Page created by Richard Duncan
Accreditation and
                                     Co-ordination of
                                English Language Services

          SERVICES (ACELS)


     The quality assurance recognition scheme for English Language
     Education(ELE) organisations is managed by ACELS, (Accreditation and
     Coordination of English Language Services), a service of Quality and
     Qualifications Ireland (QQI).

     Please note the following important information:

      1)   The ACELS recognition scheme operates on a private contractual and voluntary basis,
           with renewal of recognition by mutual agreement each year, based on a declaration by
           the applicant organisation that they have no regulatory issues outstanding, and that they
           make a commitment to continual improvement of their academic, pastoral and business

      2)   All ACELS recognised ELE organisations (irrespective of provision type) commit to
           ensuring they are acting within the law at all times and are fully aware of their obligations
           in this regard. See Appendix 1 for a list of the key legal obligations.

      3)   The ACELS scheme is not currently open to new applications.

      4)   It is envisaged that the ACELS scheme will cease to exist with the introduction of the QQI
           statutory International Education Mark (IEM) scheme for English Language Education
           (ELE) providers.

      5)   The current cohort of ACELS recognised ELE organisations make a public commitment
           which acknowledges their responsibility to

           a)    uphold and strive to exceed the minimum standards as laid out in the 2018

           b)    abide by decisions taken by the ACELS Recognition Committee. In exceptional
                 cases, an Appeals process is in place for providers;

           c)    continuously strive for improvement and enhancement of the services they
                 provide, including educational provision, pastoral services, and business practices;

           d)    provide information which is up-to-date, factually correct, accessible and
                 transparent for the learner, and other stakeholders.

           e)    act with integrity and with a high standard of professional conduct.

                                                                                                           [Page 1]

     The ACELS Quality Assurance standards apply to all the services provided by the organisation in
     the Republic of Ireland, with the exception of those specified in the box below.


     English Language Education(ELE) provision is defined as:

      »»   ELE programmes and related services for adults

      »»   ELE programmes and related services for juniors (11-18 years old))

      »»   Programmes of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) for international students

      »»   Programmes of English for Professional and Specific Purposes (ESP) for international

     Organisations may have recognition for any provision covered by the 4 areas above.

     Please note that the following services and programmes
     are NOT included in the ACELS recognition scheme:

      a)   Academic Year Placement Services, i.e. placement of second-level students in Irish
           secondary schools, with pastoral services and English language support

      b)   Au pair placement services with ELE provision of less than 15 hours per week

      c)   Distance or Blended Learning Programmes

      d)   ELE for young learners (10 years old or less)

      e)   Employment placements/internships, as part of the programme package

      f)   Home Tuition/Total Immersion Programmes and services

      g)   In-company Programmes

      h)   Teacher Training Programmes, either for development or qualification purposes

     If you have any queries re the above 8 excluded areas, please email the ACELS Administrator

                                                                                                       [Page 2]


     All ACELS recognised ELE organisations are required to:

      »»   operate within the agreed standards and conditions to ensure a high level of provision
           and care to international learners;

      »»   assure students of a high standard of whole school experience including provision and
           related services in line with the minimum standards;

      »»   uphold the reputation of the ACELS recognised ELE sector in Ireland and promote
           understanding of ACELS recognition;

      »»   ensure that it is in good standing, confirmed, as requested, with all stakeholders,
           agencies, government departments and clients, nationally and internationally;

      »»   comply with all national legislation and rules related to its provision, e.g., immigration,
           health and safety, child protection, copyright. It is the organisation’s responsibility to
           ensure it is familiar and compliant with all national legislation as required;

      »»   share the responsibility for provision of programmes to students who are left without
           programmes when another recognised ELE provider closes without notice, as appropriate
           in regard to their own provision ;

      »»   enable learners to have confidence in the protection for enrolled learners (PEL)
           arrangements of the organisation if a recognised ELE school should suddenly close or
           cease provision. These arrangements should be included in the organisation’s information
           for learners;

      »»   demonstrate a clear commitment to the ACELS scheme, and the upholding of these
           standards to ensure a continuous and ongoing enhancement of standards and provision.

      »»   demonstrate a clear and explicit commitment to complying with and exceeding the
           minimum quality standards as laid out in this document;

      »»   have systems in place to elicit and receive feedback on a continual systematic basis,
           which can be used to further improve and enhance the service and provision on offer;

      »»   have complete and full documented procedures for access to an independent body,
           i.e. ACELS, for any issues arising through a formal complaints procedure, once internal
           complaints procedures have been exhausted.

     An ELE organisation granted ACELS recognition:

      »»   has access to an independent body for any issues arising through a formal, external
           complaints procedure, i.e. ACELS;

      »»   may receive feedback to enable the provision and services or the provider to be improved
           and enhanced;

                                                                                                         [Page 3]

      »»   is listed as recognised by ACELS for the current year on the ACELS website;

      »»   is enfranchised to use the ACELS logo, abbreviation (ACELS) and name (Accreditation and
           Coordination of English Language Services);

      »»   is enfranchised to use the following legend on its promotional materials: Recognised
           by ACELS, a service of Quality and Qualifications Ireland, for English Language

     Please note that no deviation from this legend is permitted. Use of a variation of this legend may
     indicate that the organisation is not ACELS recognised.


