Page created by Vanessa Valdez
2018 LEAF®
                                 WARRANTY INFORMATION BOOKLET

Publication No.: WB18EA 0ZE1U1
     Printing : March 2018
©2017 Nissan North America, Inc.

 written permission of Nissan North America, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                         Nissan, the Nissan logo, and Nissan model names are Nissan trademarks.

 in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior
 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted


Owner’s Name


City                                                                                                                                                                                                                              State                 Zip Code


Vehicle Identification

Date of Delivery

Selling Dealer Name                                                                                                                                                                                                               Mileage at Delivery


City                                                                                                                                                                                                                              State                 Zip Code


Policy No.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Expiration Date

Months of Coverage                                                                                                                                                                                                                Expiration Mileage

Security+Plus® coverage must be confirmed. See your Security+Plus® Agreement for details.


Date                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mileage

Dealer’s Name


City                                                                                                                                                                                                                              State                 Zip Code

Note: Read this booklet carefully and keep it in your vehicle. Present it to an authorized
      NISSAN dealer when warranty service is required. It should remain with your
      vehicle when you sell it so subsequent owners will know of any remaining
      warranty coverage.
                                               REPLACEMENT PANEL CORROSION
     SATISFACTION                              AND STRUT LIFETIME LIMITED
     WARRANTY                             34 REPLACEMENT 12V BATTERY LIMITED

     WARRANTY                                ACCESSORIES


     WARRANTIES                           40 NISSAN SECURITY+PLUS® VEHICLE

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS                               If it contacts your skin or eyes, wash it
                                                 off immediately with a large amount of
(Electric only)
                                                 water or if possible, boric acid solution. Get
The EV system uses high voltage up to            immediate medical attention to help avoid
403V. The system can be hot during and           serious injury.
after operation. Be careful of both the high
                                                 If a fire occurs in the EV vehicle, leave the
voltage and the high temperature. Obey
                                                 vehicle as soon as possible. Never use a fire
the caution labels that are attached to the
                                                 extinguisher that is not meant for use on
                                                 electric fires. Using even a small amount of
Never touch, disassemble, remove or              water may also be dangerous.
replace high-voltage parts and cables
                                                 If your vehicle needs to be towed, do it with
as well as their connectors. High-
                                                 the front wheels raised. If the front wheels
voltage cables are orange. Touching,
                                                 are on the ground when towing, the motor
disassembling, removing or replacing
                                                 may generate electricity. This may damage
those parts or cables can cause severe
                                                 the components of the EV system and
burns or electric shock that may result in
                                                 cause a fire.
serious injury or death.
                                                 SEE YOUR OWNER’S MANUAL FOR FURTHER
To avoid personal injury, do not touch high-
voltage wiring, connectors or high-voltage
parts (inverter unit, lithium-ion battery
etc.).                                            Nissan recommends having maintenance
If exposed electric wires are visible inside      and repairs for your Electric Vehicle
or outside of your vehicle, an electric shock     performed by an authorized Nissan
may occur. Never touch the electric wires.        LEAF certified dealership. To locate your
                                                  nearest authorized Nissan LEAF certified
If the vehicle receives a strong impact to        dealership, contact the Nissan Consumer
the floor while driving, stop the vehicle in a    Affairs Department at 1-877-NO GAS EV
safe location and check the floor.                (1-877-664-2738).
If you discover a leak or damage to the
lithium-ion battery, contact a NISSAN
dealer immediately.
Never touch fluid leaks inside or outside
the vehicle. The leak may be lithium
manganate from the lithium-ion battery.

                                                        Summary of Warranty Coverage1

                                                        0 miles                                                                                             100,000 miles

 Basic Coverage                                                      36 months / 36,000 miles

 Corrosion Coverage (Perforation)                                                                                                          60 months / unlimited mileage

 Powertrain Coverage                                                                                 60 months / 60,000 miles

 EV System Coverage                                                                                  60 months / 60,000 miles

 Lithium-ion Battery Coverage                                                                                                                  96 months / 100,000 miles

 Lithium-ion Battery Capacity Coverage                                                                                                         96 months / 100,000 miles

 Seat Belt                                                                                                                                 120 months / unlimited mileage

