2018 Melbourne to Noumea Yacht Race - Notice of Race OCEAN RACING - Ocean Racing Club of Victoria

Page created by Leo Robinson
2018 Melbourne to Noumea Yacht Race - Notice of Race OCEAN RACING - Ocean Racing Club of Victoria

Notice of Race
2018 Melbourne to Noumea
Yacht Race


2018 Melbourne to Noumea Yacht Race - Notice of Race OCEAN RACING - Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Welcome to the Noumea Yacht Race
New Caledonia, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands -
this is a truly beautiful part of the world. After Past
Commodore George Shaw visited Vanuatu on a
cruise, a new ocean race, the Melbourne to Vanuatu,
was proposed to introduce other sailors to this para-
dise on Earth.                                                                           New Caledonia

In 2006, the ORCV held the inaugural Melbourne to                                            Noumea
Vanuatu race – and what a race it was! There are still
people talking about it at various clubs now. To help
participants prepare themselves, the ORCV ran an ex-
tensive set of seminars covering all aspects of long dis-
tance ocean sailing. Topics covered included Health,
Provisioning, Sail Repairs, Search and Rescue, Salvage,
Customs and Quarantine.
The race was successfully run again in 2010 and 2014
along with the very popular preparation seminars.
As the ORCV committee considered a date for the next
Melbourne to Vanuatu race, it was noted that 2018         Melbourne
would also be the next Melbourne to Osaka event. It
was also noted that both CYCA and RQYS were plan-
ning races to Noumea! Why not make it three co-ordi- In support of the race participants, the ORCV will again
nated races and we get a new destination!            be running the training and preparation seminar series
Boat owners are invited to join us for the race to in conjunction with the Melbourne to Osaka event par-
Noumea. Which fleet will be the first into Noumea? ticipants. Watch out for details on the ORCV web site
Will it be a Melbourne boat, a Sydney boat or one of (www.orcv.org.au).
those from sunny Queensland?
The Melbourne to Noumea race is destined to be-
come a classic!

2                                                                            Ocean Racing Club of Victoria Inc
2018 Melbourne to Noumea Yacht Race - Notice of Race OCEAN RACING - Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Notice of Race
The 2018 Melbourne to Noumea Yacht Race will be conducted on the waters of Port
Phillip, Bass Strait and the South Pacific Ocean. Owners of eligible yachts are invited
to enter this race under the conditions of this Notice of Race. The race is organised and
conducted by the Ocean Racing Club of Victoria (ORCV) in conjunction with the Cercle
Nautique Calédonien (CNC).
                                                                tice of Race. Amendments will be published on
1. The Race                                                     the event website (www.orcv.org.au).
1.1   The warning signal for the race will be displayed
                                                         2.3    The Sailing Instructions will be issued through
      at 1355 Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
                                                                the ORCV website (www.orcv.org.au) prior to 1
      on Tuesday, 29 May 2018, subject to the decision
                                                                April 2018.
      of the Race Committee.
                                                         2.4    ORCV will appoint an International Jury in ac-
1.2   This is a Category 1 race starting from Portsea in
                                                                cordance with RRS Appendix N.
      Victoria, Australia and finishing at Noumea, New
      Caledonia, a distance of approximately 1,540 2.5          By entering this race, the owner of a yacht agrees
      nautical miles.                                           that this Notice of Race (including amendments)
                                                                and the entry form, the rules and regulations re-
1.3   The race is a non-stop event. Any yachts de-
                                                                ferred to in paragraph 2.1 and the Sailing Instruc-
      termined to have received outside assistance
                                                                tions shall be complied with by the yacht and by
      may have a penalty of up to 30% added to their
                                                                the owner or charterer.
      elapsed time.
1.4   A yacht may start up to four days after its official 3.   Categories and Divisions
      start time provided it can satisfy the ORCV that 3.1      The 2018 Melbourne to Noumea Yacht Race will
      there were compelling reasons that prevented it           include both Fully Crewed and Double-Handed
      from starting at the official starting time. In the       with racing conducted under the three handi-
      event that the ORCV accepts such a late start,            cap categories but not including non-spinnaker
      the elapsed time for such yachts shall be taken           and short-handed ratings:
      from the time of the official start for that yacht.
                                                                • IRC
2. Rules                                                        • AMS
                                                                • Performance
2.1   The race will be governed by the current ver-
      sions of :                                    3.2         The Race Committee, at its discretion may allocate
                                                                yachts to divisions within a handicap category.
      • The 2017-2020 Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS)
        of World Sailing (WS), together with the pre- 3.3       All yachts entered in a handicap category will
        scriptions and safety regulations of Australian         be scored in the combined overall result for that
        Sailing (AS);                                           category as well as in its individual divisions.
      • The Special Regulations of the Ocean Racing 3.4         Where fewer than 5 entries are received for a
        Club of Victoria (ORCV);                                handicap category, the Race Committee re-
                                                                serves the right to reallocate those yachts to an-
      • Where applicable, the rules and regulations
                                                                other handicap category.
        of the Australian Measurement System (AMS)
        and the IRC Rules Parts A, B and C shall apply; 3.5     Subject to Clause 3.1, a yacht may enter any
                                                                handicap category for which it is eligible and
      • The International Regulations for the Preven-
                                                                any combination of those handicap categories
        tion of Collisions at Sea;
                                                                within the division.
      Except as amended by this Notice of Race and
      the Sailing Instructions for this race.
2.2   The ORCV reserves the right to amend this No-

