Page created by Gordon Mcguire
                                                                                                         VIDEO PRODUCTION

                                                                                                        Cinematic creations for
                                                                                                        EVENT ● MEDIA ● DOCUMENTARY ● COMMERCIAL

VOLUME 36 No 11                       DECEMBER 2019/JANUARY 2020         
                                                                                                                                082 5504292

                                               Farewell to a memorable 2019
2                                                                                                                                               Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020

                                                                            CONTENTS     VOLUME 33 No 5 JUNE 2016
                                                                                VOLUME 36 No 11 DECEMBER 2019/JANUARY 2020

                         Regular contributors                                                                                              Features
Page 3                   Lindy with a why                                                                  Pages 4 & 26           Your guides to Kosher eating in Cape Town
Page 4                   Community Noticeboard                                                             Page 6                 The Neshama Music Project
                         Shabbat times                                                                     Page 8                 A Few Good Men making minyanim
                         Mikvah notice                                                                     Page 31                Snapshot of Jewish Cape Town in a new book
Page 6                   ORTJET                                                                            Page 32                Merle Rubin acknowledged for service to
Page 7                   CSO                                                                                                      community
                         Eliot Osrin Leadership Institute                                                  Page 35                Jewish Magical Realism: new exhibition at
Page 8                   Kaplan Centre                                                                                            SAJM
Page 10-11               Cape SA Jewish Board of Deputies                                                  Page 36                Holocaust remembrance in the digital age
Page 12-14               SA Zionist Federation (Cape Council)                                              Page 37                A literary feast at JLF 2020
Page 15                  The Academy                                                                       Page 39                Mark Blumberg in concert
Page 16                  Telfed                                                                            Page 40                Cape Town gets baking for Shabbos
                         Melton                                                                            Page 42                New York museum lights up for Chanukah
Page 17                  Mensch
Page 18                  Union of Orthodox Synagogues

Page 19                  Chabad on Campus
Page 20-24               Cape Jewish Seniors Association
Page 25                  Jewish Community Services
Page 26                  Family Announcements
Page 27                  United Herzlia Schools
Page 28                  The Jacob Gitlin Library

                                                                                                                                           6                                      32
Page 29                  The Herzlia Foundation
Page 30                  Anton Katz on getting arrested
Page 31                  Emunah Cape Town
Page 32                  BZA WIZO
                         Union of Jewish Women
Page 33                  Temple Israel
Page 34                  CT Holocaust and Genocide Centre
                         SA Jewish Museum
Page 38                  Chronic Ads

Page 39                  Astra Centre
Page 41                  Simcha Page
Page 43                  Craig Nudelman on being a teacher
                                                                                                                                                            CJC EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                                                          CSO emergency
                                                                                                                                                    Chairman: Lester Hoffman. Ex-officio: Ben-
                  Banking details:                                 Zapper         SnapScan             number for security and                      Zion Surdut. Committee: Julie Berman,
 Standard Bank — Branch: Thibault Square;                                                               medical emergencies                         Geoff Cohen, Stuart Diamond, Kristy Evans,
Branch code: 020 909; Acc no: 070 703 493;                                                                                                          Barbara Flax, Rael Kaimowitz, Myra Osrin,
Acc name: The Cape Jewish Chronicle Trust;                                                                  24 hours                                Jonathan Silke. Editor: Lindy Diamond,
             Acc type: Current                                                             rjHD_Q3Z

                                                                                                          086 18 911 18                             Secretary: Tessa Epstein, Layout: Desrae

ERRORS, OMISSIONS AND CORRECTIONS The Cape Jewish Chronicle regrets any errors or omissions that may occur in the paper and, where possible, will attempt to rectify these in a
subsequent issue, should such a measure be deemed appropriate.
No repeat advertisement or credits will be given for small typographical errors which do not appreciably lessen the value of the advertisement. The appearance of an advertisement or photograph
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LETTERS AND OPINIONS Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board or its sponsoring bodies. Letters submitted anonymously will not be
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on the inclusion of any item submitted for publication. Letters may be edited for clarity, space and/or language.
KASHRUT Unless otherwise stated, food and catering services advertised in this publication are not under the supervision of the Cape Beth Din.
FINANCIAL You should always obtain independent expert advice prior to making any financial investment, commercial or other decisions. Do not enter into any transactions of the above nature,
based partly or wholly on the content of any advertisements or articles published in the Cape Jewish Chronicle.

    Cape Jewish Chronicle Samson Centre 87 Hatfield Str Gardens 8001 PO Box 4176 Cape Town 8000 phone 021 464 6736 email Editor Lindy Diamond
Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020                                      3

             Lindy with a why
   Why I travelled 10 500 kms
   away from home to meet
         Herzlia moms
        By Lindy Diamond, Editor Cape Jewish Chronicle
I recently returned from an                emotionally charged brave space,
amazing experience in Israel.              free from the usual commitments,
                                           and pre-judgements of home.

T   he trip, organised for Herzlia
    moms      through     Momentum
(formally known as the Jewish
                                           I recommend that, if possible, every
                                           Herzlia mom in Cape Town travel
Women’s      Renaissance      Project      all the way to Israel so that they can
(JWRP)), saw us spend a jam-packed         appreciate the incredible woman
week touring Tel Aviv, Tiberius, Tsfat     living next door.
and Jerusalem.                             I made memories on that trip that
The coordination and planning alone        stay with me today, and will for years
were breath-taking. On the dates we        to come. Being taken by two fellow
were there, 600 women from around          moms on a ‘quick trip to the kotel’
the world were learning, crying,           that became a never-ending-this-
laughing and bonding in a whirlwind        is-how-I-am-going-to-die shopping
of tightly scheduled programming. As       spree on Ben Yehuda, with agonising
we arrived in Israel, a men’s group        deliberation over each item, and
was leaving, as we left a new one was      being asked “OMG, Linds, is this
coming in. Momentum is a well-oiled        going in your column?!” Yes. Yes, it
machine, empowering Jews through           is. I loved every minute and would
fostering a love of Jewishness and         join you again in a heartbeat.
Israel and developing skills to better     Lying in twin beds with my one-
our relationships back home. The           of-a-kind, exceptional roommate
speakers were on top form and the          really connecting, our conversations
guides were knowledgeable.                 getting slower as we fell asleep at the
But what made this trip exceptional        end of another insane day.
was not the women we met in Israel,        Watching a friend reconnect to a part
but the women we had brought with          of herself that she had separated
us. Our group leaders asked me             from for a time.
to speak at our Shabbat dinner in
Jerusalem and when I sat down to           Learning that just as I had made
formulate my opinions on the trip          incorrect snap judgements about
up to that point, I was struck by the      other people, they had done the same
realisation that everything magical        about me. (We all do this. The most
about the programme had been with          wonderful gift you can give yourself
us all along. The next Shabbat, back       is to be aware of it and try to stop)
home in Cape Town after a few days         It was a long way to travel to discover
of being able to reflect, I was asked      the women who live in my community,
to speak at another Shabbat dinner.        but it could not have happened any
This was still the part that had struck    other way. We were taken from the
me the most.                               familiar, shook up, shaken out and
When people ask me how Momentum            then given this incredible space
was, I answer that it was incredible,      in which to sew ourselves back
and it really was, but the true magic of   together. I’m so glad I could weave
Momentum was the women from my             these women into the fabric of my
hometown who I was privileged to get       life, In Israel, and especially now that
to know in this spiritually heightened,    I am back home.

