1143 N. 26th Street Bismarck, ND 58501 Pastors John Streccius & Beth Walch

Page created by Eva Osborne
1143 N. 26th Street Bismarck, ND 58501 Pastors John Streccius & Beth Walch
1143 N. 26th Street
                                     Bismarck, ND 58501
                             Pastors John Streccius & Beth Walch

     “We love, serve and welcome all so each person knows God’s grace in Christ.”
            Office Hours:                                           Worship
        Monday-Friday: 8:00 am-12:00 pm                        Sundays: 9:30 am
                                                               Wednesday: 6:15 pm

                                      “Sacred Summertime”
As a child I remember the last day of school as a day of liberation, freedom, and joy. The final bell
rang, and I was free! My summers were filled with playing outdoors from morning until dark. I did not
even own a watch until I was 10, so the sun told me when to be home. Evenings were filled with
backyard camp outs, watching fireflies, and sleeping under the stars. Once a year we would pack up
camping gear and head for northern Wisconsin and sleep in the woods, swim in the lake and build fires.
Summer was sacred. For the last 30 years I have lived a bit further north where the winters are long,
cold, and dark but the summers are amazing. Super long days, warm temperatures and endless sky
reveal God’s creation as wonder and winds, growth, and goodness for all. Serving as a pastor on these
prairies has reinforced and expanded my childhood experiences of summer. In North Dakota summer is

                            “What makes summer sacred for you?”
Every summer day in North Dakota we see the goodness of God’s love in every new leaf, bud, and
blossom. The bugs and butterflies rise up and abound in life as our long dormant land comes alive. The
birds cannot keep from singing. All of creation gives praise to God for the new life that comes in

As you make plans for your Sacred Summertime, I encourage you to rest, renew and give praise to
God. Take time to see the beauty all around you, remembering God’s everlasting promise to be with
you always. Make plans to connect with family and neighbors celebrate and nurture your relationships,
see God’s love in each other. Rest in warmth of sunshine allowing God’s acceptance of you as you are
to give you permission to love yourself. Take a walk in the cool of the day, knowing that Christ walks
with you every step. Slow down and sit for a moment to take in the gift of the day that the Lord has
made. Listen in the morning or evening as the birds give praise to God in their song. Time does not
stand still for any of us. Indeed, time seems to move faster and faster. This is all the more reason to
enjoy our summertime.

During the first snowstorm of many in our new home here in Bismarck, I met one of my neighbors
Shawn. Through the snow, wind and cold we greeted each other as we shook gloved hands. He said,
“Good to meet you...we can visit more in the summer.” And with that we went back to our warm
homes. I think I will walk over now and get to know my new neighbor and offer him a beverage and a
bare handshake, sit in the sunshine, and give thanks. Let summer be a time of sabbath for you.

Peace and blessings. Pastor John Streccius
1143 N. 26th Street Bismarck, ND 58501 Pastors John Streccius & Beth Walch
Pastoral Acts
           Jeff Jirava and Alayna Gottsman, April 30, 2022
           Stephen Morrell, May 19, 2022

                  2 General Memorials – in memory of Adelaide Johnson
                  1 General Memorial – in memory of Stephen Morrell

MEN'S BIBLE STUDY meets every Thursday at 11:00 am. If you would like more
information of how to join, please contact Mike Beck 391-4384, Dave Kolding 220-5214 or call
the church office at 223-2986.

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:30 am at Lord of
Life. All are welcome to join our group!


The quilters will not be meeting during the summer months but will resume in September.
Thank you to all the quilters who put together quilts, helped display them on quilt Sunday and
pack them for delivery. Thanks to Rod Kudrna, Martin Schock and Dan Wrolstad for delivering
the boxes to Midwest Motor Express. These gifts of your hearts and hands are beautiful
expressions of God's grace and love to people all around the world. We were able to ship 147
quilts to Lutheran World Relief and donate 12 quilts to Camp of the Cross for their quilt
auction. We collected over $500 from the congregation to help with shipping costs.