2018 Melbourne to Noumea Yacht Race Notice of Race (V1.00 Final)                                                 3
2018 Melbourne to Noumea Yacht Race - Notice of Race OCEAN RACING - Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
4. Eligibility                                                   2018. Entries received after that date and before
                                                                 12 May 2018 will attract a late entry fee. Applica-
4.1   The races are open to monohull yachts of a thor-           tions received after 12 May 2018 will be consid-
      oughly seaworthy nature, which are entered by              ered by the ORCV but may not be accepted.
      a member of a yacht club recognised by a Yacht-
      ing Authority.                                   5.3       Each yacht shall submit to the ORCV, no later
                                                                 than 12 May 2018, the documentation listed in
4.2   In addition to the requirements of AS Safety Cat-          Appendix E Entry Documentation.
      egory 1, yachts shall comply with the require-
      ments in Appendix B Additional Requirements.               Privacy Note: Personal information about crew
                                                                 members is contained in crew lists. That infor-
4.3   Each yacht shall comply with the Stability Criteria        mation is obtained for use in search and rescue
      of the AS Special Regulations Part 1 Appendix B            situations and for media purposes.
      (referred to in Appendix A Stability Requirements
      of this NOR).                                       5.4    The ORCV is not obliged to accept an applica-
                                                                 tion for entry.
4.4   The ORCV may require re-measurement of any
      yacht prior to the yacht racing.                     5.5   The items listed in paragraph 5.3 may be accept-
                                                                 ed after the closing date at the discretion of the
4.5   The crew of each yacht must meet the eligibility           ORCV, subject to a request for late acceptance
      requirements listed in Appendix D Crew Eligibility         being made to the ORCV in writing, accompa-
      Requirements.                                              nied by the specified Late Documentation Fee.
4.6   A decision of the ORCV or the Race Committee 5.6           In accordance with RRS 76.1 the ORCV will reject
      as to any matter under this paragraph (4), includ-         or cancel the entry of a yacht that does not com-
      ing as to whether a yacht and her crew meet the            ply with the conditions of this Notice of Race.
      eligibility criteria for entry in the race, is final and
      binding and will not be grounds for a request for 5.7      Documentation supplied to or held by the ORCV
      redress.                                                   under this Notice of Race (other than crew lists
                                                                 and rating certificates) shall not be changed (ex-
5. Application For Entry                                         cept to correct errors or after protest) after 1700
                                                                 on 26 May 2018.
5.1   An application must be made via the ORCV on-
      line entry system at www.orcv.org.au.        5.8           A yacht’s rating certificate shall not be changed
                                                                 after 1700 on 28 May 2018 except as a result of
5.2   A completed application for entry shall be re-             a rating protest or to correct a rating office error.
      ceived by the ORCV by 1200 hours on 5 April

4                                                                                  Ocean Racing Club of Victoria Inc
5.9   A yacht’s crew list may be changed to correct                                     shortened.
      errors, to reflect late crew changes or after pro- 7.2                            The scoring system will not be subject to protest
      test but shall not be changed later than 24 hours                                 or dispute (amends RRS 60.1 and 62.1(a)).
      prior to the starting signal. After any change to
      a crew list, the yacht shall still satisfy the general 8.                         Trophies
      requirements of paragraph 4.5. Changes to the
      crew or details of any crew member shall be noti- 8.1                             Trophies will be awarded for:
      fied on Crew List forms available from the ORCV.                                  • Line Honours

6. Fees                                                                                 • Overall Winner on corrected time, awarded to
                                                                                          winner of the primary category
6.1   Race fees shall be paid by credit card, cheque or
      bank transfer on submission of the entry form or                                     The Primary Category is defined as the meas-
      late documentation, as appropriate. All fees are                                     urement category with the larger number
      in Australian Dollars (AUD) and include Austral-                                     of entries. In the event that there are equal
      ian Goods and Services Tax (a tax invoice will be                                    numbers of entries in AMS and IRC then IRC
      issued on request).                                                                  will be the primary category.

