Youth Media Festival Melbourne Saturday 2 July 2016 Celebrating and supporting young content makers - Screen Futures

Page created by Calvin Dennis
Youth Media Festival Melbourne Saturday 2 July 2016 Celebrating and supporting young content makers - Screen Futures

Youth Media Festival
Melbourne Saturday 2 July 2016
Celebrating and supporting young content makers

Register at:         facebook/youthmediafestival
Youth Media Festival Melbourne Saturday 2 July 2016 Celebrating and supporting young content makers - Screen Futures

          Australian Teachers of Media
          (ATOM) and the Australian
          Centre for the Moving Image
          (ACMI) would like to thank the
          following people for their time
          and generous support:

          COORDINATORS: Vanessa Pidwell and
          Matt Jowett

          SUBCOMMITTEE: Kate McCarthy Ficai,
          Jon Staley, Campbell McNolty, Emily Siddons,
          Shaun Larkin, Hugh Mason-Jones, Rebecca
          Mackey, Jen Farrow

          ATOM INTERNS: Rachel Sherlock, Diane Colgan,
          Anna Vu, Stephanie Wu, Daniel Bowden,
          Cassandra Chong, Alexander Angliss Wilson

          RMITV: Ed Hirst and Jess Junor

          THE LEAK CREW: Seonaid Drummond,
          Andrew Fenaughty and Mimo Mukii

          Lisa French and Jodie Olde


          Peter Tapp, Bev Webb, Zak Hamer and Will Allen

          PRIZES KINDLY DONATED BY: The Australian
          Children’s Television Foundation (ACTF),
          Disney Interactive, Adobe Education and Ted’s

          ARTWORK BY: Kate Moon,

          Ashley and Heidi McKinnon,

          PROGRAM PRINTED BY: Madman Entertainment

          Thank you
          A special thanks to all the presenters who have donated their time
          and expertise and to the generous support of our sponsors, without
          whom this event would not be possible. Please see back cover for details.

Youth Media Festival Melbourne Saturday 2 July 2016 Celebrating and supporting young content makers - Screen Futures
to the 2016 Youth Media Festival!

ATOM and ACMI acknowledge the Wurundjeri people
of the Kulin Nations as the traditional owners of the
land on which the festival stands. ATOM and ACMI
respectfully recognise elders both past and present.

Welcome to our second major
Youth Media Festival, held
alongside the 2016 Screen Futures
Summit. It gives us great pleasure
to invite you to a day of inspiration
and skill development that will
hopefully be a milestone in your
journey to becoming successful
media producers.
The creative industries are
burgeoning and there has never
been a better time to find your
voice and your audience. We hope
you enjoy the talks, screenings and
workshops, and don’t forget to hash
tag #YOMF2016 on social media.


Youth Media Festival Melbourne Saturday 2 July 2016 Celebrating and supporting young content makers - Screen Futures
Turn your hobby into a career
At RMIT you’ll learn from screen and
media experts to build hands-on,                          Study with us
practical and creative skills.                            -   Screen and Media
                                                          -   Screenwriting
RMIT is the place where filmmakers and                    -   Sound Production
production companies look for trained, talented           -   Animation
and creative graduates.                                   -   Digital and Interactive Media
You’ll learn from expert staff who have many
years of industry and teaching experience.                Visit and
RMIT is situated in the heart of Melbourne and            search Communication and
features purpose-designed buildings, world class          Digital Media
equipment and facilities.
Take your ideas from storyboard to screen as
you learn the creative, professional and technical        Open Day
skills needed to set your work apart.                     Sunday 14 August, 10am – 4pm
RMIT offers a broad range of study options that
specialise in different areas of Screen and Media.
Find out which is right for you.

RMIT University CRICOS Provider Code: 00122A. RTO: 3046
Youth Media Festival Melbourne Saturday 2 July 2016 Celebrating and supporting young content makers - Screen Futures
Visit the careers expo and win!

Should you apply for university or training college?
What industry experience will you get? Which media
streams and programs do they offer?
Get answers to all of these questions when you visit the Careers Expo, where you
can talk to a range of screen education providers, such as universities, colleges and
community media organisations. Take the time to talk to them about the courses they
offer and the best way to apply, and hear what some of their alumni have gone on to do.

Want to graduate with some production experience under your belt? Then sign up to
a community media organisation and get some runs on the board.

