Of ce 365 Migration Performance & Server Requirements

Page created by Leslie Chen
Of ce 365 Migration Performance & Server Requirements
Office 365 Migration Performance &
 Solutions for the Modern Workforce™
                                                     Server Requirements

Understanding Migration Performance
There are many factors that can affect
performance when migrating to Office 365,
including upstream bandwidth, internal network
factors, workstation speed, disk speed and
available memory. The size of users’ mailboxes
and the number of messages in them also
affects performance. In order to get the best
possible performance the first thing to ensure
is that the migration servers and all connections
to and from them are as fast as possible.

When migrating to Office 365, performance is
always limited by upstream bandwidth at the
Microsoft datacenter where the 365 tenancy is
located. CloudBearing uses the EWS API
(Exchange Web Services) to interface to Exchange Online. Microsoft restricts the number of
simultaneous connections and throttles the throughput.

Usually the best way to obtain optimal performance, after making sure all local factors are as
favorable as possible, is to migrate many users simultaneously. Migrating one user (if the rate is
limited for that user) can often take as long as migrating ten users. It is therefore advisable to
migrate as many users as possible simultaneously.

The number of users that can be migrated simultaneously can be affected somewhat by local
bandwidth restrictions. For example, if there is limited upstream bandwidth, then in this case it
can make sense to limit the number of simultaneous users that are migrated. If bandwidth is
high, then migrating many simultaneous users is highly recommended to achieve the best
throughput. An upper limit of 15 - 20 simultaneous users is suggested. With higher numbers
performance can be adversely affected by CPU and memory usage.
To migrate more than 20 simultaneous users, we recommend setting up multiple migration
servers, each processing many users. This way CPU and memory is only an issue per-server
and very large numbers can be migrated at one time, providing bandwidth is high.
The best way to determine performance for your site is to perform a pilot migration with a
representative number of users and examine performance. Often a migration of just one user
may be carried out to ensure that mails, appointments and contacts are migrated correctly, but
this alone does not give a true indication of the performance that can be obtained from migrating
many users simultaneously. When the performance from your site has been established, a full
migration plan can be established.

Migration Performance Factors
      FACTOR                         DESCRIPTION                                               EXAMPLE

                   The device or service that hosts the data to be        Google Mail limits how much data can be
                   migrated. Many limitations might apply to the data     extracted during a specific period of time.
 DATA SOURCE       source because of hardware specifications,
                   end-user workload, and back-end maintenance

                   Because of the unique nature of a customer’s           One 4-GB mailbox with 400 items, each with 10
 DATA TYPE         business, the type and mix of mail items within        megabytes (MB) of attachments, will migrate faster
 AND DENSITY       mailboxes vary greatly.                                than one 4-GB mailbox with 100,000 smaller items.

                   Many migration solutions use a "jump box" type of      Customers often use a low-performance virtual
 MIGRATION         migration server or workstation to complete            machine to host the MRSProxy for hybrid
 SERVER            the migration.                                         deployments or a client PC non-hybrid migrations.

                   The data migration engine that is responsible for      Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication Service
                   pulling data from the source server converts data if   (MRS) has its own capabilities and limitations.
                   necessary, transmits the data over the network,
                   and injects the data into the Exchange
                   Online mailbox.

                   The end-to-end network performance—                    Firewall configuration and specifications on
 ON-PREMISES       from the data source to Exchange Online                the on-premises organization.
 NETWORK           client access servers—affects migration
 APPLICATIONS      performance.

                   Office 365 has built-in support and                    The user throttling policy has default
  OFFICE 365
                   features to manage the migration                       settings and limits the overall maximum
                   workload.                                              data transfer rate.
FACTOR                            DESCRIPTION                                               EXAMPLE

                      The amount of time it takes to migrate                   • Identify your available network capacity and
                      mailboxes to Exchange Online is                          determine the maximum upload capacity.
                      determined by the available and                          • Contact your ISP to confirm your allocated
                      maximum capacity of your network.                        bandwidth and get details about restrictions, such
                                                                               as the total amount of data that can be transferred
                                                                               in a specific period of time.
  NETWORK                                                                      • Use tools to evaluate your actual network capacity.
  CAPACITY                                                                     Make sure you test the end-to-end flow of data, from
                                                                               your on-premises data source to the Microsoft data
                                                                               center gateway servers.
                                                                               • Identify other loads on your network (for example,
                                                                               backup utilities and scheduled maintenance) that
                                                                               can affect your network capacity.