1 See the express terms of the appropriate warranty printed in this booklet, which terms control if there is a conflict with this chart.
NISSAN’S CUSTOMER CARE PROGRAM                                           3
NISSAN CARES...                                 STEP 1:                                       the issue with your vehicle, a special
                                                                                              automotive complaint resolution program
Both Nissan and your Nissan LEAF                Discuss the situation with the dealership’s
                                                                                              called BBB AUTO LINE is available to
certified dealer are dedicated to serving       manager. If a problem still exists, contact
                                                                                              you. The BBB AUTO LINE program is
all your automotive needs. Your complete        the dealership’s Consumer Aff airs Manager
                                                                                              independently operated by the Council of
satisfaction with your LEAF and your            or owner. They are best equipped to
                                                                                              Better Business Bureaus, Inc. (BBB).
Nissan LEAF certified dealer are our            resolve the matter for you.
                                                                                              For information about the BBB AUTO LINE
primary concerns. Your Nissan LEAF
certified dealer is always available to
                                                STEP 2:                                       in your area, please call us (Nissan) at
assist you with all your automobile service     If the concern has still not been addressed   the same toll free number (1-877-NO GAS
requirements.                                   to your satisfaction, please contact our      EV). We will be happy to provide you with
                                                (Nissan’s) Consumer Affairs Department        information about BBB AUTO LINE. Or, you
If, however, a situation arises that you
                                                using our toll free number:                   may contact the BBB directly at:
believe has not been addressed to your
satisfaction, we ask that you take the          The Consumer Aff airs Department will ask     BBB Auto Line
following steps:                                for the following information:                Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc.
                                                                                              3033 Wilson Boulevard
How to Locate a Nissan LEAF Certified             Your name, address, and telephone
                                                                                              Suite 600
Dealer                                            number
                                                                                              Arlington, VA 22201
  Go to the Nissanusa.com website. Enter          Vehicle identification number (on           1 (800) 955-5100
  zip code in the “Locate a Dealer” function.     dashboard)
                                                                                              If you call the BBB, its staff will take down
  Check the box for “Nissan LEAF dealers          Date of purchase                            details of your complaint by telephone.
                                                  Current odometer reading                    They will ask for the same information as
  Go to Nissanusa.com site. Select United                                                     described in Step 2.
                                                  Your Nissan dealer’s name
  States language preference, and Nissan
                                                   Details of the concern                     The BBB AUTO LINE program consists of
  LEAF. Select “Find a Dealer” and enter zip
                                                                                              two parts, mediation and arbitration.
  code or city and state.                       Or you can write to Nissan with the above     The BBB will attempt to assist you to
  Contact our Nissan Consumer Aff airs          information at:                               resolve the problem during mediation.
  Department for assistance using our toll      Nissan North America, Inc.                    If a satisfactory resolution has not been
  free number.                                  Consumer Affairs Department                   achieved during mediation, you will have
                                                P.O. Box 685003                               the opportunity to personally present
                                                Franklin, TN 37068-5003                       your case before an impartial arbitrator
                                                STEP 3:                                       or three-person panel. The arbitrator(s)
                                                                                              will make a decision after the arbitration
                                                In the event that you believe Nissan has      hearing.
                                                been unable to satisfactorily address                            (Continued on next page)
The BBB will, in most cases, send you a                                                    BBB AUTO LINE may not be available in all
final decision within forty (40) days (plus   BBB AUTO LINE is an informal dispute         states. We, Nissan, would be pleased to
7 if you have not contacted the proper        settlement mechanism operated to             provide you with information about the
person from the dealership or Nissan)         comply with applicable Federal law and       availability of BBB AUTO LINE in your state,
unless you delay the process. If you accept   regulations. In states where BBB AUTO        or call the BBB AUTO LINE number listed
the decision, it will be legally binding on   LINE is available, you are required to use   above.
you and Nissan. If you do not accept the      BBB AUTO LINE before exercising rights
                                              or seeking remedies under Title I of the     For additional information on the Auto
decision, it will not be legally binding on                                                Line program, please refer particularly
you or Nissan. However in some states,        Federal Magnuson- Moss Warranty Act,
                                              15 U.S.C. §2301, et. seq. If you choose to   to the information on your state in the
if the decision is not accepted, it may be                                                 Supplement to 2018 Nissan Warranty
introduced either by you or by Nissan, as     seek remedies other than those created
                                              by Title I of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty     Information Booklet, and 2018 Nissan
evidence in any potentially related court                                                  OWNER’S MANUAL.
action.                                       Act, (for example, under state law), that
                                              Federal Act does not require you to first
                                              use BBB AUTO LINE. The program is
                                              still available to you, however, and may
                                              be of considerable assistance. Some
                                              states specify that informal dispute
                                              settlement mechanisms such as BBB
                                              AUTO LINE must be used before you may
                                              use state-operated complaint resolution
                                              processes, before you may file a lawsuit
                                              under state law, and/or before you may
                                              have certain other rights or remedies
                                              available under state law. In accordance
                                              with those states’ laws, Nissan requires
                                              the prior use of BBB AUTO LINE in good
                                              faith before you resort to such other
                                              processes, file a lawsuit, or seek other
                                              remedies provided by state law. Please
                                              see the Supplement to 2018 Nissan
                                              Warranty Information Booklet & 2018
                                              Nissan OWNER’S MANUAL for additional
NISSAN’S COMMITMENT TO CUSTOMER SATISFACTION                                                 5
ASSISTANCE OUTSIDE OF                        Nissan may occasionally offer special
WARRANTY                                     assistance that may pay for part or all
                                             of vehicle repairs beyond the expiration
In our continuing effort to convey our       of the limited warranty period on a case
commitment to service and customer           by case basis. Should you experience
satisfaction, Nissan may occasionally        unusual difficulties with your vehicle
offer to pay or reimburse for part or all    please discuss the situation with your
of the cost of making certain, specific      dealer. If your dealer is unable to assist
repairs beyond or outside of the terms       you, you may call the Nissan Consumer
of the warranty for some specific vehicle    Affairs Department at 1-877-NO GAS EV
models. (Some states refer to such           (1-877-664-2738) to discuss your concern.
programs as “adjustment programs”). In       You will need to provide the Model, Model
such circumstances Nissan mails notices      Year, VIN (Vehicle Identification Number),
to all known registered owners of affected   mileage, maintenance history, a detailed
vehicles. You may additionally inquire of    explanation of the concern, and why you
your authorized Nissan Dealer or of Nissan   believe that Nissan should be responsible
directly at the number listed below of the   for the repair. Your request will be
applicability of such programs to your       individually investigated and you will be
vehicle.                                     informed of Nissan’s decision.
                                                                                          Please review the “Supplement to the
                                                                                          2018 Nissan Warranty Information
                                                                                          Booklet & 2018 Nissan Owner’s Manual”
                                                                                          for important information concerning
                                                                                          consumer rights in your state.
WHO IS THE WARRANTOR                                            Your Nissan vehicle is manufactured                        Nissan makes available to you, and you
                                                                to meet U.S. regulations and                               are specifically required by Federal Law
Nissan1 warrants all parts of your 2018
                                                                environmental requirements. With the                       to use BBB AUTO LINE [(800) 955-5100]
Nissan vehicle supplied by Nissan, except
                                                                exception of privately owned vehicles                      before exercising rights or seeking
for those listed elsewhere under the
                                                                belonging to members of the U.S.                           remedies under the Federal Magnuson-
                                                                military or employees and officers of the
APPLICABILITY                                                   United States Government stationed
                                                                                                                           Moss Warranty Act, 15 U.S.C. §2301, et.
   This warranty is provided to the original                                                                               seq. You are not required to first use
                                                                abroad, this warranty does not apply                       BBB AUTO LINE if you seek remedies not
   and subsequent owner(s) of a Nissan                          if an otherwise covered vehicle is
   vehicle originally distributed by Nissan                                                                                created by Title I of that Federal law, but
                                                                operated in, or relocated to, a country                    are required to first use BBB AUTO LINE
   which is originally sold by a Nissan                         other than those listed above under
   authorized Nissan dealership in the                                                                                     if you seek remedies created by state
                                                                this caption, except that it continues                     law, including your state’s lemon law, if
   United States, and which is registered                       to apply if the vehicle is operated in
   in the U.S. and normally operated in                                                                                    applicable state law provides for using a
                                                                full compliance with its proper use as                     703 compliant or similar process before
   the United States (including Alaska and                      described in the applicable OWNER’S
   Hawaii) and Canada.                                                                                                     filing suit. Please refer to the pages titled
                                                                MANUAL 2 while touring outside of the                      Nissan’s Customer Care Program of this
   This warranty is generally transferable                      United States, the U.S. territories or                     booklet and the “Supplement to 2018
   from the original ‘owner other than a                        Canada for a period not exceeding sixty                    Nissan Warranty Information Booklet
   Nissan dealer’ (OWNER) to subsequent                         (60) consecutive days or sixty (60) days                   & 2018 Nissan OWNER’S MANUAL” for
   owners of the vehicle at any time                            in any one 12 month period. Subject to                     additional information.
   ownership of the vehicle is transferred,                     the transferability restriction described
   without any action on your part; except                      above, this warranty applies to a
   that this warranty is not transferable                       relocated vehicle which is returned to,
   but is instead void if during the first six                  and is registered and normally operated
   months after delivery to the original                        in the United States, the U.S. territories
   OWNER: (1) ownership of the vehicle is                       or Canada, except for conditions due to
   transferred from the original OWNER,                         the vehicle’s foreign operation, e.g., use
   and (2) the vehicle is registered outside                    of incompatible charging devices.
   of the United States.

