YOUNG LEARNER DATES & FEES 2022 - International ...

Page created by Teresa Dean
YOUNG LEARNER DATES & FEES 2022 - International ...


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YOUNG LEARNER DATES & FEES 2022 - International ...

   & FEES

 FRENSHAM ( AGES 8-17)                                                      M O U LT O N ( A G E S 1 2 - 1 7)
 START DATES 2022 - SPRING                                                  START DATES 2022
 09 April (Book for 1-2 weeks)        16 April (Book for 1 week)            22 June (Book for 1-6 weeks)         13 July (Book for 1-3 weeks)
 COURSE                                              PRICE PER WEEK         29 June (Book for 1-5 weeks)         20 July (Book for 1-2 weeks)
 Discover English (Ages 8-11)                        £1034                  06 July (Book for 1-4 weeks)         27 July (Book for 1 week)

 English Experience (Ages 12-17)                     £975                   COURSE                                               PRICE PER WEEK

 STEM in Partnership with LEGO Education             £2704 (2 weeks)        English Experience                                   £884

 (Ages 12-17)                                                               Animal Welfare (Ages 12-17)                          £1018
 09 April (2 weeks)                                                         Active English | English Plus (Ages 12-17)           £989
 START DATES 2022- SUMMER                                                   OXFORD ( AGES 12-17)
 06 July (Book for 1-6 weeks)         03 August (Book for 1-2 weeks)        START DATES 2022                                     PRICE PER WEEK
 20 July (Book for 1-4 weeks)         10 August (Book for 1 week)
                                                                            06 July (Book for 2-5 weeks)         27 July (Book for 1-2 weeks)
 27 July (Book for 1-3 weeks)
                                                                            20 July (Book for 1-3 weeks)         03 August (Book for 1 week)
 COURSE                                              PRICE PER WEEK
                                                                            Active English | English Plus (Ages 12-17)           £1244
 Discover English (Ages 8-11)                        £1066
                                                                            START DATES 2022                                     PRICE PER COURSE
 Active English | English Plus (Ages 12-17)          £1018
                                                                            Future Leaders
 Performing Arts Academy                             £2704 (2 weeks)
                                                                            06 July Entrepreneurship (Ages 14-17)                £3023 (2 weeks)
 27 July (2 weeks)
                                                                            06 July World Leader (Ages 14-17)                    £3023 (2 weeks)
 STEM       (Ages 12-17)                             £2704 (2 weeks)
                                                                            20 July Young MBA (Ages 14-17)                       £3023 (2 weeks)
 06 July (2 weeks)      20 July (2 weeks)

                                                                            AIRPORT TRANSFERS
                                                                            Shared airport transfers with students met by IH staff are available for
                                                                            £100 return on scheduled arrival days from scheduled airports.
                                                                            YOUNG LEARNER          AIRPORT                      ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE
                                                                            CENTRE                                              DAY
                                                                            Frensham               London Heathrow LHR          Wednesday
                                                                            Moulton                London Heathrow LHR          Wednesday
                                                                            Oxford                 London Heathrow LHR          Wednesday
                                                                            If you’d like to arrive on a different day or from a different airport, please
                                                                            contact to arrange a private transfer.
                                                                            Unaccompanied minor charge £120 (return)
                                                                            Supplement for premium accommodation (Jubilee) £50

* Please contact for more information
  about group bookings

Minimum course length is seven nights. For students who are not studying   Additional £150 per week for horse riding
English Plus, the Lang Cert test can be offered at a £50 surcharge.

