Y11/Y13 Assessment Plans 2021 - UTC Sheffield

Page created by Harry James
Y11/Y13 Assessment Plans 2021 - UTC Sheffield
Y11/Y13 Assessment Plans 2021
Y11/Y13 Assessment Plans 2021 - UTC Sheffield
Assessment Process for CAGs
Assessment evidence
Teachers at UTC OLP can use a range of evidence to make a
judgement of the grade students are performing at. Students will only
be assessed on what they have been taught, ensuring sufficient
coverage of the curriculum to enable progression. When determining
the grade, teachers will reflect the standard at which the student is
performing now, not their potential.
Teachers will use the time remaining to balance continued teaching
with any assessments they want to undertake. Work done at home can
be included as evidence to support a teacher’s judgement if it cannot
be produced in school.
Y11/Y13 Assessment Plans 2021 - UTC Sheffield
Assessment Process for CAGs
Types of assessment evidence
Teachers can use evidence to determine grades from across the duration of the student’s course.
The following are examples of evidence that can be used:
• student work produced in response to assessment materials provided by the exam board,
  including groups of questions, past papers or similar materials such as practice or sample papers
• non-exam assessment (NEA) work (often referred to as coursework), even if this has not been
  fully completed
• student work produced in centre-devised tasks that reflect the specification, that follow the
  same format as exam board materials and have been marked in a way that reflects exam board
  mark schemes - this can include:
    •   substantial class or homework (including those that took place during remote learning)
    •   internal tests taken by pupils
    •   mock exams taken over the course of study
    •   records of each student’s progress and performance over the course of study
Y11/Y13 Assessment Plans 2021 - UTC Sheffield
Assessment Process for CAGs
Making a judgement
Exam boards will publish guidance in March, so teachers have a clear understanding of how to
make fair and consistent judgements, these will be shared with students. Exam boards will also
provide all schools with support, guidance, and training on how to minimise the risk of bias.
Assessment materials
The exam boards have provided assessment materials. These include sets of questions organised
to help teachers quickly find questions in the topics they have taught.
These questions will be provided with mark schemes, exemplar responses and data on past
performance where available, to assist teachers in making fair and consistent judgements of the
standard of a student’s performance.
How will UTC OLP undertake quality assurance?
Exam boards will review all schools’ quality assurance processes before they submit grades.
The principal will submit a declaration to the exam board confirming they have met the requirements
for quality assurance before the deadline to submit grades to the exam boards on 18 June.
Y11/Y13 Assessment Plans 2021 - UTC Sheffield
Assessment Process for CAGs
Results days
Students will receive their results for A/AS levels on the 10 August and GCSEs
on the 12 August.
Results for relevant National and Technical qualifications, will also be issued
to students on or before these dates but these are to be confirmed by the
exam boards.
Y11/Y13 Assessment Plans 2021 - UTC Sheffield
                                                              I may know how I                                             I get my results. I
   Teacher talks to me                                        performed in some                                            may think my result is
   about the evidence                                         assessments, but I                                           wrong and if so my
   they’re planning to use                                    don’t know my final                                          school will assist
                                                              grade.                                                       me to appeal

                                By Easter – optional
                                                                                   18 June – deadline for
                                assessment materials       May-early June
 March-early April                                                                 grade submission
                                provided to centres                                                              August

Late March – guidance               April                   By end of term –               July             10 & 12 Aug – results    September
to support assessments                                      external QA complete                            days

                         In lessons, we complete questions from the exam                                            If I appealed, I should
                         boards: I didn’t know which I would complete when I                                        receive the appeal outcome
                         first saw them.                                                                            ahead of my start date at
                         I continue to complete my coursework.                                                      university or college.
Y11/Y13 Assessment Plans 2021 - UTC Sheffield
English &
(French and
Y11/Y13 Assessment Plans 2021 - UTC Sheffield
English Y11 Curriculum Delivery Plan
Date                               Lesson Content                     How it will be assessed                           Further Information
                                                                          AQA exam Mark
    15/03/2021                AQA Lang Paper 2 - Aberfan
                                                                          AQA exam Mark
    22/03/2021             AQA Lang Paper 1 - Brighton Rock
                                                                         AQA Lit exam Mark          Exam papers and resources will be in the Teams folder ('Files'
    29/03/2021                 AQA Lit Paper 1: Macbeth                                           section) for each class - 11En1 English, 11EN2, Y11 CWR2 English
    05/04/2021                                                                                                            and 11CWR4 English
                       Easter Holidays (Lit novel revision - A Christmas Carol/Jekyll and Hyde)
                                                                      AQA Lit exam Mark
    19/04/2021                  AQA Lit Paper 1: Novel                                                           AQA English Language website:
                                                                       AQA exam Mark            https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/english/gcse/english-language-8700
    26/04/2021                      AQA Lang Paper 2
                                                                       AQA exam Mark
    03/05/2021                      AQA Lang Paper 1
                                                                      AQA Lit exam Mark                           AQA English Literature website:
    10/05/2021                AQA Lit Paper 2: Modern Text
                                                                          Schemes/34            https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/english/gcse/english-literature-8702
                                                                       AQA exam Mark
    17/05/2021                      AQA Lang Paper 2
                                                                       AQA exam Mark
    24/05/2021                      AQA Lang Paper 1
                                                                                    May Holiday
    07/06/2021                                                         Completion of missed work this week
    14/06/2021                                                          Final week for English portfolio work
                                                                     Further information:
 Blood Brothers play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP1j1B1TtNU - full text is in
                                                                                          Macbeth play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7skhaOegpLA
                                     Teams folder.
                                                                                     Mr Bruff - general resources: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM2vdqz-
     A Christmas Carol film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BUb4WMjDjo
                                           All assessments are classroom based – excluding whole year mock exams
              Texts and materials are available in the Y11 Teams folders - or from cwright@utcsheffield.org.uk or mkardel@utcsheffield.org.uk
Y11/Y13 Assessment Plans 2021 - UTC Sheffield
Y11 French Curriculum Delivery Plan
                                                                                       Where can students find content and revision? What can they do out of
    Date             Lesson Content                 How will it be assessed?
                                                                                                                lessons to prepare?
                                                 AQA GCSE French 2013 & 2014.
                    listening and reading
  08/03/2021                                    AQA GCSE past papers on Google              Link to AQA Languages: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/languages

