2021 FALL SHAKER HEIGHTS RECREATION - Registration begins August 4 - City of Shaker Heights

Page created by Javier Fields
2021 FALL SHAKER HEIGHTS RECREATION - Registration begins August 4 - City of Shaker Heights
Registration begins August 4

2021 FALL
2021 FALL SHAKER HEIGHTS RECREATION - Registration begins August 4 - City of Shaker Heights
GENERAL INFORMATION   Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. All fees are due at the time of registration. All programs will have a
                      minimum enrollment. Programs which have not met minimum enrollment 72 hours prior to the first class meeting will be
                      cancelled. Participants will be notified by phone and/or email in the event of a class cancellation due to low enrollment.

                      Inclement Weather                                               Volunteer Opportunities
                      Cancellation Policy                                             Volunteer coaches are needed for youth sports programs such
                                                                                      as basketball, baseball, T-ball, and softball. Please call James
                      Shaker Heights City Schools Closure: All                        Garrett at 216-491-2599 if you are interested in assisting
                      Recreation Department activities held in school facilities
                      will be cancelled. Thornton Park and the Stephanie Tubbs
                      Jones Community Building will remain open and activities
                                                                                      Non Endorsement Policy
                                                                                      The City does not necessarily endorse the opinions or
                      will proceed as scheduled.
                                                                                      business affiliations of the individuals who teach its classes
                      Shaker Heights City Schools Delayed                             and programs.
                      Opening: Recreation Department activities within
                      school facilities will operate on a normal schedule             Disability Policy
                      Thornton Park and the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Community           The City of Shaker Heights is committed to providing
                      Building will open on time.                                     access to recreational programming for all residents. If
                                                                                      you or a member of your family has a special need, call
                      City of Shaker Heights Building Closures:                       216-491-1295 to be connected to the appropriate Program
                      Thornton Park and the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Community           Coordinator.
                      Building will be closed and activities cancelled.
                      City of Shaker Heights Delayed Building                         Register Early
                                                                                      At some point a decision is made to cancel a program due
                      Openings: Thornton Park and the Stephanie Tubbs
                                                                                      to low enrollment. Registering late may mean you missed
                      Jones Community Building will open on a delayed
                                                                                      your chance and the class has already been cancelled.
                      schedule. For information on closures and delays, refer to
                                                                                      Please do not wait too long to register.
                      shaker.org, shakeronline.com, the City’s Facebook page
                      (http://www. facebook.com/ShakerHeights), local radio,          Online (24 hours a day)
                      and TV stations.                                                All shakeronline.com registrations accept credit cards only.
                                                                                      VISA, MasterCard, and Discover.
                      Refund Policy                                                   Phone 216-491-1295 or 216-491-1360.
                      Refunds are available for classes or program registration
                      cancellations by registrants up to 3 business days prior        Call in your registration during office hours listed below. Have
                      to the first class meeting. A refund claim form must be         your VISA, MasterCard, or Discover information available.
                      completed. Forms can be obtained at the Main Office in          In Person
                      Thornton Park, the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Community              Register in person during office hours at our two office
                      Building, or online at shakeronline.com. A full refund          locations. Locations and hours listed below.
                      will be issued in the event of a class cancellation due
                      to insufficient enrollment. $10 processing fee will be
                      deducted with the following exceptions:
                                                                                      Office Locations
                                                                                      Thornton Park
                      $5 – 50+ program
                                                                                      3301 Warrensville Center Rd, 44122 | 216-491-1295
                      $25 – Camps
                                                                                      M-F 8:30 am – 5 pm
                      Please allow 3-4 weeks for refunds to be processed.
                      Returned check service fee is $15.                              Stephanie Tubbs Jones Community Building
                                                                                      3450 Lee Rd, 44120 | 216-491-1360
                                                                                      M-F 8:30 am – 5 pm
                                                                                      Fields Hotline: 216-491-2577
                      Shaker Schools Foundation Scholarship Funds
                      The Shaker Schools Foundation offers two scholarship opportunities that may assist with activities offered through the
                      Shaker Heights Recreation Department. The Level The Playing Field Youth Sports Scholarships are for students in grades
                      1 - 12 enrolled in the Shaker Heights City School District, and provide support for any of the various Shaker Heights youth
                      sports leagues at any recreation or travel level. The Beyond The Desk Enrichment Scholarships are for students in grades
                      5 - 12 enrolled in the Shaker Heights City School District, and provide financial assitance for participation in classes,
                      camps, visual or performing arts groups, and more. For more information, visit shakerschoolsfoundation.org/student-
                      scholarships or call 216-295-4329.

                      Business Rate for Recreation Programs
                      We are proud to make programs and services available to people who work in Shaker Heights at resident prices. The first
                      time a Shaker business owner or employee registers or places a reservation they will need to do so in person at Thornton
                      Park (3301 Warrensville Center Road) during regular business hours. Proof of employment or ownership is required.
                      This can be a pay stub, a business card, or letter from the Human Resources Department of the business. Each year this
                      information will need to be updated. For corporations and large businesses with offices/storefronts in Shaker Heights,
                      employees must work at the Shaker location. Services include pool and rink passes, all recreation programs and facility
                      rentals and pavilion reservations. Some programs have limitations on the number of registrants and early registration is
                      encouraged. All program cancellation and withdrawal rules apply regardless of residency.
        2             CITY OF SHAKER HEIGHTS Recreation Department                    Fall 2021
2021 FALL SHAKER HEIGHTS RECREATION - Registration begins August 4 - City of Shaker Heights
Letter from the Director

                                                                                                                                                                                                                FROM THE DIRECTOR
                                                                                                                          It seems like so long ago that the COVID-19 pandemic began
                                                                                                                          and our programs came to an abrupt halt. Still in the midst
                                                                                                                          of restrictions, fall 2020 was not what we had envisioned

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                         for recreation programs or facility operations. We made our
                                                                                                                          way through the winter of 2021 offering as many programs
                                                                                                                          as possible, and by the spring of this year our planning for
                                                                                                                          summer programs was well underway and the gradual lifting of
  Facilities / Rentals                           ..............................................................   2       restrictions lead off to a busy summer.
  Shaker Heights Youth Soccer Assoc.                                                                   ........   3       We are optomistic that fall will be even better than summer
                                                                                                                          as the pandemic finally subsides. Join us on Labor Day for the
  Parks and Playgrounds                                        ...............................................    4-5     return of the annual parade. Come out to see your neighbors,
                                                                                                                          friends, and most importantly celebrate the national holiday
  Senior                                                                                                                  to recognize the labor movement and all of the hard working
  Enrichment                 .................................................................................    6-7     people of the community. Also returning this year is the Doggie
  Transportation                       .......................................................................    6       Dip and we hope you and your dog will join us for one last romp
                                                                                                                          in the Thornton Park Pool before we close for the season.
  Health and Fitness                               ...........................................................    7
                                                                                                                          There are also a variety of programs and sports available for
  Adult                                                                                                                   youth in the community from ice skating to sports leagues,
  Enrichment                 .................................................................................    7-8     swim lessons, and enrichment activities. We hope you will
  Health and Fitness                               ...........................................................    9       peruse this catalog and find something for you and your family
                                                                                                                          to participate in.
                                                                                                                          Be Active. Stay Healthy. Have Fun.
  Aquatics            ........................................................................................    10
  Enrichment                 .................................................................................    11      Sincerely,
  Sports        ...............................................................................................   11

  Aquatics            ........................................................................................    12      Alex Nichols, Director of Recreation
  Enrichment                 .................................................................................    12
  Sports        ...............................................................................................   12-15

  Ice Skating & Hockey                                             ............................................   16-20
                                                                                                                                  To enhance the quality of life for Shaker Heights’ residents by
                                                                                                                             delivering excellent recreation, leisure, and enrichment activities while
  Special Events
                                                                                                                              promoting Shaker Heights as an active, fun, and healthy community.
  Labor Day Parade ............................................................... 21
  Doggie Dip 2021                            .................................................................    21
  Touch A Truck                       ........................................................................    21      The Recreation brochure is distributed free to residents of the Shaker Heights City School
                                                                                                                          District; however, extra copies are available at Thornton Park, the Stephanie Tubbs Jones
  Friday Night Skates                                .........................................................    21
                                                                                                                          Community Building, City Hall, the Shaker Heights Main Library, and the Bertram Woods
  Chuck Rossbach LTS Competition                                                                   ............   21      branch. Program information in this brochure is accurate at press time. However, please
                                                                                                                          call ahead to confirm.

shakeronline.com                                                                                                                                                                                                      1
2021 FALL SHAKER HEIGHTS RECREATION - Registration begins August 4 - City of Shaker Heights
RENTALS & FACILITIES   The City offers residents several facilities for hosting parties, meetings, and events. Rates vary and some restrictions
                       apply. Review the locations and policies to determine which facility best meets your needs and to learn more about
                       reserving/renting the space. Please note: Special events, including parades, races, and festivals, require permission from
                       the City. Visit the Special Events Guidelines section at shakeronline.com for an application and details.

