2020/21 Accelerate Programme Brochure - College of Policing

Page created by Ross Carlson
2020/21 Accelerate Programme Brochure - College of Policing
Accelerate Programme
2020/21 Accelerate Programme Brochure - College of Policing
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                                                                   NLC Accelerate Programme Brochure

    Foreword                                                                                           4
    About the National Leadership Centre                                                               6
    What is the National Leadership Centre Accelerate Programme?                                       7
    Frequently Asked Questions                                                                         10
    Terms and conditions                                                                               12
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                                                                                                                                                  NLC Accelerate Programme Brochure

The National Leadership Centre helps leaders develop the
skills, knowledge and networks required to address society’s
most complex strategic challenges.

                                          Part of this collective challenge is                                                In addition to my years in business
                                          working to ensure that public service                                               I have been lucky to enjoy the
                                          leaders represent the citizens they                                                 contrasting perspective of working for
                                          serve. As a development intervention                                                a number of charities, regulators and
                                          built to support high performing ethnic                                             the NHS. Today I am honoured to serve
                                          minority leaders from across public                                                 as Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of
                                          services, the NLC Accelerate Programme                                              Greater London – a role which permits
                                          is a unique opportunity for you to                                                  me to observe life in our capital through
                                          develop alongside your peers as you                                                 a very different lens. All of those
                                          progress further in your careers.                                                   experiences have shown me that
                                                                                                                              public service lies at the very heart
Stephen Crookbain                         Through an intensive residential          Sir Kenneth Olisa                         of British values.
Director, National Leadership Centre      programme, supported by a series          OBE, CStJ, FRSA, FBCS, FIoD
                                          of webinars, networking events and                                                  I have also learned that irrespective
Since its establishment in 2018,          sponsorship opportunities, the NLC        As leaders committed to public            of the sector, to be effective (and with
the National Leadership Centre (NLC)      Accelerate Programme will provide         service, our work has a direct and        apologies to John Donne) no one is an
has been committed to supporting          you with practical learning and advice    ongoing impact on the lives of citizens   island. No function is superior to the
the most senior leaders across public     as you prepare to make the step up        around the country. This privileged       others, no organisation can operate
services with developing the skills,      to Chief Executive level roles.           position gives us the capability and      in a vacuum, no leader has all of the
knowledge and networks required                                                     influence to make positive change         answers. The power to deliver our
to address society’s most complex         We are delighted that you are             for our communities – to make the         collective mission, efficiently and
challenges. Through our programmes,       considering a place on the NLC            UK an even better place to live and       effectively, requires people from many
network, and research, the NLC            Accelerate Programme, and I am            work. Unfortunately, the challenges       disciplines and lived experiences to
provides unique opportunities for         excited about the many ways in            faced by individuals and organisations    combine their skills and resources
senior leaders to collaborate as part     which the NLC can support you in          have been materially amplified by the     in ways which are holistic and
of a wider public sector system.          your senior leadership journey,           pandemic. But, on the positive side       systems-based.
                                          now and in the future.                    and as with any collective threat,
Being a public sector leader has never                                              Covid-19 has highlighted the need         The National Leadership Centre
been more complex, with our frontline                                               for a collective response.                Accelerate Programme is designed
public services facing immense                                                                                                to arm our most talented and high-
challenges and huge expectations,                                                                                             potential leaders with the space,
compounded by the considerable                                                                                                stimulus and support to help you to
impact of COVID-19. As we focus our                                                                                           develop your systems-based approach
attention on recovery, the solutions                                                                                          to leadership.
of today will no longer answer the
questions of tomorrow. A connected,
collaborative, systems-led approach
will be needed to tackle the challenges
we collectively face.
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                                                                                                                                                               NLC Accelerate Programme Brochure

