2022 Postgraduate Guide - The University of Edinburgh

Page created by Lorraine Osborne
2022 Postgraduate Guide - The University of Edinburgh
2022 Postgraduate Guide - The University of Edinburgh
www.ed.ac.uk                                                                                                                                                                Postgraduate Guide 2022   The University of Edinburgh   01

Top                                   We’re consistently
                                      ranked one of the top

                                      50 universities in the
                                      world. We’re 16th in
                                      the 2022 QS World
                                      University Rankings.

                                                                                                      Nothing ordinary comes from this extraordinary place
18 4

We're ranked 18th                            We’re ranked
in the world's                               fourth in the UK

most international                           for research power,
universities‡.                               based on the 2014
                                             Research Excellence

25                   TH               Our graduates are
                                      ranked 25th in the world
                                      by employers.§

                                                                                                                                                  in the world
7 19
Edinburgh is ranked                          There are 19 Nobel
                                                                                                                                                  QS World University Rankings 2022

the seventh best                             Prize winners who
student city in Europe                       are alumni of the
and 15th in the world.*                      University or who
                                             have been members
                                             of academic staff here.

Online leader
Edinburgh is one of the largest providers of online
postgraduate programmes in the UK.

0 by 2040
We’re committed to becoming a net zero carbon
University by 2040.                                                          “You are now in a place where the best courses upon
                                                                               earth are within your reach… such an opportunity
                                                                              you will never again have.”
                                                                             Thomas Jefferson
‡ Times Higher Education, The World's Most International Universities 2021   American Founding Father and President, speaking to his son-in-law
† Times Higher Education, Overall Ranking of Institutions                    Thomas Mann Randolph as he began his studies here in 1786
§ QS World University Rankings 2022
* QS Best Student Cities 2019
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                                              Open to
                                              a world of
                                              The University of Edinburgh has been a
                                              constant in our complex, fast-changing
                                              world for more than 400 years. As the
                                              world comes to terms with the lasting
                                              effects of the Covid-19 pandemic,
                                              society faces significant challenges.
                                              As a leading global university, we’re
                                              confident education will play a vital
                                              role in solving those problems and
                                              relish our shared responsibility to
                                              respond to them.
                                              It’s something our community has always done.
                                              Together, we’ve expanded the depth of human
                                              knowledge and improved the lives of ordinary people.
                                              Research conducted here led to the discovery of
                                              chloroform anaesthesia, the Higgs boson particle and
                                              in-vitro fertilisation. Our academics, students and alumni
                                              discovered carbon dioxide, led the Scottish
                                              Enlightenment laying the foundations of contemporary
                                              thought, developed a genetically engineered vaccine
                                              against Hepatitis B, and identified the SARS Coronavirus.

                                              We have long enjoyed a spirit of innovation and
                                              collaboration and continue to do so today. We are
                                              proudly open to everyone, bringing people with new
                                              outlooks and perspectives together in an international
                                              community that is establishing the data capital of
                                              Europe, tackling climate change and paving the way for
                                              new fertility treatments. Our scientists are seeking cures
                                              for cancer, repurposing drugs to improve treatments for
                                              the Covid-19 coronavirus and contributed to the global
                                              search for a vaccine. Together, we are open to the world
                                              today so we can influence the world tomorrow.
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The Edinburgh experience                                                                                                                                              Global
The University of Edinburgh is open to the world – our large,                                               Our Doctoral College for
diverse, global community includes more than 44,000                                                      postgraduate researchers, and                                Our ambitious global
students studying in more than 150 academic disciplines.                                                  their supervisors and staff, is                             engagement plan aims to
                                                                                                            designed to enhance and                                   provide world-class experiences
                                                                                                              support your student                                    for our students and ensures the
                                                                                                           experience. Find out more:                                 teaching and research we deliver
We’re continuing to work through the                • the University Collection of Historical
                                                                                                                 www.ed.ac.uk/                                        offers global benefits.
changing implications of the Covid-19                 Musical Instruments, one of the world’s
coronavirus. We’ll keep you updated online as         most important collections of musical                     doctoral-college
our plans for 2022 develop but your                   heritage spanning 500 years and 5,000
postgraduate experience here will always be           objects; and
                                                                                                                                                                      Worldwide links
                                                                                                                                                                      We collaborate with a host of
supported and enhanced by the wealth of             • the University’s Anatomy Museum, which                                                                          world-leading institutions in fields
resources and opportunities we offer.                 first opened in 1884 and hosts a wealth of                                                                      as diverse as e-science, engineering,
                                                      unique anatomical objects.                                                                                      life and medical sciences, and arts
Quality teaching and research
                                                                                                                                                                      and culture. Our partners include:
All our postgraduates benefit from our
inspiring research culture. The academics           Industry links and innovation
                                                    Edinburgh was one of the first UK universities                                                                    •   Shanghai Jiao Tong University
involved in your teaching and learning are
                                                    to develop commercial links with industry,                                                                        •   University of the Witwatersrand (Wits)
leaders in their fields and although the
                                                    government and the professions. Our                                                                               •   KU Leuven
emphasis at postgraduate level is very much
                                                    commercialisation service, Edinburgh                                                                              •   Leiden University
on independent study, support from our
                                                    Innovations (EI), leads our activities in industry                                                                •   Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
teaching staff is always on hand. The
                                                    engagement, business development and                                                                              •   Peking University
University is committed to delivering
                                                    enterprise support. It has helped launch more                                                                     •   Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
high-quality, innovative teaching. The latest
                                                    than 500 companies since 1967. EI can help                                                                        •   University College Dublin
report from the Quality Assurance Agency
                                                    you take your first step to market, whether                                                                       •   University of Amsterdam
awarded us the highest rating possible for the
                                                    through starting a business or through                                                                            •   University of Copenhagen
quality of the student learning experience.
                                                    collaborative research, licensing your                                                                            •   University of Delhi
                                                    discoveries or providing consultancy services.                                                                    •   University of Helsinki
Outstanding facilities
                                                                                                                                                                      •   University of Sydney
You will have access to a wealth of teaching
                                                    Social scene                                                                                                      •   University of Texas at Austin
and learning spaces and study resources:
                                                    We have more than 290 student societies                                                                           •   University of Toronto
• 10 libraries, including the third largest
                                                    covering sport, music, drama and the arts.                                                                        •   Zhejiang University.
  academic library in Europe, four million
  printed volumes and an extensive                  Several international and multicultural
                                                    societies offer support settling in and                                                                           We have five Regional Centres in Latin
  digital collection;
                                                    help you meet new friends. If you come                                                                            America, Southeast Asia, South Asia,
• state-of-the-art laboratories and                 to Edinburgh, you’ll enjoy life in a vibrant,                                                                     North America and East Asia, which
  world-leading analytical facilities, including    historic city with the mountains and                                                                              support engagement with students,
  a 1.5km deep subsurface biology laboratory,       beaches of Scotland on your doorstep:                                                                             academics and alumni.
  an Eco Diamond HK36 small aircraft for            www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/activities/societies
  measuring trace gases at 3,000 metres,                                                                                                                              We’re also a member of the global
  and the FloWave Ocean Energy Research             Sporting excellence                                                                                               research network Universitas 21, and the
  Facility for simulating wave and tidal            We’ve long been recognised as one of the                                                                          European networks COIMBRA group, as
  current interactions – the largest of its         UK’s leading sporting universities, consistently                                                                  well as UNICA, LERU, and Una Europa.
  kind in Europe – to name but a few;               finishing in the top four of the British
• the University’s Centre for Research              Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS)                                                                            Global Academies
  Collections, one of the most important            rankings. On campus, Edinburgh University                                                                         Our Global Academies in health,
  resources of its kind in the world,               Sports Union has 64 sports clubs and more                                                                         development, environment and society,
  encompassing rare books, Shakespeare              than 160 intramural teams offering something                                                                      agriculture and food security, and justice
  first editions, oriental manuscripts,             for everyone. Our clubs offer you a place to                                                                      bring together research expertise from the
  architectural drawings, paintings,                learn new skills, have fun, and to belong.                                                                        University community and beyond to
  sculpture, photography and, much more;            Our world-class facilities have been regularly                                                                    tackle global challenges such as climate
                                                    used by visiting international teams and we                                                                       change, poverty, the spread of epidemics
• Europe’s foremost clinical research imaging                                                                                                                         and cross-border injustices.
  facility alongside the world-leading Scottish     often host local, national and international
  Centre for Regenerative Medicine, and             events. We’re proud to be open to and
                                                    supportive of everyone, from gym and                                                                              Global Academies are a gateway to online
  one of the UK’s largest state-of-the-art                                                                                                                            and on-campus interdisciplinary
  teaching hospitals;                               recreational users to performance athletes
                                                    following the footsteps of our Olympian                                                                           postgraduate programmes aimed at
• the University’s Talbot Rice Gallery and          alumni. Sir Chris Hoy and Dame Katherine                                                                          anyone interested in addressing the major
  the Tent Gallery at Edinburgh College             Grainger, for example, both developed their                                                                       global issues of our time.
  of Art host a range of contemporary               talents at Edinburgh.
  art exhibitions throughout the year;
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Open                                                                         “Edinburgh attracts the best and
                                                                              the brightest. My cohort was an

to you                                                                        especially strong group of highly
                                                                              eager learners from all walks of the
                                                                              educational field, many of whom
                                                                              I still call friends and consult now.”
                                                                               Michael Sean Gallagher, USA
                                                                               MSc Digital Education (Online Learning)

However you personally prefer to study, we offer a range of                                     The precise focus of your research will be
                                                                                                agreed with your supervisor and is likely to
postgraduate learning to suit your needs. This includes taught                                  develop over the course of the PhD. The
degrees, professional qualifications and independent research,                                  PhD is assessed by an oral examination in
and full- or part-time, on campus or online study options.                                      which you will defend your research thesis.