6.2   Race Entry                                                                        • Second and Third on corrected time in the
                                                                                          primary category
      All fees are for the race and allow for multiple
      handicap categories.                                                              • First, Second and Third on corrected time
                                                                                          within each of the remaining handicap cat-
      Race Entry Fee  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . $800           egories and within each division subject to
      Additional Late Entry Fee .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . $300                   entries
      Additional Late Documentation Fee .  .  .  .  . $350
                                                                                  8.2   All trophies, including any perpetual trophy, are
      ORCV and CNC members will receive a 15% dis-                                      awarded subject to sufficient entries in the par-
      count on the race entry fees.                                                     ticular category and division as follows:
6.3   Crew Fees                                                                         • Fewer than seven entries, no 3rd place trophy
      Crew Fees are payable for each crew member.                                         is awarded.
      ORCV or CNC Members .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . $100                    • Fewer than five entries, no 2nd or 3rd place tro-
      Non-Members  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . $160              phies are awarded.
6.4   Refund Policy                                                                     • Fewer than three entries, there is no race for
                                                                                          that handicap category and no trophies are
      The ORCV wishes to encourage entry to its                                           awarded for the category and division.
      events. However, races are expensive to organ-
      ise and run, requiring a cancellation fee to be                                   • Line honours follow the same rules except all
      charged to cover administration costs.                                              yachts sailing the same course are counted
                                                                                          regardless of handicap categories.
      A cancellation fee will apply where an entry to
      an event is cancelled within seven days of the 8.3                                The Date and Time of the Race trophy presenta-
      event. For Category 1 yacht races, the cancella-                                  tion ceremony will be advised in the Sailing In-
      tion fee is $200.                                                                 structions.
      In addition, any costs that the Organising Au- 8.4                                Unique and special trophies have been designed
      thority have incurred for crew merchandise, e.g.                                  and produced for Line Honours and first place re-
      shirts, caps, etc., will be charged if they have                                  cipients. The trophies are designed to encompass
      been incurred before the entry is cancelled.                                      multiple awards and as such are to be returned to
                                                                                        complete engraving after presentation.
      When cancelling an entry, please provide ac-
      count details (BSB, A/C Number) for refunding                               9. Changes To Rules
      the entry fee balance.
                                                                                  9.1   Changes to the IRC Rules
7. Scoring                                                                              IRC Rule 26.1.5(e): A spare mainsail may be carried
7.1   Prorated positions may be used to determine a                                     as a bona fide replacement for a mainsail dam-
      result for the race in the event that the race is                                 aged during the race. If used, this sail must not
2018 Melbourne to Noumea Yacht Race Notice of Race (V1.00 Final)                                                                         5
improve the performance or rating of the yacht.            breach of rule 55.
      IRC Rule In accordance with a prescrip-          RRS 78.2: Valid rating/class certificates shall be
      tion by Australian Sailing, a yacht in the IRC             produced by the due date specified in this No-
      Handicap Category may carry one more spin-                 tice of Race.
      naker than shown on the yacht’s IRC Certificate 9.3        Changes to Category 1 Special Regulations.
      without an increase of rating.
                                                                 Subject to the outcome of a request for dispen-
9.2   Changes to the Racing Rules of Sailing                     sation currently under consideration by Austral-
      RRS 41: While racing, yachts may utilise weather           ian Sailing, boats having an HF radio shall use
      information that is routinely available throughout         that for race sign-on and all position reporting
      the year to the general public without charge and          schedules. Boats not having an HF radio may
      whose availability is publicly indexed. For example,       use a satellite phone in lieu of the HF radio but:
      yachts may NOT arrange for routers or meteorolo-            • They must demonstrate speed dialing capa-
      gists to provide them with advice, custom data or             bility to both AMSA and the Race Director,
      compilations of public data during the race, no
      matter how that information is communicated.                • It must be rechargeable during racing and at-
                                                                    tached to the yacht, and
      Boats may receive regularly scheduled weather
      broadcasts or weather fax transmissions (e.g.               • They must have a fully functional DSC VHF
      from the Bureau of Meteorology Australia).                    radio with the yacht’s own MMSI number
                                                                    configured and a GPS receiver connected for
      Boats may use any means to retrieve data from                 position information.
      the Internet provided that the data is intended
      for public use without charge, is routinely avail- 10.Tracking Devices
      able free throughout the year and is publicly in-
      dexed (e.g. can be found via Google).                10.1 A yacht may be required to carry a tracking de-
                                                                vice supplied by the Organising Authority.
      Prior to a yacht’s Warning Signal, there is no limi-
      tation on private services or any other source of 10.2 A yacht on which such a unit fails or ceases to
      data or consulting, except that a yacht that has          operate will be required to provide additional
      not started may not provide weather informa-              position reports by radio in accordance with the
      tion to another yacht that has started.                   Sailing Instructions.

