2021 Director Candidate Information Package - Coast Capital ...

Page created by Ken Luna
Introduction                           3
Nomination Process                     3
Ideal Director Candidate Description   4
Helpful Resources                      5
Regulatory Compliance Checks           6
Next Steps and Key Dates               6
Introduction                                                         Governance & Nominations Committee
                                                                     The Committee’s membership is restricted to directors of
                                                                     the Board who are not seeking re-election in the current
Coast Capital Savings is Canada’s largest credit union
                                                                     year. The Committee serves our members by:
by membership and B.C.’s first credit union to become
                                                                       • Undertaking an evaluation to determine the skills,
federally regulated. Owned by our 593,000 members,
                                                                         business experience and qualifications needed on the
Coast Capital has over $24.5 billion in assets under
                                                                         Board to provide an effective governing team.
administration, as of December 31, 2019. We are
                                                                       • Developing a Seeking Qualified Candidates process
committed to our members’ financial well-being, and
                                                                         and information for members, to identify the skills,
our purpose: Together, we help empower you to achieve
                                                                         experience and qualifications that are needed for the
what’s important in your life.
                                                                         Board as a whole to fulfill its responsibilities.
                                                                       • Developing a detailed Ideal Director Candidate
As a cooperative credit union, we depend on a highly
                                                                         Description (below), which elaborates on the key
engaged Board of Directors, with the right balance of skills
                                                                         skills being sought and why they are important to
and experience, to provide strong corporate governance
                                                                         Coast Capital.
and to help ensure our success.
                                                                       • Requesting nominations from the membership and
                                                                         seeking out potential candidates from the community
As a group, the directors must have all the required skills
                                                                         at large who fulfill the needs identified.
and experience to do two things:
                                                                       • Rigorously assessing all nominees.
  • Effectively carry out the Board’s oversight
    responsibilities on behalf of the membership. This
    includes ensuring strong management is in place and
                                                                     Candidate Assessment Process
    having policies, systems and practices that manage               Together with an independent governance consultant,
    risk and protect the members’ assets.                            the Governance & Nominations Committee objectively
  • Provide insight to management to guide and approve               assesses each candidate’s application against the needs
    Coast Capital’s strategic plan and process. This                 articulated in the Ideal Director Candidate Description.
    includes understanding the business, its environment             This rigorous, multi-stage process involves application
    and its future opportunities and challenges.                     reviews, interviews, analysis of past work and board
                                                                     experience, community involvement, and conducting
The following package provides detailed information on               detailed reference checks.
the process, qualifications and requirements associated
with becoming a director of the Board of Coast Capital.              In keeping with governance best practices, the
                                                                     Governance & Nominations Committee will then identify
We ask all interested individuals to carefully review                and recommend to the membership candidates whose
these materials prior to deciding whether to apply to be             skills and experience best align with the Ideal Director
considered as a director candidate.                                  Candidate Description and the overall needs of the Board.

                                                                     Current independent directors whose terms are expiring
Nomination Process                                                   may be among those who put their names forward for
The Coast Capital Board of Directors nomination and
election process is managed by the Governance &                      Candidates not recommended by the Governance &
Nominations Committee, established each year following               Nominations Committee have the choice of withdrawing
the Annual General Meeting.                                          or continuing to stand for election.

                                                                     Candidate Eligibility
                                                                     Any candidate who has fulfilled the application process
                                                                     and requirements detailed below, and is in compliance
                                                                     with the eligibility requirements and qualifications as set
                                                                     out in the Bank Act and the Coast Capital Savings Federal
                                                                     Credit Union Rules, may stand for election to the Board.

