2019/20 Featuring TOP EXECUTIVE GUIDE - TopMBA.com

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2019/20 Featuring TOP EXECUTIVE GUIDE - TopMBA.com
2019/20 Featuring TOP EXECUTIVE GUIDE - TopMBA.com
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2019/20 Featuring TOP EXECUTIVE GUIDE - TopMBA.com
2019/20 Featuring TOP EXECUTIVE GUIDE - TopMBA.com
2019/20 Featuring TOP EXECUTIVE GUIDE - TopMBA.com
Students can transfer between
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2019/20 Featuring TOP EXECUTIVE GUIDE - TopMBA.com
TOPMBA CAREER GUIDE 2019/20                | WELCOME FROM         THE EDITOR

Hello! For the first time ever this year, we’ve combined our world renowned QS MBA Career Guide with the hugely popular QS Top Grad
School Guide. So, if you picked this magazine up hoping for information to help find the right grad school for you (and you’ve got no idea
what an MBA is) close these pages and flip this magazine over – you’ll find everything you need there.

However, if you’re here because an MBA is on your mind, then you’re in the right place! Hundreds of thousands of potential applicants are
currently starting their MBA journey by researching schools, attending events and talking to admissions staff. This Guide is designed to help
fill in the blanks between those conversations, aid your decision-making process and provide you with useful information from our range of
MBA and business school rankings.

In these pages, you can find tables for the QS Global MBA Rankings and the QS Business Masters Rankings – the latter featuring a Masters in
Marketing ranking for the first time ever. Of course, it’s worth noting that all QS rankings are continually updated – check TopMBA.com to find
the most recent versions of all of our business school rankings. While rankings shouldn’t be the only factor when choosing where to study,
the tables contained within this year’s Guide are a fantastic way to compare schools and start the shortlisting process. Our country feature
on studying in France may also kick start your reflections on where in the world you might like to study. And, in the TopGrad half of this
publication we include the latest QS Best Student Cities rankings which will inspire more destination ideas.

As well as choosing where to study, you’ll obviously need to make a decision about what to study. In these pages, we take a closer look at the
similarities and differences between part-time and full-time MBA programs, assessing which of the two will be the right fit for you. We also
know that an increasing number of schools are investing in their flexible, online MBA, and in their executive MBA programs (EMBA). If this is
a method of study that you’re considering, we break down some of the major benefits (and drawbacks) of an online degree in these pages and
include relevant rankings.

In truth, there’s so much advice and support we can offer but only so many pages within this Guide. Once you’ve read everything here, head to
TopMBA.com and you’ll be able to find answers to every other question you could possibly have about studying an MBA, as well as information
about MBA funding, how to measure your return on investment and the top career trends to look out for. You’ll also be able to find out more
information online about the range of QS Scholarships we have available. By attending a QS event, you could be eligible for one of our range
of scholarships worth a combined US$7 million. We have interviews with some of this year’s winners in this Guide, but for full information on
how you could apply head to TopMBA.com/scholarships.

Wherever your MBA journey takes you next, we hope this guide is able to answer some of your questions and help you on the next step
towards a rewarding, high-earning career. Good luck!

Craig O’Callaghan, Editor,
2019/20 Featuring TOP EXECUTIVE GUIDE - TopMBA.com
2019/20 Featuring TOP EXECUTIVE GUIDE - TopMBA.com
TOPMBA CAREER GUIDE 2019/20                         | CONTENTS

9         MBA RANKINGS
11        How to Use TopMBA Rankings

12        QS Global MBA Rankings 2019

15        QS Business Masters Rankings:
          Business Analytics, Finance, Management, Marketing

22        Part-time or full-time MBA?


26        Online MBA or EMBA?

27        QS Online MBA Rankings 2019

30        Is an Executive MBA right for you?

33        QS Global Executive MBA Rankings

35        QS Joint Global Executive MBA Rankings

40        Top destinations: Guide to studying in France

43        Business School interview: ESCP

47        QS Scholarships: all you need to know

48        QS MBA Scholarship winners

Editor Craig O’Callaghan                                                                                                                               /topmba
Contributors Julia Gilmore, Francesca di Meglio, Seb Murray, Niamh Ollerton
Editorial and Project Manager Emma Simmons                                                                                                             @topmba
Designer Sarah Hudson
Rankings Data Selina Griffin, Daniel Kahn, Dennis Yu QSIU
Production Jessica Wang, Alloysius Ching
Advertising Sales Enquiries alloysius@qs.com
Publishing Director Ben Sowter
Managing Director Nunzio Quacquarelli
Published by QS Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd
QS Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd. 1 Tranley Mews, Fleet Road, London, NW3 2DG, UK
QS accepts no legal responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of submissions. and accepts no liability for any decisions or actions taken based on the content of this
publication or any consequences thereof. The editorial team try to ensure that all contributions are correct and true at time of production. The entire contents of this
publication is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or
by any means, without prior permission from the publisher.
2019/20 Featuring TOP EXECUTIVE GUIDE - TopMBA.com
 How to Use TopMBA Rankings 11
      QS Global MBA Rankings 12
 QS Business Masters Rankings 15
PREPARE TO LEAD                                                                                                            LEADING