     Recognition may be withdrawn following identification and verification of the following:

      »»   issues of non-compliance with required standards for recognition as identified through
           an inspection, including issues not addressed from a previous inspection;

      »»   submission of misleading information or omitting to submit information to ACELS, in
           particular this refers to changes in circumstances which trigger a monitoring inspection;

      »»   failure to declare and submit all components of the ELE provision and/or all centres to

      »»   false, inaccurate or misleading advertising in promotional materials;

      »»   mistreatment of enrolled learners regarding their care and wellbeing;

      »»   non-compliance or breaches regarding national legal requirements, e.g., health and
           safety, copyright, child protection (see Appendix 1).

     ELE organisations which have recognition withdrawn must immediately remove the ACELS logo
     and legend from all promotional materials and websites as soon as the recognition ceases (as
     notified by ACELS). In the case of printed material, all references to ACELS recognition must
     cease immediately. Failure to do so is regarded as false advertising, and may result in legal
     action being taken against the organisation.

                                                                                                          [Page 4]

     SECTION 1

     1.0 GENERAL

      a)   ACELS recognition is granted on an annual basis. A Certificate of Recognition is issued to
           each recognised ELE organisation for each year.
           Please note that a certificate is only valid for the year specified on the Certificate.

      b)   ACELS recognised ELE organisations which renew recognition are listed on the ACELS
           website (www.acels.ie) with the main centre address.

      c)   ACELS may withdraw recognition from an organisation at any time in circumstances
           where the organisation is deemed not to meet the minimum standard(s) as laid out in

      d)   Recognition is granted to the whole organisation. Therefore, it is required that all centres
           operated by the organisation are compliant with the minimum standards as laid out in
           the Regulations, for organisation’s recognition to be retained.

      e)   ACELS reserves the right to visit or carry out an unannounced inspection of a recognised
           organisation at its discretion, at any time. This may be triggered by instances such as a
           complaint or concerns raised by stakeholders, e.g., international agents, state agencies.

      f)   ACELS may at any time and with due notice update or revise these regulations.

      g)   Updated regulations are produced each year and made available on the ACELS website.

      h)   The members of the ACELS Recognition Committee will use the information provided in
           the annual Renewal of Recognition Application form, and in any statutory declarations,
           to manage and operate the ACELS Recognition scheme, to contact the renewing
           organisation with any relevant information about developments in relation to the
           Scheme, and to list recognised ELE organisations on the ACELS website.

           The submitted information may be shared for the purposes of management and operation
           of the Scheme with ACELS inspectors and independent moderators. Personal information
           supplied by a provider will be retained for the duration of a providers’ ACELS recognition,
           and following withdrawal from the ACELS Scheme by a provider will be retained until
           the scheme concludes unless the provider requests otherwise. It will not be transferred
           outside the EU and will not be subject to automated decision-making. Data subjects have
           the right to access, rectify, delete, and restrict the processing of, personal information.

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ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION ORGANISATIONS                                 2018

               Any grievance in relation to the processing or storage of personal data can be addressed
               the Data Protection officer of QQI. As a public authority, QQI, including information it
               holds in the administration of the non-statutory ACELS Recognition Scheme, is subject to
               the Freedom of Information Act 2014.

         1.1   Renewal of Recognition

               Recognition is valid for one year. It is the responsibility of a recognised ELE organisation
               to renew its recognition. All eligible provision must be declared on the Renewal
               Application Form. All recognised ELE organisations may be inspected at the discretion of

         1.2 New Additional Centres1

               ELE organisations must seek recognition or renewal of recognition for all ELE centres, i.e.
               the main centre, plus any additional centres. If an ELE organisation decided to open any
               additional centres after submission of its application, i.e. the new centres are not listed
               on the Application Form, ACELS must be informed prior to the opening of the centre, and
               the relevant fee(s) must be paid. All new additional centres will be inspected once open,
               and when operational. It is the responsibility of the ELE provider to notify ACELS of any
               new centre(s) as soon as plans are in place for the provider to conduct business at this
               new centre. Please note that Eircode data should be provided for all centres.

               Where temporary classrooms are sourced for 2 weeks or less, ACELS should be notified
               with the arrangements made by the organisation to ensure parity of provision for any
               learners allocated to these additional classrooms and facilities.

     1     An additional centre is defined as any different address and Eircode from the main centre where classrooms are located.
           Additional centres may open for a permanent or temporary period of not less than 10 working days. Temporary classrooms are
           defined as opened for a maximum of 10 working days to accommodate an unexpected increase in student enrolments at peak

                                                                                                                                        [Page 6]

     SECTION 2
     Standards relating exclusively to junior provision are in GREEN.

     In order for ACELS to renew recognition, the organisation must ensure that all required
     systems and procedures are fully documented, staff are aware of them, and these systems
     and procedures are being implemented as required. Core, general, and academic management
     personnel must be in place within a management structure.

      2.1 General Management & Administration

           2.1.1 Statutory obligations:

           All recognised ELE organisations must:

           a)    operate in accordance with legislative requirements and with full regard to the
                 health, safety and welfare of all its employees and students;

           b)    ensure that all health and safety legislation is complied with, and safety
                 statements and logs are accessible to staff and students. Safety statements and
                 logs must be maintained, kept up to date and evidenced;

           c)    comply with all HR obligations, have robust procedures for the recruitment of all
                 staff (academic and administrative) and have staff contracts, in line with national
                 employment legislation. Where external consultants are employed, the terms of
                 the consultancy arrangement along with the purpose of the consultancy should be
                 documented and available;

           d)    comply with and adhere to all immigration legislation and requirements for
                 students laid down by the immigration authorities (see Department of Justice and
                 INIS websites - www.justice.ie ; www.inis.ie );

           e)    be able to provide sufficient documentation to demonstrate their financial viability
                 as requested. One of the following should be submitted:

                 ~~ letter from the organisation’s auditors who must be members of and, in
                   addition, be authorised to act as auditors under the Companies Act by one
                   of the Recognised Accountancy bodies that have been granted recognition

                                                                                                        [Page 7]

                 for the purposes of Section 187 of the Companies Act, 1990. (i.e. recognition
                 to bodies of accountants for audit purposes) by the Irish Auditing and
                 Accounting Supervisory Authority (IAASA), confirming that the applicant
                 has audited accounts signed off for the last three financial years and is in
                 conformance with Irish company law. QQI, as the body managing ACELS,
                 reserves the right to request copies of the last three years audited accounts
                 where it is deemed appropriate.

