CORPORATE FUND 2018 - Kennedy Center

Page created by Ronald Christensen
CORPORATE FUND 2018 - Kennedy Center

            2 0 1 8 C O R P O R AT E F U N D
CORPORATE FUND 2018 - Kennedy Center
Table of Contents
                                                                               Welcome from the Corporate Fund Board Chair       4
                                                                               About the Corporate Fund                          7
                                                                               Meet the Corporate Fund Vice Chairs               8
                                                                               Benefits of Membership                          14
                                                                               Galas and Special Events                        16
                                                                               A Note from the Kennedy Center President        17
                                                                               Kennedy Center Impact                           18
                                                                               Corporate Fund Contributors                     22

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J O H N F. K E N N E D Y C E N T E R F O R T H E P E R F O R M I N G A R T S                                                 2 0 1 8 C O R P O R AT E F U N D
CORPORATE FUND 2018 - Kennedy Center
Welcome from the
    Corporate Fund
    Board Chair
    Dennis A. Muilenburg
    Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
    The Boeing Company

    I am honored to begin my tenure as chair of the Kennedy Center’s
    Corporate Fund Board and proud to lead this national campaign that
    engages corporate leadership beyond the boardroom by investing in
    local communities, educating young minds and developing a creative
    economy. The Kennedy Center Corporate Fund provides a platform to
    broaden your company’s investment responsibly in the communities your
    employees, clients and customers live in by providing accessible artistic
    and educational programming. This support allows the Kennedy Center to
    serve as a leader in the performing arts, engaging artists and audiences in
    the United States and around the world.

    The Corporate Fund provides vital support to the Kennedy Center’s
    mission-driven artistic and education initiatives as the one financial
    instrument for raising and distributing unrestricted corporate gifts. With an
    annual fundraising goal of more than $4 million, this much-needed support
    allows the Kennedy Center to meet the creative needs of our country
    and develop an innovative and inspired workforce—all while providing an
    unparalleled benefit structure to corporate investors.

    For many years, Boeing has made a strategic investment in the Kennedy
    Center as part of our philanthropic commitment to the arts. I encourage
    you to read through this brochure to learn more about the Kennedy Center
    Corporate Fund, and consider the difference you could create for your
    company and communities around the world.

    As the Kennedy Center approaches its 50th anniversary in 2021, each
    year promises to be filled with innovative, high-caliber performances and
    initiatives. I look forward to welcoming you to the Corporate Fund.

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J O H N F. K E N N E D Y C E N T E R F O R T H E P E R F O R M I N G A R T S        2 0 1 8 C O R P O R AT E F U N D
CORPORATE FUND 2018 - Kennedy Center
About the Corporate Fund

                                                                               The Kennedy Center opened to the public on
                                                                               September 8, 1971, but its roots date back to
                 19                                                            1958, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed
        Fortune’s 50 Most                                                      bipartisan legislation that created a National Cultural
       Admired Companies                                                       Center and required that it be an independent, self-
                                                                               sustaining, and privately funded facility. As a lifelong
                 40                                                            supporter and advocate of the arts, President John F.
 Fortune’s Top 100 Companies                                                   Kennedy placed the prestige of his office firmly behind
                                                                               the endeavor. Two months after his death in November
                 61                                                            1963, Congress designated the National Cultural
    Fortune 500 Companies                                                      Center as a “living memorial” to Kennedy. Today, the
                                                                               John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts is
               109                                                             recognized as one of the world’s most well respected
 Million Dollars in Contributions                                              and unique arts organizations.
           Since 1977
                                                                               In 1977, the Kennedy Center Corporate Fund
                                                                               was formed through the collective efforts of 37
                                                                               concerned corporate executives from across our
                                                                               nation. These American business leaders recognized
                                                                               the need to generate a continuing source of funding
                                                                               from the private sector in support of the Center’s
                                                                               national arts education programs and the growth of
                                                                               the performing arts across America. As a tangible
                                                                               expression of their commitment, they spearheaded
                                                                               the first Corporate Fund campaign with a goal of $1
                                                                               million, and succeeded.

                                                                               Over the ensuing 41 years, contributions to the
                                                                               Corporate Fund have totaled over $109 million
                                                                               providing support for the operations of the Kennedy
                                                                               Center both at its facility in Washington, D.C. and in
                                                                               communities around the country. These contributions
                                                                               account for approximately 5% of annual contributed
                                                                               income for the Kennedy Center, and support the
                                                                               Kennedy Center’s unparalleled artistic, educational,
                                                                               and community engagement programs.

