2020-21 Statement of Service - Secretary, NSW Health NSW Health Pathology

2020-21 Statement of Service - Secretary, NSW Health NSW Health Pathology
2020-21 Statement of Service

Secretary, NSW Health

NSW Health Pathology

1 July 2020 – 30 June 2021
2020-21 Statement of Service - Secretary, NSW Health NSW Health Pathology
2020-21 Statement of Service - Secretary, NSW Health NSW Health Pathology
NSW Health Statement of Service – 2020-21............................................................. 1
1. Objectives of the Statement of Service .................................................................. 3
2. Legislation, governance and performance framework ...................................... 4
    2.1 Legislation                                                                                                                  4
    2.2 Variation of the Statement                                                                                                   6
    2.3 Governance                                                                                                                   6

3. Strategies and priorities ............................................................................................. 9
    3.1 NSW Premier’s Priorities                                                                                                     9
    3.2 NSW Health Strategic Priorities 2020-21                                                                                    10
    3.3 NSW Health Outcome and Business Plan 2019-20 to 2022-23                                                                    11

4. Budget ...........................................................................................................................13
    4.1 State Outcome Budget Schedule: Part 1                                                                                      13
    4.2 State Outcome Budget Schedule: Part 2                                                                                      14
    4.3 State Outcome Budget Schedule: Capital program                                                                             15

5. Performance against strategies and objectives...................................................16
    5.1 Key performance indicators                                                                                                 16
    5.2 Performance deliverables                                                                                                   18

2020–21 Statement of Service                                                                                                        2
2020-21 Statement of Service - Secretary, NSW Health NSW Health Pathology
1. Objectives of the Statement of Service
•   To articulate responsibilities and accountabilities across all NSW Health entities for the
    delivery of NSW Government and NSW Health priorities.
•   To establish with support organisations a performance management and accountability
    system for the delivery of high quality, effective healthcare services that promote, protect
    and maintain the health of the community, and provide care and treatment to the people
    who need it, taking into account the particular needs of their diverse communities.
•   To develop formal and ongoing, effective partnerships with Aboriginal Community
    Controlled Health Services ensuring all health plans and programs developed by Districts
    and Networks include measurable objectives that reflect agreed Aboriginal health
•   To promote accountability to Government and the community for service delivery and
•   To ensure that the CORE Values of Collaboration, Openness, Respect and Empowerment
    are reinforced throughout NSW Health
•   To ensure support organisations engage in appropriate consultation with patients, carers
    and communities in the design and delivery of health services.
•   To ensure that support organisations work together with clinical staff about key decisions,
    such as resource allocation and service planning.

2020–21 Statement of Service: Objectives of the Statement of Service                             3
2. Legislation, governance and performance framework

2.1      Legislation

2.1.1 Legislation
The Health Services Act 1997 (the Act) provides a legislative framework for the public health
system, including the provision of health support services (s.126B).

NSW Health Pathology is an Administrative Division of the Health Administration
Corporation, established on 31 May 2012, vested with certain of the Secretary’s service
provider functions under section 126B of the Act.

The Secretary established the NSW Health Pathology Board as an appointed body under
section 126C of the Act in November 2012.

NSW Health Pathology ensures it meets the requirements of the regulatory framework for
Medicare Australia under the Health Insurances Act (1973). All NSW public pathology services
are accredited to standards defined by the National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council

2.1.2 Ministerial Determination of Functions
The Statement of Service recognises the functions established for NSW Health Pathology
pursuant to Section 126B of the Health Services Act 1997, signed by the Secretary, NSW
Health on 06 June 2019.