               ~~ Applicants not in a position to have three years’ accounts available, e.g., a
                 new entity, must furnish whatever audited financial statements it has in
                 place along with a letter of confirmation from the auditors;

               ~~ Confirmation from funding organisation(s) giving details of the funding

          f)   provide adequate public and employer liability insurance cover with evidenced

          g)   comply with the conditions as laid out in all current IP licences, e.g., photocopy
               licence. It is the responsibility of the organisation to ensure that all materials
               are properly accredited (see licence for information on this). Please note that the
               licence should list all the centres for which it is applicable and be displayed at
               each of these, i.e. main centres and additional centres.

          h)   hold a current Tax Clearance Certificate. This should be available on request by
               ACELS. A current TCC must be submitted to ACELS with the annual Renewal of
               Recognition Application Form;

          i)   comply with data protection legislation. Providers must ensure that no personal
               information of third parties is provided as part of an application for recognition or
               for renewal of recognition without the express consent of the data subject.

          j)   ensure that a documented Child Protection Policy is in place with a nominated
               person(s) responsible for the implementation of this in all centres where minors
               (under 18 years old) are enrolled.
               Where it is the organisation’s policy to place learners aged between 16-18 years
               old in adult classes, the organisation must make it clear in public documentation
               that adult classes may contain learners of a minimum 16 years old.

          k)   All staff including host families in contact with enrolled minors (under 18 years
               old) must have obtained clearance through the Garda Vetting system.
               Note: Marketing English in Ireland (MEI) provide this service for their member
               schools only; all other ACELS recognised ELE organisations should contact Irish
               Vetting Services at info@irishvettingservices.ie.

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ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION ORGANISATIONS                                 2018

             2.1.2 Quality Assurance

             All recognised ELE organisations must:

             l)      record all professional development activities within each staff member’s
                     portfolio/personnel file. These should be updated on a regular, at least annual,

             m)      ensure that documented systems are in place and implemented for regular and
                     ongoing internal self-evaluation of all operations within the organisation, with the
                     data used to inform improvements;

             n)      provide a documented complaints and grievances procedure with records and
                     specific forms for staff and students, as well as other stakeholders, which is
                     outlined in staff, student and client information documents;

             o)      Monitoring Inspections: notify ACELS in writing as soon as any of the events
                     below are confirmed as taking place in the near future. Such events will trigger
                     an unannounced inspection and will take place shortly after the event has taken
                     place. The standard inspection fee is charged for this service.

                     ~~ Change of Ownership of the Organisation: i.e. a complete change of
                        ownership2, change or the addition of a new co-owner(s), shareholder(s), etc.

                     ~~ Appointment of new General/Centre Manager(s): this may be regarding
                        the recruitment of a new manager to replace the previous one, or the
                        recruitment of another manager in addition to the current one.

                     ~~ Appointment of new Academic Managers: each academic manager (also
                        called Director of Studies) must meet the minimum qualification and
                        professional ELE experience requirements to hold this post. Procedures
                        should be in place to check qualifications and that these requirements are
                        met, at the recruitment stage;

                     ~~ Change of Location or New Additional Premises: Change of location of
                        the main centre premises, or opening of new additional premises must be
                        notified to ACELS prior to it taking place, with full information, including
                        an opening date. During the process of re-inspection regarding new main
                        centre premises, the ELE organisation remains on the list of recognised ELE
                        organisations for that year, at the main centre address for which it holds

     2   Please note that ownership is used to refer to all types of arrangements where a person(s) is deemed to have an investment,
         financial interest (direct or indirect) or other related interest, e.g. due to association, family relationships, etc.

                                                                                                                                       [Page 9]

                  recognition. The main centre address is changed when and if the recognition
                  is reaffirmed at the new location.

                ~~ Complaints: Please note that an inspection process including a site visit
                  may be triggered by a complaint(s).

                All the above changes in circumstances require the ELE organisation to submit
                a completed current ACELS Provider Information Form including a Statutory
                Declaration (see website) at the time of the new circumstances being legally in
                place. These documents may also be supplied on notification of this change, by

                Where, following the inspection process, recognition is not re-affirmed, a process
                of withdrawal of ACELS recognition commences. The ELE organisation is removed
                from the current ACELS list of recognised organisations at the end of this process.

          p)    work only with other ACELS recognised providers in the provision of English
                language services;

          q)    ensure that in circumstances where students are referred to other organisations
                for tuition, the following procedures are adhered to:

                ~~ the organisation to which the students are being referred must be
                  recognised by ACELS;

                ~~ name(s) and address(es) of such organisation(s) must be provided on the
                  Renewal of Recognition Application Form.