                       Thornton Park                                                    Stephanie Tubbs Jones
                       Thornton Park                                                    Community Building
                       Community Room Rental                                            Meeting space is available to Shaker residents on
                       Thornton Park Community Room rentals are limited to 30           weekdays for meetings only. The rooms are not available
                       people per group and the cost does not include admission         for private parties/events or gatherings. Meeting rooms
                       fees for the rink or pool. Standard admission fees apply.        include Room 102 (capacity of 15) and Room 115 (capacity
                       For further information and availability, please contact         of 20). Room 114 accommodates 100 people and is ideal
                       Thornton Park at 216-491-1295.                                   for larger meetings. Call 216-491-1360 to reserve a room.
                       $40 / hour SH RES | $50 / hour NRES                              Some restrictions apply.
                       2-Hour Minimum
                                                                                        Block Parties
                       Thornton Park Picnic Area                                        Register now for your 2021 block parties! To make your
                       and Ice Arena Tables                                             block party a success, submit your request at least two
                       Thornton Park picnic area tables and ice arena tables            (2) weeks in advance by completing the online form at
                       may be reserved by individuals or groups when not in             shakeronline.com or by contacting Erin Rose at erin.rose@
                       use by recreation programs. Enjoy a birthday party or            shakeronline.com or 216-491-3204. Due to safety issues
                       host a meeting at Thornton Park Ice Arena (Sep – May) or         concerning police and fire routes, all block parties must
                       Pool (Jun – Aug). A minimum of 2 weeks’ advance notice           be registered with the City of Shaker Heights. The City
                       is required. Table rentals are limited to 25 (pool) and 18       does not have tables or chairs available for loan or rent
                       (arena) people per group and the cost does not include           and is not able to deliver equipment to block parties or
                       admission fees for the rink or pool. Standard admission          association gatherings. Contact the Fire Department to
                       fees apply. For availability and reservations, contact           obtain a tent permit if necessary.
                       Thornton Park at 216-491-1295. Pool table rentals are for
                       residents only.                                                  Special Event Requests
                       $20 / hour SH RES | $30 / hour NRES                              Applications to conduct a special event (i.e., parade, race,
                       2-Hour Minimum                                                   walk, art show, etc.) on public streets/space in Shaker
                                                                                        Heights can be found at shakeronline.com. Applications
                       Rink Rental                                                      must be electronically filed prior to January 15 for events
                       The ice rink may be reserved by private groups. Rental           occurring from March 1 through July 31 and prior to June
                       rates begin at $215/hour and include skate rental. For ice       15 for events occurring from August 1 through November
                       time availability, please call Thornton Park at 216-491-1295.    30. All permit holders are required to provide liability
                                                                                        insurance, naming the City as additional insured, and are
                       Horseshoe Lake Park                                              responsible for required permit fees as defined by codified
                       Book your party in the large pavilion up to one year             ordinance. For more information, please contact Erin Rose,
                       in advance. A permit is required and dates fill quickly.         erin.rose@shakeronline.com.
                       Reservations are available for weekdays and weekends
                       from May 31 – September 4. Reservations are available            Pool/Rink Card/Tags Policy
                       on weekends only in September. No reservations will be           People purchasing passes are issued one card per
                       taken for Memorial Day, Independence Day, or Labor Day.          person and these cards can be used for a variety of
                       Pavilions may be used on a first-come, first-served basis on     services including skate rental, pool, and rink passes.
                       these holidays. Restrooms are open May 1 – October 30. For       Cards are uniquely attached to each person which allows
                       information, availability, and reservations, call 216-491-1351   the cross-service access. These are non-transferable and
                       or visit shakeronline.com.                                       can be used for multiple years. Replacement cards are
                                                                                        available for $10.

                                                                                                     Find us on social media!




         2             CITY OF SHAKER HEIGHTS Recreation Department                     Fall 2021
2021 FALL SHAKER HEIGHTS RECREATION - Registration begins August 4 - City of Shaker Heights
                             FIELD TODAY!

For more than 30 years, SYSA has been Shaker's premier community soccer club.
          Over 1000 boys and girls between ages 4-18 participate in a
                   variety of programs throughout the year.

                        We're currently registering for:
                           Fall Soccer Programming
       Mini Kickers (Ages 4-5): once a week, Tuesdays - Fridays, 4 - 5 PM
         Mighty Kickers (Grades K-1): Saturdays, 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
         Register through the Shaker Heights Recreation Department
                   SYSA Challenge (Recreation) League
             8 weeks; once a week practice with Saturday games
                     SYSA Competitive (Travel) League
             10 weeks; twice a week practice with Sunday games
                     against neighboring communities

     You can register for all of our programming at shakeryouthsoccer.org
      Contact Kristin MacPhail at kristin.macphail@shakeryouthsoccer.org
2021 FALL SHAKER HEIGHTS RECREATION - Registration begins August 4 - City of Shaker Heights
                                       Recreational opportunities abound in Shaker Heights – in both natural and manmade
                                       venues. From the magnificent Horseshoe Lake Park with its trails, tree house, and picnic
                                       pavilions to Thornton Park’s Ice Arena and Swimming Pool, there is something for everyone!

                                                                                                              5                                 Fairmount Boulevard


                                                                                                                                                                                Green Road
                                       2                     Bou
                                                                 l     eva
                                                                           r   d
                                                18                                                                                                             12
                                                                                                                                                     Shaker         Boulevard

                                                                                                                         Warrensville Center
                             11                                                                                                                               17
                                                      15                                        South Woodland
                                                            Lee Road

                                                                                                                                               20         City parks close at dusk.
                                                                                                                     23                                   All school fields require
                                           1                                               22       Van Aken Boulevard
                                                      21                                                                                                  use permits that are
                                                                                                Chagrin Boulevard                                         available through the
                                                                                                                    19                                    Recreation Department.
                                                               3                                                                                          Restrictions apply.
                                                                                       9                                                                  Call 216-491-1295 for
                                                                                                                                                          more information.

