Year 11 Curriculum and Assessment Guidance for Pupils and Parents

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Year 11 Curriculum and Assessment Guidance for Pupils and Parents
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                       Eden Boys’ School, Preston
Year 11 Curriculum and Assessment Guidance for Pupils and Parents
                               2020 - 2021

                         Nurturing today’s young people,
                          inspiring tomorrow’s leaders.
Year 11 Curriculum and Assessment Guidance for Pupils and Parents
Year 11 Curriculum and Assessment Guidance for Pupils and Parents
Our Curriculum
Our aim at Eden Boys’ School is simple – we want to provide the best possible education for you in the most secure Islamic
We will help you to achieve your goals, dreams and ambitions. In return       Your teachers are skilled in ensuring that learning is planned to build
we want you to turn up every day, on time and with the right attitude         on prior learning. They use a range of strategies to ensure that you
to aim for the best possible standards in your studies; both at home          remember what you have previously been taught and further develop
and in school, as well as work to your full potential in all your subjects.   these skills and knowledge. These strategies include:

The curriculum that you will study during your five years with us is            •    Constantly referring to previous learning – e.g. starters,
highly ambitious, academic and rounded in order to give you the best                 plenaries and discourse during lesson
possible chance to succeed. Our focus is to ensure that you learn and
                                                                                •    Engaging in lots of learning talk
make progress throughout your time here. We aim to develop you as
a whole person through Faith and Character Education, enrichment                •    Vocabulary acquisition and explicit teaching of tier 3
and Leadership Development opportunities. We believe that this                       vocabulary from year 7 onwards
broad and rigorous curriculum will best equip you for pathways that             •    Providing you with time to independently apply your
lead to university, the professions and success in whatever career you               knowledge to different contexts, drawing on prior learning
eventually choose. We are determined that you will be able to compete
on equal terms with pupils from the most privileged circumstances.              •    Using cumulative, age appropriate tests judiciously to inform
                                                                                     planning and identify gaps
The curriculum is a five-year progression model. It is carefully designed,
sequenced and planned so that you know more, remember more, and
are able to do more across the five years.

With all of this in mind, our curriculum is designed around the following

  •     Essential subject knowledge and terminology are carefully
        sequenced year-on-year
  •     Key subject skills and subject concepts are introduced
        sequentially and logically
  •     Content and coverage are planned to enable progress to be
        demonstrated and measured
  •     Age-related expectations can be defined (i.e. what subject
        learning should be mastered in each year)
  •     ‘Catch-up and keep up’ is a driving principle of the curriculum
Year 11 Curriculum and Assessment Guidance for Pupils and Parents
New GCSEs and New Grading                                                                                                What grade is expected at the end of each year?
The tale below shows how the new 9 - 1 grades compare with the ‘old’ A* - G grades:                                      Based on a range of data, you will be set challenging targets for each subject at the start of the year.

    New GCSE grade        Old GCSE grade      Notes
    9                     A*                  A grade 9 is a high A*.
                                                                                                                         How will my progress be reported during the year?
    8                     A*/A                A grade 8 is a low A* or high A.
                                                                                                                         During the year, you will complete regular tests and exam papers in each of your subjects. These tests will
    7                     A                   A grade 7 is a low or mid A.                                               help the teacher to predict the grade you will achieve at the end of the course.
    6                     B                   A grade 6 is a high B.                                                     At the start of each half-term, we will send a report card home. For each subject, the report card will show:

    5                     B/C                 A grade 5 is a low B or high C. This is the minimum grade for a            •   The target grade - this is the grade you should aim to achieve in the subject by the end of the GCSE
                                              ‘strong pass’.                                                                 course.
    4                     C                   A grade 4 is a low or mid C.
                                                                                                                         •   The predicted grade - this is the grade your teacher thinks you will achieve in the subject at the end of
    3                     D/E                 A grade 3 is a D grade or high grade E.                                        the GCSE course (based on your current progress).
    2                     E/F                 A grade 2 is a low grade E or high grade F.                                •   These grades will use the new 9 - 1 grading system.
    1                     F/G                 A grade 1 is a low F or G grade.

What grade do I need in the new                                How the Grading System Works at
GCSEs?                                                         KS4 (Years 9 - 11)
To match our country’s GCSEs with the best                     •   9 - 1 grades continue to be used - the highest
education systems in the world, the Government                     possible grade is a Grade ‘9’ and the lowest is a
has raised expectations of what counts as a ‘secure                Grade ‘1’.
pass’. In the new GCSEs:
                                                               •   You started each of your GCSE courses in Year 9.
• A grade ‘5’ is needed to achieve a ‘strong pass’.
   Pupils who previously achieved a low grade ‘C’              •   In each subject, a target is set for the end of the
   would only receive a Grade ‘4’ in the new system,               GCSE course.
   so this means that it will be harder for pupils to
   achieve a ‘strong pass’ in the new GCSEs.                   •   For each subject, the half-termly report card will
                                                                   predict what you will achieve at the end of the
•       At least a grade ‘6’ is needed if you wish to study        GCSE course.
        A Level courses after their GCSEs. For some A
        Level courses, a grade ‘7’ is needed.                  •   A Grade ‘5’ is the minimum grade needed for a
                                                                   ‘strong pass’.
•       Only the very, very brightest pupils will get a
        Grade ‘9’ in each subject.                             •   A Grade ‘6’ is the minimum grade needed to
                                                                   study A Levels.

The new grading system                                         •   Some A Level subjects may need a Grade ‘7’.

In September 2016, we introduced a new single
grading system for all pupils. We continue to refine
this in light of updated reforms. The information
alongside explains how the new single grading
system applies to you.
Year 11 Curriculum and Assessment Guidance for Pupils and Parents
Provisional Exam Timetable | Year 11 | 2020-21

                                                                                                                                                            Date of Examination
   Exam Board           Subject             Tier              Paper Name              Time Allowed          Number of Marks           % of Final Exam

AQA             English Language     None                 Paper 1                 1 hour 45 minutes        80                      50%                      7th June

AQA             English Language     None                 Paper 2                 1 hour 45 minutes        80                      50%                      10th June

AQA             English Language     Spoken Language      Presenting, responding to questions and feedback and use of Standard English, set and marked by the teacher and will
                                                          be reported separately but will not form part of the final mark and grade.

AQA             English Literature   None                 Paper 1                 1 hour 45 minutes        64                      40%                      20th May

AQA             English Literature   None                 Paper 2                 2 hour 15 minutes        96                      60%                      26th May

Edexcel         Maths                H/F                  Paper 1                 1 hour 45 minutes        80                      33.33%                   25th May

Edexcel         Maths                H/F                  Paper 2                 1 hour 45 minutes        80                      33.33%                   8th June

Edexcel         Maths                H/F                  Paper 3                 1 hour 45 minutes        80                      33.33%                   15th June

Edexcel         Combined Science     H/F                  Biology Paper 1         1 hour 10 minutes        60                      16.67%                   19th May

Edexcel         Combined Science     H/F                  Biology Paper 2         1 hour 10 minutes        60                      16.67%                   14th June

Edexcel         Combined Science     H/F                  Chemistry Paper 1       1 hour 10 minutes        60                      16.67%                   24th May

Edexcel         Combined Science     H/F                  Chemistry Paper 2       1 hour 10 minutes        60                      16.67%                   17th June

Edexcel         Combined Science     H/F                  Physics Paper 1         1 hour 10 minutes        60                      16.67%                   27th May

Edexcel         Combined Science     H/F                  Physics Paper 2         1 hour 10 minutes        60                      16.67%                   22nd June
Edexcel         Combined Science     H/F                  Practical work authentication sheet is submitted to confirm that all students have completed these core practicals.