      RRS 50.2 and 50.3: Fixed and retractable spinna- 10.3 A yacht that interferes with the normal operation of
      ker poles and bowsprits will be permitted for the         a tracking device or fails to comply with an Organis-
      purpose of setting asymmetrical spinnakers.               ing Authority request in regard to tracking devices
                                                                will be subject to protest by the Race Committee.
      RRS 51: A yacht with movable ballast or variable
      ballast (within the meaning of those terms in the 10.4 An owner or charterer shall be solely responsi-
      Special Regulations) may move that ballast for            ble for the loss of or damage to a tracking device
      the purpose of changing trim or stability.                supplied by the Organising Authority for the pe-
                                                                riod it is carried on board.
      RRS 52: A shall be modified:
       • to allow self-steering equipment to be used 11.Briefings
         by yachts sailing Double-Handed,                  11.1 A compulsory pre-race briefing for entrants will
       • to allow the adjustment of movable water               be held on Sunday, 27 May 2018 at 1400 at RBYC
         ballast or canting keels on any yacht,                 Melbourne. At least three crew members from
                                                                each yacht, including the skipper or sailing mas-
       • to allow use of stored power for the adjust-           ter, shall attend this briefing.
         ment of movable water ballast or canting
         keels on any yacht, and                           11.2 Any yacht that fails to be represented at this
                                                                briefing and has not made alternative arrange-
       • to allow use of stored power for the operation         ments with the Race Director may be subject to
         and adjustment of sails on a yacht.                    protest by the Race Committee.
      RRS 55: The rule is changed by adding the fol- 11.3 A weather briefing will be provided at Blaigow-
      lowing sentence to the rule: However, discarding          rie Yacht Squadron on the morning prior to the
      bands when setting a sail will not be considered a
6                                                                                     Ocean Racing Club of Victoria Inc
start. Two crew members from each yacht must              bourne until 7 days after the yacht arrives in
     attend this briefing.                                     Noumea or on leaving Noumea whichever is
12.Safety reporting
12.1 The Sailing Instructions will require that, in addi- 14.Trademarks & Copyright
     tion to scheduled position reports, yachts report 14.1 “M2N” and “Melbourne to Noumea Yacht Race”
     by radio, text or email when they pass latitudes        are trademarks of the Ocean Racing Club of Vic-
     or longitudes listed below and make a declara-          toria and the use of the trademarks is absolutely
     tion confirming their time of passing as well as        restricted and limited to use by or with the con-
     the following:                                          sent of the ORCV.
      ‚‚ Both the HF radio (except where dispensa- 14.2 This document is Copyright © Ocean Racing
         tion may apply) and satellite phone are op-    Club of Victoria 2018. All enquiries to:
         erational                                         Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
      ‚‚ Liferaft and all essential safety equipment is    27/91 Moreland Street
         on board                                          FOOTSCRAY VIC 3011
      ‚‚ Engine and batteries are operational
      ‚‚ Boat and crew are in a satisfactory condition    15.Sponsorship & Signage
         to continue
                                                          15.1 A yacht shall display any sponsor’s materials pro-
      ‚‚ The skipper has comprehensively consid-               vided by the ORCV, which may include boom
         ered the most current weather forecast and            decals, bow decals and backstay flags, in accord-
         the yacht and crew are fully prepared for the         ance with this Notice of Race and the Sailing In-
         conditions forecast.                                  structions (ISAF Regulation 20.3.1(d)).
     Latitudes and Longitudes requiring these reports 15.2 Entrants may be supplied with race flags bear-
     are: 150° East and the first of either 31° South or   ing the event logo or a sponsor’s name, which
     159° East.                                            should be flown in the vicinity of the yacht’s
12.2 Boats which are not recorded as having met the        backstay.
     reporting requirements above may be disquali- 15.3 Flags should be flown from at least 0800 on the
     fied (amends RRS 63.1).                               day of the yacht’s start time and flown again af-
12.3 Boats that make a false report will be subject to     ter finishing and before berthing in Noumea and
     action by the Race Committee in accordance            should remain hoisted whenever in port.
     with RRS 60.2(c).
                                                          16.Media Rights And Restrictions
13.Event Classification & Adver-                          16.1 It is a condition of entry that the owner of the
                                                               yacht and all crew members:
                                                                • acknowledge that the ORCV owns all media
13.1 Advertising on a yacht shall comply with the re-
                                                                  rights to the Melbourne to Noumea Yacht
     quirements of WS Regulation 20 (WS Advertising
                                                                  Race and may exercise those rights as it sees
     Code) for Category C. The ORCV may decline to
     accept an application for entry of a yacht which,
     in its opinion, is carrying advertising which con-         • grant the ORCV the unconditional, perpetual
     flicts with governmental regulations. If in doubt,           right and authority to publish and broadcast
     the ORCV should be consulted as soon as prac-                anywhere in the world, for any purpose and in
     ticable.                                                     any media, the names, images and biographi-
                                                                  cal information relating to the crew and pho-
13.2 An application for entry shall contain brief de-
                                                                  tographs, video footage and audio record-
     tails of all advertising that a yacht intends to
                                                                  ings taken of the yacht and its crew prior to,
     carry. The ORCV shall be advised of all changes
                                                                  during and after the race.
     to that advertising.
13.3 The advertising rules apply from 0700 on the 16.2 Crew members of yachts may, prior to, during
                                                        and after the race, speak or provide material to
     morning of the yacht’s official start time in Mel-