                      1. Ashby Park                                      4. Chesterton                                                              8. Horseshoe Lake Park
                      Location: Sutton Place & Ashby Road                          Athletic Fields                                                  Location: Park Drive off of South Park Drive
                      Open Play Area                                     Location: North Park Drive & Shelburne                                     Required reservations of the large pavilion
                                                                         Road                                                                       can be made online at shakeronline.com.
                                                                         Baseball / Softball                                                        ADA
                      2. Boulevard Field                                 Lacrosse / Soccer                                                          Drinking Fountains
                      Location: Drexmore & Southington Roads
                      Restroom (seasonal)                                                                                                           Picnic Pavilion
                                                                         5. Courtland Oval
                      Baseball / Softball / Soccer                                                                                                  Restroom
                                                                                   Athletic Fields
                                                                         Location: Courtland & Fairmount Blvds                                      Walking or Nature Trail
                      3. Chelton Park                                    Restroom (seasonal)                                                        Playground Toddler
                      Location: Chelton & Hampstead Roads                Baseball / Softball                                                        Playground 2-5 year olds
                      ADA                                                Soccer                                                                     Playground 5-12 year olds
                      Bike Rack
                      Drinking Fountains                                                                                                            9. Lomond Athletic
                                                                         6. Gridley Triangle
                      Restroom (seasonal)                                                                                                                Fields
                                                                         Location: Lomond Blvd & Gridley Road
                      Baseball / Softball                                                                                                           Location: Lomond Blvd & Palmerston Road
                                                                         2-12 year old Play Area
                      Playground 2-5 year olds                                                                                                      Restroom (seasonal)
                      Playground 5-12 year olds                                                                                                     Baseball / Softball
                      Basketball                                         7. Hildana Park
                      Football                                           Location: Chagrin Boulevard & Hildana
                                                                         Wi-Fi Solar Benches                                                        10. Lower Lake
                                                                                                                                                    Location: South Park Blvd between
                                                                                                                                                    Coventry Road & North Woodland Road
                                                                                                                                                    Nature Trail
         4               CITY OF SHAKER HEIGHTS Recreation Department                                  Fall 2021
2021 FALL SHAKER HEIGHTS RECREATION - Registration begins August 4 - City of Shaker Heights
11. Ludlow Park                          18. Southerly Park                            21. Town Center Field
Location: Southington & Keswick Roads    Location: South Park Drive & South                 and Around the
Playground 5-12 year olds                Woodland Road                                      World Playground
                                         Fitness Circuit (Ages 15+)                    Location: Adjacent to the main library.
                                         Multi Purpose Trail                           Playground open Apr 1 – Oct 31 only
12. Median Field & Trail                                                               ADA
Location: Shaker Blvd, directly across                                                 Bike Rack
from SH Middle School                    19. Sussex Park
                                                                                       Drinking Fountains
Restroom (seasonal)                      Location: Shaker Family Connections –
                                         Lomond Blvd & Norwood Road                    Restroom (seasonal)
Baseball / Softball
                                         ADA                                           Walking or Nature Trail
Lacrosse / Soccer
                                         Bike Rack                                     Baseball / Softball
Multi Purpose Trail
                                         Restroom (seasonal)                           Football
                                         Tennis Courts                                 Lacrosse / Soccer
13. Menlo Tot Lot                        Pickleball Courts                             Playground Toddler
Location: Menlo Road near                Playground 2-5 year olds                      Playground 2-5 year olds
Scottsdale Blvd                                                                        Playground 5-12 year olds
                                         Playground 5-12 year olds
                                         Baseball / Softball
Playground 2-5 year olds
                                                                                       22. Winslow Park
                                         20. Thornton Park                             Location: Winslow & Ingleside Roads
14. Mercer Fields                        Location: 3301 Warrensville Center Road,      ADA
Location: Green Road & South             one block north of Farnsleigh Road            Playground 5-12 year olds
Woodland Road                            ADA
Restroom (seasonal)                      Bike Rack
Baseball / Softball                                                                    23. “The Living Room” Park
                                         Drinking Fountains
Lacrosse / Soccer                                                                           @ Van Aken District
                                         Picnic Tables
                                                                                       Location: Van Aken District
15. Shaker Heights                       Sand Volleyball
     High School Fields                  Skate Park
Location: Shaker Heights High School,    Sledding
15911 Aldersyde Drive                    Swimming
Restroom (seasonal)                      Walking or Nature Trail
Baseball / Softball                      Basketball
Lacrosse                                 Ice Skating
Football / Field Hockey                  Pickleball Courts
                                         Tennis Courts
16. Shaker Heights                       Playground 2-5 year olds
     Middle School                       Playground 5-12 year olds
     Lower Fields
                                         Basketball Court & Skate Park – Photo ID
Location: Shaker Blvd & Belvoir Oval     required at all times. Helmets are
Soccer / Lacrosse / Track / Football     required for skate park. Open weather
                                         permitting. Proof of residency is required
                                         for admittance. Only one non-resident
17. Shaker Heights                       may accompany a pass holder. Residents
     Middle School                       always have priority.
     Upper Fields
                                         Indoor Ice Arena – Open year round,
Location: Shaker Blvd & Belvoir Oval     offering recreational skating, skating
Restroom (seasonal)                      instruction, youth through adult hockey,
Baseball / Softball                      and figure skating opportunities.
Lacrosse / Soccer                        Outdoor Swimming Pool – Open
Football / Field Hockey                  Memorial Day weekend through Labor
                                         Day. This beautiful recreation swimming
                                         pool boasts lap lanes, a diving well, water
                                         slides, and a current channel. Separate
                                         tot pool and splash pad.
shakeronline.com                                                                                                                       5
2021 FALL SHAKER HEIGHTS RECREATION - Registration begins August 4 - City of Shaker Heights
SENIOR enrichment                                           Brown Bag Bingo
                                                                     Ages 50+. The Recreation Department will host a rousing
         AARP Shaker Chapter                                         round of bingo complete with prizes. Bring a packed lunch;
         Ages 50+. Enjoy monthly meetings with other area adults.    we will provide coffee and dessert. For more information,
         Retirees are especially welcome.                            please call 216-491-1360.
         No meeting in August.                                       STJ Community Building, Room 114

         STJ Community Building, Room 114                            3rd Wednesday of each month | 1 – 2 pm
         3rd Friday of each month | 1:30 – 3:30 pm
         No Charge
                                                                     Cards - Open Bridge
                                                                     Enjoy a relaxing afternoon playing a timeless game.
         Beginner French for Travel                                  Sessions are ongoing and reservations are not required.
         Learn basic French vocabulary and phrases you may           STJ Community Building, Room 114
         need for traveling, from greetings to transportation        Tuesdays and Thursdays | 1 – 4 pm
         vocabulary.                                                 $1 donation requested
         STJ Community Building, Room 114
         Jeanne Zilka
         Mondays, Sep 13 – Nov 1 | 12:30 – 2 pm
                                                                     Coffee, Cookies & Conversation
                                                                     All are welcome to attend this bi-monthly session featuring
         Mondays, Nov 8 – Dec 27 | 12:30 – 2 pm
                                                                     informative speakers and occasional entertainment. Coffee,
         $40 SH RES / $50 NRES
                                                                     tea, and a sweet treat are served. For more information, call
                                                                     Andrea Jewett at 216-491-1351.
         Conversational French Class                                 STJ Community Building, Room 114
         Ages 50+. Enjoy and learn the French language with          2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month | 2 – 3 pm
         others in a small group format.
         STJ Community Building, Room 114
         Annick Moiens
                                                                     Holiday Lunch
                                                                     Ages 50+. Join friends and other members of the community
         Mondays, Sep 13 – Nov 1 | 2:30 – 3:30 pm
                                                                     to exchange holiday greetings at this much anticipated
         Mondays, Nov 8 – Dec 27 | 2:30 – 3:30 pm
                                                                     event. Space is limited. Reservations must be received by
         $40 SH RES / $50 NRES
                                                                     Friday, Dec 10 by calling 216-491-1360.
                                                                     STJ Community Building, Room 114
                                                                     Wednesday, Dec 15 | 1 – 2:30 pm
                                                                     $10 SH RES / NRES

               Services for Adults 60+
                  Senior Transportation Connection (STC) multi-passenger vehicles drive
                    individuals throughout the east side Cleveland suburbs for medical
                     appointments and a variety of other services. You must be at least 60 years
                      old to qualify for this service and complete a registration form. A suggested
                       donation of $1 is requested for a one-way ride and $2 for a round trip
                         ride for destinations to medical/therapy/dialysis or group shopping trips
                          on Thursdays and Fridays and all trips to the Stephanie Tubbs Jones
                           Community Building. All other destinations other than those listed will be
                            considered personal rides and a mandatory $5 per trip or $10 per round
                             trip fee will be assessed. For more information, please call 216-491-1351
                               or visit the STC website at ridestc.org.

   6     CITY OF SHAKER HEIGHTS Recreation Department               Fall 2021
2021 FALL SHAKER HEIGHTS RECREATION - Registration begins August 4 - City of Shaker Heights
Free Financial
          Wednesday Movies
          Ages 18+. Pack a lunch and enjoy a film with friends. Coffee         Wellness &

                                                                                                                      SENIOR / ADULT
                                                                               Housing Stability
          and dessert will be provided. Popcorn will be for sale. For
          more information, contact Andrea Jewett at 216-491-1351.
          No movies in the month of December.
          STJ Community Building, Room 114
          1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month | 12:30 – 2:30 pm                Services with