                                                       All exam content and dates are subject to change

Year 11 Curriculum and Assessment Guidance for Pupils and Parents
Provisional Exam Timetable | Year 11 | 2020-21
                                                                                                                                         Date of Examination
       Exam Board            Subject          Tier          Paper Name            Time Allowed      Number of Marks    % of Final Exam

    Edexcel         Arabic             H/F              Listening                                  40                 25%                11th June

    Edexcel         Arabic             H/F              Speaking (non-exam)                        60                 25%                TBC

    Edexcel         Arabic             H/F              Reading                                    60                 25%                11th June

    Edexcel         Arabic             H/F              Writing                                    50                 25%                16th June

    AQA             History            None             Paper 1                2 hours             84                 50%                9th June

    AQA             History            None             Paper 2                2 hours             84                 50%                16th June

                                                        Paper 1
    AQA             Geography          None             Living with the        1 hour 30 minutes   88                 35%                28th May
                                                        physical environment
                                                        Paper 2
    AQA             Geography          None             Challenges with the    1 hour 30 minutes   88                 35%                11th June
                                                        human environment
                                                        Paper 3
    AQA             Geography          None             Geographical           1 hour 15 minutes   76                 30%                18th June

    AQA             French             H/F              Listening              45 minutes          50                 25%                19th May

    AQA             French             H/F              Speaking (non-exam)    10 - 12 minutes     60                 25%                TBC

    AQA             French             H/F              Reading                1 hour              60                 25%                19th May

    AQA             French             H/F              Writing                1 hour 15 minutes   60                 25%                21st May

    AQA             French             Foundation       Listening              35 minutes          50                 25%                19th May

    AQA             French             Foundation       Speaking (non-exam)    7 - 9 minutes       60                 25%                TBC
    AQA             French             Foundation       Reading                45 minutes          60                 25%                19th May
    AQA             French             Foundation       Writing                1 hour              60                 25%                21st May

                                                     All exam content and dates are subject to change
Provisional Exam Timetable | Year 11 | 2020-21

                                                                                                                               Date of Examination
   Exam Board         Subject          Tier         Paper Name      Time Allowed          Number of Marks    % of Final Exam

Edexcel         PE              None             Component 1     1 hour 45 minutes       90                 36%                20th May

Edexcel         PE              None             Component 2     1 hour 15 minutes       70                 24%                24th May

Edexcel         PE              None             Component 3     Non-examined            105                30%
                                                                 assessment: Practical

Edexcel         PE              None             Component 4     Non-examined            20                 10%
                                                                 assessment: Personal
                                                                 Exercise Programme.

AQA             Art             None             Component 1                             96                 60%
                                                                 assessment: Portfolio

                                                                 Externally set
AQA             Art             None             Component 2     Preparatory period      96                 40%
                                                                 followed by 10 hours
                                                                 of supervised time

                                              All exam content and dates are subject to change

Year 11
Learning Journey in:
English			 													 10
Mathematics (Higher)													                                                                                     12
Mathematics (Foundation)														 13
Science																 14
Arabic       															                                                                                          15
French															                                                                                                 16
History																                                                                                               18
Geography															                                                                                              19
Creative iMedia															 20
PE (Edexcel GCSE)															 22
Art																                                                                                                   24
PE (Core)															                                                                                              26
PSHE															                                                                                                   27
Revision Tips & Techniques														 29
Revision Plan																 52
* Please note the long term plans are subject to change.
* In each of your subjects, you will complete a full mock paper over the Autumn Term and again over the Spring Term
English Long Term Plan | Year 11 | 2020-21
                   Autumn One (8 wks)            Autumn Two (7 wks)            Spring One (6 wks)            Spring Two (5 wks)            Summer One (7 wks)            Summer Two (6 wks)

 Key Skills        Reading:                      Reading:                      Reading:                      Reading:                      Re-visit key skills from      N/A
                   Literal and inferential       Read fluently, and with       Literal and inferential       Read fluently, and with       throughout the year.
                   comprehension.                good understanding, a         comprehension.                good understanding, a
                                                 wide range of texts from                                    wide range of texts from
                   Critical reading.             the 19th, 20th and 21st       Critical reading.             the 19th, 20th and 21st
                                                 centuries.                                                  centuries.
                   Evaluation of a writer’s                                    Evaluation of a writer’s
                   choice of vocabulary,         Read and evaluate texts       choice of vocabulary,         Read and evaluate texts
                   grammatical and structural    critically and make           grammatical and structural    critically and make
                   features.                     comparisons between texts.    features.                     comparisons between texts.

                   Writing:                      Summarise and synthesise      Writing:                      Summarise and synthesise
                   Producing clear and           information or ideas from     Producing clear and           information or ideas from
                   coherent text.                texts.                        coherent text.                texts.

                   Accurate Standard             Writing:                      Accurate Standard             Writing:
                   English: accurate spelling,   Use knowledge gained          English: accurate spelling,   Use knowledge gained
                   punctuation and grammar.      from wide reading to          punctuation and grammar.      from wide reading to
                                                 inform and improve writing.                                 inform and improve writing.

                                                 Write effectively and                                       Write effectively and
                                                 coherently using Standard                                   coherently using Standard
                                                 English appropriately.                                      English appropriately.

                                                 Use grammar correctly                                       Use grammar correctly
                                                 and punctuate and spell                                     and punctuate and spell
                                                 accurately.                                                 accurately.

                                                 Acquire and apply                                           Acquire and apply
                                                 a wide vocabulary,                                          a wide vocabulary,
                                                 alongside a knowledge                                       alongside a knowledge
                                                 and understanding of                                        and understanding of
                                                 grammatical terminology,                                    grammatical terminology,
                                                 and linguistic conventions                                  and linguistic conventions
                                                 for reading, writing and                                    for reading, writing and
                                                 spoken language.                                            spoken language.

 Key Content       English Literature Paper 1:   English Language Paper 1:     English Literature Paper 2:   English Language Paper 2:     Revise key content for both   N/A
                   Shakespeare (Macbeth) and     Exploration in Creative       Modern Play (An Inspector     Writer’s viewpoint and        English Language and
                   19th C Novel (A Christmas     Reading and Writing           Calls), Power and Conflict    perspectives                  Literature
                   Carol)                                                      poetry, Unseen Poetry

English Long Term Plan | Year 11 | 2020-21
                                Autumn One (8 wks)            Autumn Two (7 wks)          Spring One (6 wks)             Spring Two (5 wks)             Summer One (7 wks)             Summer Two (6 wks)

Spiritual, Moral, Social and    Sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about      Understanding of the consequences of their behaviour and      Sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about
Cultural Theme (SMSC)           themselves, others and the world around them.             actions.                                                      themselves, others and the world around them.
Fundamental British             Use of imagination and creativity in learning.            Interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about   Use of imagination and creativity in learning.
Values (FBV)                    Rule of Law.                                              moral and ethical issues and ability to understand and        Understanding of the consequences of their behaviour and
                                Individual Liberty.                                       appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues.          actions.
                                                                                          Democracy.                                                    Interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about
                                                                                          Mutual Respect.                                               moral and ethical issues and ability to understand and
                                                                                          Tolerance of others.                                          appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues.
                                                                                                                                                        Rule of Law.
                                                                                                                                                        Individual Liberty.
                                                                                                                                                        Mutual Respect.
                                                                                                                                                        Tolerance of others.

Key Assessment                  MP1: Macbeth Extract          MP1: Language Paper 1       MP1: An Inspector Calls        MP1: Language Paper 2          Weekly Exam Questions          N/A
Objectives and Suggested        Analysis.                     Section A.                  Retention Quiz + Analysis.     Section A.                     and recall quizzes and
Assessments                                                                                                                                             completion of whole GCSE
                                MP2: Macbeth and A            MP2: Language Paper 1       MP2: Poetry Retention Quiz     MP2: Language Paper 2          Exam papers.
                                Christmas Carol Summative     Section B.                  + Poetry Analysis.             Section B.
                                Retention Quiz.
                                                              Walking Talking Mock        AP3: English Literature        Walking Talking Mock
                                AP1: English Literature       English Language Paper 1.   Paper 2.                       English Language, Paper 2.
                                Paper 1.
                                                              AP2: English Language                                      AP4: English Language
                                Finish Spoken Language        Paper 1, whole paper.                                      Paper 2, whole paper.