The quilters are always in need of flat sheets for the backing of the quilts!

                                       Young at Hearts

Young at Hearts will have a simple summer schedule of coffee, dessert, and fellowship. We
will continue to meet on the 4th Tuesdays of the month at 2:30. Programs will start again in
September. Please come and enjoy some friendly visiting on June 28th, July 26, and August 23.
Lord of Life at Heaven’s Helpers Soup Café

Lord of Life is on the schedule to help Heavens Helpers Soup Kitchen on the fourth Wednesday
of each month! The schedule fills up quickly so be sure to sign up ASAP! Our next scheduled
dates are Wednesday, June 22 and July 27. Sign up for a 2-hour shift anytime from 8 AM
through 6 PM at https://www.soupcafe.org/volunteer/ or if you would like assistance signing
up, please contact Shirley Klein at Shirley.klein7166@gmail.com or call 701-391-7166. Please
remember to wear closed toe shoes and Lord of Life shirt if you have one.

                         Lutheran World Relief Baby Care Kits

Rummage sale time is here! Please watch for gently used baby items for the Lutheran World
Relief baby care kits. Each kit contains 1 larger blanket or quilt, 1 receiving blanket, 2 sleepers
without feet or sleep sack, 2 undershirts, 1 hooded sweatshirt or sweater, 2 pair of socks, 1 hand
towel, 2 - 4oz bars of soap and 2 diaper pins. All baby clothes should be size 0-24 months. The
items included in a Baby Care Kit provide the basics a family needs to care for their new baby
the way they hope to. Our goal this year is to put together 100 baby care kits. With your help,
we can make this happen. Any questions, please contact Barb Wrolstad at

                                      Mother the Camp

Lord of Life is collecting supplies for Camp of the Crosses Mother the Camp drive through
June 8. Items needed are listed on their website at campofthecross.com. Some items needed are
Clorox Clean ups, paper products, bleach, fabric softener and Tide, stamps, #10 cans of fruits
and veggies, large boxes of kid friendly cereal, nuts, peanut butter and jelly, gift cards, boxes of
candy and snacks, craft supplies, rubber gloves, and brooms, just to name a few. Items can be
left on the marked table in the narthex and we will deliver them after June 8.

Join us on June 1 at 4:45 pm for discussion on the book, “Sometimes I Lie" by Alice Feeney.
Amber wakes up in a hospital. She can’t move. She can’t speak. She can’t open her eyes. She
can hear everyone around her, but they have no idea. Amber doesn’t remember what happened,
but she has a suspicion her husband had something to do with it. Alternating between her
paralyzed present, the week before her accident, and a series of childhood diaries from twenty
years ago, this brilliant psychological thriller asks: Is something really a lie if you believe it's
the truth? Those that have read this book have said it is hard to put down, just when you think
you know where the story is going it throws you a curve! Join us again for Book Club on July
13 at 4:45 pm for discussion on "The Stranger in the Lifeboat" by Mitch Albom. What would
happen if we called on God for help and God actually appeared? In Mitch Albom’s profound
new novel of hope and faith, a group of shipwrecked passengers pull a strange man from the
sea. He claims to be “the Lord.” And he says he can only save them if they all believe in
him. A fast-paced, compelling novel that makes you ponder your deepest beliefs, "The Stranger
in the Lifeboat" suggests that answers to our prayers may be found where we least expect them.

