2021 WA 2021 WA High Schools Cup High Schools Cup - Competition Handbook Competition Hand

Page created by Bernard Rogers
2021 WA 2021 WA High Schools Cup High Schools Cup - Competition Handbook Competition Hand

         2021 WA
         2021 WA
     High Schools Cup
     High Schools Cup
    Competition Handbook
 2021 WA High Schools Cup Competition Handbook

Competition Hand                                 book
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2021 WA 2021 WA High Schools Cup High Schools Cup - Competition Handbook Competition Hand

1.          UPCOMING VOLLEYBALL EVENTS .......................................................................................................... 4

2.          IMPORTANT DATES AND INFORMATION .............................................................................................. 5
     a.            KEY DATES ............................................................................................................................................ 5

     b.            TOURNAMENT VENUES AND DATES ................................................................................................. 5

3.          TOURNAMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS .......................................................................................... 6
     a.            NOMINATIONS .................................................................................................................................... 6

     i.            HOW TO NOMINATE ......................................................................................................................... 6

     ii.           DIVISIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 6

     iii.          PAYMENT INFORMATION ................................................................................................................ 6

     iv.           LATE ENTRIES ..................................................................................................................................... 7
     b.            TEAM COMPOSITION .......................................................................................................................... 7

     c.            COMPETITON FORMAT ....................................................................................................................... 7

     i.            MATCH FORMAT ................................................................................................................................ 7

     ii.           FINALS FORMAT ................................................................................................................................. 9

     iii.          VOLLEYBALL RULES .......................................................................................................................... 9

     iv.           SUBSTITUTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 10

     v.            incomplete and deciding SETs...................................................................................................... 10

     vi.           FORFEITS ........................................................................................................................................... 11
     d.            PLAYER ELIGIBILITY FOR FINALS ..................................................................................................... 11

     e.            UNIFORMS ......................................................................................................................................... 11

     f.            DUTY ................................................................................................................................................... 11

     g.            POINTS SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................. 12

     h.            AWARDS ............................................................................................................................................. 12

     i.            Mikasa MVP’S ................................................................................................................................... 13

     ii.           PRESIDENT’S CUP AND AGGREGATE MALE / FEMALE SHIELD ............................................... 13
     i.            INJURIES AND INSURANCE .............................................................................................................. 13

     j.            QUALIFICATION FOR THE AUSTRALIAN VOLLEYBALL SCHOOLS CUP (AVSC) ............................ 14

     k.            VWA CLAUSE ...................................................................................................................................... 14

4.          COMPETITION VENUES ........................................................................................................................... 14
     a.            WARWICK STADIUM.......................................................................................................................... 15

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2021 WA 2021 WA High Schools Cup High Schools Cup - Competition Handbook Competition Hand
b.           LOFTUS RECREATION CENTRE ......................................................................................................... 15

     c.           THE RISE RECREATION CENTRE ....................................................................................................... 16

     d.           LORDS RECREATION CENTRE ........................................................................................................... 16

     e. BENDAT BASKETBALL CENTRE ................................................................................................................. 17

5.        FORCE MAJEURE ....................................................................................................................................... 18

6.        DISPUTES, PROTESTS AND APPEALS .................................................................................................... 18
     a.           DISPUTES ............................................................................................................................................ 18

     b.           PROTESTS AND APPEALS .................................................................................................................. 18

     c.           PROCEDURE FOR LODGING A PROTEST DURING THE GAME ....................................................... 18

     d.           PROCEDURE FOR LODGING AN APPEAL......................................................................................... 19

7.        CHILD SAFEGUARDING ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

8.        APPENDICIES ............................................................................................................................................. 20
     a.           VWA MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT & CODE OF CONDUCT .............................................................. 20

     8.2         VWA CODES OF CONDUCT ................................................................................................................ 21

     b.           VWA FORMS AND REPORTS ............................................................................................................. 26

9.        VOLLEYBALL WA SPONSORS AND SUPPORTERS .............................................................................. 28

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1.1 Western Australia

                        DATE                             EVENT

                      13-Aug-21                 WAV Junior League Finals

                  20-August-21                WA Schools Cup Year 11-12
                   (30-July-21)                   (Nominations Close)
                26/27-August-21               WA Schools Cup Year 7-10
                   (30-July-21)                   (Nominations Close)
                  28-August-21             WA Schools Cup Honours Finals

                   19-Sept-21                   WAVL State League Finals

                      23-Oct-21                   VWA Awards Dinner

                      18-Oct-21          WA Youth Beach Preseason Program
                                         Think Again High School Beach Cup
                                                      Term 4
                                                  (Nominations Close)
               November 2021 –           Alcohol. Think Again Beach Volleyball
                  April 2022                             Tour

1.2 National Events

                        DATE                             EVENT

              5-11 December 2021           Australian Volleyball Schools Cup

                 Oct - Dec 2021               Australian Volleyball League

For additional information check the 2021 What’s On Section on the Volleyball WA Website.