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How to Use TopMBA
Craig O’Callaghan takes a closer look at the various MBA rankings included in this
Guide, and how you can make the most of them.
Business school rankings can be a vital         Business Masters Rankings                        This methodology is designed to accurately
resource when trying to compare different        The QS Business Masters Rankings present         reflect whether a particular program will
programs and decide where to study,             an alternative for people who aren’t sure if     provide salary uplift or a promotion after
and you’ll be hard-pushed to find a more         a traditional MBA program is the best fit for     completion. Diversity is also an important
extensive set of rankings than the ones         their needs and looks at specialist MBAs.        metric to consider, especially given the
published on TopMBA.com. We publish                                                              fact that executive MBA programs have
extracts of several of the tables in these      In 2019 this ranks the best business Master’s    historically struggled to recruit women.
pages. Before you dive in to find out which      programs in Business Analytics, Finance,
schools have been ranked as the best in         Management and Marketing, and these are          Which ranking should I look at
the world, here’s a closer look at each set     based on similar indicators to the Global        ȴUVW"
of rankings included here and how you           MBA Rankings, but with differences in             Ultimately, the answer to this depends on
can use the table to choose where to apply.     percentage weightings across the four            what you’re looking for. If you have your
Remember, QS publishes new rankings             subjects. We show the top 50 of each in this     mind set on one particular study option
every year so always check online at            publication.                                     (a full-time MBA, for example) then you
TopMBA.com for the very latest results                                                           probably don’t need to look too closely at the
 which may have appeared.                       The Masters in Marketing ranking has been        other tables. If, however, you’re undecided
                                                added in 2019 and the full table (available at   between a business Master’s degree or a
Global MBA Rankings                             TopMBA.com) features 70 business schools         traditional MBA, or you’re at a point in your
The QS Global MBA Rankings compare the          from around the world, with Columbia             career where both an MBA and EMBA seem
best full-time MBA programs around the          Business School ranked in first place.            feasible, then consult both sets of tables to
world. 250 business schools from around the                                                      identify schools which are ranked highly and
world were ranked in the 2019 edition of this   EMBA Rankings                                    which you feel are realistic targets for you.
ranking, with Stanford coming out on top.       The Executive MBA (or EMBA) is a valued
We show the top 100 overleaf.                   option for professionals with C-Suite            The next step, ideally, is to speak to a
                                                experience. The methodology of this ranking      representative of your shortlisted schools
Schools were assessed on the following five      considers the following nine indicators:         –maybe at a QS event! That way you’ll be
criteria, with over 260,000 academics’ and                                                       able to learn more about the content of each
218,000 employers’ views considered:            • Employer Index                  30%            program, the application requirements, and
                                                • Thought Leadership              25%            you can whittle your shortlist down even
• Employability                      40%        • Years of Work Experience         5%            further. Don’t forget, there’s also plenty more
• Entrepreneurship and                          • Management Experience            5%            information available at TopMBA.com if you
     Alumni Outcomes                  15%       • C-Suite Experience               5%            can’t find the answer to a particular question
• Return on Investment               20%        • Number of Nationalities          5%            in these pages.
• Thought Leadership                  15%       • Female Representation            5%
• Class & Faculty Diversity          10%        • Salary Uplift                   10%            Good luck with the search!
                                                • Career Opportunities/Promotions 10%
More information about the methodology
can be found online, but as the breakdown
above shows, a significant proportion of
a school’s performance in this QS ranking
is decided by the impact an MBA from a
particular institution will have on your
employability and future earnings.

Entrepreneurship is also a key indicator for
QS, as ever more MBAs seek to establish their
own companies after graduation.


QS World University Rankings: Global MBA Rankings 2019 - Top 100
Rank    Rank     School                                         Location   Overall score
2019    2018
1       4        Stanford Graduate School of Business             US               94.4
2       1        Harvard Business School                          US               93.9
3       6        Wharton                                          US               93.5
4       5        London Business School                           GB               92.1
5       7        MIT Sloan School of Management                   US               91.8
6       2        INSEAD                                          FR/SG             91.1
7       3        HEC Paris                                        FR               90.9
8=      12       Chicago Booth                                    US               90.7
8=      10       IE Business School                               ES               90.7
10      8        Columbia Business School                         US               90.3

12      9        Oxford Saïd Business School                      GB                89.8

14      14       Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern     US                89.4

16      18       Yale School of Management                        US                88.6

18      23       IESE Business School                              ES               87.6

20      25       Duke Fuqua School of Business                    US                86.4

22      19=      NYU Stern School of Business                     US                85.7

24      21       IMD                                              CH                82.7

26=     24       Rotterdam School of Management                   NL                78.0

28      34       Melbourne Business School                        AU                76.8

29=     37       USC Marshall School of Business                  US                75.9

32      32       BU Questrom School of Business                   US                75.1

34      35       Tepper School of Business                        US                74.6

36      33       Kelley School of Business                        US                73.8

38      36       Cornell S C Johnson College of Business          US                73.5

40      42       NUS Business School                              SG                72.8

42      44=      Mannheim Business School                         DE                72.0

44           'VER½IPH7GLSSPSJ1EREKIQIRX                   +&               

46      52       University of St. Gallen                         CH                70.1

48=     53       Goizueta Business School Uni Emory               US                69.1

50      46       Darden School of Business UVA                    US                69.0


Rank   Rank      School                                                     Location           Overall score
2019   2018

52     72=       Nanyang Business School                                      SG                        68.7

53=    56        HKUST Business School                                        HK                        68.5

55=    65        Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management                US                        68.3

58     47        Michigan State Broad College of Business                     US                        67.5

60     64        Uni Washington Foster School of Business                     US                        67.2

