MEMBERS PROGRAMME 2020 -2021 - Aston Hills Golf Club ...

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MEMBERS PROGRAMME 2020 -2021 - Aston Hills Golf Club ...
2020 -2021

2020 / 2021 COMMITTEE MEMBERS                 Finance Committee – responsible for over-sight of the
                                                        financial management of the Club and Clubhouse
President        Gary Leverington        0407 252 877   facilities.

Vice President   Sandra King             0418 342 127   Match Committee – responsible for the supervision and
                                                        control of all matters pertaining to the arrangements and
Captain          Geoff Lord              0437 758 203   superintending of all contests, the allotment and revision
                                                        of handicaps, the settlement of disputes and the
Treasurer         Shane Teakle           08 8391 1200   selection of teams.

Course Chairman                                         Course Committee – responsible for supervising the
Malcolm Stephenson                       0400 248 166   upkeep and maintenance of the course.

Committee Members:                                      The Club Manager is solely responsible for the
              Simon Ball                 0402 998 398   supervision of all Club employees and any
              Neil Baulderstone          0400 070 373   complaint or suggestion is to be made directly to
              Sharon Phoenix             0408 848 635   the Club Manager, not a club employee.

Women’s President                                                        CLUB MEMBERSHIP
Gail Vort-Ronald                         0408 830 204
                                                        The enjoyment of Golf depends a great deal on the co-
Club Manager   Hayley Hunt               08 8391 0547   operation, consideration and courtesy extended by
Email:                      fellow competitors. This enjoyment can be increased
                                                        greatly for everyone if all members thoroughly read this
                     COMMITTEE                          handbook.

The control of the club is vested in the Management     The subjects covered in the handbook will answer a
Committee, which is divided into operating committees   number of questions asked by members of the Club.
as follows.
                                                        The spirit and reputation of a Golf Club is projected by
                                                        the way fellow members show respect, courtesy and
                                                        consideration for one another.
Members’ personal property is not covered for theft or
This courtesy and consideration should extend to being      damage, and therefore members should consider
appropriately dressed and in the standard of conduct on     having their own insurance arrangement for such items.
the course and in the Clubhouse.                            In addition, Members who sustain an injury to
                                                            themselves are not covered by insurance and should
The standards of a Golf Club may be judged by the           seek their own cover.
etiquette of its members.                                   The Aston Hills Golf Club Inc takes no responsibility for
                                                            any claim, injury or loss by any member, guest, visitor or
                                                            player. This includes the use of the car park and all
“For when the one great scorer comes to write               other facilities situated on the Club’s property.
against your name, it will not be that you won or lost
but how you played the game.”                                                 JUNIOR PROGRAM

Grantland Rice                                              A Junior Member of the Club is defined as one who is
                                                            aged less than 18 years. The Club encourages junior
                      INSURANCE                             participation.

As part of the affiliation fee, financial Members of the    Comprehensive activities enable juniors to be involved
Club are insured for their legal liability to pay           in the playing and administration of golf and social
compensation for third party Personal Injury and/or         events. Where possible, juniors will be exposed to
Property Damage caused to other players or equipment        professional coaching, etiquette and rules, with ongoing
whilst playing golf. This also covers any legal advisor’s   events which include specific professional coaching,
fees and court costs involved in defending a claim          southern group competition, higher order golf
brought against a member. The maximum for any one           competition, fundraising, and juniors on tour.
claim is $20,000,000.
                                                            Beginner coaching is by arrangement with the Club
It should be noted that this insurance only covers          Professional. One aim of the program is to have an
financial members of any affiliated Golf Club with Golf     equal number of male and female junior golfers.
Australia Ltd, and therefore any guests (unless they are
a members of an affiliated club) that you bring onto the    Your Guests and the License – if a green fee is paid
course are not covered by this insurance policy.            then the guest is an honorary member for the day.
The player who has the honour should be allowed to
                       SLOW PLAY                                   play before his fellow competitor.

It is perfectly feasible to play a fourball round in               Priority on the Course – in the absence of special
approximately 4 hours. Failure to do so results from               rules, two-ball matches should have precedence over
either taking too long to vacate the green when the hole           and be entitled to pass any three or four-ball match. If a
is completed, or by not being ready to play your shot              group fails to keep its place on the course and loses
when it is your turn. Once it is your turn to play the ball it     more than one clear hole on the players in front, it
should be played within 30 seconds.                                should allow the group following to pass.

Note: Groups of more than FOUR are not permitted                   Mobile phones must be turned off or be placed on
without permission from the Captain or Professional.               silent when on the golf course and only be used in an
Please ensure you do your share to improve the
speed of play.
                                                                                    CARE OF THE COURSE

                        ETIQUETTE                                   Raking of Bunkers
                                                                 1. Enter and exit from the easiest point at back of the
Consideration for other players – in the interest of all,           bunker.
players should play without delay. No player should              2. Rake flat bottom part of the bunker with the teeth of the
play until the players in front are out of range.                   rake, removing all footmarks.
                                                                 3. Rake in a forward and back motion to prevent sand
Players searching for a ball should signal the players              being dragged to the back of the bunker.
behind them to pass as soon as it becomes apparent               4. As you exit the bunker at the slope, use the reverse flat
that the ball will not easily be found. They should                 part of the rake to smooth out sand. This keeps the face
discontinue play until the players following them have              firm and allows the ball to roll to the flat raked part of the
passed and are out of range.                                        bunker.
                                                                 5. When finished, place the rake in the centre of the
Behaviour During Play – no one should move, talk or                 bunker pointing towards the direction of play.
stand close to or directly behind the ball or the hole
when a player is addressing the ball or making a stroke.
Restore Divots, Repair Ball Marks and Damage by
Spikes – through the green, a player should ensure that           Members are responsible to ensure that their guests
any turf cut or displaced by him is replaced at once and          meet the required standards of conduct and the dress
pressed down, and sand placed over the divot, and that            code and also are responsible to ensure that their
any damage to the putting green made by the ball is               guests pay the appropriate Green Fee, if that guest
carefully repaired. Damage to the putting green caused            plays on the course.
by golf shoe spikes should be repaired.