                    Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit Union   3     2021 Director Candidate Information Package
Ideal Director                                                      Public Policy/Government
                                                                    The Governance & Nominations Committee is seeking

Candidate Description                                               a candidate with an understanding of the federal and
                                                                    provincial government public policy and decision-making
                                                                    process, including government relations and regulations
Terms for three independent directors expire at the                 through specific government-related experience.
2021 Annual General Meeting and there is currently one
vacancy.                                                            In combination with in-depth leadership experience in
                                                                    one of the above-noted areas, other skills that would be
Candidate Assessment Categories                                     considered valuable are:
The Governance & Nominations Committee assesses all                   • A deep understanding of the perspectives of the
candidates against broad categories including:                          small- and medium-size business community (as an
  • Current skills and experience needed on the Board.                  owner or leader of a small business or as a leader of a
  • Consideration of the impact of director renewal and                 business that services small business); OR
    continuity on the effectiveness of the Board, including           • Experience in executive leadership driving a social-
    its culture, knowledge and organizational memory.                   purpose organization with a profit discipline
  • Diversity.                                                          (integrating social purpose into culture, products,
  • Personal and professional attributes.                               services and work to deliver long-term value for
                                                                        consumers and the long-term sustainability of an
The skills and experience sought for new Board candidates               organization).
change annually in response to the governance and
strategic needs of Coast Capital and the expertise                  Diversity
currently available on the Board.                                   We believe that diversity of thought and perspective at
                                                                    the Board table enables us to best serve our members.
Skills and Experience Sought for 2021                               This calls for diversity of skills/experience, gender, race,
The Governance & Nominations Committee has reviewed                 ethnicity, age and geography. During the 2021 election
the skills and experience of the Coast Capital independent          cycle, we will continue to seek meaningful diversity that
directors and determined there is need for 2021 director            enhances the effectiveness of our oversight of Coast
candidates with senior executive or board oversight                 Capital.
experience in the following areas:
  • National Financial Services                                     Personal Attributes
  • Digital Expertise                                               Attributes for consideration that are specific to Coast
  • Public Policy/Government                                        Capital include:
                                                                      • Financially literate with the ability to read and
More details on each area follows below.                                 understand a set of financial statements that present
                                                                         a breadth and level of complexity of accounting
National Financial Services                                              issues that are generally comparable to the breadth
The Governance & Nominations Committee is seeking a                      and complexity of the issues that can reasonably
candidate with financial services experience in strategy                 be expected to be raised in Coast Capital’s financial
and operations with a national scope. This Includes a focus              statements;
on retail and small business, and a deep understanding of             • Balances “For Purpose” approach with profit
credit risk management and federal banking regulatory                    discipline;
compliance.                                                           • Agile strategic thinker and learner, with high tolerance
                                                                         for ambiguity and changing business dynamics;
Digital Expertise                                                     • Decisive amidst uncertainty, balancing risks and
The Governance & Nominations Committee is seeking                        possibilities; and
a candidate with understanding of digitalization,                     • Able to create trusting, empowering relationships with
omni-channel business models and the use of digital                      Board colleagues and management.
technologies to provide new revenue and create value-
producing opportunities. This experience would include              In addition, alignment with Coast Capital’s defined Purpose
an understanding of how to shape the process of adding              and Values is fundamental.
digital dimensions to business models and customer/
member relationships, to transform a business to become
more agile and responsive to its customer’s/members’

