Page created by Megan Alvarez
Spring/Summer 2015

                                      Conser vat ion, Educat ion &
                                              Resear ch

      'BUYANACRE' - chal l enge
        In 2014, Tayto Park launched a fund-raising initiative with the World Land Trust (WLT) and the British and
        Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA) known as
        the ?BUY AN ACRE? CHALLENGE. The protection of precious
                                             habitat in the Sierra
                                             Gorda Biosphere
                                             Reserve in Central
                                             Mexico allows us to
                                             contribute directly to
                                             in-situ conservation.
                                             Many of the species
                                             which visitors will
                                             encounter at Tayto Park
                                             such as; the stunning
                                             puma, tayra, coatis and
                                             Harris hawk directly
nEWcLASSROOM: 2015 marks the                 benefit from this
formal launch of our in-house education fund-raising initiative as their wild counterparts inhabit this region.
programme. Our new classroom is              Tayto Park has raised in excess of ?5,000.00 and have set a goal of
nestled high in the sky overlooking the      another ?5,000.00 for 2015. This money will buy approximately 100
tiger and bison enclosures at the zoo.       acres of land which will become a protected area for wildlife. The 'Buy
While also offering brilliant views of the an Acre' Challenge will remain one of our key conservation fund-raising
Irish landscape and a fantastic view of      initiatives throughout the year.
our brand new ?Dinosaurs Alive?exhibit.
Designed to enchant children of all ages
                                           Amur Leopar d and Tiger Al l iance(ALTA)
                                           Spearheading a number of conservation
the classroom is an inviting atmosphere
                                           initiatives the Amur Leopard and Tiger
for learning and discovery. Our very
                                           Alliance (ALTA) is a coalition of 15
successful outreach programme,
                                           international and Russian NGO?s. Some of the
'Wildlife on Wheels' bringing the zoo to
                                           organizations which make up this coalition
you will continue. To date our outreach
                                           include; the Zoological Society of London
programme has brought wildlife and
                                           (ZSL), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Wildlife
biodiversity modules to over 4000
                                           Conservation Society (WCS), the European
students in schools across Ireland.
                                           Endangered Species Program (EEP), Wildlife
                                           Vets International (WVI) and the Phoenix
100% of ALL donations given to ALTA go directly to      common pipistrelle       LEISLER'S BAT ON PIECE OF BARK
field work such as conducting camera trap activities    (Pipistrellus
in the Nezhinskoe Hunting Lease in the Northern         pipistrellus).
sector of the Land of the Leopard National Park         Roosting sites have
(LLNP). Donations also enable areas surveyed by         been added in and
the ALTA team to double in size. Survey areas now       around the park on
cover the northern section of the leopard range         the advice of Dr.
within the LLNP and outside the park. Funding also      Aughney. In 2014
helps ALTA to compensate deer farmers who lose          we also conducted
livestock to leopards. Tayto Park is proud that we      an evening training
have been able to donate in excess of ?18,000.00 to     course for staff and local university students. Using
ALTA. This was made possible through our combined       heterodyne bat detectors participants became well
efforts of manufacturing and distributing ALTA          versed in surveying techniques, proper use of
t-shirts, ranger presentations involving our Amur       detector as well as monitoring methods focusing on
leopards, and collection points for donations           data and species using the park environs. Five staff
throughout the park. Tayto Park will continue to        members went on to take part in the Daubenton Bat
support this important conservation organization        Waterway Monitoring Survey. The scheme is funded
for as long as funding is needed for the critically     by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS),
endangered Amur leopard.                                the Department of Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht
                                                        (DAHG), and the Republic of Ireland and Northern
                                                        Ireland Environmental Agency. Tina's expertise is
                                                        welcomed and the partnership with Bat
                                                        Conservation Ireland will enable Tayto Park to
                                                        contribute in a meaningful way to the conservation
                                                        of local species.

                        t hank you
                         f or your                      DATACENTRE
                        donat ions!                     In 2013, Tayto Park joined the National Biodiversity
                                                        Data Centre (NBDC) and their citizen science project
                                                        known as the Bumblebee Monitoring Scheme.
                                                        Bumblebees are Ireland?s most significant wild
BATCONSERVATIONIRELAND                                  pollinator. Participation in this scheme enables the
Bat Conservation Ireland, promote the conservation      NBDC to track changes and detect early warning
of bats by circulating educational materials, hosting   signs of general threats to bumblebees and the
talks and leading bat walks. In addition, Bat           service they provide. In 2014, Tayto Park hosted a
Conservation Ireland organizes nationwide surveys       Regional Pollinator Workshop. It was a fantastic
and monitoring of bats. Tayto Park was very pleased     opportunity for visitors and members of the local
to have Dr. Tina Augney conduct a bat survey in July    community to advance their skills in identifying and
at the Park. There are 11 species of bats found in      monitoring both bumblebees?and butterflies.
Ireland, 9 of which are considered resident. Of the 9   Workshops also encourage participation in the
resident species three were detected foraging in the    monitoring schemes which are vital to the success
park including: the soprano pipistrelle (Pipistrellus   of the initiative. 2015 is an important year for the
pygmaeus), Leisler's bat (Nyctalus leisleri) and the    scheme as the NBDC and their partners
will introduce the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan             monitoring scheme began in 2007 and involves
2015-2020. The plan provides significant                   walking a fixed route each week from April to
framework to join together various pollinator              August and recording all species sightings. The
initiatives across Ireland. It will mark the beginning     data is used for analyses and trend projection.
of a development by which collective positive              2015 will mark our 3rd year recording pollinators
steps can be taken to protect Irish pollinators and        as part of the Bumblebee and Butterfly Monitoring
the service they provide into the future. We plan          Schemes.
to be a part of its success!
                                                                  PEACOCK BUTTERFLY
Tayto Park staff also contribute to the Butterfly
Monitoring Scheme. Butterflies are not only
important pollinators but serve as a food source to
birds and other animals. Butterflies have a short
life-cycle and are sensitive to climate change and
make an ideal biodiversity indicator species. The
monitoring scheme allows the NBDC to track
changes to Irish butterfly populations. The