Damage to Greens – Flagsticks, Bags, etc – players                                       PRACTICE
should ensure that, when putting down bags or the
flagstick, no damage is done to the putting green, and            The course is not to be used to practice specific shots.
that neither they nor their caddies damage the hole by
standing close to it, in handling the flagstick or in            Practice rounds may be played but members should be
removing the ball from the hole.                                 aware of the following:
                                                             (1) A single player has no right of way whatsoever.
Putter heads must not be used to remove balls from the       (2) A single player whilst playing on the course may use up
hole.                                                            to a maximum of 2 balls at any time.

Players should not damage the putting green by leaning                              PRACTICE RANGE
on their putters, particularly when removing the ball from
the hole.                                                         The Club provides a practice range facility – please
                                                                  note this is not a driving range. The following rules
                                                                  apply to the range:
                       CONDUCT                               1.   Only Pro Shop range balls may be used between 9am &
                                                                  3pm unless permission is obtained prior to commencing.
Your conduct in the Clubhouse should be beyond               2.   At all times, balls must not be hit beyond the range
reproach with as little noise as possible.                        perimeter mounds.
                                                             3.   Players must not hit balls when staff or players from the
Members, guests and visitors are responsible for the              course are on the range.
behavior of their children. Members and visitors must        4.   Practice is to be from artificial turf mats, or the grass
regard the kitchen and behind the bar as “Out of                  area indicated.
5. Balls hit on the range are at your own risk. Please              •   Beach wear, brief shorts or lycra style pants / shorts
   ensure you have your own insurance cover. The Club               •   Jeans which are dirty or damaged. Styles with damage
   and the Professional take no responsibility for any claim            due to original design will be assessed on a case by
   for injury you may cause to other players or staff.                  case basis, however excessive or extensive holes or
                                                                        transparency will be refused.
                     DRESS REGULATIONS
                                                                        Note: Sandals are permitted to be worn in the clubhouse
    Dress Regulations apply on the course and in the                    but are banned for use on the course.
    Clubhouse and apply to all members, guests and
    visitors. Anyone not conforming to dress regulations                In addition, golf shoes are permitted to be worn in the
    may be refused admittance and/or service.                           Clubhouse from 1st October to 30th April each year.

    It is a minimum expectation that all people attending
    the Club are wearing casual attire that is neat and                             ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
    clean at all times.
                                                                        The Club’s Annual General meeting for 2020 is planned
    The following forms of dress are acceptable:                        to be held on Monday 25th May.
•   Collared shirt or a shirt with a derivative collar which is a
    defined part of the shirt, which includes a “turtleneck”.           As written in the Club Constitution, any items of Special
•   Tailored trousers or shorts                                         Business may be brought forward at the time, provided
•   Socks are to be worn with shorts                                    they meet the criteria as set out in the Club Constitution,
•   Jeans (Neat & clean)                                                and are lodged 21 days before the date of the meeting.
•   Golf Shoes or sporting activity shoes which will not
    damage the course surfaces.
                                                                                           PLAYING RIGHTS
    The following forms of dress are unacceptable:
•   Shirts which are damaged and/or badly worn                          The playing rights of the Categories are briefly set out
•   Track suit pants or shorts                                          hereunder:
•   Work wear or work shoes which are dirty, damaged                    Full Members – every day
    and/or badly worn                                                   Six (6) Day Members – every day except all day on
•   Singlets/tank tops or shirts with excessively sized or any          Saturdays.
    offensive or controversial slogans
Pay for Play Members as per Full Membership. An
applicable membership fee is payable with every             In addition to this all golf vehicles must be fully insured
competition round played or any practice round on any       before being used on the course.
part of the course.
Service Members – as per Full Members.
Restricted A Women’s - may play Monday to Friday                          ABANDONED GOLF BALLS
and Sunday afternoon. This class of membership is
closed to new members.                                      Balls lost and abandoned on the course are the property
Junior Members – every day.                                 of the Club. Members are specifically required not to
                                                            collect balls other than their own ball, which is lost
The playing rights are subject to the limitations placed    during a round, and are further asked to specifically
upon them by trade days and special events and use of       discourage trespassers and unauthorised persons
the course as approved by the Committee. Notification       collecting balls on the course.
of such will be posted on the notice board.