  Win prizes while you’re at it!
  Inside your lanyard you’ll find a blank ‘passport’. Grab a stamp from each
  stallholder and go in the running for some great prizes, such as a year’s
  subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud, DVDs, Disney Interactive starter packs,
  Ted’s gift cards and more. Winners will be drawn at the end of the closing
  Keynote session.

Youth Media Festival Melbourne Saturday 2 July 2016 Celebrating and supporting young content makers - Screen Futures

                               Stairs to Main Entrance
                               & Fed Square                                                                                 SCREEN WORLDS

                                     Schools Entrance

                                     ROOM                                                            Stage

                                     THE CUBE                                                                                          GALLERY 2
                                     Event Space

                                                                                                                                Stairs to
                                                                                                                                GALLERY 1

                                                                         Flinders St Entrance

Entry Level                       Galleries Level
Enter from Federation Square      Downstairs from Entry Level
                                                          LE S

                                                                       ST R
                                                                                                                 ST R


                                                                              LLIN                                                                              ET
                                                                        CO                                                                                TRE


                                                                                                                                                                Walking path
                                                                                                                                                                 from ACMI
                                                   ST R

                                                                                                                                                                   to Signal

                                                                                                                                                       ACMI AND
                                                                                                             FLINDERS                                 FED SQUARE

                                                                                                                                                          Princes Walk

                               SIGNAL ARTS

                                                                                     ank Pr

Cinemas Level                     Flinders Walk, Northbank
Upstairs from Entry Level         (Riverfront, past Flinders St Station)

Youth Media Festival Melbourne Saturday 2 July 2016 Celebrating and supporting young content makers - Screen Futures

                      SIGNAL                  SIGNAL                      ACMI                       ACMI                      ACMI                    ACMI                     ACMI
                      upstairs               downstairs                 THE CUBE                   STUDIO 1                  STUDIO 2                EDUCATION                CINEMA 2
                   Flinders Walk,            Flinders Walk,                Galleries                   Entry                     Entry                 ROOM                      Cinemas
                    Northbank                 Northbank                     Level                      Level                     Level               Galleries Level              Level

     TIME            WORKSHOPS                 WORKSHOPS                 TALKS + Q&AS               WORKSHOPS                 WORKSHOPS                 WORKSHOPS           SCREENINGS + Q&A

  8:00am -                                                         REGISTRATION WILL BE OPEN BETWEEN 8:00AM-10:00AM
  10:00am                                                        at the balcony overlooking the light well at the top of the ACMI escalators

                                                                                                                                                                            Welcome, followed
                                                                                                                                                                              by a behind-the-
                                                                                                                                                                             scenes look at the
  8:45am -
                                                                                                                                                                               VFX for Marvel
  10:00am                                                                                                                                                                      Studios’ feature
                                                                                                                                                                            Ant-Man. Presented
                                                                                                                                                                              by Luma Pictures

  10:00am -
                                                                                                MORNING BREAK

                                                                        Writing for Come-                                   Syn Workshop:                PSC & Apple
  10:30am -                                                            dy: In Conversation                                  Make Radio with               Workshop:
  12:00pm                                                              with Benjamin Law                                      SYN Media                    What to
                       The Adobe                                         and Peter Ivan                                                                  Photograph?
                                                                                                 RMITV Workshop:
                   Bully Project Mural
  12:00pm -                                                                                       How to Prepare
                     Workshop # 1
                                                          CHANGE OVER                             and Conduct a            CHANGE OVER
  12:30pm                                                                                        Studio Interview
                                                                                                   with The Leak
                        continues            The School of Rap            AWG & AFTRS                                       ACMI Workshop:                Workshop:
  12:30pm -            until 1:30pm            Bully Project                  Panel                                         Producing Sci-Fi          ProcrastiNATION:
                                               Workshop # 1            Writing for Screen:                                                              Reimagining
  1:30pm                                       12:15pm start           Finding Your Place                                                              Collage in the
                                               1:45pm finish                                                                                             Internet Era