                                                                                                Integrated PhDs
A full list of our programmes, with further   Certificate or diploma                            Duration: while the normal duration
information about each and guidance on        Duration: varies.                                 of a PhD is three years, there are some
how to apply is available online:             If you are unable to commit to a full             four-year models that incorporate
www.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate/degrees             masters, many of our degrees have shorter         additional research training and
                                              study options that will lead to the award of      transferable skills development and,
Taught programmes                             either a postgraduate certificate (PgCert)        in some cases, industrial collaboration.
Masters                                       or a postgraduate diploma (PgDip).                These often take place in Research Council
Duration: typically one year full time on                                                       funded centres, Centres for Doctoral
campus but can be longer online or in         Research programmes                               Training (CDT) or Doctoral Training
other circumstances, such as if your          Masters by Research (MScR)                        Partnerships (DTP). They may include
degree is able to offer a placement period.   Duration: one year full time.                     a masters by research (MScR) during the
                                              MSc by Research degrees are designed to           first year of study (1+3 model).
Masters degrees are designed to deepen        prepare you for advanced research,
knowledge in a subject studied at             although they can be taken as a                   Professional doctorates
undergraduate level, although some of our     qualification in their own right. These           Duration: three to seven years full time.
postgraduate offerings may be suitable if     degrees are assessed by an extended,              Professional doctorates are specialist
you are looking to change direction.          independent, written dissertation.                qualifications designed for professional
Students on our taught masters typically                                                        development in specific areas, such as
undertake a combination of taught courses,    MPhil                                             engineering and psychology. Professional
assessment and supervised research.           Duration: two years full time.                    doctorates combine advanced research
Studies culminate in a dissertation or        An MPhil is ideal if you need to develop          training, a substantial contribution to
equivalent project.                           strong all-round knowledge of your                knowledge through your own research
                                              subject, in-depth understanding of a              and a rigorous reflection on professional
Most of our taught masters, across all        specialised area, and the research skills to      practice.
subjects, lead to the award of MSc to         carry out and present a thesis – a piece of
                                                                                                Postgraduate professional
distinguish postgraduate masters from         original research for submission for a higher
our undergraduate MA. This is with the        degree. You may subsequently extend your
                                                                                                Duration: varies.
exception of awards from Edinburgh            studies to PhD registration subject to
                                                                                                Aimed at working professionals,
College of Art, which are normally            satisfactory progress.
                                                                                                postgraduate professional development
postgraduate Master of Art (MA) or Master
                                                                                                (PgProfDev or PPD) allows you to advance
of Fine Art (MFA) awards. Other               PhD
                                                                                                your knowledge without the time or financial
qualifications we offer include MBA,          Duration: three years full time.
                                                                                                commitment of full-time study. We offer a
LLM, MMus, MEd and MTh.                       A PhD is the highest academic research
                                                                                                number of courses as credit-bearing PPD.
                                              qualification, entailing research training
                                                                                                These courses can be recognised in their
                                              and supervised research, either on a
 Part-time study                                                                                own right or the credit can be built up over
                                              one-to-one basis with a supervisor or as
 Online part-time study is open to all.                                                         time towards a PgCert, PgDip or Masters.
                                              part of a research team. PhD students gain
 However, if you require a visa for
                                              the specialist background knowledge for
 study purposes, you will not normally
                                              the projected research and develop the
 be permitted to study on campus on
                                              skills appropriate to research in that field.
 a part-time basis.
                                              Their work culminates in a thesis.
2022 Postgraduate Guide - The University of Edinburgh
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Online learning                                                                                                                                      Our story
                                                                                                                                                     Studying online
Since 2005, the University of Edinburgh has delivered flexible,
online learning to thousands of postgraduate students                                                                                                Tiaji Sio
around the world. This allows you to study with us, wherever
                                                                                                                                                     MSc International Development student from
you live, alongside your work or other commitments.
                                                                                                                                                     Tiaji created real-world foreign policy impact, pursuing
                                                                                                                                                     her masters from multiple countries.
Today, we offer an exceptional range of           degrees offer stand-alone courses which
more than 70 innovative online degrees            provide training on specific subjects.             Find out more
across a wide range of subject areas. We          These are credit-bearing courses (up to 50         You can find out more at our online
have around 4,000 students currently              postgraduate credits) and may contribute           learning open days and chat to
studying online with us and we take the           towards a postgraduate qualification in            programme directors and support                 While studying MSc International Development online with the University,
delivery of teaching online just as seriously     the future. Use the apply buttons for your         services. Events take place in the spring       I work as a diplomat in the German embassy in Vietnam at the intersection
as we do on-campus.                               degree in our online Degree Finder to see if       each year: www.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate/           of economics and development cooperation. The programme provides
                                                  the Postgraduate Professional Development          online-learning-open-day                        me with the theoretical framework and critical thinking skills needed for
Our online degrees are academically               option is available:                                                                               my practical work in the foreign service.
equivalent to qualifications earned               www.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate/degrees                 Free short online courses
on-campus and delivered by dedicated                                                                We partner with the world’s most popular         I was recently listed on Forbes 30 Under 30 list in Germany – which
academics, many of whom are leaders in            A global academic community                       online learning platforms, Coursera,             celebrates young people who demonstrate the power of entrepreneurial
their field. Your experienced programme
team and personal tutor will ensure you
                                                  Distance isn’t a barrier when you choose to
                                                  study online. We offer a highly participative
                                                                                                    FutureLearn and edX, to provide free short
                                                                                                    online courses to learners globally. You can
                                                                                                                                                     thinking and innovative ideas to solve challenges. I was selected mainly
                                                                                                                                                     for my work in racial equality. I founded the diversity network Diplomats
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Arfang Faye
are fully supported in all aspects of your        learning environment, which is both               self-assess your ability to undertake any        of Color in the Federal Foreign Office, to raise awareness of diversity and   MSc Clinical Education graduate
student experience.                               supportive and intellectually stimulating.        course and all courses are completely free       inclusion and increase representation of marginalised communities on all      from The Gambia
                                                  Students join us from all over the world,         to access, with the option to upgrade to         levels of decision-making processes.
Flexibility                                       adding their rich diversity of professional       earn a certificate.                                                                                                            Studying for an online masters
Our online, part-time format is particularly      and academic experience to a truly                                                                 I have worked in Germany, Senegal, Mozambique and Vietnam – the
suited to students already in full- or            international learning community. Our                                                              flexible online courses allow me to access lectures and reading materials
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   remotely had a major practical
                                                                                                    These courses are the ideal way to gain a
part-time employment or with other                students value the different perspectives         new skill or fulfil professional development     from all over the globe. The vibrant community of online students further     impact on Arfang’s clinical
professional or personal commitments. It          their fellow students bring, and welcome          needs and can be a good way to try online        enriches the learning experience through their diverse professional           services work.
offers a flexible learning environment that       the support provided by our expert                learning before committing to a degree.          backgrounds.
can be adapted to your individual needs.          teaching staff.                                   Our short online courses have been taken
You can choose to study at a time and in a                                                          by 3.7 million people worldwide since 2012
place that suits you, saving relocation           When you consider all the benefits of             and are highly rated. The courses are
costs. Our online learning technology is          flexible online study, it’s not surprising that   created and led by world-class University
fully interactive and allows you to               even locally-based professionals decide to        academics, so you’re in expert hands. We                                                                                       I am a senior registered nurse and midwife,
communicate with your highly qualified            choose this option.                               also offer longer online courses designed to                                                                                   and the inventor of the EgAr device –
teaching staff from the comfort of your                                                             provide you with deep learning in specific                                                                                     a Vacuum Delivery Device made with
own home or workplace, or on the go. You          Career benefits                                   career fields, such as predictive analytics or                                                                                 materials that can be found in low resource
will have access to our excellent resources       Many of our students have chosen to               digital marketing. In some cases,                                                                                              settings. I chose to study with the
and will become part of a supportive              study a postgraduate qualification online         postgraduate-level credits are available for                                                                                   University because I believed that acquiring
online community, bringing together               in order to enhance their existing career         those who successfully complete the                                                                                            an MSc would greatly improve my ability
students and tutors from around the               or to enable them to move to a new one.           course.                                                                                                                        to conduct educational activities and
world and enabling you to have the                Studying online while working means you                                                                                                                                          participate more meaningfully in the
‘Edinburgh experience’ wherever you live.         can immediately apply what you learn,             Find out more:                                                                                                                 development of educational policy and
                                                  combine the theoretical with the practical,       www.onlinecourses.ed.ac.uk                                                                                                     practice for nurses and midwives in
Most of our students opt to study to              and bring a global perspective to your role                                                                                                                                      my country.
masters level on a part-time basis, but it is     and your profession. The critical and
also possible to study some degrees full          analytical research skills gained during                                                                                                                                         The most outstanding aspect of the
time or to exit earlier with a postgraduate       a masters can also be a platform for                                                                                                                                             programme, in my opinion, was the
diploma (PgDip) or postgraduate certificate       advanced research such as a PhD, and                                                                                                                                             dissertation. I got the opportunity to plan,
(PgCert). Some degrees can be studied             many students go on to have their work                                                                                                                                           design and lead an important quality
intermittently, allowing you to take up to        published in high-impact journals and                                                                                                                                            improvement project from which I learned
six years to complete a masters. In addition      at conferences.                                              More than                                                                                                           knowledge and skills vital to improving the

