A FIRST IN 150 YEARS: HIGHLIGHTS FROM A HISTORIC MEETING - JUNE 2021 jom.tms.org An official publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials ...

A FIRST IN 150 YEARS: HIGHLIGHTS FROM A HISTORIC MEETING - JUNE 2021 jom.tms.org An official publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials ...
JUNE 2021

An official publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

A FIRST IN 150 YEARS: HIGHLIGHTS FROM A HISTORIC MEETING - JUNE 2021 jom.tms.org An official publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials ...
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A FIRST IN 150 YEARS: HIGHLIGHTS FROM A HISTORIC MEETING - JUNE 2021 jom.tms.org An official publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials ...
Table of Contents

                                     About the Cover
                                     The cover image for this issue depicts a collage of
                                     screenshots taken from technical presentations, networking
                                     events, and awards ceremonies held during the TMS 2021
5700 Corporate Drive                 Virtual Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2021 Virtual),
Suite 750                            held March 15-18, 2021. Three articles in this issue present
Pittsburgh, PA 15237                 just some of the many highlights of this historic meeting—
USA                                  the first fully virtual installment of the TMS annual meeting
Phone: 1-724-776-9000                and the 150th anniversary meeting of TMS and the
Web: jom.tms.org                     American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum
E-Mail: membership@tms.org           Engineers (AIME), TMS’s parent organization.
Publisher for TMS
James J. Robinson,
Executive Director
Matt Baker,
Department Head, Content             June 2021 Guest Editors
JOM: The Journal                     100 Years of the Griffith Fracture Criteria                   Processing-Microstructure-Property
Justin Scott,                        Nanomechanical Materials Behavior;                               Relationships in Additive Manufacturing
Principal Editor; Department         Mechanical Behavior of Materials Committee                       of Ti Alloys
Head, Research, Engagement,          Megan Cordill, Erich Schmid Institute                         Titanium Committee
Data, and Information                  of Materials Science                                        Rongpei Shi, Lawrence Livermore National
Maureen Byko,                        Jennifer Carter, Case Western Reserve University                 Laboratory
Editor                                                                                             Michael Gram, Titanium Metals Corporation
                                     Advances in Process Metallurgy                                Yufeng Zheng, University of Nevada-Reno
Kelly Markel,                        Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy Committee
Publications Coordinator             Hong (Marco) Peng, University of Queensland                   Pyrometallurgical Processing of Secondary
JOM: The Magazine                    Kerstin Forsberg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology             Resources
Lynne Robinson,                                                                                    Pyrometallurgy Committee
                                     Multiscale Experiments and Modeling in                        M Akbar Rhamdhani, Swinburne University
Department Head, Strategic              Biomaterials and Biological Materials
Communications and Outreach                                                                          of Technology
                                     Biomaterials Committee                                        Stuart Nicol, Glencore Technology
Kaitlin Calva,                       Jing Du, Penn State University
Magazine Managing Editor             Dinesh Katti, North Dakota State University
Cheryl M. Geier,                     Hendrik Heinz, University of Colorado Boulder
Senior Graphic Designer
                                     About JOM:
Contributing Writers                 The scope of JOM (ISSN 1047-4838) encompasses publicizing news about TMS and its members and
Ashley-Anne Bohnert,
                                     stakeholder communities while publishing meaningful peer-reviewed materials science and engineering content.
Outreach and External
Communications Lead                  That content includes groundbreaking laboratory discoveries, the effective transition of science into technology,
                                     innovative industrial and manufacturing developments, resource and supply chain issues, improvement and
Megan Enright,
                                     innovation in processing and fabrication, and life-cycle and sustainability practices. In fulfilling this scope, JOM
Promotions and Editorial Assistant
                                     strives to balance the interests of the laboratory and the marketplace by reporting academic, industrial, and
Ann Ritchie,                         government-sponsored work from around the world.
Technical Communications
Specialist                           About TMS:
Kelly Zappas,                        The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) is a professional organization that encompasses the entire range
Membership News and                  of materials and engineering, from minerals processing and primary metals production to basic research and the
Communications Lead                  advanced applications of materials.
Graphics Support                     Publishing Information:
David Rasel,                         JOM is an official publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and is owned by the Society.
Media Manager
                                     TMS has granted Springer the exclusive right and license to produce, publish, archive, translate, and sell JOM
Bob Demmler,                         throughout the world. Publication Frequency: 12 issues per year.
Graphic Designer
                                     Springer, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY, 10013-1578, USA
Contact sales@tms.org                JOM articles from 1949 to the present are archived at http://link.springer.com/journal/volumesAndIssues/11837.
for information.                     Secure Copyright Permission:
                                     Submit permission requests at http://www.springer.com/rights?SGWID=0-122-12-372399-0
                                     Send address changes to: JOM, Springer, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA. Periodicals postage paid
                                     at New York, NY and additional mailing offices.
A FIRST IN 150 YEARS: HIGHLIGHTS FROM A HISTORIC MEETING - JUNE 2021 jom.tms.org An official publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials ...
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                                      Co-Sponsoring Organizations:
A FIRST IN 150 YEARS: HIGHLIGHTS FROM A HISTORIC MEETING - JUNE 2021 jom.tms.org An official publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials ...
Table of Contents

JO                          table of contents
                                                                      Volume 73
                                                                      Number 6
                                                                      June 2021

1553: In the Final Analysis: James J. Robinson      1563:	
                                                          Keynotes and Featured Talks at TMS2021
1554: TMS Member News: Material Advantage                 VIRTUAL: Kelly Zappas, Ann Ritchie,
      Member Receives Georgia Tech Honors;                and Kaitlin Calva
      Discover Member Benefits from TMS;            1569:	
                                                          Networking Events and Awards
      Welcome New Members                                 Ceremonies at TMS2021 VIRTUAL:
1558: In Case You Missed It: Business News                Kelly Zappas, Ann Ritchie, and Kaitlin Calva
      from the Field                                1574:	
                                                          A Multitude of Thanks for the TMS
1559: TMS2021 VIRTUAL: A First After 150                  Foundation Donors: Kaitlin Calva
      Years: Kelly Zappas                           1576:	
                                                          TMS Meeting Headlines
                                                          JOM Call for Papers

100 Years of the Griffith Fracture Criteria
1579: Griffith’s Legacy to Alloy Design and         1597: Energy Release Rate Formulations
      Beyond: W. W. Gerberich, M. J. Cordill,             for Non-conventional Fracture Test
      and J. W. Carter                                    Geometries: Tejas S. Chaudhari,
1582: Basal Plane Delamination Energy                     Nidhin G. Mathews, Ashwini K. Mishra,
      Measurement in a Ti3SiC2 MAX Phase:                 Hrushikesh P. Sahasrabuddhe,
      Oriol Gavalda-Diaz, Jack Lyons,                     and B. Nagamani Jaya
      Siyang Wang, Max Emmanuel,                    1607: Impacts of Mode Mixity on Controlled
      Katharina Marquardt, Eduardo Saiz,                  Spalling of (100)-Oriented Germanium:
      and Finn Giuliani                                   Jie Chen, Jason Chenenko,
1589: Fracture Energy Measurement of                      and Corinne E. Packard
      Prismatic Plane and Σ2 Boundary in            1617: Effect of Ion Irradiation on
      Cemented Carbide: Max Emmanuel,                     Nanoindentation Fracture and
      Oriol Gavalda-Diaz, Giorgio Sernicola,              Deformation in Silicon Carbide:
      Rachid M’saoubi, Tomas Persson,                     Alexander J. Leide, Richard I. Todd,
      Susanne Norgren, Katharina Marquardt,               and David E. J. Armstrong
      T. Ben Britton, and Finn Giuliani

