Good people. Strong performance - IG Metall

Page created by Cynthia Burke
Good people. Strong performance - IG Metall
Good people.
Strong performance.

Good people. Strong performance - IG Metall
Good people. Strong performance - IG Metall

IG Metall:
A strong community.
Over 2.2 million employees have joined forces in
IG Metall. Together with them we campaign for good
working conditions, fair remuneration, job prospects,
secure jobs, employee participation and democracy in
the workplace. That’s because work is a key element of
our lives.

When defining good work we rely on competence
and experience, we get involved and we bring about
changes in the workplace and in society. With its
works council members, shop stewards and active
members, IG Metall has won continuously higher
incomes, shorter working hours and longer holidays.

We also set standards in cross-industry develop-
ments. Whether against the misuse of temporary
employment and service contracts or for the right to
be taken on after completing an apprenticeship and
the opportunity to retire gradually and flexibly, we
provide answers, we hold employers and politicians
to their promises and campaign consistently for our
demands. Our values are justice, dignity and respect;
we are guided by the principles of employee participa-
tion and solidarity.

That makes us assertive, because we are many:
Together for a good life.
Good people. Strong performance - IG Metall

    Wir. Die IG Metall.
    We bring together over 2.2 million employees from
    the areas of metals and electricals, iron and steel,
    textiles and clothing, wood and plastics, crafts and
    services and information and communication tech-
    nology. There are plenty of good reasons for being a
    member of
    IG Metall.

    Fairly regulated working conditions

    Our most prominent achievements are our collective
    tariff agreements. These cover fundamental princi-
    ples such as the income level, weekly working hours,
    holiday entitlements and the level of holiday pay, the
    various supplements, the right of apprentices to be
    taken on, the right to further education and training,
    as well as health and safety at work. But, at the same
    time, collective tariff agreements also enable entitle-
    ments to such things as part-time education or the
    right of older employees to a flexible transition into

    Our collective tariff agreements apply in all work-
    places bound by such agreements within the scope
    of our organisation and set standards for entire
Good people. Strong performance - IG Metall

Better with tariff

                                 With tariff                     By law
 Working hours                   mostly between                  48 hours
 per week                        35 and 38 hours*

 Working week                    Monday – Friday                 Monday – Saturday

 Holiday                         30 days (6 weeks)               24 days (4 weeks)

 Holiday pay                     50% for each day’s              does not exist
                                 holiday, total approx.
                                 70 % of a monthly

 Christmas bonus                 40 to 100%, depend-             do not exist
                                 ing on industry and
                                 tariff region, fixed
                                 sums are also agreed

 Shift work premiums             regulated for late and          do not exist
                                 night shifts and for
                                 work on Sundays and
                                 bank holidays

 Overtime premiums               25 to 50%                       do not exist

 Paid leave of                   regulated                       does not exist
 absence (private

 Pension provision               regulated                       does not exist

 Protection against              regulated                       does not exist
 dismissal for older

 Advanced training               regulated                       does not exist

 Entitlement to                  regulated                       does not exist
 employment after

 Premiums for tem-               regulated                       do not exist
 porary employees

 Pay increase                    is regularly negoti-            does not exist
                                 ated, usually once
                                 a year

* depending on the industry in question and the tariff region; occasionally up to 39 hours
Good people. Strong performance - IG Metall

    Competent in matters of
    We have a strong local presence. In over 150
    branches, IG Metall is there to support its 135,000
    works council members, shop stewards, youth and
    apprentice representatives and disabled representa-
    tives. Demands are discussed, strategies are developed
    and industrial action is supported.

    For you as a member, IG Metall is also the first local
    contact. Our experts will be happy to answer all your
    questions about the world of work, whether they
    are about correct job classification, the checking of
    employment contracts or references, help with giving
    notice or checking pension decisions. We will give
    you capable support, advise you, represent you out of
    court and of course in court too, if necessary.
Good people. Strong performance - IG Metall

Strong programme:
Our statutory services.
Our services are embedded in the IG Metall statutes
and all our members can make use of them. Your con-
tribution for this: one per cent of your gross income.
A worthwhile investment.

