2012 Regional health status profiles - Eastern Metropolitan region

Page created by Elmer Patterson
2012 Regional health status profiles - Eastern Metropolitan region
2012 Regional health status profiles
Eastern Metropolitan region
2012 Regional health status profiles - Eastern Metropolitan region
Published by the Modelling, GIS and Planning Products Unit
Victorian Government Department of Health, Melbourne Victoria. July 2013
© Copyright State of Victoria, 2013
This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the
provisions of the Copyright Act 1968.
Authorised by the State Government of Victoria, 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
2012 Regional health status profiles - Eastern Metropolitan region
Introduction                                                                                            iii
Section 1: Key determinants of health                                                                   1
1a – Geography                                                                                          1
Figure 1       Map of region and administrative boundaries, 2012                                        1
Table 1        Area and breakdown of land use, 2012                                                     2
1b – Demographics
Table 2        Current and projected resident population, 2011 and 2021                                 2
Table 3        Percentage population by age group, 2011                                                 2
Table 4        Percentage population by age group, 2021                                                 3
Table 5        Population dependency ratio, 2011 and 2021                                               3
Table 6        Number of births and total fertility rate, 2011 and 2021                                 3

1c – Diversity                                                                                          4
Table 7          Number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, 2011                                 4
Table 8          Indicators for cultural diversity (Census data), 2011                                  4
Table 9          Indicators of cultural diversity (immigration and ethnicity), 2011-12                  4
Table 10         Top 3 countries of birth and percentage of LGA population, 2011                        5
Table 11         Top 3 languages other than English and percentage of population, 2011                  5

1d – Social engagement and crime                                                                        6
Figure 2        Map of IRSD index at SA1 level, 2011                                                    6
Table 12        Rates of crime per 1,000 population, 2011-12                                            7
Table 13        Social wellbeing and connectedness indicators                                           8

1e – Socio-economic factors                                                                             9
Table 14        Economic and housing characteristics                                                    9
Table 15        Transport and accessibility                                                             10
Table 16        Education and employment characteristics                                                10

1f – Health behaviours                                                                                  11
Table 17         Smoking status, 2008                                                                   11
Table 18         Daily fruit consumption, 2008                                                          11
Table 19         Daily vegetable consumption, 2008                                                      11
Table 20         Did not meet guidelines for fruit or vegetable consumption, males and females, 2008    12
Table 21         Alcohol and soft drink consumption                                                     12
Table 22         Did not meet guidelines for physical activity, males and females, 2008                 12
Table 23         Child and adolescent characteristics and behaviours                                    13
Table 24         Health screening participation                                                         14

Section 2: Health Status                                                                                15
2a – Human function                                                                                     15
Table 25       Aged and disability characteristics                                                      15
Table 26       Obesity, males and females, 2008                                                         15

2b – Health conditions                                                                                  16
Table 27        Asthma and diabetes incidence and admissions                                            16
Table 28        Total malignant cancers diagnosed per 1,000 population, males and females, 2011         16
Table 29        Diagnosis rates of leading cancers per 1,000 population, by region, 2011                16
Table 30        Notifications and rates per 1,000 population of infectious diseases, 2011               17
Table 31        Top 7 ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSCs), separations & rates, 2011-12        18
Table 32        Top 7 specialty groups for persons admitted to hospital, separations & rates, 2011-12   19

2c – Life expectancy and wellbeing                                                                      20
Table 33         Life expectancy at birth (years), 2007                                                 20
Table 34         Mental and physical development and wellbeing                                          20

2d – Deaths                                                                                             21

Table 35          Number of deaths and death rates, 2011                                 21
Table 36          Number of infant deaths and death rate, 2003-2007                      21
Table 37          Avoidable mortality by cause, 0 to 74 years, 2003-2007                 21

2e – Injuries                                                                            22
Table 38          Rates of intentional and unintentional injuries                        22
Figure 3          Causes of injuries                                                     23
Figure 4          Location of occurrence of injuries                                     23

Section 3: Health system performance                                                     24
3a – Services and access                                                                 24
Figure 5        Service locations, 2012                                                  24
Table 39        General practitioner workforce and attendances                           25
Table 40        Health professional workforce, by region                                 25
Table 41        Service accessibility                                                    26

3b – Hospital utilisation                                                                27
Table 42          Current and projected hospital inpatient utilisation, 2011-12          27
Table 43          Emergency department presentations, 2011-12                            28

3c – Preventable hospital admissions                                                     29
Table 44        ACSC admissions, rates and average bed days, by region, 2011-12          29

3d – Other health utilisation                                                            30
Table 45         Utilisation of selected health services per 1,000 population, 2011-12   30

Data definitions                                                                         31

This is the third version of the Regional Health Status Profiles, which are updated annually. The profiles
present a broad range of data that can be used to inform system planning by staff within Department of
Health, or in partner agencies across Victoria.
Production of the Regional Health Status Profiles is the responsibility of the Modelling, GIS and Planning
Products Section, which is part of the Health Strategy Branch of the Department of Health. The profiles are
highly relevant to a broad range of planning and policy development activities. They are available on the
Department of Health internet.
There is a separate Regional Health Status Profile volume for each of the eight Department of Health
Regions. Most of the data items also include a breakdown by Local Government Areas within the region.
There is a comprehensive definitions section at the end of each document, which describes each item, and
details the source and currency.
The data in the profiles comes from a variety of sources, internal and external to the Department. We greatly
value the contribution of the data providers in ensuring the quality and comprehensive nature of the profile.
We also appreciate the feedback provided by users, and encourage you to let us know of any suggested

Jon Evans
Director, Health Strategy
July 2013.

Section 1: Key determinants of health
1a – Geography
Figure 1: Map of Eastern Metropolitan region and administrative areas

1                                  2
Table 1: Area and breakdown of land use (percentage), 2012, Eastern Metro LGAs
                              Area (sq.
LGA                                           Business        Industrial     Residential        Rural            Other
Boroondara (C)                      60               3.2%
Table 4: Projected percentage population by age group , 2021, Eastern Metro LGAs
LGA                              0-14           15-24          25-44           45-64          65-84           85+
Boroondara (C)                  16.0%           15.5%          28.9%           23.4%          13.6%          2.5%
Knox (C)                        16.4%           12.7%          26.6%           26.1%          15.7%          2.5%
Manningham (C)                  15.2%           13.3%          23.7%           25.5%          18.9%          3.3%
Maroondah (C)                   17.6%           12.0%          26.3%           24.7%          16.4%          3.0%
Monash (C)                      15.1%           14.4%          30.6%           22.2%          14.7%          3.0%
Whitehorse (C)                  16.3%           13.2%          27.6%           24.0%          15.7%          3.3%
Yarra Ranges (S)                18.0%           12.1%          25.8%           26.2%          16.2%          1.8%
Eastern Metropolitan            16.3%           13.4%          27.3%           24.5%          15.7%          2.7%
Victoria                        18.0%           12.4%          29.0%           23.9%          14.5%          2.2%

The current population profile of Eastern Metro region is older than the Victorian population overall with
15.5% of the population aged 65 plus compared with 14% for Victoria. Projections for 2021 indicate a shift
towards an ageing population with 18.4% of the region’s population expected to be aged 65 and over
compared with 16.7% for Victoria.
Table 5: Population dependency ratio , 2011 and 2021, Eastern Metro LGAs
LGA                                 Dependency ratio 2011                        Dependency ratio 2021
Boroondara (C)                             0.46                                         0.47
Knox (C)                                   0.44                                         0.53
Manningham (C)                             0.53                                         0.60
Maroondah (C)                              0.49                                         0.59
Monash (C)                                 0.47                                         0.49
Whitehorse (C)                             0.51                                         0.54
Yarra Ranges (S)                           0.47                                         0.56
Eastern Metropolitan                       0.48                                         0.53
Victoria                                   0.48                                         0.53

The dependency ratios in Table 5 indicate the proportion of people under 14 and over 65, compared with the
proportion of working age population (15-64). Higher dependency ratios mean fewer people of working age.
The Eastern Metro ratios are the same as the Victorian ratios, with Manningham substantially higher in both
2010 and 2022, and Monash and Boroondara lower.
Table 6: Number of births and total fertility rate , 2011, Eastern Metro LGAs
LGA                              Total number of births, 2011                  Total fertility rate, 2011
Boroondara (C)                               1,556                                        1.46
Knox (C)                                     1,776                                        1.76
Manningham (C)                               1,029                                        1.55
Maroondah (C)                                1,394                                        1.88
Monash (C)                                   1,820                                        1.53
Whitehorse (C)                               1,869                                        1.67
Yarra Ranges (S)                             1,789                                        1.94
Eastern Metropolitan                        11,233                                         NA
Victoria                                    71,444                                        1.79
The fertility rate for Eastern Metro is lower than the Victorian rate, but Maroondah and Yarra Ranges have
higher rates than the Victorian rate.

