www.canalwalkhoa.com CANAL WALK'S OWN WEBSITE

Page created by Beatrice Bauer
www.canalwalkhoa.com CANAL WALK'S OWN WEBSITE
T H E C A N A L WA L K N E W S L E T T E R | V O L U M E 1 6 | I S S U E 4 | A P R I L 2 0 2 0

                                             CANAL WALK’S OWN WEBSITE
                          Canal Walk residents can check on what activities are planned and sign up for activities right from
                             their home computer. Just type in this address and you will get to our Canal Walk Website:
                          The Website is managed by Howard Kliger, Elaine Whelan, Mo Kim, Fred Ford and Susan Kobren.
www.canalwalkhoa.com CANAL WALK'S OWN WEBSITE
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Page 2 • April 2020                                                                                            The Canal Walk Newsletter                           To Advertise Call AOT Publications 732-474-0107
www.canalwalkhoa.com CANAL WALK'S OWN WEBSITE
From the Board of Directors
      This is the annual April 1st issue of the Canal Walk newsletter,                                           here and at Association Advisors (our management company). No issues
no fooling. As you know, this is written late February and sent to the                                           were identified, and we look forward to an exemplary audit report.
printer early in March. Realizing you are reading this in sunny April,
it’s being written in unseasonably mild weather, which is likely to be as                                        VOTING AND BOARD ELECTONS:
nice as the weather you are currently experiencing.                                                                   We have recently distributed a Community Update dealing with
      We are preparing for spring and summer. The indoor pool and spa                                            the current process by which we elect Board members as well as voting
have been repaired as well as a replacement HVAC system installed which                                          on community issues. Since many of our residents choose not to receive
is expected to be up and running this month. Additional and replacement                                          these important notices directly by e-mail and fail to pick up copies
furniture will be available for both the Clubhouse and Freedom pool                                              available in the clubhouse, in order to ensure the widest distribution
areas. The board is happy to announce we have a two year agreement                                               of this information I will summarize the key points of the Community
with our pool maintenance company Candlewood Management. We                                                      Update here:
have purchased a larger pool cleaning robot for the outdoor pool and                                                  1. Each year two board position are up for election (currently we
will use the current small robot for the indoor and Freedom pools.                                                        have four board member, the builder has one.)
Repurposing devices like the pool robot and writing multi-year contracts                                              2. Voting is encouraged by providing multiple ways to vote, mail-
with our suppliers are some of the methods the board and management                                                       in, delivering ballots to the management office, directly or by
apply as sound financial management of Canal Walk.                                                                        proxy and voting in person during our annual meeting.
                                                                                                                      3. Our by-laws require all mail in ballots to be signed by the
ADVISORY COMMITTEE:                                                                                                       resident in good standing (i.e. up to date in maintenance fees.)
     We have had several meeting with both the Advisory committee                                                         The sealed envelopes with the signed ballots are deposited in a
and the three subcommittees. As described in last month’s Director’s                                                      locked ballot box until the annual meeting.
article the decorating committee is well under way in the planning for                                                4. During the annual meeting the candidate’s chosen
re-decorating the Club Room. The Communications Committee has                                                             representatives (Election Inspectors) and our Attorney open
met and we are considering additional methods to keep our community                                                       and count the ballots. (Election Inspectors take a confidentiality
advised and up-to-date with current events. The Special Events                                                            oath. Board member and office staff do not see any ballots
committee is pleased to have our 2020 season complete and are now                                                         which, after the meeting are sealed and stored off site by our
looking at potential performers for the 2021 season. This month we                                                        Attorney.)
welcome David Wroe and the NJ Festival Orchestra presenting “A                                                        5. Non-Election ballots are conducted by mail and tabulated
Night at the Opera” on April 19th at 7:00pm.                                                                              similarly with Inspectors selected by the Board from a group of
                                                                                                                          community leaders from our many clubs and activities.
     This past month Spooky Brook Landscaping has reviewed the                                                                                                                                 Continued on page 4
excessive surface roots of many of our front lawn trees. To remediate
the potential problem of roots lifting front walks, driveways and
sidewalks, these roots have been ground, cut and removed. This action                                                  TO SEE CLUBHOUSE ACTIVITIES
will eliminate these problems as well as promote growth of deeper tree
roots. Spooky Brook will also be trimming and winter pruning trees on
                                                                                                                      ON YOUR TV IF YOU USE COMCAST
Delaware Crossing, Spader and Constitution Ways, this will reduce the                                                       AS YOUR PROVIDER:
potential for disease by improved air flow.
                                                                                                                    • If you DO NOT HAVE an
FINANCIAL UPDATE:                                                                                                     HD cable box – Channel 8
     The overall financial health of our community continues to be
excellent as projected. Overall we are on budget with items such as snow                                            • If you DO HAVE an
removal being significantly under budget. Our Accounting and Auditing                                                 HD cable box – Channel 281
firm Wilkin Guttenpan has recently completed their annual audit both

  TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S
  Acting Up�������������������������������������������������������� 8    From The Board of Directors���������������������� 3, 4                   Reminder on Photo Submissions ������������������ 30
  Be Green, Go Green, Help Save Our                                       From The Enclave Board �������������������������������� 5                Restaurant Review ���������������������������������������� 16
      Environment���������������������������������������������� 7        Government Affairs����������������������������������������� 7            Sale Referral Incentives Offered���������������������� 5
  Bumper Stickers���������������������������������� 6, 20, 29            Guidelines for Photographs���������������������������� 30                Shutterbugs���������������������������������������������� 18, 19
  Calendar �������������������������������������������������������� 33   Hadassah���������������������������������������������������������� 8     Staying Healthy���������������������������������������������� 22
  Canal Walk Irish American Club �������������������� 8                  Italian American Club������������������������������������ 20             Sunday Cinema�����������������������������������������10-13
  Canal Walk Quilters ���������������������������������������� 6         Itch’n’ To Stitch����������������������������������������������� 8
                                                                                                                                                    Talk of the Walk ���������������������������������������������� 5
  Canal Walk Refund Policy ������������������������������ 4              Jewish-American Heritage and Culture Club�� 8
                                                                                                                                                    The Animal Corner���������������������������������� 25, 26
  Canal Walk Reservation Policy������������������������ 4                Men’s Club���������������������������������������������� 20, 21
                                                                                                                                                    Theatrical Review������������������������������������������ 22
  Club Meeting & Activities Dates������������������ 32                   National Titanic Remembrance Day––
                                                                                                                                                    Then and Now������������������������������������������ 24, 25
  Clubhouse Activities Committee �������������������� 5                       April 15th������������������������������������������������ 16
  Computer Corner �������������������������������������������� 9         Newsletter Committee ���������������������������������� 30               To See Clubhouse Activities On Your TV ������ 3
  Contact List��������������������������������������������������� .34    Newsletter Staff��������������������������������������������� 30         Trips ���������������������������������������������������������������� 9
  Cover Photo Credit������������������������������������������ 6         Pickleball���������������������������������������������������������� 9   Veterans’ Club������������������������������������������������ 16
  Crossword (Solution – 29) ���������������������������� 23              Pool Hours ���������������������������������������������������� 30       What’s Happening������������������������������������ 28, 29
  Email Google Group���������������������������������������� 9           Potpourri, Jokes, Food for Thought �������� 14, 15                       Women’s Club������������������������������������������������ 16
  Free Medical Equipment���������������������������������� 5             REAL ID���������������������������������������������������������� 4      Young At Heart������������������������������������������������ 7
To Advertise Call AOT Publications 732-474-0107                                        The Canal Walk Newsletter                                                                                April 2020 • Page 3
www.canalwalkhoa.com CANAL WALK'S OWN WEBSITE
FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                Canal Walk Reservation Policy
Continued from page 3…
                                                                               For activities sponsored by the Committees and the Activity
    6. The current procedure was proposed and discussed almost four        Director:
       years ago by the Election committee, an ad-hoc committee                • Sign-ups/Reservations are required for all events and each event
       established for that purpose. With the growth of Canal Walk                is first come, first served.
       these past years and finally seeing the full population within          • A reservation is only confirmed when the Event Flyer is
       sight, the Board will be reviewing our by-laws including those             completed, date stamped and payment in full is received (Checks
       pertaining to voting and plan a the required community vote as             Payable to C.W.H.O.A.A.F). Cash is not accepted.
       needed for any changes.
    7. In addition to variations of the paper ballot system that we use        • Reservations are always restricted to Canal Walk residents for
       today, the use of electronic voting will also be considered.               a period of time. This period may vary depending on the event
                                                                                  and lead time.
GENERAL TOPICS:                                                                • Each Residence (not resident) is entitled to make a reservation
     You may have noticed that there was damage to the rear gate                  for two people, one of whom may be a guest.
damage some weeks ago. The damage was caused by a delivery truck               • After the exclusive several week period for residents, the event
and was recorded by the video system we have installed. The delivery              will be open to guests.
truck’s insurance has taken the responsibility to pay for the damaged
                                                                               • When events are sold out, a reasonable waiting list will usually
equipment and labor for the repair.
                                                                                  be maintained for those who have paid in full. From time to time,
     As we complete the renovation of the front entrance, flag pole
                                                                                  an additional trip for an event may be arranged at a later date.
lighting as well as enhanced background lighting will be installed.
     As agreed upon by the majority of tennis players, to minimize             • All residents are encouraged to check the Lobby carousels and
down time required and expense to rebuild the courts, we will be having           the Website regularly.
the over 300 feet of surface cracks filled, smoothed and painted. These
repairs will be performed once the warmer weather arrives.
     Board conversations with Comcast regarding resident billing           Canal Walk Refund Policy
are progressing. Nick Iorio reports positive results and believes the
forthcoming solution, once reviewed by Comcast Legal Department,               • Effective March 1, 2019, the following is a revision to the
will be satisfactory to all.                                                     Refund Policy for any and all tickets, trips or reservations made
                                Bernie Worst for the Board of Directors          for events arranged by the Clubhouse Activities, Cultural Arts
                                                   Jim Lyttle, President         and Trips and Travel Committees and the Activity Director.
                                        Bob Rossomando,Vice President          • Once you register and pay for any event or trip, you have the
                                                   Nick Iorio, Treasurer         absolute right to admission for that event. There will be no
                                Bernie Worst, Secretary/Asst. Treasurer          refunds for any reason. The only exception is if there is a wait
                                                                                 list which the office may maintain. It is your responsibility to
                                                                                 contact the office if you would like them to help you resell your
                                                                                 tickets, and to inform the office if you have already sold your
                                                                                 place/ticket to another person. This policy is to properly manage
                                                                                 our finances and is consistent with almost all performance
                                                                               • If you cannot use the reservation, you may sell your ticket or
                                                                                 right to admission, or give it to someone else. The office should
                                                                                 be advised of any changes to the reservation so that we can
                                                                                 account for everyone attending.

                                                                                     REAL ID REQUIRED FOR
                                                                                    AIRTRAVEL WITHIN THE U.S
                                                                                         BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2020
                                                                                  Starting October 1, 2020, you must have a REAL ID compliant
                                                                             Driver License/ID to fly within the U.S, unless you have a passport
                                                                             or other federally approved form of identification. Until that date,
                                                                             a standard New Jersey driver license is valid for air travel within
                                                                             the U.S.
                                                                                  In order to change your standard driver license to a REAL
                                                                             ID compliant driver license, you can do so at select N.J. Motor
                                                                             Vehicle Agencies. To do so, you will need to show multiple proofs
                                                                             of identity and address. If you need to do so before your current
                                                                             license expires, you will have to pay a $ 11 change fee in addition
                                                                             to the renewal fee.
                                                                                  For a current list of N.J. Motor Vehicle agencies offering
                                                                             REAL ID compliant licenses, proofs of identification and address
                                                                             required and other information, visit the following website:

