Page created by Bobby Collins


B B B   W I S E   G I V I N G   A L L I A N C E     :   F A L L   2 0 2 1

                                   In This Issue:

                                                   A Look at Our
                                                   Donor Trust Report
                                                                                                         2        How to Read the
                                                                                                                  List of National
                                                   on Charity Impact                                              Charities
                                                   Connecting Donors
                                                                                                         4        Q&A about                   43
                                                                                                                  BBB Wise Giving
                                                   With Trusted Charities                                         Alliance
          A Publication of the
        BBB Wise Giving Alliance
                                                   The Good News
                                                   and Bad News About
                                                                                                         5        National Charity            43
                                                   Total Giving in 2020                                           Seal Program

                                                                                                                  BBB Standards               44
                                                   List of Nationally
                                                                                                                  for Charity

   The Wise Giving Guide is                        Soliciting Charities
   published three times a year
   to help donors make more
   informed giving decisions. This
   guide includes a compilation of
   the latest evaluation conclusions
                                                   BBB Wise Giving Alliance Board of Directors
   completed by the BBB Wise                       Char Mollison – Chair                             Elizabeth Mong
   Giving Alliance.                                Senior Fellow, Center on Nonprofit                Blockchained • Lancaster, PA
                                                   Management, Philanthropy and Policy,
                                                                                                     Jon Pratt
                                                   George Mason University • Fairfax, VA
                                                                                                     Senior Research Fellow and Former
   If you would like to see a                      Bonnie Benhayon – Vice Chair                      Executive Director, Minnesota Council
   particular topic discussed                      (retired) Environmental Business Development      of Nonprofits • St Paul, MN
   in this guide, please email                     Executive, Bank of America • Boston, MA
                                                                                                     Anne Schelle
   suggestions to                                  Janice R. Lachance – Treasurer                    Managing Director, Pearl TV • Washington, DC
   guide@give.org                                  Executive Vice President, Strategic and
                                                                                                     Pratichi Shah
                                                   Operational Excellence, American Geophysical
                                                                                                     President & CEO, Flourish Talent Management
   or write to us at the                           Union • Washington, DC
                                                                                                     Solutions • Washington, DC
   address below.                                  Andras Kosaras – Secretary
                                                                                                     Prabhash Shrestha
                                                   Arnold & Porter LLP • Washington, DC
                                                                                                     Executive Vice President and Chief Digital
   FALL ISSUE 2021                                 Chuck Bean                                        Officer, Independent Community Bankers
                                                   Executive Director, Metropolitan Washington       of America • Washington, DC
                                                   Council of Governments • Washington, DC
                                                                                                     Lori Wilson
   BBB Wise Giving Alliance                        Warren Clark                                      President & CEO, BBB serving the San
   3033 Wilson Blvd.                               President & CEO, Better Business Bureau of        Francisco Bay Area and Northern Coastal
   Suite 710                                       Upstate New York • Amherst, NY                    California • Oakland, CA
   Arlington, VA 22201                             Robert Diggs                                      Al Lenhardt – Director Emeritus
   (703) 247-9321                                  US Community and Partnerships Lead,               (retired) Acting Administrator
   www.give.org                                    Royal Society for the Arts • Lancaster, PA        U.S. Agency for International Development
                                                                                                     Washington, DC
                                                   Terese Kung
                                                   Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy          H. Art Taylor – Ex-Officio
   Wise Giving Guide Layout and                    Officer, Harrison & Star • New York, NY           BBB Wise Giving Alliance
   Production — art270, inc.

                                                   BBB Wise Giving Alliance Staff
                                                   H. Art Taylor                      Madhu Debnath                    Shawn Van Gorder
                                                   President and CEO                  Manager, Outreach                Director, Charity Evaluation
                                                   Bennett M. Weiner                  and Digital Marketing            Ezra Vazquez-D’Amico
                                                   Executive Vice President           Edward Loftin                    Manager, GiveSafely.io
                                                   & COO                              Editor, Wise Giving Guide        Lindsey White
                                                   Kelley Bevis                       Holly Parker                     Research Analyst
                                                   General Counsel                    Research Analyst                 Shakila Wilson
Copyright 2021                                     Elvia Castro                       Julie A. Rizzo                   Administrative Coordinator
BBB Wise Giving Alliance
The name Better Business Bureau is a registered    Manager, Regional Charity          Director, Development &
service mark of the International Association of   Reporting                          Charity Seal Licensing Program
Better Business Bureaus

                  e at BBB Wise Giving Alliance hope all our
                 readers are hanging on and continuing to manage
the stressors that have been affecting all of us for more than a year
now. The pandemic, politics, economic upheaval, work (or lack
thereof), and caring for children and other family members have
certainly made for a memorable, if not overwhelming, start to the
decade. Hopefully you can take a few minutes to relax and read
about some of the exciting work we have been doing at BBB WGA
and an update on the direction of charitable giving in the U.S.,
which may be surprising given the turmoil of 2020.
    As always, we continue to work hard to evaluate charities
so donors can keep making sound giving choices. In this edition
of the Wise Giving Guide, we will begin by looking at a couple of
the other projects we’ve been working on. First, we look at the
results of our June 2021 Donor Trust Special Report, with this
edition focusing on charity impact. Next, we turn to our very own
GiveSafely.io, a platform offering donors a secure method of
giving via cryptocurrency or credit card using blockchain
technology. Finally, we examine the results of Giving USA 2021,
the highly reputable, yearly report on contribution statistics
in the U.S. philanthropic sector.

H. Art Taylor, President & CEO

                                                                        Wise Giving : FALL 2021   1
By Edward Loftin


C                      harities depend on supporters to pursue
    their mission, and supporters—whether they are private
    foundations, corporations, or individual donors—want
    to know that their contributions make a difference.
       In a data-driven society, some institutional funders
    seek to identify impactful organizations in a quantifiable
    way. How individual donors perceive the issue of charity
    impact is less understood. Our recent Give.org Donor
    Trust Report on Charity Impact explored how the
    donating public understands the term “charity impact”
                                                                                     While it has become a common assumption that
                                                                                 donors want to support highly impactful organizations,
                                                                                 survey results showed that the donating public does not
                                                                                 have a clear understanding of what the term means.
                                                                                 47% of survey participants indicated they are
                                                                                 either unclear or do not know what “charity
                                                                                 impact” means. The remaining 53% of respondents
                                                                                 claimed they know what a charity means when talking
                                                                                 about “impact.”
                                                                                     The results were also a reminder that charities
    and how important “impact” is in their giving process.                       need to be aware not only of what they say, but also
    The report provided results of a survey of more than                         of what potential donors hear. When it comes to
    2,100 adults in the United States (as well as a separate                     the term “charity impact,” it turns out people from
    survey of more than 1,000 adults in Canada) and                              different generations and giving levels may respond
    explored how individual donors perceive charity impact.                      to different messages.


                                         27%         27%                                                                            26%
                                                                                 23% 25%          21%
                                                                                                        24% 24%                           22% 22%
           19%                                             17%         20% 18%                                    19%         18%
     15%                     16%   16%                           13%
                 11%                           13%                                          13%                         12%

             Gen Z                        Millenial                      Gen X                     Boomers                     Matures

             Achievement                  How efficient the            The quality of          Organizations             Not sure
             numbers                      organization was             the organization’s      reaching defined
                                          in spending                  programs                goals

More than $5,000                                          21%                       27%                   23%                   19%         10%

Between $1,001 & $5,000                                  17%                  27%                   18%                   29%               10%

Between $201 & $1,000                               13%                24%                    21%                      30%                 12%

Between $51 &$200                                    14%                24%                  18%                    31%                   13%

Between $1 & $50                                     16%                  23%                 19%                   25%                 18%

Did not donate                                      9%          11%      12%          14%                             54%

        Achievement             How efficient the               The quality of              Organizations                 Not sure
        numbers                 organization was                the organization’s          reaching defined
                                in spending                     programs                    goals