Websites to help my learning:                                                                                            Visits to places that can help my learning:                                                                                                       Wordsworth house in the Lake District                                                                                                    Globe Theatre in London
Massolit                                                                                                                 Stratford Upon Avon – the birthplace of Shakespeare                                                                                                   Live theatre at The Lowry or Royal Exchange Manchester

Mathematics Higher Tier Long Term Plan | Year 11 | 2020-21
                                Autumn One (8 wks)              Autumn Two (7 wks)              Spring One (6 wks)              Spring Two (5 wks)              Summer One (7 wks)             Summer Two (6 wks)

 Key Skills                                                                               Confidence, Develop Fluency, Reason Mathematically & Problem Solving

                                A4 Algebra                      G7 Geometry                     Greater Depth                   Greater Depth                   Greater Depth                  Greater Depth
                                A5 Algebra                      R2 Ratio & Proportion

 Key Content                    A4 Equations & Graphs.          A4 Equations & Graphs.          Number.                         Number.                         Number.                        Number.
                                A5 More Algebra.                A5 More Algebra.                Algebra.                        Algebra.                        Algebra.                       Algebra.
                                                                                                Ratio, Proportion & Rates of    Ratio, Proportion & Rates of    Ratio, Proportion & Rates of   Ratio, Proportion & Rates of
                                                                                                Change.                         Change.                         Change.                        Change.
                                                                                                Geometry & Measures.            Geometry & Measures.            Geometry & Measures            Geometry & Measures.
                                                                                                Probability.                    Probability.                    Probability.                   Probability.
                                                                                                Statistics.                     Statistics.                     Statistics.                    Statistics.

 Spiritual, Moral, Social and   History of Mathematics.                                         Individual Liberty.                                             Tolerance.
 Cultural Theme (SMSC)          Making Sense of the World around Us.                            Rules of Law.                                                   Respect.
 Fundamental British            Shape Patterns Around The World.
 Values (FBV)                   Islamic Art & Culture.
                                Rangoli Designs & Mandalas.

 Key Assessment                 Half-term test                  Assessment                      Assessment                      Assessment                      GCSE Examination               GCSE Examination
 Objectives and Suggested       (Cumulative)                    (Cumulative)                    (Cumulative)                     (Cumulative)
 Assessments                    - N1, A1, S1, N2, G1, A2, G2,   - N1, A1, S1, N2, G1, A2, G2,   - N1, A1, S1, N2, G1, A2, G2,   - N1, A1, S1, N2, G1, A2, G2,
                                G3, A3, P1, R1, G4, G5, S2,     G3, A3, P1, R1, G4, G5, S2,     G3, A3, P1, R1, G4, G5, S2,     G3, A3, P1, R1, G4, G5, S2,
                                G6, A4 & A5                     G6, A4, A5, G7 & R2             G6, A4, A5, G7 & R2             G6, A4, A5, G7 & R2

 Websites that can help my learning:                                                                                            Visits to places that can help my learning:                                                                                                           Mosques                                                                                                         Museum of Mathematics                                                                                                            Bletchley Park		                                                                                                              National Space Centre (Khan Academy)                                                                                               Mathematics in cities

Mathematics Foundation Tier Long Term Plan | Year 11 | 2020-21
                               Autumn One (8 wks)              Autumn Two (7 wks)              Spring One (6 wks)              Spring Two (5 wks)              Summer One (7 wks)             Summer Two (6 wks)

Key Skills                                                                                Confidence, Develop Fluency, Reason Mathematically &Problem Solving

                               A4 Algebra                      N3 Number                       A5 Algebra                      Greater Depth                   Greater Depth                  Greater Depth
                               G6 Geometry                     G7 Geometry

Key Content                    A4 Quadratic Equations &        N3 Fractions, Indices &         A5 More Algebra.                Number.                         Number.                        Number.
                               Graphs.                         Standard Form.                                                  Algebra.                        Algebra.                       Algebra.
                               G6 Perimeter, Area &            G7 Congruence, Similarity &                                     Ratio, Proportion & Rates of    Ratio, Proportion & Rates of   Ratio, Proportion & Rates of
                               Volume 2.                       Vectors.                                                        Change.                         Change.                        Change.
                                                                                                                               Geometry & Measures.            Geometry & Measures.           Geometry & Measures.
                                                                                                                               Probability.                    Probability.                   Probability.
                                                                                                                               Statistics.                     Statistics.                    Statistics.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and   Use of different number systems; Roman Numerals.                Individual Liberty.                                             Tolerance.
Cultural Theme (SMSC)          Scholars e.g. Al-Khwarizmi, Diophantus.                         Rules of Law.                                                   Respect.
Fundamental British
Values (FBV)

Key Assessment                 Half-term test                  Assessment                      Assessment                      Assessment                      GCSE Examination               GCSE Examination
Objectives and Suggested       (Cumulative)                    (Cumulative)                    (Cumulative)                    (Cumulative)
Assessments                    - N1, A1, S1, N2, A2, G1, S2,   - N1, A1, S1, N2, A2, G1, S2,   - N1, A1, S1, N2, A2, G1, S2,   - N1, A1, S1, N2, A2, G1, S2,
                               G2, A3, G3, R1, G4, P1, R2,     G2, A3, G3, R1, G4, P1, R2,     G2, A3, G3, R1, G4, P1, R2,     G2, A3, G3, R1, G4, P1, R2,
                               G5, A4, G6 & N3                 G5, A4, G6, N3, G7 & A5         G5, A4, G6, N3, G7 & A5         G5, A4, G6, N3, G7 & A5

Websites that can help my learning:                                                                                            Visits to places that can help my learning:                                                                                                              Mosques                                                                                                         Museum of Mathematics                                                                                                             Bletchley Park                                                                                                    National Space Centre (Khan Academy)                                                                                               Mathematics in cities

Science Long Term Plan | Year 11 | 2020-21
                                Autumn One (8 wks)              Autumn Two (7 wks)            Spring One (6 wks)               Spring Two (5 wks)             Summer One (7 wks)             Summer Two (6 wks)

 Key Skills                     Mathematical skills,            Mathematical skills,          Mathematical skills,             Mathematical skills,           Mathematical skills,           Mathematical skills,
                                practical skill, scientific     practical skill, scientific   practical skill, scientific      practical skill, scientific    practical skill, scientific    practical skill, scientific
                                enquiry, exam technique         enquiry, exam technique       enquiry, exam technique          enquiry, exam technique        enquiry, exam technique        enquiry, exam technique
                                and application skills.         and application skills.       and application skills.          and application skills.        and application skills.        and application skills.