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CORPORATE FUND 2018 - Kennedy Center
Meet the Corporate Fund Vice Chairs


                                                                                                                       Martin J. Barrington   Ed Bastian            Mark T. Bertolini   Sanjay Bhatnagar
                                                                                                                       Altria Group           Delta Air Lines       Aetna, Inc.         WaterHealth

               Dennis A. Muilenburg
               Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
               The Boeing Company

                                                                                                                       Philip Blake           Wesley G. Bush        Debra A. Cafaro     Steve Collis
                                                                                                                       Bayer Corporation      Northrop Grumman      Ventas, Inc.        AmerisourceBergen
               VICE CHAIRS                                                                                                                                                              Corporation

               David P. Abney                Basil AbulHamayel             Robert E. Alger         Stephen F. Angel    Michael Corbat         David M. Cote         Sandy Douglas       Bob Dudley
               UPS                           Aramco Services               Lane Industries, Inc.   Praxair, Inc.       Citigroup              Honeywell             The Coca-Cola       BP plc
                                             Company                                                                                                                Company

               Adrienne Arsht                Louis Bacon                   Mary Barra              George S. Barrett   Cathy Engelbert        Richard D. Fairbank   Mikhail Fridman     James P. Gorman
               TotalBank                     Moore Capital                 General Motors          Cardinal Health     Deloitte               Capital One           LetterOne           Morgan Stanley

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J O H N F. K E N N E D Y C E N T E R F O R T H E P E R F O R M I N G A R T S                                                                                                                    2 0 1 8 C O R P O R AT E F U N D
CORPORATE FUND 2018 - Kennedy Center
Corporate Fund Vice Chairs

                               Noah Gottdiener         Peter T. Grauer         Kenneth C. Griffin    Vinod Gupta            Governor              Karel Komárek        Henry R. Kravis        Ryan Lance
                               Duff & Phelps           Bloomberg LP            Citadel               Everest Group LLC      Dirk Kempthorne       KKCG Group           Kohlberg Kravis        ConocoPhillips
                               Corporation                                                                                  American Council of                        Roberts & Co. L.P.
                                                                                                                            Life Insurers

                               Michele V. Hagans       Jeffrey C. Hammes       Gregory J. Hayes      Vicki Hollub           Debra L. Lee          Jim Lentz            Carl H. Lindner, III   Andrew Liveris
                               Fort Lincoln New Town   Kirkland & Ellis LLP    United Technologies   Occidental Petroleum   BET Networks          Toyota Motor         American Financial     The Dow Chemical
                               Corporation                                     Corporation                                                        North America        Group, Inc.            Company

                               Lisa Hook               Jeff Jacobson           Jo Ann C. Jenkins     H. Fisk Johnson        Bruno Maestri         Ted Mathas           Terry D. McCallister   Bonnie McElveen-
                               Neustar, Inc.           Xerox Corporation       AARP                  SC Johnson             Norfolk Southern      New York Life        WGL                    Hunter
                                                                                                                            Corporation           Insurance Company                           Pace Communications

                               James A. Johnson        Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.   Thomas P. Joyce       Tim Keating            J. Michael McGuire    Richard A. Montoni   Leslie Moonves         Brian T. Moynihan
                               Johnson Capital         Lazard Frères & Co.     Danaher Corporation   The Boeing Company     Grant Thornton LLP    MAXIMUS, Inc.        CBS Corporation        Bank of America
                               Partners                LLC

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J O H N F. K E N N E D Y C E N T E R F O R T H E P E R F O R M I N G A R T S                                                                                                                           2 0 1 8 C O R P O R AT E F U N D
CORPORATE FUND 2018 - Kennedy Center
Corporate Fund Vice Chairs

                               Christopher Nassetta Michael F. Neidorff       Phebe N. Novakovic    Timothy J.             Alan Schnitzer         Stephen A.             David Seaton        Timothy J. Sloan
                               Hilton               Centene Corporation       General Dynamics      O’Shaughnessy          The Travelers          Schwarzman             Fluor Corporation   Wells Fargo &
                                                                                                    Graham Holdings        Companies, Inc.        The Blackstone Group                       Company

                               Dinesh Paliwal         Anthony T. Pierce       Vladimir O. Potanin   Marcia Price           Albert H. Small        Jerry I. Speyer        Paul G. Stern       Alex Taylor
                               HARMAN International   Akin Gump Strauss       Interros Company      Retrospectives, Inc.   Southern Engineering   Tishman Speyer         Claris Capital      Cox Enterprises, Inc.
                               Industries, Inc.       Hauer & Feld, LLP                                                    Corporation