   When asked to consider possible definitions for the                    On the flip side, charity impact metrics can fail to
term “charity impact,” survey participants were split,                    account for differences in context across charities
with significant generational differences. For example,                   and remove the choice on how to measure impact from
Gen Zers are most likely to define “charity impact”                       the charity’s leadership in favor of some constituents.
as “organizations reaching defined goals” (40%);
                                                                               As a wise giver, keep in mind that:
Millennials were most likely to select “how efficient the
organization was in its spending” (27%); and Matures                      •    As mission-driven organizations, charities have
most frequently select “the quality of programs” (26%).1                       an obligation to monitor their effectiveness and
   Similarly, respondents with different giving levels                         seek to improve their “impact.”
were split about how to best describe the term.                                To be thoughtful and precise in measuring impact,
People of giving levels between $51 and $5,000, for
                                                                               charities need to consider their unique context and
example, were most likely to define “charity impact”                           mission work. Charities with similar mission work
as “organizations reaching defined goals.” People who
                                                                               can legitimately measure impact in different ways.
donated more than $5,000 were most likely to define
“charity impact” in terms of “how efficient the                           •    While charities can have different ways to measure
organization was in its spending.”                                             and communicate impact, wise donors should
   Broadly speaking, charity impact refers to how these                        look for specificity and clarity in the charity’s
organizations make a difference. Still, finding uniform                        communication.
ways for charities to quantify or communicate their                            Donors are drivers of change. If you care
“impact” is complicated. Optimistically, charity impact
                                                                               about long-term results, for example, look for
information can help individual charities improve                              impact statements that show the charity has
or become more efficient, and it can help impactful                             the same priorities.
charities attract support. At a macro level, charity
impact information has the potential to help direct
social investment toward more effective organizations.
                                                                          1. Matures (ages 75-92), Baby Boomers (ages 56-74), Generation X
                                                                             (ages 40-55), Millennials (ages 24-39), and Generation Z (ages 18-23).

                                                                                                                    Wise Giving : FALL 2021           3
donor data. Donors choose what data to share, and the
    GIVESAFELY.IO                                              data only goes to the charity they donate to and the
                                                               charity with whom they redeem their rewards.

    CONNECTING                                                 GiveSafely rewards donors with charity
                                                               experiences around causes they care about:

                                                               When giving, donors are required to provide their name
                                                               and email address. This automatically earns the donor
                                                               three GivingPoints. Each additional piece of information
                                                               a donor chooses to share (age, annual income, gender,
                                                               etc.) will earn them additional GivingPoints. Donors can

                                                               later redeem these GivingPoints for experiences listed
                                hen giving, we often worry     by any of the charities. For example, a donor could sign
    whether the charity we are giving to is trustworthy.       up for a 15-minute conversation with a charity staff
    As a donor encountering a new charity, or revisiting       person about a particular cause and learn more about
    a familiar one, we often want to engage with them to       that organization and its programs.
    find out more about how they approach the causes we
                                                               GiveSafely allows donors to give
    care about, but do not know how. Some donors also
                                                               cryptocurrency to charities: On GiveSafely, in
    want to donate to charities in new ways, for example,
                                                               addition to credit card donations, donors can give their
    via cryptocurrency. Overall, we have come to recognize
                                                               Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ardor to the listed charities.
    that personal data is valuable, yet we hear the constant
                                                               Cryptocurrency adoption is on the rise, especially
    stories about company data hacks, breaches, and
                                                               among younger donors. A December 2020 Give.org
    the unauthorized sharing of personal information.
                                                               poll of 2,000 adults across the US found that 23% of
       With these issues in mind, BBB WGA launched
                                                               Millennials and 25% of Gen Zers owned cryptocurrency.
    GiveSafely.io. GiveSafely is an online donation platform
                                                               Of those who did not own cryptocurrency, 14% of
    that provides donors a safe way to give to trusted
                                                               Millennials and 19% of Gen Zers expected to within the
    charities via credit card or cryptocurrency. GiveSafely
                                                               next 5 years. Similarly, 78% of Millennials and 73% of
    uses blockchain technology to secure donor data and
                                                               Gen Zers indicated that they would consider making
    rewards donors for sharing personal information with
                                                               donations via cryptocurrency. We are working closely
    charity experiences around causes they care about.
                                                               with our Accredited Charities to help build their
    GiveSafely takes no transaction fees.
                                                               capacities around cryptocurrency.
    GiveSafely only lists trustworthy charities:
    Unlike platforms which list all charities—trustworthy
    or not—on GiveSafely, donors only find charities
    that have been accredited by the BBB. This means
                                                               GiveSafely is an online
    that each charity’s governance, results reporting,         donation platform that
    finances, and fundraising practices have been evaluated
    and the charities all meet the 20 BBB Standards for
                                                               provides donors a safe way
    Charity Accountability.                                    to give to trusted charities via
    GiveSafely secures donor data with blockchain              credit card or cryptocurrency.
    technology: All data shared by donors is encrypted
    directly onto the blockchain. Thanks to this technology,
    there is no central database of donor information that        For more information, please visit GiveSafely.io.
    could be hacked, monetized, sold to third parties, or      We also welcome your suggestions on how we can
    misused. GiveSafely has no contact with donations or       strengthen and improve this donation platform.

Arts, culture, and humanities groups took the
THE GOOD NEWS                                                biggest hit in 2020. These charities saw a 7.5% decrease
                                                             from 2019 to 2020. Many American may have
AND BAD NEWS ABOUT                                           considered these types of groups as less of a priority
ABOUT GIVING IN 2020                                         given the turmoil of 2020. Somewhat surprisingly,
                                                             giving to health charities also declined in 2020, with
                                                             support decreasing by 3%. The reasons for losses in

                                                             this category are trickier to parse out, but it may be that
     he big news from Giving USA 2021 is that,               donors were more focused on responding to crisis
seemingly against all odds, there was a 5.1% increase        response organizations. Medical research, for example,
(3.8% when adjusted for inflation) in American               might have taken a back seat to direct support of those
charitable giving in 2020, with $471.44 billion donated      involved with boots on the ground involvement
in the face of economic and social unrest and a global       combatting COVID.
pandemic. Produced by the Giving USA Foundation
and written and researched by the Lilly School of
Philanthropy at Indiana University, Giving USA 2021          Giving USA 2021 shows
shows a steep rise in foundation giving, which was up
17%, as well as bequests, which were up by over 10%.
                                                             a steep rise in foundation
Corporate giving was down by over 6.1%.                      giving, which was up 17%,
   Notably, individual giving, by far the largest
category of support for the charity sector at 69% of total
                                                             as well as bequests, which
giving, only grew by a little more than 2% in 2020.          were up by over 10%.
According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy in an article
posted on June 15, 2021, without MacKenzie Scott’s
massive $5.7 billion shot in the arm to hundreds of             It’s hard to predict with any certainty what giving
charities, individual giving would have actually declined    figures in 2021 will look like given the fluctuations of
by almost a percentage point. Scott, the former wife of      the stock market, unemployment rates, the state of the
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, is one of the richest women       pandemic and a host of other variables. One analysis
in the world.                                                from the Association of Fundraising Professionals
   Many factors likely contributed to people’s               Foundation for Philanthropy and GivingTuesday found
willingness or ability to give in 2020. Individuals          that giving was up 6% in the first quarter of 2021 and
normally accustomed to giving may have lost jobs or          saw a 10% increase in donors compared to the same
needed to divert funds to a sick relative or childcare       time period in 2020.
rather than to charity, for example. For others, giving         No matter what the giving landscape looks like in
may have simply fallen off the radar while balancing         2020, we encourage donors, as always, to continue to
telework with homeschooling. Sadly, many struggled           look to BBB WGA charity reports before making giving
with mental health issues in 2020 during the stress of       decisions. While natural to give to organizations
the pandemic and other crises, which may have also           helping with the pandemic or pressing social issues,
affected giving.                                             keep in mind that other groups need your support too.
   Giving USA 2021 also includes a breakdown of what         If you have a little money to spare, remember that
types of charities donors chose to support in 2020.          charities supporting arts and culture, as well as health,
Gifts to groups supporting public and societal benefit       need your sustained support, and charities can’t rely on
increased by over 15%. Giving to human services groups       massive gifts from billionaires to keep the lights on year
also saw significant gains in 2020, increasing by almost     to year. They count on individual donors like you to
10%, perhaps partly due to the effects of the pandemic.      achieve their missions.   n

                                                                                               Wise Giving : FALL 2021     5
How to Read the List
    of National Charities

              he following is an alphabetical listing of the charities
              that are the subjects of BBB Wise Giving Alliance
              evaluations. The list includes organizations that have
              requested to be evaluated as well as those that have
    received the highest volume of inquiries. The BBB WGA
    receives inquiries through the mail, phone, e-mail and referrals
    from local Better Business Bureaus.