          2.1.3 Staff Management

          All recognised ELE organisations must:

          r)    ensure that an appropriate management structure with delegation of
                responsibilities to, and lines of communication with, all managerial and
                administrative staff, is in place. All posts within the organisation should have
                documented job descriptions;

          s)    ensure that staff with academic management responsibilities, e.g., Directors of
                Studies/Academic Managers:

                ~~ In year-round providers & ELE sections: Meet the minimum teacher
                  requirements, have a minimum of 5 years recent and consecutive experience
                  in ELE, can provide documented and recent evidence of CPD in his/her
                  personnel file. In large schools (more than 10 classrooms) and ideally in all
                  contexts, academic managers should hold or be working towards gaining a
                  higher ELE qualification, e.g. a diploma in ELE;

                                                                                                      [Page 10]

                  In junior seasonal centres: Meet the minimum teacher requirements,
                  have a minimum of 2 years’ recent experience in the ELE recognised
                  sector, and have received training (documented by the organisation and
                  contained in their personnel files) relevant to their responsibilities. Ideally,
                  academic managers should hold or be working towards gaining a higher
                  ELE qualification, e.g., a diploma in ELE, a diploma in teaching EL to young

          t)   ensure that a designated appointed member(s) of staff, e.g. a general/centre
               manager, other than the academic manager, is available in each centre at all times
               during operational hours to deal with the day-to-day management of the centre;

          u)   provide induction and continuous professional development opportunities
               (documented by the organisation and contained in the personnel files) for
               academic and administrative staff. It should be clear which of these are provided
               in line with a documented procedure and which are solely being advertised

          2.1.4 Internal and External Communications

          v)   ensure effective communication with all academic and administrative staff
               through implementing communication systems that are fit for purpose and provide
               access to information;

          w)   ensure that all information contained in advertising and promotional material, e.g.
               websites, printed material, and electronic material is clear, accurate, factual and
               verifiable. It must conform to the statutory legislation and provisions relating to

          x)   provide clarity in public documentation, in the cases where a separate ELE section
               exists within an organisation, that recognition relates to the ELE section only of
               that provider and not the whole organisation, e.g., the English Language Education
               centre of an HE provider;

          y)   clearly group or reference all logos used in advertising and promotional materials
               to ensure that it is clear to the public as to what they refer to, i.e.:

               ~~ membership of a professional or marketing organisation,

               ~~ accreditation of a service or services offered other than ELE provision,

               ~~ accreditation of the organisation by a national body,

               ~~ accreditation of the organisation by an international body.

                                                                                                     [Page 11]

      2.2 Academic Management: Teaching and Learning

      All recognised ELE organisations must:

      a)   ensure that each constituent centre has an Academic Manager(s)/Director(s) of
           Studies with appropriate skills, experience and qualifications in the field of academic
           management to oversee the development and management of the curriculum regarding
           effective teaching and learning. The Academic Manager should be accessible to students
           and staff at all periods when classes are taking place;
           Note: Where a centre has a maximum of 3 classes, the Academic Manager may teach on condition that specific
           slots and adequate time is allocated for teacher and student support (throughout the year or at certain
           specified times).

      b)   ensure that all academic staff have a minimum of:

           ~~ a major award at minimum Level 7 on the National Framework of Qualifications, (e.g.
              Ordinary Degree) or equivalent;

           ~~ an ACELS recognised ELE qualification, or equivalent (see Annex 1).

      c)   ensure that copies of qualifications of all academic staff are available on site at the main
           centre, and at any centre at which the staff member is currently working.

      d)   ensure that new teacher induction and continuous professional development (CPD)
           for academic staff is formally managed and provided, with records of staff activity
           maintained by the organisation;

      e)   provide a documented system of observation and appraisal for teaching staff, to support
           and enhance performance, and the ongoing development of good practice. Structured
           support is given to new and inexperienced teachers in terms of direction and guidance for
           lesson planning and delivery;

      f)   provide an assessment framework which enables students to receive feedback on their
           learning including:

           ~~ placement procedures which are valid and ensure students are placed in class
              according to level of competence,

           ~~ a system of assessment of learner progress,

           ~~ assessment of learner achievement aligned to end-of-level/ course learning

      g)   ensure that a list of a maximum of 15 students per class is established and maintained
           with transparent and accessible attendance records for each class maintained;

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         h)       inform students of their obligations to attend their allocated classes, and that students
                  are not permitted to attend other classes of the same level, for the duration of their

         i)       ensure that End-Of-Course Reports for learners are written according to the
                  organisation’s standard format and checked before distribution. The Common European
                  Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) is used as appropriate to refer to learner
                  levels of competence;

         j)       ensure, in as far as possible, that classes are shared with (an)other teacher(s) to facilitate
                  planning, sharing of practice, provide peer learning opportunities and enable students to
                  experience a range of teaching styles and approaches.

         2.3 Academic Management – Syllabus and Programmes

         All recognised ELE organisations must:

         a)       ensure that all programmes(s) provided are educationally sound and have content and
                  assessment procedures aligned to their stated learning outcomes within a Documented
                  Curriculum Framework (DCF)3

         b)       ensure that programmes are regularly monitored, evaluated and adjusted, taking into
                  account developments in the field of ELE that may impact on the programme design;

         c)       ensure that an appropriate and robust management system is in place where ‘rolling
                  enrolment’ of new students occurs, to facilitate this for all staff and students;

         d)       provide a clear learning pathway including a remedial route where programme duration is
                  an academic year (25 weeks and more);

         e)       include programmes listed on the (ILEP), in an ILEP nominated section of the Documented
                  Curriculum Framework for the academic year. These programmes should contain certain
                  core features (see 2.5);

                  All ILEP listed courses must be scheduled to take place between 09.00-17.00 over a
                  minimum of 4 days per week, Monday to Friday, in accordance with INIS requirements.

         f)       ensure that the programmes include a component(s) which reflects Irish life and culture
                  where appropriate;

     3        Please note that it is the responsibility of the organisation to ensure that a current DCF is held at all times by ACELS.

