Page created by Duane Contreras

  Curriculum Development Project
              Sponsored by
  Ministry of Science and Technology

         H-9, ISLAMABAD

Prof. Dr. Altaf Ali G. Shaikh                 Director General (C&T)
Mr. Muhammad Javed Khan                       Director Curriculum
Malik Ghulam Abbas                            Deputy Director
Miss Ghayyur Fatima                           Research Associate
Mr. Zaheer Ahmad Awan                         Education Officer

       Composed by Ghafoor Ahmad, UGC, Regional Centre, Lahore

1.    INTRODUCTION                                     7
2.    SCHEME OF STUDIES                                10
      (D.V.M. Degree (Vet. Medicine and Surgery)
3.    DETAIL OF COURSES                                11
      (Vet. Medicine Undergraduate Degree Programme)
4.    SCHEME OF STUDIES                                21
      (Vet. Surgery Undergraduate Degree Programme)
5.    DETAIL OF COURSES                                22
      (Vet. Surgery Undergraduate Degree Programme)
6.    SCHEME OF STUDIES                                31
      (Vet. Medicine Postgraduate Degree Programme)
7.    DETAIL OF COURSES                                32
      (Vet. Medicine Postgraduate Degree Programme)
8.    SCHEME OF STUDIES                                44
      (Vet. Surgery Postgraduate Degree Programme)
9.    DETAIL OF COURSES                                45
      (Vet. Surgery Postgraduate Degree Programme)
10.   RECOMMENDATIONS                                  55
         Curriculum of a subject is said to be the throbbing pulse of a
nation. By looking at the curriculum of a subject, one can judge the state
of intellectual development and the state of progress of a nation. The
world has turned into a global village, new ideas and information are
pouring in a constant stream. It is, therefore, imperative to update our
curricula by introducing the recent developments in the relevant fields of
         In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-section (1) of section
3 of the Federal Supervision of Curricula Textbooks and Maintenance of
Standards of Education Act 1976, the Federal Government vide
Notification No.D773/76-JEA (Cur.), dated December 4, 1976, appointed
University Grants Commission as the Competent Authority to look after
the Curriculum Revision Work beyond Class XII at Bachelor level and
onwards to all Degrees, Certificates and Diplomas awarded by Degree
Colleges, Universities and other Institutions of higher education.
        In pursuance of the above decisions and directives, the
Commission is continually performing curriculum revision in collaboration
with the Universities. According to the decision of the 44th Vice-
Chancellors’ Committee, curriculum of a subject must be reviewed after
every 3 years. For the purpose, various Committees are constituted at
the national level comprising senior teachers nominated by the
Universities. Teachers from local degree colleges and experts from user
organizations, where required, are also included in these Committees.
        The Curriculum Revision Committee on Veterinary Clinical
Medicine and Veterinary Surgery in its meeting held in May, 2001 at the
U.G.C. Regional Centre, Lahore finalized the draft curriculum after due
consideration of the comments and suggestions received from the
Universities and Colleges where the subject under consideration is
       The Final draft prepared by the Curriculum Revision Committee
duly approved by competent authority is being circulated for
implementation by the Universities.

                                   (PROF. DR. ALTAF ALI G. SHAIKH)
                                           ADVISER (C&T)
May, 2001

         A meeting of the National Curriculum Review Committee for the
subject of Veterinary Clinical Medicine and Veterinary Surgery was held on
May 21-23, 2001 to finalize the draft revised curriculum prepared in its
preliminary meeting at UGC, Regional Centre, Lahore. The following

1.      Prof. Dr. Amir Bukhsh Kalhoro,                  Convener
        Department of Surgery & Obstetrics
        Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences
        Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam.

2.      Dr. Muhammad Afzal,                              Member
        Member Animal Sciences,
        National Agriculture Research Council, Islamabad.

3.      Dr. Ghulam Muhammad,                              Member
        Associate Professor and Chairman,
        Department of Clinical Medicine & Surgery,
        University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.

4.      Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan,                           Member
        Assistant Professor,
        Department of Clinical Medicine & Surgery,
        College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore.

5.      Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan                          Member
        Assistant Professor,
        Department of Vet. Clinical Medicine & Surgery,
        College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore.

6.      Dr. Inam ul Haq,                                  Member
        Assistant Professor
        Department of Vet. Clinical Medicine & Surgery,
        Institute of Animal Sciences,
        Gomal University, D.I. Khan.
7.      Mr. Muhammad Ismail Memon,                       Member
            Assistant Professor,
            Department of Veterinary Medicine
            Sind Agriculture University, Tandojam.

    8.      Dr. Muhammad Athar,                              Member
            Lecturer, Department of Clinical
            Medicine & Surgery,
            University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.

    9.      Dr. Tariq Aziz                                   Member
            Professor ® & nominee of PVMC
            P.306, Greenview Colony,
            Rojewala, Faisalabad.

    10.     Dr. Sajjad Ahmed,                                Member
            Research Officer,
            Directorate of Vet. Research Institute,
            Govt. of NWFP, Peshawar.

    11..    Dr. Muhamamd Safdar Anjum.                Member/Secretary
            Assistant Professor,
            Dept. of Animal Sciences,
            University College of Agriculture,
            Rawalakot, AJK.

        The meeting started with recitation from the Holy Quran by Dr.
Inam ul Haq.

         Mr. Muhammad Javed Khan, Director Curriculum, UGC, welcome
the participants and briefed them of the obligations of the Commission for
review, revision and development of curricula as per provisions of the Act
of Parliament, 1976. He told the committee that the draft curriculum of
Veterinary Surgery and Veterinary Medicine for D.V.M., B.Sc.(Hons.) four
years degree programme and M.Sc. (Hons.) in Veterinary
Surgery/Medicine prepared in preliminary meeting held in April 2-4, 2001
will be reviewed. The revision is to be carried out in light of suggestions
gathered by the members of the committee while discussing the draft with
their colleagues in their respective institutions. He hoped that the
committee will finalize the curriculum compatible to international standards
and will come up with a set of recommendations for its implementation.

         The Director brief the member of various programmes launched by
the Ministry of Science and Technology including the revamping of
curricula for Scientific and Technological disciplines aimed that enhancing
the standard of education and quality of research. He hoped that the
universities and institutions will benefit from different academic
programmes of the Commission and Ministry of Science and Technology
to achieve the ultimate objective of inculcating latest knowledge of
Veterinary Surgery and Medicine amongst the future graduates to
enable them to enhance the production of livestock and poultry. This would
ultimately yield positive impact on the economic uplift of farmers and
growers as well as country.

         Prof. Dr. Altaf Ali G. Shaikh, Adviser (Curriculum and Training) in
his opening remarks stressed the committee members to device a
minimum baseline curriculum, which every university/institution imparting
education at undergraduate level must teach ensuring that curriculum
covers latest knowledge in the subject. The syllabus must be market
oriented to match the needs of farmers, growers, industry and society at
large. Graduates in the subject must be capable of handling the problems
independently and persuing research in this economically vital field of
studies. He asked the senior members to come up with proposals for
conducting In-service teachers training programmes for relatively younger
and lesser qualified on newly incorporated themes in the recommended
curriculum. He asked for writing of monographs on specific curriculum
based titles to overcome the dearth of locally produced textual and reading

        The committee unanimously appointed Prof. Dr. Amir Bukhsh
Kalhoro as its convener and Dr. Muhammad Safdar Anjum as Secretary.

