2020 Benefits Overview - September | 2019 - Connect

2020 Benefits Overview - September | 2019 - Connect
September | 2019

       2020 Benefits Overview
                   Presented by
                  Samuella Pratt

Aetna is the brand name used for products and services
provided by one or more of the Aetna group of subsidiary
companies, including Aetna Life Insurance Company and its
affiliates (Aetna).

©2019 Aetna Inc. A (9/18)                                        1
2020 Benefits Overview - September | 2019 - Connect

a healthier
Creating better health   Better health comes
person by person         from being forward-thinking,
and community by         finding the right
community                approach, and then
                         making it happen

                               Building support
                               systems for
                               personal health

                               Advancing the health
                               of the whole person

                               Moving people toward
                               better health every day

2020 Benefits Overview - September | 2019 - Connect
Today’s agenda:
                   • What’s New For 2020
                   • The Aetna Provider Networks
                        - CPOS II - Broad Network
                        - APCN - Narrow Network
                    Your Medical Plan Options
                        - $400 Deductible Plan
                        - $900 Deductible Plan
                        - $1,500 Deductible Plan
                        - $2,850 Deductible Plan
                   •   Clinical Programs
                   •   Transition Of Care
                   •   Preventive Care
©2018 Aetna Inc.   •   Tools and Resources          3
2020 Benefits Overview - September | 2019 - Connect
What’s New For 2020

• Effective 7/1/2019:
   - Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) for Autism Spectrum Disorder
• Effective 1/1/2020:
   - Aetna Narrow Network: Aetna Premier Care Network (APCN)
   - Centers of Excellence: Institute Of Quality for Musculoskeletal

2020 Benefits Overview - September | 2019 - Connect
Effective 7/1/2019: Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)

• Your behavioral health plan covers treatment of applied behavioral analysis
  for individuals who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

• Applied behavior analysis (ABA) requires precertification by Aetna.

• The network provider is responsible for obtaining precertification.

• You are responsible for obtaining precertification if you are using an
  out-of-network provider.

• For additional information, contact the Aetna Health Concierge
  at 1-866-210-7858.

2020 Benefits Overview - September | 2019 - Connect
Effective 1/1/2020: Aetna Narrow Network: Premier Care Network (APCN)

 •   MMC colleagues can elect the Aetna Narrow Network (APCN) where available
     (as determined by home zip code)

 •   APCN is a network strategy focused on available performance networks to
     provide the best network possible

 •   APCN networks utilize doctors and facilities chosen for cost and quality

 •   To search for health care providers in the Narrow Network, select 2020 Aetna
     Premier Care Network (APCN) Choice POSII

 •   Get quality care and lower out-of-pocket costs, by simply staying in-network

2020 Benefits Overview - September | 2019 - Connect
How to search for the new Aetna Narrow Network (APCN)

 Your network has doctors and facilities that are chosen specifically
 based on a series of quality, efficiency and access standards.

                                   See if your doctor is in the narrow network

                                            • Go to Aetna.com.

                                            • Click on “Find a Doctor”

                                            • Not a member yet? Click on
                                              “Plan from an employer”

                                            • Enter your home location

                                            • Select the “2020 Aetna
                                              Premier Care Network (APCN)-
                                              Choice POSII” option

                                            • Search for your provider      7
2020 Benefits Overview - September | 2019 - Connect
Current Provider Network: Broad Network
Aetna Choice POS II (Open Access)

 • All plans are built on Aetna’s Broad Network - Aetna Choice POS II
   (Open Access)

 • To search for health care providers in the Broad Network, select Aetna
   Choice POS II (Open Access)

 • Using in-network doctors saves you time and money

2020 Benefits Overview - September | 2019 - Connect
Effective 1/1/2020: Centers of Excellence – IOQ for Musculoskeletal (Orthopedic)

•    Access to a special network of hospitals and other facilities known as Institutes of
     Quality (IOQ).

•    IOQ’s are facilities that have met Aetna’s quality requirements.

•    IOQ’s perform many procedures and have shown clear clinical results.

    These facilities specialize in certain procedures such as:

    • Orthopedic (for the joints and spine)

    • Spine surgery

    • Knee replacement

    • Hip replacement

2020 Benefits Overview - September | 2019 - Connect
Centers of Excellence – IOQ for Musculoskeletal (Orthopedic) Benefit

Find a list of Institutes of Quality facilities and specialists by visiting Aetna.com

  • Search “orthopedic health.”

  • Select “Aetna Institutes of Quality Orthopedic Care Facilities — For
    Members” from the list of links.

  • Select “Find IOQs and specialists with privileges.”

  • Select “Search a public directory.”