                                                                                                                                          [Page 13]

      g)   ensure that programmes clearly state the number of classroom tuition hours. The
           minimum number of classroom tuition hours must be 15 x 60 minutes (900 minutes) per

      h)   in ELE centres for juniors (typically seasonal centres):

           ~~ ensure that the complete Schedule of Activities forms an integral part of the study
              programme. This programme should be reflected in classroom tasks and activities.

           ~~ ensure that the programmes are designed and structured to recognise the needs
              of junior learners on short courses regarding activation of language in an age-
              appropriate context.

           ~~ ensure that the programmes use selected materials and modes of delivery appropriate
              for the age group.

      2.4 Academic Management: Academic Year (AY) Programmes
           For programmes of an academic years’ duration, the following required policies and
           procedures must be documented, contained in the DCF, and be the responsibility, as
           specified in a job description(s):

      a)   ILEP requirements: where a programme is listed on the ILEP, the provider of the
           programme must comply with all the requirements and criteria of INIS;

      b)   Attendance management of AY students: Recording and collation of attendance for each
           enrolled student is maintained on an ongoing basis (updated weekly);

      c)   Refund of Fees: A published public policy and procedures regarding refund of programme
           fees for students where programmes are not commenced, e.g., due to refusal of visas, a
           change of circumstances, or in the case of withdrawal of the learner from a programme;

      d)   Holidays/Breaks: published information for students on the set holiday and break
           periods over the duration of their course should be contained in the Student Handbook
           and available online;

      e)   Course Schedules: There is a system for the production of course schedules over the
           whole course. These must be available for each student, prior to the commencement of
           their course;

      f)   Punctuality & Absenteeism: A published policy on student punctuality and absenteeism,
           with procedures for staff to follow. Management of this is the responsibility of the
           Academic Manager/Director of Studies;

      g)   Student Record: A system for logging the entry of learners on ILEP programmes,
           through to the required end-of-course exam, with the provider maintaining a record of

                                                                                                    [Page 14]

          grades achieved by the learners. It is the responsibility of the organisation to ensure all
          students are entered for the required end-of-course exam. Repeated failure to ensure
          that students are enrolled for end-of-course exams may lead to withdrawal of ACELS

      2.5 Teaching and Learning Standards

      All recognised ELE organisations must:

          2.5.1 Teaching

                   ~~ ensure that all teaching staff hold the required minimum qualifications
                     for working in a recognised ELE organisation (see Annex 1);

                   ~~ ensure that lesson planning takes place according to the documented
                     system in place and is related to learning objectives, level learning
                     outcomes and appropriate methodologies;

                   ~~ ensure that lessons reflect the course programmes and provide a learning
                     pathway which provides a reasonable time for learners to achieve the
                     course learning outcomes;

                   ~~ ensure that assessment (formative and summative) takes place in line
                     with the assessment framework, and feedback is received by students
                     regularly to support and guide their learning, and provide information
                     on achievement of learning;ensure that appropriate methodologies are
                     applied in the delivery of programmes to optimise learning;

                   ~~ ensure that the classroom is managed appropriately to support and
                     effect optimal learning;

                   ~~ ensure that resources in the classroom and available in the school are
                     utilised appropriately to support effective learning;

                   ~~ ensure that a code of professional conduct is in place and documented
                     (normally in a Teachers’/Staff Handbook). A documented disciplinary
                     process is included as part of this.

          2.5.2 Learning

                   ~~ provide documented syllabi and course programmes for students;

                   ~~ facilitate learner participation appropriately in activities and tasks to
                     promote learning;

                                                                                                        [Page 15]

                ~~ provide materials and resources to students appropriate to the
                  achievement of the learning objectives;

                ~~ provide advice and feedback on progress and level of proficiency to
                  students on an ongoing basis. Students on long-term courses should be
                  provided with feedback at regular and meaningful intervals across the

                ~~ ensure that opportunities for the development of effective learning
                  strategies form an integral and explicit part of the programmes and these
                  are incorporated into the delivery of the programmes;

                ~~ ensure that ongoing feedback mechanisms are in place to collect and
                  collate feedback from learners on all aspects of their school experience
                  at regular intervals;

                ~~ ensure that a code of conduct for students is in place and documented
                  separately for adult and junior students (normally in a Student
                  Handbook). Deviation from this should have clear documented

                                                                                              [Page 16]

     SECTION 3

     All recognised ELE organisations must:

      3.1 Student Welfare

      a)   provide students with a Social Activities Programme. Promotional materials must be
           clear as to what is on offer for students who enroll at the school, which activities are free,
           at cost, or covered by course fees,etc;

      b)   ensure that the Social Activities Programme forms an essential part of the course for
           junior students and reflects their interests, to encourage all junior students to actively

      c)   ensure that all provided activities are well-resourced and well-organised. Where
           sports activities are provided, these should be organised by a person(s) who is properly
           qualified, trained and experienced;

      d)   provide health and safety procedures for all students participating in on-site or off-site
           activities (normally in a Student Handbook). All off-site activities should be under the
           supervision of a nominated, responsible person(s) with the required or suitable staff:
           student ratio;

      e)   ensure that provided accommodation conforms to the Requirements for Student
           Accommodation (see Annex 2) and is subject to inspection by ACELS at any reasonable

      f)   provide procedures for regular monitoring of host families and residential
           accommodation. Monitoring procedures of all accommodation provision is documented
           and feedback is acted upon;

      g)   ensure medical care and assistance is available to enrolled students as necessary;

      h)   ensure, regarding provision for juniors, that documentation for host families, agents and
           students is available and that the rules and expectations for each are clearly set out, and
           penalties related to infringements are clear;

      i)   ensure that appropriate and rigorous personnel rules and procedures are in place to
           provide for a safe and secure environment for junior students;

                                                                                                         [Page 17]
ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION ORGANISATIONS                                      2018

         j)       ensure that a Child Protection Policy is in place for junior students which meets national
                  legal requirements as laid down by TUSLA, with documented procedures. This should be
                  publicly available on the organisation’s website and or promotional materials.

