2019 ORTHOPAEDICS - Florida Orthopaedic Institute

Page created by Sean Fernandez
2019 ORTHOPAEDICS - Florida Orthopaedic Institute
ORTHOPAEDICS                             201 9
                                         THE YEAR
                                         IN REVIEW

   Primary teaching hospital for the
USF Health Morsani College of Medicine
2019 ORTHOPAEDICS - Florida Orthopaedic Institute
Our orthopaedics team at TGH
focuses on producing world-class
outcomes for our patients. From
complex injuries to more routine
orthopaedic care, our health care
professionals organize as a team
with the patient to diagnose and
treat all musculoskeletal issues,
producing world-class results.

        — John Couris, President & CEO,
         TA M PA G E N E R A L H O S P ITA L
2019 ORTHOPAEDICS - Florida Orthopaedic Institute






     GENERAL HOSPITAL                                                                  5
                                                                                       HELICOPTERS allow
     OUR FOCUS AREAS                         RESEARCH                                  Tampa General Hospital
18   ADULT RECONSTRUCTION SURGERY       38   FORE (The Foundation for Orthopaedic 		   to transport critically
                                             Research and Education)                   injured or ill patients
                                                                                       from 23 area counties
                                                                                       to receive the advanced
26   HAND & WRIST SURGERY               40   FIVE LABS
                                                                                       care they need.
                                             PUBLICATIONS, BOOKS &                     Air transport services provided by
                                                                                       Metro Aviation, Inc.

2019 ORTHOPAEDICS - Florida Orthopaedic Institute

                                        orthopaedic beds are
                                        dedicated to patients
                                        being treated by Florida
                                        Orthopaedic Institute and
                                        the USF Department of
                                        Orthopaedics physicians.

We believe our passion will continue
to drive clinical excellence at Tampa
General Hospital for years to come.

2019 ORTHOPAEDICS - Florida Orthopaedic Institute
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

                     s Florida’s largest orthopedic      of care. Our subspecialties including
                     group, Florida Orthopaedic          hand and wrist, spine, joint replace-      As academic researchers and teachers,
                     Institute’s mission remains         ment, shoulder and elbow, sports           I am proud of our residency program,
             excellence in clinical outcomes with        medicine, foot and ankle, trauma, and      which scored in the 98th percentile
             exceptional patient experiences. As         pain management. These proficiencies       in the nation. Similarly, our research
             medical director for the Orthopedics        are invaluable for proper diagnosis        divisions published 61 peer reviewed
             Program at Tampa General Hospital, it       and treatment, providing a level of care   scientific articles in the 2019 academic
             is my responsibility to make sure we live   unrivaled anywhere in the Tampa Bay        year. This combination of surgical
             up to these standards every day. We’re      area.                                      talent, clinical researchers, and a strong
             committed to achieving world-class                                                     residency training program allows USF/
             results for all our patients.               As the exclusive clinical faculty for      FOI at TGH to offer our community
                                                         the USF Department of Orthopaedic          high-quality academic research, all the
             Our world-class results are coupled         Surgery, FOI/USF at TGH features a full    while maintaining excellence in clinical
             with academic teaching, education,          complement of orthopaedic surgeons in      orthopaedic surgery.
             and research through our integration        every subspecialty, mid-level providers,
             with the University of South Florida’s      orthopaedic Fellows in six (6) different   For over 30 years, we have worked
             Morsani School of Medicine (USF).           subspecialties, and the USF Ortho-         diligently to make Florida Orthopaedic
             Tampa General Hospital (TGH), our           paedic Surgery Residency Training          Institute a leader in orthopaedics.
             academic medical center, is a vital part    Program. A total of 48 orthopaedic         What we’ve been able achieve has
             of this equation and allows us to help      beds are dedicated to the Orthopaedic      been through outstanding partner-
             countless patients with all aspects of      Trauma Service, the Hand and Replant       ships, forward-thinking leadership,
             the musculoskeletal care. With over         Service, the Joint Replacement Center,     dedicated employees, our staff of
             1,000 inpatient beds including 150 ICU      and one the largest Shoulder and           fellowship trained physicians, our
             beds, TGH is the only Level I Trauma        Elbow Programs in the United States.       affiliation with USF and the Ortho-
             Center on the west coast of Florida. It’s   TGH offers our region the most sophis-     paedic Residency program, and
             designated as the region’s Brain and        ticated and innovative orthopaedic         cutting-edge orthopaedic research.
             Spinal Cord Injury Center, Hand Replant     care available. This includes complex
             Center, and Regional Burn Facility.         hand replantation, polytrauma man-
                                                         agement, robotic surgery, total ankle      Sincerely,
             Because all our surgeons are fellowship     replacements, revision arthroplasty,
             trained, they can practice in their area    and management of bone and joint
             of expertise with the highest standards     infections, to name a few.
                                                                                                    Roy Sanders, M.D.
                                                                                                    Chief, TGH Department of Orthopaedics
                                                                                                    Professor & Chair, USF Orthopaedic Surgery
             Our goal is to provide patients with world-class                                       President, Florida Orthopaedic Institute
             orthopaedic care and achieve exceptional outcomes
             through continuing research and specialty expertise.
2019 ORTHOPAEDICS - Florida Orthopaedic Institute

TGH is ranked one of America’s top 50
hospitals in five medical specialties and
a top 20 hospital for Orthopaedics
by U.S. News & World Report 2019-2020.

2019 ORTHOPAEDICS - Florida Orthopaedic Institute
One of the most comprehensive academic
medical centers in the nation

       anked as one of the             comprehensive interventions.
       nation’s top 20 hospitals       As one of the largest hospitals in
       for orthopaedics and            Florida, Tampa General Hospital
one of the best hospitals in five      is licensed for 1,007 beds, and with
medical specialties by U.S. News       over 8,000 employees, is one of
& World Report 2019-2020, Tampa        the region’s largest employers.
General Hospital is one of the most    TGH has been affiliated with the
comprehensive academic medical         USF Health Morsani College of
centers in the nation. Tampa General   Medicine since the school was
performs more orthopaedic surgical     created in the early 1970s, with
procedures than anyone in the          over 400 residents and fellows
area, giving surgeons the extensive    assigned for specialty training.
experience that has made TGH a
regional, national and international   Tampa General Hospital is
referral center for orthopaedic        home to the only Level I Trauma
trauma, complex procedures and         Center in the region and provides
                                       nationally respected orthopaedic
                                       trauma services. It is also the
                                       only regional referral center
                                       that specializes in bone and joint
                                       infections. Additionally, Tampa
                                       General Hospital has specialty
                                       centers for Orthopaedics, Trauma,      Tampa General performs more
                                       Bariatrics, Neurology, Head and        orthopaedic surgical procedures than
                                       Neck Surgery, Burns, Cardiac           anyone in the area, giving surgeons
                                       Surgery, Transplantation, Vascular     the extensive experience that has
                                       Surgery, Women’s Health and            made TGH a regional, national
Tampa General Hospital’s state-
                                       OB/GYN, Oncology, Pediatrics,          and international referral center
verified Level I Trauma Center
                                       Neonatal Intensive Care, In-           for orthopaedic trauma, complex
proudly maintains Gold Seal
                                       Vitro Fertilization and others.        procedures and comprehensive
Certification for healthcare quality
from the Joint Commission in                                                  interventions.
orthopaedic trauma.