1 Nissan indicates Nissan North America, Inc., P.O. Box 685003, Franklin, TN 37068-5003 which manufactures and distributes Nissan vehicles in the United States.
2 See the OWNER’S MANUAL for information relevant to proper operation of the vehicle.                                                              (Continued      on next page)
2018 NEW ELECTRIC VEHICLE LIMITED WARRANTY                                                                       7

 LIMITATION OF WARRANTIES AND OTHER                           THE WARRANTY BEGINS                                                  headings Drivetrain, Restraint System,
 WARRANTY TERMS AND STATE LAW                                 The warranty period begins on the date the                           and Electric Vehicle System, supplied
 RIGHTS                                                       vehicle is delivered to the first retail buyer                       by Nissan, subject to the exclusions
                                                              or put into use, whichever is earlier.                               listed under the heading “WHAT IS NOT
 EXTRA EXPENSES - LIMITATIONS OF                                                                                                   COVERED”.
 DAMAGES This warranty does not cover                         FOR HOW LONG AND WHAT IS
 incidental or consequential damages                          COVERED
                                                                                                                                   Drive shafts, final drive housing, and
 such as loss of the use of the vehicle,                         BASIC COVERAGE                                                    all internal parts, propeller shafts,
 inconvenience or commercial loss.                                 The basic coverage period is 36                                 universal joints, bearings, seals and
 ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF                                           months/36,000 miles, whichever                                  gaskets.
 MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A                                 comes first.                                                    RESTRAINT SYSTEM
 PARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALL BE LIMITED                               This warranty covers any repairs                                Air bags and related electronic
 TO THE DURATION OF THIS WRITTEN                                   needed to correct defects in materials                          control systems
 WARRANTY.                                                         or workmanship of all parts and
                                                                   components of each new Nissan                               ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV) SYSTEM
 Some states do not allow the
                                                                   vehicle supplied by Nissan subject                          COVERAGE
 exclusion or limitation of incidental or                                                                                        The EV System coverage period is 60
                                                                   to the exclusions listed under the
 consequential damages or limitations on                                                                                         months or 60,000 miles, whichever
                                                                   heading “WHAT IS NOT COVERED” or,
 how long an implied warranty lasts, so                                                                                          comes first.
                                                                   if the part is covered by one of the
 the above limitations or exclusions may                                                                                         This warranty covers any repairs
                                                                   separate coverages described in the
 not apply to you. This warranty gives you                                                                                       needed to correct defects in materials
                                                                   following sections of this warranty,
 specific legal rights, and you may also                                                                                         or workmanship.
                                                                   that specific coverage applies instead
 have other rights which vary from state
                                                                   of the basic coverage.                                        EV System Coverage applies to
 to state.
                                                                 POWERTRAIN COVERAGE                                             components listed below under
 Nissan1 does not authorize any person                             The Powertrain coverage period is 60                          the heading EV System, supplied by
 to create for it any other warranty,                              months or 60,000 miles, whichever                             Nissan, subject to the exclusions listed
 obligation or liability in connection with                        comes first.                                                  under the heading “WHAT IS NOT
 this vehicle.                                                                                                                   COVERED”.
                                                                   This warranty covers any repairs
                                                                   needed to correct defects in materials                        EV SYSTEM
                                                                   or workmanship.                                               Motor, Inverter unit, VCM, Reduction
                                                                                                                                 gear, DC/DC converter, Onboard
                                                                   Powertrain coverage applies to
                                                                                                                                 charger, Onboard charger connector,
                                                                   components listed below, under the
                                                                                                                                 and Trickle charge cable.
1 Nissan indicates Nissan North America, Inc., P.O. Box 685003, Franklin, TN 37068-5003 which manufactures and distributes Nissan vehicles in the United States.
                                                                                                                                                  (Continued on next page)
LITHIUM-ION BATTERY COVERAGE                  new” condition with all 12 battery         ADJUSTMENT COVERAGE
   The lithium-ion battery coverage           capacity segments, but it will provide        Service adjustments not usually
   period is 96 months or 100,000 miles,      the vehicle with a capacity level             associated with the replacement
   whichever comes first. This warranty       of nine segments or more on the               of parts, such as wheel alignment,
   covers any repairs needed to correct       battery capacity level gauge.                 are covered only during the first 12
   defects in materials or workmanship        This Lithium-Ion Battery Capacity             months or 12,000 miles, whichever
   subject to the exclusions listed under     Coverage is subject to the exclusions         comes first.
   the heading “WHAT IS NOT COVERED”.         listed under the heading “WHAT IS          LIMITED 6 MONTH WARRANTY
LITHIUM-ION BATTERY CAPACITY                  NOT COVERED.”                              COVERAGE
COVERAGE                                    CORROSION COVERAGE (PERFORATION                 OE wiper blade inserts are covered
   In addition to the lithium-ion Battery   FROM CORROSION)                                 for the first six months of ownership.
   Coverage for defects in materials or       Any body sheet metal panel supplied        REFRIGERANT RECHARGE ONLY
   workmanship, the lithium-ion battery       by Nissan found to have developed          COVERAGE
   is also warranted against capacity         perforation (rust-through) due to
                                                                                           Refrigerant recharge not associated
   loss below nine segments as shown          corrosion in normal use is covered
                                                                                           with the repair or replacement of a
   on the vehicle’s battery capacity          for 60 months, regardless of mileage,
                                                                                           warranted part is covered only during
   level gauge for 96 months or 100,000       subject to the exclusions listed under
                                                                                           the first 12 months, regardless of the
   miles, whichever comes first.              the heading “WHAT IS NOT COVERED”.
   This warranty covers any repairs           No additional rust proofing
   needed to return battery capacity to       applications are required. Perforation   NO CHARGE
   a level of nine remaining segments         is a condition in which any body sheet   Warranty repairs will be made at no charge