On non-competition days, members intending to play a                PRO-SHOP & BUGGY STORE HOURS
social round are advised to contact the Club to ensure
that the course has not been set aside for a Trade Day.     Daylight Saving Times Winter Times (Non-daylight)

All playing rights are established by regulation of the     Mon:      7am - 6.00pm               Mon      7am - 5.00pm
Committee and may be changed by regulation. Notice          Tue:      7am - 6.00pm               Tue      7am - 5.00pm
of change will be posted on the Club Notice Board.          Wed:      6.30am - 6.00pm            Wed      6.30 - 5.00pm
                                                            Thu:      7am - 6.00pm               Thu      7am - 5.00pm
                                                            Fri:      7am - 6.00pm               Fri      7am - 5.00pm
                                                            Sat:      6.30am - 6.00pm            Sat      6.30 - 5.30pm
                                                            Sun:      6.30am - 5.30pm            Sun      6.30 - 5.00pm

All Members and Guests wishing to use any form of
motorised vehicle for golf on the course (Excludes hiring
from Golf Shop), must first obtain permission from the
Club, followed by completing the approved ‘Club
Registration Form’.
BAR SERVICE FACILITIES                                             EXTREME WEATHER POLICY

The Club Bar is open during the following hours:                       EXTREME HEAT
Monday, Tuesday         10.00 am to 3.00 pm                            If the maximum temperature for Mount Barker is
Wednesday               10.00 am to 6.00 pm                            forecast to be 39 degrees or greater, as announced on
Thursday, Friday        10.00 am to 9.00 pm                            the Elders weather site
Saturday                9.30 am to 6.00 pm                   
Sunday                  11.00 am to 3.00pm                             ranges/mount-barker, no play in competition will be
                                                                       allowed after 9:30am. All players entered on the time
Note: Changes to the above hours will alter as the Manager may close
                                                                       sheet will be cancelled and a new time sheet will be
the Bar earlier.
Public Holiday and Christmas Trading Hours will differ from times      open at 12 noon the day prior with earlier tee times
above.                                                                 available.

                    CATERING SERVICE                                   In the case of lightning becoming a danger, players
                                                                       must adhere to the conditions applicable in the ‘Rules of
The Club invites members to use this service, and also                 Golf’, which relate to the Suspension of Play Due to
our function facilities for corporate golf days, seminars              Dangerous Situation (Rule 5.7).
and conferences, weddings, parties and celebrations.
Contact the administration office for a copy of our                    One prolonged note of the siren will indicate that play
detailed brochures.                                                    must be discontinued immediately. Resumption of play
                                                                       cannot take place until advised by the Committee and is
The Kitchen is Open for Lunch –                                        indicated by repeatedly sounding two short notes of the
Tuesday thru to Sunday          11.30 am to 2 pm                       siren.
Kitchen Closed on Mondays.

Dinners served Thursday & Friday night 6 – 8 pm                                           MOBILE PHONES

Please note: The Kitchen is closed on Good Friday, Christmas Day,      Mobile phones must be turned off or turned to silent
Proclamation Day and New Year’s Day each year. On days when the
                                                                       mode when on the golf course and should only be
clubhouse is closed pies, pasties and sandwiches are available for
purchase from Bar or Pro Shop.                                         used in an emergency.
COMPETITION PLAY                                                 MENS GOLF

    RULES                                                                             Pennant 2020
    The rules of golf as approved by the Royal and Ancient
    Golf Club of St Andrews and local rules at the Aston        A1 SCHEDULE                B2 SCHEDULE
    Hills Golf Club shall apply.                                31st May at Murray         31st May at Oakbank v Yankalilla
                                                                Bridge v Willunga          14th June at Yankalilla v Willunga
                                                                14th June at Echunga v     21st June at Murray Bridge v Oakbank
    All competitions are under the control of the Match         Echunga
    Committee and its decision shall be final. The Match                                   28th June at Home v Murray Bridge
                                                                21st June at Mount         5th July at Echunga v Echunga
    Committee has the right to:                                 Compass       v   Murray
(1) Alter the date of any event.                                Bridge
(2) Alter and adjust the rules pertaining to any event at any   28th June at Willunga v
                                                                Links Lady Bay             C1 SCHEDULE
    time up to the commencement of the event and will
                                                                5th July at Home v Mount   31st May at Nairne v Strathalbyn
    notify players of changes by notice on the Club Notice
                                                                Compass                    14th June at Home v Murray Bridge
                                                                                           21st June at Echunga v Echunga
(3) Be the final arbiter in any dispute arising from the
                                                                                           28th June at Murray Bridge v Nairne
    conduct of an event.                                        A2 SCHEDULE                5th July at Strathalbyn v Yankalilla
                                                                31st May at McCracken v
    PROGRAM                                                     McCracken                  FINALS Sunday 12th July
    The competition listed in the handbook has priority over    14th June at South Lakes
    all other competitions unless otherwise ruled by the        v Victor Harbor
    Match Committee.                                            21st June at Home v
    For competitions involving qualifying rounds, qualifiers    South Lakes
    will be advised of times as soon as possible for future     28th June at Victor
                                                                Harbor v Willunga
                                                                5th July at Willunga v
                                                              For competitors involving handicap match play, the
COMPETITIONS                                                  handicap to be used is that which was applicable during
Each competitor’s name must be registered in the Pro          the (final) qualifying round.
Shop and the competition fee paid before commencing.
For competitions, starting times are to be booked by                          MAJOR EVENTS 2020/21
members on the online time sheet at the club web site.
Competitors must report at least 10 minutes prior to          MONTHLY MEDALS
hit off time.                                                 March 7th, April 4th, May 2nd, June 6th, July 4th, August
                                                              1st, September 5th, October 3rd, November 7th,
GRADES                                                        December 5th, January 2nd.
When competitions are played in grades, the grades
shall be:                                                     MEDAL OF MEDALS            Saturday February 6th 2021
A Grade: 0 (or better) to 12.
B Grade: 13 to 18.                                            ASTON HILLS VARDON Sunday 5th April
C Grade: 19 to 36.
                                                              PRESIDENT’S TROPHY (Par)
SCORES                                                        1st Round     23rd May
The onus is on players in all competitions to ensure their    2 Round       30th May
scorecard is correctly marked, signed and
countersigned by the marker, with any alterations             CAPTAIN’S TROPHY (Stableford)
initialed by the marker.                                      1st Round    15th August
Completed cards must be entered as soon as possible           2nd Round    29th August
after the completion of the round at the computer
terminals available.                                          MIXED PINEHURST CHAMPIONSHIP
                                                              Sunday 27th September
Players who tie in major events or in qualifying for the
final position in major events, may be required to play off
under conditions decided by the Match Committee,
unless otherwise decided that the count back system
will apply.
CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS                                        In the event of ties count back will apply.
10th October Rd 1 Qualifying Round (All Grades)           The competitor’s handicap applicable during the first
17th October Rd 2 Qualifying Round (All Grades)           qualifying round will determine the grade for players in
24th October Quarter Finals                               the championship.
31st October Semi Finals
1st November Finals                                       The club champion becomes eligible for the State
                                                          Champion of Champions and the Southern Group
1st November      Club Presentation Dinner of all Men &   Champion of Champions.
                  Women Trophies throughout the year.