 Key Content                    Biology Paper 2 Topics:         Biology Paper 1 Topics:       Biology Paper 2 Topics:          Biology Paper 1 Topics:        Biology: GCSE Revision.        End of Course
                                Animal coordination &           Key concepts in Biology,      Animal coordination &            Key concepts in Biology,
                                control, Exchange and           Cells & control, Genetics,    control, Exchange and            Cells & control, Genetics,     Chemistry: GCSE Revision.
                                transport in animals, Plant     Natural selection.            transport in animals, Plant      Natural selection.
                                structure & function,                                         structure & function,                                           Physics: GCSE Revision.
                                Ecosystems and material         Chemistry Paper 1 Topics:     Ecosystems and material          Chemistry Paper 1 Topics:
                                cycles.                         Atomic structure &            cycles.                          Atomic structure &
                                                                Bonding, Chemical                                              Bonding, Chemical
                                Chemistry Paper 2 Topics:       changes, Separating           Chemistry Paper 2 Topics:        changes, Separating
                                Key concepts in Chemistry       mixtures and Electrolytic     Key concepts in Chemistry        mixtures and Electrolytic
                                & The Periodic Table, Rates     Processes & Reversible        & The Periodic table, Rates      Processes & Reversible
                                of reaction, Fuels & Earth      reactions.                    of reaction, Fuels & Earth       reactions.
                                Science.                                                      Science.
                                                                Physics Paper 1 Topics:                                        Physics Paper 1 Topics:
                                Physics Paper 2 Topics:         Forces & motion, Energy,      Physics Paper 2 Topics:          Forces & motion, Energy,
                                Forces and their effects        Waves, Light & the EM         Forces and their effects         Waves, Light & the EM
                                and forces doing work,          Spectrum, Radioactivity.      and forces doing work,           Spectrum, Radioactivity.
                                Electricity, Magnetism and                                    Electricity, Magnetism and
                                the Particle Model.                                           the Particle Model.

 Spiritual, Moral, Social and   SMSC – Moral & Social Development.                            SMSC – Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development.               SMSC – Cultural Development.
 Cultural Theme (SMSC)
 Fundamental British            FBV – Respect, Tolerance & Individual liberty.                FBV – Rule of law, Tolerance, Social Responsibility.            FBV – Respect & Social Responsibility.
 Values (FBV)

 Key Assessment                 Paper 2 Biology                 Paper 1 Biology               Paper 2 Biology                  Paper 1 Biology                Final GCSE Exams               Final GCSE Exams
 Objectives and Suggested       Paper 2 Biology                 Paper 1 Chemistry             Paper 2 Biology                  Paper 1 Chemistry              Paper 1 Biology                Paper 2 Biology
 Assessments                    Paper 2 Physics                 Paper 1 Physics               Paper 2 Physics                  Paper 1 Physics                Paper 1 Chemistry              Paper 2 Chemistry
                                                                                                                                                              Paper 1 Physics                Paper 1 Physics

 Websites that can help my learning:                                                                                           Visits to places that can help my learning:                                                                            Blackpool Zoo
 BBC Bitesize                                                                                           Manchester Museum of Science & Industry
 GCSE bitesize revision                                                                    MAGNA Science Adventure Centre
 Learn                                                                                                   Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre
 S-Cool                                                                                                       Go Ape Rivington                                                                                                        iFLY Manchester
 Revision time
 Creative Chemistry:

Arabic Long Term Plan | Year 11 | 2020-21
                               Autumn One (8 wks)               Autumn Two (7 wks)              Spring One (6 wks)              Spring Two (5 wks)                Summer One (7 wks)            Summer Two (6 wks)

Key Skills                     Deduce meaning from a            Photo card.                     Role Play.                      Demonstrate spontaneity by asking unsolicited                   N/A
                               range of detailed passages       40 word question.               Photo card.                     questions, responding to unexpected questions and points
                               using three tenses.              Sentences to translate into     General conversation.           of views and expanding answers.
                               Narrate in a variety of topics   Arabic.                                                         Use familiar language creatively.
                               using three tenses.              90 word question.                                               Use less common language and more complex
                               Translate longer sentences       150 word question.                                              grammatical structures to create interest.
                               and linked ideas accurately.     Paragraph to translate into                                     Combining three tenses.
                               Use and adapt language           Arabic.

Key Content                    Local Area, Travel and           Skills work – Writing and       Skills work – Speaking          Revision                          Speaking Exam                 N/A
                               Holidays                         Translation                     Themes 1-5 in exam style        Role Play and Photo card.         Preparation
                               • Destinations.                  Themes 1-5 in exam style        format:                         Past paper questions              General conversation.
                               •   Experiences and              format:                         • Identity and Culture.         • Identity and Culture.           Role play.
                                   preference.                  • Identity and Culture.         •   Local Area, Travel and      •     Local Area, Travel and      Photocard.
                               •   Travel and                   •   Local Area, Travel and          Holiday.                          Holiday.
                                   accommodation.                   Holiday.                    •   School.                     •     School.
                               •   Eating out and shopping.     •   School.                     •   Future Aspirations, Study   •     Future Aspirations, Study
                               Recap V]vocabulary.              •   Future Aspirations, Study       and Work.                         and Work.
                               Understanding of written             and Work.                   •   International and Global    •     International and Global
                               and spoken content.              •   International and Global        Dimensions.                       Dimensions.
                               Use of adjectives and                Dimensions.
                               extended opinions to
                               enhance writing.
                               Combining three tenses.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and   Promoting healthy lifestyle and sports ethic.                    Appreciation of different cultures.                               Community cohesion, living together.
Cultural Theme (SMSC)          Values of solidarity.                                            Respect and Tolerance.                                            Understand and appreciate viewpoints of others.
Fundamental British                                                                             Exploring cultural diversity.                                     Social responsibility.
Values (FBV)

Key Assessment                 Reading and Listening            Writing and Translation:        Speaking:                       Speaking and Writing              GCSE Exams                    N/A
Objectives and Suggested       Reading:                         Photo card stimulus.            Photo card stimulus.            Writing:
Assessments                    Mixture of English and TL        Short passage in response       Role play.                      Photo card stimulus.
                               rubrics.                         to bullet point stimulus.                                       Short passage in response
                                                                                                General Conversation.
                               Non-verbal and extended          Extended writing task(s).                                       to bullet point stimulus.
                               answer tasks.                                                                                    Extended writing task(s).
                               Translation into English.                                                                        Speaking:
                               Listening:                                                                                       Photo card stimulus.
                               Mixture of English and TL                                                                        Role play.
                               rubrics. Responses mainly
                                                                                                                                General Conversation.
                               non-verbal with one
                               extended answer task.
Websites that can help my learning:                                                                                             Visits to places that can help my learning:,                                                                Trip to Morocco

French Long Term Plan | Year 11 | 2020-21
                                Autumn One (8 wks)                     Autumn Two (7 wks)                   Spring One (6 wks)                    Spring Two (5 wks)                  Summer One (7 wks)

 Key Skills                     Deduce meaning from a range            Photo card (F).                      Role Play.                            Demonstrate spontaneity             Demonstrate spontaneity
                                of detailed passages using three                                                                                  by asking unsolicited               by asking unsolicited
                                tenses.                                40 word question (F).                Photo card.                           questions, responding to            questions, responding to
                                                                                                                                                  unexpected questions and points     unexpected questions and points
                                Narrate in a variety of topics using   Sentences to translate into French   General conversation.                 of views and expanding answers.     of views and expanding answers.
                                three tenses.                          (F).
                                                                                                                                                  Use familiar language creatively.   Use familiar language creatively.
                                Translate longer sentences and         90 word question (F/H).
                                linked ideas accurately.                                                                                          Use less common language and        Use less common language and
                                                                       150 word question (H).                                                     more complex grammatical            more complex grammatical
                                Use and adapt language                                                                                            structures to create interest.      structures to create interest.
                                creatively.                            Paragraph to translate into French
                                                                       (H).                                                                       Combining five tenses.              Combining five tenses.