  Department of Planning and Community Development, 2012 - Victoria in Future 2012 population projections
  Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2012 – Estimated Resident Population at 30 June 2011; Department of Planning and
Community Development, 2012 – Victoria in Future 2012
  Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2012 – Births, Australia 2011.

1c – Diversity
Table 7: Number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders , 2011, Eastern Metro LGAs
LGA                                         Aboriginal persons                    % of population
Boroondara (C)                                         221                             0.14%
Knox (C)                                               543                             0.37%
Manningham (C)                                         152                             0.14%
Maroondah (C)                                          412                             0.41%
Monash (C)                                             355                             0.22%
Whitehorse (C)                                         314                             0.22%
Yarra Ranges (S)                                       972                             0.70%
Eastern Metropolitan                                 3,529                             0.31%
Victoria                                            37,699                             0.74%
The percentage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders is considerably lower for Eastern Metro Region than
for Victoria. Only Yarra Ranges has a percentage similar to the Victorian average.
Table 8: Indicators of cultural diversity (Census data) , 2011, Eastern Metro LGAs
                                                       % Born in non-
                                                                                % Speak
                                          % Born           English                             % Low English
LGA                                                                         language other
                                         overseas         speaking                               proficiency
                                                                              than English
Boroondara (C)                          29.5%                22.0%                24.4%             2.4%
Knox (C)                                28.7%                20.7%                21.7%             2.1%
Manningham (C)                          37.9%                31.9%                39.9%             4.9%
Maroondah (C)                           21.8%                13.2%                13.0%             1.8%
Monash (C)                              46.7%                41.2%                46.0%             5.5%
Whitehorse (C)                          34.9%                28.8%                31.4%             4.5%
Yarra Ranges (S)                        17.1%                 7.5%                 6.2%             0.5%
Eastern Metropolitan                    31.5%                24.2%                26.7%             3.1%
Victoria                                27.7%                20.9%                24.2%             3.1%
The Eastern Metro population displays a high level of cultural diversity, with 31.5% of population born
overseas and 26.7% speaking a language other than English. LGAs with the highest levels of cultural
diversity are Monash, Manningham and Whitehorse, while Maroondah and Yarra Ranges have below
average levels of cultural diversity.

Table 9: Indicators of cultural diversity (immigration and ethnicity), 2011-12, Eastern Metro LGAs

                                                                        Humanitarian            Community
                                         New settler arrivals
LGA                                                      9           arrivals - % of total     acceptance of
                                            per 100,000                            9                          10
                                                                           arrivals          diverse cultures
Boroondara (C)                                   761.9                       1.3%                  62.8%
Knox (C)                                         375.7                       5.2%                  45.2%
Manningham (C)                                   623.3                       4.4%                  57.4%
Maroondah (C)                                    618.8                      47.1%                  51.3%
Monash (C)                                     1,241.2                       1.4%                  58.0%
Whitehorse (C)                                 1,024.5                       4.0%                  54.3%
Yarra Ranges (S)                                 143.9                      36.0%                  50.7%
Eastern Metropolitan                             707.2                       7.7%                     NA
Victoria                                         656.3                      12.3%                  50.6%

  Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011 – Census of Population and Housing 2011.
  Department of Immigration and Citizenship, 2012.– Settlement database, 2011-12.
   VicHealth – VicHealth Indicators Survey, 2011

Eastern Metro has a higher than average rate of new settler arrivals, although the percentage of
humanitarian arrivals is lower than average. However, new settler arrival rates vary markedly between LGAs,
with by far the highest rates in Monash and Whitehorse. While Yarra Ranges has a low percentage of new
settler arrivals, the percentage of humanitarian arrivals is much higher than the Victorian average.
Maroondah also has a high percentage of new settler arrivals. The regional level of community acceptance
of diverse cultures is similar to the Victorian average, but is well below average in Manningham and
Table 10: Top 3 countries of birth (2011) and % of LGA population
LGA                             Country 1                      Country 2                    Country 3
Boroondara (C)                  China (4.4%)                   United Kingdom (4%)          India (2.3%)
Knox (C)                        United Kingdom (5.6%)          India (2.1%)                 China (1.9%)
Manningham (C)                  China (6.1%)                   Italy (3.3%)                 United Kingdom (3.2%)
Maroondah (C)                   United Kingdom (6.1%)          China (1.5%)                 India (1.3%)
Monash (C)                      China (8.5%)                   India (4.5%)                 Sri Lanka (3.5%)
Whitehorse (C)                  China (7.6%)                   United Kingdom (3.7%)        India (2.4%)
Yarra Ranges (S)                United Kingdom (7.3%)          Netherlands (1.3%)           New Zealand (1.2%)
Eastern Metropolitan            United Kingdom (4.7%)          China (4.5%)                 India (2.2%)
Victoria                        United Kingdom (4.2%)          India (2.2%)                 China (1.8%)

Table 11: Top 3 languages other than English (2011) and % of total population
LGA                                 Language 1                   Language 2                 Language 3
Boroondara (C)                      Mandarin (5.2%)              Greek (3.3%)               Cantonese (3.1%)
Knox (C)                            Cantonese (2.8%)             Mandarin (2.6%)            Italian (1.4%)
Manningham (C)                      Cantonese (8.2%)             Greek (7.3%)               Mandarin (6.4%)
Maroondah (C)                       Mandarin (1.6%)              Cantonese (1.0%)           Italian (0.9%)
Monash (C)                          Mandarin (9.6%)              Greek (6.7%)               Cantonese (5.1%)
Whitehorse (C)                      Mandarin (7.8%)              Cantonese (5.3%)           Greek (3.3%)
Yarra Ranges (S)                    Italian (1.1%)               German (0.7%)              Dutch (0.6%)
Eastern Metropolitan                Mandarin (5.0%)              Cantonese (3.7%)           Greek (3.3%)
Victoria                            Italian (2.4%)               Greek (2.3%)               Mandarin (2.0%)

The most common overseas country of birth for Eastern Metro region is the United Kingdom, followed by
China and India. In four LGAs, Boroondara, Manningham, Whitehorse and Monash, China is the most
common overseas country of birth. Either Mandarin or Cantonese are the most common non-English
languages spoken at home in all LGAs other than Yarra Ranges, where the most common non-English
language is Italian. Yarra Ranges is the only LGA which does not feature both Mandarin and Cantonese in
the top tree languages other than English.

     Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011 – Census of Population and Housing 2011

1d – Social Engagement and Crime
Figure 2: Map of Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage (IRSD) , 2011, at statistical area 1 (SA1) level, Eastern metro region

     Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2012 – Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA), 2011

Eastern Metropolitan has relatively small, widely dispersed areas of areas of disadvantage including parts of the following suburbs: Box Hill, Nunawading,
Ringwood, Bayswater North, Kilsyth and Mooroolbark. The towns of Millgrove and parts of Lilydale and Healesville are also relatively disadvantaged. The whole
eastern part of Yarra Ranges has relatively high levels of disadvantage.

Table 12: Rates of crime             per 1,000 population, 2011-12, Eastern Metropolitan LGAs
                                    Family                                                                                    % of population
                                                                                                                                                  % of population
                                   violence       Drug usage/ possession               Violent crime                          who feel safe on
                                                                                                         Total offences per                       who feel safe on
LGA                               incidents          offences per 1,000             offences per 1,000                          the streets
                                                                                                          1,000 population                   14    the streets at
                                  per 1,000              population                     population                            during the day                14
Boroondara (C)                        3.2                       1.1                        3.7                 38.2                 99.5                84.6
Knox (C)                              8.8                       2.2                        6.5                 52.5                 98.0                62.4
Manningham (C)                        4.2                       1.4                        3.7                 34.9                 97.4                68.7
Maroondah (C)                         7.1                       2.3                        6.5                 59.8                 97.6                64.6
Monash (C)                            5.0                       1.1                        5.4                 47.0                 98.1                73.4
Whitehorse (C)                        4.4                       1.3                        4.5                 39.6                 98.2                68.0
Yarra Ranges (S)                      7.1                       2.2                        5.8                 41.9                 99.0                73.7
Eastern Metropolitan                  5.6                       1.6                        5.1                 44.5                 NA                  NA
Victoria                              9.1                       3.4                        9.8                 70.6                 97.0                69.3

Crime rates in Eastern Metro region (Table 12) are lower than the Victorian average. Total offences in 2011-12 are 44.5 per 1,000 population compared with
70.6 per 1,000 population for Victoria, and all LGAs have lower crime rates than the Victorian average. Rates of family violence, violent crime and drug usage
and possession are also well below average, but the percentage of the population who feel safe on the streets at night is only slightly above average.