          SENIOR health & fitness
          NEW Beautiful Boomer Fitness                                         Do you need assistance
          Ages 50+. This program concentrates on range of motion,              improving your housing stability
          strength development, endurance, and relaxation.
          Participants will receive practical tips for a healthier lifestyle
                                                                               or financial wellness? The City
          and learn functional exercises and activities to promote             has partnered with Empowering
          stress management.                                                   and Strengthening Ohio’s People
          STJ Community Building, Room 114                                     [ESOP] to provide FREE housing
          Patricia Ellins
          M/W/F, beginning Sep 6 | 11 – 11:45 am                               and financial workshops and
          $5 Drop-in fee                                                       counseling services. Whether
                                                                               you are a potential first-time
          Fun With Fitness                                                     homebuyer, an older adult who
          Ages 18+. This class features low impact exercise requiring
                                                                               would benefit from tips on how
          no floor work. Wear comfortable tennis shoes.
          No class Nov 26.                                                     to age in place or understand
          STJ Community Building, Room 114                                     alternative housing options, or
          Sandy Spinks                                                         a resident who needs to prevent
          M/W/F, Sep 8 – Oct 18 | 9:20 – 10:20 am
          M/W/F, Oct 25 – Dec 6 | 9:20 – 10:20 am
                                                                               foreclosure or eviction, ESOP
          Mini Session Dec 13 – 20 | 9:20 – 10:20 am                           can help. ESOP’s HUD-certified
          $40 SH RES / $60 NRES, 2x/week, indiv.                               housing counselors are available
          $50 SH RES / $70 NRES, 3x/week, indiv.                               to help you reach your financial
          $60 SH RES / $80 NRES, 2x/week, couple
          $75 SH RES / $95 NRES, 3x/week, couple                               and housing goals, such as
                                                                               increasing savings, paying down
          Podiatry Care                                                        debt, getting a handle on home
          Learn about basic foot care services provided by a podiatrist.       repairs, tackling delinquent
          This program is offered on a first-come, first-served basis.         property taxes, and avoiding
          Residents and non-residents welcome.
                                                                               foreclosure or eviction. Call for
          STJ Community Building, Room 114
          Kelley R. Whaley, D.P.M.
                                                                               more information about the various
          4th Tuesday of each month at 1 pm (unless otherwise noted)           financial and housing workshop
          $25 cash/check payable directly to doctor                            topics, programs and services
                                                                               available. If you are an older adult
          ADULT enrichment                                                     55+ and would like to find out if
          Open Family Swimming and                                             you qualify for ESOP’s matched
          Lap Swimming                                                         savings program, interest-free loan
          Children ages 14 and younger must be accompanied by an               options, or how to use technology,
          adult. For residents only. Lap swimming is limited during            receive a free computer and
          open swim hours. An unlimited use pool pass for all open
          and lap swimming is available for purchase at Thornton Park
                                                                               internet services for one year, or
          for $50 per person. A family pass is not available.                  learn more about ESOP’s other
          Pool closed Nov 25 and 27.                                           services, contact Keith Davis,
          Woodbury Pool                                                        Homeownership Counselor,
          T/TH, Sep 14 – Dec 30
          Open Swim: 7:30 – 8:30 pm                                            216-373-1847 or kdavis@benrose.
          Lap Swim: 8:30 – 9:30 pm                                             org. Virtual workshops on financial
          Saturdays, Sep 18 – Dec 18                                           and housing topics and counseling
          Open Swim: 12:30 – 2 pm                                              sessions are accessible from the
          Lap Swim: 2 – 4 pm
                                                                               comfort of your home. Telephone
          $5 person drop-in; $10 family 3 or more
          Exact change only please                                             and in-person appointment are
     shakeronline.com                                                                                                      7
2021 FALL SHAKER HEIGHTS RECREATION - Registration begins August 4 - City of Shaker Heights

        Ballroom Dancing                                                     Table Tennis
        Ages 18+. Dance the waltz, fox trot, salsa, and tango in the         Shaker Heights Table Tennis Club
        basic level class. Execute dance steps in any social setting.        All ages. Open to beginner, intermediate, and competitive
        Intermediate level emphasizes leading and following,                 players; this drop-in club is a great way to meet other table
        interpretation of music, and stylized approach to the dance          tennis players and to improve your skills. Children under 16
        floor. Advanced level is for students with prior dance               must be accompanied by an adult. For more information, call,
        instruction, where participants learn to polish their skills and     text, or visit us on Facebook.
        techniques. Partner not required. Instructors reserve the            Mercer Elementary School Gymnasium
        right to place couples in appropriate classes.                       CONTACT: Laura Paglin, 216-246-9822,
        No classes Dec 22 and 29.                                            lpaglin@sbcglobal.net
        Woodbury Cafeteria                                                   T/TH, Aug 31 – Jun 2 | 7 – 9:30 pm
        Mike and Kathy Patrick                                               $3 Drop-in fee
        Wednesdays, Sep 22 – Nov 10
        Wednesdays, Dec 1 – Feb 2
        7 – 8 pm, Int/Adv
        8 – 9 pm, Basic
        $50 SH RES / $60 NRES per individual                                 Find us on social media!
        $95 SH RES / $115 NRES per couple




  8     CITY OF SHAKER HEIGHTS Recreation Department                       Fall 2021
 ADULT health & fitness                                        Tae Kwon Do
                                                               Ages 8+. Tae Kwon Do is a martial art developed to
 Agata’s Boot Camp Conditioning                                enable the individual pursuit of physical and mental
 This exciting Boot Camp Conditioning workout, designed        potential. Participants increase self-confidence and
 to sculpt and define your body, blends cardio, weight,        concentration, strength and fitness, and knowledge of
 and body weight resistance based exercise alongside           self-defense skills. All belt promotions are certified by
 yoga relaxation elements. It will get you in shape quickly    recognized master instructors. For more information,
 while you have fun doing it. This workout will tone your      call 216-409-4296.
 abs, back, arms, and thighs. You'll see amazing results       Shaker Middle School East Gym
 as you get stronger, leaner, and feel more energized          James Cahn, 8th Degree Black Belt
 with this fun, rewarding workout. All fitness levels are      Cathy Fitch, 7th Degree Black Belt
 welcome. Bring a yoga mat and dumbbells to class.             M/W | 7 – 8:15 pm
 No class on Nov 26.                                           Saturdays | 11 am – 12:30 pm
 STJ Community Building                                        $70 per month
 Agata Wojno                                                   *Discount available for additional family members.
 M/F, Sep 10 – Oct 29 | 6 – 7 pm                               Additional equipment purchase & belt promotion fees apply.
 M/F, Nov 1 – Dec 20 | 6 – 7 pm
 $110 SH RES
                                                               Adult Tennis Lessons
                                                               Ages 18+. This program includes instruction in basic
 Qigong                                                        strokes, drills, and open play. Tennis balls are provided;
 Qigong, a traditional Chinese practice, focuses on            bring a racquet. Class meets in Woodbury Upper Gym in
 the cultivation of life force energy to bring beneficial      inclement weather.
 effects at physical and emotional levels. It uses posture     Shaker Heights High School Tennis Court
 and gentle, slow, and powerful movements that when            Dan Caplin
 coordinated with breathing lead (over time and practice)      Saturdays, Sep 11 – Oct 16 | 9 – 10 am
 to multiple benefits. It is a universal practice beneficial   $70 SH RES / $90 NRES
 for people of all ages.
 STJ Community Building
 Ana Maria Carrillo
 Tuesdays, Sep 14 – Oct 12 | 10 – 10:45 am
 $13 per class

shakeronline.com                                                                                                             9
PRESCHOOL aquatics
                  American Red Cross                                     American Red Cross
                  Parent & Child Swim Lessons                            Preschool Swim Lessons

                  This class will familiarize young children with the    Ages 4-5. Level 1 will familiarize preschoolers with
                  water and teach swimming readiness skills. Parents     the aquatic environment and help them acquire
                  will receive safety information and learn techniques   rudimentary basic aquatic skills (i.e., blow bubbles,
                  they can use to orient their children to the water.    submerge face, floats, glides and more). Participants
                  Parent or guardian must join the child in the pool.    will begin to develop positive attitudes and safe
                  Class is limited to 8 participants. No class Nov 27.   practices in and around water. Level 2 will build
                  Woodbury Pool                                          on and improve the basic aquatic skills and water
                  Aquatics Staff                                         safety skills and concepts learned in Preschool Level
                  Saturdays, Sep 18 – Oct 23 | 10:30 – 11 am             1. Participants begin to perform skills at a slightly
                  Saturdays, Nov 6 – Dec 18 | 10:30 – 11 am              more advanced level and begin gaining rudimentary
                  $60 SH RES/ $80 NRES                                   propulsive skills on both the front and the back.
                                                                         No class Nov 27.
                                                                         Woodbury Pool
                                                                         Aquatics Staff
                                                                         Saturdays, Sep 18 – Oct 23 | 10:30 – 11 am
                                                                         Saturdays, Nov 6 – Dec 18 | 10:30 – 11 am
                                                                         $60 SH RES/ $80 NRES

