2022 Market Report Greater Spokane and Kootenai County - NAI Black

Page created by Guy Miller
2022 Market Report Greater Spokane and Kootenai County - NAI Black
2022 Market Report
Greater Spokane and Kootenai County
2022 Market Report Greater Spokane and Kootenai County - NAI Black
2022 Market Report Greater Spokane and Kootenai County - NAI Black
Table of Contents
 Letter from CEO........................................................ 1

 Retail .........................................................................3

 Industrial ...................................................................5

 Office/Medical Office ................................................7

 Downtown .................................................................9

 Apartments .............................................................11

 Investment ..............................................................13

 Property Management ...........................................15

 CDA/Kootenai County ............................................17

 Principals/Brokers/Property Managers................. 20
2022 Market Report Greater Spokane and Kootenai County - NAI Black
Letter from
                                   the CEO
                                   After 64 years of our company       last year; a record year for the
                                   being in business, 2021 will        brokers in our Spokane and
                                   go down in the history books        Coeur d’Alene offices. Jeff
                                   as an incredible year! We had       Johnson continues to lead our
                                   record sales and leasing and        brokerage group. In 2021 we
                                   our transaction volume was          promoted Devin Mecham to
                                   up more than thirty percent         Sales Manager. Devin brings
                                   higher than a record year in        youth, enthusiasm, and great
                                   2019. Due to growing in-            communication skills to our
                                   migration and the demand for        team. The leading broker in
                                   housing, we completed more          our office was my nephew,
                                   residential development land        Chris Bell, with a personal and
                                   transactions than at any time       company record of production.
                                   in the history of our company.      Chris was followed by Steve
                                   We also sold a great deal of        Ridenour of our Coeur d’Alene
                                   commercial and industrial land.     office and Jon Jeffreys
                                   Investment properties were          completing office deals. We also
                                   a hot commodity; cap rates          set a record for the two largest
                                   compressed and values went up       land transactions ($30 million
                                   more in 2021 than I have seen in    range) in our company history.
                                   my 40 years of business. Gone       One of those land sales resulted
                                   are the 7% and 8% cap rates         in the largest single commission
                                   of the past, and with interest      ever paid to our firm. Ninety
                                   rates poised to increase, it will   percent of our brokers set
                                   be harder to find great deals for   personal records for production.
                                   investors.                          2021 will be a benchmark for the
                                                                       years ahead. Thanks to all of our
                                   We pride ourselves in providing     amazing clients who worked with
                                   our clients with a three-legged     us on these transactions, and
                                   stool of services. These services   kudos to all our brokers.
                                   are superior commercial real
                                   estate brokerage including          In property management, Black
                                   consulting, leasing, investment     Realty Management, Inc., also
                                   sales and site selection, along     had a record year. Tom Hix, our
                                   with property management            Vice President of Commercial
                                   and development. Our brokers        Operations, retired at the end
                                   specialize in investment, office,   of the year and Josh Gutzwiler
                                   retail, industrial, and business    was hired to take over his
                                   acquisition services. We did        duties. We have the best group
                                   about $300 million in volume        of property managers in the

1 | NAI Black Annual Report 2022
2022 Market Report Greater Spokane and Kootenai County - NAI Black
Letter from CEO

history of our company. Josh          work on different fronts to build
brings a high level of commercial     apartments in 2022, and Bryan
property experience from his          Walker and I continue to do
former position with a major U.S.     subdivision deals. Our firm sold
financial institution. He will be a   several different plats to national
great leader for our commercial       builders in town looking for lots.
property managers. Our
management company president,         We continue to be involved in
Kim Sample, continues to lead         civic and charitable causes
the multifamily side of our           around the Inland Northwest and
management business. We hired         we remain active in the Bite2Go
two new property managers             program with Bemiss Elementary
in 2021, and we have grown            School.
considerably. We now manage
23,781,395 SF of commercial           2021 will go down as the
property, 3,000 units of              year the Downtown Spokane
multifamily, and 386 properties.      Partnership, with myself as board
At the end of 2021, we merged         chair and past chair, got the new
Jim Koon’s Coeur d’Alene              downtown stadium relocated
property management company           from the Albi site to downtown
into Black Realty Management,         and worked to bring the United
Inc., adding 30 commercial            Soccer League to Spokane. We
properties to our portfolio and       continue to be active in working
continuing our strong presence        with DSP and our City leaders
in Coeur d’Alene.                     to deal with the continuing
                                      challenges of homelessness
On the development side, we           and safety issues downtown.
finished another year working         We are also very involved with
on entitlements for the former        Boy Scouts of America, Greater
Painted Hills Golf Course             Spokane, Inc., the Commercial
property. Hopefully, 2022 will        Brokers Association, Trader’s
be the year to move forward           Club, Builders Owners and
with this 100-acre project in the     Managers Association (BOMA),
Spokane Valley. In addition, we       and many other community and
bought 57 acres in the Qualchan       industry organizations.
area for a 177-lot residential
plat. We converted the James          Spokane and North Idaho are
S. Black Building at First and        growing faster than anywhere in
Howard into the 50-unit Marjorie      the country and we are poised
Apartments and remodeled              to help all of our clients with
the Wave restaurant on the            their commercial and investment
first floor. We opened two new        real estate needs. Our company
restaurants: Fire and Ice in our      is balanced with new, young
Target Center on the South Hill       leadership and the old guys
and Takara, a Japanese sushi          — myself and Jeff Johnson,
restaurant in Coeur d’Alene. We       showing no signs of slowing
also started “build-to-suits” for     down. We are working harder
Divine’s Auto and Dairy Queen         than ever. I thank all of our         David R. Black
at 57th and Palouse Highway.          great clients, our brokers, and       Chief Executive Officer
Jeff Johnson and I continue to        employees for making my job so