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  a.     KEY DATES

       DATE                  YRS 11/12 (Open)                        YRS 7/8/9/10
30 July 2021                         Close of Nominations and Teams lists
2 August 2021                        Nomination invoices sent to Schools
4 August 2021                                  Teacher Meeting
9 August 2021                              Player Registrations Due
                       Teams pulling out after this date forfeit the full nomination fee
10 August 2021                     Deadline for payment of nomination fees
                           (Only financial teams will be included in the fixtures.)
11 August 2021               Fixtures released
17 August 2021                                                     Fixtures released
20 August 2021           WA Volleyball Schools Cup-
                              Yr 11/12 (Open)
26/27 August 2021                                            WA Volleyball Schools Cup-
                                                                      Yr 7/8/9/10
28 August 2021                    WA Volleyball Schools Cup Honours Finals


         DATE                   ROUND                                VENUE
                                                  Warwick Stadium, Loftus Recreation Centre,
20 August (Friday)          Yr 11/12 (Open)
                                                  The Rise, Bendat Basketball Arena
                                                  Warwick Stadium, Loftus Recreation Centre,
26 August (Thursday)        Yr 7/8/9/10           Lords Recreation Centre, The Rise, Bendat
                                                  Basketball Arena
                                                  Warwick Stadium, Loftus Recreation Centre,
27 August (Friday)          Yr 7/8/9/10           Lords Recreation Centre, The Rise, Bendat
                                                  Basketball Arena
                            Yr 8/9/10/11/12
28 August (Saturday)                              Warwick Stadium (Finals only)

  Volleyball WA reserves the right to alter any of the above date allocations
  depending on number of entries and court availability should it benefit the
  competition. Yr 7/8/9/10 teams may only play on one out of two days for divisions
  or two out of three for honours depending on the total number of entries.

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       a.     NOMINATIONS

  I.          HOW TO NOMINATE

       The tournament is open to all Western Australian schools.

       Each school has guaranteed one license for Open Honours division for each gender.
       Volleyball WA reserves the right to change this if it benefits the competition.

       To nominate please complete the online nomination forms. These can also be found on
       the VWA Website.
       All year groups - https://bit.ly/36mBNgP

       For those players that are not a current VWA member, they will be issued a ‘Gold- School
       students membership’ for this competition. This is included in the team nomination fee.

       It is the player’s responsibility to read the ‘Volleyball WA Membership Agreement & Code
       of Conduct’ that is included in Appendix 8.1.

       Please view all deadlines in the Key Dates table 2a on page 5.

 II.          DIVISIONS

       The competition will be divided by gender (Boys and Girls), year groups (7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and
       12) and grades (Honours, A and B).
        Year 7           A and B Divisions
        Year 8           Honours, A and B Divisions
        Year 9           Honours, A and B Divisions
        Year 10          Honours, A and B Divisions
        Year 11          Honours, A and B Divisions
        Year 12          Honours, A and B Divisions

       Volleyball WA will endeavour to grade teams according to their nomination. However,
       VWA reserves the right to merge divisions or create additional divisions, subject to


       Nomination fee: Teams will be invoiced following the close of all nominations.

                              Honours Division       A + B Divisions
        Non - Regional              $355                  $305
        Regional*                   $335                  $285
       * Only for schools that require overnight accommodation
       Acceptable payment methods:

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-   Cheque to: Volleyball WA (include invoice number in the back of the cheque)
           -   Credit Card over the phone: 9228 8522 (3% surcharge)
           -   EFTPOS
           -   Direct Debit: BSB 066 106, ACC 902237

IV.            LATE ENTRIES

      NO LATE ENTRIES ARE GUARANTEED ACCEPTANCE. Late entries will only be accepted if
      it benefits the competition draw (i.e. to replace a bye or another withdrawal).

      Volleyball WA may need to refuse team nominations if it benefits the structure of the
      tournament. Teams who nominate first will take preference if such a situation occurs. As
      a result VWA strongly encourages schools to nominate early to avoid the possible removal
      of teams.

      b.       TEAM COMPOSITION

      All teams must have a minimum of seven (7) and a maximum of twelve (12) same gender

      All players must be enrolled at the indicated school.

      A player can only play for one team during the tournament. If special circumstances
      warrant it, (sickness/injuries) a team may, on application to the VWA Competitions and
      Events Coordinator, request a player(s) to move to a higher division. If permission is
      granted, the player(s) shall be tied to the higher division for the remainder of the

      Under exceptional circumstances VWA may allow mix gender teams in younger grades if
      it is beneficial to the tournament. If this is to occur, the team will be placed in the year of
      the oldest player in the team, in the Boys’ division.

