We're looking for the Provider of the Year! - Richmar

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We're looking for the Provider of the Year! - Richmar
We’re looking for the
           Provider of the Year!
Accepting applications for the HME Excellence Awards
We’re looking for providers who excel in customer service, value their employees,
generate solid financials and give back to their communities. If that’s you, apply for
the Provider of the Year Award! It’s quick and easy to apply online.
You could win an HME Databank subscription ($995 value). All applicants will be
entered into a drawing for a free one-year subscription to the HME Databank.

   Bonus: The winner gets two FREE
   registrations to the 2019 HME News
   Business Summit, September 22-24
   in Cleveland!                                            Business Summit

Application deadline: June 6
We're looking for the Provider of the Year! - Richmar
■ Inogen capped off a                                      ■ Product Spotlight: Check out the latest                               HME                      ■ Do CVS’s
                      ‘year of investment’ in                                    in diabetes products including the GlucoCard
                                                                                 Shine family of glucometers from ARKRAY
                                                                                                                                                         NEWS                     concern you? See
                                                                                                                                                                                  results on page
                      2018, says CEO Scott
                      Wilkinson. See page 24.                                    USA. See page 21.                                                       POLL                     26.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      VOLUME 25 — NUMBER 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            APRIL 2019 $7.00

   T H E              B U S I N E S S            N E W S P A P E R                      F O R         H O M E              M E D I C A L                   E Q U I P M E N T                            P R O V I D E R S

■ Stakeholders work to ready legislation.
   PAGE 3
                                                 Round 2021 begins to take shape
■ Doc lookup enters test phase. PAGE 3
■ N.H. providers seek MCO changes.
                                                 Timeline, new product categories, including vents, vex industry stakeholders
   PAGE 4
                                                                                                    The agency on March 7                           begin in May and the bid window                     head of the government affairs
                                                  BY THERESA FLAHERTY, Managing Editor
                                                                                                 announced plans for the next                       set to open in June.                                practice at Brown & Fortunato.
                                                 WASHINGTON –  CMS has set an                    round of the program, including                       “That’s an incredibly short                      “I am concerned about the lack
MEDTRADE                                         “aggressive” timeline for HME                   new product categories, and out-                   timeframe given the significant                      of time to make sure people get
                 ■ Medtrade Spring Show
                                                 providers to gear up for Round                  lined its projected schedule, with                 difference in the lead-item pricing                 comfortable with this.”
                 Director Kevin Gaffney
                 says attendees can’t            2021 of competitive bidding.                    education and registration set to                  model,” said Cara Bachenheimer,                                       R O U N D 2 0 2 1 S E E PA G E 6

                                                 CVS tests CPAP supplies
                 afford to look back.
                 PAGE 8
                                                                                                                                                                                                         HOME INFUSION

                                                                                                                                                                                                         NHIA sues
                                                 at HealthHUBs in Houston

                                                                                                                                                                                                         HHS over
■ It’s too early to tell impact of gap period.
   PAGE 13
                                                                                                                                                                      CVS IS PILOT-

■ Providers cultivate customer reviews.            THERESA FLAHERTY, Managing Editor
   PAGE 13                                                                                                                                                            ING HEALTH-
                                                         VS’S PLANS to push fur-                                                                                      HUBS as a way
■ CRT conference mixes it up. PAGE 17
■ Rehab Medical buys OMS. PAGE 17
                                                 C       ther into the HME market
                                                         don’t faze providers, who
                                                 say they’ve seen what happens
                                                                                                                                                                      to increase its
                                                                                                                                                                      healthcare ser-
                                                                                                                                                                      vices, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                          BY THERESA FLAHERTY, Managing Editor

RX & SPECIALTY PROVIDERS                         when other outside companies                                                                                         screening for                      WASHINGTON –    Stakeholders say
■ Stakeholders seek to fast track two            try to muscle in.                                                                                                    sleep apnea, and                   they were left with no other
   bills.   PAGE 19                                 “I don’t see it as a lot of com-                                                                                  expand its DME                     options when they filed a law-
■ Viemed ready to fuel growth. PAGE 19           petition for brick-and-mortar                                                                                        offerings.                         suit against the U.S. Department
VENDORS                                          DMEs,” said Mike Kuller, owner                                                                                                                          of Health and Human Services
■ Invacare re-evaluates business                 of Allstar Medical Supply in Wal-                  In February, CVS announced                      apnea, and expand its DME offer-                     over its transitional payment for
  segments. PAGE 24                              nut Creek, Calif. “It’s an interest-            it would pilot three HealthHUBs                    ings to include CPAP masks and                       home infusion services.
■ PurWell takes VirtuOx approach to CBD          ing concept, but in terms of hav-               in the Houston area. The loca-                     accessories.                                            “We have been fighting this at
  market. PAGE 24
                                                 ing an impact on us or healthcare               tions would devote more space                        HME providers are able to help                     every level and made no prog-
                                                 as a whole, it’s kind of a drop in              to healthcare services, including                  customers with their products in                     ress,” said Sharon Pearce, vice
                                                 the bucket.”                                    screening for diabetes and sleep                                 H E A LT H H U B S S E E PA G E 1 4    president of government affairs
                                                                                                                                                                                                         for the National Home Infusion

                                                 Belluscura Technology permeates                                                                                                                         Association. “We really tried
                                                                                                                                                                                                         to find a resolution, but their
                                                                                                                                                                                                         thinking and position hasn’t
                                                 readies POC annual symposium                                                                                                                            moved one inch from the final
                                                                                                                                                                                                            The final rule, published in
                                                         BY LIZ BEAULIEU, Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                                         November 2018, implemented
                                                                                                         BY LIZ BEAULIEU, Editor
                                                 PLANO, Texas – Belluscura, a U.K.                                                                                                                       the transitional payments on
                                                 company that licenses and devel-                 ORLANDO, Fla. – National Seat-                                                                         Jan. 1, 2019, through Dec. 31,
                                                 ops proprietary healthcare tech-                 ing & Mobility automated its                                                                           2020, to address a payment gap
                                                 nologies, plans to launch a por-                 benefits and eligibility process                                                                        created by the 21st Century
                                                 table oxygen concentrator named                  last year, helping to increase its                                                                     Cures Act. However, the rule
                                                 the X-PLO2R in the U.S. market                   funding efficiency by 15% and                                                                           limits reimbursement for pro-
                                                 in the back half of this year.                   reduce its funding cycle time                                                                          fessional services to only those
                                                    In March, Belluscura, which is                by 10% in 2018, says CEO Bill                                                                          days a “skilled professional is in
                                                 headquartered in Plano, Texas,                   Mixon.                                                                                                 the home.”
                                                 was in the middle of trying to                      This new process was among                                                                             When Congress passed the
                                                 raise funds to complete the regu-                the highlights at the company’s                   THE KEYNOTE SPEAKER                                  Cures Act and the transitional
                                                 latory clearance process with the                annual symposium, Feb. 7-10 in                    for NSM’s annual event was                           payment, it was clear on how
                                                 U.S. Food and Drug Administra-                   Orlando, Fla.                                     motivational speaker and gold                        home infusion was supposed to
                                                 tion and launch the unit.                           “In the past, the process                      medalist Mike Schlappi, author                       be paid for, says Pearce.
                                                    “We’ve already raised $6                      has been, like for most other                     of “Shot Happens: I Got Shot,                           “Payment is to be made per
                                                                  B EL LUSCURA S EE PA G E 2 5              N S M S Y M POS I U M S EE PA G E 2 5   What’s Your Problem.”                                             N H I A VS H H S S E E PA G E 2 0
We're looking for the Provider of the Year! - Richmar
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We're looking for the Provider of the Year! - Richmar
■ Karyn Estrella at HOMES        Stakeholders work to line up legislation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
               and providers in New             Newspoll: Providers look to learn at Medtrade Spring . . . 3

