Year 11 RE Catholic Christianity Revision Guide - NAME . TUTOR GROUP - Oaklands ...

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Year 11 RE Catholic Christianity Revision Guide - NAME . TUTOR GROUP - Oaklands ...
Year 11 RE
   Catholic Christianity Revision Guide

NAME ................................................   TUTOR GROUP.........
Year 11 RE Catholic Christianity Revision Guide - NAME . TUTOR GROUP - Oaklands ...
GCSE Religious Studies Revision Guide

The aim of this guide is to help you revise and improve your exam skills so that you gain the
highest possible grade.
You should read the section on exam questions and techniques so that you know what type of
questions are asked by AQA and what sort of answers are expected.

You should then work through the 2 sections of this booklet, using your exercise books and
the kerboodle online textbook to help you.

                               Exam Questions and Techniques

The exam paper is divided into 2 sections and lasts for 1 hour & 45 minutes (for Catholic
Christianity and Judaism papers together)

In each section of the paper you will have to answer one 5 part question:

      Section One: Roman Catholic Beliefs

      Section Two: Roman Catholic Practices

Types of questions
All the questions have part (1) for 1 mark, part (2) for 2 marks, part (3) for 4 marks, part (4)
for 5 marks and part (5) for 12 marks.

Part (1) questions
These questions will be multiple choice and worth one mark. You simply have to choose the
correct answer.

Part (2) questions
These questions are worth two marks and the buzz words will be ‘give/state two.’ For
this you simply have to state two things (two words is fine/bullet points).

Part (3) questions
These questions are worth 4 marks. The buzz words here are ‘explain two’. For this you are
required to give two developed points, each in its own paragraph. (a good way to develop a
point is to link it to an example – Point Evidence Explain).

Part (4) questions
These questions are worth 5 marks. Again the buzz words are ‘explain two’. To get the 5
marks you have to give two developed points with reference to Jewish teaching for the
fifth mark. Again, your points should be in separate paragraphs.
Year 11 RE Catholic Christianity Revision Guide - NAME . TUTOR GROUP - Oaklands ...
Part (5) questions
Question 5: these are your AO2 questions and here you are required to evaluate. You will
always be given a statement and underneath this it will ask you to evaluate it. In your
answers you should:
   • Give developed arguments to support the statement
   • Give developed arguments to support a different point of view
   • Refer to Catholic Christian teaching
   • Reach a justified conclusion
For this we would look for you to give two reasons for (2 PEE points), two reasons against (2
PEE points) and a personal conclusion with one PEE point. Your reference to Catholic teaching
should be incorporated into your paragraphs.
This question is worth 12 marks and in the beliefs section there are 3 possible SPAG marks


                                There are some useful
                             websites listed on Show My
                              Homework which will allow
                              you to watch videos about
                                many of the set topics
                                 (including Judaism and
                                    Themes papers).


                             Don’t wait for your teacher
                              to set you exam questions.
                               Keep practising at home
                               and handing them in for
                                  marking to help you
Year 11 RE Catholic Christianity Revision Guide - NAME . TUTOR GROUP - Oaklands ...

Apostolic succession





Divine word







Image of God (imago dei)

Incarnate Son


Last rites







Year 11 RE Catholic Christianity Revision Guide - NAME . TUTOR GROUP - Oaklands ...

Sanctity of life

Son of God

Son of Man



Year 11 RE Catholic Christianity Revision Guide - NAME . TUTOR GROUP - Oaklands ...


      Monotheism means


      Trinity means


What are the three parts of the Trinity?

              FATHER                   SON   HOLY SPIRIT
ROLE (what
do they do)

Evidence in
the Nicene


Evidence in
(Baptism of

Evidence in

Year 11 RE Catholic Christianity Revision Guide - NAME . TUTOR GROUP - Oaklands ...
The Council of Nicea

                       When was the Council and why was it held?

                       What teachings about the Trinity did it give?


On the next page are the two creation accounts from Genesis 1 & 2. Read them and complete
the following tasks.