     Victoria Police, 2012 – Corporate statistics for family violence and crimes.
     VicHealth – VicHealth Indicators Survey, 2011

Table 13: Social wellbeing and connectedness indicators, Eastern Metro LGAs
                                                                                                          % who use
                                                                                                                             % who
                                   Gaming             % of                                                    social
                                                                       % of             % who                              believe area
                                  machine         households                                              networking                       % who attend   % who feel
                                                                    population       participate in                         has good
                                 losses per           with                                                to organise                       community     valued by
LGA                                                                   which             citizen                             facilities
                                   head of        broadband                                                time with                          events       society
                                                                    volunteers       engagement                                and                  18        18
                                 population         internet             16                 17             family or
                                      15               16                                                                   services
                                                                                                             friends             18

Boroondara (C)                      $148             81.7%            25.1%              55.9%               39.5%            95.1%             53.1%       61.2%
Knox (C)                            $698             79.5%            17.8%              46.3%               35.8%            93.4%             53.4%       47.6%
Manningham (C)                      $677             79.4%            18.6%              40.5%               32.1%            88.3%             47.8%       49.6%
Maroondah (C)                       $786             77.1%            20.3%              48.5%               35.4%            94.0%             54.4%       52.3%
Monash (C)                          $828             77.9%            18.2%              41.7%               42.4%            91.7%             52.5%       54.9%
Whitehorse (C)                      $435             77.2%            22.1%              54.1%               36.1%            90.8%             56.3%       54.1%
Yarra Ranges (S)                    $267             77.1%            21.4%              57.9%               35.1%            81.4%             57.6%       47.8%
Eastern Metropolitan                $538             78.6%            20.6%               NA                 37.0%            90.8%             53.7%       52.8%
Victoria                            $602             72.6%            19.3%              50.5%               35.1%            85.2%             52.9%       52.4%

While gaming machine losses per head of population are lower for Eastern Metropolitan Region ($538) than the state average ($602), they are well above
average in Monash, Knox, Manningham and Maroondah. Broadband internet is relatively accessible, with a higher than average percentage of households
connected in all LGAs. A higher than average percentage use social networking to organise time with family and friends, with only Manningham below the
Victorian average. The rate of volunteering is variable, from 17.8% in Knox to 25.1% in Boroondara, compared with the Victorian average of 19.3%. The
percentage of population who believe their area has good facilities and services is higher than the Victorian average for all LGAs other than Yarra Ranges.
Boroondara and Whitehorse score above average for participation in citizen engagement, attendance at community events and feeling valued by society, while
Manningham scores below average for these three indicators.

   Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulations, 2011-12
   Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011 – Census of Population and Housing, 2011
   VicHealth - VicHealth Indicators Survey 2011
   Department of Planning and Community Development (2010) – Indicators of community strength at the local government area level in Victoria 2008

1e – Socio-economic factors
Table 14: Economic and housing characteristics, Eastern Metropolitan LGAs
                               % of
                            persons       Median             %            % with       % with    % of rental                                    New             Social
                                                                                                                   Median        rent for
                               with      household     experiencing      mortgage      rental      housing                                    dwellings       housing as
LGA                                                                                                                house            3
                           individual     income           food           stress       stress       that is              23                   per 1,000        % of total
                                              19                  20         21           21                22     price        bedroom                 24              25
                             income                     insecurity                               affordable                             22   population       dwellings
                                    19                                                                                           house
Table 15: Transport and accessibility, Eastern Metropolitan LGAs
                               Persons with            Passenger
                                                                            % households         % of population
                               greater than 2         vehicles per
LGA                                                                         with no motor          near public
                                   hour                  1,000                         28                    29
                                          26                     27            vehicle             transport
                                commute               population
Boroondara (C)                       5.5%                226.3                    8.8%                100.0%
Knox (C)                            14.2%                295.4                    4.3%                 91.7%
Manningham (C)                      18.8%                275.7                    4.0%                 88.6%
Maroondah (C)                       10.5%                309.3                    6.1%                 92.4%
Monash (C)                          19.1%                278.3                    7.8%                 99.6%
Whitehorse (C)                      10.3%                268.4                    8.9%                100.0%
Yarra Ranges (S)                    17.5%                334.6                    3.9%                 55.8%
Eastern Metropolitan                13.7%                282.0                    6.5%                 90.2%
Victoria                            11.6%                289.5                    8.7%                 74.3%

A higher than average percentage of Eastern Metropolitan Region residents commute for more than two
hours per day, with the highest percentages in Manningham, Monash and Yarra Ranges. The
percentage in Boroondara is however well below average, and Boroondara also has the lowest rate of
passenger vehicles per 1000 population. All LGAs other than Yarra Ranges have well above average
accessibility to public transport.

Table 16: Education and employment characteristics, Eastern Metropolitan LGAs
                                                                        % of population         % of population
                               Unemployment               FTE            who did not              with higher
LGA                                    30                      31
                                  rate                 students         complete year              education
                                                                                28                             28
                                                                              12                 qualification
Boroondara (C)                        3.1%                34,756             19.1%                   71.7%
Knox (C)                              3.9%                19,680             44.5%                   38.4%
Manningham (C)                        4.2%                15,684             34.0%                   55.7%
Maroondah (C)                         4.5%                17,359             44.1%                   40.5%
Monash (C)                            5.1%                28,271             30.3%                   58.9%
Whitehorse (C)                        5.1%                23,727             31.4%                   58.3%
Yarra Ranges (S)                      4.0%                25,705             51.4%                   31.2%
Eastern Metropolitan                  4.3%               165,181             35.6%                   52.7%
Victoria                              5.4%             869,697.7             43.7%                   45.7%

The unemployment rate for Eastern Metro is lower than the Victorian average at 4.3%, with the highest
rates in Monash and Whitehorse. The percentage of regional population who did not complete year 12 is
considerably lower than the Victorian average and the population with a higher education qualification is
higher than the Victorian average. However, residents with higher levels of education tend to be
concentrated in Boroondara, Manningham, Monash and Whitehorse. Yarra Ranges, Knox and
Maroondah have relatively high percentages who have not completed year 12, and low percentages with
a higher education qualification.

   VicHealth – VicHealth Indicators Survey 2011
   Australian Bureau of Statistics – Motor Vehicle Census, 31 January 2012 and Estimated Resident Population,
   Australian Bureau of Statistics – Census of Population and Housing, 2011
   Australian Bureau of Statistics – Estimated Resident Population, 2011; Department of Transport – public transport
location data
   Department of Employment and Workplace Relations – Small area labour markets, September quarter 2012
   Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, 2012

1f – Health behaviours
Table 17: Smoking status, 2008, Eastern Metropolitan LGAs
                                                                                                 % of 15-17 year
                                  % Current                             32                 32       olds who
LGA                                      32              % Ex smoker         % Non smoker
                                  smoker                                                         smoked in last
                                                                                                   30 days
Boroondara (C)                         13.6%                 21.9%                63.7%               23.8%
Knox (C)                               26.7%                 22.6%                50.7%               17.1%
Manningham (C)                         14.6%                 15.2%                70.1%               20.6%
Maroondah (C)                          17.1%                 23.1%                59.6%               25.5%
Monash (C)                             17.9%                 20.6%                61.3%                9.4%
Whitehorse (C)                         13.6%                 23.0%                63.4%               10.9%
Yarra Ranges (S)                       21.0%                 23.5%                55.5%               19.0%
Eastern Metro                          17.8%                 21.5%                60.5%               18.4%
Victoria                               19.1%                 23.8%                56.8%               17.7%
Blue = significantly below Victorian average; red = significantly above Victorian average.
Note that sum of percentages for current, ex- and non-smokers may not add to 100 per cent due to a proportion of
'don't know' or 'refused' responses.

Table 18: Daily fruit consumption             (percentage), 2008, Eastern Metro LGAs
                                No serves of             One serve of        2 or more serves      Did not meet
                                    fruit                   fruit                 of fruit       fruit guidelines
Boroondara (C)                     12.9%                   33.2%                   51.8%               46.2%
Knox (C)                           13.9%                   38.8%                   47.0%               52.4%
Manningham (C)                     10.1%                   35.2%                   54.4%               44.4%
Maroondah (C)                      12.3%                   36.6%                   50.6%               48.5%
Monash (C)                         15.3%                   38.4%                   45.7%               53.8%
Whitehorse (C)                     10.7%                   35.3%                   53.4%               46.1%
Yarra Ranges (S)                   11.7%                   35.3%                   51.5%               47.6%
Eastern Metro                      12.7%                   36.3%                   50.1%               49.0%
Victoria                           14.3%                   36.1%                   48.6%               50.5%

Table 19: Daily vegetable consumption                 (percentage), 2008, Eastern Metro LGAs
                               No serves              1-2 serves     3-4 serves      5 or more      Did not meet
LGA                                 of                    of             of          serves of       vegetable
                               vegetables             vegetables     vegetables     vegetables       guidelines
Boroondara (C)                    5.1%                  56.5%          28.8%            8.3%           89.1%
Knox (C)                         *3.9%                  60.4%          26.7%            7.8%           90.9%
Manningham (C)                    3.7%                  53.7%          33.0%            8.0%           90.1%
Maroondah (C)                    *5.5%                  57.0%          27.7%            8.8%           89.2%
Monash (C)                        7.9%                  59.1%          24.5%            7.2%           91.3%
Whitehorse (C)                   *4.0%                  58.7%          28.4%            7.6%           89.9%
Yarra Ranges (S)                  4.4%                  53.2%          33.1%            8.2%           88.2%
Eastern Metro                     5.1%                  57.5%          28.2%            7.9%           90.0%
Victoria                          5.8%                  56.9%          28.2%            7.7%           90.0%
* Estimate has a relative standard error between 25 and 50 per cent and should be interpreted with caution.