Legal protection. Section 27 of the IG Metall
Disputes with the employer or a social insurance
agency are sometimes unavoidable – for example fol-
lowing an accident at work, after notice of dismissal
or a written warning, because of long-term illness,
about the amount of a pension decision, about a
claim for compensation or about the contents of a
pay slip. Disputes of this sort happen more fre-
quently than you might think. Over 2,000 com-
plaints are submitted to German employment and
social welfare courts every day. And lawsuits are

We offer our members free legal advice in em-
ployment and social welfare law, but also tax and
residence law, insofar as it affects the employment
relationship. Often enough it is possible to avoid
a lawsuit because we have local knowledge of the
workplaces and of the situation. If a judicial dispute
cannot be avoided, our legal expenses insurance
takes over. Legal representation is free – if necessary
Good people. Strong performance - IG Metall

          For example: an employment protection
          case, amount in dispute, 12,000 euros.
          This is based on four months’ income at
          3,000 euros gross.

    at every level of the judicial system. We win over 100
    million euros for our members every year. But it’s
    about more than just money. Back pay, withdrawal of
    dismissal notices, higher pension entitlement – for us
    that’s all just part of social justice.
Good people. Strong performance - IG Metall

                        Non-members        Members
1st instance               €534.00           €0.00
court costs
(without any witness

Lawyers’ fees             €1,820.70          €0.00
2nd instance               €854.40           €0.00
court costs
(without any witness

Lawyers’ fees             €2,036.33          €0.00
Possible fees for the     €2,036.33          €0.00
employer’s lawyer

                          €7,281.76          €0.00

The total costs represent the cost risk. If the em-
ployee wins the lawsuit in full, only his / her own
lawyer’s fees are incurred, provided that a lawyer has
been instructed.

On the other hand, members suffer neither costs nor
risk. IG Metall provides its own lawyers. The legal
expenses insurance is included in the membership
contribution and is valid from three months after
joining. The initial contact point is always the local
IG Metall branch.
Good people. Strong performance - IG Metall

     Assistance in the event of a strike.
     Section 23 of the IG Metall statutes
     We get a hearing and respect by means of strikes.
     Our ability to strike is a measure of our assertiveness –­
     and hence also of our political importance. Strikes
     are not an end in themselves but they are sometimes
     unavoidable – and then of course IG Metall also
     supports its members financially. The payments,
     known as strike pay, are calculated for each affected
     employee based on the duration and amount of their
     personal contributions. This does not apply to token

     The assistance rates for a week’s strike are as

       ith between 3 and 12 months’ contributions,
       12 times the average contribution over the last
       3 months*

       ith between 12 and 60 months’ contributions,
       13 times the average contribution over the last ­
       3 months*

       ith over 60 months’ contributions, 14 times the
       average contribution over the last 3 months*.

     * prior to the calendar month of the original agreement

     The period of membership is of relevance for the
     calculation of the strike assistance.

For example: if someone who has been a member for
five years has paid an average contribution of 25 euros
per month in the last three months, he or she will receive
350 euros strike assistance per week (70 euros per day
of the strike with a 5-day working week).

Assistance in the event of disciplinary
measures and lockouts. Section 24 of the
IG Metall statutes
One thing is clear: When our members get involved
in trade union matters, they must not suffer any
disadvantages as a result. Should the employer still
cause problems, such as by threatening penalties or
by means of actual disciplinary measures or discrim-
ination, we support our members right down the
line, because solidarity is indivisible.

Neither must our members suffer discrimination
if they take part in strike action authorised by
IG Metall. The same applies in the event of a lockout
if the strike action has been authorised by the Execu-
tive Board of IG Metall.

     Leisure time accident insurance.
     Section 26 of the IG Metall statutes
     A fall when skiing or injury on a cycling trip? Em-
     ployees are insured against accidents at work, but
     IG Metall also provides its members with assistance
     when they have an accident in their own time. Our
     leisure time accident insurance covers accidents
     outside of the workplace and is valid worldwide. That
     means that it applies equally when playing sport,
     gardening at home or cycling on holiday.

  The leisure time accident insurance comes into
  force automatically after twelve months’ member-
  ship if the appropriate contributions have been paid
  throughout. The insurance cover includes the
  following benefits:


            At most                              At least

     30 times                                €154.00
the average monthly contribu-              one-off compensation
 tion in the event of a lengthy                  payment
         stay in hospital

  The benefit is awarded in the event of a hospital stay lasting at
least 48 hours. The top daily rate is 51.13 euros per day in hospital,
                taking into account the above limits.