         The committee unanimously agreed to recommend courses of
study to be offered as per following details:
           D.V.M Degree (Veterinary Medicine and Surgery)

Course Title                                 Credit Hours

Clinical Medicine-I                          (To be developed by
                                              Individual Universities/
Clinical Medicine-II
Preventive Medicine-I
Preventive Medicine-II
Poultry Preventive Medicine
Medicine Clinic-I
Medicine Clinic-II
Medicine Clinic-III
Medicine Clinic-IV
Medicine Clinic-V
                      VETERINARY MEDICINE
                 (Undergraduate Degree Programme)


Introduction: Definition and history of veterinary medicine. Introduction to
alternative veterinary medicine. (Homeopathy, Herbal and Acupuncture).
Animal welfare, Manifestations of diseases. Methods of diagnosis General
principles of animal therapy. Nursing care of sick animals. Drug abuse and
While aetiology and pathogenesis of the following conditions are
reviewed, emphasis will be given on symptomology, differential
diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
General Systemic States: Toxaemia, Septicaemia, Bacteraemia,
Fever, Hyperthermia, Hypothermia, Heat Stroke, Heat Prostration,
Exhaustive Heat syndrome, Dehydration, Electrolytes and Acid-base
imbalances, Allergies, Anaphylaxis, Shock, Oedema.
Diseases of Alimentary System: Stomatitis, Pharyngitis, Oesophageal
disorders, Simple indigestion, Ruminal acidosis and alkalosis, Ruminal
tympany, Traumatic reticuloperitonitis/ pericarditis, Vagus indigestion,
Impaction of abomasum, Neonatal diahrroea, Enteritis, Equine colic
(spasmodic, impactive and intestinal), Gastritis, Peritonitis, ascites.
Diseases of Hepatobiliary System: Hepatitis, Jaundice and
Diseases of Cardiovascular system: Arrhythmias, Myocarditis,
Endocarditis, Valvular heart disease, Heart failure (acute and
congestive), Peripheral circulatory failure, Thrombosis & Embolism, and
Congenital cardiac defects.
Diseases of Haematopoietic and Haemolymphatic System:
Anaemias, Leukemia, Leukopenia.
Miscellaneous Conditions: Conjunctivitis, Chemosis, Keratitis, Corneal
opacity, blindness Mammalitis and Udder oedema,
Books Recommended
1. Radostits, O.M., D.C. Blood and C.C. Gay. 1994. Veterinary Medicine.
   8th Ed., Bailliere Tindall, London.
2. Smith B. P. 1996. Large Animal Internal Medicine (Diseases of Horses,
   Cattle, Sheep, and Goats). 2nd Ed. The C.V. Mosby Co. Philadelphia,
3. Chandler, E.A., D.J. Thompson, J.B. Shutton, and C.J. Price. 1991.
   Canine Medicine and Therapeutics. 3rd Ed. Blackwell Scientific Pub.,
4. Khan, M. A. 1998. Textbook of Clinical Veterinary Medicines,
   University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
5. Schoen, A.M. and S.G. Wynn1998. Complementary and Alternative
   Veterinary Medicine: Principles and Practice, Mosby, Philadelphia
6. Hungerford. T. G. 1991. Hungerford's Disease of Livestock.. 9th Ed,
   McGraw-Hill Book Company. Sydney.


While aetiology and pathogenses are reviewed, emphasis will be given
on clinical signs, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment,
control and prevention.
Diseases of Respiratory Tract: Manifestations of respiratory tract
diseases. Principles of respiratory disease therapy, Rhinitis. Laryngitis,
Tracheitis, Bronchitis, Pulmonary congestion and Oedema, Pneumonia,
Aspiration    pneumonia,        Pulmonary  emphysema,       Hydrothorax,
Haemothorax, Pyothorax, Pneumothorax, Haemoptysis. Epistaxis and
Diseases of Urinary System Manifestations of urinary tract diseases
(Urinary incontinence, Haematuria, etc.), Nephritis,      Pyelonephritis,
Nephrosis, Cystitis, Urolithiasis.
Diseases of Nervous System: Cerebral anoxia, Meningitis, Encephalitis,
Encephalomalacia, paralysis and congenital abnormalities.
Diseases of Musculo-skeletal System: Myopathies, Myositis,
Rhabdomyolysis Osteomalacia, Rickets, Rheumatism, Milk lameness,
 Diseases of Skin: Dermatitis, Pyoderma, Patchy derma, Pityriasis,
Leukoderma, Urticaria, Eczema, Photosensitization, Albinism, Alopecia,
Immune mediated skin disorders.
Immunologic Diseases of Animals: Immunodeficiency diseases and
Diseases caused by allogeneic incompatibilities. Neonatal isoerythrolysis,
Chemical and plant poisonings.
Miscellaneous Conditions: Haemoglobinurea, Lightening stroke,
Electrocution, Snake bite, Anhidrosis.

Books Recommended
1. Radostits, O.M. , D.C. Blood and C.C. Gay. 1994. Veterinary Medicine.
   8th Ed. Bailliere Tindall, London.Smith, B. P. 1996.
2. Large Animal Internal Medicine, (Diseases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep,
   and Goats). 2nd Ed. The C.V. Mosby Co. Philadelphia, USA.
3. Hungerford. T. G. 1991. Hungerford's Disease of Livestock.. 9th Ed,
   McGraw-Hill Book Company. Sydney.
4. Howard, J.L.. 1999. Current Veterinary Therapy (4) Food Animal
   Practice, W. B. Finders Publishers, USA.
5. Khan, M. A. 1998. Textbook of Clinical Veterinary Medicines,
   University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
6. Scott, D.W., W..H. Miller Jr. and C.. Griffin. 1995. Muller and Kirk’s
   Small Animal Dermatology, 5th Edition. W.B. Saunders Co.,
7. Robinson, N.E. 1997. Current Therapy in Equine Medicine –4. W.B.
   Saunders Co., Philadelphia


Concepts of Preventive Veterinary Medicine. Disease Surveillance and
Reporting. Emergency preparedness.
While aetiology and pathogenses are reviewed, emphasis will be given on
clinical signs, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, control and
Diseases of Ruminants: Bacterial Diseases: Mastitis,Contagious
bovine pyelonephritis, tick pyemia of lambs, caseous lymphadenitis of
sheep, listeriosis, botulism, anthrax, blackleg, enterotoxemia, bacillary
haemoglobinuria, black disease, malignant oedema, pasteurellosis,
salmonellosis, tuberculosis, Johne's disease, brucellosis, buffalo
leprosy,     actinobacillosis,  actinomycosis,     mycoplasmosis,     oral
necrobacillosis, tick-borne fever, Q-fever, and bovine farcy.
Viral and Ricketsis Diseases: Ephemeral fever, foot and mouth
disease, rinderpest, bovine viral diarrhea/ mucosal disease, bovine
malignant catarrh, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, blue tongue, bovine
spongiform encephalopathy, peste des petits ruminants, ovine
encephalomyelitis, ovine progressive pneumonia, caprine-arthritis-
encephalitis, scrapie, pseudorabies, Borna disease, pox, contagious
ecthyma, anaplasmosis.
 Fungal      Diseases:      Ringworm,     aspergillosis,   histoplasmosis,
dermatophilosis, candidiasis, Deg-Nala disease, and mycotoxicosis.
Parasitic Diseases: Coccidiosis, babesiosis, and theileriosis, Diseases
caused by nematodes, cestodes, trematodes, and arthropods,.
Non-infectious: Hypocalcemia/Milk fever, transit tetany, lactation
tetany, hypomagnesemic tetany, parturient haemoglobinuria, ketosis,
vitamins, and mineral deficiencies/imbalances.