     Department of Health, 2011 – Victorian Population Health Survey 2008
     Department of Education and Early Childhood Development – Adolescent profiles 2010.

Table 20: Did not meet guidelines for fruit and vegetable consumption percentage), males and
females, 2008, Eastern Metro LGAs
                                                                 Did not meet fruit or   Did not meet fruit or
                                      Did not meet fruit or
                                                                      vegetable               vegetable
LGA                                        vegetable
                                                                      guidelines              guidelines
                                      guidelines (males)
                                                                      (females)               (persons)
Boroondara (C)                                  50.0%                   34.2%                   42.4%
Knox (C)                                        59.7%                   44.2%                   51.0%
Manningham (C)                                  48.1%                   36.3%                   42.6%
Maroondah (C)                                   55.7%                   36.7%                   45.3%
Monash (C)                                      59.1%                   46.5%                   52.4%
Whitehorse (C)                                  51.8%                   33.8%                   44.4%
Yarra Ranges (S)                                42.3%                   44.9%                   43.6%
Eastern Metro                                   53.0%                   40.5%                   46.6%
Victoria                                        54.8%                   41.9%                   48.2%
Blue = significantly below Victorian average.

Table 21: Alcohol and soft drink consumption, Eastern Metro LGAs
                                 % with short               % who            %15-17 year
                                                                                                % who drank
                                term risk from            purchased        olds who drank
LGA                                                                                            soft drink every
                                   alcohol              alcohol in past    alcohol in past               35
                                             34                   35                 36             day
                                consumption                7 days             7 days
Boroondara (C)                        6.2%                  44.7%               53.5%                4.3%
Knox (C)                            13.4%                   32.0%               54.2%               14.0%
Manningham (C)                      *5.2%                   32.0%               53.3%                8.0%
Maroondah (C)                       10.4%                   38.2%               58.3%                9.5%
Monash (C)                            8.9%                  29.3%               34.8%                9.5%
Whitehorse (C)                        8.9%                  31.5%               44.7%               10.0%
Yarra Ranges (S)                    12.8%                   42.9%               55.1%               12.1%
Eastern Metro                         9.4%                  35.7%               50.6%                9.6%
Victoria                            10.2%                   36.3%                  NA               12.4%
Blue = significantly below Victorian average.
* Estimate has a relative standard error between 25 and 50 per cent and should be interpreted with
Table 22: Did not meet guidelines for physical activity , males and females, 2008, Eastern Metro
                                                                      Did not meet            Did not meet
                                          Did not meet
                                                                     physical activity       physical activity
LGA                                     physical activity
                                                                       guidelines              guidelines
                                       guidelines (males)
                                                                        (females)               (persons)
Boroondara (C)                                  29.4%                     25.3%                   27.7%
Knox (C)                                        24.2%                     27.7%                   25.5%
Manningham (C)                                  30.1%                     27.7%                   28.5%
Maroondah (C)                                   20.6%                     31.1%                   26.7%
Monash (C)                                      27.4%                     29.6%                   28.5%
Whitehorse (C)                                  23.4%                     31.0%                   25.9%
Yarra Ranges (S)                                26.2%                     25.9%                   26.3%
Eastern Metro                                   26.3%                     27.3%                   26.9%
Victoria                                        27.5%                     27.2%                   27.4%

   Department of Health – Victorian Population Health Survey, 2008
   VicHealth – VicHealth Indicators Survey, 2011
   Department of Education and Early Childhood Development – Adolescent profile, 2010

Adults resident in Eastern Metro region display relatively healthy behaviours. A lower percentage are
smokers compared with the Victorian population, and a slightly higher than average population meet fruit
and vegetable consumption and physical activity guidelines. While regional percentages with short term
risk from alcohol consumption are below the Victorian average, the percentages at risk are higher than
average in Knox and Yarra Ranges. Rates of daily soft drink consumption are also above average in
Knox, around average in Yarra Ranges and below average in all other LGAs. While the highest
percentage of population purchased alcohol in the past seven days in Boroondara (44.7%), that LGA has
a lower than average percentage of persons at short term risk from alcohol consumption (6.2%).

Table 23: Child and adolescent characteristics and behaviours, various years, Eastern Metro
                                                                 Children                          Adolescents
                              Low birth       Infants fully         fully                           who brush
                                                                                  who adopt
LGA                             weight        breastfed at      immunised                          their teeth at
                                      37                 38                       sunsmart
                               babies          3 months           at 24-27                40        least twice
                                                                          39     behaviour                  40
                                                                 months                               daily
Boroondara (C)                   5.9%             64.6%            92.5%              3.7%             73.7%
Knox (C)                         6.3%             54.2%            95.7%              2.6%             60.2%
Manningham (C)                   6.2%             56.0%            89.1%              3.7%             65.7%
Maroondah (C)                    5.9%             56.6%            95.2%              2.9%             70.9%
Monash (C)                       6.3%             54.8%            92.2%              3.5%             72.2%
Whitehorse (C)                   6.0%             59.3%            91.5%              2.3%             73.7%
Yarra Ranges (S)                 6.1%             52.9%            89.4%              3.2%             67.2%
Eastern Metro                    6.1%             56.9%            92.4%              3.1%             69.8%
Victoria                         6.6%             51.8%            93.4%              3.1%             67.4%

The percentage of low birth weight babies is below average for all LGAs in Eastern Metro region. The
percentage of infants fully breastfed at three months is also higher than the state average for all LGAs.
The regional percentage of children fully immunised at 24-27 months is slightly lower than the Victorian
average of 93.4%, with lowest rates in Manningham (89.1%) and Yarra Ranges (89.4%). Percentages of
adolescents who adopt sunsmart behaviours or brush their teeth at least twice per day vary considerably
between LGAs, with Boroondara scoring highest for both.

   Public Health Information Development Unit, 2011 – Social Health Atlas, low birth weight babies 2006-2008.
   Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, 2010-11.
   Medicare Australia – Australian Childhood Immunisation Register, March 2012.
   Department of Education and Early Childhood Development – Adolescent profiles, 2010.

Table 24: Health screening participation, Eastern Metro LGAs
                                        Breast cancer             Cervical cancer
                                                                                             Bowel cancer
LGA                                       screening                 screening                           43
                                                      41                        42            screening
                                        participation             participation
Boroondara (C)                              58.2%                     68.5%                       38.4%
Knox (C)                                    59.4%                     63.0%                       36.9%
Manningham (C)                              60.0%                     66.7%                       38.8%
Maroondah (C)                               58.1%                     62.7%                       37.7%
Monash (C)                                  57.7%                     59.6%                       37.7%
Whitehorse (C)                              57.0%                     62.7%                       39.4%
Yarra Ranges (S)                            56.8%                     64.4%                       38.4%
Eastern Metro                               58.1%                     63.9%                       38.2%
Victoria                                    55.9%                     60.7%                       37.1%

The Eastern Metropolitan regional rates of screening for breast, cervical and bowel cancer are slightly
higher than the Victorian average. All LGAs have higher rates of breast cancer screening than the
Victorian average, all but Monash have higher rates of cervical cancer screening and all but Knox have
higher rates of Bowel cancer screening.

