Page created by Sean Kramer
A Promising
                                                                              New Year
                                                                                NEW GENERATION
                                                                                MEANS BUSINESS

                                                                      IMPERIAL PORCELAIN,
                                                                        PRICELESS LEGACY

                                                                         GBA RAIL NETWORK:
                                                                          PICKING UP SPEED

Macao MOP 30 | Hong Kong HKD 30 | Mainland China RMB 30 | International USD 4             02/2022
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2 |   Macao Magazine 68 February 2022

                                                                                                                                         14                         48                                             64

The sun rises over Macao as the city
welcomes a new year. Photo by Sean Hsu

                                         04   China praises Macao leadership over
                                              economy and pandemic response
                                              Chinese leadership acclaim Macao's chief executive
                                              and government efforts over the past year during
                                              high-level meetings in Beijing.

                                         08   Macao amends law for gaming licences
                                              Protecting national security, strengthening
                                              government oversight and clarifying the concession
                                              system are some of the key proposals.

                                         14   New generation means business
                                              Macao's efforts to diversify its economy depend to a
                                              large degree on the dedication and innovation of a
                                                                                                     38   Pulling the strings
                                                                                                          Macao's first professional Chinese puppetry
                                                                                                          theatre group create performances based on
                                                                                                                                                            64   Tracking the growth of the Greater Bay Area
                                                                                                                                                                 Macao stands to reap multiple benefits from China's
                                                                                                                                                                 great rail network expansion, much of it centered on
                                              new generation of locally based entrepreneurs.              local stories.                                         the Greater Bay Area.

                                         24   Healing in harmony
                                              Therapist Cristal Chiang helps those affected with
                                              a range of physical and mental concerns using the
                                                                                                     48   Delicate art, unbreakable legacy
                                                                                                          The Macao Museum of Art showcases 120 pieces
                                                                                                          of Ming dynasty imperial porcelain to celebrate
                                                                                                                                                            74   Way of the mind warriors
                                                                                                                                                                 Kendo, a Japanese martial art, has a small but loyal
                                                                                                                                                                 band of followers in Macao, dedicated to mental as
                                              soothing power of music.                                    the history of ceramic art.                            well as physical self-improvement.

                                         30   Global goals, local action
                                              Two young Macao women are promoting the United
                                              Nations’s Sustainable Development Goals within
                                                                                                     56   K-9: New breed of hero
                                                                                                          Macao's Police Dog Group trains dogs for all
                                                                                                          kinds of specialist security and crime-fighting
                                                                                                                                                            82   Zoom
                                                                                                                                                                 A delegation of Team China Olympians visited Macao
                                                                                                                                                                 to an enthusiastic welcome from local people and
                                              their own community.                                        operations.                                            even showed off some of their medal-winning skills.
4 |   Macao Magazine 68 February 2022


                                        China praises Macao on
                                        economy and Covid efforts
                                        Macao’s chief executive and government performance acclaimed
                                        by Chinese leadership during high-level meetings in Beijing.