   on the vehicle’s battery capacity          metal panel has corroded from one        for parts and/or labor (except for tires, in
   level gauge. If possible, the lithium-     surface through to another.              which case you may pay certain charges
   ion battery components will be           TOWING COVERAGE                            as noted above or as described in the
   repaired or replaced, and the original     If your vehicle is inoperative due       applicable tire warranty found later in this
   lithium-ion battery will be returned       to the failure of a warranted part,      booklet). Any needed parts replacement
   to the vehicle. If necessary, the          during any of the New Vehicle Limited    will be made using Genuine Nissan or
   lithium-ion battery will be replaced       warranties, including Emission and       Nissan approved new or remanufactured
   with a new, remanufactured or              Seatbelt warranties, towing service to   parts. Nissan reserves the right to make
   factory reconditioned lithium-ion          the nearest authorized Nissan LEAF       changes at any time, without notice, to
   battery. Any repair or replacement         certified dealer is covered.             production and service parts in their
   made under this Lithium-Ion Battery        Note: For additional information         specifications, colors, and materials,
   Capacity Coverage may not return           on towing please see Roadside            including those used in connection with
   your lithium-ion battery to an “as         Assistance.                              warranty repairs.
                                                                                                         (Continued on next page)
2018 NEW ELECTRIC VEHICLE LIMITED WARRANTY                                                 9
For this reason, when approved by Nissan        the customer, provided the work is done at     Misuse, such as overloading, using the
and at Nissan’s discretion, functionally        a Nissan LEAF certified dealer. Any damage     vehicle to tow, driving over curbs, or
equivalent replacement parts may be used        or failure resulting from a failure to have    using the vehicle as a power source
that do not exactly match the original          these required services performed, or          using equipment not authorized by
production part.                                that could have been avoided had these         Nissan for this purpose.
OBTAINING WARRANTY SERVICE                      services been performed, is not covered
                                                under warranty.
                                                                                               Failure of a component not covered by
  You must take the vehicle to an You
                                                You are also required to provide consent       Racing and competitive driving.
  must take the vehicle to an authorized
                                                to give Nissan access to data stored
  Nissan LEAF certified dealer in the                                                          Damage caused by car washes and
                                                on vehicle systems for the purpose of
  United States or Canada during regular                                                       pressure washers.
                                                vehicle diagnosis and repair. Failure to do
  business hours at your expense in order
                                                so is likely to result in denial of warranty   Theft, vandalism, fire, flooding, or
  to obtain warranty service. The names
                                                coverage.                                      immersion of battery in water or fluids.
  and addresses of authorized Nissan
  LEAF certified dealers are listed in          Evidence of the performance of the             Accident, collision, or being towed (Flat
  telephone directories.                        required maintenance should be kept and        bed recommended).
MAINTENANCE, DATA ACCESS,                       presented as proof of such maintenance         Repairs performed by anyone other
AND RECORDS                                     in connection with related warranty            than a Nissan LEAF certified dealer.
                                                repairs. To assist you in maintaining
As a condition of this warranty, you are        appropriate records, the maintenance log       Glass breakage, unless resulting from
responsible for properly using, maintaining     located in your NISSAN LEAF SERVICE &          defects in material or workmanship.
and caring for your vehicle as outlined in      MAINTENANCE GUIDE can be used along            Normal wear and tear, including dings,
your OWNER’S MANUAL and your NISSAN             with supporting repair invoices, receipts      dents, chips, or scratches.
LEAF SERVICE & MAINTENANCE GUIDE,               and other such records.
and maintaining copies of all maintenance                                                      Note: Complaints related to failure
records & receipts for review by Nissan. You    WHAT IS NOT COVERED                            to comply with proper use of the
are required to perform annual EV Battery       GENERAL EXCLUSIONS                             vehicle as described in the applicable
Usage Reports at intervals of 12 months,                                                       OWNER’S MANUAL (including the lack
                                                This warranty does not cover damage,           of availability or use of proper fluid), or
24 months, 36 months, 48 months, 60             failures or corrosion resulting from or
months, 72 months, and 84 months.                                                              the vehicle’s lack of compliance with
                                                caused by:                                     local regulations or environmental
These EV Battery Usage Reports can be
                                                  Failure to operate the vehicle in            requirements of any country (other than
performed by a Nissan LEAF certified
                                                  accordance with the OWNER’S MANUAL.          the U.S. or Canada) are NOT covered by
dealer or any qualified repair shop facility.
The 12 and 24 month EV Battery Usage                                                           this warranty.
Report will be performed at no charge to
                                                                                                              (Continued on next page)
DAMAGE OR FAILURES DUE TO                        Exposing a vehicle to ambient                 and limits specified in the LITHIUM-ION
ALTERATION OR MODIFICATION                       temperatures above 120F (49C) for over        BATTERY CAPACITY COVERAGE above. See
This warranty does not cover damage,             24 hours.                                     your OWNER’S MANUAL for important tips
failures or corrosion resulting from or          Storing a vehicle in temperatures below       on how to maximize the life and capacity of
caused by:                                       -13F (-25C) for over seven days.              the “Lithium-ion battery.”
   Alteration, tampering, or improper            Leaving your vehicle for over 14 days         DAMAGE, FAILURES OR CORROSION
   repair.                                       where the lithium-ion battery reaches a       FROM ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS
   Installation of non-Nissan approved           zero or near zero state of charge.            This warranty does not cover damage,
   accessories or components.                    Physically damaging the lithium-ion           failures or corrosion resulting from or
   Improper installation of any Nissan           battery or intentionally attempting to        caused by:
   approved after-market accessory or            reduce the life of the lithium-ion battery.      Stone chipping, chemical fallout (acid
   component.                                                                                     rain), tree sap, salt, hail, windstorm,
                                                 Exposing the lithium-ion battery to
   A vehicle whose odometer mileage has                                                           lightning, flood or other environmental
                                                 contact with a direct flame.
   been altered, or the odometer repaired                                                         conditions.
   or replaced and the actual vehicle            Immersing any portion of the lithium-ion         The items listed below are not covered
   mileage cannot be correctly and readily       battery in water or fluids.                      under corrosion coverage (perforation
   determined.                                   Opening the lithium-ion battery                  from corrosion).
SALVAGE TITLE                                    enclosure or having it serviced by                  Corrosion of outer trim parts, such as
                                                 someone other than a Nissan LEAF                    moldings. However, corrosion of outer
This limited warranty does not apply to any      certified technician.
vehicle, and is rendered void if the vehicle                                                         trim parts is warranted for 12 months
is (or ever has been) issued a “salvage” or      Neglecting to follow correct charging               or 12,500 miles, whichever comes