Page 4 • April 2020                                         The Canal Walk Newsletter            To Advertise Call AOT Publications 732-474-0107
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From The Enclave Board
                                                                                      SALE REFERRAL INCENTIVES
     With the Inverness building completed, 12 of the 16 Units have
                                                                                       OFFERED TO CANAL WALK
been sold. The Hamilton building is now full, with all units sold. The                      HOMEOWNERS
Jamestown has 5 of the 12 units sold even though it won’t be open                    There are four single family homes left to sell in the last
until the end of this year. As Phase II finishes, we’ll see the brown lake     phase of Canal Walk, and we are offering current Canal Walk
replaced by a retention pond which will help with draining of water            homeowners an incentive to refer your friends and family! Don’t
while presenting a nice appearance for the community.                          let them miss out if they have been thinking of moving into this
BOARD MEETINGS WITH SMALL GROUPS:                                              beautiful community. Please contact our sales office at 732-356-
     To facilitate communication between the Enclave Board and                 1191 for details.
                                                                                                                               Andrew Tendler
Enclave residents, the Board has scheduled informal meetings with small                                 Vice President, Community Development
groups of residents. The first meetings were held on Tuesday, February
28, with residents of the townhomes followed a meeting with residents of
the Greenwich Building. In both meetings residents had an opportunity to
voice their concerns and offer suggestions to the Board. Our next meeting
with be with residents of the Chatham building on March 31.
                                                                             Clubhouse Activities Committee
RE-ASSIGNMENT OF CITO:                                                            Perhaps our most favorite event of the year occurs in March……
     For many years Francito Hall, “Cito,” has been serving our              our St. Patrick’s Day celebration featuring the Mike Byrne Band, a
maintenance needs. Cito was, and still is, an employee of Premier            Bagpiper, and an outstanding Irish dinner prepared by Elmer’s Catering.
Development. After much thought and discussion, and taking into              There was so much joy, dancing, and good cheer.
consideration future needs of the Enclave, the Board decided to hire              There’s no time, though, to sit back on our laurels! We are busy
a professional service company which will replace the maintenance            planning upcoming events including our Cinco de Mayo celebration
services provided by Premier. We thank Cito for his many years of work       and the perennial favorite, the summer patio parties. As in past years,
and dedication to the Enclave and our residents and wish him success in      interest is so high, we are limiting participation to either our Friday, July
his new assignment for Premier Development, right here in Canal Walk.        17, event or Friday, August 14, event. This way we can accommodate as
                                                                             many residents as possible.
ANNUAL MEETING:                                                              Future Events:
   Please be advised that the Annual Meeting of the Enclave                       • Cinco de Mayo – Friday, May 1
Homeowners Association has been scheduled as follows:                             • Patio Party – Friday, July 17
   Date: April 30, 2020                                                           • Patio Party – Friday, August 14
   Time: 7:00 pm                                                                  • TBD – Friday, September 25
   Place: Canal Walk Clubhouse Ballroom, 100 Canal Walk Blvd.,                   • Octoberfest – Friday, October 23
           Somerset, NJ                                                           • Holiday Brunch – Sunday, December 6
                                                                                                                                           Deborah Katz
                                        Enclave Board of Directors
                        Ben Caudo, John LoPresti, Bruce Schulman,
                                     Steve Selvaggio, Andy Tendler           Free Medical Equipment
                                                                                  If you are in need of medical equipment
                                                                             or have equipment that you no longer haveuse
                 TALK OF THE WALK                                            for – please contact us. Here at Canal Walk,
                                                                             we recycle wheelchairs, walkers, shower
       We accept short entries regarding significant/unusual
                                                                             chairs, raised toilet seats, canes, and a few
  accomplishments, milestone anniversaries and birthdays, births,
                                                                             smaller items. We are in touch with a faith-
  deaths and acknowledgements. Because most of us have children
                                                                             based organization that also houses a large
  and grandchildren who make us proud of their accomplishments,
                                                                             supply of medical equipment. There is no
  we will only include submissions about them that are extremely
                                                                             fee nor time restriction for the material.
  significant or unusual.                                                                                                  Joan Klimpl 908-581-8246
                                                                                                                        Kathy Caragher 732-564-5476

                                      Kevin Mclean                             SomerSet Family
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                                                                               Somerset, NJ 08873                      information and to schedule a
                                                                               www.somersetfamilypt.com                   Free Assessment!

To Advertise Call AOT Publications 732-474-0107               The Canal Walk Newsletter                                             April 2020 • Page 5
www.canalwalkhoa.com CANAL WALK'S OWN WEBSITE
Canal Walk Quilters
     The next meeting of the Canal
Walk Quilters is Monday, April 27th
at 1:00 the Freedom Clubhouse. Last
month we prepared several quilts for
the quilting process. This month we will
prepare more quilts and start binding last
month’s quilts.
     We are aiming at having at least
twenty-four quilts done by the end of
May when we will plan a trip to the
Quilts for Kids store and deliver them
for distribution to seriously ill and needy
children. Anyone interested in helping is
welcome to join us. Happy Stitching.
                                   Sue Watt

                    BUMPER STICKER                                                          BUMPER STICKER
    I don’t always go the extra mile, but when I do it’s                                I don’t feel like folding the laundry,
                because I missed my exit.                                                    so I just restart the dryer.

                                                                                        COVER PHOTO CREDIT
   Sure You’re
   But everyone needs a
   hand now and then.
   n   Bathing & Hygiene              n   Chronic Disease Mgmt
   n   Med Reminders                  n   Medication Mgmt
   n   Dressing & Grooming            n   Transition Of Care
   n   Safety Supervision             n   Wound Care
   n   Meal Preparation               n   Intravenous Infusions
   n   Homemaking                     n   Hourly Skilled Care

   Our office has Certified Home Health Aides
   trained in Alzheimer’s and dementia care.
   RNs and LPNs provide skilled
   nursing care in your home.

        Celebrating Our 15th Year!

  Licensed, Bonded, Insured & Accredited • Somerset Co & Middlesex Co
   Supporting Independence, Dignity and Quality of Life                                         by Monika Jaeger
Page 6 • April 2020                                         The Canal Walk Newsletter          To Advertise Call AOT Publications 732-474-0107
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Government Affairs                                                         Young At Heart
     The Proposed Ordinance “Plastic Pollution Reduction to Regulate       CALENDAR
Use by Establishments of Single-use Plastic and Paper Carry-out                • April 8th – Club Meeting
Bags, Plastic Food Service Products, Polystyrene Foam Food Service             • April 14th – Hunterdon Hills Playhouse
Products and Plastic Straws and to Promote the use of Reusable bags in         • May 13th – Club Meeting
the Township of Franklin” has been sent to the Township Council and            • May 14th – Museum of Modern Art with Lunch
Township Attorney for review and editing. Implementation tentatively           • June 10th – Club Meeting with Box Lunch
set for January 1, 2021. This proposal combines parts of several               • June 19th – Monmouth Race Track with Lunch
regulations in place in other NJ towns and parts of the proposed State         • September 9th – Club Meeting
of NJ Regulation.                                                              • September 15th – To be announced
     A proposal for a new 79,000 square foot warehouse has been                • October 14th – Club Meeting
submitted for approval to the Planning Board. This unit is proposed            • October 21st – Trip to Peddler’s Village - Scarecrow Festival
for Riverside Dr. which is between Apgar and Weston Canal Road.                • November 5th – Tribute to Gladys Knight & The Pipps - Royal
There is already a 100,000 square foot warehouse on site. The proposed                            Manor
warehouse would be in alongside the existing structure.                        • November 11th – Club Meeting
                                                          Paul Walitsky        • December 4th – Newark Museum & Ballantine House
                                                                               • December 9th – Holiday Party and Meeting

