2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide - adelaide.edu.au

Page created by Cathy Curry
2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide - adelaide.edu.au
2013 Pathways
           from TAFE SA to the
          University of Adelaide

2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide - adelaide.edu.au
Gaining entry to university...
It’s easier than you think.
    TAFE SA                                                        University
    Certificate IV                                                 Degree

Any Certificate IV from TAFE SA will be accepted as a basis for entry into most University of Adelaide
programs, even if you did not complete Year 12. For example, you would be eligible for entry to the
Bachelor of Commerce with any completed Certificate IV qualification.
Some programs have additional entry requirements such as interviews, auditions and prerequisites.
To find out more about the entry requirements for the degree you have in mind, please check
2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide - adelaide.edu.au
North Terrace Campus

       Why choose Adelaide?
       The University of Adelaide has expanded                                                            Estimated Credit*
       its credit transfer arrangements and entry                                                         Qualification                  Units of Credit

       pathways with TAFE SA to make it easier                                                            Certificate IV

       to gain entry to the University and obtain                                                         Advanced Diploma                    24-36

       credit for previous study.                                                                         * please check pages 18 - 22 for specific
                                                                                                            credit agreements

       Adelaide is an innovative and forward-looking University and an Australian leader in research.
       A degree from the University of Adelaide can open up amazing career opportunities. The
       University’s programs provide enormous flexibility and focus on developing skills that make
       our students highly employable.
       Our reputation for academic excellence is well known. Teaching facilities feature the most
       modern lecture theatre technology, state-of-the-art laboratories, worldwide database access
       and online teaching tools. Your lecturers will be leading researchers and practitioners in their
       field, giving you the opportunity to build networks with experts and like-minded students in
       your industry.

                                                                                                                              The University of Adelaide |   3
2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide - adelaide.edu.au

4   | 2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide
2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide - adelaide.edu.au




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                             With itsTmain
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                                             RRAC campus located in the centre
                                                                                     E of the city,

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                                                                                  JE F F C
                                   BAR                               BART
                             the University of Adelaide extends across several campuses.

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                                                                                          R EET
                               HILL S

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                             North Terrace Campus





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   R RA                                EE
                   Renowned for its beauty, convenience and                The University   also manages the National                                                                                                                                                           TE                            S    TR

                                                                                 ET                                                                                                                                                                                                                        EY
                                                                            STRE                                                                                                                                                                                                                       L
               O N lively
                   S T     atmosphere,   the  North    Terrace  campusTYNTEWine Centre, a state-of-the-art tourism and            N                                                                                                                                                          AN                                        T
          BUXT                                                                                                                 TO                                                                                                                                                          ST                                      EE
                   is situated next to Adelaide’s       central business educational facility only a few minutes walk       GS                                                                                                                                                                                               S  TR
                                          H S T REET                                           E T                     K IN                                                                                                                                                                                               NE

                   and shopping       ORT
                                   SW         and backs on to the          from campus.
                                                                                      ER ST
                              MOLE                                               ARCH                                                                                                                                                                                                                           LB
                   River Torrens, playing fields and parklands. It                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ME
                                                                           Easily accessible by bus, train and various

                   is the University’s main campus, and the site           foot and bike paths, the North Terrace
                                                E E T
                   of most teaching      D STR
                                      ARschools      and many research campus is adjacent to many South Australian


                                                                                 EET                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 AD              BUND

                                                                           D STR                            M                                                                                                                                                                                                      R                             EYS R
                   facilities.                                          WARattractions                UGHA
                                                                                        including the       Library of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                PA                                                  OAD


                       The campus is also home to some of                                                                          South Australia, the Adelaide Festival Centre,


                       Adelaide’s  most significant buildings,                                                                     the South Australian Museum, the Art Gallery

                              AYS                                                                                                                                                                 ET
                    STRincluding  the historicTEMitchell
                                                     E Building with                                                               of South Australia, the Adelaide Zoo, and the               RE
                                                RRAC                                                                                                                                        ST                                                                                            NO
                                                                                                                                                                                          S                                                                                            KIN
                       its elegant stained glass and fine stonework;                                                               Adelaide Botanic Garden.                       IN


                       Elder Hall, a popular venue for concerts                                                                    In 2011 HubRCentral,
                                                                                                                                                           a new, revolutionary

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    H AV
                       and public lectures; and Union House,                                                                                           STR

                                                                                                                                   $42 million learning hub   for students, opened

                       the social hub of the campus, with cafés,
      W                                                                                                                                PEN North Terrace campus.
                                                                                                                                   on the
       AR                                                                                                                                 NIN
                       a bar, a bookshop and a fitness centre.                                                                                G
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               M                                                                                                                                                    TCE



                                                                                                      MONTEFIORE ROAD

                                                                                                                                                                                 KING WILLIAM ROAD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         THE UNIVERSITY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          OF ADELAIDE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          KINTORE AVE




               D                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       RO
                                                                                                                                                                                                     NORTH TERRACE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           EAST TCE

                                                                                                                               HINDLEY STREET                                                                            RUNDLE MALL                                                   RUNDLE STREET                                                                        RUNDLE
                                                                                                                                                                                 KING WILLIAM ST

                                                                                                                                  CURRIE STREET                                                                                         GRENFELL STREET

                                                                                                     LIGHT                                                                                                                                               HINDMARSH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         GAWLER PLACE

                                                                                                    SQUARE                                                                                                                                                 SQUARE
                                          WEST TERRACE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 FROME STREET

                                                                                                                               WAYMOUTH STREET                                                                                                PIRIE STREET                                                                                                                     BARTEL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      HUTT STREET

                                                             FRANKLIN STREET                                                                                                                                                            FLINDERS STREET

                                                                                                                             FRANKLIN ST
                                                                                                       MORPHETT ST

                                                                                                                             BUS TERMINAL
                                                                 GROTE STREET                                                                                                                                                                                                        WAKEFIELD STREET
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PULTENEY ST

                                                             GOUGER STREET                                                                                                                                         ANGAS STREET

                                                                                                                                 WRIGHT STREET                                                                 CARRINGTON STREET
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The University of Adelaide |                                        5