2022 Market Report Greater Spokane and Kootenai County - NAI Black
                                         rental rate of $16.80 PSF.          most of the retail centers are well
                                         Corresponding, 2018 pre-            occupied.
                                         pandemic rates were 9.53% and
                                         $17.09 PSF. Of note, the closed     Spokane’s West Plains witnessed
                                         Shopko store at Northpointe is      tremendous economic success
                                         currently being re-designed as      with the addition of Amazon’s
     Stephen Pohl     Johnathan Larsen   the Esplanade at Northpointe,       fulfillment center located near
                                         to open four national retailers     the Spokane International
                                         during 2022. Value Village          Airport. The vacancy rate is
   By Stephen Pohl and                   has inked a new lease for           holding steady at 2.59% with
   Johnathan Larsen                      the former Hastings space at        an average rental rate of $17.83
                                         Wellesley and Ash; a relocation     PSF. A recent announcement is
   Over the past two years, retailers    from their current location on      the proposed 70,000 SF Builders
   have worked hard to deal with         Boone. We are now seeing the        Supply and Home Center. In
   Covid-related issues and adapt        market tightening in small space    addition, North 40 opened in
   their businesses accordingly.         leasing, particularly with spaces   2021 at Deerfield and Highway 2.
   With governmental mandated            for medical service providers.      MOD Pizza, Jersey Mike’s, and
   closures and the major impacts        The North Spokane market is         Indigo Urgent Care are slated
   of Covid during the years 2020-       frequently the preferred venue      to open in 2022. The Highway
   2021 in the rear-view mirror,         for new retailers to plant their    2 retail corridor continues to
   retailers are focused on growing      first flag and should show steady   grow, supported by an influx of
   their business in the years           absorption in 2022.                 adjacent new residential projects.
   ahead. Tough times can bring
   about positive change, and            The Spokane Valley experienced      The periphery of the Central
   despite the loss of a number of       a 4.96% vacancy factor with an      Business District continues to
   businesses due to Covid, many         average market rent of $13.55       see growth at the successful
   businesses are emerging from          PSF. Pre-pandemic measures          urban infill project Kendall Yards,
   Covid stronger and ready for          were 3.87% with a steady $13        as well as in the Gonzaga and
   growth. Online retail sales have      PSF respectively. New stores        University Districts. This area
   exploded during the pandemic.         opening in 2022 include Aspen       is holding steady at a 3.19%
   Brick and mortar stores have          Dental.                             vacancy factor, with an average
   added health safety protocols                                             rent of $13.65 PSF. Bosco
   and expanded “Buy Online and          Spokane’s South Hill vacancy        Pasta and Panini have recently
   Pick-Up in Store”. Restaurateurs      rate for 2021 was 13% with          opened in the Wonder Building.
   have heavily marketed carryout        an average rent of $18.33 PSF       The Podium, a new 135,000 SF
   and delivery options.                 compared to pre-pandemic rates      multi-sports facility developed
                                         of 2.72% and $18.76 PSF. The        by the Public Facilities District,
   During 2021, the North Spokane        major impact on vacancy was         is a positive impact to the
   market had an 11.55% vacancy          the closed ShopKo. Rental rates     CBD periphery. In addition,
   rate with an overall average          on the South Hill are stable and    a 5,000-seat stadium by the

3 | NAI Black Annual Report 2022
2022 Market Report Greater Spokane and Kootenai County - NAI Black

Spokane Public School District      for a 2022 opening. Wooden       Spokane area has created a
81 is expected to open in 2023.     City opened its Tacoma-based,    renewed interest in the Spokane
The impact of these sporting        sit-down dinner venue on         market by regional and national
venues will provide enormous        Riverside Avenue in the old      restaurants. E-commerce will
opportunities for increased         1892 Genesee building during     continue its digital sales and
tourism and an increasing           the third quarter of 2020.       growth, albeit “Clicks and
demand for retail.                  Those venues bring new dining    Bricks” will continue to be
                                    options to downtown Spokane.     relevant, leveraging convenience
The Central Business District,                                       and delivery efficiency. Despite
Spokane’s downtown retail           In 2022, we will see health      the challenges affecting retailers,
core, has an 8.10% vacancy          and fitness-related businesses   Spokane continues to be an
factor with average rents of        such as gyms, yoga, skin care,   attractive setting to national
$16.94 PSF. River Park Square       and medical service providers    retailers due to our growing
is the major retail project on      dominate a portion of the        population and the reasonable
Main Avenue. Tavolàta, a 5,000      retail landscape. Remote         price of new store entry.
SF Seattle-based restaurant,        working will continue to be a    NAI Black is a retail market
opened in early 2021 in the Old     boost to home improvement        leader in Eastern Washington
City Hall building. The closed      retailing and local hardware     and Northern Idaho enhanced
Luigi’s restaurant is slated for    stores. Sustainability and       by its NAI Global network of
lease to a national restaurant      a focus on renewable items       independently owned companies
operator specializing in            have driven expansion of         in 48 states and 43 countries.
breakfast. The Maracas Mexican      thrift stores such as Goodwill
Grill has recently been leased      and Value Village. Continued
to Boiada Brazilian Grill, slated   in-migration to the greater