                                                                                We are well into spring and we are looking forward to our trip to
                                                                           Hunterdon Hills for a Sherlock Holmes Mystery. I think many of us
                                                                           love this venue because of the”Dessert Room”.
                                                                                We will be having our White Elephant Swap. If you plan on
         BE GREEN, GO GREEN,                                               participating, bring your wrapped item to the meeting on April 8th.
     HELP SAVE OUR ENVIRONMENT                                                  Our meetings are well attended and they are a wonderful
                                                                           opportunity to sit a spell, have coffee and tea and a few goodies. It is
       The next Household Hazardous Waste day is on April 18th             always a lovely way to spend an afternoon.
  at the Warren Township Public Works Garage, 1 Bardy Road,                     Please join us.
  Warren, NJ 07059 (9 AM to 2 PM). Meanwhile, your hazardous                                                                        Joanne Polito
  waste can be accepted on the first Saturday of every month at                                                                      Jule Graham
  the Somerset County Recycling Center, 40 Polhemus Lane,
  Bridgewater (near the ball park) open from 8 AM to 2 PM. Call
  (908)231-7109 to confirm that they are open, especially during the
  winter months.
      Operation Secure Shred:
      The 2020 Secure Shred schedule and locations are still

                                                                               Tax Planning & Preparation for
  unavailable. Watch this section for future announcements.
       Consumer Electronics Recycling is on:
       A. First Saturday drop-offs are at the South County Public
           Works (8 AM to 2 PM), 410 Roycefield Road, Hillsborough,              Individuals and Businesses
           NJ 08844.
       B. Weekdays (Mondays – Fridays) are at the North County
           Public Works Facility, 411 Chimney Rock Road, Bldg.                                          • Non-Profit Tax & Advisory Services
           B (north of Rte. 22), Bridgewater, NJ 08807 AND South                                        • Taxation for Trusts & Estates
           County Public Works, South County Public Works, 410                                          • IRS Conflict Resolution
           Roycebrook Road, Hillsborough, NJ 08844. Both locations
           are from 7:30 AM– 3:00 PM.                                                                   • Accounting Services for