VETERAN CHAMPIONSHIP                                      MONTHLY MEDALS – (A, B and C GRADES)
Saturday 3rd & 10th October                               Competition: Lowest gross score of one round of
                                                          stroke play in each grade.
JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP                                       Ties: A count back to apply.
Saturday 3rd & 10th October
                                                          MEDAL OF MEDALS – (A, B and C GRADES)
SUMMER CUP 2021                                           Qualifications: Only winners of Monthly Medals
New format 18 holes played on the 13th February           eligible. Players to play in the Grade that the monthly
2021.                                                     medal was won.
                                                          Competition: Lowest gross score of one round of
                                                          stroke play in each grade.
MAJOR EVENT CONDITIONS – MEN                              Ties: A count back to apply – number of Monthly
                                                          Medals won, then count back on Medal of Medals
CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS                                        round.
Detailed ‘Conditions of Play’ will be available 4 weeks
before the event. The general conditions are that the     PRESIDENT’S TROPHY
club championship and other grades shall be played        Competition: Best aggregate score over the two Par
over TWO 18-hole stroke rounds, followed by 8             rounds.
Qualifiers from each of the grades to play match play.    Ties: A count back to apply.
Veterans and Juniors to play two rounds of stroke to
determine the champion.
MAJOR EVENT CONDITIONS cont.                                                WOMEN’S GOLF

MIXED PINEHURST CHAMPIONSHIP                                        WOMEN’S COMMITTEE 2020/21
Competition: One stroke round of Pinehurst Format.
Ties:   Decided on a count back                           President Gail Vort-Ronald     0408 830 204

VETERANS’ CHAMPIONSHIP                                    Treasurer Pam Miels            0410 345 637
Competition: 36-hole stroke play (gross) played in
conjunction with the first two rounds of Club             Captain   Jayne Baulderstone   0410 315 538
Qualifications: Eligible age shall be 55 years or older   Vice-Capt Judy Crowley         0438 809 890
at date of the event.
CAPTAIN’S TROPHY                                          Secretary Janice O’Connor      0438 847 327
Competition: Best aggregate score over two Stableford
rounds.                                                   GENERAL COMMITTEE
Ties: A count back to apply.                                    Simone Coonan            0438 808 526

SUMMER CUP                                                MATCH COMMITTEE
Better Ball (4BBB) Stableford played over 18 holes.            Jayne Baulderstone        0410 315 538
                                                               Sharon Phoenix            0408 848 635
                                                               Susie Kerr                0439 655 763