      Schools must request exceptional circumstances prior to the close of nominations.

      An athlete is only eligible to represent one School. Shall the fact be brought to the
      Tournament Director’s attention; the offending team will forfeit the game.

      c.       COMPETITON FORMAT

 I.            MATCH FORMAT
      A minimum of 3 matches are guaranteed for all teams in all grades unless due to
      unforeseen circumstances such as a forfeit or team withdrawal after the final
      fixtures have been released.

      It is the responsibility of the winning team to bring the completed score sheet to the
      Tournament Director’s desk.

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2021 WA 2021 WA High Schools Cup High Schools Cup - Competition Handbook Competition Hand
The first whistle of the match will be at the fixtured time and all games will finish on time
regardless of when they commence.

Volleyball WA reserves the right to alter any of the regulations if it benefits the

                                                                         Yr 7-8
                                                                         Time limit: 45mins + 5min

 Best of 3 sets. Sets 1 & 2 point per rally to 25 points uncapped. 3rd
                                                                         Yr 9-10
 set point per rally to 15 uncapped.
                                                                         Time limit: 50mins +10min
 1 time out per set and no time outs in the last 5 min of the match.
                                                                         Yr 11-12 (Open)
                                                                         Time limit: 50mins +10min
                                                                         Yr 7-8
                                                                         Time limit: 45mins + 5min
 Best of 3 sets. Sets 1 & 2 point per rally to 25 points uncapped. 3rd
 set point per rally to 15 uncapped
                                                                         Yr 9-10
 No drawn matches If it is a deciding set, two points advantage will
                                                                         Time limit: 50mins + 10min
 be required to win the set.
 1 time out per set and no time outs in the last 5 min of the match.
                                                                         Yr 11-12 (Open)
                                                                         Time limit: 50mins +10min
 Division A & B
 Best of 3 sets. Sets 1 & 2 point per rally to 25 points uncapped. 3rd
 set point per rally to 15 uncapped

 Honours Division
 Best of 5 sets. Sets 1 – 4 point rally to 25 points uncapped. 5th set
 point per rally to 15 uncapped.
 No drawn matches If it is a deciding set, two point’s advantage will
 be required to win the set.
 1 time out per set and no time outs in the last 5 min of the match.

 DIVISION                 NET HEIGHT                       HONOURS
 YEAR 7                   BOYS: 2.15 m   GIRLS: 2.10 m     NO
 YEAR 8                   BOYS: 2.24 m   GIRLS: 2.10 m     YES
 YEAR 9                   BOYS: 2.35 m   GIRLS: 2.15 m     YES
 YEAR 10                  BOYS: 2.35 m   GIRLS: 2.15 m     YES
 YEAR 11                  BOYS: 2.43 m   GIRLS: 2.24 m     YES
 YEAR 12 (OPEN)           BOYS: 2.43 m   GIRLS: 2.24 m     YES

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        Format        Round 1             Round 2
        4 teams       G#1                 GF
                      1st vs 4th          W G#1 vs W G#2

                       2nd vs 3rd
       If a Division has more than one pool, then a cross over finals format will apply.

       If a Division has more than two pools the finals format will be determined based on
       number of pools and court availability. This will be determined by the VWA Competitions
       and Events Coordinator.


       Rules from the FIVB Official Rules book 2017-2020 will be applied with changes that are
       specific  to    this competition.     The    rule  book     can    be    found here:

       Honours Division of Year 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 (Open) will utilize the WAVL Twelve-substitution
       score sheet.

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All other divisions will utilize a simplified score sheet.

      The official match balls for the competition are the Mikasa V200W


      Teams can substitute players when rotating to serve. If a team chooses this option for
      substitutions it has to be maintained for the complete set.

      YEAR 10, 11 & Open Honours: Twelve-substitution rule applies.


      During the Round Matches, if only one set is completed at the end of time, the team
      that has won the first set will be awarded the match. Incomplete second sets will not be
      counted. Incomplete sets are only considered in the final result when set scores are tied
      i.e. 3rd and 5th set only.

      In the case of a deciding set (3rd or 5th Set) being unfinished at the end of the time limit,
      the team holding 8 or more points, with a 2 point lead, will be awarded that set, and thus
      the match. If above 8 points, the game continues until a team is ahead by 2 points.
      Subsequent games will be played with reduced time if necessary. If neither team has
      reached 8 points the match is declared a draw.

      During Semi-Finals, if the deciding set is incomplete, the team with any 2 point lead at
      the end of time will be awarded the match i.e. 2 - 0. If the scores are tied, the match will
      continue until a team gains a 2-point advantage. If the second set is incomplete (set score
      is 1 – 0) at the end of time, the team that won the first set will be awarded the win.

