YOGA THERAPY ESSENTIALS LOWER BACK PAIN - for by Elaine Oyang IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist

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YOGA THERAPY ESSENTIALS LOWER BACK PAIN - for by Elaine Oyang IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist

           October 28, 2020
           9:00 AM - 1:30 PM

       by Elaine Oyang
 IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist
YOGA THERAPY ESSENTIALS LOWER BACK PAIN - for by Elaine Oyang IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist
We've all heard the numbers and statistics, that lower back pain is the leading
contributor to missed work days and that up to 80% of adults in America experiences
low back point at some point in their lifetime (1).

Why such a high prevalence? Well, to start off, we can definitely look closer at
foundational postures in our daily activities such as standing, sitting, and walking. As
a culture and society, we have lost our natural innate ability to find proper alignment,
and as a whole we have adapted the "C-shape" curve of the spine as the norm rather
than the healthy J-shape spine we see in indigenous cultures with low propensity to
back pain (2).

Secondly, the increasing amount of low-level chronic stressors such as constant screen
stimulation, instant messaging, social media, 24/7 news cycle, and mounting pressure
to achieve perfection (or put on an air of perfection) keeps our bodies in constant
vigilance. While vigilance itself is not inherently an evil, the problem arises when this
vigilance becomes a major portion of our daily lives. It stimulates our nervous system
to contract, and therefore tense, our muscles, increase our breathing rate, elevate our
heart rate and blood pressure so that we are ready to immediately take action and put
out the fire (3).

                                     C-shape spine

YOGA THERAPY ESSENTIALS LOWER BACK PAIN - for by Elaine Oyang IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist
J-shape spine

In this manual, I highlight four essential poses for managing lower back pain, what I
call The Magic Four, These four poses are what my clients swear by, and of all the
other personalized poses and home practices I give them, these four are the most
popular amongst my clients for their effectiveness.

As you can see, all of these poses are done supine, or on your backs. This position is
fundamental in giving your tired back the most support, and in naturally correcting
for any spinal muscle misalignments. When done with the coordination of the breath,
you get an overall effect of increasing circulation through tense areas in your body that
negatively affects the health of your lower back, as well as lowering stress levels.

As always, please consult with your physician before proceeding with the exercises.
The following manual is not meant to diagnose or heal back pain or chronic pain, and
are merely suggested ideas to potentially help manage the symptoms.

Without further ado, here is Yoga Therapy Essentials for Lower Back Pain.




YOGA THERAPY ESSENTIALS LOWER BACK PAIN - for by Elaine Oyang IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist
steps to success
Before we dive into what I call The Magic Four, let us talk tactics to help you set up
for success.

Committed practice and devotion is the key to success.
Just as you wouldn't expect to run a marathon after one training session, you
shouldn't expect to completely resolve your symptoms just after one session. That is
not to say that you won't feel relief, but do not be frustrated or disappointed if some
of your symptoms return in a day or two. Yoga is more of a lifestyle and preventative
medicine, and consistency is key. With committed practice, most of my clients see
more lasting results after 6-8 weeks. Overtime, you may find you flare-up less
frequently, sleep better, and have more energy.

Designate a time to practice the Magic Four daily, even up to twice a day.
Stretching is one of the easiest ways to help relieve those tight muscles. In the
morning, it is a great way to get the blood circulating and muscles warmed around
the habitually tense areas in your body. In the evening, stretching can help relieve
tension that has been accumulated throughout the day and relax the body for restful
sleep. Bonus tip: Be sure to put it into your calendar! Even when you don't get to it
daily, you will still see these blocked out times. The more you see them, the more you
will be able to remember and motivate yourself!

Exercise common sense, and consult with a physician
While there are many different types of back pain, and therefore different methods,
the Magic Four are relatively safe and have worked miraculously for most of my
clients with back pain. However, do consult your physician before proceeding with
these exercises. If something doesn't feel right or leave you feeling worse than before,
do not continue with the yoga poses.