Advances in Process Metallurgy
1629: Advances in Process Metallurgy:               1637: Structural Characteristics of
      Hong Peng and Kerstin Forsberg                      CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-FeO Slag with Various
                                                          FeO Contents Based on Molecular
1631: Electrochemical Decomposition of CO2
                                                          Dynamics Simulations: Shufang Ma,
      in a Fluoride Melt: Fengguo Liu, Aimin Liu,
                                                          Kejiang Li, Jianliang Zhang, Chunhe Jiang,
      Xianwei Hu, Zhaowen Wang,
                                                          Minmin Sun, Hongtao Li, Ziming Wang, and
      and Zhongning Shi
                                                          Zhisheng Bi
A FIRST IN 150 YEARS: HIGHLIGHTS FROM A HISTORIC MEETING - JUNE 2021 jom.tms.org An official publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials ...
Table of Contents

1646: The Refining Mechanism of ZrO2-Doped         1661: Modeling and Simulation of Goethite
      Molybdenum Powder During the                       Process for Removal of Iron from Zinc
      Reduction Process: Chaopeng Cui                    Leaching Solution: Tianxiang Nan,
      and Xiangwei Zhu                                   Jianguang Yang, Weizhi Zeng,
                                                         Chaobo Tang, and Qingcheng Hu
1652: Use of Phytic Acid for the Removal of
      Iron in Hot Acidic Leachate from Zinc
      Hydrometallurgy: Julien Comel, Eric Meux,
      Nathalie Leclerc, Sebastien Diliberto,
      Philippe Pierrat, and Herve Muhr

Multiscale Experiments and Modeling in Biomaterials and Biological Materials
1673: Multiscale Experiments and Modeling in       1723: Recent Studies in Mechanical Properties
      Biomaterials and Biological Materials,             of Selected Hard-Shelled Seeds:
      Part I: Jing Du, Dinesh Katti,                     A Review: Fen Du and Ting Tan
      and Hendrik Heinz
                                                   1736: Biotemplating of a Highly Porous
1676: Multiscale Mechanics of Eggshell and               Cellulose–Silica Composite from
      Shell Membrane: Michelle L. Oyen                   Apium graveolens by a Low-Toxicity
                                                         Sol–Gel Technique: Max Mroz,
1684: Differences in Interactions Within Viral
                                                         Muhammad Ali, Jerry Howard,
      Replication Complexes of SARS-CoV-2
                                                         Krista Carlson, and Steven E. Naleway
      (COVID-19) and SARS-CoV Coronaviruses
      Control RNA Replication Ability:             1745: Fabrication and Characterization of
      H. M. Nasrullah Faisal, Kalpana S. Katti,          Sr-doped Hydroxyapatite Porous Scaffold:
      and Dinesh R. Katti                                Ke Li, Shuiyuan Li, Fanrong Ai, Jinchao Yan,
                                                         and Kui Zhou
1696: Minimal Amelogenin Domain for Enamel
      Formation: Shuhui Geng, Yaping Lei,          1754: The Role of Recrystallization and Local
      and Malcolm L. Snead                               Misorientation on the Biodegradation
                                                         Behavior of Mg: Iniobong Etim, Wen Zhang,
1705: In Situ Observation of Fracture Behavior
                                                         Tianyi Liu, Hongyang Zhao, Lili Tan,
      of Bamboo Culm: Linhua Zou
                                                         and Ke Yang
      and Xiaodong Li
                                                   1765: Novel Architected Material for Cardiac
1714: Optimal Design for Higher Resistance to
                                                         Patches: Juan Sebastian Rincon Tabares,
      Thermal Impulse: A Lesson Learned from
                                                         Juan Camilo Velásquez, Hayden Bilbo,
      the Shells of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal-Vent
                                                         Hai-Chao Han, and David Restrepo
      Snails: Anran Wei, Ding Yuan,
      Bingzhi He, Yujie Xie, Andre E. Vellwock,    1774: Joining of Advance Engineering
      Jin Sun, and Haimin Yao                            Thermoplastic Using Novel Self-Heated
                                                         FSW Tool: Rahul Kanti Nath, Pabitra Maji,
                                                         and John Deb Barma

Processing-Microstructure-Property Relationships in Additive
Manufacturing of Ti Alloys
1786: Microstructure and Texture of                1804: A Review on Additive Manufacturing
      Thin-Walled Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Seamless               of Titanium Alloys for Aerospace
      Tubing Manufactured by Cold-Rotary                 Applications: Directed Energy Deposition
      Swaging: Lihong Yuan, Wenrui Wang,                 and Beyond Ti-6Al-4V: Zhiying Liu, Bei He,
      Mengyao Yang, Yun Li, Hao Zhang,                   Tianyi Lyu, and Yu Zou
      Hui Zhang, and Wangfeng Zhang                1819: Influence of Process Parameters on
1795: Three-Dimensional Characterization of              Mechanical and Corrosion Behavior of
      Selective Laser Melted Graphene                    DED-Processed Biomedical
      Oxide-Reinforced Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb Alloy:            Ti-35Nb-7Zr-5Ta Alloy:
      Xing Zhang, Dian Li, Yiliang Liao,                 Mohan Sai Kiran Kumar Yadav Nartu,
      and Yufeng Zheng                                   David Flannery, Sangram Mazumder,
                                                         Srinivas A. Mantri, Sameehan S. Joshi,
                                                         Aditya V. Ayyagari, Brandon McWilliams,
                                                         Kyu Cho, Narendra B. Dahotre,
                                                         and Rajarshi Banerjee
A FIRST IN 150 YEARS: HIGHLIGHTS FROM A HISTORIC MEETING - JUNE 2021 jom.tms.org An official publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials ...
Table of Contents