               Hampshire are taking a
               proactive approach to
                                                Q&A: David Chandler, AAH’s newest hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
               MCOs. See story page 4.          Health spending to reach $6 trillion by 2027. . . . . . . . . . . . 6

                                                                                                                                               WWW.hMeNeWS.COM / APRiL 2019 / hMe NeWS                           3

Briefs                                                                                                                                                                 Doc
Billing reminders: RTLT                          Stakeholders work
modifiers, DWOs, ABNs
WATERLOO, Iowa – HCPCS codes that re-
quire the RTLT modifiers need to be on           to line up legislation                                                                                                lookup
two separate claim lines effective for dates
of service beginning March 1, VGM has
alerted providers. Currently, it’s acceptable
to use one claim line with two units of ser-
                                                 Recommendations on next round
                                                 of bidding also on spring agenda
                                                                                                                 “AAHomecare has talked with CMS numerous
                                                                                                              times about the o2 budget neutrality issue, but the
vice with RTLT…VGM has also reminded                                                                          agency has indicated it does not have the statutory
providers that they can complete detailed                          By Liz BeauLieu, editor
                                                                                                              authority to change it,” Witter said. “This means
written orders for CPAP accessories, with        WASHINGTON – AAHomecare is working to get a bill                                that federal legislation will be
the exception of the physician’s signature       to provide additional relief from Medicare’s com-                               necessary.”
and signature date. VGM says that DWOs                                                                                                                                 By Theresa FLaherTy, Managing editor
                                                 petitive bidding program introduced in the House                                   While it works to have hard
are not required prior to delivery but are       of Representatives and the Senate in time for the                               asks for its legislative confer-      WASHINGTON –  Medicare’s docu-
required prior to submitting claims for re-      Washington Legislative Conference in May.                                       ence May 22-23, AAHomecare            mentation lookup service is
imbursement. “Best practice is to obtain            “We’re working with House and Senate cham-                                   has also been funneling rec-          moving ahead into various test-
all the necessary information prior to de-       pions on legislation that would provide addition-                               ommendations to CMS on the            ing phases, according to CMS
livery to make for a smoother transaction,”      al relief to rural, non-CB and non-rural/non-CB                                 next round of bidding, includ-        and other officials on a recent
it says…Do providers need ABNs for non-          areas,” said Jay Witter, senior vice president of                               ing product categories on Jan.        Special open Door forum.
assigned claims? The short answer is no,         public policy for the association.                                              17 and on bidder capacity eval-          The Documentation Require-
VGM has advised providers. The reason               In a final rule published late last year, CMS                               uations on feb. 7.                     ment Lookup Service, launched
for denial on the ABN can’t state, “Claim is     agreed to extend 50/50 blended reimbursement                                      “In addition to increased           in 2018, will pull together
non-assigned because the reimbursement           rates in rural areas through Dec. 31, 2020, but                                transparency, the overarch-            existing requirements that are
is lower than my cost.”                          not for all non-bid areas. It also neglected to apply                          ing message was, you should            currently scattered among vari-
                                                 CPI adjustments to rates in bid areas retroactively                            establish capacity based on a          ous manuals, national Cover-
CMS appoints data chief
                                                 from 2008-12.                                                                  bidder’s historical capacity, not      age Determinations and Local
WASHINGTON – CMS has appointed Dr. Mark
                                                    Witter declined to provide specifics on the bill                            projected capacity,” said Cara         Coverage Determinations, and
Roche as chief healthcare informatics offi-
                                                 but said, “We’ve had positive meetings with both                               Bachenheimer, head of the              present them in a machine-
cer in the Office of the Administrator. Roche
                                                 the House and Senate folks. They understand the              Jay Witter        government affairs practice at         readable format within the elec-
has more than 16 years of experience work-
                                                 need for additional relief.”                                                   Brown & fortunato.                     tronic health record, according
ing in government, academic and indus-
                                                    AAHomecare is also working to get a bill                     Stakeholders have also recommendations on             to CMS. The idea is to reduce
try sectors on initiatives such as national
                                                 introduced to address the application of a “bud-             bona fide bids, including that CMS include non-          the burden on physicians,
eHealth strategy, data modeling and se-
                                                 get neutrality offset” to home oxygen therapy.               lead items, not just lead items, in its verification     reduce improper payments
mantic interoperability, according to an ar-
                                                 Stakeholders argue this creates a “double dip” in            process. hme                                             and appeals, and improve the
ticle on healtcareinnovation.com. In his new
                                                                                                                                                                                          L O O k u p s ee pa g e 6
role, Roche will be responsible for helping
to formulate and implement clinical and
technical aspects of CMS’s interoperability
strategy and MyHealthEData initiative.          Providers put on their learning caps            Twenty per-                                    pricing to oper-        operations to help reduce their
CMS schedules                                   By Theresa FLaherTy, Managing editor
coding meeting
BALTIMORE, Md. – CMS will hold the annual
                                                O              hMe
                                                        n e - q u A RT e R
                                                         the respondents to a
                                                                                             cent of respon-
                                                                                             dents cite a
                                                                                             new track, “The
                                                                                                                                               ating during the
                                                                                                                                               “gap” period,
                                                                                                                                               as the industry
                                                                                                                                                                          “(I am interested in learning
                                                                                                                                                                       about) the best systems and
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding
System (HCPCS) Coding and Payment
                                                         recent HMe newspoll
                                                say they’re most interested in
                                                                                             new Competi-
                                                                                             tive Bidding,” as     NEWS                        seeks to reshape
                                                                                                                                               the next round of
                                                                                                                                                                       products for implementing a
                                                                                                                                                                       non-delivery oxygen model,”

Determinations public meeting for DME-          learning about retail and cash               their top pick for                                bidding, hopeful-       wrote one respondent.
POS on June 11-12, 2019. The meeting            sales at the upcoming Medtrade               learning. CMS in                                  ly for the better.         of course, the conference
provides an opportunity to discuss coding       Spring conference and expo.                  2018 announced                                       “How is the          isn’t the only place to learn
and payment determinations for all new re-         Sessions being offered in                 it was pausing the program for      industry preparing to right the       at Medtrade Spring. There’s
quests for revisions to the HCPCPS codes.       this track include “Retail: Tips             up to two years to overhaul it.     ship?” wrote one respondent.          also the expo, which will fea-
Interested parties can make oral presen-        from the Grocery Industry” and               Well-known experts will lead          fifteen percent of respon-          ture 160 exhibitors this year,
tations or submit written comments. Reg-        “Retail employees for the Long               sessions that cover everything      dents say they’re most interest-      say show organizers, and
istration information will be available at a    Haul.”                                       from the final rule to lead-item    ed in learning about business                         N E WS pO L L s e e pag e 6
later date.