  1:30pm -
                                                                                              BREAK FOR LUNCH

                                                                                                                                                                              Tell Your Story,
                                                                                                                                                                             Change the World
                                                                       Bridging the Gap:         The ACTF Presents                                        Youthworx           (ABC Heywire)
  2:15pm -                                                             Career Pathways             Ready for This                                         Workshop:
                                                                      for Emerging Talent            Live Q&A                                           Act Up: A Basic        An Artist, Not a
  3:15pm                                                                                                                     APRA AMCOS
                                                                                                                                                        Guide to Short       Work of Art: Reflec-
                       The Adobe             The School of Rap                                                                 Workshop:
                                                                                                                                                         Filmmaking           tions on Creative
                   Bully Project Mural         Bully Project                                                                  Composing
                     Workshop # 2              Workshop # 2                                                                  Dynamic Music
                                                                                                                                                                                 (Emily Dash)
                                                                                                                               for Games
  3:15pm -             Workshop                  Workshop
                       continues                 continues                          CHANGE OVER                                 Workshop                              CHANGE OVER
  3:30pm              until 4:30pm              until 4:30pm                                                                    continues
                                                                                                                               until 4:30pm
                                                                                                                                                                               Smashed Films
                                                                                                                                                        ISA workshop:
  3:30pm -                                                                                                                                                                      Presented by
                                                                         Top Screen and                                                                  The Secret to
                                                                                                                                                                                Big hART and
  4:30pm                                                                   VCE Media                                                                   Dynamic Screen
                                                                                                                                                                               the Roebourne

  4:30 -
                                                                                                  CHANGE OVER

                                                                                                                                                                              KEYNOTE PANEL
  4:45pm -                                                                                                                                                                   Share Your Passion
  5:45pm                                                                                                                                                                     and Grow an Audi-
                                                                                                                                                                              ence on YouTube

                      Screening of
                   Bully* for younger
  6:00pm -           audiences and
  7:30pm            exhibition of the
                      work created
                     across the day

* Warning: The version of the film Bully that will be screened in the evening is for younger audiences and includes coarse language and scenes of physical bullying

Youth Media Festival Melbourne Saturday 2 July 2016 Celebrating and supporting young content makers - Screen Futures


THE ADOBE BULLY PROJECT MURAL                                                                                               ƒSCREENING OF BULLY FOR YOUNGER
WORKSHOP                                                                                                                    AUDIENCES
Presented by the Documentary Australia Foundation                                                                           Presented by the Documentary Australia Foundation
10:30am - 1:30pm and 2:15pm - 4:30pm                                                                                        6:00pm - 7:30pm
Signal Upstairs                                                                                                             Signal Downstairs
Katie Barry, Documentary Australia Foundation;
Tim Kitchen, Adobe                                                                                                          This session is a screening of Bully for younger
                                                                                                                            audiences followed by an exhibition of the work
Share your voice on our global platform to end bullying.                                                                    created across the day. Running time: 47 minutes

The Adobe Bully Project Mural is an initiative                                                                              Bully is a beautifully cinematic, character-driven
inspired by the award-winning US documentary                                                                                documentary directed by Sundance- and Emmy-
film Bully. This two-hour workshop will teach                 THE SCHOOL OF RAP BULLY PROJECT                               award-winning filmmaker Lee Hirsch. Filmed over
you how to use iPad Apps Adobe Post, Adobe                    WORKSHOP                                                      the course of a school year, Bully offers an intimate,
Voice and Adobe Clip to speak out against bullying            Presented by the Documentary Australia Foundation             unflinching look at how bullying has touched the lives of
                                                              12:15pm - 1:45pm and 2:15pm - 4:30pm                          fourteen-year-old Alex and sixteen-year-old Kelby and
and share your creation with the world. Your
                                                              Signal Downstairs                                             their families.
work will be uploaded to The Bully Project Mural –
a global platform and tapestry of artwork                     Joel Rapaport, School of Rap                                  Bully opens a window onto the pained and often
contributed by people from all walks of life                                                                                endangered lives of bullied kids, revealing a problem
that is used to speak out against, and educate                School of Rap and The Bully Project are teaming up            that transcends geographic, racial, ethnic and
people about, bullying and being an upstander.                to film and record your raps about bullying to upload         economic borders. Bully has sparked the global
Learn more at                   to The Bully Project Mural – the global platform of           social campaign The Bully Project, which has recently
                                                              artworks to bring an end to bullying. Presented by            launched in Australia.
Your artwork will also be displayed on the walls
of Signal, our home for these workshops, and                  Big Village Records’ hip-hop MC Rapaport, you will
featured at the screening of Bully at Signal that             learn how to write and perform a rap to help bring
                                                                                                                                     WARNING: SUITABLE FOR AGES 13+
same evening.                                                 an end to bullying. Your rap will be filmed or recorded
                                                              and then uploaded to The Bully Project Mural, and you             The film Bully for younger audiences includes
                                                              might even get a chance to perform at the screening              scenes of physical bullying and coarse language.
                                                              of Bully at Signal that evening!

