Hise on Saturday, May 4
All are invited to a celebration of Carol Van Hise as she retires from 50 years of loving, faithful service to Westminster School for
Young Children, on Saturday, May 4, 2:00-5:00pm at WPC.
We're planning a number of special ways to honor Carol and give her a special way to remember her years with us. If your children
attended WSYC, please send a photo to carolsretirement50@gmail.com.
In addition, a scholarship fund has been established in Carol’s honor. If you would like to give, please send a check payable to
Westminster School with “Scholarship Fund” on the memo line.
Contact: Kathy Stickley (kathy@wpcdurham.org)

                                                                                                  Westminster  PresbyterianChurch

In the Library
The Good News from North Haven                                           that Ollie Lundin, her next-door neighbor, has dumped an entire
By Michael L. Lindvall                                                   basket of oak leaves from one of his trees into her yard. It seems
Call number: Fiction L                                                   that just the day before she raked up those same leaves that
                                                                         had blown from his tree overhanging the fence separating their
 -- Reviewed by Pete McWilliams
                                                                         adjacent yards. Then she put them back into his yard, and now
                          For those who enjoy reading short              he was returning them! To seek surcease from this comical
                          stories by the likes of, say, William          border war, Alvina seeks the pastor’s intervention. “In the end,”
                          Trevor or Katherine Mansfield or               the minister admits, “I had no biblical ammunition for her to
                          John Updike, The Good News from                aim at Ollie Lundin, who, she said, ‘was a Lutheran of some
                          North Haven is a marvelous book                kind and would probably pay attention to Scripture.’” What
                          worth reading…and rereading. It fits           should a minister say or do when confronted by a literal-minded
                          into a genre that could well be called         parishioner who sees so much unfairness of things, to borrow
                          church literature, but it is more than         the title phrase of another short story, by CDB Bryan? Does
                          that. It delineates a year in the life         Jeremiah 31 have anything to say about the Jefferson Street leaf
                          of a fictional congregation in a small         war?
                          Minnesota town. Although the author,           There are further reverberations of both Old and New
                          Michael Lindvall, is a Presbyterian            Testament in the remaining 17 chapters, which span the
pastor, as a writer he possesses the artist’s keen eye for size,         lives of these Minnesotans from one Christmas to the next.
shape, and perspective and combines the storyteller’s delightful         One can imagine folksy Fred Craddock in the pulpit of North
knack for narration with a Garrison Keillor-like wit and wisdom.         Haven’s Second Presbyterian Church. One can hear the echoes
The characters in this series of interconnected vignettes are            of the sage words of Jeremiah or Amos or Hosea. One can
well-developed people drawn from real life. They struggle                picture oneself wrestling with the domineering director of the
with issues of life, death, and faith. They dispute with unruly          Christmas pageant, learning to dance, going on a treasure hunt,
neighbors. They contend with uncooperative appliances and                or pondering "The Dreadful Omniscience of God" (the title of
vehicles. But they also appreciate such ordinary things as new-          one of the chapters).
fallen snow. They enjoy acting and painting. They live lives of          Eugenia Price comments that “...Lindvall has blended skillful
ordinary people seeking God’s unmerited grace.                           storytelling with sharp, clean darts of truth.” Of the book she
Consider, for instance, the two obstreperous characters in               adds, “You will never forget its stories, its people, and [its]
the hilarious chapter with the improbable title “The Jefferson           reassuring truth.” North Haven is, in the end, a community that
Street Leaf War.” Alvina Johnson, who has lived on that street           affirms that life is good and worth living well. To get this book
for almost fifty years (and who takes inordinate pride in her            from the church library is to laugh. And to cry. And to come
weed-free, leaf-free yard) returns from her Tuesday evening              closer to comprehending the meaning of grace.
Bible Class study of Jeremiah’s “new covenant” only to discover

                                         Nominations for Elders and Deacons
            The Nominating Committee has begun its quest to identify seven new elders and four new deacons to
            serve in the class of 2022. The congregation is invited to submit nominations. Please email names to
            nominatingcommittee@wpcdurham.org or place them in the box on the Mission Center reception desk.
                                              Contact: Bonnie Derr (bbderr@nc.rr.com)

