2019 Council Budget - For the latest on housing, arts and libraries WIN Annual Gym Passes - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council

Page created by William Pena
2019 Council Budget - For the latest on housing, arts and libraries WIN Annual Gym Passes - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
                                                        For the latest
                                                      on housing, arts
                                                         and libraries
                                                          Annual Gym Passes
                                                           dlr Climate Change
                                                                   Action Plan

Highlights of the

2019 Council Budget
2019 Council Budget - For the latest on housing, arts and libraries WIN Annual Gym Passes - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
lookinside                                                             Message from
                                                                       An Cathaoirleach
                                                                                                                  dlr parks
2019 COUNCIL BUDGET........... 03
                                                       Welcome to our winter edition of the dlr times, which
                                                       will give you some insight into how the Council will
                                                                                                                  MARLAY PARK
                                                                                                                  Rathfarnham, Dublin 16
                                                                                                                                                     dlr libraries
                                                       be allocating the revenue budget for 2019. The             TIME: Sep 9am to 8pm | Oct 9am
dlr PUBLIC INFORMATION                                 adoption of the budget reflects dlr’s commitment           to 6pm | Nov – Jan 9am to 5pm      dlr LEXICON
dlr Christmas Festival ........................ 04     to shaping and promoting a smart, vibrant county           Feb – Mar 9am to 6pm | Apr 9am     Haigh Terrace, Dún Laoghaire
                                                       which is attractive, inclusive and accessible to           to 9pm | May – Aug 9am to 10pm
dlr Climate Change Action Plan ......... 04            all. I particularly welcome the funding for climate
                                                                                                                                                     TEL: 01 280 1147
                                                                                                                                                     TIME: Mon – Thur 9.30am – 8pm
Competition: New Year New You! ......... 04            change initiatives as the promotion of environmental       SHANGANAGH PARK                    Fri to Sat 9.30am – 5pm | Sun
                                                       measures is critical to our future generations. I am       Shankill                           12noon – 4pm
                                                       pleased also that this budget is pro-business – a          TIME: Open Access.
COUNCIL BUDGET SPECIAL .... 05                         number of initiatives offered to local businesses will                                        BLACKROCK
Budget Expenditure 2019 ................. 06
                                                       provide opportunities to prosper and improve quality       PEOPLE’S PARK                      Blackrock Town Hall,
                                                       of life generally. Please support our local traders this   Park Road, Dún Laoghaire           Main Street
Budget Income 2019 ........................ 07         Christmas season. A very happy Christmas to you all!       TIME: Dec – Mar 8am to 4.30pm      TEL: 01 288 8117
Budget Highlights ............................. 08     CLLR. OSSIAN SMYTH                                         Apr – May 8am to 7.30pm | Jun –    TIME: Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat 10am –
                                                                                                                  Sep 8am to 8pm | Oct – Nov 8am     1pm, 2pm – 5pm | Tue & Thur
                                                                                                                  to 7.30pm                          1.15pm – 8pm
Housing Delivery Programme ............. 09
                                                                       Message from the                           KILLINEY HILL PARK                 CABINTEELY*
                                                                       dlr Chief Executive                        Killiney Hill Road
                                                                                                                  TIME: Open Access.
                                                                                                                                                     Old Bray Road, Cabinteely
                                                                                                                                                     TEL: 01 285 5363
                                                       2018 was a significant year for dlr. With the Elected                                         TIME: Mon, Wed, Fri* & Sat*
dlr STAFF PROFILE                                      Members we agreed the largest revenue budget
                                                                                                                  CABINTEELY PARK                    10am – 1pm, 2pm – 5pm | Tue &
                                                       in over a decade, totalling over €183 million. We                                             Thur 2pm – 8pm
Ian Smalley ..................................... 09   saw the dissolution of the Dún Laoghaire Harbour
                                                                                                                  Old Bray Road, Cabinteely
                                                                                                                  TIMES: Sep 8am to 8pm | Oct
                                                       Company and the transfer of the Harbour to
                                                                                                                  8am to 7pm | Nov – Jan 8am to      DALKEY
                                                       the Council, which presents us with an exciting            5pm | Feb 8am to 6pm | Mar 8am     Castle Street, Dalkey
dlr ARTS & LIBRARY EVENTS                              opportunity for the future development of the              to 7pm | Apr 8am to 8pm | May –    TEL: 01 285 5317
                                                       harbour. We were also allocated over €2.2m under
My Open Library in Deansgrange ....... 10                                                                         Aug 8am to 10.30pm                 TIME: Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat 10am –
                                                       the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund,                                                  1pm, 2pm – 5pm | Tue & Thur
Mountains to Sea 2019 .................... 10          which is part of Project 2040, with approval in                                               1.15pm – 8pm
                                                                                                                  BLACKROCK PARK
What’s On in dlr LexIcon ................... 11        principle received for a number of other projects.         Rock Road, Blackrock
                                                       We opened the new Civic Hub, providing for                 TIME: Sep 8am to 8pm | Oct 8am     DEANSGRANGE
                                                                                                                  to 7pm | Nov – Jan 8am to 4.30pm   Clonkeen Drive, Deansgrange
                                                       improvement in our service delivery and emphasising
YOUR dlr COUNCILLORS .......... 12                     our focus on people. We also opened the new                Feb – Mar 8am to 6pm | Apr 8am     TEL: 01 285 0860
                                                                                                                  to 8pm | May – Aug 8am to 9pm      TIME: Mon 10am – 5pm | Tue
                                                       Council Chamber, an accessible space dedicated                                                to Thur 10am – 8pm | Fri & Sat
                                                       to the enhancement of local democracy.                                                        10am – 1pm, 2pm – 5pm
                                                                                                                  KILBOGGET PARK
                                                       2019 will be a busy year, with local government            Churchview Road, Cabinteely
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown                                 elections in May, many sports events, a series             TIME: Open Access.                 DUNDRUM
                                                                                                                                                     Upper Churchtown Road,
County Council                                         of tourism initiatives, development of plans for
                                                       the Harbour, and the continuing development of
                                                       Cherrywood and Shanganagh.
                                                                                                                  Recycling                          Dundrum
                                                                                                                                                     TEL: 01 298 5000
County Hall, Marine Road,                              In the meantime, I wish you                                information                        TIMES: Mon, Fri & Sat 10am –
                                                                                                                                                     1pm, 2pm – 5pm | Tue to Thur
Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland.                    all a very Happy Christmas.
                                                                                                                                                     10am – 8pm
A96 K6C9                                               PHILOMENA POOLE                                            BALLYOGAN RECYCLING
                                                                                                                  Ballyogan Road
PHONE: 01 205 4700                                     CoCo Markets                                               TELEPHONE: 01 291 3600
                                                                                                                  TIME: Mon – Fri 8.30am to 5.30pm
                                                                                                                                                     Library Road, Shankill
                                                                                                                                                     TEL: 01 282 3081
EMAIL: corp@dlrcoco.ie                                 PEOPLE’S PARK                                              Sat 9.30am to 5.30pm | Sun/Bank    TIME: Mon, Wed, Fri* & Sat*
                                                                                                                  Hols 10.30am to 5.30pm.            10am – 1pm, 2pm – 5pm | Tue &
                                                       Park Road, Dún Laoghaire
                                                                                                                  CLOSED: Christmas Eve – St.
                                                                                                                                                     Thur 2pm – 8pm
                                                       WHEN: Every Sunday                                         Stephen’s Day, New Year’s Day,
                                                       TIME: 11am – 4pm
                                                                                                                  Easter Sunday.
www.dlrtourism.ie | www.events.dlrcoco.ie              MARLAY PARK                                                                                   St. Laurence’s Park,
www.libraries.dlrcoco.ie                               Rathfarnham, Dublin 16
                                                                                                                  EDEN PARK RECYCLING                Stillorgan
                                                                                                                  Summerhill Road, Glasthule         TEL: 01 288 9655
                                                       WHEN: Every Weekend
Printed in Ireland on paper that has been                                                                         TIME: Mon – Thur 8.30am to 4pm     TIME: Mon 10am – 5pm | Tue
                                                       TIME: Saturday 10am – 4pm | Sunday 11am – 4pm
sourced sustainably. Please recycle after use.                                                                    Fri – Sat 8.30am to 3.30pm.        to Thur 10am – 8pm | Fri & Sat
                                                                                                                  CLOSED: Sunday, Bank Holidays,     10am – 1pm, 2pm – 5pm
Designed in Dún Laoghaire town by Clickworks.          EMERGENCY                                                  Public Holidays.
                                                       TELEPHONE NUMBERS
                                                                                                                                                     * L
                                                                                                                                                        ibraries with an asterisk are
      @dlrcc                                           Water and Drainage:               1850 278 278             SHANGANAGH                           open either Friday or Saturday –
                                                       [24 hours]                                                 RECYCLING CENTRE                     please contact for further details.
      DunLaoghaireRathdownCountyCouncil                                                                           Shanganagh Cemetery Car
                                                       Dangerous Structures & Places: 01 677 8844
                                                                                                                  Park, Shankill                     - The dlr LexIcon is open on
                                                       [after 5pm + weekends]
                                                                                                                                                        Sundays 12noon – 4pm
If you would like to receive the                       Transportation:                       01 677 8844          TIME: Mon – Thur 8.30am to 4pm
                                                       [after 5pm + weekends]                                     Fri – Sat 8.30am to 3.30pm.        - On Bank Holiday weekends, all
dlr times by email please contact us:
                                                       Homeless Persons:                   1800 724 724           CLOSED: Sunday, Bank Holidays,        libraries are closed Saturday,
commsoffice@dlrcoco.ie                                 [after hours services]                                     Public Holidays.                      Sunday & Monday.
2019 Council Budget - For the latest on housing, arts and libraries WIN Annual Gym Passes - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council