to compulsory courses, you can choose                                                                                                                                                                                              quality of care in low-resource settings. The
option courses allowing you to tailor your                                                                                                                                                                                         experience was also very interactive,
studies to suit your individual interests                                                                     students have graduated                                                                                              facilitating meaningful informal discussions
and requirements and enhance your                                                                                 from our online                                                                                                  on diverse but relevant issues, topics and
career opportunities in an increasingly                                                                                                                                                                                            subjects among learners and tutors online.
competitive marketplace. For those looking                                                                                                                                                                                         The support services for students such as
for a shorter period of study, some of our                                                                                                                                                                                         communication and information services
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   were excellent.
2022 Postgraduate Guide - The University of Edinburgh
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How to apply
You can apply for postgraduate study online via our                                                                                                                              More information
                                                                                                                                                                               For further information
Degree Finder: www.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate/degrees                                                                                                                                 about how to apply
                                                                                                                                                                                     please visit:

Taught programmes
 You can check our specific academic and                              meeting our language requirements. Please upload your results                       STEP 1                                                 STEP 2                                                  STEP 3
                                                                      to the Applicant Hub (see Step 2 on page 11) as soon as you
 English language entry requirements for your                         receive them.
 programme, by selecting it from our online
 Degree Finder.                                                       Qualification expiry dates
                                                                      Your English language qualification must be no more than three          Make sure your supporting                  Apply online using the link from the Degree Finder                Track your application online
 Academic entry requirements                                          and a half years old from the start date of the programme you           documentation is all in order,             entry. You will create an online account and upload               through the Applicant Hub.
 As a guide, we usually expect you to have a minimum                  are applying to study, unless you are using IELTS, TOEFL, Trinity       write your 500-word personal               supporting documentation. Once your account is set                We will use your online account
 of a 2:1 honours degree, or its international equivalent.            ISE, or LanguageCert International ESOL, in which case it must          statement, and select referees.            up you can access your online application through                 to contact you if there are any
 We offer guidance on these equivalents online:                       be no more than two years old.                                                                                     the Applicant Hub, save a draft to come back to and               problems with your application
 www.ed.ac.uk/international/postgraduate-entry                                                                                                                                           edit later, then complete and submit it. Further                  and to inform you of the
                                                                      Degrees taught and assessed in English                                                                             guidance is available online: www.ed.ac.uk/                       outcome. Please check the
                                                                                                                                              Supporting your
 English language requirements                                        We also accept a degree, taught and assessed in English:                                                           student-systems/applying-online                                   Applicant Hub regularly for
 You will be asked to demonstrate a level of English language         • in a majority English-speaking country, as                                                                                                                                         important notifications.
                                                                                                                                              The supporting
 competency, regardless of your nationality or country of               defined by UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI); or                                                                     Applying via a representative
                                                                                                                                              documentation required
 residence. Our index on pages 12–17 uses a symbol system.            • by one of our list of approved universities in                                                                   The University has approved representatives in 40                 If you haven’t done so, you
                                                                                                                                              depends on the programme
 The key for this system is on page 12. Although this is as             non-majority English-speaking countries.                                                                         countries worldwide. Representatives can guide you                might like to visit the University
                                                                                                                                              you apply for. Typically, you
 comprehensive as possible there are some exceptions. Please          If you are not a national of a majority English-speaking country,                                                  through the application process if you prefer:                    (see page 44) or if you can’t
                                                                                                                                              will be asked to provide:
 treat it as a guide and check the detailed language requirements     your degree must be no more than three and a half years old at                                                     www.ed.ac.uk/international/representatives                        visit us, you might like to
                                                                                                                                              • academic transcripts;
 for your programme online before you apply. You can apply            the beginning of your programme.                                                                                                                                                     participate in our regular
                                                                                                                                              • your degree certificate;
 before receiving English language test results – your application                                                                                                                                                                                         online information sessions:
                                                                                                                                              • a personal statement;
 will be processed and any offer made will be conditional on you      www.ed.ac.uk/english-requirements/pg                                                                                                                                                 www.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate/
                                                                                                                                              • academic reference(s); and               Application fees/deposits                                         online-events
                                                                                                                                              •	a research proposal                     A small number of programmes charge an
                                                                                                                                                 (if appropriate).
PhD research                                                                                                                                  You will also need certified
                                                                                                                                                                                         application fee and/or require a deposit. Where                   If your application is successful,
                                                                                                                                                                                         applicable this will be stated in the Degree Finder               we look forward to welcoming
                                                                                                                                              translations of your official              entry: www.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate/degrees                          you to Edinburgh:
 If you are considering PhD study, there                              If your intended research is multidisciplinary, it might be helpful     documents if they were not
                                                                      to talk to more than one potential supervisor:                          originally issued in English.
 are two main routes you can take to make                             www.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate/phd-supervisors
                                                                                                                                                                                         When to apply
 your application:                                                                                                                                                                       Application deadlines are shown on each Degree
                                                                                                                                              Some programmes may ask                    Finder entry. Some programmes operate a series of
                                                                      If you propose your own topic, you will need to write and submit        for specific evidence of your
 Apply to a funded project                                                                                                                                                               selection deadlines. If you are applying to a PhD
                                                                      a research proposal with your application. This will help us            suitability for study, such as
 Our Schools and Research Centres often receive funding to carry                                                                                                                         project, or for funding, please be aware there may be
                                                                      assess both your suitability for a research degree and whether or       a portfolio, demonstration
 out research on a specific topic. They will advertise doctoral                                                                                                                          earlier deadlines than listed in the Degree Finder and
                                                                      not we can offer you appropriate supervision and facilities. It can     of relevant experience, or
 positions, which are funded projects, on the School or Institute                                                                                                                        check the project website for details. We strongly
                                                                      potentially also be used to apply to external bodies for funding:       attendance at interview.
 website and also on external websites, such as FindAPhD.com.                                                                                                                            recommend that you apply as early as possible
                                                                      www.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate/research-proposals                            Check for any specific entry
 We recommend you contact the project supervisor to discuss                                                                                                                              before your programme fills up. This is particularly
                                                                                                                                              requirements online.                       important if you need to allow time to apply for a visa
 your suitability for the position you are interested in, then make   Integrated PhDs
 your formal application through the Degree Finder. If you apply                                                                                                                         or to apply for financial support – you must have
                                                                      Application processes take a variety of forms.
 to a funded project, you may not need to develop a full research                                                                                                                        received an offer from the University to apply for
                                                                      See the Degree Finder entry or contact the degree’s
 proposal but will be asked to give an indication of your                                                                                                                                some sources of funding.
                                                                      administrator for more details.
 preparedness for this type of study. You should use your
 personal statement and relevant experience sections of your                                                                                                                             Applying for a student visa
                                                                      Further information on PhD study:
 application to demonstrate the skills, knowledge and subject                                                                                                                            If you are a national of a country outside the UK, it is
 expertise, which make you the ideal candidate.                                                                                                                                          likely that you will have to apply for a student visa to
                                                                                                                                                                                         study on campus at the University of Edinburgh.
                                                                      Postdoctoral vacancies                                                                                                                                                                           Funding
 Propose your own research topic                                                                                                                                                         Please check online for the latest information:
                                                                      If you already have a PhD, or are near completion, we advertise                                                                                                                            Once your application
 If you wish to carry out independent research, you can apply                                                                                                                            www.ed.ac.uk/immigration
                                                                      postdoctoral vacancies, for research projects currently being                                                                                                                              has been submitted,
 for a PhD by submitting your research topic to the University.       conducted at the University, at: www.vacancies.ed.ac.uk                                                                                                                                     you may apply for
 We recommend you contact a potential supervisor at the                                                                                                                                                                                                          University and other
 University and discuss your intended research before you apply.                                                                                                                                                                                                   external funding
 They can give you feedback on your ideas and identify whether                                                                                                                                                                                                      opportunities
 the University has supervisory expertise in your chosen area.
2022 Postgraduate Guide - The University of Edinburgh
12                www.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate/degrees                                                                                                                Postgraduate Guide 2022                                                                                               The University of Edinburgh            13