2019 ORTHOPAEDICS - Florida Orthopaedic Institute
33,807                       47                    43,531                                              TGH Ortho

SURGERIES                SURGICAL                   INPATIENT      AMC
                          SUITES                   DISCHARGES      comparison group

                                                                   TGH Ortho

    EMERGENCY & TRAUMA CENTER VISITS                              TRANSPLANTS

      102,626                          19,812                       544               HIP & KNEE ARTHROPLASTY
           ADULT                         PEDIATRIC              ADULT & PEDIATRIC            Length of Stay

        8,095                               1,663
                                         MEDICAL STAFF
        making it one of
    the region’s largest em-                1,007                                                     AVERAGE
            ployers                      LICENSED BEDS                                                   DAILY
                  (2019 Fiscal Year End 9/30/19)

2019 ORTHOPAEDICS - Florida Orthopaedic Institute
Tampa General Hospital has been           Not only does Tampa General           each patient’s mobility, function,       workers – all in a single location,
named one of the top 20 hospitals         Hospital’s orthopaedic program        and quality of life. Patients have       providing a simple, convenient and
in the nation and the best hospital       excel at providing routine surgical   access to a multidisciplinary team       patient-centered experience.
in Florida for orthopaedics by            procedures such as hip and knee       of specialists – including physicians,
U.S. News & World Report 2019-            surgery, but they also excel at       surgeons, advanced practice nurses,
2020 in recognition of its:               providing emergency orthopaedic       registered nurses, physical and
                                          care for trauma patients. The         occupational therapists, and social
  • High patient volume                   orthopaedic trauma
  • Better-than-expected                  program provides
    survival rates                        fracture management,
                                                                                For years, Tampa General Hospital has received
  • Favorable balance of                  limb-sparing surgeries,
    nurses to patients                    bone and joint infection              numerous disease-specific national certifications
  • Full-time availability                management, and                       from The Joint Commission, including hip, knee
    of intensive care                     corrective surgeries for              and shoulder joint replacement.
  • Compliance with the                   nonunions, malunions,
    nursing standards set forth           and a variety of other
    by the American Nurses                orthopaedic conditions.
    Credentialing Center                  Tampa General Hospital is
  • Comprehensive range of                a regional referral center
    patient services, including           for complex orthopaedic
    arthritis treatment and               surgery, and the orthopaedic
    wound management                      trauma program maintains
  • Advanced technological                Gold Seal Certification from
    offerings, including computer-        The Joint Commission.
    assisted orthopaedic surgery
    and transplant services               Tampa General Hospital’s
                                          Orthopaedics Program
Additionally, Tampa General Hospital      Orthopaedic surgeons at
earned high performing 2019-              Tampa General Hospital                                                Tampa General Hospital
2020 recognition from U.S. News &         care for a complete range                                           was named one of the top 20
World Report for its knee and hip         of orthopaedic conditions,
                                                                                                            hospitals in the nation and the best
replacement programs, both of             including arthritis, fractures,
which have low 7- and 30-day re-          and all musculoskeletal
                                                                                                         hospital in Florida for orthopaedics
admission rates, low post-operative       injuries. Surgeons perform                                  by U.S. News & World Report 2019-2020.
complication rates, and low rates         joint replacement surgeries,                              Additionally, the hospital was named a
of patients requesting corrective         trauma care, and a                                     high performing hospital for hip and
surgery after their initial procedures.   multitude of other treatments,                       knee replacements.
                                          working collaboratively to improve

2019 ORTHOPAEDICS - Florida Orthopaedic Institute
                                                            Florida Orthopaedic
                                                            Institute has 9 locations
                                                            across the Tampa Bay
                                                            area and 2 ambulatory
                                                            Surgery Centers.

As Florida’s largest orthopaedic group, our mission
is to provide patients with world-class orthopaedic care,
achieving exceptional outcomes through continuing
research and specialty expertise.

— Roy Sanders, M.D.
  President, Florida Orthopaedic Institute

All surgeons are fellowship trained,
providing a level of care unattainable
elsewhere in Tampa Bay

F                                                                                                                 217,242
      lorida Orthopaedic Institute   With expertise in virtually every      Using data, research, and
      physicians are known           orthopaedic subspecialty, Florida      analytics, FOI continues to provide
      nationally and throughout      Orthopaedic Institute is a one-stop    innovative care to patients,          OFFICE VISITS seen
the world for their work in          shop, with the ability to manage all   allowing them the best chance to      in 2019
orthopaedic surgery, and have        aspects of musculoskeletal care.       return to a normal lifestyle.
been named among the best
orthopaedic physicians in America.   Founded in 1989, FOI has grown         Additionally, in combination with     76,584
This is accomplished through         from 12 orthopaedists working          USF and Tampa General Hospital,       NEW PATIENTS seen
subspecialization, continuing        in one office and one hospital,        FOI surgeons use the combined         in 2019
scientific and clinical research     to over 45 physicians, 30 mid-         strengths of each partner to
to enhance the art and science       level providers, 16 Fellows, and a     advance academic orthopaedics
of orthopaedic surgery, and by       professional staff of more than        through the USF Orthopaedic
providing orthopaedic education      690, working in 9 offices and 18       Surgery Residency Program. This
through courses and lectures,
journal publications, Fellowship
and residency training.
                                     regional hospitals, plus two FOI
                                     Surgery Centers.
                                                                            combination assures patients the
                                                                            finest orthopaedic treatment and
                                                                            brings substantial benefits to the
                                     FOI’s Divisions include:               community, patients, residents,
                                     Foot and Ankle, Hand and Wrist,        and medical students alike.
                  With                                                                                            performed in 2019
                                     Joint Arthroplasty, Oncology,
                 expertise in
                                     Orthopaedic Trauma, Pain
              virtually every
                                     Management, Rehabilitative
                                     Medicine, Shoulder and Elbow,
         subspecialty, Florida
                                     Spine Surgery, and Sports

       Orthopaedic Institute
    manages virtually
  all aspects of
 musculoskeletal care.                                                                                            TOTAL
                                                                                                                  performed in 2019

The USF/FOI program continues to raise the bar. Our
residents scored amongst the top 5 programs in the US
on the 2019 Orthopaedic In Training Exam, presented
at top national conferences, published in peer reviewed
journals, far surpassed surgical training requirements,
and matched at the most highly sought-after US and
international fellowship programs following graduation.

— Hassan Mir, M.D., M.B.A.                                USF Health Morsani
                                                          College of Medicine
  Program Director                                        and Heart Institute in
                                                          downtown Tampa.