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VI.          FORFEITS

      Teams are requested to be in attendance at their court 5 minutes before their fixture
      time. It is the responsibility of the captain to report to the referee at least 2 minutes
      before the commencement of their game so that the coin toss does not affect the start
      of the game. After the referee has called the teams to line up for the start of the game,
      unless six players are present the following applies:

      Best of 3 sets
      a)     First set is forfeited.
      b)     If less than 5 players are present after 5 minutes, the game shall be forfeited.

      Best of 5 sets
      a)     First set is forfeited.
      b)     If less than 6 players are present after 5 minutes, the 2nd set is forfeited.
      c)     If less than 6 players are present after 10 minutes, the game shall be forfeited.

      Teams not “showing up” for finals will be ineligible to enter into the tournament the
      following year.
      Exceptional circumstances will be considered by the VWA Tournament Director and/or


      All members of the School Team must play a minimum of 2 Round Matches games in
      order to qualify for finals. If a player is not able to qualify for finals due to extenuating
      circumstances such as religious ineligibility, they need to be involved in a coaching or
      organisational role in order to be eligible for finals. Volleyball WA will provide sole
      discretion on acceptable reasons for ineligibility.

      e.     UNIFORMS

      All teams will need to play in a team uniform. This shall include same colour / cut / style
      tops with numbers (numbers can be temporary) and similar colour / style shorts.
      Numbers can also be placed on the arm in a visible spot. All players will need to wear
      enclosed shoes whilst playing.

      Libero players’ uniform must contrast in colour with the rest of the team’s uniform

      If a team does not have matching uniforms a $50 penalty applies.

      f.     DUTY

      Teams will be rostered for duty and will need to provide a top referee (Yr 11/12 only),
      second referee, two scorers and two line officials. A top referee will be provided by
      VWA where possible. For all finals matches a top referee will be provided, the duty

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teams will be required to provide a second referee, two scorers and two line officials.

Duty teams are to report to the match officials five minutes prior to the match. A
referee coordinator will be present at all venues to oversee the games.

Failure to provide duty personnel will result in $100 penalty and loss of one point.

Duty teams must provide their own whistles for their referees.


The following points system is in place to form the ladder of each division in order
to select the teams eligible for finals;

       WIN                DRAW                LOSS              FORFEIT
        3                   2                  1                  -1

In the case of the teams being on equal points at the end of the Round Matches the following

Sets ratio

If teams are tied on points, the order of ranking will be determined by Sets Ratio. The team with
the highest set ratio (to three decimal points) will be awarded the higher placing in the Round
                                     Sets won
           Set ratio =
                                Sets won + Sets lost

Point’s ratio

If the tie still exists after the calculation of the Sets Ratio, the order of ranking will be determined
by Points Ratio. The team with the highest Points ratio (to three decimal points) will be awarded
the higher placing in the Round Matches:

                                   Points won
          Point ratio=
                            Points won + Points lost
(Please note: Only in complete or counting sets)

If teams have played an unequal amount of games the following applies first:

Win ratio

The team with the highest win ratio (to three decimal points) will be awarded the higher placing
in the Round Matches:
                                  Points won
          Win ratio =
                               Matches played

h.      AWARDS

2021 WA High Schools Cup Competition Handbook
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I.             MIKASA MVP’S

      There will be an MVP player chosen from the Grand Final Match of each division. The
      Top Referee of the match will select the player.


      The President’s Cup will be awarded at the end of the Year 7-10 Schools Cup and will be
      determined by each school’s top 6 results.

      The Aggregate Shield will be awarded to the Boy’s and Girl’s school based on the top 4
      results for each relevant gender.

           Honours Divisions               A Divisions                   B Divisions
           WINNERS        120 points       WINNERS          80 points    WINNERS         60 points
           RUNNERS UP     110 points       RUNNERS UP       75 points    RUNNERS         55 points
           EQUAL 3RD      100 points       EQUAL 3RD        72 points    EQUAL 3RD       52 points
           EQUAL 5TH      90 points        EQUAL 5TH        68 points    EQUAL 5TH       48 points
           EQUAL 7TH      82 points        EQUAL 7TH        64 points    EQUAL 7TH       44 points
           EQUAL 9TH      79 points        EQUAL 9TH        59 points    EQUAL 9TH       39 points


      All personal accidents or injuries should be reported to the Tournament Coordinator on
      duty at the venue. The Tournament Coordinator will complete an Injury Report Form for
      the injured participant that will be required to be submitted for any Insurance Claims.
      Please ensure that the player’s name is also on the scoresheet as this will be needed as
      proof of participation. See Appendix Page25.

      Players must provide their own strapping etc. Ice will be available at the centre for new
      injuries only.
      VWA recommends to schools to bring their own first aid qualified, trained staff.