                                        Text Christian Ritter
                                        Photos Xinhua News Agency         C     hinese President Xi Jinping and
                                                                                Premier Li Keqiang expressed
                                                                          their support for Macao’s efforts to
                                                                                                                       The Chinese president met
                                                                                                                   Ho at the central government’s
                                                                                                                   Zhongnanhai compound in
                                                                          diversify the city’s economy and         Beijing, during which Ho reported
                                                                          praised the local government for its     on Macao’s current situation and
                                                                          Covid-19 control and prevention          the work of the Macao Special
                                                                          work during a visit to Beijing by        Administrative Region’s (MSAR)
                                        President Xi Jinping (right)      Macao Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng        government.
                                        praises Chief Executive           in December 2021.                            President Xi underlined that
                                        Ho Iat Seng’s governance
                                                                              On his return, Chief Executive Ho    Macao has been able to maintain
                                        of Macao
                                                                          said that President Xi and Premier       stability and a strong development
                                                                          Li had also highlighted the problem      momentum despite the pandemic.
                                                                          of Macao’s overdependence on a               The Chinese president pointed
                                                                          single industry [gaming] and that        out that Macao was also working
                                                                          the central government would             hard to normalise cross-border
                                                                          continue to fully support Macao’s        travel between the mainland
                                                                          diversification of its economy.          and Macao.
                                                                                                                       The pandemic had created
                                                                          STABILITY AND MOMENTUM                   tough challenges for the global
                                                                                                                   economy, but also created a
                                                                              President Xi Jinping praised Chief   moment for reflection, Xi said.
                                                                          Executive Ho’s governance of Macao,      He added that, due to the Covid-19
                                                                          in particular his administration’s       pandemic, Macao’s people had
                                                                          development strategy and the             gained a clearer understanding of
                                                                          effective prevention and control         problems in the region’s existing
                                                                          of the Covid-19 pandemic by              economic structure, resulting in
                                                                          implementing the “dynamic zero-          a deeper consideration of its
                                                                          Covid” policy.                           future development.
6 |   Macao Magazine 68 February 2022                                                                                                                                                                             Politics   | 7

                                                                                       The central government                lay a solid foundation for lasting       This was Ho’s first official        Premier Li Keqiang
                                                                                   will continue to support Macao            prosperity and stability for the     visit to Beijing since he became           (right) and Chief
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Executive Ho Iat Seng
                                                                                   accelerating its economic                 region, according to Li.             Macao’s chief executive in
                                                                                                                                                                                                            discuss the city’s
                                                                                   diversification, the Chinese leader           Chief Executive Ho expressed     December 2019. In 2020, the                    development
                                                                                   said, adding that this approach           appreciation to Premier Li for the   annual visit to Beijing was
                                                                                   implements the “One Country, Two          central government’s concern         postponed due to the coronavirus
                                                                                   Systems” principle with Macao             and support, adding that Macao       restrictions and the meetings with
                                                                                   characteristics.                          would maintain effective control     President Xi and Premier Li took
            The central authorities fully                                              “The central authorities fully        over the pandemic, ensure a stable   place by video.
                                                                                   acknowledge the work that Ho and          economic recovery, and seize the         President Xi last visited Macao
            acknowledge the work that Ho and the
                                                                                   the Macao SAR government have             opportunities offered by China’s     for Chief Executive Ho’s swearing-
            Macao SAR government have done.                                        done,” President Xi said.                 national development.                in ceremony in December 2019.

            – President Xi Jinping
                                                                                   MEETING WITH PREMIER LI KEQIANG

                                                                                       In a second Beijing meeting,
                                                                                   Premier Li Keqiang expressed to
                                                                                   Chief Executive Ho the central
                                                                                   government’s appreciation of Ho and
                                                                                   Macao’s work regarding economic
                                                                                   development, supporting people’s
                                                                                   wellbeing and its control of Covid-19.
                                                                                       The central government will
                                                                                   continue to implement the policies
                                                                                   of “One Country, Two Systems”, with
                                                                                   “the people of Macao administering
                                            Xi also pointed out that Macao’s       Macao”, and maintaining a high
                                        economy had enjoyed a gradual              degree of autonomy for the region,
                                        recovery in 2021 and that the              Li said.
                                        local government had assisted                  Li pledged to improve the region’s
                                        disadvantaged groups and small             systems for enforcing the National
                                        businesses.                                Constitution and Macao SAR’s
                                            The president highlighted the          Basic Law. He said that the central
                                        fact that Macao’s legal and executive      government fully supports the chief
                                        mechanisms safeguarding national           executive in leading the Macao SAR
                                        security had been upgraded, and            government to administer the city
                                        that the 2021 Legislative Assembly         based on the rule of law.
                                        elections had been held successfully,          Li hoped that Macao would
                                        upholding the principle of “patriots       initiate coordination with national
                                        governing Macao”.                          development strategies as well as
                                            The central government’s               participating in and advancing
                                        General Plan for the Development           the Guangdong-Macao Intensive
                                        of the Guangdong-Macao Intensive           Cooperation Zone in Hengqin Island.
                                        Cooperation Zone in Hengqin                    Premier Li also hoped that
                                        will offer a new path for Macao,           Macao would continue its efforts
                                        furthering its integration into national   to curb the pandemic and improve
                                        development, President Xi said.            people’s livelihood. These efforts will
8 |   Macao Magazine 68 February 2022