NSW Health Pathology is established to provide specialist pathology and forensic services,
including clinically integrated diagnostic, disease monitoring and forensic and scientific
analysis expertise.
NSW Health Pathology shall comprise of the following two Units:
  (i)    NSW Health Pathology Operations
  (ii)   NSW Forensic Analytical Science Service

The functions of NSW Health Pathology are to:
1.   Operate on behalf of the Health Secretary as the preferred provider and commissioner of
     pathology, forensic and analytical science services for the NSW Health system, with the
     responsibility to:
     A. Deliver better health and justice systems through an integrated whole of state model of
     B. Develop and implement rigorous clinical and corporate governance frameworks that
        provide sustainable, responsive, efficient, high quality pathology, forensic and analytical
        science services;

2020–21 Statement of Service: Legislation, governance and performance framework               4
C. Operate services with transparency and clear accountabilities, ensuring that
        organisational performance and financial management meet the requirements of the
        Health Secretary;
     D. Provide teaching and training and undertake research and development relevant to the
        provision of pathology, forensic and analytical science services;
     E. Build strong relationships with NSW Health agencies, the Department of Family and
        Community Services and Justice, NSW Police and other key stakeholders and contribute
        to the achievement of NSW Government priorities.
2.   Undertake pathology, forensic and analytical science services for such other persons or
     entities outside the NSW Health system as approved by the Minister for Health under
     s126B(2) of the Health Services Act 1997 (NSW).
3.   Undertake other functions as the Health Secretary may request from time to time.

Functions of NSW Health Pathology Board as delegated under Section 126B(4) of the Health
Services Act 1997:

1.   To provide effective and ethical governance of NSW Health Pathology in relation to the
     provision of sustainable, responsive, efficient and high quality pathology, forensic and
     analytical science services.
2.   To endorse the strategic direction and plan for NSW Health Pathology and make decisions
     regarding pathology, forensic and analytical science services that are for the collective
     benefit of the NSW health and justice systems, and approve and monitor compliance with
     the Strategic and Annual Operational Plans of NSW Health Pathology.
3.   To ensure effective and comprehensive corporate and clinical governance frameworks are
     established and approved by the Board to support the maintenance and improvement of
     standards and quality of services provided by NSW Health Pathology.
4.   To provide strategic oversight of and monitor NSW Health Pathology's performance
     (clinical, operational and financial) in accordance with the objectives and measures set by
     the Health Secretary.
5.   To ensure appropriate internal controls and robust systems are in place including:
     a. Financial and other internal reporting mechanisms which provide adequate, accurate
        and timely information about the performance of NSW Health Pathology to the Board,
        the NSW Ministry of Health and the Health Secretary.
     b. risk management framework, including ongoing monitoring of the effectiveness of risk
        management systems for NSW Health Pathology.
     c. Clinical governance and quality frameworks to monitor quality of care and service
        delivered across NSW Health Pathology.
     d. Effective compliance frameworks and quality standards for accreditation of pathology
        laboratories and forensic facilities.

2020–21 Statement of Service: Legislation, governance and performance framework              5
6.   To ensure effective clinical and capital planning by NSW Health Pathology which also
     aligns with the NSW Health system's strategic goals.
7.   To champion a strong values-driven culture with a focus on staff engagement within NSW
     Health Pathology.
8.   To champion innovation to achieve best practice across NSW Health Pathology services.
9.   To review and evaluate present and future opportunities, threats and risks in the external
     environment and identify appropriate responses to maximise the position of NSW Health
     Pathology and the NSW Health system.
10. To  ensure that the needs of all stakeholders (internal and external) are appropriately
     considered, and to confer with the Chief Executive about how best to support, encourage
     and facilitate stakeholder and clinician involvement, in the planning of NSW Health
     Pathology services.
11. To  establish and oversee the work of Board sub-committees and consider any
     recommendations of those sub-committees including endorse and oversee the
     implementation of annual audit plans via the Audit and Risk Management Committee.
12. To  provide such advice to the Health Secretary on the provision and integration of
     pathology, forensic and analytical science services within the NSW health and justice
     systems as requested from time to time.