      The Volleyball Australia 2021/2022 National Insurance Program covers all players that are
      current VWA members.

      For those players nominated by the school issued with a ‘Gold- School students
      membership’ this insurance will also cover them in case of injury during this event. More
      details about the insurance and how to make a claim can be found following this link:

      For serious injuries please visit the closest Hospital:

      Warwick Stadium:

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Joondalup Health Campus (Public)
Address: Cnr Grand Blvd & Shenton Ave, Joondalup, WA 6027
Phone: 08 9400 9400

Loftus Recreational Centre, Lords Recreation Centre & Bendat Basketball Centre:
St John of God Subiaco Hospital
Address: 12 Salvado Rd, Subiaco WA 6008
Phone: 08 9382 6111

Royal Perth Hospital Wellington Street Campus
Address: Wellington Street, Perth, WA 6000
Phone: 08 9224 2244

The Rise:
Royal Perth Hospital Wellington Street Campus
Address: Wellington Street, Perth, WA 6000
Phone: 08 9224 2244


Teams wanting to participate in the Australian Volleyball Schools Cup in Honours
divisions have to qualify through the appropriate division in the WA Volleyball Schools

All other divisions are permitted to play in year groups at WA Volleyball Schools Cup.


Volleyball WA reserves the right to amend the WA High Schools Cup Competition
Regulations at any time.


All information address’s and contact details for the venues utilised for the 2021
Volleyball WA School Cup, are listed below.

2021 WA High Schools Cup Competition Handbook
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Address: Warwick Rd & Wanneroo Road, Warwick WA 6024
Phone :(08) 9247 2266
Website: http://warwickstadium.com.au
Directions: https://goo.gl/BzHk04
                                  COURTS LAYOUT


Address: Vincent St & Loftus St, Leederville WA 6007
Phone: (08) 9227 6526
Directions: http://bit.ly/2K24CSf
                                    COURTS LAYOUT

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Address: 28 Eighth Avenue, Maylands
Phone: (08) 9208 2400
Website: http://www.bayswater.wa.gov.au/about-bayswater/the-rise
Directions: https://goo.gl/7Gktlg
                                  COURTS LAYOUT


Address: 5 Wembley Court, Subiaco WA 6008
Phone: (08) 6229 6600
Website: https://www.lords.com.au/
Directions: http://bit.ly/2KXmtO5

                                    COURTS LAYOUT

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Address: 201 Underwood Ave, Floreat WA 6014
Phone: (08) 6272 0741
Website: https://www.venueswest.wa.gov.au/venues/bendat-basketball-centre/
Direction: https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/Bendat+Basketball+Centre/

                                    COURTS LAYOUT

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Force Majeure Event:

For the purpose of these regulations a Force Majeure Event includes but is not limited to
any or all of the following:
   • Acts of God including flood, drought, earthquake, storm, cyclone, fire, explosion,
       epidemic; or
   • War; or
   • Terrorism; or
   • Riot or civil disturbances; or
   • Permanent injunction of any duty constituted court of competent jurisdiction; or
   • Any fact, circumstances, matter or thing beyond the reasonable control of VWA.

     A. If VWA is unable to perform, in whole or part in any obligation under these
        regulations of a Force Majeure Event, VWA is relieved of that obligation under
        these regulations to the extent, and the period it is unable to perform.
     B. In addition to the above, VWA has no obligation to refund any individual or team
        fees paid if it is unable to perform by reason of Force Majeure Event.


a.      DISPUTES

In a case of a dispute between Schools and / or members, and / or Competition and
Schools personnel and officials, one or both of the parties of the dispute may request
the VWA Chief Executive Officer to commence proceedings as per the VWA Member
Protection Policy Complaints Procedure.


The following Protests can occur;
   • Protest during the game - a protest can be lodged regarding an incorrect rule
       interpretation but not ball handling / opinion.
   • Appeal post game – and appeal can be lodged in regard to a rejected protest.


All protests will be resolved ‘on-the-spot’ by the VWA Tournament Director.

The procedure to lodge a protest is as follows;
   a) At the conclusion of the point either the Coach or the Team Captain may lodge a
      protest. The protest must be lodged immediately and cannot be lodged
   b) The 1st Referee will suspend play and call upon the Tournament Director.
   c) All protests must be resolved immediately by the Tournament Director.

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d) The result of the protest is final and the teams must recommence the match

If a team refuses to recommence the match, the team will forfeit the match and will be
liable for the forfeit penalties.

Should the protest be rejected by the VWA Tournament Director, the team coach / captain
that lodged the protest will be sanctioned with a penalty.

Any decision made on the day by the VWA Tournament Director is valid and a team /
player in breach of a rule should accept this decision and play on.


If a team / player feels the interpretation of a rule resulting in a rejected protest was
incorrect they are entitled to Appeal the decision.