    Please note the following explanations
    about this list:
    Name Inclusion: Inclusion on this list should not be interpreted
    as approval or disapproval of a charity. The information in this
    listing is intended solely to assist donors in exercising their
    own judgment.
    Name Omission: Omission from this list should not be interpreted as meaning that a
    charity meets or does not meet standards. In general, it simply means that the BBB WGA
    has not developed a report because it has not received recent inquiries about a charity
    or a charity has not requested to be evaluated.
    Latest Results: This list reflects the latest charity report results as of July 22, 2021.
    Charity reports are available until their expiration dates, generally two years after their
    completion. All reports are based on the BBB Wise Giving Alliance Standards for
    Charity Accountability.

    Are you looking for a national charity that’s not on our list? Ask us about specific national
    charities not currently included. Encourage national charities we don’t currently report
    about to contact us about enrolling online (there’s never a charge for evaluation). In either
    way, you can help expand the list.

    Note to readers about “see entry for”
    Charities sometimes use several names in their materials. In some cases the variation is
    only slight, such as using an acronym for the full name. In other cases, the names have no
    self-evident connection, as, for example, the official corporate name and a name used in
    fund raising. In still others, different individual names may denote different programs of
    the same organization. This list includes all names currently used by a charity, but the
    evaluation status of that charity appears only under the main entry. White horizontal bars
    indicate an alternate name, and refer you to the evaluation listing.

Definitions for the List’s Column Headings

    An   Accredited (Met Standards) — Charities with a green check box n
    in the first column next to their name met the 20 Standards for Charity
    Accountability on pages 44–45. There is no charge to charities for the
    accreditation evaluation.

    7) in the second column with a yellow X mark n that means the charity did
         Standards Not Met — If a charity has number codes (for example: 3, 6,
    not meet cited provision(s) of the BBB Charity Standards on pages 44–45.

    in the column with a blue question mark n that means the BBB WGA was
         Unable to Verify — If a charity has number codes (for example: 8, 9, 13)
    unable to verify if the charity met the cited provision(s) of the BBB Charity
    Standards on pages 44–45. This designation indicates that the charity either
    did not provide all of the requested information or the information provided
    was not sufficient to conclude that they met the cited standard(s).

    Dn    Did Not Disclose — If a charity has a red exclamation mark n the
    charitable organization either has not responded to written BBB WGA
    requests for information or has declined to be evaluated in relation to
    the BBB Standards for Charity Accountability. Charity participation in the
    BBB WGA’s review is voluntary. However, without the requested information,
    it is not possible to determine whether these charities adhere to all of the
    BBB Standards for Charity Accountability. The BBB WGA encourages
    charities to disclose accountability information beyond that typically
    included in financial statements and government filings, in order to
    demonstrate transparency and strengthen public trust in the charitable
    sector. The majority of national charities contacted by BBB WGA provide
    information and participate in the BBB WGA’s evaluation program.

    Rn  Review in Progress — Charities with a n in the column marked   R
    Review in Progress are being routinely evaluated based on current materials
    provided by the organization to the BBB WGA.

See pages 52-53 for an explanation of standards. For detailed charity reports, visit www.give.org

                                                                                                    Wise Giving : FALL 2021   7
Name of National Charity                                      Accredited       Standards              Unable     Did Not Review in
                                                                 (Met Standards)    Not Met              to Verify   Disclose Progress

    20/20/20 n  A                                                     See entry for WonderWork.
A   A Leg To Stand On                                                                                                           Rn
    A Wider Circle                                                    An
    AARP Foundation                                                   An
    Abandoned Children’s Fund                                                                                         Dn
    Ability Found                                                                                                     Dn
    Academy of American Poets                                         An
    Accelerated Cure Project                                                         16                   6, 7
    ACCION International                                                              6                     7
    Accordia Global Health Foundation                                 See entry for Africare.
    Accuracy in Media                                                                                                 Dn
    ACLU Foundation                                                   See entry for American Civil Liberties Union Foundation.
    Action Against Hunger                                             An
    Action International Ministries                                                                                   Dn
    Adopt America Network                                             An
    Adopt-A-Classroom                                                              3, 6, 7
    Adventist Development and Relief Agency                                                                                     Rn
    Advertising Council                                                                                               Dn
    African Wildlife Foundation                                       An
    Africare                                                                                                          Dn
    Aga Khan Foundation USA                                                        1, 6, 10              7, 19
    Aid for AIDS International                                        An
    Aid for Starving Children                                                                                         Dn
    Air Serv International                                                                                            Dn
    Alaska Conservation Foundation                                                    7                    15
    Alight                                                            An
    Allergy and Asthma Network                                                                                        Dn
    Alley Cat Rescue                                                                                                  Dn
    Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy                                  An
    Alliance for Lupus Research                                        See entry for Lupus Research Alliance.
    Alpha-1 Foundation                                                An
    ALS Association                                                   An
    ALS Therapy Development Institute                                                                      Dn
    ALSAC/St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital                       An
    Alzheimer’s Association/Alzheimer’s Disease                       An
       and Related Disorders Association

8    See pages 44-45 for an explanation of standards. For detailed charity reports, visit www.give.org
Name of National Charity                        Accredited        Standards    Unable     Did Not Review in
                                                (Met Standards)    Not Met    to Verify   Disclose Progress

Alzheimer’s Disease Research Foundation     A        See entry for Cure Alzheimer’s Fund.
Alzheimer's Foundation of America                                              6, 7
Amazon Conservation Team                                           4, 14       13, 19
America Scores                                                                              Dn
American Association for Cancer Research             An
American Autoimmune Related                          An
  Diseases Association
American Battlefield Trust                           An
American Bible Society                                                                      Dn
American Bird Conservancy                            An
American Brain Foundation                            An
American Breast Cancer Foundation                                                           Dn
American Brotherhood for the Blind                                                          Dn
American Cancer Society                              An
American Chestnut Foundation                                                                Dn
American Childhood Cancer Organization               An
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation            An
American Council of the Blind                        An
American Diabetes Association                        An
American Foundation for Children with AIDS                           2
American Friends Service Committee                   An
American Health Assistance Foundation                 See entry for BrightFocus Foundation.
American Heart Association/American                  An
  Stroke Association
American Humane                                      An
American Humanist Association                                  1, 7, 14, 16
American Indian College Fund                         An
American Indian Education Fund                        See entry for Partnership With Native Americans.
American Indian Graduate Center                      An
American Institute for Cancer Research               An
American Jewish Committee                                           16          3, 15
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee         An
American Jewish World Service                        An
American Kidney Fund                                 An
American Kidney Services                                                                          Rn
American Leprosy Missions                            An
American Life League                                                                       Dn
                                                                                 Wise Giving : FALL 2021      9
Name of National Charity                                      Accredited            Standards          Unable     Did Not Review in
                                                                  (Met Standards)         Not Met          to Verify   Disclose Progress

     American Liver Foundation                                                                                7
     American Lung Association                                         An
     American Near East Refugee Aid                                     See entry for Anera.
     American Partnership for                                          An
       Eosinophilic Disorders
     American Printing House for the Blind                             An
     American Red Cross                                                An
     American Refugee Committee                                        See entry for Alight.
     American Research Center in Egypt                                              1, 6, 8, 11, 14, 16,    7, 15
                                                                                          17, 18
     American Society for Technion-Israel                                                                               Dn
       Institute of Technology
     American Society for the Prevention of                            An
       Cruelty to Animals
     American Stroke Association                                       See entry for American Heart Association.
     American Syringomyelia Alliance Project                                                                            Dn
     Americans United for Separation of Church                         An
       and State
     AmeriCares Foundation                                             An
     America’s Charities                                               An
     America’s VetDogs—The Veteran’s K-9 Corps                         An
     amfAR                                                             See entry for Foundation for AIDS Research.
     Amigos for Christ                                                                   6, 7, 16
     Amnesty International of the USA                                  An
     AMREF Health Africa                                               An
     AMVETS National Service Foundation                                                                                           Rn
     Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association                         See entry for ALS Association.
     Anera                                                             An
     Anglicans for Life                                                                                                           Rn
     Animal Legal Defense Fund                                         An
     Animal People                                                                                                                Rn
     Animal Welfare Institute                                                                                           Dn
     Appalachian Trail Conservancy                                     An
     Arc of the United States, The                                     An
     Archaeological Conservancy                                        An
     Armed Services YMCA of the USA                                    An
     Arms of Hope                                                                                                       Dn
10    See pages 44-45 for an explanation of standards. For detailed charity reports, visit www.give.org
Name of National Charity                          Accredited         Standards     Unable     Did Not Review in
                                                  (Met Standards)     Not Met     to Verify   Disclose Progress

