Would you like to speak to your submission? - South Waikato District Council

Page created by Geraldine Diaz
Would you like to speak to your submission? - South Waikato District Council
LTP Consultation
Name:   Rebecca Lindley
Are you completing this on behalf of a group?
Group Name:

Would you like to speak to your submission? No
Asset Replacement
What level do you want to fund asset replacement at?

Option A – 55% for water and wastewater and 0% for stormwater for the full ten year
Do you have any comments regarding asset replacement?

Do you require a response to your comments on the asset replacement?

South Waikato Heated Indoor Pools
What is your preferred option for the South Waikato Indoor Heated Indoor Pools?

Option C – integrated facility with Tokoroa Library
Please select the option you would like for the spa pool

Spa 3
Please select the option you would like for the changing rooms and amenities

Spaces 2
Please select all the options you would like for the pool facility
Learn to Swim Pool Refurbishment - $450,000, Kids and toddler pool upgrade -

Do you have any comments relating to the pool facility?
Would you like to speak to your submission? - South Waikato District Council
Do you require a response to your comments on the pool facility?

Tokoroa Library
What is your preferred option for the Tokoroa Library?

Option C – integrated facility with South Waikato Heated Indoor Pools

Do you have any comments relating to the Tokoroa Library?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Tokoroa Library?

Pensioner Housing
Do you prefer option A or B for increasing rentals for Council's housing units?

Option B – increase weekly rentals over THREE years

Do you have any comments relating to Council housing units?

Do you require a response to your comments on Council housing units?

Putāruru Skatepark
Which option do you prefer for the Putāruru skatepark?

Option B – refurbish the bowl and provide enhanced skate features
If you've selected Option B, what other skate features and amenities do you want to see
included with the bowl?
Would you like to speak to your submission? - South Waikato District Council
Do you require a response to your comments regarding Option B?
Do you have any comments relating to the Skate Park?

Do you require a response to your additional comments?

Rate Ration Changes
What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 1?

What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 2?

What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 3?
Do you have any comments relating to Rate Ratios?

Do you require a response to your comments on Rate Ratios?

Please select which policies you would like to comment on from the drop down menu.
Choose all of the policies you wish to submit on
Would you like to speak to your submission? - South Waikato District Council
Do you have any comments regarding the Treasury Management Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Treasury Management Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Postponement of Rates Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Postponement of Rates Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Significance and Engagement Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Significance and Engagement Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori
Freehold Land Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Remission and Postponement of Rates
on Māori Freehold Land Policy?
Do you have any comments regarding the Rating / Funding Impact Statement?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Rating / Funding Impact Statement?

Do you have any comments regarding the Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Remission of Rates Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Remission of Rates Policy?

Funding Ratios
Do you have any comments on Council’s proposed changes to the funding ratios in the
Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Revenue and Finance Policy?
Do you have any comments on Council's Development Contributions Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Development Contributions Policy?

Fees & Charges
Do you have any comments on Council’s proposed Fees and Charges?

Do you require a response to your comments on the proposed Fees and Charges?

Anything Else
Do you have any further comments on the Council's proposed LTP?
Arapuni projects current have minimal investment planned (pg 28/29) other than
mainly water infrastructure. No meeting community requirements such as
accessibility for hall, having reliable mobile / internet, road safety etc. Disappointed
that as rate payers like the rest of the South Waikato Arapuni & its communities
needs seem to have been very much overlooked - $129k vs over $700k for likes of
Putaruru / Tirau. Dog access from village - dam removed adds another challenge.

Do you require a response to your further comments regarding the LTP?

Do you wish to upload any attachments supporting your submission?

Do you require a response to any comments made in your supporting documents?
LTP Consultation
Name:   Wendy Parker
Are you completing this on behalf of a group?
Group Name:

Would you like to speak to your submission? No
Asset Replacement
What level do you want to fund asset replacement at?

Do you have any comments regarding asset replacement?

Do you require a response to your comments on the asset replacement?

South Waikato Heated Indoor Pools
What is your preferred option for the South Waikato Indoor Heated Indoor Pools?

Please select the option you would like for the spa pool

Please select the option you would like for the changing rooms and amenities

Please select all the options you would like for the pool facility

Do you have any comments relating to the pool facility?
Do you require a response to your comments on the pool facility?

Tokoroa Library
What is your preferred option for the Tokoroa Library?

Do you have any comments relating to the Tokoroa Library?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Tokoroa Library?

Pensioner Housing
Do you prefer option A or B for increasing rentals for Council's housing units?

Do you have any comments relating to Council housing units?

Do you require a response to your comments on Council housing units?

Putāruru Skatepark
Which option do you prefer for the Putāruru skatepark?

If you've selected Option B, what other skate features and amenities do you want to see
included with the bowl?
Do you require a response to your comments regarding Option B?
Do you have any comments relating to the Skate Park?

Do you require a response to your additional comments?

Rate Ration Changes
What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 1?

What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 2?

What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 3?

Do you have any comments relating to Rate Ratios?

Do you require a response to your comments on Rate Ratios?