       Medical Waste Disposal:                                                                            Individuals & Businesses
       There are currently eight permanent prescription drug (no                                        • Quality Service at Competitive Prices
  liquids) drop-off boxes in Somerset County. The three nearest us are:                                 • FREE Initial Tax Consultation
       1. Somerset County Sheriff’s Office
           County Administration Building (Lower Level)                                                 • Over 25 Years of Professional Service
           20 Grove Street, Somerville
           Open 24 hours a day. 908-231-7140
       2. Franklin Township Police Department
           495 DeMott Lane, Somerset
                                                                                                           $35.00 OFF
       3. Hillsborough Police Department                                                                    Preparation of Individual
           379 South Branch Road, Hillsborough                                                                    Tax Return
           Open 24 hours a day.
       For more information, visit the website at www.co.somerset.                                           New Clients • Expires 4/15/2020
  nj.us/medwaste or www.NJConsumerAffairs.gov/meddrop.
       Sharp needles and other similar medical waste should never
  be recycled. Disposal containers and information are available.                                       Call for an Appointment:
  Call for hours and specific locations:
       • RWJU Hospital (Somerville)                                           Kevin Fellin, CPA         732.828.6240
          908-685-2800 ext. 3258. M-F 9 AM to 5 PM
       • St. Peter’s Hospital – 732-742-8600 ext. 8282                                       KevinFellinCPA@outlook.com
                                          From The CW Men’s Club                   7 Cedar Grove Lane, Suite 34 |Somerset, NJ 08873
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Hadassah                                                                      events to be hosted by the Club, continuing in June with the appearance
                                                                              of Fred Miller and his special brand of musical information and
                                                                                    The meeting and Dr. Stavrianidis’ lecture are free of charge and open
    • April 21: Regular meeting, 7:30 PM in the Canal Walk Ballroom.
                                                                              to all Canal Walk Residents. Bagels and coffee will be available. Space
      We will have a guest. from Jewish Family Service in charge of a
                                                                              is limited and will be open to members first, so make your reservation
      program for Holocaust survivors in this area..
                                                                              early! Flyers are located on the carousel in the Clubhouse lobby.
    • April 22: “A Walk on the Moon” George Street Playhouse will
      present a new musical adaptation of the award-winning film. A                                                                   Harvey Finkelstein
      summer fling set against the backdrop of man’s first walk on the
      moon takes audiences on a nostalgic journey. Tickets are $54
      each and available to the community.                                    Acting Up
    • May 12: Annual Membership Dinner, 6:00 PM, Theme will be
      Famous Jewish Women                                                     CALENDAR: First Tuesday, 7:30 PM – Freedom Clubhouse
    • June 7: Save the date for ‘The Little Mermaid” at the Villagers.             Acting UP-- where characters are welcome. Canal Walk residents
      Share this experience with your grandchildren for only $16 a            gather the first Tuesday of each month to read short scripts from
      ticket. Look for flyer.                                                 plays, radio/TV shows and melodramas. We have a few laughs and
    • June 25: Trip to New York City to see “10 Hairy Legs”, an               contemplate the wonders of the amateur acting world. No previous
      acclaimed male repertory dance company. Couvert is $65. Look            stage experience is needed to join, just an open mind and a wish to have
      for flyers                                                              fun. In fact, most of us have never been on a formal performance stage
      Hadassah is a member of the Coalition for Women’s Health along          before joining Acting UP but have overcome great fears to entertain our
with over 20 other organizations. The Coalition advocates for equity          Canal Walk neighbors. Join us in Freedom Clubhouse the first Tuesday
in women’s health which includes illness and disease prevention,              of each month @ 7:30 PM. For information contact: Bruce Davidson
research, program funding, access to and quality of care; and to raising      or Marion Yudow.
                                                                                                                         Submitted by Bruce Davidson
awareness of how health inequities adversely affect women and families
throughout the United States. This vision was presented to Members of
the 116th Congress in March 2019 and the Coalition stands ready to
help policymakers address the challenges and opportunities ahead for          Itch’n’ To Stitch
improving women’s health. We can contact our elected representatives
and ask them to support health equity for all women.                               Every Thursday in the Craft Room from 1 to 3.
      Canal Walk Hadassah members know that our attendance at the                  Our stitchers are a very diverse group. We have ladies who were
above events, our volunteer work and our donations help provide the           born in Canada, China, Greece, Hungary, England, India, and, of course,
funding for life-saving research that is shared throughout the world.         the USA. We have a pianist, an artist and an actress. We knit, crochet,
Many of us follow the latest news in medical breakthroughs. Studying          do needlepoint and counted cross stitch. And then we have those who
a large group of people from Israel and France, Hadassah cardiologists        just drop by to say hello. So, you see, we are not only about stitching.
identified 28 families with a genetic abnormality that leads to the most      Come see where you fit into this group. As always, we will accept any
common congenital heart malformation. We all benefit from the work            yarn that you might be willing to donate.
of Hadassah.                                                                                                              Gloria Sipos 732 537 9160
      Now that we see a glimmer of Spring weather, we are looking into
trips away from this area. Some interesting trips being planned include the
Tenement Museum in NYC, and the Hindu Temple in Robbinsville, NJ
      Canal Walk Hadassah members are interested in advocating for
causes that are meaningful to us. A new Advocacy Committee has been
                                                                              Canal Walk Irish American Club
formed under the direction of Education VP Laure Paul. Laure can be
reached at Lspaul2008@yahoo.com
                                                                                    • April 16th – Meeting with Guest Speaker Henry McNally
      Shop Rite certificates for $25, $50 and $100 are available from
                                                                                    • May 14th – Meeting with a Sub Sandwiches Supper
Janet Kliger and Evelyn Lasky. The certificates can be used at any time
                                                                                    • June 2nd – Lunch at an Irish Pub
and at any Shop-Rite. It is a “no cost to you” way to raise money for our
                                                                                    • No Meetings in July or August
many medical and educational projects.
                                                                                    • September 10th – Meeting & Memories of Ireland
      We generally meet on the Second Tuesday evening of the month in
                                                                                    • October 15th – Meeting with Guest Speaker Seth Gopin
the Canal Walk Clubhouse. We enjoy theater parties, trips to places of
                                                                                    • November 12th – Meeting TBD
interest in the area, a book club and a Tradition enhancing film activity.
                                                                                    • December 3rd – Annual Pot Luck Dinner with Entertainment
Join us. Membership chairwomen are Marlene Glickman and Fran Musler.
                                                                                    How can it be possible that a third of this year has passed already!
                                Edna Stone, Communications Committee          We have had some very cold days followed immediately by some very
                                                                              unexpectedly warm ones but fortunately very little snow. Great for us
                                                                              but probably not for the younger members of our families – no “snow
The Jewish American Heritage and                                              days”!
                                                                                    The tickets for River Dance on March 13 sold out within a few
Culture Club                                                                  days and 20 members went to this much anticipated event. A more
                                                                              detailed report (with photos) will be in the May Newsletter.
     The Canal Walk Jewish American Heritage and Culture Club is                    Once again we will welcome Henry McNally on April 16. His
pleased to announce its initial organizational meeting on Sunday, April       topic: “Women of Ireland and The Election of 1918”. Women voted for
26, at 10:00 AM in the main Clubhouse. The meeting will feature the           the first time and the 1918 election was by far the most important in Irish
appearance of renowned scholar and lecturer, Dr. Peter Stavrianidis,          history. From his previous visits, we know he is a most entertaining and
who will speak about “The Untold Story of the Greek Jews: a Journey           informed speaker and we look forward to his appearance with us again.
of Glory, Tradition and Struggle for Survival.” The Club is very pleased            The flyer for this event is in the carousel and more details of our
to co-sponsor Dr. Stavrianidis’ talk with the Jewish Federation of            May and June events will also be there shortly. Enjoy the spring with all
Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties. Dr. Stavrianidis’ lecture is         its lovely flowers and chirping of the many birds around us.
the first of a series of bi-monthly concerts, lectures, tours and other                                                           Brigid Murphy Brown