People: Board
appointments, new chair
                                                Q&A with dAvid chAndler
AAHomecare has appointed three new
members to its board of directors: Mi-
chelle Templin, vice president of legisla-
                                                MCOs: ‘We need to transform school of thought’          Council; and a member of AAHomecare’s edge will be really important to our efforts.”
tive affairs and business development for                     By Liz BeauLieu, editor
                                                                                                        Regulatory Council and State                    Here are four things to know about
Managed Health Care Associates; Jeff            WASHINGTON – AAHomecare will grow its                   Leaders Council. He also                     Chandler:
Bowman, vice president of home medi-            payer relations team in April to include                serves on the north Caroli-                  he’S ReADy TO geT TO WORk
cal equipment for McKesson Medical-             David Chandler as its director of payer                 na Board of Pharmacy/DMe                     “I’m looking forward to continuing Lau-
Surgical; and Todd Walling, senior vice         relations.                                              Subcommittee.                                ra’s efforts, partnering with state associa-
president of sales for Permobil, Business          Chandler is director of reimbursement                  “He’s done great things for                tions in lobbying Medicaid programs to
Region Americas…HOMES has named                 and government affairs for Liberty Medi-                this industry already,” said                 protect reimbursement,” he said. “That
Sean Andrews as its new Maine State             cal Specialties based in Whiteville, n.C.;              Laura Williard, vice presi-                  effort has been very successful, but there
Chair. Andrews has worked at Bedard             treasurer of the Atlantic Coast Medical                 dent of payer relations at                   are still some states out there that need
Medical in Lewiston for 11 years, includ-                                                                                             David Chandler
                                                equipment Services Association; chairman                AAHomecare. “Having his                      help. We’ll also be working to protect
ing three as director of HME operations.        of the Medicare Jurisdiction C Advisory                 provider knowledge and industry knowl-                                 c H A N dL ER s e e pag e 6
We're looking for the Provider of the Year! - Richmar
4          State News                                                                                                                         WWW.hMeNeWS.COM / APRiL 2019 / hMe NeWS

    new hAmpshire                                                                                  Briefs
                                                                                                                                                    has released budget recommendations for
                                                                                                                                                    2020 and 2021 that include reimbursement
                                                                                                                                                    cuts for DME, MAMES reports. Walz proposes

    Providers seek changes                                                                         MCO bill clears
                                                                                                   kentucky house
                                                                                                                                                    changing “the medical assistance reimburse-
                                                                                                                                                    ment formula for durable medical equipment
                                                                                                                                                    that is also covered by Medicare to pay equiv-

    to MCO contracts                                                                               FRANkFORT, ky. – A bill that would hold man-     alent to the Medicare rate…This would reduce
                                                                                                   aged care organizations more accountable         payment for DME starting in FY 2019 and re-
                                                                                                   passed the Kentucky House of Representa-         duce the value of recoveries in the forecast
                                                                                                   tives on Feb. 21 by 100-0, VGM reports. The      starting in FY 2021.” Walz also proposes sim-
    Primary concern: For-profit                      Chief among the concerns: a sole-source       bill, H.B. 224, would ensure that DME provid-    plifying reimbursement for products that don’t
                                                                                                   ers are paid at the rate set by the Kentucky     have a Medicare rate.
    that is part of Centene Corp.                 contract that nHHf has with Medline for
                                                                                                   Medicaid program and would ensure that
                                                  incontinence supplies, and a new fee sched-                                                       Legislature in Tennessee
                                                  ule that pays roughly 70% of non-rural           when they receive prior authorizations their
           By Theresa FLaherTy, Managing editor
                                                  Medicare rates.                                  claims can’t be denied for “lack of medical      recognizes complex rehab
    cONcORd, N.H. – HoMeS is trying to get out       Also a concern: a requirement that claims     necessity.” Stakeholders, including members      NASHVILLE, Tenn. – The Tennessee General As-
    ahead of the next round of Medicaid man-      for miscellaneous codes be submitted with        of KMESA, had been lobbying hard to move         sembly has passed a bill that recognizes com-
    aged care contracts in new Hampshire and      invoices containing MSRP information. If         the bill. It now moves to the Senate. The bill   plex rehab as a separate benefit category.
    incorporate protections for HMe providers.    they don’t, providers will only be paid cost     would also require that specialty items, such    The state’s House of Representatives passed
       In february, HoMeS members met with        plus 10%, says Karyn estrella, HoMeS             as parts to customize wheelchairs, are reim-     H.B. 0647 94-0 on March 7, then the Sen-
    Sen. Tom Sherman, a Democrat who chairs       president and Ceo.                               bursed at the manufacturer’s suggested retail    ate substituted that bill with S.B. 0632 and
    the new Hampshire Health and Human               “Invoices don’t have MSRP informa-            price minus 15% or an invoice cost plus 20%      passed it 30-0 on March 11. The bill requires
    Services committee that oversees the Med-     tion—they are essentially asking for some-       when there is no MSRP; require that, should      the commissioner, under the Long-Term Care
    icaid program, to discuss ongoing concerns    thing that doesn’t exist,” she said.             a patient transfer from one MCO to another,      Community Choices Act, to recognize com-
    with one contractor in particular—new            estrella has begun gathering information      services that are currently being provided un-   plex rehabilitation technology as a separate
    Hampshire Healthy families, a for-profit      from providers about lost revenues and lay-      der a PA will be honored by the new MCO;         benefit category for the purposes of any pro-
    that is part of Centene Corp.                 offs in response to a request from Sherman.      and require MCOs to cover, at a minimum, the     posed budget or other public documents; and
       “We are trying to be proactive on this        “He’s very concerned about the impact         same quantities of supplies covered under the    defines complex rehabilitation technology as
    next round,” said Tamme Dustin, president     on local providers and is interested in draft-   Medicaid fee schedule                            including Group 3, 4 and 5 power wheelchairs
    and Ceo of Herron & Smith in Hooksett.        ing legislation, whether that can be imple-                                                       and certain manual wheelchairs. The bill now
    “How is the state going to protect us as      mented before these next contracts go into
                                                                                                   Minnesota budget includes                        heads to Gov. Bill Lee for his signature. Ten-
    small providers to get claims paid timely     effect July 1 or it’s for the next round,” she   cuts to DMe                                      nessee joins six other states in recognizing
    and (address) access issues?”                 said. hme                                        MINNEApOLIS, Minn. – Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz     complex rehab as a separate benefit.


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We're looking for the Provider of the Year! - Richmar
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We're looking for the Provider of the Year! - Richmar
6      News                                                                                                                                 WWW.hMeNeWS.COM / APRiL 2019 / hMe NeWS

report                                                                                          dAVId cHANdLER
                                                                                                                                                  newer businesses is a Medicare Advantage
                                                                                                                                                  plan, so I’ve seen where most of the cost

Health share of GDP
                                                                                                c on ti nu ed fr o m pag e 3                      comes from and I’ve learned the language
                                                                                                sole-source agreements, trying to be more         these payers are speaking—it’s all about
                                                                                                proactive. If that’s ultimately successful,       controlling that monthly member cost,”
                                                                                                we need to replicate those efforts across         he said. “We need to transform the school