Arms Wide Open Childhood Cancer Foundation                                                      Dn
Army Emergency Relief                                                                           Dn
Army Historical Foundation                                                                      Dn
Asia’s Hope                                                                                     Dn
Association of Hole in the Wall Gang Camps             See entry for SeriousFun Children’s Network.
Association on American Indian Affairs                 An
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America               An
Autism Society of America                              An
Autism Speaks                                          An
Autism Spectrum Disorder Foundation                                                             Dn
Barry Goldwater Institute for Public Policy                                                              Rn       B
Barth Syndrome Foundation                              An
Believe in Tomorrow National                           An
   Children’s Foundation
Bethany Christian Services                             An
Bibles for the World                                                                                     Rn
Big Life Foundation USA                                An
Bike and Build                                                      6, 7, 8, 16     14
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association                                                           Dn
Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation             See entry for Clinton Foundation.
Blessings in a Backpack                                                                                  Rn
Blinded Veterans Association                           An
Blue Star Families                                     An
B’nai B’rith International                             An
Bobby Jones Chiari and Syringomyelia Foundation        An
Bone Marrow Foundation                                                             1, 7
Books for Africa                                                                                Dn
Boot Campaign, Inc.                                    An
Boulder Crest Retreat Foundation                       An
Boy Scouts of America                                                                           Dn
Boys & Girls Clubs of America                          An
Boys Town                                              An
BRAC USA                                                                                                  n
Brain Injury Association of America                                                 Dn
Bread for the World Institute                          An
                                                                                     Wise Giving : FALL 2021      11
Name of National Charity                                      Accredited        Standards             Unable     Did Not Review in
                                                                  (Met Standards)     Not Met             to Verify   Disclose Progress

     Breast Cancer Prevention Partners                                                  7
     Brennan Center for Justice                                                         6                 15, 16
     BrightFocus Foundation                                            An
     Brighton Jones Richer Life Foundation                                                                             Dn
     Brother’s Brother Foundation                                      An
     BuildOn                                                                                                           Dn
C    C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation                                                   1, 3, 6, 7
     Camp Quality USA                                                                                                  Dn
     Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids                                                                                              Rn
     Campus Crusade for Christ          A                              See entry for CRU.
     Cancer Research Institute                                         An
     Canine Companions for Independence                                                                                          Rnn
     Capitol Ministries                                                                                                Dn
     CARE USA                                                          An
     Caring for Cambodia                                               An
     CaringBridge                                                      An
     Catholic Charities USA                                                                                            Dn
     Catholic Church Extension Society of the U.S.A.                                                                   Dn
     Catholic Legal Immigration Network                                             14, 16, 17        1, 3, 6, 15
     Catholic Medical Mission Board                                    An
     Catholic Near East Welfare Association                                                                            Dn
     Catholic Relief Services                                          An
     CEDARS Home for Children Foundation                               An
     Celebrity Foundation for Children                                 An
     Center for Biological Diversity                                                                                   Dn
     Center for Civilians in Conflict                                                 6, 7
     Center for Public Integrity                                                                                       Dn
     Center for Reproductive Rights                                    An
     Center for Science in the Public Interest                         An
     Center for Watershed Protection                                   An
     Central Asia Institute                                            An
     CentroNia                                                                                                                   Rn
     Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association                                                                                             Rn
     Charity Global                                                    See entry for charity: water.
     Charity Navigator                                                 An
     charity: water                                                    An
12    See pages 44-45 for an explanation of standards. For detailed charity reports, visit www.give.org
Name of National Charity                          Accredited            Standards          Unable       Did Not Review in
                                                  (Met Standards)        Not Met          to Verify     Disclose Progress

CHC: Creating Healthier Communities                    An
Cheetah Conservation Fund                                                                                Dn
Chesapeake Bay Foundation                              An
Child Family Health International                      An
Child Mind Institute                                                                                     Dn
ChildFund International                                An
Childhood Leukemia Foundation                                                                            Dn
Children International                                 An
Children of Armenia Fund                               An
Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation                 An
Children of the Night                                  An
Children with Hair Loss                                             13, 14, 16, 17, 18 1,4,5,7,8,9,15
Children, Incorporated                                  An
Children’s Cancer Research Fund                         An
Children’s Defense Fund                                 An
Children’s Food Fund n   D                               See entry for World Emergency Relief.
Children’s Health Fund                                  An
Children’s Inn at NIH                                   An
Children's Leukemia Research Association   A                     10, 16, 17, 18    1, 15
Children’s Organ Transplant Association                 An
Children’s Scholarship Fund                                                                 Dn
Children’s Tumor Foundation                             An
ChopChop Family                                               2, 3, 13, 16, 17, 18 8, 9
Christian Aid Mission                                                                       Dn
Christian Blind Mission International                   An
Christian Broadcasting Network                                                              Dn
Christian Foundation for Children and Aging              See entry for Unbound.
Christian Relief Services Charities                     An
Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation                   An
Church World Service                                    An
Cigar Family Charitable Foundation                      An
CitiHope International                                                                      Dn
Civil Air Patrol                                        An
Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute                                                           Dn
Clinton Foundation / aka Bill, Hillary                  An
   & Chelsea Clinton Foundation
Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes Foundation        An
                                                                                             Wise Giving : FALL 2021        13
Name of National Charity                                      Accredited         Standards            Unable     Did Not Review in
                                                                  (Met Standards)      Not Met            to Verify   Disclose Progress

     Coast Guard Foundation n     A                                    An
     Code of Support Foundation                                        An
     Colorectal Cancer Alliance                                        An
     Combat Blindness International                                     An
     Common Hope                                                                                                       Dn
     Common Threads                                                                 3, 16, 17, 18          6, 7
     Communities In Schools                                            An
     Community Health Charities                                         See entry for CHC: Creating Healthier Communities.
     Compassion & Choices                                              An
     Compassion International                                          An
     The Compassionate Friends                                                       11, 16, 17     1, 3, 6,7,13,14
     Conquer Cancer Foundation of the                                  An
        American Society of Clinical Oncology
     The Conservation Fund                                             An
     Corner of Love                                                                                                    Dn
     Corporate Accountability                                          An
     Corporate America Supports You                                    An
     Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation                                                                                   Dn
     Crisis Relief Network                                                                                             Dn
     Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation                                      An
     Cross International                                               An
     CRU                                                               An
     Cure Alzheimer’s Fund                                             An
     CURE Epilepsy                                                     An
     Cure HHT                                                          An
     Cure SMA                                                          An
     Cure Starts Now                                                                                                   Dn
     Cystic Fibrosis Foundation                                        An
D    Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation                                             10
     Dana-Farber Cancer Institute                                                                                      Dn
     Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption                               An
     The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust USA                                                                            Dn
     Days End Farm Horse Rescue                                                                                                  Rn
     Days for Girls International                                                                                                Rn
     Death With Dignity National Center                                An
     Defenders of Wildlife                                             An
14    See pages 44-45 for an explanation of standards. For detailed charity reports, visit www.give.org
Name of National Charity                    Accredited             Standards          Unable     Did Not Review in
                                            (Met Standards)         Not Met          to Verify   Disclose Progress

Delivering Good                                  An
Democracy Works                                                                                    Dn
Diabetes Action Research and                     An
   Education Foundation
Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation                                                          Dn
Diabetes Research Institute Foundation           An
Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International                                19
The DigDeep Right to Water Project                                6, 14, 19         3, 15, 16
Direct Relief                                    An
Disabled American Veterans                       An
DiscipleMakers                                                4, 14, 16, 17, 18      3, 15
DoSomething                                      An
Doctors of the World                                                                               Dn
Doctors Without Borders USA                                      1, 4, 6, 16
Dogs for Law Enforcement                                      6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14,       1
                                                                  16, 17, 19
DonorsChoose.org                                                                                   Dn
Dravet Syndrome Foundation                                    3, 6, 16, 18, 19
Dream Factory                                    An
Dress for Success Worldwide                      An
Dressember Foundation                                             4, 16, 18           7, 15
Drug Policy Alliance                                                                               Dn
Ducks Unlimited                                  An
Dupuytren Research Group                                      1, 6, 7, 8, 16, 18     11, 13