      List the things that God creates on each of the 6 days of creation in Genesis 1







                         What happens on the 7th day in Genesis 1?
Year 11 RE Catholic Christianity Revision Guide - NAME . TUTOR GROUP - Oaklands ...
This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, when the LORD God made the earth and the heavens.
Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth and no plant had yet sprung up, for the LORD God had not sent rain on the earth and
there was no one to work the ground, but streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground. Then the
LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living
being. Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. The LORD God
made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden
were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the LORD God commanded the
man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for
when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to
see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all
the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.
But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping,
he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had
taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall
be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and
they become one flesh. Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame. GENESIS 2:4-25
Year 11 RE Catholic Christianity Revision Guide - NAME . TUTOR GROUP - Oaklands ...
When and how is man (Adam) made in Genesis 2?

     Is woman (Eve) created at the same time as man in Genesis 2? How is she made?

                      When is the rest of creation made in Genesis 2?

Omnipotent means….                               Transcendent means …..

God is shown as omnipotent in Genesis 1 & 2      God is shown as transcendent in Genesis 1 &
because …..                                      2 because …..

                                        CC page 14

Stewardship means …            Dignity means …                    Sanctity of life means ..

              How are these shown in the Creation stories? (CC Page 18/19)

                         “The earth was here before us and it has been given to us ….(there is) a
                      relationship of mutual responsibility between human beings and nature….the
                      responsibility for God’s earth means that human beings … must respect the
                                        laws of nature” Pope Francis in Laudato Si
Year 11 RE Catholic Christianity Revision Guide - NAME . TUTOR GROUP - Oaklands ...
List the ways locally, nationally and globally that Catholics can show stewardship

    CAFOD focuses on sustainability as a form of stewardship. Using CC p.32/33
    explain what sustainability is and how CAFOD show this in their actions.

                                      (CC Page 24/25)
Fundamentalists do not believe the Bible     Many Christians, including Catholics don’t
should be interpreted and should be taken    believe that the Bible should be taken
literally. This is because ……..              literally, and believe the Creation stories
                                             are …….

                         “Creation continued for …millennia… until it became which we know today,
                         precisely because God is not … a conjurer, but the Creator who gives being
                           to all things. The beginning of the world is not the work of chaos … but
                           derives directly from a supreme Origin that creates out of love. The Big
                        Bang…does not contradict the divine act of creating, but rather requires it.
                           The evolution of nature does not contrast with the idea of Creation, as
                        evolution presupposes the creation of beings that evolve” Pope Francis 2014

Incarnation means

Annunciation means

 MEMORY POINT: As Christians we are taught about the meaning and importance of the
          incarnation in the three gospel accounts of Matthew, Luke and John.

                                                                  Why is the presence of
                                                                   the angel significant?

                                                                      Who else is this
                                                                   message directed at?
                                                                     (Think about God’s
                                                                  covenant with the Jews)

What does the name Jesus mean and why is it significant?             CC Page 36-37

What does the story show about the importance of Mary?
CC Page 38-39

What does this show about the nature and importance of Joseph?

What is the importance of Jesus?

How are Luke and Matthew’s accounts similar?

Are they different in any ways?
Using CC pages 40-41 highlight the key quotes from John and annotate around to
                                     explain what they mean

                   In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
                   and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning.
                       Through him all things were made; without him nothing was
                   made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was
                   the light of all mankind
                        The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.
                   We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son,
                   who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
                   (John 1:1-4, 14)

Jesus as fully God and fully human

 Name and explain three times in the gospels       Name and explain three times in the gospels
      when Jesus appears fully human                     when Jesus appears fully God

1.                                                 1.

2.                                                 2.

3.                                                 3.

                                Redemption means

                                Atonement means

Although Jesus was the Son of God he suffered as a human through his crucifixion before
rising to life. By accepting death on the cross, Jesus was fulfilling Old Testament
prophecies. Even when he was suffering he forgave his executioners and promised the thief
who admitted his wrongdoing that he would join Jesus in heaven.