Pyrometallurgical Processing of Secondary Resources
1828: Microwave-Based Approach to                     1899: Implications of Direct Use of Slag from
      Recovering Zinc from Electric Arc                     Ironmaking Processes as Molten Oxide
      Furnace Dust Using Silicon Powder                     Electrolyte: Samuel Martín-Treceño,
      as a Non-carbonaceous Reductant:                      Antoine Allanore, Catherine M. Bishop,
      Nobuyuki Mizuno, Shoki Kosai,                         Aaron T. Marshall, and Matthew J. Watson
      and Eiji Yamasue
                                                      1909: Influence of Industrial Wastes
1836: Extraction of Sc from Sc-Bearing V–Ti                 and Different Fluxes on Hot Metal
      Magnetite Tailings: Junhui Xiao, Kai Zou,             Desulfurization Efficiency:
      Tao Chen, Yang Peng, Wei Ding,                        Elton Volkers do Espírito Santo,
      Jinhua Chen, Bing Deng, Hong Li,                      Silas Gambarine Soares,
      and Zhen Wang                                         Heitor Cristo Clem de Oliveira,
                                                            Eduardo Junca, Felipe Fardin Grillo,
1845: Modification of Phosphorous Enrichment
                                                            and José Roberto de Oliveira
      Behaviours in Steelmaking Slags Based
      on Phase Transformations: Yongqi Sun,           1919: Clean Preparation of High-Purity Silicon
      Mao Chen, Xiaodong Ma, Zhixing Zhao,                  from Rice Husk Ash by a Modified
      Tim Evans, and Baojun Zhao                            Metallurgical Method: Jian Kong,
                                                            Donghui Wei, Pengfei Xing, Yanxin Zhuang,
1853: Thermodynamic and Experimental
                                                            Xing Jin, and Kaikai Ye
      Analyses of the Carbothermic Reduction
      of Tungsten Slag: Chunfa Liao, Sui Xie,         1928: Thermal Concentration of Nickeliferous
      Xu Wang, Baojun Zhao, Boqing Cai,                     Pyrrhotite Concentrate for Nickel
      and Lianghui Wang                                     Recovery Using Metallic Iron:
                                                            Thermodynamic Assessments and
1861: Recovery of Zinc and Lead from Copper
                                                            Effects of Process Variables: Feng Liu,
      Smelting Slags by Chlorination Roasting:
                                                            Dawei Yu, Sam Marcuson,
      Xueyi Guo, Beikai Zhang, Qinmeng Wang,
                                                            and Mansoor Barati
      Zhongchen Li, and Qinghua Tian
                                                      1937: Harmless Treatment and Valuable Metals
1871: Solubility of Palladium in Alumina-Iron
                                                            Recovery of Tungsten Leaching Residues:
      Silicate Melts: Katri Avarmaa,
                                                            A Thermodynamic and Experimental
      Lassi Klemettinen, Hugh O’Brien,
                                                            Study: Kun Su, Xiaodong Ma,
      Ari Jokilaakso, Daniel Lindberg,
                                                            and Baojun Zhao
      and Pekka Taskinen
                                                      1947: Thermodynamic Analysis and Reaction of
1878: Synthesis of Value-Added Ferrous
                                                            Co3O4 Powder with Pyrolytic Gas Derived
      Material from Electric Arc Furnace (EAF)
                                                            from Waste Tires With and Without Waste
      Slag and Spent Coffee Grounds:
                                                            Polyethylene: M. Cumbul Altay
      Smitirupa Biswal, Farshid Pahlevani,
                                                            and S. Eroglu
      and Veena Sahajwalla
                                                      1957: Using Chlorine Gas to Recover Rare
1889: Phase Equilibria Study of CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-
                                                            Earth Metals from End-of-Life Permanent
      Na2O Slags for Smelting Waste Printed
                                                            Magnets: Valery Kaplan, Ellen Wachtel,
      Circuit Boards: Md Khairul Islam,
                                                            Konstantin Gartsman, Yishay Feldman,
      Michael Somerville, Mark I. Pownceby,
                                                            Kyoung-Tae Park, and Igor Lubomirsky
      James Tardio, Nawshad Haque,
      and Suresh Bhargava

Technical Articles                                Corrections
1966: Microstructure and Thickness Effects        1987:   Correction to: Microstructure and Thickness
      on Impact Behavior and Separation                   Effects on Impact Behavior and Separation
      Formation in X70 Pipeline Steel:                    Formation in X70 Pipeline Steel:
      Emily B. Mitchell, Enrico Lucon,                    Emily B. Mitchell, Enrico Lucon, Laurie E. Collins,
      Laurie E. Collins, Amy J. Clarke,                   Amy J. Clarke, and Kester D. Clarke
      and Kester D. Clarke                        1988:   Correction to: Peculiarities of Intermetallic
1978: Electrochemical Dissolution Behaviors               Phase Formation in the Process of a Solid
      of Scrap Superalloys in Different                   State Reaction in (Al/Cu)n Multilayer Thin
      Electrolytes: Long Wang, Shi-yang Wang,             Films: Evgeny T. Moiseenko, Sergey M. Zharkov,
      Zeng-yi Song, Yuan Sun, Yi-zhou Zhou,               Roman R. Altunin, Oleg V. Belousov,
      Xiao-yao Pei, and Hong-yu Zhang                     Leonid A. Solovyov, Vladimir V. Yumashev,
                                                          Mikhail N. Volochaev, and Galina M. Zeer
A FIRST IN 150 YEARS: HIGHLIGHTS FROM A HISTORIC MEETING - JUNE 2021 jom.tms.org An official publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials ...
Offshore Technology
Conference 2021

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A FIRST IN 150 YEARS: HIGHLIGHTS FROM A HISTORIC MEETING - JUNE 2021 jom.tms.org An official publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials ...
Table of Contents

JOM Vol. 73, No. 6, 2021
Ó 2021 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

“When I’m on the couch, I usually have the TV on and my MacBook Air nearby.
                                                                                                     JO       Volume 73
And sometimes, when my ADD is really kicking in, I have my iPad too. And my iPhone.
And a magazine that I haven’t gotten to. And a book under the pillow to my left.”                              Number 6
                                                                               — Aubrey Plaza
                                                                                                               June 2021

   Print or digital, we love to read, but the way that we read has changed a lot over the 37 years
since I was hired by TMS to work on the Journal of Metals. A lot about JOM has changed as
well . . . we had a name change, we migrated from analog to digital production, we designed a
content-rich website for the journal and then modernized, re-modernized, and re-modernized
that site, we ceased in-house publishing and partnered with Springer to put every issue of JOM
within a few-clicks of every corner of the planet, and we went from monthly mailings of issues
with an average of 72 pages to issues with an average of a few hundred pages. JOM has gone
from a feature-rich newsstand magazine format to a predominantly scholarly journal format.
This shift of focus over time is partially attributable to our partnership with Springer, to the
growing necessity in the professional community to publish, to the hard work of countless
   JOM has evolved into a very desirable journal in which to publish. It brings both prestige
and revenue to TMS, but I grant that the heavy shift to a focus on technical papers means that          James J. Robinson
with next month’s July 2021 issue, we will begin a six-month transition in publishing formats                @JJRofTMS
a “touch of TMS” via a revamped publication format and delivery model. We believe that
   Scoop One: As of next month’s issue, we are no longer printing and mailing copies of JOM
of TMS members eligible to have JOM mailed to them are actually receiving print copies.                 leadership and
The great majority of members are “opting out” of receiving the print mailing with the vast
majority of accesses to JOM being either through SpringerLink access or through the TMS
website. Why the diminishing interest in print? Lots of reasons, notably we are becoming                 opportunity to
a community of e-readers and downloaders. Compound that with JOM’s tendency to land                    continue JOM’s
in mailboxes with the heft and subtlety of a cement block. The average issue has about 40
technical papers. Printing and mailing these issues is neither reader nor carbon friendly.               evolution. So,
Objectively, papers are available earlier online than in print, are searchable as PDFs, and are       starting with next
papers also mean that the 40 or so pages of compelling TMS member news and features                  month’s July 2021
contained within the “Magazine” section are easy to overlook. So, . . .                                   issue, we will
   Scoop Two: While the full JOM (the “Magazine” and the “Journal”) will continue to be                      begin . . . ”
presented in its monthly entirety on SpringerLink, in January 2022 we will start print delivery
to all professional members of JOM: The Magazine. This excerpt from the larger journal will
continue to showcase Society news, activities, and members while providing features on how
JOM: The Magazine mailing to be properly sized and engagingly crafted. Most importantly, it
will help keep members connected and involved with our unique TMS membership network
and culture. We are much more than a series of impact factors and transactions.
  Is printing and mailing JOM: The Magazine a retro move? I don’t think so. I sense that
actress Aubrey Plaza has it right by characterizing herself, and us by extension, as media
omnivores. There’s a place for JOM on the couch via your tablet, your laptop, your phone,
and as a magazine sitting on your cushion waiting to be opened. There is no favored solution,
only every solution.
A FIRST IN 150 YEARS: HIGHLIGHTS FROM A HISTORIC MEETING - JUNE 2021 jom.tms.org An official publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials ...
Table of Contents