Eagle Mountain International Church                                                                Dn                E
Earth Day Network                                                                                  Dn
Earth Island Institute                           An
EARTH University Foundation                                                                        Dn
EarthEcho International                                                                            Dn
Earthjustice                                     An
EarthShare                                                                                         Dn
Earthwatch Institute                             An
Earthworks                                       An
Eastern Congo Initiative                                                                                    Rnn
Easterseals                                      An
EB Research Partnership                                                                            Dn
                                                                                        Wise Giving : FALL 2021      15
Name of National Charity                                      Accredited             Standards          Unable     Did Not Review in
                                                                  (Met Standards)          Not Met          to Verify   Disclose Progress

     EdChoice                                                                                                            Dn
     Education is Freedom                                                                                                Dn
     Eight Days of Hope                                                                                                  Dn
     Eisenhower Foundation                                                                                               Dn
     Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of USA                                  An
     Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee                                   An
     Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation                        An
     Embrace Relief Foundation                                         An
     Emergency USA                                                                                                                 Rn
     Enactus                                                                                                             Dn
     EngenderHealth                                                    An
     Entertainment Industry Foundation                                 An
     Environmental Defense Fund n         R                            An
     Environmental Working Group                                                          1, 4, 6
     EOD Warrior Foundation                                            An
     Epilepsy Foundation                                               An
     Episcopal Relief & Development                                    An
     Equality Now                                                                                                        Dn
     Equine Land Conservation Resource                                                  6, 7, 14, 18          1, 13
     Evangelical Lutheran Church in America                                                                              Dn
     Everglades Foundation                                                              3, 7, 16, 17           15
     Every Child Ministries                                            An
     Every Mother Counts                                               An
     Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund                                                                               Dn
F    FairVote                                                                         6, 7, 14, 16, 18         13
     Family Legacy Missions International                                           7, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18   1, 13, 15
     Family Reach Foundation                                           An
     Family Research Council                                                                                             Dn
     Farm Sanctuary                                                                                                      Dn
     Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home                                      See entry for Boys Town.
     Federation for American Immigration Reform                        An
     Feed My Starving Children                                                                                           Dn
     Feed the Children                                                 An
     Feeding America                                                   An
     Field Ready                                                       An
     FINCA International                                                                                                           Rn
16    See pages 44-45 for an explanation of standards. For detailed charity reports, visit www.give.org
Name of National Charity                           Accredited             Standards         Unable     Did Not Review in
                                                   (Met Standards)         Not Met         to Verify   Disclose Progress

Firefighter Cancer Support Network                                                                                Rn
Firefighters Charitable Foundation                                                                       Dn
First Book                                              An
First Candle                                                                                             Dn
First Nations Development Institute                     An
Fisher House Foundation                                                                                  Dn
Fistula Foundation                                      An
FOCUS North America                                     An
Focus on the Family                                                                                      Dn
Folds of Honor Foundation                                                                                Dn
Fonkoze USA                                             An
Food & Water Watch                                                                                                Rn
Food for the Hungry                                                                                               Rnn
Food for the Poor                                       An
FoodCorps                                                                  16, 17
For Inspiration and Recognition of Science   A                        3, 6, 12, 14, 17       15
   and Technology (FIRST)
For the Troops                                                                                           Dn
FORCE: Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered                                 7, 19
Ford’s Theatre Society                                                                                   Dn
Forward Edge International                                                                               Dn
Foundation Fighting Blindness                           An
Foundation for AIDS Research                            An
Foundation for Children in Need                         An
Foundation for Economic Education                                    1, 6, 7, 14, 16, 18      3
Foundation for Ichthyosis & Related Skin Types                                                                    Rn
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education                                6
Foundation for the National Institutes of Health                                                         Dn
Franciscan Foundation for the Holy Land                                                                  Dn
Franciscan Mission Associates                                                                            Dn
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center                                                                   Dn
Free Press                                                                                               Dn
Free Wheelchair Mission                                 An
Freedom from Religion Foundation                                             12
Freedom Service Dogs                                                                                              Rnn
French Heritage Society                                 An
Friends of Animals                                      An
                                                                                              Wise Giving : FALL 2021      17
Name of National Charity                                       Accredited        Standards             Unable     Did Not Review in
                                                                   (Met Standards)     Not Met             to Verify   Disclose Progress

     Friends of the Earth                                               An
     Friends of Trees                                                                                                   Dn
     Friends of UNFPA                                                                                                   Dn
     Friends Without a Border                                           An
     Friendship Force International                                     An
     Front Range Equine Rescue                                                                                          Dn
     Fuller Center for Housing                                          An
     Fund for Animals                                                   An
G    G.O. Ministries                                                                                                    Dn
     Galapagos Conservancy                                              An
     Gary Sinise Foundation                                                          4, 6, 19
     Gateway for Cancer Research                                                                                        Dn
     Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation                                     14, 16, 19
     Gentle Giants Draft Horse Rescue Society                                                                           Dn
     Gift of Adoption Fund                                              An
     Gift of Life International                                         An
     Gift of Life Marrow Registry                                       An
     Giraffe Heroes Project                                             An
     Girl Scouts of the USA                                             An
     Girls Educational and Mentoring Services                                                                           Dn
     Girls Inc.                                                         An
     Girls Who Code                                                                                                     Dn
     Give Kids The World                                                An
     Give the Gift of Sight Foundation                                  See entry for OneSight.
     Give2Asia                                                                                                          Dn
     GLAAD                                                              See entry for Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.

     Glaucoma Research Foundation                                       An
     Gleaning for the World                                                                                             Dn
     Global AIDS Interfaith Alliance                                                                                    Dn
     Global Communities                                                                                                 Dn
     Global FoodBanking Network                                         An
     Global Fund for Children                                                                                           Dn
     Global Fund for Women                                                                                              Dn
     Global Heritage Fund                                                                                                         Rn
     Global Impact                                                      An
     Global Lyme Alliance                                                                                                         Rn
18     See pages 44-45 for an explanation of standards. For detailed charity reports, visit www.give.org
Name of National Charity                    Accredited        Standards     Unable     Did Not Review in
                                            (Met Standards)    Not Met     to Verify   Disclose Progress

Global Partnerships                                                                      Dn
GlobalGiving Foundation                          An
Good Days                                                                                Dn
The Good Food Institute                                                                  Dn
Good Plus Foundation                             An
Good Sports                                      An
Good360                                                         18            3
Goodwill Industries International                An
Gospel for Asia                                                                          Dn
Government Accountability Project                An
Grameen Foundation                               An
Grand Canyon Trust                                                         15, 16
Grant Foundation                                 See entry for Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti.
Grassroots International                         An
Greater Yellowstone Coalition                                                            Dn
Greatergood.org                                                                          Dn
Green Beret Foundation                           An
Greenpeace Fund                                                  7
Grist Magazine                                                                           Dn
Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs                                                     Dn
Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind               An
Guide Dogs for the Blind                                                                 Dn
Guide Dogs of America                                                                    Dn
Guiding Eyes for the Blind                       An
Guttmacher Institute                             An
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and                                                         Dn                H
    Research Institute Foundation
Habitat for Humanity International               An
Hadassah the Women’s Zionist Organization        An
    of America
Haiti Clinic                                                                             Dn
Haiti Partners                                   An
Hal Lindsey Website Ministries                                                           Dn
Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation                                                           Dn
Headstrong Project                                                                       Dn
Health Volunteers Overseas                       An
                                                                              Wise Giving : FALL 2021      19
Name of National Charity                                       Accredited            Standards            Unable        Did Not Review in
                                                                   (Met Standards)         Not Met            to Verify      Disclose Progress