   10       CITY OF SHAKER HEIGHTS Recreation Department                 Fall 2021
PRESCHOOL enrichment                                             Soccer
Magical Munchkins, Tap/Ballet                                    Micro Soccer
Ages 2-young 3. This gentle introductory combination             Ages 4-5. Micro soccer gives players a winning formula

dance class of tap, ballet, tumbling, and games is fun,          of soccer training activities and games that create a fun,
energetic, and expressive that will have your Magical            player-centric environment for learning foundational soccer
Munchkin learning all the basics for their first dance class.    skills. Each session culminates with 3v3 games. Please wear
Classes start with tap and then transition into ballet each      shin guards, and bring a size 3 or 4 soccer ball and water.
week. A perfect dance class for boys and girls. Parent (or       Classes may be combined with intro skills if enrollment is
caregiver) presence required as parents participate as           low. Volunteer coaches welcome. No class Nov 27.
needed.                                                          SH Middle School Lower Field
Thornton Park Community Room                                     Shaker Recreation Staff
Dance to EvOLvE                                                  Saturdays, Sep 11 – Oct 16 | 11 – 11:45 am
Session 1: Saturdays, Sep 18 – Oct 23 | 9:15 – 10:00 am          Saturdays, Oct 23 – Dec 4 | 11 – 11:45 am
Session 2: Saturdays, Oct 30 – Dec 18 | 9:15 – 10:00 am          $65 SH RES / $85 NRES
Session 1: $102 SH RES / $122 NRES
Session 2: $119 SH RES / $139 NRES
                                                                 Mini Kickers
Tiny Movers, Tap/Ballet                                          Ages 4-5. Inclusive soccer activities and games create a fun,
                                                                 energetic environment focused on the player and their ball.
Ages 3-4. A combination dance class of tap and ballet
with dance games. This energetic and expressive class            Please wear shin guard and bring a size 3 soccer ball and
will have your Tiny Mover learning basic dance and motor         water. Soccer cleats optional but recommended. Volunteer
skills, musicality and rhythm to reach class goals in fun        coaches welcome.
creative ways. This is the first "big girls and boys" class as   Shaker Middle School Median Annex Field
parents drop off or watch from outside of the room.              SYSA Staff
Thornton Park Community Room                                     Tuesdays, Aug 31 – Oct 5 | 4 – 5 pm
Dance to EvOLvE                                                  Wednesdays, Sep 1 – Oct 6 | 4 – 5 pm
Session 1: Tuesdays, Sep 14 – Oct 19 | 4 – 4:50 pm               Thursdays, Sep 2 – Oct 7 | 4 – 5 pm
            Saturdays, Sep 18 – Oct 23 | 10:05 – 10:55 am        Fridays, Sep 3 – Oct 8 | 4 – 5 pm
Session 2: Tuesdays, Oct 26 – Dec 14 | 4 – 4:50 pm
                                                                 $70 SH RES / $90 NRES
            Saturdays, Oct 30 – Dec 18 | 10:05 – 10:55 am
Session 1: $102 SH RES / $122 NRES
Session 2: $119 SH RES / $139 NRES

Bitty Basketball
Coed, age 4. Help your child learn the game of basketball.
This class teaches basic basketball skills and concepts for
first-time players to become more comfortable with the
Woodbury Main Gym
Denise Duncan
Saturdays, Sep 11 – Oct 2 | 9 – 9:45 am
Saturdays, Oct 9 – Oct 30 | 9 – 9:45 am
$45 SH RES / $65 NRES

      begins August 4

shakeronline.com                                                                                                                   11
YOUTH aquatics                                                 YOUTH enrichment
        American Red Cross                                             Star Shiners: Tap/Ballet
        Youth Swim Lessons                                             Ages 4.5-6. Keep your Star Shiner moving in this tap
        Grades K-6. Participants must be 48” tall or have              and ballet combination class for boys and girls. This
        certification from previous water instruction. Bring a suit/   progressive class introduces curriculum goals through fun

        towel. Beginners through advanced classes are offered.         movement allowing your dancer to be challenged while
        Class is limited to 6 participants.                            expressing themselves. Dancers develop dance, listening,
        Woodbury Pool                                                  and coordination skills, including an emphasis on ballet
        Aquatics Staff                                                 terminology and technique as they work towards the
                                                                       annual spring recital.
        Level 1 & 2                                                    Thornton Park Community Room
        Level 1 will orient participants to the aquatic environment    Dance to EvOLvE
        and help them gain basic aquatic skills (i.e., blow bubbles,   Session 1: Tuesdays, Sep 14 – Oct 19 | 5 – 5:55 pm
        submerge face, floats, glides and more). In addition,          Session 2: Tuesdays, Oct 26 – Dec 14 | 5 – 5:55 pm
        participants will begin to develop positive attitudes and      Session 1: $102 SH RES / $122 NRES
        safe practices around water. Level 2 will build on the basic   Session 2: $119 SH RES / $139 NRES
        aquatic skills and water safety skills and concepts learned
        in Level 1. No class on Nov 27.
        Saturdays, Sep 18 – Oct 23 | 11:30 am – 12 pm
                                                                       Beat Breakers: Hip Hop
                                                                       Ages 4-7. This fun, high-energy kid’s dance class enables
        Saturdays, Nov 6 – Dec 18 | 11:30 am – 12 pm                   boys to be boys and girls to let loose while developing
        $60 SH RES / $80 NRES                                          creativity, coordination, musicality, and listening skills.
        Level 3                                                        Activities include hip hop, basic break dancing, and dance
        Level 3 will build on the skills learned in Levels 1 and 2     games in a non-stop action-packed class that will have
        to help participants achieve basic water competency in         you movin’ to the beats! All music and moves are age
        a pool environment (i.e. head first entry, bobbing, rotary     appropriate. Dancers are encouraged to participate in the
        breathing with front crawl, elementary backstroke and          annual spring recital.
        more). No class on Nov 27.                                     Thornton Park Community Room
        Saturdays, Sep 18 – Oct 23 | 12 – 12:30 pm                     Dance to EvOLvE
        Saturdays, Nov 6 – Dec 18 | 12 – 12:30 pm                      Session 1: Tuesdays, Sep 14 – Oct 19 | 6 – 6:55 pm
        $60 SH RES / $80 NRES                                          Session 2: Tuesdays, Oct 26 – Dec 14 | 6 – 6:55 pm
                                                                       Session 1: $102 SH RES / $122 NRES
        Private Swim Lessons                                           Session 2: $119 SH RES / $139 NRES

        Payment vouchers must be purchased in the front office
        at Thornton Park prior to scheduling private lessons.          Dream Dancers: Ballet
        Private lessons are scheduled by Pool Coordinator,             Ages 6-10. A beginner ballet class focusing on learning
                                                                       technique through a structured and exciting dance class to
        Venetia Belk, who will contact the customer to schedule
                                                                       reach curriculum age-appropriate goals. This class starts
        date and time of instruction. Once lessons are scheduled,
                                                                       developing your dancer’s ballet technique through grace,
        the customer may want to purchase the corresponding
                                                                       strength, and musicality while always having fun.
        number of vouchers needed for each lesson. Instructors
                                                                       Thornton Park Community Room
        are not permitted to accept payment directly from
                                                                       Dance to EvOLvE
        the participants. Vouchers are to be presented to the
                                                                       Session 1: Saturdays, Sep 18 – Oct 23 | 11:05 am – 12 pm
        instructor at the beginning of each private lesson. Pool
                                                                       Session 2: Saturdays, Oct 30 – Dec 18 | 11:05 am – 12 pm
        closed Nov 25.
                                                                       Session 1: $102 SH RES / $122 NRES
        Woodbury Pool
                                                                       Session 2: $119 SH RES / $139 NRES
        Aquatics Staff
        By appointment Sep 21 – Dec 21 T/TH | 7:30 – 9:30 pm
        $30 / ½ hour lesson SH RES
        $60 / ½ hour lesson NRES                                       YOUTH sports
                                                                       Baseball Workouts
                                                                       Ages 7-10. Players develop basic fundamental skills of
                                                                       hitting, fielding, and throwing and game skills. Participants
                Find us on social media!                               should bring a bat and a glove.
                                                                       Thornton Park Tennis Courts
                      facebook.com/shakerrec                           Shaker Recreation Staff
                                                                       Mondays, Sep 6 – Oct 11 | 3:45 – 4:45 pm
                      @shakerrec                                       $65 SH RES / $85 NRES