                                                                                                                                        STURT STREET                                                             HALIFAX STREET
2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide - adelaide.edu.au
Waite Campus                                          Roseworthy Campus                               Thebarton Campus
Established in 1924, this beautiful campus            Australia’s first agricultural teaching and     Thebarton campus is a dedicated research
has developed into the most powerful                  research centre, Roseworthy Campus was          and development park that stimulates vital
agricultural research and teaching complex            established in 1883. The 1,600-hectare          interaction between the University and
in the Southern Hemisphere. Situated                  campus is in a rural setting 55 kilometres      Australian business and industry. Located
eight kilometres south of the city centre,            north of Adelaide and 10 kilometres             on the banks of the River Torrens close to
it comprises major research and teaching              from Gawler, a well-serviced town with a        the Adelaide Entertainment Centre, four
facilities. Waite Campus is located on 174            population of almost 20,000. A shuttle bus      kilometres west of the city, the campus hosts
hectares in the Adelaide foothills with a view        service connects Roseworthy with the North      a number of applied research activities in
to the city and the sea.                              Terrace and Waite campuses.                     areas including mechanical engineering,
                                                                                                      physical sciences, electronic engineering,
The Waite campus provides a fertile learning          The campus has excellent teaching and
                                                                                                      chemical engineering and occupational
environment for students in agricultural              laboratory facilities and includes a working
sciences, including horticulture, viticulture         farm on which students gain practical
and oenology, plant and pest science, and             experience and training. With its own           Commercial enterprises include businesses
soil and land systems. The Waite campus is            student accommodation, childcare centre,        involved in materials engineering,
home to the A$26 million ‘super’ greenhouse           tavern, swimming pool and fitness centre,       biotechnology, environmental services,
complex known as the Plant Accelerator, the           Roseworthy campus is a small community.         information technology, industrial design,
most sophisticated public project of its type                                                         laser/optics technology, health products,
                                                      Roseworthy is internationally known as a
in the world.                                                                                         engineering services, radar systems and
                                                      centre of excellence in dry land agriculture
Partner organisations located at the Waite            and animal science. Campus partners
campus include the South Australian                   include Primary Industries and Resources        In addition to establishing enduring
Research and Development Institute (SARDI),           South Australia (PIRSA), South Australian       partnerships with industry tenants, the
Primary Industries and Resources South                Research and Development Institute (SARDI),     campus operates a business incubator
Australia (PIRSA), the Australian Wine                and the Pig and Poultry Production Institute    aimed at helping students and alumni
Research Institute (AWRI), divisions of the           (PPPI).                                         commercialise their research innovations.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial                                                                The Entrepreneurship, Commercialisation
                                                      The campus is home to the State Govern-
Research Organisation (CSIRO), as well as                                                             and Innovation Centre’s ThIncLab offers
                                                      ment of South Australia’s Constellation in
the Australian Centre for Plant Functional                                                            a stimulating environment intended as a
                                                      Animal Science, and is the centre of the
Genomics (ACPFG) and the Wine Innovation                                                              springboard to launch a business with an
                                                      national operations of Australian Grain
Cluster.                                                                                              innovative idea for a product, process or
                                                      Technologies Pty Ltd (AGT), the largest
                                                      cereal breeding company in Australia.
                                                      The campus is the home of South Australia’s
                                                      first Veterinary Science program that
                                                      includes leading-edge teaching facilities and
                                                      Veterinary Health Centres.

6   | 2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide
2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide - adelaide.edu.au

                                                                                              St Kilda

                                                                                                                         Salisbury         ROSEWORTHY

                                                       North Haven

                                                                                                                                     Golden Grove          Tea Tree Plaza
                                                     Semaphore            Port Adelaide


                                                                                                                 NORTH TCE
                                                             Grange                                               CAMPUS
Singapore                                                    Henley             THEBARTON
                                                                                                                          St Peters

                                                             Beach               CAMPUS                                                    Magill
The Ngee Ann-Adelaide Education Centre                     West Beach                                            CITY
                                                                                                                   LA D
(NAA), a joint venture partnership between                                          Adelaide
the University of Adelaide and the Ngee                                                                                                     WAITE
                                                                                                     y                Hyde
Ann Kongsi, offers a growing range of                                                           Hw                    Park                 CAMPUS               Balhannah
                                                                  Glenelg              An
postgraduate and undergraduate programs
in Singapore. The Centre is located in the
stately Teochew Building on Tank Road in
central Singapore.                                                                                            St Marys
                                                                       Brighton        Marion

Dedicated facilities for students in the                                                                          Blackwood
completely renovated building include                               Seacliff
                                                                                                         Eden Hills
multimedia equipped lecture rooms, a
student computer network with internet                                                                          Coromandel Valley
access, computer equipped syndicate
                                                     Hallett Cove
rooms, a computer laboratory, a student                                                                    Happy Valley

lounge and private study rooms.                                          Reynella

More information about University of Adelaide
                                                  For detailed campus maps and a virtual tour:
programs offered in Singapore is available at                   Morphett Vale

                                                Port Noarlunga

                                                                                                                                     The University of Adelaide |           7
2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide - adelaide.edu.au
Faculty of Engineering,   Faculty of Health Sciences                                                        Faculty of Humanities and
Computer and Mathematical Our focus on education excellence and                                             Social Sciences
Sciences                  innovative research is reflected by the                                           For over 135 years, Humanities and Social
                                                      academics and researchers across our                  Sciences programs have inspired students
With an outstanding reputation for teaching,          eight Schools, Disciplines, Centres, and one          to seek out and discover a whole range of
research and in-demand graduates, the                 Institute.                                            possibilities for the future.
Faculty of Engineering, Computer and
Mathematical Sciences offers a diverse range          Located in the heart of the city, our modern          Our programs offer a gateway to gaining
of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees             teaching facilities are continually improving         experience, appreciation and perspective
that can open doors to a successful and               to incorporate new technologies; and our              about the world and the extraordinary
rewarding career.                                     links with institutes and centres ensures             richness, complexity and connection of
                                                      an emphasis on clinical teaching, practice            human culture, civilisation and the earth’s
Underpinned by a vibrant student culture              based learning and research.                          environment, geography and natural
and state-of-the-art facilities that are among
                                                      With 3,000 students, 700 staff and 1400               resources.
the best in the country, the Faculty is at the
forefront of cutting edge research and home           participating clinical and affiliate practitioners,   We are proud to offer programs that are
to world-class institutes and centres.                we have been educating successful students            diverse, dynamic and distinct, and allow
                                                      and producing relevant research for over a            our students to follow their passion to
Supported by modern infrastructure and                century.                                              many career paths. Students emerge
an innovative culture, the Faculty’s expert
                                                      We develop highly skilled and compassionate           from their studies with sought after skills in
staff are world leaders in their disciplines
                                                      professionals in their chosen careers who             communication, creative and critical thinking,
and enjoy strong links with industry. This
                                                      aspire to the highest standards of integrity          decision-making and research and are able
involvement in real-world research and
                                                      and ethical behaviour.                                to build ambitious, fulfilling careers in today’s
consulting brings a unique authority to the
                                                                                                            evolving job market.
teaching of our degrees.                              Health Sciences graduates and researchers
                                                      are making a significant impact in health
Schools                                               sciences; shaping the future of modern
                                                                                                            >> Elder Conservatorium of Music
>> School of Australian School of Petroleum          health care.
                                                                                                            >> School of History and Politics
>> School of Chemical Engineering
                                                      Schools                                               >> School of Humanities
>> School of Civil, Environmental and
                                                      >> School of Dentistry                                >> School of Social Sciences
    Mining Engineering
                                                      >> School of Medicine
>> School of Computer Science
                                                      >> School of Medical Sciences
>> School of Electrical and
    Electronic Engineering                            >> School of Nursing