Medical plans available effective January 1, 2020
• Aetna Broad Network - Aetna Choice POS II (Open Access)
   • $400 Deductible Plan
   • $900 Deductible Plan
   • $1,500 Deductible Plan*
   • $2,850 Deductible Plan*

• Aetna Narrow Network - Aetna Premier Care Network (APCN)
  Choice POS II
   • $400 Deductible Plan
   • $900 Deductible Plan
   • $1,500 Deductible Plan*
   • $2,850 Deductible Plan*

   *HSA Compatible High Deductible Plans
Medical Plan Comparison – Broad and Narrow Networks
Plan feature                 $400 Deductible Plan                           $900 Deductible Plan
                           In-network           Out-of-network            In-network           Out-of-network
Deductible             $400/$800 (applies        $2,500/$5,000            $900/$1,800           $3,000/$6,000
(individual/family)     to medical only)       (applies to medical     (applies to medical    (applies to medical
                                                      only)                   only)                  only)
Office visits          $20 PCP copay / $40    40% after deductible    20% after deductible   40% after deductible
                         specialist copay
Coinsurance*          20% after deductible    40% after deductible    20% after deductible   40% after deductible

Out-of-pocket             $2,200/$4,400           $4,400/$8,800           $3,000/$6,000         $6,000/$12,000
maximum –              (includes medical /     (includes medical /     (includes medical /    (includes medical /
includes deductible     prescription drug       prescription drug       prescription drug      prescription drug
(individual/family)         copays and             coinsurance)            coinsurance)          coinsurance)
                           coinsurance )

Preventive care         Covered at 100%       40% after deductible      Covered at 100%      40% after deductible

Emergency room        $150 copay then 20%     $150 copay then 20%                20% after deductible
                        after deductible        after deductible

Teladoc® cost share                  $20 PCP copay                               20% after deductible

*Please note: coinsurance percentages represent the portion of the costs you are responsible for.
Medical Plan Comparison – Broad and Narrow Network

Plan feature               $1,500 Deductible Plan                        $2,850 Deductible Plan
                           In-network          Out-of-network           In-network           Out-of-network
Deductible               $1,500/$3,000         $3,000/$6,000           $2,850/$5,700         $5,700/$11,400
(individual/family)    (applies to medical   (applies to medical    (applies to medical    (applies to medical
                        and prescription      and prescription        and prescription      and prescription
                              drug)                 drug)                  drug)                  drug)

Coinsurance*               20% after         40% after deductible   30% after deductible   50% after deductible
Out-of-pocket             $3,000/$6,000        $6,000/$12,000         $5,500/$11,000        $11,000/$22,000
maximum – includes      (includes medical     (includes medical      (includes medical      (includes medical
deductible               and prescription      and prescription       and prescription       and prescription
(individual/family)     drug coinsurance)     drug coinsurance)      drug coinsurance)      drug coinsurance)

Preventive care         Covered at 100%      40% after deductible    Covered at 100%       50% after deductible

Teladoc cost share               20% after deductible                          30% after deductible

*Please note: coinsurance percentages represent the portion of the costs you are responsible for.

How a deductible works
 The deductible is the amount you pay for covered services before your health
 plan begins to pay.
       •   Preventive care is covered 100 percent in network under your medical plan, and you do
           not need to meet your deductible first.
       •   The $1,500 and $2,850 deductible plans includes prescription drug costs in the

  Know your type of deductible
 • The $400 and $900 deductible plans includes an individual deductible that is embedded into
    the family limit (Not “True” Family). No one person would have to satisfy more than the
    individual deductible amount.

 •   The $1,500 deductible plan does not have an individual deductible limit for the family plan
     (“True” Family). The deductible for family coverage is the dollar amount that the family, in the
     aggregate, must pay out of pocket before the plan pays benefits for any family member. This
     family deductible can be met by one or any combination of family members.

 •   The $2,850 deductible plan includes an individual deductible that is embedded into the family
     limit (Not “True” Family). No one person would have to satisfy more than the individual
     deductible amount.

How coinsurance works

This is the percentage you pay for medical services after your
deductible has been met if you are enrolled in the $900 Deductible Plan.

For example:
Matt has already paid his $900 yearly deductible.
He sees the doctor and is charged $80 for the in-network visit.
Matt’s coinsurance is 20 percent.
This means:
1. Aetna pays 80 percent of the remaining bill: $64
2. Matt will get a bill for the remaining 20 percent: $16
If Matt went to a doctor out of network, he would be responsible for the
higher deductible and 40 percent of his bill.
Also, Matt's bill will likely be higher out of network.

Matt would also be responsible for any amounts above the reasonable and
customary charges for this service.

How an out-of-pocket maximum works
This is the limit on the total costs you pay for covered services in a year.
Includes prescription drugs.

  Once you have paid the maximum amount, your plan covers 100 percent of all remaining
  eligible expenses*.

  Know your type of out-of-pocket maximum
  • The $400 and $900 deductible plans includes an individual out-of-pocket limit that is embedded into
    the family limit (Not “True” Family). No one person would have to satisfy more than the individual out
    of pocket limit.