Please select which policies you would like to comment on from the drop down menu.
Choose all of the policies you wish to submit on
Do you have any comments regarding the Treasury Management Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Treasury Management Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Postponement of Rates Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Postponement of Rates Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Significance and Engagement Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Significance and Engagement Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori
Freehold Land Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Remission and Postponement of Rates
on Māori Freehold Land Policy?
Do you have any comments regarding the Rating / Funding Impact Statement?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Rating / Funding Impact Statement?

Do you have any comments regarding the Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Remission of Rates Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Remission of Rates Policy?

Funding Ratios
Do you have any comments on Council’s proposed changes to the funding ratios in the
Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Revenue and Finance Policy?
Do you have any comments on Council's Development Contributions Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Development Contributions Policy?

Fees & Charges
Do you have any comments on Council’s proposed Fees and Charges?

Do you require a response to your comments on the proposed Fees and Charges?

Anything Else
Do you have any further comments on the Council's proposed LTP?
Safety issue at the Hall with no ramp. Broadband and mobile coverage. Asking
residents if they want Council to spend $72,000 on Pioneer Reserve and $41,000
at the tennis courts. The money should go to the hall etc before the reserve &
tennis courts. We didn't ask for what is offered!

Do you require a response to your further comments regarding the LTP?

Do you wish to upload any attachments supporting your submission?

Do you require a response to any comments made in your supporting documents?

LTP Consultation
Name:   Anthea Sayer
Are you completing this on behalf of a group?
Group Name:    Waikato Regional Council
Would you like to speak to your submission? Yes
Asset Replacement
What level do you want to fund asset replacement at?

Do you have any comments regarding asset replacement?

Do you require a response to your comments on the asset replacement?

South Waikato Heated Indoor Pools
What is your preferred option for the South Waikato Indoor Heated Indoor Pools?

Please select the option you would like for the spa pool

Please select the option you would like for the changing rooms and amenities

Please select all the options you would like for the pool facility

Do you have any comments relating to the pool facility?
Do you require a response to your comments on the pool facility?

Tokoroa Library
What is your preferred option for the Tokoroa Library?

Do you have any comments relating to the Tokoroa Library?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Tokoroa Library?

Pensioner Housing
Do you prefer option A or B for increasing rentals for Council's housing units?

Do you have any comments relating to Council housing units?

Do you require a response to your comments on Council housing units?

Putāruru Skatepark
Which option do you prefer for the Putāruru skatepark?

If you've selected Option B, what other skate features and amenities do you want to see
included with the bowl?
Do you require a response to your comments regarding Option B?
Do you have any comments relating to the Skate Park?

Do you require a response to your additional comments?

Rate Ration Changes
What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 1?

What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 2?

What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 3?

Do you have any comments relating to Rate Ratios?

Do you require a response to your comments on Rate Ratios?

Please select which policies you would like to comment on from the drop down menu.
Choose all of the policies you wish to submit on
Do you have any comments regarding the Treasury Management Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Treasury Management Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Postponement of Rates Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Postponement of Rates Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Significance and Engagement Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Significance and Engagement Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori
Freehold Land Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Remission and Postponement of Rates
on Māori Freehold Land Policy?
Do you have any comments regarding the Rating / Funding Impact Statement?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Rating / Funding Impact Statement?

Do you have any comments regarding the Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Remission of Rates Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Remission of Rates Policy?

Funding Ratios
Do you have any comments on Council’s proposed changes to the funding ratios in the
Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Revenue and Finance Policy?
Do you have any comments on Council's Development Contributions Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Development Contributions Policy?

Fees & Charges
Do you have any comments on Council’s proposed Fees and Charges?

Do you require a response to your comments on the proposed Fees and Charges?

Anything Else
Do you have any further comments on the Council's proposed LTP?

Do you require a response to your further comments regarding the LTP?

Do you wish to upload any attachments supporting your submission?

Do you require a response to any comments made in your supporting documents?

File No:         01 12 21S
Document No:     18387497
Enquiries to:    Anthea Sayer

23 April 2021

Ben Smit
Chief Executive
South Waikato District Council
PO Box 7
Tokoroa 3444

Dear Ben

Waikato Regional Council Submission to South Waikato District Council’s 2021‐2031 draft Long Term

Thank you for the opportunity to submit on South Waikato District Council’s 2021‐2031 draft Long Term
Plan. Please find attached Waikato Regional Council’s submission regarding this plan. The submission
was formally endorsed by the council’s Submissions Subcommittee on 21 April 2021.

Should you have any queries regarding the content of this submission please contact Anthea Sayer,
Senior Corporate Planner, Corporate Planning team directly on (07) 859 0512 or by email


Russ Rimmington                                        Chris McLay
Chair                                                  Chief Executive

Doc # 18387497
Submission from Waikato Regional Council on the South Waikato District Council’s 2021‐2031 draft
Long Term Plan

1. Waikato Regional Council (WRC) appreciates the opportunity to make a submission on the South
    Waikato District Council’s 2021‐2031 draft Long Term Plan (LTP).