         3.2 Student Services

         a)       ensure that assistance and support is available to non-EEA students, for visa-related or
                  immigration issues;

         b)       ensure that public proficiency exam administration is available and carried out for any
                  students entering an exam, including non-EU students enrolled on ILEP programmes
                  where it is a requirement. In addition, there should be provision of information for
                  students on the exams available, recording of exam results where appropriate,

         c)       ensure that administrative policies and procedures for registering new students, and
                  maintaining accurate records, e.g., student progress and achievement, attendance, and
                  absenteeism are in place;

         d)       provide systems to ensure that all personal data information is held securely and that
                  administration of this complies with data protection and GDPR4 requirements (to be ‘live’
                  as of May);

         e)       ensure that procedures for handling general enquiries, bookings, refunds, and other
                  issues arising are in place, documented and implemented;

         f)       provide a documented complaints procedure for students;

         g)       ensure that there are procedures for obtaining and acting on feedback from students,
                  agents, external QA bodies, and others as appropriate.

         3.3 Resources

         a)       ensure that a suitable, up-to-date and varied range of resources are maintained and
                  available to students for self-study purposes outside the classroom, both in-house and

         b)       ensure that a suitable, up-to-date and varied range of resources are maintained and
                  available to teachers for the planning, preparation and delivery of lessons, both in-house
                  and online;

     4        General Data Protection Regulations – a piece of EU legislation to be implemented as of May 2018.

                                                                                                                  [Page 18]
ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION ORGANISATIONS                                        2018

         c)       ensure that resources are selected, managed and monitored regularly to ensure they
                  reflect a current rich range of materials and publications. This is the responsibility of a
                  nominated staff member as specified in a job description;

         d)       ensure that classrooms are adequately and appropriately equipped to support and
                  optimise English language learning;

         e)       ensure that staff rooms are of an appropriate size for capacity, and adequately and
                  appropriately equipped to enable teachers to plan lessons and take breaks;

         f)       ensure that educational technology is well-maintained with adequate technical support
                  to enable staff to use it with confidence.

         g)       ensure that there is adequate protection for students when using technology on the
                  school premises, to prevent hacking, public access to their work and correspondence.

         3.4 Premises

         a)       ensure that all premises comply with the statutory requirements of local authorities

                  ~~ planning permission for educational purposes,

                  ~~ fire precautions and general safety. A Fire Certificate issued by the local authority or a
                     certificate of compliance from a fire safety consultant5 should be available on file.6

         b)       ensure that all premises are appropriate to the needs and requirements of the students
                  and of the staff, and are maintained in good decorative order and cleanliness;

         c)       provide all premises with a suitable means of heating, capable of maintaining, when
                  required, a room temperature of 18.5 C;

         d)       ensure that each centre provides an environment which is conducive to learning and

     5        Please note that letters from a fire safety consultant should be accompanied by a certificate of compliance (see http://www.
              dublincity.ie/main-menu-services-dublin-fire-rescue-and-emergency-ambulance-service-fire-safety-legislation/faq). These
              are accepted in circumstances where buildings are under conservation orders, i.e. there are building restrictions in place
              (evidence should be supplied in support of this, on request). The fire safety consultant should unequivocally state that the
              building is compliant with national fire safety requirements and, if there are restrictions to any aspect of these requirements,
              the consultant should state what these are and the import of their not being met. These will be considered by ACELS on a case
              by case basis.
     6        Please note that if a building predates the Fire Service Act 1981, written assurance should be provided from a competent
              authority that, in line with good practice, that the premises meets reasonable safety requirements and the safety of staff and
              students is assured.

                                                                                                                                                 [Page 19]

      e)   ensure that each classroom has:

           ~~ a floor area for seated occupancy of not less than 1.56 sq. meters per person;

           ~~ at least one window with a minimum glass area equivalent to one-tenth of the floor
              area, and of which at least one part shall open;

           ~~ suitable fittings and equipment

      f)   ensure that each centre has recreation or common room(s) appropriate to the total
           capacity of students. The room(s) should be appropriately furnished, equipped and
           contain some materials of interest to the students;

      g)   ensure that each centre has an adequately resourced self-access room or library
           reflecting the range of programmes on offer and the number of students. This room to
           be available to students at all reasonable times. In the case of junior centres, where the
           scheduled programme covers full days including social and cultural activities, these may
           not be provided;

      h)   ensure that each centre has a Staff Room, appropriate to the total number of academic
           staff, exclusively for the use of teachers, available at all times;

      i)   ensure that all premises contain in a separate compartment, a suitably located wash
           basin, together with WC for every fifteen persons who are students or staff members;

      j)   ensure that all centres have:

           ~~ an office staffed during operational hours for handling enquiries, complaints and
              financial transactions, and assisting students with any problems arising,

           ~~ first aid facilities with a staff member trained in first aid,

           ~~ emergency procedures in place both during and outside operational hours, with staff
              nominated with specific responsibility for this.