                                               WPC Search Committees
Thanks to the individuals who answered the call to serve on our Search Committees, and to Monica Nichols, who's serving as Search
Teams' Logistics Coordinator. Please keep them in your prayers. We'll receive updates on the Committees' progress later this spring.
     Director of Christian Education                   Associate Pastor for                               Associate Pastor for
   Thelma Allen, Michelle Ferguson,               Congregational Care & Mission                          Youth & Their Families
 Kathe Graves, Evan McIntyre (youth),              Linda Barnett, Mitch Dozier,                            Anne Beckwith,
 Collin Phillips (youth), Fritz Simonson,      Susan Landis, Evan McIntyre (youth),                    Cameron Carrow (youth),
             Mercer Stanfield                   Rachel Meyen, Helen Tharrington,                Katie Donoway, Molly Furman (youth),
                                                       Woody Warburton                          Paul Garcia, Mark Hill, Ashley Messick,
                                                                                                  Shannon Wylie (youth), Jeff Young

March 22, 2019

Celebrate Someone Special: Easter Lily Donations
                                                  If you’d like to donate toward the Easter lilies in honor, memory, or celebration of
                                                  your loved one(s), please give online at www.bit.ly/myWPCevent, or complete
                                                  the form included in Sunday’s bulletin insert. Dedications are $10 each. Please
                                                  make checks payable to WPC with “Easter Lilies” in the memo line. Place your
                                                  form and check in the offering plate or bring it to the church office.
                                                  Dedications will be published in our Easter bulletin. Donated Easter lilies will
                                                  adorn our Memorial Garden on Easter Sunday. If you make a donation and would
                                                  like to have a lily, feel free to take one from the garden after the 11:00am service
                                                  on that day.
                                                  Contact: Bonnie Derr (bbderr@nc.rr.com)

                                      WORSHIP VOLUNTEER SCHEDULE
     Please find a sub if you're unable to serve on your scheduled Sunday. Sign up at www.bit.ly/wpcServe. Thank you!
Nursery Volunteers                                               Ushers
Infants, Toddlers, 8:30am 2-5 yr. olds: WPC Nursery Staff        Mar 24  8:30am John Atkins, Dave and Sara Pottenger,
Mar 24 Jeremy and Laurel Trantham                                               Louis and Mary Quin
Mar 31 Scott Simon, Julie Swiggett, Jeremy and Laurel Trantham          11:00am Jami and Ally Howell
Apr 7 Heather and Will Turner, Carrie Tuttle,                    Mar 31 8:30am Quinn and Katherine McFall, Bill and Jackie Whitt
        Melinda and Georgia Vaughn                                      11:00am McLaughlin family
Apr 14 Robert Brame, Volunteer needed                            Apr 7   8:30am Volunteers needed
                                                                        11:00am Kenzie Brannon, Nancy Pearman, Pam Smith
Welcome Table Hosts
                                                                 Apr 14 8:30am Logan and Lynn Toms, Volunteers needed
Mar 24 Margaret Dean
                                                                        11:00am Chang family, Nichols family
Mar 31 Volunteer needed
Apr 7 Monica Nichols                                             Offering Counters
Apr 14 Monica Nichols                                            Mar 24 8:30am John High, Bill Whitt
Acolytes                                                                 11:00am Alex and Mary Denson
Mar 24 Thomas and Patrick Dean                                   Mar 31 8:30am Marge Enberg, Mike Meyen
Mar 31 Ty Allen, Graham Donoway                                          11:00am Laura and Millicent Loehr
Apr 7 Spencer Hill                                               Apr 7    8:30am Carl and Adella Boxberger
Apr 14 Abby and Sarah Simonson                                           11:00am Anne Wolf, Will Yancy
                                                                 Apr 14 8:30am Laura and Millicent Loehr
                                                                         11:00am Alex and Mary Denson
Mar 24 8:30am Linda Van Gombos     11:00am Davis Bingham
Mar 31 8:30am David McQuay         11:00am Lynn Leubuscher
Apr 7 8:30am Chuck Byrd            11:00am Cameron Carrow
Apr 14 8:30am Bonnie Derr          11:00am Dana Lange

Sound Technicians
Mar 24 8:30am Derek Leadbetter 11:00am Gideon Segbefia
Mar 31 8:30am Gideon Segbefia 11:00am Mark Hill
Apr 7 8:30am Derek Leadbetter 11:00am Mark Hill
Apr 14 8:30am Derek Leadbetter 11:00am Mark Hill

                                                WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH
                                                3639 Old Chapel Hill Rd Durham, NC 27707
                                                Phone: 919-489-4974

                                  Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).
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