Woodland Hill - Presbyterian Homes

Page created by Angel Lewis
Woodland Hill - Presbyterian Homes
Woodland Hill
                                                                               January 2022

                 From the Administrator’s Desk

W            elcome to 2022. What a long 2 years it has been. But we are excited about a new
             year and new beginnings. As we reflect on the past year, many of us have
             experienced a loss, or an ending, that requires us to dig deep and pray for
healing. This causes us to think even deeper about the changes we experience with life’s
beginnings and endings, and what that means for us. Many of us have experienced wonderful
beginnings growing up, pursuing hobbies, vocations, raising children and retiring, and many
other journeys along the way. The deeper questions come at each step along the way, causing
us to contemplate life’s big questions: where did I come from, where am I going and what is
life all about? There can be times of grief and loss with moving from your home, giving up
some independence and a change in daily life, that can be very difficult to navigate at times.
When changes occur, we often take an inventory to see if we are prepared for the next chapter
of life. I believe God prompts these kinds of thoughts in our soul because we were made for
eternity ~Ecclesiastes 3:11. As Christians, we understand that it is not we who know our
destiny, but God. So we explore the eternal, which is a long time and our destiny. Jesus said in
John 11, “I am the resurrection and the life He who believes in Me even thou he dies will live,
do you believe this?”
This time of year also brings about goals and challenges for many. It is the time to plan our
New Year’s resolutions. What are you thinking about during this time of year? For me, I have
found with the uncertainty of the world the past couple years, I like to take things day by day. I
make small, obtainable goals each day to feel the sense of accomplishment, rather than large,
sometimes unattainable, goals that seem to be difficult to reach.
I hope the New Year brings you great joy and great memories! Thank you for continuing to
make Woodland Hill a great place to live and a great place for many to work.

                    Blessings to you,
                    Janel Miller
                    Campus Administrator
Woodland Hill - Presbyterian Homes
    January Special Events               Join us for the early access
             The Eclectic’s
                                           viewing of “Spencer”
         Thursday, January 6             The marriage between Princess Diana
  6:00 pm - 7:00 pm in the Auditorium      and Prince Charles has long grown
                                          cold. Though rumors of affairs and a
                                         divorce abound, peace is ordained for
      Ray Gilman Acoustic Show          the Christmas Festivities at the Queen’s
         Thursday, January 13              Sandringham Estate. But this year,
                                           things will profoundly be different.
  2:00 pm - 3:00 pm in the Auditorium
                                                 Assisted Living:
                                           Tuesday, January 4 at 2:30 pm
 Pop Standard’s Social Club Quartet
        Wednesday, January 19                 Independent Living:
  2:00 pm - 3:00 pm in the Auditorium    Wednesday, January 5 at 3:00 pm
                                          Friday, January 7 at 3:00 pm
See the Monthly Calendar for more fun
events happening throughout December
                                              Woodland Hill TV
                                        Channel 990 –Front Entry Camera
   Woodland Hill Resident               Channel 991 –Chapel/Virtual
                                        Channel 992 –Woodland Hill
    with the Management Team
 Wednesday, January 5 at 10:00 am in
          the Auditorium
                                        All events and programs are subject
                                                     to change.
                                        To keep up to date, view Channel 992
                                            on your TV or in the Lobby.

Page 2                                         441 Stageline Rd., Hudson, WI 54016
                          Woodland Hill Birthdays
                We wish you all a happy birthday and blessed year!

Claire Martin               Jan 2           Happy Birthday to everyone with
Norah Oehmke                Jan 3                December birthdays!
Margie Ellefson             Jan 10
                                           If we missed you, we apologize. Please
Willard Knott               Jan 12        let us know if you would like to be listed
                                                      in the newsletter.
James Jewitt                Jan 13
Karin Ninnemann             Jan 13
Alice Flitter               Jan 14
Dorothy Farnham             Jan 15
Dorothy Ahlgren             Jan 18
Nancy Radman                Jan 18
Laverne Dietz               Jan 19
Judith Hall                 Jan 19
Serena Lai                  Jan 20
Ruth Ziemann                Jan 20
                                                 “Happy Birthday to you!
Joan Stenger                Jan 30
                                                  Happy Birthday to you!
                                              Happy Birthday, Dear Friends;
   January Birthday Social
                                                 Happy Birthday to you!”
       Wednesday, December 13
           2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
                                             May your birthday bring you so
          Main Dining Room                  much joy and happiness to last the
   All are welcome to come celebrate                  whole year.

