Page created by Marilyn Francis
                                        THE LION TRAIL

To Safari is to Journey. It’s a voyage of discovery out in the African savanna. Its not a destination, it has
no ending and it cannot be described or explained. It’s one of the true origins of adventure and it evokes
emotions that take you to life’s living edge. To Safari in the Kruger National Park is to explore a wilderness
that has been protected for over a 100 years and witness one of earths last natural treasures. Our Safaria
- Overnight Kruger Park Safaris have been designed to take you deep into the heart of Kruger with the
guidance of an expert who will share a wonder-filled story board of its history, heritage and of course diverse
wildlife. Its your Safari. Its your Story. We just want to help you tell it.

Journey into the Central Grasslands of the Kruger National Park over 3 Days

For guests that want to visit the Kruger National Park and have 3 Days to do so, we have created the
Central Kruger Safari that takes you on a journey in the heartland of Lion territory. This Safari will offer you
wonderful insights into alternative eco-zones that showcase Kruger’s expansive diversity. On your Safari you
will be guided by and Expert on the area, staying in authentic Kruger accommodation and having your very
own private Open Safari Vehicle. There is no better way too experience Kruger.

Your Safari will take you deep into the Central Kruger National Park. This is an area that is somewhat off the
beaten track offering tranquility and a beauty that you cant find anywhere else. With lovely old Camps and
accommodation, quiet dusty tracks and a sense of timelessness, this region is Kruger in its purest form. The
Satara area is perhaps one of the best areas in the Kruger to see abundant plains game and predators alike.
This region is based on nutrient rich soils offering fertile grasslands and contrasting landscapes.

• 2 Night accommodation in a 2 Sleeper Bungalow in one of the Northern Kruger Park Camps
•3 Full Day Guided Safaris
• Expert Guide & Private Luxury Open Safari vehicle
• KNP Conservation levy
• Meals

                      Contact us +2783 5567249 – info@safaria.co.za - www.safaria.co.za
• All alcholic beverages *see note below
• Items of personal nature
• Gratuities
• Travel insurance
NB: Pre & Post Night Safari Accommodation. We
recommend guests stay in Hazyview the night before
departure as well as the return night

Food and beverage is included. Each camp has a restaurant
that is open daily from 7h30am to 21h00pm with a menu
that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. Each camp
also has a well stocked shop with a variety of food and
beverage items that can be bought based on your personal
requirement. In between the camps there are also many
wonderful “bush kitchens” serving a daily menu of tasty
* Feel free to request a menu *

Accommodation in the Central & Northern Kruger National
Park will be dependant on availability over the period of
travel. With our preference on staying at Satara Camp in the
Central Region and Letaba Camp in the Northern Region
we select the best and most appropriate based on bungalow
or guest house availaibility. Your guide will take you on a
journey of the history and heritage of the area and the camp
and share with you the wonder and wildness of the Park.

Bungalows range form a single room with 2 single beds and
bathroom to Guest Houses that can accommodate up to 10
guests with either their own bathroom on suite or sharing.
Each Bungalow is fully furnished and serviced daily with
bed linen, towelling and the necessary amenities. Each
Bungalow is based on a self-catering basis and is equipped
with a basic kitchen and braai (barbecue) area on the patio.
All rooms and living areas are equipped with ceiling fans
and air-conditioning units.


 DAY 1: JOURNEY INTO THE             request a transfer from              the Park as soon as possible
 CENTRAL GRASSLANDS OF               Johannesburg or fly into             to make the most of the day.
 KRUGER                              KMIA Airport in Nelspruit            As soon as we enter the Park
 Guest collection is from Hazyview   for collection and transfer to       we are already on Safari and
 Town near the Phabeni and Paul      their Camp accommodation in          will enjoy a game drive to
 Kruger Gates.                       the Kruger Park. Check-Into          our Overnight Camp for the
                                     Bungalow is from 14h00pm but         next 3 nights and 4 days. Our
 Guests can either self drive,       we recommended getting into          accommodation is always