The following procedure will apply;
   1. The School representative must submit an appeal in writing (by email) to the VWA
       Competitions and Events Coordinator (competitions@volleyballwa.com.au) by
       5.00pm on the next working day following the Round Matches.
   2. The appeal should note the following information:
           a. Situation outlined in detail
           b. Tournament Director’s ruling
           c. The School’s interpretation of the rule
   3. The Western Australia Volleyball League WAVJL Technical Committee will respond
       to the School’s letter within three business days.

If the School representative wishes to protest the decision of the WAVJL Technical
Committee the following procedure applies;
    a) The School representative applies by written submission to the VWA Chief
       Executive Officer.
    b) The written submission must be within 24 hours of the decision reached by the
       WAVL Technical Committee. The written submission is to be accompanied by an
       Appeal fee payment of $150.00 (which will be returned to the School if the Appeal
       is successful, if the Appeal is unsuccessful then the Appeal fee payment will be
       retained by VWA.)
    c) If applicable the VWA Chief Executive Officer will forward the protest information
       to the VWA Board of Management and / or consult any other person (s) that has
       the relevant expertise so as to ensure that an informed decision is made.
    d) The VWA Chief Executive Officer / VWA Board (if applicable) decision is final.

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VWA is a Child Safe Organisation which aims to safeguard the well-being of all children
and young people who participate in our sport. All participants, officials and staff are
required to comply with the VWA Child Safeguarding Policy and abide by the VWA
Codes of Conduct.

Images of children VWA requests that no images of children are taken during the course
of activities and events of the association. Where possible, an official photographer will
be provided for state events.


All athletes, coaches, referees and participants are bound by the Volleyball WA code of
conduct and recognized in this event as a registered member.
• I hereby agree to the following terms & conditions upon participating in any Western
    Australian Volleyball Association program, event and / or activity:
• As a registered member of Volleyball WA I undertake at all times to represent myself
    in a way that will not bring myself, Volleyball WA, Volleyball Australia or the sport of
    volleyball as a whole into disrepute.
• As a registered member of Volleyball WA I undertake to abide by the guidelines as
    included in the Australian Volleyball and Volleyball WA Member Protection Policy and
    Codes of Conduct.
• As a registered member of Volleyball WA I agree to be bound by the Australian
    Volleyball Anti-Doping policy and by the WADA (World Anti-Drug Agency) Anti-Doping
    policies as in force from time to time.
• As a registered member of Volleyball WA I acknowledge that there are risks involved
    in playing volleyball and agree to indemnify Volleyball WA and / or their volunteers
    and employees from liability for any injury or loss suffered whilst participating in
    activities involving Volleyball WA and its affiliates (VWA Clubs and Associations). I
    confirm that I am physically and mentally capable of playing volleyball.
• As a registered member of Volleyball WA I acknowledge that Volleyball WA will not be
    responsible for any financial loss or damage or injury that I may incur whilst playing
    volleyball. I understand that Volleyball WA has Personal Accident Insurance coverage
    for individual members whilst participating in VWA sanctioned events. I understand
    that is my responsibility to ensure that I have adequate additional insurance cover for
    all my personal needs.
• As a registered member of Volleyball WA I understand that my personal information
    will only be used in accordance with the objects and purposes of Volleyball WA and in
    relation to its data-base. I also acknowledge that my personal information will be
    passed on to Volleyball Australia as the peak governing body for the sport in Australia.
• As a registered member of Volleyball WA I hereby authorise and grant VWA or their
    sanctioned agents the right to use my name, voice, likeness and biographical material
    for the limited purposes of publicising, promoting and advertising the program, and

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for filming, televising and broadcasting, web casting, broadband and related IP/TCP
    internet presentations of the same.
•   By accepting these terms and conditions I hereby give Volleyball WA permission to
    publish any images (photographs / videos) taken of me on the Volleyball WA Website,
    Facebook or any other public forum where the association decides to promote the
•   By accepting these terms and conditions I hereby give Volleyball WA or their
    sanctioned agents the right to make use and show, from time to time and at its
    discretion, motion pictures, live, taped or filmed television and video footage through
    any medium including digital and internet protocols of the player taken during the
    program without further compensation and hereby waive any right to such
    compensation for player and their heirs.
•   By accepting these terms and conditions (and the relevant Volleyball WA Rules and
    Regulation and Competition By-Laws), I understand that this is an agreement
    between myself, Volleyball WA and their sanctioned agents to abide to these terms,
    and that they may be subject to sanctions if they have been found to be in breach of
    these Terms & Conditions.
•   The term of this Agreement shall be a period of player’s membership duration.