             Macao to amend gaming                                           Text Christian Ritter and
                                                                             Gonçalo César de Sá                           M       acao’s Legislative Assembly passed the first
                                                                                                                                   draft of Macao’s gaming law amendment
                                                                                                                           bill on 24 January 2022. The amendments to

             licensing legislation                                                                                         Law No 16/2001 are intended to strengthen
                                                                                                                           government oversight of the industry to protect
                                                                                                                           social interests, defend national security and to
                                                                                                                           ensure the gaming industry's future aligns with the
             While Macao is seeking to develop alternative industries to                                                   city's broader plans for economic diversification
             diversify its economy, restructuring the city’s gaming sector                                                 and sustainable development.
                                                                                                                                Key points of the draft bill are that it caps the
             has been identified as a key mission for the government.
                                                                                                                           number of gaming concessions at six, cuts the
                                                                                                                           length of licences to 10 years, extendable by three
                                                                                                                           years in exceptional circumstances, and also
                                                                                                                           curtails the role of junkets, restricting these gaming
                                                                                                                           promoters to working with a single concessionaire.
                                                                                                                                However, Macao will keep its gross gaming
                                                                                                                           revenue tax rate at 35 per cent, the same level as
                                                                                                                           the past two decades. The additional payment
                                                                                                                           of 4 per cent of casino operators' gross gaming
                                                                                                                           revenues as "contributions" (dues) to the
                                                                                                                           government's social, cultural and other activities
                                                                                                                           will also remain unchanged.
                                                                                                                                Successful gaming concessionaires will
                                                                                                                           also be assessed by the Gaming Inspection and
                                                                                                                           Coordination Bureau (DICJ) every three years
                                                                                                                           to ensure that they are complying with all the
                                                                                                                           obligations of their licence. Concessionaires must
                                                                                                                           also report any financial operations which go
                                                                                                                           beyond those stipulated in their contracts to the
                                                                                                                           Macao SAR chief executive, before they take place.
                                                                                                                                Secretary for Administration and Justice
                                                                                                                           Cheong Weng Chon outlined the details of a
                                                                                                                           proposed bill to amend the 2001 Gaming Industry
                                                                                                                           Law in January after a 45-day public consultation
                                                                                                                           on the gaming sector, which is Macao's largest
                                                                                                                           industry and major source of tax revenue.

                                                                                                                           Macao's current gaming industry
                                                                                                                           consists of 42 casinos run by

                                                                                                         Lei Heong Ieong
                                                                                                                           the three concessionaires and
                                                                                                                           three sub-concessionaires
10 |   Macao Magazine 68 February 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                              Economy   | 11

                                                 All images on this spread courtesy of Government Information Bureau
    The government is determined
to control the size of the gaming
industry to ensure that it benefits
Macao as a whole. The sector
remains the most important element
of Macao’s economy although
the government is committed
to diversifying development.
Additional concerns have focused
on ensuring that the industry
benefits the wider social interests
of Macao and also conforms to the
needs of national security.