  The Cape Jewish Chronicle is also available in digital format. To receive the
  Chronicle each month in your inbox instead of your postbox please email and we will make it happen.
4                                                                                                                                                                        Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020

       For less than R25 per month*                                                                                                         Community Noticeboard
       you can support the Chronicle
                                                                                                                                            CAPE TOWN HOLOCAUST AND GENOCIDE CENTRE
     We need your support to provide you with your monthly dose                                                                        Opening of photographic exhibition by Richard Wiesel Objects from the
          of all that’s been going on in Jewish Cape Town                                                                                  Concentration Camps Keynote speaker Andrew Lamprecht.
                                                                                                                                                        9 December 6 pm See page 34

                                                                                                                                                    MARC BLUMBERG: SINGER, PIANIST
                                                                                                                                           Direct from Israel * Golden Oldies * One show in Cape Town *
                                                                                                                                        Tuesday 31 Dec at Highlands House 2.30 pm
                                                                                                                                                                    See page 39

           Banking details: Standard Bank — Branch: Thibault Square;                                                                                            Personal Growth Group
        Branch code: 020 909; Account no: 070 703 493; Account name:                                                                        Provide support, gain self-awareness and develop through other
            The Cape Jewish Chronicle Trust; Account type: Current                                                                                               peoples experiences
                                                                                                                                                 6 February over 8 sessions. See page 32 for details.
    Please email confirmation of payment to and kindly
    quote your communal number, which you can find on your address label.
    Please also inform us of any change of address.
                                                                                                                                                             COFFEE TIME @ ASTRA
       Cheques to: Cape Jewish Chronicle, P O Box 4176, Cape Town 8000,
        Credit card: We no longer accept credit card payments over the                                                                            Open December holidays. See page 39 for details
          phone. Please visit our office between 9 and 1 on weekdays.

                           It’s easy to pay with your phone                                                                                            SOUTH AFRICAN JEWISH MUSEUM
                                                 Zapper                         SnapScan                                                  Zvi Suchet’s The Radiant Portal. Suchet’s art explores Talmudic
                                                                                                                                         symbolism through his unique photographic illustration. December
                                                                                                                                                       2019 – February 2020 See page 34

                                                 *R295 per year for 11 issues                                                                             JEWISH LITERARY FESTIVAL
                                                                                                                                                           Save the date — 15 March 2020
                                                                                                     ‫ב''ה‬               NO
                                                                                                                       20 V

                                         P r omotin g K a s hr ut in C ap e Town & Beyon d
                                                                                                                                                                  MOVED HOUSE?
                                                                                                                                                     REMEMBER TO UPDATE YOUR ADDRESS
    GUIDE TO EATING OUT KOSHER IN CAPE TOWN                                                                                                                 email:


                                                                                                                                                                        MIKVAH RENOVATION
                                                    CAFÉ B'TAYAVON
     AVRON’S PLACE                                                                                           CAFE RITEVE                                          The Mikvah at 31 Arthurs Road will be closed for
                 RESTAURANT                        @ HIGHLANDS HOUSE                                               RESTAURANT
                                                           SNACKS AND LIGHT MEALS
                                                                                                                                                                         renovations until 2 March 2020.
Moving mid Dec 2019 - phone to confirm address

19-33 Regent Road, Sea Point                      9 Gorge Rd, Highlands Estate                        88 Hatfield Street, Gardens
        021 439 7610                                      021 461 1100                                    Tel 021 465 1594                                         To make appointments at alternative venue,
                                                                                                                                                                   please contact Bev Coblenz on 0826836270.
         MEAT & PAREV                                           MILK                                               MILK

                                                                                                                                                           Shabbat and Yom Tov Times
                                                     JEAN'S KITCHEN                                         THE PRESS BAR            Date               Portion                    Candle lighting             Ends
         COFFEE TIME                              @ THE KAPLAN CENTRE                                           & GRILL
                                                                                                                                                                                   earliest latest
    20 Breda Street, Gardens                        University of Cape Town                            176 Main Road, Sea Point
           021 461 8414                                  021 650 3064                                        021 434 7724                                               DECEMBER
                  MILK                                          MILK                                               MEAT              6 Dec/8 Kislev       Vayetzei                6.30pm      7.28pm          8.26pm
                                                                                                                                     13 Dec/15 Kislev     Vayishlach              6.30pm      7.34pm          8.31pm
                                                   OTHER OUTLETS                                                                     20 Dec/22 Kislev     Vayeshev                6.30pm      7.38pm          9.35pm
                                                                                                                                     27 Dec/29 Kislev     Mikketz                 *6.30pm     7.41pm          8.38pm
              CRUMBS AND CREAM                                                            GOLDIES DELI
                                                                                                      176 Main Road, Sea Point
                         16 Regent Rd, Sea Point
                              081 343 2761                                                                   021 434 1116
                                                                                                                                     3 Jan/6 Tevet        Vayiggash               6.45pm      7.43pm          8.40pm
                          MILK & PAREV                                                                  MEAT & PAREV                 10 Jan/13Tevet       Vayhi                   6.45pm      7.43pm          8.39pm
                                                                                                                                     17 Jan/20 Tevet      Shemot                  6.45pm      7.41pm          8.37pm
                        ONE JUICE                                              THE DAILY PRESS JUICERY                               24 Jan/27 Tevet      Vaera                   6.45pm      7.39pm          8.33pm
                               90 Regent Rd,
                                 Sea Point
                                                                                                     Cnr St Johns & Regent Rd,
                                                                                                              Sea Point
                                                                                                                                     31 Jan/5 Shevat      Bo                      6.30pm      7.34pm          8.28pm
                                083 677 5735

                                  PAREV                                                                PAREV & MILK                  N.B. Please note that the times indicated are the earliest times for candle
                   ACCURATE AS OF NOVEMBER 2019. KOCOSA DOES NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS.                        Please consult your Rabbi.
                                                                                                                                     *Light the Channukah candles before you light Shabbat candles
                                        See page 26 for more from Kocosa
Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020                                                                                                                               5

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                      PLEASE CALL Lizzie Brynard-Brill 021 528 7301 • email •
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6                                                                                                                                              Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020

                       Neshama Music Project: connecting to Judaism through music
                                                                                         By Jaime Uranovsky

The Neshama Music Project consists of                                to take it to them. We perform a repertoire of
part-time, volunteer musicians who lead                              Kabbalat Shabbat and explain it all and just
the Temple Israel Shabbat Chesed Services                            spend a really nice Sunday afternoon with
in Wynberg and the Shabbat Rina Services                             them.” The group aims to host these kinds
                                                                     of shows every six to eight weeks and, in the
in Green Point, and who perform for Cape
                                                                     future, once the members have expanded
Town Jewish Seniors.                                                 their repertoire, they hope to play at weddings