similar title under any state’s law; or has      procedures.                                         first.
ever been determined to be a “total loss”        Use of incompatible charging devices.               Corrosion other than perforation,
or equivalent by any insurance company,                                                              such as cosmetic or surface corrosion
                                                 Consequential damage caused by the                  due to defects in materials or
such as by payment of a cash payment             failure to repair an existing problem.
of claim in lieu of repairs because of a                                                             workmanship. This is covered under
determination that the cost of repairs         GRADUAL CAPACITY LOSS                                 the Basic Coverage of the New
exceeded the actual cash value of the          The lithium-ion battery (EV battery), like            Vehicle Limited Warranty.
vehicle.                                       all lithium-ion batteries, will experience            Special bodies or equipment not
LITHIUM-ION BATTERY                            gradual capacity loss with time and use.              manufactured or supplied by Nissan.
                                               Loss of battery capacity due to or resulting
This warranty does not cover damage or         from gradual capacity loss is NOT covered
failures resulting from or caused by:          under this warranty beyond the terms
                                                                                                                (Continued on next page)
DAMAGE, FAILURES OR CORROSION                 (See following pages for separate
DUE TO LACK OF OR IMPROPER                    warranties which may apply to your Nissan,
MAINTENANCE                                   such as those covering vehicle seat belts
This warranty does not cover damage,          and tires.)
failures or corrosion resulting from or
caused by:
  Lack of performance of proper
  maintenance services as outlined in your
  Use of improper or dirty fluids or
  Use of parts not equivalent in quality or
  design to parts supplied by Nissan.
  Failure of not having the EV Battery
  Usage Report required services
This warranty does not cover normal
maintenance services as specified in your
GUIDE such as cleaning and polishing,
wheel alignment, headlight aiming,
replacement of filters, replacement of
windshield wiper inserts, lubricants,
coolant, worn brake pads, drums and
Seat belts and tires are not covered by
this warranty, but are covered by separate
WHO IS THE WARRANTOR                                           LIMITATION OF WARRANTIES AND
Nissan1 warrants all parts of your 2018                        OTHER WARRANTY TERMS AND
Nissan vehicle seat belt system supplied by                    STATE LAW RIGHTS
                                                               EXTRA EXPENSES - LIMITATIONS OF
WHAT IS COVERED AND FOR HOW                                    DAMAGES
                                                               This warranty does not cover incidental
This warranty covers any Nissan supplied                       or consequential damages such as loss
seat belt or related component, that fails                     of the use of the vehicle, inconvenience
to function properly during normal use                         or commercial loss.
within ten (10) years of the date the vehicle
is delivered to the first retail buyer or put                  ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF
into service, whichever is earlier. Warranty                   MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A
repairs are free of charge for parts and                       PARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALL BE LIMITED
labor.                                                         TO THE DURATION OF THIS WRITTEN
You must take the vehicle to an authorized                     Some states do not allow the
LEAF dealer in the United States or Canada                     exclusion or limitation of incidental or
during regular business hours at your                          consequential damages or limitations on
expense in order to obtain warranty                            how long an implied warranty lasts, so
service.                                                       the above limitations or exclusions may
                                                               not apply to you. This warranty gives you
WHAT IS NOT COVERED                                            specific legal rights, and you may also
   Damage or failure due to misuse,                            have other rights which vary from state
   alteration, accident or collision damage.                   to state.
   (Proper use is outlined in your OWNER’S                     Nissan1 does not authorize any person
   MANUAL).                                                    to create for it any other warranty,
   Color fading, spotting or other cosmetic                    obligation or liability in connection with
   items when the belt is otherwise                            this vehicle.
   functioning properly.
   Air bags and related electronic control
   systems which are covered by the
   Powertrain warranty.
1 Nissan indicates Nissan North America, Inc., P.O. Box 685003, Franklin, TN 37068-5003 which manufactures and distributes Nissan vehicles in the United States.
BRIDGESTONE FIRESTONE TIRE LIMITED WARRANTY                                                           13
ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT                                 WHAT THE WARRANTY DOES NOT                          E. Improper repair. Improper repair
PASSENGER AND LIGHT TRUCK                          COVER                                                  voids this Limited Warranty.
TIRES INCLUDING RFT TIRES                          This Limited Warranty does not cover the            F. For RFT tires only, improper run-
WITH RUN-FLAT TECHNOLOGY                           following:                                             flat or low tire pressure operation,
ELIGIBILITY                                        1. Tire damage or irregular wear due to:
                                                                                                          including, without limitation:
                                                                                                          Exceeding speed, distance, or other
This Limited Warranty covers BRIDGESTONE              A. Road hazards, including, without                 run-flat/low pressure operation
and FIRESTONE brand passenger and light                  limitation: Puncture, cut, impact                limitations.
truck tires, including RFT and temporary                 break, stone drill, bruise, bulge, snag,   2. Rapid tread wear or wear-out. Original
spare tires, originally installed by the vehicle         etc.                                          equipment tires have no mileage
manufacturer on a new vehicle. You are                B. Improper use or operation, including,         warranty.
covered under the terms of this Limited                  without limitation: Improper
Warranty if the tire was produced after July                                                        3. Weather/ozone cracking after 4 years
                                                         inflation pressure, overloading, tire/        from date of tire manufacture.
4, 2004 (DOT serial 2704 or later) and has               wheel spinning, use of an improper
been used only on the vehicle on which it                                                           4. Ride disturbance or vibration after 1/32
                                                         wheel, tire chain damage, misuse,             inch (0.8 mm) of tread wear use.
was originally installed in noncommercial                misapplication, negligence, tire
service.                                                 alteration, or for racing or competition   5. Tires with sealant, balance, or other filler
                                                                                                       material that was not originally applied
WHAT IS WARRANTED AND FOR                                purposes.
                                                                                                       or inserted by the tire manufacturer.
HOW LONG                                              C. Insufficient or improper
                                                                                                    6. Tires used in commercial service.
Before wearing down to 2/32 inch (1.6 mm)                maintenance, including, without
                                                         limitation: Failure to rotate tires as     7. Tires purchased and normally used
remaining original tread depth (i.e. worn                                                              outside the United States and Canada.
down to the top of the built-in indicators in            recommended in this manual, wheel
                                                         misalignment, worn suspension              8. The cost of applicable federal, state, and
the tread grooves) and within 6 years from
                                                         components, improper tire mounting            local taxes.
the date of purchase (proof of purchase
date required; without proof of purchase                 or demounting, tire/wheel assembly         9. Failure to follow any of the safety and
date, then within 6 years from the date of               imbalance, or other vehicle conditions,       maintenance recommendations or