Producing surgeons ready for the                                                                                  DEPARTMENT OF
challenges of contemporary medicine                                                                               SURGERY

                                                                                                                  OF GRADUATES take
                                                                          Hospitals for Children, and several     subspecialty Fellowships
          Together, USF and FOI continue                                  community hospitals. Additionally,

          to provide educational excellence
                                                                          research opportunities at USF,
                                                                          FIVE LABS, and CAMLS, in basic          36
          in musculoskeletal medicine and                                 science, biomechanics, and clinical     ORTHOPAEDIC
          research, now and for the future.                               research, complete the advanced         RESIDENTS
                                                                          training and education.                 have completed the
                                                                                                                  program since inception

                                                                          We believe this creative and            in 2007
       he USF Health Morsani         as compassionate clinicians,

                                                                          innovative educational experience
       College of Medicine,          excellent surgeons, and creative
                                                                          produces practice ready
       and Florida Orthopaedic       researchers, by offering them
                                                                          surgeons, instilling within them the
Institute have partnered together    a wealth of opportunities in                                                 PRESENTATIONS,
                                                                          knowledge, skills, and attitudes
to provide excellence in academic    orthopaedic education.                                                       PUBLICATIONS
                                                                          required for the challenges of
training, research and education.                                                                                 and LECTURES from
                                                                          contemporary medicine. Our goal         orthopaedic residents
Together, we are the keystone in a   As such, we have put together
                                                                          is to create the ultimate learning

network of institutions, programs,   a balanced and complete
                                                                          environment to foster excellence
and individuals that collaborate     orthopaedic training program
                                                                          in the lifelong pursuit of education,
to give innovative, high-quality,    with opportunities we believe
compassionate, accessible            rival any program in our state.
                                                                          research, and compassionate             PEER-REVIEWED
                                                                          patient care.                           PUBLICATIONS
orthopaedic health care.             Primarily based at Tampa General
                                                                                                                  over the last 5 years
                                     Hospital, the Residency Training

                                                                                                                  TOP 5
The core element in this             Program is also blessed with
integrated partnership is our        exceptional participating teaching
Orthopaedic Surgery Residency        facilities including the James A.
                                                                          Hassan Mir, M.D., M.B.A.                SCORING BY
Training Program. The specific       Haley Veterans’ Hospital, Johns                                              RESIDENTS in the 2019
                                                                          Program Director
goal of the program is to prepare    Hopkins All Children’s Hospital,                                             Orthopaedic In Training
orthopaedic leaders of the future    Moffitt Cancer Center, Shriners                                              Exam

2015 – 2020 RESIDENTS

2019 Orthopaedic Surgery Residents and Dr. Sanders, Chairman, front row (3rd from the left) and Dr. Mir, M.D., Program Director, front row (4th from
the left)

Exceptional training opportunities
at 8 area institutions

                                                        The goal of the program is to
                                                        prepare orthopaedic leaders
                                                        of the future as clinicians,
                                                        surgeons, and creative

      he Orthopaedic Surgery          training opportunities at a variety   distance of the main campus of
      Residency Training              of superb institutions, including     the University of South Florida.
      Program at the USF              world-renowned Moffitt                                                   THROUGH
Health Morsani College of             Cancer Center, Florida Hospital       Other participating institutions   EXPERIENCE
Medicine provides outstanding         Tampa, Shriners Hospitals for         include John Hopkins All
post-graduate education in            Children, and the James A.            Children’s Hospital, Florida       Residents are provided
the setting of broad spectrum,        Haley Veterans Administration         Hospital Carrollwood, Brandon      educational opportunities
state-of-the-art clinical services.   Medical Center. These facilities      Regional Hospital, and Tampa       through lectures, small
The goal of the program is to         are co-located within walking         General Hospital where             group discussions and
prepare orthopaedic leaders of                                              residents spend the majority       exercises, hands-on
the future as clinicians, surgeons,                                         of their time and where the        sawbones labs, cadaveric
and creative investigators. This                                            academic offices are located.      training, surgical skills labs,
approach puts trainees on the                                                                                  and mobile learning labs
cutting edge of orthopaedic                                                                                    for hands-on experience
advancement, and benefits                                                                                      and to explore the latest
patients and the profession,                                                                                   orthopaedic technologies.
                                                                            Hands-on resident training
now and for years to come.
                                                                            at FORE (Foundation for
The USF Orthopaedic Residency                                               Orthopaedic Research and
Program offers exceptional                                                  Education)

HOSPITAL         One of the largest Fellowship
                 programs in the nation

                        urgical Fellowships            of a total of 15 Fellows at TGH,
                        are designed to offer          making this one of the largest
                        graduating orthopaedic         Fellowship programs in the
                 surgeons advanced training in         United States.
                 an orthopaedic subspecialty.
                 The goal of each of these             The ACGME approved Sports
                 one-year Fellowships is to            Medicine Fellowship under
                 provide a comprehensive               Dr. Charles Nofsinger, offers
                 educational, clinical, operative      a broad-based experience,
                 and research opportunity that         teaching the care and
                 can only be experienced in a          prevention of injuries to
                 highly specialized, high-volume       athletes to one Fellow every
                 referral center. Our goal is          year. Using an additional four
                 that the graduating Fellow will       faculty, Fellows are involved in
                 become proficient in that field       the surgical and office-based
                 of orthopaedics, and develop          management of sports-related
                 into an authority in that field for   injuries as well as supporting
                 their community.                      team sports including Tampa
                                                       Bay Buccaneers, the University
                 There are six (6) Fellowships         of South Florida, University of
                 offered through FOI/TGH/USF.          Tampa, St. Leo University, and
                 Overall, twenty nine attending        most of the high schools in our
                 staff are involved in the training    region.

The Shoulder and Elbow Fellowship,            Kenneth Gustke and Thomas Bernasek,
under Drs. Mark Frankle and Mark              and seven other arthroplasty surgeons,
Mighell, consists of three Fellows            trains six Fellows in primary and revision
mastering arthroscopic surgery of the         hip and knee replacements, as well as
shoulder, as well as fracture care and        robotic surgery.
joint arthroplasty, with one of the largest
volume reverse shoulder replacement           The Orthopaedic Trauma Service, under
programs in the country.                      the direction of Dr. Roy Sanders, has
                                              trained more than 100 Fellows over the
The Hand and Wrist Fellowship, under          last 30 years. Three Fellows annually are
the supervision of Dr. Alfred Hess, trains    taught by a total of six trauma surgeons
three Fellows in all aspects of upper         in Level I management of the multiply-
extremity pathology including congenital      injured patient.
hand deformities (at Shriners Hospital
for Children) and replantation and limb
salvage surgery of the upper extremity
using four dedicated hand surgeons at
TGH, our Level I facility.