61=    48        Ivey Business School                                         CA                        67.1

64     68        CUHK Business School                                         HK                        66.2

66     54        Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business                    US                        65.5

68     67        Durham University Business School                            GB                        65.3

69=    71        WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management                       DE                        64.9

72     63        Krannert School of Management                                US                        64.3

74    !      9'(1MGLEIP7QYV½X+VEHYEXI&YWMRIWW7GLSSP                  -)                      

76     82=       Schulich School of Business York Uni                         CA                        63.4

78=    74        W P Carey School of Business ASU                             US                        63.1

78=    85=       Strathclyde Business School                                  GB                        63.1

81=    78        The Lisbon MBA                                               PT                        63.0

84     60        Fisher College of Business Ohio State                        US                        62.9

86     79        University of Edinburgh Business School                      GB                        62.2

88     91        Naveen Jindal School of Management                           US                        61.5

90=    111-120   Carroll School of Management Boston College                  US                        61.1

92     85=       Wisconsin School of Business                                 US                        60.9

94     101-110   ESMT Berlin                                                  DE                        59.8

96=    121-130   Trinity Business School Trinity College Dublin                IE                       59.6

98     94=       INCAE Business School                                       CR/NI                      59.5

100    93        Indian School of Business                                    IN                        59.1

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QS Business Masters Rankings: Business Analytics - Top 50
Rank Rank School                                                Program                                       Location Overall
2019 2018                                                                                                               score
1     1    MIT Sloan School of Management                       Master of Business Analytics                    US        91.4
2          Imperial College Business School                     MSc Business Analytics                          GB        83.3
3     2    McCombs School of Business U Texas at Austin         Master of Science in Business Analytics         US        82.0
4          ESSEC Business School                                MSc in Data Sciences & Business Analytics FR/SG           81.2
5          ESADE                                                MSc in Business Analytics                        ES       81.1
6     3    USC Marshall School of Business                      Master of Science in Business Analytics         US        78.2
7     6    Alliance Manchester Business School                  MSc Business Analytics                          GB        71.8
8     7    Warwick Business School                              MSc Business Analytics                          GB        71.3
9          University of Edinburgh Business School              MSc in Business Analytics                       GB        70.8
10    4    Carlson School of Management                         Master of Science in Business Analytics         US        69.2

12    9    Krannert School of Management                        MS Business Analytics & Information Mgmnt       US        67.2

14         NUS Business School                                  Master of Science in Business Analytics         SG        66.6

16    5    Melbourne Business School                            Master of Business Analytics                    AU        65.5

18    11   W P Carey School of Business ASU                     MS Business Analytics                           US        64.3

20    23   Poole College of Management N C State                Master of Science in Analytics                  US        62.7

22=        University of Bath School of Management              Masters in Business Analytics                   GB        61.5

24    13   SMU Cox School of Business                           MS in Business Analytics                         US       60.5

26         UC Davis Graduate School of Management               Masters of Science in Business Analytics         US       59.3

28    17   Naveen Jindal School of Management                   Masters in Business Analytics                    US       57.9

30    15   George Washington School of Business                 MS in Business Analytics                         US       56.7

31= 38     William & Mary Mason School of Business              MS in Business Analytics                         US       56.3

34= 18=    Lindner College of Business Uni Cincinnati           MS Business Analytics                            US       55.6

36    20   MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate Sch of Business   Int Master in Business Analytics & Big Data      IT       55.3

38    30   UIC Business Liautaud Graduate School                MS in Business Analytics                         US       54.5

40    22   UConn School of Business                             MS in Business Analytics & Project Management US          54.2

42         Clark University                                     MS in Business Analytics                         US       52.5

44    26   Kogod School of Business American U Washington       Master of Science in Analytics                   US       52.0

46    29   Strathclyde Business School                          Msc Business Analysis & Consulting              GB        51.1

47=        Worcester Polytechnic Institute                      Operations Analytics and Management              US       51.0

49=        Leeds University Business School                     MSc Business Analytics and Decision Science     GB        50.2


QS Business Masters Rankings: Finance - Top 50
Rank Rank School                                            Program                                    Location Overall
2019 2018                                                                                                        score
1     1    London Business School                           MSc in Finance                                GB          96.1
2     3    HEC Paris                                        Master in International Finance               FR          93.7
3     2    MIT Sloan School of Management                   Master of Finance                             US          93.4
4=         LSE London Sch of Economics & Political Science MSc Finance                                    GB          93.2
4=    4    Oxford Saïd Business School                      MSc Financial Economics                       GB          93.2
6          Judge Business School                            Master of Finance                             GB          91.6
7     6    ESADE                                            MSc in Finance                                ES          91.3
8     10   ESSEC Business School                            Master in Finance                           FR/SG         89.9
9     5    Berkeley Haas                                    Master of Financial Engineering               US          89.4
10    7    UCLA Anderson School of Management               MSc in Finance                                US          88.5

12    8    ESCP Europe Business School                      Advanced Master in Finance               FR/DE/ES/IT/PL   80.7

14    12   IE Business School                               Master In Finance                             ES          80.1

16    25   HSG University of StGallen                       Master of Arts HSG in Banking & Finance       CH          77.2

18    17   Warwick Business School                          MSc Finance                                   GB          74.2

20    22   WU Vienna University of Economics and Business   Master in Quantitative Finance                AT          73.9

22    18   Alliance Manchester Business School              Msc Finance                                   GB          73.5