   Breast Screen Victoria, 2010-11
   Victorian Cervical Cytology Register - statistical report, 2010
   Public Health Information Development Unit (PHIDU) – Social Health Atlas of Victorian Local Government Areas,

Section 2: Health status
2a – Human function
Table 25: Aged and disability characteristics, Eastern Metro LGAs
                                                      % with                          Disability          Age
                                                                       % of
                                % with need        severe and                          support          pension
                                    for             profound                           pension         recipients
                                                                     aged 75+
LGA                             assistance          disability                      recipients per     per 1,000
                                                                     who live
                                 with core           living in                      1,000 eligible      eligible
                                           44                         alone                 45
                                activities         community             44             pop               pop
                                                         44                                                45

Boroondara (C)                       3.8%               2.4%           38.9%                 21.1         403.7
Knox (C)                             4.3%               3.2%           33.8%                 40.6         762.2
Manningham (C)                       4.7%               3.5%           26.7%                 27.5         592.2
Maroondah (C)                        4.7%               3.2%           39.0%                 47.6         703.9
Monash (C)                           4.8%               3.4%           29.7%                 34.2         655.1
Whitehorse (C)                       4.5%               3.4%           37.0%                 36.7         652.0
Yarra Ranges (S)                     4.0%               3.1%           33.8%                 47.8         729.5
Eastern Metro                        4.4%               3.2%           34.0%                 36.1         633.6
Victoria                             5.0%               3.8%           35.9%                 54.8         704.5

Eastern Metro region scores lower than average percentage for persons with need for assistance with
core activities, and persons aged 75 plus living alone. All LGAs have lower percentages requiring
assistance than the Victorian average. The percentage of people aged 75+ living alone ranges from
26.7% in Manningham to 38.9% in Boroondara, compared with the Victorian average of 35.9%. There
are below average rates of disability support pension recipients in all LGAs, and age pension recipients
in LGAs other than Knox and Yarra Ranges.

Table 26: Obesity , males and females, 2008, Eastern Metro LGAs
                                                                    Percentage of                 Percentage of
                                      Percentage of males
LGA                                                              females overweight            persons overweight
                                      overweight or obese
                                                                      or obese                      or obese
Boroondara (C)                                  40.6%                   25.1%                         32.1%
Knox (C)                                        60.0%                  39.0%                          49.4%
Manningham (C)                                  53.5%                  37.5%                          45.6%
Maroondah (C)                                   63.6%                  36.6%                          48.0%
Monash (C)                                      49.1%                  38.9%                          44.0%
Whitehorse (C)                                  55.2%                  35.1%                          46.1%
Yarra Ranges (S)                                57.5%                  44.1%                          50.9%
Eastern Metro                                   54.2%                  36.5%                          45.1%
Victoria                                        57.2%                  40.3%                          48.6%
Blue = significantly below Victorian average.

The percentages of males, females and persons overweight or obese in Eastern Metro Region are lower
than the Victorian average, with the percentages in Boroondara significantly below the Victorian average.

   Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011 – Census of Population and Housing, 2011
   Centrelink, 2012; Australian Bureau of Statistics – Estimated Resident Population, 2011
   Department of Health – Victorian Population Health Survey, 2008.

2b – Health conditions
Table 27: Asthma and diabetes incidence and admissions, Eastern Metro LGAs
                              % of persons        % of persons             Asthma                Diabetes
LGA                            reporting         reporting type 2       admission rate         admission rate
                                       47                    47                   48                    48
                                asthma              diabetes                ratio                 ratio
Boroondara (C)                   9.3%                  2.9%                  0.69                  0.56
Knox (C)                        12.4%                  4.4%                  0.88                  0.95
Manningham (C)                   9.7%                  3.5%                  0.60                  0.76
Maroondah (C)                    9.8%                  5.0%                  1.04                  0.87
Monash (C)                      11.4%                  4.0%                  1.12                  0.78
Whitehorse (C)                  13.3%                  5.3%                  0.86                  0.81
Yarra Ranges (S)                 9.4%                  3.2%                  0.92                  0.79
Eastern Metro                   10.8%                  3.9%                  0.87                  0.78
Victoria                        10.7%                  4.8%                  1.00                  1.00
The percentage of persons reporting asthma is above average in Knox, Monash and Whitehorse, while
the percentage reporting type 2 diabetes is above average in Maroondah and Whitehorse. The asthma
admission rate ratio is above average for Maroondah and Monash while the diabetes admission rate
ration is below average for all LGAs.
Table 28: Total malignant cancers diagnosed              per 1,000 population, and for males and females,
in 2011, Eastern Metro LGAs
LGA                                          Males                    Females                     Total
Boroondara (C)                               5.35                       4.44                      4.88
Knox (C)                                     5.25                       4.19                      4.71
Manningham (C)                               6.48                       5.15                      5.80
Maroondah (C)                                6.25                       4.95                      5.58
Monash (C)                                   6.05                       4.07                      5.05
Whitehorse (C)                               6.28                       4.88                      5.56
Yarra Ranges (S)                             5.70                       4.23                      4.96
Eastern Metro                                5.87                       4.51                      5.18
Victoria                                     5.73                       4.54                      5.13

Table 29: Diagnosis rates of leading cancers per 1,000 population , 2011, by region
Region                               Bowel         Prostate        Breast         Lung        Melanoma
Barwon-South Western                  0.92           0.88           0.79           0.58          0.52
Eastern metropolitan                  0.64           0.95           0.71           0.40          0.37
Gippsland                             0.89           0.96           0.88           0.62          0.48
Grampians                             0.95           0.79           0.73           0.53          0.57
Hume                                  0.88           1.04           0.73           0.55          0.54
Loddon Mallee                         0.85           1.09           0.83           0.60          0.49
Northern and West
                                      0.53           0.62           0.59           0.37          0.23
Southern metropolitan                 0.64           0.95           0.66           0.45          0.40
Victoria                              0.67           0.85            0.68          0.45          0.37
The rates of total malignant cancers diagnosed per 1000 population are around average for males,
females and total population in the Eastern region. The rates for males, females and total population in
Manningham, Maroondah and Whitehorse are above average. Regional rates of bowel, breast, lung and
melanoma cancers are around average, while the rate of prostate cancer is slightly above average.

   Department of Health – Victorian Population Health Survey, 2008
   Prevention and Population Health Branch, Wellbeing, Integrated Care and Aged Division, Department of Health,
   Cancer Council of Victoria – Victorian Cancer Registry, 2011.

Table 30: Notifications and rates (per 1,000 population) of infectious diseases , 2011, Eastern
Metro LGAs
                                      Pertussis                     Influenza                   Chlamydia
                               Notifications      Rates     Notifications       Rates    Notifications      Rates
Boroondara (C)                      204            1.2            187            1.1          492             2.9
Knox (C)                            208            1.3             55            0.4          428             2.8
Manningham (C)                      154            1.3             62            0.5          291             2.5
Maroondah (C)                       141            1.3             35            0.3          322             3.0
Monash (C)                          219            1.2            142            0.8          384             2.2
Whitehorse (C)                      258            1.6             76            0.5          466             3.0
Yarra Ranges (S)                    294            2.0             87            0.6          454             3.1
Eastern Metro                      1,478           1.4            644            0.6         2,837            2.8
Victoria*                          8,806           1.6           3,226           0.6         19,237           3.5
*Vic totals include cases with unknown locations (could not be allocated to an LGA).

The rate of Pertussis is below average in all LGAs in Eastern Metro region other than Yarra Ranges,
where it is slightly above average. Rates of Influenza are nearly twice the Victorian average in
Boroondara, but around average for the other LGAs. Rates of Chlamydia are below average in all LGAs.

  Department of Health – Notifiable Infectious Diseases Surveillance database, 2012; Australian Bureau of Statistics
– Estimated Resident Population, 2011

Table 31: Top seven ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSCs), 2011-12, separations and rates, Eastern Metro LGAs
                                   Diabetes                                                      Congestive heart         obstructive           Iron deficiency
LGA                                                  Dental conditions       Pyelonephritis                                                                       Cellulitis
                                 complications                                                       failure              pulmonary                anaemia
Boroondara (C)                         667                   771                  422                353                      239                    282             226
Knox (C)                             1,177                   436                  482                360                      378                    314             474
Manningham (C)                         875                   372                  321                343                      280                    295             171
Maroondah (C)                          699                   365                  349                228                      290                    197             231
Monash (C)                           1,308                   349                  558                438                      371                    373             266
Whitehorse (C)                       1,160                   487                  495                462                      305                    367             302
Yarra Ranges (S)                       930                   596                  390                277                      421                    268             376
Eastern Metro                        6,816                 3,376                3,017              2,461                    2,284                  2,096           2,046
Victoria                            45,724                16,499               16,733            14,278                    16,003                 11,114          10,187
                                                                             Rate per 1,000 population
Boroondara (C)                         4.00                 4.62                 2.53               2.12                      1.43                   1.69           1.35
Knox (C)                               7.64                 2.83                 3.13               2.34                      2.45                   2.04           3.08
Manningham (C)                         7.48                 3.18                 2.74               2.93                      2.39                   2.52           1.46
Maroondah (C)                          6.52                 3.41                 3.26               2.13                      2.71                   1.84           2.16
Monash (C)                             7.35                 1.96                 3.14               2.46                      2.08                   2.10           1.49
Whitehorse (C)                         7.35                 3.09                 3.14               2.93                      1.93                   2.33           1.91
Yarra Ranges (S)                       6.25                 4.01                 2.62               1.86                      2.83                   1.80           2.53
Eastern Metro                          6.62                 3.28                 2.93               2.39                      2.22                   2.04           1.99
Victoria                               8.26                 2.89                 3.02               2.58                      2.89                   2.01           1.84

The most common ACSC in Eastern Metro Region is diabetes complications, followed by dental conditions. The rate for diabetes complications is lower than the
Victorian average of 8.26 for all LGAs. The regional rate for dental conditions (3.28) is higher than the Victorian average (2.89), and is highest in Boroondara (4.62).
Rates of COPD are below average in all LGAs, while rates of pyelonephritis are higher than average in Knox, Maroondah, Monash and Whitehorse. Rates of
congestive heart failure are above average in Manningham and Whitehorse, as are rates of iron deficiency anaemia.