In all junior events the maximum age is 18 years or                   WOMEN’S MAJOR EVENTS
under as at the date of the event that is being played.
                                                           27th March              Women’s Open Day
JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP                                        7th April               Shylie Rymill Foursomes
Competition: 36 Hole stroke play (gross) played in         12th May                1st Rd Club Foursomes
conjunction with the first 2 rounds of Club                19th May                2nd Rd Club Foursomes
Championships. Count backs apply.                          23rd June               Monica Huppatz Foursomes
                                                           22nd September          1st Rd Club Championship
                                                           29th September          2nd Rd Club Championship
6th October           Quarter Finals Club Champs                  WOMEN’S COMPETITION PLAY
13th October          Semi’s Club Championships
20th October          Club Championship Finals         RULES:
25th October          Club Presentation Night          The rules of golf as approved by the Royal and Ancient
27th October          AGM                              Golf Club of St. Andrews and local rules at the Aston Hills
10th November         Woodbark Day                     Golf Club shall apply.
24th November         Pink Ball Day
8th December          Christmas Lunch                 MATCH SUPERVISION:
                                                      All competitions are under the control of the Match
                                                      Committee and its decision shall be final.
                WOMEN’S PENNANT                       The Match Committee has the right to:
                                                   a) Alter the date of any event.
Division 1                                         b) Alter and adjust the rules pertaining to any event at any
2nd March at Echunga v Lady Bay                       time up to the commencement of the event and will
16th March at McCracken v South Lakes White           notify players of changes by notice on the Club Notice
23rd March at Home v South Lakes Red                  Board.
30th March at South Lakes v Willunga               c) Be the final arbiter of any dispute arising from the
6th April at Lady Bay v VHGC Blue                     conduct of an event.
20th April at Willunga v McCracken
27th April at Victor Harbor v VGHC White               PROGRAM:
4th May FINALS                                         The competition listed in the Handbook has priority over
                                                       all other competitions unless otherwise ruled by the
                                                       Match Committee.
Division 2
16th March at Tailem Bend v Tailem Bend                For competitions involving qualifying rounds, players
23rd March at Home v Murray Bridge                     must check with the program and Notice Boards for
30th March at Lake Albert v Lake Albert                dates of subsequent rounds and advise availability for
6th April at Echunga v Oakbank                         future rounds.
20th April at Murray Bridge v Echunga
27th April FINALS                                      COMPETITIONS:
                                                       Each competitor’s name must be entered on the online
                                                       time sheet and the fees paid before commencing.
Members are encouraged to utilise these reciprocal
     For Tuesday & Thursday competitions, starting times           arrangements and to always be good ambassadors for
     are to be booked by members on the online time sheet          Aston Hills Golf Club.
     TIES: Ties will be decided on a countback.                                      RECIPROCAL CLUBS
                                                                   South Australia
     Women’s Heat Policy                                           Kadina Golf Club                Keith Golf Club
     If the maximum temperature for Mount Barker is                Naracoorte Golf Club            Barmera
     forecast to be 39 degrees or greater, as announced in         Loxton Golf Club                Port Lincoln Golf Club
                                                                   Millicent Golf Club             Mt Gambier Golf Club
     the evening news bulletins, then the following day the        Lucindale Golf Club
     Club will not allow any players to start in a competition
     after 9.30am.                                                 Tasmania
                                                                   Kingston Beach Golf Club        Riverside Golf Club
                      RECIPROCAL CLUBS
                                                                   New South Wales
     Aston Hills Golf Club members have reciprocal                 Berrigan Golf Club              Murray Downs Golf Club
     membership rights at various clubs. These rights are          Byron Bay Golf Club             Palm Beach Golf Club
     limited by the following rules:                               Cobram Barooga Golf Club        Queanbeyan Golf Club
                                                                   Coomealla Golf Club             Tocumwal Golf Club
1.   Your rights are equivalent at the club you are visiting, to   Corowa Golf Club                Toukley Golf Club
     your membership category at Aston Hills.                      Deniliquin Golf Club            Wentworth Golf Club
2.   Your rights are for one month and any further period
     must be negotiated subsequently.                              Victoria
3.   You cannot transfer your membership at Aston Hills to a       Barham Golf & Country Club      Lorne Golf Club
     reciprocal club.                                              Bendigo Golf Club               Portland Golf Club
4.   You cannot win a major event at the club you are              Buninyong Golf Club, Ballarat   Clifton Springs Golf Club
     visiting.                                                     Warracknabeal Golf Club         Kaniva Golf Club
5.   You must produce evidence of your Handicap and                Warnambool Golf Club            Lonsdale Golf Club
                                                                   Warragul Golf Club              Riverside Golf Club
     financial status at Aston Hills when visiting a reciprocal
     club through an introductory letter. This can be obtained     Northern Territory              Darwin Golf Club
     from the office.                                              Queensland                      Ayr Golf Club
                                                                   Western Australia               Suncity Country Club
Note: A reduced green fee may apply at some of these          As land pressures changed and the population of Mt
Clubs.                                                        Barker grew, it became apparent that the Wistow course
                                                              could not be developed into the standard of course
                    CLUB HISTORY                              required, mainly due to a deficient water supply.
                                                              However, the land increased in value providing the Club
A Brief History of the Aston Hills Golf Club                  with options. Therefore, it was decided to subdivide and
                                                              sell this land and acquire land closer to Mt Barker with
The Mount Barker District Golf Club originated as a           the potential of adequate water.
definable body in 1879, which makes it one of the
oldest, if not the oldest Golf Club in the State and it has   With these objectives in mind the present property was
been in existence continuously since that time.               purchased and developed, beginning in 1977. The
However, the official records of the SA Golf Union            course was constructed first, with the present workshop