2.2      Variation of the Statement
The Statement may be amended at any time by agreement in writing between the
Organisation and the Ministry of Health.
The Statement may also be varied by the Secretary or the Minister in exercise of their general
powers under the Act, including determination of the role, functions and activities of support
Any updates to finance or activity information further to the original contents of the
Statement will be provided through separate documents that may be issued by the Ministry
of Health in the course of the year.

2.3      Governance
The Organisation must ensure that all applicable duties, obligations and accountabilities are
understood and complied with, and that services are provided in a manner consistent with all
NSW Health policies, procedures, plans, circulars, inter-agency agreements, Ministerial
directives and other instruments and statutory obligations.

2020–21 Statement of Service: Legislation, governance and performance framework              6
2.3.1 Clinical governance
NSW public health services are accredited against the National Safety and Quality Health
Service Standards.
The Australian Safety and Quality Framework for Health Care provides a set of guiding
principles that can assist health services with their clinical governance obligations.
The NSW Patient Safety and Clinical Quality Program provides an important framework for
improvements to clinical quality.
NSWHP are accredited against the standards and guidelines for pathology practices issued
by the National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council.

2.3.2 Corporate governance
The Organisation must ensure services are delivered in a manner consistent with the NSW
Health Corporate Governance and Accountability Compendium (the Compendium) seven
corporate governance standards. The Compendium is at:
Where applicable, the Organisation is to:
•   Provide required reports in accordance with timeframes advised by the Ministry;
•   Review and update the Manual of Delegations (PD2012_059) to ensure currency;
•   Ensure recommendations of the NSW Auditor-General, the Public Accounts Committee
    and the NSW Ombudsman, where accepted by NSW Health, are actioned in a timely and
    effective manner, and that repeat audit issues are avoided.

2.3.3 Procurement governance
The Organisation must ensure procurement of goods and services complies with the NSW
Health Goods and Services Procurement Policy Directive (PD2019_028). This policy directive
details the requirements for all staff undertaking procurement or disposal of goods and
services on behalf of NSW Health.

2020–21 Statement of Service: Legislation, governance and performance framework            7
2.3.4 Performance Framework
Statements of Service are a central component of the NSW Health Performance Framework,
which documents how the Ministry monitors and assesses the performance of public sector
health services to achieve expected service levels, financial performance, governance and
other requirements.
The performance of a support organisation is assessed on whether the Organisation is
meeting the strategic objectives for NSW Health and government, the Premier’s Priorities and
performance against key performance indicators. The availability and implementation of
governance structures and processes, and whether there has been a significant critical
incident or sentinel event also influences the assessment.
The Framework sets out responses to performance concerns and management processes that
support the achievement of outcomes in accordance with NSW Health and government
policies and priorities. Performance concerns will be raised with the Organisation for focused
discussion at performance review meetings in line with the NSW Health Performance
Framework available at: http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Performance/Pages/frameworks.aspx

2020–21 Statement of Service: Legislation, governance and performance framework          8
3. Strategies and priorities
The delivery of NSW Health strategies and priorities is the responsibility of the Ministry of
Health, health services and support organisations. These are to be reflected in the strategic,
operational and business plans of these entities.

3.1    NSW Premier’s Priorities
In June 2019, the NSW Premier set new social priorities to tackle tough community
challenges, lift the quality of life for everyone in NSW and put people at the heart of
everything the Government does.
NSW Health is leading the three priorities for improving the health system:

NSW Health staff will continue to work together to deliver a sustainable health system that
delivers outcomes that matter to patients and the community, is personalised, invests in
wellness and is digitally enabled.