to hit 19.4% by 2027                                                                            the country.”
                                                                                                he kNOWS MCOS
                                                                                                “In my role at Liberty, I handle all the
                                                                                                contracting for the business, so I’ve had
                                                                                                                                                  of thought to, ‘We’re in the home and we
                                                                                                                                                  have the one-on-one interaction with your
                                                                                                                                                  members in the home, and we can assist
WASHINGTON – national health expenditure       2.5% over 2018-27 compared to 1.1% over          direct exposure to MCos,” he said. “Try-          he WANTS A SeAT AT The TABLe—AND
growth is expected to average 5.5% annually    2014-17.                                         ing to stay away from Medicare rates is           SO ShOuLD yOu
from 2018-2027, reaching nearly $6 trillion       Similar to last year’s findings, the report   the name of the game lately and, working          “If you’re not involved, you don’t have a
by 2027, according to a report published by    found that by 2027, federal, state and local     with ACMeSA and AAH, a lot of our efforts         seat at the table,” he said. “There are a lot
the office of the Actuary at CMS.              governments are projected to finance 47%         have been around payer relations. We have         of challenges in our industry, including
   Growth in national health spending is       of national health spending, an increase of      a great relationship with BCBS of north           MCos looking more closely at Medicaid,
projected to be faster than projected growth   2% from 45% in 2017.                             Carolina; we meet with them quarterly. We         and unless you get involved and tell them
in gross domestic product by 0.8% over the        As a result of comparatively higher pro-      also have a great relationship with Medic-        your side of the story, they’re not going to
same period.                                   jected enrollment growth in Medicare, aver-      aid in our state.”                                hear it from anywhere else. AAHomecare
   As a result, health share of GDP is pro-    age annual spending growth in Medicare           he ReALLy kNOWS MCOS                              won’t be successful without the support
jected to increase from 17.9% in 2017 to       (7.4%) is expected to exceed that of Med-        “Liberty is a unique business in that it’s part   of providers. If you’re not involved, you’re
19.4% by 2027, the report says.                icaid (5.5%) and private health insurance        of a family of businesses and one of the          diminishing the effort globally.” hme
   national health spending over the next      (4.8%).
decade is expected to be driven by:               underlying the strong average annual
   4Key economic factors, such as growth
in income and employment;
                                               Medicare spending growth are: projected
                                               sustained strong enrollment growth as the
                                                                                                LOOkup EFFORT ENTERS TESTING
                                                                                                c on ti nu ed fr o m pag e 3
   4Demographic factors, such as the baby      baby boomers continue to age into the pro-       exchange of information between provider          the clinical record.
boom generation continuing to age from         gram and growth in the use and intensity of      and payer.                                           In response to a request from CMS, limited
private insurance into Medicare; and           covered services that is consistent with the        The DLRS is based on two “use” cases:          beneficiary cost information has also been
   4Increases in prices for medical goods      rates observed during Medicare’s long-term       coverage requirements discovery, and doc-         included in the DLRS, officials said. That way,
and services, which are projected to grow      history, the report says. hme                    umentation templates and rules. Testing of        patients and clinicians can discuss affordabil-
                                                                                                the CRD has begun and testing of the DTR          ity and, if necessary, alternative treatments.
                                                                                                begins this month, said officials.                   CMS has also established two work-
                                                                                                   under the multistep process, a physi-          groups: A DRLS stakeholder workgroup to
                                                                                                cian ordering home oxygen therapy trig-           ensure key challenges and recommenda-
                                                                                                gers a request; the request is generated          tions are included; and a DMe e-prescrib-
                                                                                                and returns a template and rules for home         ing workgroup to address special challeng-
                                                                                                oxygen therapy; that information is pre-          es. for instance, if a physician is checking
                                                                                                populated from the patient’s clinical record      the DLRS system to order DMe, what does
                                                                                                in the template; the provider is queried in       that look like, what are the challenges and
                                                                                                real-time for any missing information; and        what does CMS need to know going for-
                                                                                                finally, the patient information is stored in     ward, said officials. hme

                                                                                                ROuNd 2021 BEGINS TO TAkE SHApE
                                                                                                continued from page 1
                                                                                                   CMS hasn’t announced yet how long                 Several groups outside of the HMe
                                                                                                the bid window will be open for Round             industry have begun talking about tak-
                                                                                                2021, but Bachenheimer expects it will            ing the lead on possible carve-out leg-
                                                                                                be 60 days as in previous rounds.                 islation to remove vents from bidding,
                                                                                                   Also cause for concern: CMS has                says AAHomecare’s Tom Ryan.
                                                                                                added non-invasive ventilators to the                “from the standpoint that patients
                                                                                                program, despite widespread opposition            and physicians believe it’s not a proper
                                                                                                from stakeholders across the healthcare           product category, they would be a much
                                                                                                continuum, who submitted between 500              better group to be leading that legisla-
                                                                                                and 600 comments on the proposal in               tion,” said Ryan, president and Ceo.
                                                                                                December.                                         “They are already working on strategy
                                                                                                   “We’ve already begun talking to the            and they have people in mind.”
                                                                                                House and Senate folks,” said Jay Witter,            The vent problem aside, stakehold-
                                                                                                senior vice president of government rela-         ers were otherwise pleased to see many
                                                                                                tions for AAHomecare. “They are taking            of their recommendations incorporat-
                                                                                                this issue very seriously on the Hill and         ed in the program, including licensure
                                                                                                folks are asking questions.”                      and accreditation requirements and bid
                                                                                                                                                  bonds, which they say will cut down on
                                                                                                                                                  speculative bidding that saw contracts
                                                                                                c on ti nu ed fr o m pag e 3
                                                                                                                                                  awarded to companies that were located
                                                                                                                                                  hundreds or thousands of miles away.
                                                                                                those exhibitors are also ready to educate           In addition to non-invasive vents,
                                                                                                providers.                                        CMS has added off-the-shelf back and
                                                                                                    “(We want to) meet customers that will        knee braces for a total of 16 discrete
                                                                                                be there and talk to them about possible          product categories; and consolidated
                                                                                                new products,” wrote one respondent.              the competitive bidding areas included
                                                                                                   for some respondents, Medtrade Spring          in Round 1 2017 and the Round 2 Rec-
                                                                                                isn’t on the agenda this year, a decision         ompete for a total of 130 CBAs.
                                                                                                they’ve made reluctantly.                            not included in Round 2021: a nation-
                                                                                                   “I would love to attend but due to all         al mail-order program for diabetes test-
                                                                                                of the cutbacks we just cannot afford it,”        ing supplies. The Balanced Budget Act
                                                                                                wrote one respondent.                             of 2018 mandated several changes to the
                                                                                                   This year’s show is slated for April 16-18     program, including strengthening the
                                                                                                at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in          50% rule and codifying the anti-switch-
                                                                                                Las Vegas. hme                                    ing rule. hme
                                medtrade booth 1027
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                                                                         medtrade booth 317
We're looking for the Provider of the Year! - Richmar
8       editorial                                                                                                                           www.hmenews.com / april 2019 / hme news

Deja vu for a reason
     T CerTAINLy caught the                                   there?                              but also the devices themselves!
     attention of HMe provid-                                    This is essentially the think-     At press time, we were running a poll ask-
     ers when CVS announced                                   ing of provider Andrew Tram-        ing providers whether or not the announce-
     that CPAP masks would be                                 mell, who spoke with Manag-         ment concerned them. The majority said            Rick Rector
 among the products offered in                                ing editor Theresa flaherty         yes, but the majority also said they think        rrector@hmenews.com
 three new HealthHub concept                                  for a story on the announce-        their customers will keep coming back to
 stores in the Houston area.                                  ment (see page 1).                  them. The biggest reason: their expertise.
    In a CNBC story online,                                      “If you have been using the        “unless CVS plans to employ knowl-              Liz Beaulieu
 there was even a picture of                                  same CPAP mask for a long           edgeable personnel like an rrT to handle          ebeaulieu@hmenews.com
 the CPAP masks featured in                                   time, you really don’t need a       what is usually the No. 1 complaint of
                                                                                                                                                    managing editor
 the stores, namely the resMed            lIz beaulIeu        whole lot of interaction,” he       CPAP users (mask issues), I believe they’ll
 Airfit series.                                               said. “I think CVS could abso-      soon learn DMe companies specialize in            Theresa Flaherty
    from what I can tell, providers have a lutely be a threat.”                                   this type of service,” wrote in one respon-       tflaherty@hmenews.com
 steely resolve in the face of the announce-        of course, providers always have threats,     dent. “However, a move such as this will
                                                                                                                                                    contributing editor
 ment. Providers are still the ones providing whether it’s CVS or the growing number of           temporarily impact the DMe world until
 CPAP devices and, therefore, they’re the online providers of not only CPAP supplies              patients figure this out.” hme                    John Andrews
 ones with established relationships with                                                                                                           editorial director
 users. They’re also, largely, the ones mak-
                                                                                                                                                    Brook Taliaferro
 ing sure that users remain compliant and,
 therefore, are the link to being able to con-                                                                                                      editorial &
 tinue their therapies.                                                                                                                             advertising office
    They’re also feeling like they’ve been
                                                                                                                                                    106 Lafayette Street
 here before.
    And they have. Way back in 2012, Phil-                                                                                                          PO Box 998
 ips respironics had a pilot project with                                                                                                           Yarmouth, ME 04096
 Kroger to provide the company’s masks,                                                                                                             207-846-0600
 with prescriptions, through some of the                                                                                                            (fax) 207-846-0657
 grocery store’s pharmacies.
    (What came of that pilot project? I’ve                                                                                                          advertising
 made inquiries to Philips.)                                                                                                                        account manager
    There’s one fear, however, that providers                                                                                                       Jo-Ellen Reed
 had about Kroger and they still have today                                                                                                         jreed@hmenews.com
 about CVS. Might users be tempted to just
 pay cash for their supplies from a CVS,                                                                                                            advertising coordinator
 especially if they’re happy with their cur-                                                                                                        Cath Daggett
 rent mask and if they have a high deduct-                                                                                                          cdaggett@hmenews.com
 ible insurance plan?
    And if CVS is successful with supplies,                                                                                                         production director
 what makes anyone think they’ll stop                                                                                                               Lise Dubois