As a person required to comply with this Policy, you must meet the following
requirements in regard to your conduct during any activity held or sanctioned by
Volleyball Australia, a Member State or a State Affiliate and in any role you hold within
Volleyball Australia, a Member State or a State Affiliate:
• Respect the rights dignity and worth of others.
• Be fair, considerate and honest in all dealing with others.
• Be professional in, and accept responsibility for your actions.
• Make a commitment to providing quality service.
• Demonstrate a high degree of individual responsibility especially when dealing with
    persons under 18 years of age, as your words and actions are an example.
• Be aware of, and maintain an uncompromising adhesion to Volleyball Australia
    standards, rules, regulations and policies.
• Operate within the rules of Volleyball Australia including national policies and
    guidelines which govern Volleyball Australia and the Member States.
• Understand your responsibility if you breach, or are aware of any breaches of this
    Code of Behaviour.
• Do not use your involvement with Volleyball Australia, a Member State or a State
    Affiliate to promote your own beliefs, behaviours or practices where these are
    inconsistent with those of Volleyball Australia, the Member States or the State
• Avoid unaccompanied and unobserved activities with persons under 18 years of age,
    wherever possible.

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•   Refrain from any form of abuse towards others.
•   Refrain from any form of harassment towards, or discrimination of, others.
•   Provide a safe environment for the conduct of the activity.
•   Show concern and caution towards others who may be sick or injured.
•   Be a positive role model.

VWA / Volleyball Australia Member Protection Policy (page 25)


In addition to the General Code of Behaviour, you must meet the following requirements
in regard to your conduct during any activity held or sanctioned by Volleyball Australia, a
Member State or a State Affiliate and in your role as a coach of Volleyball Australia, a
Member State or a State Affiliate:

Operate within the rules and spirit of your sport, promoting fair play over winning at
any cost
Encourage and support opportunities for people to learn appropriate behaviours and
Support opportunities for participation in all aspects of the sport

Safety and Health of Participants
• Place the safety and welfare of the participants above all else.
• Be aware of and support the sport’s injury management plans and return to play

Coaching excellence
• Help each person (athlete, official, etc.) to reach their potential. Respect the talent,
   developmental stage and goals of each person and encourage them with positive
   and constructive feedback.
• Encourage and support opportunities for people to learn appropriate behaviours
   and skills. Support opportunities for participation in all aspects of the sport.
• Treat each participant as an individual.
• Obtain appropriate qualifications and keep up-to-date with the latest coaching
   practices and the principles of growth and development of participants.

Honour the sport
• Act within the rules and spirit of your sport.
• Promote fair play over winning at any cost.
• Respect the decisions of officials, coaches and administrators.
• Show respect and courtesy to all involved with the sport.
• Display responsible behaviour in relation to alcohol and other drugs.


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•   Act with integrity and objectivity, and accept responsibility for your decisions and
    actions. Ensure your decisions and actions contribute to a harassment-free
•   Wherever practical, avoid unaccompanied and unobserved one-on-one activity
    (when in a supervisory capacity or where a power imbalance exists) with people
    under the age of 18.
•   Ensure that any physical contact with another person is appropriate to the situation
    and necessary for the person's skill development.
•   Be honest and do not allow your qualifications or coaching experience to be
•   Never advocate or condone the use of illicit drugs or other banned performance
    enhancing substances or methods.
•   Never participate in or advocate practices that involve match fixing.

• Respect the rights and worth of every person, regardless of their age, race, gender,
   ability, cultural background, sexuality or religion.
• Do not tolerate abusive, bullying or threatening behaviour.

VWA / Volleyball Australia Member Protection Policy (page 27)


In addition to the General Code of Behaviour, you must meet the following
requirements in regard to your conduct during any activity held or sanctioned by
Volleyball Australia, a Member State or a State Affiliate and in your role as participants
of Volleyball Australia, a Member State or a State Affiliate:
• Respect the rights, dignity and worth of fellow participants, coaches, officials and
• Refrain from conduct which could be regarded as sexual or other harassment
    towards fellow participants and coaches.
• Respect the talent, potential and development of fellow team members and
• Care and respect the equipment provided to you as part of your program.
• Be frank and honest with your coach concerning illness and injury and your ability to
    train fully within the program requirements.
• Conduct yourself in a professional manner relating to language, temper and
• Maintain high personal behaviour standards at all times.
• Abide by the rules and respect the decision of the adjudicator.
• Be honest in your attitude and preparation to training. Work equally hard for
    yourself and your team.
• Cooperate with coaches and staff in development of programs to adequately
    prepare you for competition at the highest level.