    JOM Vol. 73, No. 6, 2021
    Ó 2021 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

                                Material Advantage Member Receives
                                Georgia Tech Honors; Discover Member
                                Benefits from TMS; Welcome New Members
                                Lily Tursaski Awarded Engineering Cup from Georgia Tech
                                   Material Advantage member Lily               Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)
                                Turaski, a senior at the Georgia Institute      and MSE Peer Partners Organization, and
                                of Technology (Georgia Tech), was               further participates in various outreach
                                awarded the Davidson Family Tau                 programs and activities to get local K–12
                                Beta Pi Senior Engineering Cup, the             students interested in science, technology,
                                highest honor bestowed by Georgia               engineering, and math (STEM). Upon
                                Tech’s College of Engineering. The Cup,         graduating, Turaski will begin her Ph.D. in
                                which recognizes academic excellence,           materials science engineering at Stanford
                                leadership, and service, is supported           University, with funding by a fellowship
                                by the family of Narl Davidson,                 from the National Science Foundation.
                                past associate dean at the College of              Turaski has been a member of Material
                                Engineering, and Tau Beta Pi, a national        Advantage since 2017, recently serving as
                                honor society for engineers.                    her chapter’s vice president. In 2021, she
                                   At Georgia Tech, Turaski is a Stamps         received the TMS Functional Materials
Lily Turaski                    President’s Scholar and received the 2019       Division Gilbert Chin Scholarship as
                                Goldwater Scholarship. She created two          ZHOODV¿UVWSODFHLQWKH706%HVW3DSHU
                                student groups at Georgia Tech, Women in        Contest – Undergraduate.

                                Explore Your Member Benefits
 Just for                          Your TMS membership is a great                 • Journals: As a TMS member, you
 Students                       way to stay connected—with your                     have electronic access to more than
    If you are about            colleagues around the world, with the               20 technical journals from TMS and
 to graduate or have            ODWHVWGHYHORSPHQWVLQ\RXU¿HOGDQG              our publishing partner Springer. Log
 graduated in the last          with topics of current interest to your             in to start reading.
 year, take advantage           community. Log in to members.tms.org              • Online Libraries: Explore more
 of the TMS Recent              and spend a few minutes testing out a               than 4,500 technical articles and
 Graduate membership            PHPEHUEHQH¿W\RXKDYHQRWWULHGEHIRUH           documents through the TMS Member
 program. Designed to           such as:                                            Library, the AIME Digital Library,
 make TMS membership
                                   • Membership Directory: There are                and the Superalloys Conference series
 affordable during the
                                     plenty of TMS members you’ve                   archive.
 early years of your
                                     QHYHUPHW²¿QGRQHVZKRVKDUH                 Members can access any of these
 career, one year of
 professional membership
                                     your technical interest and introduce      resources by logging in to the Access
 after graduation is free.           yourself.                                  0HPEHU%HQH¿WVVHFWLRQRIWKH706
 For the second and third          • Webinar Library: Sign up for a             website at members.tms.org. While there,
 years after graduation,             live, upcoming webinar or view past        UHPHPEHUWRXSGDWH\RXUPHPEHUSUR¿OH
 the cost of membership              R൵HULQJVDW\RXUOHLVXUH²DOOIUHHWR      with any changes to contact information or
 is just $60, half the cost          members.                                   technical interests.
 of professional member
 dues. To apply, fill out
 the recent graduate               member
                                   m ember news
 membership form found             Share the good news about your professional accomplishments! Contact Kaitlin Calva,
 on the Recent Graduate
                                   JOM Magazine Managing Editor, at kcalva@tms.org. Please note that only news
 link at www.tms.org
 /Membership. Forms                submitted by current TMS members will be considered.
 can be returned to

Table of Contents

Material Advantage Member Receives Georgia Tech Honors; Discover Member Benefits
from TMS; Welcome New Members                                                                                        1555

Make a Commitment to Safety in June
   Did you know that June is National             JOM preview article
Safety Month, as dedicated by the U.S.            about the meeting. “I am
National Safety Council? Make a plan              hoping that this event
WRDWWHQGWKH¿UVW&RQJUHVVRQ6DIHW\LQ         will allow participants to
Engineering and Industry (Safety Congress         equally share successes
2021) in honor of this month-long                 and challenges with the
awareness event. Safety Congress 2021             objective of everyone collaborating and
is scheduled for November 1–3, in Fort            partnering to make the work environment
Worth, Texas. Advance registration rates          VDIHULQFOXGLQJDWWKHXQLYHUVLW\OHYHO´
are available through September 20.                  Additionally, two professional
   Geared toward leaders, managers, and           GHYHORSPHQWR൵HULQJVDUHSODQQHG
safety professionals seeking to expand            for October 31—Process Safety in
their skill sets and gain cutting-edge            Engineering and Industry Course and
knowledge, attendees will learn best              &HUWL¿HG0LQH6DIHW\3URIHVVLRQDO
practices through dozens of experts,              (CMSP) Examination. Learn more about
¿YHSOHQDU\VHVVLRQVDQGLQWHUDFWLYH         these programs and register today at
breakout sessions. The program will               www.safetycongress.org.
cover areas such as: Operational, Process,           6DIHW\&RQJUHVVLVWKH¿UVW
and Project Safety; Safety Management;            FRPELQHGH൵RUWRIHLJKWSURIHVVLRQDO
System Design and Implementation;                 societies and the National Academies
(൵HFWLYH8VHRI'DWD0HWULFVDQGPRUH           to collaborate on safety successes and
   “I believe that a challenge for most           challenges. The United Engineering
industries and companies may be how               Foundation, the McElhattan Foundation,
WRH൵HFWLYHO\OHDUQIURPWKHSDVW´VDLG         and the National Academies’ Gulf
Roland Moreau, program chair for                  Research Program have also provided
Safety Congress 2021, in a January 2020           support for the event.