 Key Content                    Un oeil sur le monde                   Skills work – Writing and            Skills work – Speaking                Revision                            Speaking Exam Preparation
                                • Environment.                         Translation                          Themes 1-3 in exam style              • School.                           • General conversation.
                                •   Ethics.                            Themes 1-3 in exam style             formats:                              •   Education post 16.              •   Role play.
                                                                       formats:                             • Family and free time.
                                •   Volunteering.                                                                                                 •   Jobs, careers and ambitions.    •   Photocard.
                                                                       • Family and free time.              •   Home and local area.
                                •   Social issues.                                                                                                •   Me, my family and friends.
                                                                       •   Home and local area.             •   Jobs and future employment.
                                                                                                                                                  •   Technology in everyday life.
                                                                       •   Jobs and future employment.      •   Social and global issues.
                                Partitive article.
                                Adjectival agreement.                  •   Social and global issues.        •   School and post 16.               il faut/il est interdit de.
                                Pouvoir and devoir.                    •   School and post 16.                                                    The imperative.
                                Venir de + infinitive.                                                                                            Conditional tense.
                                Using three tenses together.                                                                                      The subjunctive.

 Spiritual, Moral, Social and   Promoting healthy lifestyle and sports ethic.                               Appreciation of different cultures.                                       Community cohesion, living
 Cultural Theme (SMSC)          Values of solidarity.                                                       Respect and Tolerance.                                                    together.
 Fundamental British                                                                                        Exploring cultural diversity.                                             Understand and appreciate
 Values (FBV)                                                                                                                                                                         viewpoints of others.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Social responsibility.

French Long Term Plan | Year 11 | 2020-21
                             Autumn One (8 wks)                   Autumn Two (7 wks)             Spring One (6 wks)      Spring Two (5 wks)                    Summer One (7 wks)

Key Assessment               Reading and Listening                Writing and Translation:       Speaking:               Speaking and Writing                  GCSE Exams
Objectives and Suggested     Reading:                             Photo card stimulus.           Photo card stimulus.    Writing:
Assessments                  Mixture of English and TL rubrics.   Short passage in response to   Role play.              Photo card stimulus.
                             Non-verbal and extended answer       bullet point stimulus.         General Conversation.   Short passage in response to
                             tasks.                               Extended writing task(s).                              bullet point stimulus.
                             Translation into English.                                                                   Extended writing task(s).

                             Listening:                                                                                  Speaking:
                             Mixture of English and TL rubrics.                                                          Photo card stimulus.
                             Responses mainly non-verbal with                                                            Role play.
                             one extended answer task.
                                                                                                                         General Conversation.

Websites that can help my learning:                                                                                      Visits to places that can help my learning:                                                                        Alliance Française at the French Embassy (cultural events)                                                                                               Trip to France

History Long Term Plan | Year 11 | 2020-21
                                Autumn One (8 wks)             Autumn Two (7 wks)             Spring One (6 wks)             Spring Two (5 wks)             Summer One (7 wks)             Summer Two (6 wks)

 Key Skills                     AO1 & AO2                      AO1, 2 & 3                     AO1, 2 & 4                     AO1, 2 & 3                     AO1, 2 & 4                     N/A

 Key Content                    Resource Pack: The Battle      Conflict and Tension           America Expansion and          Britain Health and the         Norman England 1066-1200       N/A
                                of Hastings – 2021 historic    1918-39 Revision: Paper 1      consolidation 1840-95          People Revision:               Revision
                                environment pack               Part B                         Revision: Paper 1 Part A       Paper 2 Part A                 Paper 2 Part B

 Spiritual, Moral, Social and   Fairness.                                                     Freedom of thought.
 Cultural Theme (SMSC)          Liberty.                                                      Freedom of speech.
 Fundamental British            Freedom of thought.                                           Democracy.
 Values (FBV)                   Freedom of speech.                                            The rule of law.

 Key Assessment                 AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key features and characteristics of the period studied.
 Objectives and Suggested       AO2: Explain and analyse historical events and periods studied using second-order historical concepts.
 Assessments                    AO3: Analyse, evaluate and use sources (contemporary to the period) to make substantiated judgements, in the context of historical events studied.
                                AO4: Analyse, evaluate and make substantiated judgements about interpretations (including how and why interpretations may differ) in the context of historical events studied.

                                Students to complete AQA       Students to complete AQA       Students to complete AQA       Students to complete AQA       Students to complete AQA       EOY exam.
                                Paper 2: Section B.            Paper 1.                       Paper 1&2.                     Paper 1&2.                     Paper 1&2.
                                Q1&2 – Sample material         Paper 1                        Paper 1                        Paper 1                                                       Full Paper 1
                                Paper 1                        Part A:                        Part A: Causes of US Civil     Part A:                        Paper 1 & 2 2020 GCSE
                                Q3 – 2018 Paper                Indian Wars – Battle of the    War, Homesteaders, Indian      Consequences of US Civil       paper.
                                Q4 – Modified to meet          Little BigHorn, Problems       changes, Reasons for           War, Native America Vs
                                specific site (The White       of Travel – Early settlers,    migration pre-1840.            White-attitudes to Buffalo
                                Tower – Tower of London).      Effects of Manifest Destiny,   Part B: The Saar, League of    49ers, Farming Great Plains.
                                                               Causes of US Civil War.        Nations over time, Aims of     Part B: Abysinnia,
                                                               Part B:                        Peacemeakers at Versailles     Rhineland, Failure of the
                                                               Reactions to the Treaty of     Appeasement – Causes of        LoN, Treaty of Versailles –
                                                               Versailles, Manchuria (LoN),   WWII.                          final terms.
                                                               Nazi Soviet Pact.              Paper 2                        Paper 2
                                                                                              Part A: Vaccination,           Part A: Renaissance
                                                                                              Anaesthetics, Black Death      Pioneers, Surgery –
                                                                                              Vs Cholera, Religion –         antiseptics, Development
                                                                                              development of medicine.       of Penicillin , Government
                                                                                              Part B: Domesday Book ,        – Public Health.
                                                                                              Kings and Church, Towns,       Part B: Changes to Village
                                                                                              Hastings Q4 .                  life, Education, William
                                                                                                                             and Baron relationship –
                                                                                                                             rebellions, Hastings.

 Websites that can help my learning:                                                                                         Visits to places that can help my learning:                                                                    Battle Abbey Hastings – East Sussex, Houghton Tower – Lancashire, The Harris Museum –
 Conflict and Tension 1918-39: ,       Preston, Imperial War Museum – Manchester, Stoneyhust College – Lancashire,
 America 1840-95: (please              International Slavery and Maritime Museum – Liverpool, Lancashire Infantry Museum,
 note that ‘The Cattle Industry’ and ‘Law and Order’ will NOT be assessed on your gcse paper) https://www.activehistory.     Fulwood Barracks – Preston.

Geography Long Term Plan | Year 11 | 2020-21
                               Autumn One (8 wks)             Autumn Two (7 wks)             Spring One (6 wks)             Spring Two (5 wks)             Summer One (7 wks)             Summer Two (6 wks)

Key Skills                     Economic understanding.        Place and space                Place and space                Economic understanding.        Place and space                N/A
                               Evaluation of key              understanding.                 understanding.                 Evaluation of key              understanding.
                               perspectives.                  Map skills.                    Map skills.                    perspectives.                  Map skills.
                               Political understanding.       Social, economic, political    Social, economic, political    Political understanding.       Social, economic, political
                               Evaluation of effectiveness    and environmental              and environmental              Evaluation of effectiveness.   and environmental
                                                              perspectives.                  perspectives.                                                 perspectives.
                                                              Knowledge of global            Knowledge of global                                           Knowledge of global
                                                              interrelationships.            interrelationships.                                           interrelationships.
                                                                                             Evaluation of effectiveness.                                  Evaluation of effectiveness.