  •   The $1,500 deductible plan does not have an individual out of pocket limit for the family plan. The
      out of pocket for family coverage is the dollar amount that the family, in the aggregate, must pay out
      of pocket before the plan pays benefits for any family member (“True” Family). The family out of
      pocket limit can be met by one or any combination of family members.

  •   The $2,850 deductible plan includes an individual out-of-pocket limit that is embedded into the
      family limit (Not “True” Family). No one person would have to satisfy more than the individual out of
      pocket limit.

  *Out of network – you are still responsible for the amounts above the reasonable and customary

Clinical Programs: Care Management
Engaging colleagues with personalized care

• Offers high-touch/high-tech care
  delivered through the innovative Care
  Management Program
• Delivers customized approach to care
• Provides excellent service with our
  concierge-style, single point of contact
  service model
• Connects members to nurse and or
  vendor partners as appropriate

Aetna Maternity Program – Maternity Support Center
   Digital hub helps members throughout pregnancy

A comprehensive, digital set of resources curated for all
maternity members – at no extra cost.
We aim to:
 Empower – Guide members through the process of
  managing their journey and care with new online
 Personalize benefit information – what’s covered and
  what’s the anticipated cost based on the member’s plan
 Organize and compartmentalize - resources by stages
  of the journey
 Provide multi-media resources in plain language –
  includes videos, check-lists and tools from trusted

The right support for every stage of
becoming a parent
Planning for baby
Getting pregnant
Having trouble getting

Getting ready for baby
Staying healthy
                                       Members log in
Delivering baby
Baby’s arrival
Feeding your baby                       account and
Bringing baby home                      select “Stay
The first year                            Healthy“
Baby at home
Taking care of yourself
Mental health check in
Planning ahead

Aetna Cancer Support Center

Aetna Cancer Support Center

Telemedicine program: Teladoc®
When can I use Teladoc?
• When you need care now
• If your doctor is unavailable
• If you’re considering the emergency room or urgent care center for a
  nonemergency issue
• On vacation, on a business trip, or away from home
• For short-term prescription refills
• Teladoc gives you 24/7/365 access to a doctor through the convenience of phone
  or video consults
• It's an affordable option for quality medical care
• Members can speak with a Behavioral Health provider via an online
  video consultation
• Consultations are available seven days a week, 7am to 9pm local

Teladoc doctors can treat many medical conditions, including:
• Cold & flu symptoms
• Allergies                                                 Contact Teladoc via:
• Bronchitis                                              • 1-855-Teladoc (835-2362)
• Skin problems                                           • Teladoc.com/aetna
                                                          • Teladoc.com/mobile
• Respiratory infection
How does Teladoc work?


     Step 1         Step 2      Step 3       Step 4      Step 5       Step 6
    Complete        Request    Talk with a    Resolve    Continuity   Reconcile
  medical history   consult    physician     the issue    of care      account

Take advantage of the Informed Health® Line

 • A 24-hour information line for all your health questions

 • Toll-free access to registered nurses for health information 24/7
   at 1-800-556-1555

     • Learn about health conditions

     • Find out more about a medical test or procedure

     • Get help preparing for a doctor visit

     •   Receive emails with videos that relate to the question or topic

 • Access to online health information via: www.aetna.com

Transition of Care

•   This is a form of temporary coverage that allows for in-network benefits to be paid if
    you are in an active course of treatment with a doctor who is not in the Aetna network
    (applicable to both Broad and Narrow networks).
•   To qualify you must have begun a treatment program of planed services with your
    doctor to correct or treat a diagnosed condition.
•   The request for transition of care benefits must be received within 90 days from the
    date of your enrollment.
•   Contact an Aetna Health Concierge at 1-866-210-7858 to request a Transition of Care
    request form that can be reviewed upon enrollment in the plan.

• Members enrolled after 20 weeks of pregnancy
• Member is in an ongoing treatment plan such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy
• Members who have recently had surgery
• Members who are receiving outpatient treatment for mental illness or substance abuse
• Members who may need or have had an organ or bone marrow transplant

