2021 New Hampshire IMLS LSTA ARPA Sub-grant Round 1 Guidelines Revised 5/25/2021

Page created by Bob Gutierrez
2021 New Hampshire IMLS LSTA ARPA Sub-grant Round 1 Guidelines
                           Revised 5/25/2021

Through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), the Institute of Museum and Library Services
(IMLS) is able to provide funding to support library services in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the
Territories. In New Hampshire, those funds are administered by the New Hampshire State Library in the form
of statewide initiatives. The American Rescue Plan Act funds given to IMLS in FY21 is being distributed to all
of those listed above, using the same formula as the annual allotments, through the LSTA program. NHSL
received $2,297,692, which will be used not only for statewide initiatives, but for sub-grant opportunities for
public libraries throughout the state. In this first sub-grant round, all public libraries will receive an amount
based on a formula (see Sub-grant Round 1 spreadsheet). This is NOT a competitive grant opportunity; however
we still need to document the use of these funds by each library to make sure that they adhere to the goals and
activities of the NHSL LSTA 5 Year Plan, and the federal IMLS ARPA funding priorities.

To view the NHSL LSTA 5 Year Plan, 2017-2022, click here.

The federal IMLS ARPA funding priorities are:
Purpose: To achieve the American Rescue Plan Act’s purposes with respect to Grants to States, this funding is
to be used by September 30, 2022, in helping communities respond directly and immediately to the pandemic, as
well as to related economic and community needs through equitable approaches. Spending priorities are as

   1. First, to support digital inclusion efforts to enable libraries to reach residents such as through internet
      hotspots, accessible Wi-Fi, and digital content and related resources, particularly in support of
      education, health, and workforce development needs. The following types of data, among others, can
      inform efforts to reach underserved populations:
          o Poverty/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
          o Unemployment
          o Broadband availability;
   2. Second, to provide rapid emergency relief to libraries across the country, allowing them to safely
      respond to the pandemic and implement public health protocols;
   3. Third, to support library services that meet the needs of communities throughout the U.S., including
      costs such as personnel, technology, training, materials, supplies, equipment, and associated indirect
      costs; and
   4. With respect to (1), (2), or (3), reach tribal and museum partners best positioned to assist with pandemic
      response efforts, in addition to traditionally eligible library entities, where appropriate.

[from the Official Award Notification Letter to Michael York, NH State Librarian from IMLS via email on
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March 15, 2021                  IMLS announces ARPA funding for libraries;
                                purchased made on or after this date that reflect the
                                grant priorities and the state library LSTA activities
                                are eligible for this sub-grant.
April 9, 2021                   NHSL receives notification that they will receive
                                $2,297,692 in ARPA funds through IMLS
April 21, 2021                  First sub-grant round formulaic grant spreadsheet
                                shared via NHAIS listserv and on the NHSL ARPA
                                web page
May 14, 2021 @ 3 pm             Online application OPENS for sub-grant round #1.
                                All eligible libraries must submit an application in
                                order to receive funds through this particular sub-
                                grant round.
May 24 – June 18, 2021          Twice weekly “Open Office” virtual grant question
                                sessions, and one-on-one appointments for assistance
                                with the application, are available. Please visit the
                                NHSL ARPA web page for specific dates/times and
                                link information.
June 18, 2021 @ 11:59 pm        Online application CLOSES for sub-grant round #1
June 21 – June 30, 2021         Grant award notifications begin as long as all state
                                approvals for NHSL ARPA money have been
                                obtained. For applicants that chose Advance for fund
                                disbursement and have no other approvals necessary,
                                checks will be cut and mailed.
July 21 – August 31, 2021       For applicants that chose Reimbursement for fund
                                disbursement, they can submit the reimbursement
                                form and receipts/invoices to receive grant funds. For
                                applicants that chose Advance and had other
                                approvals (IMLS or NH G&C) necessary, checks will
                                be cut as soon as the additional approvals are
August 31, 2021                 Sub-grant round #1 closes. All monies must be
                                encumbered or spent, and reimbursement forms with
                                invoices/receipts received by NHSL.
September 30, 2021 @ 11:59 pm   Final reports for sub-grant round #1 deadline

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The online grant application/agreement is accessible in Submittable, which is grants management software
through the NH State Council on the Arts. If you have submitted a grant through the Arts Council between 2016
and 2021, you can use that log in information to access this grant application. Otherwise, you will be prompted
to create a password using an email user name of your choice. Please access the grant application here.

Section I – General Information
Library Name
Use the library’s full official name. Do not abbreviate. Use proper capitalization. Check your spelling.

Name of Fiscal Agent, if Necessary
This field only needs to be completed if the library is using a Friends group or Foundation to apply for the
funds, using that organization’s DUNS number or SAM.gov UEI. We must identify who the DUNS/Sam.gov
UEI belongs to in the official grant application. Please leave blank if you are using the library’s DUNS number,
or if your library is considered a municipal department and you are using the municipality’s DUNS number.

Mailing Address
This is the house number and street name for your library. Use proper capitalization and check your spelling.

This is the Town for your library’s mailing address. Use proper capitalization and check your spelling.