2018 Melbourne to Noumea Yacht Race Notice of Race (V1.00 Final)                                               7
any media representatives accredited by the             this and release the ORCV, RBYC, BYS, CNC and
     ORCV, regarding the race and the prospects, per-        their respective officers, employees, volunteers
     formance or strategy of yachts entered or partici-      and members, from all liability by entering their
     pating in the race, subject to any comments and         names on the crew list.
     material not undermining or interfering with, or        Specific attention is drawn to RRS Fundamental
     having a detrimental impact on, the ORCV and            Rule 4, which states:
     its officers and employees, the Race Committee,
     the Protest Committee, measurers or current or            “The responsibility for a boat’s decision to partici-
     former sponsors of the ORCV. This approval may            pate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone”
     be revoked by the ORCV in respect of a yacht or
     media representative at any time.                    18.Mooring Arrangements
16.3 Entrants acknowledge and accept the media 18.1 Melbourne: Interstate and overseas entrants
     restrictions referred to in this paragraph (16) by   should contact ORCV at least 4 weeks prior to ar-
     submitting the entry form.                           rival in Melbourne if they wish to have moorings
16.4 Any breach of these conditions may, at the dis-
     cretion of the ORCV or the Race Committee, lead 18.2 Portsea: Moorings at Blairgowrie for the night
     to the rejection of an entry, the cancellation of    of 28 May 2018 will be coordinated with BYS by
     an entry or the disqualification of a yacht (refer   ORCV.
     RRS 76.1). This does not limit the right of the 18.3 Noumea: As directed by CNC Officials after the
     ORCV to take any other action it sees fit to en-     finish.
     force compliance with these conditions.

     All those taking part in the race do so at their
     own risk and responsibility. Crew acknowledge

8                                                                             Ocean Racing Club of Victoria Inc
Appendix A Stability Requirements
The requirements specified in this appendix apply to all yachts intending to enter regardless of
the handicap category in which they intend to enter.
Resistance To Capsize                                      Falsified Documentation
A yacht shall provide evidence as follows to demon- Competitors found to be falsifying documentation,
strate that it achieves not less than:                    deliberately invalidating certificates or otherwise mis-
 • an ORCi Stability Index of 115 or greater for the leading the race committee with regard to stability
   configuration in which the yacht proposes to race, of their yacht are subject to action under RRS 69.1. If
                                                          found guilty the penalty could include disqualifica-
                                                          tion. The incident would also be reported to Austral-
 • International Standard ISO 12217-2 Design Cat- ian Sailing.
   egory A, except that the STIX number shall be in-
                                                          A determination by the Organising Authority or the Race
   creased to a minimum of 35.
                                                          Committee as to the suitability of supplied documenta-
Certificate Currency                                      tion in demonstrating a yacht’s compliance with the sta-
                                                          bility requirements, as to whether there is a satisfactory
A yacht without a current valid ORCi Certificate but margin as required by this Appendix or as to a yacht’s
with a previously valid (but not current) certificate compliance with the stability requirements is final and
shall supply its most recent previously valid (but not binding.
current) certificate with a Stability Index with a satis-
factory margin to the minimum stability requirement
for Race Category 1 events for the configuration in
which the yacht proposes to race, accompanied by a
completed Stability Declaration supplied by the Or-
ganising Authority.