>> School of Entrepreneurship,                       >> School of Paediatrics and
    Commercialisation and Innovation Centre             Reproductive Health
>> School of Mathematical Sciences                   >> School of Population Health

>> School of Mechanical Engineering                  >> School of Psychology

8   | 2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide
2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide - adelaide.edu.au
Faculty of the Professions                     Faculty of Sciences
The Faculty of the Professions is the          The Faculty of Sciences seeks to educate
largest and most diverse faculty in the        and foster future leaders of scientific
University of Adelaide. Our teaching ranges    endeavour and to actively partner the
from Accounting right the way through          development of innovative industries.
to Urban Design. Our guiding principle is      The Faculty is internationally renowned for
‘leading thought into leading practice’. It    excellence in education and research in such
encapsulates the notion that our excellence    fields as biomedical sciences, agricultural,
in teaching is shaped by the needs and         environmental and earth sciences and is a
wants of the professions that we serve.        leader in emerging fields such as photonics
Central to many of our programs are our        and nanoscience.
close links with industry. This could be       The curriculum of our programs focuses
through our connections with professional      on the big questions for the future such as
bodies, our commitment to global               climate change, biodiversity loss, feeding
internships, or our close relationships with   the world and world security. By providing
employers.                                     our students with a more relevant curriculum
Our Business School is proud to be a           and placing it in a context that everyone will
member of the AACSB (Association to            understand and value, we aim to make the
Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) —      study of science more appealing and highly
an elite grouping of global Business Schools   sought after as a pathway to a diverse range
that have been recognised for their rigorous   of careers.
academic standing and their connections        Industry and research partnerships ensure
with industry.                                 our graduates are exposed to the latest
Our Law School is the second oldest Law        innovations in science. The co-location
School in Australia and many of the nation’s   of major state and national research
sharpest legal and political minds were        organisations on our campuses keeps our
educated here. We offer students not only      researchers and students at the forefront of
great links with the legal industry but also   developing technologies.
access to lecturers who have excelled in
academia, but also in legal practice.          Schools
                                               >> School of Agriculture, Food and Wine
                                               >> School of Chemistry and Physics
>> Business School
                                               >> School of Earth and
>> Adelaide Law School                          Environmental Sciences
>> School of Architecture,                    >> School of Molecular and
  Landscape and Urban Design                     Biomedical Science
>> School of Economics                        >> School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
>> School of Education

                                                                                                The University of Adelaide |   9
2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide - adelaide.edu.au

10   | 2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide
Coming to university for the first time will be an
exciting period of your life as you take advantage
of the many educational and social opportunities
on offer at the University of Adelaide.

About university                                  Academic programs                               Lectures
With the excitement of university life comes      and courses                                     Lecture class sizes, especially in first-year
the challenge of managing its demands—            When you enter university you have to           courses, may be very large. You are expected
academically, socially and personally.            choose a specific academic program and          to listen carefully and take notes with little
Successful students are not only well             each program requires you to complete a         guidance from the lecturer in identifying what
prepared for their university career, they also   certain number of courses.                      should be noted. Learning to take good
take seriously the responsibility of managing                                                     notes will be a new skill for many people.
                                                  ‘Program’ is the term the University uses to
their timetable, attending classes, studying,                                                     Lectures usually run for 50 minutes, though
                                                  describe degrees, and ‘courses’ are what
researching and completing assignments.                                                           some last up to two hours. Attendance is
                                                  you would know as subjects. For example,
To help you get a head start we have              you might study a Bachelor of Science—          not usually compulsory or monitored, so you
provided a summary of university terms that       your program, and within it you might study     may miss a lecture, and whilst no one may
will prove invaluable. www.adelaide.edu.au        Chemistry—this is a course.                     notice you will have missed vital information
/student/dates/2013.html                                                                          and any handouts distributed at the lecture.
                                                  Some programs have compulsory courses,          If you are sick or have a genuine reason for
                                                  and may or may not include electives (where     missing the lecture, contact your lecturer to
The academic year                                 you choose a course from a variety on offer).   catch up.
                                                  In other programs, you can make your own
The academic year is divided into two
                                                  selection of courses in line with the program   Tutorials
12–13 week semesters, each followed by an
                                                  rules. Advice is available from the School or   Tutorials are small discussion groups of
examination period. Semester 1 runs from
                                                  Faculty in which you are enrolled.              students lead by a tutor. You are usually
late February to mid June, and Semester
2 from late July to early November. There         Some courses are taught for one semester        required to attend one tutorial per week for
is a two-week mid-semester break each             only, with final assessment at the end of the   each course. Weekly assignments are often
semester.                                         semester. Other courses continue for the        set and may involve a presentation to the
                                                  whole year and you may only receive a grade     group, a written exercise or participation in
                                                  at the end of the year.                         group discussion.
                                                                                                  Attendance at tutorials is usually recorded,
                                                  Units, levels and prerequisites                 especially where tutorial participation forms
                                                  Each course within a program has a unit         part of the course assessment.
                                                  value and a level. Each academic program
                                                  has a total number of units that must be        Practicals
                                                  completed, and requirements for a certain       Some academic programs have practical
                                                  number of units at each level, in order to      classes of up to three hours duration. This
                                                  finish the program.                             is common in science-based courses (e.g.
                                                  The depth and complexity of courses             biology) and many language courses.
                                                  increases through each level and you usually
                                                  need to complete courses at the lower level
                                                  (prerequisite courses) before proceeding to
                                                  the corresponding course at the next level.
                                                  The workload for undergraduate programs is
                                                  24 units per year (full-time).

                                                                                                                    The University of Adelaide |   11
Student study commitment                              Assessment and grading
To successfully complete courses, you                 At the beginning of each course your lecturer    Grading Scheme
will need to allocate an appropriate time             will discuss assessment requirements
                                                                                                       There are four classifications of
commitment to your study. In addition to the          with you. This may include continuous
                                                                                                       pass in courses in undergraduate
formal contact time required for each course          assessment (e.g. written work, tests,
                                                                                                       degrees: Pass with High Distinction,
(e.g. lectures, tutorials, practicals) you need       participation) and/or a final exam.
                                                                                                       Pass with Distinction, Pass with
to allocate non-contact time.                         University students are expected to assess       Credit and Pass. The mark range
Non-contact time is required for a range of           and critically think about issues rather         for each classification of Pass is:
activities that may include, but are not limited      than simply repeat learned information.
                                                                                                       High Distinction              85-100%
to: assessment tasks, reading, researching,           To do well, you will need to consult different
note-taking, revision, writing, consultation          sources of information and evaluate from         Distinction                   75-84%
with staff, and informal discussion with other        a critical perspective. For many students        Credit                        65-74%
students.                                             this is another new skill, which takes time
                                                      to develop.                                      Pass                          50-64%
While the relative proportion of contact and
non-contact time may vary from course to              If you experience difficulties, take time to     *For certain courses a Pass is classified
course, as a guide a full-time student would          talk to your tutors/lecturers to find out how    as a Non-Graded Pass.
expect to spend, on average, a total of               you can improve, or seek guidance on
48 hours per week on their studies during             improving your study skills from the Writing
teaching periods.                                     Centre or Maths Learning Centre.
                                                      Overall, university can be one of the most
                                                      exciting periods of your life. As well as
                                                      preparing you for a rewarding career, it
                                                      will help you to analyse, understand and
                                                      hopefully contribute to the world you live in!

