Digital Workplace transformation drives Windows 10 adoption

Page created by Erin Salazar
Digital Workplace transformation drives Windows 10 adoption
Digital Workplace transformation
drives Windows 10 adoption
Digital Workplace transformation drives Windows 10 adoption
The digital workplace is one essential enabler for future, sustainable competitiveness
of enterprises. It needs to be flexible, empowering the productivity of employees
while increasing their work environment satisfaction. In parallel it has to address
critical business requirements related to mobility, remote collaboration and security.
Microsofts Windows 10 operating system is a “must consideration” when looking
at the transformation to a future-proof digital workplace platform.

Introduction                                  Figure 1: Clients should start their migration planning for Windows 10
                                              immediately to avoid time pressure
The demand of Accenture’s clients for         Gartner recommended to start with the preparatory work and planning for the
Digital workplace strategy consulting         Windows 10 migration in early 2016, regardless of when the organization will
to shape their future workplace target        perform the migration
picture is strongly growing. So far
Windows 10 was slowly impacting the                                                    Jul 2016
                                                                                       Announced end of
market given that extended support of                                                  free upgrade for non-
Windows 7 is still running until beginning                                             volume license users
                                                    Jul 2015                           of Windows 7 and 8
of 2020. Nevertheless as Gartner reports
indicate enterprises are ahead of a strong          Official release                                                                                                Jan 20201
                                                    of Windows 10                                                                                                 Migration
demand for Windows 10 caused by                                                                                                                                   deadline
enforced consumer adoption, improved
features and considerations for a cost                                                 Planning                                       Migration
optimized rollout. Therefore Accenture
recommends to start with the preparatory
work and planning for the Windows 10                  Increase of end user                                                          Available time for
migration latest in 2017.                             demand                                                                        migration process
                                                      Free end user installations                                                   Period for organization and
                                                      and additional features                         Today                         group wide migrations

                                              1: Extended support for Windows 10, released in July 2015, will end October, 2025

Online services                               Mobility                                                                            Security
Windows 10 enables Online services            Windows 10 over-comes device-centric                                                Missing separation of personal and
with its new Edge Browser. Edge supports      application provisioning and enables                                                corporate data is a significant Security
modern web standards, e.g. improved           Mobility. Universal applications run on                                             concern for many enterprises. With
HTML5 and CSS support, frequent updates       laptops, desktops, tablets, phones and                                              Windows 10 this separation is possible
and will therefore enable rapid application   other devices. The same applications can                                            through the Enterprise Data Protection
development in enterprises.                   be accessed independently of the device                                             (EDP) feature, it enables IT departments
                                              to give users a seamless and consistent                                             to wipe corporate data remotely without
Integration in Cloud Services                 experience. Given that Windows 10 market                                            impacting any personal data of the user.
The integration in Cloud Services is          share is still very limited on smartphone
enhanced as services like OneDrive            and tablet devices the Integration with
and Office365 are better integrated into      Office 365 MDM features and Microsoft
the platform. Windows 10 can more             Intune allow the management of non-MS
easily deploy, integrate and manage           based devices at relatively low cost. With
cloud services and applications, e.g.         the new provisioning package option,
Office 365 Single-Sign-On, One Drive          Windows 10 is also better suited for the
Synchronization and Backups, Microsoft        realization of BYOD1, COPE2 and other
Azure Active Directory Join and MS Intune     mobile strategy scenarios3, because new
for Mobile Device Mgmt (MDM).                 devices can be configured as an enterprise
                                              device by the user without the need of a
                                              setup by the IT department.
Digital Workplace transformation drives Windows 10 adoption
Consideration Points                           Figure 2: Evergreen Approach
Application compatibility was a                                                                                        of millions