Books Recommended
1. Radostits, O. M., D.C. Blood and C.C. Gay. 1994. Veterinary Medicine.
   8th Ed. Bailliere Tindall, London.
2. Hungerford. T. G. 1991. Hungerford's Disease of Livestock.. 9th Ed.
   McGraw-Hill Book Company. Sydney.
3. Smith, B. P. 1996. Large Animal internal Medicine. 2nd Ed. The C.V.
   Mosby Co., Philadelphia, USA.
4. Anonymous 1999. Manual on Livestock Diseases Surveillance and
   Information Systems, FAO Rome.
5. Kahrs, R. 2001 Viral Diseases of Cattle, Blackwell Science Ltd. Oxford,
6. Rebhum, W.C. 1998. Diseases of Dairy Cattle, Williams and Wilkins,
7. Martin, W.B. and I.D. Aitken (Ed.) 2000. Diseases of Sheep. 3rd Ed.
   Blackwell Science, Oxford.
8. Smith, M.C. and D.M. Sherman, 1994. Goat Medicine Lea & Febiger,


While aetiology and pathogenses are reviewed, emphasis will be given
on clinical signs, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment,
control and prevention.
Diseases of Equines: Strangles, glanders, ulcerative and epizootic
lymphangitis, sporotrichosis, contagious acne, tetanus, neonatal
streptococcal infection, shigellosis in foals, rotavirus diarrhoea in foals,
equine infectious anemia, equine viral arteritis, African horse sickness,
equine influenza, vesicular stomatitis, viral encephalomyelitis. equine
ehrlichiosis, ringworm, babesiosis, trypanosomiasis, toxoplasmosis,
purpura haemorrhagica, diseases caused by nematodes, cestodes,
trematodes and arthropods, disorders due to vitamins, mineral
deficiencies/imbalances, lactational tetany of mares.
Diseases of Dogs and Cats: Leptospirosis, rabies, canine distemper,
infectious canine hepatitis, Lyme's disease, canine ehrlichiosis, Lahore
canine fever, parvovirus infection, feline panleukopenia, feline calicivirus
infection, ringworms and ecto- and endoparasitism.
Diseases of Camels: Basics of camel medicine, Trypanosomiasis,
filariasis, mali, kapauli, contagious necrosis of skin, kumree, vail, specific
peritonitis, meningitis, pox, influenza, haemorrhagic disease, ecto- and
Veterinary jurisprudence.

Books Recommended
1. Radostits, O. M., D. C. Blood and C. C. Gay. 1994. Veterinary
   Medicine, 8th Ed. Bailliere Tindall, London.
2. Bonagura, J.D. 1995. Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy-XII. Small
   Animal Practice, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia
3. Hungerford, T.G., 1991. Hungerford's Diseases of Livestock. 9th Ed.
   McGraw Hill Book Co., Sydney.
4. Cohahan, P.T. A.M. Merrite, J.N. More and I.G. Mayhew. 1999. Equine
   Medicine and Surgery. 5th Edition, Mosby, Philadelphia, USA.
5. Wills, J. and A. Wolf. 1993. Handbook of Feline Medicine. 1st Edition.
   Pergamon Press New York, USA.
6. T.K. Gahlot. 2000. Selected Topics on Camelids. The Camelid
   Publishers, Bikaner, India.
7. Qamar, I.J. And M.Z., Durrani, 1963 Veterinary Laws In West
   Pakistan. West Pakistan, Agriculture University, Lyallpur, Pakistan.


Disease Prevention and Control: Biosecurity on the farm to prevent and
control diseases, hygiene and disinfection in poultry management.
 While aetiology and pathogenses are reviewed, emphasis will be given on
clinical signs, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, control and
Viral Diseases: Newcastle disease, avain influenza, fowl pox, Marek's
disease, lymphoid leukosis, infectious bursal disease, egg drop syndrome,
Infectious laryngotracheitis, infectious bronchitis, hydropericardium
syndrome, inclusion body hepatitis, avian infectious anaemia, infectious
stunting syndrome, viral arthritis, femur head necrosis, avian
Bacterial Diseases: Salmonellosis, infectious coryza, mycoplasmosis,
spirochaetosis, fowl cholera, omphalitis, colibacillosis, tuberculosis.
staphylococcal, streptococcal and clostridial diseases, ORT infection.
Fungal Diseases: Brooder’s pneumonia, thrush, mycotoxicosis.
Parasitic Diseases: Diseases caused by protozoa, nematodes, cestodes
and arthropodes.
Nutritional Diseases: Deficiencies/imbalances of vitamins, minerals,
proteins and other nutrients.
Miscellaneous Conditions: Poisoning and intoxications, heat stress,
cannibalism and bumble foot.
Flock health monitoring, necropsy investigation (postmortem) and
differential diagnosis, collection of morbid samples from the field and
despatch to the diagnostic laboratory, use of different diagnostic tests,
therapeutic interventions in the face of outbreaks and drug
incompatibilities. health record keeping and flock profiling, demonstration of
fumigation and disinfection of farms and hatcheries. vaccination
procedures (demonstration and practice).

Books Recommended
1. Anjum, A.D., 1997. Poultry Diseases. 2nd Edition. Vet-Ag Publishers,
   Faisalabad, Pakistan.
2. Anonymous. 2000. OIE Manual of Standards for Diagnostic Tests and
   Vaccines. 4th Ed. Office International Des Epizootic, Paris, France.
3. Calnek, B.W., W.J. Barnes, C.W. Beard, W.M. Reid, and Y. Saif. 1999.
   Diseases of Poultry. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, USA.
4. Jordon, F.T.W., 1998. Poultry Diseases. 4th Ed. Bailliere Tindall,
5. North, M.O. 1994. Commercial Chicken Production Manual. 4th Ed.
   Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, USA. USA.


The signs of health and disease. Behaviour of different animal species as it
relates to veterinary practice. The art of communication with the owner &
understanding the local jargons.
Animal restraints, Clinical examination (history, visual inspection and
recording the cardinal parameters of health like body temperature, pulse
and respiration). Anatomical localization of different body organs. Physical
examination methods like palpation, percussion, auscultation and grunt
test. Paracentesis, thoracocentesis, evaluation of hydration status, rectal
examination. Review of art of prescription writing, Different methods of
drug administration, Collection and despatch of samples for laboratory
diagnosis. Passing of stomach tube, probang, urinary catheters etc.
Books Recommended
1. Radostits, O.M. D.C. Blood, & C.C. Gay, 1994, Veterinary Medicine,
   8th Ed., Bailliere Tindall, London.
2. Kelly, W.R. 1975. Veterinary Clinical diagnosis, 2nd Ed., Bailliere
   Tindal & Casell, London.
3. Anderews, A.H. 1990. Outline of Clinical Diagnosis in Cattle,
   Butterworths and Company London.
4. Pinsent, P.J.N. & C.J. Fuller 1997. Outline of Clinical Diagnosis in
   Horse. Blackwell Science, Oxford, U.K.