welcome letter from kevin gaffney                                                                                                                   reprints
                                                                                                                                                    For custom reprints or digital reuse,
                                                                                                                                                    please contact our reprint partner,

All future, no past at Medtrade Spring                                                                                                              The YGS Group, by calling
                                                                                                                                                    717-505-9701, ext. 100, or
                                                early on a Vegas morning, but I strongly and even primitive phone calls.                            unitedpublications@theygsgroup.com
               By Kevin Gaffney
                                                encourage you to attend.                        ultimately, Medtrade Spring is not about

                                                                                                                                                    art credits
    f you’re reading this issue of HMe             The update can be a sobering experi- us; it’s about you. It’s our job to make it
                                                                                                                                                    Steve Meyers: cartoon
   News at Medtrade Spring in Las Vegas,        ence, because officials at AAHomecare worth your while, and it’s your obligation
   welcome to the show. We recognize            must walk that line between                               to take advantage of what the             subscription information
that you’ve spent time, money and effort        optimistic and overly optimis-                            show has to offer.                        www.hmenews.com/subscribe
to make it to the Nevada desert, and we         tic. We walk it, too. The trade                              If you get on site and want
                                                                                                                                                    HME News
believe you made the right choice.              show business may indeed be                               to take advantage of the edu-
   once you’re at Medtrade Spring, spend-       a business, but much like the                             cational sessions, you still              PO Box 1888
ing time on the show floor, speaking with       best of endeavors, our success                            have time to buy a pass. or if            Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-1888
exhibitors and getting new product ideas        is directly tied to the industry.                         you’re still pondering atten-             800-553-8878
are all great ways to spend your time.             We resist the urge to fondly                           dance, go to www.medtrade.
However, if you want structured net-            look back at the days before                              com and see what we have
working events, I encourage you to go to        competitive bidding. We can’t                             to offer. from there, you can
Hall C at the Mandalay Bay Convention           afford to do it, and neither can                          also register for an expo pass
                                                                                      kevIn gaffney                                                 Publishers of specialized business
Center and visit the registration area to       you. The money is not flowing                             or a Conference Pass (which
inquire about The Audit “Happy” Hour,           like it once was, so we all must                          also includes an expo pass).              newspapers including HME News and
the Power Lunch, AAHomecare’s Stand up          find ways to widen the stream or make           I hope you get real value from the in-              Security Systems News. Producers of
for Homecare fundraiser reception and           the river a more efficient ecosystem. Like person experience that is Medtrade Spring.               the HME News Business Summit and
the rise & retail Breakfast roundtables.        you, Medtrade Spring and Medtrade (oct Cement old relationships, shake hands                        the Home Health Technology Summit.
   While it’s true that the above events        21-23, 2019) must find ways to creatively and create new partnerships and friend-
require advance registration and a fee,         remain relevant. Also like you, we are still ships that will sustain you in this tough              ceo
AAHomecare’s Washington update on               here.                                         business. The people at the show know                 J.G. Taliaferro, Jr.
Wednesday, April 17, at 8 a.m. in South            The so-called digital age did not kill your pain, and your triumphs. Talk to our
Pacific f is open to all attendees with no      the trade show. Paradoxically, it may have experts. Talk to attendees, and eventually
advance registration and no fee. you do         made them more important than ever. In leave the show renewed and refreshed.                        Rick Rector
not have to be a member of AAHomec-             an Internet age, it’s the face-to-face net- That’s the whole idea. hme
are to attend. It will provide fascinating      working, education, and outright focus
insight into the challenges, and opportuni-     that make an in-person experience so dif- Kevin Gaffney is vice president and group show
ties, that await the industry. It’s a wee bit   ferent from e-mail, social media, texting director, Medtrade Spring and Medtrade.
We're looking for the Provider of the Year! - Richmar
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10      Smart Talk                                                                                                                             www.hmenews.com / april 2019 / hme news

       outSourcing                     charGe billinG                             However, not all payer contracts        without write-offs.                    The majority of payer contracts—
                                       Charge billing is full “retail” pricing,   are typically loaded, and many are      cash                                   the 80/20 rule—need to be loaded
                analyze net            not including payer contracts and          dated and inaccurate, so this can       Cash is the actual payment received,   and accurate in the provider’s bill-
                revenue, actual        fee schedules. For most providers,         inflate the actual payments.            net of any other adjustments. Pro-     ing system. Once payments are
                                       this measure inflates expected cash        neT revenue                             viders on cash basis can use this      posted, providers should analyze
                cash                   by 100%–200%.                              Net revenue is allowable billing less   measure.                               net revenue collections and actual
                By Joey Graham         allowable billinG                          the additional contractual adjust-      so, whaT’s riGhT soluTion?             cash to measure revenue cycle per-
                                        Allowable billing is charge bill-         ments taken during cash posting,        Charge billing is generally seen as    formance. hme
  Q. What measure should i use to      ing less the expected contractual          credit adjustments and balance          a throwaway measure due to its
  track revenues?                      adjustments based on fee schedules         transfers. It is calculated after a     extreme inaccuracy. Instead, pro-      Joey Graham is the executive vice presi-
  a. HME providers are split on how    and contracts with payers. This is         payment has been made and indi-         viders turn to allowable billing as    dent and general manager at Prochant,
  best to measure and recognize rev-   typically a provider’s “best guess”        cates exactly what a provider should    their revenue measure prior to get-    Inc. Reach him at joeyg@prochant.com
  enue in their businesses.            upfront of what they will get paid.        expect to see in payments in a world    ting paid and posting payments.        and (980) 201-3082.

                                                                                                                                                                    SucceSSion planning
                                                                                                                                                                                  Start planning
                                                                                                                                                                                  well in
                                                                                                                                                                                  By miriam LieBer

                                                                                                                                                                 Q. When and how should i start
                                                                                                                                                                 thinking about a succession plan?
                                                                                                                                                                 a. Begin planning well before a
                                                                                                                                                                 successor will be needed. Start
                                                                                                                                                                 with skill building for the identi-
                                                                                                                                                                 fied core group of staff. Teach and
                                                                                                                                                                 train leadership techniques to the
                                                                                                                                                                 most skilled and talented group of
                                                                                                                                                                 employees at your company. Invest
                                                                                                                                                                 in coaches and mentors to help
                                                                                                                                                                 them strengthen their leadership
                                                                                                                                                                 skills. Sometimes, the CEO is the
                                                                                                                                                                 best mentor; other times, outside
                                                                                                                                                                 mentors are needed to develop a
                                                                                                                                                                 leader. Make sure you have more
                                                                                                                                                                 than one person in the pipeline as

                We’re looking for the                                                                                                                            depth is needed to develop a core
                                                                                                                                                                 team of employees who will take
                                                                                                                                                                 you to the next stage.