YOGA THERAPY ESSENTIALS LOWER BACK PAIN - for by Elaine Oyang IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist
the magic four
  1. supported savasana
Prop your legs up onto a chair, ottoman, low sofa/couch.
 Make sure the back of your knees are supported. Rest
your hands on your belly or lay your arms by your side
           with your palms facing upwards.

                    2-10 minutes
 grounds the mind, relieves spinal tension, relaxes the
     whole body. bonus: listen to guided relaxation

YOGA THERAPY ESSENTIALS LOWER BACK PAIN - for by Elaine Oyang IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist
2. supine child's pose
Bring your knees to your chest and hold your knees side
by side. On an exhale, draw your knees in. On an inhale,
 straighten your arms to guide your knees away. Keep
         your knees, hips, and low back relaxed.

                      8-12 rounds
   gently stretches and massages lower back and hips



YOGA THERAPY ESSENTIALS LOWER BACK PAIN - for by Elaine Oyang IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist
3. thread-the-needle
Cross your left foot over your right thigh. Thread your
hands behind your right leg and hold. You can also use
 a strap if wrapping your hands around your thigh is

                 6-8 breaths each side
           relieves tension in hips and glutes

YOGA THERAPY ESSENTIALS LOWER BACK PAIN - for by Elaine Oyang IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist
4. 3-way hamstring stretch
   Use a strap, belt, or rope, and loop it over your left foot.
Stretch your leg towards the ceiling and hold to stretch. Then,
lean your left leg to your left side; hold to stretch. Lastly, lean
 your leg across your body to your right side; hold to stretch.

                 6-8 breaths in each variation
 relieves lower back and hip tension by stretching hamstrings

YOGA THERAPY ESSENTIALS LOWER BACK PAIN - for by Elaine Oyang IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist
final words
My wish for you is to find at least one thing from this pamphlet that is effective for
you. As I have mentioned before, every back pain is different with its unique story
and history, and therefore, the journey of healing looks different for every person.

If you find this pamphlet helpful, please send this to your family, friend, colleague,
and neighbor who you think might also benefit from the pamphlet.

In addition, I am working my magic and creating The Yoga Therapy Essentials for
Low Back Pain video bundle for you, This bundle will include four 10-minute video
instructions on a morning sequence, office sequence, evening sequence, and a self-
massaging sequence. Furthermore, you will receive nutrition and lifestyle tips on
how to manage stress, and therefore, your back pain, effectively, as well as a guided
audio relaxation specifically for back pain.

Join the waitlist to be the first to access this bundle in early 2019.

Now, I would love to hear from you. What is your biggest challenge with back pain?
How does it affect your life and those around you? How has this e-guide helped?

With love,

   Here is the link to join the waitlist for your Lower Back Pain Yoga
               Therapy Bundle:

YOGA THERAPY ESSENTIALS LOWER BACK PAIN - for by Elaine Oyang IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist
about elaine
Elaine Oyang is an IAYT certified yoga therapist and wellness advocate. But more
importantly, she is your companion, your educator, and your cheerleader in
resolving your chronic pain and fatigue so that you can resume your high-
functioning life. She believes in a compassionate and mind-body approach, and
meets you where you are to help bridge the gap between how you feel now and how
you want to feel.

She specializes in Restorative-style Yoga Therapy (Svaroopa Yoga and Spinal Release
Yoga) to help clients manage chronic pain and fatigue. Her approach starts from
nurturing the nervous system in order to resolve symptoms at deeper levels and
rejuvenate from within. She believes in meeting her clients where they are, and
compassionately supports them through personalized yoga therapy sessions, stress
management, and lifestyle coaching.

In addition to her private work, she currently teaches two classes, Senior Yoga and
Yoga for Back Care, at Thriveability Yoga in the West Portal neighborhood of San
Francisco. She has also taught in Taipei, Taiwan and Sydney, Australia throughout
her teaching career.


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