Index of masters degrees                                                                                                                                                     See page 12 for English language requirements key
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Online learning

The following index is organised according to                                           College of Arts, Humanities

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Index of masters degrees
                                                                                                                                                                             International Business & Emerging     MSc 1yr FT                                 ●     Performance Psychology                   MSc 1yr FT (2–6yrs PT UK only), PgDip    ◆
                                                                                                                                                                             Markets                                                                                                                         9mths FT (1-4yrs PT UK only)
our academic Colleges and Schools (see page 18).
This index is indicative of the postgraduate                                            & Social Sciences                                                                    International Human Resource
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   MSc 1yr FT                                 ●     Physical Activity for Health             MSc 1yr FT (2–6yrs PT UK only),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PgDip 9mths FT (1–4yrs PT UK only),

                                                                                                                                                                             Management                            MSc/MSc by Research 1yr FT                 ●                                              PgCert 1–2yrs PT UK only
opportunities we plan to offer in 2022, to the                                          EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART
                                                                                                                                                               LANGUAGE      Marketing                             MSc 1yr FT                                 ●     Professional Graduate Diploma            PGDE 1yr FT                              ◆
best of our knowledge at the time of publication.                                                                                                          REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                                                                                             (SEE PAGE 12)
                                                                                                                                                                             Marketing & Business Analysis         MSc 1yr FT                                 ●     in Education (Primary)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Professional Graduate Diploma            PGDE 1yr FT                              ◆
However, we encourage you to check our Degree                                           ARCHITECTURE
                                                                                                                                                                             SCHOOL OF DIVINITY                                                          ENGLISH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    in Education (Secondary)
                                                                                        Advanced Sustainable Design         MSc 1yr FT                                 ◆
Finder online for the latest information on                                             Architectural & Urban Design        MSc 1yr FT                                 ◆
                                                                                                                                                                             www.ed.ac.uk/divinity                                                    LANGUAGE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Social Justice & Community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             MSc 2–6yrs PT, PgDip 2–4yrs PT,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PgCert 1–2yrs PT

available postgraduate opportunities:                                                   Architectural Conservation          MSc 1yr FT                                 ●                                                                            (SEE PAGE 12)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sport, Physical Education & Health       MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ■
                                                                                                                                                                             Biblical Studies                      MSc/MTh 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)           ●
www.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate/degrees                                                       Architectural History & Theory
                                                                                                                            MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)
                                                                                                                            MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK
                                                                                                                                                                       ●     Ethics & Practical Theology           MSc/MTh by Research 1yr FT (2yrs           ●
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sport Policy, Management &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             MSc 1yr FT (2–6yrs PT UK only)           ◆
                                                                                                                            only)                                                                                  PT UK only)                                      International Development
Part-time study                                                                         Architecture, Master of             March 21mths FT                            ◆     Hebrew & Old Testament Studies        MSc/MTh by Research 1yr FT (2yrs           ●     Strength & Conditioning                  MSc 1yr FT (2–6yrs PT UK only), PgDip    ◆
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PT UK only)                                                                               9mths FT (1–4yrs PT UK only)
Online part-time study is open to all. However, if you require a visa                   Cultural Studies                    MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK         ■
                                                                                                                            only)                                            History of Christianity               MSc/MTh by Research 1yr FT (2yrs           ●     Teaching English to Speakers of          MSc 1yr FT (2–6yrs PT UK only), PgDip    ■
for study purposes, you will not normally be permitted to study on                                                                                                                                                 PT UK only)                                      Other Languages (TESOL)                  9mths FT (1–4yrs PT UK only), PgCert
                                                                                        Design & Digital Media              MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●
campus on a part-time basis.                                                                                                MSc 1yr FT (2–6yrs PT)
                                                                                                                                                                             Islam & Christian Muslim Relations    MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●                                              4mths FT (1–2yrs PT UK only)
                                                                                             Digital Media Design                                                     ●
                                                                                                                                                                             Islamic Studies &                     MSc by Research 1yr FT                     ●     Transformative Learning & Teaching       MSc 21mths FT                            ▼
                                                                                        Landscape Architecture              EMiLA/MLA 21mths FT                        ▼
                                                                                                                                                                             Christian Muslim Relations            (2yrs PT UK only)
English language requirements                                                           Landscape & Wellbeing               MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●
                                                                                                                                                                             New Testament & Christian Origins     MSc/MTh by Research 1yr FT (2yrs           ●     SCHOOL OF HEALTH IN SOCIAL SCIENCE                                           ENGLISH
Our English language requirements vary across our degrees.                              Urban Strategies & Design           MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ▼                                           PT UK only)                                                                                                                LANGUAGE
The symbols in column three of the tables correspond to the key                                                                                                              Religion & Literature                 MSc/MTh 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)           ▼                                                                           REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (SEE PAGE 12)
below. Because of space restrictions, this is only a guide so please                    ART                                                                                  Religious Studies                     MSc/MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs           ●
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Advanced Nursing                         MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only)           ◆
do check online for the most up-to-date information. Please note,                       Collections & Curating Practices    MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK         ■                                           PT UK only)
                                                                                                                            only)                                                                                                                                   Applied Psychology (Healthcare)          MSc 1yr FT                               ■
we do not accept TOEFL MyBest Score to meet English language                                                                                                                 Science & Religion                    MSc/MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs           ●     for Children & Young People
                                                                                        Contemporary Art Practice           MA 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only), MFA           ◆                                           PT UK only)
requirements.                                                                                                               21mths FT                                                                                                                               Clinical & Health Psychology          MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK          ■
                                                                                                                                                                             Systematic Theology                   MSc/MTh by Research 1yr FT                 ●                                           only)
                                                                                        Contemporary Art Theory             MA 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)                ◆                                           (2yrs PT UK only)
▼                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Clinical Psychology                   DClinPsychol 3yrs FT                        ■
                                                                                                                                                                             Theology in History                   MSc/MTh 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)           ●
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Counselling                           MCouns 4yrs PT (UK only), PgDip             ◆
Please refer to our Degree Finder for specific English language requirements:           DESIGN                                                                               Theology & Religious Studies          MSc/MTh by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT        ●     (Counselling Studies at PgCert level) 3yrs PT (UK only), PgCert 1yr PT (UK