12   | 2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide
As a student of the University of Adelaide
you’ll enjoy first-class services and campus
facilities, catering for a wide range of personal,
cultural, social and sporting pursuits.

Adelaide University Union                        Sports Association                               Clubs
The AUU is the peak student representative       Adelaide University Sport helps you to           The Clubs Association greatly contributes
body at the University. The focus of the AUU     access an extensive range of sporting            to campus culture and is the body to help
is to develop and implement the philosophy       facilities and clubs. Catering for everyone      you enjoy campus life. Through the myriad
that life at university is so much more than     from elite athletes through to social players,   of clubs affiliated with the Clubs Association,
textbooks and lectures.The AUU provides or       AU Sport exists to provide and promote           you are sure to find others who share similar
funds a wide range of services and facilities,   the best possible sport and recreation           interests and who’ll gladly organise group
including an employment service, financial       environment for the university community.        activities. Starting a new club is as simple
advice, advocacy and representation,             There are almost 40 sports to choose from        as getting 10 like-minded people together.
welfare, events, the resource centre, lockers,   ranging from Australia’s largest University      Whether you want to brush up on your
student radio, a student magazine, the Clubs     snow trip, through to bush walking, rowing       language skills, play video games, discuss
Association, the Student Representative          and many more water, field and indoor            the divine or engage in friendly debate —
Council and the Fitness Hub. Almost every        sports. AU Sport also organises teams for        the Clubs Association helps you enjoy life
aspect of campus life and culture is run by      Australian University Sport events, including    outside the tutorial or prac room.
the AUU. Find out more at www.auu.org.au         the Australian University Games (AUG),
                                                 Central University Games and Australian
                                                 University Championships (snow, distance
Fitness Centre                                   running, rowing, triathlon, surfing and
Research shows the value of exercise in          orienteering). The AUG will be held on the
stress release and improved concentration,       Gold Coast in 2013 so make sure you check
both being vital components in creating          out www.unisport.com.au for information
a balanced university lifestyle. The Fitness     on how to get involved!
Hub provides the ultimate health and
fitness solution. The on-campus gym has
discounted rates and extended opening
hours and makes fitness fun, affordable
and easy. Find out more at

                                                                                                                    The University of Adelaide |   13
 Hub Central                                            Transition & Advisory Service Library services
 Hub Central aims to enhance your learning              The Transition & Advisory Service (TAS) can       www.adelaide.edu.au/library
 experience through providing informal study            assist students entering university via TAFE      The University of Adelaide Library —
 options, where you have the flexibility to             by providing two major services:                  comprising the Barr Smith, Law, Music,
 create your own study environment, along
                                                        >> The Transition Service supports               Roseworthy and Waite Libraries — is the
 with having convenient access to integrated
                                                           transition to university through orientation   largest research library in South Australia.
 supporting facilities and services.
                                                           activities for students at the beginning       The Library has vast resources, including
 Hub Central Information Services is an                    of each semester, as well as specific on       over two million print books and journals,
 initial ‘face-to-face’ point of contact for all           campus TAFE to university events and           newspapers, scores and discs, audiovisual
 students.                                                 programs.                                      material, reference material, microfilms, and,
 The experienced Hub staff offer a ‘one-                >> The TAFE peer networking program              over 20,000 electronic journals, as well as a
 stop, one-step’ service for all student                   is one of the excellent opportunities          rapidly growing number of electronic books.
 information queries. They can assist you                  to connect with experienced student
                                                                                                          The Library offers a wide range of services
 with directions around campus, enrolment                  leaders and other new students who may
                                                                                                          and resources. These include research help,
 enquiries and assistance, use of online                   share similar academic and transition
                                                                                                          specialist resource guides for subjects/
 services and applications, graduation tickets,            experiences.
                                                                                                          courses, student computers, printers and
 and a whole range of other enquiries. The              The Advisory Service’s dedicated Student          photocopiers/scanners, self-check units
 Hub Information Services team are there to             Advisors offer one-off advice and ongoing         (for loans) and an inter-library loan and
 support you for the duration of your studies.          support for domestic undergraduate                document delivery service.
                                                        students throughout their study, including
                                                        assistance for eligible students to apply for
                                                        a grant to address unexpected financial
                                                        hardship. The service is confidential and free
                                                        for students. We are available throughout the
                                                        year and located on level 3 of the Hughes
                                                        building, phone 8313 0100 or visit