24       9'(1MGLEIP7QYV½X+VEHYEXI&YWMRIWW7GLSSP     17GMR*MRERGI                                -)        

26    21   EDHEC Business School                            MSc in Financial Markets                      FR          70.1

28    26   University of Edinburgh Business School          Masters In Finance                            GB          67.6

30    28   Vlerick Business School                          Masters in Financial Management               BE          66.1

32    37   SKEMA Business School                            MSc in Financial Markets & Investments        FR          65.5

34    35   Nova School of Business and Economics            International Master in Finance               PT          63.9

36=        Georgetown McDonough School of Business          Master of Science in Finance                  US          63.0

38    33   Antwerp Management School                        Master of Finance                             BE          62.9

40     'VER½IPH7GLSSPSJ1EREKIQIRX                   17GMR*MRERGIERH1EREKIQIRX                +&         

42    39   Amsterdam Business School                        MSc in Finance                                NL          60.8

43= 44     CUHK Business School                             MSc in Finance                                HK          60.0

46= 41=    Grenoble Ecole de Management                     MSc in Finance                                FR          59.8

48         Babson College F W Olin Grad Sch of Business     MS in Finance                                 US          59.5

50    34   Fisher College of Business Ohio State            Master in Finance                             US          58.9


QS Business Masters Rankings: Management - Top 50
Rank Rank School                                                 Program                                      Location Overall
2019 2018                                                                                                               score
1     1     HEC Paris School                                     MSc Strategic Management                       FR        95.3
2     2     London Business School                               Masters in Management                          GB        95.2
3     3     ESADE                                                MSc in International Management                 ES       94.7
4     4     ESSEC Business School                                MSc in Strategy & Mgmnt of Int Business FR/SG            92.3
5     5     Imperial College Business School                     MSc in Management                              GB        90.4
6     6     IE Business School                                   Master in Management                            ES       88.5
7     7     LSE London Sch of Economics & Political Science MSc Management and Strategy                         GB        86.5
8     8     CEMS Global Alliance in Management Education Master in International Management                    Global     83.2
9=    11    ESCP Europe Business School                          Master in Management                  FR/DE/ES/IT/PL 82.1
9=    10    HSG University of St Gallen                          Master in Business Management (MUG)            CH        82.1

12    12    EMLyon Business School                               MSc in Management (Grande Ecole)                FR       81.0

13= 13      Rotterdam School of Management                       MSc International Management                   NL        80.8

16= 16      Michigan Ross                                        Master of Management                           US        79.8

18    17    WU Vienna University of Economics & Business         MSc Strategy, Innovation & Mgmnt Control       AT        79.0

20    38    TUM School of Management                             Master in Management & Techonology             DE        77.1

22    22    Indian Institute of Management Bangalore             Post Graduate Programme in Management           IN       74.8

24    25    Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad             Post Graduate Programme in Management           IN       74.0

26    20    Alliance Manchester Business School                  MSc International Business & Management        GB        73.4

28    23    MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate Sch of Business   International Master in Project Management      IT       72.4

30    27    BI Norwegian Business School                         Master of Science Strategic Marketing Mgmnt NO           70.7

32    41    SKEMA Business School                                Master in Management (Grande Ecole)           FR/CN      70.2

34    24    University of Sydney Business School                 Master of Management                           AU        69.4

36    43    KEDGE Business School                                MSc International Business                      FR       68.0

38    37    BU Questrom School of Business                       MS in Management Studies                        US       67.8

40      9'(1MGLEIP7QYV½X+VEHYEXI&YWMRIWW7GLSSP         17GMR-RXIVREXMSREP1EREKIQIRX                -)      

42= 46=     Indian Institute of Management Calcutta              Post Graduate Diploma in Management             IN       65.6

42= 34=     Ivey Business School                                 MSc in Management                              CA        65.6

46    48    Solvay Brussels Sch of Economics & Management        Master in Management Science                    BE       64.3

48    56    Frankfurt School of Finance & Management             Master in Management                           DE        63.9

50    45    Aalto University School of Business                  MSc in Global Management (CEMS)                 FI       63.2


QS Business Masters Rankings: Marketing - Top 50
Rank School                                               Program                                          Location Overall
2019                                                                                                                 score
1     Columbia Business School                            MS in Marketing Science                            US        87.2
2     Imperial College Business School                    MSc Strategic Marketing                            GB        84.8
3     HEC Paris                                           MSc in Marketing                                   FR        83.5
4     ESADE                                               MSc in Marketing Management                        ES        83.4
5     ESCP Europe Business School                         MSc in Marketing & Creativity                      FR        75.5
6=    Alliance Manchester Business School                 MSc Marketing                                      GB        75.0
6=    McCombs School of Business U Texas at Austin        MSc in Marketing                                   US        75.0
8     USC Marshall School of Business                     MSc in Marketing                                   US        74.5
9     Vlerick Business School                             Master in Marketing Management                     BE        73.6
10    Warwick Business School                             MSc Marketing and Strategy                         GB        72.6

12    University of Edinburgh Business School             MSc Marketing                                      GB        69.5

14    Trinity Business School Trinity College Dublin      MSc Marketing                                       IE       68.3

16    Rotterdam School of Management                      MSc Marketing Management                           NL        66.3

18    Mays Business School Texas A & M                    MS Marketing                                       US        62.8

20    Lancaster University Management School              MSc Advanced Marketing Management                  GB        61.8