                                                                                                                                                  DÚN LAO

                                                                                                                                              Annual B



                                                                                                                                                      LE CONTA
                                                                                                                                                                 E DHÚN

                                                                                                                                                                                     E-R ÁTH
                                                                                                                                                                                               AN DÚIN

Council Budget
The dlr Annual Budget                                             In preparing the dlr Annual Budget, we must              age-friendly initiatives. The additional expenditure
                                                                  consider, hand in hand with our statutory obligations,   allows for enhanced service levels across a range
2019 commits to a spend of                                        our delivery of the Council’s corporate objectives and   of departments and services, focusing strongly on
                                                                  balancing the many and varied needs of residents,        increasing supports for people living and working in
€183.8 million on services                                        businesses and visitors to our county. The extent to     our county, and for those visiting our many beautiful
in the county for the coming                                      which the Council can meet these needs is partly         places and attractions.
                                                                  determined by the general economic conditions.
year, a substantial increase of                                   The recovery of our economy has, for the first time
                                                                                                                           The Budget further allows for increased spend on
                                                                                                                           Climate Change initiatives and funding towards the
€7 million on Budget 2018.                                        in many years, allowed us to deliver an expansion
                                                                                                                           upkeep of our high-quality public realm. We will also
                                                                  of services across all areas. This Budget reflects the
                                                                                                                           continue with improvements to our beaches and
                                                                  increased buoyancy and upturn in the economy.
                                                                                                                           bathing areas and will provide disability access to an
                                                                  There will be no increase in commercial rates, no        additional two bathing areas in the county next year.
                                                                  increase in housing rents and environmental and
                                                                                                                           The Budget increase will also enable us to continue
                                                                  parking charges will remain stable for the first time
                                                                                                                           to be at the forefront of local government’s
                                                                  in a decade. An additional €830,000 has been
                                                                                                                           transformation agenda, continuing our work on
                                                                  made available for the provision of homeless services
                                                                                                                           Smart Dublin and building on the digitisation of
                                                                  and the number of inspections carried out in the
                                                                                                                           our dlr Grants Scheme. The year 2019 will see
                                                                  private rental sector will increase by 150%, due to an
                                                                                                                           the development of a new Tenant Portal which will
                                                                  increase in Budget provision.
                                                                                                                           assist housing clients from the moment they make
                                                                  The uplift in construction development activity across   their application.
                                                                  the county has impacted positively on the 2019
                                                                                                                           You can see more highlights of the dlr Budget on
                                                                  Budget. An increase in income of €2.4 million from
                                                                                                                           pages 5-8 of this issue.
                                                                  commercial rates will allow for more effective service
                                                                  delivery and a number of new initiatives; including
                                                                  the roll-out of electric car charging points, village
                                                                  clean-ups across the county and an expansion of our