Join us for Pub Theology this summer! Join Pastor John and Pastor Beth on the fourth Tuesday
of the month at Laughing Sun Brewery at 5:30 pm for food, drinks, fun and some great

Mark your calendars for the Lord of Life rummage sale on Friday, August 19 & Saturday,
August 20. When cleaning things out of the house and garage, keep us in mind! Items that will
be accepted are games, books, DVD’s, toys, home décor, dishes, household goods, jewelry,
purses, clean baby clothes (no adult clothing), tools, lawn and garden. Items can be dropped off
at the church the week of the sale. Volunteers will be needed for set up, during the sale and
clean up. If you have any questions, please contact Lori Meza, Crystal Engel, Shirley Klein,
LeAna Hug or Ann Sletmoe.
June 30th is our Lord of Life night at the Larks baseball game. Cost is $11.00 for a hat, all the
food you can eat for the first 3 innings, oh yeah, and a baseball game! There are still 13 spots
available, there is a sign-up sheet in the narthex.

VBS will take place at Lord of Life June 5-8 from 5:45 pm to 7:45pm. Wednesday, June 8 the
VBS kids will sing at worship and conclude with an ice cream social.

               Scavenger Hunt for Lord of Life High School Students
                                 9th – 12th Grade

Mark your calendars for the Bismarck Mystery Scavenger Hunt on Saturday, July 16 th. LOL
will have two teams of up to 6 people each so contact Pastor Beth to hold your spot! Friends are
welcome to participate to fill out the teams. It’s an app generated hunt and it happens all around
the Downtown Bismarck area. Teams can start anywhere between 9am-2pm and it takes about
2-3 hours to complete. The other ELCA churches in the area are also competing and we thought
maybe we would gather all at one place before starting. We may gather back together after
finishing to have pizza together. If you want to participate or have questions, feel free to
contact Pastor Beth at bwalch@lordoflifebismarck.org. For more information check out the
following link: https://www.cluedupp.com/products/csi-bismarck-nd
Financial Stewardship News

Lord of Life’s income and expense summary ending April 31st, 2022 is as follows:

                                                                    2022 Year to
                  Description                      April 2022        Date Totals

 Income                                            $ 54,244.95      $ 185,656.68
 Expenses                                          $ 58,724.81      $ 249,343.86

 Income over (under) Expenses                      $ (4,479.86)     $ (63,687.18)

 Projected Income ending April 31st, 2022
 based on our approved budget is:                 * $ 54,100.00     * $ 216,400
 *Does not include transfer from reserves

 Actual income over (under) budgeted income          $ 144.95       $ (30,743.32)

 General Envelope Giving                           $ 52,238.15      $ 184,487.81

The Financial Stewardship Team met May 12th, 2022.

Please consider automatic giving options such as Simply Giving or using your bank's online bill
pay features to set up recurring offerings. Using your credit card is another method. Simply
Giving is an excellent way our members can help assure that our giving is more equally
distributed throughout the year. If you'd like to sign up for this feature go to our web site at
www.lordoflifebismarck.org and click on "online donations" or visit your banks online

We have been blessed with generous support for God's mission at Lord of Life and look
forward to continuing and expanding this work throughout 2022. If you have any questions or
suggestions please feel free to contact any of the team members. They are Keith Demke,
Melody Karlberg, Larry Klundt, Jordan Nygaard and Kathy Wiese.
“We love, serve and welcome all so each person knows God’s grace in Christ.”

April 19, 2022 Meeting
Lord of Life Lutheran Church Council

Members Present
Steve Andrist, Cindy Anderson, Bob McConnell, Kathy Wiese, Lark Welch, Pastor Beth, Pastor John, Joel Ostendorf,
Denise MacDonald, Arlyce Malarkey, Karl Carlson, Pam Passariello, Erin Dukart

President Steve Andrist called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and Denise MacDonald led the devotions.

Minutes: Lark Welch moved to approve the minutes of the March 15th regular meeting. The motion was seconded by
Karl Carlson. All present voted in favor.