2022 Market Report Greater Spokane and Kootenai County - NAI Black
  A Story of Continued Development and Inventory Shortages

                                              Lease Rates and Shortages            Land Sales

                                              Overall, market conditions from      2021 saw Spokane tear through
                                              2020 to 2021 saw an increase         our inventory of almost all
                                              in lease rates, sales prices, and    buildable sites. It was once said,
                                              overall inventory. CoStar reports    based on absorption rates, the
  Darren Slackman, SIOR   Drew Ulrick, SIOR
                                              the Spokane County area saw          Spokane market had over a 100-
                                              an overall increase of two million   year inventory of land. Based
                                              square feet of new construction,     on 2021 numbers, those days
   By Darren Slackman, SIOR                   putting the Spokane market at        are over. Smaller buildable sites
   and Drew Ulrick, SIOR                      45.1 million square feet. Even       sold from between $4 PSF up to
                                              while adding considerable new        $6.75 PSF. The larger tracts of
                                              construction to our market, the      land (10 acres +) sold between
                                              vacancy rate reduced from 3.2%       $3 PSF up to about $4 PSF.
   Development has                            down to 2.8% in 2021. Over           The most notable tract of land
   continued to be the                        this same period, the average        sold in 2021 was a binding site
   big topic of discussion                    rental rate increased from $0.58     plan put together in Spokane
   in the local industrial                    PSF up to $0.63 PSF blended.         Valley by Centennial Properties.
   market. With the massive                   In terms of new construction,        Centennial put together a BSP
   influx of population and                   we still see landlords separating    of 20 lots and extended Garland
   companies looking to be                    lease rates from office and          Road from Barker through to
   more efficient with their                  warehouse. New construction          Flora. Altogether, 156 acres of
   real estate, Spokane has                   is typically asking $0.70 PSF        buildable lots were sold between
   flourished. Nationally,                    for warehouse, and office rates      fourth quarter 2020 and year-
   Spokane still has very                     can range from $1.25 and up          end 2021. Most significantly,
   attractive lease rates                     depending on build out. The          Panattoni purchased 103 acres
   and land costs. With                       smaller flex bays have almost        for the second of five Amazon
   employment still being                     zero available options and the       distribution locations in our
   efficient from at home,                    few transactions in 2021 saw         market. Other notable land sales
   employers are more willing                 lease rates pushing $1 PSF per       include 45 acres purchased by
   to move manufacturing                      month. The largest players in        Panattoni at the Medical Lake
   and distribution to tertiary               new construction in 2021 have        interchange for the fifth Amazon
   markets like Spokane.                      been Amazon (1.3 million SF),        distribution location, 39 acres by
                                              Douglass Legacy Park (150,000        Crown West, LLC along North
                                              SF), Spokane Industrial Park         Barker Road, and 92 acres
                                              (240,000 SF), and AT Industrial      purchased by MMC Investments.
                                              (187,000 SF). Several more
                                              projects will be available in
                                              2022: Amazon (250,000 SF),
                                              Barker Logistics (130,000 SF); AT
                                              Industrial (208,000 SF) and LB
                                              Stone Properties (51,000 SF).

5 | NAI Black Annual Report 2022
2022 Market Report Greater Spokane and Kootenai County - NAI Black
Building Sales

2021 reached a new highwater
mark in multiple industrial
categories. None more
impressive than building sale
values. Two years ago, building
price per square foot was
typically around $60. This year
we have seen multiple single-
tenant end user sales in the
$100 PSF range. CoStar reports
the average industrial building
sold at $97 PSF in 2021. We
believe this has been fueled by
continued low interest rates and
an increase in construction costs
brought on by inflation and labor
force shortage. With a shortage
of available properties for sale,
many clean move-in ready
buildings are receiving multiple
offers further inflating prices.

2022 Forecast

NAI Black and our partners
expect another year of rent
growth. With limited supply
and waning land opportunities,
we anticipate a slowdown in
transactions and new tenants.
Already we see tenants not
having quality options in the
market and terminating their
searches. The bulk of product
available is very large, leaving a
void of flex space between 2,000
SF up to 10,000 SF. We see the
flex arena as a target for local
investor projects.