                      Contact us +2783 5567249 – info@safaria.co.za - www.safaria.co.za
dependant on availability but our   grazing grassland that has a high        Our journey back to Satara
preference is to Satara Camp        frequency of Lion and general            takes us along the H1-4 which
which is in the Central Region      game species.                            provides great game viewing
of the Park. Perfectly located                                               and several drinking pans
in perhaps the best game            Guests will return to Camp at            which attracts large volumes of
viewing area in Kruger, Satara      final sun-down around 18h00pm            elephants around mid-morning.
is surrounded by fertile plains     where they can either return             This specific area is said to
that attract many grazers and       to their Safari Bungalow or              home roughly 25% of Kruger’s
predators. Travelling from the      go straight onto having an               Lions but is also home to the
Southern Gates to Satara Camp       early dinner at the main Camp            shy and rare Cheetah. This
can take as long as 8 hours with    restaurant. After dinner guests          route is particularly good in
stops so we recommend leaving       will enjoy their own personal time       winter when the grasses are
as early as possible on your day    in Camp. Your guide is available         short but host a diversity of
of arrival.                         to have dinner with you should           wildlife and birds all year round.
                                    you request.                             On arrival back to Camp guests
On arrival at the Camp your                                                  can enjoy lunch at the camp
guide will Check you into your      DAY 2: SEARCHING THE OPEN                restaurant as well as some
Bungalow and explain the Camp       GRASSLANDS                               personal time around the Camp
and surrounding area. Guests        Early morning wake up call for           pool.
can enjoy a late lunch or grab      your Sunrise Safari at 05h00am.
a take-away from the Camp           We depart Camp with coffee,              The afternoon sunset drive
restaurant before setting off       tea and rusks on board vehicle           leaves Camp around 15h00pm
at 15h00pm for the afternoon        at 05h30am and make our way              and will take a very alternative
Sunset Safari in the surrounding    on our Sunrise Safari using a            route onto the western side of
area. The itinerary is very         network of roads towards Olifants        Satara to Nsemani Dam. This
flexible and will be based around   Camp roughly 50km. Using                 road traverses four different
preference and comfort. The         the S90 which is known as the            eco-zones with sweet grasses
main objective is to get as much    “old Main Road”. The southern            and mix grassland making up
game viewing time as possible       portion of the road is a vast open       the basis of the vegetation.
to maximise the opportunity for     grassland that attracts herds            Special sightings on this road
special sightings.                  of Wildebeest (Gnu), Zebra and           include White Rhino, Buffalo
                                    Elephant. The open plains are a          and Cheetah.
As the Sun sets and its warm        true feast for the eye and after the
rays slowly fade, our sunset        first rains this water logged area       Guests will return to Camp at
Safarras head out onto the          breaks out with wild flowers. This       final sun-down around 18h00pm
African plain in the late           road is also particularly good for       where they can either return
afternoon from 15h00pm.             birding and is a favourite habitat       to their Safari Bungalow or
The time of day when the            for Ostrich, Bustards, Korhaans          go straight onto having an
adventurers and traders of old      and other small shy game birds.          early dinner at the main Camp
Africa would outspan and plan       Traversing many seasonal water           restaurant. After dinner guests
their camp for the evening. An      courses the road finally ends at         will enjoy their own personal
Afternoon Safari is a time of       Balule Camp which is just before         time in Camp. Your guide is
day to go in search of thirsty      the mighty Olifants River and            available to have dinner with you
elephants and lazy leopards.        Olifants Camp.                           should you request.
When lions slowly begin to
rouse and open their eyes and       Breakfast is enjoyed on the              DAY 3: SUNRISE SAFARI AND
frogs, crickets and nightjars       restaurant patio high up                 CHECK-OUT
save their breath for the evening   overlooking the Olifants River           Early morning wake up call for
symphony. Sunset Safari is a        as it meanders east towards              your Sunrise Safari at 05h00am.
time between two worlds with        the Mozambique border. This              We depart Camp with coffee,
golden lighting and soft orange     wide angel view makes for the            tea and rusks on board vehicle
hues. Our first afternoon Safari    perfect backdrop with many great         at 05h30am and make our way
will takes us along the fabled      sightings from its vantage point.        on our Sunrise Safari using a
S100 Loop via N’wantesi Picnic      After breakfast we enjoy a leg           network of roads via the H6
site and back via the H6. This      stretch walking along the look-          and S37 make our down south
route takes us through a strip      out edge and then beginning our          back to Tshokwane for our
of Ecca shale rock with sweet       journey back to Satara.                  breakfast stop around 09h00am.