VWA / Volleyball Australia Member Protection Policy (page 28)

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In addition to the General Code of Behaviour, you must meet the following
requirements in regard to your conduct during any activity held or sanctioned by
Volleyball Australia, a Member State or a State Affiliate and in your role as an official
appointed by Volleyball Australia, a Member State or a State Affiliate:
• Operate within the rules and spirit of your sport, promoting fair play over winning at
    any cost
• Encourage and support opportunities for people to learn appropriate behaviours
    and skills
• Support opportunities for participation in all aspects of the sport
• Treat each person as an individual
• Display control and courtesy to all involved with the sport
• Respect the rights and worth of every person regardless of their gender, ability,
    cultural background or religion
• Respect the decisions of officials, coaches and administrators in the conduct of the
• Wherever practical, avoid unaccompanied and unobserved one-on-one activity
    (when in a supervisory capacity or where a power imbalance will exist) with people
    under the age of 18 years
• Adopt appropriate and responsible behaviour in all interactions
• Adopt responsible behaviour in relation to alcohol and other drugs
• Act with integrity and objectivity, and accept responsibility for your decisions and
• Ensure your decisions and actions contribute to a safe environment
• Ensure your decisions and actions contribute to a harassment free environment
• Do not tolerate harmful or abusive behaviours
• Place the safety and welfare of the athletes above all else
• Help each person (athlete, official etc.) reach their potential - respect the talent,
    developmental stage and goals of each person and compliment and encourage with
    positive and supportive feedback
• Any physical contact with a person should be appropriate to the situation and
    necessary for the person’s skill development
• Be honest and do not allow your qualifications to be misrepresented.
• Place the safety and welfare of the athletes above all else
• Be consistent and impartial when making decisions.
• Address unsporting behaviour and promote respect for all people

VWA / Volleyball Australia Member Protection Policy (page 29)


In addition to the General Code of Behaviour, you must meet the following
requirements in regard to your conduct during any activity held or sanctioned by

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Volleyball Australia, a Member State or a State Affiliate and in your role as a
parent/guardian of a participants of Volleyball Australia, a Member State or a State
• Treat your child the same irrespective of them winning or losing.
• Remember that your child participates in the sport of volleyball for their enjoyment
    not yours.
• Try to have fun when you are around your children at competitions. Well-directed
    humour can be a great de-stressor.
• Look relaxed, calm and positive on the sidelines.
• Make friends with other parents at competitions.
• Get involved in appropriate ways if your child or the coach behaves in unacceptable
    ways during competitions.
• Let the coach do the coaching.
• Understand that children will benefit from a break sometimes and that involvement
    in other sports is okay.
• Be there when your child performs poorly. Be an understanding listener rather than
    a critic, judge and/or fixer.
• Be prepared to give your child some space so that he/she can grow and develop as
    an independent person.
• Let your child know that your love for them is not associated with their sporting
• Communicate with your child and ask them how they are really feeling about their
    sport and about competing in particular.
• Occasionally let your child compete without you being there and hovering over
• Emphasise the good things your child did in preparing for and during the
• Try to avoid:
    o Saying “we’re competing today”. Instead say “you’re competing today”. Give your
         child credit for accepting the responsibility of performing.
    o Getting too pushy or believe that you are indispensable. Let the coach do the
    o Living through your child’s performances.
    o Turning away when your child performs.
    o Turning away when your child’s behaviour is unsportsmanlike.
    o Telling your child what he/she did wrong after a tough competition.
    o Making enemies with your child’s opponents or family during a competition.
    o Making your child feel guilty by reminding them about all the time, money and
         sacrifices you are making for his or her sport.
    o Thinking of your child’s sporting performances as an investment for which you
         expect a return.
    o Badgering, harassing or use sarcasm to motivate your child.
    o Comparing your child’s performances with those of other children.
    o Forcing your child to go to training.
    o If they are sick of training find out why and discuss it with them.

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VWA / Volleyball Australia Member Protection Policy (page 30)


Below are a number of forms and reports that may need to be used during the
competition or event. Please follow the process on the form and bring it to the attention
to either the Tournament director or Volleyball WA.

                              VWA COMPLAINTS RECORD
 Date       complaint                   Received by
 Received from                              Complainant
 Complaint against
 Subject of complaint
 Steps of Member         Step 1 – Complainant to resolve themselves
 Protection Policy       Step 2 – Discussion with VWA MPIO
                         Step 3 – Work out issue with informal mediated
                         Step 4 – Formal complaint in writing submitted to
                         VWA Chief Executive Officer
                         Step 5 – Investigation conducted by VWA
                         Step 6 – Investigation outcome reported
                         Step 7 – Appeal lodged
                         Step 8 – Complaint, process and outcome logged

Detail of complaint:

VWA Action taken:

Complaint Recipient
Notes / Observations


Approved by:

Communicated to

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Volleyball WA wishes to thank all of our sponsors and supporters. Thank you to our
Volleyball WA clubs, coaches, officials, volunteers, committee, board members, staff
members, parents, and athletes. We look forward to continuing working with you all in
2021 and the future.

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