14   | 2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide
Health service                                     Disability Service                              career and study choices and bring local,
                                                                                                   national and international employers
www.adelaide.edu.au/student/health                 www.adelaide.edu.au/disability                  onto campus when they are recruiting for
University Health is an on-campus health           The University of Adelaide provides a range     graduate vacancies.
service, providing comprehensive and               of services to students with temporary or       As a current student you also have access
confidential health care to all students           ongoing disabilities or medical conditions.     to online advice and job vacancies through
and staff in a friendly and comfortable                                                            Career Hub. You can participate in skill
                                                   Disability Advisors are available at the
environment.                                                                                       development workshops including: labour
                                                   Counselling and Disability Service to advise
Services include:                                  on how to access special provisions such        market document preparation, maximising
>> contraception advice                            as specialised software, enlarged print,        your interview performance; and presenting
                                                   examination arrangements, and help              your resumé in a professional manner.
>> drug and alcohol counselling
                                                   adjusting to teaching and assessment            An annual program of career events is
>> grief and bereavement counselling               procedures. The Disability Service is           provided for you, including career education
>> health checks                                   confidential and registration will not appear   in lectures, employers visiting campus,
>> immunisations and vaccinations                  on your academic record.                        career information evenings and workshops,
>> psychotherapy/counselling                       We are located on the Ground Floor, Horace      and the annual Careers Expo, one of the
                                                   Lamb Building, North Terrace campus.            largest events held on campus.
>> skin care and travel medicine
                                                                                                   The Careers Service has many resources for
>> sports medicine
>> weight disorders, obesity and bulimia           Counselling Service                             you to use including online facilities, weekly
                                                                                                   newspapers, a library of career-related
>> women’s health.                                 www.adelaide.edu.au/counselling_centre          DVDs, and careers publications relevant to
University Health (Ground Floor, Horace            At the University of Adelaide we understand     university students and graduates.
Lamb Building, North Terrace) is open Mon-         that students can experience a range of         The Careers Service is located on Level 6,
Fri, 8.30am-5.00pm, all year round                 personal or emotional difficulties that may     Hughes Building, North Terrace campus.
(except public holidays).                          impact on their studies. The Counselling
                                                   Service provides free, professional,
Appointments can be made by
                                                   confidential support to help manage these       Childcare
phone on 8313 5050, online at
www.adelaideunicare.com.au or by                   times as well as offer strategies to improve    The University has childcare centres at
coming to the office. Both female and male         general wellbeing                               the North Terrace, Waite and Roseworthy
doctors are available and consultations                                                            campuses. Professional staff provide quality
are usually bulk-billed.                           Careers Service                                 care for the emotional, educational and
                                                                                                   developmental needs of children, and each
You are encouraged to visit the health service     www.adelaide.edu.au/student/careers             centre is accredited through the National
early in the year to become familiar with the
                                                   The Careers Service markets the University’s    Quality Improvement and Accreditation
many services on offer to help make your
                                                   graduates to employers as well as assisting     System. The centres cater for children from
time at university a fulfilling and healthy one.
                                                   you to learn the necessary skills to manage     three months to school age and places are
                                                   your career throughout life. We provide         available on a part-time or full-time basis.
                                                   services to assist you to make informed         Fees vary according to parental income.

                                                                                                                     The University of Adelaide |   15
Study costs for students vary according to            The Higher Education Loan                         Compulsory HECS-HELP loan repayments
the program being studied. You are generally                                                            are made through the Australian Taxation
expected to have your own textbooks, but              Program (HELP) and HECS-HELP                      Office when earnings are over a set threshold
reference and other research materials are                                                              ($49,095 in 2012-13). Debts accrued under
available through the library. Unibooks,              The Higher Education Loan Program (HELP)          HECS-HELP are indexed to the consumer
the on-campus bookstore, supplies all                 and HECS-HELP – title                             price index (CPI) but are otherwise interest
prescribed and general texts and stationery           The HELP scheme enables eligible                  free.
supplies.                                             students three options to pay their Student       For full details visit www.studyassist.gov.au
For some programs attendance at                       Contribution.
excursions or camps (usually in vacation)             This Scheme enables eligible students a
is compulsory. During these activities the            number of options to pay their Student
University endeavours to cover travel, but            Contribution. If you are eligible for a HECS-
you are required to meet living costs (meals,         HELP loan you will have three options to pay
accommodation etc). Some programs also                your Student Contribution:
require you to provide specific equipment.
                                                      1. P
                                                          ay 90% of your Student Contribution, in
                                                         full, to the University by the due date.
Tuition fees                                          2. R
                                                          eceive a HECS-HELP loan for your full
Tuition fees are incurred on a semester                  Student Contribution.
basis and are determined by the cost of the
                                                      3. M
                                                          ake a partial up-front payment of the
program in which you are enrolled and the
                                                         Student Contribution to the University by
                                                         the due date and receive a HECS-HELP
                                                         loan for the remainder of your Student
Commonwealth Supported students
All eligible Australian citizens, New Zealand
                                                      If you pay a partial up-front Student
citizens and holders of permanent resident
                                                      Contribution of at least $500 you will receive
visas receive a Student Learning Entitlement
                                                      a 10% discount on the amount paid, e.g. a
(SLE), giving them access to seven years
                                                      payment of $1000 will attract a discount of
equivalent full-time study in Commonwealth
                                                      $100, thus you only pay $900. The balance
Supported places.
                                                      of your Student Contribution (after the partial
In Commonwealth Supported places the                  payment and discount are deducted) is then
Australian Government makes a contribution            deferred to your HECS-HELP loan.
to the University towards the cost of a
                                                      Australian citizens and holders of
student’s higher education.
                                                      Permanent Humanitarian visas are eligible
For full details visit www.goingtouni.gov.au          for an Australian Government loan under

16   | 2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide
    to Apply
Step 1: Educate Yourself                         Step 3: Relax                                   Step 4: Happy with your offer?
Think about what you might want to study at      There’s nothing more you can do now except      >> If you applied through SATAC, follow the
uni. What interests you? What courses link       enjoy your holidays and recharge your             prompts on the SATAC website to accept
up with your prior study? Where do you want      batteries!                                        the offer.
your career to go? Once you know what you        Remember the following dates though:            >> Check out the University’s First-Year
want, research your options and find the                                                           Students website for the date of your
course that best suits you.                      >> 7 January 2013 Deadline for existing
                                                                                                   orientation and enrolment session.
                                                   applicants to change your preferences to
Once you’ve picked the course, come along          most programs and still be guaranteed         www.adelaide.edu.au/student/firstyear
to events such as Open Day or contact              equal consideration.                          >> Watch the post for a welcome pack
the Univeristy directly for more specific
                                                 >> 17 January 2013 Main January offer            offering extra information on your program
information. Bring along some information
                                                   round letters posted. Offer information         and orientation. We’ll send it soon after
about your prior study so that you can find
                                                   available on SATAC website after 6.00pm.        you receive your offer.
out how much credit you might be eligible for.
                                                 >> 30 January 2013 Late January offer round    Didn’t get what you were hoping for?
                                                   letters posted. Offer information available   Don’t worry! You still have options...
Step 2: Apply                                      on SATAC website after 6.00pm.
                                                                                                 >> There are always second or third round
>> 6 August 2012 Applications for semester      >> 5 February 2013 February offer round
                                                                                                   offers which could bring good news
  one 2012 open via SATAC.                         letters posted. Offer information available
                                                   on SATAC website after 6.00pm.                >> The University offers options for internal
>> 28 September 2012 Early closing date for
                                                                                                   transfer after 12 months of study. You may
  undergraduate programs.                          www.satac.edu.au                                be able to begin a different degree and
>> 3 December 2012 Equal consideration                                                            transfer after first year.
  closing date for undergraduate programs.
  New applications after this date are                                                           Step 5: Get your credit!
  not guaranteed equal consideration for                                                         During your enrolment, visit your Faculty
  selection. Check with SATAC before                                                             office with proof of your past qualification
  applying after this date.                                                                      and we can work out how much credit you
>> Ensure you provide to SATAC any                                                              will be given.
  supporting documentation asked of you.
>> Apply to graduate through your local TAFE
>> Check SATAC has your results before end
  of December.