Preventive Care: Covered preventive services for Adults
Screenings for:                                                    Immunizations:
• Abdominal aortic aneurysm (one-time screening for men of         Doses, recommended ages and recommended
specified ages who have ever smoked)                               populations vary
• Alcohol misuse                                                   • Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (DPT)
• Blood pressure                                                   • Hepatitis A and B
• Cholesterol (for adults of certain ages or at higher risk)       • Herpes zoster
• Colorectal cancer (for adults over age 50)                       • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
• Depression                                                       • Influenza
• Type 2 diabetes (for adults with high blood pressure)            • Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
• Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)                               • Meningococcal (meningitis)
• Obesity                                                          • Pneumococcal (pneumonia)
• Tobacco use                                                      • Varicella (chickenpox)
• Lung cancer (for adults age 55 and over with history
of smoking), effective January 1, 2015
• Syphilis (for all adults at higher risk)                         Please note: Coverage includes regular checkups, and
                                                                   routine gynecological and well-child exams. Aetna follows
Counseling for:
                                                                   the recommendations of national medical societies about
• Alcohol misuse                                                   how often children, men and women need these services.
• Diet (for adults with hyperlipidemia and other known risk        Be sure to talk with your doctor about which services are
factors for cardiovascular and diet-related chronic disease)       right for your age, gender and health status.
• Obesity
• Sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention (for adults at
higher risk)
• Tobacco use (including programs to help you stop
using tobacco)
Preventive Care: Covered preventive services for Children
 Screenings and assessments for:                                      Counseling for:
 • Alcohol and drug use (for adolescents)                             • Obesity
                                                                      • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention
 • Autism (for children at 18 and 24 months)
                                                                      (for adolescents at higher risk)
 • Behavioral issues
 • Cervical dysplasia (for sexually active females)                   Immunizations:
 • Congenital hypothyroidism (for newborns)                           From birth to age 18 — doses, recommended ages
 • Developmental screening (for children under age 3,                 and recommended populations vary
                                                                      • Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (DPT)
 and surveillance throughout childhood)
                                                                      • Haemophilus influenzae type b
 • Hearing (for all newborns)                                         • Hepatitis A and B
 • Height, weight and body mass index measurements                    • Human papillomavirus
 • Lipid disorders (dyslipidemia screening for children at            • Inactivated poliovirus
 higher risk)                                                         • Influenza
                                                                      • Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
 • Hematocrit or hemoglobin
                                                                      • Meningococcal (meningitis)
 • Hemoglobinopathies or sickle cell (for newborns)                   • Pneumococcal (pneumonia)
 • HIV (for adolescents at higher risk)                               • Rotavirus
 • Lead (for children at risk of exposure)                            • Varicella (chickenpox)
 • Medical history
 • Obesity                                                             Please note: Coverage includes regular checkups,
 • Oral health (risk assessment for young children)                    and routine gynecological and well-child exams. Aetna
 • Phenylketonuria (PKU) (for newborns)                                follows the recommendations of national medical
 • Tuberculin testing (for children at higher risk of tuberculosis)    societies about how often children, men and women
 • Vision                                                              need these services. Be sure to talk with your doctor
                                                                       about which services are right for your age, gender
                                                                       and health status.

Improved Digital Platform – New Mobile App
               Aetna Health

           Aetna Health
       A member app and website that are
     intuitive and easy to use. With the real
      time personalized information, tools,
       and guidance our members need to
     understand benefits and manage their
        health through their entire health

App screens are a composite of real situations.
All names and other identifying information are
Aetna              Aetna Health                    Single digital front door with
                                                           personalized real time information,
                                                           tools, and guidance helping our
           is on a         is delivering on this mission   members manage their health
                                                           where, when, and how they want
        to help our
      achieve their
    personal health
      ambitions on
        their terms

     We are focused on
    making health care
easy to understand and
  navigate, leading to a
      great experience,
   improved health and
             lower costs

•      Real-time out-of-pocket estimates* for the most common medical,
                        non-emergency health care services, including those that may offer
Cost Estimator          the biggest opportunity to save on health care expenses and allow
                        comparison shopping.

                 •      Lets members compare costs for physician office visits, surgical
                        procedures, and diagnostic test and procedures before they receive

                 •      Allow members to compare up to ten in-network providers or
                        facilities at one time.

650+ medical     •      Estimates based on members actual benefits plan (including
                        deductible, coinsurance, copayments, plan limits, Aexcel benefits,
  services to           Aetna Performance Network benefits, HRA dollars).
 choose from     •      Provides estimates for “service bundles”.

                 •      Helps members understand the money they can save, without
                        compromising quality of care.
                     *Estimated costs not available in all markets. The tool provides an estimate of what
                     would be owed for a particular service based on the plan at that very point in time.
                     Actual costs may differ from an estimate if, for example, claims for other services
                     are processed after the estimate is provided but before the claim for this service is
                     submitted. Or, if the doctor or facility performs a different service at the time of the
                     visit. HMO members can only look up estimated costs for doctor and outpatient
                     facility services.
All you need to manage your health

Aetna discount programs:
•   Enjoy discounts on eye exams and
    eyewear, hearing aids, vitamins and
    supplements, weight-loss programs
    and more.

•   Simply show your Aetna ID card to
    participating vendors.

•   The discounts are not insurance—the
    member is responsible for the entire
    cost of the service they receive.

