2021 Psychology Undergraduate programmes in

Page created by Leo Sherman
2021 Psychology Undergraduate programmes in

Undergraduate programmes in

With academic
direction from:                World class. Worldwide.
2021 Psychology Undergraduate programmes in
Join the World Class
1   Quality of learning
    The academic rigor and relevance of this programme is
    enhanced with expertise from the world-leading Institute
    of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, which is ranked
    2nd in the world for psychiatry and psychology.

2   Stimulating content
    You’ll have access to a range of stimulating content and problem-
    solving techniques that can be applied to real life situations
    across areas such as healthcare, social care, education and law.

3   Employability and career progression
    Studying psychology opens up opportunities to develop
    your career across a variety of sectors such as education,
    healthcare, social care, criminal and legal services.

4   Developed by experts in the field of psychology
    Academic direction is provided by King’s College London, a
    prestigious institution known for their commitment to delivering
    research excellence. The Department of Psychology at King’s
    offers a contemporary and pioneering approach to the discipline.

5   A mark of excellence
    Earn an internationally recognised qualification from the
    University of London. The University of London has a track record
    of teaching, innovation and research dating back 160 years.

2             Undergraduate programmes in Psychology
2021 Psychology Undergraduate programmes in
Undergraduate programmes in Psychology
Join the World Class                             2
A holistic approach to studying the human mind   4
A University of London degree from
anywhere in the world                            5
Why study psychology?                            6
How you study                                    8
Entrance requirements and further information    10

 Key dates

 Applications open:
 21 December 2020

 Applications close:
 1 March 2021

 Registration closes:
 15 March 2021

 Programme starts:
 April 2021

         london.ac.uk/psychology                      3
2021 Psychology Undergraduate programmes in
A holistic approach to
studying the human mind
                                       the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology
                                       & Neuroscience is renowned for. Study       A prestigious leader
                                       of the mind and human brain is one
                                       of the most exciting and important          in psychology and
                                       areas of today’s science. You will obtain   research education
                                       wide-ranging knowledge of human
                                       behaviour and how the mind works            Academic direction for this
                                       as well as learn to apply psychological     programme is provided by King’s
                                       science to a variety of contemporary        College London, with enriched
                                       social challenges. Studying with us         content developed by the
                                       means you will develop your analytical,
Dr Jenny Yiend                         critical-thinking and problem-solving
                                                                                   Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology
                                                                                   & Neuroscience (IoPPN). King’s
Reader in Cognitive Psychopathology,   skills along with your core scientific      College London is globally
King’s College London                  knowledge. We look forward to               known for their commitment to
                                       welcoming you onto our programme            delivering research excellence
We are excited to be offering this
                                       and sharing with you our own                and is ranked 7th in the QS UK
innovative online Psychology degree
                                       excitement about the fascinating            University rankings 2019.
which will allow students from all
                                       topics that psychology covers.
around the globe to access the                                                     IoPPN is a world leader in the
outstanding academic expertise that                                                research, study and practice of
                                                                                   psychiatry, psychology and related
                                                                                   disciplines. Dating back to 1896,
                                                                                   IoPPN has been a pioneer in
                                                                                   facilitating education and training
                                                                                   of psychology and psychiatry.
                                                                                   IoPPN is ranked 2nd in the world
                                                                                   for Psychiatry and Psychology
                                                                                   (US New Best Global Universities)
                                                                                   and is committed to providing a
                                                                                   diverse and stimulating range of
                                                                                   learning and teaching methods.
                                                                                   IoPPN became a school of
                                                                                   King’s College London in 1997.

4                  Undergraduate programmes in Psychology
2021 Psychology Undergraduate programmes in
A University of London degree
from anywhere in the world

A trusted name in                          A University of                           A Pass Degree or Ordinary Degree
                                                                                     is a degree without Honours.
global education                           London degree                             Specific rules for the classification of
                                                                                     awards are given in the Programme
The University of London is one            Undergraduate degrees of the              Regulations, under Scheme of Award.
of the world’s leading universities,       University of London are awarded
internationally recognised for its high    with Honours. The award certificate
academic standards. This reputation is     will indicate the level of the academic   The FHEQ framework
based on the outstanding teaching and      performance (Honours) achieved
research of our 17 member institutions.    by classifying the award. The             The UK Quality Assurance Agency
                                           classification of the degree will be      for Higher Education has prepared a
In 1858, we made our degrees available                                               framework for classifying the level of
                                           based on the ratified marks from
to study anywhere in the world. Today,                                               courses to permit the comparability of
                                           the completed assessments. The
we have more than 50,000 students in                                                 those taught in different institutions.
                                           standard classification system for
over 180 countries, studying on 100-                                                 University undergraduate courses are
                                           bachelor’s degrees with Honours is:
plus degrees, diplomas and certificates.                                             classified at three levels corresponding
                                           • First Class                             to standard three-year undergraduate
                                           • Upper Second Class                      degrees: Level 4 (introductory),
                                                                                     Level 5 (intermediate) and Level 6
                                           • Lower Second Class                      (advanced). (Levels 1–3 describe
                                           • Third Class                             pre-University courses and Level 7 is
                                                                                     graduate level for master’s degrees.)