     Victorian Health Information Surveillance System (VHISS), 2011-12; Australian Bureau of Statistics – Estimated Resident Population, 2011

Table 32: Top seven specialty groups for persons admitted to hospital , 2011-12, Eastern Metro LGAs
LGA                        Gastroenterology       Renal Dialysis      General Surgery       Orthopaedics         General Medicine       Oncology/Radiology           Cardiology

Boroondara (C)                  9,841                7,522                5,004            4,716                       3,929                   3,927                   2,771
Knox (C)                       10,336                8,683                5,455            4,490                       4,589                   4,012                   3,473
Manningham (C)                  7,818                8,855                3,982            3,227                       3,346                   3,568                   2,748
Maroondah (C)                   6,409                5,556                3,660            3,185                       2,984                   2,833                   2,292
Monash (C)                     11,023               10,651                5,246            4,236                       4,454                   5,033                   3,731
Whitehorse (C)                 10,096                8,299                5,381            4,514                       4,299                   4,462                   3,568
Yarra Ranges (S)                9,184                5,264                5,454            4,702                       4,012                   3,666                   3,293
Eastern Metro                  64,707               54,830               34,181           29,070                      27,613                  27,501                  21,876
Victoria                      307,496              316,482              181,115          151,278                     148,640                 145,278                 125,774
                                                                          Rate per 1,000 population
Boroondara (C)                   58.99                45.09               30.00            28.27                        23.55                   23.54                   16.61
Knox (C)                         67.07                56.35               35.40            29.14                        29.78                   26.04                   22.54
Manningham (C)                   66.84                75.71               34.05            27.59                        28.61                   30.51                   23.50
Maroondah (C)                    59.82                51.86               34.16            29.73                        27.85                   26.44                   21.39
Monash (C)                       61.94                59.85               29.48            23.80                        25.03                   28.28                   20.96
Whitehorse (C)                   64.00                52.61               34.11            28.62                        27.25                   28.29                   22.62
Yarra Ranges (S)                 61.74                35.39               36.66            31.61                        26.97                   24.64                   22.14
Eastern Metro                    62.85                53.26               33.20            28.24                        26.82                   26.71                   21.25
Victoria                         55.56                57.18               32.72            27.33                        26.86                   26.25                   22.73

The most common condition requiring hospitalisation in Eastern Metropolitan region is gastroenterology, followed by renal dialysis. The rates of hospital admission
for gastroenterology are higher than the Victorian average of 55.56 for all LGAs. While the regional rate of admission for renal dialysis (53.26) is below the Victorian
rate (57.18), the rate in Manningham (75.71) is well above average. Rates of admissions for general surgery are above the Victorian average (32.37) for all LGAs
other than Boroondara and Monash, and are above the Victorian average for orthopaedics (27.33) in all LGAs other than Monash. Manningham has higher than
average rates of admissions for all of the top seven specialty groups..

  Department of Health – Victorian Admitted Episodes Dataset, 2011-12 (specialty groups from ‘spec v5’ variable); Australian Bureau of Statistics – Estimated Resident Population,

2c – Life expectancy and wellbeing
Table 33: Life expectancy at birth (years) , 2008, Eastern Metro LGAs
LGA                                        Male life expectancy                 Female life expectancy
Boroondara (C)                                      82.2                                  85.8
Knox (C)                                            79.7                                  83.0
Manningham (C)                                      81.9                                  85.6
Maroondah (C)                                       80.5                                  84.8
Monash (C)                                          81.5                                  85.8
Whitehorse (C)                                      81.3                                  85.3
Yarra Ranges (S)                                    80.1                                  84.3
Eastern Metro                                       82.0                                  85.4
Victoria                                            80.3                                  84.4

Male and female life expectancy is above average in Eastern Metro LGAs other than Knox and Yarra

Table 34: Mental and physical development and wellbeing (percentages), Eastern Metro LGAs
                               Persons              Persons       Children
                                                                               Adolescents     Adolescents
                              reporting            reporting     vulnerable
                                                                                reporting       reporting
LGA                           fair/poor         high/very high    in one or
                                                                                  being       positive psych
                                health          psychological       more                 56                56
                                     54                    54             55     bullied      development
                               status             distress       domains
Boroondara (C)                  12.8%                 5.1%          10.8%         43.5%           62.0%
Knox (C)                        21.3%                10.6%          16.7%         46.2%           60.7%
Manningham (C)                  14.6%                10.6%          14.2%         41.0%           63.8%
Maroondah (C)                   15.5%                10.5%          19.3%         42.7%           71.5%
Monash (C)                      17.5%                13.3%          19.2%         50.9%           64.1%
Whitehorse (C)                  12.9%                 9.0%          13.8%         35.8%           66.3%
Yarra Ranges (S)                18.9%                11.7%          18.1%         47.4%           61.5%
Eastern Metro                   16.2%                 9.8%          15.8%         44.4%           64.1%
Victoria                        18.3%                11.4%          20.3%         44.6%           61.1%
Blue = significantly below Victorian average.

The percentage of persons reporting fair or poor health status and high or very high psychological
distress is below the Victorian average for Eastern Metro region. The percentages in Boroondara are well
below average for both indicators, and are well below average in Whitehorse for fair/poor health status.
The percentage of children vulnerable on one or more domain is below average in all LGAs. The
percentage of adolescents reporting bullying is above average in Monash, Knox and Yarra Ranges and
well below average in Whitehorse, while the percentage of adolescents reporting positive psychological
development is above average in all LGAs other than Knox.

   Department of Health, 2010. – Life expectancy at birth 2003-2007.
   Department of Health, 2010. – Victorian Population Health Survey 2008
   Department of Education and Early Childhood Development – AEDI 2009.
   Department of Education and Early Childhood Development – Victorian Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Survey
(HowRU?), 2009.

2d – Deaths
The indirect standardised death rate is below average for all LGAs in Eastern Metropolitan Region. The
infant death rate is also below average in all LGAs.
Table 35: Number of deaths and death rates , 2011, Eastern Metro LGAs
LGA                                        Number of deaths                Indirect standardised death rate
Boroondara (C)                                 1,158                                       4.9
Knox (C)                                         929                                       5.5
Manningham (C)                                   745                                       4.5
Maroondah (C)                                    783                                       5.9
Monash (C)                                     1,159                                       4.9
Whitehorse (C)                                 1,116                                       4.9
Yarra Ranges (S)                                 720                                       5.3
Eastern Metro                                  6,610                                       NA
Victoria                                      36,552                                       5.7

Table 36: Number of infant deaths and death rate , 2003-2007, Eastern Metro LGAs
LGA                                    Number of infant deaths                         Infant death rate
Boroondara (C)                                   27                                            3.2
Knox (C)                                         51                                            5.4
Manningham (C)                                   23                                            4.1
Maroondah (C)                                    16                                            2.4
Monash (C)                                       35                                            4.1
Whitehorse (C)                                   38                                            4.0
Yarra Ranges (S)                                 40                                            4.3
Eastern Metro                                   230                                            4.0
Victoria                                      1,467                                            4.6
# = small number

Table 37: Avoidable mortality by cause 0 to 74 years , 2003-2007, Eastern Metro LGAs
                                     Average annual death rate per 100,000 aged 0 to 74 years

LGA                                       Circulatory     Respiratory        Road          Suicide
                             Cancers       systems         systems           traffic          /self
                                           diseases        diseases         injuries       inflicted
Boroondara (C)                  48.6         25.7              3.5             2.0             6.0 106.1
Knox (C)                        60.4         37.7              7.9             6.2           10.2  151.7
Manningham (C)                  50.7         23.9              2.7             3.3             8.2 108.8
Maroondah (C)                   55.8         35.7              6.5             3.8           11.7  136.2
Monash (C)                      48.9         24.4              3.6             2.9           10.3  112.8
Whitehorse (C)                  48.3         32.0              5.9             3.8             8.7 122.8
Yarra Ranges (S)                59.7         35.2              9.6             7.7           15.3  151.8
Eastern Metro                    NA           NA               NA              NA              NA    NA
Victoria                        61.4         39.8              8.4             6.2           11.0  158.2
All Eastern Metro LGAs have lower avoidable mortality rates for cancers and circulatory systems
diseases than the Victorian average. Yarra Ranges has higher than average rates of respiratory system
diseases and road traffic injuries, and Maroondah and Yarra Ranges have higher rates of suicide/self
inflicted injuries. All Eastern Metro LGAs have lower rates of avoidable mortality due to “all causes” than
the Victorian average.