The Foot and Ankle Fellowship, under Dr.
Arthur Walling and two other surgeons,
trains two Fellows each year and has long
                                                      More than

been a center for total ankle replacement

The Joint Arthroplasty program with                   FELLOWS
more than 1,400 joint replacements at             have graduated
TGH alone, under the co-direction of Drs.           since 2000
ADULT                                      Performing thousands of
                                           successful hip and knee joint
RECONSTRUCTION                             arthroplasties

                                           Hip Preservation Surgery           Primary Hip & Knee
                                           Technologies and procedures        Arthroplasty Surgery
                                           for care and repair of the hip     The arthritis specialists of
                                           have evolved significantly in      Florida Orthopaedic Institute
                                           recent years. If oral medication   use numerous methods to treat
                                           and physical therapy are not       arthritis depending on its severity
                                           effective, patients are now        including activity modification,
                                           offered the latest advanced        exercise programs, and oral
                                           technique - hip arthroscopy.       medications to manage milder
                                           For patients with pain related     forms of the disease. For more
                                           to torn or loose cartilage,        moderate forms of the disease,
                                           or early arthritis with bone       cutting-edge regenerative
                                           impingement, minimally invasive    techniques including platelet rich
                                           arthroscopic hip surgery is        plasma and stem cell injections
                                           an excellent option which is       are offered to minimize the pain
                                           performed as an out-patient        associated with the disease.
                                           procedure, through one or two      When the hip or knee joint is
                                           small incisions. In many cases,    either too arthritic, deformed, or
                                           arthroscopic treatment can         both, a variety of replacement
Our surgeons are leading the way with      minimize or significantly delay    options are available, including
minimally invasive arthroscopic hip        the need for a hip replacement.    total hip, partial hip, and
                                           The specialists of Florida         total knee replacements.
surgery, robotic assisted total knee       Orthopaedic Institute are among

and hip replacement, tibial trial sensor   only a handful within the state
                                           of Florida qualified to provide
                                                                              Hip and knee replacements
                                                                              are one of the most successful
technology and other cutting-edge          this state-of-the-art therapy.     operations ever developed,
                                                                              with patient satisfaction rates
orthopaedic techniques.                                                       typically in excess of 90%. Florida
                                                                              Orthopaedic Institute surgeons

Tampa General Hospital is one
                                                                                                   of the leading revision hip and
                                                                                                   knee centers in the nation.

                                                                                                    perform thousands of            advanced techniques available,
                                                                                                     these joint replacements       making them leaders in their field.
                                                                                                     each year. All have
                                                                                                     received Fellowship            Same Day Outpatient Hip
                                                                                                     training in their specialty,   & Knee Joint Surgery
                                                                                                     from some of the world’s       Florida Orthopaedic Institute
                                                                                                    best universities and           surgeons have helped pioneer
                                                                                                   research centers, and now        outpatient joint replacement,
                                                                                                  teach younger surgeons            where patients can go home
                                                                                                 these same techniques,             the same day as the surgery.
                                                                                                lecturing nationally and            Traditionally, patients have been
                                                                                               throughout the world.                admitted to the hospital for a
                                                                                               These same surgeons have             period of two to four days. But
                                                                                               pioneered many of the                with team control, excellent
                                                                                               operative procedures and             anesthesia, and surgeon expertise,
                                                                                               designed the very implants           same day replacements can be
                                                                                              used to replace the hip and           performed on selected patients.
                                                                                              knee joints. All are board            Patients come in an hour before the
                                                                                             certified and recertified.             operation, have surgery, usually stay
                                                                                             As a result, these surgeons            between three to four hours in the
                                                                                           consistently use the most                recovery unit, and then go home.

                                                                                               ADULT RECONSTRUCTION CASES

Row (l to r) Dr. Christopher Grayson, Dr. Kenneth Gustke, Dr. Brian Palumbo, Dr. Michael
  Miranda, Dr. Kapil Mehrotra, Dr. David Watson; Back Row (l to r) Dr. Steven Lyons, Dr.            2019
                  Thomas Bernasek, Dr. David Donohue, Dr. Grant Garlick

Robotic Joint                        replacements. Surgeons guide the       and patients with metabolic
Replacement Surgery                  Mako robotic arm during surgery,       bone problems. As one of the
One recent technique that the        based on a patient-specific plan.      leading revision hip and knee
Florida Orthopaedic Institute                                               centers in the United States,
Joint Replacement team at            Revision Joint                         Tampa General Hospital and its
TGH has helped pioneer is the        Replacement Surgery                    surgeons’ expertise have restored
Mako® robotic-assisted surgery.      As high volume joint replacement       many failed joint replacements
This technology helps with the       surgeons, the Florida Orthopaedic      so patients may successfully
removal of diseased bone while       Institute team has a tremendous        return to a normal lifestyle.
preserving healthy bone and          understanding of the problems
assists the surgeon in the ideal     associated with failed surgery.
positioning of the implant, based    This expertise has resulted
on the patient’s anatomy. Mako       in exceptional experience in
technology provides surgeons         solutions for infected joints, loose
with patient-specific 3-D models     implants, complex deformities,           Blue Cross and Blue Shield
to pre-plan hip and knee             fractures around these implants,            Association (BCBSA)
                                                                                 has selected Tampa
                                                                              General Hospital as a Blue
                                                                                Distinction Center+ for         SENIOR STRONG
                                                                              Knee and Hip Replacement,         The SENIOR STRONG program,
                                                                              part of the Blue Distinction      created by Florida Orthopaedic
                                                                               Specialty Care program.          Institute, is designed to
                                                                                                                proactively provide seniors with
                                                                                                                key fitness techniques to maintain
                                                                                                                healthy and active lifestyles by
                                                                                                                decreasing falls and increasing
                                                                                                                energy levels to prevent hip
                                                                                                                fractures. This groundbreaking
                                                                                                                preventative treatment program
                                                                                                                helps incorporate lower extremity
Based on a patient-specific                                                                                     resistance strength exercises,
plan, surgeons guide the Mako
robotic arm during surgery.
                                                                                                                balance exercises, and functional
Mako technology assists the                                                                                     movements and is customized to
surgeon in positioning the implant                                                                              each patient.
based on the patient’s anatomy.

ADULT RECONSTRUCTION SURGERY Success Stories                                                               ON THE LEADING EDGE
                                                                                                           FOI joint arthroplasty surgeons are
When Moseley Ruark                                   Ed Crawford suffered an injury in his youth but       using:
had her original                                     thought nothing of it. As Ed aged, he noticed he      • Robotic-assisted total knee
knee replacement                                     was no longer able to do activities he enjoyed,         replacement, leading the
five years ago, she                                  such as riding his bicycle and his motorcycle, and      application team, the IDE study for
thought that was the                                 gentle yoga without pain. He                            FDA approval, and as part of initial
best recovery she                                    came to Florida Orthopaedic                             limited release surgeon group
would have. Yet she                                  Institute to see what was going                       • Second generation robotic partial
couldn’t climb the stairs or stand to cook without   on with his hip. Ed had a full                          knee replacement, leading the
pain. While visiting with some friends, they         right hip replacement and                               application team and part of the
                                                                                                             initial limited release surgeon
convinced her that she could achieve a better        was able to stand the next day
quality of life. After a consult with Dr. Palumbo,   following his surgery. He can
Moseley felt like he could revise her knee and get   now enjoy the activities he                           • Robotic-assisted total hip
her back to being active with her family. Moseley    loves with no hesitation or pain.
couldn’t say enough about her experience, and                                                              • Tibial trial sensor technology for
is thrilled to be able to bend down and play with                                                            total knee soft tissue balancing
her grandchildren now.                               Grant Pennington has been around horses all           • Anterior-based muscle sparing
                                                     his life, and his passion for riding and training       approach for total hip permitting
                                                     progressed from a hobby to a career. During             accelerated recovery
Earl Bedford is a 30-year Army veteran who           one of his training sessions with a fresh horse, he   • Short femoral implant component
served in Special Operations. After retirement       was bucked off, shattering his left tibia. He was       for total hips
from the service, his body started to fail him. He   transferred to Tampa General Hospital so the          • Radiofrequency ablation for knee
wanted to ensure his quality of life in the years    Florida Orthopaedic Institute Trauma physicians         pain (genicular nerves) via novel
ahead and allow him to continue being active.        could perform his surgery. He learned he might          technique
                  He had torn muscles in his right   never walk again, but his team and Grant himself      • Kinematic total knee arthroplasties
                  knee and torn ligaments and        wouldn’t settle on that future. At four months          (pilot center)
                  muscles in his left knee. His      post-op, Grant was riding again.                      • Custom total knee arthroplasty
                  double knee replacement and                                                                implantations
                  recovery were “outstanding.”
                                                                                                           • Partial and Total knee replacements
                  Now he is back to swimming,                                                                using the MAKO robotic-arm
                  playing with his dog, and                                                                  assisted surgery system
                  keeping up with his two
                                                                                                           • Navio Surgical System for partial
                  daughters.                                                                                 knee replacement