  TMS Welcomes New Members
  The TMS Board of Directors approved professional membership for the following individuals at
  its March 2021 meeting. Please join us in congratulating and welcoming them to all the privileges
  and benefits of TMS membership.
  Abu-Zahra, Nidal H.;         Balazsi, Katalin; Hungarian        Bruns, Edward; United States   Colligan, Grant T.; United
    University of Wisconsin-     Academy of Sciences,                                              States
                                                                  Burciaga-Diaz, Oswaldo;
    Milwaukee, United            Hungary
                                                                    Instituto Tecnológico de     Coudert, Lucie; Universite
                               Balila, Nagamani Jaya;               Saltillo, Mexico               du Quebec en Abitibi-
  Adams, Thomas; Naval           Max Planck Institut für          Burke, Michael; Electric         Temiscamingue,
    Surface Warfare Center,      Eisenforschung, India              Power Research Institute,      Canada
    United States                                                   United States
                               Bao, Sarina; SINTEF                                               Dandekar, Yogesh;
  Ajantiwalay, Tanvi; United     Materials & Chemistry,           Campbell, Jeff; Materion,        Cummins College of
     States                      Norway                             United States                  Engineering for Women
                                                                                                   Nagpur, India
                               Bartles, Dean L.;                  Carden, Sean; Vesuvius,
  Alarifi, Ibrahim M.;
                                 Manufacturing Technology           United Kingdom               Davis, Robert F.; Carnegie
     Majmaah University,
                                 Deployment Group, United                                          Mellon University,
     Saudi Arabia                                                 Chava, Venkata S.N.; United
                                 States                                                            United States
  Ali, Yahia; University of    Bates, Jeffrey S.; University of                                  De Luca, Anthony; EMPA,
     Queensland, Australia                                        Chen, Jiang; Australian
                                 Utah, United States                National University,           Switzerland
  Bair, Jacob; Oklahoma        Belen-Cordero, Daphne S.;            Australia                    Dechent, Matthias;
    State University, United     Naval Nuclear Laboratory,        Choi, Jungwoo; Samsung           Trimet Aluminium SE,
    States                       United States                      Electronics, South Korea       Germany
  Balachandran, Anusha;        Bolen, Janice; Hatch Ltd.,         Choi, Sungyeol; KAIST, South   Dietrich, Rob; United
    United States                Canada                             Korea                           States
Table of Contents


Dion-Martin, Olivier;         Gu, Wendy; Stanford              Kumar, Anil; Los Alamos          Ma, Guang; Global Energy
   Dynamic Concept,             University, United States        National Laboratory,             Internet Research
   Canada                                                        United States                    Institute Co. Ltd., China
                              Haselhuhn, Amberlee;
Dou, Zhihe; Northeastern        General Motors R&D,            Labukas, Jospeh P.;              Ma, Jie; Shanghai Jiao
  University, China             United States                    U.S. Army Research               Tong University, China
                                                                 Laboratory, United States
Durandet, Yvonne C.;          Hayamizu, Yuhei; Tokyo                                            Maddalena, Roger;
  Swinburne University of       Institute of Technology,       LaLonde, Aaron D.; U.S.            Thermo Fisher
  Technology, Australia         Japan                            Army Combat Capabilities         Scientific, United States
                              Holanda, Roseanne Barata;          Development Command,
Ekstroem, Kai Erik;                                              United States                  Magalhaes Pereira Silva,
  Norwegian University of       SENAI Innovation Institute                                        Patricia F.; SENAI
  Science and Technology,       for Mineral Technologies,      Lam, Stephen; University of        Innovation Institute for
  Norway                        Brazil                           Massachusetts Lowell,            Mineral Technology,
                              Holland, Sharniece;                United States                    Brazil
Elmustafa, Abdelmageed
  A.; Old Dominion              Washington University in       Laurencin, Cato T.; University   Mahdi, Mahdi; Hatch Ltd.,
  University, United States     St. Louis, United States         of Connecticut, United           Canada
                              Hong, Jae-Keun; Korea              States
Etter, Thomas; Lincotek,                                                                        Marin-Alvarado, Tanai L.;
   Switzerland                  Institute of Materials         Le Beau, Stephen E.;
                                Science, South Korea                                              XPS, Canada
                                                                 nanoMAG LLC, United
Ferreira Cardoso, Alice;                                         States                         Mathew, James; WMG,
  SENAI Innovation            Huxel, Justin; United States
                                                                                                  University of Warwick,
  Institute for Mineral       Jacobs, Taylor Roth;             Lee, Keunho; Agency for
                                                                                                  United Kingdom
  Technologies, Brazil          Los Alamos National              Defense Development,
                                Laboratory, United States        South Korea                    McCarley, Joshua; Illinois
Field, Daniel; CCDC Army                                                                          Institute of Technology,
   Research Laboratory,       Jain, Nupur; Brown University,   Lee, Kyungtae; United States
                                                                                                  United States
   United States                 United States                 Li, Longfei; University of
                                                                   Science and Technology       McDonald, Stuart;
Franco, Thiago; Companhia     Jha, Rajesh; India
                                                                   Beijing, China                 University of
   Brasileira de Alumínio
                              Jiang, Quanxin; Delft                                               Queensland, Australia
   (CBA), Brazil                                               Li, Ling; Virginia Polytechnic
                                 University of Technology,
                                 Netherlands                       Institute and State          McDonnell, Martin M.; U.S.
Fulton, Lisa; United States
                                                                   University, United States      Army-TARDEC, United
Garrett, Lee; United States   Kaczmarek, Peter; NSWC                                              States
                                Carderock, United States       Li, Maxwell P.; Carnegie
Geng, Xiaoxiao; University                                         Mellon University, United    McKellar, Michael;
  of Science and              Kang, Pilgyu; George Mason           States                         University of Idaho,
  Technology Beijing,           University, United States                                         United States
  China                                                        Li, Meimei; Argonne National
                              Kelley, Matthew L.; University       Laboratory, United States    Melia, Michael A.; Sandia
Gevaudan, Juan Pablo;           of South Carolina, United                                         National Laboratories,
  Pennsylvania State            States                         Lindvall, Mikael; AFRY,
                                                                                                  United States
  University, United States                                       Sweden
                              Khan, Zuhair; National                                            Menon, Nalini C.; Sandia
Glodowski, Robert J.;           University of Science &        Litrel, Joseph; General
                                                                   Dynamics Electric Boat,        National Laboratories,
  RJG Metallurgical LLC,        Technology, Pakistan                                              United States
  United States                                                    United States
                              Khanikar, Prasenjit; Indian
                                Institute of Technology        Long, Alexander; Los Alamos      Metcalfe, Darryl; Hatch
Glover, Alexandra; Los                                                                            Ltd., United States
  Alamos National               Guwahati, India                  National Securities, United
  Laboratory, United                                             States                         Milovanov, Mikhail;
                              Kim, Hyosim; Los Alamos
  States                        National Laboratory,           Lopez Anton, Ricardo;               Australia
                                United States                    Universidad de Castilla-La     Moran, Peter D.; Michigan
Gordon, Jerard; University
                                                                 Mancha, Spain                    Technological
  of Michigan, United         Kim, Jai-woh; U.S.
  States                        Department of Energy,          LoVecchio, Paul; United            University, United
                                United States                    States                           States
Goswami, Arindom; United
  States                      Kojima, Takayuki; Shinshu        Lu, Shenglu; RMIT University,    Mostaghel, Sina; SNC-
                                University                       Australia                        Lavalin, Canada
Greytak, Andrew B.;
  University of South         Krutz, Nicholas; GE Aviation,    Lv, Chao; Northeastern           Nakajima, Hideo; Osaka
  Carolina, United States       United States                     University, China               University, Japan
Table of Contents

Material Advantage Member Receives Georgia Tech Honors; Discover Member Benefits
from TMS; Welcome New Members                                                                                        1557