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Trips                                                                         Pickleball
     • April 1st – Madame Butterfly @ METS (CANCELLED)                             It is hard to believe that spring has finally sprung and we will soon
     • April 8th – Diane on Broadway @ Longacre theatre                       be playing outside on CW’s four pickleball courts at the end of April.
        (CANCELLED)                                                           For those of you who recently moved to CW or have never heard of
     • April 15th – Mrs. Doubtfire @ Stephen Sondheim                         pickleball (if that is possible) let me give you a little intro to one of the
     • April 23rd – Sister Act @ Paper Mill Playhouse                         fastest growing sports here at CW and our numbers prove it as we now
     • May 1st – Audra McDonald (rescheduled show) @MPAC                      have about 60 active players playing in our community. Pickleball is a
     • May 8th – Queen Esther @ Sight & Sound                                 racquet sport which combines ping pong, badminton and tennis and it
     • May 12th – Plaza Suite Show @ Hudson Theatre                           is played on a small (smaller than tennis) court with a net. Paddles are
     • May 27th – Romeo & Juliet @ MET                                        used which are light weight and a little bigger than a ping pong paddle.
     • June 4th – The Wanderer @ Paper Mill Playhouse                         Let me warn you that pickleball is addictive but great fun. Would you
     • June 7th – The Bronx Wanderers @ Broadway Theatre                      believe that Harvard Medical School recently published an article about
     • June 10th – Giselle @ MET                                              the benefits of pickleball? The article lists these benefits:
     • June 18th – Plaza Suite ( 2nd date) @Hudson Theatre                         1. The sport is easier on the knees than tennis.
     • September 14-17th – Cape Cod Trip                                           2. The fast pace of the game requires eye-hand coordination
     • November 17th – The Music Man @ Shubert Theatre                                  which keeps those skills sharp.
     Note: The following are trip, concerts, shows, places we are                  3. Lateral side to side movement enhances balance and strength.
considering:                                                                       4. Overhead serves are not allowed in pickleball which is good on
     • Company – a musical comedy                                                       the shoulders.
     • Jagged Lil Pill                                                             5. Pickleball is a weight-bearing activity which is good for your
     • Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons                                                 bones.
     Reminder to all residents: The first 2 weeks for ALL trips are                So take a stroll down to the pickleball courts behind the Main
opened to the residents only. Please make sure to read and follow             Clubhouse parking lot to check them out. If you want instruction, please
all trips policies and rules at all times. Trips flyers will be placed        contact Stan Spector (saspector@aol.com) or me, Leslie Goldenberg
on the Canal Walk HOA website 1st over the weekend, before going              (lagoldenberg@hotmail.com) or for any information concerning
onto the carousel. Please make sure to check the website for updates.         outdoor play or anything pickleball.
CanalwalkHOA.com                                                                   Tip of the Month – Many of us are guilty of relaxing between shots
     Please look for flyers in the Main Clubhouse, or on the website.         or before the ball is served and standing in a lazy position causing us to
                                                                              be off guard and not reacting quickly enough when receiving. Always
                                                                              be in the pickleball-ready position with your paddle out in front of your
                                                                              body and pointing slightly up.
                                                                                   Everything in Moderation, except Pickleball and Wine!!
                                                                                                                                       Leslie Goldenberg
                                                                                                             lagoldenberg@hotmail.com 201-841-6594

An Email Google Group
Has Been Established
     This is an email discussion group whereby we can share information,
using our own group email address. Currently, more than 800 residents         Computer Corner
are participating in the group. It has proved to be an efficient method
for sharing information pertinent to the community. While having a                  I wasn’t going to write an article this month because the scams
Gmail email account is suggested, but not required, it does allow group       were pretty quiet and I didn’t have a new one to pass on. But I was
members to view and search past postings.                                     saved by the following incoming email:
                                                                              From … Comcast Email [jfrederick@pga.com]
    The purpose of this group is:
                                                                                    The Classic version of Comcast Email will be replaced by our
    • To share and receive references or information about vendors,
                                                                              Current version. So it’s time to verify, before you lose your email
      e.g., “I’m looking for someone to fix...;” “Does anyone know of
                                                                              access. Right click to open your login page.
      a good dentist, dressmaker, plumber, etc.”
                                                                                    Do you know jfrederick@pga.com ? I don’t. But I do know that it’s
    • To sell, purchase, or borrow items, e.g. “I have a ticket for.... and
                                                                              not from anyone at Comcast. Be careful. Verify the sender. If it looks
      would like to sell it;” “Can anyone lend me a baby car seat for
                                                                              suspicious, it probably is.
      the weekend, etc.”
                                                                                    Here is a little trick for making the home page on your computer
    • To discuss common issues with our personal property in order to
                                                                              display a little more friendly and less antiseptic. Many of you have
      seek other’s opinions and share possible solutions.
                                                                              stored family pictures in your computer and you probably thought
    The Group is:                                                             “wouldn’t it be nice to view one of those pictures on the home page
    • NOT a public group (It is for Canal Walk residents only)                background”. Here’s how to do it.
    • NOT for commercial or political purposes                                      On the home page screen (that’s the one that comes up when you
    • NOT to be used as a soap box or a vehicle to “vent” about the           first turn on the machine), put the mouse anywhere there is a clean area
       Board, the HOA, or the builder.                                        and right click, Then click Personalize. A small window will appear and
    If you are not yet a member and would like to join the Canal Walk         under Background, left click Picture. Then left click the Browse box
Google Group, send an email requesting membership to: canalwalk.              and Windows File Explorer will appear. Navigate to where you keep
group@gmail.com                                                               your pictures – maybe in Pictures – and left click to highlight the one
    For more information or questions, please call Elaine Whelan              you want, and left click Select/open. Finally choose how the picture fits
(732-560-0140), Julie Nixon (973-216-4077), or Evelyn Silverstein             on the screen – your choices are Fit, Stretch, Tile and Center. Pick one.
(732-650-8099).                                                               You also have an option of picking a color for the areas of the screen not
         Submitted by: Julie Nixon, Evelyn Silverstein, Elaine Whelan,        covered by the picture. Try it. As always, call me if you get into trouble.
                                        Google Group Administrators                                                                      Howard Kliger

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Sunday Cinema Season 7
    • APRIL 19, 2020 – The Last King of Scotland:
      Oscar Best Actor
    • MAY 17, 2020 – Capernaum: Cannes Jury
      Prize Award
     • JUNE 14, 2020 – Big Night: Film Independent
         Spirit Award
     On February 9, every CW film aficionado at The
King’s Speech showing was a star as the Oscar award-
winning film was shown with ‘Oscars’ awarded and
‘Celebrity’ kisses bestowed on the residents. Rhoda
Wolfskehl led the lively discussion of the impact of
family service, overcoming handicap obstacles, and
accepting help and support. Great job, Rhoda, to the
packed house of movie lovers for this Oscar celebration.
     The British themed movie quiz questions won two
savvy movie lovers prizes, as all the CW residents shared
hot and cold gourmet appetizers and yummy desserts.
Our residents celebrating their February birthdays were
congratulated with well wishes and ‘kisses.’
     Please join us on April 19 as we ‘travel’ to Uganda
to view the Oscar winning film, The Last King of
Scotland, starring Forest Whitaker and James McAvoy.
The fiction movie, based on the novel by Giles Foden, creates a portrait      month in the fall, winter and spring. We gather in the Ladies Card Room at
of the Ugandan dictator, Idi Amin, and his foolish Scotsman physician         1:30 PM for a 2 PM film start. Please check the calendar in the Canal Walk
- that is queasily enjoyable to watch for its texture and intelligence with   Newsletter, on our Website and Cable Station, along with the Clubhouse
something of note to say. Rates R.                                            Lobby poster, for the Season Seven 2019-2020 schedule of all the FREE
     ALL CANAL WALK RESIDENTS ARE WELCOME TO COME TO                          film events. To receive email notices with current information, email
SUNDAY CINEMA to relax, view, socialize and discuss award winning             bagelsandhoney@comcast.net. See you at the movies!
classic, documentary and independent films. Sunday Cinema meets each                                                                        Judy Gottlieb