2. We would like to speak in support of our submission.

3. As part of our own draft LTP, WRC is proposing a significant increase in biodiversity investment based
    on the urgency to tackle biodiversity decline and to respond to the imminent release of the NPS

4. We suggest that South Waikato District Council (SWDC) also considers a sufficient level of funding to
   support the planning and delivery of local biodiversity programmes. This could take the form of:
       Staff time and resourcing to finalise the development of your Local Indigenous Biodiversity
          Strategy (LIBS) as well as resources for its implementation and delivery;
       Staff time and resources to respond to the National Policy Statement (NPS) Biodiversity and
          to be actively involved in developing regional biodiversity strategies;
       Sufficient budget to enable and respond to the specific requirements to identify and map
          Significant Natural Areas (SNAs), we would see this as a co‐investment with WRC and its
          proposed increase in investment to the regional biodiversity Inventory programme;
       Expanding the funding available to private landowners who have SNAs on their property and
          who wish to undertake management of those sites;
       An appropriate level of expenditure in council’s own parks and reserves budgets where
          reserves include important biodiversity assets, to support the development of appropriate
          reserve management plans and delivery programmes (such as pest and weed control).

5. SWDC has identified that solid waste management and minimisation is a challenge for council. The
   top three goals in SWDC’s Waste Minimisation and Management Plan (WMMP) are to:
        reduce the quantity of all material entering the waste stream.
        Increase the proportion of all material that is diverted from landfill.
        Increase environmental awareness in our community.

6. We support these three goals as they are in alignment with the top of the waste hierarchy. However,
   we would like to see more investment related to these goals reflected in the LTP.

7. WRC is adopting and supporting strategies and actions that aim to reduce the upward trend of waste
   to landfill, as well as addressing climate change concerns. We encourage SWDC to explore options
   that could support the goals outlined in the WMMP for example, resource recovery centres and
   introducing kerbside organic recovery.

Climate change
8. WRC encourages SWDC to identify the causes and effects of projected climate change should be
    identified in its 2021‐2031 LTP.

9. Managing the implications of climate change will ensure the community has confidence that proposed
   projects are fit for a future operating environment that could include changes in rainfall, temperature
   and a carbon constrained economy.

Doc # 18387497                                                                                      Page 2
10. WRC encourages SWDC to develop a district and corporate emissions reduction plan to lower
    greenhouse gas emissions. As WRC has recently undertaken this work at both a regional and local
    scale, we are happy to offer assistance or advice on the preparation and implementation of this.

Three waters reform
11. WRC recognises the pressures local authorities have in relation to three waters and compliance with
    their water take, wastewater and stormwater consent obligations.

12. WRC encourages SWDC to ensure adequate funding is allocated to ensure compliance with consent
    requirements, including those that result from the consenting process underway for the Tokoroa
    wastewater treatment plant.

Submitter details

        Waikato Regional Council
        Private Bag 3038
        Waikato Mail Centre
        Hamilton 3240

        Contact person:
        Anthea Sayer
        Senior Corporate Planner, Corporate Planning team
        Email: anthea.sayer @waikatoregion.govt.nz
        Phone: (07) 859 0512

Doc # 18387497                                                                                   Page 3
LTP Consultation
Name:   Steve Hastie
Are you completing this on behalf of a group?
Group Name:    Lake District Adventures
Would you like to speak to your submission? Yes
Asset Replacement
What level do you want to fund asset replacement at?

Do you have any comments regarding asset replacement?

Do you require a response to your comments on the asset replacement?

South Waikato Heated Indoor Pools
What is your preferred option for the South Waikato Indoor Heated Indoor Pools?

Please select the option you would like for the spa pool

Please select the option you would like for the changing rooms and amenities

Please select all the options you would like for the pool facility

Do you have any comments relating to the pool facility?
Do you require a response to your comments on the pool facility?

Tokoroa Library
What is your preferred option for the Tokoroa Library?

Do you have any comments relating to the Tokoroa Library?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Tokoroa Library?

Pensioner Housing
Do you prefer option A or B for increasing rentals for Council's housing units?

Do you have any comments relating to Council housing units?

Do you require a response to your comments on Council housing units?

Putāruru Skatepark
Which option do you prefer for the Putāruru skatepark?

If you've selected Option B, what other skate features and amenities do you want to see
included with the bowl?
Do you require a response to your comments regarding Option B?
Do you have any comments relating to the Skate Park?

Do you require a response to your additional comments?

Rate Ration Changes
What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 1?

What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 2?

What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 3?

Do you have any comments relating to Rate Ratios?

Do you require a response to your comments on Rate Ratios?

Please select which policies you would like to comment on from the drop down menu.
Choose all of the policies you wish to submit on
Do you have any comments regarding the Treasury Management Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Treasury Management Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Postponement of Rates Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Postponement of Rates Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Significance and Engagement Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Significance and Engagement Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori
Freehold Land Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Remission and Postponement of Rates
on Māori Freehold Land Policy?
Do you have any comments regarding the Rating / Funding Impact Statement?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Rating / Funding Impact Statement?

Do you have any comments regarding the Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Remission of Rates Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Remission of Rates Policy?

Funding Ratios
Do you have any comments on Council’s proposed changes to the funding ratios in the
Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Revenue and Finance Policy?
Do you have any comments on Council's Development Contributions Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Development Contributions Policy?

Fees & Charges
Do you have any comments on Council’s proposed Fees and Charges?

Do you require a response to your comments on the proposed Fees and Charges?