                   healthy and unhealthy                                                                       French syllabus and materials:
  15/03/2021                                    AQA French textbook assessments
                           living                                                                https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/languages/gcse/french-8658

                   healthy and unhealthy
  22/03/2021                                     and Revision Guide as reference     Link to AQA past papers: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/languages/gcse/french-
                   healthy and unhealthy
  29/03/2021                                       listening assessment on topic                  category%7CF=Sample+papers+and+mark+schemes
                                                                                    Easter Holidays
                  All 18 topics covered in a
  03/05/2021     series of listening, reading   AQA GCSE French past papers from        Further materials and support available in the Microsoft Teams group - OLP
  10/05/2021      and writing assessment                2015 to 2020                    FRENCH - where staff members are also available to answer any queries.
                                                                                      May Holiday
  14/06/2021              deadline                            grade                                               submission (18/06/2021)
                                                                      Other useful information
                                        Teachit resources - https://www.teachitlanguages.co.uk/ks5-french-topics
Twinkl resources - https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resources/languages-ks3-ks4/keystage3-ks3-modern-foreign-languages-french/keystage3-ks3-modern-foreign-
Geography Y11 2021 (AQA Exam Board)
  Week                                                                                           Where can students find content and revision? What can they do out of
                          Lesson Content                       How will it be assessed
 Starting                                                                                                                 lessons to prepare?
                                                                                                              • Teams Folder – 11OGg1 Geography CFL or
                                                                                                              • 11YGg1 Geography CFL (Dependant on Group)
             Paper 1: Case Study - Named UK Coastline
                                                           Material already covered in Y9-11.        • Go to FILES then - Class Materials and then Folder JAN-MAR 21
                        - Holderness Coast
                                                             Through lessons and online          • Go to corresponding week’s folder to find all work for that lesson (see guide
                                                                         delivery                                                   below)
                                                                                                 • https://www.internetgeography.net/topics/the-holderness-coast-case-study/
                                                           AQA past paper questions during        • Content and Revision through Teams Files including REVISION FOLDER
22/03/2021                                                          lesson time                                     • Useful website for Urban Issues =
              Paper 2: URBAN ISSUES - Urbanisation -
                            Megacities                                                                     https://www.coolgeography.co.uk/gcsen/urban_issues.php
             Paper 2: Mumbai Case Study - LIC Sheffield
29/03/2021                                                                                                                        • As above
                         Case Study – HIC
                                                                  Easter Holidays (Physical Landscapes in the UK Revision)
                                                                                                  • Content and Revision through Team Files including REVISION FOLDER
                Paper 1: Physical Landscapes, Rivers:
19/04/2021                                                                                                           • Useful website for Rivers and Coasts:
                      Profile, Fluvial Processes
              Paper 1: Physical Landscapes: River              AQA assessment materials
26/04/2021                                                                                                                         • As above
                           Landforms                       including exam materials and part
           Paper 2: Urban Sustainability - Case Studies     exam papers during lesson time.
03/05/2021                                                                                         • Content and Revision through TEAMS Files including Revision Folder
                        - Mazdar/Bedzed                      Formal assessment using AQA
                                                                       Materials.                • Content and Revision through TEAMS Files including REVISION FOLDER
10/05/2021    Paper 2: Resource Management - Energy                                                               • Useful website for Resource Management
                                                                                                                         • As above through TEAMS files
17/05/2021    Paper 1: Rivers Case study: River Severn                                                                   • Useful website on Case Study:
              Paper 1: River Flooding; Physical Impacts,
24/05/2021                                                                                                                        • As above
                        Prevention Schemes
Specification Overview: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/geography/gcse/geography-8035/specification-at-a-glance

Past Papers: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/geography/gcse/geography-8035/assessment-resources?f.Sub-category%7CF=Sample+papers+and+mark+schemes

Revision Overview: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/zy3ptyc
Maths Y13 2021 – GCSE Resit
Week                                                                                                     Where can students find content and revision? What can
             Lesson Content                       How will it be assessed
Starting                                                                                                 they do out of lessons to prepare?
             Mock Exams – on all GCSE                                                                    •    All work set during lockdown should be reviewed –
29/03/2021                                        A full set of GCSE past papers
             content                                                                                          on Teams / MathsWatch / Dr Frost Maths
             Easter Holidays

             •    Revision of all topics, based
26/04/2021        on areas for improvement
                                                                                                         •   All lesson materials will be shared on Teams
                  identified from the mock        All content will be assessed again through the final
03/05/2021                                                                                               •   Additional revision materials for each topic can be
                  exams.                          exams
                                                                                                             found on the websites listed below
10/05/2021   •    Regular practice of exam
                  questions and papers
             Final Exams – on all GCSE
24/05/2021                                        Formal assessment using Edexcel Materials

                                                                 Other useful information
•   Edexcel past papers, mark schemes and video solutions can be downloaded from: https://www.mathsgenie.co.uk/papers.html
•   Online practice papers can be completed online at https://www.onmaths.com/ (Click on ‘Predicted Papers’)
•   Tuition videos, practice questions and written solutions for every topic can be found here: https://corbettmaths.com/contents/
•   Online practice questions, answers, and tuition videos for every topic can be accessed by logging into https://vle.mathswatch.co.uk/vle/ and
    https://www.drfrostmaths.com/ (all students have their own login)
Maths Y13 2021 – GCSE Resit
Week                                                                                                     Where can students find content and revision? What
             Lesson Content                       How will it be assessed
Starting                                                                                                 can they do out of lessons to prepare?
             Mock Exams – on all GCSE                                                                    •    All work set during lockdown should be reviewed –
29/03/2021                                        A full set of GCSE past papers
             content                                                                                          on Teams / MathsWatch / Dr Frost Maths
             Easter Holidays