                   Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit Union   4     2021 Director Candidate Information Package
Our Purpose                                                        Helpful Resources
Our purpose acts as our compass in our day to day                   Coast Capital Resources
activities and sets the foundation for our culture. What’s
                                                                    Our website has a wide array of information regarding
important to one person is different from another. We’re
                                                                    the organization, Board of Directors and governance:
here to help our members achieve what’s important in
their lives, whatever that means to them.
                                                                    As you consider this opportunity, we ask you to familiarize
“Together, we help empower you to achieve what’s
                                                                    yourself with the website, including the rules, policies and
important in your life.”
                                                                    expectations under which the Board operates, and other
                                                                    information that will assist you in deciding whether to
                                                                    apply. These include but are not limited to:
 Our Values                                                           • Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit Union Rules
                                                                      • Board of Directors Mandate
Our values are how we live our purpose and they shape the
                                                                      • Director’s Mandate
culture and personality of Coast Capital.
                                                                      • Board Committee Charters
                                                                      • Director Remuneration
                 We’re here to improve our members’                   • Corporate Social Responsibility
                 financial well-being. We encourage                   • 2019 Annual Report
                 action while having fun along the way. We            • Public Accountability Statement
   Inspire       go where no one has gone before.
                                                                    Regulatory Resources
                                                                    Our federal regulator, the Office of the Superintendent
                                                                    of Financial Institutions (“OSFI”) expects directors to
                 We listen and take the time to get to know         provide knowledgeable and independent oversight, which
                 each other. We collaborate as a team, and          includes financial literacy and the ability to understand
  Connect        we value (and celebrate!) our diversity.           and interpret financial reporting.

                                                                    Candidates should be familiar with:
                                                                     • OSFI’s 2018 Corporate Governance Guideline
                 We have honest conversations, challenge             • OSFI Board of Directors Assessment Criteria
                 the status quo and aren’t afraid to take            • The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (“FCAC”)
                 the right risks.                                    • The Personal Information Protection and Electronic
                                                                       Documents Act (“PIPEDA”)

                                                                    Other Governance Resources
                 We remove barriers and make the
                                                                    We also recommend you review the following information
                 complex simple. We’re decisive in our
                                                                    on governance practices and issues:
                 choices and take on challenges one step
                                                                      • The Chartered Professional Accountants publishes a
  Simplify       at a time.
                                                                        “20 Questions” series of booklets, which can be found
                                                                        at the website for a small fee.
                                                                      • Deloitte’s Centre for Corporate Governance publishes
                                                                        a variety of Director reference materials.
                 We get things done. We stick to our word
                                                                      • Deloitte also publishes a self-assessment of financial
                 and lead by example.
                                                                      • The Institute of Corporate Directors has an extensive
                                                                        website with current information for Boards and
                                                                      • The Canadian Coalition of Good Governance is
                                                                        a leading corporate governance organization in
                                                                        Canada and has published numerous articles and
                                                                        policies on best practices in corporate governance.
                                                                        Its website provides various reference sources.

                   Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit Union   5     2021 Director Candidate Information Package
• The Filene Research Institute is an American non-profit         The Candidate Information Session is approximately 15
    independent think-tank for the consumer finance                 minutes in duration. This session will provide background
    industry and has many research articles available on            information on Coast Capital, the financial services
    its website.                                                    industry, the credit union system, and the roles and
                                                                    responsibilities of directors. It will also assist in determining

                                                                    whether the commitment and expertise required to
                                                                    be a Coast Capital director aligns with your interests,

Compliance Checks
                                                                    availability and experience.

                                                                    Completion of the Candidate Information Session
Applicants should be aware that Coast Capital is required           is mandatory unless a waiver is provided in advance
by its regulator to submit certain documents prior                  from the Governance & Nominations Committee. The
to a director taking office. These documents include                Candidate Information Session will be available online
background checks, which include name-based criminal                between October 15, 2020 and 12:00 pm (noon) PST on
checks, education verification and credit checks, and               Friday, December 4, 2020.
submission of a current resume.
                                                                    Register HERE to view the Candidate Information Session.
In particular, following confirmation that an applicant
wishes to stand for election, the Board Secretary will              Live Q&A Session
work with candidates and a third-party agency to obtain             For those who have completed the mandatory Candidate
their consent and attestation on materials which allow the          Information Session, there will be an optional Live
third-party to conduct the following background checks:             Q&A Session hosted virtually by the members of the
  • Name-Based Criminal Record Check                                Governance & Nominations Committee on Monday,
  • Public Safety Verification                                      November 23, 2020 from 4pm - 5pm PST. Please note that
  • Directorship Search                                             there is no requirement to attend this Live Q&A session
  • Provincial Regulatory Board Search                              but if you would like to participate, then completion of
  • Civil Court Search                                              the Candidate Information Session is required prior to
  • Education/Credential Verification                               registering.
     (Highest Level Completed)
  • Social Media Scans                                              To register for the Live Q&A Session, please email
                                                                    the OfficeofAsstCorpSec@coastcapitalsavings.com and
In the event of an adverse finding with regard to any of            include your full legal name and you will then receive an
the background checks, the Governance & Nominations                 invite to join the Live Q&A Session.
Committee will document its decision and inform the
                                                                    Candidate Nomination Form
                                                                    Interested applicants must complete a detailed Candidate