Key Content                    The challenge of Resource      Water Management               Revision                       Paper 3 Pre-release analysis   Revision and GCSE              N/A
                               Management                                                                                                                  Examinations

Spiritual, Moral, Social and   Interdependence,               Interdependence,               Interdependence,               Management ethics,             N/A                            N/A
Cultural Theme (SMSC)          environmental ethics,          environmental ethics,          environmental ethics,          environmental
Fundamental British            international collaboration.   international collaboration.   international collaboration.   understanding, social
Values (FBV)                                                                                                                implications, conflict and

Key Assessment                 End of unit tests assess content cumulatively throughout the GCSE course and cover the four assessment objectives (AO)      GCSE Exam                      N/A
Objectives and Suggested       of:
Assessments                    AO1: Demonstrate knowledge of locations, places, processes, environments and different scales.
                               AO2: Demonstrate geographical understanding of: concepts and how they are used in relation to places, environments
                               and processes; the interrelationships between places, environments and processes.
                               AO3: Apply knowledge and understanding to interpret, analyse and evaluate geographical information and issues to
                               make judgements.
                               AO4: Select, adapt and use a variety of skills and techniques to investigate questions and issues and communicate

                               End of unit test               End of unit test               End of unit test               End of unit test
                               APP feedback                   APP feedback                   APP feedback                   APP feedback
                               1x classwork                   1x classwork                   1x classwork                   1x classwork
                               1x homework                    1x homework                    1x homework                    1x homework

Websites that can help my learning:                                                                                         Visits to places that can help my learning:                                                                                           Ecosystems: Blackpool Zoo, Brockholes
                                                                                                                            Urban Environments: Bristol Regeneration Zone, Liverpool Albert Dock

Creative iMedia Long Term Plan | Year 11 | 2020-21
                   Autumn One (8 wks)                    Autumn Two (7 wks)                   Spring One (6 wks)                   Spring Two (5 wks)                 Summer One (7 wks)

 Key Skills        Follow client brief.                  Follow client brief.                 Follow client brief.                 Continue the use of Use of Comic   Continue the use of Use of Comic
                   Manage time and follow work           Manage time and follow work          Manage time and follow work          Life, MS PowerPoint and Ms Word    Life, MS PowerPoint and Ms Word
                   plan.                                 plan.                                plan.                                to improve and update.             to improve and update
                   Use of MS PowerPoint.                 Use of Comic life, MS PowerPoint,    Use of MS PowerPoint.
                   Use of MS Word.                       MS Word.                             Use of MS Word.                      R082                               R082
                   Use of MS Publisher or Adobe          Revision and mastery of Exam style                                        R084                               R084
                   Photoshop.                            questions in preparation for exam                                         R087                               R087

 Key Content       R082 – Creating a Digital Graphic     R084 – Telling a story using a       R087 – Creating an Interactive       R082                               R082
                   L02 – Planning the Creation of a      comic strip                          Multimedia Product                   Updates and Improvements.          Updates and Improvements.
                   Digital graphic                       L02 – Plan a multipage Comic Strip   L02 – Plan the Interactive
                   • Analyse Client brief.               • Analyse Client Brief.              Multimedia Product                   R084                               R084
                   • Create a Workplan.                  • Write a story/script.              • Create a Visualisation diagram.    Updates and Improvements.          Updates and Improvements.
                   • Visualisation diagram.              • Create a storyboard.               •   Create a test plan.
                   • Collect assets in line with                                                                                   R087                               R087
                                                         • Create panels to tell a story.     •   Collect Assets in line with
                      legislation.                                                                                                 Updates and Improvements.          Updates and Improvements.
                                                         • Collect assets in line with            legislation.
                   L03 – Create and save a Digital           legislation.                     L03 – Create an Interactive
                   Graphic                               L03 – Produce a multipage Comic      Multimedia product
                   • Use assets collected and            Strip                                • Create the Interactive
                      modified on the Digital Graphic.   • Make a comic strip using Comic        Multimedia Product.
                   • Export the Digital Graphic into         Life.
                                                                                              •   Using easy to use navigation
                      a suitable file format.            • Export the Comic Strip into a          system.
                   • Save work using appropriate             suitable file format.
                                                                                              •   Export using a suitable file
                      file names and in the correct      • Save work using appropriate            format.
                      folders.                               file names and in the correct
                   L04 – Review the Digital Graphic          folders.                         •   Save work using appropriate
                   • Evaluating the Digital Graphic                                               file names and in the correct
                                                         L04 – Review the Comic Strip
                      Project.                                                                    folders.
                                                         • Evaluate the Comic Strip
                   • Identify and justify areas              Project.                         L04 – Evaluate Interactive
                      of success and areas of            • Identify and justify areas         Multimedia Product
                      improvement.                           of success and areas of          • Evaluate the Project.
                   • Explain any changes for future          improvement.                     •   Identify and justify areas
                      project development.               • Explain any changes for future         of success and areas of
                                                             project development.                 improvement.
                                                         R081 Exam preparation –              •   Explain any changes for future
                                                         Independent revision                     project development.
                                                         Understand the purpose and
                                                         content of pre-production
                                                         Be able to plan, produce and
                                                         review pre-production documents
                                                         e.g. Mood Boards, Mind
                                                         maps, Visualisation Diagrams,
                                                         Storyboards and scripts.

Creative iMedia Long Term Plan | Year 11 | 2020-21
                               Autumn One (8 wks)                    Autumn Two (7 wks)                    Spring One (6 wks)                   Spring Two (5 wks)                  Summer One (7 wks)

Spiritual, Moral, Social and   Students are encouraged to reflect different viewpoints when creating       Students explore different ideas and the different emotional impact on   Students are encouraged to
Cultural Theme (SMSC)          digital products.                                                           wellbeing whilst interpreting a project brief.                           recognise their own creativity
Fundamental British                                                                                                                                                                 when coming up with solutions to
Values (FBV)                   Students look at the impact of age, gender and disability on individuals’   Students learn about respecting copyright and copyright law when         a design brief.
                               choices and use of digital devices.                                         developing digital products.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Students consider accessibility
                                                                                                           Students gain an understanding of the requirements and                   issues when evaluating and
                                                                                                           communication needs of all groups of people when developing digital      developing digital product.

Key Assessment                 OCR based project assessment          OCR based project assessment          OCR based project assessment         OCR based project assessment        OCR based project assessment
Objectives and Suggested       Analysis of Digital Graphic.          Analysis of existing Comics.          Analysis of multimedia products.     Update to controlled assessments    Update to controlled assessments
Assessments                    Be able to design a                   Be able to design a multipage         Be able to design a multimedia       to units:                           to units:
                               Digital Graphic.                      Comic.                                product.                             R082                                R082
                                                                                                                                                R084                                R084
                               Create a Digital Graphic.             Create a multipage Comic.             Create a multimedia product.         R087                                R087

                               Evaluate a Digital Graphic.           Evaluate a multipage Comic.           Evaluate a multimedia product.

                                                                     OCR Creative I Media R081 past
                                                                     papers practice.

Websites that can help my learning:                                                                                                             Visits to places that can help my learning:                                                     BBC (Manchester)
                                                                                                                                                Museum of Science and Industry (Manchester)

PE (Edexcel GCSE) Long Term Plan | Year 11 | 2020-21
                  Autumn One (8 wks)              Autumn Two (7 wks)             Spring One (6 wks)             Spring Two (5 wks)             Summer One (7 wks)            Summer Two (6 wks)

 Key Skills       Students will complete          Students will demonstrate      Students will be able to       Students will demonstrate      Reflective knowledge of       N/A
                  their 6-week training           a secure knowledge and         explain how a range of         a secure knowledge and         all of the topics delivered
                  programme and produce           understanding of the           factors can affect the         understanding of the           within the GCSE PE
                  a training record form for      key topics within the          participation levels of        key content within the         qualification (AO1).
                  each session.                   sports psychology unit         different groups in sport      movement analysis unit of
                                                  of work. In addition, they     and physical activity. In      work. Furthermore, they        Students will demonstrate
                  Students will demonstrate       will be able to apply their    addition, they will be able    will be able to identify       the ability to apply their
                  the ability to constructively   understanding of the           to evaluate the impact of      and apply a specific lever     knowledge to a range of
                  evaluate the strengths,         content to a wide range        commercialisation, the         system or plane and axis to    exam tasks (AO2).
                  weaknesses and success          of sporting scenarios and      media and sponsorship on       a range of sporting actions.
                  of their Personal Exercise      exam-based activities.         sport itself, the sponsors                                    Students will be able to
                  Programmes (Coursework                                         and spectators.                                               analyse and evaluate a
                  – worth 10% of overall                                                                                                       range of topics in GCSE PE
                  grade).                                                                                                                      (AO3).