PLEASE NOTE: Bully sessions will be held at the creative arts studio Signal, which is a five-minute walk from ACMI. Participants will be walked down and back to ACMI
in a group at the beginning and end of the sessions, and will be asked to remain for the duration of the workshop. Workshops are suitable for secondary-aged students.

ACMI CINEMA 2 Screenings with Q&A

                                                                                            TELL YOUR STORY, CHANGE THE WORLD
                                                                                            2:15pm - 2:40pm
                                                                                            ACMI Cinema 2
                                                                                            Alexandra Neill, ABC Heywire

                                                                                            Heywire is a chance for regional and rural youth to have their voices heard. This annual
                                                                                            storytelling competition, run by the ABC, showcases what it’s like to grow up in regional,
                                                                                            rural and remote Australia. In this session, Heywire alumni and staff discuss the process
                                                                                            of creating a Heywire story – from entering the competition, to editing the winning
                                                                                            entries and working with ABC producers to transform the stories into pieces for radio
                                                                                            or television. Winning Heywire is a chance for young people to not only experience the
                                                                                            media process firsthand but also to see the impact a well-told story can have.

                                                                                            AN ARTIST, NOT A WORK OF ART: REFLECTIONS
                                                                                            ON CREATIVE PRACTICE
 A BEHIND-THE-SCENES LOOK AT THE VFX FOR MARVEL                                            2:45pm - 3:10pm
Presented by Luma Pictures                                                                  ACMI Cinema 2
9:00am - 10:00am (Arrive early for 8:45am Welcome)                                          Emily Dash, Writer and Performer
ACMI Cinema 2                                                                               Following a screening of her short film I Am Not a Work of Art, Emily Dash will present
                                                                                            a talk that draws on her own experience as an artist with disability. She will share some
Join the team from the international VFX facility Luma Pictures as they take you on an      reflections on diverse storytelling and why it is so important. But she will also discuss
exclusive inside tour of their visual effects contribution to the 2015 feature film Ant-    the hugely positive impact that her relationships with other creative people have had
Man. This session will include a VFX breakdown presentation from the artists as well        on her life and her career, and will show why it is crucial for you as an artist to find your
as insights into the growth of the VFX industry in Australia and working with a major       people, cultivate strong relationships and support the work that gets you inspired.
US studio. Audience members will get to ask questions at the end of the session.            This session also includes the opportunity for a Q&A.

Youth Media Festival Melbourne Saturday 2 July 2016 Celebrating and supporting young content makers - Screen Futures
ACMI CINEMA 2 Screenings with Q&A

                                                        ƒSMASHED FILMS: PRESENTED                                    KEYNOTE PANEL: SHARE YOUR PASSION
                                                        BY BIG HART AND THE ROEBOURNE                                AND GROW AN AUDIENCE ON YOUTUBE
                                                        COMMUNITY                                                    Presented by YouTube
                                                        3:30pm - 4:30pm                                              4:45pm - 5:45pm
                                                        ACMI Cinema 2                                                ACMI Cinema 2
                                                        Angela Prior, Big hART, and youth participants               Guillaume Deront, YouTube AUNZ
                                                        from the Yijala Yala Project
                                                                                                                     This session will give an overview of YouTube and cover
                                                        Smashed Films is a collection of ten short films that        the main fundamentals of a creative strategy on the
                                                        explore the connection between culture, country              platform. The session will also look at the future for your
                                                        and healthy living. From comedy to drama, music to           content and the support YouTube provides to its content
                                                        cuisine, Smashed Films is a funny, touching window           creators in Australia and New Zealand.
                                                        into life in the incredible Pilbara region of Western
                                                        Australia. Smashed Films was created by over thirty
                                                        young people from the town of Roebourne through a
                                                        project delivered by arts and social change company
                                                        Big hART. Participants were skilled up in all aspects
                                                        of filmmaking, from location scouting and directing to
                                                        camera and sound, and everything in between. Join
                                                        us for a screening and a Q&A with the filmmakers and