Movable or Variable Ballast
A yacht with movable or variable ballast shall provide
evidence that it achieves not less than a Knockdown
Recovery Factor of 0.9 under International Standard
ISO 12217-2, calculated in accordance with ISO 12217-
2 paragraph 6.4.4 with the lesser of FKR90 and FKR-90
used. Special Regulations Appendix B 7.2.3 shall apply.

2018 Melbourne to Noumea Yacht Race Notice of Race (V1.00 Final)                                                  9
Appendix B Additional Requirements
General                                                   email, whether by satellite phone or HF radio.

The following requirements add to the requirements
of Yachting Australia Special Regulations Part 1 for
Category 1 Races.                                         Other
Where Australian standards for safety equipment           • Charts
are specified in the Special Regulations, equipment         The list of Charts and Publications included in Ap-
branded with a recognised equivalent international          pendix C Yacht Eligibility Rquirements of this NOR is
standard marking may be accepted.                           only a selection of charts covering the course area
                                                            and is designed as a guide for competitors. The re-
Communications                                              sponsibility for the choice of charts and other pub-
Installed radios shall be capable of transmitting/re-       lications carried is the sole and inescapable respon-
ceiving on the following frequencies:                       sibility of the person in charge. Persons in charge
                                                            should consider which detailed charts might be
• VHF – All International Channels                          required for ports of refuge.
• HF/SSB – 4, 6, 8, 12 and 16 Megahertz frequencies,      • Medical Kit
  details of which will be advised by the ORCV in
  the Sailing Instructions. Radio transmission power        The list of First Aid equipment required for Category
  should be the maximum permitted by authorities            1 is modified in accordance with Appendix F Medical
  in the yacht’s country of registration.                   Kit of this NOR.

Boats shall provide a Radio Inspection Certificate. The   Recommendations
Radio Inspection Certificate is to be completed by an
accredited radio technician to verify the adequacy of     It is strongly recommended that all yachts carry an
the installation and operation of the radios.             electronic Man Overboard system.

Primary radio support (Ocean Racing) will be provided
by Kordia. Each yacht equipped with HF Radio must
carry out and pass a radio check/voice test of the race
radio frequencies with Kordia in the period 1 May
2018 - 14 May 2018 using the frequencies detailed in
the Sailing Instructions.
To arrange the radio check, contact Kordia on 02 6279
5774. Boats not recorded as having adequate radio
signal strength and readability will not be eligible to
Satellite phones: In addition to VHF and HF radio re-
quirements, all yachts must be equipped with a satel-
lite phone, which shall:
• be with a service providing continuous coverage
  for the race area;
• be retained in a suitable mounting which is
  connected to the vessel’s electrical supply and
  equipped with a permanently located external
  aerial; and
• be powered and configured at all times while rac-
  ing so that it can receive calls.
All yachts must be capable of sending and receiving