tire manufacture), for any reason other                  defects, or characteristics.                  warnings contained in this manual.
than those excluded in the section entitled           D. Contamination or degradation               This Limited Warranty is in addition to and/
“What This Limited Warranty Does Not                     by petroleum products or other             or may be limited by any other applicable
Cover,” any eligible tire that becomes                   chemicals, fire or other externally        written warranty you may have received
unusable for any reason within the                       generated heat, or water or other          concerning special tires or situations.
manufacturer’s control will be replaced                  material trapped inside the tire during
with an equivalent new tire on the basis set             mounting or inflation.
forth in this Limited Warranty.
                                                                                                                       (Continued on next page)
REPLACEMENT PRICE                               Consult a phone directory (often listed in       In accordance with Federal Law, this
Radial passenger and light truck tires          the Yellow Pages under “Tire Dealers” or the     Limited Warranty has been designated
adjusted under this Limited Warranty will       internet at www.bridgestonetire.com for          as a “Limited Warranty.” Nothing in this
be replaced free of charge during the first     the location nearest you.                        Limited Warranty is intended to be a
25% of tread wear or within 12 months from                                                       representation that tire failures cannot
                                                CONSUMER RIGHTS
the date of purchase (proof of purchase                                                          occur. This Limited Warranty is given in the
                                                This Limited Warranty gives you specific         United States by Bridgestone Firestone
date required; without proof of purchase        legal rights, and you may also have other
date, then within 12 months from the date                                                        North American Tire, LLC, 535 Marriott
                                                rights which vary from state to state or in      Dr., Nashville, TN 37214 and in Canada by
of tire manufacture), whichever occurs          Canada from province to province.
first. During the free replacement period,                                                       Bridgestone Firestone Canada Inc., 5770
mounting and balancing are included free        CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS                        Hurontario St., Suite 400, Mississauga,
of charge.                                      To the extent permitted by law,                  Ontario, Canada L5R 3G5.
To determine the replacement price after        Bridgestone Firestone North American             OWNER’S OBLIGATIONS
the free tire replacement period, the           Tire, LLC disclaims all other warranties,        In order to keep this Limited Warranty
percent of used tread wear is multiplied        including but not limited to the implied         valid, we require you to have your tires
by the current selling price for the            warranties of merchantability and fitness        regularly inspected and rotated per the
replacement tire(s). The appropriate taxes,     for a particular purpose and any liability for   vehicle OWNER’S MANUAL and to furnish
mounting, balancing, disposal fee, and          inconvenience, incidental, or consequential      proof of same in order to receive an
other service charges may be added to the       damages, loss of time, loss of vehicle           adjustment. Such proof should show the
adjustment replacement price.                   use or, inconvenience. Some states do            date, mileage, and servicing location. A
                                                not allow the exclusion or limitation of         sales receipt containing this information
In Canada, the tire will be adjusted at         incidental or consequential damages, so
dealerships (subject to dealer discretion) at                                                    will suffice. It is your obligation to maintain
                                                the above limitation or exclusion may not        proper tire inflation pressures as specified
a predetermined “Adjustment Price.”             apply to you.                                    by the vehicle manufacturer and to
REPLACEMENT WARRANTY                            This Limited Warranty applies only to            operate the vehicle within tire/vehicle
If you receive a replacement tire under this    consumers actually using the tire in the         load capacity and speed limitations. It is
Limited Warranty, it will be covered by the     United States and Canada. For warranty           also your obligation to maintain proper
manufacturer’s warranty, if any, given on       conditions outside the United States             wheel alignment and tire/wheel assembly
that tire at that time.                         and Canada, see your local Bridgestone           balance. To request an adjustment, you
WHERE TO GO                                     Firestone distributor.                           must present the tire to an authorized
                                                Obligations under this policy may not be         Bridgestone Firestone retailer. Complete
Tire adjustments under this Limited                                                              and sign the customer section of the
Warranty will only be made at an                enlarged or altered by anyone.
                                                                                                 Bridgestone Firestone North American Tire,
authorized Bridgestone Firestone retailer.
                                                                                                                   (Continued on next page)
BRIDGESTONE FIRESTONE TIRE LIMITED WARRANTY                                                    15
LLC Limited Warranty adjustment form and          award of the arbitrator(s) may be entered
pay appropriate replacement price, taxes,         as a judgment in any court of competent       SAFETY INFORMATION
disposal fee, and service charges, if any.        jurisdiction. The arbitrators will have       Any tire, no matter how well constructed,
ARBITRATION                                       no authority to award punitive or other       may fail in use as a result of punctures,
                                                  damages not measured by the prevailing        impact damage, improper inflation,
You and Bridgestone Firestone North               party’s actual damages, except as may be      overloading, or other conditions resulting
American Tire, LLC agree that all claims,         required by statute. Information may be       from use or misuse. Tire failure may
disputes, and controversies between               obtained and claims may be filed at any       create a risk of serious personal injury
you and it, including any of its agents,          office of the National Arbitration Forum or   or property damage. To reduce risk of
employees, successors, or assigns, arising        at P.O. Box 50191, Minneapolis, MN 55405.     tire failure, we strongly recommend you
out of or in connection with this Limited                                                       read and follow all safety information
Warranty, or any other warranties, express        THE WARRANTOR
                                                                                                contained in the Important Tire Safety
or implied, including a failure of warranty       The warrantor of Bridgestone and              Information section contained in this
and the validity of this arbitration clause,      Firestone tires is:                           booklet, the tire placard in the vehicle or
but excluding claims for personal injury          Bridgestone Firestone North American Tire     the OWNER’S MANUAL.
or property damage, shall be resolved by          LLC
binding arbitration between you and it,           535 Marriott Dr.
according to the formal dispute resolution        Nashville, TN 37214
procedures of the National Arbitration            Please contact Bridgestone Firestone for a
Forum, under the Code of Procedure then           copy of their “Tire Maintenance, Safety and
in effect. This arbitration will be conducted     Warranty Manual”
as a document hearing. If you request any
procedures beyond a document hearing,             For Customer Assistance:
you will be responsible for all fees, including   1-800-847-3272
filing and administrative fees, above and
beyond the fees required for document
hearings. The arbitration between you and
Bridgestone Firestone North American Tire,
LLC shall not include any other customers,
be combined or consolidated in any
fashion with arbitrations involving other
customers, or proceed in any form of class
action in which the claims of numerous
customers are considered together. Any
ABOUT THIS WARRANTY                              low tire pressure warning system, you are        device, and wheel. In the event of a loss
                                                 covered by this warranty. Please pay close       of tire air pressure, with this system you
As the original purchaser of a MICHELIN®
                                                 attention to the Owner’s Manual part of          can still carefully maneuver the vehicle