T   he leader of the group, Fabio Diliberto, talks
    a bit about how the group got started. “About
three years ago I started going to Temple Israel.
                                                                     and bar mitzvahs.
                                                                     While the group is fairly fluid in number and
                                                                     changes depending on availability. The
They’d already started setting [the group] up and
                                                                     core group comprises Fabio Diliberto (band
had something happening. I went to Shul for one
                                                                     leader) on guitar and vocals; Hedi Lampert on
of those services and thought it was really great,
                                                                     guitar, keyboard and vocals; Henry Shields
so I joined and learnt everything with them and
                                                                     on double bass; Marianne Winter on the violin
thought, let’s try and grow this thing and make it as
                                                                     (Marianne has emigrated but whenever she
good as it can be. Without meaning it to happen, I
                                                                     visits she plays with the band); Samantha
kind of took it on as a project.”
                                                                     Horwitz on the flute; Roy Fine, Nidhi Chaitow
They chose their name (neshama meaning soul)                         and Warren Wilenski on percussion; Greg
because most of the band members have found                          Lyons, Bev Lyons and Andi Kuti Alexander
that music has allowed them to rediscover their                      on vocals; and special appearances by Rabbi
Judaism. Fabio says that “we were like Jews in                       Greg Alexander on guitar, vocals and for
the wilderness spiritually and we found that music                   spiritual inspiration.
really brought us back together and connected us
                                                                     Since their performances are based on
to our Judaism and our souls. Most of us have the
                                                                     prayer, the group has tried to change the
same story that music connects us to our roots.
                                                                     songs up and make the experience more
And music is a big part of Jewish life and now we
                                                                     like a concert by adding a few extra verses
want to take it out and hopefully connect other
                                                                     or some instrumental sections. They started
                                                                     off practising for the services but, after                           Menachem Creditor. The piece is “a song of
This is what led them to start performing at Jewish                  performing together for such a long time, are able                   resistance, a song of hope, a song that declares, ‘I
senior associations and homes, such as Highlands                     to just go in and play.                                              won’t stand for hatred but instead I stand for love.’
House. Around two years ago, the group began                                                                                              Creditor recognised that to build a whole world of
                                                                     The group says that the message of Neshama is
playing Sunday afternoon concerts for seniors                                                                                             love, it starts with an individual, and what better
                                                                     summed up perfectly through a song they sing
because “whenever they would come as visitors,                                                                                            medium to spread love and kindness than through
                                                                     called ‘Olam Chesed Yibaneh’ written by Rabbi
they always loved it, so we thought it would be nice                                                                                      music?”

              YOU’RE JEWISH, YOU TEND
              TO OVERTHINK THINGS.

              The tendency to overthink things is exactly what made many Jews successful. Einstein thought about gravity. Freud thought
              a lot about his mom. Woody Allen thinks about a lot of things most of us would be ashamed to say we think about. But the
              other thing that has made so many Jewish people successful is that they were tapped into a community network with other
              successful people who supported their success.

              That’s why we have launched a new initiative to help give Jewish SMEs and entrepreneurs in Cape Town a platform where
              they can have the support of the Jewish community. The Jam Facebook page is a business directory where you can
              recommend and source Jewish businesses, ask advice, shamelessly promote yourself or network with other Jewish
              entrepreneurs who face similar challenges to you.

                        JOIN JAM ON FACEBOOK
                                                                                                                                                                  M            .
                                                                                                                                                                WE’RE ALL IN IT TOGETHER.

    newspaper.indd 4                                                                                                                                                                 2019/11/05 11:08
Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020                                                                               7

                                                                      WE ARE THRILLED TO ANNOUNCE
                                                                          THE COHORT FOR THE
                                                               Eliot Osrin Leadership Institute

                                                   CAPE TOWN                           PROGRAMME

   CSO IS LOOKING FOR                                               Cindy Bacher • Benjamin Blumenthal • Lauren Cohn
    VOLUNTEER EMERGENCY                                        Danielle Daitz • Janine Davimes • David Epstein • Tammi Glick
                DO YOU HAVE THE
                                                                    Nicola Harris • Glen Heinrich • Jonathan Hoffenberg
                                                                      Shana Isserow • Karen Kallmann • Ariella Kuper
   ● ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT PROTECTING YOUR                  Melanie Levy • Chaim Moch • Rivkah Myburgh • Lara Preston
                                                                     Howard Richman • Janine Rodgers • Sasha Sanders
                                                                      Laila Saven • Karen Schwartz • Lee-Anne Singer
   ● ARE YOU TECH-SAVVY & COMFORTABLE LEARNING NEW             Ariel Sumeruk • Dana Tadmor • Karen Tollman • Melissa Zolty
                                                               EMPOWERING TOMORROW’S JEWISH
   As an emergency dispatcher, your role is pivotal to our        COMMUNITY LEADERS TODAY
   protection and response teams, in order to dispatch and
   maintain order throughout shifts and incidents.

                     CONTACT OUR OFFICE                                      ELIOT OSRIN
           087 820 4949 or                                        
      O RE NT
    W O I
   O ST PO


        56 REGENT ROAD,
        P 021 433 1250
        SHOP 48B,
        P 021 794 8233
8                                                                                                                                        Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020

                                                                                           A few good men are ensuring a minyan
                                                                                                  at every Jewish funeral
                                                                                                                            By Jaime Uranovsky

                                                   The Jewish Community            Unfortunately, there are around 20                   pillars of the community. You hear the eulogy,

                                                     of Potchefstroom              funerals per year in Cape Town at                    but over time unfortunately they’ve lost all their
                                                                                   which there are no mourners or friends               friends and family and so on. The response
                                                                                   of the deceased present.                             has been overwhelming and instant, and I’m
                                                                                                                                        hugely humbled and gratified that people are

                                                                                   W      ithout a minyan, Kaddish cannot be
                                                                                          recited, so Stanley Brick and Arthur
                                                                                                                                        prepared to do this and give of their time.”
                                                                                                                                        The initiative was named A Few Good Men
                                                    The Jewish Community           Gillis started a WhatsApp group to source
Paul Cheifitz

                                                                                   volunteers in order to ensure                        and endorsed by Rabbi Wineberg at Marais
                                                      of Potchefstroom:            that all Jewish funerals have                                          Road Shul over the High
                                                                                                                                                          Holidays together with other
                                                                                   enough men present to make
                                                          A History                a minyan.                                                              volunteering groups, such
                                                                                                                                                          as Spreading the Love for
                                                                                   Arthur recounts how the                                                Jaime Rose. The group
                                                                                   group started: “It came to                                             attends funerals for both the
The Jewish Community of Potchefstroom: A History

                                                                                   my attention that there were                                           Orthodox and Conservative/
                                                                                   a number of people being                                               Progressive communities and
                                                                                   buried in the community who                                            aims to provide the dead with
                                                                                   didn’t have a minyan. Their children have            the dignity that they deserve.
                                                                                   emigrated, or they no longer have anything to
                                                                                   do with anybody in the Cape Town community           “We would really appreciate more people
                                                                                   and I would go [to the funeral] and find literally   because, initially, it was just to get a minyan
                                                                                   one or two mourners and that would break my          but then we decided it doesn’t matter how
                                                                                   heart.”                                              many people come. The more people that we
                                                                                                                                        get the better it actually is and the bigger the
                                                                                   Stanley originally started the initiative by word    mitzvah is, so, if we can get 20 or 30 or 40
                                                                                   of mouth but struggled to find volunteers.           people it’s such a huge thing.
                                                                                   Arthur then had the idea of using WhatsApp
                                                            Paul Cheifitz          and that is how the group came into being. The       Very often we will say Kaddish for the person
                                                                                   project formally started just after Yom Kippur       and we will be the pallbearers. I’ve been to
                                                                                   last year and, since then, every single funeral      funerals where there hasn’t been one single
                                                                                   has had enough attendees for a minyan to be          mourner, one single friend, one person who
                                                                                   made.                                                knows the bereaved. We want to give them a
                                                                                                                                        dignified send-off and the only way we can do
                                                                                   Arthur notes, “It just took some people to           that is by having people put their hands up to
                                                                                   stand up and say that we’re not allowing, on         volunteer.”
                                                   This book is available at the   our watch while we’re around, for people to be
                                                                                                                                        To join the WhatsApp group call Jeff Musikanth,
                                                    SA Jewish Museum shop.         buried without a minyan. There’s a lot of need
                                                                                   for this and a lot of people in their day were       the group administrator, on (079) 038-7489 or
                                                                                                                                        Arthur Gillis on (082) 905-1000
Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020   9
10                                                                                                               Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020