Exercises in clinical examination, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of
alimentary, Haemopoietic, cardiovascular and Hepatobiliary systems.
Orientation to veterinary nosocomial infections. Professional ethics. Use of
computers in veterinary practice. Recording a minimum of 10 clinical cases
under the supervision of teacher and making a presentation after
consulting veterinary information resources like journals, books and

Books Recommended
1. Radostits, O.M., D.C. Blood, & CC. Gay, 1994. Veterinary Medicine 8th
   Ed., Bailliere Tindall, London.
2. Boddie, G.P. 1972. Diagnostic Methods in Veterinary Medicine. 8th
   Ed., Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, UK.
3. Anderews, A.H. 1990. Outline of Clinical Diagnosis in Cattle,
   Butterworths and Company, London.
4. Pinsent, P.J.N. & C.J. Fuller 1997. Outline of Clinical Diagnosis in
   Horse. Blackwell Science, Oxford, U.K.

Exercises in clinical examination, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of
respiratory tract, nervous system; urinary system, skin and musculo-
skeletal system of large and small animals. Demonstration of different
diagnostic and treatment methods like gastric lavage, enemata, allergic
tests, ultrasonography and endoscopy. Practical handling of emergencies
like colic, tympany, snake bite, poisonings, shock, heat stroke etc.
Recording a minimum of 10 clinical cases under the supervision of teacher
and making a presentation after consulting veterinary information
resources like journals, books and internet.

Books Recommended
1. Boddie, G.P. 1972. Diagnostic Methods in Veterinary Medicine. 6th
   Ed., Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, UK.
2. Scott, D.W. W.H. Miller Jr. 1995 Muller and Kirk’s Small Animal
   Dermatology 5th Ed. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, USA.
3. Brearly M.J., J.E. Cooper and M. Sullivon 1991 A Colour Atlas of Small
   Animal Endoscopy Wolfe Publishing Company, London.
4. Anderews A.H. 1990. Outline of Clinical Diagnosis in Cattle.
   Butterworths and Company London.
5. Pinsent P.J.N. & C.J. Fuller 1997, Outline of Clinical Diagnosis in
   Horse. Blackwell Science, Oxford, U.K.
6. Radostits, O.M., D.C. Blood, & C.C. Gay., 1994. Veterinary Medicine.
   8th Ed., Bailliere Tindall, London.


Practical exercises in clinical examination, diagnosis and treatment of
diseases of mammary glands, eye and ears. Excursion to recognize
different medicinal and toxic plants. Toxicological analysis of fodders for
nitrate, nitrite and hydrocyanic acid. Study tours of a livestock and poultry
farms and research institutes. Disease outbreak investigation. Recording a
minimum of 10 clinical cases under the supervision of a teacher and
making a presentation after consulting veterinary information resources like
journals, books and internet.
Books Recommended
1. Petersen – Jones S.M., and S.M. Crispin (eds) 2001 BSAVA Manual
   of Small Animal Ophthalmology, Blackwell Science, Oxford
2. Andrews A.H. 1990. Outline of Clinical Diagnosis in Cattle.
   Butterworths and Company, London.
3. Pinsent P.J.N. & C.J. Fuller 1997: Outline of Clinical Diagnosis in
   Horse. Blackwell Science,Oxford, U.K.
4. Radostits, O.M., D.C. Blood, & C.C. Gay., 1994. Veterinary Medicine.
   8th Ed., Bailliere Tindall, London.
5. Rebhum, W.C. 1998. Diseases of Dairy Cattle, Williams and Wilkins,
   Baltimore, U.S.A.


Independent handling, diagnosis and treatment of clinical cases.
Assignment of indoor cases and maintaining their complete records.
Vaccination schedules. Practical demonstration of the control measures for
ecto and endo parasites on individual animal and herd basis. Training in
ambulatory clinical practice. Veterinary disaster preparedness (flood,
earthquakes, release of gases, radiations, drought and nuclear disaster).
Study tour of livestock farms. Professional films. Case record presentation.
A- sham vetrolegal case.

Books Recommended
1. Radostits, O.M., D.C. Blood, & C.C. Gay, 1994. Veterinary Medicine,
   8th Ed., Bailliere Tindall, London.
2. Heath . 1999. Animal Management in Disasters…………….
3. Bonagura, J.D. 1995. Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XII-Small
   Animal Practice W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia
4. Bistner, S.I and R.B. Ford 1995 Kirk & Bistner’s Handbook of
   Veterinary Procedures and Emergency Treatment, 6th ed. W.B.
   Saunders Co., Philadelphia
                        VETERINARY SURGERY
                   (undergraduate Degree Programme)

Title of Course                                       Credit Hours

Veterinary Radiology
Veterinary Anaesthesiology
Small Animal Surgery
Large Animal Surgery
Shoeing and Soundness
Surgery Clinics (I,II,III,IV)
                       VETERINARY SURGERY
                  (Undergraduate Degree Programme)


Scope of radiology in veterinary practice. Radiographic terminology. X-ray
machine and its working. Nature and production of X-rays. Exposure
factors. Scattered radiation and its prevention/minimization. Radiation
hazards and protection. Image formation. X-ray film and its types.
Processing of films. Basic principles to study a radiograph. Qualities of a
good radiograph Techniques for radiography of the appendicular and axial
skeletons. Normal radiographic features of the thoracic and abdominal
cavities. Contrast radiography and contrast media. Plain and contrast
radiography of the digestive and urinary systems. Introduction to veterinary

Demonstration of parts and types of X-ray machine. Care of X-ray films,
cassettes and accessories. Demonstration of radiation protection methods.
Practical training of radiography and interpretation of radiographs on
experimental and clinical cases received in the hospital. Interpretation of a
set of at least 25 radiographs. Demonstration of technical errors in
exposing, film handling and processing.

Books Recommended
1. Thrall, D.E. 1994. Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology. W.B.
   Saunders Co., Philadelphia, USA.
2. Lavin, L.M. 1994. Radiography in Veterinary Technology. W.B.
   Saunders Co., Philadelphia
3. Morgan, J.P., 1993. Techniques of Veterinary Radiology. Iowa State
   Univ. Press, Ames, Iowa.
4. Butler, J.A., C.M. Colles, S.J. Dyson, S.E. Kold, and P.W. Coulose.
   2000. Clinical Radiology of the Horse. Blackwell Science Oxford, UK.
5. Nyland, T.G., and J.S. Mattoon. 1995. Veterinary Diagnostic
   Ultrasound. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia
6. Mannion, P., and J. Lang. 2001. Diagnostic Ultrasound in Small Animal
   Practice. Blackwell Sceicne Oxford, UK.


Terminology. Pre-anaesthetic considerations. Evaluation of patient before
anaesthesia (cardiovascular, respiratory, renal and liver functions and
complete haematology as required). Preanaesthetic agents and their use
in domestic animals. Anaesthetic equipments. and circuits. Types of
anaesthesia (local, regional and general). Stages of general anaesthesia.
Monitoring of patient during anaesthesia. Anaesthetic complications
(cardiac arrest, respiratory failure, shock) and their managements.
Anaesthetic agents and techniques for farm animals, birds and zoo
animals. Anaesthesia under field conditions.