                               Ian Read               Dr. Annette U. Rickel   Dr. Martine A.        David M. Rubenstein    Robert B.              Inge Thulin            William A.          Laysha Ward
                               Pfizer, Inc.           The Annette Urso        Rothblatt             The Carlyle Group      Thomson, III           3M                     Von Hoene, Jr.      Target
                                                      Rickel Foundation       United Therapeutics                          Visa Inc.                                     Exelon

                               Faiza Saeed            Roger W. Sant           James R. Schenck      Peter L. Scher         Mark Weinberger        Hinrich Woebcken       Jeffery Yabuki
                               Cravath, Swaine &      The AES Corporation     PenFed Credit Union   JPMorgan Chase         EY                     Volkswagen Group of    Fiserv, Inc.
                               Moore LLP                                                            & Co.                                         America

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J O H N F. K E N N E D Y C E N T E R F O R T H E P E R F O R M I N G A R T S                                                                                                                           2 0 1 8 C O R P O R AT E F U N D
CORPORATE FUND 2018 - Kennedy Center
Benefits of Corporate Fund Membership

     EXECUTIVE                              A complimentary invitation for the Kennedy Center Honors Gala host     CHAIRMAN’S         20% discount on select tickets for all employees.
     BENEFACTOR                             couple to attend the President’s Brunch the morning of the Gala.       CIRCLE
                                                                                                                                      A complimentary invitation for the Kennedy Center Honors Gala
     ($200,000+ annually)                                                                                          ($25,000–$99,999
                                            A bank of 10 additional complimentary tickets (20 total) for the                          host couple to attend the Chairman’s Luncheon the day before
                                            company’s use throughout the year to attend Kennedy Center                                the Gala.
                                            performances (excludes rental events and Special Events).
                                                                                                                                      Corporate listing in the Kennedy Center Honors
                                            All benefits available at the Leadership Circle.                                          Commemorative Book.

                                            Logo recognition and a hyperlink to your corporate website on the                         All benefits available at the Producer’s Circle.
     CIRCLE                                 Corporate Contributors page of the Kennedy Center website, visited
                                            by more than 14,000 people daily.                                      PRODUCER’S         A priority advance invitation to purchase tickets to the
     ($100,000+ annually)
                                                                                                                   CIRCLE             Kennedy Center Honors Gala.
                                            Recognition on donor walls outside of the three main theaters.         ($10,000–$24,999   Access to prime orchestra section seating unavailable to the
                                            A complimentary invitation for the Kennedy Center Honors Gala host
                                                                                                                   annually)          general public.
                                            couple to attend an exclusive off-site reception preceding the Gala.
                                                                                                                                      Invitations to annual special events, including the Washington
                                            A bank of 10 complimentary tickets for the company’s use                                  National Opera Gala, Kennedy Center Spring Gala, Fireworks on
                                            throughout the year to attend Kennedy Center performances                                 the Fourth, NSO Season Opening Gala, and the Mark Twain Prize
                                            (excludes rental events and Special Events).                                              for American Humor.

                                            Complimentary parking in the Kennedy Center garage.                                       Recognition in Playbill®, the annual Corporate Fund Brochure,
                                                                                                                                      and on the Kennedy Center website.
                                            All benefits available at the 100 Club.
                                                                                                                                      Access to three donor lounges with pre-ordered cocktails,
     100 CLUB                               Opportunity for CEO to be listed as a Vice Chair on the                                   beverages, and snacks before performances and during
     ($100,000 over                         Corporate Fund Board.                                                                     intermission.
     two years)                             Invitation to the annual Executive Leadership Reception hosted by                         Invitations to complimentary Cast Parties and Insider Events.
                                            the Chair of the Corporate Fund Board.
                                                                                                                                      Use of the Kennedy Center’s many rooms for private events,
                                            Invitation to the annual family-friendly Corporate Appreciation Day.                      including access to a dedicated event planner. Room rental fee
                                                                                                                                      may be reduced or waived for most spaces.
                                            Opportunity to host an annual complimentary “Club Dinner” for
                                            12 guests including backstage tour, cocktail reception, dinner,                           Exclusive reserved parking in the Kennedy Center garage for all
                                            performance, and special recognition in Playbill® that evening.                           regular evening performances (parking charges still apply).

                                            All benefits available at the Chairman’s Circle.