                      Contact us +2783 5567249 – info@safaria.co.za - www.safaria.co.za
After breakfast we visit Orpen
Dam and the scenic Nkumbe
Look-Out with its breathtaking
views over the Western plains.
These two very contrasting
terrains offer a unique view of
the local geology and flora and
provide the opportunity to see
location specific game species
such as Klipspringer, Giraffe
and Waterbuck. The plains are
often scattered with Wildebeest,
Elephant and White Rhino.
From Nkumbe our route takes
us back to Skukuza for a final         MAIN SAFARI ROUTES
lunch stop and then onto the exit      With 1,700km or roads available       highlight and whilst the may not
gate at the pre-arranged time.         to explore, the Park has provided     be part of the famous 5 they a far
Transfers are available to either      us with a wonderful network           rarer with population of less than
the Airport, next destination          of roads that access some of          50 animals in the entire region.
in the area or Johannesburg.           the best areas in the Park.
Should you be travelling directly      When establishing our routes          The Central Region of the Park
back to Johannesburg after your        on Safari, we follow a simple         between Tshokwane and Satara is
Safari then it is very important       principle of looking for beautiful    widely regarded as the best Lion
to indicate if this will be via road   scenery, nutrient rich soils and      country in the Park. Supporting
transfer or airport flights as this    staying close to water. Preferred     the largest grassland eco-zone,
effects your Park exit time.           vegetation, grasses and water         this area attracts large herds
                                       support the bulk of the game and      of grazers and for that reason
                                       provide the perfect environments      is believed to home 25% of the
OUR SAFARI STYLE                       for grazers, browsers and in turn     Parks Lion population. The area is
Safaria’s Privately Guided             the predators.                        predominantly based on basaltic
Kruger Park Safaris have been                                                soils offering sweet nutritious
created to provide our guests          The Southern Region of Kruger         grasses. These vast expanses
with an authentic, educational         is predominantly based on             provide great visibility particularly
and exciting Kruger Park               granitic soils with pockets of        in the late winter. This is also a
Safari experience. Our expert          the western boundary lending          wonderful birding area for Raptors
guides take you on a journey           to basaltic substrate that offers     and Ground Birds alike.
through the Kruger National            the best grazing. The main rivers
Park sharing with our guests           in the south are the Sabie and        North of Satara the bush slowly
the diversity of the savanna,          the Crocodile river which flow        starts to change to a more stunted
its species as well the Parks          all year round and are incredibly     mixed woodland with the Mopane
history and heritage. Our Safaris      productive for game viewing in the    tree as the dominant species.
are unlike “tours” in that they        winter months. With the highest       What the North lacks in general
are an un-rushed, story-filled         rainfall in the Park and positioned   game population sizes, it makes
experience that is personalised        on well drained granitic soils, the   up for in beauty, tranquility,
to every guest. Every Safari           Southern “sour veld” and offers a     diversity and adventure. The North
is specific tour our guests            variety of eco-zones from mixed       is a far more traditional Safari
requirements and each drive            savanna woodland to riparian          experience and our personal
is tailored around the specific        forrest and thorn-thicket. Species    favourite. Away from the busyness
region and its history, heritage       of interest in the South include      of the South, you find yourself on
and diversity. Your Guides main        both species of Rhino, Wild           long expansive roads with very
objective is to bring you as           Dog and Cheetah. Of particular        little company other than yourself
close as possible to the many          interest and often overlooked,        and remote African savanna.
wonders of Kruger and share            the South is home to a few small      This region of the Park is also
with you their passion through         heard os rare antelope such as        home to the largest breeding
wonder-filled stories , personal       Reedbuck, Sable Antelope and          herds of Elephant and Buffalo.
experiences and favourite              Liechtenstein Hartebeest. Seeing      The North is historically known
places.                                these animals is a particular         as the “old Ivory Trail” and still

                       Contact us +2783 5567249 – info@safaria.co.za - www.safaria.co.za
today is famous for its large            provide feedback on sightings.
                                     Elephant “Tuskers” and is home           One has to work a bit harder
                                     to 70% of todays big bulls. This         for predators in this region but
                                     is one of our prime focuses in           every route is one that takes
                                     the North and we work together           your breath away and there is
                                     with the Elephant Museum at              always something around every
                                     Letaba Camp to document and              corner.

Every day we plan our routes the night before using that days
intelligence to best inform our decisions. We use local knowledge and
the basic principle of staying close to water and prime grazing areas
to go in search of game. Our routes are also based on the historical
value of the region so that we can bring you closer to understanding
who has been here and whats happened over the last 150 years.
Our morning drives are usually around 4 hours and afternoon drives
around 3 hours. Dependant on our overnight camp accommodation
we may also journey for full days which means being on the open
vehicle for more than 10 hours but with food and comfort break stops
every 3 hours.

On your journey you will be guided by Andy Wags. His knowledge of
the Park has been gathered from 2 generations before him, his own
personal experiences and nearly 150 reference guides on Kruger and
its wildlife. His Safari style is one of wonder-filled story telling backed
with fact and ancient wisdoms. His educational style approach is
tempered according to his clients appetite for information. One thing
which becomes quite apparent is his love and passion for Kruger
which will be sure to captivate you daily. He also never seems to run
out of information. One of his guests has even link-end him to having
a “David Attenborough” like ability to sharing. As a private guide his
objective is to both share all his knowledge of the Park as well as
personally escort you over the duration of your stay. He will handle
all of the administrative responsibilities as well as your personal care
and safety.

Andrew was recognised and nominated in 2018 for a South African
Tourism - Lilizela Award for Best Guide.

                     Contact us +2783 5567249 – info@safaria.co.za - www.safaria.co.za
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