passenger or light truck tire, you
                                                 this booklet since it provides specific safety   at speeds up to 55 miles per hour, for a
are covered by all the benefits and
                                                 and maintenance information for your ZP          distance of up to 125 miles, even though a
conditions (subject to the maintenance
                                                 tires.                                           tire has lost all air! That means time to get
recommendations and safety warnings)
                                                 MICHELIN® Self-Supporting Zero Pressure          off the highway and get to a place where
contained in this booklet. To ensure your
                                                 (ZP) tires are part of a very sophisticated      the tire can be inspected, replaced, or
understanding of and compliance with
                                                 system which is designed to provide a very       possibly repaired and returned to service.
the terms and conditions of this warranty,
                                                 simple benefit: Peace of Mind. With these        That’s peace of mind!
please read it carefully. It is essential that
you also read and understand the safety          tires, you can maneuver the vehicle up to        WHAT IS COVERED AND FOR HOW
and maintenance recommendations for              50 miles (80 kilometers) at 55 mph (90 kph),     LONG
tires contained in this booklet.                 unless otherwise specified in your vehicle
                                                 owner’s manual, even though the tire has         Passenger and Light Truck Tires
Limited Mileage Warranty:                                                                         MICHELIN® Passenger and Light Truck
                                                 lost all air! That means time to exit from
MICHELIN passenger and light truck tires         the highway and get to a place where the         tires, used in normal service on the vehicle
– replacement and original equipment –           tire can be inspected, replaced, or possibly     on which they were originally fitted and
are covered by a limited mileage warranty        returned to service. The distance that can       in accordance with the maintenance
(hereafter referred to as limited warranty       safely be traveled following an air loss         recommendations and safety warnings
for treadwear). For the mileage warranty         incident will depend upon the conditions         contained in the attached owner’s manual,
associated with each tire line, please see       under which the vehicle is operating,            are covered by this warranty against
your Michelin tire retailer – or visit us at     the degree of air loss, the extent of the        defects in workmanship and materials for
www.michelinman.com/promise.                     damage causing the air loss, the ambient         the life of the original usable tread, or 6
Certain conditions and limitations apply.        temperature,the load, and the operating          years from the date of purchase, whichever
Mileage warranties vary by tire line and         speed of the vehicle. The fewer miles            occurs first. At that time, all warranties,
certain exclusions may apply.                    you travel after an air loss incident, the       express or implied, expire. The usable tread
                                                 greater the likelihood that the tire can be      is the original tread down to the level of
SELF-SUPPORTING TIRES                                                                             the tread wear indicators - 2/32nds of an
                                                 re-inflated (or, if punctured, repaired) and
Zero Pressure (ZP)                               returned to service.                             inch (1.6 mm) of tread remaining. Date of
As the purchaser of a MICHELIN® Self-            Pax System                                       purchase is documented by new vehicle
Supporting Zero Pressure (ZP) passenger                                                           registration or tire sales invoice. If no proof
                                                 The MICHELIN® PAX® System is a very              of purchase is available, coverage will be
tire, mounted on a vehicle approved for ZP
                                                 sophisticated system that includes the           based on the date of manufacture.
tires, equipped with a properly operating
                                                 tire, support ring and gel, pressure sensing
                                                                                                                    (Continued on next page)
MICHELIN TIRE LIMITED WARRANTY                                          17
Replacement will be made in accordance         promise. Some vehicles come from the                 the terms and conditions of the warranty,
with the terms and conditions described        vehicle manufacturer with “split fitments”           Michelin will replace the tires as described
under “How Replacement Charges are             – meaning different size tires on the                under “How Replacement Charges are
Calculated”.                                   front and rear axles. Because these tires            calculated”.
Note: your vehicle manufacturer may            cannot be rotated as recommended by                  Temporary Spares
provide additional tire warranty coverage      Michelin, the mileage warranty on each
                                               rear tire will cover half the number of              MICHELIN® temporary spare tires are
over and above what is provided by                                                                  covered by this warranty for 6 years from
Michelin. Consult your vehicle owner’s         miles as the standard mileage warranty
                                               for that particular tire design. Michelin            the date of purchase or until the first
manual for further information.                                                                     2/32nds of an inch (1.6 mm) of the original
                                               Self-Supporting Zero Pressure (ZP) tires
NOTE: Some MICHELIN® Self-Supporting           have the same mileage warranty as the                tread is worn off. Date of purchase is
Zero Pressure (ZP) tires can only be           standard tire line of which they are a part,         documented by new vehicle registration or
mounted on special SH-M (Symmetric             up to but not exceeding 30,000 miles. DOT-           tire sales invoice. If no proof of purchase is
Hump - Modified) wheels. These tires           approved competition tires (e.g., MICHELIN®          available, coverage will be based on date of
bear the special SH-M designation,             Pilot® Sport Cup tires) are excluded from            manufacture. At that time, all warranties,
molded into the sidewall of the tire, next     any mileage warranty. MICHELIN® Winter               express or implied, expire.
to the ZP designation. DO NOT MOUNT
                                               tires must be used during winter months              WHAT IS NOT COVERED
                                               only, defined as a period beginning on
ON THE SIDEWALL ON A STANDARD                                                                       Tires which become unserviceable due to:
                                               or after September 1st of a given year
WHEEL. DOING SO VOIDS THIS LIMITED             and ending no later than April 30th of                 Road hazard injury (e.g., a cut, snag,
WARRANTY AND COULD CAUSE THE TIRE              the following year. MICHELIN winter tires              bruise, impact damage, or puncture);
TO BECOME UNSERVICEABLE AT LOW OR              require documentation of the timing of the             Incorrect mounting of the tire, tire/wheel
ZERO PRESSURE, RESULTING IN SERIOUS            installation and removal of the tires each             imbalance, or improper repair;
PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH.                      winter to maintain coverage under the
                                                                                                      Misapplication, improper maintenance,
Treadwear – Mileage Warranty Coverage          limited warranty for treadwear.
                                                                                                      racing, underinflation, overinflation or
for MICHELIN® Passenger and Light Truck        An important reminder:                                 other abuse;
                                               No tire manufacturer can guarantee you a               Uneven or rapid wear which is caused
MICHELIN® passenger and light truck tires      certain number of miles from a given tire.             by mechanical irregularity in the vehicle
are covered by a manufacturer’s limited        Driving habits, driving conditions, road               such as wheel misalignment (a measured
warranty for treadwear. For the mileage        conditions, and vehicle maintenance all                tread difference of 2/32nds of an inch
warranty associated with a specific tire       play a part in the tread life of a tire. If a tire     (1.6 mm) or more across the tread on the
line, please see your Michelin tire retailer   does not reach the warranted mileage, and              same tire);
or visit us at www.michelinman.com/            the owner of the tires has complied with