2020–21 Statement of Service: Strategies and priorities                                    9
3.2    NSW Health Strategic Priorities 2020-21

2020–21 Statement of Service: Strategies and priorities   10
3.3        NSW Health Outcome and Business Plan 2019-20 to 2022-23
The NSW Treasury Outcome Budgeting initiative intends to transform the way budget
decisions are made, and resources are managed in the NSW public sector. The overarching
objective of Outcome Budgeting is to shift the focus of the NSW Government to deliver
better outcomes for the people of NSW with increased transparency, accountability and value
(TPP 18-091).
The NSW Health Outcome and Business Plan is an agreement between the Minister for Health
and Medical Research, the Secretary, NSW Health and the NSW Government setting out the
outcomes and objectives that will be focused on over the next four years.
NSW Health has identified five state outcomes that it will achieve for the people of NSW. The
state outcomes cover the broad range of functions and services provided across care
1.    Keeping people healthy through prevention and health promotion
2.    People can access care in out of hospital settings to manage their health and wellbeing
3.    People receive timely emergency care
4.    People receive high-quality, safe care in our hospitals
5.    Our people and systems are continuously improving to deliver the best health outcomes
      and experiences
To achieve these outcomes, NSW Health has set a series of ambitious targets and has a
comprehensive program of change initiatives in place. These targets have been built into key
performance indicators in the Service Agreement, the NSW Health Performance Framework,
the NSW Health Purchasing Framework and the funding model.


2020–21 Statement of Service: Strategies and priorities                                               11
Alignment of directions and strategies to outcomes

2020–21 Statement of Service: Strategies and priorities   12
4. Budget

4.1     State Outcome Budget Schedule: Part 1
                                NSW Health Pathology (NSWHP) - Budget 2020-21

                                                                                              Final 2020-21
                                                                                              Initial Budget
        Expenditure Budget by Account Group (General Fund)
         Employee Related                                                                            $454,788
         VMO Payments                                                                                     $32
         Goods & Services                                                                            $194,806
         Repairs, Maintenance & Renewals                                                              $25,585
         Depreciation                                                                                 $19,319
         Grants                                                                                          $455
         Borrowing Costs                                                                                 $141

                                                                              Sub-total              $695,125

        Other items not included above
         Additional Escalation to be allocated                                                         $4,157
         Efficiency and Procurement Savings                                                            -$5,406
  E      TMF Adjustments                                                                               -$1,636
         Intra Health Adjustments                                                                        $952

                                                                              Sub-total                -$1,933

  F     RFA Expenses                                                                                  $17,519

  G     Total Expenses (G=A+E+F)                                                                     $710,710

  H     Other - Gain/Loss on disposal of assets etc                                                      $602

  I     Revenue                                                                                     -$695,076

  J     Net Result (J=G+H+I)                                                                          $16,236


The above schedule represents the NSW Treasury’s transition to Outcome Budgeting (TPP 18-09) and
aligns to the NSW Health Business Plan 2019-20 to 2022-23. The NSW Treasury Outcome Budgeting
initiative intends to transform the way budget decisions are made, and resources are managed in the
NSW public sector. The initiative aims to shift the focus of the NSW Government to deliver better
outcomes for the people of NSW (TPP 18-09).
As this transition will take place across several years, figures listed in this schedule are currently unable
to accurately be carried through from LHD/SHN budgets to each facility. Some facility figures will
therefore be consolidated at a LHD/SHN level with investment allocation managed locally.
Figures included in this schedule do not include 2020-21 stimulus funding in response to the COVID-
19 pandemic.

2020–21 Statement of Service: Budget                                                                     13
4.2      State Outcome Budget Schedule: Part 2
                                         NSW Health Pathology                                            ($'000)
         Government Grants
  A      Recurrent Subsidy                                                                                   -$31,784
  B      Capital Subsidy                                                                                      -$1,675
 C       Crown Acceptance (Super, LSL)                                                                       -$18,467
  D                                                      Total Government Contribution (D=A+B+C)             -$51,926
         Own Source revenue
  E      GF Revenue                                                                                         -$619,279
  F      SP&T Revenue                                                                                        -$23,871
  G                                                             Total Own Source Revenue (G=E+F)            -$643,150