                                                                                                                                                                                                          dlr times   03
2019 Council Budget - For the latest on housing, arts and libraries WIN Annual Gym Passes - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
Public Information

                                                                                                          dlr Climate Change
                                                                                                          Action Plan

                                                                                                          In the New Year, the Council will publish its draft Climate Change
                                                                                                          Action Plan for public consultation. It will set out how the Council
                                                                                                          will improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas

A new addition
                                                                                                          emissions in its own buildings and operations, whilst making
                                                                                                          Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown a more climate-resilient location, with
                                                                                                          engaged and informed citizens.

to the Dún Laoghaire                                                                                      The Plan will demonstrate our desire to exceed local government
                                                                                                          targets through on-going and planned actions in five key areas:
                                                                                                          Energy and Buildings, Transport, Flood Resilience, Nature-based

skyline this Christmas                                                                                    solutions and Resource Management.
                                                                                                          Once adopted, the Plan will have a five year life, during which its
                                                                                                          actions will be continuously monitored and evaluated and will be
We hope you are all very much enjoying the Christmas festival in Dún Laoghaire this year. If you
                                                                                                          used to inform future initiatives as we work towards becoming a
haven’t yet visited, there’s lots to entertain you. We have an iconic Ferris wheel at Moran Park,
                                                                                                          low-carbon society.
beside dlr LexIcon, until 2 January. A wonder of modern engineering when it was built in 1955 and
still a sight to behold, the 55ft wheel reportedly featured in the original Grease movie and provides
spectacular views over the harbour. It is surrounded by a vintage carnival, North Pole Post Box and a
charming Christmas market adding to the winter wonderland feel.                                                               Competition
The Dún Laoghaire Christmas Market is a feast for the seasonal senses with carefully selected
vendors selling authentic hand-made gifts and delicious treats every weekend until 23 December on
the Metals and opposite dlr LexIcon from 11am to 7pm. Aromas of gourmet sausages, Hungarian
beef goulash soup and lángos, German gluhwein, crepes and steaming hot chocolate fill the air
as you wander through the Christmas Market, surrounded by hand-crafted gifts and decorations,
jewellery, metal art, sculpture and a whole host of quality artisan gifts and treats that are made by
hand with love.
Dún Laoghaire Town Centre has over 280 retail outlets and businesses so why not avoid city-centre
crowds and stuffed out-of-town shopping centres and instead browse, shop, relax and soak up the
festive spirit of our beautiful seaside town? Extra trading hours and exclusive in-store promotions all
add to the festive cheer.
And don’t forget our dlr Christmas parking promotion – another very good reason to shop local this
Christmas. For every hour of on-street parking purchased across the county, get one hour free! This
                                                                                                            New Year New You!
promotion runs until 5 January 2019.                                                                        Let dlr Leisure Services help you get into shape for the
                                                                                                            New Year. Enter our fantastic competition to win one of two
                                                                                                            annual passes to any of their centres! Located across the

                                                          End of year,
                                                                                                            county at Ballyogan, Loughlinstown, Meadowbrook and
                                                                                                            Monkstown, these great facilities have fully equipped gyms,
                                                                                                            excellent pools, fitness studios and all-weather pitches.

                                                          end of car?                                       dlr Leisure Centres have an extremely positive impact on
                                                                                                            the local communities they serve. Any profits they make
                                                                                                            go directly back into helping the local community, through
                                                          Is your car or van past its “sell by” date?       job creation, facility improvements, or the provision of new
                                                          Are you looking to dispose of it? dlr can         programmes and services.
                                                          remove and dispose of “end of life” vehicles,
                                                                                                            To enter, all you have to do is sign up to receive the dlr times
                                                          free of charge. If you want to arrange to get
                                                                                                            by email. Log on to dlrcoco.ie/dlrleisurecompetition and
                                                          one removed, or to report an abandoned
                                                                                                            register your details by 24 January 2019. The lucky winners
                                                          car in your area, get in touch with us at
                                                                                                            will be notified the following day.
                                                          01-205 4817 or email environ@dlrcoco.ie

04     dlr times
                                                                                                                       INFORMATION AND NEWS FROM DÚN LAOGHAIRE-RATHDOWN COUNTY COUNCIL
2019 Council Budget - For the latest on housing, arts and libraries WIN Annual Gym Passes - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
Budget 2019 Special

Budget 2019
In the following pages we briefly
explain where the €183.8 million
allocated to services in dlr Annual
Budget 2019 will be spent.

                                   €    800k                                               €   500k
                                                                                               Increased provision for road restoration
                                        increase has been made                                 and patching programme.
                                        available for the provision of
                                        homeless services.

         150%                                                                              733k
                                                                                               awarded in Universal Grants to aid
         increase in private rental inspections.                                               communities. This represents an
         Corresponding uplift in budget of €245,000.                                           increase of €50,000 on 2018.

                  €    150k                                       €   40k
                                                                      allocated to
                                                                                                             €  200k
                                                                                                             allocated to Tree Planting
                       allocated to Climate                                                                  and Pruning.
                       Change Initiatives.                            age friendly expo.