                Provider of the Year!                                                                                                                            To create a real bench, you will
                                                                                                                                                                 need goals and metrics to know
                                                                                                                                                                 how well staff and leaders per-
                                                                                                                                                                 form. Goals can be as simple as
                                                                                                                                                                 how much outstanding A/R over
Accepting applications for the HME Excellence Awards                                                                                                             120 days you carry to net reve-
                                                                                                                                                                 nue by product and payer that is
                                                                                                                                                                 paid within 45-60 days. With the
We’re looking for providers who excel in customer service, value their employees,                                                                                right leaders, you will know if
                                                                                                                                                                 your staff measures up to expec-
generate solid financials and give back to their communities. If that’s you, apply for                                                                           tations. Make sure they under-
                                                                                                                                                                 stand what those expectations
the Provider of the Year Award! It’s quick and easy to apply online.                                                                                             are (many are part of the goal
                                                                                                                                                                 setting practice so they should
                                                                                                                                                                 be keenly aware).
You could win an HME Databank subscription ($995 value). All applicants will be                                                                                    The leader in this case has been
                                                                                                                                                                 successful in training the team how
entered into a drawing for a free one-year subscription to the HME Databank.                                                                                     to improve productivity through
                                                                                                                                                                 objective measure and metric.
                                                                                                                                                                 A list of the CEO’s required per-
                                                                                                                                                                 sonality traits and leadership
                                                                                                                                                                 skills should be documented.
   Bonus: The winner gets two FREE                                                                                                                               Learn the candidate’s strengths
                                                                                                                                                                 and weaknesses that are both
                                                                                                                                                                 objectively and subjectively
   registrations to the 2019 HME News                                                                                                                            measured. Some are quantifiable
                                                                                                                                                                 and other traits are simply suc-
   Business Summit, September 22-24                                                                                                                              cess oriented skills and motiva-
                                                                                                                                                                 tional drivers. Additionally, test
   in Cleveland!                                                                                         Business Summit                                         the potential leader by having the
                                                                                                                                                                 person act as leader on a project
                                                                                                                                                                 as a case study to determine if
                                                                                                                                                                 they are suitable for the chief
                                                                                                                                                                 executive position. hme
Application deadline: June 6
                                                                                                                                                                 Miriam Lieber is president of Lieber

www.hmeexcellenceawards.com                                       medtrade booth 815
                                                                                                                                                                 Consulting LLC. Reach her at Miriam@
hme news / april 2019 / www.hmenews.com                                                                                                                  Smart Talk                            11

  Marketing                            in the HME space are not making         willing, a simple point-and-shoot      a real user interacting with your      As Tony Robbins would say, “If you
                                       videos and, therefore, you would        camera makes a world of difference.    specific product. (Ask them to use     stay in your head, you’re dead.” I’m
                                       likely be a pioneer in your field. In   Software like Movie Maker (PC),        landscape orientation, or, even bet-   not saying disregard quality, set a
                                       2018, Forbes reported that 90% of       Final Cut Pro (Mac), or Animoto        ter, they have someone else holding    standard and stick to it. However,
               Set standard,           online shoppers find videos impor-      (Cloud-based) offer intuitive inter-   the camera).                           do not stop your growth because
               stick to it             tant in steering purchasing deci-       faces that produce great content.      sTock where necessary                  your videos don’t look like compa-
                                       sions.                                  creaTe massive value                   There are numerous sites like Getty    ny X or you don’t have the budget
               By Scott Stone
                                       iT sTarTs in your pockeT                Consider value from all angles. You    and Shutterstock that offer stock      of company Y. Comparison is the
Q. How can i make videos—it            You do not need to invest in thou-      can make marketing videos that         videography for your content gaps.     killer of progress. hme
seems out of reach for a company       sands of dollars of video gear or       showcase the lifestyle achieved        As often as possible, only use con-
of my size?                            software to make valuable content.      with your products or even simple      tent that has real users and/or real   Scott Stone is president of Community
a. Video marketing is within reach     Most Android and iPhones shoot          testimonials that you elicit from      equipment.                             Conscious Consulting. Reach him at
for any company. Most companies        in HD, new ones in 4K. If you’re        your customer base to showcase         check The eGo                          scott.marshall.stone@gmail.com.


               go beyond
               By KeLLy WoLfe

Q. How can i keep up with
a. One of the accreditation
requirements is to have and
maintain a performance manage-

                                                                 Your business will
ment plan. Although providers
provide this documentation at
the initial accreditation survey,
many fail to implement it after

                                                                bloom with our data!
the survey. This is an important
factor and requirement to main-
tain your accreditation. This is
also a valuable tool to help your
company correct issues and make
you shine above the competition.
Frequency oF billinG and
                                                              Subscribe to the HME Databank and gain access to the
codinG errors
Make sure you review the num-
                                                              most comprehensive database of Medicare data for HME.
ber of claims denied, as well as
billing and coding errors. Make
sure you have your staff main-
                                                       •   Determine your market share                                             Downloadable in
tain your billing error log. Not                                                                                                      two formats:
only will this allow you to find                       • Track          competitors
areas of weakness, but it will also
                                                                                                                                                              PDF                Excel
help improve your cash flow and
                                                       • Strategize                for growth
paTienT, reFerral source,
and employee evaluaTions
and surveys
All feedback is helpful in deter-
mining how you are doing as an
organization. This will allow you
to find any deficiencies within the
structure of your organization.
Make sure your staff is record-
ing complaints in the complaint
log. Medicare requires that this
log contain the HIC number and

proof that you are responding
to the patient with the results
of your investigation within 14
adverse eFFecTs For
malFuncTioninG equipmenT
Make sure you record any inci-
dents or injuries that occur as
a result of your services. Hope-
fully you are not in that boat but
if you find yourself in that situa-
tion maintain detailed documen-
tation. This could include manu-
facturer, attorney and insurance
paperwork. Keep in mind that
you have a limited timeframe to
research and report. hme

Kelly Wolfe is president of Regency
Billing and Consulting. Reach her at

                                                                                                        medtrade booth 815
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                                                                                                medtrade booth 527
■ For a certain type of        Impact of gap period differs by area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
               customer, CVS’s HealthHUBs     Q&A: Daina Juhansoo offers hospital perspective. . . . . . 13

               could create some
               competition, says Andrew
                                              Providers cultivate customer reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
               Trammell. See story page 1.    Reporter’s notebook: Mike Kuller on CVS . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

                                                                                                                                                       www.hMENEws.COM / aPrIl 2019 / hME NEws                                 13

Briefs                                          competitive bidding
PE firm invests in
Montgomery DME
LOS ANGELES – Monument MicroCap Part-
                                               Impact of gap period?                                                                                                  open up,
ners has recapitalized Montgomery DME
(MDME), a provider of DME to hospices
in Los Angeles and surrounding coun-
ties, according to PEHub.com. Monument
                                               A bit too early to tell                                                                                                but little
and MDME also closed the acquisition of
Abundant Home Care to create a regional
provider of DME to hospices throughout
                                                     By Theresa FlaherTy, Managing editor