FOOT & ANKLE                               Over 1,700 procedures done
                                           in 2019 alone
                                                  ince 1989, Florida           When surgery is indicated, the
                                                  Orthopaedic Institute        operative experience of the
                                                  surgeons at Tampa            surgeon is critical. With the
                                           General Hospital have helped        largest combined experience
                                           thousands of patients get back      in Florida, the FOI team has
                                           on their feet with Tampa Bay’s      performed tens of thousands
                                           most advanced orthopedic            of these procedures including
                                           lower extremity service.            flat foot corrections, ankle
                                           Knowledgeable and experienced       and subtalar fusions, midfoot
                                           physicians, therapists and nurses   osteotomies, bunion surgery,
                                           work in concert to cover the        soft tissue reconstructions, as
                                           total spectrum of foot and ankle    well as fracture reconstruction.
                                           musculoskeletal care.
                                                                               Fracture Surgery
                                           Whether tendon, ligament,           The foot and ankle surgeons
                                           bone injuries, arthritis, or        are well respected fracture
With over 20 years of experience,          acute/chronic conditions,           specialists, managing the most
performing thousands of ankle fusions,     FOI surgeons are fellowship         complex of these problems with
                                           trained and have extensive          a national and international
triple arthrodesis, subtalar fusions and   knowledge in the management         reputation. In addition, the

total ankle replacements, our surgeons     of all conditions affecting this
                                           region of the body. Thankfully,
                                                                               devices used to treat these
                                                                               injuries (plates, screws and
are leaders in the field. TGH is the       many of these problems require      intramedullary nails) have
                                           conservative management             been developed by members
largest total ankle replacement center     before requiring surgery. Shoe      of the team. This expertise is
in Florida.                                modifications, bracing, physical    unique in the region and allows
                                           therapy, and medications are        for managing problems with
                                           only a part of what is offered.     predictable outcomes, as well as

Patients from all across the nation are
referred Because of the combined
expertise and reputation.
teaching others through courses,
lectures, and publications.           In 1995, the Agility® total
                                      ankle prosthesis became
Ankle Arthritis                       available in the U.S. Tampa
Unfortunately, this is a rather       General was the third center
common problem and requires           in the country to implant
careful management to maintain        this device, with Florida
motion while minimizing pain.         Orthopaedic surgeons
The first line of treatment           involved in design, teaching,
remains oral medications, but         and evaluation of the implant.
stem cell injections are frequently   Later that year a European
used by the staff to minimize the     ankle known as the S.T.A.R.®
inflammation within the ankle         was released, and again Florida
that causes the pain. When this is    Orthopaedic surgeons were
not effective, arthroscopy may be     involved in the first trial of that
used remove irritating tissue.        prosthesis in the U.S.
These minimally invasive              Since that time, FOI surgeons                 FELLOWSHIP AND RESIDENT TRAINING FACULTY, Pictured (l to r)
procedures are designed to            (all trained on total ankle                 Dr. Roy Sanders, Dr. Arthur Walling, Dr. Timothy Epting, Dr. Evan Loewy

prevent the need for an open          replacements) have performed
procedure. However, when              hundreds of replacements. With        are not candidates for an ankle            and position the ankle so the joint
arthritic pain and deformity          over 20 years of experience,          replacement, ankle fusions                 below moves well.
prevents patients from                the foot and ankle surgeons of        remain the gold standard.
maintaining a normal lifestyle,       Florida Orthopaedic Institute         Patients can walk without a limp           Revisions & Referrals
either a fusion or an ankle           remain leaders in the field.          using modern techniques to                 Because of the combined
replacement is required.              Finally, for those patients that      remove minimal amounts of bone             expertise of the foot and ankle

FOOT & ANKLE CENTER Success Stories                                          surgeons, as well as their national   Specialties include the
                                                                             reputation, patients are referred     treatment of:
                                                                             not only locally, but from all over   • Achilles Tendon Injuries
                                                                             the country. Many of the referrals    • Chronic Ankle Ligament Injuries
                                                                             are patients with significant         • Adult Acquired Flatfoot
                                                                             post-surgical complications           • Bunion Surgery
                                                                             including infections, failed joint    • Hammer Toe
                                                                             replacements, poorly positioned       • Morton’s Neuroma
                                                                             fusions, and non-healed               • Stem Cell Injections
                                                                             fractures. These patients are         • Arthritis of the Foot and Ankle
                                                                             sent to the Center for definitive     • Fractures of the Foot and Ankle
                                                                             solutions to their problems,          • Total Ankle Arthroplasty
                                                                             and in most cases the Florida           (Replacement)
An industrial accident 15 years ago crushed Andy McTear’s right ankle.       Orthopaedic surgeons at Tampa
The injury healed reasonably well, but as age caught up to him, he got       General Hospital are able to
arthritis in that foot. The progressive pain prohibited him from his usual   improve their lives. This ability
activities of teaching woodturning and golfing with his wife. Feeling        to solve complex problems and
hopeless, Andy turned to the Florida Orthopaedic Institute for help.         help patients is the driving force
He thought after the operation that he would still experience some           behind maintaining the high
pain, but today Andy is entirely pain-free and back to enjoying his          quality of care offered, and why
favorite hobbies.                                                            Tampa General is a regional and
                                                                             national referral center.
Janice White had a terrible fall one afternoon and broke both her
fibula and ankle along with dislocating her leg from her ankle. An avid
walker and biker, she was concerned
that she would never be able to get
back to the active lifestyle she loved.
Immediately after her break, Janice
went to Tampa General Hospital so
she could have her surgery done by
the Florida Orthopaedic Institute
                                                                             FOOT & ANKLE CASES
surgeons. Just 3 weeks after surgery,
she was back to walking a mile
a day.                                                                           2019                                            1,742



                                                                                                                              Terry Swartz with his children

        erry was driving home one day when he got into an accident            Dr. Sanders knew he could save Terry’s legs, but it would take a series
        that drove his car into a wall. The impact from the hit was so        of surgeries over a year to do so. As a result of this, Terry moved his
        great that it crushed all in its path – including Terry’s legs. The   entire family to Tampa for the year, just so he could receive treatment
doctor informed him that there was a chance they would need to do             from Dr. Sanders. Initially after the surgeries, Terry was in a lot
a bilateral amputation because of the seriousness of the injury. It was       of pain. But as time progressed, he was walking and running the
then that Terry sought out Dr. Roy Sanders of the Florida Orthopaedic         hallways. Today, Terry’s legs are fully functioning, and he’s back to all
Institute to see if he could help his case.                                   dad activities.