         A sum equal to                          At least

    500 times                              €2,555.00
     the average monthly            one-off compensation payment
         contribution                in the event of total disability

  This also applies for pensioners if they are in employment. In
 the event of partial disability amounting to at least 20 per cent,
              appropriate partial sums will be paid.

                          Accidental death

         A sum equal to                          At least

    200 times                              €1,022.00
     the average monthly            one-off compensation payment
         contribution                in the event of total disability

     Assistance in the event of extraordinary
     emergencies. Section 28 of the IG Metall
     As part of a community based on solidarity, we can
     rely on one another when it comes to the crunch.

     IG Metall members who find themselves in extraor-
     dinary hardship as a result of an unforeseeable event
     can apply for financial assistance. After the nature
     of the emergency has been described in person, the
     local executive of the responsible branch of IG Metall
     can set the level of assistance to be provided.

     In collective emergencies, such as during the cat-
     astrophic floods of 2013 and 2016, IG Metall helps
     quickly and with no red tape.

     Assistance in the event of death.
     Section 30 of the IG Metall statutes
     Should it come to the worst, we also support our
     members and their bereaved survivors in the event of
     death. The benefits are based on the period of mem-
     bership. The key factor is the average contribution of
     the last 12 months as per the contract of employment
     (1 per cent of gross income).

               Assistance in the event of extraor-
               dinary emergencies or death applies
               after twelve months’ membership if the
               appropriate contribution has been paid
               throughout that period.

For example, in the case of a monthly contribution
of 27 euros with a period of membership of over 20
years, the assistance for survivors amounts to a one-
off sum of 850.50 euros.

Should our member’s partner die, the assistance for
our member amounts to one half of the aforemen-
tioned sum, provided that they have both lived in the
same household.

IG Metall thus offers a benefit that was deleted from
the list of benefits by the statutory health insurance
providers in 2004.

     Our further education and
     information options

     IG Metall offers a comprehensive range of seminars at
     local, regional and national levels for union-related,
     operational and personal qualifications. Attendance is
     free for members, provided that it does not have to be
     financed by the employer in any case.

     Flyers, brochures, etc.

     IG Metall publishes information brochures and
     guides on many socially relevant themes and issues
     associated with the world of work. Many of these
     guides can be exclusively downloaded or ordered free
     of charge by members.


     Our members’ magazine, metallzeitung is sent out
     to members free of charge, every month. It provides
     IG Metall members with exciting reports on industries
     and companies, as well as useful information on
     working life, employment law, politics and society.

L ocally active
We are local: Every member can take an active part
in our trade union work at our 150 branches. There
are project groups, working groups and events on a
wide range of themes. More information about these
is available from the local administrative offices or on
their respective websites. Your local IG Metall can be
found at

                We are on site –
                throughout Germany.

                                       active union officers
         business locations
           in    districts
                                              million members
         IG Metall work councils in

                              companies in 30 industries

     Extras for union members
     We also negotiate some fair deals outside the world of
     work. Our wide range of leisure and holiday options
     includes discount travel, cultural offerings and quite a
     lot more.


     The GEW (Gemeinnütziges Erholungswerk e. V.)
     offers discount holiday prices for members of unions
     belonging to the DGB – which includes IG Metall
     members. The holiday locations and more informa-
     tion can be found at

     Help with breakdowns and accidents

     The Auto Club Europa (ACE) is the motoring orga-
     nisation of the unions. It was founded in 1965 and is
     now Germany’s second largest motoring organisation.
     Our members get Europe-wide breakdown and acci-
     dent assistance at discount prices. More information
     on the services of ACE can be found at

More service in every area

IGM-Service GmbH provides our members with
some attractive offers and services associated with
work and life. Advice, education, leisure, travel,
pensions – there’s something for everyone here. For
more details, see

MetallRente –
Our pension scheme
The ‘MetallRente’: Since 2001, it has offered our mem-
bers a company pension scheme with reliable terms
and conditions. If you are interested you can find out
more at

           “Membership of IG Metall is essential for
           any employee in the metal industry if he / she
           wants to be suitably and powerfully repre-
           sented in the social welfare field.”
             From the judgement of the German Federal
                Court, issued on 10.12.1984, II ZR 91/84

     Strong through you.
     Strong for you: One per
     cent of gross income.
     All our work is financed by the contributions of our
     members. Consequently, with his / her statutory
     contribution, each member not only stands up for
     him / herself but also for others. That is our principle
     of solidarity. The individual contributions of over
     2.2 million people make us strong and, above all,

     The statutes provide for the following contributions:
     members who are in employment pay one per cent
     of their gross income each month. The unemployed,
     pensioners and students pay less.