•   Learn more on your secure member
    site Aetna Health.
    URL: www.aetna.com

Connect with Aetna — when and how it’s best for you
By phone at 1-866-210-7858, online at www.aetna.com and by email, — even on the

 •      Mobile web is optimized for over 5,000 devices
 •      Mobile applications provide a more enhanced
        experience and are available for use with
        iPad®, iPhone® and iPod touch® mobile digital
         the AndroidTM mobile technology platform and
         the BlackBerry® CurveTM* smartphone

 We know what you need on the go
 •      DocFind®
 •      Claim search
 •      Urgent care finder
 •      Member ID card information
 •      Personal Health Record
 •      Contact Us capabilities
 •      User name and password recovery
 •      Registration

Standard text messaging and other rates from your wireless carrier may apply.

Apple, the Apple logo, iPad®, iPod®, iPod touch® and iPhone® are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc.
Blackberry Curve is the trademark or registered trademark of Blackberry Limited, the exclusive rights to which are expressly reserved. Aetna is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored,
or otherwise authorized by Blackberry Limited.

What You Need to Know About
                     Your 2020 Prescription Drug Benefit
                     Administered by Express Scripts

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
Reminder during today’s webcast
For privacy purposes, please refrain from asking
questions that are specific to medications that you
or a family member may be taking.

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
 About Your Prescription Drug Benefit Administered by Express Scripts
 The Features of Your Prescription Drug Benefit
 Information You Need to Know About Your Plan’s Prescription
     Drug Coverage

 Making the Best Use of Your Benefit
 We’re Here to Help Answer Your Questions and Address Your

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
About Your Prescription Drug
                                   Benefit Administered by Express

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
About Your Prescription Drug Benefit

Your prescription drug benefit is administered by Express Scripts*

     2020 new enrollees will receive a Welcome Package containing plan
              summary information and a prescription ID card.
 In the event you do not have your ID cards
       • Call Member Services at (800) 987-8360 to request an ID card or
       • Register at www.Express-Scripts.com to print a temporary ID card
       • Download the Express Scripts™ Mobile App to display a virtual
         ID card to your local pharmacist.

       *if you are enrolled in an Aetna, Anthem BCS or UnitedHealthcare $400, $900, $1,500 or $2,850 Deductible Plan

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
About Your Prescription Drug Benefit
     You automatically receive prescription drug coverage from Express Scripts when you elect medical
      coverage under one of the following plans:
        • $400 Deductible Plan
        • $900 Deductible Plan
        • $1,500 Deductible Plan
        • $2,850 Deductible Plan
     Coverage includes the option to purchase short term medications from a retail pharmacy and
      maintenance medications from the Express Scripts® mail-order service.
     New for 2020: In addition to mail order, you will be able to fill a 90-day supply of your
      maintenance medications at a Walgreens retail pharmacy, at the same cost as you would
      through the mail order program.
        Please Note: For all maintenance medications, if you choose to fill a 30-day prescription at a retail
        pharmacy other than Walgreens, after the first three fills, you will pay 100% of the cost for all
        subsequent fills.
     Your prescription drug costs will vary based on whether the medication is a Generic (Tier 1),
      Formulary Brand (Tier 2), or Non-Formulary Brand (Tier 3).
     If you have questions or need further information to better understand your prescription drug plan:
         • Call Member Services at (800) 987-8360, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week except Thanksgiving
            and Christmas or
         • Log on to the member website at www.Express-Scripts.com

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
The Features of Your
                                               Prescription Drug Benefit

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
Your Plan’s Drug Coverage
  Your plan covers a broad range of medications that fall into three categories:

         Tier 1 – Generics
          Equivalent to brand-name drugs that have exactly the same dosage, intended use, routes of
          administration and strength as the brand drug. Generic drugs most often cost significantly less than
          Formulary Brand and Non-Formulary Brand medications.

         Tier 2 – Formulary Brands
          A broad list of preferred brand-name drugs. Drugs on this list may cost you less than Non-Formulary
          Brand medications.

         Tier 3 – Non-Formulary Brands
          Brand drugs that are not included on the preferred list of covered medications. You may pay more for
          these drugs.

Your plan encourages you to choose generic and formulary brand medications. Unless your physician specifically prescribes
a brand-name medication without substitution, prescriptions will be filled with the generic equivalent when allowed by
state law.

If you or your physician requests the brand-name drug when a generic equivalent is available, and there is no medical
reason for the brand-name drug, you will pay your share of the cost for the generic drug in addition to the difference in cost
between the brand and generic drugs .