                                                                                                                      (Continued on next page)
  Accident, fire, chemical corrosion, tire    When more than 2/32nds of an inch (1.6            adjustment location or the price of the
  alteration, or vandalism;                   mm) of original tread has been worn               tire in the current Michelin Base Price List,
  Use in commercial applications for          (or more than 25%, whichever is more              whichever is lower. This list is based on
  treadwear; by this warranty for 6 years;    beneficial to the user) or after 12 months        a predetermined price intended to fairly
                                              from the date of purchase, you must pay           represent the actual selling price of the tire.
  Flat spotting caused by improper            the cost of a comparable new MICHELIN®            You pay the cost of mounting, balancing
  storage or brake-lock;                      passenger or light truck replacement              and any other dealer services and
  The addition of liquid, solid or gaseous    tire on a pro rata basis. The retailer will       applicable taxes.
  materials other than air, nitrogen, or      determine the charge by multiplying               Tires which wear out evenly before
  carbon dioxide (e.g. waterbase sealers or   the percentage of the original usable             delivering the warranted mileage will be
  balancing substances).                      tread worn, by the current selling price          replaced on a pro rata basis only if:
  Cosmetic ozone or weather cracking;         at the adjustment location or the price
                                              in the current MICHELIN® Base Price List,         1 You are the original purchaser of the
  Use of MICHELIN Self-Supporting Zero        whichever is lower. This list is based on            tires, you own the vehicle on which they
  Pressure (AP) tires without a properly      a predetermined price intended to fairly             were originally installed, and the tires
  operating low air pressure warning          represent the actual selling price of the tire.      have been used only on that vehicle;
  system.                                                                                       2 The tires have been rotated and
                                              You pay the cost of mounting, balancing
HOW REPLACEMENT CHARGES                       and any other service charges and                    inspected by a participating MICHELIN®
ARE CALCULATED                                applicable taxes.                                    tire retailer every 7,500 miles, and the
                                                                                                   attached Mounting and Rotation Service
Passenger and Light Truck Tires               Treadwear                                            Record has been fully completed and
A tire which becomes unserviceable due to     A tire meeting the conditions for pro                signed;
a condition covered by this workmanship       rata replacement, which wears evenly              3 The completed Service Record form,
and materials limited warranty will           across the tread, down to the tread                  Original Owner/Tire Installation
be replaced with a comparable new             wear indicators (2/32nds of an inch                  Information form, and the Original
MICHELIN® tire, free of charge, when          tread remaining) within 6 years of the               Invoice are presented to a participating
2/32nds of an inch (1.6 mm) or less of        date of purchase, and before delivering              Michelin tire retailer at the time of
the original tread is worn, (or 25% or        the warranted miles of service, will                 adjustment claim; and
less, whichever is more beneficial to the     be replaced with a comparable new
user) and within 12 months of the date of     MICHELIN® tire based on mileage received.         4 The tires have not become unserviceable
purchase. Mounting and balancing of the       The participating MICHELIN® tire retailer            due to a condition listed under “WHAT IS
tire is included.                             will determine the charge by multiplying             NOT COVERED”.
You pay the cost of any other service         the percent of mileage received by
charges and applicable taxes.                 the current actual selling price at the
                                                                                                                  (Continued on next page)
MICHELIN TIRE LIMITED WARRANTY                               19
WHAT YOU MUST DO WHEN                              No Michelin representative, employee or
MAKING A CLAIM                                     retailer has the authority to make or imply
                                                   any representation, promise or agreement,
When making a claim under the terms of             which in any way varies from the terms of        SAFETY WARNING
this limited warranty, you must present
your tire(s) to a participating Michelin
                                                   this warranty.                                   DISREGARDING ANY OF THE SAFETY
retailer. The vehicle on which the tires were      This warranty applies only in the United         PRECAUTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS
used must be available for inspection.             States and Canada.                               CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL
Michelin tire retailers are listed in the yellow   SAFETY MAINTENANCE                               MAY RESULT IN TIRE FAILURE OR
pages under “Tire Dealers-Retail”. Personal        INFORMATION                                      EXPLOSION CAUSING SERIOUS
identification (i.e. Driver’s License, Credit      Read your Tire Owner’s Manual, the               PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH.
Card, etc.) and vehicle registration may be        information on the sidewall of your tires,
required.                                          your vehicle owner’s manual and vehicle
You pay service charges for normal                 tire information placard for essential safety
vehicle and tire maintenance.                      and maintenance information.
CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS                          When service is required:
This limited warranty does not provide             1. Contact a participating Michelin tire
compensation for loss of time, loss of use            retailer listed in your local yellow pages.
of vehicle, inconvenience or incidental or         2. If additional assistance in locating a
consequential damages.                                participating Michelin tire retailer is
Tires presented for claim remain the                  required, please call the phone number
property of the consumer and Michelin                 listed for your area on page 21.
accepts no responsibility for loss or
damage to tires which are in the custody
or control of a Michelin tire retailer for
the purpose of inspection for warranty
In the event of a disputed claim, the
consumer must make the tire available
for further inspection.
Tires accepted for claim become the
property of Michelin North America, Inc.
                                                                                                                (Continued on next page)
ARBITRATION CLAUSE                             limited to claims for consumer fraud or        to judicial review. All arbitrations will be
                                               brought under any consumer protection          conducted as document hearings. Each
                                               statute, but excluding claims for personal     party shall bear its own costs arising from
ALL CLAIMS ARISING FROM THIS LIMITED           injury or property damage, shall be finally    and associated with the document hearing
WARRANTY OR THE MARKETING, SALE                resolved solely by arbitration, upon           with the exception of the arbitrator’s
OR PERFORMANCE OF THE PURCHASED                election by either party, according to the     fee which will be borne by all parties in
PRODUCT AGAINST MICHELIN NORTH                 formal dispute resolution procedures then      equal shares. If either party requests any
AMERICA, INC. AND ITS AGENTS,                  in effect of the National Arbitration Forum,   procedures beyond a document hearing,
EMPLOYEES, DEALERS, AFFILIATES, PARENT         or if the National Arbitration Forum is no     the requesting party will be responsible for
OR SISTER CORPORATIONS, RELATED                longer conducting such arbitrations, a         all fees, including filing and administrative
CORPORATE ENTITIES, PREDECESSORS,              successor organization thereto or such         fees, above and beyond the fees required
SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS (HEREINAFTER             other private arbitration service as you       for document hearings. Any award of the
COLLECTIVELY “MICHELIN”) SHALL BE              and Michelin North America, Inc. shall         arbitrator(s) may be entered as a judgment
SUBJECT TO BINDING ARBITRATION.                mutually agree (the actual authority           and shall be enforceable in any court of
You and Michelin acknowledge your              involved, the “Arbitral Body”). The Arbitral   competent jurisdiction. The arbitrators
and its right to litigate claims, disputes     Body shall decide the issues submitted         will have no authority to award punitive
and controversies arising out of or in         in accordance herewith, provided that          or other damages not measured by the
connection with this limited warranty or       all substantive questions of law will be       prevailing party’s actual damages, except
the marketing, sale or performance of the      determined under the laws of the State         as may be required by statute. Information
purchased product in court, but prefer         in which you purchased the product at          about arbitration may be obtained and
to resolve any such claims, disputes and       issue. You agree that no claim subject to      claims may be filed at any office of the
controversies through arbitration and          arbitration shall be arbitrated as a class     National Arbitration Forum or at P.O. Box
hereby waive the right to litigate such        action, or on a classwide or representative    50191, Minneapolis, MN 55405.
claims, disputes and controversies in court    basis, or on behalf of the general public,     REMEMBER... TO AVOID DAMAGE TO YOUR
upon election of arbitration by either         or on behalf of other persons that may         TIRES AND POSSIBLE ACCIDENT:
party. Therefore, you and Michelin agree       be similarly situated. You agree that you
that all claims, disputes, and controversies   do not have the right to act as a private        CHECK TIRE PRESSURE AT LEAST ONCE
between you and Michelin arising out of or     attorney general, a class representative,        EACH MONTH WHEN TIRES ARE COLD
in connection with this limited warranty, or   or to participate as a member of a class         AND BEFORE LONG TRIPS.
any other warranties, express or implied,      of claimants with any claim subject to           DO NOT UNDERINFLATE/OVERINFLATE.
including a failure of warranty, or any        arbitration. You further agree that no claim     DO NOT OVERLOAD.
claims arising out of or in connection with    subject to arbitration shall be heard by a
the marketing, sale or performance of          jury and that any judgment or award of the       DRIVE AT MODERATE SPEEDS, OBSERVE
the purchased product, including but not       Arbitral Body will be final and not subject      LEGAL LIMITS.

                                                                                                               (Continued on next page)
  AVOID DRIVING OVER POTHOLES,                 or visit:
  OBSTACLES, CURBS OR EDGES OF                 www.michelinman.com
                                               IN CANADA
  MICHELIN® TIRE RETAILER AT ONCE.             Michelin North America (Canada) Inc.
   IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. CONTACT          3020 Jacques-Bureau Avenue
   YOUR MICHELIN TIRE RETAILER.                Laval, Quebec
                                               H7P 6G2
RECOMMENDED PRECAUTIONS                        or visit:
CONTAINED IN THIS OWNER’S MANUAL               www.michelin.ca
If you see any damage to your tires or
wheels, contact your local participating
Michelin® tire retailer listed in the Yellow
Pages, or visit our web site listed below
for dealer locations. If further assistance
is required, contact:
or write:
Michelin North America, Inc.
Attention: Consumer Care Department
Post Office Box 19001
Greenville, SC 29602-9001
You can also read