                                                                                                                    The University of Adelaide |   17
Articulation & Credit Transfer

Pathways From TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide
We have more than 200 specific credit transfer agreements with TAFE SA. Check the tables
                                                                                                              Program                      Total Units
below to see how much credit you will be eligible to receive for your completed TAFE SA
                                                                                                              Bachelor degree (3 years)    72 units
                                                                                                              Bachelor degree (4 years)    96 units
New credit transfer agreements with TAFE SA are continually being developed so if your
qualification is not listed in this brochure please contact us for the latest articulation and credit
transfer information.

                                                                                                                                                      Units of
 TAFE SA Qualification                                                                     University of Adelaide Program

 Business and Commerce
 Advanced Diplomas
 Advanced Diploma of Accounting                                                            Bachelor of Commerce                                           24
 Advanced Diploma of Accounting                                                            Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)                              24
 Advanced Diploma of Accounting                                                            Bachelor of Commerce (Corporate Finance)                       24
 Advanced Diploma of Accounting                                                            Bachelor of Commerce (International Business)                  24
 Advanced Diploma of Accounting                                                            Bachelor of Commerce (Management)                              24
 Advanced Diploma of Accounting                                                            Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing)                               24
 Advanced Diploma of Marketing                                                             Bachelor of Commerce                                           36
 Advanced Diploma of Marketing                                                             Bachelor of Commerce (Corporate Finance)                       24
 Advanced Diploma of Marketing                                                             Bachelor of Commerce (International Business)                  36
 Advanced Diploma of Marketing                                                             Bachelor of Commerce (Management)                              36
 Diploma of Accounting                                                                     Bachelor of Commerce                                           21
 Diploma of Accounting                                                                     Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)                              21
 Diploma of Accounting                                                                     Bachelor of Commerce (Corporate Finance)                       21
 Diploma of Accounting                                                                     Bachelor of Commerce (International Business)                  21
 Diploma of Accounting                                                                     Bachelor of Commerce (Management)                              21
 Diploma of Accounting                                                                     Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing)                               21
 Diploma of International Business                                                         Bachelor of International Studies                              18
 Diploma of International Business                                                         Bachelor of Arts                                               24

 Communication and Media
 Advanced Diplomas
 Advanced Diploma of Arts (Professional Writing)                                           Bachelor of Arts                                               36
 Advanced Diploma of Arts (Professional Writing)                                           Bachelor of Media                                              24
 Advanced Diploma of Creative Product Development                                          Bachelor of Media                                              36
 Advanced Diploma of Graphic Design                                                        Bachelor of Media                                              36
 Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media (Specialising in CGI and Visual Effects)             Bachelor of Media                                              36
 Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media (Specialising in Game Art)                           Bachelor of Media                                              36
 Advanced Diploma of Translating                                                           Bachelor of Arts                                               36
 Advanced Diploma of Translating                                                           Bachelor of International Studies                              24
 Diploma of Arts (Professional Writing)                                                    Bachelor of Arts                                               24
 Diploma of Arts (Professional Writing)                                                    Bachelor of Media                                              18
 Diploma of Digital and Interactive Games                                                  Bachelor of Media                                              24
 Diploma of Graphic Design                                                                 Bachelor of Media                                              24

18   | 2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide
Units of
TAFE SA Qualification                                                                               University of Adelaide Program

Diploma of Interpreting and Translating                                                             Bachelor of Arts                                             24
Diploma of Interpreting and Translating                                                             Bachelor of International Studies                            18
Diploma of Interpreting (LOTE/English)                                                              Bachelor of Arts                                             24
Diploma of Interpreting (LOTE/English)                                                              Bachelor of International Studies                            18
Diploma of Photo Imaging                                                                            Bachelor of Media                                            24
Diploma of Screen and Media (Specialising in CGI and Visual Effects)                                Bachelor of Media                                            24
Dual Diploma Program in Digital Design and Production(incorporating Diploma of Printing
                                                                                                    Bachelor of Media                                            36
and Graphic Arts (Digital Production) and Diploma of Printing and Graphic Arts (Multimedia)
Certificate IV in Design                                                                            Bachelor of Media                                            6
Certificate IV in Digital and Interactive Games                                                     Bachelor of Media                                            6
Certificate IV in Photo Imaging                                                                     Bachelor of Media                                            6
Certificate IV in Screen and Media (Specialising in CGI and Visual Effects)                         Bachelor of Media                                            6

Associate Degree
Associate Degree in Electronic Engineering                                                          Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic)         48

Health and Medical Science
Bachelors Degree
Bachelor of Dance Performance                                                                       Bachelor of Health Sciences                                 18
Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 nursing)                                           Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  18
Advanced Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 nursing)                                           Bachelor of Nursing                                          12
Advanced Diploma of Oral Health (Dental Hygeine)                                                     Bachelor of Health Sciences                                 18
Advanced Diploma of Oral Health (Dental Hygeine)                                                    Bachelor of Oral Health*#                                    34
*prerequisite for the Bachelor of Oral Health are waived if you have completed an Advanced Diploma of Oral Health
#limited places apply
Diploma of Aromatherapy                                                                             Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  12
Diploma of Beauty Therapy                                                                           Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  12
Diploma of Community Services (Lifestyle and Leisure)                                               Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  12
Diploma of Dental Technology                                                                        Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  12
Diploma of Disability                                                                               Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  12
Diploma of Disability Work                                                                          Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  12
Diploma of Fitness                                                                                  Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  12
Diploma of Laboratory Technology                                                                    Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  12
Diploma of Laboratory Technology (Specialising in Biological and Environmental Testing)             Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  12
Diploma of Laboratory Technology (Specialising in Biotechnology)                                    Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  12
Diploma of Laboratory Technology (Specialising in Pathology Testing)                                Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  12
Diploma of Leisure and Health                                                                       Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  12
Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 nursing)                                                    Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  12
Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 nursing)                                                    Bachelor of Nursing                                          12
Diploma of Outdoor Recreation                                                                       Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  12
Diploma of Population Health                                                                        Bachelor of Arts                                             24
Diploma of Population Health                                                                        Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  12
Diploma of Reflexology                                                                              Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  12
Diploma of Remedial Massage                                                                         Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  12
Diploma of Sport (Development)                                                                      Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  12
Certificate IV in Aged Care                                                                         Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  6
Certificate IV in Aged Care Work                                                                    Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  6
Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance                                                          Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  6
Certficate IV in Allied Health Assiatance (Occupational Therapy)                                    Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  6
Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance (Podiatry)                                               Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  6
Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance (Physiotherapy)                                          Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  6
Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance (Speech Pathology)                                       Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  6
Certificate IV in Aromatherapy                                                                      Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  6
Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy                                                                    Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  6
Certificate IV in Community Services (Lifestyle and Leisure)                                        Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  6
Certificate IV in Dental Assisting                                                                  Bachelor of Health Sciences                                  6

                                                                                                                                        The University of Adelaide |   19
Units of
TAFE SA Qualification                                                                         University of Adelaide Program