www.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate/degrees                                                       Design for Change                   MA 1yr FT                                  ●                                           UK only)                                                                               only)
                                                                                        Design Informatics                  MA 1yr FT, MFA 21mths FT                   ●     World Christianity                    MSc/MTh or MSc/MTh by Research             ●     Counselling (Interpersonal Dialogue) MCouns 2yrs FT                               ●
■                                                                                       Film Directing                      MA 1yr FT, MFA 21mths FT                   ◆                                           1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Counselling Studies                   MSc/MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT         ▼
IELTS Academic module                                 7.0 (with 6.5 in each module)     Graphic Design                      MA 1yr FT, MFA 21mths FT                   ●                                                                                                                                  UK only)
TOEFL–iBT                                     100 (with at least 23 in each section)    Illustration                        MA 1yr FT, MFA 21mths FT                   ●     SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS                                                         ENGLISH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Health Humanities & Arts              MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK          ■
                                                                                                                                                                             www.ed.ac.uk/economics                                                   LANGUAGE
CAE/CPE                                           185 (at least 176 in each module)     Interior, Architectural &           MA 1yr FT                                  ●                                                                          REQUIREMENTS                                            only)
Trinity ISE                            ISE III (with a pass in all four components)     Spatial Design                                                                                                                                              (SEE PAGE 12)   Mental Health in Children & Young     MSc 1yr FT                                  ■
                                                                                                                                                                             Economics                             MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ▼     People: Psychological Approaches
●                                                                                       HISTORY OF ART                                                                       Economics (Econometrics)              MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ▼           Mental Health in Children &    MSc 2–6yrs PT                               ■
IELTS Academic module                                 7.0 (with 6.0 in each module)     Global Premodern Art: History,      MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●     Economics (Finance)                   MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ▼           Young People: Psychological
TOEFL–iBT                                     100 (with at least 20 in each section)    Heritage and Curation                                                                Mathematical Economics &              MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ▼           Approaches
CAE/CPE                                           185 (at least 169 in each module)     History of Art                      MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK         ■     Econometrics                                                                                  Neurological Rehabilitation & PgCert 12mths PT                            ■
Trinity ISE                            ISE III (with a pass in all four components)                                         only)                                                                                                                                         Care
                                                                                        History of Art, Theory & Display    MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ■     SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND SPORT                                               ENGLISH    Nursing with Pre Registration,        MN TBC                                      ▼
◆                                                                                       Modern & Contemporary Art: History, MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ■     www.ed.ac.uk/education                                                   LANGUAGE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Master of*
                                                                                        Curating & Criticism                                                                                                                                                        Nursing Studies                       MSc by Research 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT           ■
IELTS Academic module                                 6.5 (with 6.0 in each module)                                                                                                                                                                 (SEE PAGE 12)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          UK only)
TOEFL–iBT                                       92 (with at least 20 in each section)                                                                                        Dance Science & Education             MSc 1yr FT (2–6yrs PT UK only), PgDip      ◆
                                                                                        MUSIC                                                                                                                      9mths FT (1–4yrs PT UK only)                     Psychological Therapies               MSc 2yrs FT* (2-6yrs PT UK only)            ■
CAE/CPE                                           176 (at least 169 in each module)
                                                                                        Acoustics & Music Technology        MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●     Dance Science & Education with        MSc 15mths FT (24mths PT UK only)                Psychology of Mental Health           MSc 1yr FT (up to 6yrs PT UK only)          ■
Trinity ISE                       ISE II (with distinctions in all four components)                                                                                                                                                                           ◆
                                                                                        Music                               MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK         ●     pathway to Qualified Teacher status                                                    (Conversion)
Abbreviations used in the table                                                                                             only)                                                                                  MSc 2–6yrs PT, PgDip 1–4yrs PT,                  Psychotherapy & Counselling           DPsychotherapy 4yrs FT (7yrs PT UK          ■
                                                                                                                                                                                  Digital Education                                                          ●
                                                                                        Musicology                          MMus 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)              ●                                           PgCert 1–2yrs PT                                                                       only)
IELTS	International English Language Testing System
TOEFL–iBT	Test of English as a Foreign Language – Internet-based Test                  Sound Design                        MSc/MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs           ▼     Education                             MSc/MSc by Research 1yr FT (2–3yrs         ■
                                                                                                                            PT UK only)                                                                            PT UK only)
CPE	Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English
                                                                                                                                                                             Inclusive Education                   MSc 1yr FT (2-6yrs PT UK only),            ▼
CAE         Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English                                                                                                                                                              PgDip 2-4yrs PT UK only, PgCert
                                                                                        BUSINESS SCHOOL                                                           ENGLISH
Trinity ISE Integrated Skills in English                                                www.business-school.ed.ac.uk                                           LANGUAGE                                            1-2yrs PT UK only
                                                                                                                                                             (SEE PAGE 12)   Language Education                    MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only), PgDip        ■
                                                                                        Accounting & Finance                MSc 1yr FT                                 ●                                           9mths FT (21mths PT UK only)
                                                                                        Banking & Risk                      MSc 1yr FT                                 ●
                                                                                                                                                                             Language & Intercultural              MSc 1yr FT (2–6yrs PT UK only), PgDip      ■
                                                                                                                                                                             Communication*                        9mths FT (1–4yrs PT UK only), PgCert
                                                                                        Business Administration, Master     MBA 12mths FT                              ●
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   4mths FT (1–2yrs PT UK only)
                                                                                        of (MBA)
                                                                                                                                                                             Leadership & Learning                 MEd 2-6yrs PT UK only                      ■
                                                                                        Business Analytics                  MSc 1yr FT                                 ●
                                                                                                                                                                             Outdoor Education                     MSc 15mths FT (30mths PT UK only),         ▼
                                                                                        Climate Change Finance & Investment MSc 1yr FT                                 ●                                           PgDip 1yr FT (24mths PT UK only),
                                                                                        Entrepreneurship & Innovation       MSc 1yr FT                                 ●                                           PgCert 1–2yrs PT UK only
                                                                                        Executive Master of Business        MBA 27mths PT                              ●     Outdoor Environmental &               MSc 15mths FT (30mths PT UK only),         ▼
                                                                                        Administration (EMBA)                                                                Sustainability Education              PgDip 1yr FT (24mths PT UK only),
                                                                                        Finance                             MSc 1yr FT                                 ●                                           PgCert 1–2yrs PT UK only
                                                                                        Finance, Technology & Policy        MSc 1yr FT                                 ●
                                                                                        Global Strategy & Sustainability    MSc 1yr FT                                 ▼
          Online learning                                                               Human Resource Management           MSc 1yr FT                                 ●     * Subject to approval
2022 Postgraduate Guide - The University of Edinburgh
14                  www.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate/degrees                                                                                                             Postgraduate Guide 2022                                                                                               The University of Edinburgh                  15