challenge for all Windows operating                                             Several Million
                                                                  10’s of
system upgrades so far. According to            Users             thousands
Accenture client experience applications
running on Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 will very                                        Microsoft
likely run on Windows 10 without                  Engineering     Microsoft     Insider
                                                  builds          internal      Preview                                                       Deployment
problems. The incompatibility of old                              validation    Branch
Windows XP drivers has to be considered
though – the corresponding applications                                                           Ring IT
                                                Time                                                        Ring QA Ring Early
should be checked and tested in advance                                                                             Adopters
                                                                                                                                 Ring I
                                                                    ~6 months                                                             Ring II
and if possible upgraded to newer                                                                                                                   Ring III
                                                                                                                                                               Ring IV
versions. The 64-bit version Windows 10
                                                                                                                           16+ months
does not contain any mode for legacy           *Conceptual illustration only
16-bit applications anymore – if necessary
a deployment of the 32-bit version of
Windows 10 is should be considered.            Microsoft will usually release a new                          Accenture is your partner
                                               Windows build every 4 to 8 months and
For a productive deployment scenario           only the last two are supported. Different
                                                                                                             for Digital Workplace
only a few infrastructure updates are          service branches (Current Branch (CB),                        transformation
necessary. In order to have the full           Current Branch for Business (CBB) and
functionality the update of the System         Long Term Servicing Branch (LTSB)) are                        Accenture has deep experience and proven
Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)            introduced to allow the IT to balance                         delivery capabilities in workplace and
to SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 or later. This is          between innovation, flexibility and                           infrastructure transformations at large
prerequisite to manage and deploy              stability for mission critical systems.                       scale. We serve more than 625 clients all
different branches, Click2Run updates                                                                        over the world, we consult vendor
for Office 365 apps or cumulative                                                                            independent and have strong strategic
updates that will come with the new            Best platform for the                                         partnerships with all major workplace and
deployment model.                                                                                            IT infrastructure vendors to integrate the
                                               Digital Workplace                                             best solutions into your workplace target
The hardware devices of in-place               The final deadline for the migration to                       picture. We aggregated our technical
Windows 7 or 8.1 deployments will be still     Windows 10 is set by Microsoft. The                           expertise about Microsoft products in
supported by Microsoft until the end of        extended support of Windows 7 ends in                         Avanade, our joint venture with Microsoft.
the corresponding support lifecycles,          January 2020. Given the advantages for a                      Together we are leading the market in
including devices using the Intel Skylake      Digital Workplace environment and the                         workplace transformation including Office
architecture introduced in autumn 2015.        considerations for a cost efficient upgrade                   365 integration and are delivering best in
The Microsoft support for these devices        strategy it is the right time to start                        class solutions for our clients.
was extended to January 20204. Many            planning of a Windows 10 adoption now.
enterprises consider to do an operating                                                                      Furthermore Accenture is leveraging a
system upgrade together with the end                                                                         proven methodology and frameworks that
device life-cycle. In this case an early       Step by Step instead of                                       allow a quick start into your digital
rollout readiness is required.                                                                               workplace transformation journey.
                                               Big Bang Migrations
A lot of enterprises are using virtualized     The relatively low migration hurdles and
workplaces to reduce onsite service cost       the remaining Windows 7 support period
and device dependencies. The option to         can be used to start with piloting early
run a Windows 10 user interface on WTS5        adaptor environments, e.g. for mobile
based environments requires Windows            workers, BYOD concepts and cloud service
Server 2016 – older versions will lead to      integration like Office 365. A step-by-step
an inconsistent user experience. Windows       migration potentially in sync with device
10 on Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)     life cycle is possible to keep migration
is a proper way to avoid this situation. The   costs low.
new evergreen approach introduced by
Microsoft has advantages but also bears
                                               1 BYOD: Bring your own device
challenges for existing change and release     2 COPE: corporate owned, personally enabled
processes.                                     3 Beside BYOD and COPE, CYOD (choose your own device) and hybrid forms can be suitable for a company
                                               5 WTS: Windows Terminal Server
Digital Workplace transformation drives Windows 10 adoption
Contact                                  About Accenture
                                         Accenture is a leading global professional
                                         services company, providing a broad range
                                         of services and solutions in strategy,
                                         consulting, digital, technology and
                                         operations. Combining unmatched
Dirk Schuphan                            experience and specialized skills across
Managing Director of the Accenture       more than 40 industries and all business
Digital Workplace Practice in Germany,   functions – underpinned by the world’s
Austria and Switzerland                  largest delivery network – Accenture
                                         works at the intersection of business and              technology to help clients improve their
Accenture Operations                     performance and create sustainable value
Campus Kronberg 1                        for their stakeholders. With approximately
61476 Kronberg                           384,000 people serving clients in more than
                                         120 countries, Accenture drives innovation
                                         to improve the way the world works and
                                         lives. Visit us at

Ronny Schattauer
Accenture Digital Workplace Practice
Accenture Operations
Friedrichstr. 78
10117 Berlin

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Digital Workplace transformation drives Windows 10 adoption
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