                                                                            london.ac.uk/psychology                             5
2021 Psychology Undergraduate programmes in
Why study psychology?

The BSc Psychology                          • demonstrate the ability to produce       “IoPPN at King’s College
programme is a                                a substantial piece of original or
                                              empirical research work including,       London is the largest
contemporary approach to                      for example, study design, data          academic community
the discipline, with a focus                  collection, analysis and reporting.
on creativity, independence
                                                                                       in Europe devoted to the
and applied learning.                                                                  study and prevention
                                            Where can it lead?                         of mental health
A pioneering degree                         Studying psychology opens up               problems. It is a leading
                                            opportunities to develop your              provider of education
This programme will provide you with a      career across a range of sectors
thorough understanding of psychology        such as education, healthcare, social      at all levels, building
as a science, covering the core areas       care, criminal and legal services.         upon its unrivalled
of psychology and their application.
                                            Your degree could lead to a                reputation in mental
There is an emphasis on research and        career in areas such as forensic
its application as well as on the use and   psychology, health psychology,             health and related
acquisition of psychological knowledge      youth services, counselling or             sciences. With content
through exposure to real world issues.      human resource management.
                                                                                       developed by renowned
As a graduate of this programme,
you will be able to:                        Local recognition                          academics at IoPPN and
• demonstrate a sound understanding
                                                                                       beyond, the online BSc
                                            In some countries, qualifications earned
  of all the main areas of psychology
                                            by distance and flexible learning may
                                                                                       in Psychology blends
• demonstrate the ability to                not be recognised by certain authorities   world class teaching
  exercise critical judgement in the
  evaluation of research in the field
                                            or regulators for the purposes of public
                                            sector employment or further study.
                                                                                       with internationally
                                            We advise you to explore the local         leading, society-
• apply a critical understanding
  of essential concepts, principles
                                            recognition status before your register,   changing research.”
                                            even if you plan to receive support
  and research in psychology, and
                                            from a Recgonised Teaching Centre.
  critically evaluate the results, in the                                              Dr Juliet Foster
  context of loosely defined scenarios,     For more details on Recognised
                                                                                       Dean of Education at IoPPN
  using structured arguments                Teaching Centres, visit:
  based in empirical evidence               bit.ly/recognised-centres

6                      Undergraduate programmes in Psychology
2021 Psychology Undergraduate programmes in
london.ac.uk/psychology   7
2021 Psychology Undergraduate programmes in
How you study

                                             The programme offers
                                             a variety of highly-
                                             engaging learning
                                             materials and activities.
                                             Your learning experience will
                                             be enhanced with an accessible
                                             and attractive learning platform,
                                             opportunities for self-assessment, so
                                             you can understand your own progress,
                                             and enhanced online student support.

                                             Programme structure
                                             The BSc Psychology consists of:
                                             • eight 15-credit compulsory
                                               modules at FHEQ Level 4
                                             • eight 15-credit compulsory
                                               modules at FHEQ Level 5
                                             • six 15-credit compulsory
                                               modules at FHEQ Level 6
                                             • one 30-credit Research Project.*

                                             *Please note, the research project
                                             relates to 45 credits overall split into
                                             two elements: one 15-credit Research
                                             project preparation module; and
                                             one 30-credit Research project.
                                             As you progress through your
                                             BSc studies, you may apply for
                                             an intermediate qualification or
                                             qualifications (Certificate of Higher
                                             Education and/or Diploma of
                                             Higher Education in Psychology).