HAND & WRIST                           Additionally training allows our surgeons
                                       to excel in microvascular surgery, with
                                       extensive experience in the replantation
SURGERY                                of fingers, thumbs, and hands

                                       Hand & Wrist Surgery               certified in orthopaedic surgery,
                                       Hand and wrist surgery at          have fellowship training in hand
                                       Tampa General Hospital             surgery, and have a certificate
                                       is performed by Florida            of added qualifications (CAQ) in
                                       Orthopaedic Institute fellowship   hand surgery - the highest level
                                       trained surgeons who provide       of achievement in this discipline.
                                       treatment for complex              Active researchers, teachers,
                                       fractures, ligamentous, nerve,     and educators, these surgeons
                                       and arthritis surgery as well      train residents, Fellows and other
                                       as reconstruction, including       orthopaedic surgeons through
                                       free tissue transfers and limb     their lectures, courses, and
                                       replantation. The team consists    publications.
                                       of surgeons who are all board

Florida Orthopadic Institute has
managed the Upper Extremity
Fracture Service at Tampa General
Hospital for over 25 years, treating
all injuries sent to this Level I
Trauma Center.

Fracture Surgery                     This includes injuries to bone,       and crush injuries. Additionally   treated with fusions, osteotomies
As the staff that have managed       ligament, tendons, nerves, and        training allows our surgeons to    and deformity correction.
the Upper Extremity Fracture         joints sustained in car, boat, and    excel in microvascular surgery,    Whenever possible, joint
Service at TGH for over 25 years,    motorcycle accidents, work-           with extensive experience in the   replacements including partial
the team treats all the injuries     related accidents, including finger   replantation of fingers, thumbs,   and total wrist replacement
sent to the Level I Trauma Center.   and hand amputations, infections      and hands.                         are offered to correct problems
                                                                                                              associated with this disease.
                                                                           Arthritis of all kinds, both due
                                                                           to wear and tear, as well as the
                                                                           rheumatoid type, are effectively

                                                                           HAND & WRIST CASES

                                                                                2019                                           2,273

                                                                                           All hand and wrist surgeons are
                                                                                           board certified, fellowship trained,
                                                                                           with a certificate of added
                                                                                           qualifications (CAQ).

                                                                   Pictured (l to r) Dr. Jeffrey Stone,
                                                                   Dr. Jason Nydick, Dr. Michael Garcia
                                                                   Dr. Alfred Hess

SHOULDER                             Dedicated to understanding
                                     diseases of the shoulder and
                                     producing world-class results
SURGERY                              T
                                            he quality of the Florida
                                            Orthopaedic Institute           While on average, over 60% of
                                            shoulder surgeons have          total shoulder replacements are
                                     created one of the preeminent          performed by surgeons who do
                                     programs in the country.               approximately two replacements
                                     Dr. Mark Frankle, who was              a year, the Shoulder Service
                                     Fellowship trained at the Mayo         performs over 600 replacements
                                     Clinic, is one of the pioneers of      a year. High volume surgery
                                     Reverse Total Shoulder surgery.        means greater efficiencies,
                                                                            faster surgical times and fewer
                                     Over the last 25 years, Dr.            complications.
                                     Frankle has performed
                                     thousands of total shoulder            Because of these superior
                                     procedures, revolutionizing the        outcomes and cutting-edge
                                     procedure, the implants and the        research, the Shoulder Service
                                     results. His publications, lectures,   is dedicated to understanding
                                     courses and books have won             diseases of the shoulder and
                                     him international acclaim.             producing world-class results.

                                     The Shoulder Service trains
                                     residents and Fellows in the
The shoulder surgeons at Florida     complex aspects of arthroscopic
                                     rotator cuff surgery, fracture
Orthopaedic Institute heve created   care, and joint replacement of

one of the preeminent programs in    the upper extremity.

the country.

Over 60% of total shoulder replacements are     Cases Performed Fellowship Year 2019
performed by surgeons who do approximately
two replacements a year. The Shoulder
Service performs over 600 a year.
                                                Arthroscopic Shoulder
                                                Open Shoulder
                                                ON THE LEADING EDGE
                                                FOI’s surgeons are using:

                                                 • BioWick™ SureLock™ Implant, an
                                                   interpositional scaffold wick for rotator
                                                   cuff repair

                                                 • Bioinductive implants for rotator cuff repair

                                                 • AltiVate™ Anatomic Shoulder System

                                                 • Small shell reverse total shoulder
                                                   arthroplasty bone sparing implant

                                              Pictured (l to r)
                                              Dr. Eddy Echols, Jr.
                                              Dr. Ioannis Pappou
                                              Dr. Mark Mighell
                                              Dr. Christopher Baker
                                              Dr. Benjamin Lindbloom
                                              Dr. Mark Frankle

CENTER FOR                                     FOI’s Center for Adult Spinal Disorders
                                               is dedicated to excellence in the
                                               treatment of the spine
DISORDERS                                      T
                                                     o offer the best possible    Minimally Invasive Spine
                                                     level of spine care for      Surgery
                                                     patients, the Center for     Patients who suffer chronic
                                               Adult Spinal Disorders is a        back pain from certain spine
                                               unique center of excellence        conditions and who have been
                                               dedicated to the treatment of      unresponsive to nonsurgical
                                               the spine.                         treatments may be considered
                                                                                  candidates for minimally
                                               Spine specialists of Florida       invasive spine surgery.
                                               Orthopaedic Institute focus
                                               on prevention, restoration of      Minimally invasive spine
                                               function, reduction in pain, and   surgery combines technological
                                               control of costs in developing     advances with state-of-the-art
                                               any treatment for back pain.       practices that reduce both the
                                               Education, exercise, medication,   size of the incision as well as
                                               ultrasound, heat, massage,         the hospital stay. Many patients
                                               and chiropractic therapies         are able to have the surgery
                                               are applied as nonsurgical         performed in an outpatient
                                               options to relieve spine pain.     setting. Minimally invasive spine
                                               The majority of patients can       surgery typically involves fewer
                                               be successfully treated with       risks than open spine surgeries.
The majority of patients can be successfully   physical therapy and medical
                                               management. If nonsurgical         Anterior Cervical Discectomy
treated nonsurgically, with physical therapy
                                               approaches are not effective,      with Fusion (ACDF)
and medical management. When surgery           the latest advancements in         The fellowship trained surgeons
is indicated, our surgeons use a variety of    state-of-the-art spine surgery     of Florida Orthopaedic Institute
                                               are offered.                       routinely perform ACDF surgery,
techniques to obtain successful outcomes.                                         designed to relieve spinal cord