  12    CITY OF SHAKER HEIGHTS Recreation Department                   Fall 2021
Junior Raider Fall 3v3
                                                              Basketball Program
                                                              Boys and girls, grades 3-6. Groups may be combined
                                                              if enrollment is low. This developmental recreation
                                                              program will focus on sportsmanship and teamwork
                                                              and will allow for greater player participation. The fall

                                                              session will consist of 3v3 teams and game format.
                                                              Teams will be selected by league commissioners.
                                                              Enrollment will determine the game schedule.
                                                              Schedule is subject to change.
                                                              Woodbury Main Gym
                                                              Abdul Dollar, Denise Duncan, James Garrett, league
                                                              Boys, Grades 3-4, Saturdays, Sep 11 – Oct 16 | 12:30 pm
                                                              Boys, Grades 5-6, Saturdays, Sep 11 – Oct 16 | 1:45 pm
                                                              Girls, Grades 3-6, Saturdays, Sep 11 – Oct 16 | 2:30 pm
                                                              $65 SH RES / $100 NRES

                                                              Junior Raider Pee Wee
                                                              Instructional Basketball Program
                                                              Coed, ages 5-6. This program provides instruction
                                                              on fundamental skills with drills, teaching games, and
                                                              scrimmage sessions. Provide t-shirt size at registration.
                                                              If enrollment is low, classes will be combined.
                                                              No class Nov 27.
                                                              Woodbury Main Gym
                                                              Denise Duncan
                                                              Saturdays, Sep 11 – Oct 16 | 10 – 11 am
                                                              Saturdays, Oct 23 – Dec 4 | 10 – 11 am
                                                              $75 SH RES / $95 NRES

                                                              Junior Raider Pee Wee
                                                              Instructional Basketball Program
   Junior Raider Basketball League                            Coed, ages 7-8. This program is designed to develop
   Boys grades 3-11 and girls grades 5-6. This                skills and promote fun with drills and controlled
   developmental recreation league will focus on skills,      scrimmages. Provide t-shirt size at registration. If
   sportsmanship, teamwork, and the rules of the game.        enrollment is low, classes will be combined.
   With limited enrollment, team and coach requests are       No class Nov 27.
   prohibited; teams will be selected via draft. Practices,   Woodbury Main Gym
   arranged by volunteer coaches, will last one hour,         Denise Duncan
   once per week. Preseason training, assessment, and         Saturdays, Sep 11 – Oct 16 | 11:15 am – 12:15 pm
   practice will begin November 6, with regular season        Saturdays, Oct 23 – Dec 4 | 11:15 am – 12:15 pm
   games beginning January 11. Girls will participate in      $75 SH RES / $95 NRES
   eastside league play with Hathaway Brown, Laurel,
   Beachwood, Orange, Hawken and Agnon. The girls’
   schedule may include weekend practices and games
                                                              Basketball Travel Team Tryouts
                                                              Girls’ teams, grades 5-6 (4th grade girls may try
   including Sundays at Beachwood and Agnon. Players          out based on ability). Teams may be combined if
   report Nov 6. No classes Nov 27, Dec 25, and Jan 1.        enrollment is limited. Players selected to be on a team
   Abdul Dollar & Chuck Worth,                                will be required to pay the requisite $75 fee to the
   boys’ league commissioners                                 City of Shaker Heights. Fee covers league cost only.
   Denise Duncan, girls’ league commissioner                  Uniform, equipment, and tournament fees TBD and
   Saturdays, Nov 6 – Mar 26 | Time TBD                       paid to coaches. Travel team is open to residents within
   Boys $95 SH RES / $105 NRES                                Shaker School District only. Players not selected for
   Girls $95 SH RES / $105 NRES                               travel team will be assigned to Jr. Raider Basketball
   Woodbury Main Gym                                          Program.
   Boys, Grades 3-4, Saturday, Nov 6 | 2:30 pm                Woodbury Main Gym
   Boys, Grades 5-6, Saturday, Nov 6 | 3:30 pm                Travel Team Staff
   Boys, Grades 7-8, Saturday, Nov 6 | 4:30 pm                T/TH, Sep 7 & 9 | 6:30 – 8:30 pm
   Boys, Grades 9-11, Saturday, Nov 6 | 4:30 pm               $75 League Registration Fee due to City of Shaker
   Shaker Middle School East Gym                              Heights. Separate uniform and equipment fees will be
   Girls, Grades 5-6, Saturday, Nov 6 | 1:30 pm               announced after tryouts.

shakeronline.com                                                                                                           13
Fencing                                                        Soccer
              Ages 7+. Acquire balance, coordination, and concentration      Intro Skills
              through one of the oldest Olympic sports. Have fun             This is basic fundamental soccer instruction consisting of
              engaging in swordplay. Equipment is available. Long            foot skills, drills, and games. Program features small group
              pants and gym shoes are required. Contact Will Wheeler         instructor and player interactions. Program combines the
              (shakerheightsfc@gmail.com) with questions and to              technical training players need for development along

              register.                                                      with the fun and engaging environment players need to
              SHHS Fencing Room                                              develop a passion for the game. Players learn most from
              Will Wheeler                                                   engaging in technically based games where they can
              M/T/TH | 4:30 – 5:30 pm                                        apply what they have learned in game like situations. Our
              T/TH | 5:30 – 7:30 pm                                          proven curriculum of games will help players develop
              Saturdays | 10:30 am – 12:30 pm                                their own creativity, self-confident and overall technical
              $150/ 6 weeks                                                  abilities. Required equipment includes a size 3 or 4 soccer
                                                                             ball, shin guards with socks to cover them, and sneakers in
              Football                                                       the event of inclement weather. Rubber cleats optional for
              Junior Raider Youth Flag Football                              outdoor play. No class Nov 27.
              Grades 1-4. Pick up scrimmages encourage teamwork,             SH Middle School Lower Field
              respect for others, and fair play. Mouthguards are required.   Bret & Brian Miller
              SH Middle School Upper Field                                   Kindergarten: Saturdays, Sep 11 – Oct 16 | 9 – 9:45 am
              Shaker Recreation Staff                                                          Saturdays, Oct 23 – Dec 4 | 9 – 9:45 am
              Saturdays, Sep 11 – Oct 16                                     Grades 1-2:       Saturdays, Sep 11 – Oct 16 | 10 – 10:45 am
              Grades 1-2 | 9 – 10 am                                                           Saturdays, Oct 23 – Dec 4 | 10 – 10:45 am
              Grades 3-4 | 10 – 11 am                                        $65 SH RES / $85 NRES
              Grades 5-6 | 10 – 11 am
              $60 SH RES / $80 NRES

        NIGHT OUT!
      For children in Grades 1- 6. Take a break and let us handle                           FRIDAYS 6:30 - 10 pm
      the fun! We’re offering you the opportunity to have a
                                                                                                   November 12
      child-free dinner at the Van Aken District, go shopping, or
      enjoy a few quiet hours! Drop your child off at Thornton
                                                                                                   December 3
      Park for a few hours of activities, ice skating, pizza, a                                    December 17
      movie, and popcorn. Kids will be divided into groups                                              Fees:
                                                                                             $35 Shaker Heights Residents
      based on age. Pre-registration is required. No walk-ins                                     $40 Non-residents
      will be accepted.

      Register at bit.ly/ShakerRec, by calling
      216-491-1295, or at Thornton Park during regular
      business hours.