8   Undergraduate programmes in Psychology
2021 Psychology Undergraduate programmes in
Study modules                              • The Online Library provides access to   You can study at your own pace, either
                                             over 100 million academic electronic    part-time or full-time, adjusting the
Programme modules cover a range              items comprising ebooks, e-journals,    intensity of learning to suit your needs.
of areas including healthcare,               conference proceedings etc. In
                                                                                     You do not have to enter for
social care, education and law.              addition, students can request items
                                                                                     examinations every year if you have
                                             which are not held in the library via
For further information on intermediate                                              not had enough time to allocate to
                                             the Inter Library Loans service with
qualifications and available modules,                                                your studies. As a guide, you should
                                             the British Library. All registered
please visit: london.ac.uk/psychology                                                dedicate at least 35 hours per week for
                                             students have free access to the
                                                                                     approximately 34 weeks of the year if
                                             University of London’s Online Library
                                                                                     you intend to complete the maximum
Online support                               via: onlinelibrary.london.ac.uk
                                                                                     of four new 15-credit modules, or
                                           • Senate House Library provides           two new 15-credit modules and the
The programme is delivered online and        free reference access for               30-credit Research Project each session.
there is no requirement to come to the       all registered distance and
UK as part of your studies. Our flexible     flexible learning students.
online programme allows you to work                                                  Assessment
around your own schedule and leads
                                                                                     The format and mode of assessment
to a globally recognised qualification.    Study materials                           for this programme may change due
When you register, we will give you                                                  to events or circumstances beyond
access to the Student Portal. You          All essential resources, activities,
                                                                                     our control. Students will be informed
can then access your University of         videos, discussions and support are
                                                                                     of their assessment arrangements via
London email account and other key         provided through the VLE. This allows
                                                                                     their VLE, once confirmed. For the
resources including the following:         you to fit your studies around your
                                                                                     latest information on examinations,
                                           work commitments. There is no need
• The Student guide provides                                                         please visit: london.ac.uk/exams
                                           to purchase additional textbooks.
  information which is common
  to all students and gives useful
  information about your relationship      Flexible study
  with the University of London
  through to graduation.                   The flexible approach to learning
                                           allows students to complete the BSc
• The Virtual Learning Environment         Psychology in a minimum of three
  (VLE) which offers online learning       years (subject to module availability)
  support, access to the student           to a maximum of six years.
  café and discussion areas and
  other study materials.

                                                                            london.ac.uk/psychology                           9
Entrance requirements and
further information
Entry criteria                             consider whether any alternative/             For more information about specific
                                           incomplete qualifications or work             software requirements, please
You should normally have at least:         experience you have are suitable              visit: london.ac.uk/psychology
                                           for entry to the programme.
• three UK GCE A-levels at grade
  DDE or an acceptable equivalent                                                        How to apply
                                           English language
• one of these A-levels must be                                                          Please refer to the BSc Psychology
  obtained in Maths, Psychology            requirements                                  web pages for details on how to
  or Biology at grade A–D                                                                apply: london.ac.uk/psychology
                                           You must satisfy the English
• a UK GCSE Maths grade A–C/9–4            language requirements for the
  or equivalent and                        programme. Currently this is an:              Fees
• be age 17+ by the registration           • IELTS: overall score of at least 6.5 with
  deadline of your enrolment session.        a minimum of 6.0 in each subcategory        The total fee payable to the University
                                             or equivalent. This must have been          of London for 2021–2022 will be
We accept qualifications from all around     obtained within the past three years.       published on our website once
the world, for details of these please                                                   confirmed. On average, fees incur a
visit: bit.ly/psychology-entry-reqs                                                      five per cent year-on-year increase. For
                                           For more information on the
                                                                                         the latest information on programme
                                           requirements please visit:
                                                                                         fees, please visit: london.ac.uk/fees
Performance-based entry                    london.ac.uk/psychology
                                                                                         Please note: student fees shown on
                                           If you do not meet the English language
If you do not meet the minimum entry                                                     our website are net of any local VAT,
                                           proficiency requirements but believe
requirements, you may still be eligible                                                  Goods and Services Tax (GST) or any
                                           that you can demonstrate the requisite
to apply through the performance-                                                        other sales tax payable by the student
                                           proficiency, the University may, at its
based route. For further information                                                     in their country of residence. Where
                                           discretion, consider your application.
visit: bit.ly/Psychology-entry-reqs                                                      the University is required to add VAT,
                                                                                         GST or any other sales tax at the local
                                           Computer requirements                         statutory rate, this will be added to
What if I do not meet                                                                    the fees shown during the payment
the above criteria?                        For this programme, you will need             process. For students resident in the
                                           regular access to a computer with             UK, our fees are exempt from VAT.
Even if you do not meet the                an internet connection. You will also
standard requirements, we will             need Adobe Flash Player to view
consider each application on its own       video material and a media player
merits. Our Admissions Panel will          (such as VLC) to play video files.

10                   Undergraduate programmes in Psychology
The information contained in this
          prospectus was correct at the
          date of publication but may be
          subject to change. The University
          does not intend by publication or
          distribution of this prospectus to
          create any contractual or other legal
          relation with applicants, registered
          students, their advisers or any other
          persons. For the most up-to-date
          information, please visit our website.
          Published by University of London.
          Copyright © University of London,
          November 2020.

london.ac.uk/psychology                        11
For further information on the range of programmes we offer,
please visit our website (london.ac.uk) or contact us at:
The Student Advice Centre
University of London
Senate House, Malet Street
London WC1E 7HU                                                                                      View the
United Kingdom                                                                                       Psychology
Telephone enquires: +44 (0)20 7862 8360                                                              web page
Online enquiries: sid.london.ac.uk

This material is available in alternative formats upon request.
Please contact: special.arrangements@london.ac.uk

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