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By making a booking with International House         Immigration Authorities about students whose         an invoice will be raised immediate payment will
Trust (trading as ‘International House London’)      attendance falls below the standard required         be expected.
you agree to the terms and conditions as set         by their visa.
out below. Unless specifically agreed in writing,                                                         We do not allow students that owe fees to attend
these conditions have precedence over any            If a visa application is unsuccessful, yet all       classes or enter our accommodation. Students
other communications.                                documentation was correctly submitted, please        unable to pay any balance at registration will
                                                     send a copy of the visa refusal letter to our        be turned away and, where applicable parents,
If you have made a booking via an agency, then       admissions team. A course fee refund will be         agents or sponsors informed. Students under
your contract is with the agent and not with         issued when we receive this document.                18 will be passed across to the care of local
International House London.                                                                               government social services.
                                                     For advice on visa regulations, please visit
Course availability and                              the following website:          How to Pay
cancellation                   Always quote          immigration/student-visas. Alternatively, you        All fees are stated in GBP. We prefer payment
                               your student          can contact the British Embassy in your country.     by credit card but will accept cash at our
Every attempt will be         number on bank                                                              Stukeley Street Reception. For currencies other
made to place students          transfers or          Attendance and student holidays                     that GBP you will be charged the exchange
on the course of their        correspondence         Students are expected to attend lessons              rate applicable at the time of booking plus a
choice. In the event of                              regularly and on time. Students forfeit course       handling fee dependent on the currency and
insufficient applications for                        fees if they are late, absent, or leave before the   amount.
a course, the school reserves                        course ends.
the right to offer an alternative course of equal                                                         We accept payment by MasterCard, Visa,
value or a refund. Acceptance onto a course          Airport and railway station transfers                American Express and JCB and you can pay via
with specified level requirements will be subject    We can provide transport from your airport or        our website at the time of booking, or by phone.
to a level test at the centre.                       train station to your accommodation at prices        International students can pay via Flywire
                                                     stated in our price lists. Once booked these fees    (www. or bank transfer to 30-65-
Age                                                  are non-refundable irrespective of whether or        41, 37995568. Please make sure that you quote
For young learner programmes the minimum             not the service is used. These fees must be paid     your name in the reference section
age is twelve, except at Frensham, Ellesmere         at least six weeks before the transfer date.
and Edinburgh young learner centres where it                                                              We are not responsible for any bank service
is eight. Young learner programmes also have a       Code of Conduct                                      fees; it is the responsibility of the student to
maximum age of seventeen.                            The school reserves the right to terminate an        cover any amounts required to ensure that we
                                                     enrolment without issuing a refund, where a          receive the full student fee. Always quote the
Insurance                                            participant’s behaviour is such that it would be     student number on bank transfers. Credit card
It is highly recommended that all students have      unreasonable for them to continue their studies.     payments are subject to a 1.5% handling fee for
comprehensive travel, repatriation, medical                                                               bookings which are not made online.
and course insurance. For young learners we          Special offers
provide complementary insurance. Please see          Discounts cannot be applied retrospectively to       Force Majeure           existing bookings and only one discount can be       In the event of ‘force majeure’, such as fire,
for more details.                                    applied to a booking.                                flooding, pandemic, infectious diseases and
                                                                                                          other events outside our reasonable control
British immigration regulations                      Variation to fees                                    which may cause the closure of the school,
If the student is a non-EU applicant, they may       We usually set, and hold, our fees for a calendar    no refund of fees will be made to students,
require a student visa. It is your responsibility    year. Fees are chargeable based on the fee for       except at the school’s discretion in exceptional
to obtain this visa and we are not responsible       the course published in the brochure for the         circumstances.
if a student obtains the wrong visa. If a student    year in which you choose to study. However, if
requires a visa and arrives without one, they will   you book a course before 1st October for the         Cancellations, changes and refunds
not be eligible to attend the programme. Please      following year you may choose to be charged          Should individual students need to cancel or
note that all non-EU students must study for a       the fee at the current rate. Please note that if     postpone their study, the following refund
minimum of 15 hours per week to comply with          you extend your course, additional weeks will        policy applies. The information below relates
British immigration regulations.                     be chargeable at the fee applicable on the date      to programme fees and excludes the deposit
                                                     you extend your booking.                             and registration fee which are always non-
A course may be terminated at any point if a                                                              refundable:
participant is found not to have leave to remain     Deposits
in the UK or breaches the conditions under           All our courses require a deposit at the time of      • Up until ten working days before the start
which they are in the UK.                            booking. Deposits are non-refundable, except            of the course – full refund or up to 12-month
                                                     under the visa refusal conditions detailed              postponement
Visa applicable support                              above. Deposits for individual students are
For the latest information about student visas       £450, unless this is more than the course fee.        • Fewer than ten working days before arrival
for the UK, see our Getting a Visa page or visit     Deposits for group bookings are a minimum of            - 75% tuition refund or up to 12-month
the website.                              10% of the total course fee. Deposit and payment        postponement
                                                     terms will be outlined in the agreed Service
We are a Student Visa (Sponsorships) under the       Level Agreement (SLA).                                • After the course has commenced - no
UKVI’s points-based system (no. 5BY3ENNA5)                                                                   refund or postponement permitted
and we will provide the documentation required       Subject to a small leeway, to allow for funds
for students to apply for study visas where          to be transferred, until the deposit is paid, the    Group Bookings
applicable. Documentation in support of study        ‘booking’, remains a quotation or an allocation,     Individual cancellations within the group are
visa applications will only be provided after all    and the place(s) are not confirmed; they may be      subject to the standard Terms and Conditions
fees have been paid.                                 sold to another person.                              above.