Please note, that some drugs may not be covered under your prescription benefit when there are similar safe and effective

  © 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
How much you will pay toward your prescriptions under the $400 or $900
 Deductible Plans*:
        Participating Retail Pharmacies
                                                                    Generic           Formulary Brand      Non-Formulary Brand
             up to a 30-day supply

                 $400 Deductible Plan                                 $10                   $30                    $60

                                                                      30%                   30%                    45%
                 $900 Deductible Plan
                                                               ($10 min / $20 max)   ($25 min / $50 max)    ($40 min / $80 max)

   Express Scripts Mail Order Pharmacy
                                                                    Generic           Formulary Brand      Non-Formulary Brand
          up to a 90-day supply

                 $400 Deductible Plan                                 $25                   $75                    $150

                                                                      30%                   30%                    45%
                 $900 Deductible Plan
                                                               ($25 min / $50 max) ($62.50 min / $125 max) ($100 min / $200 max)

Note: For all maintenance medications, after the first three fills at a retail pharmacy, if you choose to continue to fill the
prescription at a retail pharmacy, you will pay 100% of the cost for all subsequent fills. Beginning 1/1/2020 you will have the
option to get a 90-day supply of your maintenance medications via Mail Order or at Walgreens. Mandatory Mail has been
expanded to include all Walgreens Pharmacies for maintenance medications dispensed for a days’ supply of greater than
*The deductible does not apply to prescriptions for the $400 and $900 plans.
Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) certain preventive medications will be covered at 100% and are not subject to a deductible or
copayment. Please note that over the counter (OTC) drugs under ACA require a prescription to be covered at 100%.

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
Maximum Out-of-Pocket
 The $400 and $900 Deductible Plans have a yearly Maximum Out-of-
     Pocket (MOOP) that is combined with your medical carrier.
 Express Scripts will share claims with your medical carrier and track
     yearly spending – this will reset every year on January 1st.
 Once the maximum out-of-pocket is met, your copay will be $0 for
     prescriptions (excluding applicable penalties).

                                    PLAN                       IN NETWORK        OUT OF NETWORK

                                                               Single - $2,200    Single - $4,400
                       $400 Deductible Plan
                                                               Family - $4,400    Family - $8,800

                                                               Single - $3,000    Single - $6,000
                       $900 Deductible Plan
                                                               Family - $6,000   Family - $12,000

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) Options
($1,500 and $2,850 Deductible Plans*):
 The HDHP is a combined medical and prescription drug benefit. You may make pre-tax
     contributions to your HSA and use the funds to help pay for medical and prescription
     drug expenses.

 You pay 100% of your medical and prescription drug expenses until you meet your
     annual deductible.
        • Preventive medications are not subject to a deductible but you will still be responsible for the
          applicable coinsurance. To find out if your medication is considered preventive – price your
          medication on www.express-scripts.com or the Express Scripts™ Mobile App.

 Once you have met your deductible, you pay the applicable coinsurance amounts until
     you reach your maximum out-of-pocket.
 Once you have reached your maximum out-of-pocket, including your deductible, the
     plan pays 100% of eligible medical and prescription drug expenses for the remainder of
     the benefit year.
 Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) select preventive medications will be covered at
     100% and are not subject to a deductible or coinsurance. Please note that over the
     counter (OTC) drugs under ACA require a prescription to be covered at 100%.

*The Health Savings Account is a tax-advantaged account available to employees who elect the $1,500 Deductible Plan or the $2,850
Deductible Plan.

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
How much you will pay for your prescription medications under the
 $1,500 and $2,850 High Deductible Health Plans:
 Participating Retail Pharmacies
 up to a 30-day supply
                                                                       Generic             Formulary Brand       Non-Formulary Brand
 Express Scripts Mail Order Pharmacy
 up to a 90- day supply

                                                                         20%,                     20%,                       20%,
              $1,500 Deductible Plan
                                                                   after deductible         after deductible           after deductible
                                                                         30%,                     30%,                       30%,
              $2,850 Deductible Plan
                                                                   after deductible         after deductible           after deductible

 Participating Retail Pharmacies
 up to a 30-day supply                                           IN NETWORK       OUT OF NETWORK      IN NETWORK         OUT OF NETWORK
 Express Scripts Mail Order Pharmacy                              Deductible         Deductible       Out-Of-Pocket       Out-Of-Pocket
 up to a 90- day supply

                                                                Single - $1,500    Single - $3,000   Single - $3,000      Single - $6,000
              $1,500 Deductible Plan
                                                                Family - $3,000    Family - $6,000   Family - $6,000     Family - $12,000

                                                                Single - $2,850    Single - $5,700    Single - $5,500 Single - $11,000
              $2,850 Deductible Plan
                                                                Family - $5,700   Family - $11,400   Family - $11,000 Family - $22,000

Note: For all maintenance medications, after the first three fills at a retail pharmacy, if you choose to continue to fill the
prescription at a retail pharmacy, you will pay 100% of the cost for all subsequent fills. Beginning 1/1/2020 you will have the
option to get a 90-day supply of your maintenance medications at Walgreens. Mandatory Mail has been expanded to include
all Walgreens Pharmacies for maintenance medications dispensed for a days’ supply of greater than 30-days.