    Macao's gaming industry
represents the single most important
segment of the city's economy in
terms of employment (about 12 per
cent of the total workforce in mid-
2021), taxation and contribution
to gross domestic product (GDP).
However, for many years, both the
central government and Macao
government have warned of the
danger of over-reliance on this
sector, which has been illustrated       20 years, with the possibility of an                                          (SJM Resorts, S.A.; Wynn Resorts      have the chance to win a licence    5 billion (US$625 million) instead     Macao Assembly debating
by the recent impact of Covid-19         extension to 25 years.                                                        (Macau), S.A.; Galaxy Casino, S.A.)   in the upcoming tender.             of the previous level of MOP 200        the new bill to amend the
restrictions on the city’s economy.          Macao has established itself                                              and three sub-concessionaires             According to the latest                                                2001 Gaming Industry Law
                                                                                                                                                                                                 million (US$25 million).
    The gaming sector contributed        as a pioneer of integrated resorts                                            (Venetian Macau Limited; MGM          available data from the Gaming          He also said that all casinos       (Opposite page) Secretary
51 per cent of Macao's GDP in pre-       – a concept that brings together                                              Grand Paradise, S.A.; Melco Resorts   Inspection and Coordination         must be located in real estate              for Administration and
pandemic 2019.                           casinos with substantial hotel                                                (Macau), S.A.), with each full        Bureau Macao's gaming industry      owned by the concessionaires.          Justice Cheong Weng Chon
    In 2020, its GDP share was down      accommodation, retail, conference                                             concessionaire selling one sub-       consists of 42 casinos run by the       Gaming operators' so-called
to 21.3 per cent due to the impact of    and exhibition facilities, dining,                                            concession. However, it is now        three concessionaires and three     satellite casinos, which number 18
the Covid-19 pandemic on Macao's         and entertainment venues within a                                             proposed that sub-concessions,        sub-concessionaires, with 6,302     and are housed in buildings that
economy, according to Statistics and     single complex. However, gaming                                               by which a concessionaire             gaming tables and 11,449 slot       they do not own, will be given three
Census Service data.                     revenue has always been the                                                   partners with another operator,       machines.                           years to comply with the process.
    The new gaming bill proposes         most lucrative one and the Macao                                              will be prohibited. The new                                                   The bill also proposes that
that the government can grant up         government has signalled for some                                             simplified structure allows for six   CONCESSIONAIRE CAPITAL              concessionaires' managing director
to six gaming concessions by public      time that operators must focus on                                             concessionaires, the same number                                          must be a Macao permanent
and open tender for a period of 10       other revenue streams, creating a                                             as current individual operators.         Secretary Cheong also said       resident and hold at least 15 per
years, with a possible three-year        more diverse range of attractions.                                            Cheong said that each of Macao’s      that Macao's future gaming          cent of their company’s capital,
extension, whereas the existing law          Currently, Macao’s gaming                                                 current six gaming operators, three   concessionaires must have a         compared with the present 10 per
allows gaming concessions for up to      industry has three concessionaires                                            of which have US business links,      minimum capital stock of MOP        cent minimum.
12 |                                                                                                                                                                                             | 13

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Lee Yiu Tung
       Macao Magazine 68 February 2022                                                                                                                                                 Economy