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J O H N F. K E N N E D Y C E N T E R F O R T H E P E R F O R M I N G A R T S                                                                                                             2 0 1 8 C O R P O R AT E F U N D
CORPORATE FUND 2018 - Kennedy Center
Join Us
                                                                               A Note from the
Galas and                                                                      Kennedy Center President

Special Events                                                                 The Kennedy Center serves as the nation’s beacon for the
                                                                               performing arts engaging with artists and audiences around the
As a member of the Corporate Fund,                                             world to create, experience, and learn about the arts. With more
your company will receive advance                                              than 2,000 performances at the Kennedy Center each year, we
invitations to purchase tickets to some                                        serve as an integral piece of the cultural fabric of Washington,
of Washington’s most high-profile galas                                        D.C. and the surrounding area. Our international programming
and special events in 2018. The dates                                          brings the world to D.C. and shines a light on the cultural
listed below are subject to change.                                            connections we share across the globe. Additionally, the Center
                                                                               reaches across the country into local communities through
KENNEDY CENTER                                                                 our renowned education initiatives that provide essential arts
SPRING GALA                                                                    integration into classrooms directly and professional development
Sunday, May 6 | Black Tie                                                      for teachers. The Center’s focus on open and equal access to
                                                                               the performing arts and arts education aids us in achieving our
WASHINGTON NATIONAL                                                            goal of making our students more responsive, our citizens more
OPERA GALA                                                                     creative, and our neighborhoods more dynamic.
Sunday, May 20 | Black Tie
                                                                               The Corporate Fund is a critical component of our funding
FIREWORKS ON THE FOURTH                                                        structure, providing vital support for the Center’s far-reaching
Wednesday, July 4 | Casual Attire                                              initiatives, while also connecting our members with meaningful
                                                                               corporate engagement and social responsibility opportunities.
NATIONAL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA                                                    Members of the Corporate Fund are able to strike a balance
SEASON OPENING GALA                                                            between strategic community investment and a value-adding
Saturday, September 22 | Black Tie                                             corporate entertainment and benefit structure.

MARK TWAIN PRIZE                                                               This brochure further details the impact your support would make
FOR AMERICAN HUMOR                                                             in Washington, D.C. and across the nation and the influence
Sunday, October 21 | Business Attire                                           your gift will make on the millions of patrons, students, and
                                                                               families who interact with the Center each year. I look forward to
KENNEDY CENTER HONORS                                                          welcoming you to the Kennedy Center family!
Sunday, December 2 | Black Tie

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J O H N F. K E N N E D Y C E N T E R F O R T H E P E R F O R M I N G A R T S                                                2 0 1 8 C O R P O R AT E F U N D
CORPORATE FUND 2018 - Kennedy Center
A Commitment to the Performing Arts                                                                    Institutional Impact
As the nation’s living memorial to President Kennedy, the Kennedy Center is a government facility
and receives federal funding each year to pay for the maintenance and operation of the building.
However, the Center’s artistic programs and educational initiatives are paid for almost entirely
through ticket sales and the generous support of individuals, corporations, and private foundations.
                                                                                                       1M+ square feet              14,000+ military          2.5M+ K–12 students        365 free
                                                                                                       of performance               personnel, teachers,      and teachers served        performances on
REVENUE                                                                                                venues, rehearsal and        and students reached      through Kennedy            the Millennium
                                                                                                       education rooms,             through free or           Center Education           Stage; one every
                                                                                                       public gathering             discount ticketing        Programs nationally        day of the year
              Total                                                                                    areas, and more              programs

   Programming & Education                      $ 88,437,743
   Auxiliary Services and Other (includes       $ 21,461,774                                           2,000+                  2M+ visitors        18,000 young         336,000+                  1.4M
   Parking, Gift Shops, & Food Concessions)
                                                                                                       performances            and patrons         artists trained      followers on              tickets sold
   Federal Appropriation                        $ 27,846,656
                                                                                                       inside the                                                       social media
   Contributed Revenue                          $ 81,034,113
   Endowment                                    $ 5,374,704                                            Kennedy Center



   Programming & Education                      $142,678,980
   Auxilary Expenses (includes Parking,         $ 5,030,297
   Gift Shops, & Food Concessions)
   Federal Operation & Maintenance              $ 37,776,675
   Expenses (includes depreciation)
   Fundraising                                  $ 13,976,357
   General and Administrative and Other         $ 35,810,830

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J O H N F. K E N N E D Y C E N T E R F O R T H E P E R F O R M I N G A R T S                                                                                                        2 0 1 8 C O R P O R AT E F U N D
Kennedy Center Programs Across the Nation


                                                                                                                                                                                                              Number of programs

                      Working in Schools and Communities                                                             Career Development for Emerging Artists and Young Professionals