                                     Industrial   6
2022 Market Report Greater Spokane and Kootenai County - NAI Black
Office - Medical Office
                                        2022 subject to increasing           projects completed and very
                                        interest rates.                      few large office building sales
                                                                             in 2021 in the North Spokane
                                        The CBD (Central Business            market. 777 East Magnesium
                                        District), comprised of close        Avenue containing 100,000 SF
                                        to 3,000,000 SF of Class A, B,       sold for $11,300,000 to Spokane
    Jon Jeffreys, SIOR   Matt Walsh     and C office space, saw overall      International Academy. There
                                        vacancy increase from 2020           were a handful of smaller office
                                        levels at 15.03% to 17.34%           buildings that sold but sales
   By Jon Jeffreys, SIOR
                                        at the end of 2021. Class A          activity was down over 2020 due
   and Matt Walsh
                                        vacancy increased from 14.21%        to lack of available product.
                                        to 16.36% and average rental
   In 2021, the Spokane office
                                        rates rose to $20.67 PSF per         Spokane’s South Hill office
   market saw a slight increase in
                                        year full service. Class B           market saw a decrease in
   office leasing activity compared
                                        vacancy increased from 15.52%        vacancy in 2021, from 4.18%
   to 2020, a year which Covid
                                        to 18.75% with an average rental     to 2%. Recent rental rates
   shifted employer’s use and
                                        rate up slightly from 2020 to        were up slightly to $20.16 PSF
   need for physical office space.
                                        $16.96 PSF per year full service.    per year full service. There
   Remote employment has
                                        Class C vacancy improved from        were numerous smaller leases
   become an option that will
                                        2020 going from a vacancy rate       completed which easily impacted
   probably remain long past any
                                        of 15.55% down to 9.89% with         absorption in one of our smallest
   pandemic concerns. As a whole,
                                        the average rental rate increasing   submarkets.
   rents and vacancy rates held
                                        to $13.68 PSF per year. Tenants
   relatively flat in all submarkets.
                                        in the market continue to            The Spokane Valley/Liberty
   There was little activity with new
                                        be drawn to properties with          Lake submarket held steady
   users coming into our office
                                        amenities such as ground floor       at 11.04% vacancy, slightly
   market from out of Spokane.
                                        retail, exercise facilities, and     improved from 11.68% the
   Existing office users either held
                                        on-site parking. Due to obsolete     year prior. Average rental rates
   steady or took time to upgrade
                                        building systems, vacancy, and       were $15.45 PSF per year full
   their office space in a move we
                                        low rental rates, we continued to    service. The Spokane Valley
   are calling a “flight to quality”.
                                        see Class C CBD office buildings     was similar to the rest of the
   Call center/back-office space
                                        be converted to multifamily.         Spokane submarkets where
   with a high number of employees
                                        There were a few large sales in      sales dominated the headlines.
   in close proximity created
                                        the CBD: 110 North Post (the         12410 East Sinto, a 34,500 SF
   challenges during the pandemic.
                                        Peyton Building), a 120,000 SF       medical office building, sold for
   The shift of those employees
                                        building, sold for $11,400,000;      $11,600,000 (the Buyer in this
   working remotely has resulted in
                                        and 41 West Riverside, a             transaction was represented
   some large vacancies starting to
                                        58,000 SF building, sold for         by Jon Jeffreys and Darren
   hit the market.
                                        $13,500,000.                         Slackman of NAI Black). 16009
                                                                             East Indiana, a 13,600 SF new
   Sales activity, on the other hand,
                                        North Spokane was a bright           construction medical office
   had a very strong year with users
                                        spot in the office leasing           building, sold for $7,771,000.
   taking advantage of low interest
                                        market. Vacancy rates in the         1334 North Whitman Lane
   rates to buy. Ground up office
                                        North submarket dropped              in Liberty Lake, a 25,500 SF
   construction was minimal due to
                                        to 7.90% from 8.68% a year           medical office building, sold for
   the rising costs of construction,
                                        prior. Average rental rates are      $7,650,000.
   which in turn increased the
                                        currently $16.90 PSF per year
   demand and value of existing
                                        full service. There were no          The medical office market
   office buildings for sale. This
                                        new notable office construction      improved with the current
   trend should continue through

7 | NAI Black Annual Report 2022
Office-Medical Office

vacancy now at 7.83%, down
from 9%. We saw good leasing
activity in 2021 with medical
tenants getting through the
required government shut down
in 2020. Rental rates for existing
product remained flat with new
construction pricing beginning to
put pressure on those numbers.
Medical office is one of the
office sectors that continues to
see new construction build-to-
suits and owner-user projects.
Medical office sales were a
large majority of the sales in
the office and medical office
sector in 2021. There were
a few notable medical office
building sales: 4102 South
Regal, an approximate 32,000
SF building with a mix of office
and medical office tenants, sold
for $8,450,000; and 3010 South
SE Boulevard, an approximate
18,000 SF medical office
building, sold for $4,000,000,
with Jon Jeffreys of NAI Black
representing the Buyer. With
a large regional pull, multiple
medical schools, low vacancy
rates, and a growing population,
we will continue to see medical
office be the darling of the office

As far as the outlook for 2022,
companies with leases coming
up for renewal may consider
downsizing their space as
a result of the Covid shift to
remote working. That said,
many employees look forward
to returning to the office, post
Covid, to maximize collaboration
and enjoy their business culture.
The Spokane office market
appears to be on a steady
course for 2022.