Anything Else
Do you have any further comments on the Council's proposed LTP?

Do you require a response to your further comments regarding the LTP?

Do you wish to upload any attachments supporting your submission?

Do you require a response to any comments made in your supporting documents?

Kia ora - I have great concerns regarding the SWDC decision to withdraw funding from the regional
tourism organisation, Hamilton Waikato Tourism. Our tourism business has been operating in the
South Waikato district for over 8 years and in this time we have forged a very strong relationship with
HWT. They are real champions of our business and have always offered unwavering support and
guidance, particularly through recent turbulent times for the industry. HWT frequently engage with us
to make contact with key industry contacts such as international travel buyers, social media
influencers, travel writers and so kn. These contacts have proven to be of very high value to Lake
District Adventures and indeed the wider region. HWT has shone a spotlight on the South Waikato by
promoting LDA, the Waikato River Trail and Te Waihou Blue springs etc. If the SWDC pulls it's
funding of the RTO, then HWT is no longer able to be seen to be promoting our business. This is of
huge concern as we are on the cusp of placing almost $1million of infrastructure at the northern end
of the Waikato River Trail with the goal of attracting significantly more overnight stays in the South
Waikato. We firmly believe that the RTO is absolutely the best organisation to promote our business,
and the region, to overseas markets when international travel resumes. We strongly urge SWDC to
reconsider the decision to stop funding and would like to meet to discuss further. Sincerely, Steve
Hastie, Operations Manager, Lake District Adventures.

                     Steve Hastie
                    Operations Manager
                    p: 0800 287 448
                    m: 027 728 7448
                    w: www.lakedistrictadventures.co.nz
                    e: steve@lakedistrictadventures.co.nz

                    Follow us:
LTP Consultation
Name:   Kelvyn Eglinton
Are you completing this on behalf of a group?
Group Name:

Would you like to speak to your submission? Yes
Asset Replacement
What level do you want to fund asset replacement at?

Do you have any comments regarding asset replacement?

Do you require a response to your comments on the asset replacement?

South Waikato Heated Indoor Pools
What is your preferred option for the South Waikato Indoor Heated Indoor Pools?

Please select the option you would like for the spa pool

Please select the option you would like for the changing rooms and amenities

Please select all the options you would like for the pool facility

Do you have any comments relating to the pool facility?
Do you require a response to your comments on the pool facility?

Tokoroa Library
What is your preferred option for the Tokoroa Library?

Do you have any comments relating to the Tokoroa Library?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Tokoroa Library?

Pensioner Housing
Do you prefer option A or B for increasing rentals for Council's housing units?

Do you have any comments relating to Council housing units?

Do you require a response to your comments on Council housing units?

Putāruru Skatepark
Which option do you prefer for the Putāruru skatepark?

If you've selected Option B, what other skate features and amenities do you want to see
included with the bowl?
Do you require a response to your comments regarding Option B?
Do you have any comments relating to the Skate Park?

Do you require a response to your additional comments?

Rate Ration Changes
What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 1?

What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 2?

What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 3?

Do you have any comments relating to Rate Ratios?

Do you require a response to your comments on Rate Ratios?

Please select which policies you would like to comment on from the drop down menu.
Choose all of the policies you wish to submit on
Do you have any comments regarding the Treasury Management Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Treasury Management Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Postponement of Rates Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Postponement of Rates Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Significance and Engagement Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Significance and Engagement Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori
Freehold Land Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Remission and Postponement of Rates
on Māori Freehold Land Policy?
Do you have any comments regarding the Rating / Funding Impact Statement?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Rating / Funding Impact Statement?

Do you have any comments regarding the Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Remission of Rates Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Remission of Rates Policy?

Funding Ratios
Do you have any comments on Council’s proposed changes to the funding ratios in the
Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Revenue and Finance Policy?
Do you have any comments on Council's Development Contributions Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Development Contributions Policy?

Fees & Charges
Do you have any comments on Council’s proposed Fees and Charges?

Do you require a response to your comments on the proposed Fees and Charges?

Anything Else
Do you have any further comments on the Council's proposed LTP?

Do you require a response to your further comments regarding the LTP?

Do you wish to upload any attachments supporting your submission?

Do you require a response to any comments made in your supporting documents?

Tena koutou katoa
Nga mihi kia koutou

Thank you for the opportunity to present the Momentum Waikato submission on the 2021-2031 LTP for
South Waikato District Council

We firstly wish to acknowledge your roles and the substantial effort and commitment you make to this
district and to the people and communities that are a part of its make up. We thank both elected
members and staff for their leadership and commitment

Momentum Waikato is a Community Leadership Foundation with a current endowment fund of $32M
with plans (on track) to grow to $80m by 2025 and $300m by 2045. We utilise untagged funds within
the endowment to enact and deliver on transformational projects across our region. Our focus, as
defined by the 2020 Vital Signs report are in Impact Investment projects focused on Affordable Housing,
Integrated wellness centres, Development pathways for Young people and Civil and social
infrastructure investment projects. The identification of the regions greatest needs and our subsequent
areas of focus are via the Vital Impact Report process and in aligning with the Waikato Plan key
workstream areas and data.