             •    Revision of all topics, based
                  on areas for improvement
                                                                                                         •   All lesson materials will be shared on Teams
                  identified from the mock        All content will be assessed again through the final
03/05/2021                                                                                               •   Additional revision materials for each topic can be
                  exams.                          exams
                                                                                                             found on the websites listed below
             •    Regular practice of exam
                  questions and papers
             Final Exams – on all GCSE
24/05/2021                                        Formal assessment using Edexcel Materials

                                                                 Other useful information
•   Edexcel past papers, mark schemes and video solutions can be downloaded from: https://www.mathsgenie.co.uk/papers.html
•   Online practice papers can be completed online at https://www.onmaths.com/ (Click on ‘Predicted Papers’)
•   Tuition videos, practice questions and written solutions for every topic can be found here: https://corbettmaths.com/contents/
•   Online practice questions, answers, and tuition videos for every topic can be accessed by logging into https://vle.mathswatch.co.uk/vle/ and
    https://www.drfrostmaths.com/ (all students have their own login)
Maths Y13 2021
Week                                                                                                     Where can students find content and revision? What can
             Lesson Content                       How will it be assessed
Starting                                                                                                 they do out of lessons to prepare?
             Mock Exams – on all A Level                                                                 •    All work set during lockdown should be reviewed –
29/03/2021                                        A full set of A Level past papers
             content                                                                                          on Teams / Dr Frost Maths
             Easter Holidays

             •    Revision of all topics, based
                  on areas for improvement
                                                                                                         •   All lesson materials will be shared on Teams
                  identified from the mock        All content will be assessed again through the final
03/05/2021                                                                                               •   Additional revision materials for each topic can be
                  exams.                          exams
                                                                                                             found on the websites listed below
             •    Regular practice of exam
                  questions and papers
             Final Exams – on all A Level
24/05/2021                                        Formal assessment using Edexcel Materials

Other useful information
•   Edexcel past papers and mark schemes can be downloaded from: https://www.physicsandmathstutor.com/maths-revision/a-level-
•   Exercises on every topic, and exam-style papers, can be found in the textbooks (all students should have these)
•   Written solutions to all textbook exercises can be found here: https://www.physicsandmathstutor.com/maths-revision/solutionbanks/
•   Tuition videos and PowerPoints, and practice exam questions for every topic can be found here: https://www.drfrostmaths.com/
Maths Y13 2021 – Core Maths

Week                                                                                         Where can students find content and revision?
             Lesson Content                 How will it be assessed
Starting                                                                                     What can they do out of lessons to prepare?
             Revision of topics
                                                                                             •   All work set during lockdown should be
29/03/2021   identified from the previous
                                                                                                 reviewed on Teams
             week’s mock exams

             Easter Holidays

                                                                                             •   All lesson materials will be shared on Teams
19/04/2021   •    Revision of all topics,                                                    •   Revision materials for every topic can be
                  based on areas for                                                             found in the textbook and on Teams
26/04/2021        identified from the       All content will be assessed again through the
                  mock exams.               final exams
             •    Regular practice of
                  exam questions and

             Final Exams – on all Core
17/05/2021                                  Formal assessment using Edexcel Materials
             Maths content
Y11 Physics
                                                                                                                 Where can students find content and
                                                                                                                 revision? What can they do out of
                                                                                                                 lessons to prepare?
Week Starting      Lesson Content                                          How will it be assessed
                   3.2.1 Simple Circuits                                   Sample test and materials set from    Teams Y11 group – topic for sample
                                                                           OCR                                   paper have been published.
                   3.2.2 Series and Parallel
                   3.2.3 Resistance and Ohm's Law                          Sample test and materials set from
                   3.2.4 IV Characteristics
29/03/2021         Sample test paper from OCR                                                                    Students informed of topics

                                                                    Easter Break
                   3.2.3 Resistance and Ohm's Law                          Sample test and materials set from
                   3.2.4 IV Characteristics
26/04/2021         Review of sample test paper

03/05/2021         Test set from OCR
                   3.2.5 LDR and Thermistor                                Sample test and materials set from
                   3.2.6 Circuit Calculations
17/05/2021         Review of test 1

24/05/2021         Test set from OCR

Links to past exam papers: https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/gcse/gateway-science-suite-physics-a-j249-from-2016/assessment/
Other generic revision guides: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/zwtp6fr
Y11 Chemistry
                                                                                                       Where can students find content
                                                                                                       and revision? What can they do out
                                                                                                       of lessons to prepare?
Week Starting Lesson Content                              How will it be assessed
              3.1.1. Formulae of Elements                 Sample test and materials set from OCR       Teams Y11 group – topic for sample
                                                                                                       paper have been published.
15/03/2021    3.1.2 Formula of ionics
              3.1.3 Conservation of Mass                  Sample test and materials set from OCR

22/03/2021    3.1.4 Chemical Equations
29/03/2021    Sample test paper from OCR                                                               Students informed of topics
                                                             Easter Break
              3.1.5 Half Equations                        Sample test and materials set from OCR

19/04/2021    3.1.6 The mole
26/04/2021    Review of sample test paper
03/05/2021    Test set from OCR
              3.1.7 Mole Equations                        Sample test and materials set from OCR

10/05/2021    3.2.1 Exo and Endo
17/05/2021    Review of test 1
24/05/2021    Test set from OCR

Other useful information
Links to past exam papers: https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/gcse/gateway-science-suite-chemistry-a-j248-from-2016/assessment/
Other generic revision guides: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/z92x7hv
Y11 Biology
                                                                                                          Where can students find content and
Week Starting    Lesson Content                              How will it be assessed                      revision? What can they do out of lessons to