  H                                                                         Total Revenue (H=D+G)           -$695,076

  I      Total Expense Budget - General Funds                                                                $693,191
  J      SP&T Expense Budget                                                                                  $17,519
  K      Other Expense Budget                                                                                      $602
  L                                       Total Expense Budget as per Schedule A Part 1 (L=I+J+K)            $711,312

 M                                                                             Net Result (M=H+L)             $16,236

         Net Result Represented by:
 N       Asset Movements                                                                                     -$18,131
 O       Liability Movements                                                                                   $1,894
  P      Entity Transfers                                                                                               $
 Q                                                                                Total (Q=N+O+P)            -$16,236

 The minimum weekly cash reserve buffer for unrestricted cash at bank has been updated for FY 2020/21 to $3M. Based
 on final June 2020 cash balances, adjustments will be made from July 2020 to ensure alignment with the cash buffer
 requirements of NSW Treasury Circular TC15_01 Cash Management – Expanding the Scope of the Treasury Banking

 The minimum weekly cash buffer relates to cash held in General Fund bank accounts only and will be used to determine
 subsidy cash sweep amounts in line with the schedule advised by the Ministry of Health.

2020–21 Statement of Service: Budget                                                                               14
4.3          State Outcome Budget Schedule: Capital program
NSW Pathology

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2020/21 Capital Budget Allocation by Source of Funds
                                                                                                                                                          Estimated        Cost to Complete   Capital Budget

                                                                                                Project Code
PROJECTS MANAGED BY HEALTH SERVICE                                                                                              Estimated Total Cost
                                                                                                                                                       Expenditure to 30           at           Allocation     MOH Funded          Local Funds        Revenue        Lease Liabilities
                                                                                                               Reporting Silo        2020/21
                                                                                                                                                          June 2020          30 June 2020       2020/21         2020/21             2020/21           2020/21           2020/21
2020/21 Capital Projects
                                                                                                                                         $                     $                  $                 $              $                    $                 $                    $


Asset Refurbishment/Replacement Strategy - Statewide                                         P55345                ARRP              2,539,896             885,536            1,654,360         1,675,000       1,675,000               -                 -                    -
Pathology Result App                                                                         P56475                 LFI              1,300,000             607,433             692,567           692,693            -                692,693              -                    -
Statewide Rollout Program - Coagulation Equipment                                            P56555                 LFI              1,610,000             282,335            1,327,665         1,327,665           -               1,327,665             -                    -
Statewide Rollout Program - Haematology Equipment                                            P56556                 LFI              6,394,454            4,944,024           1,450,431         1,450,430           -               1,450,430             -                    -
NWTW-Newcastle Corporate Office                                                              P56620                 LFI               955,118              104,040             851,078           851,078            -                851,078              -                    -
State-Wide Billing                                                                           P56621                 LFI               559,500             2,206,758          (1,647,258)         559,500            -                559,500              -                    -
Inventory Systems Implementations                                                            P56622                 LFI               450,000                  -               450,000           450,000            -                450,000              -                    -
Cloud Based Genomics Infrastructure                                                          P56623                 LFI              1,200,000             259,463             940,537           940,537            -                940,537              -                    -
State-wide specimen Tracking Program                                                         P56624                 LFI              1,265,281             474,818             790,463          1,265,281           -               1,265,281             -                    -
State-wide Test Catalogue                                                                    P56625                 LFI              1,030,956             233,978             796,978           796,978            -                796,978              -                    -
State-wide Facility Signage                                                                  P56626                 LFI               881,970                  -               881,970           881,970            -                881,970              -                    -
Genomics E-Ordering                                                                          P56627                 LFI               405,980                  -               405,980           405,980            -                405,980              -                    -
2 x Biomek i5 Next Generation Sequencing Workstations                                        P56689                 LFI               507,480                  -               507,480           507,480            -                507,480              -                    -
PATH Minor Works & Equipment                                                                 P51069            Minor Works          67,366,542            59,972,383          7,394,159         7,394,159           -               7,394,159             -                    -
Right of Use Asset $10,000 Program is an annual allocation. Estimated Total Cost is calculated as Prior Year expenditure plus FY21 Budget Allocation

2020–21 Statement of Service: Budget                                                                                                                                                                                                                     15
5. Performance against strategies and objectives

5.1         Key performance indicators
The performance of the Organisation is assessed in terms of whether it is meeting key
performance indicator targets for NSW Health Strategic Priorities.