Certificate IV in Disability                                                                  Bachelor of Health Sciences                           6
Certificate IV in Disability Work                                                             Bachelor of Health Sciences                           6
Certificate IV in Fitness                                                                     Bachelor of Health Sciences                           6
Certificate IV in Home and Community Care                                                     Bachelor of Health Sciences                           6
Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques                                                       Bachelor of Health Sciences                           6
Certificate IV in Leisure and Health                                                          Bachelor of Health Sciences                           6
Certificate IV in Massage Therapy Practice                                                    Bachelor of Health Sciences                           6
Certificate IV in Outdoor Recreation                                                          Bachelor of Health Sciences                           6
Certificate IV in Pathology (This qualification includes the recommended electives required
                                                                                              Bachelor of Health Sciences                           6
for collection)
Certificate IV in Service Co-ordination (Ageing and Disability)                               Bachelor of Health Sciences                           6
Certificate IV in Sport (Development)                                                         Bachelor of Health Sciences                           6
Certificate IV in Sport and Recreation                                                        Bachelor of Health Sciences                           6
Certificate IV in Public Health                                                               Bachelor of Health Sciences                           6

Science and Veterinary Sciences
Diploma of Animal Technology                                                                  Bachelor of Science (Animal Science)                  12
Diploma of Food Science and Technology                                                        Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science                24
Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing                                                          Bachelor of Science (Animal Science)                  6

Music and Sound Engineering
Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma of Sound Production                                                          Bachelor of Music (Sonic Arts)                        30
Diploma of Sound Production                                                                   Bachelor of Music (Sonic Arts)                        24
Certificate IV in Sound Production                                                            Bachelor of Music (Sonic Arts)                        6

Wildlife, Conservation & Environmental Management
Advanced Diplomas
Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Land Management                                          Bachelor of Arts                                      36
Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Land Management                                          Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management       24
Diploma of Conservation and Land Management                                                   Bachelor of Arts                                      24
Diploma of Conservation and Land Management                                                   Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management       18
Diploma of Conservation and Land Management (Community Coordination and Facilitation)         Bachelor of Arts                                      24
Diploma of Conservation and Land Management (Community Coordination and Facilitation)         Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management       18
Diploma of Conseration and Land Management (Indigenous Land Management)                       Bachelor of Arts                                      24
Diploma of Conseration and Land Management (Indigenous Land Management)                       Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management       18
Diploma of Conservation and Land Management (Lands, Parks and Wildlife)                       Bachelor of Arts                                      24
Diploma of Conservation and Land Management (Lands, Parks and Wildlife)                       Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management       18
Diploma of Conservation and Land Management (Natural Area Restoration and
                                                                                              Bachelor of Arts                                      24
Diploma of Conservation and Land Management (Natural Area Restoration and
                                                                                              Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management       18
Diploma of Conservation and Land Management (Vertebrate Pest Management)                      Bachelor of Arts                                      24
Diploma of Conservation and Land Management (Vertebrate Pest Management)                      Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management       18
Diploma of Conservation and Land Management (Weed Management)                                 Bachelor of Arts                                      24
Diploma of Conservation and Land Management (Weed Management)                                 Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management       18
Diploma of Environmental Management                                                           Bachelor of Arts                                      24
Diploma of Environmental Management                                                           Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management       18

Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma of Policing                                                                  Bachelor of Laws                                      6
Diploma of Legal Services                                                                     Bachelor of Laws                                      6

20   | 2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide
Units of
TAFE SA Qualification                                                                   University of Adelaide Program

Humanities and Social Sciences
Advanced Diplomas
Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management                                         Bachelor of Arts                                         36
Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management                                         Bachelor of Social Sciences                              24
Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management (Specialising in Volunteer
                                                                                        Bachelor of Arts                                         36
Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management (Specialising in Volunteer
                                                                                        Bachelor of Social Sciences                              24
Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Volunteer Management)                           Bachelor of Arts                                         36
Advanced Diploma of Community Services (Volunteer Management)                           Bachelor of Social Sciences                              24
Advanced Diploma of Community Services Management                                       Bachelor of Arts                                         36
Advanced Diploma of Community Services Management                                       Bachelor of Social Sciences                              24
Advanced Diploma of Spatial Information Services                                        Bachelor of Arts                                         24
Advanced Diploma of Spatial Information Services                                        Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management          24
Diploma of Alcohol and other Drugs Work                                                 Bachelor of Arts                                         24
Diploma of Alcohol and other Drugs Work                                                 Bachelor of Social Sciences                              18
Diploma of Community Education                                                          Bachelor of Arts                                         24
Diploma of Community Education                                                          Bachelor of Social Sciences                              18
Diploma of Community Services (Alcohol and Other Drugs)                                 Bachelor of Arts                                         24
Diploma of Community Services (Alcohol and Other Drugs)                                 Bachelor of Social Sciences                              18
Diploma of Community Services (Alcohol, Other Drugs and Mental Health)                  Bachelor of Arts                                         24
Diploma of Community Services (Alcohol, Other Drugs and Mental Health)                  Bachelor of Social Sciences                              18
Diploma of Community Services (Case Management)                                         Bachelor of Arts                                         24
Diploma of Community Services (Case Management)                                         Bachelor of Social Sciences                              18
Diploma of Community Services (Financial Counselling)                                   Bachelor of Arts                                         24
Diploma of Community Services (Financial Counselling)                                   Bachelor of Social Sciences                              18
Diploma of Community Services (Lifestyle and Leisure)                                   Bachelor of Arts                                         24
Diploma of Community Services (Lifestyle and Leisure)                                   Bachelor of Social Sciences                              18
Diploma of Community Services (Mental Health)                                           Bachelor of Arts                                         24
Diploma of Community Services (Mental Health)                                           Bachelor of Social Sciences                              18
Diploma of Community Services (Volunteer Management)                                    Bachelor of Arts                                         24
Diploma of Community Services (Volunteer Management)                                    Bachelor of Social Sciences                              18
Diploma of Community Services Coordination                                              Bachelor of Arts                                         24
Diploma of Community Services Coordination                                              Bachelor of Social Sciences                               18
Diploma of Community Services Management                                                Bachelor of Arts                                          24
Diploma of Community Services Management                                                Bachelor of Social Sciences                               18
Diploma of Community Services Work                                                      Bachelor of Arts                                          24
Diploma of Community Services Work                                                      Bachelor of Social Sciences                               18
Diploma of Community Welfare Work                                                       Bachelor of Arts                                          24
Diploma of Community Welfare Work                                                       Bachelor of Social Sciences                               18
Diploma of Community Welfare Work (Specialising in Counselling Skills)                  Bachelor of Arts                                          24
Diploma of Community Welfare Work (Specialising in Counselling Skills)                  Bachelor of Social Sciences                               18
Diploma of Community Welfare Work (Specialising in Mental Health Work - Non-clinical)   Bachelor of Arts                                          24
Diploma of Community Welfare Work (Specialising in Mental Health Work - Non-clinical)   Bachelor of Social Sciences                               18
Diploma of Counselling                                                                  Bachelor of Arts                                          24
Diploma of Counselling                                                                  Bachelor of Social Sciences                               18
Diploma of Disability Work                                                              Bachelor of Arts                                          24
Diploma of Disability Work                                                              Bachelor of Social Sciences                               18
Diploma of Employment Services                                                          Bachelor of Arts                                          24
Diploma of Employment Services                                                          Bachelor of Social Sciences                               18
Diploma of Family Intake and Support Work                                               Bachelor of Arts                                          24
Diploma of Family Intake and Support Work                                               Bachelor of Social Sciences                               18
Diploma of Leisure and Health                                                           Bachelor of Arts                                          24
Diploma of Leisure and Health                                                           Bachelor of Social Sciences                               18
Diploma of Population Health                                                            Bachelor of Arts                                          24
Diploma of Population Health                                                            Bachelor of Social Sciences                               18