ACMI THE CUBE Talks with Q&A

‚ WRITING FOR COMEDY:                                   WRITING FOR SCREEN: FINDING                                  BRIDGING THE GAP: CAREER PATHWAYS
IN CONVERSATION WITH                                    YOUR PLACE                                                   FOR EMERGING TALENT
BENJAMIN LAW AND PETER IVAN                             Presented by Australian Writers’ Guild & AFTRS               2:15pm - 3:15pm
Presented by the Australian Directors’ Guild            12:30pm - 1:30pm                                             ACMI The Cube
10:30am - 12:00pm                                       ACMI The Cube                                                Moderator: Christina Alvarez. Panellists:
ACMI The Cube                                           Mike Jones, Multi-platform Writer;                           Martin Brown, AFTRS; Rebecca Johnston,
Moderator: Mark Poole, Writer/Director. Panellists:     Peter Mattessi, Screenwriter; Claire Phillips,               International Screen Academy; John Cumming,
Peter Ivan, Writer/Creator; Benjamin Law, Writer/       Co-writer/Creator; CS McMullen, Screenwriter                 ASPERA; Donna McRae, Deakin University
                                                        From webisodes to big-budget feature films, and              This panel seeks to explore career pathways
This session looks at comedy writing in feature film    from interactive media projects to high-end dramas,          for emerging talent in the screen industry.
and television in 2016, with cutting-edge comedy        there are a range of exciting career options for
                                                                                                                     With the increasing number of screens demanding
screenwriters Peter Ivan and Benjamin Law. Peter Ivan   screenwriters in Australia and overseas.
                                                                                                                     new and engaging content, it would appear
is best known for writing Oddball (2015, directed by
                                                        The screen industry can be difficult to access,              that study in screen offers fertile employment
Stuart McDonald), the family comedy starring Shane
                                                        however, and the question of how to get your break           opportunities. However, with most screen
Jacobson that took $10 million at the Australian
                                                        in a rapidly changing landscape is ever-present.             graduates facing several years of ad-hoc
box office. Benjamin Law is best known for writing
                                                        Today’s audiences are increasingly spread over               work before securing a reasonably stable job,
The Family Law (from his book), which screened
                                                        a diverse range of media – across screens large,             a degree is no longer enough.
on SBS this year to great acclaim. The session will
be moderated by Mark Poole, former Head of the          small and interactive – and the opportunities for            This panel of training providers will discuss their
Australian Writers Guild in Victoria.                   work beyond traditional film and television jobs             challenge to balance curriculum with providing
                                                        are shifting and growing.                                    opportunities that address industry skills gaps,
                                                        Writers need to be flexible, responsive and                  with a focus on the space between learning
                                                        determined but they also need to understand                  and earning.
                                                        the changing landscape and how to find their                 A healthy screen industry relies on successful
                                                        place in it.                                                 talent regeneration, fresh ideas, new perspectives,
                                                        Please join our fabulous panel to hear about                 new and diverse voices, and new audiences.
                                                        the challenges and opportunities available                   What qualities do the talent of tomorrow need,
                                                        for screenwriters today.                                     and how can they gain the time and opportunity
                                                                                                                     to prove themselves equitably and sustainably?

                                                        TOP SCREEN AND VCE MEDIA
                                                        3:30pm - 4:30pm
                                                        ACMI The Cube
                                                        Kathy Hendy-Ekers, VCAA; Brett Lamb, State Reviewer – VCE Media;
                                                        Heather Scott, Top Screen; Top Screen Filmmakers Bridget Webster and Jack Wilson-Lee

                                                        This session offers insights into the selection of student work for Top Screen as part of the VCE Season of Excellence.
                                                        Managed by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, the season is a five-month arts festival celebrating
                                                        outstanding senior secondary student work from Victorian schools.
                                                        The State Reviewer and the Curriculum Manager for Media, along with the Top Screen 2016 Coordinator, will form a
                                                        panel with student filmmakers selected for Top Screen who produced exemplary work for VCE Media. The panel will
                                                        discuss processes and production planning, as well as application requirements and selection criteria for Top Screen.
                                                        The filmmakers will also discuss how they tackled the immense task of producing a film of Top Screen calibre while
                                                        juggling the requirements of the rest of their VCE studies. This session includes a screening of some of the films
                                                        selected for Top Screen.