Demonstration of anaesthetic equipment, accessories and circuits.
Preanaesthetic examination of animal. Induction and maintenance of
anaesthesia with various anaesthetic regimens. Monitoring of patient
during anaesthesia. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and treatment of shock.
Nerve blocks, regional anaesthesia, and epidural anaesthesia in farm

Books Recommended
1. Thurmon J.C., W.J. Tarnquilli, and G.J. Benson. 1996. Veterinary
   Anaesthesia 3rd Ed. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, USA.
2. Hall, L.W., and K. W. Clarke. 1992. Veterinary Anaesthesia. 9th Ed.
   Bailliere Tindall, London.
3. Muir III, W.M., and J.A.E. Hubbell. 1995. Handbook of Veterinary
   Anaesthesia 2nd Ed. Mosby, Philadelphia, USA.
4. Riebold, T.W., D.R. Geiser, and D.O. Goble. 1995. Large Animal
   Anaesthesia. Iowa State University Press , Ames, Iowa, USA.

History of veterinary surgery. Elective and emergency surgery. General
surgical considerations. Fluid and electrolyte therapy in small animals.
Tissue regeneration. Wounds and factors affecting wound healing. Types
and treatment of abscess, haematoma and hernia. Surgical affections of
haemolymphatic system (hematopoietic organs, spleen, tonsils and lymph
nodes). Affections of skin and adnexa. Affections of ear and eye. Affections
of digestive system. Affections of respiratory system. Affections of
musculo-skeletal system (fractures, dislocations, their repair and
complications). Affections of urogenital system.

Operating room conduct. Various suture patterns, knots, suturing materials,
needles and surgical instruments. The student will perform the following
fundamental exercises on survival basis, laparotomy, splenectomy,
gastrotomy, enterotomy, intestinal resection and end-to-end anastomosis,
castration of male dog and cat, ovariohysterectomy and caesarean section
in bitches and queens, cystotomy, nephrotomy, correction of auricular
haematoma, ear trimming, lateral ear canal resection, tail
amputation/docking, dewclaw amputation, declawing in cats, common
ophthalmic operations, mastectomy, approaches to different long bones
and Use of internal and external fixation devices for fracture repair.

Books Recommended
1. Bojrab, M.J. 1998. Current Techniques in Small Animal Surgery. 4th
   Ed. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, USA.
2. Fossum, T.W. 1997. Small Animal Surgery. Mosby Year Book Inc.,
   Philadelphia, USA.
3. Slatter, D.H. 1991. Textbook of Small Animal Surgery. 2nd Ed. W.B.
   Saunders Co., Philadelphia, USA.
4. Harvey, C.E., C.D. Newton, and A. Schawartz. 1990. Small Animal
   Surgery. J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, USA.
5. Knecht, C.D., A. R. Allen, D.J. Williams, and J.H. Johnson, 1987.
   Fundamental Techniques in Veterinary Surgery. 3rd Ed. W.B.
   Saunders Co., Philadalphia, USA.
6. Piermattei, D.L. 1993. An Atlas of Surgical Approaches to the Bones of
   the Dog and Cat. 3rd Ed. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, USA.


Scope of large animal surgery. General surgical considerations. Fluid
therapy in surgical patients. Contusions, Abrasions, Ulcers, Sinus, Fistulas,
Burns and Galls (yoke gall, saddle gall, pressure-sore, and sit-fast).
Haemorrhage, Seroma, Haematoma and their management. Types and
management of hernia.
Affections of integumentary system: Skin, Hoof, Claw, Horns, Tail, Teats
and Udder. Affections of eye and ear. Affections of musculo-skeletal
system (fracture, dislocation, external and internal fixation of fractures and
complications of fracture healing). Affections of limbs. Affections of head
and neck. Affections of cardio-respiratory system. Affections of digestive
system. Surgical management of colic. Affections of the abdomen.
Affections of urogenital system.

Standard surgical instruments pack for large animals. Preoperative
preparations. Evaluation of patient. Methods of disbudding and
dehorning. Tail Docking . Operative techniques for sinus drainage.
Drainage of Guttural Pouches. Tracheotomy, Oesophagotomy,
Operation for Roaring. Ophthalmic surgery (common operative
procedures). Castration of farm animals. Amputation of penis, Penile
deviation. Exploratory laparotomy. Rumenotomy. Correction of
abomasal displacement. Urethrotomy. Caesarean section. Various
neurectomies and tenectomies. Herniorrhaphy. Management of rectal

Books Recommended
1. Turner, A.S., and C.W. McIlwraith. 1994. Techniques in Large Animal
   Surgery. 2nd Ed., Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, USA.
2. Oehme, F.W., and J.E. Prier. 1988. Textbook of Large Animal Surgery.
   2nd Ed., Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, London, UK.
3. Auer, J.A. 1999. Equine Surgery. 2nd Ed. W.B. Saunders Co.,
   Philadelphia, USA.
4. Tyagi R.P.S., and J.Singh. 1993. Ruminant Surgery. C.B.S. Publishers
   and Distributors, New Delhi, India.
5. Colahan, P.T., A.M. Merrite, J.N. Moore, and I.G. Mayhew. 1999.
   Equine Medicine and Surgery. 5th Ed. Mosby, Philadelphia, USA.
6. Jennings Jr., P.B. 1984/Latest Edition. The Practice of Large Animal
   Surgery. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, USA.
7. Wolfe, D.F., and H.D. Moll. 1999. Large Animal Urogenital Surgery.
   Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, USA.


Shoeing: Definition, history and basic terms. Brief review of anatomy and
physiology of foot. The horse and cattle shoes and shoe nails. Hot and cold
shoeing. Faults in prepration of foot. Injuries caused by the shoeing.
Affections of foot and corrective shoeing. Shoeing evaluation.

Soundness: Definition. Causes of unsoundness. Blemishes and vices in
animals. Procedure for soundness examination. Colours and markings in
equines. Dentition of domestic animals. Standard pattern of a soundness

Shoeing: Anatomy of the foot. Shoeing tools. Types of shoes. Management
and restraint of horse for shoeing. Removal of old shoes. Prepration of the
foot. Fitting of shoes. .
Soundness: Practice in determination of age from teeth. Examination of
animals for soundness. Evaluation for lameness. Soundness certificate
Books Recommended
1. White II, N.A., and J.N. Moore. 1997. Current Techniques in Equine
   Surgery and Lameness. 2nd Ed. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia,
2. Stashak, T.S. 1992. Adam’s Lameness in Horses. 4th Ed. Lea and
   Febiger, Philadelphia, USA.
3. Pollitt, C.C. 1995. Colour Atlas of the Horse’s Foot. Mosby-Wolfe,
   Philadelphia, USA.
4. Wyn-Jones, G., 1988. Equine Lameness. Blackwell Science, Oxford,
5. Emery, L., J. Miller, and N.V. Hoosen, 1977. Horseshoeing: Theory
   and Hoof Care. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
6. Greenough P.R., F.J. MacCallum, and A.D. Weaver. 1997. Lameness
   in Cattle. 3rd Ed. J. Wright & Sons, Bristol, UK.