    2019                                      1,174
or nerve root pressure in the          Lumbar Spine Surgery
neck by removing all or part of a      Florida Orthopedic
damaged disc. After all or part of     Institute spine surgeons
the damaged disc is removed, a         are trained in both
bone graft or a cage is inserted       minimally invasive and
into the space where the disc          open procedures. The
used to be. This prevents the          most common conditions
disc space from collapsing and         that may require surgery in
allows the bone to grow together       the lumbar spine are spinal
to set up a bony bridge, or            stenosis, disk herniations,
fusion, between the upper and          and spondylolisthesis
lower vertebrae. A small metal         (abnormal motion between
plate is affixed to the front of the   bones causing compression
upper and lower vertebrae to           of nerves). These three
provide stability while the bone       common conditions can be
fusion heals together, a process       treated by both minimally
that can take up to                    invasive and traditional
18 months.                             open procedures. These
                                       procedures range from a
                                                                                    Pictured Front row (l to r)
                                                                              Dr. Marc Weinstein, Dr. Steven Tresser
                                                                                         Back row (l to r)
                                                                     Dr. Adil Samad, Dr. Sheyan Armaghani, Dr. John Small

                                       Many of the Florida Orthopaedic Institute surgeons at the
                                       Center for Adult Spinal Disorders have helped innovate
                                       new minimally invasive spine surgery technologies.
laminectomy, which is the removal     Deformity Surgery/Adult Scoliosis:    A comprehensive range of spine procedures
of bones and tissue that can cause    FOI spine surgeons are also           The Florida Orthopaedic Institute surgeons at the Center for Adult
compression of the spinal canal, to   trained in various acquired spinal    Spinal Disorders perform the following spine procedures.
fusion procedures that are usually    deformities which can cause a
required if there is abnormal         significant amount of patient         CERVICAL
motion between bones or if the        morbidity if left untreated. These    • ACDF - Anterior cervical discectomy with fusion
amount of bone removed could          can range from scoliosis that         • Cervical artificial disc replacement
cause abnormal motion. Fusion         was present in childhood and          • Cervical corpectomy and fusion
procedures can be performed           then progressed later in life, to     • Laminaplasty
from a minimally invasive method      gradual deformities acquired          • Laminectomy
from the back, side, or through       as patients age, or deformities       • Laminoforaminotomy
the abdomen; or with traditional      caused by prior spine surgery.        • Posterior cervical fusion
midline open incisions in the low     Open procedures are typically         • Posterior cervical laminoplasty
                                      required with pedicle screws and      • Posterior cervical laminectomy and fusion
                                      rods to aid in placing the patient
                                      in a better position to maintain      THORACIC
                                      a horizontal gaze. Occasionally,      • Instrumented fusion
                                      osteotomies in the bone are           • Kyphoplasty
                                      required to obtain the necessary      • Laminectomy
                                      correction. Minimally invasive        • Transpedicular decompression and costotraversectomy
                                      techniques are sometimes used         • Tumor resection
                                      to spare the patient the risk of an   • Vertebroplasty
                                      osteotomy with the insertion of
                                      interbody cages.                      LUMBAR
                                                                            • ALIF - Anterior lumbar interbody fusion
back. The fusions procedures                                                • Deformity correction
typically include use of an                                                 • Laminectomy
interbody cage which enhances                                               • Minimally invasive microdiskectomy
fusion rates as well as aids in the                                         • Percutaneous pedicle screws
decompression of nerves.                                                    • Posterolateral fusion
                                                                            • Revision surgery
                                                                            • SI joint fusion
                                                                            • TLIF - Transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion
                                                                            • XLIF - Lateral lumbar interbody fusion


      I’m no longer in that agonizing pain.
      He took 20+ years off my back.
      My pain is gone. I stand up
      and I’m 100%.


                                           cott Bland’s back pain started when he was 16 years old. By the time he
                                           reached his 50s, the pain was debilitating. The pain affected even his
                                           ability to stand. As an avid outdoor enthusiast who enjoyed skydiving,
                                    hiking, and walking, the pain prevented him from doing the things he loved.
                                    Two of his friends recommended Dr. Small at Florida Orthopaedic Institute.
                                    After putting off the surgery, the pain only got worse. Scott was in the hospital
                                    for two nights for minimally invasive spine surgery and was back to work the
                                    following day. After surgery, Scott followed Dr. Small’s post-surgery directions
                                    “to the letter.” Now Scott says he can “do anything I want to do – there are no
                                    restrictions. I’m no longer in that agonizing pain. He took 20+ years off my back.
                                    My pain is gone. I stand up and I’m 100%.”

ORTHOPAEDIC                           Tampa General Hospital, the
                                      only Level 1 facility on the
TRAUMA                                West Coast of Florida.

SERVICE                               T
                                              he Orthopedic Trauma         and lower extremities, pelvic
                                              Service is a nationally      and acetabular fractures, and
                                              prominent program based      polytraumatized patients.
                                      at Tampa General Hospital, the
                                      only Level 1 facility on the West    Due to our location, the
                                      Coast of Florida. In existence       Orthopedic Trauma Service sees
                                      since 1987, the Service has          a disproportionate number of
                                      offered leadership in orthopaedic    watercraft accidents. In addition,
                                      trauma care for 30 years,            acute and chronic infections
                                      receiving regional, national         of the extremities, including
                                      and international awards and         necrotizing fasciitis, are
                                      recognition, both in teaching and    managed in an effort to minimize
                                      training. The program consists of    amputations.
                                      six fellowship trained orthopaedic
                                      traumatologists, three trauma        The Orthopaedic Trauma Service
                                      Fellows, plus residents providing    also specializes in the care of
                                      care for both acute injuries and     fracture-related problems, such
                                      chronic problems.                    as nonunions, malunions, post-
The Orthopaedic Trauma Service                                             traumatic arthritis, deformity
                                      Orthopedic trauma surgeons           correction, and complex
at TGH is a nationally-prominent      are involved in multi-disciplinary   reconstruction of the lower
                                      care coordination with general       extremity.
program, involved in the METRC        surgery trauma teams,
studies sponsored by the Department   neurosurgeons, plastic and           The Service has pioneered new
                                      vascular surgeons. Exclusively       techniques such as suprapatellar
of Defense and awarded a Center of    covering emergency calls at          nail insertion for fractures of the
Excellence designation by the Joint   TGH, a host of injuries are          tibia, the use of electromagnetic
                                      seen, including open and             field sensors for the insertion
Commission.                           closed fractures of the upper        of locking screws rather than

fluoroscopy, calcaneal fracture       The Orthopedic Trauma Service         Service, a multi-disciplinary
surgery, and posterior approach       continues to be involved in the       program, to expedite care of these
to aid in the treatment of ankle      METRC studies, sponsored by the       individuals. Results show that
fractures.                            Department of Defense evaluating      early aggressive treatment of their
                                      trauma care and specific injury       injuries lowers morbidity as well as
The Orthopaedic Trauma Service        issues in the lower extremity.        mortality.
has a dedicated research starff       Because of the increase in retirees
including research nurses and         in Florida, the Service sees
a research coordinator. The           a high volume of geriatric
Orthopedic Trauma database            fractures and has created
allows the Service to evaluate        the Geriatric Fracture
patients and report on their
outcomes which has resulted
in publishing 61 peer reviewed
articles, all based on the clinical
                                      Pictured Front row (l to r)
work at TGH.
                                      Dr. Roy Sanders
                                      Dr. Hassan Mir
                                      Back row (l to r)
                                      Dr. David Watson
                                      Dr. Anthony Infante, Jr.
                                      Dr. Anjan Shah
                                      Dr. Benjamin Maxson
                                      Dr. David Donohue