About the National
Leadership Centre
The National Leadership Centre was          The NLC aims to help senior leaders        Our work has three strands:                   We define success as:
established in 2018, and works across       work together to improve public
public services, extending its reach        services and productivity, by supporting   1.   Programme - professional                 • Demonstrably improving the quality
beyond the Civil Service to include         increased collaboration and innovation          programmes for public service              of leadership of public services
senior leaders in local government,         across the whole public sector system.          leaders
health, education, police, military and     The NLC has three core objectives:                                                       • Facilitating wider and more effective
others. Given this scope, the NLC also                                                 2.   Network - a professional hub for all       collaboration between public
plays a coordinating and convening          1. Demonstrably improve the quality             public service leaders, not just those     service leaders
role across service-specific leadership        of public service leadership;                served by the programme, to
academies, including the Defence                                                            support communication between 		         • Helping public service leaders to
Academy, NHS Leadership Academy             2. Facilitate effective collaboration 		        leaders and subject matter experts         become more resilient, more
and Civil Service Leadership Academy.          between public service leaders, and;                                                    adaptive to change and more
                                                                                       3.   Research - better understanding of         innovative
The NLC is part of the new                  3. Through research, improve the 		             public service leadership and the
Government Skills and Curriculum               understanding of public sector               impact of the NLC.                       • Improving the understanding of
Unit. Its goal is to realise the Learning      leadership and its relationship                                                         public sector leadership and its
Campus vision of a ‘core curriculum’,          with social and economic wellbeing.                                                     relationship with social and
universal to specialist, entry level to                                                                                                economic well-being.
senior leader, defined with and             The Centre’s Advisory Board is
through Departments, Professions,           chaired by Dame Sara Thornton,
and Academies. The NLC programmes,          the UK’s Independent Anti-Slavery
and contribution to the design and          Commissioner. More information about
delivery of formal and informal training,   the NLC can be found on our website:
will break down barriers between            NationalLeadership.gov.uk
policy and operations, between
London and the rest of the country,
and between civil and public Service.
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                                                                                                                                                           NLC Accelerate Programme Brochure

What is the National                                                                 Who our programme is for
Leadership Centre
Accelerate Programme?
                                                                                     We strongly believe that public service   • Deputy Chief Executives of NHS
                                                                                     leaders should represent the people         Trusts
                                                                                     they serve. This programme is exclusive
                                                                                     to leaders from ethnic minority groups.   • Pro-Vice-Chancellors / Deputy Vice-
                                                                                                                                 Chancellors of Universities
                                                                                     This programme is for high performing
The National Leadership Centre           This programme offers the opportunity       leaders at Deputy Chief Executive level   • Deputy Chief Constables of Police
Accelerate Programme will bring          to widen your network beyond the            (and equivalent) from publicly funded       Services
together high performing ethnic          service you work within, as well as         organisations delivering public
minority leaders from across public      increase your visibility and your           services, who are hoping to secure        • Deputy Fire Officers of Fire and
services who are aiming to become        experience of senior leadership events.     senior leadership roles within the          Rescue Services
senior leaders within their respective   We will stretch you with stimulating        next 3-5 years. This includes, but is
fields. The programme acts as a talent   content and inspiring speakers which        not exclusive to:                         • Directors across the Civil Service
pipeline into the flagship National      will draw on your skill and experience as
Leadership Centre Programme.             an effective leader. Themes that will be    • Deputy Chief Executives of              • Directors / Deputy Chief Executives
                                         covered at the webinars and residential       Ambulance Trusts                          of Arms Length Bodies
                                                                                     • Deputy Chief Executives of Further      • 1* and 2* Military Officers
                                         • Approaches to leadership: authentic         Education Colleges
                                           leadership; systems leadership;                                                     For our first cohort and given the
                                           inclusive leadership                      • Deputy Chief Executives of              seniority of the cohort, we will take up
                                                                                       Multi-Academy Trusts                    to 20 delegates.
                                         • Challenging assumptions and the
                                           ‘inner ring’                              • Deputy/Assistant Chief Executives of
                                                                                       Local Authorities
                                         • Storytelling and finding your
                                           narrative as a leader