              KEEPING IT REAL                                             Facilitating conversations around
                    Stuart Diamond,
             Executive Director, Cape SAJBD
                                                                           transformation in South Africa
                                                             The Cape Board held
     Lighting our personal                                   another well-attended
            candles                                          conversation around
                                                             the theme of Unlocking
                                                             Shared Wealth and
On arriving in the Boroughs of                               Prosperity on 24
New York in mid-November,                                    October, asking how
I found myself in Chabad                                     the community could
Manhattan davening in thanks                                 share its expertise with
not only for my safe arrival, but                            others.
for all the warmth and positivity
that I see on a daily basis in
Cape Town. Sometimes you
                                                             A    mong the guests were
                                                                  Alderman        Belinda
                                                             Walker, Councillor Anda
have to zoom out to see the                                  Ntsodo chairperson of the
finer details and appreciate what you have.                  Economic Opportunities Stuart Diamond (Executive Director Cape SAJBD), Tim Harris, Marianne
                                                             and Asset Management Merten, Johnny Copelyn, Rael Kaimowitz (Chairman Cape SAJBD)
O    ne would be forgiven for wondering how I could
     even be thinking of light and warmth as I sat there
on a cold, fog-filled New York morning, ready to attend a
                                                             Portfolio Committee, and
                                                             Mark Rountree, head of Policy Development
                                                                                                              to the new larger black middle class. The
                                                                                                              structural inequality built into the society was
series of meetings and a conference with the US-based        for the Good party.
                                                                                                              still there although the life expectancy had
Anti-Defamation League. But it was the message of            To set the scene, former ANC MP and CEO increased since President Mbeki’s day and
Chanukah; a small bit of oil making a difference, the        of Hosken Consolidated Investments Jonny 90% now had access to running water. Despite
courage to fight for what you believe in, dedication to      Copelyn outlined the development issues in the Zondo Commission, few people had been
what is important, that filled my mind as I reflected on     South Africa as he saw them. The world today arrested, but it was important because it had
one complete year as the Executive Director of the Cape      was richer and healthier than it was forty told the story. She encouraged the Jewish
Board and my strengthened connection to my faith and         years ago, yet South Africa, since Zuma, had community to give back to the country, to be
community.                                                   fallen behind. He contrasted South Africa with engaged citizens, to write to the newspapers,
This past year has gone by so quickly. While life for        Israel, a smaller country without our mineral to members of parliament and to councillors
Cape Town Jewry is still generally comfortable, we           wealth, yet which had increased its growth and to take action when they had concerns.
exist in a world of identity politics and fundamentalism     and decreased its deficit. On the brighter side,
                                                                                                              Tim Harris, the CEO of Wesgro, the Tourism,
on both the right and left. The work carried out by the      he noted that there was much mobility and
                                                                                                              Trade and Investment Agency of Cape Town
professional staff sees us track, reflect and act, to ensure nothing was cast in stone. Israel’s success
                                                                                                              and the Western Cape, had a far more positive
the continued safety of our community. My team has a         was due to the educational and high tech
                                                                                                              outlook. The Western Cape did not represent
strategic focus on building meaningful relationships so      opportunities provided.
                                                                                                              the country and it had opportunities the rest
that we have allies in a sometimes dark world, where         South Africa needed more employment of the country lacked. It was an international
each friend becomes a positive light in our fight. To them   opportunities and small businesses were best economic and tourist destination with visits
I say thank you.                                             placed to create jobs. Zuma has shaken the from investors, tourists, filmmakers and
This year I have also had the privilege of meeting Jews      foundation of trust in the country. Investors conference participants spending six billion
who identify with their religion in many different ways.     need to have trust in the future of the country. rands each year.
In Cape Town we are really lucky to have plenty of           This trust will be restored under the new
                                                                                                              Three quarters of the jobs created in South
opportunities to find a space — where each of us is right    president who had instituted the Commission
                                                                                                              Africa were created in the Western Cape,
now in our lives — to opt in to our Jewish community.        of Inquiry into allegations of State Capture,
                                                                                                              and half of the country’s agricultural exports
                                                             had been removing corrupt people from
                                                                                                              came from here. Investors from USA, UK and
When we continue to choose to light up our daily lives       power, and the possibility that NPA would
                                                                                                              Germany came here because Cape Town
with positivity, inclusivity, Tikkun Olam and caring for     soon be embarking on arrests.
                                                                                                              was on the doorstep of the rest of Africa,
each other we ensure that Cape Town Jewry can prosper
                                                             Marianne      Merten,      Daily     Maverick’s  regarded as an untapped market. More than
and be a community that continues to shine bright.
                                                             parliamentary correspondent, saw little good ten thousand students from the rest of Africa
Chag Chanukah Sameach                                        news and had many concerns. She agreed that attended Western Cape universities. The
                                                                                we were the most unequal secret to growth, said Tim, was in attracting
                                                                                country in the world with a knowhow — not through education, but from
                       To report an incident of                                 broken education system people who understood how to do the job and
  ANTISEMITISM                             or ANTI-JEWISH                       and huge unemployment the Cape, with a liberal immigration policy for
                                                                                and racially entrenched knowledge, was open to getting talent from
                                   behaviour                                    inequality.                   across the world. Cape Town had lowered its
     HATE SPEECH • INTIMIDATION • ACTS OF VIOLENCE                              The     white
                                                                                                              unemployment rate because it was open to in-
                                                                                                  community migrants, many coming from Gauteng.
                          VANDALISM • GRAFFITI                                  should admit that they
                                                                                had      benefitted     from Questions were asked from the floor about
    In case of an emergency call the CSO 086 18 911 18 • available 24-7         white privilege and the drought, desalination, and the living reality
                                                                                intergenerational     wealth, of gang violence. Guests went away with
                            021 464 6700 (08h30-16h30)                          which had given them Copelyn’s message that within five years’ time
                                                     access to networks lacking they would see a better South Africa.

       Cape Jewish Board of Deputies             capesajbd                       
Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020                                                                                                                    11

                                      Welcoming interfaith guests to our sukkah
It has been said that the only             in a sukkah or knowing about the
true joy is shared joy.                    festival.

O     n Sukkot we are told to rejoice      On a beautiful spring day, curious
      in the festival and we do so by      and most appreciative Muslim and
inviting not only our friends to share     Christian ushpizim, including an
our meal, but also unseen Ushpizin         archbishop, an imam, a dominee and
— Aramaic for guests — Abraham,            an interfaith minister, sat down to a
Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron,        meal hosted by the Board inside the
and David.                                 Gardens Shul sukkah.

This year the Board decided to share       After a welcome by SAJBD Cape
the festival with other exalted guests,    Chairperson      Rael     Kaimowitz,
people from other faith communities        Rabbi Feldman told them about the
who would have been unlikely to            festival. He explained how living in a
                                                                                          Jews realise how dependent we are       could have the one without the other;
have had the opportunity of being          temporary dwelling for a week makes
                                                                                          for our welfare on Hashem and how       and another could have neither,
                                                                                          very many people have to live all the   yet when bound together they form
   Remembering the past and being a                                                       year round, not just for one week,
                                                                                          inside a temporary draughty shelter.
                                                                                                                                  a community. So too our society
                                                                                                                                  is made up of different people

       ‘light unto the nations’                                                           Rabbi Feldman also showed the
                                                                                          guests the Lulav and the Etrog,
                                                                                                                                  from different faiths with different
                                                                                                                                  interests,” he said.