 Nell, Johannes; Tronox,        Remy, Guillaume; University     Smith, Timothy; NASA Glenn       Williams, Mark A.;
   United States                  of Warwick, United              Research Center, United          University of Warwick,
                                  Kingdom                         States                           United Kingdom
 Nienaber, Maria;
    Helmholtz-Zentrum           Rezaei, Seyed Emad;             So, Lily Lai Chi; Hatch Ltd.,    Wilson, Paul; The Boeing
    Geesthacht, Germany           University of Virginia,         Canada                           Company, United
                                  United States                                                    States
 Niu, Xinrui; City University                                   Sokalski, Vincent M.;
    of Hong Kong, Hong          Rheinheimer, Wolfgang;            Carnegie Mellon                Wroblewski, Krzysztof P.;
    Kong                          Julich Research Center,         University, United States        Wroblewski Consulting,
                                  Germany                                                          United States
 Nolet, Isabelle; Hatch Ltd.,                                   Solis-Ramos, Euripides;
   South Africa                 Rojas, Jessika V.; Virginia       United States                  Xia, Zhenhai; University
                                  Commonwealth University,                                          of North Texas, United
 Nomoto, Akiyoshi; Central                                      Sundqvist, Olle; Sandvik            States
   Research Institute of          United States                   Materials Technology,
   Electric Power Industry,                                       Sweden                         Xiang, Song; Guizhou
                                Russell, Richard W.; NASA
   Japan                                                                                            University, China
                                  Kennedy Space Center,         Taller, Stephen; United States
 Nowell, Matthew M.;              United States                                                  Xie, Yi; Purdue University,
                                                                Tompa, Gary S.; Structured          United States
   TexSem Laboratories          Sagapuram, Dinakar; Texas         Materials Industries Inc.,
   Inc., United States            A&M University, United          United States                  Xin, Hongliang; Virginia
 Okur, Serdal; Structured         States                                                            Polytechnic Institute
                                                                Ukeje, Chukwudike                   and State University,
   Materials Industries         Salloum, Maher; Sandia            Chukwunenye; Nigeria
   Inc., United States                                                                              United States
                                  National Laboratories,        Ullah, Asad; Karakoram
 Ouyang, Bin; United              United States                                                  Xue, Weihua; Liaoning
                                                                   International University,       Technical University,
   States                                                          Pakistan
                                Sanders, John W.; California                                       China
 Pambianchi, Michael              State University Fullerton,   Uno, Masayoshi; University of
                                  United States                                                  Yacoubian, Araz; LER
   Scott; Industrion, United                                      Fukui, Japan                     Technologies Inc.;
                                Sapochak, Linda S.; National    Vilaca do Carmo, Andre Luiz;       United States
 Panetta, Paul; Applied           Science Foundation,              SENAI Innovation Institute    Yadav, Shwetabh; Texas
   Research Associates,           United States                    for Mineral Technologies,       A&M University, United
   United States                                                   Brazil                          States
                                Sayer, Aaron B.; Materion
 Pascucci, Marina R.;             Brush Beryllium and           Vubangsi, Mercel; The            Yang, Junjie; New Jersey
   CeraNova Corporation,          Composites, United States       University of Bamenda,           Institute of Technology,
   United States                                                  Cameroon                         United States
                                Schultz, Bradley M.; TE
 Patki, Priyam; University of     Connectivity, United States   Wakabayashi, Hideki; Japan       Yang, Shu; University of
   Michigan, United States                                                                         Pennsylvania, United
                                Secord, Mick; Polyonics Inc.,   Walters, Carey; Delft
 Peters, David; United            United States                   University of Technology,        States
   States                                                         Netherlands                    Yoo, Yung Suk; University
                                Serafeim, Alexandros; RWTH,
 Phanikumar, Gandham;                                           Wang, Shuai; Southern              of Michigan, United
   Indian Institute of                                            University of Science and        States
   Technology Madras,           Shigeyama, Haruhisa; Central      Technology, China              Yu, Dawei; Central South
   India                          Research Institute of                                             University, China
                                  Electric Power Industry,      Wang, Hao; University of
 Pikul, James H.; University      Japan                           Science and Technology         Zell, Elizabeth; Idaho
    of Pennsylvania, United                                       Beijing, China                   National Laboratory,
    States                      Singh, Sudhanshu Shekhar;                                          United States
                                   Indian Institute of          Westraadt, Johan; Nelson
 Pol, Vilas; Purdue                Technology Kanpur, India       Mandela University, South      Zhang, Jianjing; Capitech
   University, United                                             Africa                           Venture Capital Co.
   States                       Singh Gaur, Raj Pal; SH                                            Ltd., China
                                   Chemicals, United States     Wiesner, Valerie L.; NASA
 Poulin, Eric; Laval                                              Langley Research Center,       Zhao, Qiuyue; Northeast
   University, Canada           Slater, J.E.; United States       United States                    University, China

 *Membership grade recommendations are based on a review of credentials provided by the
  individuals. These credentials are taken on the honor system and not independently verified,
  except by exception.
Table of Contents

     JOM Vol. 73, No. 6, 2021
     Ó 2021 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

                                 In Case You Missed It:
                                 Business News from the Field
                                 Rio Tinto Adds Utah Plant
                                 London, U.K.: Rio Tinto is building
                                                                              Solvay’s Tubing
                                                                              Advances Lightweighting
                                 a new plant to recover tellurium             Brussels, Belgium: Solvay and Maincor
                                 IURPFRSSHUUH¿QLQJDWLWV.HQQHFRWW        5RKUV\VWHPH*PE+ &R.*SLRQHHUHG
                                 integrated copper mining operation near      a technique to manufacture a highly
                                 Salt Lake City, Utah. A $2.9 million         ÀH[LEOHH[WUXGHGFRUUXJDWHGWXELQJZLWK
                                 investment will equip the plant to recover   varying wall thicknesses and diameters.
 Do you hav
         avee bu
                                 tellurium as a by-product of copper          The manufacturer’s advancement will
 orr inddustr
           t y ne
                 ws of           smelting through extraction from waste       help automobile makers meet new thermal
 intereest too th
               thee mi
                      ner ls
                        rals,,   streams. Operations will begin in the        management design challenges stemming
                                 fourth quarter of 2021 at the new plant,     from combining internal combustion engine
 mettalls, andd ma
                m teri
                      al         which will have around 20 tonnes of          and e-mobility technologies including
         y Sub
         y? ubmi
             bm t                annual production capacity.                  batteries, e-motors, and power electronics.
 y urr announcement
 yo                              Zeiss Finishes New                           Pioneer Buys Permian’s
                                 Californian Site                             DoublePoint Energy
 orr press release to
                                 Oberkochen, Germany:: Carl                   Houston, Texas, USA: Pioneer
 Kaitititlililinn Ca
 Ka               Calv
                     lvva,       Zeiss AG, a leading global optics and        Natural Resources Company is acquiring
  OM Mag
           in                    optoelectronics technology company, has      DoublePoint Energy LLC for $6.4 billion.
                                 completed construction of its new R&D,       Pioneer will gain more than 100,000 acres
      g ngg Edi
      gi     d toor,r at         production, sales, and customer service      in the core of the Permian basin, which are
 kc alva
         @ ms
              o g for
                   o             site in Dublin, California, in the San       currently producing nearly 100,000 barrels
                                 Francisco Bay Area. The $180 million         per day. The acreage, in the Midland basin
 co nsid
    ns idder
              io n
                 n.                                                           portion of the greater Permian basin, is
                                 investment in the new Zeiss Innovation
                                 &HQWHULVSDUWRIWKHFRPSDQ\¶VH൵RUWV      contiguous with much of Pioneer’s existing
                                 to expand close to research centers and      holdings, enabling Pioneer to engineer
                                 growth markets. The center’s focus           longer horizontal wells from fewer drilling
                                 RQGLJLWDOVROXWLRQVDQGVFLHQWL¿FDQG      pads, utilizing the existing pipeline and
                                 industry partnerships spanning disciplines   water systems. The deal is comprised of
                                 and technologies are key drivers behind      approximately 27.2 million shares of Pioneer
                                 the company’s selection of a site in the     common stock, $1 billion of cash, and
                                 Bay Area.                                    assumption of approximately $900 million
                                                                                    of debt and liabilities.
   Adelaide, Australia:
 Core Lithium confirmed                                                             U.S. Steel Acquires Patents
         the production of                                                         and Trademarks
    battery-grade lithium                                                          Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA:
    at its Finniss Lithium
                                                                                   U.S. Steel Corporation purchased
    Project in Australia’s
  Northern Territory. Two                                                          WKHÀDWUROOHGVKHHWSDWHQWVDQG
      samples of blended                                                           trademarks to advanced, high-strength
    concentrate showed                                                             steel made by The NanoSteel Co.
      over 95% lithium in                                                          Inc. in Providence, Rhode Island.
      separate tests. The                                                          The patented proprietary alloys
 Finnish Lithium Project
                                                                                   have a nanoscale microstructure,
   is the first lithium site
 to be approved outside                                                            which creates a unique combination
  Western Australia and                                                            of extreme strength and enhanced
     is the first new mine                                                          formability that is normally only
   of significant scale to                                                          found in low-strength mild steels. The
       be approved in the                                                          NanoSteel grades can be rolled thicker
 Northern Territory since
   2013. Australia leads
                                                                                   than other high-strength grades and
       the world in lithium                                                        are designed for automotive and heavy
production. (Photo credit                                                          industrial applications where higher
            Core Lithium.)                                                         strength-to-weight ratios are needed.
Table of Contents