     For example: Those in employment:

     Gross salary                           €2,500
     Statutory contribution                 1%
     Monthly membership contribution        €25

For that reason, any change of circumstances which
leads to a change in contribution should be reported
immediately to the responsible local administrative
office. This is also important because the assistance
payments depend on the contribution actually made.

Membership contribution – who pays how much?
The monthly contribution rates of IG Metall

Proportion of gross income for

Full and part-time employees
Students (dual / vocational
                                                            1.0 %
students in employment)

People drawing sickness benefit                             0.5 %

Fixed contributions for

School students

The unemployed
Mothers and fathers on maternity /
paternity leave                                            €1.53
People who are ill but are not
drawing sickness benefit

* at least 80% or 70% of the former contribution during full-time employment

     Investing in
     good work.
     As a democratic and participation-oriented
     organisation, IG Metall is transparent in
     declaring exactly what it uses the
     contributions for.

     Our work is focused on the members. For that
     reason, the majority of the contribution income goes
     into local work: in 2014 it made up a third of total
     income. So the money is available where our shop
     stewards are active and our members are given advice
     and assistance.

     Translated into time, they now work four
     minutes a day for: higher wages, longer holidays,
     additional holiday pay and Christmas bonus,
     shorter working hours and many other services
     provided by IG Metall.

What IG Metall uses the membership contributions for
515.7 million euros were distributed as follows in 2014
(in per cent):

Administration offices
(including grants)                                 31.3
metallzeitung and
Information material                   3.3

Educational work                        5.5
Legal protection for
members (incl. DGB)                    5.0
Assistance payments
for members                            4.3
Contributions to other
trade unions                                7.8
(DGB, IndustrieALL, etc.)

Reserves                                          15
Executive administration

and central services

Regional management                    4.8

Investment funds                      3.2

Result (remainder)                    1.1

Source: IG Metall, 31 December 2014

     In good company
     at IG Metall
     White-collar workers: Many jobs – one common

     Good work in the office – IG Metall achieves that
     together with the white-collar workers. They work
     in very many different jobs but the interests of the
     individual employment groups are similarly based:
     the aim is to curb the number of unpaid working
     hours, to achieve more employee participation, fair
     remuneration and recognition of effort – which is
     where IG Metall steps in. Together we can shape the
     digitised world of work.

     The unemployed: Rescued instead of written off

     Unemployment can strike anyone and everyone. We
     support our colleagues and provide them with prac-
     tical tips – such as in dealing with the Employment
     Agency – as well as help with applying for Hartz IV
     jobseekers’ allowance and assistance with questions ­
     of employment law.

     Women, parents and family: Equal rights, always
     and everywhere

     We campaign for equality of opportunity, gender
     equality and fair pay. Because if you want the best,
     you can’t do without women. Of course that also
     means that it must be possible to combine family ­

and job – for mothers and fathers. We inform parents
and parents-to-be about legal changes and state bene-
fits and provide advice on legal questions.

Engineers: Highly qualified and well networked

IG Metall is also the trade union of the technical ex-
perts. It organises engineers and technical specialists
in the typical metal and electrical industries as well
as in information and communication technology

     Youth: Being active and creating prospects

     IG Metall Jugend (Youth) actively and self-confidently
     represents the interests of apprentices, students and
     those entering the world of work. IG Metal members
     between 16 and 27 years of age join together to cam-
     paign for self-determination, employee representation
     and job prospects.

     Migration / Integration: Promoting diversity –
     Fighting discrimination

     IG Metall is a diverse organisation! It is the politi-
     cal and trade union home for many migrants. With
     an estimated 400,000 members with a migration
     background, it is the biggest migrant organisation.
     Together we campaign for equal rights and against

Senior citizens: Strong together – for a lifetime

We assist our members during the transition into
retirement, providing helpful information and all the
usual services. Of course that also includes free legal
advice, which continues after their active working life
is over. If they have any problems with the pension
fund, the health insurance fund or other social secu-
rity bodies, we stand by our members. That’s because
they remain part of us, even after they have retired.

Further education, work placement and holiday job:
Strong together – from the outset

Even before you enter the world of work, it is well
worth being an IG Metal member. We check work
placement and employment contracts, advise on issues
such as student finance, part-time jobs and starting
salaries, and offer free seminars on entering the world
of work and time management. So that you know your
rights and make a good start to your working life.