 14           CITY OF SHAKER HEIGHTS Recreation Department                   Fall 2021
                                                                                         Find us on
Mighty Kickers
Grades K-1. Low-stress and fun-filled environment
exposing players to a games-based program to
develop basic soccer skills. Game play is 3v3 and 4v4
festival format. Please wear shin guards and bring a
size 4 soccer ball and water. Soccer cleats optional

but recommended. Volunteer coaching assistance
SH Middle School Median
SYSA Staff
Saturdays, Sep 11 – Oct 16 | 11:30 am – 12:45 pm
$70 SH RES / $90 NRES

U10 Softball Skills
Ages 8-10. Players develop basic fundamental skills
of hitting, field, and throwing and game skills.
Thornton Park Tennis Courts
Shaker Recreation Staff
Thursdays, Sep 9 – Oct 14 | 3:45 – 4:45 pm
$65 SH RES / $85 NRES

Tennis for Two with Parent
Ages 4-7. Learning together can be fun. Join your
child on the court as fundamental instruction is
provided for both adult and child. Class will be held in
Woodbury Upper Gym during inclement weather.
Shaker Heights High School Tennis Courts
Dan Caplin
Saturdays, Sep 11 – Oct 16 | 10 – 11 am
$55 SH RES / $75 NRES

Starter Tennis
Grades 1-3. This class is for those who have not
played before or are just getting started. Learn all
the basics of the game including strokes, rules,
scoring, footwork, and tennis etiquette. Classes
will include ball feeding drills, live ball hitting with
other classmates, and personal stroke instruction.
Participants provide their own racquets. Enrollment
is limited. Class will be held in Woodbury Upper Gym
during inclement weather.
Shaker Heights High School Tennis Courts
Dan Caplin
Saturdays, Sep 11 – Oct 16 | 11 am – 12 pm
$55 SH RES / $75 NRES

Youth Tennis Lessons
Grades 3-6. This program will provide instruction
in strokes, serves, and scorekeeping. Learn
fundamentals in group sessions. Participants provide
their own racquets. Class will be held in Woodbury
Upper Gym during inclement weather.
Shaker Heights High School Tennis Courts
Dan Caplin
Saturdays, Sep 11 – Oct 16 | 12 – 1 pm
$55 SH RES / $75 NRES

Tae Kwon Do
See adult health and fitness section, page 9.

 shakeronline.com                                           15
ice skating
     General Information
     Public Skating                                                Ice Arena Full Season Passes
     Public Skating is available at Thornton Park Ice Arena        On sale beginning Monday, August 2. Pass holders
     to Shaker Heights residents and non-residents of all          receive unlimited admission to public skating sessions,
     ages and experience levels. Sessions are available            Friday Night Skate, and adult skating sessions. Proof of
     throughout the week. Free Wi-Fi is available.                 residency is required. Passes valid from Aug 23, 2021 to
     See detailed Ice Arena schedule at shakeronline.com.          Aug 19, 2022.
                                                                   Family            $140 SH RES / $205 NRES
     Public Skating Daily Admission                                Individual        $75 SH RES / $115 NRES
     Toddlers 0-3 admitted free                                    Adults 50+        $50 SH RES / $80 NRES
     Preschoolers (4-5) $2 SH RES / $4 NRES                        Couples 50+       $75 SH RES / $110 NRES
     Students (6-17)     $4 SH RES / $7 NRES
     Adults (18-49)      $5 SH RES / $7 NRES
                                                                   Ice Arena closed Nov 25, Dec 25, and Jan 1.
     Adults 50+          $4 SH RES / $7 NRES
     Skate Rental        $3 SH RES and NRES
     Group Rate          $4 SH RES / $5 NRES
                         Min. 15 skaters, includes skate rentals
     SKATE RENTAL PASS: $25 / includes 10 pre-paid rentals

16          CITY OF SHAKER HEIGHTS Recreation Department               Fall 2021
and hockey
 Figure Skating Freestyle Sessions                            Adult Lunch Time Drop-In Hockey
 Thornton Park Ice Arena offers city-sponsored freestyle      Ages 18+. Join us twice weekly through mid-May for lunch
 sessions. Skaters practice jumps, spins, choreography, and   time games. Friendly competition and exercise make this
 often take private lessons in these sessions. Skaters pay    an excellent way to stay on the ice. Swipe cards available
 ice fee to rink and lesson fees directly to coaches. Swipe   for a reduced fee.
 cards available for purchase at front office.                W/F, begins Aug 28 | 11:30 am - 1 pm
 See detailed Ice Arena schedule at shakeronline.com.         $8 SH RES / $11 NRES
 Passes (valid mornings only through Mar 1)                   $34 SH RES / $42 NRES for 6 session swipe card
 $215 SH RES / $325 NRES
 Walk-on (Morning): $6 SH RES / $8 NRES
 Walk-on (Afternoon): $11 SH RES / $14 NRES

shakeronline.com                                                                                                       17

              Hockey Classes
              Ages 3+. The Hockey 1-4 curriculum is designed to
              teach the fundamentals of hockey skating. In four
              levels, skaters will learn how to be more proficient
              and agile on the ice. Proper skating techniques for the
              game of hockey are the primary focus of each level.
              All elements will be taught without a puck. Skaters will
              learn the basic hockey stance, stride, knee bend, use
              of edges, and other necessary fundamentals to be
              successful in hockey practices and game situations.
              Hockey skates, a hockey helmet, and hockey gloves
              are required. Full equipment is recommended.
              Participants should bring a hockey stick to each class.
              Thornton Park Ice Arena
              LTS Instructors
              Hockey 1
              Fall 1: Tuesdays, Aug 24 – Sep 28 | 5 – 5:30 pm
                      Thursdays, Aug 26 – Sep 30 | 5:30 – 6:00 pm
              Fall 2: Tuesdays, Oct 5 – Nov 16 | 5 – 5:30 pm
                      Thursdays, Oct 7 – Nov 18 | 5:30 – 6:00 pm
              Fall 1: $63 SH RES / $84 NRES
              Fall 2: $73 SH RES / $94 NRES $3 skate rental per class

              Hockey 2
              Fall 1: Tuesdays, Aug 24 – Sep 28 | 5:30 – 6 pm
                      Thursdays, Aug 26 – Sep 30 | 6:00 – 6:30 pm
              Fall 2: Tuesdays, Oct 5 – Nov 16 | 5:30 – 6 pm
                      Thursdays, Oct 7 – Nov 18 | 6:00 – 6:30 pm
              Fall 1: $63 SH RES / $84 NRES
              Fall 2: $73 SH RES / $94 NRES $3 skate rental per class

              Hockey 3/4
              Fall 1:   Thursdays, Aug 26 – Sep 30 | 6:30 – 7:00 pm
              Fall 2:   Thursdays, Oct 7 – Nov 18 | 6:30 – 7:00 pm
              Fall 1:   $63 SH RES / $84 NRES
              Fall 2:   $73 SH RES / $94 NRES $3 skate rental per class

   18               CITY OF SHAKER HEIGHTS Recreation Department          Fall 2021
Youth Hockey Program
General Information                                                 Mite ADM (American Development Model)
                                                                    This is an in-house program for skaters ages 8 and under.
Thornton Park Ice Arena provides instructional, recreational
                                                                    The focus is on skill development, basic fundamentals and
and competitive ice hockey for all ages, interests and
                                                                    having fun! Mite ADM is used as a feeder program into the
skill levels. Please contact Michael Berg, Youth Hockey
                                                                    Competitive Youth Hockey program. Lighter pucks are used
Coordinator at 216-491-1295 or michael.berg@shakeronline.
                                                                    and play is conducted across the width of the rink. Skill
com with questions regarding the youth hockey program.
                                                                    development and team play are emphasized at the beginning
                                                                    of the season with games played both at Thornton Park and
Entry Level – Hockey Classes                                        other local rinks towards the end of the season. Prerequisite
                                                                    includes participation in the Mighty Mite program and/or
Hockey classes are offered throughout the year as part of our
                                                                    skating ability with ice hockey skates. Season length is from
Learn to Skate program. These classes are a great starting
                                                                    late August through February.
point for skaters who have some skating abilities and are
interested in developing basic hockey skills. The prerequisite
for Hockey 1 is introductory ice skating lessons and/or             Competitive Youth Hockey Teams
experience skating in hockey skates. Please refer to page 18        Mite ADM, Mites, Squirts, Pee Wees and Bantam teams play
for additional information about Hockey 1-4 class offerings.        and are governed under the Cleveland Suburban Hockey
Please contact Katie DiFranco, Learn to Skate Coordinator           League. Competition involves age group level competitive
at 216-491-1295 or kaitlin.difranco@shakeronline.com with           play with travel throughout the Cleveland Area. At times
questions regarding Hockey classes.                                 it may involve occasional travel to Columbus, Toledo and
                                                                    neighboring states for tournament play. Tryouts are held
                                                                    for Squirts, Pee Wees and Bantams in the spring, with Mite
Youth Hockey – Team and                                             tryouts in late August. Season length is from late August
Competitive Play                                                    through February.
Uniform Requirements
Full hockey equipment is required for Mites, Mite ADM, and          Registration and Fees
competitive play. Visit bit.ly/ShakerHockeyUniformList for a list   Registration for the upcoming hockey season begins in mid-
of necessary equipment.                                             July. The Shaker Heights Recreation Department aims not to
                                                                    turn away players, however space is limited and is based upon
Youth Hockey Age Groups                                             ice time and coaching availability.
Age groups are classified as Mighty Mites (ages 4-6), Mite          Program fees vary by level. The City of Shaker Heights
American Development Model (ADM) and Mites (ages 8                  Recreation Department fees cover ice time, referees, and
and under), Squirts (ages 9-10), Pee Wees (ages 11-12), and         coaching costs.
Bantams (ages 13-14). Birth years are determined by the
player’s age on December 31st of each year.
                                                                    Shaker Youth Hockey Association
Mighty Mites                                                        Shaker Youth Hockey Association is the parent organization
This is an introductory, beginning level hockey program for
                                                                    that supports the youth hockey program. SYHA sponsors
children ages 4-6 years old. It meets once a week on Saturday
                                                                    special events and fundraising events throughout the season.
mornings. Emphasis is on hockey skating skills, fundamentals,
                                                                    SYHA charges a separate annual fee that covers tournament
team play and fun! Prerequisite recommendations include
                                                                    registration fees, supports coach’s travel and assists in
skating in hockey skates and or beginning skating lessons
                                                                    providing some goalie equipment. For additional information
using hockey skates. Season length is from late August
through February.                                                   visit the SYHA website at shakerhockey.com.