     HealthWell Foundation                                                                   4
     Hearing Health Foundation                                         An
     Hearing Loss Association of America                               An
     Heart to Heart International                                      An
     Heartbeat International                                           An
     Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society                                       See entry for HIAS.
     Heifer Project International                                      An
     Helen Keller International                                                           12, 17          1, 3, 7, 13, 14,
                                                                                                              15, 16
     Help Heal Veterans                                                                                                       Dn
     Help Hope Live                                                                   4, 6, 7, 14, 16            3
     Help Me See                                                                                                              Dn
     Help the Children                                                                                                        Dn
     Helping Children Worldwide                                                      6, 7, 14, 16, 19           15
     Helping Hand for Relief and Development                                                                                            Rn
     Heritage for the Blind                                                                                                   Dn
     The Heritage Foundation                                                                                                  Dn
     HeroBox                                                                                                                  Dn
     HHT Foundation International                                      See entry for Cure HHT.
     HIAS                                                                                 1, 7, 16
     Hidaya Foundation                                                                                                        Dn
     Hire Heroes USA                                                                       3, 18                19
     Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities                                                                        Dn
     Hispanic Scholarship Fund                                                                                                Dn
     Holt International Children’s Services                            An
     Home Missioners of America                                                      1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12
     Homes for Our Troops                                              An
     HonorBound Foundation                                                                                                    Dn
     Hope for Haiti                                                                                                           Dn
     Hope for Haiti’s Children Ministries                                                    4
     Hope for the Warriors                                                               3, 16, 18            14, 19
     HOPE International                                                                  4, 6, 16
     HOPE worldwide                                                    An
     Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti                                                                                          Dn
     Human Coalition                                                                                                          Dn
     Human Development Foundation of North America                     An
     Human Life International        A                                                   7, 8, 14            1, 3, 15

20     See pages 44-45 for an explanation of standards. For detailed charity reports, visit www.give.org
Name of National Charity                        Accredited        Standards      Unable      Did Not Review in
                                                (Met Standards)    Not Met      to Verify    Disclose Progress

Human Rights Campaign Foundation                                                              Dn
Human Rights Watch                                   An
Humane Farming Association                                                                    Dn
Humane Society International                         An
Humane Society of the United States                  An
The Hunger Project                                   An
Huntington’s Disease Society of America              An
Hydrocephalus Association                            An
ICNA Relief USA                                      An                                                          I
iDE-International Development Enterprises                                                               Rnn
Immune Deficiency Foundation                                                                  Dn
In Defense of Animals                                                                         Dn
In Touch Ministries                                                                           Dn
Independence Fund                                                                             Dn
Indian Land Tenure Foundation                                                                 Dn
Indian Law Resource Center                                           3
Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund                                                                 Dn
Inner-City Muslim Action Network                                                              Dn
Innovations for Poverty Action                       An
Insight for Living Ministries                                                                 Dn
Inspiring Body of Christ Church                                                               Dn
InStep International                                               3, 16          10
Institute for Justice                                                                         Dn
Institute for Social Policy and Understanding        An
Interfaith Social Services                           An
International Animal Rescue, US                      An
International Book Project                                                                    Dn
International Campaign for Tibet                                  14, 16      8, 9, 13, 15
International Catholic Migration Commission                                                   Dn
International Centre for Missing                                   4, 17
   and Exploited Children
International Children’s Fund                                                                 Dn
International Children’s Network                     An
International Christian Concern                                                               Dn
International Crisis Aid                                                                      Dn
International Eye Foundation                                                                  Dn
                                                                                   Wise Giving : FALL 2021       21
Name of National Charity                                       Accredited           Standards          Unable      Did Not Review in
                                                                   (Met Standards)        Not Met          to Verify    Disclose Progress

     International Fellowship of Christians and Jews                    An
     International FOP Association                                                                                       Dn
     International Foundation for Functional                                                                             Dn
        Gastrointestinal Disorders
     International Fund for Animal Welfare                                                                               Dn
     International Institute of Rural Reconstruction                    An
     International Justice Mission                                      An
     International Literacy and Development                             An
     International Medical Corps                                        An
     International Medical Relief                                                                                        Dn
     International Myeloma Foundation                                                                                    Dn
     International OCD Foundation                                                        16, 17             1, 3
     International Planned Parenthood Federation                        An
        Western Hemisphere Region
     International Rescue Committee                                                       6, 7
     International Rett Syndrome Foundation                                             6, 7, 16        3, 13, 14, 15
     International Rivers                                               An
     International Social Services USA Branch                                             6, 7
     Inernational Union of Police Associations                                                                           Dn
     IntraHealth International                                          An
     Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund                                                                                         Dn
     Invisible Children                                                              6, 7, 14, 16, 18        13
     Islamic Relief USA                                                 An
     Israel Cancer Research Fund                                                                                         Dn
     Israel Tennis & Education Centers Foundation                                                                        Dn
J    JAARS                                                              An
     Jackie Robinson Foundation                                                                                          Dn
     Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife, Research,                                                                                Rnn
        Education and Conservation
     JBI International                                                  An
     JDRF International                                                 An
     Jewish National Fund                                               An
     Jewish Voice Ministries International                                                                  Dn
     Jews for Jesus                                                                                         Dn
     Jimmy Fund      A                                                  See entry for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
     JJ Watt Foundation                                                                                     Dn
22     See pages 44-45 for an explanation of standards. For detailed charity reports, visit www.give.org
Name of National Charity                            Accredited             Standards         Unable     Did Not Review in
                                                    (Met Standards)         Not Met         to Verify   Disclose Progress

Joel Osteen Ministries                                                                                    Dn
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts                                                            Dn
Joni and Friends                                                                                          Dn
JOY for Our Youth n   D                                  See entry for Kars4Kids.
Joyce Meyer Ministries                                                                                    Dn
Joyful Heart Foundation                                                                                   Dn
Judicial Watch                                                                                            Dn
Junior Achievement USA                                                        14               5
Junior Blind of America n  A                             See entry for Wayfinder Family Services.
Just Detention International                                                                              Dn
JustWorld International                                  An
K9s for Warriors                                         An                                                                 K
KaBOOM!                                                  An
Kars4Kids                                                                                                 Dn
Keep a Child Alive                                                        1, 3, 6, 7
Keep America Beautiful                                                                                    Dn
Keepers of the Wild                                      An
Kenneth Copeland Ministries                              See entry for Eagle Mountain International Church.
Keystone Symposia on Molecular and                                         6, 7, 16            4
   Cellular Biology
Kidney Cancer Association                                                     10
Kids Against Hunger                                                   3,6,7,11,14,16,17      13, 18
Kids Alive International                                 An
Kids in Need of Defense                                               3, 6, 7, 14, 16, 18   1, 13, 15
Kids in Need of Development, Education and Relief                         7, 16, 17          3, 13
Kids Wish Network                                                                                         Dn
Kidsave International                                                                                     Dn
Kidspire                                                 An
Kinship United                                           An
Kiva Microfunds                                                                                           Dn
Kiwanis Children’s Fund                                  An
KOA Care Camps                                                                                            Dn
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund                                                                   Dn                L
Land Trust Alliance                                      An
Last Chance for Animals                                  An
                                                                                               Wise Giving : FALL 2021      23
Name of National Charity                                      Accredited         Standards            Unable     Did Not Review in
                                                                  (Met Standards)      Not Met            to Verify   Disclose Progress

     Laureus Sport for Good Foundation USA                                           7, 16, 18
     Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund                                                  18                7, 13
     Leadership Institute                                                                                              Dn
     League of American Bicyclists                                                       16
     League of Conservation Voters Education Fund                                                                      Dn
     League of Women Voters Education Fund                                                                             Dn
     Learning Ally                                                     An
     LensCrafters Foundation                                           See entry for OneSight.
     Leukemia & Lymphoma Society                                                         7
     Life in Abundance International                                                                                   Dn
     Life Legal Defense Foundation                                     An
     LIFE Outreach International                                                                                       Dn
     Lifesavers                                                                                                        Dn
     LIGHT Health & Wellness Comprehensive Services                                                                    Dn
     Limbs for Life Foundation                                                           10
     Lions Clubs International Foundation                                                                              Dn
     Local Initiatives Support Corporation                                                                             Dn
     Live Action                                                                        1, 4
     Livestrong Foundation                                                                                             Dn
     Living Water International                                        An
     Locks of Love                                                     An
     Lotus House Women's Shelter                                                                                       Dn
     Love A Child                                                                                                      Dn
     Love Justice International                                        An
     Love146                                                           An
     Luke's Wings                                                                        8                   7
     LuMind Research Down Syndrome Foundation                                                                           Dn
     Lung Cancer Research Foundation                                                6, 7, 14, 18          3, 15
     LUNGevity Foundation                                                                                               Dn
     Lupus Foundation of America                                                       1, 16                19
     Lupus Research Alliance                                           An
     Lustgarten Foundation                                             An
     Lutheran World Relief                                                          7, 16, 17, 18           15
     Lymphoma Research Foundation                                                                                       Dn
M    Macular Degeneration Research                                     See entry for BrightFocus.
     MADD                                                              See entry for Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