22    IÉSEG School of Management                          Master of Science in Digital Marketing & CRM        FR       60.7

23=   Johns Hopkins Carey Business School                 MS in Marketing                                    US        60.2

26    BI Norwegian Business School                        Master of Science in Strategic Marketing Mgmnt     NO        59.5

27=   Durham University Business School                   MSc Marketing                                      GB        59.0

30=   Manderson Graduate School of Business Uni Alabama MS Marketing                                         US        58.5

32    KEDGE Business School                               MSc Marketing & Brand Management                    FR       58.4

34    Strathclyde Business School                         MSc in Marketing                                   GB        57.2

36    ESIC Business & Marketing School                    Master in Marketing Management                      ES       56.5

38    Grenoble Ecole de Management                        MSc Marketing Management                          FR/DE      56.1

40    MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business Master in Marketing Management                    IT       55.7

42    Naveen Jindal School of Management                  MSc in Marketing                                   US        54.9

44    Gabelli School of Business Fordham Uni              MSc in Marketing Intelligence                      US        53.5

46=   EAE Business School                                 Master in Marketing Management                    ES/US      53.1

48    EADA Business School                                Master in Marketing                               ES/NL      52.8

50    NEOMA Business School                               MSc in Marketing French Excellence                  FR       52.4

             OF MBA?
    Part-time or full-time MBA: which is right for you? 22
                           TOP EXECUTIVE MBA GUIDE 25
Should you consider studying an MBA or EMBA online? 26
                    Is an Executive MBA right for you? 30
                            QS Global EMBA Rankings 33
                       QS Global Joint EMBA Rankings 35

Part-time or full-time MBA:
which is right for you?
Francesca di Meglio asks whether you should be considering a part-time or
full-time MBA program.
Full-time and part-time MBA programs have         Full-time for career changers,                    development through the academic content,
their similarities, but there are distinctions    part-time for moving up the                       career support, and wider opportunities
that can help you decide between the two          ladder                                            for experiential learning and networking,”
when applying to business school. As well as      One of the main reasons people dive into          says Crystal Grant, director of admissions at
offering a different level of study intensity,      full-time programs is to switch careers           Imperial College Business School. “In today’s
full-time and part-time MBA programs offer         entirely. If that’s not your end goal, then you   fast-moving world, opportunities for this
slightly different things and there are pros       might not need the perks of going to school       amount of reflection and exploration are
and cons to each. Here’s what you should          full-time.                                        increasingly rare – and can lead to significant
consider before you decide what to pursue.                                                          career transformation.”
                                                  For instance, career changers may spend the
What suits you best?                              summer at an internship in order to pick up       In general, part-time students require less
At the heart of the decision between              new skills and experience. This allows them       help with job hunting. Many remain with
studying full-time or part-time is the stage at   to boost their resume while finishing the          their employers and seek promotions post
which you are in life.                            degree, in preparation for the full-time job      graduation. As a result, an internship is
                                                  recruiting that happens on campus in the          redundant and unnecessary. During their
“Are you in the position to go ‘all in’           second year.                                      time at school, they find it beneficial to test
and commit 100 percent to a full-time                                                               theories they’re learning in the classroom
experience?” asks Cliff McCormick,                 “A full-time program is a more immersive          immediately in the workplace.
assistant dean of MBA and specialty masters       experience that allows you to step back and
admissions at University of Maryland Robert       focus on your personal and professional
H Smith School of Business. “Or, are you
looking to embark on your MBA journey in
parallel with your personal and professional

Time commitments aren’t the
only consideration though. You
should also ask yourself:
• Why are you pursuing the MBA? Is it so
  you can change careers or to climb the
  ladder in the industry in which you’re
  already working?
• How much networking do you want to do?
• What are your finances like? How much
  money do you have for grad school? How
  much debt are you willing and able to
  take on?
• What’s happening in your personal life?
  Are you single? Do you have kids?
• Do you want to move somewhere else?
  If so, are you able to make a move at this

Once you’ve determined your answers to
these questions, you can begin to decipher
which program is best for you.


“[Going part-time] also allowed me to get the   minimum number of credit hours per term.          “Another core reason to get an MBA is the
full benefit of getting all the knowledge and    There is often tuition assistance available for   network you join, and both programs give
tools I would get from the MBA, while still     fulltime students in the form of scholarships     you access to the alumni network, though a
gaining experience as a practicing litigation   and teaching/research assistant positions.”       full-time MBA creates stronger relationships
attorney,” says Gustavo Mayen, 2017 graduate                                                      with your classmates, as you spend more
of Babson College Franklin W Olin Graduate      In some cases, the employer is willing to         time with them,” says Jeevan Balani, 2009
School of Business.                             at least partially sponsor the employee’s         MBA graduate of Northwestern University,
                                                part-time education. When that happens,           Kellogg School of Management.
“I was also able to use the new knowledge       the student might have to sign an agreement
and skills I gained throughout the MBA in       saying he or she will remain with the             Because part-time students often have
a quick and practical way, as they allowed      company for a certain time after graduating.      other responsibilities besides school, they
me to develop the business part of my law       In addition, students with full or partial        don’t always interact as much with the
office.”                                          sponsorship from an employer might not            community. As a result, they don’t get as rich
                                                participate in recruiting events on campus.       a network enhancement from attending
3DUWWLPHPD\EHPRUHD΍RUGDEOH                                                                   a graduate program as their full-time
Sometimes, your bank account makes the          You can always take on debt in the form of        counterparts do.
decision for you. Some applicants simply        student loans, but you’ll have to assess your
cannot afford to take one or two years           savings, financial commitments, ability            Places on part-time MBA
off work to pursue a graduate degree. In         to take on loans, and potential return on         programs aren’t always as
those instances, the part-time program is       investment (ROI). Then, you have to make a        competitive
appealing, as you can continue to work while    decision with which you’re comfortable.           “While your college record will, of course,
going to school.                                                                                  still be considered by part-time MBA
                                                Full-time MBAs may provide                        programs, these types of programs tend
“Part-time students pay per credit hour with    opportunities to build a strong                   to be more forgiving of poor college
reduced levels of student fees,” says J Barry   network                                           grades – especially if you attended college
Dickinson, dean of the School of Business       MBA programs aren’t just vehicles for             many years ago and you have had a lot of
Administration at Holy Family University.       education. They’re also a way to broaden the      professional successes since then,” says Nita
                                                network of professionals on which you can         Losoponkul, head consultant at Veritas Prep,
“This is more of a pay-as-you-go model. It      rely. To some degree, both full-time and part-    an admissions consulting firm.
makes tuition manageable for part-time          time MBA programs provide students and
students who are still employed and paying      alumni with great business connections.           By taking all these things into consideration,
out-of-pocket. Full-time students pay full                                                        you should be able to get a better idea of
graduate tuition and are required to carry a                                                      which program is right for you.