                       Good people
               We are the face of IG Metall.
     The people shown in this brochure are members
         of IG Metall, who strive day in, day out:
               Together for a good life.

     What we have already
     achieved: Our milestones.
     The history of IG Metall goes back to the establish-
     ment of the of the German Metalworkers’ Union in
     1891. It was the biggest forerunner organisation of
     today’s IG Metall.

     After the Second World War the trade unions were
     re-established in West Germany according to the
     principle of united trade unions. So we, IG Metall,
     have been fighting together for our objectives since
     1949. Since then we have achieved a lot with our
     active collective bargaining policy. The successes of
     IG Metall include the following:

     > wage increases, i.e. financial employee participation
       in the commercial success of the businesses and

> shorter weekly working hours
> increased entitlement to paid annual holidays
> additional holiday pay and Christmas bonus
> continued payment of wages in the event of illness
> wage maintenance and protection against unfair
  dismissal for older employees

> entitlement to be taken on after completing an

> industry bonuses and wage adjustments for
  temporary employees

> employee participation arrangements

As the world’s biggest single trade union, we have
set milestones for the entire Federal Republic.

     Collective bargaining successes
     over time

     The 1950s
     Shorter working hours and security for
     workers in the event of illness
     Just a few years after being established, IG Metall
     achieves a gradual reduction in working hours from
     48 to 44 – with no loss of wages. In 1957, in the
     longest strike in the history of the Federal Republic
     of Germany, we win the continued payment of wages
     in the event of illness, thus laying the foundations for
     the equal treatment of blue-collar and white-collar
     workers. A few months later, the German Federal
     Parliament passes the “Act for the improvement of the
     financial security of workers in the event of illness” –
     the forerunner of today’s Continuation of Remunera-
     tion Act. It still applies to this day for all employees.

     In addition: Up to 6% higher wages and salaries!

     The 1960s
     A time of upheaval: Large wage increases
     and more holidays
     IG Metall wins wage increases of up to 8.5 per cent
     almost every year – because the economy is booming
     and wages and salaries must not be left behind. At the
     same time, we win the battle for the 8-hour day and
     the gradual introduction of the 40-hour week with no
     loss of wages. There is also agreement on the exten-

sion of holiday entitle-
ments by 3 to 6 days,
and 30% additional
holiday pay starts to find
its way into collective

In addition: Up to
8.5% higher wages
and salaries!

The 1970s
Job security and a 13th month’s pay
The socially active seventies are once again marked
by significant strikes, including in the steel industry.
IG Metall secures part of a 13th month’s pay for its
members. For the first time we conclude a collective
agreement about employee savings schemes, to which
are added a staged plan for the 30 days’ holiday still
in place today and the increase in holiday pay to 50
per cent. The second half of the seventies is marked
in terms of social policy by mass job losses and initial
economic crises. The responses by IG Metall to these
developments are the agreement on job protection in
the event of rationalisation, protection against down-
grading and protection against dismissal for older

And in addition: Up to 15.3% higher wages and

     The 1980s
     On the way to the 35-hour week
                                   The sun logo of the
                                   35-hour week is
                                   inseparably linked
                                   with the eighties – and
                                   it was designed by
                                   IG Metall. In 1984, our
                                   employees strike for
                                   the 35-hour week. The
                                   employers counter with
                                   “not one minute less
     than 40 hours” and there are massive lockouts – over
     half a million employees at the highpoint. But the
     solidarity between the strikers and those suffering
     “hot” and “cold” lockouts cannot be broken. After
     seven weeks’ strike the employers climb down in
     arbitration. Their dogma is broken and the staged
     plan for the 35-hour week with no loss of pay is
     agreed. The staged plan for the extension of the
     holiday entitlement also reaches its end – the 30 days
     have now been achieved. In addition, a collective
     agreement on early retirement is reached, as well as a
     follow-up agreement for employee savings schemes.

     In addition: Up to 6.8 % higher wages and salaries!