    2019                                       4,231
    2018                                4,114
    2017                              3,720
SPORTS                                 A comprehensive method for all
                                       aspects of sports related injuries
                                       with a multi-disciplinary approach
                                                 ith the largest and      The Most Advanced Treatment
                                                 most advanced sports     for Sports-Related Injuries
                                                 medicine program in      Using a multi-disciplinary
                                       the region, doctors from Florida   approach to ensure the most
                                       Orthopaedic Institute and          innovative treatment for all
                                       University of South Florida have   sports-related injuries, most
                                       served as the team physicians      surgery is performed on an
                                       for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers,      outpatient basis. However,
                                       Tampa Bay Lightning, Tampa         when multi-ligamentous
                                       Bay Mutiny, Tampa Bay Rowdies,     injuries, significant fractures, or
                                       Tampa Bay Storm, University of     those associated with vascular
                                       South Florida, the University of   problems arise, surgery is
                                       Tampa, Saint Leo University and    performed at Tampa General
                                       many high schools throughout       Hospital.
                                       Hillsborough County.

The largest and most advanced sports
medicine program in the region.

                                                                                              Source: USF Athletics

Additionally, the Sports Medicine   Overall the combined program
program is associated with both     offers a comprehensive method
the Athletic Training Program       to address all aspects of sports-
and the Sports Medicine and         related injuries with a multi-
Related Trauma (SMART) Program      disciplinary approach, not found
within the USF Department of        anywhere else in Tampa Bay.
Orthopaedic Surgery. These
programs are designed to protect
the high school athlete through
supervision, rehabilitation and
education. Using data collected
from the covered high schools,
research is published and used
to evaluate and develop newer
methods of injury prevention.


 J   ade Martin
     thought that
     she would
never perform
again. One day,
while shopping,
the pain in her
hip was so great
that it prevented
her from walking any further. Concerned about
her future, as well as her career in gymnastics,
she decided to see our sports medicine team. After
being diagnosed with a labral tear, she underwent a
                                                                                           Pictured Front Row (l to r)
successful hip arthroscopy and has since returned to                    Dr. Trey Remaley, Dr. Adam Morse, Dr. Seung Yi; Back Row (l to r)
competitive gymnastics.                                                   Dr. Christopher Baker, Dr. Seth Gasser, Dr. Charles Nofsinger

FORE (Foundation for
 Orthopaedic Research and

Improving orthopaedic medicine through
investigation, innovation and education

     ounded in 1999 by the         •   Investigator-Initiated Studies   FORE facilitates the collaboration
     surgeons at the Florida       •   Randomized, Controlled Trials    between different subspecialties
     Orthopaedic Institute,        •   Case Studies                     of biomedical engineers and
FORE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit     •   Access to Florida’s largest      physicians to perform various
organization established as            orthopaedic group                biomechanical evaluations
a way to improve the care of                                            including synthetic bone
patients with musculoskeletal      FORE also provides full-             testing, cadaver testing,
disorders through research and     service clinical trial               computer simulations and
education. While FORE operates     management strategies:               finite element modeling.
independently from Tampa            • Experimental Design/
General Hospital and Florida          Protocol Development              FORE partners with industry,           to kinematic range of motion
Orthopaedic Institute, there is     • IRB Management                    research and educational               analysis of human cadaveric
constant collaboration with the     • Patient Recruitment               foundations, and orthopaedic           lumbar and cervical spine fusion
surgeons on numerous research       • Data Management                   associations and societies to          and arthroplasty constructs. The
and education endeavors.            • Statistical Support               conduct basic science and              laboratory is also heavily involved
                                      and Data Analysis                 translational research:                in biomechanical projects that
Clinical Research                   • Medical Writing of                 • Investigating how various           further the understanding of
The clinical research department      Manuscripts and Abstracts            orthopaedic disease states          total and reverse shoulder
conducts orthopaedic clinical       • Presentation Development             affect musculoskeletal function.    arthroplasty and the resultant
trials in such subspecialties                                            • Developing and biomechanical        effects that these techniques
as hand, foot, ankle, knee,        Biomechanical Research                  evaluating of promising             impart on the kinematics and
hip, spine, elbow, shoulder,       FORE’S Phillip Spiegel                  new orthopaedic devices             kinetics of the shoulder.
and sports medicine.               Orthopaedic Research                    and technologies.
                                   Laboratory conducts high
This orthopaedic outcome-          quality translational and            Completed and published studies
based research includes:           basic science research that          demonstrate research expertise
 • IDE (Investigational Device     significantly contributes to         in the general area of in vitro
   Exemption) Studies              the knowledge base, resulting        biomechanical testing. Projects
 • IND (Investigational            in advancements in clinical          range from strength testing of
   New Drug) Studies               applications in orthopaedics.        various fracture fixation devices in
 • Industry-Sponsored Studies                                           the knee, hip, shoulder, and elbow

Innovative facility for biomechanical
and clinical research

Florida InnoVation and Education         Prototype Lab                        Conference Center                    Innovation Studio
(FIVE) Labs                              The Prototype Lab is designed        The FIVE Labs Conference             Engineers at FIVE Labs work
Florida InnoVation and Education         to function as a 1-2 station         Center can accommodate large         hand-in-hand with surgeons
(FIVE) Labs is an innovative facility    bioskills lab and innovation hub.    multi-day conferences, demo          and medical device professionals
for biomechanical and clinical           It is easy to create an intimate     sessions for individual surgeons,    to develop new and innovative
research. This 15,500-sq. ft. facility   experience with the closure of the   sales training events, or team       medical ideas. They have the
is centrally located only two miles      garage door. The Prototype Lab       brainstorming meetings. In           experience to take these ideas
from Tampa International Airport         has direct access to the board       addition, FORE is an ACCME           from concept to prototype to
(TPA).                                   room to increase the efficiency      accredited provider of continuing    final product. The studio offers
                                         of engineering, design review,       medical education for physicians.    rapid 3D prototyping (plastic
Bioskills Lab                            and product development labs.        The in-house team of CME             and metal), 3 and 5 Axis CNC
The Bioskills Lab has over 3,600         The Prototype Lab features two       Coordinators/Event Planners          machining, development of
sq. ft. of lab space that can be         surgical stations, HD video/audio    provides accreditation, education,   3D CAD models and drawings,
customized for small or large            recording and a floor-to-ceiling     and conference management            provisional and full utility
events. The lab is fully equipped        dry-erase wall to aid and capture    services for over 40 courses         patenting and initial FDA
for up to 30 surgical stations           the creative process.                annually.                            documentation.
with monitors and cameras
throughout. Additionally, live
feed video can be displayed
throughout the facility or
streamed over the web, allowing
viewers to watch the event in
progress. The experienced team
of professionals at FIVE Labs
offers concierge level service to
ensure seamless and successful

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