JOM Vol. 73, No. 6, 2021
Ó 2021 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

               C E L E B R A T I O N
                                                                              TMS2021 VIRTUAL:
                           SINCE 1871

   A virtual conference would have been an unfathomable        All-Conference Plenary Session
concept in 1871, the year that TMS’s parent society,
The American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and
in-person conference where research and ideas could be
shared among like-minded professionals. At the TMS 2021
Virtual Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2021 Virtual),
the 150th anniversary meeting, the Society demonstrated
the format had to change.
   2Q0DUFK±7069LUWXDOPDUNHGWKH¿UVW              Tom Battle (pictured, left) talks with Anne Lauvergeon (pictured,
fully online installment of the TMS Annual Meeting                right) at the TMS2021 Virtual All-Conference Plenary Session.
& Exhibition. In many ways, the Society kept with the
WUDGLWLRQRISUHYLRXV\HDUVE\R൵HULQJVFLHQWLVWVDQG            More than 200 attendees from around the world tuned in live
engineers a recognized forum for sharing their work, a         to hear Anne Lauvergeon deliver the TMS2021 All-Conference
broad selection of technical symposia and presentations to     Plenary, “New Methodologies: Producing High-Quality Metal
view, and opportunities to initiate conversations and make     from Low-Grade Ores,” on Wednesday, March 17.
FRQQHFWLRQVZLWKRWKHUVZRUNLQJLQWKHLU¿HOG                   2020 TMS President Tom Battle introduced Lauvergeon,
   There were some necessary changes, of course. In            describing her as a person known for her leadership in
place of cocktail receptions in conference meeting             pushing the boundaries of technology and innovating business
rooms, TMS2021 Virtual featured smaller gatherings in          SUDFWLFHLQKHU¿HOG6KHLVIRXQGHU&(2RI$/3FKDLUeFROH
virtual networking spaces. Instead of stepping up to the       GHV0LQHVGH1DQF\DQGIRUPHU&(2RI$UHYD6$6KH
microphone to ask questions of distinguished speakers,         is also board chair of the start-up company IB2, which is
attendees engaged in live online Q&A sessions with             pioneering an alumina production method that Lauvergeon
presenters. In the exhibit hall, conversations shifted from    called a potential revolutionary innovation with far-reaching
all these changes, TMS2021 Virtual remained a place that          The traditional way to produce alumina from bauxite, she
brought people together.                                       H[SODLQHGLVWKH%D\HUSURFHVVZKLFKUHVXOWVLQVLJQL¿FDQW
                                                               waste known as red mud. It also requires transporting high-
     “Despite all these changes,                               TXDOLW\RUHVRYHUORQJGLVWDQFHVWRUH¿QHU\VLWHV
                                                                  She described the IB2 technology, which can produce high-
 ‰a„ƟǒƟőƐšĞŹƒƣ±ĮƐŹåķ±ĞĻåÚƐ±ƐŤĮ±ÏåƐ                             quality alumina from low-grade bauxite, as a green solution
   ƒĚ±ƒƐÆŹŇƣďĚƒƐŤåŇŤĮåƐƒŇďåƒĚåŹũŶ                              that addresses these problems. “What was considered mine
                                                               waste using the normal process can be considered ore with
   7KURXJKRXWWKLVDUWLFOH²DQGLQWZRRWKHUDUWLFOHV          this technology,” she said.
published in the June 2021 issue of JOM²\RX¶OOJDLQD            'XULQJD4 $VHVVLRQZLWK%DWWOHIROORZLQJKHU
glimpse of this year’s meeting through key statistics and      presentation, she explained that this technology can be added
event summaries that show how TMS2021 Virtual retained         on to the traditional Bayer process. “You have nothing to
the key elements of a TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition.         change to the existing facility or installation,” Lauvergeon said.
Then look forward to TMS2022 and beyond to see where              After piloting the process at two locations, Lauvergeon said
we’ll be meeting once we can all gather in person again.       the technology is now ready to commercialize.

Table of Contents

1560                                                                                          Zappas


       TMS2021 Virtual

                                              The Fifth International Symposium on Nickel and Cobalt
               EWSJ2EVGLȴȦ            (Ni-Co 2021) was held as part of TMS2021 Virtual. This
              ȶȉȶȦ                       special four-day symposium convened operators, engineers,
                                           and researchers to exchange information about all aspects
                                           of current processing technologies for nickel and cobalt, as
                                           well as emerging technologies for both metals.
                                              The symposium opened with the Ni-Co 2021 plenary

                                           session on Monday, March 15, featuring invited
                                           SUHVHQWDWLRQVIURP¿YHVSHDNHUV )RUDFORVHUORRNDWWKH
                                           plenary session, see the article, “Keynotes and Featured
              (SQTERMIWXLEX              Talks at TMS2021 Virtual,” in the June 2021 issue of
              )MWTPE]IH'SSXLW            JOM.) Additional sessions were held on the topics of
              MRXLI:MVXYEP              materials, and mineral processing.
              *\LMFMX-EPP                   Ni-Co 2021 was organized by TMS, with sponsorship
                                           IURPWKH706([WUDFWLRQ 3URFHVVLQJ'LYLVLRQWKH706
                                           Pyrometallurgy Committee, and the TMS Hydrometallurgy
                                           and Electrometallurgy Committee. It was co-organized
                                           by the Metallurgy & Materials Society of the Canadian
                                           Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum. The Ni-Co
        2021 Awards                        2021 Organizing Committee was led by Corby Anderson,
                                           Colorado School of Mines.