Financial Report: Kathy Wiese gave a financial report noting that we are behind a little from 2021 but still in good
A motion was made by Cindy Anderson to accept the financial report and seconded by Erin Dukart. All present voted

Team Reports
      Team Reports were presented

Old Business
1. Children and Family Ministry Coordinator
        -Pastor John gave an update on the educator position.
        Move to 20 25 hours per week increase of $31,000 would be needed if we hold off until August, we could hire at
        more appropriate salary. The current position is budgeted at too few hours and at too low of compensation. Entry
        level teacher’s salaries at public schools is approximately $32.48 hourly. The executive committee is asking the
        team to develop a budget long term with appropriate amount of compensation and hours.

Kathy Wiese made a motion to approve hiring someone in Children and Family Ministry in August at BPS entry salary
for 20-25 hours per week. The motion was seconded by Denise MacDonald. All present voted in favor of the motion.

2. Western ND Synod Assembly, June 3-5, Minot
       Bob McConnell, Martin Shook, Sandy Papke, have volunteered to attend the Synod Assembly.

3. Job Description – At-Large Council Member
        Steve reviewed a new expanded job description of the At Large Council member to include start of Rally Day.
        Lark made a motion to accept the new job discretion and the motion was seconded by Joel Ostendorf. All present
        voted to affirm the motion.

4. Policy amendment – part-time employees
        See note on designation of hours

        -A proposal to clarify and review the vacation policy and discussion to recommend modifying the Vacation Time
        policy to read: “Fulltime hours are set at 35 hours per week and “Part-time is defined as related to vacation and
will be more that 20 but less than 34 hours per week for vacation. Positions with less than 20 would not qualify
        for vacation.

A motion was made by Karl Carlson to approve the policy change as stated with a second made by Cindy Anderson. All
present voted to affirm.

5. Strategic Planning
       Pastor John expressed interest in renewing the Strategic planning effort in the fall which would include discussions
       on a marketing plan

    6. Staff Performance Evaluations – Cindy
        Cindy Anderson presented on Staff evaluations and provided guidance on completion of the evaluations going
        forward. Executive reviews Senior Pastor and Senior Pastor reviews the rest of the staff. We are looking to make
        this an easier and more meaningful process.

    7. Gaming Application for Copier – Pastors
        -Did not qualify the Employer Retention Grant however the Executive team did recommend that we follow up on
        getting gaming money to purchase copier.

    8. Pastor John’s installation – April 24
        -Installation will be held at both services on April 24th and there will be jokes and humor. A reception will be held
        between services. The bishop will be preaching the services on the 24th

    F. New Business
       1. New Benevolence & Refugee Support
              -Allocated some carry over money to be used on a project designated by new Senior Pastor

                -Speaker coming in on May 22nd Julie Ramos Lagos of Bismarck Global Neighbors to talk about refugee

    G. Team Concerns
             -CCO Team continues to work on getting help for worship services. Discussion was made to contact
             new members list to solicit help for greeters, usher etc.

                -Facility Team needs something to state that the President of LOL is authorized to sign agreements and
                that the Church owns the property. The COB needs this to complete the property transfer for street cul-de-

                Education Team and Facility Team led discussion on Elevator project. The Teams are looking for
                guidance on how to proceed.
                       -May need new bid to get a Capital Campaign started.
                       -Need to establish some goals and task force to lead this effort.
                       -Explore Availability of Accessibility Grant funding

    H. Next council meeting:
       May 17, 2022, 7 p.m. Devotions: Financial Stewardship (Kathy)

Close with Lord’s Prayer

Note: Minutes are not approved until voted on by the council at the next months meeting.
Lord of Life Council Minutes
                                               May 23rd, 2022

Council Members Present: President Steve Andrist, Vice President Cindy Anderson; Property and
Maintenance; Karl Carlson, Youth Ministry; Lark Welch, Congregational Care & Outreach; Denise
MacDonald, Financial Stewardship; Kathy Wiese, Nominations & Placement; Erin Dukart, Worship & Music;
Arlyce Malarkey, Team of Education; Pam Passariello, At-Large; Joel Ostendorf, Pastor John Streccius,
Pastor Beth Walch

Call to Order:
        President Steve Andrist called the regular May meeting to order at 7:01.