      ✓      Performing                       Performance at, or better than, target

            Underperforming                  Performance within a tolerance range

            Not performing                   Performance outside the tolerance threshold

Detailed specifications for the key performance indicators are provided in the Service
Agreement Data Supplement. See:

Strategy 4: Develop and support our people and culture

Strategic    Measure                                           Target         Not           Under
Priority                                                                  Performing      Performing      Performing
                                                                                                             ✓

             Workplace Culture - People Matter Survey                                       >-5 and
      4.3                                                        ≥-1          ≤ -5                            ≥-1
             Culture Index- Variation from previous year (%)                                  -5 and
      4.3    as a result of the survey- Variation from           ≥-1          ≤ -5                            ≥-1
Strategy 4: Develop and support our people and culture

Strategic    Measure                                         Target           Not          Under
Priority                                                                  Performing     Performing     Performing
                                                                                                         ✓
Outcome 5 Our people and systems are continuously improving to deliver the best health outcomes and experiences

             Staff Engagement - People Matter Survey
                                                                                          >-5 and
   4.3       Engagement Index - Variation from previous        ≥-1           ≤ -5                          ≥-1
                                                                                            0 and
             Expenditure Matched to Budget - General      On budget or      >0.5%                      On budget or
   8.1                                                                                     ≤0.5%
             Fund -Variance (%)                            Favourable    Unfavourable                   Favourable

                                                                                          >0 and
             Own Sourced Revenue Matched to Budget -      On budget or      >0.5%                      On budget or
   8.1                                                                                     ≤0.5%
             General Fund - Variance (%)                   Favourable    Unfavourable                   Favourable

2020–21 Statement of Service: Performance against strategies and objectives                                       17
5.2       Performance deliverables
Key deliverables under the NSW Health Strategic Priorities 2020-21 will also be monitored,
noting that process indicators and milestones are held in the detailed operational plans
developed by the Organisation.

5.2.1 Workplace culture
Determine how change can be affected at an individual, organisational and system level to
improve workplace culture and practices:
•   The results of the People Matter Employee Survey will be used to identify areas of best
    practice and improvement opportunities.
•   The Junior Medical Officer Your Training and Wellbeing Matters Survey will monitor the
    quality of supervision, education and training provided to junior medical officers and their
    welfare and wellbeing.
•   The Australian Medical Association, in conjunction with the Australian Salaried Medical
    Officers Association, will undertake regular surveys of senior medical staff to assess clinical
    participation and involvement in local decision making to deliver human centred care.

5.2.2 Value based healthcare
Value based healthcare is a way of organising healthcare to maximise value, where value is
defined in terms of the outcomes and experiences that matter most to the people receiving
and delivering care relative to the costs of achieving those outcomes.
In NSW value based healthcare means continually striving to deliver care that improves:
    • The health outcomes that matter to patients

      •   The experience of receiving care

      •   The experience of providing care

      •   The effectiveness and efficiency of care

NSW Health is implementing value based healthcare by scaling and embedding statewide
programs (CBV, CC, IC and LBVC) while supporting change through a range of system-wide
enablers. The statewide programs are Commissioning for Better Value, Collaborative
Commissioning, Integrated Care and Leading Better Value Care.
Commissioning for Better Value Deliverables
Commissioning for Better Value is a process of analysing, designing and implementing non-
clinical and support services that consider the outcomes and experiences of patients and
clinicians. CBV reflects NSW Health’s commitment to refocus our services from volume
(outputs) to value (outcomes).
NSW Health Pathology and the Strategic Reform and Planning Branch, NSW Ministry of
Health have a key role in embedding commissioning-based principles and tools in pathology