Next Steps and                                                      Nomination Form, which requires a variety of information,
                                                                    including employment history, board experience, post-

Key Dates                                                           secondary education and community involvement, as well
                                                                    as a current resume and the names of three nominators
                                                                    who must be at least 18 years old and members of Coast
If after reviewing this package and related materials you
                                                                    Capital in good standing. Your Candidate Nomination Form
wish to be considered as a candidate, please note the
                                                                    must be completed and submitted by Friday, December 4,
following next steps.
                                                                    2020, 12:00 pm (noon) PST. You are solely responsible for
                                                                    all documentation being completed on time.
Candidate Information Session
The Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit Union Rules                Register HERE to receive access to the Candidate
require that interested candidates attend a Candidate               Nomination Form.
Information Session, which we have transitioned from
an in-person event to a web based on-demand session.

                   Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit Union   6     2021 Director Candidate Information Package
Nominators Form                                             Any candidates not recommended by the Governance &
Each of your three nominators, as identified in your        Nominations Committee have the choice of withdrawing
completed Candidate Nomination Form, will be emailed a      or continuing to stand for election. The deadline for
link to complete a Nominator Form. Your nominators must     candidates to confirm their intention to stand for the
complete and submit the completed Nominator Forms, by       2021 Directors Election is Thursday, January 28, 2021,
Friday, December 4, 2020, 12:00 pm (noon) (PST). You are    5:00 pm (PST).
solely responsible for all documentation being completed
on time.                                                    Publication of a Candidate’s Information
                                                            The information you provide in the Candidate Nomination
Candidate Interviews                                        Form is the basis for what is included in the Election
The Governance & Nominations Committee will then meet       materials that will be provided to all members.
to review all of the completed applications received from
qualified candidates, and will determine a short-list of    The Committee retains the discretion to edit, shorten,
candidates who will be asked to attend an interview.        reject or omit any information that has been submitted
                                                            that is determined by the Committee to be lacking in good
Note, under the Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit        taste, defamatory, injurious to the reputation of Coast
Union Rules, the Governance & Nominations Committee         Capital, or contains inaccurate information.
has the sole discretion to determine whether or not
a candidate’s experience fits within the qualification      Annual General Meeting
requirements of the Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit    The Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) will be held on a
Union Rules.                                                date to be set by the Board of Directors. We anticipate this
                                                            will be in late April or the first half of May, 2021. Details
The Committee has scheduled time to conduct candidate       will be posted on our website when the date and time
interviews on Tuesday, January 19, 2021. The time will be   has been set. The 2021 Directors Election results will be
confirmed with the short-listed candidates following the    publicly announced at the AGM. The elected individuals
close of nominations.                                       will commence their three-year terms as directors at the
                                                            conclusion of the Annual General Meeting.
Recommendation by Governance
& Nominations Committee                                     Further details of the election process are in the Coast
                                                            Capital Savings Federal Credit Union Rules, referenced
As noted above, the Governance & Nominations
Committee will recommend those candidates who, in its
opinion, most closely match the skills and experience
                                                            If you have questions regarding this process, please
identified above in the Ideal Director Candidate
                                                            contact the Office of the Assistant Corporate Secretary:
Description. The Committee’s decision in this regard will
be communicated to individuals by telephone and/or in
writing following the interview process.

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