                                           Eleven proceedings volumes, including Ni-Co 2021: The
                                           5th International Symposium on Nickel and Cobalt, are
                                           now available for purchase through the TMS Bookstore in
              -SRSVIH[MXL                both hard copy and electronic formats. Light Metals 2021
              ȮȮ&[EVHW                   and Magnesium Technology 2021, the latest editions in
                                           TMS’s long-running proceedings series, are also available,
                                           along with collections from six additional symposia.
              82ȶȉȶȦ:MVXYEP                 7KH¿QDOYROXPHLQWKHFROOHFWLRQWKHTMS 2021 150th
              1IEVRQSVIEFSYX            Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings,
                                           features a compilation of papers gathered from a variety of
              XLIWIE[EVHWERH            TMS2021 Virtual symposia.
              E[EVHWXQWSVK              available TMS2021 Virtual publications. TMS members
Table of Contents

TMS2021 VIRTUAL: A First After 150 Years                                                          1561


                                                                       Technical Sessions

      Ellen Cerreta, 2021 TMS President (pictured, left) and
         Tom Battle, 2020 TMS President (pictured, right).                        -IPHEXȁȴ
    Each year, the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition marks                          8STMG&VIEW
the transition to the new year’s TMS president. At this
their leadership terms and new directors begin their cycles.
    Tom Battle began his term as TMS President on
brought together more than 4,600 attendees.
    “Less than two weeks after the end of the conference,                         2,493
our world changed. New terms were introduced such as
Ceremony, held on Wednesday, March 17. Looking back
on his year as TMS President, Battle noted the unique
challenges the Society encountered, but also the way the                          273
community stood together, even while staying apart. “It has
been an honor and privilege to lead TMS through the most                          5VIWIRXEXMSRW
extraordinary of years,” he concluded.
    As Battle’s presidential term came to an end, Ellen
Cerreta of Los Alamos National Laboratory began her
term as 2021 TMS President during TMS2021 Virtual.
Cerreta also gave an address at the awards ceremony that
acknowledged the challenges of the previous year and
looked ahead to a brighter future.                                                5VIWIRXEXMSRW
    “What has transpired since our last in-person TMS
Annual Meeting in 2020 shouldn’t be allowed to change
what we are doing as a Society for the profession, even if
the implementation of that vision,” Cerreta said, reminding
listeners of the strategic goals laid out in the TMS Aspires
plan and how these will serve the profession well as the
Society moves forward.                                                            5YFPMWLIHMR
    This change in leadership also included Jud Ready,                            ȦȦ(SPPIGXIH
Georgia Institute of Technology, moving into the role of                          5VSGIIHMRKW
2021 Vice President. Ready will serve as TMS President
beginning at the TMS 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition.
Timothy Rupert, University of California, Irvine, also
Table of Contents

1562                                                                                             Zappas


Attendee Engagement
                                             For 149 years, the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
                                          operated in-person meetings, and we plan to return to that
                                          model in future years. Mark your calendars now and plan
       EX82ȶȉȶȦ:MVXYEP                 to join us at these future venues:

                                              +IFVYEV]ȶȮƳ2EVGLȴȶȉȶȶ         2EVGLȦȟƳȶȴȶȉȶȴ

                                                 &RELIMQ(EPMJSVRME           ER)MIKS(EPMJSVRME
                                               [[[XQWSVK82ȶȉȶȶ            [[[XQWSVK82ȶȉȶȴ

              ȶȉȶȦ                              4VPERHS+PSVMHE

                                                  2EVGLȦȍȦȟȶȉȶȰ             2EVGLȦȏȦȁȶȉȶȮ
                                                 ER)MIKS(EPMJSVRME           4VPERHS+PSVMHE

                                             Plans are already underway for the TMS 2022 Annual
                                          Meeting & Exhibition, which is now accepting abstracts
                                          TMS2022 will feature two co-located events: Diversity
              5EVXMGMTEXIHMR1MZI       in the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Professions 4
              6 &IWWMSRWERH           (DMMM4) and the REWAS 2022 Symposium, which will
                                          Cycles. In addition, TMS2022 will feature the popular
                                          Bladesmithing Competition and continue the celebration
                                          of the Society’s 150th Anniversary Year.

              5EVXMGMTERXW                                                 CELEBRATES ŏăljƉ¤)~ƒ

                                            Visit www.tms.org/TMS2022 to learn more
                                          and to submit your abstract by July 1.
Table of Contents

JOM Vol. 73, No. 6, 2021
Ó 2021 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

                                                                                         Keynotes and
                                                                                        Featured Talks at
               C E L E B R A T I O N

                                                                                   TMS2021 VIRTUAL
                           SINCE 1871                                                 Kelly Zappas, Ann Ritchie,
                                                                                           and Kaitlin Calva

  Nearly 2,500 oral and poster presentations at 83 symposia in 13 technical tracks were delivered over the course of four
days at the TMS 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2021 Virtual), March 15-18, 2021.
sessions from young professionals on emerging technology areas. What follows is a look at some of these featured sessions
and talks from TMS2021 Virtual.

                                                                    nickel, stainless steel materials, and batteries can make to a
                                                                       Later in the session, Anthony Warner, Worley, provided
3M(SȶȉȶȦ5PIREV]                                                  an overview of key developments in nickel pyrometallurgy
                                                                    since 1970—many of which he and his co-authors,
                                                                    throughout their careers—with his talk, “A Review of
                                                                    Nickel Pyrometallurgy over the Past 50 Years with Special
                                                                    Reference to the Former INCO Ltd. and Falconbridge Ltd.”
                                                                    “Nickel is an essential metal to modern society, primarily
                                                                    through its use as an important ingredient in stainless
                                                                    steel,” he noted. “More recently and in the future, electric
                                                                    vehicles are becoming a key nickel demand driver for
                                                                    nickel products to meet this application.”
         Corby G. Anderson (pictured, left) and Rodney Jones        ȶȉȶȦ1MKLXW2IXEPW0I]RSXIIWWMSR
          (pictured, right) at the Ni-Co 2021 Plenary Session.

   The Fifth International Symposium on Nickel and
Cobalt (Ni-Co 2021) opened with a plenary session that
Extraction & Processing Division (EPD) Distinguished
Lecturer, Rodney Jones, Mintek. Ahead of the technical
presentations, lead Ni-Co 2021 organizer, Corby G.
Anderson, Colorado School of Mines, welcomed attendees
to the session and thanked the authors and speakers as
well as his co-organizers of the symposium. “We labored
through the challenges of the global pandemic and actually                    Les Edwards (pictured, left) and Pernelle Nunez
this whole symposium, even though it’s gone virtual, has                (pictured, right) at the 2021 Lights Metals Keynote Session.
come to fruition,” he said.
   -RQHVNLFNHGR൵WKHSOHQDU\VHVVLRQGHOLYHULQJWKH                Sustainability in the Aluminum Supply Chain was the
presentation, “Ferronickel–Thermodynamics, Chemistry, and           focus of the 2021 Light Metals Keynote Session, which
Economics,” in which he noted that “nickel is an essential          was organized by Les Edwards, Rain Carbon Inc., and
metal in our modern world.” Though current nickel demand            sponsored by the Aluminum Committee of the TMS Light
is dominated by stainless steel, there is growth anticipated in     Metals Division. The idea for the session came about,
batteries over the next decade. “We are living in an exciting       Edwards said, after he attended a presentation at TMS2020
time of new developments and have the opportunity to shape          that highlighted the sustainability challenges faced by the
the world for the better,” Jones said. “The contributions that      aluminum industry in meeting climate change targets.
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