                 Vaccinations                                Sample test and materials set from OCR       Teams Y11 group – topic for sample paper
                                                                                                          have been published.
                 Prevention and treatment of disease
                 New medicines                               Sample test and materials set from OCR
                 Non Communicable disease
29/03/2021       Sample test paper from OCR                                                               Students informed of topics
                                                                   Easter Break
                 Treating Cardiovascular disease             Sample test and materials set from OCR
                 Modern advances in medicine
26/04/2021       Review of sample test paper
03/05/2021       Test set from OCR
                 3.2.1 Hormones                              Sample test and materials set from OCR
10/05/2021       3.3.1 Body Temperature
17/05/2021       Review of test 1
24/05/2021       Test set from OCR

Links to past exam papers: https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/gcse/gateway-science-suite-biology-a-j247-from-2016/assessment/
Other generic revision guides: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/z3dj82p
Y13 Physics
                                                                                                                             Where can students find content and
                        Lesson Content                                                  How will it be assessed              revision? What can they do out of
                                                                                                                             lessons to prepare?
Week Starting
                        Revision on Electric and Magnetic Fields                        Sample test and materials set from   In class and teams
15/03/2021                                                                              OCR
                        Sample test paper from OCR
                        Revision of Particle Physics and Radioactivity                  Sample test and materials set from
29/03/2021                                                                              OCR

                                                                               Easter Break
                        Previous A2 Exam Paper
                        Test set from OCR
                        Previous A2 Exam Paper
                        Previous A2 Exam Paper
                        Test set from OCR
                        Previous A2 Exam Paper

Other useful information
Links to past exam papers: https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/as-and-a-level/physics-a-h156-h556-from-2015/assessment/

Other generic revision guides: https://www.physicsandmathstutor.com/physics-revision/a-level-ocr-a/
Y13 Biology

                                                                                                             Where can students find content
Week Starting      Lesson Content                                       How will it be assessed              and revision? What can they do out
                                                                                                             of lessons to prepare?

                   Photosynthesis                                       Sample test and materials set from   In class and teams
                   Glycolysis, The link reaction, Krebs cycle
                   Oxidative phosphorylation, Respiratory substrates,   Sample test and materials set from
                   Aerobic respiration                                  OCR
                   Unified Biology Test                                 Sample test and materials set from
29/03/2021                                                              OCR
                                                                  Easter Break
19/04/2021         Review of Unified Test

26/04/2021         Test set from OCR

03/05/2021         Revision for test 2

10/05/2021         Review of test 1

17/05/2021         Test set from OCR

24/05/2021         Review of test 1

Other useful information
Links to past exam papers: https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/as-and-a-level/biology-a-h020-h420-from-2015/assessment/
Other generic revision guides: https://www.physicsandmathstutor.com/biology-revision/a-level-ocr-a/
NCFE IT Y11 2021

                                                                                         Where can students find content and revision?
Week                                                                                     What can they do out of lessons to prepare?
Starting     Lesson Content                              How will it be assessed
             Unit 3 LO2 – Asset creation                 Submitted coursework

                                                                                         All support material is in the files section in
                                                                                         Teams, and split into separate terms for each
                                                         Submitted coursework            teacher.
             Unit 3 LO2 – webpage creation
                                                                                         Easter catch up for students who have not
             Unit 3 LO3 – development log                Submitted coursework
                                                                                         completed unit 1,2 or 3 upto LO3 on unit 3.

             Easter Holidays

                                                         Submitted coursework
             Unit 4 LO1 Promotion Skills
                                                         Submitted coursework            Unit 1,2 and 3 have video’s and exemplar work
             Unit 4 LO1 Job Research                                                     in teams, divided into separate units.
                                                         Submitted coursework
03/05/2021                                                                               Further support available by contacting relevant
             Unit 04 LO2 Project presentation plan
                                                         Submitted coursework            IT teacher.
             Unit 04 LO2 Project presentation delivery
                                                         Submitted coursework
             Unit 4 LO3 Presentation review

24/05/2021   Catch up/Workshop
GCSE Computer Science Y11 2021

                                                                                                                           Where can students find content and revision? What can
Week Starting      Lesson Content                           How will it be assessed
                                                                                                                           they do out of lessons to prepare?
                   2.6.1 Data Rep – Units                   Revision                                                       All revision material is in the files section in Teams, and split
15/03/2021                                                                                                                 into separate terms for each teacher. Students should also
                   1.7 Functions of an OS                   OCR question bank (Assessment)
                                                                                                                           be using class notes and past paper questions which again
                   2.6.2 Data Rep – Numbers                 Revision
22/03/2021                                                                                                                 can be found in Teams.
                   2.4 Logic                                Revision
                   2.6.1 & 2.6.2 Data Rep                   OCR question bank (Assessment)
                   2.4 Logic                                OCR question bank (Assessment)
                   Easter Holidays
                   2.6.3 Characters – (ASCII &              Revision                                                       All revision material is in the files section in Teams, and split
19/04/2021         Unicode)                                                                                                into separate terms for each teacher. Students should also
                                                                                                                           be using class notes and past paper questions which again
                   1.2 Memory (RAM & ROM)
                                                                                                                           can be found in Teams.
                   2.6.3 Characters                         OCR question bank (Assessment)
                   1.2 Memory (Virtual Memory)              Revision
                   2.6.4 Images                             Revision                                                       Any student who requires further clarification needs to see Mr
03/05/2021                                                                                                                 Ahmed in the SOC or can email the computing teachers for
                   1.2 Memory                               OCR question bank (Assessment)
                   2.6.4 Images                             OCR question bank (Assessment)                                 guidance.
                   1.3 Storage (Magnetic Optical)           Revision                                                       All the assessment points listed here will be used towards the
                   2.6.5 Sound                              Revision                                                       final grade that is created and therefore it is important that
17/05/2021                                                                                                                 student prepare for these.
                   1.3 Storage (Solid State)                Revision
                   2.6.5 Sound                              OCR question bank (Assessment)
24/05/2021         1.3 Storage                              OCR question bank (Assessment)
Past Paper questions can be found on Teams, Files, Class Materials in the folder named Past Paper questions. Alternatively OCR provide a number of past papers on their website: AS and A
Level - Computer Science - H046, H446 (from 2015) - OCR