  Australian Bureau of Statistics – Deaths Australia 2011
  Public Health Information Development Unit, Department of Health and Ageing – Social Health Atlas of Victorian
Local Government Areas, 2011

2e – Injuries
Table 38: Rates of intentional injuries and unintentional injuries resulting in hospital treatment,
and % of unintentional injuries involving falls, 2011-12, Eastern Metro LGAs
                                                                                                  % unintentional
                                          Intentional injury       Unintentional injury
LGA                                                                                             injuries caused by
                                                 rate                     rate
Boroondara (C)                               2.1                      37.6                             45.4%
Knox (C)                                     3.5                      54.4                             40.8%
Manningham (C)                               1.9                      43.7                             44.2%
Maroondah (C)                                3.6                      61.7                             43.2%
Monash (C)                                   1.6                      28.2                             42.6%
Whitehorse (C)                               2.1                      42.9                             47.5%
Yarra Ranges (S)                             3.7                      71.4                             38.7%
Eastern Metro                                2.6                      47.4                             42.7%
Victoria                                     3.8                      61.7                             37.6%
The regional rates for intentional and unintentional injuries are lower for Eastern Metropolitan Region
than the Victorian average. All LGAs have a lower than average rate of intentional injuries, while only
Yarra Ranges has an above average rate of unintentional injuries. The percentage of unintentional
injuries caused by falls is higher than average in all LGAs.

     Victorian Injury Surveillance Unit, Monash University, data extracted from VAED, 2011-12

Figure 3: Causes of injuries , Eastern Metropolitan Region

Figure 4: Location of occurrence of injuries , Eastern Metropolitan Region

     Victorian Injury Surveillance Unit, Monash University, data extracted from VAED, 2011-12

Section 3: Health system performance
3a – Services and access
Figure 5: Service locations , 2012, Eastern Metro LGAs

Health services in Eastern metro region are concentrated in the LGAs of Boroondara and Monash with relatively few in Yarra Ranges.

     Department of Health, 2012

Table 39: General Practitioner (GP) workforce (2013) and attendances                    (2009-10), Eastern Metro
                                   General           GP attendances        GP attendances         GP attendances
                                practitioners           per 1,000             per 1,000              per 1,000
                                  per 1,000           population -          population -           population -
                                 population              males                 females                 total
Boroondara (C)                       1.53                 3653.8                 5008.2                4344.1
Knox (C)                             1.00                 4828.0                 6571.4                5711.5
Manningham (C)                       1.27                 4577.0                 6238.2                5423.1
Maroondah (C)                        0.96                 4387.1                 6054.0                5234.0
Monash (C)                           1.27                 4570.0                 6115.8                5334.6
Whitehorse (C)                       1.37                 4487.2                 5969.1                5245.1
Yarra Ranges (S)                     0.89                 4054.5                 5870.2                4961.6
Eastern Metro                        1.20                 4358.0                 5950.1                5162.9
Victoria                             1.33                 4572.8                 6197.5                5390.8

Eastern metropolitan region has a higher rate of general practitioners per 1,000 population than the
Victorian average, with the highest rates in Boroondara and Whitehorse. The rates in Knox, Maroondah
and Yarra Ranges are below average. The rates of GP attendances for males, females and total
population are slightly below average. The lowest rates are in Boroondara while the highest rates are in

Table 40: Health professional workforce , Eastern Metro region, comparison with other regions
                                                       Practitioners per 1,000 population
                                     medical         Nurses/midwives         Pharmacists         Physiotherapists
Barwon South Western                   0.56                 20.38                 0.73                  0.86
Gippsland                              0.23                 16.57                 0.79                  0.58
Grampians                              0.45                 21.92                 0.69                  0.61
Hume                                   0.33                 18.41                 0.62                  0.66
Loddon Mallee                          0.32                 19.79                 0.76                  0.74
North and West metropolitan            0.89                 12.82                 0.99                  0.79
Southern metropolitan                  0.72                 13.95                 0.82                  1.07
Eastern metropolitan                   0.74                 16.42                 0.90                  1.30
Victoria                               0.69                 15.47                 0.86                  0.93

Eastern Metropolitan Region has a higher than average rate of specialist medical practitioners, with most
concentrated in Boroondara, Whitehorse and Monash. The rates of nurses/midwives, pharmacists and
physiotherapists are all above average. Boroondara and Whitehorse have higher than average rates of
each professional group. Yarra Ranges generally has lower than average rates, but has a higher than
average rate of nurses/midwives.

   GPs per 1,000 population (2013) – Medical Directory of Australia; GP attendances (2009-10) – PHIDU Social
Health Atlas; Estimated Resident Population – ABS, 2011
   Specialists per 1,000 population (2013) – Medical Directory of Australia; nurses/midwives, headcount of practising
workforce, 2009 – Nurses Board of Victoria registration and survey data; pharmacists and physiotherapists, count of
registered practitioners, 2010 – relevant registration boards; Estimated Resident Population – ABS, 2011

Table 41: Service accessibility, Eastern Metro region LGAs
                               Aged care             Aged care
                                                                         % patients who
                              places (high           places (low                                % persons with
LGA                          care) per 1,000       care) per 1,000                              private health
                                                                         inpatient care                    66
                                 target                 target                         65        insurance
                                          64                    64       within region
                              population            population
Boroondara (C)                     56.1                   50.3                  30.6                 71.9%
Knox (C)                           60.7                   45.6                  73.3                 57.3%
Manningham (C)                     36.0                   32.5                  42.2                 62.6%
Maroondah (C)                      58.1                   51.8                  82.1                 53.5%
Monash (C)                         49.9                   30.9                  19.6                 58.6%
Whitehorse (C)                     43.3                   30.1                  72.8                 59.5%
Yarra Ranges (S)                   36.3                   35.8                  81.4                 51.6%
Eastern Metro                      48.4                   38.4                  59.6                 59.7%
Victoria                           45.8                   41.7                  NA                   48.0%

Eastern Metropolitan Region has a slightly above average rate of high care aged care places, and a
slightly below average rate of low care places. Boroondara, Knox and Maroondah are well serviced for
both types of care, while Manningham and Yarra Ranges have below average levels of both. Overall,
around 60% of patients accessed inpatient care within the region, and this ranged from 19.6% in Monash
to 81.4% in Yarra Ranges. An above average percentage of persons have private health insurance in all
LGAs. Boroondara has the highest rate of nearly 72%, compared with the Victorian rate of 48%.

   Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing, 2012.
   Department of Health – Victorian Admitted Episodes Dataset (VAED), 2011-12.
   Public Health Information Development Unit, Department of Health and Ageing – Social Health Atlas of Victorian
Local Government Areas, 2011

3b – Hospital utilisation
Table 42: Current and projected hospital inpatient utilisation , 2011-12, Eastern Metro LGAs
                                                                                                                                                    Per annum      Projected
                                                                               Separations                         Average
                                 Inpatient                                                      % inpatient                          Average         change in    per annum
                                                                                from most                         length of
                                separations      Public hospital most                           separations                         length of         hospital     change in
LGA                                                                             frequently                       stay (days),
                                 per 1,000       frequently attended                             in private                       stay (days),      separations   separations
                                                                                 attended                           public
                                population                                                        hospital                        all hospitals     (2001-02 to   (2011-12 to
                                                                                 hospital                         hospitals
                                                                                                                                                      2011-12)      2021-22)
Boroondara (C)                     407.92        Box Hill Hospital                29.9%            67.7%              3.9               3.0              2.6%        1.5%

Knox (C)                           469.15        Angliss Hospital                 36.9%            46.1%              2.8               2.6              4.5%        2.6%

Manningham (C)                     479.83        Box Hill Hospital                32.5%            55.1%              3.0               2.7              4.6%        2.6%

                                                 Maroondah Hospital
Maroondah (C)                      460.51                                         53.2%            46.1%              3.2               3.0              6.0%        2.7%
                                                 [East Ringwood]
                                                 Monash Medical Centre
Monash (C)                         442.88                                         35.5%            52.0%              3.1               2.8              2.7%        1.1%

Whitehorse (C)                     486.56        Box Hill Hospital                55.0%            55.8%              3.3               2.9              3.6%        1.6%

                                                 Maroondah Hospital
Yarra Ranges (S)                   428.83                                         39.2%            40.4%              3.0               2.8              4.4%        2.6%
                                                 [East Ringwood]
Eastern Metro                      451.84        Box Hill Hospital                15.0%            52.2%              3.1               2.8              3.8%        2.1%
Victoria                           425.48        NA                                NA              37.0%              3.1               2.9              3.7%        2.7%

Inpatient separations per 1,000 population for Eastern Metro region (451.84) are slightly higher than the Victorian figure (425.48). The LGA with the highest rate of
separations is Whitehorse (486.56) while Boroondara has the lowest (407.92). Box Hill Hospital is the most frequently attended hospital in the region, but only has
15% of separations. Other frequently attended hospitals are Maroondah, Angliss and Monash Medical Centre. The percentage of inpatient separations in a private
hospital is well above the Victorian figure, and ranges from 67.7% in Boroondara to 40.4% in Yarra Ranges. The average length of stay is consistent with the
Victorian average. The per annum change in hospital separations between 2001-02 and 2011-12 is similar to the Victorian average of 3.7%, but ranges from 2.6%
in Boroondara to 6% in Knox. The projected per annum change in separations to 2021-22 is lower than the Victorian figure of 2.7% in all LGAs other than
Maroondah, where it is equal.