Zip Code
The five digit zip code for the town that corresponds to your library’s mailing address.

Name of Main Contact Person for Grant Correspondence
The full name (first and last) of the person who will be primarily responsible for completing the application,
reimbursement forms, and final report for this grant project.

Phone Number
The full phone number for the main contact person. Please include the country code “1” and the three-digit area
code. The full number should look like 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx.

Email Address for all Grant Correspondence
The email address where all grant correspondence will be sent. Make sure that the person you have listed as the
main contact above has access to this email address to both send and receive grant information and documents.
Make sure to check the spelling and accuracy of your entry, since emails will be sent automatically from the
grants management software to this address.

DUNS/SAM.gov Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number
This is a required field by IMLS. We cannot distribute funds without this information. If you need
assistance with the process to obtain either number, please contact Lori Fisher, Assistant State Librarian,
lori.a.fisher@dncr.nh.gov. DUNS number is 9 digits with no additional punctuation. Please double check
that you entry is correct prior to submitting this application.

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Formula Grant amount for your Library
Using the spreadsheet for the formulaic sub-grants round 1, please enter the amount your library is slated to
receive. The entry should include the $, and end with “.00”

Section II – Grant Priorities Identification
NHSL LSTA 5 Year Plan Grant Activities
Choose ONE activity from the dropdown list that reflects the majority of your grant project. Note that the 5
Year Plan activities are listed using language that reflects NHSL carrying out these activities – this is still true
for these ARPA sub-grants, since NHSL is funding the projects that NH libraries are carrying out. If you need
assistance determining which activity your project should list as the major activity, please reach out to Deb
Dutcher, Bobbi Slossar, or Michael York for assistance.

IMLS ARPA funding priorities
Choose ONE priority listed that reflects the majority of your grant project (the same majority of your grant
project that you used to identify the NHSL LSTA grant activity above).

More than one NHSL LSTA 5 Year Plan Grant Activity
If you have additional activities that are reflected in your project, you may list them by activity number (from
the pdf document on the NHSL ARPA web page) as indicated on the application. Separate multiple activity
numbers with a comma. For example, 1.1,3.2.

Section III – Project Budget for Grant Funds
Project budget table – This table should only reflect the grant monies you are receiving, not any monies from
the library or an outside partner. The TOTAL for this table, calculated in the total field automatically by the
spreadsheet, should equal the amount of the grant your library will receive. In the budget subcategories, indicate
how much of the grant monies will be spent in each.
            Salaries/Wages/Benefits – this is the total amount of personnel costs covered by the grant award
            Consultant fees – if you are hiring an outside presenter/provider, list their costs here that will be
               covered by grant monies
            Travel – mileage and other travel expenses for library staff covered by grant monies
            Supplies/materials – consumable items needed for the project covered by grant monies
            Equipment – items such as tents, devices, lockers, or anything that is not consumable but is a
               physical object. If an item you are purchasing costs more than your grant amount, only put the
               amount you will pay out of grant monies in this field. Your narrative (next section) should include
               the total cost of the item, and how the cost that is not covered fully by grant funds is being paid
               for and by whom.
            Services – Subscriptions, ebook licenses, etc. Note that these subscription terms cannot exceed the
               NHSL ARPA grant term, which ends 9/30/2022. If the subscription goes beyond that date, it
               cannot be funded with ARPA money as of 10/1/2022, and the amount will need to be pro-rated for
               this budget table entry.

If you have any doubts about whether or not your project contains allowable items after reviewing the IMLS
Tip Sheet for Allowable Costs, please contact Lori Fisher at NHSL immediately so that we may obtain
verification of eligibility from IMLS: lori.a.fisher@dncr.nh.gov

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$2500 and $5000 Single Item Questions
All libraries need to answer the two questions about purchasing a SINGLE ITEM worth equal to or more than
either $2500 or $5000. In answering yes to either question, you are acknowledging that further approvals are
needed (either state or federal or both) in order to receive funds for your project. A single item is defined as one
item (such as a disc cleaner, a set of lockers, a single device, etc.) OR a single subscription to a service whose
cost is equal to or greater than $2500 or $5000.

Partner Organizations/Additional Outside Funds
If your library is partnering with another organization for this activity, even if they are not providing any monetary
support, please identify them in the field regarding outside organizations. If they are providing monetary support
for the project, please include that amount in the field as well.

Section IV – Project Narrative
Please write and upload a ONE PAGE PDF project narrative that contains the following elements:
     Activities and goals of this grant project
     Target audience for the project
     Timeline of activities/project implementation
     Budget detail explanation, including total cost beyond grant funds, and where the other funds to complete
       the project are coming from (organization names, monetary amounts, in-kind donations, etc.).
     Evaluation plan for the project (i.e., what metrics will allow you to identify the project as “successful”)
and succinct.