                      Under the new bill, in the future, gaming     interest, the national interest and the city's          The proposals put an end to a prolonged          Casinos in the
                 concessionaires can only list up to 30 per         ongoing efforts to diversify its economy,           period of speculation about the future of gaming   Macao Peninsula
                 cent of their shares on the Hong Kong Stock        which continues to be marked by its                 in the city, speculation that greatly increased
                 Exchange.                                          overdependence on gaming.                           as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The
                      Cheong said that all bids for future gaming        The draft legislation, which has been          government’s public consultation initiative
                 concessions must meet a range of conditions,       discussed by the government's top advisory          allowed a forum for local people to voice their
                 including being in the Macao public interest,      Executive Council, must now be debated and          views and the bill has also been welcomed by
                 safeguarding national security and the city's      voted on by the Macao Legislative Assembly          the six current operators for consolidating the
                 drive for economic diversification.                (AL) for amendment and final vote by                industry’s position in the city’s development.
                      The concessions must also ensure the          lawmakers.                                          The proposed legislation, therefore, appears to
                 gaming industry's sustainable development               Cheong said the government hoped that          have created a consensus about how Macao’s
                 and promote corporate responsibility.              the Legislative Assembly would pass the bill        gaming sector can move forward as a healthy
                      The policy secretary noted that the bill      as soon as possible, taking into consideration      and sustainable component of the region’s
                 will strengthen government supervision of          that the three gaming concessions and               overall economic growth for decades to come.
                 the gaming industry, pointing out that casino      three sub-concessions will expire on 26
                 operators “are not common companies.”              June and that the government will need to
                      Gaming experts have pointed out that          initiate a tender process to invite bids for the
                 Macao's casino permits are not conventional        concessions. Cheong said that the tendering
                 business licences but concessions that, to a       process could be postponed if necessary.
                 certain degree, are similar to those granted to         The proposed new legislation comes at
                 public utilities by the government.                a time when the gaming sector has reported
                      No government representatives will sit        improved figures year on year, although they
                 on the concessionaires' management boards          fall short of the city’s historic highs. DICJ
                 although the government had initially floated      reported in January 2022 that Macao's gross
                 this possibility during its public consultation    gaming revenue (GGR) rose 43.7 per cent
                 process last year. However, the policy secretary   to MOP 86.8 billion (US$10.8 billion)
                 stressed that the gaming concessionaires will       during 2021.
                 have to inform the government regularly and             That figure was a marked improvement
                 in detail on any major financial issues.           on 2020, when GGR plummeted 79.3 per
                      The policy secretary stressed that the        cent to MOP 60.4 billion (US$7.5 billion) due
                 concessionaires are barred from leasing            to the Covid-19 pandemic. In pre-pandemic
                 some of their gaming facilities out to others.     2019, GGR dropped 3.4 per cent year-on-year
                 Currently, many so-called VIP rooms for high-      to MOP 292.4 billion (US$36.4 billion).
                 stakes gamblers are said to be leased out to            The proposed bill has been broadly
                 second-party junket operators.                     welcomed as a balanced approach to
                      Cheong said that the government planned       meeting the needs of the business interests
                 to introduce a separate bill on the tighter        of current and future operators as well as
                 supervision of junket operators, whose             protecting the overall interests of Macao’s
                 operations are currently regulated by an           social and economic development.
                 administrative regulation (by-law) only.                The changes clarify the tightening of
                      Cheong also repeated the point that the       regulations but also allow sufficient flexibility
                 bill aims for a “healthier” development of the     in tendering timetables for operators to
                 gaming industry in line with Macao's public        adjust their business model as needed.
14 |   Macao Magazine 68 February 2022                                                                                                                   Businesss   | 15

                                                         Text Tony Lai
                                                                                    O     pening a snack bar, cafe,
                                                                                          restaurant or clothing store
                                                                                                                            and expressing the tremendous
                                                                                                                            vitality and imagination of the

            New generation
                                                         Photos António Sanmarful
                                                                                    used to be among the first choices      city’s younger generation of
                                                                                    of many local young people starting     corporate pioneers.
                                                                                    their own business, but in recent

            means business                               An aerial shot of
                                                                                    years, the options have multiplied.
                                                                                        From the Young Entrepreneurs
                                                                                    Aid Scheme to the establishment
                                                                                                                            PAYBOY — A BIG CHANGE
                                                                                                                            FOR SMALL CHANGE

                                                         Macao’s NAPE area          of the Macao Young Entrepreneur             Most people from time to
            Macao’s changing business environment is                                Incubation Centre, the Macao            time accumulate piles of low-
            offering a range of exciting opportunities                              government has introduced several       denomination coins in their homes
                                                                                    programmes in the past few years        after emptying their pockets and
            for young business people. We speak to
                                                                                    to promote the city’s economic          purses of small change from
            three of them.                                                          diversification. These measures         supermarkets, convenience stores
                                                                                    have improved the environment for       or restaurants. On their own,
                                                                                    innovation and entrepreneurship         they are too awkward to carry
                                                                                    in the city by encouraging              around endlessly for the next low-
                                                                                    entrepreneurs to think creatively and   cost purchase and it’s too time
                                                                                    explore new business opportunities.     consuming to queue up at the bank
                                                                                        We talk to three entrepreneurs      to exchange for notes. One by one,
                                                                                    who are following the ‘Macao dream’     the pile of coins gradually gets bigger.