showed it commenced in 1907. Golf at Mt Barker was            used as a clubhouse. The original clubrooms were
originally played on the local property now known as the      completed and opened on the 4th October 1980.
Laurels, and owned by a well-known early settler, Mr.
John Dunn. The club used this venue for forty-two             The years 1980 to present have seen a tremendous
years, and during this time it joined forces with the         amount of effort and revenue put into the facility by way
Hahndorf Golf Club from 1907 to 1912.                         of continual upgrading of the course and the machinery
                                                              to keep resources in the condition that members have
As Mt Barker grew it became necessary to relocate the         come to know, enjoy and expect.
Club golf course. This was done with the permission of
the Warden family who allowed the Club to use their           Along with growth in membership has come a growth in
land for a further 45 years. The actual putter owned by       services and facilities, so much so that the Committee,
Commander Warden and donated to the Club by his late          looking to the future of the Club undertook in 1988, a
widow, is displayed in the Club House.                        major upgrading of the Club Room facility to provide for
                                                              even more members’ services and to provide a Club
In 1966 the Club decided to establish a facility and to do    Room which matches the course in excellence.
so, purchased some 288 acres of land near Wistow. A
course and clubrooms were duly established by utilising       In September 2007 the members of the Club agreed to
almost all volunteer labour. In the same year it became       amalgamate with the Hahndorf Golf Club following the
an incorporated Association on the 6th April 1966             sale of their property. The injection of excess assets
from Hahndorf has greatly assisted the new club to have       In early 2002 discussions were held with a well-known
a secure future for years to come.                            developer who proposed to purchase the property,
                                                              construct home units adjacent to the clubhouse for sale
The Hahndorf Golf Club was one of the three oldest            to the general public and Members, with the course
clubs in the State with all established in 1892. Adelaide     operated by a golf course management group and
(later Royal Adelaide) Golf Club was the first                available to all existing Members. The viability of the
metropolitan club while the title of the oldest country       development was dependent upon a variation of the
club could rest in a photo-finish between Hahndorf and        encumbrances placed on the property title by the vendor
Oakbank.                                                      when it was purchased in 1994. A voluntary variation
                                                              was not forthcoming therefore the club decided to look
The course moved several times before settling on the         at other alternatives.
Balhannah Road site. The land was loaned or leased
from golfing farmers and many were the hazards with           At a significant and sad Special General Meeting in May
fields ploughed for potatoes or paddocks used for             2004 it was decided that the course be closed on
grazing with greens fenced off to prevent straying dairy      Sunday 6th June and the property sold by tender
herds.                                                        process. The property was subsequently sold with
                                                              settlement on the 30th November 2004 and all
                                                              outstanding debts were paid.
In 1963 the Club moved locations for the last time and
leased land for a 9-hole course from one of the
members, Mr. Vic Nitschke. The Club expanded to its           After consideration of three options by Members, a final
full 18-hole course in 1981 and purchased the land in         decision was made at a Special General Meeting in
1994. Peak membership of 550 - 600 was achieved               September 2007 that the Hahndorf Golf Club
from 1992 to 1996.                                            Incorporated should amalgamate with the Mount Barker
                                                              District Golf Club Incorporated to form the Mount
In May 2000 the Management Committee set up a task            Barker-Hahndorf Golf Club Incorporated.
force to develop strategies for the Club in the future. The
Task Force members were subsequently appointed at             This action gave both former Clubs the chance to
the Annual General Meeting in October 2000 as the             continue their long and illustrious histories together as a
Management Committee.                                         significant Hills golf club serving one of the fastest
                                                              growing residential and commercial areas in South
In 2017 the club approached by the nearby Aston Hills             SPONSOR LISTING 2020/2021
housing development to change the trading name to       Sponsor Name                     Phone
Aston Hills Golf Club at Mount Barker in return for a
significant annual payment and providing memberships    Adelaide Direct Stationers          8369 2555
to new home buyers.                                     Adelaide Hills Real Estate          8398 3291
                                                        Adelaide Hills Chauffeur Services   0481 599 976
Following a Special General Meeting of the members in   Adelaide Image Printing             8351 8181
November 2017 it was agreed to proceed to contract      Bakers Delight                      8398 4004
negotiations for the name change to take place, for a   By 6 Coffee Roasters                0400 340 388
period of 5 years, with an option of another 5.         Coca Cola
                                                        Design Renaissance                  8391-0977
On Thursday 12th April 2018, the final agreement        Frank Walsh Drilling                8391-1433
between the club and Aston Hills was signed, and the    Goolwa Bakery                       0423 860 966
club officially changed its trading name.               Godfreys                            8391 5880
                                                        Hills Hire                          8391-4142
                                                        Mt Barker Irrigation & Pump Depot   8391-0744
                                                        Jarrett Mazda                       8339-2700
                                                        LJ Hooker (Mt Barker)               8398-6388
                                                        Mitre 10 (Mt Barker)                8391 0533
                                                        Morambro Creek
                                                        Mostly Air Air-Conditioning         0411 135 918
                                                        Mount Barker Computing              8398 - 4194
                                                        Murray Bridge Ice                   0400 070 373
                                                        Retire Australia                    1300 687 738
                                                        Salute                              8398-2872
                                                        Squires Barbers                     0423 158 436
                                                        Stirling Variety Meats              8339-3429
                                                        Teakle Accounting                   8391-1200
                                                        The Courier                         8391-1388
                                                        Websters                            8362 5553
                                                        Wicks Estate                        8389 9100
                                                        Serafino Wines                      8323 0157