www.woodlandhillphs.org                                                     Page 3
A     s we start out a new year, I would like to add two final
      examples to our monthly conversation on how to cover our
families together in prayer. Remember to creatively pray the
scripture too—it is powerful! Take the words from the scripture
and ask God to do what it is saying in the lives of your kids,
grandkids and great-grandkids.
Who is praying consistently and faithfully for these we love if we
are not? Our roles in their lives may change, but our God never
changes. Praying for them to truly understand who the Lord is, and for them to truly live with
Him at the center of their lives, is perhaps our greatest life mission now.
Praying with you as we “stand in the gap” for our families,

A Prayer for Provision

A    s followers of Christ, we understand that God provides everything we need; all we have to
     do is ask. The same is true for our children. He provides for their needs. As parents, we
can pray God will meet their needs “according to His riches and glory.”
“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your
heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” - Matthew 6:26
Dear God, I know that every good and perfect gift is from you. I praise you for the care and
provision you provide to my children and to me. Today I pray you will lavish my children with
your good gifts. You taught us to pray “give us this day our daily bread”; I ask that you provide
for their shelter, food, and care from the great riches of your storehouse.

A Prayer for Their Legacy

M      y hope as a parent is that my life, actions and words provide my children a glimpse of the
       love and character of Jesus. By observing how Jesus changed my life, I hope they too,
will follow Him. I pray my children will create a similar heritage of their own. When we pray
for our grown children, let us ask our Father to lead them to create a legacy of following Jesus.
“But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his
righteousness with their children’s children—with those who keep his covenant and remember
to obey his precepts.” - Psalm 103:17-18
Father, I pray that I have been faithful to follow the example of Christ and love others as you
have loved me. Let my example be a spark that will ignite my children to seek You above all
else, follow Jesus and give You glory.
Page 4                                                     441 Stageline Rd., Hudson, WI 54016

                          January Culinary Events:
                         Weekly Cappuccino ~ $1.00
                     Monday’s in January 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

             Weekly Hot Chocolate with Whipped Topping ~ $1.00
                  Wednesday’s in January 11:00 am - 1:00pm

                             National Spaghetti Day
                   Tuesday, January 4 from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
                       Spaghetti and Garlic Bread ~ $5.00

                            Ice Cream Scoops ~ $1.50
                    Friday, January 7 from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

                          Ice Cream Sundaes ~ $2.50
                  Thursday, January 13 from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

                       Independent Living Culinary Talk
                 Tuesday, January 18 at 1:00 pm in the Auditorium

                          January Special Dining $11.00
    Thursday, January 20 at 5:00 pm, RSVP required Friday, January 14, 2022.
   Meal includes: tossed salad, spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic bread sticks and
                                 spumoni ice cream

                     National Chocolate Cake Day ~ $1.00
             Thursday, January 27 from 11:00 am - while supplies last

                           Blueberry Pancakes ~ $5.00
          Friday, January 28 from 11:00 am -1:00 pm (or until we are out)

www.woodlandhillphs.org                                                      Page 5

                You’ve Done Something Good for You

T   hank you for making a difference through your charitable giving in 2021. From showing
    your gratitude for employees to enhancing experiences for your friends and neighbors, you
touched hearts throughout 2021. We thank you! Please take a moment to consider how your
generous sharing is helping you, too, because it does! These are some benefits that you may
Giving provides a sense of purpose, which is linked to identity. Phases of life provide us
  with different defining roles, like employee or parent. As life moves forward, we may feel
  less connected to some roles. Sharing our time, experiences and treasure are roles that have
  staying power, though. Studies show that these roles enhance an overall sense of purpose and
Giving may aid overall health. Research has shown that giving can create happy feelings,
  lessen chronic pain and lower blood pressure for some. Sharing our time usually enhances
  our social lives, which in turn can positively affect our long-term health.
Altruism is contagious. It is often observed that when one person performs a good deed, it
   causes a chain reaction of other good deeds.
The positives created by sharing your time, talents and money doesn’t just benefit your PHS
community, they benefit you as well! As 2022 begins, what plans might you have for your
giving this year?
We give thanks to residents, family members, friends and employees who made charitable gifts
to Presbyterian Homes & Services during the holiday season. We say this every month and it
is always true: Every gift makes a difference. We are grateful for you and for your giving
spirit. Please feel free to contact us at 651-631-6408 or 651-631-6418 if we can be of assistance
to you this year.