                                                                                                                            dlr times   05
2019 Council Budget - For the latest on housing, arts and libraries WIN Annual Gym Passes - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
Budget 2019 Special

                         Main categories of
                         Expenditure 2019

                       Local Property Tax - LA Housing €346,500 (0.2%)
                                                                                             Payroll and Staff Costs
                              Other Expenses €1,055,500 (0.6%)                               €54,663,400
    Members Payments and Allowances €1,165,400 (0.6%)
    Other Establishment Expenses, incl. LA Buildings
 Repairs, Maintenance & Security €1,915,700 (1.0%)                                                                    Minor Contracts - Trade
                       Materials & Stores Issues                                                                      Services & other works
                            €2,238,000 (1.2%)                                                                         €25,507,800
            Consultancy & Professional Fees
                        €2,251,700 (1.2%)
Rent & Rates on Local Authority Buildings
                      €2,466,600 (1.3%)                                                                                           Agency Services &
                                                                                                                                  Other Local
 Other Operational Expenses, incl. Arts,                                                                                          Authority Payments
       Libraries and Community Events                                                                                             €22,655,000
                     €2,975,400 (1.6%)                                                                                            (12.3%)
          Plant & Equipment, including
              Repairs and Maintenance
                     €3,587,900(2.0%)                                                                                         RAS & Social Leasing
                                  Energy                                                                                      Payments
                       €3,679,700 (2.0%)                                                                                      €12,750,600
       Refunds incl. Vacancy refunds, Bad Debt
                      Provisions and Write offs
                             €3,779,400 (2.1%)                                                                   Pensions & Gratuities
                     Administration Expenses incl. IT,                                                           (6.7%)
                       Communication and Training
                                   €5,711,80 (3.1%)
                                                                                            Insurance, Loan repayments
                                           Transfers to Capital
                                                                                            and Financial Charges
                                                        (3.3%)     Grants, Voluntary and    (6.4%)
                                                                  Statutory Contributions
                                                                     €6,870,500 (3.7%)

   06    dlr times
                                                                                             INFORMATION AND NEWS FROM DÚN LAOGHAIRE-RATHDOWN COUNTY COUNCIL
Budget 2019 Special

                              Main categories of
                                Income 2019

                                                                                         Commerical Rates
     Housing Loans Interest & Charges €294,800 (0.2%)                                    €84,515,900
                             NPPR €300,000 (0.2%)                                        (46.0%)
            Licences, including Dog Licences
                             €303,600 (0.2%)
     Recreation & Amenity Activities                                                                     Grants, including Local
         (incl. Golf Course and Pitches)                                                                 Property Tax Self Funding
                               €457,400 (0.2%)                                                           €34,409,900
                              Fire Charges
                          €550,000 (0.3%)
        Transfers from Reserves
                   €1,329,200 (0.7%)                                                                               Housing Rents,
                                                                                                                   including RAS Rents
 Provision for Credit Balance                                                                                      €16,139,700
         €1,500,000 (0.8%)                                                                                         (8.8%)

                  Planning Fees
              €1,513,400 (0.8%)
                                                                                                              Local Property Tax -
                     Superannuation                                                                           Discretionary
                    €1,846,700 (1.0%)                                                                         €10,864,200
 Property Rental & Leasing of Land
               €2,311,100 (1.3%)
                                                                                                     Irish Water
                Contributions from other LAs                                                         €8,303,700
                          €2,482,800 (1.4%)                                                          (4.5%)

                                        Miscellaneous Income                           Parking Fees/Charges
                                                  €4,587,100                           €7,412,100
                                                       (2.5%)     Other Fees/Charges   (4.0%)
                                                                  €4,766,200 (2.6%)

                                                                                                                             dlr times   07
Budget 2019 Special

                                                           Budget 2019

                          €   110k
                              allocated to Columbarium Wall in
                                                                                                           €     150k
                                                                                                                 allocated to village
                              Deansgrange Cemetery for the
                              interment of ashes.

                         Roll-out of Electric
                         Charging Points.                        30k
                                                                     allocated to free disposal
                                                                                                                          €    25k
                                                                                                                                allocated to
                                                                     of bed mattresses.

             €   15k                                      €  80k
                                                          allocated to playgrounds.
                                                                                                                     €    44k
                 allocated to                                                                                              allocated to
                 removal of leaves.                                                                                        weed removal.

08   dlr times
                                                                                                  INFORMATION AND NEWS FROM DÚN LAOGHAIRE-RATHDOWN COUNTY COUNCIL
News                                                                                                         dlr staff profile

Housing Delivery
                                                                                                                                     Ian Smalley
                                                                                                                                     dlr PARKS AND LANDSCAPE
                                                                                                                                     ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER

Programme                                                                                                                      Ian is the Administrative
                                                                                                                               Officer in the Parks and
                                                                                                                               Landscape Section of
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council continues to focus                                                                       the Municipal Services
on the provision of suitable, cost-effective, good-quality                                                   Department. After graduating from university
accommodation and housing support for people                                                                 in 1988, Ian worked in the UK for a number
in need of homes.                                                                                            of years before upping sticks and heading off
                                                                  This December we completed                 around the world in the mid-1990s. He moved
                                                                  construction on 44 new homes               to Ireland in 1997 and has worked for dlr
                                                                  at Rosemount Court, which are
                                                                  comprised of 12 x 1-bed apartments,
                                                                                                             ever since.
                                                                  4 x 2-bed, 27 x 3-bed and 1 x 5-bed
                                                                  houses, which will be home to 12
                                                                  individuals and 32 families.               What do you do?
                                                                  This scheme was built in close             My main areas of responsibility are Parks and Cemeteries
                                                                  proximity to existing services on a        administration, overseeing the dlr Events programme, which
                                                                  brownfield site previously occupied
                                                                                                             is a series of at least 8 free family-orientated events held
                                                                  by a small, multi-storey flat complex.
                                                                                                             annually in the County’s Parks and Open Spaces, supervising
                                                                  The building of new homes remains
                                                                                                             the organisation and running of the Marlay Park concerts and
                                                                  a major pillar of our housing delivery
                                                                  programme, with 101 new homes
                                                                                                             administering the dlr Events grant application scheme, which
                                                                  completed by early December and            provides about €160k per annum in funding.
                                                                  a further 50 to be completed and
Moyola Court                                                      allocated to families and individuals in
                                                                  need of housing in the coming weeks.
                                                                                                             What is your typical work day like?
However, we employ all delivery options provided for under Rebuilding Ireland, such as the
Buy and Renew Scheme, which focuses on older housing in need of upgrading works that
                                                                                                             With the range of responsibilities in the job, I can never
will reduce dereliction and improve streetscapes. Major refurbishment works will shortly be                  be sure what issues are going to arise each day. With
completed on 12 homes in Moyola which we acquired last year through this Scheme.                             the best will in the world, and despite efforts to keep to a
                                                                                                             structure, there are always issues arising which take me
While dlr has a low number of vacant properties, the Council recognises that there are some
                                                                                                             from my planned routine. This might range from assessing
empty residential properties which would make lovely homes with some upgrading works. The
                                                                                                             applications from community groups for a cultural event
Housing Department can help owners turn these properties into comfortable dwellings, by
providing financial assistance through the Government-funded Repair and Leasing Initiative.                  grant, discussing revisions to the design of the Columbarium
                                                                                                             walls in Deansgrange Cemetery, or a site visit to assess the
While the Council makes full use of Part V of the Planning and Development Act 2000, to
                                                                                                             requirements of the Dún Laoghaire Christmas Market. All
acquire housing units in private developments, we are also interested in buying partially
                                                                                                             the while dealing with whatever correspondence may arrive
completed or turn-key developments in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown, such as the development
                                                                                                             during the day.
of 6 apartments and 8 houses at Dunedin which we have acquired and will allocate before the
end of 2018.
The Council will also consider the purchase of serviced land, sites with planning permission
and land zoned for residential development.                                                                  What is the most difficult part of your job?

Are you the owner of a vacant residential property in need of improvement works?                             That’s easy to answer! Deciding how to get all those Samhain
Are you the developer of a completed, or partially completed, residential scheme?
                                                                                                             wristbands to the public in the most effective and fairest
                                                                                                             way possible!
Are you the owner of a serviced site or land zoned for residential development?
We are interested in buying:
•    Vacant residential properties;                                                                          What is the most rewarding part of your job?
•    Serviced land, sites with planning permission, partially completed developments, or turn-               It’s always nice to see positive comments on social media
     key developments;
                                                                                                             in relation to the events we run or the work we do. This is
•    Land zoned and suitable for residential development;                                                    all due in large part to the tireless and enthusiastic work of
•    Residential schemes completed or partially completed.                                                   the teams in Parks administration, Parks operations and the
                                                                                                             Cemeteries, much of which takes place behind the scenes.
Why not talk to us so that we can advise you of your options. Contact secretariat@dlrcoco.ie
or phone 01 205 4765.

                                                                                                                                                              dlr times   09
Arts & Library Events

  My Open Library in Deansgrange                                                                                                            Healthy
  Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is the first local authority in Dublin to introduce My Open
  Library, a new service facilitating additional opening hours at Deansgrange Library. My Open Library
  offers extended opening hours to library members on a self-service basis outside normal opening
  hours, from 8am to 10pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Opening hours with library staff present
                                                                                                                                            at your Library
                                                                                                             The second phase of the Healthy Ireland programme “Eat, think
  are as normal, and staffing levels at all libraries are not affected by the service. With the support of
                                                                                                             and be Well” was launched in November, and once again, dlr
  government funding, My Open Library is already operational in Banagher and Tullamore Libraries in
                                                                                                             Libraries will be programming health and well-being events and
  Offaly, and Tubercurry Library in Sligo.
                                                                                                             talks for early 2019 and beyond. Further details in our next
  My Open Library facilitates access to Deansgrange Library for the wider community. Users can               What’s On Event Guide available in January.
  access the library at times that suit them best, especially for those who cannot get to the library
  during normal opening times. Further information on how to register for the My Open Library service
  can be obtained from the staff in Deangrange Library on 01 285 0860 or deansgrangelib@dlrcoco.ie
                                                                                                             Mountains to Sea dlr
                                                                                                             Book Festival 2019

                                                                                                                                            We are delighted to announce that
                                                                                                                                            the 2019 Mountains to Sea dlr Book
                                                                                                                                            Festival will take place between
                                                                                                                                            28-31 March.
                                                                                                                                            The theme of this latest gathering
                                                                                                                                            of the literary clans is ‘Speaking
                                                                                                                                            with Strangers’. Amongst the many
                                                                                                                                            wonderful storytellers visiting us will
                                                                                                                                            be Margaret Drabble, Emilie Pine,
                                                                                                                                            Sally Rooney, Stephen Rea, Kate
                                                                                                                                            Mosse, Tracey Thorn, John Kelly
                                                                                                              Margaret Drabble
                                                                                                                                            and John Boyne.
                                                                                                             This year’s Children’s Programme sees Sara Keating, who
 Oonagh Brennan Senior Librarian, An Cathaoirleach Cllr. Ossian Smyth and Mairéad Owens, County Librarian.   has been working with schools on Adopt An Author, as guest
                                                                                                             Associate Writer. We’ve also lined up a very special performance
                                                                                                             of Roald Dahl’s wonderful Little Red Riding Hood starring Conor

  Mo Leabharlann Oscailte                                                                                    Linehan and Kathy Rose O’Brien. Programme details and ticket
                                                                                                             information on mountainstosea.ie by the end of December.
  Is é Comhairle Contae Dhún Laoghaire-Ráth an Dúin an chéad údarás áitiúil i mBaile Átha Cliath