To keep your membership records up to date, please
let us know if you have moved or changed your phone
details by completing the following, and return to:

435 Bald Hills Rd MT. BARKER SA 5251

or email –

New Address:………………………………………………

New Telephone number(s):
Other changes: …………………………………………….
MARCH 2020
   Sunday              Monday                  Tuesday               Wednesday        Thursday            Friday            Saturday
              1                     2                          3                 4                5                 6                   7
                  Retirees Comp          Ladies                    Stableford                                            Stroke
                                                                                                                         Monthly Medal
                                         Ambrose in 4’s
              8                   9                           10                 11              12                 13                 14
                  Adelaide Cup Day       Ladies                    Stableford                                            Stableford
                                         President v
                  Mixed 2 Ball           Captain
                  Ambrose                Matchplay
            15                      16                        17                 18              19                 20                 21
                  Retirees Comp          Ladies                    Stroke                                                Stableford
                  Ladies Pennants        Stableford
            22                      23                       24                  25              26                 27                 28
Founders          Ladies                 Ladies Stableford         Par                                Aston Hills        Stableford
Matchplay         Pennant Here            st
                                         1 Round Secretary                                            Ladies Open
Cup 12 noon                              Trophy                                                       Day
            29                      30                        31
                  Retirees Comp          Ladies Stroke
                                         /Putting/ Monthly
                                         Medal & 1st Rd
                                         International Bowl
APRIL 2020
   Sunday               Monday                    Tuesday                  Wednesday        Thursday            Friday              Saturday
                                                                                        1              2                   3                     4
                                                                         Stableford                                            Stroke
                                                                                                                               Monthly Medal
               5                     6                               7                  8              9                  10                     11
Aston Hills        Retirees Comp          Ladies Shylie                  Stableford                         Good Friday        Stableford
Vardon - 18        Ladies Pennants
                                          Rymill                                                            PH / Club          Easter Saturday
Holes              Away                   Foursomes                                                         Closed
              12                     13                             14                 15              16                 17                     18
Easter             Easter Monday          Ladies                         Stableford                                            Stableford
Sunday             PH
              19                     20                             21                 22              23                 24                     25
                                          Ladies Stroke / Putting
                   Retirees Comp                                         Stroke                                                ANZAC DAY
                                          2nd Round International
                   Ladies Pennants        Bowl / Monthly Medal                                                                 Stableford & 2Ball
                   Away                    st
                                          1 Round President Trophy
                                                                                                                               Aggregate Bring a
                                                                                                                               Mate $10
              26                     27                             28                 29              30
                   Retirees Comp          Ladies                         Stableford                                            Stableford
                   Ladies Pennants
MAY 2020
     Sunday               Monday              Tuesday               Wednesday        Thursday        Friday              Saturday
                  31                                                                                           1                       2
Ladies High                                                                                                        Stroke
Tea / Fashion                                                                                                      Monthly Medal
Parade 2-5pm
                   3               4                         5                  6                7             8                       9
                       Retirees Comp    Ladies Stableford        Stableford                                        Stableford
                                        2ndRd Secretary
                                        Trophy                                                                     7pm CCA
                                                                                                                   Whiskey Dinner
                  10               11                       12                  13              14            15                    16
Mothers Day            Retirees Comp    Foursomes                Stableford                                        Stableford
                                        Stroke Rd 1

                  17               18                       19                  20              21            22                    23
Pennant Launch                          Foursomes
                       Retirees Comp                             Stroke                                            Par
Captain v President                     Stroke Rd 2
                                                                                                                   Presidents Trophy
                                                                                                                   Rd 1
                  24               25                       26                  27              28            29                    30
11:30am Golf SA        Retirees Comp    Ladies Stroke /          Stableford                                        Par
                                        Monthly Medal / 3rd
Junior Pennant                          Rd International Bowl                                                      Presidents Trophy
here                   AGM
                                                                                                                   Rd 2
JUNE 2020
   Sunday            Monday               Tuesday             Wednesday        Thursday        Friday            Saturday
                                 1                     2                   3              4              5                   6
                  Retirees Comp      Ladies Stableford     Stableford                                        Stroke
                                     Veterans Trophy                                                         Monthly Medal
              7                  8                     9                  10              11            12                  13
                  Queen’s Bday       Ladies                Stableford                                        Stableford
                  PH                 Stableford
             14               15                      16                  17              18            19                  20
C1 Pennant        Retirees Comp      Ladies Stroke         Par                                               Stableford
here                                 Monthly Medal

                                     2nd Round
                                     Presidents Trophy
             21               22                      23                  24              25            26                  27
A2 Pennant        Retirees Comp      Ladies Monica         Stableford                                        Stableford
here                                 Huppatz Trophy

             28               29                      30
B2 Pennant        Retirees Comp      Stableford
JULY 2020
   Sunday             Monday             Tuesday               Wednesday        Thursday        Friday           Saturday
                                                                            1              2              3                 4
                                                             Stableford                                       Stroke

                                                                                                              Monthly Medal

               5               6                         7                  8              9             10                 11
A1 Pennant         Retirees Comp    Ladies Stroke            Stableford                                       Stableford
here                                /Putting &
                                    Monthly Medal
              12               13                       14                 15              16            17                 18
Pennant            Retirees Comp    Ladies                   Stableford                                       Stableford
Dinner here                         Stableford

              19               20                       21                 22              23            24                 25
                   Retirees Comp    Ladies Par               Stableford                                       Stableford
                                    1st Rd Captains
              26               27                       28                 29              30            31
Wedding            Retirees Comp    Ladies Stableford        Par
Expo here                           A, B, C Day
Sunday           Monday             Tuesday               Wednesday        Thursday        Friday              Saturday
         30               31                                                                                                1
              Retirees Comp                                                                              Stroke

                                                                                                         Monthly Medal
         2                 3                       4                   5              6              7                      8
              Retirees Comp    Ladies Stroke /         Stableford                                        Stableford
                               Putting & Monthly
                               Medal                                                                     Quiz Night
         9                10                    11                    12              13            14                     15
              Retirees Comp    Ladies Stableford       Stroke                                            Stableford
                                                                                                         Captains Trophy

         16               17                    18                    19              20            21                     22
              Retirees Comp    Ladies Par 2 Rd         Stableford                                        Par
                               Captains Trophy