Students will be required to record a minimum of 10 cases (history taking,
clinical findings, laboratory investigation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis
treatment and discussion) in each clinic course under the supervision of a
teacher. The discussion of the case record will be written by consulting
library books, journals and internet. Ambulatory clinic will be arranged by
the University/Institute. Audio-Video films for each operation will be
developed and shown during the course of studies.


Restraint techniques. History taking and clinical examination. Routes of
drug administration. Surgical instruments, their use and maintenance.
Sterilization, Antiseptics and disinfectants. Treatment of wounds and
abscesses. Bandages and bandaging techniques. Preparations used for
topical dressing of wounds. Hospitalisation and care of sick animals.
Demonstration of clinical cases and case records.
Books Recommended
1. Harari, J. 1993. Surgical Complications and Wound Healing in the
   Small Animal Practice. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, USA.
2. Kumar, A. 1997. Veterinary Surgical Techniques. Vikas Publishing
   House, New Dehli, India.
3. Venugopalan, A. 2000. Essentials of Veterinary Surgery. 8th Ed.
   Oxford & IBH Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, India.


Surgical management of horn, hoof and tail affections. Teat surgery
(instruments, techniques and complications). Castration of ruminants. Use
of trocar and canula. Catheterization. Use of firing and counter irritants.
Tooth rasping. Biopsy and removal of tumors. Euthanasia in animals.
Radiographic interpretation of fractures and miscellaneous conditions. Visit
to local livestock farms and veterinary hospitals. Case records, case
demonstrations and group discussions. Professional films.

Books Recommended
1. Thrall, D.E. 1994. Textbook Of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology. W.B.
   Saunders Co., Phiadelphia, USA.
2. Bistner, S.I., and R.B. Ford. 1995. Kirk & Bistner’s Handbook Of
   Veterinary Procedures and Emergency Treatment. 6th Ed. W.B.
   Saunders Co., Philadelphia, USA.
3. Wolfe, D.F., and H.D. Moll. 1999. Large Animal Urogential Surgery.
   Williams & Wilkins, Baltomore, USA.
4. Crow, S.E., and A.O. Walshaw. 1997. Manual of Clinical Procedures in
   the Dog and Cat. 2nd Ed. J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, USA.


Practice of passing stomach tube, and stomach lavage. Handling surgical
emergency cases. Back-racking, rectal palpation. Castration in Equines.
Herniorraphy/Hernioplasty. Management of urine retention cases. Surgical
Management of choking, colic and grain overload. Regional nerve blocks in
large animals. Application of plaster casts, splints etc. Visit to farms and
hospitals. Case records, case demonstration. Professional films.

Books Recommended
1. White II, N.A., and J.N. Moore. 1997 Current Techniques In Equine
   Surgery and Lameness 2nd Ed. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia,
2. Muir III, M.W., and J.A.E. Hubbell. 1995. Handbook of Veterinary
   Anaesthesia. 2nd Ed. Mosby, Philadelphia, USA.
3. Olmsted, M.L. 1995. Small Animal Orthopedics. Mosby, Philadelphia,
4. Colahan, P.T., A.M. Merrite, J.N. Moore, and I.G. Mayhew. 1999.
   Equine Medincine and Surgery. 5th Ed. (Vol. 1 & 2). Mosby,
   Philadelphia, USA.


Fluid replacement therapy and blood transfusion in animals. Management
of accidents, shock, and emergency cases. Hoof care. Evaluation for
lameness and exercise in certificate writing as to soundness. Certificate
writing for vetero-legal cases. Use of cryosurgery in veterinary practice.
Use of ultrasound as a diagnostic tool. Radiography and radiographic
interpretations. Group discussion on cases received in the clinics and case
presentations. Independent handling of surgical cases. Visits to livestock
farms. Visits to Dog centre/shows, race courses and hospitals.
Professional films.

Books Recommended
1. Stashak, T.S. 1992. Adam’s Lameness in Horses. 4th Ed. Lea and
   Febiger, Philadelphia, USA.
2. White II, N.A., and J.N. Moore. 1997 Current Techniques in Equine
   Surgery and Lameness. 2nd Ed. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia,
3. Speirs, V.C. 1997 Clinical Examination of Horse. W.B. Saunders Co.
   Philadelphia USA.
4. Pollitt, C.C. 1995. Color Atlas of the Horse’s Foot. Mosby-Wolfe,
   Philadelphia, USA
5. Nyland, T.G., and J.S. Mattoon, 1995. Veterinary Diagnostic
   Ultrasound. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia USA.
6. Dawber, R., G. Colver, and A. Jackson. 1997. Cutaneous
   Cryosurgery. Principles and Clinical Practice. Martin Dunitz, London,
7. Qamar, I.J., and M.Z., Durrani, 1963. Veterinary Laws in West
   Pakistan. West Pakistan Agriculture University, Lyallpur, Pakistan.
                   (Postgraduate Degree Programmes)

Course of Title                                         Credit Hours

Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials
Biotechnology in Animal Health
Clinical Laboratory Aids in Diagnosis
Laboratory Animal Medicine
Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine
Diseases of Fish
Epidemiological Approaches to Disease Investigation and Control
Advanced Veterinary Preventive Medicine
Research and Review Papers in Current Journals
Veterinary Neonatology
Veterinary Public Health
Diseases of Mammary Glands of Dairy Animals
Advanced Dairy Herd Health
Advanced Readings in Veterinary Medicine
                       VETERINARY MEDICINE
                  (Postgraduate Degree Programmes)


Principles of clinical trials; types of designs; randomisation, matching;
balancing and covariates; control and placebos; sample size
considerations; scoring; ethical and legal considerations; exclusions,
losses to follow-up and withdrawals; bias; the control of bias in trials;
outcome (response) measurements and record; multiclinic trials; problem
identification and trouble shooting; statistical analysis in clinical and
preventive medicine trials; statistical significance vis-à-vis clinical or
preventative trials; financial considerations; reporting the results;
responsibilities and obligations of the sponsors, monitors, and investigators
in clinical and preventive medicine trials; criteria to asses the validity of
clinical research.

Practical exercises in designing, execution, statistical analysis and
reporting the results of trials in clinical and preventive medicine.

Books Recommended
1. Powers, T.E., and J.D. Powers (eds.). 1986. Clinical Trials with
   Therapeutic Drugs in Animals. The Ohio State University Press,
   Columbus, USA.
2. Shapiro, S.H., and T.A. Louis (eds.), 1983. Clinical Trials – Issues and
   Approaches. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, USA.
3. Petrie, A., and P. Watson. 1999. Statistics for Veterinary and Animal
   Science. Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, U.K.
4. Armitage, P., and G.D. Berry. 1994. Statistical Methods in Medical
   Research, Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, U.K.
5. Machim, D. 1997. Sample Size Tables for Clinical Studies, 2nd Ed.
   Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, U.K.
6. Daly, L.E. and G.J. Bourke. 2000 Interpretation and uses of Medical
   Statistics, Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, U.K.
7. Research and Review Papers in current Journals.