                     Founded in 1999,the Golden Eagle Trust Limited, is a charity dedicated to the conservation and
                     restoration of Ireland?s native birds and habitats. Tayto Park is proud to have contributed more

GOLDEN               than ?5,800.00 to the Golden Eagle Trust in the last two years. For our visitors living in and around
                     North Co. Dublin the work of the Golden Eagle Trust can be appreciated; as re-introduced Red Kites
                     can be spotted soaring in the skies above. We will continue to support the Golden Eagle Trust both

EAGLE                through fund-raising and giving our time as volunteers. The Golden Eagle Trust is an important
                     conservation organization dedicated to the restoration of extirpated (locally extinct) wildlife
                     species and we plan to support them for many years to come. In 2015, we hope to host a talk with
TRUST                Dr. Marc Rudduck, project manager Red Kites so that he may update visitors on the progress of the
                     Red Kite Reintroduction Programme as well as other programmes. supported by the Golden Eagle
Secondar y pr ogr amme
Grassl and Ecol ogy Modul e: 3.5
hours, includes lecture, habitat
study, results and write-up.
Suited for both Junior and
Leaving Certificate levels. ?13.00
per student.
Conservat ion and St ewardship
Modul e: 2.0 hours, this module is
suited for Civil Social and
Political Education (CSPE) and
Transition Year students.
Students will explore the role of    Fantastic interactive and               Classes.
Zoos and Wildlife Conservation.      engaging module for TY, 5th and
                                                                             Fur, Feat hers & Scal es: This
Module includes; lecture, field      6th Year students. Module
                                                                             workshop is an interactive and
and workshop activities. ?12.00      includes; lecture, observations,
                                                                             hands-on live animal experience!
per student.                         worksheet and group discussion.
                                                                             Students will learn basic animal
Animal Behaviour Workshop: 2.0       ?12.00 per student
                                                                             classification in a rich and
hours. Students will participate     Tail ored Programme: Speak with         dynamic setting situated in our
in a behavioural study of a          our education department today          brand new learning center the
                                     to build a programme especially         ?Sky Classroom?. Suitable for all
                                     for your students.                      Primary Classes.

                                     Pr imar y pr ogr amme                   Duration: 60 Minutes ?5.00 per student park
                                                                                        entry is not included.
connect your                         New On -Si t e PRI M ARY
                                                                             Wil dl if e on Wheel s:
                                     Edu cat i on cl asses l au n ch i n g
cl ass wit h t he                    w i t h ou r Sch ool Tou r              Outreach programme - We bring

nat ur al                            Pr ogr am 2015
                                     Dinosaurs Al ive: Special talk and
                                                                                    the Zoo to YOU!
                                                                             Contact our education
wor l d.                             guided tour with our education          department for more information
                                     officer at our brand new                about our Irish Wildlife,
                                     ?Dinosaurs Alive?Exhibit                Biodiversity Explored and Fur,
chosen animal at the park.           featuring amazing animatronic           Feathers & Scales classes.
Working in groups students will;     dinosaurs. Students will take
observe, record, interpret and       part in engaging, hands-on
discuss animal behaviours.           activities and will explore a day
Behaviours will be catalogued in     in the life of a paleontologists by
an ethogram and students will be     participating in a special fossil
able to quantify how their           dig. Suitable for all Primary
selected animal spends its time.
Cal endar
RESEARCH                                                                             Gl obal Tiger Day - Join us f or
                                                                                     special t al ks and present at ions
                                                                                     at our Amur t iger exhibit ion as
in 2014 wecar r ied out bot h in - houseand st udent                                 we cel ebrat e everyt hing TIGERS!
l ed r esear ch pr oj ect s at t ayt o par k.
                                                       Tayto Park is pleased to
GARA AND CAHN OUR TWO AMUR TIGERS                      participate in a variety of
                                                       research projects with
                                                                                     AUGUST3- 9
                                                       MSc students from
                                                       University College Dublin     Back by popul ar demand our
                                                       (UCD) and Trinity College     BIG BUG BONANZA. Get ready
                                                       Dublin (TCD). In 2014, four   t o f ace your f ears and meet
                                                       MSc students took part in     and greet some of our f avourit e
                                                       pilot studies, producing      6 and 8 l egged f riends!
                                                       quality original research
                                                       as part of their
                                                       coursework for their MSc
programme. Pilot studies enable us to make informed decisions on projects we
wish to further explore and develop. We conducted studies relating to the effect
of visitor density and noise on the behaviour of felids as well as behavioural
enrichment in the promotion of species specific behaviour. Internally, our team
focused on the effects of construction noise and new attractions on the
behaviour of our tigers. As the park expands this data and evidence is integral to
the welfare of our animals and the future development of our zoo and park. At
Tayto Park the focus of our research will always be conducted to benefit the
welfare and husbandry of the animals in our collection.

                                                        Calling all paleontologists to join us for an am azing
                                                        adventur e. Jour ney back in tim e to the M esozoic Er a
                                                        w hen dinosaur s r uled the ear th.
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