The 1990s
Tariff structures for the new Federal States
IG Metall overcomes the challenges of reunification
and establishes trade union and tariff structures in
the new Federal States. The implementation of the
step-by-step plan for convergence with the tariff
level in West Germany proves difficult. Following the
illegal termination of the graduated tariff agreement
by the employers, IG Metall calls a strike once again.
The graduated tariff is reinstated in “extended” form.
In addition, a hardship clause is agreed for compa-
nies at risk. In the old Federal States, we achieve full
implementation of the 35-hour week. We achieve a
better guarantee of the 13th month’s pay, a collective
agreement on job security and better full employment
arrangements for apprentices at the end of their train-
ing. We also defend the
hard-fought 100% sick
pay against all attempts
to restrict it by law.

In addition: Up to
6.7% higher wages
and salaries!

     The 2000s
     Framework pay agreements, partial retire-
     ment and safeguarding plants
                                      The 2000s are marked
                                      by the defence of our
                                      wage standards and free
                                      collective bargaining.
                                      With the remuneration
                                      framework agreement,
                                      we regulate the job clas-
                                      sification for employees
                                      again in a more fair and
                                      equitable manner. In
     future, work of equal value will be paid equally. We
     also achieve much for older employees: From 2002,
     the collective agreement applies to the “employment
     bridge” or partial retirement; from 2008, the collective
     agreement applies to the flexible transition into retire-
     ment. Furthermore, trainees are given 12 months’ em-
     ployment after completing an apprenticeship and the
     rights of complaint and co-determination of works
     council members are strengthened. Known as the
     “Pforzheim Agreement”, there are collectively agreed
     flexibility clauses relating to competitiveness and
     plant safeguarding. In order to finally call a halt to
     the increasing misuse of temporary work, IG Metall
     launches its “Equal Work – Equal Pay” campaign.
     The collective agreement about equal pay in the steel
     industry in 2010 points the way for further industry
     agreements in subsequent years.

     In addition: Up to 3% increase in wages and salaries
     in the wood and textile industry. Up to 4.2% more
     in the metal and electrical industry.

The 2010s
Against precarious employment: Equal pay
for equal work
In 2012, IG Metall achieves its first collective agree-
ment with the Federal Employers’ Association of
Personnel Service Providers and the Association of
German Temporary Employment Agencies. For the
first time, temporary workers in the metal and elec-
trical industry immediately receive industry
bonuses, and after working at the same workplace
for 24 months they get a permanent employment
contract. Similar arrangements are also subsequent-
ly implemented in the woodworking and plastics
processing industry, as well as in the textiles and
clothing industry. The works council also gets
more say in the use of temporary employment. At
the start of 2015, the statutory minimum wage, for
which the trade unions have been fighting for years,
finally comes into force. It secures the minimum
level of wages which are not governed by a collective
agreement – the collective agreements achieved by
IG Metall are, however, all above the new minimum
wage limit. One major success for younger employ-
ees is the right to indefinite, full employment after
completion of an apprenticeship in the metal and
electrical industry, as well as the steel industry.

In addition: Up to 4.3% increase in wages and
salaries in the metal and electrical industry. Up to
3.6% more in the textiles and clothing industry.

     The present
     Service contracts, Industry 4.0 and
     demographic change
     The world of work is facing some major challenges.
     Whether it comes to demographic shifts, the ways
     in which digitalization is changing work and living
     conditions, or the increasing inequality in society at
     large, IG Metall always has workers’ interests in mind
     when addressing each topic.

     The most crucial issue in terms of justice is collective
     bargaining agreements. These agreements ensure
     greater transparency, security, and justice. Workers
     with collective wage agreements earn over 20 per cent
     more than those without them. IG Metall has empha-
     sised this issue during its negotiations. For instance,
     in 2016 the metal and electrical industries were able
     to negotiate collective wage agreements for 36,000

     Our campaign “My Life – My Time: Rethinking
     Work” concentrated on the issue of working hours,
     focusing on aspects such as work-life balance, the loss
     of working hours and increasing workers’ self-
     determination. In addition to successes such as the
     collectively agreed definition of hours for job training
     and workers on partial retirement, IG Metall intro-
     duces clear, concrete issues into the political debate
     such as family working hours and workers’ right to
     return to full-time work after having gone part-time.
Please send me the following
information free of charge:

    You’re better off as a member.
    There are many reasons for being in IG Metall.
              Here you will find a summary of the services
              offered by IG Metall. Find out about the many
              advantages of membership.
              Available in       German        English

    Legal protection for members
	This is our forte.
              The flyer provides concise information about
              the strengths of our legal protection insur-
              ance and lists some of the issues for which
              IG Metall provides legal protection in the
              event of a dispute.
              Available in       German        English