Definition, scope and history of development of biotechnology; introduction
to nucleic acids; principles and techniques of cloning genes; therapeutic,
prophylactic and diagnostic agents produced through biotechnology; use of
biotechnology in the study of hereditary diseases, use of biotechnology in
the diagnosis, treatment and control of animal diseases, use of nucleic acid
probes in the diagnosis of animal diseases; use of embryo transfer in the
control of animal diseases; monoclonal antibodies for diagnosis and
therapy of animal diseases; polymerase chain reaction in diagnosis of
animal diseases; desirable alterations in milk composition using molecular
genetic techniques; nucleic acid sequencing in molecular epidemiology;
molecular farming (transgenic animals) in introducing economically
important traits in livestock; probiotics in animal health; bovine
somatotropin and animal health; immunomodulation for improved
resistance through biotechnology; use of biotechnology for selection and
breeding of disease-resistant strains of animals, biosafety and ethical
considerations in biotechnology.

Use of nucleic acid probes in disease diagnosis; pen-side molecular tests;
evaluation of autochthonous and alien microbes as probiotic for disease

Books recommended
1. Babiuk, L.A., J.P. Phillips, and M. Moo-Young (eds.), 1993. Animal
   Biotechnology, Pergamon Press, New york, USA.
2. Bunders, Joske F.G., 1990. Biotechnology for Small Scale Farmers in
   Developing Countries, VU University Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
3. Chopra, V.L., and A. Nasim, 1990. Genetic Engineering and
   Biotechnology – Concepts, Methods and Applications, Oxford and IBH
   Publishing Co. New Dehli, India.
4. Nicholas F.W. 2000. Introduction to Veterinary Genetics. Oxford Univ.
   Press, New York.
5. Clarke, A. 1999. Transgenic techniques, (Methods in Molecular
   Biology) Humana Press. Inc. Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, U.K.
6. Durky, I.A. 1999. In Situ Hybridization Protocols. 2nd Ed. Humana
   Press Inc. Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, U.K.
7. Research and Review Papers in current Journals.


Collection, preservation and despatch of samples for laboratory diagnosis.
Types and requirement of samples for viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic and
metabolic diseases of small and large animals. Collection and despatch of
samples for toxicological examination. Laboratory diagnosis of various
diseases and toxicological conditions (for each disease, techniques of
laboratory diagnosis confirmation will be taught). Laboratory health
hazards, disposal of infectious and toxic wastes.

Requirements of a clinical laboratory (building, equipment and operational).
Practical collection, preservation and despatch of material for various
disease conditions. Laboratory examination of urine, skin scrapings,
faeces, blood and milk from sick animals and interpretation of results.
Antibiotic sensitivity tests and their applications. Mastitis tests.
Toxicological analysis of fodders for nitrate, nitrite and prussic acid. Cross-
matching of blood for transfusion. Tests for detection of failure of passive
transfer of immunity.

Books Recommended
1. Kerr, M.G., 2000. Veterinary Laboratory Medicine. 2nd Ed. Blackwell
   Science, Oxford, U.K.
2. Stockham, S.L., and M. Scott, 2001. Fundamentals of Veterinary
   Clinical Pathology. Blackwell Science, Oxford, U.K.
3. Meyer, D.J., and J.H. Harvey, 1998. Veterinary Laboratory Medicine.
   2nd Ed. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, USA.
4. Kaneko, J.J., and W. Harvey, 1997. Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic
   Animals. 5th Ed. Academic Press, USA.
5. Reagan, W., T. Sanders, and D. DeNocola, 1999. Veterinary
   Haematology. Manson Publishing, Oxford, UK. Oxford, U.K.


An overview of laboratory animal species, their housing, feeding and
management. Special aspects of drug selection, dose regimens and mode
of administration to lab. animals. Zoonosis. Aetiology, epidemiology,
seimology, diagnosis, treatment and control of important infectious,
parasitic, neoplastic, metabolic, and nutritional diseases of mice/rats,
rabbits, guinea pigs and monkeys.

Physical and chemical restraint of different lab animal species. Lab. animal
anaesthesia. Collection of samples for lab. investigations. Administration of
drugs. Diagnosis, treatment and control of clinical cases. Diagnostic tests
and preventive inoculations.

Books Recommended
1. Poole, T. 1999. UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of
   Laboratory Animals. 7th Ed. Blackwell Science, Oxford, U.K.
2. Hrapkiewicz, K., L. Medina, and D.D. Holmes, 1999. Clinical Medicine
   of Small Animals and Primates. Manson Publishing, Oxford, UK.
   Blackwell Science, Oxford, U.K
3. Richardson, V.C.G. 2000 Diseases of Domestic Guinea Pigs. 2nd Ed.
   Blackwell Science, Oxford, U.K.
4. Fleckwell, P. (ed.) 2000. BSAVA’s Manual of Rabbit Medicine and
   Surgery. Blackwell Science, Oxford, U.K.
5. Fraser, C.M., 1999. The Merck Veterinary Manual. 9th Ed. Merck &
   Co., Rahway, N.J.

An overview of housing, management and feeding of zoo and wild animals.
Special aspects of drug selection, dose regimens and mode of
administration in different zoo and wild animals. Aetiology, epidemiology,
seismology, diagnosis, therapy and control of important infectious,
parasitic, metabolic and nutritional disease of important zoo and wild
animals in Pakistan.

Physical and chemical restraint of zoo and wild animals. Collection,
preservation, and examination of samples for lab diagnosis. Physiological
norms. Techniques of drug administration. Handling of clinical cases. Visits
to Zoo and National Parks.

Books Recommended
1. Fowler, M.E., 1994. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine. Current Therapy.
   W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, USA.
2. Samuel, W., M. Pybus, and A.A. Kocan, 2001. Parasitic Diseases of
   Wild Animals. 2nd Ed. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames.
3. Williams, E.S., and I.K. Barker, 2000. Infectious Diseases of Wild
   Mammals. 3rd Ed. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames.
4. Stocker, L. 2000. Practical Wildlife Care. Blackwell Science, Oxford,
5. Fairbrother, A., L. Locke, and G. Hoff, 1996. Non-infectious Diseases
   of Wildlife. 2nd Ed. Manson Publishing, Oxford, UK. Oxford, U.K.


Basics of fish farming and aquarium management. Methods of medication.
Fish anaesthesia. Fish pond sanitation procedures. Aetiology,
epidemiology, seimology, lesions, diagnosis, therapy and control of
bacterial, viral, mycotic, parasitic, nutritional and toxicological diseases of
Fish handling and transport. Fish anaesthesia. Diagnosis, treatment and
control of diseases at fish farms, streams, ponds, etc. Visits to local fish
farms and markets for collection of samples for diagnosis of fish diseases.
Laboratory diagnosis of important fish diseases.

Books Recommended
1. Schaperclaus, W., 1996. Fish Diseases. Vol. I and II. Oxonion Press,
   New Delhi, India
2. Inglis, V., R.J. Roberts, and N.R. Bromage, 1993. Bacterial Diseases
   of Fish. Blackwell Science, Oxford, U.K.
3. Noga, E.J. 2000. Fish Diseases. Diagnosis and Treatment. Iowa State
   Univ. Press, Ames.
4. Fraser, C.M., 1999. The Merck Veterinary Manual. 9th Ed. Merck &
   Co., Rahway, N.J.