                                         • Being ready for Chief Executive             Sectoral Development
                                           level leadership
                                                                                       Learning and development
                                         • Preparing for executive recruitment         tailored to your sector inc armed
                                                                                       forces, health and education.
                                           to Director General and Chief
                                           Executive level roles

                                                                                       Professional Development
                                                                                       Training and development
                                                                                       tailored to your professional
                                                                                       needs - such as PPM,
                                                                                       communications and finance.
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                                                                                                                                                               NLC Accelerate Programme Brochure

What is the time                           Sponsorship                                What is the cost                             How do I apply?
commitment?                                                                           commitment?
                                           As a delegate, the NLC will match                                                       Your leadership academy will have
This programme runs over 5 months          you with a sponsor as part of the          The National Leadership Centre covers        received information about this
(November 2020 to April 2021) and will     programme. Sponsorship can involve         course costs, including food and             programme at the start of October and
involve:                                   spotlighting specific job and project      accommodation for all residentials.          will be able to discuss with you further.
                                           opportunities for high-potential           Delegates will be expected to claim          If you are interested in participating,
• Online Launch event: 24th 		             individuals so that they can learn         back expenses (including travel) from        please complete the application form
  November                                 and extend their skills from new           their employers. The cost to the NLC of      here: https://www.smartsurvey.
                                           experiences. They will have a personal     each place is approximately £5,000.          co.uk/s/NLCAccelerate1/.
• 3 webinars: December, January, 		        commitment to recognise and give
  February                                 visibility to you as an individual; this   Participants are expected to attend          The NLC will review applications
                                           could involve increasing visibility of     all residential sessions, opening and        and decide on the final selection,
• NLC National Leadership Forum 2021       the work you do or by widening your        closing events and the webinars. If          in collaboration with Leadership
                                           network of senior leaders.                 participants do not attend compulsory        Academies, between 26th and 30th
• Intensive 5 day residential (in-person                                              elements of the programme, we will           October. Delegates will be assessed
  subject to Covid-19 restrictions)        Your sponsor will be a senior leader       seek to recoup some or all of these          on their answer to the smart survey
                                           (CEO/Director General level or             costs from employers. Please see             question: Why would you like to be
• Optional access to wider NLC             equivalent) who will be briefed on their   our terms and conditions for further         on the programme? (Please limit your
  Network events for senior leaders        role prior to being matched with you.      information.                                 answer to 150 words).
                                           Sponsors will be asked to:

Ongoing throughout the programme:          • be available to support participants     I can’t spare the time this                  Who can I contact for more
                                             in their career and provide exposure     year, can I book a place on                  information?
• Reflective practice groups                 to opportunities and wider networks;
                                                                                      next year’s course?
• Leadership diagnostics & coaching        • be an advocate for the individual                                                     If you would like more information
                                             and offer opportunities to the           We are currently inviting delegates for      on the programme, please email the
• Sponsorship                                participant that they may not            2020-21. We will be setting out further      Programme Team via
                                             normally have access to;                 detail of our selection process for future   NLCProgrammeEnquiries@
• Self-reflection resources                                                           years’ in due course, but a place this       cabinetoffice.gov.uk
                                           • look out for opportunities for the       year does not guarantee a place on a
• Access to existing NLC leadership          individual in areas that have            future cohort
  events, e.g. The National Leadership       been discussed as developmental;
  Forum 2021
                                           • offer career advice, support and
                                             provide constructive challenge to
                                             help the individual to take on
                                             unfamiliar tasks to support their
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Terms and conditions
1.   This agreement is between you and          6.   Where the Participant has accepted        • 50% of the Total Cost where such           12.   In carrying out its obligations under
     your organisation, and The Minister             a place on the Course pursuant to           cancellation takes place less than 6             this agreement, each party shall
     for the Cabinet Office of 1 Horse               clause 1, the Organisation 		               but not more than one calendar                   undertake to comply with the Data
     Guards Road, London, SW1A 2HQ                   is not entitled to postpone that            month prior to the Start Date; or                Protection Act 2018 (the “Act”)
     acting on behalf of the Crown and               Participant’s attendance on the                                                              including the GDPR regulations 2018
     through the National Leadership                 Course. The NLC will undertake            • 100% of the Total Cost where such                as applicable, when processing the
     Centre (the “NLC”).                             reasonable endeavours to facilitate         cancellation takes place less than               other party’s personal data as
                                                     any request to postpone the                 1 calendar month prior to the                    defined in the Act. The NLC
2.   The NLC shall invite individual                 Participant’s place but reserves            Start Date.                                      may share Participant’s personal
     employees of the Organisation                   the right to deny this request.                                                              data with third party suppliers for
     (the “Participant”) to attend a pilot                                                     9.    The Organisation shall pay £3500 if          the purposes of arranging and
     leadership development course              7.   Where a Participant has accepted                the Participant fails to attend the          facilitating the Course.
     (the “Course”). If the Participant              a place on the Course, if a Participant         Residential Event.
     wishes to attend the Course, the                needs to withdraw from the Course                                                      13.   The NLC reserves the right to cancel
     Participant shall confirm their                 prior to the Start Date:                  10.   Payments due under clauses 8 and 9           the Course at its sole discretion.
     intention to attend within 14                                                                   shall be made within 30 days of
     calendar days of such an invitation.            the Organisation shall, in a timely             the NLC’s first request for payment.   14.   This agreement and any dispute or
                                                     manner, propose a replacement                   The NLC shall have the right to              claim (including non-contractual
3.   The Course shall commence in                    participant who shall have a similar            charge interest on late payments at          disputes or claims) arising out of
     November 2020 (the “Start Date”)                level of experience and seniority               4% above the Bank of England’s               or in connection with it or its
     and shall consist of a pre-course               as the Participant who accepted a               base rate from time to time but              subject matter or formation shall
     assessment, webinars, residential               place on the Course pursuant to                 at 4% per year for any period when           be governed by and construed in
     training days (a “Residential Training          clause 2; and The NLC shall, at its             that base rate is below 0%.                  accordance with the law of England
     Day”), sponsorship and other ad 		              sole discretion, accept or reject the     11.   The Organisation and the Participant         and Wales.
     hoc events and sessions.                        proposed replacement participant;               acknowledge that confidential
                                                     and Where the NLC rejects the                   information may be disclosed           15.   Each party irrevocably agrees that
4.   The NLC will cover the costs of                 proposed replacement participant,               during the Course and at any and             the courts of England and Wales
     all learning, accommodation                     the Participant’s place shall be                all times shall:                             shall have exclusive jurisdiction to
     and sustenance during the                       cancelled and clause 8 shall apply.                                                          settle any dispute or claim
     Course. This includes the cost of                                                         • keep any confidential information                (including non-contractual disputes
     speakers, facilitators, trainers           8.   Where a Participant’s place on the          secret and confidential;                         or claims) arising out of or in
     and accommodation on a full                     Course is cancelled pursuant to                                                              connection with this agreement
     board basis.                                    clause 6, the Organisation shall pay:     • not use or exploit the confidential              or its subject matter or formation.
                                                                                                 information in any way; and
5.   The Organisation and/or the                • none of the Total Cost where such
     Participant shall cover the cost of          cancellation takes place more than           • not disclose the confidential
     any additional accommodation                 6 calendar months prior to the                 information except to the extent
     required (i.e. dates before or after the     Start Date;                                    required by law or any order of any
     Course), and any expenses incurred                                                          court of competent jurisdiction or
     during the Course including but not                                                         any regulatory, judicial,
     limited to travel and additional                                                            governmental or similar body
     services such as room service.                                                              of competent jurisdiction.
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     NLC Accelerate Programme Brochure
2020/21 Accelerate Programme Brochure - College of Policing 2020/21 Accelerate Programme Brochure - College of Policing
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