All revision material is also available on the teach-ict website: Teach-ICT Computer Science learning for school students (teach-ict.com)

The username for the site is: s93tu Password: computer9
A Level Computer Science Y13 2021

                                                                                                                    Where can students find content and revision? What can
Week          Lesson Content                            How will it be assessed
                                                                                                                    they do out of lessons to prepare?
              Section 5                                 OCR question bank (Assessment)                              All revision material is in the files section in Teams, and
15/03/2021                                                                                                          split into separate terms. Students should also be using
              Networks and web technologies
                                                                                                                    class notes and past paper questions which again can be
              Section 1                                 Revision
22/03/2021                                                                                                          found in Teams.
              Components of a Computer
              Section 1                                 OCR question bank (Assessment)
              Components of a Computer
              Easter Holidays
              Section 2                                 Revision                                                    All revision material is in the files section in Teams, and
19/04/2021                                                                                                          split into separate terms. Students should also be using
              Systems Software
                                                                                                                    class notes and past paper questions which again can be
              Section 2                                 OCR question bank (Assessment)
26/04/2021                                                                                                          found in Teams.
              Systems Software
              Section 3                                 Revision
              Software Development                                                                                  Any student who requires further clarification needs to
              Section 3                                 OCR question bank (Assessment)                              see Mr Ahmed in the SOC.
              Software Development
              Section 4                                 Revision                                                    All the assessment points listed here will be used towards
              Exchanging Data                                                                                       the final grade that is created and therefore it is important
              Section 4                                 OCR question bank (Assessment)                              that student prepare for these.

24/05/2021 Exchanging Data
Past Paper questions can be found on Teams, Files, Class Materials in the folder named Past Paper questions. Alternatively OCR provide a number of past papers on their website:
AS and A Level - Computer Science - H046, H446 (from 2015) - OCR

All revision material is also available on the teach-ict website: Teach-ICT Computer Science learning for school students (teach-ict.com)

The username for the site is: s93tu Password: computer9
Y12 Cambridge Technical Level 3
                                                                                                                 Where can students find content and revision?
Week Starting   Lesson Content                                         How will it be assessed                   What can they do out of lessons to prepare?
                Unit 21 M2 Online DB and Login                         Submitted coursework
15/03/2021      Unit 8 LO2 – P4, M2                                    Revision
                Unit 3 - revision
                Unit 21 P5, D2 Final Testing and Evaluation            Submitted coursework
                                                                                                                  All support material is in the files section in
22/03/2021      Unit 8 LO2 – M2, D2                                                                              Teams, and split into separate terms for each
                Unit 3 - revision                                      OCR Past Paper part 1(Assessment)
                Unit 21 P6 Draft Presentation                          Submitted coursework
29/03/2021      Phase 2 – Design (Unit 9 LO2) P2, P3
                Unit 3 - revision                                      OCR Past Paper part 2(Assessment)
                Easter Holidays
                Unit 21 P6 Deliver Presentation                        Submitted coursework                      The coursework will also form part of the
19/04/2021      Unit 9 LO2 – P3, M2                                                                              overall grade as it will be moderated. This
                                                                                                                 requires that the students complete all
                Unit 3 - revision                                      Revision                                  coursework set as well as working on the unit 3
                Unit 21 Final Submission                               Submitted coursework                      examination.
26/04/2021      Phase 3 – Implementation (Unit 8, LO3) 8 – P5, D3
                Unit 3 - revision                                      OCR Past Paper (Assessment)               Students can seek further clarification from the
                Unit 21 M2 (extended) Pagination                       Submitted coursework – Extended Website   relevant teacher.
                Unit 8 LO3 – D3, Unit 9 LO3 – P4
                Unit 21 M2 (extended) Web based security               Submitted coursework – Extended Website
                Unit 9 LO3 – P4, P5
                Unit 21 M2 (extended) Login systems                    Submitted coursework – Extended Website
                Unit 9 LO3 – P5, M3

                Unit 21 M2 (extended) JSONS
24/05/2021      Phase 4 – Testing and Acceptance (Unit 9 LO4) P6, D2
Y13 Cambridge Technical Level 3
                                                                                            Where can students find content and revision? What can
Week         Lesson Content                     How will it be assessed
                                                                                            they do out of lessons to prepare?
             Unit 3 LO2 – Asset creation        Submitted coursework                        All support material is in the files section in Teams, and
15/03/2021                                                                                  split into separate terms for each teacher.
             Unit 15 – LO3 ( Development/
             Production Log)
             Unit 3 LO2 – webpage creation      Submitted coursework
22/03/2021   Unit 15 – LO3 ( Development/
             Production Log)
             Unit 3 LO2 – development log       Submitted coursework
             Unit 15 – LO4
             Easter Holidays
             Unit 4 LO1 Promotion Skills        Submitted coursework                        All units will form part of the final grade, which requires that
19/04/2021                                                                                  students meet ALL deadlines set. Any issues need to be
             Unit 15 – LO4 (Developing
                                                                                            raised with the relevant teacher.
             Unit 4 LO1 Job Research            Submitted coursework
             Unit 15 – LO4 (Presentations)
             Unit 04 LO2 Project presentation   Submitted coursework
03/05/2021   plan
             Unit 15 – LO4 (Feedback/Review)
             Unit 04 LO2 Project presentation   Submitted coursework
10/05/2021   delivery
             Unit 15 – LO4 (Evaluation)
                                                Submitted coursework
             Unit 4 LO3 Presentation review