                                                                                                        [Page 20]

     SECTION 4

     Annual Renewal of Recognition Fees for 2018 are:

      Year round                   Main centre with 11 classrooms or more                      €870

      Year round                   Main centre with 10 classrooms or less                      €520

      Seasonal Main Centre                                                                     €520

      Each Additional Centre                                                                   €280

     Application fees are non-refundable.

     Inspection Fees:


      Main centre with 10 classrooms or less                         2 Inspectors x 1 day = €600

      Main centre with 11 classrooms or more                         2 Inspectors x 2 days = €1200

      Additional centre with 10 classrooms of less                   2 Inspectors x 1 day= €600

      Additional centre with 11 classrooms or more                   2 Inspectors x 2 days = €1200


      Main centre                                                    2 Inspectors x 1 day = €600

      Additional centre                                              2 Inspectors x 1 day = €600

     Inspection fees are non-refundable

     Appeal to Independent Moderator: €950 per day.

      »»   Please note that if the moderator is required to make a site visit, the costs incurred re
           travel, accommodation and subsistence will be met by the appellant body.

      »»   Please note that ACELS reserves the right to withhold inspection results and reports until
           all outstanding fees have been paid.

     Contact details:
     All communication should be sent to:
     ACELS Administrator, Quality Assurance Section,
     Quality and Qualifications Ireland, 26-27 Denzille Lane, Dublin 2
     Tel: (01) 9058100   Email: dobrien@qqi.ie    Websites: www.acels.ie

                                                                                                       [Page 21]

     ANNEX 1


      1.0 It is the responsibility of the employing organisation to ensure that all academic staff
            meet the minimum qualification requirements for eligibility for employment in an ACELS
            recognised school.
     Copies of qualifications should be checked on application.
     In the case of non-Irish higher education awards, please view the website of NARIC Ireland at
     www.naric.ie for information.

     NARIC Ireland provides advice on the academic recognition of a foreign qualification by
     comparing it, where possible, to a major award at a certain level on the Irish National
     Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). A comparability statement for each qualification listed is
     available for download. If you are unable to locate a particular qualification here, a query may
     be submitted using the Qhelp facility at https://qhelp.qqi.ie/

     Regarding information on ELE certificates not listed below, it is the responsibility of the
     organisation, prior to recruitment of the applicant, to assess whether or not the ELE certificate
     meets the core criteria in order to be considered as equivalent to a recognised ELE certificate,
     for the purposes of employment in the ACELS recognized sector.

     The Eligibility for Employment ELE Certificate / Qualification checklist is downloadable from
     the Regulations section of the ACELS website www.acels.ie/teachertraining.

     All academic staff must hold a minimum of:

      a)    A major award at Level 7 (www.nfq.ie), (normally an Ordinary Degree) or equivalent;

      b)    An ELE Certificate from one of the following categories:

      1.1   ELE programmes leading to a Certificate in English Language Education(CELE)

      a)    The List of Recognised Initial ELE Certificate Course Providers can be found on the ACELS
            website www.acels.ie/teachertraining .

      b)    This requirement applies to applicants who have completed ELE courses post January
            1st 2005.

                                                                                                         [Page 22]

      c)   ELE Certificate qualifications required by ACELS Regulations prior to January 1st 2005
           continue to apply to those teachers already qualified at that time, i.e., 70 hour TEFL course
           (April 1995 to December 2004); TEFL course (pre April 1995).

      1.2 ELE programmes of a minimum 115 hours’ duration leading to awards which are validated
           by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), the Dublin Institute of Technology, Institutes
           of Technology which have delegated authority from QQI to make their own awards, the
           National University of Ireland and universities recognised under the Universities Act 1997.

      1.3 ELE programmes leading to awards which are validated or accredited by national awarding
           bodies which have a status in law or are otherwise recognised as having authority to
           make awards which have national recognition in their host jurisdiction (e.g. recognised
           universities, etc)
           These awards include Cambridge English Language Assessments (formerly Cambridge ESOL)
           Trinity College London Cert TESOL, Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) Professional
           Development Award in TESOL at SCQF level 9.


     All academic staff must hold a minimum of:

      2.1 Any of the above (Section 1).

      2.2 A state-qualified teacher qualification and an ACELS Preparatory Certificate for English
           Language Teaching. Please note that a Prep ELE Certificate is not complete until the
           Supervised Teaching component has taken place in the trainee’s first English Language
           Education post and within a maximum of 36 months from having completed the input
           component of the certificate.

           It is the responsibility of the employing school and the trainee to ensure the Supervised
           Teaching Component is carried out in the trainee’s first English Language Education post,
           within the 36-month period. If this does not occur, the certificate is deemed incomplete
           and lapses.


           a)      the list of recognised Preparatory ELE certificate course providers can be found on
                   the ACELS website.

           b)      this requirement applies to teachers who have started working in this sector post
                   January 1st 2005. Qualifications required by regulations prior to January 1st 2005
                   continue to apply to those teachers qualified at that time.

                                                                                                         [Page 23]

     ANNEX 2


     Each organisation is responsible for ensuring that all types of student accommodation are
     monitored on a systematic and ongoing basis, meet national legislative requirements, and
     ACELS standards.

     Applying host families must be visited and inspected by the staff member responsible for
     accommodation to assess their suitability. Regular monitoring visits should take place of
     all listed host families (a minimum of once per year is recommended). Records of both the
     initial and monitoring visits are maintained and documented. All family members should have
     undergone Garda Vetting and have received clearance prior to the host family being accepted by
     the ELE organisation.