The school has a legal obligation to collect and     Tuition Fees                                         Group bookings may be subject to specific
maintain application information, as well as         The full fee should be paid the time of booking,     Terms and Conditions. Please refer to your
passport and visa data, and inform the               and no later than 6 weeks before the start of the    Group SLA (Service-Level Agreement)
                                                     course. If not paid via our online booking system    document for full details.

                                                                               visit | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | email
Additional conditions                               Unaccompanied minors are charged an
                                                 -Young Learners                                     additional £60 one-way due to the additional
                                                                                                     staff resources needed to provide this service.

                                                 Health and safety                                   All travel details must be finalised and
                                                 We operate a rigorous Health and Safety             communicated to us at least 28 days before the
                                                 policy. Staff are all DBS (Disclosure and Barring   start of the programme. Within 28 days we may
                                                 Service) checked and undergo a period of            have to arrange a private transfer, in which case
                                                 training and orientation prior to students          the fee difference will be due before the course
                                                 arriving at the school. All the relevant student-   commences.
                                                 teacher ratios are adhered to, as set out by the
                                                 Children’s Act and relevant governing bodies of     Code of Conduct
                                                 language travel courses, such as English UK.        School rules will be sent out along with the
                                                                                                     joining documentation. While every effort
                                                 Airport transfers                                   will be made to contact parents or guardians
                                                 If you have booked a shared airport transfer,       regarding serious breaches of school rules,
                                                 students will be met by a member of our Young       the centre manager may at his/her discretion
                                                 Learners Programme staff and accompanied            impose sanctions, including suspension and
                                                 to the school. Shared transfers are available       expulsion. We reserve the right to dismiss
                                                 from 10:00 until 19:00 from: London Heathrow        any student whose standard of conduct is
                                                 and Manchester International Airport, and           unsatisfactory. We do not refund fees in cases of
                                                 for Edinburgh, from Edinburgh International.        expulsion and all costs incurred as a result must
                                                 For arrivals outside of these times or to other     be paid for by the student.
                                                 airports, clients can make their own way to the
                                                 school or book a private transfer.                  All students are liable for loss or damage to
                                                                                                     school property for which they are responsible.
                                                 Clients are welcome to choose between a             A £50 cash deposit will be taken from all
                                                 shared or private transfer during the hours of      students upon arrival and returned at the end of
                                                 10:00 and 19:00, but private transfers will be      the programme, providing no damage has been
                                                 charged at the full private transfer rate. This     incurred.
                                                 includes a member of the school staff meeting
                                                 the student at the airport and checking in the
                                                 student at the airport upon departure.
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