10                                                                              Ocean Racing Club of Victoria Inc
Appendix C Yacht Eligibility Requirements
Check     Category         Requirement
          General          Yachts shall be built in accordance with the Special Regulations Part 1, Section
                           3.03 and Appendix C as applicable.
                           The Safety Regulations shall be those of AS Special Regulations, Part 1, Category 1
                           except that:
                            • Subject to the outcome of a request for dispensation currently under consid-
                              eration by Australian Sailing, if a yacht does not have an HF radio installed, a
                              satellite phone may be used instead (see Satellite Phone below).
                            • Special Regulation 4.21.1(b) does not apply for storm trysails as long as the
                              yacht has mainsail reefing to reduce the luff by at least 50%.
          Insurance        The owner of a yacht entered in the race shall hold a marine legal liability insur-
                           ance policy with respect to the yacht current when racing, with a sum insured
                           of not less than A$10 million. The insurance policy shall state that the yacht is
                           covered for the race or that it is covered for yacht races of a length greater than
                           the race length.
          IRC Yachts       A yacht may only be entered in the IRC Handicap Category if the yacht:
                            • has a current, valid IRC Certificate issued by RORC; and
                            • complies with all of the current IRC Rules and Regulations, save to the extent
                              they are specifically amended or excluded in this Notice of Race or the Sailing
                              Instructions (refer RRS 78.1).
          AMS Yachts       A yacht may only be entered in the AMS Handicap Category if the yacht:
                            • has a current, valid AMS Certificate issued by YRSA Inc; and
                            • complies with all of the current AMS Rules and Regulations, save to the extent
                              they are specifically amended or excluded in this Notice of Race or the Sailing
                              Instructions (refer RRS 78.1).
          Safety Audit     Competitors are required to submit yachts for an Equipment Audit in Melbourne
                           between the dates of 1 April and 15 May 2018. Interstate or overseas entrants
                           may request alternative arrangements with ORCV by written application.
                           All safety equipment shall be on board and available for inspection by an ORCV
                           Equipment Auditor. Details and guidance on the safety audit process may be
                           found in the ORCV Year Book or obtained from the ORCV office.
                           On request by the Race Committee, yachts shall be made available for spot in-
                           spection to audit safety regulation compliance. Spot checks may be carried out
                           prior to the warning signal and may be carried out after a yacht finishes.
                           Boats not meeting the safety requirements shall not be permitted to start in the
          Radio Check      Primary radio support (Ocean Racing) will be provided by Kordia. Each yacht
                           equipped with HF Radio must carry out and pass a radio check/voice test of the
                           race radio frequencies with Kordia in the period 1 May 2018 - 14 May 2018 using
                           the frequencies detailed in the Sailing Instructions.
                           To arrange the radio check, contact Kordia on 02 6279 5774. Boats not recorded as
                           having adequate radio signal strength and readability will not be eligible to start.

2018 Melbourne to Noumea Yacht Race Notice of Race (V1.00 Final)                                             11
Check   Category          Requirement
        Satellite Phone   Assuming dispensation for use of satellite phones in lieu of HF radio is granted by
                          Australian Sailing, for yachts without an HF radio installed, a phone check must be
                          carried out using the satellite phone to the race director’s phone (0418 396 605)
                          in the period 1 May 2018 - 14 May 2018. This is in addition to the requirements of
                          clause 9.3.
                        Note: Yachts are only permitted to use a satellite phone for race communications
                        if the yacht has no HF radio installed.
        Qualifying Race A yacht shall substantially complete a qualifying race or passage of not less than
        or Passage      400 nautical miles, with at least 50% of the Melbourne to Noumea Race crew on
                        board, not more than eight months before the start of the race. Double Handed
                        entrants must complete their qualifying race or passage with the Noumea Race
                        crew on board.
                          Qualifying races include the ORCV Melbourne to Hobart Westcoaster Race. Ap-
                          proval of an alternate qualifying race may be sought from the ORCV in writing.
                          A yacht may, with the prior approval of the ORCV (to be sought in writing), obtain
                          dispensation from the requirement to substantially complete a qualifying race by
                          completing a non-stop ocean passage of not less than 400 nautical miles, not
                          more than eight months before the start of the race.
                          A yacht which is granted dispensation shall submit a detailed log of the passage
                          with the Pre-start Documentation. Dispensation from the requirements of this
                          paragraph may be requested in writing to the ORCV.
        Charts            The following charts are recommended as the minimum to be carried for this race:
                               AUS 144 Approaches to Port Phillip
                               AUS 801 Cape Schanck to Cape Liptrap
                               AUS 802 Cape Liptrap to Cliffy Is
                               AUS 487 Bass Strait
                               AUS 4643 Eddystone Point to Port Jackson
                               AUS 4602 Tasman and Coral sea
                               BA 935 Nouvelle Caledonie
                               BA 936 Nouvelle Caledonie
                               BA 480 Noumea
        Publications      It is recommended that the following publications be carried:
                          • British Admiralty Routeing Chart 5128(7) South Pacific Ocean - June
                          • Admiralty Sailing Directions NP14 Australian Pilot Vol 2, 12th Edition 2013
                             South, south-east and east coasts of Australia from Green Cape to Port Jackson in-
                             cluding Bass Strait and Tasmania
                          • Admiralty Sailing Directions NP61 Pacific Islands Pilot Vol 2, 12th Edition 2011
                             Nouvelle-Caledonie and Iles Loyaute Vanuatu, Banks and Torres Islands, Santa Cruz
                             Islands, Fiji Islands, Tonga Islands, Samoa Islands, Tuvalu, Kiribati (Gilbert and Phoe-
                             nix Groups), Marshall Islands
                          • Admiralty List Of Lights And Fog Signals NP83, Vol K Indian and Pacific Oceans,
                            South of the Equator, 12th Edition 2011
                          • Admiralty Tide Tables NP204, Vol 4 Pacific Ocean 2014