Section V – Funds Disbursement
Advance Disbursement
If you are using grant funds to pay for items purchased between 3/15/2021 and the date of your application
submission (no later than 11:59 pm on 6/18/2021) then you may choose ADVANCE as long as your
invoices/receipts reflect a date within that time period and encompass ALL of your allotted grant funds. Your
documentation of the grant funds expended will be done in the final report, with invoices/receipts uploaded at
that time. Receipts/invoices MUST be dated between 3/15/2021 and 6/18/2021 for this option. If only part of
your grant funds will be spent during the 3/15/2021 and 6/18/2021 time period, choose

Reimbursement Disbursement
If you are expecting to receive an invoice for your project between 30 days after the grant award notification date
6/19/2021 and 8/31/2021, choose REIMBURSEMENT. This means that once you receive that invoice and pay
it, you can download the reimbursement form from the NHSL ARPA web page and submit that with your invoice
copies to Lori Fisher, Assistant State Librarian, for processing. Please allow up to 3 weeks for payment
processing. Complete instructions for reimbursement can be found on the reimbursement form. Note that if you
do not submit a reimbursement form and appropriate receipts/invoices by the closing date of the grant period
(8/31/2021 at 11:59 pm) you will forfeit your grant funds.

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Section VI – Assurances
Federal Assurances
Reviewing the documents associated with the federal assurances and laws ahead of filling out the application will
make the application process go much faster. These assurances are non-negotiable and must be agreed to as part
of this application/agreement. These assurances include the OMB-Approved Assurances for Non-Construction
Programs; IMLS Acknowledgement Requirements; and sections F, G, H, I, J, and L of the IMLS Assurances and
Certifications for 2021 Grant Awards.

IMLS Internet Safety Certification Form
Download and complete/sign the form, and then upload the signed pdf. Submitting this completed for means that
the library will do what is required for CIPA compliance, which is outlined in the CIPA - Universal Service
Administrative Company (usac.org). This includes having your library create and implement an Internet Safety
Policy and hold a public hearing on CIPA for your library.

State Assurances
The state requires that grantees attest that they will uphold NH RSA 91-A (Right-to-Know law) and NH RSA
281-A (Worker’s Compensation law). These assurances are non-negotiable and must be agreed to as part of the

Non-Profit Certificate of Good Standing
For libraries that are non-profits, or for any fiscal agents (Friends and Foundations), there is an additional state
requirement of a current Certificate of Good Standing from the NH Secretary of State’s office. You can check to
see if your institution or fiscal agent already has good standing by visiting https://sos.nh.gov/corporation-ucc-
securities/corporation/order-a-certificate/, calling 603-271-3244, or emailing corporate@sos.nh.gov. Non-profit
applicants/fiscal agents need to obtain a pdf copy of their Certificate of Good Standing and upload that copy in
this application. There may be a small cost associated with obtaining a pdf copy of the Certificate of Good
Standing, which cannot be part of the sub-grant funds requested in this grant application.

If your library is a municipal department and is applying for this grant using the library’s DUNS or SAM.gov
UEI number, or the town’s DUNS or SAM.gov UEI number, a Certificate of Good Standing is NOT NEEDED.

Project Evaluation/Final Report Assurances
By signing and submitting this grant application/agreement, the official authorized to enter into contracts for the
organization agrees to the following evaluation/final report requirements:

1. Library must submit a final report that evaluates the funded activity and provides actual expense figures by
9/30/2021. Failure to submit this report will make the organization ineligible to apply for any other NHSL grant
for 3 years following the date that the report was due. In rare instances an extension may be granted through a
written request to the Assistant State Librarian prior to the final report due date of 9/30/2021.

2. Library must submit 1-5 clearly labeled images with their final report that reflects the funded grant activity.
These photographs should be of sufficient quality to be used in NH State Library publications, presentations, and
reports. By submitting images the applicant assures that all appropriate photo releases have been obtained. More
information about labeling these images will be available in the Final Report Guidelines.

3. Physical evidence of documented credit given to the NH State Library and the Institute of Museum and Library
Services for the grant project will be required in the Final Report. This may include printed materials, web site
page links, etc.

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4. Any deviation from the project budget (10% or higher) or narrative provided in this application will be
documented by a request in writing for a program amendment to the Lori Fisher, Assistant State Librarian, using
a form available on the NHSL ARPA web page prior to 8/15/2021. Requests received after that date will be
considered on a case-by-case basis.

5. All records related to this grant award will be maintained by the applicant through December 31, 2026.

6. This sub-grant may be terminated by written notice and mutual agreement of both parties.

Section VII – Signatures
The person signing the grant application/agreement must have legal authority to enter into the agreement with the
NH State Library. For smaller libraries who have not applied for grants in the past, you may need to have your
elected board of trustees vote to approve that the director can have this authority for this grant application, and
have that vote reflected in the official minutes of the library board of trustees.

If you have issues with the Submittable platform, including user name or log in issues, please contact:
email: support@submittable.com
phone: 1-855-467-8264, ext. 2
web: https://submittable.help/

Lori Fisher, Assistant State Librarian, lori.a.fisher@dncr.nh.gov
Michael York, State Librarian, michael.c.york@dncr.nh.gov
Bobbi Slossar, Technology Library Consultant, bobbi.l.slossar@dncr.nh.gov
Deborah Dutcher, Library Consultant, deborah.l.dutcher@dncr.nh.gov

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