                      Any Given Child                                          Partners in Education                 Betty Carter’s Jazz Ahead                          Kennedy Center Interns and Fellows
                      ArtsEdge                                                 Theater for Young Audiences on Tour   Citizen Artist Fellows                             NSO Summer Music Institute
                      Changing Education Through the Arts                      Turnaround Arts                       Domingo-Cafritz Young Artists                      NSO Youth Fellowship Program
                      DC Public Schools Initiatives                            VSA                                   Exploring Ballet with Suzanne Farrell              New Visions New Voices
                                                                                                                     Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival

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J O H N F. K E N N E D Y C E N T E R F O R T H E P E R F O R M I N G A R T S                                                                                                                 2 0 1 8 C O R P O R AT E F U N D
                                                                                                             3M                                    Brown-Forman Corporation
                                                                                                             Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, LLP   CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
                                                                                                             American Council of Life Insurers     Clark Construction Group, LLC
                                                                                                             AmerisourceBergen Corporation         Comcast NBCUniversal
                                                                                                             Aramco                                Compass
                                                                                                             Bayer Corporation                     Discover
                                                                                                             Bloomberg Philanthropies              ExxonMobil
                                                                                                             Cardinal Health                       Hallmark Cards, Inc.
                                                                                                             Caterpillar Inc.                      Hilton
2007 Kennedy Center Honorees:
                                                                                                             Citadel                               Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc.
Leon Fleisher, Brian Wilson, Diana Ross,                                                                     Citibank                              Lavazza
Martin Scorsese, Steve Martin                                                                                ConocoPhillips                        Macy’s
                                                                                                             Cox Enterprises, Inc.                 Northern Trust
                                                                                                             Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP           Restaurant Associates
                                                                                                             Danaher Corporation                   Southern Company
Corporate Fund Contributors                                                                                  Deloitte                              Textron
                                                                                                             The Dow Chemical Company              The Home Depot
                                                                                                             Duff & Phelps Corporation             Time Warner Inc.
EXECUTIVE BENEFACTORS                                                CORPORATE LEADERSHIP CIRCLE             EMC Corporation                       US Event Structures
AARP                                                                 Aetna, Inc.                             EY                                    U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private
Altria Group                                                         BET Networks                            Fiserv                                 Wealth Management
American Airlines                                                    BP plc                                  Fluor Corporation
Bank of America                                                      Centene Corporation                     Fort Lincoln New Town Corporation
The Boeing Company                                                   Chevron                                 Graham Holdings Company               CORPORATE PRODUCER’S CIRCLE
Capital One                                                          Country Music Association               Grant Thornton LLP                    ACTF Management, Ltd.
CBS                                                                  The Estée Lauder Companies Charitable   JPMorgan Chase & Co.                  American Express
The Coca-Cola Company                                                 Foundation                             Kirkland & Ellis LLP                  Financial Services Roundtable
Delta Air Lines                                                      Exelon                                  Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P.    Fabio Trabocchi Restaurants/Fiola Mare
General Dynamics                                                     Honeywell                               MAXIMUS, Inc.                         IBM
General Motors                                                       Lane Industries, Inc.                   Moore Capital Management, LP          Quest Diagnostics
HARMAN International Industries, Inc.                                New York Life Insurance Company         Morgan Stanley                        Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
Mars, Incorporated                                                   Northrop Grumman Corporation            Neustar, Inc.                         Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
Target                                                               Oath Foundation                         Norfolk Southern Corporation          RBC, Incorporated
United Technologies Corporation                                      PenFed Credit Union                     Occidental Petroleum                  Signode Industrial Group
 (Otis, Pratt & Whitney, UTC Aerospace Systems,                      Toyota Motor North America              Pfizer, Inc.                          The Walt Disney Company
 UTC Climate, Controls & Security)                                   UnitedHealth Group                      Praxair, Inc.
Xerox Corporation                                                    Ventas, Inc.                            SC Johnson
                                                                                                                                                   CORPORATE GOLDEN CIRCLE
                                                                     Volkswagen Group of America             Tishman Speyer
                                                                                                                                                   Décor Decorum
                                                                     VTB Bank                                The Travelers Companies, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                   DeGolyer and MacNaughton
                                                                     Wells Fargo                             United Therapeutics Corporation
                                                                                                                                                   Eli Lilly and Company
                                                                                                             Visa Inc.
                                                                                                             WaterHealth International             As of 12/31/2017

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J O H N F. K E N N E D Y C E N T E R F O R T H E P E R F O R M I N G A R T S                                                                                              2 0 1 8 C O R P O R AT E F U N D
The Kennedy Center Corporate Fund
2700 F Street, NW
Washington, DC 20566
(202) 416-8426
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