      Kathy Wiese led devotions.

President Steve Andrist presented a plaque to Pastor John Streccius on behalf of the Lord of Life Council.

Approval of the April 19, 2022 council meeting minutes:
       It was noted that in the April 19, 2022 minutes under Old Business a “$” sign was missing in front of
“31,000.” A motion was made by Cindy Anderson to approve the minutes as corrected. Arlyce Malarkey
seconded the motion. All present voted in favor. Motion passed.

Financial Report:
        Kathy Weise presented the financial report showing April had an income of $54,244.95 and expenses of
$58,721.81 with a net loss of $4,479.86. Kathy Weise stated that the current status is to be expected given the
budget. There was discussion that giving in April 2022 compared to April 2021 was up over $10,000 possibly
due to two more weeks of Lent and Easter in April. Cindy Anderson made a motion to approve the financial
report. Denise MacDonald seconded the motion. All present voted in favor. Motion passed.

Team Reports:
        Team reports were presented. Teams of Youth Ministry and Worship and Music indicated they had
issues to discuss. Karl Carlson stated that the Property and Maintenance Team did meet. Pam Passariello stated
that the Education Team also met and a big focus was on end of church school and Vacation Bible School.
Pastor reports were also included in the packet.

Old Business:
   1. Staffing Update
              Lee Bryant, Youth Director has resigned. A paragraph explaining his resignation was placed in
              the bulletin. Mr. Bryant is geared more toward focusing on adults rather than children. Family
              concerns have taken him back to West Virginia and he left Thursday. The Executive Team
              recommends providing a severance package of salary through June. Cindy Anderson moved that
              Lee Bryant receive severance pay through June. Karl Carlson seconded the motion. There was a
              question of whether the recommendation was made expecting Mr. Bryant to work through May.
              The Executive Team responded that yes that was the expectation. However, a family emergency
              caused him to leave. Lark Welch commented that not as many individuals were involved in the
              interview process as for previous youth director and recommended that more individuals be
              involved in the interview process going forward. Senior Pastor has the final say in the hiring
              process for staff positions. Cindy Anderson commented that in the past she has served on a
              committee that interviewed and hired youth director. Discussion included recommendation that a
              written process in hiring should be developed. Pastor John Streccius commented that there would
be a recommendation to look having the Youth Director position being less than full time going

              Pastor John Streccius reported that they had spoken with a couple of members of the
              congregation regarding the Children and Family Ministry Coordinator position, and don’t see
              that as a possibility. Betsy Debertin has volunteered to help as an employee to keep things going
              over the summer working 10-15 hours at the most. There was discussion regarding the
              possibility of making one full time position out of two part time positions that are difficult to fill.
              If the right person were to apply that may be possible. There is some concern regarding the
              overlap of timing of confirmation and church school. There are potential benefits to having
              continuity throughout the programs. Recommend to keep job descriptions fluid. Bible camps are
              struggling to find staff as well. Three individuals are stepping up to help with Vacation Bible
              School. Without a Youth Director, Pathfinder Camp July 10th - 15th probably biggest void. Pastor
              Beth will be going up for a couple of days July 10th - 12th. The current intention is to get both
              positions filled by the fall. Betsy Debertin could provide interim help for children and family.
              Also looking for interim help for youth.

   2. WND Synod Assembly, June 3-5, Minot - Cindy, Bob, Bruce, Linda
           Bruce Boe, Linda Simmons, Cindy Anderson, Bob McConnell and pastors are all delegates to
           the synod. Bishop has given a video for use during worship. There will be no communion.
           Wednesday will be Vacation Bible School worship.

   3. Strategic Planning
              The Executive Team has been discussing resuming strategic planning. How and why statements
              were done a few years ago. Pastor John Streccius has some background in leading strategic
              planning. The process would start in the fall shortly after school starts. It would involve an initial
              meeting other than council meeting. Strategic planning typically takes 6-9 months of meetings
              amongst all members. Pastor John Streccius will be meeting with couple of others in town that
              are going through similar process. May be useful to revisit some of the how and why statements.