More information and a summary report and full comprehensive report can be found here
https://momentumwaikato.nz/vital-signsand and a data map https://momentumwaikato.nz/data
developed in consultation with National Institute of Demographic and Economic Analysis (NIDEA) out
of the University of Waikato.

When looking at the key areas of the LTP for SWDC, the areas of interest between our two agencies
are well aligned.

Impact Investment is a methodology whereby philanthropic money is invested into projects that create
lasting social and environmental change and create a return (often at concessionary rates or in a
blended finance model alongside grants and other investment vehicles) for the investment body

We strongly believe there are opportunities for the development of Endowment Funds with individual
and to partner with Charitable Trust , councils, Iwi and to co-invest in civil and social projects and that
the intent of utilisation of an endowment fund are closely aligned to that of Momentum Waikato. Indeed
a collective fund which utilises endowment funds from Councils, SWIFT, Iwi and Momentum Waikato
and other Impact Investment mechanisms operating in the region and by private donors, would be an
innovative way to fund, widen reach or increase pace and delivery of specific outcomes desired by

Specifically in areas such as Affordable housing and development of health hubs and in tandem with
grant funders, these mechanism and the ability to be agile outside the constraints of bureaucracies are
opportunities to be explored in partnership across the funding bodies operating in this space in the

We thank look forward to exploring with Council future opportunities to leverage Impact Investment
methodologies for the benefit of our citizens and region.

We would be pleased to present to this submission.

Nga mihi

Kelvyn Eglinton | Chief Executive – Tumu Whakarae | Momentum Waikato Community Foundation
- Te Puaawaitanga o Waikato
Level 4, 127 Alexandra St, Hamilton | PO Box 9283 Hamilton 3240

A Better Waikato For Everyone: Forever

p +64 07 834 0404
f https://www.facebook.com/MomentumWaikato/
i @momentumwaikato

sharethestage.co.nz   momentumwaikato.co.nz
LTP Consultation
Name:   Shadna Nand
Are you completing this on behalf of a group?
Group Name:    Timber Town 3D Cinemas
Would you like to speak to your submission? Yes
Asset Replacement
What level do you want to fund asset replacement at?

Do you have any comments regarding asset replacement?

Do you require a response to your comments on the asset replacement?

South Waikato Heated Indoor Pools
What is your preferred option for the South Waikato Indoor Heated Indoor Pools?

Please select the option you would like for the spa pool

Please select the option you would like for the changing rooms and amenities

Please select all the options you would like for the pool facility

Do you have any comments relating to the pool facility?
Do you require a response to your comments on the pool facility?

Tokoroa Library
What is your preferred option for the Tokoroa Library?

Do you have any comments relating to the Tokoroa Library?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Tokoroa Library?

Pensioner Housing
Do you prefer option A or B for increasing rentals for Council's housing units?

Do you have any comments relating to Council housing units?

Do you require a response to your comments on Council housing units?

Putāruru Skatepark
Which option do you prefer for the Putāruru skatepark?

If you've selected Option B, what other skate features and amenities do you want to see
included with the bowl?
Do you require a response to your comments regarding Option B?
Do you have any comments relating to the Skate Park?

Do you require a response to your additional comments?

Rate Ration Changes
What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 1?

What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 2?

What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 3?

Do you have any comments relating to Rate Ratios?

Do you require a response to your comments on Rate Ratios?

Please select which policies you would like to comment on from the drop down menu.
Choose all of the policies you wish to submit on
Do you have any comments regarding the Treasury Management Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Treasury Management Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Postponement of Rates Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Postponement of Rates Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Significance and Engagement Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Significance and Engagement Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori
Freehold Land Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Remission and Postponement of Rates
on Māori Freehold Land Policy?
Do you have any comments regarding the Rating / Funding Impact Statement?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Rating / Funding Impact Statement?

Do you have any comments regarding the Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Remission of Rates Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Remission of Rates Policy?

Funding Ratios
Do you have any comments on Council’s proposed changes to the funding ratios in the
Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Revenue and Finance Policy?
Do you have any comments on Council's Development Contributions Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Development Contributions Policy?

Fees & Charges
Do you have any comments on Council’s proposed Fees and Charges?

Do you require a response to your comments on the proposed Fees and Charges?

Anything Else
Do you have any further comments on the Council's proposed LTP?

Do you require a response to your further comments regarding the LTP?

Do you wish to upload any attachments supporting your submission?

Do you require a response to any comments made in your supporting documents?


  Date: 26th February 2021
Table of contents
  Executive Summary ............................................................. 2

  Business Details .................................................................. 3

  What we do and how we do it ............................................... 4

  Business Background ........................................................... 5

  Our Goal/mission ................................................................ 6

  Our Strategy ...................................................................... 6

  Current and Planned team .................................................... 7

  Market Analysis ................................................................... 9

  Competitor Analysis ............................................................ 12

  SWOT – Internal and external forces .................................... 13

  Marketing Strategy and budget ............................................ 14

  Assets held and planned............Error! Bookmark not defined.

  Financial plan ..........................Error! Bookmark not defined.

  Business continuity planning ......Error! Bookmark not defined.

  Legal and regulatory compliance Error! Bookmark not defined.