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Should you consider
studying an MBA or EMBA
With technological advances making the online classroom experience better than
Online degrees have largely moved past the
perception they are second-rate degrees,
with the best business schools reporting
strong employment figures for their digital
cohorts. However, prejudice against online
MBA and executive MBA programs still
remains with some employers, so having
the brand of a well-regarded business school
can help you prove the credibility of your

There are plenty to pick from, as the latest
QS Online MBA Rankings proves, but why
should you consider an online program?
Here are some of the benefits from an
employment perspective.

You’ll demonstrate your ability to                 roles,” says Boyd. “They tend to be more       is that, along with gaining a valuable
multi-task                                         active, motivated and engaged learners. They   qualification, students also learn how to
As an online MBA student, employers may            strive to get to know their classmates and     navigate different time zones and adapt
value a candidate’s ability to juggle multiple     benefit from learning from them.” These are     to different perspectives and culture,”
priorities.                                        known traits that employers value.             says Boyd. “By studying and working
                                                                                                  simultaneously, students can redirect these
“An online MBA is not an easy or more              You’ll learn essential skills for              skills back into their work, and even support
convenient mode of study – the program             today’s workplace                              colleagues in becoming more effective
offered at Durham University Business               With the world of work becoming more           when working with team members based in
School requires 15 hours a week of study,          digital and mobile, an online MBA also         different locations.”
therefore a hard-working mind-set and              can be great preparation for a modern
strong organisational skills are essential,”       management job. Boyd says: “As businesses      What you learn will have an
says Sue Boyd, director of the UK-based            conduct more of their practices digitally      immediate impact
school’s online MBA. “Students must be able        and with dispersed colleagues, it’s no         Also, when studying part-time, as many
to balance their work and study priorities         longer farfetched to think of students         online MBA students do, you can apply what
along with their personal lives and often          engaging with education in the same way. In    you learn directly into the workplace. “That’s
juggle all three at once.”                         delivering MBA programs online, business       one benefit that we hear often from students:
                                                   schools are keeping pace with how modern       they are able to take what they learn in the
You can study while you work                       businesses function.”                          classroom and apply it almost immediately
Yet a key advantage of an online MBA is that                                                      at work,” says Ramesh Venkataraman, who is
students who work in relatively senior roles       In many organisations, teams are truly         chair of the online MBA at the Kelley School
can complete their studies without taking a        international, spreading all around the        of Business at Indiana University in the US.
year-long career break in order to pursue a        world. To manage this successfully, business
traditional, campus-based course.                  professionals must become better at            “By the time full-time students apply
                                                   working effectively together.                   their learning, it’s at least a few months
“Because of this, they’re also typically not                                                      or a year or two before they get back to
the sort of people who coast along in their        “An additional benefit to the online MBA        work.” Employers, some of whom pay the


tuition fees, may therefore feel there is an    QS Online MBA Rankings 2019
immediate return on investment (ROI) of         Rank Rank School                                                      Location
online MBA programs. “A large portion of        2019   2018
our students are seeking a promotion, and
                                                1      1      IE Business School                                          ES
the insight they get from our curriculum can
                                                2      3      Imperial College Business School                            GB
help them step up to the next level in their
job,” Venkataraman says.
                                                3             USC Marshall School of Business                             US
                                                4      4      Warwick Business School                                     GB
Your education will be bolstered                5      2      Kelley School of Business, Indiana University               US
by cutting-edge technology                      6      8      AGSM @ UNSW Business School                                 AU
The Fuqua School of Business at Duke            7      20     MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business       IT
University in North Carolina is introducing
                                                8      6      Alliance Manchester Business School                         GB
virtual technology in its weekend EMBA,
                                                9      5      Warrington College of Business Uni Florida                  US
which blends online with face-to-face
learning, and that lets faculty and students
                                                10     14     Durham University Business School                           GB
see and hear each other via video. The
professor will wear a sensor that triggers      12     27     Kogod School of Business American Uni Washington            US
a rotating camera to continually follow
him or her around the classroom, while a        13=    34     University of Otago Business School                         NZ
separate camera can capture students. The
images will be beamed to remote learners in
                                                16     23     CENTRUM PUCP Business School                                PE