General epidemiological concepts; sampling methods in epidemiological
studies; evaluation of diagnostic tests, measurement of disease frequency
and production in population; descriptive epidemiology; disease causation,
surveys and analytic observational studies; field investigations of epidemic,
endemic, pandemic and sporadic diseases; prevention and eradication;
levels of disease prevention; strategies of control and eradication in
population; important factors in designing disease control and eradication
programmes. OIE pathways for declaration of freedom from different

Books Recommended
1. Anonymous, 1988. Investigation of Disease Outbreaks and Impaired
   Productivity. The Veterinary Clinics of North America, W.B. Saunders
   Co., Philadelphia, USA. Vol.4, No.1.
2. Martin, S.W., A.H. Meek, & P. Willeberg, 1987. Veterinary
   Epidemiology Principles and Practices. Iowa State University Press,
   Ames, Iowa, USA.
3. Thrusfield, M., 1997. Veterinary Epidemiology. 2nd Ed. Blackwell
   Science, Oxford UK.
4. Toma, B. and J. P. Vaillancourt 1999 Dictionary of Veterinary
   Epidemiology. The Iowa State Unv. Press, Ames, Iowa.
5. Research & Review Papers in current Journals.


Basic concepts of control, prevention and eradication of diseases; disease
surveillance and reporting; historical perspective on the control of animal
diseases; regional, national, international and global dimensions of disease
control; strategies for control, prevention and eradication of diseases;
anatomy and example of a proposal for disease control/eradication in
Pakistan, planning and administrative organization for disease control;
economic, socio-political and cultural factors in disease control;
educational, communication, training and research aspects of a disease
control programme; statutory and legal aspects of a disease control
programme; programme evaluation; channels of action in disease control
programme: diagnostic tactics, mass treatment, quarantine, restriction of
animal movement, slaughter of diseased or exposed animals, disposal and
indemnity, environmental hygiene, mass immunization, ring vaccination,
disinfection, breeding for resistance, improving management for disease
control. Case studies of control of tuberculosis, brucellosis, foot and mouth
disease, bovine pleuropneumonia, screw worm infestation, rinderpest,
theileriosis, contagious mastitis etc. bottlenecks in disease control and
trouble shooting; new international and WTO sanitary requirements,
impinging on international trade of livestock and livestock products.
Computing sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, percent agreement etc. for
evaluation of different diagnostic tests. Developing a proposal for the
control of haemoglobinuria, FMD, rinderpest, mastitis, rabies, brucellosis
and tuberculosis in ruminants and Gumboro disease and Newcastle
disease in poultry in Pakistan; visits to poultry and dairy farms to evaluate
the preventive medicine practices of the farmers and technical report

Books Recommended
1. Schnurrenberger, P.R., R.S. Sharman & G.H. Wise, 1987. Attacking
   Animal Diseases - Concepts and Strategies for Control and
   Eradication. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, USA.
2. FAO 1999. Manual on Livestock Disease Surveillance and information
   systems. FAO, Rome.
3. Thrusfield, M., 1997. Veterinary Epidemiology. 2nd Ed. Blackwell
   Science, Oxford UK.
4. Toma, B. and J. P. Vaillancourt 1999 Dictionary of Veterinary
   epidemiology. The Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, Iowa.
5. Research & Review Papers in current Journals.


Introduction to the health of neonates; perinatal and neonatal mortality;
colostrum and its substitutes; milk and milk replacers; manifestations of
disease; immunization for neonates; fluid replacement therapy and
nutritional support; blood and serum transfusion; antimicrobial therapy
neonatal diarrhoea; salmonellosis; respiratory infections of viral, bacterial,
mycoplasmal, and parasitic origin; diseases acquired from dam; congenital
disorders; metabolic disorders; nutritional deficiencies; chemical and plant
poisoning; parasitic infestations due to protozoan, nematodes, trematodes,
and cestodes; miscellaneous conditions, (hyperthermia, hypothermia,
starvation, arthritis); management of shock and other emergencies;
detection and correction of failure of passive transfer of immunity; specific
diseases of neonatal foals, kittens and pups.
Books Recommended
1. Radostits, O.M., D.C. Blood, and C.C. Gay, 1994. Veterinary
   Medicine. A textbook of the diseases of cattle, sheep, pigs, goats and
   horses. 8th Ed. ELBS, Bailliere Tindall, London, UK.
2. Roy, J.H.B., 1990. The Calf. Vol.I, Management of Health. 5th Ed.,
   Butterworths, London, UK.
3. Smith, B.P., 1996. Large Animal Internal Medicine. Diseases of
   horses, cattle, sheep and goats. The C.V. Mosby Co., Philadelphia,
4. Hosgood, G. and J. D. Hoskins, 1998. Small animal Paediatric
   Medicine & Surgery, Butterworth – Heinemann Oxford, U.K
5. Research & Review Papers in current Journals.


The concept of "one medicine"; veterinary medicine's margins and
interfaces; components of veterinary medicine and their relation to human
health; human health costs of animal diseases in developed and
subsistence economies of the world; the present and future role of
veterinary medicine in combating human hunger, malnutrition,
environmental pollution etc; channels for action in veterinary medicine;
human health benefits from veterinary research; zoonosis (the veterinary
research impact upon zoonotic infections in man; zoonoses classification;
examples and case studies of direct zoonoses, cyclozoonoses,
metazoonoses, saprozoonoses and other types of zoonoses; the role of
veterinary profession in combating zoonoses); an overview of veterinary
public health services in the developed and under-developed countries;
role of veterinary profession in producing safe human foods; prevention of
drug residues; avoidance of occupational diseases; emergency medical
services; practice of veterinary medicine and its impact on human
environment; disaster preparedness; animal-human bond.
Microbiological examination of milk, meat and eggs for potential human
health pathogens, diagnostic techniques for brucellosis, glanders,
tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, hydatidosis etc. Detection of antibiotic
residues in milk, meat and eggs. Visits to slaughter house to examine the
procedures of meat inspection.

Books Recommended
1. Schwabe, C.W., 1984. Veterinary Medicine and Human Health.
   William & Wilkins, Baltimore, USA.
2. Hugh-Jones, M., W.Hubbert, and H. Hagstad 2000. Zoonoses –
   Recognition, Control & Prevention, Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford,
3. Research & Review Papers in current Journals.


Origin, development and evolution of the mammary glands; review of gross
and microscopic structure of the bovine mammary glands; physiology of
lactation; milk synthesis, milking process, mechanical and hand milking in
relation to mastitis; composition and alteration in mastitic milk; types and
pathogenesis of mastitis; number and types of somatic cells in normal and
mastitic milk, defence mechanisms of bovine mammary glands; physical
and chemical tests for detection of mastitis; detection and identification of
pathogenic bacteria in milk; pharmacology of bovine udder; epidemiology,
treatment and control of mastitis caused by contagious, environmental and
skin flora opportunistic pathogens; recent development in the control of
bovine mastitis; specific and non-specific viral lesions of teats and udder;
teat stenosis; anaesthesia of udder; udder oedema in cattle and goats;
blood in milk; galactogogue; bovine somatotropin and udder health;
zoonosis transmitted through milk, agalactia, superanumerary teats,
galactocele, congenital abnormalities of udder; heifer mastitis; effect of
mastitis on reproduction.
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