Executive summary

Timber Town 3D Cinemas trading as Tokoroa Cinemas has been a Tokoroa icon for a number of
decades with many different uses for the building.

It has had a trying past, but it is with extreme pride that under the 11 years of sound management
of Shadna Nand (2010-2018) it showed it can be profitable, state of the art and a real asset to
Tokoroa and the greater South Waikato region.

Throughout history, human have enjoyed the experience of Cinema and Theatre, collectively
sharing narratives, music and drama. This is a deeply entrenched behaviour and releases many
feel good endorphins for many different reasons.

Whist Covid has changed the landscape, it was changing anyway. It always has done to meet the
needs and demands of the communities they service. However, what hasn’t and won’t change is
the value and need for healthy communities to collectively share content, visions and stories in
a safe shared space. This was demonstrated through the need for people to connect after the
COVID lockdown was relaxed. Human’s are social creatures and need social interactions.

In this proposal we wish to sow the seed of a Community Cinema that not only provides everything
it always has, in a way that people know, trust and understand, but for it to become a multipurpose
outreach facility to help connect our communities.

The thinking is quite simple. Tokoroa wants to attract large enterprise to bring jobs and economic
growth and wealth to the town. It has the infrastructure, council support and affordable housing
as well as a convenient location to larger “tourist” destinations; which can also be a hindrance to
its growth.

With the COVID pandemic, the focus on local community and engagement has become the focus.
If the narrative is driven from a position of ‘I want to go……...rather than I have to go ’it provides
Tokoroa, as a community a start to engage, changing the narrative and eventually the mind-set
to a positive frame.

Once this behaviour becomes easy, more risks and harder tasks can be given, leading to more
meaningful reward and ultimately a community of people who can foster a new brighter future for
Tokoroa and move onto other initiative likes the innovation hubs with a much higher change of
sticking with it and seeing it thought.

Our goal is to see Tokoroa Cinema use its unique position and past to enhance the towns future.

It has played a pivotal role in the life’s of so many people and it is essential that it continues to
give back in whatever form the town needs. It is much cheaper to preserve what is already there,
than let it go and eventually realise we should have held on to it.

What we do and how we do it

Tokoroa Cinemas is a traditional Cinema complex providing entertainment, servicing the greater
South Waikato region.

It has 3 fully digital 3D cinemas and due to its sound relationship with distributors is able to bring
the latest blockbusters primers without delay.

This puts Tokoroa on the same footing as the multinational complexes in the big cities and is a
real asset to the people of Tokoroa.

But where we differ from the big city complexes is our independence, and thus our ability to tailor
our offering to different community groups, Seniors, Kids, Church Groups, Corporates and can
listen to their needs allowing for an investment by the community into a community space.

We are also able to keep our prices the most affordable of all the independent cinemas.

Business background

Business history

South Waikato District Council saw the need for the community to have a cinema complex and
decided the town hall would suit being repurposed into a cinema complex.

It was privately owned but managed by council and over the years it developed a culture of abuse
and mismanagement and the relationships with distributors was severely strained.

Aware that if it continued, distributors would pull their support Shadna Nand was headhunted
from Tauranga and agreed to come on board, determined and committed to see the Cinema
modernise into something the community could be proud of, and could sustain itself into the

Under Shadna management the complex converting from 35mm Analogue to Digital platform and
became a 3D complex. Changing the culture was no easy task, as was the task of re building the
trust with distributors but Shadna’s experience and skill saw her achieve this with relative ease.

Tangata Junior Akoroa was her assistant at the time, and was involved in the entire process of
changeover. He has outstanding industry and technical knowledge and is a huge asset to the
complex. He is now the Assistant Manager and runs the daily operations.

Shadna also had incredible working relationships and support from all the third parties including
NEC, local service providers.

In 2018, Shadna was approached by a local couple who expressed an interest in leasing the
business. On Shadna recommendation the owners Bryce & Sonia Ede decided to agree believing
that it would be a great opportunity for a local couple to be given.

However, the tenants chose to closed the cinema after Covid-19 and the lease was officially
cancelled and possession taken back by the owners on 23 September 2020.

With the school holidays looming, and using the established connections, Shanda was retained as
the property manager and was able to open within 3 days to meet the holiday period.

The operations management is now completed by Shadna Nand. The daily operations are done
by Tangata Akoroa with two-part time staff.

The cinema remains a viable entertainment option throughout the school holidays.

Current position

Our goal/mission
For the SWDC to purchase the Tokoroa Cinema so that it can return to the community and keep
doing what it does best, entertaining the SWD with the latest blockbusters, old classics, musicals,
games and private screenings but to also become a ‘vehicle’ to reach out and connect those most
disconnected and/or lonely so they can reach their full potential and live full lives.

Our strategy

Stay open, continue to grow the business by promoting what’s coming up but also group
bookings, seniors, corporates, school all communities etc

Exploring and investing into games as a way of making the infrastructure more versatile and
focusing on becoming an entertainment hub.

Explore with council best options to work in with other initiatives so that it can be an outreach
centre for those most disengaged and lonely in our community by creating a sense of
togetherness and enjoyment.