Index of masters degrees (continued)                                                                                                                                        See page 12 for English language requirements key
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Online learning

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Index of masters degrees
SCHOOL OF HISTORY, CLASSICS & ARCHAEOLOGY                                   ENGLISH    SCHOOL OF LITERATURES, LANGUAGES & CULTURES                               ENGLISH    LINGUISTICS & ENGLISH LANGUAGE                                                        Cardiovascular Biology                            MSc by Research 1yr FT                 ◆
www.ed.ac.uk/hca                                                         LANGUAGE      www.ed.ac.uk/llc                                                       LANGUAGE
                                                                     REQUIREMENTS                                                                         REQUIREMENTS      Applied Linguistics               MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)                   ■    Cardiovascular Science                            MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK     ◆
                                                                       (SEE PAGE 12)                                                                        (SEE PAGE 12)   Developmental Linguistics         MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)                   ■                                                      only)
HISTORY                                                                                LITERATURE & LITERARY THEORY                                                         English Language                  MSc/MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs               ■    Clinical Anatomy                                  MSc 12mths FT                          ◆
American History                       MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)              ●     Book History & Material Culture         MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)           ■                                       PT UK only)                                               Clinical Education                         MSc 3yrs PT, PgDip 2yrs PT, PgCert     ◆
Contemporary History                   MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)              ●     Comparative Literature                  MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)           ■     Evolution of Language & Cognition MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)                   ■                                                      1yr PT
Economic & Social History              MSc by Research 1yr FT                    ●     Creative Writing                        MSc 1yr FT / MSc by Research           ■     Linguistics                       MSc/MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs               ■           Clinical Management of Pain               MSc 6yrs PT, PgDip 4yrs PT,            ◆
                                       (2yrs PT UK only)                                                                       1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)                                                       PT UK only)                                                                                           PgCert 2yrs PT or PgProfDev
                                                                                                                                                                            Phonetics                         MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)                                                                          up to 2yrs PT
History                                MSc/MSc by Research 1yr FT                ●     English Literature                      MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK     ■                                                                                      ■
                                       (2yrs PT UK only)                                                                       only)                                        Speech & Language Processing      MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)                   ■            Clinical Microbiology &                  MSc 6yrs PT, PgDip 4yrs PT,            ◆
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Infectious Diseases                         PgCert 2yrs PT, or PgProfDev up to
     History                          MSc 1yr FT (2-6yrs PT),                   ●     English Literature: Literature &        MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)           ■
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2yrs PT
                                       PgDip 1yr FT (2-3yrs PT, exit only),            Modernity: 1900 to the present                                                       SCHOOL OF SOCIAL & POLITICAL SCIENCE                                       ENGLISH
                                       PgCert 1yr FT (2yrs PT, exit only)                                                                                                                                                                                                  Clinical Ophthalmology                  ChM 2–4yrs PT                          ◆
                                                                                       English Literature: Literature &        MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)           ■     www.sps.ed.ac.uk                                                        LANGUAGE
Intellectual History                   MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)              ●     Society: Enlightenment, Romantic                                                                                                                         REQUIREMENTS                Clinical Trials                        MSc 6yrs PT, PgDip 4yrs PT,            ◆
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (SEE PAGE 12)                                                     PgCert 2yrs PT, or PgProfDev up to 2
Medieval History                       MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)              ●     & Victorian
                                                                                                                                                                            Advanced Social Work Studies          PgCert 1yr PT UK only                      ●                                                      yrs PT
Scottish History                       MSc/MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs          ●     English Literature: Postcolonial        MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK     ■
                                                                                                                                                                            (Mental Health Officer Award)                                                                    Critical Care                         MSc 3yrs PT, PgDip 2yrs PT,            ◆
                                       PT UK only)                                     Literature                              only)
                                                                                                                                                                            Africa & International Development MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)                  ●                                                      PgCert 1yr PT
                                                                                       English Literature: Scottish Literature MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK     ■
                                                                                                                               only)                                        Comparative Public Policy             MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●                Data Science for Health & Social MSc 3yrs PT, PgDip 2yrs PT,                ◆
                                                                                                                                                                            Digital Sociology                     MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●          Care (Usher Institute)                      PgCert 1yr PT, PgProfDev up to 2yrs
Ancient History                        MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)              ●                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PT
                                                                                       LANGUAGE STUDIES                                                                           *Global Challenges             MSc 3–5yrs PT                              ●
      Ancient Worlds                   MSc 2-4yrs PT                             ●                                                                                                                                                                                Dental Surgery                                    DDS 2yrs FT (3–4yrs PT UK only)        ■
                                                                                       Chinese                               MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ■     Global Environment, Politics & SocietyMSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●
Classical Art & Archaeology            MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)              ●                                                                                                                                                                                Endodontology                                     DClinDent 36 mths FT                   ■
                                                                                                                             only)                                          Global Health Policy                  MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●
Classics                               MSc/MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs          ●                                                                                                                                                                                             Epidemiology (Usher Institute) MSc 3yrs PT, PgDip 2yrs PT,                 ■
                                                                                       French                                MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ■            Global Health Policy          PgCert 36mths PT                           ●
                                       PT UK only)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PgCert 1yr PT
                                                                                                                             only)                                          Global Mental Health & Society        MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●
Late Antique Islamic & Byzantine       MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)              ●                                                                                                                                                                                              Family Medicine                    MFM 2yrs PT                            ◆
                                                                                       German                                MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ■
                                                                                                                                                                            Health Policy                         MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)
Studies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ●
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ChM 2yrs PT
                                                                                                                             only)                                                                                                                                               General Surgery                                                          ◆
                                                                                                                                                                            International & European Politics     MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●
                                                                                       Hispanic (Spanish, Portuguese         MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ■                                                                                           Genetics & Molecular Medicine                     MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK     ◆
ARCHAEOLOGY                                                                            & Latin American) Studies             only)                                          International Development             MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●
Archaeology                            MSc/MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs          ●     Italian                               MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ■             International Development    MSc 24-36mths PT,                          ●
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Genomics & Experimental Medicine MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK                      ◆
                                       PT UK only)                                                                           only)                                                                                PgDip 24mths PT                                                                                   only)
European Archaeology                   MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)              ●     Japanese                              MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ■     International Political Theory        MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MSc 6yrs PT, PgDip 4yrs PT,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Global Health & Infectious                                              ◆
Human Osteoarchaeology                 MSc 1yr FT                                ●                                           only)                                          International Relations               MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●          Diseases                                    PgCert 2yrs PT, or PgProfDev up to
Mediterranean Archaeology              MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)              ●     Russian                               MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ■     International Relations of the        MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●                                                      2yrs PT
                                                                                                                             only)                                          Middle East                                                                                            Global Health Challenges        PgCert 1–2yrs PT, PgProfDev up to      ●
SCHOOL OF LAW                                                               ENGLISH    Scandinavian Studies                  MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ■     Management of Bioeconomy,             MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●                                                      2yrs PT
www.law.ed.ac.uk                                                         LANGUAGE                                            only)                                          Innovation & Governance                                                                                  lobal Health Studies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    G                               PgCert 1yr PT, PgProfDev up to 2yrs    ◆
                                                                       (SEE PAGE 12)   Translation Studies                   MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ■     Medical Anthropology                  MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●                                                      PT
Commercial Law                          LLM 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ▼                                                                                          Public Policy                         MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●                      Imaging                        MSc 6yrs PT, PgDip 4yrs PT,            ◆
Comparative & European Private Law LLM 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)                  ▼     CULTURES & VISUAL ARTS                                                               Science & Technology in Society       MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●                                                      PgCert 2yrs PT, or PgProfDev up to
                                                                                       Celtic Studies                        MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ■     Science & Technology Studies          MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK         ●                                                      2yrs PT
Corporate Law                           LLM 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ▼
                                                                                                                             only)                                                                                only)                                           Infectious Diseases                               MSc by Research 1yr FT                 ◆
Criminal Law & Criminal Justice         LLM 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ▼
                                                                                       East Asian Relations                  MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ■     Social Anthropology                   MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●    Inflammation                                      MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK     ◆
Criminology & Criminal Justice          MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ▼
                                                                                       Film, Exhibition & Curation           MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ■     Social & Political Science            MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK         ●
European Law                            LLM 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ▼
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MSc 3yrs PT, PgDip 2yrs PT,
                                                                                       Film Studies                          MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ■                                           only)                                                              Integrated Global Health                                              ■
Global Crime, Justice & Security        MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ▼
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (Usher Institute)                                 PgCert 1yr PT
                                                                                       Gender & Culture                      MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ■     Social Research/Social Research       MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only), PgCert       ●
Global Environment & Climate Change LLM 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)                 ▼                                                                                          with Quantitative Methods             1-2yrs PT (UK only)                             Integrative Physiology                            MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK     ◆
Law                                                                                                                          only)
                                                                                       Intermediality: Literature, Film      MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ■     Social Work                           Master of Social Work 21mths FT            ■                                                      only)
Human Rights                            LLM 1yr FT                               ▼                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MSc 3yrs PT, PgDip 2yrs PT,
                                                                                       & the Arts in Dialogue                                                               Sociology & Global Change             MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)               ●                       Internal Medicine                                                    ◆
       Information Technology Law      LLM 1yr FT (20mths–3yrs PT)              ▼                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PgCert 1yr PT
                                                                                       Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies      MSc/MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs         ■
Innovation, Technology & the Law        LLM 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ▼                                           PT UK only)                                                                                                                                              International Animal Health  MSc 6yrs PT, PgDip 4yrs PT,            ◆
        Innovation, Technology & the LLM 1yr FT (20mths–3yrs PT)                ▼
                                                                                       Korean Studies                        MSc/MSc by Research 1yr FT               ■                                                                                                                                             PgCert 2yrs PT, or PgProfDev up to
         Law                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2yrs PT
                                                                                       Scottish Ethnology                    MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ■
Intellectual Property Law               LLM 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ▼                                                                                                                                                                                Medical Sciences                                  MMedSci by Research 1yr FT (2yrs       ◆
         Intellectual Property Law     LLM 32mths–3yrs PT
International Banking Law & Finance LLM 1yr FT
                                                                                       The Globalised Muslim World           MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ▼     College of Medicine                                                                   Medicine, Doctor of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PT UK only)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MD 2yrs FT (3–4yrs PT UK only)         ◆

          International Commercial Law LLM 1yr FT (20mths–3yrs PT)
           & Practice
                                                                                 ▼     SCHOOL OF PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY
                                                                                       & LANGUAGE SCIENCES
                                                                                                                                                                            & Veterinary Medicine                                                                                      Neuroimaging for Research   MSc 6yrs PT, PgDip 4yrs PT,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PgCert 2yrs PT or PgProfDev up to