   4. Gaming application for copier
            The Pastors and Jessica Axtman have submitted a request for a grant to purchase a new copy

   5. New Benevolence & Refugee Support
           The budget includes a new benevolence project that Pastor John Streccius has been asked to lead.
           Pastor John Streccius stated he would like to work with the Congregational Care and Outreach
           Team to look at having the Thanksgiving Eve service to include other groups outside of the
           church because it is a government holiday rather than religious. Bismarck Global Neighbors are
           already working with different groups and do a monthly meal. The funds would likely to go
           toward the meal. Bismarck Global Neighbors are supposed to be at Lord of Life on Sunday at
           9:45 during Adult Education. Could also look into Lutheran Immigration Services.

New Business:
  1. Team meeting conflicts in June (VSB) and July (July 5)
             Team meetings scheduled for the first week in June will occur during Vacation Bible School and
             July meetings may fall on July 5th. Teams should be aware consider rescheduling.

   2. God’s Work Our Hands (Sunday, Sept. 11)
God’s Work Our Hands is a national service Sunday that always falls on Rally Sunday. One
              suggestion to participate would be to take the Saturday before that to clean up Sleepy Hollow
              Park where Rally Sunday events will be held. Recommend to discuss among teams.

   3. Other new business.
             The Executive Team going to work on the job description for Youth Director. In the meantime,
             Pastor Beth Walch is helping with the Pathfinder Camp. It isn’t a requirement to have a
             representative but is a good way for the Youth Director to connect with kids.

              On June 10th Lord of Life will be hosting a choir from St. Steven’s in Bloomington, MN. There
              will be a free will offering. The choir will be doing Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor
              Dreamcoat and will be staying at the church. Lord of Life youth invited in.

              Quilt day has been taken care of.

Team Concerns:
     Worship and Music Team - Congregational Care & Outreach is helping and the sign-up sheets are being
     slowly filled. There are three new assistant ministers.

       Property Team - Dallas Anderson is working on getting an updated elevator quote. Noted that the
       Facility Manager and cleaning staff have done a great job.

       Congregational Care & Outreach Team - The Team purchased 200 travel tokens to the Dream Center.
       The food pantry is getting used a lot. Team is setting aside funds to keep it filled. Will make sure that
       there are bags available if needed. Council discussed concerns if there is a more transient population in
       the neighborhood now.

       Other Discussion -
       Missouri Slope - Has moved all skilled nursing residents to other campus. Their plan is to renovate the
       old campus because it is mostly shared rooms that will be converted to single rooms. There is
       anticipated sustained demand in nursing home beds in next 10 years. Lord of Life helped furnish the
       chapel and challenged Church of the Cross to fundraise as well.
       Security - The Property Team discussed that security cameras cover the first 4 parking spots. There is a
       lot of traffic through the parking lot. A doorbell has been installed for the office.

Next council meeting:
       The next council meeting will be June 21st, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully Submitted,
Erin Dukart

Note: Minutes are not approved until voted on by the council at the next months meeting.
June 2022
        Sunday                 Monday               Tuesday                     Wednesday               Thursday                Friday                 Saturday
                                                                          1                       2                       3                     4
                                                                          3:00 pm: Executive      9:30 am: Brunch with    Synod Assembly        Synod Assembly
                                                                          Team Meeting            Beth                    (Minot)               (Minot)
                                                                          4:45 pm: Book Club      11:00 am: Men’s Bible
                                                                          6:15 pm: Worship        Study
                                                                          7:00 pm: 10th Grade
                                                                          Mentor/Mentee Project