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Continued on page 12

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from page 11…

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To Advertise Call AOT Publications 732-474-0107               The Canal Walk Newsletter                                                              April 2020 • Page 13
Potpourri, Jokes, Food for Thought
             REFLECTIONS ON A LIFE WELL-LIVED                                     the phone. Age 68
• I’ve learned that I like my teacher because she cries when we sing            • I’ve learned that you can tell a lot about a man by the way he handles
  “Silent Night”. Age 5                                                           these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas
• I’ve learned that our dog doesn’t want to eat my broccoli either. Age 7         tree lights. Age 69
• I’ve learned that when I wave to people in the country, they stop what        • I’ve learned that keeping a vegetable garden is worth a medicine
  they are doing and wave back. Age 9                                             cabinet full of pills. Age 70
• I’ve learned that just when I get my room the way I like it, Mom              • I’ve learned that regardless of what your relationship was with your
  makes me clean it up again. Age 12                                              parents, you missed them terribly after they died. Age71
• I’ve learned that if you want to cheer yourself up, you should try            • I’ve learned that making a living was not the same thing as making a
  cheering someone else up. Age 14                                                life. Age 72
• I’ve learned that although it’s hard to admit it, I’m secretly glad my        • I’ve learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance. Age 73
  parents are strict with me. Age 15                                            • I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt
• I’ve learned that silent company is often more healing than words of            on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back. Age 74
  advice. Age 23                                                                • I’ve learned that if you pursue happiness, it will elude you, but if you
• I’ve learned that brushing my child’s hair is one of life’s great               focus on your family, the needs of others, your work, meeting new
  pleasures. Age 26                                                               people, and doing the very best you can, happiness will find you. Age
• I’ve learned that wherever I go, the world’s worst drivers have                 75
  followed me there. Age 29                                                     • I’ve learned that whenever I decide something with kindness, I usually
• I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must             make the right decision. Age 76
  live so that no one will believe it. Age 35                                   • I’ve learned that everyone can use a prayer. Age 77
• I’ve learned that there are people who love you dearly but just don’t         • I’ve learned that even when I have pains, I don’t have to be one. Age
  know how to show it. Age 40                                                     80
• I’ve learned that you can make someone’s day by simply sending                • I’ve learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone.
  them a little note. Age 42                                                      People love that human touch - holding hands, a warm hug, or just a
• I’ve learned that the greater a person’s sense of guilt, the greater his or     friendly pat on the back. Age 81
  her need to cast blame on others. Age 46                                      • I’ve learned that I still have a lot to learn. Age 85
• I’ve learned that children and grandparents are natural allies. Age 55                                                     Submitted by Bob Rossomondo
• I’ve learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today,
  life does go on and it will be better tomorrow. Age 60                                               A FUTURIST’S VIEW
• I’ve learned that singing “Amazing Grace” can lift my spirits for                MOST OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING WILL BECOME
  hours. Age 66                                                                 REALITY IN THE NEXT 10-20 YEARS. MANY OF US WON’T SEE
• I’ve learned that motel mattresses are better on the side away from           THE CHANGES, BUT OUR KIDS AND GRANDKIDS PROBABLY
                                                                                1. Electric cars will become mainstream about 2030. Cities will
                                                                                   be less noisy because all new cars will run on electricity. Smart
                                                                                   major auto manufacturers have already designated money to start
                                                                                   building new plants that build only electric cars.
                                                                                2. Auto repair shops will disappear. A gas/diesel engine has 20,000
                                                                                   individual parts. An electrical motor has 20. Electric cars are sold
                                                                                   with lifetime guarantees and are repaired only by dealers. It takes
                                                                                   only 10 minutes to remove and replace an electric motor.
                                                                                3. Faulty electric motors are not repaired in the dealership but are
                                                                                   sent to a regional repair shop that uses robots to repair them. If
                “The Friendly Store of Value”                                      your electric motor malfunction light goes on, you drive up to what
                                                                                   looks like a car wash. Your car is towed through while you have a
                        908-725-1566                                               cup of coffee and out comes your car with a new electric motor!
                        800-794-7124                                            4. Petrol pumps will go away. Street corners will have meters that
                                                                                   dispense electricity. Companies will install electrical recharging
                 fax 908-725-9375                                                  stations; in fact, they’ve already started in the developed world.
    118 West Main Street • Somerville, NJ                                       5. Coal industries will go away. Gasoline/oil companies will go away.
    www.RedelicoPaint.com                                                          Drilling for oil will stop. Say goodbye to OPEC! The Middle-East
           Jennie, Tom, Randy, & Wendy                                             is in trouble
                                                                                6. 6- Homes will produce and store more electrical energy during the
                     HOURS:                                                        day and then they use and will sell it back to the grid. The grid will
  Mon-Wed, Fri � � � � � � � � 7:30am–5:30pm                                       store it and dispense it to industries that are high electricity users.
  Thursday� � � � � � � � � � � � 7:30am–8:00pm                                    Has anybody seen the Tesla roof?
  Saturday � � � � � � � � � � � � 8:00am–5:00pm
                                                                                7. In 1998, Kodak had 170,000 employees and sold 85% of all photo
  Sunday � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Closed                            paper worldwide. Within just a few years, their business model
                                                                                   disappeared and they went bankrupt. What happened to Kodak and
     To entice you to come in and meet us���
      Bring in this coupon & receive
                                                                                   Polaroid will happen in a lot of industries in the next 5-10 years …
                                                                                   and most people don’t see it coming.
         20% OFF
                                                                                8. Did you think in 1998 that 3 years later, you would never take
                                                                                   pictures on film again? With today’s smartphones, who even has
    908-725-1566 or 800-794-7124                                                   a camera these days? The digital camera was invented in 1975;
     Sale, net items & Aura excluded. Coupon must be
    OT   used at point-of-sale. Expires 4/30/2020.
                                                                                   the first ones only had 10,000 pixels, but followed Moore’s law.