                  Students will demonstrate
                  a secure knowledge of
                  the key topics within
                  the physical training
                  unit of work and apply
                  their understanding of
                  the content to sporting
                  examples and exam-based

 Key Content      Reflection/mastery of the       PEP Evaluation continued.      Socio-cultural influences in   Movement Analysis:             Revision and reflection of    N/A – Both GCSE PE
                  physical training unit of                                      sport and physical activity:   Content includes the           all GCSE PE topics.           examinations (Components
                  work.                           Sports Psychology: Content     Content includes the           delivery of the following                                    1 and 2) will have been
                                                  includes the delivery of the   delivery of the following      topics – Lever systems,        Further development           completed by the May half
                  Completion/recording            following topics - Mental      topics – Engagement            planes and axes of             of exam technique             term break.
                  of the Personal Exercise        rehearsal, goal setting,       patterns in sport and          movement and mechanical        (Continued focus on
                  Programme.                      SMART targets, skill           physical activity (socio-      advantage.                     longer mark questions
                                                  classifications and types      cultural influences),                                         and the achievement of
                  Evaluation of the Personal      of guidance, practice and      sporting behaviours and        Practical assessment – GCSE    the different assessment
                  Exercise Programme (PEP).       feedback.                      commercialisation in sport.    PE Practical Moderation.       objectives).

                  Practical assessment –          Practical assessment –         Practical assessment – Final   Revision and reflection of
                  Athletics (UCLan Sports         Athletics (UCLan Sports        Handball assessments.          all GCSE PE topics.
                  Arena).                         Arena).
                                                                                                                Development of exam

PE (Edexcel GCSE) Long Term Plan | Year 11 | 2020-21
                               Autumn One (8 wks)             Autumn Two (7 wks)              Spring One (6 wks)              Spring Two (5 wks)              Summer One (7 wks)              Summer Two (6 wks)

Spiritual, Moral, Social and   Students will further enhance their understanding of           Students will understand the factors that affect                Students will further enhance their knowledge and
Cultural Theme (SMSC)          health, fitness and legislation in sport.                      participation levels in sport based on an individual’s needs.   understanding of health, fitness and legislation in sport.
Fundamental British            Students will understand the importance of a healthy,          Furthermore, students will understand the importance
Values (FBV)                   active lifestyle and a range of feelings and emotions that     of a healthy, active lifestyle and will understand the rules
                               athletes may experience during sports performance. They        and laws associated with a performer’s behaviour in sport.
                               will also understand the strategies that athletes may use to   Moreover, students will understand the cultural differences
                               support their performance in sport. In addition, students      associated with sport and physical activity.
                               will understand the importance of cooperative skills and
                               the social aspects associated with sport.

Key Assessment                 PEP – The Personal Exercise    Exam based starter              Exam based starter              Exam based starter              Formal Examinations:            N/A
Objectives and Suggested       Programme is worth 10% of      activities (multiple choice/    activities (multiple choice/    activities (multiple choice/
Assessments                    the students overall grade     short answer/long answer        short answer/long answer        short answer/long answer        Paper 1 – Fitness and Body
                               in GCSE PE and is marked       questions).                     questions).                     questions).                     Systems (1 hour and 45
                               out of 20.                                                                                                                     minutes). Exam is worth
                                                              Assessed classwork and          Assessed classwork and          Assessed classwork and          36% of the overall GCSE PE
                               Exam based starter             homework tasks.                 homework tasks.                 homework tasks.                 grade and is marked out
                               activities (multiple choice/                                                                                                   of 90.
                               short answer/long answer
                                                              End of unit assessment          End of unit assessment          End of unit assessment
                               questions).                                                                                                                    Paper 2 – Health and
                                                              (AP2).                          (AP3).                          (AP4).
                                                                                                                                                              Performance (1 hour and
                               Assessed classwork and                                                                                                         15 minutes). Exam is worth
                               homework tasks.                                                                                                                24% of the overall GCSE PE
                                                                                                                                                              grade and is marked out
                                                                                                                                                              of 70.
                               End of unit assessment

Websites that can help my learning:                                                                                           Visits to places that can help my learning:                                                                                                            Sports Stadiums/facilities                                                                                                             Professional sporting events                               Outdoor Education centres
BBC Bitesize - GCSE Physical Education (Edexcel)                                                                              Sports Museums                                                                                                         Sports centres
YouTube – GCSE PE related videos (as instructed by class teachers)                                                            The Edexcel 9-1 GCSE PE Revision Conference

Art Long Term Plan | Year 11 | 2020-21
                                Autumn One (8 wks)                Autumn Two (7 wks)             Spring One (6 wks)               Spring Two (5 wks)   Summer One (7 wks)              Summer Two (6 wks)

 Key Skills                     Developing Ideas                                                 Consolidation of skills to produce a final piece.     Unit 2: Externally set assignment.
                                • Linking the artists studied to the observational
                                  drawings.                                                                                                            AQA will provide a separate externally set assignment
                                •   Creativity and originality.                                                                                        for each title, each with seven different starting points.
                                                                                                                                                       Students must select and respond to one starting point
                                                                                                                                                       from their chosen title. The externally set assignment
                                                                                                                                                       provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate,
                                                                                                                                                       through an extended creative response, their ability to
                                                                                                                                                       draw together different areas of knowledge, skills and/or
                                                                                                                                                       understanding in response to their selected starting point.
                                                                                                                                                       The extended creative response must explicitly evidence
                                                                                                                                                       students’ ability to draw together different areas of
                                                                                                                                                       knowledge, skill and/or understanding from initial
                                                                                                                                                       engagement with their selected starting point through to
                                                                                                                                                       their realisation of intentions in the 10 hours of supervised
                                                                                                                                                       Students must ensure that the total submission for
                                                                                                                                                       Component 2 evidences coverage of all four assessment
                                                                                                                                                       objectives and evidence of drawing activity and written
                                                                                                                                                       (given to students on/after 2nd January)

 Key Content                    AO3                               AO4                            Start externally set unit:       AO2/3                AO3/4                           N/A
                                • Ideas                           • Final piece of work          AO1
                                •   Observational drawing         •   Meaningful informed
                                •   Linking to artists                response
                                •   Developing                    •   Body of work

 Spiritual, Moral, Social and   Participation in the arts.
 Cultural Theme (SMSC)          Use of imagination and creativity in students learning.
 Fundamental British            Willingness to reflect on their experiences- draft, redraft and refine/self/peer assessment/critique.
 Values (FBV)                   Due to the subjective nature of Art: respect for different people’s feelings and values.
                                Researching artists from different religious, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds.
                                How Art impacts on society.
                                Understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped Art.

Art Long Term Plan | Year 11 | 2020-21
                           Autumn One (8 wks)              Autumn Two (7 wks)           Spring One (6 wks)               Spring Two (5 wks)          Summer One (7 wks)            Summer Two (6 wks)

Key Assessment             60% of GCSE                                                  40% of GCSE                                                  EOY exam
Objectives and Suggested   Internally assessed and externally moderated.                Internally assessed and externally moderated.                10 hour controlled assessment “exam” completed late
Assessments                Marked /24 against the following AO’s (/96 in total).        Marked /24 against the following AO’s (/96 in total).        April.