                                                           CC page 98
 Jesus’ death was important because:

    1. The sky turned dark in the middle of the day and there was an earthquake. This
        signified that ….

    2. In the Temple in Jerusalem the curtain that separated holiest part from the rest
        tore from top to bottom. This signified that ….

    3. Water and blood flowed from the side of Christ where he was pierced. This
        signifies ….

   One of Jesus’ followers placed his body in a tomb. In the Apostles’ Creed we read that
  Jesus then ‘descended into hell’. For Christians, this act of Jesus shows that God is with
            them even in death. Nothing can separate them from the love of God.

                                “Christ our Redeemer, chose the Cross
                                 so as to bear the guilt of the world”

                                                Youcat 101
Resurrection means

‘If Christ has not been raised, then … your faith has been in
                vain’ St Paul (1 Corinthians)

 Use the words below to fill in the gaps.

 The resurrection of Jesus is important because:

     1. It showed that Jesus’ ________ can be trusted since his predictions came true.
     2. It is a sign of God’s _____. Nothing is too great for God to achieve, and this is
         comforting and encouraging for Christians in difficulty.
     3. It shows that _____ is not the end. Christian’s see Jesus’ resurrection as opening
         the possibility of _______ life with God, to be enjoyed in fullness after death.
     4. It is a sign of _______ over ____. Through the resurrection Christians believe
         that life has triumphed over death, good over evil.

 Christians believe the resurrection did happen and was not made up by the apostles. The
 reason/evidence for this is ….

 St Paul reminds us of the importance of the resurrection and tells us ……

         DEATH         VICTORY       TEACHING              ETERNAL   POWER      EVIL
The ascension is

Use the words below (or CC page 99) to fill in the gaps.

The ascension shows that Jesus is with the ______, sharing his glory for all ________.
Jesus was seen after the resurrection by his _________ but then he ascended to
______. Before he left he promised to send his ______, which is the continued
presence of Jesus at work in his followers. Christians believe that Jesus no longer works
among ______ as an individual human being, but he works through and in all his believers.
Where Jesus has gone, he has ________ that all his people will follow. For Christians,
Jesus is the _____ of creation, the perfection of what God wants, and the promise of
what awaits believers in heaven.

  SPIRIT       HUMANS       HEAVEN       ETERNITY          PROMISED            CROWN
                                   FOLLOWERS          FATHER

CC page 100

                                    Salvation is ….

                                      Grace is ….

              These are linked to the death and resurrection of Jesus
                                      because ….
Resurrection                                Judgement

                     Beliefs about life after
                           CC page 149-153
Heaven, Hell & Purgatory            Other Christian beliefs about life after
Sacraments are ….

 The sacramental nature of reality means …..

                         ITEMS/ACTIONS               SACRAMENT







 CC page 58-59
Orthodox Church                                 Catholic Church

                              Different Christian
                                views about the
                             Eucharist and how to
        Non-conformist            celebrate it            Angiican
                           Christianity page 44-45

MEMORY POINT: Catholics believe that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist. This
                         is called the Real Presence


  Prayer is often referred to as ‘raising the heart and mind to God’. This basically
  means that prayer is ….

  The difference between formal and informal prayer is …..

  Two examples of formal prayer are ….


   The Lord’s prayer is important to
         Christians because …..

                                            Christianity page 38-39

                                            CC page 84-85 + 122-123
The rosary is ….

 The Stations of the Cross are…..

The Stations of the Cross are a form of
dramatised prayer. Catholics often make the
Stations of the Cross during Lent. The way
that they pray them is by ….

They are important to Catholics because ….

                                                                         CC page 116-117

Catholics pray the rosary because:

   •   It helps them to focus on events in the life of _______
   •   These events are put into 4 groups and are called _____________
   •   The four mysteries are joyful, _____________, sorrowful & ________________
   •   It is a form of __________
   •   It is a traditional type of _________ prayer for Catholics
   •   The beads help them to focus and keep count of the _________ they are saying


 Pilgrimage is ….

Choose two Catholic places of pilgrimage, e.g. Rome, Jerusalem, Lourdes. For each one
complete the tasks below.