24/05/2021   Catchup/Workshop
Health and Fitness Y11 2021
Week                                                                                                             Where can students find content and revision? What can
                Lesson Content                                   How will it be assessed
Starting                                                                                                         they do out of lessons to prepare?
15/03/2021      Completion of Task 3 part 1
                                                                 Students have completed all content delivery.
                Students will have an opportunity to
                                                                 They are completing the synoptic project. The   Students Health and Fitness folders as well as materials
                improve Task 2 Assessing the clients
                                                                 project details were released in December 2020. released from NCFE will be the main source of support.
22/03/2021      lifestyle
                Task 3 part 2 completing fitness tests and       Currently NCFE are completing EQA visits as
                analysing the results.                           normal.
                                                                                                                 Lesson and NCFE resources are also available digitally on
                                                                                                                 TEAMS. As well as feedback on tasks completed during
29/03/2021                                                                                                       lockdown.
                Easter Holidays
                Task 3 Part 3 Setting smart targets for the
                client based on assessment of muscular
19/04/2021      endurance and power.
26/04/2021      Task 3 part 3 submission
                Students will have an opportunity to             Students have completed all content delivery.
03/05/2021      improve Task 3 .                                 They are completing the synoptic project. The   Students Health and Fitness folders as well as materials
                Task 4 4 week plan to improve health and         project details were released in December 2020. released from NCFE will be the main source of support.
10/05/2021      fitness.                                         Currently NCFE are completing EQA visits as
                Task 4 An opportunity for students to
                improve and upgrade their four week plan.
17/05/2021                                                                                                       Lesson and NCFE resources are also available digitally on
                Task 5 Evaluation of own performance.                                                            TEAMS. As well as feedback on tasks completed during
                Students will also have an opportunity for
24/05/2021      improvements and upgrades.
Other useful information
Students have already successfully completed CACHE L2 Technical Award in Child Development
Health Y11 2021
Week                                                                                                                    Where can students find content and revision?
             Lesson Content                                                     How will it be assessed
Starting                                                                                                                What can they do out of lessons to prepare?
             R021 Revision                                                                                              R021 revision resources and learning log tasks can
                                                                                                                        be found on TEAMS.
             R031 Upgrade opportunity
                                                                                Students will complete a RO21 in
15/03/2021   R022 Upgrade opportunity                                           class assessment. This will be used
             R021 Assessment                                                    as evidence alongside their mock        RO31 and RO22 lesson resources and
                                                                                exam completed in December.             individualised feedback on internally assessed work
             R031 Upgrade opportunity
                                                                                                                        can be found on TEAMS.
                                                                                R031 and RO22 internally assessed
22/03/2021   R022 Upgrade opportunity
                                                                                work will be assessed as normal by
                                                                                the class teacher using marking grids
             R021 DIRT
                                                                                supplied by the exam board.
             R031 Upgrade opportunity
                                                                                The aim is to complete RO31
29/03/2021   R022 Upgrade opportunity                                           Assessment by Easter.
             Easter Holidays
             R022 Upgrade Opportunity                                           RO22 internally assessed work will
                                                                                be assessed as normal by the class
19/04/2021   The principles of infection prevention and control Knowledge
                                                                                teacher using marking grids supplied
             R022 Upgrade Opportunity
                                                                                by the exam board.
26/04/2021   The principles of infection prevention and control Knowledge
             R022 Upgrade Opportunity
                                                                                                                        RO22 lesson resources and individualised feedback
                                                                                The aim is to complete R022
03/05/2021   Causes and spread of infection Knowledge                                                                   on internally assessed work can be found on
                                                                                assessment by 15.05.21
             R022 Upgrade Opportunity                                                                                   TEAMS.

10/05/2021   Causes and spread of infection Knowledge
                                                                                NCFE Infection Control course
17/05/2021   Cleaning, decontamination and waste management Knowledge                                                   NCFE L2 Award in Infection Control lesson
                                                                                content will be assessed in line with
                                                                                                                        resources and copies of the relevant booklets can
                                                                                exam board expectations. Students
                                                                                                                        be found on TEAMS.
                                                                                will be assessed in lesson by
24/05/2021   Cleaning, decontamination and waste management Knowledge           completing a work booklet per topic.
Health Y13 2021
                                  Lesson Content RDA Unit         Lesson Content LBI and
 Week Starting    Content SSL                                                                                       How will it be assessed                               Sources of support
                                            8                             SSM
                     Unit 12
                  P1 P2 P4        Task 3 planning and                 Miss Smith and Miss           Externally assessed units will be assessed by completing          All class materials including
                  Content         completion of P5 (session        Bisatt’s lesson time will be     learning log assessments in class. These will be used as         assignment briefs, learning log
                                  plan) and P6 Health and          used for students to have      evidence for TAGs alongside their mock exams completed in          assessment revision resources
                                  Safety requirements.            one to one mentor sessions                                  December.                                can be found on TEAMS.
                                  Students will participate in      to map their outstanding       Unit 2, Unit 3 and Unit 4 revision and in class assessment
15/03/2021                        the activity.                   work and to plan their time.    will only be completed by students who are entered for a resit       Personalised feedback for
                  P3 M3           Task 3 P7 and M3                  They can also use these                                 in these Units.                         submitted tasks can be found on
                  Resubmission.   (evaluation of the activity).       lessons to complete             Unit 6, Unit 7 will be completed by all students. Unit 25     TEAMS via the submission point.
                  P1 P2 P4                                          independent revision for           Assessments will be completed by Extended Diploma
22/03/2021        Assessment.                                      externally assessed units                                 students only.                             Students can also use their
                  M1 Content      Task 3 final submission and      and complete outstanding              Y13          Monday          Tuesday        Thursday       individual mentor plans to support
                  Role play       improvements.                   work and or corrections for           W/B          Unit 2 resit     Unit 7 LBI    Unit 6 RDA       them in managing deadlines and
                  planning                                         internally assessed units.         22.03.21         SSL P4          P5 P6         P1 P2 P3                   workload.
                                  Full submission of Unit 8.                                            W/B          Unit 4 resit    Unit 3 resit    Unit 25 P5
                                                                                                      29.03.21         SSL P4          LBI P7            P6