                                                                                begins August 4

  shakeronline.com                                                                                                                      19
Ice Skating
     Adult Learn to Skate Classes                                        Snowplow Sam 1-4
                                                                         Ages 3-5 yrs.
     Beginning Learn to Skate (LTS) classes are held at Thornton
                                                                         Fall 1: Tuesdays, Aug 24 – Sep 28 | 5 – 5:30 pm
     Park Ice Rink for adults of all skill levels. Skating skills are
                                                                                 Thursdays, Aug 26 – Sep 30 | 5:30 – 6:00 pm
     taught using the Learn to Skate USA curriculum. Skate rental
                                                                                 Thursdays, Aug 26 – Sep 30 | 6:30 – 7:00 pm
     is available, but not included. Each session offers weekly 30
                                                                                 Saturdays, Aug 28 – Oct 2 | 1:15 – 1:45 pm
     minute lessons. Fees listed below are for one six (Fall 1) or
                                                                         Fall 2: Tuesdays, Oct 5 – Nov 16 | 5 – 5:30 pm
     seven (Fall 2) week session. Register at least 24 hours before
                                                                                 Thursdays, Oct 7 – Nov 18 | 5:30 – 6:00 pm
     the first class to avoid a $10 late fee.
                                                                                 Thursdays, Oct 7 – Nov 18 | 6:30 – 7:00 pm
     Thornton Park Ice Arena
                                                                                 Saturdays, Oct 9 – Nov 20 | 1:15 – 1:45 pm
     LTS Instructors
                                                                         Fall 1: $63 SH RES / $84 NRES
     Fall 1: Thursdays, Aug 26 – Sep 30 | 6:30 – 7:00 pm
                                                                         Fall 2: $73 SH RES / $94 NRES $3 skate rental per class
             Saturdays, Aug 28 – Oct 2 | 1:45 – 2:15 pm
     Fall 2: Thursdays, Oct 7 – Nov 18 | 6:30 – 7:00 pm
             Saturdays, Oct 9 – Nov 20 | 1:45 – 2:15 pm                  Basic 1-3
     Fall 1: $63 SH RES / $84 NRES                                       Ages 6 yrs and older.
     Fall 2: $73 SH RES / $94 NRES $3 skate rental per class             Fall 1: Tuesdays, Aug 24 – Sep 28 | 5 – 5:30 pm
                                                                                 Thursdays, Aug 26 – Sep 30 | 6:00 – 6:30 pm
                                                                                 Thursdays, Aug 26 – Sep 30 | 6:30 – 7:00 pm
     Baby Blades Ice Skating Classes                                             Saturdays, Aug 28 – Oct 2 | 1:45 – 2:15 pm
     Ages 18 months to 3 years. Learn basic skating skills such as       Fall 2: Tuesdays, Oct 5 – Nov 16 | 5 – 5:30 pm
     sitting and standing on the ice, marching, and gliding. Each                Thursdays, Oct 7 – Nov 18 | 6:00 – 6:30 pm
     class offers a 20 minute on-ice session in a fun and positive               Thursdays, Oct 7 – Nov 18 | 6:30 – 7:00 pm
     atmosphere, followed by a 10 minute story time. Helmets are                 Saturdays, Oct 9 – Nov 20 | 1:45 – 2:15 pm
     mandatory for all participants. Skate rental is available, but      Fall 1: $63 SH RES / $84 NRES
     not included. Each session offers weekly 30 minute lessons.         Fall 2: $73 SH RES / $94 NRES $3 skate rental per class
     Fees listed below are for one six (Fall 1) or seven (Fall 2) week
     session. Register at least 24 hours before the first class to       Basic 4 and 5
     avoid a $10 late fee.                                               Ages 6 yrs and older.
     Thornton Park Ice Arena                                             Fall 1: Tuesdays, Aug 24 – Sep 28 | 5:30 – 6 pm
     LTS Instructors                                                             Thursdays, Aug 26 – Sep 30 | 6:00 – 6:30 pm
     Fall 1: Thursdays, Aug 26 – Sep 30 | 5:00 – 5:30 pm                         Saturdays, Aug 28 – Oct 2 | 1:45 – 2:15 pm
     Fall 2: Thursdays, Oct 7 – Nov 18 | 5:00 – 5:30 pm                  Fall 2: Tuesdays, Oct 5 – Nov 16 | 5:30 – 6 pm
     Fall 1: $63 SH RES / $84 NRES                                               Thursdays, Oct 7 – Nov 18 | 6:00 – 6:30 pm
     Fall 2: $73 SH RES / $94 NRES $3 skate rental per class                     Saturdays, Oct 9 – Nov 20 | 1:45 – 2:15 pm
                                                                         Fall 1: $63 SH RES / $84 NRES
                                                                         Fall 2: $73 SH RES / $94 NRES $3 skate rental per class
     Youth Learn to Skate Instruction
     Beginning Learn to Skate (LTS) classes are held at Thornton         Basic 6 And Pre-Free Skate
     Park Ice Rink for children of all skill levels. Skating skills      Ages 6 yrs and older.
     are taught using the Learn to Skate USA curriculum and              For Pre-Free Skate, must have passed Basic 6.
     are offered for Snowplow Sam through Freestyle levels.              Fall 1:  Tuesdays, Aug 24 – Sep 28 | 5 – 5:30 pm
     Helmets are mandatory for all Snowplow Sam 1-4 and Basic                     Thursdays, Aug 26 – Sep 30 | 5:30 – 6:00 pm
     1 participants. Mittens or gloves are recommended for all                    Saturdays, Aug 28 – Oct 2 | 1:15 – 1:45 pm
     participants. Skaters should wear one pair of thin, high socks      Fall 2: Tuesdays, Oct 5 – Nov 16 | 5 – 5:30 pm
     or tights and layers of warm clothing for comfort and ease of                Thursdays, Oct 7 – Nov 18 | 5:30 – 6:00 pm
     movement. Skate rental is available, but not included. Each                  Saturdays, Oct 9 – Nov 20 | 1:15 – 1:45 pm
     session offers weekly 30 minute lessons. Fees listed below          Fall 1:  $63 SH RES / $84 NRES
     are for one six (Fall 1) or seven (Fall 2) week session. Register   Fall 2: $73 SH RES / $94 NRES $3 skate rental per class
     at least 24 hours before the first class to avoid a $10 late fee.
     Thornton Park Ice Arena                                             Free Skate 1-6
     LTS Instructors                                                     Ages 6 yrs and older.
                                                                         For Free Skate 1, must have passed Pre-Free Skate.
                                                                         Fall 1:  Tuesdays, Aug 24 – Sep 28 | 5 – 5:30 pm
                                                                                  Thursdays, Aug 26 – Sep 30 | 5:30 – 6:00 pm
                                                                                  Saturdays, Aug 28 – Oct 2 | 1:15 – 1:45 pm
                                                                         Fall 2: Tuesdays, Oct 5 – Nov 16 | 5 – 5:30 pm
                                                                                  Thursdays, Oct 7 – Nov 18 | 5:30 – 6:00 pm
                                                                                  Saturdays, Oct 9 – Nov 20 | 1:15 – 1:45 pm
                                                                         Fall 1:  $63 SH RES / $84 NRES
                                                                         Fall 2: $73 SH RES / $94 NRES $3 skate rental per class

20         CITY OF SHAKER HEIGHTS Recreation Department                    Fall 2021
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