“We believe this will especially appeal to      18     9      George Washington School of Business                        US
working parents or students from parts of
the US who might find it difficult to travel,”     20     19     Aston Business School                                       GB
says Mohan Venkatachalam, senior associate
dean for EMBAs at Duke Fuqua. “That
                                                22     33     Bradford University School of Management                    GB
increased flexibility also translates directly
into increased diversity. We want to develop
leaders with the skills to bring people who     24     15     Deakin Business School                                      AU
are very different together — the more
diverse your classmates are the more you        26            Eller College of Management Uni Arizona                     US
will learn directly from them.”
                                                28     29     SBS Swiss Business School                                   CH
Using video to deliver content has also
been beneficial to students on the EMBA at
                                                30     20     College of Business Lehigh University                       US
University of Virginia’s Darden School of
Business, which is also blended. Darden has
invested in creating an e-Studio that lets      32     46     La Trobe Business School                                    AU
faculty teach remote students using Zoom, a
popular video-conferencing system.              34=    39     Amity University Distance Learning                          IN

“What we hear more than anything else
                                                36     34     University of Wisconsin MBA Consortium                      US
is that distance learning can help deliver
the very technical material that we teach
in Finance,” says Barbara Millar, assistant     38     38     College of Business Michigan-Dearborn                       US
dean for the Darden EMBA. “Students like
the fact that they can review every recorded    40            College of Business Administration Kent State Uni           US
lecture as they prepare for an exam — they
have access to a 24/7 library with faculty
explaining very complex subjects.”

Advances in technology and the creativity
in program design being demonstrated
by schools are clearly coming together to
make studying for an online MBA or EMBA
a rich and compelling experience in its own
right for students who select a remote study

12 Sayı Dergi
Online Arşiv ve Mobil Uygulamalar Hediye!

                                            527 TL
                                 299 TL
                                                 KENDİNİZE YÜKLENMEYİN:
                                                 ÖZ ŞEFKATİN GÜCÜ Serena Chen SAYFA 58
                                                 DÜMENİ YETENEK MERKEZLERİNE
                                                 ÇEVİRMEK William Kerr SAYFA 66
                                                 ALİBABA VE SEKTÖRÜN GELECEĞİ
                                                 Ming Zeng SAYFA 80

        VE UYUM
        Sayfa 43

       Ekim 2018

Is an Executive MBA right
for you?
Not sure whether an Executive MBA (EMBA) will help you achieve your career
goals? Julia Gilmore has some answers. The latest QS Global EMBA and Joint EMBA
Rankings follow the article.
The Executive MBA (EMBA) is often
misconstrued as a ‘superior’ form of the
MBA, but it is in fact a part-time course
aimed at candidates with more work
experience and expertise than the average
MBA applicant.

The degree classifications hold the same
merit at graduation but vary wildly in
purpose and delivery format, meaning you
get a totally different experience from that
of the full-time MBA student. Bearing this in
mind, you can get a good idea of whether an
EMBA is the best fit for you.

Admissions criteria
The EMBA is designed for managers with
considerable work experience, usually
around 10-15 years. Considering this, it’s
unsurprising that EMBA students have an
average age of 38, compared to 28 for the          may also require proof from a candidate’s        Recently, there has been an increase in self-
regular MBA.                                       employer that they support you in                funded EMBA students, reflected by the fact
                                                   undertaking the degree, which is especially      that an increasing number of schools are
However, there are cases of candidates             important for an EMBA for which your work-       offering EMBA scholarships.
in their late 20s or early 30s operating at        study balance will influence your success in
an executive level, in industries such as          the program.                                     The cost of EMBA tuition varies significantly
technology where employees tend to be                                                               depending on the region the program is in,
promoted quickly and reach an executive            Funding your studies                             the teaching standards of the program, the
level before they are 35. If you are younger       The part-time nature of the EMBA has             reputation of the school, as well as several
but feel you fit into the executive category,       substantial financial implications for            other factors. Depending on the program,
an EMBA may still be right for you.                funding your studies. As it is part-time, EMBA   fees worldwide range from under US$30,000
                                                   candidates can work and earn a full-time         to over US$150,000.
Not all EMBA courses require a GMAT, but           salary while studying, and likely won’t
most of the top schools will require some          have to think about some of the new costs        The job security offered by sponsorship may
sort of standardised test, which could             associated with a full-time study program,       appeal to many candidates, as sponsorship
also include the relatively new Executive          such as accommodation and relocation             often requires you to work at the company
Assessment test. This has been designed            expenses.                                        for several years after graduation,
by the Graduate Management Admission                                                                meaning you get your EMBA paid for and a
Council (GMAC), the creators of the GMAT           It’s very common for an EMBA candidate           guaranteed job afterwards. However, there
exam, and was developed for time-sensitive         to have the majority, if not the entirety, of    may be certain trade-offs with this sort of
executives, as it’s easy to schedule, shorter      their tuition covered by their employer, in      arrangement, such as fewer opportunities for
than the GMAT, and requires more moderate          a practice known as sponsorship. Students        upward progression or salary negotiation.
preparation.                                       who are company-funded may be required to
                                                   commit to that company for a few years after     If your company offers sponsorship, be sure
The EMBA, much like the MBA, requires              graduation.                                      in advance of your obligations within the
letters of recommendation, and a school                                                             agreement. The careers service offered to


EMBA students is often very helpful if you’re
hoping to get promoted from within your
company as it will offer coaching on how to
get promoted and negotiate salary raises.