                                         property owners are focused           add much needed downtown
                                         on long term ownership, those         housing whose residents will give
                                         who have sought to sell have          downtown dining, shopping and
                                         found a large pool of potential       entertainment venues a needed
                                         buyers with cash. These cash          post Covid boost. Combined
                                         buyers are focused on making          with major public projects
     Mark McLees    Jason Dolloph CPM®
                                         low-leverage, long-term               completed and in process,
                                         investments. This type of buyer       downtown remains on an upward
                                         has not been in our market on         trajectory.
   By Mark McLees and                    such a large scale since 2003 to
   Jason Dolloph, CPM®                   2007 when visionaries invested
                                         in and redeveloped many of
   As predicted last year, the           downtown’s historic buildings.
   downtown Spokane real estate          With the majority of downtown’s
   market has remained steady and        historic buildings refurbished,
   strong. With low vacancy rates        we are beginning to see the
   (excepting office) and available      next wave of development being
   spaces being filled seamlessly        completed by large developers
   at lease rates adjusting upward       from outside of Spokane. These
   and stable heading into 2022,         developers are constructing and
   property values remained              proposing mixed use projects
   healthy and strong through            with first floor retail and housing
   2021. Although many downtown          above. These projects will

9 | NAI Black Annual Report 2022
The impact of a couple of the most recent public projects        The private sector
that will shape 2022 and beyond are:                             investments into downtown
                                                                 Spokane have been

1   The long-awaited 5,000 seat outdoor sports Stadium --
    the future home of a professional soccer team, football
games, and a variety of other events. This $31M project was
                                                                 significant, with transactions
                                                                 such as the following at the
scheduled for development outside of downtown; however,          of positive expectations
with the efforts of Mark Richard (DSP) spearheading the effort   for the future:
to gain public support and cooperation between Spokane
Public Schools and Spokane Public Facilities District, it        • Parkade, a 374,000 SF,
allowed developer Dave Black (NAI Black), real estate brokers      963-car parking garage sold
Mark McLees (NAI Black) and John Powers (NAI Black), to            for $6,950,000 and will be
broker the sale of multiple properties totaling $7.8M and 3.5      maintained for another 50+
acres, which was the final piece of the puzzle to make way         years of operation.
for relocating the Stadium to downtown. This new project,
                                                                 • Historic Bennett Block, a
along with its neighbor The Podium (an indoor track, field,
                                                                   54,000 SF fully renovated
basketball, volleyball, and martial arts stadium) and the
                                                                   historic mixed use property
Spokane Arena, offers an incredible opportunity for Spokane
                                                                   along with the 125-
to host innumerable sporting and entertainment events never
                                                                   car parking lot sold for
before imagined. The economic impact that these venues
will have on downtown Spokane will be significant. The
connection between the sport complexes and downtown is           • Historic Peyton Building, a
the newly renovated Riverfront Park, a spectacular walk and        98,000 SF fully renovated
visit in the core of all that is happening downtown.               historic mixed use property
                                                                   for $11,400,000.

2   Another significant public project is the nearly complete
    University District infrastructure improvements. Not only
are these improvements of extreme value to private real estate
                                                                 • Bank building on 41 West
investors, developers, and property owners, but the East         • 1520 West 3rd, a 31,000
Sprague, Spokane Falls Boulevard, and MLK arterials offer the      SF office-bank building for
most beautiful and visually pleasing drive in all of downtown.     $4.85M.
Once the Hamilton and Trent bridge is completed, the future
                                                                 • The Davenport brand
vision of all of Spokane will begin to unfold with future
                                                                   hotels (Historic Davenport,
undeveloped or underdeveloped properties soon experiencing
                                                                   Davenport Tower, Davenport
new life. Properties such as:
                                                                   Lusso, Davenport Grand,
                                                                   and The Centennial)
    • Iron Bridge (5.9 acres undeveloped land).
                                                                   consisting of nearly 1,800
    • 130 East Sprague, sold as an investment for                  guest rooms sold for
      redeveloping.                                                approximately $400M. The
                                                                   confidence in the returning
    • A rare 2-acre developable site just sold for $50 PSF
                                                                   populations for hospitality
      in the Southern U-District, Healing Rooms, that is an
                                                                   needs is increasing daily.
      income producing asset with multiple redevelopment
                                                                   With convention goers
      opportunities to pursue in the future.
                                                                   coming back and sporting
    • 206-214 West Riverside, $35M apartment complex,              events trickling in with its
      139-units.                                                   spectators, the hotel industry
                                                                   will see a tremendous boost
    • 288 unit apartment building nearing completion at 501
                                                                   in stays in 2022.
      East Sprague.
    • The District – Riverbend, a $45M, 298-unit apartment
    • Spokane Falls Boulevard/Trent and Hamilton:
        a) McKinstry 4-story new tech office building, SWC
        Spokane Falls and Hamilton.
        b) North Hamilton and east to Spokane River planned,
        pending, and future redevelopment envisioned.
                                                                               Downtown             10
11 | NAI Black Annual Report 2022