24    See pages 44-45 for an explanation of standards. For detailed charity reports, visit www.give.org
Name of National Charity                    Accredited           Standards        Unable      Did Not Review in
                                            (Met Standards)       Not Met        to Verify    Disclose Progress

MADRE                                                          6, 14, 16, 18
Make-A-Wish Foundation of America                An
Make-A-Wish International                        An
Making Change                                                                                  Dn
The Malala Fund                                                                                Dn
Maoz Israel Ministries   D                                    3, 4, 6, 7, 12,       13
                                                                  14, 16
MAP International                                An
Marathon Kids                                                       19              7
March of Dimes Foundation                        An
Marfan Foundation, The                           An
Marijuana Policy Project Foundation                                                            Dn
Marine Corps Association Foundation                              8, 12, 16          14
Marine Corps Heritage Foundation                                                               Dn
Marine Corps – Law Enforcement Foundation                     1, 3, 6, 7, 14
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation              An
Marine Mammal Center                                                                           Dn
Marine Toys for Tots Foundation                  An
Marist Brothers                                                                                Dn
Marshall Legacy Institute                        An
Mary C. Schanz Foundation dba                                                                  Dn
   Ironwood Pig Sanctuary
Mary Kay Foundation                                                                            Dn
Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic                                                               Dn
MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger                                                             Dn
Meals on Wheels Association of America           An
Media Research Center                                             6, 18         1, 5, 7, 15
Medical Students for Choice                      An
Medical Teams International                      An
Meds & Food for Kids                                             6, 7, 14
MedShare International                                                                         Dn
Melanoma Research Alliance Foundation                              3, 6
Melanoma Research Foundation                                                                   Dn
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center                                                         Dn
Mended Hearts                                    An
Mennonite Central Committee                      An
Mennonite Disaster Service                       An
                                                                                    Wise Giving : FALL 2021       25
Name of National Charity                                      Accredited            Standards         Unable     Did Not Review in
                                                                  (Met Standards)         Not Met         to Verify   Disclose Progress

     Mental Health America                                             An
     Mercury One                                                                                                       Dn
     Mercy Corps                                                       An
     Mercy For Animals                                                                                                 Dn
     Mercy Home for Boys and Girls                                     An
     Mercy Medical Angels        R                                     An
     Mercy Multiplied America                                          An
     Mercy Ships                                                       An
     Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation                          An
     Mexico Medical Missions                                                                                           Dn
     Michael J. Fox Foundation for                                     An
        Parkinson’s Research
     Middle East Children’s Alliance                                                                                   Dn
     MidwayUSA Foundation                                                                   3
     Midwest Food Bank                                                                                                 Dn
     Midwest Organic and Sustainable                                                        14               13
        Education Service
     Military Child Education Coalition                                An
     Military Officers Association of America                                                                          Dn
        Scholarship Fund
     Military Order of the Purple Heart                                                                                Dn
        Service Foundation
     Military Spouse Corporate Career Network                          An
     Military Warriors Support Foundation                                                                              Dn
     Military with PTSD                                                                                                Dn
     Miracle Flights                                                                                                   Dn
     MiracleFeet                                                       An
     Mission Aviation Fellowship                                                                                       Dn
     Mission Clinics International                                     An
     Mission India                                                                        16, 17
     Mona Foundation                                                    An
     Moody Bible Institute of Chicago                                                                                  Dn
     Morris Animal Foundation                                                             16, 19             14
     Mothers Against Drunk Driving                                                        6, 16              7
     mothers2mothers International                                     An
     Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association of the Union                                                                     Dn
     Mountain Lion Foundation                                                       3, 6, 7, 14, 16, 17   1, 13, 18

26    See pages 44-45 for an explanation of standards. For detailed charity reports, visit www.give.org
Name of National Charity                     Accredited             Standards           Unable      Did Not Review in
                                             (Met Standards)         Not Met           to Verify    Disclose Progress

Mountain States Legal Foundation                               6, 7, 8, 14, 16, 18     13, 15
Move United                                       An
Movember Foundation                                                    18
Mozilla Foundation                                                                                   Dn
MPN Research Foundation                                                                1, 3, 15
Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation                                   3, 6, 7, 14, 16
Ms. Foundation for Women                                            6, 7, 17         1, 3, 14, 15
Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation                                                                           Rnn
Multiple Sclerosis Association of America                              8
Multiple Sclerosis Foundation                                                                        Dn
Muscular Dystrophy Association                                      7, 8, 9
Muslim Advocates                                                                                     Dn
Muslim Legal Fund of America                                                                         Dn
Mutts With a Mission                                                                                 Dn
My Stuff Bags Foundation                          An
Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America           An
NAACP Empowerment Programs                                                                            Dn                N
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund                                                              Dn
NAMI                                              An
NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation                                                                   Dn
NARSAD: d/b/a Brain and Behavior                  An
  Research Foundation
National 4-H Council                              An
National Abortion Federation                      An
National Academy of Engineering Fund                                                                 Dn
National Alliance to End Homelessness                             6, 7, 14, 18            3
National Alopecia Areata Foundation               An
National Anti-Vivisection Society                 An
National Arbor Day Foundation                     An
National Association for the Exchange of          An
  Industrial Resources / NAEIR
National Association of American Veterans                      1, 3, 4, 7, 13, 14,     15, 19
                                                                   16, 17, 18
National Association of Chiefs of Police                                                             Dn
National Association of Christian Churches                                                           Dn
                                                                                          Wise Giving : FALL 2021       27
Name of National Charity                                      Accredited       Standards              Unable     Did Not Review in
                                                                  (Met Standards)    Not Met              to Verify   Disclose Progress

     National Association of Police                                                                                    Dn
        Athletic-Activities League
     National Association of the Deaf                                                                                  Dn
     National Ataxia Foundation                                        An
     National Audubon Society                                          An
     National Blood Clot Alliance                                                   1, 7, 16                 3
     National Brain Tumor Society                                      An
     National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund                             An
     National Breast Cancer Foundation                                                1, 4
     National Cancer Assistance Foundation                                                                             Dn
     National Cancer Center                                                                                            Dn
     National Caregiving Foundation                                                                                    Dn
     National Center for Appropriate Technology                        An
     National Center for Families Learning                                                                             Dn
     National Center for Healthy Housing                               An
     National Center for Learning Disabilities                         An
     National Center for Lesbian Rights                                                                                Dn
     National Center for Missing and Exploited Children                An
     National Center for Public Policy Research                                                                        Dn
     National Center for Victims of Crime                                                                              Dn
     National Center on Addiction and                                                                                  Dn
        Substance Abuse
     National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome                                        16, 19                  15
     National Child Safety Council                                                                                     Dn
     National Children’s Cancer Society                                An
     National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship                                                                        Dnn
        dba Cancer Survivors Coalition
     National Congress of Parents and Teachers                                                                         Dnn
     National Constitution Center                                                                                      Dnn
     National Consumer Law Center                                                                                      Dnn
     National Council of Churches USA                                                                                  Dnn
     National Council of the US Society of                             An
        St. Vincent de Paul
     National Council on Aging                                                        16
     National Council of the YMCAS of the USA                          An
     National Council on U.S.–Arab Relations                           An
     National Credit Union Foundation                                  An
28    See pages 44-45 for an explanation of standards. For detailed charity reports, visit www.give.org
Name of National Charity                          Accredited            Standards       Unable     Did Not Review in
                                                  (Met Standards)        Not Met       to Verify   Disclose Progress