Teaching format and scheduling
your degree
EMBAs are designed to suit the working
professional and are part-time. Usually,
EMBA students remain in their current
position on a full-time basis, with some of
their EMBA tuition taking place online or by
distance learning. An EMBA cohort all tend
to start at the same time, and stay together
throughout the program, providing ample
opportunities to make connections with
fellow executives.

There’s a significant amount of in-class
learning, which is usually organised to take      highly disciplined to succeed. Plus, in-person   The common goal for most middle-managers
place in evenings, weekends, or intensive         classroom participation with other experts       is to reach a C-Suite position, such as CEO,
weeks, depending on the school. It’s also         in their fields is often noted as a key element   COO, or CIO. An EMBA allows you to develop
common for some classes to take place             of the EMBA program, something you can           and enrich your core skills learned in your
in different locations around the world.           lose out on as an online-only student.           career as well as adding new knowledge
Classwork tends to be undertaken in shorter,                                                       and capabilities. Anyone who can fulfil the
more intense intervals than on the full-time      The MBA and EMBA tend to have the same           double duties of being both a student and
MBA, to minimise disruption by regular            core curriculum content, however EMBA            an employee can demonstrate to upper
work schedules.                                   programs, as a consequence of their part-        management they have the ambition to step
                                                  time nature, tend to have fewer electives.       up to these higher-level positions within a
It’s important not to underestimate the           Nevertheless, there are also targeted EMBAs      company.
amount of work involved in an EMBA. While         for those who want to specialise, such as in
teaching is part-time, it’s very intensive and    healthcare or sustainability.                    Career transitions are also frequent goals
requires an investment of more than 20                                                             or outcomes for successful EMBA students
hours a week in addition to your full-time        Opportunities for networking and                 such as from functional manager to general
job. Really consider whether you can add the      career progression                               manager or executive, from manager to
EMBA to your schedule if it’s already full of     One of the most important elements of an         entrepreneur, or from one company or
professional and personal commitments.            EMBA program is networking and being an          industry to another.
                                                  EMBA candidate at a top school means you’re
If you’re unable to work weekends                 more likely to be able to network with major     Whatever your position, you should define
or evenings, you could undertake an               players in a vast array of industries.           your career goals before undertaking an
asynchronous online-EMBA program where                                                             EMBA, as it’s important to know how you
you fit digital classes around your schedule,      The majority of EMBA candidates are driven       intend to use the knowledge, skills, and
but it’s important to bear in mind that a self-   to undertake the degree because of the           contacts you have gained on the program to
guided online approach requires you to be         promise of a career boost after graduation.      your best advantage after graduation.

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QS Global Executive MBA Rankings - Top 25
Rank        School                             Program                Location                            Overall score
2019 2018
1    1      Wharton                            MBA for Executives     Philadelphia (PA), San Francisco (CA)       95.9
2    2      MIT Sloan School of Management     Executive MBA          Cambridge (MA)                              94.6
3    3      London Business School             Executive MBA          London, Dubai                               94.3
4    10= IESE Business School                  Global Executive MBA   Barcelona, New York (NY), Silicon Valley 92.1
5=   5= Chicago Booth                          Executive MBA          Chicago (IL), London, Hong Kong             91.6
5=   13     HEC Paris                          Executive MBA          Paris, Doha                                 91.6
7    4      Kellog Sch of Mgmnt at Northwestern Executive MBA         Evanston (IL), Miami (FL)                   89.3
8    5= Berkeley Haas                          Executive MBA          Berkeley (CA)                               88.7
9=   12     INSEAD                             Global Executive MBA   Fontainebleau, Abu Dhabi, Singapore         88.5
9=   9      UCLA Anderson Sch of Management    Executive MBA          Los Angeles (CA)                            88.5
11= 8       Oxford Saïd Business School        Executive MBA          Oxford                                       88.3
11= 15      Yale School of Management          MBA For Executives     New Haven (CT)                               88.3
13   10= Cambridge Judge Business School       Executive MBA          Cambridge                                     88
14   7      Columbia Business School           Executive MBA-NY       New York (NY)                                86.5
15   14     NYU Stern School of Business       Executive MBA          New York (NY)                                85.7
16   19     SDA Bocconi School of Management   Global Executive MBA   Milan, Mumbai, Copenhagen,
                                                                      Ann Arbor (MI), Shanghai                     84.9
17   23     ESADE                              Executive MBA          Barcelona, Madrid                            82.5
18   29     NUS Business School                Executive MBA          Singapore                                    81.4
19   21     IMD                                Executive MBA          Lausanne, Palo Alto (CA), Beijing            81.3
20   16     IE Business School                 Global Executive MBA   Madrid, Sao Paulo, Singapore, Los Angeles    80.9
21   20     Duke Fuqua School of Business      Global Executive MBA   Durham (NC), Santiago, Shanghai,
                                                                      Berlin, New Delhi                            78.9
22   24= Rotman School of Management           One-Year Executive MBA Toronto (ON)                                  78
23   18     Michigan Ross                      Executive MBA          Ann Arbor (MI), Los Angeles                  77.5
24   38     CUHK Business School               Executive MBA          Hong Kong                                    76.6
25   28     Copenhagen Business School         Executive MBA          Copenhagen                                   76.3

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