                                      Multifamily sales volume in 2021     So, what’s in the wings
                                      was 39% over 2020 numbers.           for 2022?
                                      Multifamily investments closed
                                      sales transactions totaled
                                                                           With increasing in-migration, a
                                      $152,776,800 in 2021 compared
                                                                           dwindling supply of multifamily
                                      to 2020 with closed sales of
                                                                           development land, low interest
                                      $94,131,900. Additionally, the
 Mitch Swenson   James S. Black III                                        rates, and the rising cost of
 CCIM            CCIM                 number of units traded was up
                                                                           single-family homes, the demand
                                      12% from 898 units changing
                                                                           for multifamily rentals should
By Mitch Swenson, CCIM                hands in 2020 to 1,024 units
                                                                           remain strong for the foreseeable
and James S. Black III, CCIM          closing escrow in 2021.
                                                                           future. The multifamily market
                                                                           will be further strengthened by
                                      The most notable aspect of
Multifamily Sales Report for                                               the lessening effects of Covid-19
                                      the 2021 data comes from the
Year 2021                                                                  (we all hope) and the end of
                                      substantial increase in price
                                                                           governmental-related restrictions
                                      per unit of closed multifamily
2021 saw multifamily sales                                                 on landlords.
                                      transactions. The price per unit
come out of the 2020 Covid-19
                                      jumped from $104,824 in 2020 to
pandemic with a roar. Sales
                                      $135,391 in 2021, with a number
of apartments in the Spokane
                                      of transactions over $200,000           We foresee investors
market increased dramatically
over 2020 with many out of town
                                      per unit! This is a 23% increase        in the multifamily asset
                                      in price per unit from 2020.            class continuing to enjoy
investors “finding” Spokane!
Many landlords capitalized on                                                 excellent returns in the
                                      Cap rates remained low over this
the ending of Governor Inslee’s
                                      past year. Interest rates have          years ahead.
emergency “NO EVICTION/NO
                                      remained low as well, but this
RENT INCREASE” mandate this
                                      may be coming to an end as the
past fall to reposition assets by
                                      10-year Treasury appears to be
increasing rents, thus allowing
                                      on the move.
for increased property values.
This, combined with the very low
                                      Competition is fierce to acquire
capitalization rates and many
                                      quality assets. This competition,
out of town investors, made for a
                                      low inventory, and high investor
robust market.
                                      demand coupled with the
                                      availability of very affordable
Not an overly large number of
                                      financing fueled the large jump in
transactions closed escrow in
                                      price per unit in 2021.
2021, but the sales that were
consummated were at record
prices for the Spokane area

13 | NAI Black Annual Report 2022
                                      Other items that weigh in are        identified, they are probably
                                      length and type of lease. Most       not going to sell. Spokane has
                                      investors prefer a NNN lease with    always had a buy-and-hold
                                      all or the majority of the ongoing   attitude, with many purchases
                                      maintenance and upkeep being         done with the monthly income
                                      the responsibility of the tenant.    component as a primary driver.
                                      Investors are looking for as much    Long-term buy-and-hold
   Jim Orcutt     Devin Mecham CCIM
                                      certainty as possible with regard    has been the most common
                                      to the income stream produced        investment strategy over the
By Jim Orcutt and                     by a property.                       years in Spokane.
Devin Mecham, CCIM
                                      Investor money continues to
The investment real estate            flow to the Spokane area. We
                                                                             We anticipate continued
market remained strong locally        have been involved in multiple
and regionally in 2021, with          transactions with investors who        strong demand for
many contributing factors.            are either moving to Spokane           investment real estate with
Historically, low interest rates      or they like the economic              investors working hard to
to fund acquisition and very          outlook of our region and are          find suitable product for
few options for investors             buying anticipating continued          their portfolios.
looking for quality income            appreciation in our market. As
streams kept the pressure             these investors are discovering,
on. Bank returns on CDs and           rates of return in the Spokane
money market funds continue           market are higher than they are
to be less than 1% and the            competing for in their home
stock market has a strong air         markets so they are willing to
of uncertainty.                       pay more for assets than our
                                      local investor pool has become
There is expectation that the         accustomed to.
Federal Reserve will start
increasing interest rates in 2022     Supply constraints continue.
in an attempt to rein in inflation.   Investors still find far less
This would pressure cap rates to      product available than the
rise, as borrowing costs would        current demand would absorb.
increase. Cap rates stayed very       Sellers are reluctant to sell with
low in 2021. We were involved in      few exchange opportunities
multifamily investment deals in       readily available. Most sellers
the 3% range, with nonresidential     are not receptive to selling
commercial investments trading        and paying capitol gains taxes
in the 4.5% to 6.5% range. Some       to the federal government.
of the variables include quality,     Consequently, unless sellers
age, and location of the property.    have an exchange property