         23               24                    25                    26              27            28                     29
              Retirees Comp    Ladies Stableford       Stableford                                        Stableford
                                                                                                         Captains Trophy
    Sunday             Monday             Tuesday                Wednesday        Thursday        Friday           Saturday
                                                           1                 2                3            4                   5
                                     Ladies Stroke /           Stableford                                       Stroke
                                     Putting &
                                                                                                                Monthly Medal
                                     Monthly Medal
               6                 7                         8                 9               10            11                 12
Father’s Day        Retirees Comp    Ladies                    Stableford                                       Stableford
               13               14                     15                    16              17            18                 19
                    Retirees Comp    Ladies                    Stableford                                       Stableford
               20               21                    22                     23              24            25                 26
                    Retirees Comp    Ladies Stroke /           Stableford                                       Stableford
                                     Putting /Club
                                     Round 1/ Final
                                     Monthly Medal
               27               28   Round           29                      30
Club Mixed                           Ladies Stroke /
                    Retirees Comp                              Par
Pinehurst                            Putting /Club
Championship                         Championship
                                     /Qualifying Round 2
Sunday           Monday             Tuesday              Wednesday        Thursday             Friday              Saturday
                                                                                      1                  2                         3

         4                 5                      6                   7               8                  9                       10
              Labour Day PH    Ladies Club             Stableford                         Cornerstone         Stroke
                               Championship ¼
                               Finals                                                     College Golf        Club Champs Rd 1
                               Stableford Comp

         11               12                     13                  14              15                  16                      17
              Retirees Comp    Ladies Club             Stableford                         GMA Golf Day        Stableford
                               Championship Semi
                               - Finals                                                                       Club Champs Rd 2
                                                                                          Twilight Starts
                               Stableford for non
         18               19                      20                 21              22                  23                      24
              Retirees Comp    Ladies
                               players Club            Stableford                         Twilight            Stableford
                               Championship                                                                   Club Champs
                               Finals                                                                         Matchplay Quarters
         25               26                     27                  28              29                  30                      31
              Retirees Comp    Ladies AGM              Stableford                         Twilight            Stableford

                                                                                                              Club Champs Semi’s
                               18 Hole Comp
    Sunday             Monday              Tuesday          Wednesday        Thursday                Friday                   Saturday
                1                  2                  3                 4                5                          6                     7
Men’s Club          Metro Vets         Melbourne Cup      Stableford                                                    Stroke
Champs Finals &
Club Presentation   here
                                       Lunch                                                                            Monthly Medal
Night Dinner

                                 Pro Shop
                8              9 Comp       10                          11              12                         13                    14
                  Retirees Comp Ladies         Stroke                                                                   Stableford
                                 Woodbark Day
              15                 16                  17                 18              19                        20                     21
                                                                                             Corporate Cup 1pm
                    Retirees Comp      Ladies             Stableford                         Shotgun
                                       Stableford                                            Sponsors Fun Night 6-8pm

              22                 23                  24                 25              26                         27                    28
                    McLaren Vets       Ladies Pink        Stableford                                                    Par
                    here               Ball Day

              29                 30
Ham &               Retirees Comp
Turkey Day
Sunday             Monday                  Tuesday           Wednesday        Thursday            Friday            Saturday
                                                       1                 2                3                4                    5
                                       Ladies              Stableford                                           Stroke
                                                                                                                Monthly Medal

         6                         7                   8                 9               10                11                  12
              Retirees Comp            Ladies              Stableford                                           Stableford
         13                       14                 15                  16              17                18                  19
              Retirees Comp            Ladies Stroke       Stroke                                               Christmas
                                       /Putting                                                                 Ambrose 7:30am
                                                                                                                & 12:30 shotguns

         20                       21                 22                  23              24                25                  26
              Retirees Comp            Ladies Pro          Stableford                         Christmas Day     Boxing Day PH
                                       Shop Comp                                              Club Closed
         27                       28                 29                  30              31
              PH for Boxing Day        Ladies Pro          Stableford
              Clubhouse Closed         Shop Comp
Sunday           Monday             Tuesday              Wednesday        Thursday           Friday              Saturday
         31                                                                                            1                    2
                                                                                          NEW YEARS        Stroke

          3               4                        5                 6                7                8                    9
              Retirees Comp    Ladies Pro              Par                                                 Stableford
                               Shop Comp

         10               11                      12                 13              14               15                    16
              Retirees Comp    Ladies Pro              Stableford                                          Par
                               Shop Comp

         17               18                      19                 20              21               22                    23
              Retirees Comp    Ladies Pro              Stroke                                              Stableford
                               Shop Comp

         24               25                      26                 27              28               29                    30
              Retirees Comp    Australia Day PH        Stableford                                          Stableford
                               Pro’s Comp
Sunday           Monday           Tuesday           Wednesday        Thursday        Friday             Saturday
                           1                 2                   3              4              5                   6
              Retirees Comp    Ladies Pro         Par                                              Stroke
                               Shop Comp /
                                                                                                   Medal of
                               Mabs Barker
          7               8                  9                  10              11            12                   13
              Retirees Comp    Ladies Pro         Stableford                                       Stableford

                               Shop Comp /                                                         Summer Cup
                               Mabs Barker
         14               15                 16                 17              18            19                   20
              Retirees Comp    Ladies Pro         Stableford                                       Stableford

                               Shop Comp /
                               Mabs Barker
         21               22                 23                 24              25            26                   27
              Retirees Comp    Ladies Pro         Stroke                                           Stableford

                               Shop Comp /
                               Mabs Barker
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