     Department of Health – VAED. 2011-12 and Inpatient Forecast Model, 2011-12; Australian Bureau of Statistics – Estimated Resident Population, 2011

Table 43: Emergency department presentations , 2011-12, Eastern Metro LGAs
                             Emergency                 Primary care type ED            % ED presentations
LGA                       presentations per           presentations per 1,000         that are primary care
                          1,000 population                  population                         type
Boroondara (C)                  127.3                       50.7                               39.8
Knox (C)                        251.3                      110.7                               44.1
Manningham (C)                  184.4                       61.6                               33.4
Maroondah (C)                   251.2                       97.7                               38.9
Monash (C)                      164.3                       56.3                               34.3
Whitehorse (C)                  184.2                       57.7                               31.3
Yarra Ranges (S)                274.0                      115.1                               42.0
Eastern Metro                   201.5                       77.2                               38.3
Victoria                        259.6                      112.3                               43.3

Presentations to emergency departments for Eastern Metropolitan Region (including data from only the
hospitals that report to the Victorian Emergency Minimum Dataset) are lower than the Victorian rate.
Only Yarra Ranges has a rate slightly above the Victorian rate. Presentations categorised as ‘primary
care type’ (could have been attended to by a GP or other primary health setting) are also lower than the
Victorian rate. In percentage terms, 38.3 % of ED presentations from Eastern Metro region are primary
care type, compared with 43.3% for Victoria. This ranges from 31.3% for residents of Whitehorse to 44.1
for residents of Knox.

  Department of Health – Victorian Emergency Minimum Dataset (VEMD), 2011-12; Australian Bureau of Statistics
– Estimated Resident Population, 2011

3c – Preventable hospital admissions
Better access to primary health care increases the use of ambulatory care, prevents unnecessary hospitalisations and improves the health status of the population.
Analysis from the Victorian Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions study identified significant differentials and inequalities in access to the primary health care system
in Victoria. The analysis of ACSCs included a broad range of health conditions that are classified as ACSCs. Data is presented for total, and acute and chronic
ACSC’s for each region.
At 6.4%, ACSC admissions as a percentage of total admissions for Eastern Metro Region were considerably lower than the Victorian average (7.2%), and the lowest
of all regions. ACSC bed days as a percentage of total bed days were also lower (11.6%) than the Victorian average (13%), and the lowest of all regions. The rates
per 1,000 persons for acute and chronic ACSCs were lower than the Victorian average, and again were the lowest of all regions. The average length of stay was
similar to the Victorian average for total and acute ACSCs but slightly higher for chronic ACSCs.
Table 44: Total ACSC, acute ACSC and chronic ACSC admission numbers, rates and average bed days , 2011-12, by region
                                           Barwon-                                                                            North and
                                                           Eastern                                               Loddon                       Southern
                                            South                        Gippsland       Grampians   Hume                       West                         Victoria*
                                                            metro                                                Mallee                        metro
                                           Western                                                                             metro
                      Total ACSC            13,828          29,543           9,607         8,138     9,343        11,723       51,511          42,711        176,407
Number of
                      Acute ACSC             6,773          14,777           3,942         3,868     3,982         5,231       22,325          19,640         80,451
                      Chronic ACSC           6,947          14,459           5,636         4,255     5,400         6,428       28,602          22,605         94,332
Admissions as
% of total            Total ACSC                8.4             6.4             7.5          7.7       8.4            8.1           7.2            7.0            7.2
                      Total ACSC               37.7            28.7           37.1          36.4      35.0           38.0          29.6           32.0           31.9
Rate per 1,000
                      Acute ACSC               18.5            14.4           15.2          17.3      14.6           16.9          12.8           14.7           14.5
                      Chronic ACSC             18.9            14.0           21.7          19.0      20.2           20.8          16.4           16.9           17.0
                      Total ACSC                4.5             5.2            5.7           5.6       5.7            4.9           5.4            5.0            5.2
Average length
                      Acute ACSC                2.4             2.9            3.2           2.7       3.0            2.9           2.6            2.9            2.8
of stay (days)
                      Chronic ACSC              6.9             7.7            7.3           7.6       7.1            7.2           7.5            6.9            7.3
Bed days as %
of total bed          Total ACSC               13.7            11.6           14.2          13.1      14.6           13.6          13.7           12.5           13.0
*Victorian totals include interstate and non-resident admissions.

     Department of Health – Victorian Health Information Surveillance System, 2011-12.

3d – Other health utilisation
Table 45: Utilisation of selected health services per 1,000 population, 2011-12 Eastern Metro
                                  HACC clients         HACC clients            Drug and
                                                                                                  mental health
                                  aged 0-69 per        aged 70 plus         alcohol clients
LGA                                                                                                clients per
                                   1,000 target       per 1,000 target         per 1,000
                                              70                   70                    71           1,000
                                   population          population            population                      71
Boroondara (C)                         151.1                400.4                  2.8                  6.6
Knox (C)                               138.7                294.9                  5.4                  8.5
Manningham (C)                         164.1                478.4                  2.3                  5.2
Maroondah (C)                          152.9                312.7                  4.8                  9.5
Monash (C)                             129.8                384.3                  2.1                  6.0
Whitehorse (C)                         146.9                428.6                  3.5                  7.9
Yarra Ranges (S)                       218.2                332.7                  5.1                  9.1
Eastern Metro                          155.3                376.4                  3.7                  7.5
Victoria                               196.9                339.6                  5.1                 10.3

Eastern Metropolitan Region has lower than average rates of HACC clients aged 0-59, and higher than
average rates of clients aged 70 plus. The only LGA with an above average rate of HACC clients aged 0-
69 is Yarra Ranges, while Boroondara, Manningham, Monash and Whitehorse have rates of HACC
clients aged 70 plus well above the Victorian average. All LGAs have rates of registered mental health
clients below the Victorian rate of 10.3%, while only Knox has a rate of drug and alcohol clients above
the Victorian average, with Yarra Ranges equal to the Victorian average.

   Department of Health – Home and Community Care program, 2011-12; Australian Bureau of Statistics –
Estimated Resident Population 2011.
   Department of Health – Mental Health, Drugs and Regions Division, 2011-12; Australian Bureau of Statistics –
Estimated Resident Population 2011

Data Definitions
Figure 1   Geography
           Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS), digital boundaries. Local government
           areas, Medicare Local and Primary Care Partnership boundaries. Map produced by
           Department of Health.
           Source:         Australian Bureau of Statistics; Commonwealth Department of Health
                           and Ageing; Department of Health
           Currency:       2012

Table 1    Land area
           The area, in square kilometres, of the local government area or region.
           Source:         Australian Standard Geographical Classification, digital boundaries,
                           Australian Bureau of Statistics.
           Currency:       2012

           Land use
           The proportion of the region or LGA’s total area assigned to business, industrial, residential,
           rural and other land use. Land use is based on planning zones, which reflect the primary
           character of land and indicate the type of use and development that may be appropriate in
           that zone.
           Business land use includes business zones, for uses such as retail services and offices.
           Industrial land use includes industrial zones, for uses such as manufacturing, and storage
           and distribution of goods.
           Residential land use includes residential developments at a range of densities, and also
           includes mixed use zones which may allow for other uses that do not adversely affect the
           amenity of the neighbourhood.
           Rural land use includes planning zones such as farming zones, green wedge zones, rural
           conservation zones, rural living zones and rural activity zones.
           Other land use includes land not assigned to business, industrial, residential or rural land
           use. This includes public land, special purpose land (eg, special use, urban floodway and
           priority development zones), and Commonwealth land.
           Source:         Planning Zones, Department of Planning and Community Development
           Currency:       2012

Table 2    Current population
Table 3    Estimated resident population at 30 June 2011.
Table 4    Source:         Estimated Resident Population at 30 June 2011 (revised figures),
                           released August 2012, Australian Bureau of Statistics
           Currency:       2011

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