                                                                                                                                               Get more bag
  a chuir Mo Leabharlann Oscailte i bhfeidhm. Is seirbhís nua í lena n-éascaítear uaireanta oscailte
  breise ag Leabharlann Ghráinseach an Déin. Le Mo Leabharlann Oscailte cuirtear uaireanta oscailte
  breise ar fáil do bhaill leabharlainne, ar bhonn féinseirbhíse, lasmuigh de na gnáthuaireanta oscailte,
  ó 8am go dtí 10pm, 7 lá sa tseachtain, 365 lá sa bhliain. Beidh na huaireanta oscailte a mbeidh
                                                                                                                                               for your book
  foireann leabharlainne i láthair lena linn fós mar an gcéanna, agus ní bheidh aon tionchar ag an                                             with our new
  tseirbhís nua ar líon na mball foirne sna leabharlanna uile. Le tacaíocht ó mhaoiniú an Rialtais, tá Mo
  Leabharlann Oscailte curtha i bhfeidhm cheana féin i Leabharlann Bheannchair agus i Leabharlann
                                                                                                                                               book set bags!
  Thulach Mhór i gContae Uíbh Fháilí agus i Leabharlann Thobar an Choire i gContae Shligigh.                 Our stylish library bags will be available free to book club
                                                                                                             members and schools when they borrow one of our book
  Éascaítear rochtain ar Leabharlann Ghráinseach an Déin don phobal i gcoitinne le Mo Leabharlann
                                                                                                             sets from January onwards! For further information see
  Oscailte. Is féidir le húsáideoirí rochtain a fháil ar an leabharlann ag na hamanna a oireann is fearr
  dóibh, go háirithe dóibh siúd nach féidir leo teacht chuig an leabharlann le linn gnáthuaireanta
  oscailte. Is féidir tuilleadh eolais faoi chlárú le Mo Leabharlann Oscailte a fháil ón bhfoireann i        And don’t miss our two new bookclubs - LGBTQ+ and Cinema
  Leabharlann Ghráinseach an Déin ar 01 285 0860 nó ag deansgrangelib@dlrcoco.ie                             - starting in January - Email dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie for
                                                                                                             more information.

                                                                                                             Autism-friendly libraries
                                What’s On Event Guide                                                        In 2019 we want to make dlr Libraries even
                                                                                                             friendlier, more accessible and inclusive
                                Keep an eye out for our next What’s On Event Guide which will                spaces for those with Autism with a whole
                                be available in early January in each dlr library and many other             range of initiatives ranging from Quiet
                                locations around the county! Highlights include Healthy Ireland              Tuesdays to Autism-friendly film screenings.
                                events, February’s dlr Lexicon Family Day, Seachtain na Gaeilge              We will also have an Art and Learning course
                                which returns from 1-17 March, and much, much more!                          for Adults with Autism starting at the end of
                                                                                                             January. See our What’s On Guide in January
                                                                                                             for more information. And if you have any ideas around Autism
                                                                                                             and public libraries please tell us at libraryculture@dlrcoco.ie.
10               dlr times
                                                                                                                          INFORMATION AND NEWS FROM DÚN LAOGHAIRE-RATHDOWN COUNTY COUNCIL
Arts & Library Events

                                                    Dunleary Lifeboat Project
                                                    Level 3, dlr LexIcon; 21 January-4 February, 2019.
                                                                                                                             Municipal Gallery,
                                                    Launching 21 January, 7pm-8pm. All welcome!

                                                    The Dunleary Lifeboat Project aims to restore Dunleary Lifeboat
                                                                                                                             dlr LexIcon
                                                    No 698 to full sea-going condition to be used as a heritage
                                                    asset. The exhibition will trace the story of the Dunleary Lifeboat
                                                    and her future as part of Dún Laoghaire’s rich maritime culture.
                                                                                                                             Patrick Graham,
                                                                                                                             Eddie Kennedy,
                                                    My Expressive Journey:                                                   Sinéad Ní
                                                    Level 3, dlr LexIcon; 5 February-17 March, 2019                          Mhaonaigh
                                                    My Expressive Journey is a collection of works produced by               24 November– 20
                                                                                                                                                           As I Roved Out, 2018, Patrick Graham;
                                                    Purple House support group members who explore various                   January, 2019                 courtesy Hillsboro Fine Art
                                                    media in a therapeutic environment. Purple House also offers
                                                                                                                             Curated by Hillsboro Fine Art’s John Daly, this exhibition brings
                                                    health awareness campaigns aimed at 18-30 year olds. Full
                                                                                                                             together, from different generations, three of Ireland’s finest
                                                    details of all services at purplehouse.ie
                                                                                                                             contemporary painters – Sinéad Ní Mhaonaigh (b. 1977),
                                                                                                                             Eddie Kennedy (b. 1960) and Patrick Graham (b. 1943).

                                                    F.M. O’Flanagan:                                                         There are many links that make them complementary neighbours
                                                                                                                             in this gallery, not least their love of the sea and connection to
                                                    Recorder of Dalkey                                                       Dún Laoghaire and its environs.
                                                    Level 5, dlr LexIcon; 5 February-31 March, 2019

                                                    Frank Milo O’Flanagan was a Dalkey resident and founding
                                                    member of many local clubs and associations. Curated by                  and the tide was way out:
                                                    David Gunning, Archivist in Residence at dlr LexIcon, it                 Paul Hallahan & Lee Welch
                                                    features a treasure trove of historical material.                        2 February–31 March, 2019

                                                                                                                             This exhibition of painted works finds its creators looking to
                                                                              Iceland Expedition

                                                                                                                             Utopia and the end of perceived history. And the tide was way out
                                                                                                                             will encompass the gallery space, working with the architecture
                                                                              – Irish Whale and Dolphin Group
                                                                                                                             of the building to pose questions of how we, as artists, see
                                                                              Studio Theatre, dlr Lexicon;                   the world with a combination of fable-based and abstracted
                                                                              Monday 14 January, 2019 at 7pm                 landscape paintings.
                                                                              Join IWDG as they share stories, images and

                                                                                                                             Young Filmmakers
                                                                              videos from their recent exciting expedition
                                                                              to Iceland on board the Celtic Mist. Learn

    Celtic Mist off Ólfasvik in Snæsfellness in the Western Fjords, Iceland
                                                                              also about the humpback whale population,
                                                                              some of whom can be found in Irish waters.     Win Award
   First Dáil Centenary Talk
   with Michael Doran
   Studio Theatre, dlr LexIcon; Tuesday 22 January, 2019 at 12.45

   We are delighted to welcome Michael Doran to dlr LexIcon to give a talk on the centenary of the
   First Dáil. Convened on 21 January, 1919 in the Mansion House, it was presided over by the first
   President of Dáil Éireann, Cathal Brugha. Tickets are free but must be pre-booked at eventbrite.ie
   using ‘Michael Doran First Dáil’ as the search term.