Market analysis
For simplicity we have defined our product offering as

1)   Film Screenings including musicals and sports
2)   Food & Beverages
3)   Screen Advertising
4)   Private and Special Events
5)   Vending and games

We offer something for every demographic, and again for simplicity we will define them as:

1)   Families with young children
2)   Semi independents 14 – 24yrs
3)   Professional no dependants 25-34
4)   Professional dependants left home 45-65
5)   Seniors 65+

What affects our market

Real household discretionary income
Consumer sentiment index
Mobile internet connections
Average weekly hours worked.

Current Competitor offering Movies in the same format

Starlight Theatre in Taupo (50min 66.3km)
Regent in Te Awamutu (57min 68.1km)
Tivoli in Cambridge (49min 63km)
Reading Cinemas Rotorua (47min 59 km)
The Wall and Basement Cinemas Rotorua (46min 58.2km)
Lidio Hamilton (1hr 10min 85.8km)
Events Cinemas Hamilton (1hr 13min, 89.3)
Hoytts Hamilton (1hr 20min 94km)

New Competitors offering Movies in a different format
Warner Media

We are continually doing market research by asking customers how and why they come, but
also researching what the barriers to coming are.

We have regular contact with distributors as well as conversations with other independent
operators to share stories and ideas.

Market opportunity

Why cinema is important in our life and communities?

Movies affect us powerfully. The combined impact of image, music, dialogue, lightening, sound
and special effects can elicit deep feelings and help us reflect on our lives. They help us to
better understand our own lives, the lives of those around us and even how our society and
culture operate.

Even Prior to Covid 19 there were doomsayers who said cinema is dying, much the same as
people have been declaring the death of the publishing industry, the death of the novel and
indeed the death of community libraries. Yet the reality is publishing has never been more
robust, just think Harry Potter, The Hunger Games or Fifty Shades of Grey.

What is more accurate is that Hollywood’s model is struggling to remain so relevant. Cinemas as
an art form is a lot more than Oscar movies and blockbusters. (Although these are still popular
with many)

With so many amazing films being made it is hard to be pessimistic about cinema as an art. The
more relevant and less cynical question is, how this art form can sustain itself and thrive while
Hollywood may flounder.

International Mission-based, philanthropic models that prioritise the community building around
the art of film over box office revenue provides anecdotal evidence that these models work for
the community wellbeing. These cinemas are open daily, but depend on box office and
concessions for less than half of their operations. These cinemas (often now called art houses)
continue to be vibrant hubs like museums and public libraries, creating wonderful experiences
for diverse constituencies in cities large and small.

Streaming and cinema can co-exist. Many say “why would I pay $12 to go to the cinema when
I can watch something on Netflix for free”? Firstly, streaming services aren’t free, they simply
eliminate the cost benefit analysis of seeing an individual film. However, there is more to the
experience that the dollar cost, there is the experience which watching alone on your phone
doesn’t fulfil.

The major challenge with streaming and the onslaught of large amounts of content, combined
with large global platforms personalized curation is that it can makes it all but impossible to
discover new voices through traditional distribution. It is becoming harder and harder to
stumble upon a film that ends up changing one’s life.

A community cinema can give a personal touch, a local touch and can give life to content that
may not otherwise be seen theatrically by making an event out of it, such as The girl on the
Bridge. It is essential that we don’t lose these institutions just because there is a new option
available. Like libraries, these are vehicles for reaching out in our community.

We have all had a “date at the movies” which is completely different experience to watching a
streaming service at your Mums.

Market structure

Currently we have excellent relationships with over 20 distributors which gives us access to all
Hollywood Blockbusters and Classics.

We also have access to musicals and high profile sport via SKY.

All 3 of these industries are highly controlled due to the massive costs associated with the
creation and protection of this content so up to 60% of the ticket price can go to the distributors
for new releases however it does drop off over the weeks.

The biggest opportunity is in special screenings where we are able to negotiate with distributors
or local content where funds would go straight into local pockets. It would also provide a
platform for local talent to break through in a world of overwhelming content.

There is also the ability to direct hire the cinemas for private functions and gaming sessions.

Target market size and outlook

The Cinema will always aim to service the greater South Waikato Region. Like the
community pools or library, it would provide entertainment and education/knowledge for
all groups including schools, rest homes and churches.

But a market it could specifically target is those with mental health/anxiety or problem
associated with loneliness. An aid to reintroduce social interaction and encourage the first
steps to reengaging with society.

guidelines and ensure that there's accountability between the board and the council as
shareholders. We propose that this would be undertaken by a quarterly report presented to the
Infrastructure Committee of the South Waikato District Council as a link back to the full council.

The other advantage of a separate company would provide SWDC with a degree of autonomy,
which meant that if there is any internal management issues or any internal employment issues
within the cinema and complex, that would be handled by the Board directly rather than any
reputational risk being spread across to the council. The council, as 100% shareholder, would be
able to remove a board of directors in the event that there was incompetency or any issues
arising within the governance of the company.