                                          our clients and tenants, resulting
                                          in high employee/tenant/
                                          client retention; insightful and
                                          detailed operational, strategic,
                                          and financial planning; and
                                          exceptional communication
    Kim Sample ARM      Josh Gutzwiler
                                          with all stakeholders. We
                                          strive to optimize both gross
                                          and net operating income
   By Kim Sample, ARM                     while maintaining the physical
   and Josh Gutzwiler                     infrastructure to preserve the
                                          income streams over the long-
   Black Realty Management                term and enhance property
   is a leader in the multifamily         values.
   and commercial property
   management field with a large          Our philosophy has earned
   portfolio managed throughout           us the reputation of an
   Washington, Idaho, Utah,               entrepreneurial leader in the
   Oregon and Montana.                    management field. Each
                                          property we manage requires
   Our property management                individual treatment as a uniquely
   team is a group of specialists         distinct business enterprise
   who are dedicated to providing         that is operated pursuant to the
   excellence and exceeding client        objectives and instructions of the
   expectations. We deliver a             property owner. We customize
   platform designed to provide           each property’s operating
   comprehensive, long-term,              procedures and strategy to
   profitable client services.            address the short-, mid-, and
                                          long-term goals of the property
   Our management company is the          owner. The highest compliment
   only Spokane firm to have been         we receive from our owners
   designated as an Accredited            is referrals to other property
   Management Organization®               owners in need of our services.
   by the Institute of Real Estate
   Management, demonstrative              Our clients are the reason
   of its management expertise,           we are here and have been
   professional competence,               in business since 1958. If
   financial responsibility, integrity,   we continue to be successful
   and ethics.                            in meeting the needs of our
                                          clients, our company will
   Our property management team           remain on a path of growth and
   is focused on quality service to       prosperity.

15 | NAI Black Annual Report 2022
Property Management

Our commitment to success is a
combination of our core values
which are:
  • Pursue excellence in all we do.

  • Hire and develop great people.

  • Keep our promises and honor our commitments.

  • Embrace change as an opportunity.

  • Enjoy the work we do.

  • Respect the environment and support green

  • Make a profit for our clients and ourselves.

  • Be a dynamic contributor in our community through
    ongoing charitable giving, civic involvement, and
    active participation in local city, state, and regional

To learn more about the value and benefits of our property
management services and how we can assist you in
reaching your goals, please call us at 509.623.1000.

Coeur d’Alene -
   Kootenai County
                                       and Rathdrum driven by the             $12 PSF NNN for Class A small
                                       completion of the Highway 41           format buildings. The industrial
                                       widening. Medical and medical-         vacancy rate of approximately
                                       related office will account for the    1% will spur new construction
                                       majority of office activity in 2022.   activity in 2022. The following
                                       The vacancy rate going into 2022       are major project areas which
     Steve Ridenour     Jim Koon       sits at approximately 2.5% of the      will make an impact on the
                                       4,000,000 SF of GLA in Kootenai        market going forward:
                                       County. We expect rental rates
   By Steve Ridenour and               to remain in the $12 to $20 /
   Jim Koon                            PSF blended range for existing
                                       office to upwards of $26 to $30
   2021 brought unprecedented          PSF NNN for new medical office
   population growth and               construction.
   increases in real estate values
   to North Idaho. Cash continues      Industrial
   to pour in from out of state
   home buyers, investors, and         Substantial land acquisition
   businesses seeking a more           and planning for new projects
   favorable North Idaho business      occurred during 2021 with many
   climate. With continued in-         construction starts scheduled for
   migration and population            2022 in response to low vacancy
   growth, 2022 should be              and a lack of inventory. The rush
   another successful year for the     for industrial land has pushed
   North Idaho real estate market.     land values to, or exceeding,
   Here is our perspective on the      those in neighboring Spokane
   various market sectors.             County. Pricing has increased
                                       over 2020-21 values at least
   Office                              30% and, in some cases, smaller
                                       industrial parcels have more
   The office market reflects the      than doubled in price. Expect
   national trend of downsizing        larger parcel pricing in 2022 to
   and remote work; however,           range from $3 to $4 PSF and $6
   many North Idaho businesses         to $10 PSF for smaller parcels
   have returned to the                close to transportation corridors.
   workplace. The office market        Rental rates have increased
   is stable and has not seen any      substantially in response to a
   significant new office building     shortage of building inventory,
   development. 2022 will see          which range from $6 PSF
   limited development in Post Falls   modified gross for Class B to

17 | NAI Black Annual Report 2022
Coeur d’Alene - Kootenai County

Inland Northwest Tech Park            Rathdrum Industrial                to occur as the City of Rathdrum
(INTP)                                                                   becomes an industrial location of
                                      Industrial development in the      choice in 2022.
The land for this designated tech     City of Rathdrum has progressed
park was purchased in August          and includes projects near the     Riverbend Industrial Park
of 2021 from GVD Commercial           Highway 41 corridor. 2021 saw
Properties by Douglass                100 acres absorbed in the GVD      Most of Riverbend’s acreage has
Properties. This 300-acre             Rathdrum I Industrial Park with    been absorbed. It still offers the
project will start construction       a new headquarters facility        occasional vacancy or sublease
in 2022. Plans range from large       announced by Kootenai Electric     opportunity for users that require
format distribution to incubator      Cooperative and a distribution     immediate proximity to the I-90
tech industries, with INTP            warehouse for a major retail       corridor at the Idaho/Washington
having access to rail service         company. GVD’s companion           state line. Interior land pricing
from an existing Union Pacific rail   200-acre Rathdrum II Industrial    from $6 PSF.
spur. Details for the development     Park has received multiple
of this property are yet to be        proposals totaling over 100
announced but will probably           acres from businesses relocating
include office, retail,               from out of state. Expect more
and mixed use.                        annexation and industrial zoning