   Healthy Ireland:                                                                                                          Huge congratulations to the young movie-makers from the
                                                                                                                             Grainstore, dlr’s Youth Arts facility, who won the NOISE Flicks
   Rangan Chatterjee and Stephen & David Flynn, AKA The Happy Pear,                                                          Concept Award 2018 at October’s youth film festival. Their film,
   in conversation with Sue Leonard.                                                                                         Strings Attached, was created and made over an intensive period
                                                                                                                             in June. It is an impressive achievement, particularly from young
                                                                  dlr LexIcon; Thursday 24 January, 2019 at 8pm
                                                                                                                             people who have only been working together for a short time.
                                                                  Tickets €12 & €15 from eventbrite.ie
                                                                  Join us for an evening with bestselling authors
                                                                                                                             Make sure and keep an eye on the What’s On section of
                                                                  Dr Rangan Chatterjee and The Happy Pear twins
                                                                                                                             dlrcoco.ie/arts for details of the Gallery Learning Programme.
                                                                  where they will demonstrate how you can live a
                                                                                                                             Lots of workshops, talks, tours and special events for all ages, as
                                                                  healthier, calmer and less stressed existence.
                                                                                                                             well as our dementia-friendly gallery tours and the ever-popular
                                                                                                                             Open Studio every Friday morning.

                                                                                                                                                                              dlr times    11
your                                    dlr Councillors represent you
 DUNDRUM                                 STILLORGAN                                                                    BLACKROCK
                                                                                                                                                                             CLLR. MARY
               CLLR. SHAY                             CLLR. LIAM                              CLLR. BARRY                           CLLR. MARIE                               HANAFIN         ff

                                                                                               SAUL                                  BAKER                                 c/o dlr County Hall,
                BRENNAN          ff                    DOCKERY      ff                                  fg                                     fg
                                                                                             3 Mather Road North,                 38 Avondale Lawn,                      Dún Laoghaire
             31 Finsbury Park,                       10 Knocksinna Park,
                                                                                           Mount Merrion                         Blackrock                     MOBILE: 085 120 2121
           Churchtown                               Foxrock
                                                                                 MOBILE: 086 781 4517                  MOBILE: 086 818 6704                    EMAIL: mhanafin@cllr.dlrcoco.ie
 MOBILE: 086 829 0570                    MOBILE: 086 461 1624
 EMAIL: sbrennan@cllr.dlrcoco.ie         EMAIL: ldockery@cllr.dlrcoco.ie         EMAIL: bsaul@cllr.dlrcoco.ie          EMAIL: mbaker@cllr.dlrcoco.ie
                                                                                                                                                                             CLLR. DEIRDRE
               CLLR. DANIEL                           CLLR. DEIRDRE                           CLLR. DÓNAL                           CLLR. ANNE                                KINGSTON           lab

                                                                                               SMITH                                 COLGAN                                  c/o dlr County Hall,
                DUNNE       gp                         DONNELLY      ind                                 ff                                      ind
                                                                                             c/o dlr County Hall,                  30 Ashlawn,                            Dún Laoghaire
             126 Meadow Park,                        c/o dlr County Hall,
                                                                                           Dún Laoghaire                          Ballinteer Road              MOBILE: 087 234 0409
           Churchtown                              Dún Laoghaire
                                                                                 MOBILE: 087 193 6483                  MOBILE: 087 245 4202                    EMAIL: dkingston@cllr.dlrcoco.ie
 MOBILE: 087 115 4468                    MOBILE: 086 461 1625
 EMAIL: ddunne@cllr.dlrcoco.ie           EMAIL: ddonnelly@cllr.dlrcoco.ie        EMAIL: dsmith@cllr.dlrcoco.ie         EMAIL: acolgan@cllr.dlrcoco.ie
                                                                                                                                                                             CLLR. BARRY
                                                      CLLR. JOHN                                                                    CLLR. KATE                                WARD     fg
               CLLR. PAT                                                                      CLLR. ALEX      WHITE                                                        c/o dlr County Hall,
                HAND      fg                           KENNEDY      fg                                                               FEENEY      ff
                                                                                                                                  Lia Fáil, Wynberg Park,                Dún Laoghaire
             25 Chestnut Grove,                      c/o dlr County Hall,
                                                                                              c/o dlr County Hall,               Blackrock                     MOBILE: 085 157 8000
           Ballinteer                               Dún Laoghaire
                                                                                            Dún Laoghaire              MOBILE: 086 461 1627                    EMAIL: bward@cllr.dlrcoco.ie
 MOBILE: 086 607 8181                    MOBILE: 087 772 0794
                                                                                 MOBILE: 087 220 8533                  EMAIL: kfeeney@cllr.dlrcoco.ie
 EMAIL: phand@cllr.dlrcoco.ie            EMAIL: jkennedy@cllr.dlrcoco.ie
                                                                                 EMAIL: awhite@cllr.dlrcoco.ie