  PILGRIMAGE                                  THERE?

 CC page 118-119

The Catholic funeral rite reflects Catholic beliefs about the afterlife. It usually involves the
following stages:
                                           CC page 162-163
            Reception of the body                                   The funeral Mass

                   The committal                             At the grave or crematorium

   ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and
                     everyone who lives and believes in me will never die” John 11

Christians are taught to love their neighbour. This can be shown
in many ways today, and is at the root of Catholic Social Teaching (CST).

   1. What did Jesus mean by neighbour?

   2. What is the message Jesus is teaching in the Parable of the
      Sheep and the Goats?

   3. Give examples of the ways Christians could help ‘neighbour’ in
      today’s world.

      Catholic Social Teaching is the body of doctrine developed by the Catholic Church
     on matters of social justice, involving issues of poverty and wealth, economics, social
                            organization and the role of the state.

What does Gaudium et Spes (a document issued by the Catholic Church during Vatican II)
tell us about Catholic Social Teaching and the treatment of others? Read the phrases below
and explain how they help Catholics understand their responsibility to the poor.

    “Every social group must take account of the needs and legitimate aspirations of other
             groups, and even of the general welfare of the entire human family.”

     “There must be made available to all men everything necessary for leading a life truly
                        human, such as food, clothing, and shelter”
                                  GAUDIUM ET SPES 26

When the Son of Man comes in glory, he will sit on his __________________.
All nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from
another as a __________________ separates the sheep from the goats. He will
put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

The King will say to those on his right: ‘Come and possess the Kingdom which has
been prepared for you, because I was hungry and you _______ me,
__________________and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you took me
into your__________________, Naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you
took care of me, In prison and you __________________ me’; The righteous will
ask, ‘When did we do all these things?’

The __________________ will reply,         ‘I tell you, whenever you did this for the
least important of these members of my __________________ , you did it for

Then the King will say to those on his    __________________: ‘Depart from me
into the eternal fire prepared by the __________________, because I was
__________________ and you gave me nothing to eat, Thirsty and you gave me
nothing to __________________; I was a stranger and you did not invite me in,
__________________ and you did not clothe me; I was __________________
and in prison and you did not take care of me’; They will ask, ‘When did not
__________________ you?’

The King will reply,   ‘I tell you, whenever you did not do this for the least
important of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did not do it for me.’ They
will go to eternal __________________and the righteous to eternal life.

                                                        PUNISHMENT         HOME
                                                        LEFT        THRONE
                                                        NAKED       VISITED
                                                        DEVIL       SHEPHERD
                                                        KING        DRINK
                                                        SICK        FED
                                                        THIRSTY     FAMILY
                                                        HUNGRY      HELP
1. What is justice? Give an example of how Catholics might put this into action.

   2. What is peace? Give an example of how Catholics might put this into action.

   3. What is reconciliation? Give an example of how Catholics might put this into action.

CC page 124-125

                                                              How do Pope Francis’ words
                    “It is my duty to build bridges            support the idea(s) above?
                   and to help all men and women, in
                   any way possible, to do the same ….
                    The contemporary world, with its
                   open wounds which affect so many
                      of our brothers and sisters,
                    demands that we confront every
                    form of polarisation which would
                       divide it … into two camps.”
Many Catholic charities seek to put into action Jesus’ teachings, especially those telling us to
help the disadvantaged. As it says in 1 John:

Make notes/highlight the notes on the
charities below and how/who they help.

    CAFOD (Christianity page 62/62 or CC page 165)

   TROCAIRE was established by the Catholic Church in 1973 as a way for Irish people
   to donate to development and emergency relief overseas. Their ideal is to support the
   most vulnerable people in the developing world, while also raising awareness of
   injustice and global poverty in Ireland.
   They provide humanitarian assistance and long-term support to communities in over 20
   countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Each year
   approximately 2.6 million people directly benefited from their overseas programmes.
   In Ireland, they raise awareness about the root causes of poverty and inequality, and
   campaign on justice issues.