                                                                                   As with all exponential technologies, it was a disappointment for
Page 14 • April 2020                                            The Canal Walk Newsletter             To Advertise Call AOT Publications 732-474-0107
a time, before it became way superior and became mainstream in                health.
      a few short years.                                                            WELCOME TO TOMORROW - some of it has actually arrived
9.    It will now happen again (but much faster) with Artificial               already.
      Intelligence, health, autonomous and electric cars, education, 3D                                      Submitted by Jay Del Prado
      printing, agriculture and jobs. Forget the book, “Future Shock”,
      welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution. Software has disrupted                   A.A.A.D.D - KNOW THE SYMPTOMS!
      and will continue to disrupt most traditional industries in the next                Thank goodness there’s a name for this disorder.
      5-10 years.                                                                             (Age-Activated Attention Deficit Disorder)
10.   UBER is just a software tool; it doesn’t own any cars, but is now             This is how it manifests:
      the biggest taxi company in the world! Ask any taxi driver if he              I decide to water my garden.
      saw that coming. Airbnb is now the biggest hotel company in the               As I turn on the hose in the driveway, I look over at my car and
      world, although it doesn’t own any properties. Ask Hilton Hotels if      decide it needs washing.
      they saw that coming.                                                         As I start toward the garage, I notice mail on the porch table that I
11.   Artificial Intelligence: Computers become exponentially better in        brought up from the mail box earlier.
      understanding the world. This year, a computer beat the best Go-              I decide to go through the mail before I wash the car.
      player in the world, 10 years earlier than expected.                          I lay my car keys on the table, put the junk mail in the garbage can
12.   In the USA, young lawyers already don’t get jobs. Because of IBM’s       under the table, and notice that the can is full.
      Watson, you can get legal advice (so far, the basic stuff) within             So, I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the
      seconds, with 90% accuracy compared with 70% accuracy when               garbage first...
      done by humans. So, if you are studying law, stop immediately.                But then I think, since I’m going to be near the mailbox when I take
      There will be 90% fewer lawyers in the future. Only omniscient           out the garbage anyway, I may as well pay the bills first.
      specialists will remain.                                                      I take my check book off the table, and see that there is only one
13.   Watson already helps nurses diagnose cancer; it’s 4 times more           check left.
      accurate than human nurses. Facebook now has a pattern                        My extra checks are in my desk in the study, so I go inside the
      recognition software that can recognize faces better than humans.        house to my desk where I find the can of Pepsi I’d been drinking.
      In 2030, computers will become more intelligent than humans.                  I’m going to look for my checks, but first I need to push the Pepsi
14.   Autonomous cars: In 2018 the first self-driving cars arrived. In         aside so that I don’t accidentally knock it over.
      the next 2 years, the entire industry will start to be disrupted. You         The Pepsi is getting warm, and I decide to put it in the refrigerator
      won’t want to own a car any more. You will be able to call a car         to keep it cold.
      with your phone; it will show up at your location and drive you to            As I head toward the kitchen with the Pepsi, a vase of flowers on
      your destination. You will not need to park it, you will pay only for    the counter catches my eye--they need water.
      the driven distance and you can be productive while driving.This              I put the Pepsi on the counter and discover my reading glasses that
      will change our cities, because we will need 90-95% fewer cars.          I’ve been searching for all morning. I decide I better put them back on
      We can transform former parking spaces into green parks.                 my desk, but first I’m going to water the flowers
15.   About 1.2 million people die each year in car accidents worldwide             I set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a container with
      including distracted or drunk driving. We now have one accident          water and suddenly spot the TV remote. Someone left it on the kitchen
      every 60,000 miles; with autonomous driving that will drop to            table.
      1 accident in 6 million miles. That will save a million lives plus            I realize that tonight when we go to watch TV, I’ll be looking for
      worldwide each year.                                                     the remote, but I won’t remember that it’s on the kitchen table, so I
                                                                               decide to put it back in the den where it belongs, but first I’ll water the
16.   Most traditional car companies will doubtless become bankrupt.
      They will try the evolutionary approach and just build a better
                                                                                    I pour some water in the flowers, but quite a bit of it spills on the
      car, while tech companies (Tesla, Apple, Google) will do the
      revolutionary approach and build a computer on wheels. Look at
                                                                                    So, I set the remote back on the table, get some towels and wipe
      what Volvo is doing right now; no more internal combustion engines
                                                                               up the spill.
      in their vehicles starting with the 2019 models, using all electric or
                                                                                    Then, I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning
      hybrid only, with the intent of phasing out hybrid models. Many
                                                                               to do.
      engineers from Volkswagen and Audi are completely terrified of
                                                                                    At the end of the day:
      Tesla and they should be. Look at all the companies offering all
                                                                                    The car isn’t washed,
      electric vehicles.
                                                                                    The bills aren’t paid,
17.   Insurance companies will have massive trouble because, without                There is a warm can of
      accidents, the costs will become cheaper. The car insurance                   Pepsi sitting on the counter,
      business model will disappear.                                                The flowers don’t have enough water,
18.   Real estate will change. If you can work while you commute,                   There is still only 1 check in my check book,
      people will move far away to more beautiful affordable locations.             I can’t find the remote,
      Cities will have much cleaner air as well.                                    I can’t find my glasses,
19.   Electricity will become incredibly cheap and clean. Solar                     And I don’t remember what I did with the car keys
      production has been on an exponential curve for 30 years and you              Then, when I try to figure out why nothing got done today,
      can now see its burgeoning impact. And it’s just getting ramped               I’m really baffled because I know I was busy all day,
      up. Fossil energy companies are desperately trying to limit access            And I’m really tired.
      to the grid to prevent competition from home solar installations,
      but that simply cannot continue - technology will take care of that            I realize this is a serious problem, and I’ll try to get some help for
      strategy.                                                                it, but first I’ll check my e-mail....
20.   Health: The Tricorder X price will be announced this year.                     Do me a favor. forward this message to everyone you know,
      There are companies who will build a medical device (called the          because I don’t remember who I’ve sent it to.
      “Tricorder” from Star Trek) that works with your phone, which                  Don’t laugh -- if this isn’t you yet, your day is coming!
      takes your retina scan, your blood sample and you breathe into it. It          P.S. I don’t remember who sent it to me, so if it was you, I’m sorry.
      then analyses 54 bio-markers that will identify nearly any disease.                                                   Submitted by Leo Hershkowitz
      There are dozens of phone apps out there right now to monitor
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