In Cape Town this year we will                                                            explaining that palm, myrtle and        The event created an opportunity
                                                                                          willow branches bound together form     for people from different religious
celebrate Chanukah by lighting
                                                                                          the Lulav. “Each plant is different     backgrounds to be joined together
candles and enjoying potato                                                               and could represent a different type    as one community in the sukkah,
latkes.                                                                                   of person. One person could have        enjoying the meal and chatting

H    owever, back in 164 BCE when                                                         both learning and good deeds; one       together.
     the Maccabees cleansed the
temple, there were neither candles
nor potatoes. Candles came into
use in Europe in the 17th Century
and potatoes first arrived from
                                           Limestone       Chanukiyah       from

America in 1588. The Books of the          Jerusalem, 10th or 12th century, brass
Maccabees don’t mention lighting           Chanukiyah given to Morris Alexander
chanukiyot either. Josephus did not        by Rev Hechler at the 1907 World
call it `Chanukah’ but the `Festival       Zionist Conference and 19th century

                                                                                              Chanukah ...
of Lights’, explaining that the right      Russian silver bench-type Chanukiyah
                                           looted by the Nazis and given to the
to serve Hashem had come like              Board by the JCR (Jewish Cultural
a sudden light. It was only in a           Reconstruction).
discussion between Hillel and

                                                                                              may your
                                           Reich. One, the top of a monumental
Shammai that lighting a Chanukiah is
                                           Chanukiah, has been matched to a
                                           single large candlestick — its mate is
Today the Cape Board has 12                lost, as is the base of the Chanukiah.

                                                                                              candles burn
chanukiyot in its collection on display    This is borrowed each year by Beit
in the Samson Centre, coming from          Midrash Morasha where Auschwitz
Jerusalem, Austria, Czechoslovakia,        survivor Ella Blumenthal lights it —

                                                                                              long and your
Holland, North Africa, Poland and          using it for the purpose for which it
Russia. The oldest is a limestone oil      was intended.
Chanukiah from Jerusalem dated to
                                           As for the festival of lights, let us recall
the 10th or 12th century. We have a

                                           that the role of the Jews is to be an Or
brass North African one from the 17-
                                           l’Goyim, a light unto the nations. In a
19th century and another given to
                                           world filled with hate for the other, the
Morris Alexander, the founder of the
                                           Cape Council will continue to raise
Board, by Rev Hechler, Herzl’s most

                                                                                              be joyous
                                           our communities’ voice to defend
famous Christian disciple, whom
                                           the rights of those facing hate and
Alexander had met at the 1907 World
Zionist Conference.
                                           We will continue to speak out
Seven came from the US Army as
                                           against antisemitism, homophobia,
part of the Jewish Reconstruction
                                           xenophobia and Islamophobia when
Programme, having been looted
                                           this scourge is voiced. This year as
by the Nazis from synagogues and
                                           you light your Chanukiah remember
private homes. None are complete
                                           to celebrate with gladness, but
as they were only valued for their
                                           remember also those who have no
silver content and were thrown by the
                                           light or gladness, no money or food
Nazis higgledy-piggledy into boxes
                                           and spread your light to others where
to be shipped to ‘neutral’ Switzerland
                                           you can.
to be melted down into coins for the

         Cape Jewish Board of Deputies               capesajbd                             
12                                                                                                                        Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020

                                           trying to enter the synagogue in            orthodox Jews are caricatured on           not anti-Semitic because it supports
                                           Halle during the Jewish holiday of          posters with hooked noses and gold         the Palestinians. What is of course
                                           Yom Kippur, the attacker killed two         teeth. In all these countries, Jews are    unpalatable is the support the EU
                                           people nearby and later injured             increasingly feeling unsafe and need       gives to Hezbollah by not declaring
                                           two others.                                 to hide their identities. The ‘tragedy     it a terrorist organisation and by not
                                                                                       of it all’, as Amos Elon details in his    insisting that its aid not be paid over
                                           What happened in Germany did not            brilliant book, is that Jews have been     to support the families of terrorists.
     Anti-Semitism in                      occur in a vacuum. The resurgence of        victimised in Europe for nearly 2,000      Moreover, the role that Europe and

                                           far-right parties in Europe particularly    years.                                     particularly France have played in
                                           in France, Germany and Hungary                                                         trying to undermine American efforts
                                           have provided fertile ground for            Now Spain’s current Foreign Minister       to isolate Iran, and the failure of any
          By Ben and Esta Levitas,         anti-Semitism to grow and become            Joseph Borrell‘s promotion to become       European leaders to condemn Iran’s
            Executive Committee,           mainstream. Elsewhere like in Poland,       the European Union’s Foreign policy        threats to wipe out Israel, reveal an
             SAZF Cape Council             the leaders are still in denial about the   Czar, replacing Federica Mogherini,        inherent inability to recognise their
                                           complicity of ordinary Polish citizens      spells more troubles for Israel.           own anti-Semitism.
                                           in the Nazi atrocities. In Latvia, the      Mogherini had very close ties with
                                           local authorities want to name streets      the Palestinian Authority and was          Why, if Europe cares so much about
The Halle synagogue shooting by a          and squares after Nazi collaborators.       very critical of Israeli policies, while   the Palestinians, does it care so little,
far-right attacker that occurred on        In the United Kingdom, Jeremy               the EU has been the largest provider       or not at all about the Kurds, who are
9 October 2019 in Saxony-Anhalt,           Corbyn is unrepentantly anti-Semitic        of aid to the Palestinian Authority,       a larger ethnic group that seeks its
Germany, was yet another reminder          and openly supports Hezbollah and           over 300 million Euro per annum. It        own identity on its own land, and is
of the precariousness of Jewish            other terrorist groups bent on the          was therefore rather nauseating for        under genocidal attack by a NATO
life in Europe. After unsuccessfully       destruction of Israel. In Belgium,          Borrell to recently state that the EU is   ally?

                                                                                          SA FRIENDS OF ISRAEL                    recently been employed as the
                                                                                                                                  SA Friends of Israel co-ordinator
                                                                                                                                  for Cape Town and will also be
                                                                                                                                  heading up the SAFI on Campus
                                                                                                                                  society at UCT.

                                                                                                                                  He is a University of Cape Town
                                                                                                                                  student who will be graduating with
                                                                                              SA Friends of                       a Bachelor of Social Science in
                                                                                                                                  Politics & Governance and English
                                                                                              Israel (SAFI)                       Literature. Mmamalema has worked
                                                                                                welcome                           with non-profits over the past five
                                                                                                                                  years and formed part of a team that
                                                                                              Mmamalema                           wrote and delivered an educational

                                                                                                 Molepo                           curriculum at Indoni Arts, Youth and
                                                                                                                                  Leadership Academy. Mmamalema’s
                                                                                                                                  main interests are politics, social
                                                                                                                                  innovation, literature and education.
                                                                                                                                  He is a keen participant in sport, as
                                                                                                                                  a casual runner (road and trail), with
                                                                                                                                  great interest in motorsport and the
                                                                                                                                  odd ball-game.

                                                                                       Mmamalema Molepo, a keen                   We     are very   confident   that
                                                                                       supporter of Israel, through his           Mmamalema will be a great asset to
                                                                                       Judeah Christian beliefs, has              our team.