                      A fast network doesn’t always result in fast             Network hardware and driver issues often cause
                      migrations. If the network isn’t stable, data transfer   network stability problems. Work with your hardware
  NETWORK             takes longer because of error correction.                vendors to understand your network devices and
  STABILITY           Depending on the migration type, error correction        apply the vendor’s latest recommended drivers and
                      can significantly affect migration performance.          software updates.

                      Intrusion detection functionality configured on a        • Evaluate network delays to all potential Microsoft
                      network firewall often causes significant network        data centers to help ensure that the result is
                      delays and affects migration performance.                consistent. (This also helps ensure a consistent
                      Migrating data to Exchange Online mailboxes relies       experience for end users). Work with your ISP to
                      on your Internet connection. Internet delays affect      address Internet-related issues.
  NETWORK             overall migration performance.                           • Add IP addresses for Microsoft data center servers
  DELAYS              Also, users in the same company might have cloud         to your allow list, or bypass all migration-related
                      mailboxes that reside in data centers in different       traffic from you network firewall. For more
                      geographical locations. Depending on the                 information about the Office 365 IP ranges, see
                      customer's ISP, there might be varying migration         Office 365 URLs and IP address ranges.

Evaluating Network Performance

The Office 365 Network Analysis Tool is deployed to help analyze network-related issues prior to deploying
Office 365 services.

• North America: http://na1-fasttrack.cloudapp.net
• EMEA: http://em1-fasttrack.cloudapp.net
• APAC: http://ap1-fasttrack.cloudapp.net
• https://testconnectivity.microsoft.com/
Network Performance Factors

Performance by Migration Method                                                       OBSERVED AVERAGE
                                                                                       THROUGHOUT PER

IMAP                                                                                 10-15 GB
                      NO                  YES                       YES
MIGRATION                                                                            (100 concurrency)

CUTOVER                                                                              10-15 GB
                      NO                  YES                       YES
MIGRATION                                                                            (100 concurrency)

STAGED                                                                               10-15 GB
                      NO                  YES                      YES
MIGRATION                                                                            (100 concurrency)

                                                                                     10-15 GB per on-
                                                                                     premises Exchange
                      NO                  YES                      YES               2013 or 2010 CAS
                                                                                     (MRS Proxy) with 20
                                                                                     concurrent moves*

THIRD PARTY                                                                          4-12 GB
                      YES                  NO                      YES
MAPI MIGRATION                                                                       (20 concurrency)***

3RD PARTY                                                                            5-10 GB
                      NO                  YES                      YES
EWS MIGRATION                                                                        (20 concurrency)**
                                              YES                                 NO                                  YES                       0.5 GB

* Observed single mailbox move throughput is in the 0.3–1.0 GB/hour range. More concurrent mailbox migrations can be used to achieve higher data migration rates. For example,
with 50 concurrent moves, the overall throughput will be in the 15–50 GB/hour range. Single mailbox move throughput will slow down when the on-premises CAS (MRSProxy) server
is at hardware capacity. Consider adding more servers to increase migration velocity.
** Observed single EWS migration throughput is in the 0.2–0.5 GB/hour range. More concurrent migrations can be used to achieve higher data migration rates. For example, with
100 concurrent migrations, the overall throughput will be in the 20–50 GB/hour range. Single EWS migration throughput will slow down when on-premises servers or the network is
at capacity.
*** Observed single MAPI migration throughput is in the 0.1-0.5 GB/hour range. More concurrent migrations can be used to achieve higher data migration rates. Single MAPI
migration throughput will slow down when on-premises servers or the network is at capacity.