     An organisation’s host families must be visited and inspected by the organisation regularly,
     and when a change of circumstances is identified, with records maintained. All host families
     must be fully acquainted with the rules and terms of conditions regarding the provision
     of accommodation services, including booking and cancellation procedures, provided in
     documentation. English is required to be the language of communication in the family home.

     Where a host family is listed and used by more than one school, it is the provider’s
     responsibility to ensure that this information is declared to them, and that the standards as
     below are maintained.


     The provider will ensure that minors are not placed in families with other students over 18 years

     The provider will provide parents or the legal guardians with a telephone number for contact
     outside office hours.

     Prior to the student arrival, host families must:

      a)    be made aware of the student’s travel arrangements, time of arrival and any meeting

                                                                                                     [Page 24]

      b)   be provided with a 24/7 emergency phone number for the provider,

      c)   agree to provide any special requirements, e.g., dietary, for the student,

      d)   there should be documented rules provided by the school for the junior students to
           observe which are available to the host family. These should contain rules on curfew
           times, evening outings, etc.

      e)   juniors to be provided with the name(s) and contact number(s) of the group leader(s)

     All Host Families must:

      f)   provide a friendly environment which enables the student to feel welcome and part of the

      g)   receive a schedule of the student’s timetable including classes and excursions from the

      h)   provide meals and services as agreed with the provider;

      i)   accommodate a maximum of three students at any one time;

      j)   ensure no more than two students are accommodated in the same bedroom.

           Note: It is strongly recommended that only one student of any mother tongue should be
           hosted by a family.

     The following facilities must be available for each student:

      »»   comfortable bed with good supply of quality bedclothes and weekly change of bed linen;

      »»   adequate space for clothes storage;

      »»   laundry or reasonable access to a washing machine;

      »»   table and chair in bedroom for private study or access at all times to another room with
           facilities conducive to study;

      »»   free access to bathroom, and bath or shower daily;

      »»   adequate heating, lighting and ventilation.

                                                                                                      [Page 25]


      k)   All premises shall comply with the statutory requirements of local authorities in planning,
           construction, water and sewage, and fire safety.

      l)   All premises should be appropriate to the needs and requirements of the students and
           should be maintained in good decorative order throughout the building(s).

      m)   Adequate insurance cover must be in place.

      n)   Adequate provision for student health and safety should be in place including access to
           first aid facilities and a trained first aid trained person.

      o)   Facilities must be available for self-catering where appropriate.

      p)   In the case of junior groups, adequate supervision, 24 hours per day, must be in place,
           with a ratio of at least 1:20.

      q)   In the case of junior groups, all residential staff have been cleared through the Garda
           Vetting process.


     Where the organisation offers assistance in obtaining private accommodation, information and
     advice should be available to the student regarding:

      r)   legal issues re tenancy agreements, taxes, tenant rights etc;

      s)   list of websites where accommodation may be advertised;

      t)   hotel and hostel information.

      u)   advice if a student encounters difficulties with their accommodation.


     Please note that all ACELS-recognised ELE organisations
     are enfranchised to carry the following Quality Mark for
     provision of English language education and services.                                Accreditation and
                                                                                           Co-ordination of
                                                                                      English Language Services

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ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION ORGANISATIONS                                   2018


     (please note that this list is indicative i.e. not exhaustive)

         1)   National employment legislation. Please note the national agency with the remit to
              provide information on employment requirements, address issues of employment
              irregularity or abuse is the Workplace Relations Commission,
              ( www.workplacerelations.ie ).

         2)   National planning legislation re planning permission for educational purposes, national
              fire and safety certification. Please note that the relevant local authority can advise on
              requirements or refer the enquirer to the relevant agency.

         3)   Immigration requirements where students requiring visas or registration for study
              permission in Ireland are recruited and/ or enrolled. The responsible state body for
              issuance of study permissions is the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service
              (INIS), a section of the Dept. of Justice, Equality and Law Reform www.inis.gov.ie .
              Please note that the Interim List of Eligible Programmes7 (ILEP) is administered by
              INIS with the Dept of Education & Skills. Any enquiries re the ILEP should be sent to

         4)   Tax obligations in relation to their organisation and the maintenance of appropriate
              accounts, its financial good standing, and the employees therein. All applying
              organisations are required to submit a current Tax Clearance Form.

         5)   Child Protection legislation. Please note that all enquiries re Child Protection should be
              addressed to TUSLA www.tusla.ie.

         6)   General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Please note that this is a piece of EU
              legislation, already in place, and due to be ‘live’ as of May 2018, at which point all
              organisations must be compliant.

         7)   Intellectual Property (IP) legislation. It is the responsibility of the organisation to ensure
              that all appropriate licences, e.g., a current copyright licence, are in place and displayed
              as required by the terms of the licence(s) at all centres.

     7    The ILEP is a list of programmes eligible for enrolment by visa-requiring students, jointly managed by INIS and the Dept of
          Education & Skills. Please note that the ILEP listing of programmes is specifically for immigration purposes and is not evidence
          of quality assurance.

                                                                                                                                         [Page 27]

      8)   Company law. All requirements of company law, including maintaining up-to-date records
           with the CRO, should be adhered to and documented.

      9)   Health and Safety. All applying organisations must ensure that they are fully compliant
           with health and safety requirements. The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) has
           responsibility for the administration and enforcement of health and safety in the place of
           work. www.hsa.ie

                                                                                                        [Page 28]
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