National Democratic Institute for                                                                    Dn
  International Affairs
National Disaster Search Dog Foundation                An
National Domestic Violence Hotline                                                                   Dnn
National Down Syndrome Society                                                            6
National Eating Disorders Association                                     19
National Eczema Association                            An
National Education for Assistance Dog Services                                                       Dnn
National Environmental Education and                   An
  Training Foundation
National Fallen Firefighters Foundation                                                              Dnn
National Federation of The Blind                       An
National FFA Foundation                                                                              Dnn
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation                                                                Dn
National Forest Foundation                             An
National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts         See entry for National YoungArts Foundation.
National Foundation for Cancer Research                An
National Foundation for Transplants                                                         Dn
National Geographic Society                                                                 Dn
National Hemophilia Foundation                         An
National Hospice Foundation                                                                 Dn
National Immigration Forum                             An
National Jewish Health                                 An
National Kidney Foundation                             An
National Law Enforcement and                                           7, 14, 16         13
  Firefighters Children’s Foundation
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation                                                                 Dn
National Military Family Association                   An
National Multiple Sclerosis Society                    An
National Network to End Domestic Violence              An
National Organization for Rare Disorders                            3,6,7,9,14,16,18     15
National Osteoporosis Foundation                       An
National Park Foundation                                                   8
National Park Trust                                    An
National Parks Conservation Association                An
National Partnership for Women and Families                                                          Dn
National Pediatric Cancer Foundation                   An
                                                                                          Wise Giving : FALL 2021      29
Name of National Charity                                      Accredited       Standards              Unable     Did Not Review in
                                                                  (Met Standards)    Not Met              to Verify   Disclose Progress

     National Psoriasis Foundation                                     An
     National Relief Charities                                         See entry for Partnership With Native Americans.
     National Right to Life Committee Educational                                                                      Dn
        Trust Fund
     National Runaway Safeline                                         An
     National Safe Place Network                                                                                       Dn
     National September 11 Memorial and Museum                                                                         Dn
     National Space Society                                            An
     National Stem Cell Foundation                                                                                     Dn
     National Trust for Historic Preservation in                                    16, 19                 1, 18
        the United States
     National Tuberous Sclerosis Association                           An
     National Urban League                                             An
     National Veterans Services Fund                                    See entry for HonorBound Foundation.
     National Wildlife Federation                                      An
     National Women’s Health Network                                                                      Dn
     National World War II Museum                                                                         Dn
     National YoungArts Foundation                                                   3, 16
     Native American Aid                                               See entry for Partnership With Native Americans.
     Native American Emergency Relief                                  See entry for World Emergency Relief.
     Native American Heritage Association                                                                              Dn
     Native American Rights Fund                                       An
     Natural Resources Defense Council                                               7, 18            1, 3, 13, 15
     Nature Conservancy                                                An
     Navajo Relief Fund                                                See entry for Partnership With Native Americans.
     Navigators                                                                                                        Dn
     Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society                                                                                  Dn
     Near East Foundation                                              An
     NeedyMeds                                                         An
     NeighborWorks America                                                                                             Dn
     Nepal Youth Foundation                                                                                            Dn
     NephCure Kidney International                                                                                     Dn
     Net Impact                                                                                                        Dn
     Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship                                                                             Dn
     Network for Good                                                  An
     Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation                                        7, 16                   14
     Neuromuscular Disease Support Organization                                                                         Dn
30    See pages 44-45 for an explanation of standards. For detailed charity reports, visit www.give.org
Name of National Charity                       Accredited             Standards        Unable     Did Not Review in
                                               (Met Standards)         Not Met        to Verify   Disclose Progress

New Beginning Children’s Homes                                                                      Dn
New Eyes for the Needy                                               6, 10, 14           3
New Israel Fund                                                       1, 6, 7            3
New Venture Fund                                                                                    Dn
No One Left Behind                                  An
Nonhuman Rights Project                                              1, 2, 3, 4
Nonviolent Peaceforce                                                    8
Nora Lam Chinese Ministries                                                                         Dn
North American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry                             3              14
North American Mission Board, SBC                                                                   Dn
Northeast Animal Shelter                                                                            Dn
Northern Plains Reservation Aid    D                See entry for Partnership With
                                                    Native Americans.
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep                                         6, 7, 14, 18         15
NPH USA                                                                                             Dn
NSPIRE Outreach                                                                                     Dn
NTM Info & Research                                              1, 3, 6,7,12,14,16     13
NumbersUSA Education and Research Foundation        An
Nuru International                                  An
Oblate Missionary Society                                                                           Dn                O
Ocean Conservancy                                   An
Oceana                                                                  19             3, 7
Officers’ Christian Fellowship of the USA                                                           Dn
Omaha Home for Boys                                                                                 Dn
One Heartland                                                          1, 18           3, 19
One Percent for the Planet                          An
OneHope                                                                                             Dn
OneSight                                            An
OneSky                                              An
Open Doors with Brother Andrew                                          18
Open Medicine Foundation                                                                            Dn
Operation Blessing International                                                                    Dn
Operation FINALLY HOME                                                 3, 4
Operation Gratitude                                                     14
Operation Healing Forces                                                              3, 7, 15
Operation Homefront                                 An
                                                                                         Wise Giving : FALL 2021      31
Name of National Charity                                      Accredited         Standards            Unable     Did Not Review in
                                                                  (Met Standards)      Not Met            to Verify   Disclose Progress

     Operation Serve n   A                                                          3, 6, 11, 17
     Operation Smile                                                                     4
     Operation Underground Railroad                                                   16, 19         4, 5, 13, 15
     Operation USA                                                     An
     Operation Warm                                                                                                    Dn
     Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America                                                                Dn
     Opportunity International                                         An
     Optimist International Foundation                                 An
     ORBIS International                                               See entry for Project ORBIS International.
     Organization for Autism Research                                                                                  Dn
     Orphan Grain Train                                                                                                Dn
     Orphan Helpers                                                                    7, 14
     Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation                                An
     Others First                                                                                                      Dn
     Our Daily Bread Ministries                                                                                        Dn
     Our Military Kids                                                                                                 Dn
     Outreach Aid to the Americas                                      An
     Outreach International                                            An
     OutRight Action International                                                                                     Dn
     Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance                             An
     Oxfam America                                                     An
P    P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds                                                                                     Dn
     Pachamama Alliance                                                                1, 19               5, 7
     Pachyonychia Congenita Project                                                     10
     Pacific Crest Trail Association                                   An
     Pacific Legal Foundation                                                                                          Dn
     Pacifica Foundation                                                                                               Dn
     Pajama Program                                                    An
     Pan African Sanctuary Alliance                                                                                              Rn
     Pan American Development Foundation                                            3, 6, 7, 19       13, 14, 15
     Pancreatic Cancer Action Network                                  An
     Pandas International                                              An
     Panthera                                                                                                          Dn
     Paralyzed Veterans of America                                                  1, 6, 7, 16             15
     Parent Project for Muscular Dystrophy Research                    An
     Parents Television Council                                        An
32    See pages 44-45 for an explanation of standards. For detailed charity reports, visit www.give.org
Name of National Charity                        Accredited             Standards         Unable     Did Not Review in
                                                (Met Standards)         Not Met         to Verify   Disclose Progress

Parkinson’s Foundation                               An
Partners in Health                                                                                    Dn
Partners of the Americas                             An
Partnership for Transparency Fund    R                            1, 3, 6,7,14,16,18      13
Partnership Project                                                                                   Dn
Partnership With Native Americans                    An
Passport   A                                                      1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11,   13, 15, 19
                                                                     14, 16, 18
Pat Tillman Foundation                                                                                Dn
Pathfinder International                             An
Patient Access Network Foundation                                         4
Patient Advocate Foundation                          An
Patriot Outreach                                                                                      Dn
Paws for Purple Hearts                                                                                Dn
Paws With A Cause                                                                                     Dn
PayPal Charitable Giving Fund                        An
PCI-Media Impact                                     An
Pearl S. Buck International                          An
Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation of the U.S.         An
Pediatric Cancer Foundation                          See entry for National Pediatric Cancer Foundation.
Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation                                                                  Dn
Pencils of Promise                                                      6, 7            14, 16
Penny Appeal USA                                     An
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals                               2
People to People International                                                                        Dn
People United for Christ                                                                              Dn
Per Scholas                                                               4
Performing Animal Welfare Society                                                                     Dn
Persecution Project Foundation                                                                        Dn
Pet Partners                                                              3
Pesticide Action Network North America                                                                Dn
Petfinder Foundation                                 An
PetSmart Charities                                   An
Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors                   An
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine        An
Physicians for Human Rights                                              12
Physicians for Peace Foundation                                         6, 7

                                                                                           Wise Giving : FALL 2021      33
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