2020–21 Statement of Service: Performance against strategies and objectives                   18
5.2.3 Strategic priorities

 Initiatives                    Deliverable in 1920-21                                 Due by

 1. Keep people healthy
 Develop and implement a        •   Develop draft framework                            September 2020
 business continuity
                                •   Draft framework consultation (2 rounds)            December 2020
 preparedness framework
                                •   Framework to be endorsed by Senior Leadership      March 2021
                                    team (SLT)

                                •   Framework implementation plan developed            April 2021

                                •   Framework implementation commences                 June 2021

 2. Provide world-class clinical care where patient safety is first
 Implement reconfiguration of   •   Deployment of telematic and network                November 2020
 metro courier routes               0ptimisation systems and technology

                                •   Pilot and deploy alternate route design            September 2020

                                •   Scope, tender and award of Pathology centric       May 2021
                                    3rd Party Logistics service provision, including
                                    centralised call centre

 3. Integrate systems to deliver truly connected care
 Design, build and implement    •   Design & analyse                                   August 2020
 new Forensic Medicine
                                •   Build a new state-wide system                      July 2021
 Information System
                                •   Deploy new system                                  December 2021

 4. Develop and support people culture and governance
 Implement the NSWHP            •   Establish NSWHP RAP Committee outline              August 2020
 Reconciliation Action Plan
                                •   Finalise RAP incorporating Reconciliation          November 2020
 (RAP) and Aboriginal
                                    Australia, Board, SLT and staff feedback.
 Employment Strategy
                                •   Complete Aboriginal Employment Strategy.           June 2021

 5. Support and harness health and medical research and innovation
 Develop and commence           •   Framework draft completed                          August 2020
 implementing the Research
                                •   Framework consultation (2x rounds)                 December 2020
 Governance Framework
                                •   Framework endorsement by SLT                       February 2021

                                •   Framework implementation commencement              March 2021

2020–21 Statement of Service: Performance against strategies and objectives                        19
Initiatives                     Deliverable in 1920-21                                    Due by

 6. Embed a digitally enabled healthcare system
 Determine and achieve           •   Assemble Statewide LIMS Development Group              September
 milestones on Statewide                                                                    2020
 Laboratory Information
                                 •   Obtain notification of funding.                        September
 Management System (LIMS)
                                 •   Move through Gateway 3 approval                        June 2021

 Build statewide Business        •   Scale BI infrastructure to improve data processing,    March 2021
 Intelligence platform,              storage and modelling, providing lag free
 including big data processing       solutions.
 capacity and tools to enable
                                 •   Support all NSWHP portfolios, FASS and Clinical        June 2021
 data driven decision making
                                     Services & Operations by developing data tools
                                     and reports for needs, including triangulation of
                                     data sets for insightful analytics.

 7. Plan and deliver future focussed infrastructure
 Confirm scope and               •   Mapping key service journeys*, incorporating into      August 2020
 configuration of Core               detailed design
                                 •   Detailed design, core laboratory (building on the      August 2020
                                     pre analytical area, journey maps)

                                 •   Workforce analysis and planning                        October 2020

 8. Build financial sustainability and deliver business improvements

 Establish an Information        Actions (Subject to budget approval)
 Security Management System
                                 •   Information Security Officer recruited                  December
 and associated capabilities

                                 •   ISMS framework agreed                                   March 2021

                                 •   ISO27001 Internal [preparation] Audit                   June 2021

                                 •   ISO27001 Certification Audit                            June 2021

2020–21 Statement of Service: Performance against strategies and objectives                         20
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