                                                                                                                                                          REQUIREMENTS                                                                                                                                              2yrs PT
International Economic Law              LLM 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ▼     www.ed.ac.uk/ppls                                                                    EDINBURGH MEDICAL SCHOOL                                                   ENGLISH
                                                                                                                                                            (SEE PAGE 12)                                                                                         Neuroscience/Neuroscience                         MSc by Research 1yr FT                 ◆
International Law                       LLM 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ▼     PHILOSOPHY                                                                           www.ed.ac.uk/medicine-vet-medicine                                      LANGUAGE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (Integrative Neuroscience)
Law                                     LLM 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ▼
                                                                                           Epistemology, Ethics & Mind      MSc 1yr FT (2-6yrs PT), PgDip 9mths      ■                                                                           (SEE PAGE 12)   Orthodontics                                      DClinDent 36 mths FT, MClinDent 24     ■
Law                                     LLM by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ▼                                           FT (2-4yrs PT), PgCert 1–2yrs PT                                                      PgDip 4yrs PT, PgCert 2yrs PT                                                                    mths FT
                                                                                                                                                                                  natomical Sciences
                                                                                                                                                                                 A                                                                           ◆
                                        only)                                          Mind, Language & Embodied             MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ■                                                                                           Orthopaedic & Trauma Medicine                     MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK     ◆
                                                                                                                                                                                 Applied Medical Image            PgCert 2yrs PT                            ◆
           Law                         LLM 1yr FT (20mths–3yrs PT)              ▼     Cognition                                                                                                                                                                                                                    only)
Medical Law & Ethics                    LLM 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ▼     Philosophy                           MSc/MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs          ■                                                                                           Paediatric Dentistry                              DClinDent 36 mths FT, MClinDent 24     ■
                                                                                                                                                                                  Biodiversity, Wildlife &        MSc 3yrs PT, PgDip 2yrs PT, PgCert        ◆
            Medical Law & Ethics       LLM 1yr FT (2-3yrs PT)                   ▼                                          PT UK only)                                                                                                                                                                             mths FT
                                                                                                                                                                                   Ecosystem Health                1yr PT
             Postgraduate Certificate  PgCert 12mths FT (20mths PT)             ▼           hilosophy, Science & Religion MSc 1yr FT (2-6yrs PT), PgDip 9mths
                                                                                            P                                                                         ■                                                                                                                 Paediatric Emergency       MSc 3yrs PT, PgDip 2yrs PT,            ◆
                                                                                                                                                                            Biomedical Sciences (Life Sciences)    MSc by Research 1yr FT                    ■                                                      PgCert 1yr PT
              in Law                                                                                                        FT (2-4yrs PT), PgCert 1–2yrs PT                                                                                                            Medicine
                                                                                                                                                                            Cancer (Edinburgh Cancer               MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK        ◆
Professional Legal Practice             Diploma 9mths FT (21mths PT UK           ▼                                                                                                                                                                                                       Patient Safety & Clinical MSc 3yrs PT, PgDip 2yrs PT,            ◆
                                                                                                                                                                            Research Centre)                       only)
                                        only)                                          PSYCHOLOGY                                                                                                                                                                       Human Factors                               PgCert 1yr PT
                                                                                       Psychological Research                MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)             ■                                                                                                                   PET-MR Principles &      PgCert up to 2yrs PT                   ◆
                                                                                       Psychology                            MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ■                                                                                                 Applications
                                                                                                                                                                            * The Global Challenges MSc comprises the Postgraduate Certificates in Global
                                                                                                                                                                              Development Challenges, Global Environment Challenges and Global Health
          Online learning                                                                                                                                                     Challenges. Entry is by one of these programmes.
2022 Postgraduate Guide - The University of Edinburgh
16                  www.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate/degrees                                                                                                                Postgraduate Guide 2022                                                                                           The University of Edinburgh           17

Index of masters degrees (continued)                                                                                                                                           See page 12 for English language requirements key
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Online learning

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Index of masters degrees
Population Health Sciences               MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK        ◆           RCVS Certificate in Advanced   PgProfDev up to 10yrs PT                  ▼     Integrated Micro & Nano Systems      MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK        ◆     ICSA: Computer Architecture,           MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK      ◆
                                         only)                                                 Veterinary Practice                                                                                                  only)                                           Compilation & Systems Software,        only)
      Primary Care Ophthalmology        MSc 6yrs PT, PgDip 4yrs PT,               ◆            Veterinary Anaesthesia &      MSc 6yrs PT, PgDip 4yrs PT,               ◆     Leading Major Programmes             MSc 2yrs PT UK only                       ◆     Networks & Communication
                                         PgCert 2yrs PT                                        Analgesia                       PgCert 2yrs PT                                  Materials & Processes                MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK        ◆     ILCC: Language Processing, Speech      MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK      ◆
Prosthodontics                           DClinDent 36 mths FT, MClinDent 24        ■     Veterinary Medicine, Doctor of        DVetMed 4yrs FT                           ■                                          only)                                           Technology, Information Retrieval,     only)
                                         mths FT                                                                                                                               Sensor & Imaging Systems             MSc 1yr FT                                ◆     Cognition
Psychiatry                               MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK        ◆                                                                                           Signal Processing & Communications MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)                ●     Informatics                            MSc 1yr FT (2-3yrs PT UK only)          ●
                                         only)                                                                                                                                 Structural & Fire Safety Engineering MSc 1yr FT                                ◆     IPAB: Robotics, Computer Vision,       MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK      ◆
Public Health                            MPH 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)              ■                                                                                           Sustainable Energy Systems           MSc 1yr FT, PgDip 9mths FT                ◆     Computer Graphics & Animation          only)
     Public Health                      MPH 3yrs PT, PgDip 2yrs PT, PgCert
                                         1yr PT, or PgProfDev up to 2yrs PT
                                                                                         College of Science                                                                    SCHOOL OF GEOSCIENCES                                                     ENGLISH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    LFCS: Theory & Foundations of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Computer Science, Databases,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK

                                                                                         & Engineering
Regenerative Medicine &                  MSc by Research 1yr FT                    ◆                                                                                           www.ed.ac.uk/geosciences                                               LANGUAGE      Software & Systems Modelling
Tissue Repair                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (SEE PAGE 12)
Reproductive Sciences                    MSc by Research 1yr FT                    ◆                                                                                                                                                                                SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS                                                     ENGLISH
                                                                                                                                                                               Applied Environmental Hydrogeology MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)                ●
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    www.maths.ed.ac.uk                                                     LANGUAGE
     Restorative Dentistry              MSc 3yrs PT, PgDip 2yrs PT,               ■     SCHOOL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES                                              ENGLISH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       PgCert 1yr PT                                                                                                   REQUIREMENTS
                                         PgCert 1yr PT                                   www.ed.ac.uk/biology                                                    LANGUAGE            Carbon Innovation                                                       ●
                                                                                                                                                             REQUIREMENTS                                                                                                                                                                (SEE PAGE 12)
Science Communication & Public           MSc 1yr FT                                                                                                                            Carbon Management                       MSc 1yr FT (2-3yrs PT UK only)         ●
                                                                                   ■                                                                           (SEE PAGE 12)                                                                                        Computational Applied Mathematics MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)                 ◆
Engagement                                                                               Animal Breeding & Genetics             MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only), PgDip      ◆            Carbon Management               MSc 3yrs PT (2yrs accelerated)         ●
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Computational Mathematical Finance MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only), PgDip 9       ◆
     Science Communication &            MSc 3yrs PT, PgDip 2yrs PT,               ■                                            9mths FT                                               Climate Change Management PgCert 1yr PT                               ●                                        mths FT
      Public Engagement                  PgCert 1yr PT                                   Biochemistry                           MSc 1yr FT, PgDip 9mths FT               ◆     Earth Observation &                     MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only)         ●     Financial Mathematics              MSc 1yr FT                                  ▼
      Stem Cells & Translational        MSc 3–6yrs PT, PgProfDev up to 2yrs       ◆     Biodiversity & Taxonomy of Plants      MSc 1yr FT, PgDip 9mths FT               ◆     Geoinformation Management                                                            Financial Modelling & Optimization MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only), PgDip         ◆
       Neurology                         PT                                              Bioinformatics                         MSc 1yr FT, PgDip 9mths FT               ◆     Ecological Economics                    MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only)         ●                                        9mths FT
Surgery                                  MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK        ◆     Biotechnology                          MSc 1yr FT, PgDip 9mths FT               ◆     Energy, Society & Sustainability        MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only)         ●     Operational Research/OR with       MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only), PgDip         ◆
                                         only)                                           Cell Biology                           MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ◆     Environment & Development               MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only)         ●     Computational Optimization/OR      9mths FT
       urgical Sciences
      S                                  MSc 3yrs PT                               ◆                                            only)                                          Environment, Culture & Society          MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)           ●     with Risk
      Transfusion, Transplantation      MSc 3yrs PT                               ■     Drug Discovery & Translational Biology MSc 1yr FT, PgDip 9mths FT               ◆     Environmental Protection &              MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only)         ●     Operational Research with Data     MSc 1yr FT (2-3yrs PT UK only)              ◆
       & Tissue Banking*                                                                 Evolutionary Biology                   MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ◆     Management                                                                           Science
                                         ChM 2yrs PT                                                                            only)                                          Environmental Sustainability            MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only)         ●     Statistics & Operational Research  MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only)                ◆
       Trauma & Orthopaedics                                                      ◆
                                                                                         Evolutionary Genetics                  MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only), PgDip      ◆     Food Security                           MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only)         ●     Statistics with Data Science       MSc 1yr FT (2-3yrs PT UK only)              ◆
        Urology                         ChM 2yrs PT                               ◆
                                                                                                                                9mths FT                                       Geoenergy                               MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only)         ●
         Vascular & Endovascular SurgeryChM 2–4yrs PT                             ◆     Human Complex Trait Genetics           MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only), PgDip      ◆                                                                                          SCHOOL OF PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY                                             ENGLISH
                                                                                                                                                                               Geographical Information Science/ MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only)               ●
                                                                                                                                9mths FT                                                                                                                            www.ph.ed.ac.uk                                                        LANGUAGE
                                                                                                                                                                               GeoSciences (Individual Project)        MSc/MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs       ▼                                                                        REQUIREMENTS
THE ROYAL (DICK) SCHOOL OF VETERINARY STUDIES                                 ENGLISH    Immunology & Infection Research        MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ◆
                                                                           LANGUAGE                                                                                                                                    PT UK only)                                                                                                       (SEE PAGE 12)
www.ed.ac.uk/medicine-vet-medicine                                                                                              only)
                                                                       REQUIREMENTS                                                                                                     Global Environment Challenges PgCert 9mths-1yr FT (2yrs PT)          ●     Mathematical Physics                   MSc 1yr FT                              ◆
                                                                         (SEE PAGE 12)   Molecular Plant Sciences               MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ◆
                                                                                                                                                                               Human Geography                         MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK     ●     Particle & Nuclear Physics             MSc 1yr FT                              ◆
      Advanced Clinical Practice        MVetSci 6yrs PT, PgDip 4yrs PT,           ◆                                            only)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       only)                                        Theoretical Physics                    MSc 1yr FT                              ◆
                                         PgCert 2yrs PT                                  Quantitative Biology, Biochemistry MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK           ◆
                                                                                         & Biotechnology                        only)                                          Marine Systems & Policies               MSc 1yr FT (2-3yrs PT UK only)         ●
Animal Biosciences                       MSc 1yr FT                                ◆
                                                                                         Quantitative Genetics & Genome         MSc 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK only), PgDip      ◆     Palaeontology & Geobiology              MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK     ●
Applied Animal Behaviour & Animal        MSc 1yr FT (2/3yrs PT UK only)            ■                                                                                                                                   only)
Welfare                                                                                  Analysis                               9mths FT
                                                                                         Stem Cell Research                     MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK       ◆     Soils & Sustainability                  MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only)         ●
     Applied Conservation                  MSc 3-6yrs PT, PgDip 2–4yrs PT,        ◆
      Genetics with Wildlife
                                            PgCert 1-2yrs PT, or PgProfDev up to
                                            2yrs PT                                      Synthetic Biology & Biotechnology
                                                                                                                                MSc 1yr FT, PgDip 9mths FT               ●
                                                                                                                                                                               SCHOOL OF INFORMATICS                                                     ENGLISH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Edinburgh Futures Institute
                                            MSc 3-6yrs PT, PgDip 2–4yrs PT,              Systems & Synthetic Biology            MSc 1yr FT, PgDip 9mths FT               ●
                                                                                                                                                                               www.ed.ac.uk/informatics                                               LANGUAGE
      Applied Poultry Science                                                     ◆
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  REQUIREMENTS                                                                                ENGLISH
                                            PgCert 1-2yrs PT, or PgProfDev                                                                                                                                                                          (SEE PAGE 12)   https://efi.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate-study                                LANGUAGE
                                            up to 2yrs PT                                SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY                                                        ENGLISH                                                                                                                                                            REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                         www.chem.ed.ac.uk                                                       LANGUAGE      Advanced Design Informatics            MSc 21mths FT                           ●                                                                          (SEE PAGE 12)
      Clinical Animal Behaviour            MSc 6yrs PT, PgDip 4yrs PT,            ◆                                                                         REQUIREMENTS      Advanced Technology for Financial      MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only)          ●     Creative Industries                    MSc 1yr FT                              ■
                                            PgCert 2yrs PT                                                                                                     (SEE PAGE 12)
                                                                                                                                                                               Computing                                                                            Data, Inequality & Society             MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only), PgDip   ■
Clinical Veterinary Sciences                MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK     ◆     Analytical Chemistry*                 MSc 1yr FT                                ◆
                                                                                                                                                                               AIAI: Foundations & Applications of    MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK      ◆                                            21mths PT UK only, PgCert 9mths PT
                                            only)                                        Chemistry                             MSc by Research 1yr FT                    ◆     Artificial Intelligence, Automated     only)                                                                                UK only
       Conservation Medicine               MVetSci 6yrs PT, PgDip 4yrs PT,        ◆     Materials Chemistry                   MSc 1yr FT                                ◆     Reasoning, Agents, Data Intensive
                                            PgCert 2yrs PT, or PgProfDev up to                                                                                                                                                                                             Data, Inequality & Society      MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT), PgDip 21mths    ■
                                                                                         Medicinal & Biological Chemistry      MSc 1yr FT                                ◆     Research                                                                                                                    PT, PgCert 9mths PT
                                            2yrs PT
                                                                                                                                                                               ANC: Machine Learning,                 MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK      ◆     Education Futures                      MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only), PgDip   ■
        Equine Science                     MSc 3-6yrs PT, PgDip 2–4yrs PT,        ◆
                                                                                         SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING                                                      ENGLISH    Computational Neuroscience,            only)
                                            PgCert/PgProfDev 1–2yrs PT                                                                                           LANGUAGE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           21mths PT UK only, PgCert 9mths PT
                                                                                         www.eng.ed.ac.uk                                                                      Computational Biology                                                                                                       UK only
         Food Safety                       MSc 3-6yrs PT, PgDip 2–4yrs PT,        ◆                                                                         REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                                                                                               (SEE PAGE 12)   Artificial Intelligence                MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only)          ◆
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Education Futures               MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT), PgDip 21mths    ■
                                            PgCert/PgProfDev 1–2yrs PT
                                                                                         Advanced Chemical Engineering         MSc 1yr FT                                ◆     Biomedical Artificial Intelligence,    MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK      ◆                                            PT, PgCert 9mths PT
Functional Genetics & Development MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK               ◆                                                                                           UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in   only)
                                            only)                                        Advanced Power Engineering            MSc 2yrs FT                               ◆                                                                                          Future Governance                      MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only), PgDip   ■
                                                                                         Bioengineering                        MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK        ◆     Cognitive Science                      MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only)          ◆                                            21mths PT UK only, PgCert 9mths PT
Genetics & Genomics                         MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK     ◆
                                                                                                                               only)                                           Computer Science                       MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only)          ◆                                            UK only
                                                                                         Digital Communications                MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK        ◆     Cyber Security, Privacy & Trust        MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only)          ●            Future Governance               MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT), PgDip 21mths    ■
          Global Food Security & Nutrition MSc 3-6yrs PT, PgDip 2–4yrs PT,        ◆
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           PT, PgCert 9mths PT
                                            PgCert 1–2yrs PT, or PgProfDev up                                                  only)                                           Data Science                           MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only)          ●
                                            to 2yrs PT                                   Digital Design & Manufacture          MSc 1yr FT                                ◆            Data Science, Technology       MSc 6yrs PT, PgDip 4yrs PT,             ◆     Narrative Futures: Art, Data, Society MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only), PgDip   ■
                                                                                         Electrical Power Engineering          MSc 1yr FT                                ◆            & Innovation                    PgCert 2yrs PT or PgProfDev                                                          21mths PT UK only, PgCert 9mths PT
Infection & Immunity                        MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK     ◆
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      up to 2yrs PT                                                                        UK only
                                            only)                                        Electronics                           MSc 1yr FT                                ●
                                                                                                                                                                                     Data Skills Workforce           PgProfDev                               ◆            Narrative Futures: Art, Data,  MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT), PgDip 21mths    ■
           International Animal Welfare, MSc 6yrs PT, PgDip 4yrs PT,              ◆     Energy Systems                        MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK        ◆
                                                                                                                                                                                     Development (Bayes Centre)                                                            Society                         PT, PgCert 9mths PT
            Ethics & Law                    PgCert 2yrs PT, or PgProfDev up to 2                                               only)
                                            yrs PT                                       Fire Safety Engineering,              MSc 2yrs FT                               ◆     Design Informatics                     MSc 1yr FT                              ●      Service Management & Design          MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT UK only), PgDip   ■
                                                                                         International Master of Science in                                                    High Performance Computing/HPC         MSc 1yr FT (2-3yrs PT UK only)                                                       21mths PT UK only, PgCert 9mths PT
            One Health                     MSc 6yrs PT, PgDip 4yrs PT,            ◆                                                                                                                                                                          ◆
                                                                                                                                                                               with Data Science                      PgDip HPC 9mths FT                                                                   UK only
                                            PgCert 2yrs PT, or PgProfDev up to           Infrastructure & the Environment      MSc by Research 1yr FT (2yrs PT UK        ◆
                                            2yrs PT                                                                            only)                                                  High Performance Computing/    MSc/PgDip/PgCert/PgProfDev              ◆             Service Management & Design MSc 1yr FT (2–3yrs PT), PgDip 21mths      ■
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Check duration online                                                                PT, PgCert 9mths PT
                                                                                                                                                                                     HPC with Data Science

          Online learning                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           * Subject to approval
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