                                                                                       Mmamalema Molepo

Find us          SA Zionist Federation - Cape Council         @SAZF_Cape                                                                   
Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020                                                                                                                                                13

           SA FRIENDS OF ISRAEL                                  In a twist to the usual annual Friendship Celebration, this year’s event, showing our appreciation,
                                                                 love and commitment of our Christian Zionist friends, took the theme of Sukkot.

                                                                 Held in the Gardens Shul Sukkah Hall, creatively decorated in the spirit of Sukkot, the event was exceptionally
                                                                 well attended by our chaverim as well as new guests from Turquoise.

                                                                 After a short welcome by Executive Director Julie Berman, which included a moving tribute to the late Nilly
    SAFI annual Friendship                                       Baruch z’l for her dedication and hard work over many years of SAFI and prior to its establishment. Rabbi

   Celebration / Feast of the
                                                                 Sam Thurgood explained the meaning of Sukkot. He invited members of the audience to participate by
                                                                 reading portions from the beautifully written and illustrated booklet handed to attendees.
         Tabernacles                                             African Christian Democratic Party MP, Steve Swart delivered a humorous, but impressive report back on
                                                                 his recent visit to Israel to attend the premiere of Daniel the Musical, the South African show which opened
                   By David Lazarus,                             the newly renovated Jerusalem Theatre.
                   SAFI Portfolio Chair
                                                                 Guests were treated to a typical and delicious Sukkot dinner; and Israeli music was provided by Gabriel
                                                                 Shai. The evening ended with enthusiastic singing and dancing on the piazza!

Andrew Arendse performing the sukkot traditions with the luluv   Tamar Lazarus, past Chairperson of WIZO and David Lazarus,   Esta Levitas, chairperson, SAZF (Cape Council); Vivienne Myburgh,
and etrog after explanations by Rabbi Sam Thurgood               SAFI portfolio chairman dancing with our guests              ICEJ national chairperson and Desiree Phillips, Desire for all Nations

              THE ISRAEL CENTRE                                  “The seminar helped to begin building a strong
                                                                 relationship and connection with fellow Jews,”;
                                                                 “We have a lot to learn from each other,” and
                                                                 “Once we learn about each other from a personal
                                                                 perspective, we learn how similar we actually are,”
                                                                 were just some of the comment’s participants

       P2G youth movement
                                                                 made after the seminar was completed.

         seminar in Israel                                       This programme has been happening for the
                                                                 last three years which has been organised by
                   By Michal Ilan,                               the Partnership2Gether team with the amazing
              Community and Aliyah Shlicha                       leadership of P2G chair in Johannesburg, Anthony
                                                                 Rosmarin. Anthony challenges the South African
                                                                 youth to think about their future role in their              Nothing lightens the mood like a good drumming session
                                                                 movements and in South African society.
Are youth movements in Israel and South
Africa similar or different? Do they have the                    The seminar provided an opportunity for youth
same approach to leadership? Do the youth in                     movement gap year participants from South Africa
both countries have more in common or more                       to share with each other on what they have been
that differentiates them? All these questions                    doing for the past year, what movements they
and more were explored in the last week of                       come from and what their ideology is. Many of
October at a peoplehood seminar held in Israel                   them commented that this was very important.
for gap year participants from South Africa                      “It helped me solidify my belief system and
and Israel.                                                      work on understanding and accepting different
                                                                 people,” was a comment made on a post seminar
The seminar was attended by local members                        questionnaire.
of Habonim and Bnei Akiva who are on their
gap year, as well as Israeli participants from the               Many participants wished for more of these
Jewish Agency’s Kol Ami Mechina programme. In                    opportunities, and we hope to allow for those
addition to the planned activities and discussions,              conversations to happen both in Israel and in
participants had time to get to know each other                  South Africa and more often during the duration of           Seminar participants during a bonding Outdoor Training (ODT)
and bond.                                                        the gap year programmes in Israel.                           session                                                                                       Find us         SA Zionist Federation - Cape Council                     @SAZF_Cape
14                                                                                                                          Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020

             B N E I A K I VA            Yes, we will soon finally be at              DILLER TEEN FELLOWS                           These teenagers will have the
                                         our most favourite place to                                                                opportunity to explore leadership
                                         spend December, the Bnei Akiva                                                             skills in practice while developing
                                         campsite.                                                                                  ideas in our six core experiences:
                                                                                                                                    leadership, Jewish identity, Jewish
                                         With the highest amount of                                                                 peoplehood, pluralism, Israel and
                                         Capetonians in seven years, we                                                             tikkun olam.
           Home at last!                 are hitting Hartenbos hard. We are            Welcome Diller Teens
                                         looking forward to a care free three
           By Chanan Suiza,              weeks of fun, laughter, community                  cohort 5!                               The one-year program consists
                                                                                                                                    of evening workshops, weekend
     Chairman, Bnei Akiva Cape Town      and friends.                                                                               shabbatons, an opportunity to host
                                                                                             By Martine Kawalsky,                   Israeli teens in Cape Town as well as
                                                                                            Programme Co-ordinator                  a 3-week-long educational program
                                                                                                                                    in Israel in July 2020. The program is
                                                                                                                                    led by coordinator Martine Kawalsky,
                                                                                  Diller Teen Fellows is proud to                   along with two incredible junior
                                                                                  introduce their fifth Cape Town                   counsellors – Jethro Klitzner and Eva
                                                                                  cohort. After a comprehensive                     Maraney.
                                                                                  interview process, 20 dynamic and
                                                                                  vibrant Grade 10’s from around                    Mazeltov to those who have been
                                                                                  Cape Town have been selected to                   selected and chosen to participate in
                                                                                  join the Diller Teen family.                      this once in a lifetime opportunity!

                NETZER                    Cape Town, we are super proud of
                                          what we have accomplished. Some
                                          of our highlights include our April
                                          Mini-Machaneh, Netzer Shabbat
                                          services within the Cape Town
                                          Progressive Jewish Community, our
                                                                                  Diller cohort 5 at their first workshop
                                          leadership-focused Winter Machaneh
           A year in review               in Durban and our first ever Winter
                                          Holiday Day Camps. We would like
            By Jason Bourne,
             Mazkir Netzer SA
                                          to say a huge thank you to those
                                          who have supported us as the
                                          Progressive Jewish youth in all of
2019 has been an all-round                our endeavours throughout the year.
fantastic year for Netzer South           Wishing everyone a restful December
Africa, as we saw growth in all           break and Chag Urim Sameach over
three of our regions.                     Hanukkah.

With a renewed focus on community         Nilmad v’na’aseh! - We will learn and
involvement and engagement within         we will do!

Winter Camp in Durban, July 2019

Find us         SA Zionist Federation - Cape Council       @SAZF_Cape                                                                       
Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020                                                                                                                        15

                    The Academy Global Experience
                  Join The Academy for a once in a lifetime Jewish Experience.

      Poland                                       (3rd)/4th–7th May                17th–21st May                    Lithuania

      Berlin                                    2020 Dates TBC                         2020 Dates TBC                           Prague

      Amsterdam                                                  2020
                                                               Dates TBC
                                                                                      2020 Dates TBC                          Belarus
        Contact us to sign up and for more information                                                                                       E&OE, T’s and C’s apply.