 © 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
Information You Need to Know
                                            About Your Plan’s Prescription
                                            Drug Coverage

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
Information You Need to Know About Your Plan’s
Prescription Drug Coverage
 Your plan covers a broad range of medications. You may be subject to several different types of drug management
     programs. These include quantity management, prior authorization and step therapy.
 Some medications may not be covered by your plan unless you receive approval through a coverage review (e.g.
     prior authorization).
       •     This review helps ensure a particular drug is being prescribed appropriately and in accordance with your plan’s
       •     The review uses plan rules that are based on FDA-approved prescribing and safety information, clinical
             guidelines, and uses that are considered reasonable, safe, and effective.
       •     Some covered medications may also have quantity limits and/or prior authorization requirements (for
             example, only for a certain amount or for certain uses) unless you receive approval through a coverage review.

 As changes in the marketplace occur, such as when new drugs become available or new indications are approved for
     existing drugs, the list of drugs that require a coverage review may be modified. To obtain prior authorization for
     coverage, ask your doctor to call Express Scripts at 1 800-753-2851. After Express Scripts receives the necessary
     information, you and your doctor will be notified confirming whether or not coverage has been approved.
 Specialty medications must be filled through Accredo. Accredo is the Express Scripts specialty pharmacy, and is
     your plan’s preferred source for direct delivery of specialty medications. Specialty medications are drugs that are
     used to treat complex conditions, such as cancer, growth hormone deficiency, hemophilia, hepatitis C, immune
     deficiency, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
 You may be required to try a preferred drug(s) before a non preferred drug. Any changes will be communicated to
     impacted members via a mailing.
 Fertility drugs will continued to be covered, subject to a $15,000 lifetime maximum.

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
Making the Best Use
                                                of Your Benefit

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
Using Your Prescription ID Card at a Participating
Retail Pharmacy
This is a separate ID card in addition to your medical plan’s ID card

 A retail pharmacy is a perfect choice for medications to treat an acute or temporary
     condition, such as antibiotics for an infection.
 Express Scripts includes more than 68,000 retail pharmacies in the Broad National
     Network associated with this Plan. The Plan generally pays higher benefits if you use
     an in-network retail pharmacy.
 If you use a non-participating pharmacy, in addition to your coinsurance/copayment,
     you will be responsible for the cost above the Plan’s discounted price.
 To locate a participating retail pharmacy:
       • Go to www.Express-Scripts.com and select “Locate a Pharmacy” or
       • Check on the Express Scripts™ Mobile App or
       • Call Member Services at (800) 987-8360.
 Temporary ID cards can be printed from the Express Scripts member website or via the
     Express Scripts mobile app.

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
Using the Express Scripts Mail Order Pharmacy

 A convenient, safe, and less costly way to have medications delivered
  to you
 You can receive up to a 90-day supply of your maintenance
 The perfect choice for medications you take on an ongoing basis,
  such as those used to treat:
    • High Blood Pressure
    • High Cholesterol
    • Diabetes
 To learn more about how to get started:
    • Go to www.Express-Scripts.com or
    • Call Member Services at (800) 987-8360.

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
Getting Started with the Express Scripts Pharmacy
                                                                      Ask your doctor to fax or submit your
                                                                       prescription electronically. Prescriptions are
                                                                       processed and delivered within 5 to 8 calendar days
                                                                       (after receipt of your prescription).
                                                                      Mail in your prescription
                                                                        •   Print a mail-order form
                                                                        •   Mail prescription and completed order form to the
                                                                            Express Scripts Pharmacy
                                                                        •   First-time orders will usually be delivered within 8
                                                                            to 11 calendar days after
                                                                            we receive your order

                                              It’s easy to get started with mail service

                   ePrescribe                                            Web/Mobile App                      Member Services
Physicians can ePrescribe                                        Savings opportunities called out on   Member services can transfer
prescriptions directly to the                                    the dashboard                         an existing prescription
Express Scripts Pharmacy
                                                                 Patients can request prescription      Mail in your prescription
                                                                 transfers with a click of a button

  © 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
Refilling Prescriptions at the Express Scripts
 When you have a 14-day supply of your medication
     remaining, you can order refills:

       • Online at www.Express-Scripts.com
                                                                          Refills for long-term prescriptions filled at
       • Call us toll-free at (800) 987-8360                              retail can be transferred to the Express
                                                                                     Scripts Pharmacy at
       • Mail in your refill slip (included with your last prescription            www.Express-Scripts.com

       • Express Scripts™ Mobile App

 Have some of your prescriptions refilled and sent
     automatically - sign up for automatic refills

 Refills are processed and delivered within 3 to 5 calendar
     days (online or phone orders) or 6 to 9 calendar days
     (mailed-in orders) after receipt of your order

 Beginning 1/1/2020 you will have the option to get a 90-
     day supply of your maintenance medications at
     Walgreens. Mandatory Mail has been expanded to
     include all Walgreens Pharmacies for maintenance
     medications dispensed for a days’ supply of greater
     than 30-days.