    Collective bargaining successes
    The success of IG Metall from 1956 to 2018
              Send for a summary of our collective bargain-
              ing successes. Opens up in useful business
              card format.
              Available in       German        English

    Statutes of IG Metall
    Our trade union principles
                  In this brochure you can find out more
                  about the structure, scope and services of
                  IG Metall.
                  Available in      German

I am a member of IG Metall            yes           no
↓ Cut off here and post in a DL window envelope.
                                                         Personal details
                                                          Last name, first name
                                                          Street / House number
                                                          Postcode / Town or City
                                                          Available by phone on (optional for any further enquiries)
IG Metall                                                 E-mail (If you enter your e-mail address you will receive our
                                                          monthly “Infoservice” by e-mail.)
                                                                   I consent to IG Metall sending me regular invitations
Postfach 11 48                                                      to enter into a dialogue by post or e-mail.
01871 Bischofswerda
                                                          Personal details will be recorded and processed in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act.
Heavily engaged.                                                                                                                                                                                     IG Metall connects.
From Flensburg to Lörrach, from Aachen to Bautzen.                                                                                                                                                   We are many. Be a part of it!

                          We are on site –
                          throughout Germany.                                                                                                                                                                               

                                                                                                            active union officers
                   business locations
                     in      districts                                                                        over
                                                                                                                              million members
                   IG Metall work councils in

                                                      over                                                                                                                                           Yes. Count me in.
                                                                                 companies in 30 industries
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Please give to a IG Metall work councils,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     the IG Metall workplace representative
                                                                                                                                                                                                     or ­­I G Metall locally. Or simply put it in a
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ­w indow envelope and send it back.
              IG Metall Vorstand
              FB Mitglieder und Erschließung                                                                                                                                                         Prefer to become a member directly online?
              60519 Frankfurt am Main                                                                                                                                                          /beitreten
                           Be connected and informed. Order our newsletter at

                                                                                                      free of charge at
                                                                                                      ­­It is included in every info package and can be ordered
                                                                                                      we stand for, what we offer and what Trade Union means.
                                                                                                      magazine “Wir. Die IG Metall.” vividly conveys what
                                                                                                      Would you like to know more about IG Metall? Our

                                                                                                                                                                  A Trade Union introduces itself.
                                                                                                                                                                  Wir. Die IG Metall.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         hesitate to get in touch with us.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         other topics on secure and good work, please don’t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         For questions about membership in IG Metall or

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              You have more questions?


                                                                                                                                                                                                                069 66 93-2221

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 M 5 / 5526-77666
                                            Published by IG Metall-Vorstand | FB Mitglieder und Erschließung | | As of July 2018 | Photos: IG Metall

                                           Strong performance.
                                           Good people.
information package.
                                                                                               IG Metall can be found in our comprehensive
                                                                                               Answers to all the fundamental questions about

                                                                                                                                                                             dent insurance covers all accidents outside of work.
                                                                                                                                                                             Secure, even in your leisure time. The leisure time acci-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           story of IG Metall goes on.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           been setting standards since 1956 – and the success
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Our collectively negotiated wage agreements tariffs have

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    court or social welfare judges.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    IG Metall members serve in court as honorary labour
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    represented in honorary positions – More than 3,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Our strongest showing. We are effective and well-­

                                                                                                                                                Information material

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Leisure time


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Legal matters

Please complete in block letters and send to your local office or to IG Metall in                                                                       ** Membership number, please insert in case of change
60519 Frankfurt am Main. * Mandatory information ** To be completed by IG Metall                                                                                       of details                                                                                                                                                Membership start date
You can complete this form online at:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  D D                          M M                         Y              Y      Y        Y
                                     Last name *                                                                  First name *                                                                                                                                                                                            Date of birth *
P e r s on a l da t a

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 D D                      M M                              Y              Y      Y        Y
                                     Country * Postal code *                Town / City *                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Gender *                      Nationality *
                                     Street *                                                                                                   House number *                                                             Phone number                             work                             personal

                                     Mobile     work      personal                                                                                                                                                         Email                    work              personal

                                     Employed at company / postal code / city                                                                                                                                             Profession / occupation / course of study / vocational training
Emp l oy me n t i n f or ma t i on

                                     Type of membership    Full-time      Part-time      Self-employed        Apprentice                                                                                 School pupil, university student                                                                             Retrainee              Integrated degree program
                                                                  Temporary workers / Contract work; name of company
                                        Fixed-term employment     of deployment                                                                                                                                           Training / Comparable institution / University                                                                                            from                                  to