5                        6               7                                8                       9                       10                    11
Synod Assembly (Minot)   5:45 pm: VBS    10:00 am: Staff Meeting          5:45 pm: VBS            9:30 am: Brunch with    7:00 pm: Jubilation
9:30 am: Worship                         5:45 pm: VBS                     6:15 pm: VBS Worship    Beth                    Choir Performance
5:45 pm: VBS                             6:30 pm: Youth Team Meeting      Service                 11:00 am: Men’s Bible   at LOL
                                         7:00 Boy Scouts                                          Study
                                                                                                  5:00 pm: Worship
                                                                                                  Team Meeting
                                                                                                  5:45 pm: VBS
                                                                                                  6:00 pm: Stewardship
                                                                                                  Team Meeting
12                       13              14                               15                      16                      17                    18
9:30 am: Worship                         Election Day                     6:15 pm: Worship        9:30 am: Brunch with
                                         9:30 am: Women’s Bible Study                             Beth
                                         10:00 am: Staff Meeting                                  11:00 am: Men’s Bible
                                         5:30 pm: Property Team Meeting                           Study
                                         6:00 pm: CCO Team Meeting
                                         7:00 pm: Boy Scouts
19                       20              21                               22                      23                      24                    25
9:30 am: Worship         11:30 am: PEO   10:00 am: Staff Meeting          LOL at Heaven’s         9:30 am: Brunch with
                         Meeting         7:00 pm: Council Meeting         Helpers                 Beth
                                                                          6:15 pm: Worship        11:00 am: Men’s Bible
26                       27              28                               29                      30
9:30 am: Worship                         10:00 am: Staff Meeting          6:15 pm: Worship        9:30 am: Brunch with
                                         2:30 am: YAH’s                                           Beth
                                         5:30 pm: Pub Theology at                                 11:00 am: Men’s Bible
                                         Laughing Sun Brewery                                     Study
                                                                                                  7:00 pm: LOL at
                                                                                                  Lark’s Game
July 2022
         Sunday                 Monday                  Tuesday                     Wednesday             Thursday              Friday           Saturday
                                                                                                                           1             2

3                        4                  5                                6                     7                       8             9
9:30 am: Worship         Independence Day   10:00 am: Staff Meeting          6:15 pm: Worship      9:30 am: Brunch with
                         Office Closed      6:30 pm: Youth Team Meeting                            Beth
                                            7:00 Boy Scouts                                        11:00 am: Men’s Bible
                                                                                                   3:00 pm: Executive
                                                                                                   Team Meeting

10                       11                 12                               13                    14                      15            16
8th & 9th Grade at CCM                                                                                                                   High School City Wide
9:30 am: Worship                            9:30 am: Women’s Bible Study     4:45 pm: Book Club    9:30 am: Brunch with                  Scavenger Hunt
                                            10:00 am: Staff Meeting          6:15 pm: Worship      Beth
                                            5:30 pm: Property Team Meeting                         11:00 am: Men’s Bible
                                            6:00 pm: CCO Meeting                                   Study
                                            7:00 pm: Boy Scouts                                    6:00 pm: Stewardship
                                                                                                   Team Meeting

17                       18                 19                               20                    21                      22            23
9:30 am: Worship                            10:00 am: Staff Meeting          Newsletter Deadline   9:30 am: Brunch with
                                            7:00 pm: Council Meeting         6:15 pm: Worship      Beth
                                                                                                   11:00 am: Men’s Bible

24                       25                 26                               27                    28                      29            30
9:30 am: Worship                            10:00 am: Staff Meeting          LOL at Heaven’s       9:30 am: Brunch with
                                            2:30 pm: YAH’s                   Helpers               Beth
                                            5:30 pm: Pub Theology at         6:15 pm: Worship      11:00 am: Men’s Bible
                                            Laughing Sun Brewery                                   Study

9:30 am: Worship
Non-Profit Organization
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1143 N. 26th St.
Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: 701-223-2986
Fax: 701-223-2987
Email: lordoflife@midconetwork.com


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