12                                                                                Ocean Racing Club of Victoria Inc
Appendix D Crew Eligibility Requirements
Check     Category      Requirements
          Membership    All persons sailing on competing yachts shall be members of a AS-affiliated club
                        or an international equivalent. AS membership numbers or their international
                        equivalents must be included on the crew list.
          Age           The minimum age of crew is 18. Yachts may apply for dispensation in writing
                        to the ORCV for this requirement, if an individual Crew aged between 16 and 18
                        years has parental consent, suitable past sailing experience, holds a current SSSC
                        and the majority of the crew are a minimum age of 18 years. Evidence of parental
                        consent, suitable past sailing experience and current SSSC must be provided with
                        the written dispensation request. The ORCV may, at its absolute direction, refuse
                        to allow any crew members aged between 16 and 18 years of age to participate
                        in the race.
          Experience    In accordance with AS Special Regulation 2.04, at least 50% of the crew (three per-
                        sons if crew size is less than six) including the skipper and/or sailing master shall
                        have sufficient experience, declared on the entry form and accepted as such by
                        ORCV. For the Double-Handed Class, both crew members must be accepted by
                        ORCV as sufficiently experienced.
          Training      All crew shall have completed an Australian Sailing Safety and Sea Survival Course
                        or an ORCV approved equivalent. Copies of crew members’ current Certificates of
                        Competence or equivalent shall be provided.
                        It is recommended that the skipper or sailing master have a recognised Australian
                        Sailing certificate (or equivalent) of at least an Yachtmaster Offshore certification.
          First Aid     At least two crew members on a yacht shall hold a HLTAID003 (Provide First Aid
                        Level 2) Certificate or equivalent qualification or be a practising medical practi-
                        tioner. Copies of the crew members’ Certificate or other qualification shall be pro-
          Radio         At least two crew members on a yacht shall hold a Long Range Operator Certificate
                        of Proficiency (LROCP) in Radio Telephony issued by a relevant authority or equiva-
                        lent or higher qualification. Copies of the crew member’s Certificate other qualifica-
                        tion shall be provided.
          Double Handed For the Double-Handed Class, both crew must be over 18 years of age, have com-
                        pleted a AS SSSC or an ORCV approved equivalent, hold MROCP and Senior First
                        Aid or equivalent qualification or be a practising medical practitioner.

2018 Melbourne to Noumea Yacht Race Notice of Race (V1.00 Final)                                            13
Appendix E Entry Documentation
Check Documentation                                                                  Notes
      Crew List (Online), correctly and fully completed with all associated per-
      sonal details. Yachts are responsible for its accuracy and currency.
      Audited Special Regulations Form for Category 1
      A Safety Equipment Compliance Declaration (Category 1) must be com-
      pleted and carried on board and be available for inspection if required.
      Evidence that the boat meets the requirements of AS Special Regulation
      3.03, Hull Construction Standards.
      For entrants in AMS divisions a copy of a current AMS certificate.
      For entrants in IRC divisions a copy of a current IRC certificate.
      Australian Sailing Safety and Sea Survival Course Certificates or acceptable
      equivalents. Submitting the expiry date online is sufficient.
      Senior First Aid Certificates or acceptable equivalents.
      Restricted Operators Certificates of Proficiency in Radio Telephony or ac-
      ceptable higher qualification. Submitting the certificate number online is
      406 EPIRB Certificate(s) or evidence of registration and currency.
      Current Liferaft Inspection Certificate(s)
      Current Insurance Policy showing evidence that the insurance require-
      ments of this Notice of Race are in place
      Evidence that the boat meets the requirements of AS Special Regulation
      3.04, Stability Requirements (referred to in Appendix A Stability Requirements
      of this NOR)
      Stability Declaration (as issued by the ORCV that no changes have been
      made to the yacht since the issue of the Evidence of Stability)
      Verification of qualifying race or ocean passage if required.
      Colour photograph of the yacht under sail, no older than 12 months and
      suitable for search and rescue purposes. This may be a copyright free
      digital photograph of a size not less than 6cm by 6cm with a resolution
      not less than 75 DPI.

14                                                                          Ocean Racing Club of Victoria Inc
Appendix F Medical Kit
The list of First Aid equipment required for Category 1 will be modified as recommended by ORCV Medical
Advisory Committee, and published as a Supplement to this NOR prior to 31 December 2017.

2018 Melbourne to Noumea Yacht Race Notice of Race (V1.00 Final)                                    15
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