Page 6                                                     441 Stageline Rd., Hudson, WI 54016

H     appy New Year. Let us start 2022 on the right foot and get our bodies moving. Do you log
      150 minutes of exercise each week? Do you complete strength exercises at least two times
per week? Do you stretch? How about balance - do you incorporate balance exercises to your
routine? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are already off to a great start. If
you answered no, the Wings Wellness Team is here to help get you started on a well-rounded
exercise routine.

How to Start an Exercise Program:
 • Start slow – do not try to do too much too soon. Gradually increase duration and frequency
   of exercise each week.
 • Always begin with a warm-up to prepare the body for exercise, and end with a cool-down to
   return the heart rate and blood pressure to pre-exercise rates.
 • Stay Hydrated – drink water to replenish fluid lost through sweat, and stabilize blood
   pressure and body temperature.
 • Choose an activity you enjoy – biking, strength training, swimming, yoga, walking, etc.
 • Invite a friend, spouse or neighbor to join you and keep you accountable.
 • Wear appropriate clothing and footwear to avoid injury.
 • Talk to your doctor before beginning an exercise program, especially if you have specific
   health conditions or concerns.
 • Always listen to your body and modify exercises to best suit your needs.
To get the most out of your exercise programming, be sure to incorporate balance, endurance,
flexibility and strength components. Too much of one, and not enough of the other, can hinder
your ability to get the most out of your exercise routine.
If you are new to using the Wellness Center, or have questions about equipment, stop by
and talk to a Fitness Instructor on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 8:00 am - 8:30 am or
11:30 am - 12:00 pm. We look forward to seeing you sweat!
Visit the National Institute on Aging website for additional resources: https://www.nia.nih.gov/

   Call today for information on the Wellness Schedule or Gym Orientations, 715-716-5235
Woodland Hill
441 Stageline Road
Hudson, WI 54016

Presbyterian Homes & Services is a
nonprofit organization and an equal
opportunity employer serving older
adults through community services,
housing, and health care.


                                          Better Together
     “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…” ~Hebrews 10:24

H     ow often in these past two years of quarantines
      and visitor restrictions have we realized how
much we want to be together? Being together makes
                                                          To do this, our team asks for your help. We’re sure
                                                          you know of special people, including you, whose
                                                          relationships and experiences show how we are better
us happy, but even more important, being together         together. These relationships can be among two or
makes us better and helps us thrive. This is the very     more employees, residents, volunteers, family
spirit of a community and reflects the love of God.       members, friends or any combination of the above.
In Jesus, God summons us into a holy relationship and     We want to hear about a new (even unlikely)
invites us into meaningful human relationships.           friendship, a common or shared journey, a problem
Through the Holy Spirit, God dwells within and            solved or goal achieved together through
between us. In these ties, we can know and be known;      collaboration and teamwork. We want to hear about
serve and be served; love and be loved; celebrate and     overcoming challenges and finding resilience and
be celebrated. And that’s what we want to do –            hope, recognizing God’s hand and blessing, living
celebrate life together at Presbyterian Homes &           into a larger view of God, expanding our mission and
Services (PHS) through the many stories that narrate      enriching ministry.
how we “spur one another on toward love and good          From your and others’ suggestions, we will select and
deeds…” – how we are better together.                     follow up on stories of being better together.
Throughout 2022, the PHS Communication Team               Throughout the series we’ll share the stories that show
wants to tell our stories in a series entitled, “Better   and tell how our lives interweave, our gifts multiply,
Together.” We’ll share the stories through the PHS        our blessings abound and God is glorified. So much to
blog, videos, social media, and daily staff huddles       celebrate and fortunately, we’ll have all year!
known as StandUP. But we need more eyes and ears,         E-mail us at communication@preshomes.org or
not to mention hearts and minds.                          share your suggestion with your campus staff. We
                                                          look forward to hearing from you.
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