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
Have a question about a medication?
Call to speak to a pharmacist
 You can call one of our                                         Each Express Scripts
                                                                                                   You can call
 pharmacists for general                                       Specialist Pharmacist has
                                                                                                an Express Scripts
   counseling — or an                                          had specialized training in
                                                                                               Specialist Pharmacist
Express Scripts Specialist                                      the medications used to
                                                                                                    24/7 to ask
 Pharmacist for complex                                        treat a specific condition,
                                                                                                 questions about:
       concerns.                                                        such as:

                                                                  High Cholesterol           Drug interactions
                                                                  High Blood Pressure        Side effects
                                                                  Depression                 Risks and benefits of your
                                                                  Diabetes                    medication
                                                                  Asthma                     The challenges of taking
                                                                  Osteoporosis                your medication as
                                                                                               prescribed — one of the
                                                                  Cancer
                                                                                               best ways to help maintain
                                                                                               or improve your health

                                               To speak to a pharmacist, call Member Services at

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
Generic Medications
 When you receive a prescription from your doctor, or if
 you are taking brand-name drug today, ask:
  If a generic version of the medication is available.
  If generic medications are right for you.
  If there are any risks if you change from a brand-name
      drug to a generic drug.
 Eight out of 10 prescriptions filled in the United States
 are for generic drugs.

 FDA-approved generic drugs are as safe and effective
 as their brand-name

 Generics cost less. On average, the cost of a generic
 drug is 80% to 85% lower than the brand-name product.

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
Registering with Express Scripts
Online access to savings and convenience

Manage your medicines anywhere, any time on the member
website at www.express-scripts.com and the Express
Scripts™ Mobile App

Register now so you can experience:

 More savings
   Compare prices of medicines at multiple pharmacies. Get free standard
   shipping* from the Express Scripts PharmacySM.

 More convenience
   Get up to 90-day supplies of your long-term medicine sent to your home.
   Order refills, check order status, and track shipments. Print forms and ID
   cards, if needed.

 More confidence
   Talk with a pharmacist from the privacy of your home any time, from
   anywhere. Find the latest information on your medicine, including
   possible side effects and interactions.

 More flexibility
   Download the Express Scripts mobile app to manage your medicines,
   find nearby pharmacies and get directions, and use your virtual ID card
   while on the go.

 * Standard shipping costs are included as part of your prescription plan benefit.

    © 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
Pharmacy That Goes Farther
Get Started Today!
 Registering is safe and simple. Your information is secure and confidential. Please have your member ID number or
     SSN available
 Go to express-scripts.com, select Register Now or download the Express Scripts™ Mobile App for free from your
     mobile device’s app store and select Register Now
 Complete the information requested, including personal information and member ID number or Social Security
     Number (SSN), create your user name and password, along with security information in case you ever forget your
 Click Register now and you’re registered!
 On the final page, you can set preferences** now, or later in My Account on www.express-scripts.com
 Click Continue

Members who have Apple’s touch ID authentication on their iPhone or iPad
devices can enable it to login to their Express Scripts account on the mobile
app, if desired.
** Preferences include the option to share your prescription information with other adult members of your household (aged
18+) covered under your prescription drug plan.
All covered adults (aged 18+) in the household need to register separately.
When you grant permission to share your prescription information with other registered household members, they can
view your information, place orders on your behalf and more.
The Express Scripts™ Mobile App is available for iPhone®, Android, Windows Phone®, Amazon, and Blackberry® mobile

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
An app that drives better decisions and healthier
outcomes for members on the go

 Convenience                                                   Peace of Mind
 • Easy-order refills and                                      • Reminders and a
   up-to-the-minute                                              drug interaction
   order status lets                                             checker help keep
   members avoid trips                                           members traveling on
   to their local                                                the road to good
   pharmacy                                                      health

 Simplicity                                                    Versatility
 • One swipe of the                                            • Flexibility that fits
   finger is all it takes to                                     members’ lives,
   stay on track with                                            delivering personalized
   medications                                                   prescription information –
                                                                 whenever & wherever
                                                                 they need it

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
We’re here to help answer your questions
and address your concerns
 Visit www.Express-Scripts.com
       • Information that you will need to complete registration can be found on
         your prescription drug ID card.
       • To get the most from your online account, you’ll also need a recent
         prescription number to view your personalized information.*

 Call Express Scripts Member Services at (800) 987-8360, 24 hours
        a day, 7 days a week except Thanksgiving and Christmas.

 Visit www.Express-Scripts.com/MMC during annual enrollment, to
      compare drug prices within the different plans as well as see
                         details of each plan.

*A prescription number is not required to register on this site.

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
                            and Answers
     For privacy purposes, please refrain from asking
    questions that are specific to medications that you
            or a family member may be taking.

© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
© 2019 Express Scripts Holding Company. All Rights Reserved.
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