Youth Media Festival Melbourne Saturday 2 July 2016 Celebrating and supporting young content makers - Screen Futures

ACMI STUDIO 1 Workshops

A STUDIO INTERVIEW WITH THE LEAK                             Presented by Australian Children’s Television Foundation
10:30am - 1:30pm                                             2:15pm - 3:15pm
ACMI Studio 1                                                ACMI Studio 1
The Leak crew, RMITV                                         Moderators: Peter Maggs and Anna Kamasz, ACTF
                                                             Panellists: Liz Doran, Head Writer; Madeleine Madden and Aaron McGrath, two of the lead actors
Learn how to prepare for and film an interview for
broadcast in a TV studio with the cast and producers         On paper, Ready for This may seem like your average teen drama, with its relatable storylines of identity,
of The Leak. Jump on camera, mic up your talent,             friendship, coming-of-age adventure, peer-group pressure, bullying, rebellion and, of course, raging
set the lighting, or maybe direct and call the shots         hormones.
from the control room. Participants will have the            But it’s the program’s contemporary, integrated approach to multiculturalism that makes this Logie-
opportunity to experience how each crew role                 award-winning ABC3 series truly unique – it presents Indigenous Australian kids as part of the fabric
contributes to a successful production. This session         of mainstream television and celebrates a shared humanity, instead of focusing on ‘difference’. Behind
has a short break at 12:00pm.                                the scenes, Ready for This is supporting an emerging mob of young Australian talent.
Participants will be invited to be part of the live studio   Produced by Werner Film Productions and Blackfella Films, this aspirational thirteen-part series highlights
audience when The Leak records at the RMITV Studios          the challenges and adventures of six elite teens brought together in a new city in pursuit of their dreams.
on Friday 8 July.
                                                             Join the ACTF for a live Q&A discussion with the cast and creative team.

ACMI STUDIO 2 Workshops

„MAKE RADIO WITH SYN MEDIA                                                                                              COMPOSING DYNAMIC MUSIC FOR GAMES
Presented by SYN Media                                                                                                  Presented by APRA AMCOS
10:30am - 12:00pm                                                                                                       2:15pm - 4:30pm
ACMI Studio 2                                                                                                           ACMI Studio 2
Campbell McNolty, Syn Media                                                                                             Meghann O’Neill

Let SYN introduce you to the world of radio, where                                                                      Composing for videogames is a unique opportunity
the possibilities are endless.                                                                                          to design new musical structures. What ideas do
                                                                                                                        you have that game designers may really value?
In this session, you will have the opportunity to learn
more about community radio in Melbourne and find
                                                             PRODUCING SCI-FI                                           In this two-hour workshop, play and listen to games
                                                             Presented by ACMI
out how you can have your own program on SYN 90.7.                                                                      with exemplary musical systems, like FTL and
You’ll also work with a SYN producer to create and           12:30pm - 1:30pm
                                                                                                                        Expand. Practise music testing functionality in
produce your own radio segment, and if it’s good,            ACMI Studio 2                                              FMOD, an industry middleware tool. Explore the
we’ll play it on SYN radio!                                  Bridget Hanna, ACMI                                        different roles available to composers and sound
Don’t worry if you’ve never done radio before;                                                                          designers, both in Australia and overseas.
                                                             We all love our sci-fi! Awkward dialogue, dodgy green-
we’ll teach you everything you need to know. Bring                                                                      Towards the end of the session, we’ll make
                                                             screen effects, explosions galore, tacky spaceships and
a USB stick with you if you want to take home a copy                                                                    simple dynamic music for one of three game
                                                             even tackier aliens. Today’s users of media are creators
of your recording.                                                                                                      levels. And each participant will be sent home
                                                             as well as readers and viewers, and are highly aware
Even if you’re not from Melbourne, this session could        of techniques used to entertain and persuade. In this      with three Australian-made independent games,
be for you. SYN partners with young producers in             filmmaking workshop, you will learn how to create          to be redeemed on Steam, to inspire your future
regional areas and helps them to get broadcast too.          B-grade sci-fi effects using iPad apps.                    music making.