                                     Approached by (last name, first name) or marketing team                                                                                                                              Membership number of referrer (if applicable)                                                             Gross income                                                          Fee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Gross monthly income

Ba n k de t a i l s

                                       D E
                                     BIC*                                                                                  Bank / Branch                                                                                                                                                                              Account holder

Membership declaration:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Consent to the transfer of my personal data to the bank for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the purpose of processing the SEPA direct debit. I herewith
I herewith join “Industriegewerkschaft Metall”, “IG Metall” for short, and accept the statutes of this trade union. I herewith confirm the                                                                                                                                                                                                      consent to IG Metall disclosing my personal data (particularly name,
correctness of the details about myself, which I have made available to IG Metall for the purposes of data collection with regard to my                                                                                                                                                                                                         IBAN / BIC, amount), which may disclose my trade union member-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ship, to the implementing payment service provider(s) for the pur-
enrolment as a member.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          pose of processing the SEPA direct debit. According to current data
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                protection law, trade union membership is a specially sensitive piece
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of personal information which is specially protected. The transfer of
Data protection notice: My personal data is collected, processed and used by IG Metall and its union                                SEPA direct debit (recurring direct debit)                                                                                                                                                                  the aforementioned data is a precondition for IG Metall to be able to
shop stewards for the purpose of setting up and administrating my membership in compliance with                                     IG Metall creditor identifier: DE71ZZZ00000053593                                                                                                                                                           debit the membership fees by SEPA direct debit in accordance with
the data protection provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and German data                                  Mandate reference: membership number01                                                                                                                                                                      the Statutes. My consent forms the legal basis for data processing
protection law (BDSG). Within these specified purposes, my data is only disclosed and used for the                                  SEPA direct debit mandate: I herewith authorize IG Metall to debit my bank account on the agreed due                                                                                                        for the aforementioned purpose. My consent is voluntary. I have the
performance of union responsibilities by persons specially commissioned for these purposes. The data                                date by way of direct debit with the membership fee payable by me in accordance with Section 5 of the                                                                                                       right to revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future. A
is not shared with third parties, unless I have given my specific consent. This data is not disclosed to any                        Statute of 1% of my monthly gross income. Simultaneously, I instruct my bank to authorize the debiting                                                                                                      revocation does not affect the lawfulness of any processing which
other parties for the purposes of marketing. The European and German data protection rights apply as                                transactions in my bank account requested by IG Metall.                                                                                                                                                     has taken place up to the time of revocation on the basis of my con-
amended. More information about data protection is available at                                Please note: I may request a refund of the debited amount within eight weeks of the day of debiting of                                                                                                      sent. The information document on the processing of personal data,
If I would prefer a printed version of the data protection information, I can request this at datenschutz@                          the account. The terms and conditions agreed with my bank apply. I will inform IG Metall without undue                                                                                                      available at, contains
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Stand 25.05.2018                                                                                                                        delay of any changes in my details.                                                                                                                                                                         further information on data processing.

Pl ac e / date / signature                                                                                                          P lac e / d ate / s i gna tu r e                                                                                                                                                                            P l a ce / da te / s i gn a tur e
Legal matters

Our strongest showing. We are effective and well-­
represented in honorary positions – More than 3,000
IG Metall members serve in court as honorary labour
court or social welfare judges.


Our collectively negotiated wage agreements tariffs have
been setting standards since 1956 – and the success
story of IG Metall goes on.

Leisure time

Secure, even in your leisure time. The leisure time acci-
dent insurance covers all accidents outside of work.

Information material

Answers to all the fundamental questions about
IG Metall can be found in our comprehensive
information package.
M 11 / 5526-7 7666
You have more questions?
For questions about membership in IG Metall or
other topics on secure and good work, please don’t
hesitate to get in touch with us.

                                                                             Published by IG Metall-Vorstand | FB Mitglieder und Erschließung | | As of July 2018 | Photos: IG Metall
   069 66 93-2221

Wir. Die IG Metall.
A Trade Union introduces itself.
Would you like to know more about IG Metall? Our
magazine “Wir. Die IG Metall.” vividly conveys what
we stand for, what we offer and what Trade Union means.
­­It is included in every info package and can be ordered
free of charge at

Be connected and informed. Order our newsletter at
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