                                                                                                                         The University of Adelaide |   21
Units of
TAFE SA Qualification                                                                           University of Adelaide Program

Diploma of Spatial Information Services                                                         Bachelor of Arts                                          24
Diploma of Spatial Information Services                                                         Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management           18
Diploma of Surveying                                                                            Bachelor of Arts                                          24
Diploma of Surveying                                                                            Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management           18
Diploma of Youth Justice                                                                        Bachelor of Arts                                          24
Diploma of Youth Justice                                                                        Bachelor of Social Sciences                               18
Diploma of Youth Work                                                                           Bachelor of Arts                                          24
Diploma of Youth Work                                                                           Bachelor of Social Sciences                               18

Any TAFE SA Qualification - Unspecified Credit
                                                                                                Bachelor of Arts                                          18
                                                                                                Bachelor of Development Studies                           18
                                                                                                Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management           18
                                                                                                Bachelor of Health Sciences                               12
Any TAFE SA Advanced Diploma
                                                                                                Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship              36*
                                                                                                Bachelor of International Studies                         18
                                                                                                Bachelor of Media                                         18
                                                                                                Bachelor of Social Sciences                               18
                                                                                                Bachelor of Arts                                          12
                                                                                                Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship              24*
                                                                                                Bachelor of Development Studies                           12
                                                                                                Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management           12
Any TAFE SA Diploma
                                                                                                Bachelor of Health Sciences                               9
                                                                                                Bachelor of International Studies                         12
                                                                                                Bachelor of Media                                         12
                                                                                                Bachelor of Social Sciences                               12
                                                                                                Bachelor of Arts                                          6
                                                                                                Bachelor of Development Studies                           6
                                                                                                Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management           6
Any TAFE SA Certificate IV                                                                      Bachelor of Health Sciences                               6
                                                                                                Bachelor of International Studies                         6
                                                                                                Bachelor of Media                                         6
                                                                                                Bachelor of Social Sciences                               6
*students receive advanced standing into Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

                                                                                                                              Have you completed an
  At TAFE SA students enrol in a                                                                                              Advanced Diploma or
  qualification or course and have to                                     Graduate with a                                     Diploma?
  pass units of competency.                                          degree in 18 months
  At the University of Adelaide
  students are admitted to a Program
  and have to pass Courses.
  As a general rule one course is
  worth 3 units and a full-time study
  load consists of four courses per
  semester – 12 units.
                                                                                 Apply and you will be guaranteed a place in our
  One year of full-time study
                                                                                   Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  is equal to 24 units.
                                                                       “students entering with a completed Diploma could graduate in two years.”

22   | 2013 Pathways from TAFE SA to the University of Adelaide
What’s Your
Dream Job?                                                  Electrical

Want to be an Electrical engineer?
Gain entry to our Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical &
Electronic) through an Associate Degree in Electrical

Want to be a journalist?
You can gain entry to a Bachelor of Media with any
Certificate IV qualification.

Are you good with numbers?
Want to be an accountant?
You will be eligible for entry to the Bachelor of
Commerce with any Certificate IV qualification,
and if you have an Advanced Diploma in Accounting,          Architect
you will receive up to a year’s credit.

is possible!                                              Journalist

Find your pathway at

                                                          The University of Adelaide |   23




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                                                                                                                                                                                                 Kintore Ave

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2 South Australian Museum
              rt                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            oad
                         ad                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           i  cR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NorthTerrace                                                                                                                Bo

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  East Tce
                                                                                                                   Hindley Street                                                                 Rundle Mall                                                   Rundle Street                                                       Rundle Road

                                                                                                                                                            King William St

                                                                                                                       Currie Street                                                                            Grenfell Street
                                                                                         Light                                                                                                                              Hindmarsh
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Gawler Place

                                                                                        Square                                                                                                                                Square
                                                                                                                 Waymouth Street                                                                                  Pirie Street                                                                                                                     Bartels Road                             eq
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Frome Street

                                                                                                                                                                                Town                                                                                                                                                                                                                vi
                                                                                                                                                                                Hall                                                                                                                                                                                                                   lle
                                                          Franklin Street                                                                                                                                       Flinders Street                                                                                                                                                                              Te
                                                                                                                  Franklin St                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ce
                                                                                          Morphett St

                                                                                                                  Bus Terminal
    Sir Donald                                            Grote Street                                                                                                                                                                                      Wakefield Street                                                                   Wakefield Road
Bradman Drive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Pulteney St

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         3 State Library of South Australia
                                 West Terrace

                                                          Gouger Street                                                                                                                     Angas Street
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          East Terrace
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Hutt Street

                                                                                                                       Wright Street                                                      Carrington Street


                                                                                                                        Sturt Street                                                       Halifax Street

                                                                                                                    Gilbert Street                                                         Gilles Street

                                                                                                                                                                                               South Terrace
                                 Goodwood Road

                                                                                          Sir Lewis Cohen Ave

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Unley Road

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Hutt Road
                                                                                                                                                           Peacock Road





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         4 Parliament House

                      The University of Adelaide, SA 5005 Australia
                      Telephone: (08) 8313 5208
                      Freecall: 1800 061 459 (interstate and country)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Disclaimer: With the aim of continual improvement, the University of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Adelaide is committed to regular reviews of the courses and programs
                                           www.adelaide.edu.au                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              it offers. As a result of this, the specific courses and programs offered
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            may vary from year to year. Up-to-date information on the programs of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            study for specific certificates/diplomas/degrees and course available can
                                           facebook.com/uniofadelaide                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       be found via the following website: www.adelaide.edu.au/programs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The University of Adelaide assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            information provided by third parties.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CRICOS 00123M. © The University of Adelaide
                                           gplus.to/uniofadelaide                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Published August 2012. 1347-DVC(A)
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