Presented by Photography Studies College
10:30pm - 12:30pm
ACMI Education Room
Sarina Lirosi, Photography Studies College;
Steve Hider, Apple

This workshop is about how we interpret the world
around us through pictures. It also encourages you
to think about ideas and subject matter for your
photographs. It teaches you to respond to a brief within
a limited timeframe and within the constraints of a
particular location.
You will be given a sealed envelope that contains a
secret brief. These briefs will be revealed to participants
on the day. You will be asked to brainstorm your
responses to the brief before taking pictures with your
phone in Federation Square and the surrounding area.
You will need to take at least ten pictures, to be posted
on Instagram with the hashtag provided. The pictures
will be shared on screen with the group before the end
of the workshop.

PROCRASTINATION: REIMAGINING                                   ACT UP: A BASIC GUIDE TO SHORT                          THE SECRET TO DYNAMIC
COLLAGE IN THE INTERNET ERA                                   FILMMAKING                                                SCREEN ACTING
12:30pm - 1:30pm                                              Presented by Youthworx                                    Presented by the International Screen Academy
ACMI Education Room                                           2:15pm - 3:15pm                                           3:30pm - 4:30pm
Xanthe Dobbie, New Media Artist and Curator                   ACMI Education Room                                       ACMI Education Room
                                                              Amelia Mazis and Zach Broomhall, Youthworx                Rebecca Johnston, International Screen Academy
Join new media artist Xanthe Dobbie for a workshop
that explores and reinterprets ideas behind                   In this session, two young producers from Youthworx       Acting for the screen is more than just learning lines and
contemporary collage practice. Bridge the divide              Productions – Amelia and Zach – will discuss the Live     performing them in front of a camera. For screen acting
between low-brow and high-brow culture and harness            Up series of short films they helped produce, followed    to be truly interesting, you must be prepared to work
the power of the internet by applying traditional collage     by an interactive ‘how to’ in relation to the basics of   hard, research the character, know who you are, where
techniques to new technologies. In the age of memes,          short filmmaking. The session will cover some of the      and when you are, have an objective for the scene, be
gifs and Tumblr feeds, fine art has the capacity to           basic dos and don’ts in a hands-on manner and will        clear on the relationship to the other characters, analyse
transcend the lived experience, opening itself up to          look at how to create entertaining content from a young   the script, understand what’s at stake for your character,
an expansive universe of potential source material.           person’s perspective for other young people. This         and have an opinion about every single thing you say.
Embrace the ultimate tools of procrastination and allow       promises to be an engaging and interactive session with   When you’ve explored all of this, be prepared to throw
yourself to slip into a cyber-vortex of trash and treasure.   lots of practical tips for creating great short films.    the homework away, trust your technique and just PLAY.
The internet is rampant with complex, artistic beauty –                                                                 Put your focus on the other actor, pursue your objective,
it’s just a matter of finding the right search engine.                                                                  and be willing to take on and implement any instruction
                                                                                                                        from the director. Demystify the art of acting for the
                                                                                                                        screen during this one-hour workshop with the Head
                                                                                                                        of Acting from Australia’s leading Film Acting School.

on the Fed Square Screen

A selection of short films and community television
from our youth partners and presenters.
See for program details.

Looking for more teaching resources?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                NUMBER 78 WINTER 2015
                        81                      AUTUMN 2016
                                                $19.95 inc. gst
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         78        WINTER 2015
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   $19.95 inc. gst

                                                                                                         BEYOND PINK
                                                                                                            AND BLUE
                                                                                                              Gender Norms

                                                                                                         Investigating an Icon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cult Animation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in Every ClAssroom

                                                DRESSMAKER   Romance, Retribution and Renewal

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CENTENARY ON SCREEN       THAT SUGAR FILM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Commemorating Anzac       The Not-so-sweet Truth

                         FILM AS TEXT:                            MYSTERY ROAD      //    A SEPARATION      //     MANHATTAN                                                                                                             FILM AS TEXT: JOSEPH L MANKIEWICZ’S ALL ABOUT EVE // STANLEY KUBRICK’S THE SHINING