                                               YARMOUTH, Maine –    What has been the
                                                                                                 or seven months, that’s when the rubber
                                                                                                 meets the road.”
                                                                                                    Ackerman said he’s pulled back his
southern California. “We are excited to                                                                                                                                       By Tracy Orzel, contributing Writer
                                               impact of a two-year gap between com-             perimeter for delivering small-dollar items
partner with Monument and AHC on the           petitive bidding contracts? It all depends                        like walkers, although he’s                          EAST SANDWICH, Mass. –
                                                                                                                                                                                           Since CMS let com-
next chapter of our growth strategy,” said     who you ask.                                                      giving more leeway to reg-                           petitive bidding contracts expire on Dec.
Pablo Miguel, vice president of MDME.             The primary concern going into the                             ular referral sources.                               31, 2018, Daina Juhansoo was hopeful
“Monument will provide us with strategic       gap period: Whether Medicare beneficia-                              In other areas, already                           that providers, previously locked out of
support and capital as we continue with        ries will lose access to HME if providers,                        underserved during the                               the program, would want Medicare busi-
our steadfast commitment to providing the      no longer bound by contracts, shrink                              contract period, the situa-                          ness again. HME News recently spoke with
highest quality of compassionate service       service areas, refuse to accept assign-                           tion has become dire.                                Juhansoo, director of inpatient rehabilita-
to our clients and their patients.” Monu-      ment, or otherwise limit how much                                    “ H o s p i t a l s a re n o t                    tion at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital
ment MicroCap is an Indianapolis-based         Medicare business they want to accept.                            able to get people beds                              Cape Cod, about how the competitive
private equity firm.                              In the short term, at least, an any will-     S. Ackerman      and wheelchairs because                              bidding program has impacted access and
                                               ing provider provision may be softening                           they are not being taken                             whether it has improved in the new year.
Protech reports
                                               the blow in some areas.                           assigned—the reimbursement rates are                                 HME NEws: What issues were you facing
4Q financials                                     “There were a number of people (in             so low,” said George Kucka, president                                before the contracts expired?
WILDER, Ky. – Protech Home Medical re-         our area) that came back into it, which           of fairmeadows Home Health Center in                                 Daina Juhansoo: Being on Cape Cod we
ported $20.3 million in revenues for the       we are thinking may have artificial-              Schererville, Ind. “It’s the same with liq-                          have a good number of patients whose
fourth quarter of 2018, ended Sept. 30,        ly filled what have been an automatic             uid oxygen, and I think it’s going to get                            Medicare home zip code is 60 miles away
2018. Net income for the quarter was           access problem right out of the gate,”            worse.”                                                              or more from our facility. We had to go
nearly $1.4 million; and adjusted EBITDA       said Steve Ackerman, CEo of Spectrum                 for some, business is better than                                 through the process of identifying the
for the quarter was $5.2 million or 26%,       Medical in Silver Springs, Md. “But in six                                             GAp per i o d s e e pag e 1 4                                jU H A N S O O s e e pag e 1 4
a company record, according to a press
release. The company reduced bad debt to

                                              Providers court
$5.2 million, compared to $15.9 million the
previous year. Cash on hand was $4.3 mil-
lion, an increase of 27% compared to the
previous year. Protech in January acquired
Riverside Medical and Central Oxygen for
about $871,000.

New CEO to take reins
                                              online reviews
at Integra Partners
                                              70% of consumers                       reviews.
                                              trust online reviews as                   “If somebody is talking
NEW YORK – Integra Partners has named                                                about something they got or
Dominic Paniccia as its new CEO, effec-       much as they trust a                   how much they love what
tive March 31. Paniccia succeeds Andrew       family member                          you did for them, you’ve got
Saltoun, who will serve as a senior adviser                                          to say, ‘We’d love a facebook
to the organization, according to a press     By Theresa FlaherTy, Managing editor
                                                                                     or Google review,’” said Kevin
release. Paniccia joined Integra as CFO in             o S T H M E p ro v i d -      Brown, co-owner of Hermitage,
2016 and was named president in 2018.
Under his leadership, the company has
created a new customer-centric model that
                                              M         ers have some sort of
                                                        online presence, but
                                              it’s important to manage that
                                                                                     Tenn.-based All Star Medical. “It
                                                                                     increases visibility.”
                                                                                        Even if providers aren’t active-
                                                                                                                                         THis GooGlE lisTiNG hasn’t been claimed.

                                                                                                                                     Own your online rep
has improved operations and increased         presence, particularly reviews         ly seeking out online reviews,
revenues. Previously, Paniccia has held       of their businesses, experts say.      it’s a good idea for them to                                                                  and you see “Do you own this
leadership positions at American Express,                                                                                            By Theresa FlaherTy, Managing editor
                                                  Google, yelp and facebook          monitor what others are saying                                                                business?” “claim” it, says
AIG and CB Insights. “I’m honored to be       are among the most widely              about them, Throndson says.                        f you’RE still in the dark                 Throndson.
appointed to this position,” said Paniccia.
“Integra is growing, and we’re focused on
doing what we can to achieve our mission
                                              used tools for reviewing prod-
                                              ucts and businesses, and a lot’s
                                              at stake. VGM forbin’s Chris-
                                                                                     Provider Johnny Miller learned
                                                                                     that the hard way.
                                                                                        “We realized we had some
                                                                                                                                     I  when it comes to what’s
                                                                                                                                        being said about your busi-
                                                                                                                                     ness online, it’s time to shine
                                                                                                                                                                                     “This allows you to have
                                                                                                                                                                                   your hours on there, park-
                                                                                                                                                                                   ing information and reviews,”
of reducing the friction in health care—      tina Throndson says 70% of             not-so-kind reviews out there                   a light on it, says Christina                                 she said. “It
making things easier for our clients, which   consumers trust online reviews         on Google and that wasn’t the                   Throndson, vice president at                                  also pairs up
includes health plans and providers—as        as much as they trust a family         whole story of who we are, what                 VGM forbin.                                                   up with your
we manage these benefits.”                    member’s opinion.                      we do and how we do it,” said                     “Whether it’s good, bad or                                  Google map
                                                  “Reviews have an incredible        Miller, owner of Akron, ohio-                   indifferent, make sure you                                    (to show your
Name change                                   impact on your end users and           based Miller’s. “We thought,                    own your presence and it’s up                                 location).”
AUBURN, N.Y. – Homecare Medical Sup-          making sure they can trust you,”       ‘Let’s be proactive and not let the             to date,” she said. “That’s low-                                The listing
ply has changed its name to Respiratory       said Throndson, vice president         naysayers write the narrative.’”                hanging fruit.”                                               can be set up
Services of Auburn, according to a local      at VGM forbin. “It helps your             Miller’s now routinely asks                    Throndson spoke with HME                                    with a Google
news report. The company has five oth-                                                                                                                                             C. Throndson
                                              online presence, so it’s impor-        customers for Google reviews. It                News recently to offer a few                                  account so
er branches in the region. The company,       tant to get these reviews.”            has also implemented a rewards                  basic pointers for managing                   you can receive notifications
which was founded in 1983, was acquired           That often means provid-           system for employees who                        your online presence.                         and leave responses when a
in July by Respiratory Services of Western    ers can’t be shy about asking          receive five-star reviews online.                                                             review is left.
                                                                                                                                     GOOGlE It
New York.                                     customers upfront for online                     ON LI N E r ev ie ws se e pa g e 14   If you Google your business                                   R Ep U TAT I O N s e e pag e 1 4
14     Providers                                                                                                                                              www.hMENEws.COM / aPrIl 2019 / hME NEws

     notebook                                                                                                     HEALTHHUBS
                                                                                                                  c on ti nu ed fr o m pag e 1