                                                                                                  Internally assessed unit will be assessed as normal by class
29/03/2021                                                                                          teachers using the unit specification and grading criteria.
Easter Holidays
                  Role play       Unit 8 improvements and             Miss Smith and Miss         There will be opportunities for students to generate additional     All class materials including
                  Assessment      resubmission.                    Bisatt’s lesson time will be   evidence for Externally assessed units should they require it.    assignment briefs, can be found
                                  Revision and resubmission        used for students to have                                                                                   on TEAMS.
19/04/2021                        of Task 1.                      one to one mentor sessions      Internally assessed units will be assessed as normal by class
                  Role play       Improvement of Unit 8.            to map their outstanding         teachers using the unit specification and grading criteria.       Personalised feedback for
                  Assessment      Unit 15 upgrades.               work and to plan their time.                                                                      submitted tasks can be found on
                                  One-to-one tuition support        They can also use these                                                                         TEAMS via the submission point.
26/04/2021                        for Unit 8 Task 1.                  lessons to complete
                  Individual      Unit 8 improvements and           independent revision for                                                                            Students can also use their
                  Upgrades        resubmission.                    externally assessed units                                                                        individual mentor plans to support
                                  Revision and resubmission        and complete outstanding                                                                          them in managing deadlines and
03/05/2021                        of Task 2.                      work and or corrections for                                                                                   workload.
                  Individual      Improvement of Unit 8.           internally assessed units.
                  upgrades        Unit 15 upgrades.
                                  One-to-one tuition support
10/05/2021                        for Unit 8 Task 2.
                  Individual      Improvement of Unit 8.
                  upgrades        Unit 15 upgrades.
                                  One-to-one tuition support
17/05/2021                        for Unit 8 and unit 15.
                  Individual      Improvement of Unit 8.
                  upgrades        Unit 15 upgrades.
                                  One-to-one tuition support
24/05/2021                        for Unit 8 and unit 15.
Psychology Y11 2021
Week                                                                                             Where can students find content and revision? What
              Lesson Content                       How will it be assessed
Starting                                                                                         can they do out of lessons to prepare?
              Neuro: Structure and function of
15/03/2021    the brain and lateralisation
                                                   Students will complete topic based in class   Students Psychology folders including topic booklets
              Neuro: Neurons and synaptic
                                                   assessments. These will be used as evidence   and assessments will be the main resource for revision.
22/03/2021    transmission
              Neuropsychology (whole topic         alongside their mock exam completed in
              revision) and Neuropsychology        December.
              Assessment                                                                         Lesson and revision resources are also available
                                                                                                 digitally on TEAMS. As well as feedback on tasks
29/03/2021                                                                                       completed during lockdown.
              Easter Holidays
19/04/2021    Psychological Problems               Students will complete topic based in class   Students Psychology folders including topic booklets
              Psychological Problems and
                                                   assessments. These will be used as evidence   and assessments will be the main resource for revision.
              Psychological Problems
                                                   alongside their mock exam completed in
26/04/2021    Assessment
03/05/2021    Social Influence
                                                                                                 Lesson and revision resources are also available
              Social Influence and Social
                                                                                                 digitally on TEAMS. As well as feedback on tasks
10/05/2021    Influence Assessment
17/05/2021    Research Methods                                                                   completed during lockdown.

24/05/2021     Research Methods Assessment

Other useful information
Electronic copy of Edexcel GCSE Psychology textbook is available on TEAMS.
Psychology Y13 2021

Week                                                                                         Where can students find content and revision? What can
             Lesson Content                    How will it be assessed
Starting                                                                                     they do out of lessons to prepare?

15/03/2021   Paper 2: Clinical Psychology
             Paper 2: Clinical Psychology
22/03/2021   Assessment
                                               Students will complete topic based in class   Students Psychology folders and assessments will be
             Paper 2: Criminal Psychology      assessments. These will be used as evidence   the main resource for revision.
                                               alongside their mock exam completed in
                                                                                             Lesson and revision resources are also available digitally
                                                                                             on TEAMS. As well as feedback on tasks completed
29/03/2021                                                                                   during lockdown.
             Easter Holidays
             Paper 2: Criminal Psychology      Students will complete topic based in class   Students Psychology folders and assessments will be
19/04/2021   Assessment                        assessments. These will be used as evidence   the main resource for revision.
             Paper 3: Issues and Debates       alongside their mock exam completed in
             Paper 3: Issues and Debates       December.
                                                                                             Lesson and revision resources are also available digitally
10/05/2021   Paper 3: Issues and Debates
                                                                                             on TEAMS. As well as feedback on tasks completed
17/05/2021   Paper 3 Assessment                                                              during lockdown.

             Opportunity to complete missing
24/05/2021   assessments
Sport Gateway Y11 2021
                                                                                                                                Where can students find content and
Week Starting   Lesson Content                                                                How will it be assessed           revision? What can they do out of lessons
                                                                                                                                to prepare?
15/03/2021      Lessons in the run up to Easter will be used to consolidate work produced for   This unit will be assessed as   ‘Developing Personal Fitness’ lesson
22/03/2021       ‘Developing Personal Fitness’ this was set before and during online learning normal by the class teacher using resources and individualised feedback on
                              and as a result was completed to varying levels.                  criteria supplied by the exam   internally assessed work can be found on
                                                                                                             board.             TEAMS.
                                                                                               The focus is around upgrading the
                                                                                               quality of work produced and filling
                                                                                                  gaps due to online learning
                Easter Holidays
                                                                                               Gateway is running a ‘business as    Lesson resources and individualised
                ‘Planning and running a sports event’ LO1                                         usual’ approach, with some     feedback on internally assessed work can
                                                                                                   adjustments to Los where                be found on TEAMS.
                (Lesson time will also be afforded to completing missed work, with extension
                                                                                                necessary. Therefore the final
19/04/2021      tasks based around event planning for those that are up to date).
                                                                                               EQA meeting remains scheduled
                ‘Planning and running a sports event’ LO2                                                 for 29th May.