The other benefit of providing a board versus the council's direct involvement is that the council
can appoint skill sets that it may need in operating with the board. It is our recommendation
that the initial board be created of an independent chair, a member of the council as a
representative on the board, as well as someone who can understand the running of the
cinema. In this respect, the ideal candidates for the initial board of directors that we're
proposing would be Shadna, as a person who understands and has operated the cinema for a
number of years, a member of council, and David Waine as an independent chair who has a
governance and accounting background. The skill set would then mean that the Board has an
aspect of financial, cinema operation and link back to the social desired outcomes of the council.

In addition, the board would provide a five-year strategic plan that would align with the council's
long-term plan, ensuring that it aligns to the goals the council wishes to achieve. The strategic
plan would be reviewed in line with the long-term planning of the council.

The operational budget would be presented on a yearly basis, showing any deficits that may
arise from the social aspirations of the company being covered by a grant through council. The
intention of the enterprise is to remain profitable and return a dividend back to the community
via the SWDC. The dividend is not only monetary but a “Social Dividend” which is significantly
more valuable than money. The structure recognizes that sometimes there are non-financial
dividends from a commercial enterprise. The operation of a board will ensure there's a balance
between those social objectives and the governance that a company is expected to maintain.
LTP Consultation
Name:   John Wadey
Are you completing this on behalf of a group?
Group Name:    South Waikato Community Health Transport Inc
Would you like to speak to your submission? Yes
Asset Replacement
What level do you want to fund asset replacement at?

Do you have any comments regarding asset replacement?

Do you require a response to your comments on the asset replacement?

South Waikato Heated Indoor Pools
What is your preferred option for the South Waikato Indoor Heated Indoor Pools?

Please select the option you would like for the spa pool

Please select the option you would like for the changing rooms and amenities

Please select all the options you would like for the pool facility

Do you have any comments relating to the pool facility?
Do you require a response to your comments on the pool facility?

Tokoroa Library
What is your preferred option for the Tokoroa Library?

Do you have any comments relating to the Tokoroa Library?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Tokoroa Library?

Pensioner Housing
Do you prefer option A or B for increasing rentals for Council's housing units?

Do you have any comments relating to Council housing units?

Do you require a response to your comments on Council housing units?

Putāruru Skatepark
Which option do you prefer for the Putāruru skatepark?

If you've selected Option B, what other skate features and amenities do you want to see
included with the bowl?
Do you require a response to your comments regarding Option B?
Do you have any comments relating to the Skate Park?

Do you require a response to your additional comments?

Rate Ration Changes
What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 1?

What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 2?

What level would you like to see the Rate Ratio at for year 3?

Do you have any comments relating to Rate Ratios?

Do you require a response to your comments on Rate Ratios?

Please select which policies you would like to comment on from the drop down menu.
Choose all of the policies you wish to submit on
Do you have any comments regarding the Treasury Management Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Treasury Management Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Postponement of Rates Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Postponement of Rates Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Significance and Engagement Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Significance and Engagement Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori
Freehold Land Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Remission and Postponement of Rates
on Māori Freehold Land Policy?
Do you have any comments regarding the Rating / Funding Impact Statement?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Rating / Funding Impact Statement?

Do you have any comments regarding the Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you have any comments regarding the Remission of Rates Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Remission of Rates Policy?

Funding Ratios
Do you have any comments on Council’s proposed changes to the funding ratios in the
Revenue and Finance Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Revenue and Finance Policy?
Do you have any comments on Council's Development Contributions Policy?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Development Contributions Policy?

Fees & Charges
Do you have any comments on Council’s proposed Fees and Charges?

Do you require a response to your comments on the proposed Fees and Charges?

Anything Else
Do you have any further comments on the Council's proposed LTP?

Do you require a response to your further comments regarding the LTP?

Do you wish to upload any attachments supporting your submission?

Do you require a response to any comments made in your supporting documents?

Document Set ID: 554663
Version: 1, Version Date: 15/04/2021
Document Set ID: 554663
Version: 1, Version Date: 15/04/2021
Document Set ID: 554663
Version: 1, Version Date: 15/04/2021
Document Set ID: 554663
Version: 1, Version Date: 15/04/2021
LTP Consultation
Name:   Madelien Scholten
Are you completing this on behalf of a group?
Group Name:    Waikato Screen NZ
Would you like to speak to your submission? No
Asset Replacement
What level do you want to fund asset replacement at?

Do you have any comments regarding asset replacement?

Do you require a response to your comments on the asset replacement?

South Waikato Heated Indoor Pools
What is your preferred option for the South Waikato Indoor Heated Indoor Pools?

Please select the option you would like for the spa pool

Please select the option you would like for the changing rooms and amenities

Please select all the options you would like for the pool facility

Do you have any comments relating to the pool facility?
Do you require a response to your comments on the pool facility?

Tokoroa Library
What is your preferred option for the Tokoroa Library?

Do you have any comments relating to the Tokoroa Library?

Do you require a response to your comments on the Tokoroa Library?

Pensioner Housing
Do you prefer option A or B for increasing rentals for Council's housing units?

Do you have any comments relating to Council housing units?

Do you require a response to your comments on Council housing units?

Putāruru Skatepark
Which option do you prefer for the Putāruru skatepark?

If you've selected Option B, what other skate features and amenities do you want to see
included with the bowl?
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