Migration Server Requirements
Server Specifications                                                                   Office 365 Tenant Requirements
• Windows 2008 R2 Standard or 2012/R2 Standard                                          • Email address and password of a Global Administrator
• 2.0Ghz or higher Intel Core 2 (Dual Processor)                                        • Enable Application Impersonation Role
• 4 GB RAM or Higher
• 100 GB Disk Space                                             Server Software
                                                                • Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5/4.5
Determining the Number of Migrations Servers and Time           • PowerShell 2.0/3.0
• Migration Time Window                                                  -http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh801904.aspx
• Amount of Mail Data                                           • Antivirus Exclusions needed at a minimum, recommended AV to
• Migration Performance Factors*                                be disabled during migration
• Network Capacity*                                                      -Ensure ports 80 and 443 are unfiltered
                                                                         -Ensure the process "*ExportWorker.exe" (should be
Use the following formula to ballpark initial migration window:          exchangeExportWorker.exe but may have an alternate
                                                                         name) is not scanned
Time = Source Size / Servers (Migration Throughput x Concurrent          -Ensure the process "*ImportWorker.exe" (should be
Migrations)                                                              exchangeImportWorker.exe but may have an alternate name)
                                                                         is not scanned
• Migration Throughput for Third Party EWS Migrations expect
• Concurrent Migrations range from 10 – 20 mailboxes per
migration server

Sample Run Times – due to multiple variables, you can see from 2) Migration Server Two:
a run of three concurrent migration servers running just over 1100
                                                                    a. 495 Mailboxes (366 users failed with no destination mailbox
mailboxes the data throughputs can vary:
                                                                    or invalid credentials to source mailbox)
                                                                    b. 40GB Exported and 40GB Imported
Three Migration Servers:
                                                                    c. Total Time: 20 hours 15 minutes
1) Migration Server One:
      a. 481 mailboxes                                                                  3) Migration Server Three:
      b. 108GB Exported and 104GB Imported (4GB of content                                    a. 308 mailboxes (114 users failed with no destination mailbox
      which was either corrupt or over the 35MB message limit)                                or invalid credentials to source mailbox)
      c. Total Time: 2 days 20 hours 16 minutes                                               b. 128GB Exported and 128GB Imported
                                                                                              c. Total Time: 3 days 10 hours and 4 minutes
CloudBearing Observations
When Migrating from GroupWise to Office 365                                    When Migrating from Lotus Notes to Office 365
1) Before any migration, first run GWCHECK and verify the two tests            1) It is recommended to perform a cut over migration due to
listed below. This will help ensure any problematic mailboxes are              complexity of bulk email forwarding addresses in Lotus Notes
able to migrate smoothly.                                                      2) Lotus Notes Administrator should have full access to all
a. Analyze/Fix Databases                                                       mailboxes. This will prevent any issues when exporting mail from
b. Structural Rebuild                                                          a user’s mailbox.
c. More information on this tool can be found:                                 3) It’s recommended to manually import contacts into Office 365
http://support.novell.com/docs/Tids/Solutions/10025211.html                    by exporting them from Lotus Notes and then importing them
2) For Linux based GroupWise installs, use the Domain Path versus              using Outlook once the user has been migrated.
the Domain DN during the migration.                                            4) Users must sync their local contacts and calendar to the Lotus
a. Also ensure the user for migration has access to the WPHOST.DB              Notes server prior to being migrated so that their contacts and
domain path location.                                                          calendar are migrated with the mailbox.
3) Ensure the correct language is specified for the Client on the              5) Encrypted mailboxes and archives should be decrypted by
Migration workstation (i.e.: English) to ensure contact details                users before migration
will migrate.

When Migrating from Google Apps to Office 365
• Google API throttle restriction occur when going beyond 200 concurrent mailbox migrations. Further information on Google Apps Email
Settings API Limits and Quotas can be found in the “More Information” section.
• Google may lock your account for 24 hours if they consider that too much data has been retrieved from their servers in a given
amount of time. Also, Google Apps imposes a hard limit of 1 item per second when migrating from Google Apps.
• When migrated from Google Apps to Office 365, labels in Gmail are translated into Folders in Office 365
More Information on Migration Performance

• http://technet.microsoft.com/library/dn592150(v=exchg.150).aspx
• https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/email-settings/limits
• https://support.google.com/a/answer/1071518?hl=en
• http://blogs.msdn.com/b/mstehle/archive/2011/09/22/outbox-creating-ews-service-accounts-in-office-365.aspx
• http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd776119(v=exchg.150).aspx                                               *See Migration Factors Section
• http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh373144.aspx                                                            *Network Capacity Section

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