CDA- Kootenai County

   The Pointe at Post Falls                candidates”. These factors could       Athol Crossings Center acquired
                                           lead to a continued shortage of        Sweet Lou’s, Northwest Special
   Located at the Beck Road/I-90           needed new multifamily housing.        Hospital’s clinic and OSSM
   Freeway Exchange, The Pointe                                                   orthopedic clinic, Jitterz coffee,
   saw UPS open a new facility in          Retail                                 Grease Monkey, a 34-unit higher
   2020 and Crown Enterprises,                                                    density residential development,
   a Michigan company, is under            Pent up demand and new                 and is in negotiations on
   construction on a 16-acre               residential growth areas will          numerous other pads and
   distribution/truck terminal facility.   drive the retail and retail service    outparcels.
   Wadsworth Development Co.,              market. The “work from home”
   the owner of the project, is in         and “back to downtown walking          Investment Properties
   plan check for two additional           lifestyles” will result in continued
   distribution buildings totaling         infill in the downtown and             Investment grade properties
   over 200,000 SF, which are              midtown areas of Coeur d’Alene         sell as quickly as they come to
   slated for construction in 2022.        and Sandpoint. To a lessor             market due to the continued
   Wadsworth completed a 20,000            extent but still meaningful, the       demand and scarcity of product.
   SF flex building in 2021, which         core areas of Hayden, Post Falls,      All categories of the market are
   is in negotiation for 100%              and Rathdrum will continue to          selling with multifamily being at
   occupancy. Once Wadsworth’s             populate with local businesses         the top of the list. Multifamily
   new construction is completed,          and merchants in a niche effort        for-sale product is virtually
   The Pointe at Post Falls will be        to compete with online retailing.      non-existent and rare examples
   out of industrially zoned land.                                                of sales are in the 3.5 to 4 cap
                                           The most significant impact            rates. Quality retail properties are
   Coeur d’Alene Commerce Park             in retail will occur along             also in demand with cap rates
                                           the Highway 41 corridor in             in the 4 to 5 range followed by
   While Coeur d’Alene is not as           response to the major Highway          industrial investments in the 5
   “industrial rich” as Post Falls,        41 expansion and substantial           to 7 cap rate range. Office and
   it is still an important part of        new residential development            medical office buildings are in
   the conversation. Especially            in that area. Leading the way          high demand if they have credit
   for companies who do not                will be Prairie Crossing, a GVD        tenants on long term leases with
   require immediate highway or            Commercial Properties 50-acre          cap rates in the 4.5 to 6 range.
   freeway access and want to be           shopping center and mixed use          If out of state cash continues to
   in Coeur d’Alene. Coeur d’Alene         project located at the NEC of          flow into North Idaho and interest
   Commerce Park is a high-quality         Highway 41 and Prairie Avenue.         rates remain relatively stable, cap
   development with very high              Initial anchors, Super 1 Foods         rates will remain low.
   occupancy. Pricing from $6 to $8        and Peak Fitness, have been
   PSF.                                    announced and grading of the           Forecast
                                           site has begun. The project will
   Multifamily                             also provide buildings and land        With low vacancy rates, solid
                                           for additional retail, as well as      demand for land, and rental
   Multifamily continues to be the         restaurants, service businesses,       space in all sectors of the
   hottest investment real estate          and medical office users.              commercial real estate market,
   category but a scarcity of zoned        Following Prairie Crossing will be     all of North Idaho is poised to
   multifamily land and a change           other commercial developments          perform well in 2022.
   in governmental policy could            in the Highway 41 corridor on the
   slow development. November              drawing board.
   2021 elections saw many city
   council incumbents lose seats           Not all development will be
   and being replaced by “slow to          confined to Kootenai County.
   no multifamily residential growth       In 2021, the Super 1 anchored

19 | NAI Black Annual Report 2022
Principals/Brokers/Property Managers

  Dave Black CCIM,        Jeff Johnson CCIM,            Kim Sample ARM                   Josh Gutzwiler            Holly Poquette CPA
      SIOR, CEO         SIOR, President, Brokerage    President, Management          Vice President, Management    Chief Financial Officer

Christopher Bell SIOR   James S. Black III CCIM           Derek Budig                      Jesse Clark            Jason Dolloph CPM®

 Stephanie Fromont            Julia Guinn                Don Jamieson                  Jon Jeffreys SIOR             Brent Johnson
                         Human Resources Director

   Jody Johnson           Adam Kammarcal              Mary Kay Knudsen                      Jim Koon               Johnathan Larsen
                                                     Corporate Operations Director

  Jeff McGougan              Mark McLees              Devin Mecham CCIM
                                                            Sales Manager                  Jim Orcutt               Mark Pinch CCIM

    Stephen Pohl          John T. Powers III                KC Reese                     Steve Ridenour           Darren Slackman SIOR

Mitch Swenson CCIM        Drew Ulrick SIOR                Bryan Walker                     Matt Walsh

801 West Riverside Avenue, Suite 300
Spokane, WA 99201
509. 623.1000

105 North 1st Street, Suite 300
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814
208. 665. 6475
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