            010 140 2099         084 473 2574
             Follow us on Facebook: The Academy             YouTube: The Academy of Jewish Thought & Learning

                                                             In association with the London School of Jewish Studies President: Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis,
                                                             Dean: Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum, Honorary President: Emeritus Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
16                                                                                                                              Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020

                                      Be a part of the global education movement
                                                                                              Telfed staff writer

While waiting in line at the                                                                                                            by the Eric and Sheila Samson
South African Consulate in                                                                                                              Foundation, the SASI programme
Ramat Gan, I overheard two                                                                                                              was created to give South African
                                                                                                                                        students an opportunity to study in
bright and bubbly Chinese
                                                                                                                                        Israel. SASI is fully subscribed for
girls request visas for travel to                                                                                                       the upcoming academic year, which
South Africa.                                                                                                                           underscores the demand for this

T   hey explained that their South                                                                                                      initiative.
    African classmate had told them                                                                                                     For students who wish to make
that Cape Town is the most beautiful                                                                                                    Aliyah, Telfed offers two additional
city in the world (no argument there),                                                                                                  scholarship programmes for Israeli
and they were eager to visit before                                                                                                     students (with priority given to
the new school year began. My first                                                                                                     those of South African origin): the
thoughts were ‘remarkable — this                                                                                                        PRAS volunteering scholarship and
is globalisation at its best! And kol                                                                                                   Financial Need-based scholarship.
hakavod to the student, both for                   SASI Chairman, Sidney Shapiro, welcomes the new SASI students to Israel              In November, Telfed launches the
choosing to study in Israel and for                                                                                                     2019/2020        PRAS      programme.
promoting South Africa as a tourist           are currently enrolled at Israeli            only enjoy an outstanding education,
                                              academic institutions. With world            they also benefit from a housing grant       180 scholarship recipients will be
destination.’                                                                                                                           volunteering with the elderly, children
                                              class universities, an outstanding           and a supportive framework. Social
This brief encounter reflects what we         reputation for entrepreneurship and          support is an integral part of SASI.         with special needs or new Olim
already know: Israel is a melting pot,        innovation, and the introduction of          A dedicated student coordinator,             families. Telfed scholarships reflect
a cosmopolitan country enriched by            tens of international programmes             a social programme that promotes             our ethos of educating the youth so
the contributions of Olim from around         it is no wonder that these students          ‘seeing and experiencing’ Israel,            that they will have the ability to be
the world. Nowadays, Israel is                are choosing Israel. Many of the             opportunities to volunteer and a             self-sufficient, while simultaneously
becoming an increasingly appealing            new degrees on offer are in line             network of like-minded students from         instilling the values of Zionism and
destination for international students.       with Israeli expertise, including            a similar South African background           volunteerism. This year over 500
And, through the SASI programme               science and engineering, agriculture         make the SASI programme unique.              students will be recipients of Telfed
(Southern Africans Studying in                and sustainability, innovation and                                                        scholarships. For more information
Israel), Telfed is proud to be a part                                                      SASI caters to South African                 on Telfed’s scholarship programmes,
                                              entrepreneurship     and     Jewish
of this movement to promote tertiary                                                       international students only. Within          contact Simone at admin.esp@telfed.
education in Israel.                                                                       this programme, students can        To this year’s matriculants, we
                                              South African students who make the          choose to study in either English            look forward to welcoming you to
Recent news headlines have revealed           decision to study in Israel and apply        or in Hebrew at private or public            Israel!
that over 12 000 international students       for a Telfed SASI scholarship don’t          universities. Initiated and sponsored

              Melton Celebrates its                                                    14th Graduation
                               with Acknowledgement, Awards & Learning, our annual graduation ceremonies
                                     bring passion and people together for the sake of Jewish learning.

                                                              Graduate Roxanne Mayhew, Herzlia Primary
                                                              School Educator: Year One & Two
                                                              “Melton gave me an understanding of Jewish life,
                                                              Jewish thought, past and present and how it relates
                                                              to our lives today; to rethink issues we had opinions
                                                              on, with ongoing discussions, engagement and
                                                              reflection we learned to appreciate the Jewish way
                                                              of life… “that they become a link in the chain across
                                                              time and across faith.” Melton’s aim is to transmit
                                                              cultural knowledge from one generation to the next.
     Michelle Boiskin’s journal extract:                      And It has truly lived up to it expectations and leaves
     Holocaust as Reflected in Diaries & Memoirs:              you wanting more. Course topics stimulated much           Barbara Flax: Year One &
     “Week after week, reading and listening to the           debate and discussions in class, with my fellow           Beyond Borders Graduate:
     thoughts of those who were able to put theirs down       peers, in the staffroom and in the car on the way         “Melton’s great strength is that students are given
     on paper, my sense of anguish and helplessness           home with our spouses.                                    the forum that is comfortable to engage and the
     pervades my being as I identify with the writings. It                                                              freedom to explore topics that seem to be confus-
     reconfirms our deepest desire to honour those who                                                                   ing, even in conflict with one’s own personal view,
     fell before us by living the best lives we are able to                                                             while becoming more equipped to understand the
     muster; to see obstacles in our lives as challenges,                                                               ‘why’. Thank you Melton for providing the frame-
     to overcome by choosing to find meaning and keep                                                                    work for building knowledge.”
     rewriting the script of our lives into one of grati-
     tude….. It is the only way we can honour their lives
     — by being fully alive until we too are no more.”
         Melton’s textual learning curricula boasts 2300 graduates in Cape Town – Recruitment opens soon for February 2020 Melton courses

     Viv Anstey, Director: 082 809 5414
     Lauren Snitcher: 082 880 2257
     Empowering courses across a range of subjects                                                                          w w w. m e l t o n c a p e t o w n . o r g
Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020                                                                                                                                  17

                                                We are so proud of these amazing Mensches winning awards and creating real
                                                impact in our society. Here’s to 2019 and all the new opportunities 2020 will hold!

 Mensch Mandy Myerson (below)                                                                                                             Mensch Jed Kagan of Jedi Tedi
 is co-founder of an urban, greening                                                                                                      (below) won in the Philanthropy category
 initiative called CO-CREATE which                                                                                                        at the African Child of the Year awards
 aims to inspire suburbs to collectively                                                                                                  in JHB. The awards recognise the
 step out of their front doors and start                                                                                                  amount of impact that children have
 greening open, public spaces.                                                                                                            created in their communities as a result
 The first pilot plant will take place in May                                                                                             on the individual achievements.
 2020. To learn more about this or to get
 involved contact mandy@humanwaking.
 com. Check out

                                                Mensch Lauren Gillis of Relate
                                                (above) met the Duchess of Sussex
                                                on the recent royal visit and shares the
                                                Relate story. Check out her interview with
                                                Pippa Hudson on CapeTalk.

                                                 Mensch Helen Lieberman’s                                                                 Mensch Olivia krok, pictured left
                                                 organisation iKamva Labantu (below)                                                      with Mensch helen lieberman, at
                                                 won the Changemaker in Health Award                                                      the launch of the Masibulele Educare
                                                 for The Umelwane Project from at the                                                     Centre. Olivia met Principal Nwabisa
                                                 Community Chest Impumelelo Social                                                        Xaba 3 years ago and began a journey
                                                 Innovations Awards.                                                                      which resulted in her partnering with
                                                                                                                                          Uthando Social Development Projects,
                                                                                                                                          a non-profit organisation based in
                                                                                                                                          Cape Town and raising R1.3 million
                                                                                                                                          to re-build the shack ECD as a formal
                                                                                                                                          double-storey building pictured here.

                                                                                             Mensch romi kaplan co-founded The Counselling Hub. Pictured above with
                                                                                             team members Shifra Jacobson and Kentse Radebe. The Counselling Hub is a
                                                                                             low-cost counselling service that supports individuals in facing their life challenges.
                                                                                             The Counselling Hub aims to address issues of access and affordability, through
                                                                                             the delivery of low-cost basic mental health services in a community setting.
                                                                                             The Counselling Hub, Woodstock is a project of the SACAP Foundation in
                                                                                             partnership with the Kaplan Kushlik Educational Trust.