 CVS may not like DME                                                 “As a pharmacist, I understand a lot
                                                                                                                  a way they say the CVSs and the Amazons
                                                                                                                  of the world can’t.
                                                                                                                    “Whether someplace like CVS or Wal-
                                                                                                                  greens that sells products in boxes is
      By Theresa FlaherTy, Managing editor
                                                                   about the underlying conditions custom-        going to take the time to help the person
          PHARMACIST By training and an                            ers have and I’ve been doing DME for 20        remains to be seen,” said Kuller. “And

 A        HME provider by trade, Mike
          Kuller offers a unique perspec-
 tive on CVS’s plans to roll out expanded
                                                                   years,” he said. “So, I understand how
                                                                   the equipment’s being used. People tell
                                                                   me we’re great—they don’t want to talk
                                                                                                                  they have nowhere to get parts or nobody
                                                                                                                  to fix it. That’s not going to change with
 health services, education and DME offer-                                          to that young kid that          for HME providers, the relationship
 ings through its HealthHuBs.                                                       doesn’t know what he’s        with customers extends beyond selling
    In some ways it makes a lot of sense for                                        doing.”                       products, especially when it comes to
 CVS, which already offers walk-in health                                              Kuller also questions      managing chronic conditions like sleep
 services like screenings and vaccinations                                          whether CVS will want         apnea. Helping the patient maintain
 through its MinuteClinics, to try and cap-                                         the hassle of insurance       compliance takes time and effort, say
 ture a larger share of the healthcare mar-                                         billing for DME, which        providers.
 ket, says Kuller, owner of Allstar Medical                                         is different than billing       “They might succeed at quick grab,
 Supply in Walnut Creek, Calif.                                   Mike Kuller
                                                                                    for prescription drugs;       cash-and-carry items, but for long-term
    “It’s probably a good idea where they                                           and whether it will find      customer retention?” says Woody o’Neal,
 are headed,” he said. “My daughter had                            it cost-effective in the long run.             vice president of Pelham, Ala.-based o2         A CVs HEAlTHHUB prototype features
 pink eye and, at 6:30 at night, it was con-                          “They are going to have to figure           Neal Medical. “Not sure the CVS model           consulting areas.
 venient and the only option.”                                     out whther they want to sell retail, and       lends itself to customer intimacy the way       mask for a long time you really don’t need
    However, while targeting chronic                               how to cover the cost of teaching these        a successful DME operates.”                     a whole lot of interaction (when buying a
 health conditions like diabetes and sleep                         health classes and engaging with people          However, other providers say experi-          new one),” said Andrew Trammell, presi-
 apnea makes sense, how that will trans-                           at kiosks,” he said. “When I go in just to     enced patients might well choose to pop         dent of Charlotte, N.C.-based Carolina’s
 late to also offering medical supplies like                       pick up a prescription, there’s already five   into CVS for a quick replacement mask           HME. “(If the business model is) set up
 CPAP is another story, he says.                                   people waiting in line.” HME                   or supplies.                                    properly, I think CVS could absolutely
                                                                                                                    “If you have been using the same CPAP         be a threat.” HME

                                                                                                                    c on ti nu ed fr o m pag e 1 3
                                                                                                                                                                  c on t in ue d f ro m pa g e 1 3
                                                                                                                    vendors that we were allowed to use at          “We often just think, ‘oh, I have positive
                                                                                                                    time of discharge. understandably, they       reviews, I don’t need to reply to those,’ but
                                                                                                                    often did not want to drive 60 miles to       you absolutely do,” she said. “If I come to
                                                                                                                    deliver a cane or a walker and so we          your business and thank you in person or
                                                                                                                    wound up in a jam—often.                      on the phone, are you going to walk away
                                                                                                                    HME: Now that the lockout has ended, has      or hang up? No. It’s the same thing online.
                                                                                                                    it gotten better or worse?                    That’s a huge missed opportunity to con-
                                                                                                                    Juhansoo: It’s the same. We were fool-        nect with your customers.”
                                                                                                                    ishly excited that we would now be            lIkE It
                                                                                                                    able to use our local vendors to get all      facebook is another platform where it’s
                                                                                                                    of the needed DME. Knowing that the           simple to manage business reviews, and if
                                                                                                                    contracts expired, we called our clos-        you aren’t, you should make sure no one
                                                                                                                    est vendors and were told they weren’t        else is, either, says Throndson.
                                                                                                                    able to supply the requested equipment           “If you have never created a face-
                                                                                                                    because of the competitive bidding pro-       book page but have customers that have
                                                                                                                    gram. When we reminded them that it’s         ‘checked in,’ that gives users the ability to
                                                                                                                    no longer in effect, they responded that      create one,” she said. “That can be a prob-
                                                                                                                    they have not changed their practice. I       lem if you can’t control them.”

      Community Pharmacy Accreditation:                                                                             understand that they’re in a terrible situ-
                                                                                                                    ation and they’re just trying to survive an
                                                                                                                                                                     once again, claim the business. you will
                                                                                                                                                                  be asked to verify your phone number—

         The path to value-based care.                                                                              untenable position.
                                                                                                                    HME: CMS says it plans to overhaul the
                                                                                                                    program over the next two years. Are you
                                                                                                                                                                  there’s usually an option to receive a mailed
                                                                                                                                                                  postcard with a verification code sent to
                                                                                                                                                                  your physical address.

          ervice specific and scalable, The Compliance Team’s Exemplary                                              hopeful?                                         “That proves that it’s legit and you, as
          Provider® accreditation for Community Pharmacy gives                                                      Juhansoo: I suppose I should reserve          the business owner, can have access to
          independents as well as chains a cost-effective means to validate                                         judgment until they roll out their next       the reviews that come in and the calls that
     quality claims across the full spectrum of your business operations and                                        attempt, but I can’t imagine how they         come in via that number,” she said. “It’s
     patient care practices.                                                                                        would have thought that this first pro-       incredibly helpful and it’s free.” HME
                                                                                                                    gram would have been successful. HME
     In addition to being Medicare approved for Part B—DMEPOS, our
     proprietary operations-based accreditation process can easily expand to
     cover compounding, infusion, specialty drug, travel/retail clinic,                                             GAp pERIOD                                    ONLINE REvIEWS
                                                                                                                                                                  c on t in ue d f ro m pa g e 1 3
     long-term care, and telepharmacy services; topped off by Patient-                                              c on ti nu ed fr o m pag e 1 3                   “It incentivizes the employees to let the
     Centered Pharmacy Home™, our program for advanced Rx practices.                                                   Mesa, Ariz.-based Valley Healthcare,       end user know if they mention staff by
                                                                                                                    which previously held several contracts       name online they earn a reward,” Miller
     For more details, call us at 215 654 9110 or visit our web site:                                               for respiratory, is adding business through   said.
     TheComplianceTeam.org.                                                                                         Portland, ore.-based Northwest Medical,          If, in checking their online presence, pro-
                                                                                                                    which it acquired in September and which      viders find bad reviews, they need to react
                                                                                                                    did not have contracts.                       constructively.
                                                                                            Visit us at                “for us, it’s all new business coming         “We’re not perfect, but when a review
                                                                                           Medtrade                 in and we are seeing a healthy increase of    is posted there are many cases where you
                                                                                          Spring                    doctors who are happy to have another         are able to respond to it and have that bad
     *The Compliance Team, Inc. is approved by the Centers for Medicare and              Las Vegas                  provider for Medicare,” said Ron Evans        review removed or the rating increased,”
     Medicaid Services to accredit Part A-Rural Health Clinic, Patient-Centered
     Medical Home, and Part B-DMEPOS providers.
                                                                                        Booth #831                  founder and CEo. “We added two dedi-          Miller said. “We respond to every review.
                                                                                                                    cated marketing professionals that are get-   We want folks to know we are paying atten-
                                                                                                                    ting the word out.” HME                       tion and we are responsive.” HME
                                              MEdTrAdE BooTH 831
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