                (Lesson time will also be afforded to completing missed work, with extension
26/04/2021      tasks based around event planning for those that are up to date).               Internally assessed work will be
                                                                                               assessed as normal by the class
                ‘Planning and running a sports event’ LO3                                      teacher using criteria supplied by
                (Lesson time will also be afforded to completing missed work, with extension            the exam board.
03/05/2021      tasks based around event planning for those that are up to date).

                ‘Planning and running a sports event’ LO4
                (Lesson time will also be afforded to completing missed work, with extension
10/05/2021      tasks based around event planning for those that are up to date).
17/05/2021      Opportunities to upgrade existing work.

24/05/2021      Confirming evidence and collating into folders.
Sport Studies Y11 2021
                                                                                                                              Where can students find content and revision?
Week Starting   Lesson Content                                                             How will it be assessed            What can they do out of lessons to prepare?
15/03/2021                                                                                                                    R051 revision resources and learning log tasks
22/03/2021                                                                                                                    can be found on TEAMS.
                                                                                       R053 and RO54 internally
                Lesson time will be split between opportunities to upgrade and improve
                                                                                       assessed work will be assessed
                existing work across R053 and R054.
                                                                                       as normal by the class teacher    R053 and RO54 lesson resources and
                                                                                       using marking grids supplied by   individualised feedback on internally assessed
                                                                                       the exam board.                   work can be found on TEAMS.
                Lesson time will also be used for practical assessment to support the
29/03/2021      evidence for R052 and to support the Gateway unit ‘Practical Skills’.
                Easter Holidays
                Students will continue to upgrade evidence for existing units and       Learning log activities and R051   R052, R053 and R054 lesson resources and
                participate in practical assessments.                                    mocks will be assessed by the    individualised feedback on internally assessed
                                                                                                    teacher.                      work can be found on TEAMS.

19/04/2021      Those students resitting R051 will complete LO1 learning log activities.
                Students will continue to upgrade evidence for existing units and          Internally assessed work will be
                participate in practical assessments.                                      assessed as normal by the class
                                                                                                                                R051 learning log activities will be found an
                                                                                             teacher using marking grids
                                                                                             supplied by the exam board.
26/04/2021      Those students resitting R051 will complete LO2 learning log activities.
                Students will continue to upgrade evidence for existing units and
                participate in practical assessments.

03/05/2021      Those students resitting R051 will complete LO3 learning log activities.
                Students will continue to upgrade evidence for existing units and
                participate in practical assessments.

10/05/2021      Those students resitting R051 will complete LO4 learning log activities.
17/05/2021      R051 mock for selected students.
24/05/2021      Confirming evidence and collating into folders.
Sport Y13 2021
   Week        Lesson Content      Lesson Content LPE –    Lesson Content MBU        Lesson Content MMO –
                                                                                                                            How will it be assessed                     Sources of support
  Starting   AOL – Unit 8 (New)           Unit 19                – Unit 18                  Unit 5/11
15/03/2021   P1, P2/M1 DIRT         Lesson time will be     Lesson time will be    Lesson time will be used for   Externally assessed units will be assessed by
             P3/M2, P4 DIRT         used for students to    used for students to   students to have one to one      completing learning log assessments in          All class materials including
                                      have one to one         have one to one        mentor sessions to map         class. These will be used as evidence for      assignment briefs, learning log
                                    mentor sessions to      mentor sessions to     their outstanding work and          TAGs alongside their mock exams             assessment revision resources
                                         map their               map their         to plan their time. They can             completed in December.                    can be found on TEAMS.
                                     outstanding work        outstanding work        also use these lessons to
                                      and to plan their       and to plan their    complete outstanding work       Unit 1, Unit 3, Unit 4 and Unit 21 revision       Personalised feedback for
                                    time. They can also     time. They can also       and or corrections this        and in class assessment will only be         submitted tasks can be found on
                                    use these lessons to    use these lessons to     internally assessed unit.    completed by students who are entered for       TEAMS via the submission point.
                                         complete                complete                                                    a resit in these units.
                                     outstanding work        outstanding work                                                                                       Students can also use their
                                     and or corrections      and or corrections                                   Internally assessed unit will be assessed as      individual mentor plans to
                                       this internally         this internally                                      normal by class teachers using the unit         support them in managing
29/03/2021                             assessed unit.          assessed unit.                                          specification and grading criteria.           deadlines and workload.
                                                                                        Easter Holidays
             P3/M2 DIRT            Lesson time will be     Lesson time will be     Lesson time will be used for   There will be opportunities for students to       All class materials including
19/04/2021                         used for students to    used for students to    students to have one to one    generate additional evidence for Externally     assignment briefs, can be found
             Event preparation     have one to one         have one to one           mentor sessions to map          assessed units should they require it.                   on TEAMS.
26/04/2021   (P5/M4)               mentor sessions to      mentor sessions to      their outstanding work and
             Event Delivery/       map their               map their               to plan their time. They can   Internally assessed units will be assessed as      Personalised feedback for
             Evaluation            outstanding work        outstanding work          also use these lessons to       normal by class teachers using the unit      submitted tasks can be found on
03/05/2021   (P6/P7/M5/D2)         and to plan their       and to plan their       complete outstanding work           specification and grading criteria.        TEAMS via the submission point.
             Event Delivery/       time. They can also     time. They can also        and or corrections this
             Evaluation            use these lessons to    use these lessons to      internally assessed unit.                                                      Students can also use their
10/05/2021   (P6/P7/M5/D2)         complete                complete                                                                                                 individual mentor plans to
             Event Delivery/       outstanding work        outstanding work                                                                                         support them in managing
             Evaluation            and or corrections      and or corrections                                                                                        deadlines and workload.
17/05/2021   (P6/P7/M5/D2)         this internally         this internally
24/05/2021   Individual upgrades   assessed unit.          assessed unit.
Thank you
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