                                                                                               Are you, or someone you know, doing amazing things
  Mensches kerry hoffman, caryn gootkin & David king of Souper
                                                                                               in South Africa too? Join the Mensch Network!
  Troopers have created a year-round homeless football team that practice and play
  games regularly. Initiated as a project of Mensch Mitzvah Day in 2018, we are so
                                                                                               Register on our site at:
  pleased to see this project growing roots!

                     Jewish South Africans co-creating positive change for all in South Africa •
18   Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020
Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020    19
20                                                                                                                Cape Jewish Chronicle December 2019/January 2020

                        Starting the new year                                                             Social and Personal
                            on a new foot                                             BIRTHS
                                                                                      Shirley Elvey — great grandson
                                                                                      Janice Bloch — great grandson
As we move into the new year we need to do so on the right foot                       ENGAGEMENT
with a good attitude and good intentions, so that this year will be                   June Benjamin — grandson
the best year ever for us all.                                                        SPECIAL BIRTHDAYS

C    JSA proudly hosts a seminar every second year and the one that we have           Ettie Buch 99th
     just held was a stimulating and thought provoking day for all participants.      Ella Blumenthal
From the Keynote speaker, Dr Anastasia Tomson’s moving and extremely                  Polly Sacks 90th
brave address on diversity, to Dr Leon Geffen’s sage advice on how to live            Doreen Seidle 90th
and age well, to Adv. Joy Wilkin’s presentation on Curatorship and finally Prof       We extend our best wishes to members who have not been well:
JP van Niekerk‘s presentation on the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse,               Shirley Greenstein
seminars like these give us tools to make the right choices so that we can all        We extend our sincere condolences to members who have lost
live our best lives as we age.                                                        family members:
                                                                                      Henny Bernstein — brother
The seminar was geared for all — the man in the street who wants to stay              Ros Krawitz — sister
abreast by hearing topics of interest that will allow our minds to stretch, as        We extend condolences to the family of members who have recently
well as professionals who work in the community enabling them to use best             passed away
practices when dealing and interacting with their clients.                            Gayle Burnett — Mother Sarah Burnett
                                                                                      Family Marcus — Toonie
                               VOLUNTEERISM                                           We welcome new members to the CJSA family:
Volunteering is one of the most satisfying activities that anyone can participate     Ann Ger, Bernice Kaplan, Marcia Orlin, Inge Williers, Leonia Kurgan
in. We are always looking for new volunteers to give of their time and expertise
to our members. As we begin a new year it would be wonderful to recruit some
new volunteers to provide services. Should you have any skill or talent you are
                                                                                      Special events for December, January & February
willing to share, please contact our office to offer your services — the bonus
being that you become part of a caring and special group of people and you                         BOOKING ESSENTIAL FOR ALL FUNCTIONS
get a special invitation to attend our annual volunteer’s thank you day.                                    OUTINGS NOVEMBER
                                                                                      Southern Suburbs    2 Dec Big Wheel at the Waterfront
                                   GOUDINI                                                                8 Dec Visit the sculptures of Jean Doyle
                                                                                                          6 Jan SA Jewish Museum Photograph Exhibition
Bookings are now open for our annual 3-night breakaway to Goudini Spa.
                                                                                                          13 Jan Polkadraai Strawberry Farm
Please book your place early so that we can organise a special time away for
                                                                                                          20 Jan Hillcrest Berry Farm
everyone. The dates are March 9 - 12 next year. There are individual rooms
                                                                                                          27 Jan Hotel Verde
as well as double rooms for sharing. Apart from the wonderful therapeutic
                                                                                                          3 Feb Soet Emporium, Durbanville
mineral baths, we also organise a special outing and lunch. All meals are
                                                                                                          10 Feb Babylonstoren
included and the fellowship is really great. We urge you to book and join us for
                                                                                                          17 Feb Chart Farm
this special get away.
                                                                                                          24 Feb Kalk Bay
                                                                                      Sea Point           11 Dec Stellenbosch Botanical Garden
                              JOY PROGRAMME
                                                                                                          18 Dec Clay Café, Hout Bay
The weekly interaction with the learners of Alon Ashel pre-primary school has                             8 Jan Chart Farm
been a unique experience for both our Seniors as well as the learners and their                           15 Jan Polkadraai Strawberry Farm
outstanding educators. Each week our seniors visit a different class and it has                           22 Jan Photo Exhibition SA Jewish Museum
been wonderful to see how the members who attend really love the interaction                              29 Jan Hotel Verde
and experience with each different age group. We rotate to new classes each                               12 Feb Soet Emporium, Durbanville
week where the different age groups interact in different ways. It has been                               19 Feb Babylonstoren
wonderful to watch the special way in which the children welcome our group                                26 Feb Little Stream
and more importantly how our seniors look forward to the special Thursday             Milnerton           10 Dec Stellenbosch Botanical Garden
mornings. There is always space for expansion so we would welcome new                                     14 Jan Photo Exhibition SA Jewish Museum
participants in the JOY programme which operates during term time only.                                   28 Jan Polkadraai Strawberry Farm
                                                                                                          11 Feb Hotel Verde
                           CARE FOR THE CARER                                                             25 Feb Babylonstoren
                                                                                      West Coast          3 Dec Parliament
One of the single most debilitating functions for an individual is when you                               17 Dec SPCA
have to care for a loved one. Short term care is obviously far easier to endure,                          7 Jan Polkadraai Strawberry Farm
but when the care is unending and getting more demanding as the patient                                   21 Jan SA Jewish Museum Photo Exhibition
becomes progressively debilitated, it is of utmost importance for the carer to                            4 Feb Hotel Verde
care for themselves. Burnout, as well as other problems, can and do occur if                              18 Feb Babylonstoren
one does not care for one’s self. We host a Care for the Carer group every                                    MEN’S SCHMOOZE
second Thursday morning where carers (often spouses) meet in a safe and               Milnerton           7 Feb Chabad Bochrim
confidential environment to spend time in reflection and expression. All are          Southern Suburbs    11 Dec John Scott
welcome.                                                                                                  22 Feb Rabbi Bryan Opert
                                                                                      Sea Point           10 Dec Con Travers
                                                                                                          29 Jan Rael Kaimowitz
Twilight suppers take place at three of our centres each month. This year we                              26 Feb Bryan Opert
have enjoyed speakers of the highest calibre who have drawn large crowds at                                   SHABBAT SUPPERS
each event. Our special events, fundraisers and other once-off functions are          Southern Suburbs    31January Clarewyn Shul
really enjoyed and we are so happy that each function has been supported so                                  TWILIGHT SUPPERS
well. In fact, there is usually a waiting list for events which highlights the need   Southern Suburbs    11 Dec Joanne Jowell
for CJSA in the community.                                                                                15 Jan Daniel Silke
As we look to 2020, a leap year, I urge each one to look at engaging more,                                12 Feb Michael Bagraim
sharing your expertise and time as well as getting out of your comfort zone to        Sea Point           10 Dec Two Oceans Marathon
experience new activities. Enjoy the festive time with family and friends and                             14 Jan Ant Katz
we hope that we our branches will be oversubscribed with waiting lists for                                1 Feb Dave Stewart
each function on our calendar of events in 2020.                                      Milnerton           19 Dec Social Dinner
                                                                                                          30 Jan Nick Kairinos
                                               Diana Sochen Executive Director                            27 Feb Dave Stewart
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