               CLLR. BRIAN
                MURPHY          ind
             c/o dlr County Hall,
           Dún Laoghaire                                                                                               DÚN LAOGHAIRE
 MOBILE: 086 161 2137
 EMAIL: bmurphy@cllr.dlrcoco.ie                                                                                                     CLLR. JOHN
                                                                                                                                      BAILEY    fg                           CLLR. MICHAEL
                                                                                                                                     Kilmore, Killiney Road,                   MERRIGAN ind
               CLLR. SORCHA                                                                                                                                                 11 Desmond Avenue,
                NIC CORMAIC sf                                                                                         MOBILE: 086 832 4523                              Dún Laoghaire
               54 Goatstown                                                                                                                                    MOBILE: 086 875 6026
                                                                                                                       EMAIL: jbailey@cllr.dlrcoco.ie
             Close, Goatstown                                                                                                                                  EMAIL: mmerrigan@cllr.dlrcoco.ie
 MOBILE: 086 461 1637
 EMAIL: sniccormaic@cllr.dlrcoco.ie                                                                                                 CLLR. CORMAC
                                                                             BLACKROCK                                               DEVLIN ff                               CLLR. DAVE
                                                 DUNDRUM                                                                          St. Michael’s,                               O’KEEFFE          pbp
               CLLR. SEAMAS                                                                                                                                                 c/o 91 Lwr George’s St.,
                                                                                                                                117 Glenageary Ave,
                O’NEILL        ind                                 STILLORGAN                                               Dún Laoghaire                                 Dún Laoghaire
               69 Bird Avenue,                                                                   DÚN LAOGHAIRE                                                 MOBILE: 087 120 4129
                                                                                                                       MOBILE: 086 818 6814
           Clonskeagh                                                                                                                                          EMAIL: dokeeffe@cllr.dlrcoco.ie
                                                                                                                       EMAIL: cdevlin@cllr.dlrcoco.ie
 MOBILE: 086 461 1640
 EMAIL: soneill@cllr.dlrcoco.ie
                                                                                                                                     CLLR. MARY                              CLLR. OSSIAN
                                                                                                                                      FAYNE     fg                            SMYTH      gp
               CLLR. GRACE                                                                                                                                                AN CATHAOIRLEACH
                                                                                                                                   AN LEAS
                TALLON         lab
                                                                                                                                 CHATHAOIRLEACH                         1 Woodlawn Park,
               5 Sweetmount                                                                                                                                         Dún Laoghaire
                                                                                                                            Coolmaine, Sandycove
            Avenue, Dundrum                                                                                                                                    MOBILE: 086 461 1628
                                                                                                                         Road, Sandycove
 MOBILE: 086 249 2837                                                                                                                                          EMAIL: osmyth@cllr.dlrcoco.ie
                                                                                                                       MOBILE: 086 461 1626
 EMAIL: gtallon@cllr.dlrcoco.ie                     GLENCULLEN-SANDYFORD
                                                                                                                       EMAIL: mfayne@cllr.dlrcoco.ie
                                                                                                                                                                             CLLR. PATRICIA
                                                                                                                                    CLLR. MELISA                              STEWART         fg
                                                                                                                                      HALPIN     pbp                       7 Stable Lane, Crofton
                                                                                                                                   c/o 91 Lwr George’s St.,               Terrace, Dún Laoghaire
                                                                                      KILLINEY-SHANKILL                          Dún Laoghaire                 MOBILE: 086 829 1002
                                                                                                                       MOBILE: 086 380 5793                    EMAIL: pstewart@cllr.dlrcoco.ie
                                                                                                                       EMAIL: mhalpin@cllr.dlrcoco.ie

               CLLR. EMMA
                BLAIN     fg                                                                                                        CLLR. JENNIFER                           CLLR. SHANE
              c/o dlr County Hall,                                                                                                    CUFFE     ff                            O’BRIEN       sf
            Dún Laoghaire                                                                                                           c/o dlr County Hall,                    135 Coolevin,
 MOBILE: 087 715 2786
 EMAIL: eblain@cllr.dlrcoco.ie          GLENCULLEN-SANDYFORD                                                                       Dún Laoghaire
                                                                                                                       MOBILE: 086 460 8498
                                                                                                                                                               MOBILE: 086 461 1639
                                                                                                                       EMAIL: jcuffe@cllr.dlrcoco.ie           EMAIL: sobrien@cllr.dlrcoco.ie

               CLLR. CHRIS                           CLLR. LETTIE                              CLLR. TOM
                CURRAN         sf                     McCARTHY      lab                         MURPHY        ff                    CLLR. JIM                                CLLR. DENIS
             11 Levmoss Avenue,                      23 Kilgobbin Heights,                   Tree Tops, Barnacullia,                 GILDEA     fg                            O’CALLAGHAN lab
            The Gallops, Leopardstown              Stepaside                               Sandyford                                 Fairymount,                            49 Rathsallagh Park,
 MOBILE: 086 104 3396                   Mobile: 086 818 6718                      MOBILE: 086 781 4515                             Bray Road, Shankill                    Shankill
 EMAIL: ccurran@cllr.dlrcoco.ie         EMAIL: lmccarthy@cllr.dlrcoco.ie          EMAIL: tmurphy@cllr.dlrcoco.ie       MOBILE: 086 813 1456                    MOBILE: 086 278 5609
                                                                                                                       EMAIL: jgildea@cllr.dlrcoco.ie          EMAIL: denisoc@cllr.dlrcoco.ie

               CLLR. KEVIN                           CLLR. LYNSEY                               CLLR. PETER
                DALY ind                              McGOVERN fg                                O’BRIEN      lab                   CLLR. HUGH                               CLLR. CARRIE
             c/o dlr County Hall,                   49 Ranelagh Road,                         23 Clonard Lawn,                       LEWIS     pbp                            SMYTH     lab
            Dún Laoghaire                          Ranelagh                                 Sandyford Road                         179 Ashlawn Park,                         Inislachan, Seafield
 MOBILE: 086 461 1081                   MOBILE: 086 461 1634                      MOBILE: 086 461 1638                            Ballybrack                                Road, Killiney
 EMAIL: kdaly@cllr.dlrcoco.ie           EMAIL: lmcgovern@cllr.dlrcoco.ie          EMAIL: pobrien@cllr.dlrcoco.ie       MOBILE: 086 781 4523                    MOBILE: 086 383 5051
                                                                                                                       EMAIL: hlewis@cllr.dlrcoco.ie           EMAIL: carriesmyth@cllr.dlrcoco.ie

12     dlr times
                                                                                                                                     INFORMATION AND NEWS FROM DÚN LAOGHAIRE-RATHDOWN COUNTY COUNCIL
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