                           What’s assessed?                                             What’s assessed?                                             Internally assessed: Early May 2021
                           A portfolio that in total shows explicit coverage            Students respond to their chosen starting
                           of the four assessment objectives. It must                   point from an externally set assignment                      Final marks given to students: Mid May 2021
                           include a sustained project evidencing                       paper relating to their subject title, evidencing
                           the journey from initial engagement to the                   coverage of all four assessment objectives.                  Marks submitted to exam board: Late May 2021
                           realisation of intentions and a selection of
                           further work undertaken during the student’s                 AO1: Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating     Moderator visit: June 2019
                           course of study.                                             critical understanding of sources.

                           AO1: Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating     AO2: Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and
                           critical understanding of sources.                           experimenting with appropriate media, materials,
                                                                                        techniques and processes.
                           AO2: Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and
                           experimenting with appropriate media, materials,             AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to
                           techniques and processes.                                    intentions as work progresses.

                           AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to     AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response
                           intentions as work progresses.                               that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of
                                                                                        visual language.
                           AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response
                           that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of
                           visual language.

PE (Core) Long Term Plan | Year 11 | 2020-21
                                Autumn One (8 wks)             Autumn Two (7 wks)             Spring One (6 wks)             Spring Two (5 wks)             Summer One (7 wks)              Summer Two (6 wks)

 Key Skills                     Students will learn,           Students will learn,           Students will learn,           Students will learn,           Students will learn,            N/A – GCSE examinations
                                understand and be able to      understand and be able to      understand and be able to      understand and be able to      understand and be able to
                                perform advanced skills/       perform advanced skills/       perform advanced skills/       perform advanced skills/       perform advanced skills/
                                techniques within the          techniques within the          techniques within the          techniques within the          techniques within the
                                game.                          game.                          game.                          game.                          game.
                                Students will be able to       Students will be able to       Students will be able to       Students will be able to       Students will be able to
                                select and apply a range of    select and apply a range of    select and apply a range of    select and apply a range of    select and apply a range of
                                tactics to outwit opponents.   tactics to outwit opponents.   tactics to outwit opponents.   tactics to outwit opponents.   tactics to outwit opponents.
                                Students will be able to       Students will be able to       Students will be able to       Students will be able to       Students will be able to
                                self-manage games-based        self-manage games-based        self-manage games-based        self-manage games-based        self-manage games-based
                                activities by organising,      activities by organising,      activities by organising,      activities by organising,      activities by organising,
                                scoring and officiating        scoring and officiating        scoring and officiating        scoring and officiating        scoring and officiating
                                games.                         games.                         games.                         games.                         games.

 Key Content                    Football – Team game/          Football – Team game/          Options:                       Options:                       Options:                        N/A – GCSE examinations
                                invasion activity.             invasion activity.             Football, Basketball,          Football, Basketball,          Football, Basketball,
                                Advanced technical and         Advanced technical and         Table Tennis, Badminton,       Table Tennis, Badminton,       Table Tennis, Badminton,
                                tactical development.          tactical development.          Handball, Volleyball.          Handball, Volleyball.          Handball, Volleyball,Cricket.

                                Conditioned game play.         Conditioned game play.         Lifelong involvement in        Lifelong involvement in        Lifelong involvement in
                                                                                              sport and physical activity.   sport and physical activity.   sport and physical activity.

                                                                                              Advanced technical and         Advanced technical and         Advanced technical and
                                                                                              tactical development.          tactical development.          tactical development.

 Spiritual, Moral, Social and   To perform with an enthusiasm and enjoyment for               To perform with an enthusiasm and enjoyment for               To perform with an enthusiasm and enjoyment for
 Cultural Theme (SMSC)          sport by competing to your full potential. Students will      sport by competing to your full potential. Students will      sport by competing to your full potential. Students will
 Fundamental British            develop their leadership and team-working skills and a        develop their leadership and team-working skills and a        develop their leadership and team-working skills and a
 Values (FBV)                   respect towards others. Students will develop a greater       respect towards others. Students will develop a greater       respect towards others. Students will develop a greater
                                understanding of the rules and laws of sports from            understanding of the rules and laws of sports from            understanding of the rules and laws of sports from
                                differing cultures.                                           differing cultures.                                           differing cultures.

 Key Assessment                 Based on the ability           Based on the ability           Based on the ability           Based on the ability           Based on the ability            N/A – GCSE examinations
 Objectives and Suggested       of students to outwit          of students to outwit          of students to outwit          of students to outwit          of students to outwit
 Assessments                    opponents in the game of       opponents in the game of       opponents.                     opponents.                     opponents.
                                Football.                      Football.                      Ability to use a range of      Ability to use a range of      Ability to use a range of
                                Ability to use a range of      Ability to use a range of      attacking and defensive        attacking and defensive        attacking and defensive
                                attacking and defensive        attacking and defensive        techniques with                techniques with                techniques with
                                techniques with                techniques with                competence, applying           competence, applying           competence, applying
                                competence, applying           competence, applying           effective tactics to outwit    effective tactics to outwit    effective tactics to outwit
                                effective tactics to outwit    effective tactics to outwit    opponents.                     opponents.                     opponents.
                                opponents.                     opponents.

 Websites that can help my learning:                                                                                         Visits to places that can help my learning:,,         Sports Stadiums/Facilities, Professional Sporting Events, Outdoor Education Centres, Sports
 education-2009.html, BBC Bitesize – GCSE Physical Education (Edexcel),, YouTube – GCSE PE related     Museums, Sports Centres
 videos (as instructed by class teachers), GCSE Simplified, BBC Sport, Sky Sports

PSHE Long Term Plan | Year 11 | 2020-21
                               Autumn One (8 wks)             Autumn Two (7 wks)             Spring One (6 wks)             Spring Two (5 wks)             Summer One (7 wks)        Summer Two (6 wks)

Key Skills                     Health and Wellbeing:          Relationships:                 Health and Wellbeing:          Health and Well Being:         N/A – GCSE examinations
                               Being Safe                     Sexual Relationships and       Being Safe                     Sexual Relationships and
                                                              Health                                                        Health

Key Content                    Prescription and Substance.    Contraception.                 Fertility and STIs.            Negative Thinking.             N/A – GCSE examinations
                               Abuse.                         Miscarriage and Unplanned.     PMS.                           Mental Health.
                               Alcohol Awareness.             Pregnancy.                     Cancer.                        Emotional Wellbeing.
                               Smoking.                       Parenting.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and   Tolerance & Respect.                                          Tolerance & Respect.                                          N/A – GCSE examinations
Cultural Theme (SMSC)          Liberty.                                                      Liberty.
Fundamental British            Fairness.                                                     Fairness.
Values (FBV)                   Freedom of Association.                                       Freedom of Association.
                               Social Responsibility.                                        Social Responsibility.
                               Rule of Law.                                                  Rule of Law.

Key Assessment                 AO1: Demonstrate               AO1: Demonstrate               AO1: Demonstrate               AO1: Demonstrate               N/A – GCSE examinations
Objectives and Suggested       knowledge and                  knowledge and                  knowledge and                  knowledge and
Assessments                    understanding of concepts,     understanding of concepts,     understanding of concepts,     understanding of concepts,
                               terms, and issues.             terms, and issues.             terms, and issues.             terms, and issues.

                               AO2: Apply knowledge and       AO2: Apply knowledge and       AO2: Apply knowledge and       AO2: Apply knowledge and
                               understanding to contexts      understanding to contexts      understanding to contexts      understanding to contexts
                               and actions.                   and actions.                   and actions.                   and actions.

                               Active citizenship             Active citizenship             Active citizenship             Active citizenship
                               questions: questions on the    questions: questions on the    questions: questions on the    questions: questions on the
                               citizenship action of others   citizenship action of others   citizenship action of others   citizenship action of others
                               and themselves.                and themselves.                and themselves.                and themselves.

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