 Since 1922, Missio has been the Catholic Church's official charity for overseas mission. They
 aim to bring the hope of the Gospel where there is turmoil, poverty and uncertainty in the
 world, and where the Church is new, young or poor.
 Missio empowers local people to form and sustain communities of faith and they train future
 leaders so that the vital work of the Church in the world can take place. Many of the
 priests/religious live with and help the poor, often risking their own lives.
 One of the main things Missio do is to fund the training of new priests and sisters so that are
 more of them to help with the faith/spiritual development of Catholics. This means that in
 remote areas Catholics are more likely to be able to receive the Eucharist.
Mission is …


   Evangelism is …..

   Missionaries are ….

The Church not only helps the disadvantaged but seeks to spread the good news of Jesus to
                                                        These are some of the last words
                                                         that Jesus gave to his disciples,
                                                       and they sum up the mission of the

 This can happen locally and nationally through the Alpha course
                          (Christianity page 55)

                                                                            ‘Follow me and I
                                                                                will make you
                                                                               fishers of men’

       How is the work of Missio a way of showing mission and
                         evangelism globally?

                                                                     If you have time look at
                                                                     the work of Catholic
SVP is an international Catholic charity. It was started in 1833 by students in Paris. It has
nearly 60,000 members worldwide who work in small groups at a local level. This means they
are a charity that works locally.

Their main aim is to give practical help to individual people in need. SVP’s members attend
local meetings that start with prayer and Bible readings.

            Use CC page 135 to explain two ways SVP seek to help those in need on a local level

   “May we carry gifts to the poor and, to the rich, words
                       of gratitude.”
         Blessed Frederic Ozanam - SVP‛s Founder
Pax Christi was founded by Catholic Christians in France in 1945 to
                 promote reconciliation with the German people after the Second World
                 Their vision is for a world where people can live in peace, free from the
                 fear of violence in any form.

                 By 2015 there were over 100 Pax Christi organisations in 59 countries
                 around the world.

                 Members draw strength and encouragement from the Bible and the
                 teachings of the Catholic Church. Inspired by the teachings of Christ
                 and the church, Pax Christi members work tirelessly for peace in their
                 homes and families, their communities and places of work, and in the
                 wider world.

                 Members seek to promote peace through:
                   • Attending anti-war protests in major cities
                   • Speaking out against the illicit (forbidden) arms trade by
                     supporting international actions to control the sale of arms
                   • Engaging in dialogue and discussion with others
                   • Raising awareness of human rights through letter-writing
                   • Giving speeches or meeting with communities and governments
                     where they live

       ‘Blessed are the peacemakers,
       for they will be called children
                   of God.‛
               Matthew 5: 9

If you have time look at the work of the Corrymeela Community in Northern Ireland. What are
their aims and how do they seek to promote peace?

The Oneness of God and the Trinity

Give two persons of the trinity. (2)

Explain two ways the trinity influences Christians today. (4)

Explain two Christian teachings about the trinity. Refer to sacred writings or another source
of Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

It does not make sense to believe in the trinity. Evaluate this statement. (12+3)

If the trinity exists, God is not one. Evaluate this statement. (12+3)

The trinity clearly explains the nature of God to Christians. Evaluate this statement. (12+3)

The most important person of the trinity is Jesus. Evaluate this statement. (12+3)


Give two examples of what God created in the Genesis. (2)

Give two beliefs about creation in Christianity. (2)

Explain two ways in which a belief in creation influences Christians today. (4)

Explain two Christian teachings about creation. Refer to sacred writings or another source
of Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

The Bible is all that is needed for Christians to understand creation. Evaluate this
statement. (12+3)

Christians should take Genesis literally. Evaluate this statement. (12+3)

Life After Death

Give two reasons why Christians believe in life after death. (2)

Give two Christian beliefs about the afterlife. (2)

Give two reasons why a belief in life after death is important for Christians. (2)

Explain two ways a belief in life after death influences Christians today. (4)

Explain two ways a belief in resurrection influences Christians today. (4)