                         ISSUE 81                                                                                                  ISSUE 80                               ISSUE 79                                                    ISSUE 78
                        The Dressmaker. Oddball. Rolf                                                                              Inside Out. Femmes fatales.             Big Hero 6. Back to the Future                               That Sugar Film. Cult animation
                        de Heer’s country suite. Spot-                                                                             David Attenborough. Frack-              trilogy. Short sports docos. En-                             special: The Simpsons, Astro
                        light on Hitchcock. Science in                                                                             man. Chicken Run. Antiheroes in         semble action movies. Discussing                             Boy, Adventure Time and more.
                        blockbusters. The Mask You Live                                                                            blockbusters. Gayby Baby. Pride.        dementia. Predestination. Social                             WWI: Anzac Girls, Gallipoli and
                        In. Miss Representation. GIFs.                                                                             Filmmaker profile: Christopher          media in teen films. Filmmaker                               more. Frankenstein on screen.
                        Games in school. Filmmaker                                                                                 Nolan. RMIT film schools guide.         profile: Wes Anderson. Reality TV.                           Elysium and asylum seekers.
                        profile: Sofia Coppola. Film As                                                                            Digital resource reviews. Film As       Digital resource reviews. Film As                            Filmmaker profile: David Lynch.
                        Text: Mystery Road; A Separation;                                                                          Text: Blade Runner; Crouching           Text: Drive; One Night the Moon;                             Digital resource reviews. Film As
                        Manhattan.                                                                                                 Tiger, Hidden Dragon.                   Double Indemnity.                                            Text: All About Eve; The Shining.
                        NUMBER 82 WINTER 2016

                                                                                                                                                                         Pick up a copy of Australia’s
                                                            82                   WINTER 2016
                                                                                 $19.95 inc. gst
                                                                                                                                                                         premier screen literacy magazine.
                                                                                                                                                                         All of our back issues are packed with
                                                                                                                                                                         useful information and lesson ideas both
                                                                                                                                                                         for media teachers and for all primary and
                                                                                                                                                                         secondary teachers looking to use screen-
                                                                                                                                                                         based media in the classroom.

                                                                                                                                                                         ƒ ISSUE 82
                                                                                                                                                SUFFRAGETTE              The Little Prince. Suffragette. Justin Kurzel’s Macbeth. Post-
                                                                                                                                                     The Fight for
                                                                                                                                                   Women’s Rights        apocalyptic cinema. The Walking Dead. Kung Fu Panda. Star Wars.
                                                                        Brutal Visions                                                             THE LITTLE
                                                                                                                                                                         Filmmaker profile: Kathryn Bigelow. Minecraft. HitRecord and online
                                                                                                                                                                         collaboration. Chromebooks in the classroom. Adobe Voice tutorial.
                                                                                                                                                 A Tale for All Ages     Digital resource reviews. Film As Text: Good Night, and Good Luck.;
                                                                                                                                                                         Synecdoche, New York; Lake Mungo.

                                                                                                                                 // SYNECDOCHE, NEW YORK // LAKE MUNGO
                                                                  FILM AS TEXT: GOOD NIGHT, AND GOOD LUCK.

                                                                                                                                 TO ORDER: Contact the ATOM Publications office
                                                                  Issues are $24.95 (inc. GST, P&H). E: T: +61 3 9525 5302 F: +61 3 9537 2325
                                                                                       POST: PO Box 2040, St Kilda West, VIC 3182, Australia

                                                     To purchase individual articles, visit The Education Shop at .


Photography allows us to                    CHOOSE a location that is interesting
                                            or important to you
create our own unique
interpretations of the world
                                            TAKE 3 original photographs that offer an
around us.                                  interpretation of that place

The same place can have a                   SUBMIT your photos, including a short
different ‘feel’ in different               written statement, online.
situations. As a medium,
photography offers many                    • All photographs must be taken specifically for the
                                             ATOM Photo Comp. All entries must be entered online
ways to explore a variety of                 at
                                           • Separate categories for Primary (P–6), Lower Secondary
perspectives on a location.                  (7–9) and Upper Secondary (10–12).

           The ATOM Photo Comp 2016 is free to enter and is open to
      primary and secondary school students in Australia and New Zealand.


                Entries close midday AEST, Monday 19 September 2016
The national
                           moving image
                           for Australian
                           Entries open 1 Aug

Film. Animation. Videogames. Get creating!
OW O P E N !
            I E S A R E N



WIN $1000 CASH!
         For more information, or to enter, visit
         Entries close midday AEST, Friday 5 August 2016

   The 1-Minute Film Competition 2016 is free to enter, and is open to all
   primary and secondary–school students in Australia and New Zealand.

                            Proudly presented by:
Thank you
We would like to thank all our partners and sponsors for their generous
support of the 2016 Screen Futures Summit and Youth Media Festival.

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