Explain two ways a belief in judgement influences Christians today. (4)

Explain two ways a belief in heaven influences Christians today. (4)

Explain two ways a belief in hell influences Christians today. (4)

Explain two Christian teachings about the afterlife. Refer to sacred writings or another
source of Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)
Explain two Christian teachings about resurrection. Refer to sacred writings or another
source of Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

Explain two Christian teachings about judgement. Refer to sacred writings or another source
of Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

Explain two Christian teachings about heaven. Refer to sacred writings or another source of
Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

Explain two Christian teachings about hell. Refer to sacred writings or another source of
Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

A belief in the afterlife is not important in Christianity. Evaluate this statement. (12+3)

Life after death is impossible. Evaluate this statement. (12+3)

There is no such thing as heaven. Evaluate this statement. (12+3)

Hell is incompatible with Christian teachings. Evaluate this statement. (12+3)

The Incarnation

Explain two ways a belief in the Incarnation can influence Christians today. (4)

Explain two Christian teachings about the Incarnation. Refer to sacred writings or another
source of Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

It does not make sense to belief in the Incarnation. Evaluate this statement. (12+3)

The Crucifixion

Explain two ways Jesus’ crucifixion influences Christians today. (4)

Explain two beliefs about Jesus’ crucifixion. Refer to scripture or sacred writing in your
answer. (5)

The crucifixion was the most important event in Jesus’ life for Christians. (12+3)

The Resurrection

Give two reasons why the disciples believed Jesus was alive after his resurrection. (2)

Give two events which happened after Jesus resurrected. (2)

Explain two ways Jesus’ resurrection influences Christians today. (4)

Explain two Christian teachings about Jesus’ resurrection. Refer to sacred writings or another
source of Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

The resurrection was the most important event in Jesus’ life for Christians. Evaluate this
statement. (12+3)

The Ascension

Explain two ways Jesus’ ascension influences Christians today. (4)
Explain two Christian teachings about Jesus’ ascension. Refer to sacred writings or another
source of Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

The ascension was the most important event in Jesus’ life for Christians. (12+3)

Sin and Original Sin

Give two examples of sin. (2)

Give two ways sin may influence a Christian today. (4)

Explain two Christian teachings about sin. Refer to sacred writings or another source of
Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

It is impossible not to sin in the world today. Evaluate this statement. (12+3)


Explain two ways a belief in salvation may influence a Christian today. (4)

Explain two Christian teachings about the means of salvation. Refer to sacred writings or
another source of Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

Salvation from sin is the most important belief for Christians today. Evaluate this statement.

Salvation is God’s greatest gift. Evaluate this statement. (12+3)

Explain two Christian teachings about Jesus’ role in salvation. Refer to sacred writings or
another source of Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

Atoning for the sins of Christians was Jesus’ greatest act. Evaluate this statement. (12+3)


Give two examples of sacraments in Christianity. (2)

Give two reasons sacraments are important for Christians. (2)

Give two types of Baptism in Christianity. (2)

Give two reasons Baptism is important for Christians. (2)

Give two reasons Infant Baptism is important for Christians. (2)

Give two different beliefs about Infant Baptism. (2)

Give two reasons Believers Baptism is important for Christians. (2)

Give two ways the Eucharist can be celebrated. (2)

Give two Christian beliefs about the Eucharist. (2)

Give two reasons the Eucharist is important for Christians. (2)
Explain two contrasting beliefs regarding the celebration of sacraments in Christianity. (4)

Explain two contrasting interpretations of the Eucharist. (4)

Explain two contrasting ways the Eucharist is celebrated in Christianity. (4)

Explain two contrasting ways in which Christians are baptised. (4)

Explain two contrasting beliefs about Infant Baptism in Christianity. (4)

Explain two reasons why the Eucharist is important in Christianity. Refer to sacred writings
or another source of Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

Explain two reasons why the Eucharist is celebrated in Christianity. Refer to sacred writings
or another source of Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

Explain two reasons why the sacraments are important in Christianity. Refer to sacred
writings or another source of Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

Explain two reasons why the sacrament of baptism is important in Christianity. Refer to
sacred writings or another source of Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

Explain two reasons why Christians are baptised. Refer to sacred writings or another source
of Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

The Eucharist is the most importance sacrament in Christianity. Evaluate this statement.

There is no point in celebrating the sacraments. Evaluate this statement. (12+3)

A Christian’s faith should be demonstrated through action, not through the sacrament of
Holy Communion. Evaluate this statement. (12+3)

Receiving the Eucharist is the best way a Christian can show their faith in God. Evaluate this
statement. (12+3)

It is better to be baptised as an infant, than an adult. Evaluate this statement. (12+3)

Children should decide for themselves if they want to become Christian. Evaluate this
statement. (12+3)

All Christians should be baptised. Evaluate this statement. (12+3)

You are not part of the Church unless you are baptised. Evaluate this statement. (12+3)


Give two examples of prayer. (2)

Give two reasons why prayer is important for Christians. (2)

Give two reasons why the Lord’s Prayer is important for Christians. (2)

Explain two contrasting ways in which Christians pray. (4)
Explain the difference between formal and informal prayer. (4)

Explain two reasons why prayer is important for Christians. Refer to sacred writings or
another source of Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

Explain two reasons why Christians pray. Refer to sacred writings or another source of
Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

Explain two reasons why the Lord’s Prayer is important. Refer to sacred writings or another
source of Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

The best way for Christians to reach an understanding of God is by practising prayer.
Evaluate this statement. (12)

There is no point in praying. Evaluate this statement. (12)

Prayer is the most important practice a Christian can do to show their faith in God. Evaluate
this statement. (12)

The Lord’s Prayer is the only prayer a Christian needs. Evaluate this statement. (12)


Give two mysteries of the rosary (2)

Give two events in the life of Jesus remembered in the rosary (2)

Give two prayers used in the rosary (2)

Explain two contrasting reasons why Catholics would pray the rosary (4)

Explain two reasons why praying the rosary is important to Catholics. Refer to sacred
writings or another sources of Catholic belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

Praying to Mary is a waste of time. Evaluate this statement. (12)

Stations of the Cross

Give two Stations of the Cross (2)

Explain two reasons why Catholics pray the Stations of the Cross (4)

Praying the Stations of the Cross is the best way to feel close to Jesus. Evaluate this
statement (12)


Give two examples of Christian sites of pilgrimage. (2)

Give two reasons why Christians go on pilgrimage. (2)
Give two reasons why pilgrimage is important for Christians. (2)

Explain two contrasting reasons why pilgrimage is important for Christians. (4)

Explain two reasons why pilgrimage is important for Christians. Refer to sacred writings or
another source of Christian belief and teaching in your answer. (5)

Pilgrimage is the best way to show devotion to God. Evaluate this statement. (12)

Pilgrimage is a waste of time. Evaluate this statement. (12)

Pilgrimage is all about making money. Evaluate this statement. (12)

Funeral Rite

Give two actions carried out during the funeral rite (2)

Give two symbolic items used during the funeral rite (2)

Explain two reasons why the funeral rite is important to Catholics, Refer to sacred writings
or another source of Christian belief in your answer. (5)

Catholic funerals should be happy occasions. Evaluate this statement. (12)

When you’re dead you’re dead so there’s no point having a special funeral rite. Evaluate this
statement. (12)

Work of the Church

Give two Catholic charities that work for justice (2)

Give two aims of CAFOD (2)

Give two ways that CAFOD helps the poor (2)

Give two ways that SVP helps the poor (2)

Give two ways that Missio evangelise (2)

Give two ways that Pax Christi try to promote peace (2)

Explain two reasons why CAFOD/TROCAIRE/SVP help the poor (4)

Explain two reasons why the work of Missio is important for the Catholic Church (4)

Explain two reasons why Catholics support charities. Refer to sacred writings or another
source of Christian belief in your answer. (5)

Giving to charity is the best way of showing your love for God. Evaluate this statement. (12)

Supporting Pax Christi is a waste of time. Evaluate this statement. (12)
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