                                                                                                                                                                        Cheong Chi Fong
16 |   Macao Magazine 68 February 2022                                                                                                                                              Businesss   | 17

Payboy founder Oscar
Leung launched the                           Oscar Leung, 29-year-old       INEVITABLE SETBACKS IN                  Technological Development Bureau,       are now able to convert their
service in 2021                          local entrepreneur, recognised     ENTREPRENEURSHIP                        Monetary Authority of Macao, Science    coins directly into notes, which
                                         this problem and founded                                                   and Technology Development Fund         he has noticed has significantly
                                         Payboy, which develops                 To encourage the public             and the Macao Trade and Investment      increased user interest.
                                         self-service coin-collection       to exchange coins, the Payboy           Promotion Institute.                        In terms of Macao’s market
                                         machines. This not only releases   machines are free of charge and                                                 size, Leung expects 15-20 Payboy
                                         the value of these hoards of       the current revenue model is            CASH CIRCULATION                        machines are needed to meet
                                         coins but it also optimises the    mainly based on the commission of                                               demand but this year he hopes to
                                         circulation of small change in     merchants, as the machines attract          Despite the rise of electronic      expand to transport hubs such as
                                         the market.                        people to the store.                    payment, particularly due to            the border gate to make the
                                             Unlike the current coin            “One of the most difficult things   Covid-19, Leung says that cash will     process even more seamless for
                                         conversion service offered         to do was to talk to merchants about    remain one of the main methods          tourists so when they depart
                                         by banks, Leung describes          setting up the machine because they     of transactions in the future. “The     Macao, they aren’t carrying a
                                         Payboy's service as “simpler”.     didn't think it would generate much     pandemic has fostered citizen's         pocketful of coins with them.
                                         While most banks require staff     revenue for them. But after the first   usage of electronic payments and            He is also working towards
                                         to painstakingly sort and count    machine was put into use, more and      they use cash less often than before,   transferring the money directly
                                         the coins by hand, Payboy          more merchants were interested.”        but this has simply strengthened the    into bank accounts in the future
                                         allows users to simply pour all        Before starting his own business,   understanding of the importance of      – essentially integrating with
                                         the coins into the machine,        Leung worked as an analyst at a local   coin recycling.”                        the government’s fast payment
                                         which instantly recognises and     company, where his job included             In less than a year, he has also    system. “We hope to develop
                                         calculates their value. Users      checking the daily news. “One day,      successfully partnered with Bank        financial self-service devices
                                         can then choose to convert the     I noticed a news story about a coin-    of China and Banco Nacional             in Macao and to provide more
                                         amount into e-vouchers for         changing machine launched by a          Ultramarino to run coin-collection      services such as self-payment,
                                         merchant purchases or donate       startup company in Hong Kong.           machines for them. With six machines    self-deposit and self-checkout,”
                                         to local charities.                I remembered that I had seen a          spread across six branches, users       Leung says.
                                             Since the launch of the        similar machine when I was studying
                                         first Payboy machine in a large    in the United States. I thought there
                                         shopping mall in Taipa in          was room for Macao to promote
                                         mid-January 2021, the startup      related businesses.”
                                         has added eight more machines          Inspired by this, he contacted            The Payboy
                                         across town, totalling nine        the Hong Kong-based company                   machine collects
                                                                                                                          both Patacas and
                                         Payboy machines. They collect      and became its representative in
                                                                                                                          Hong Kong Dollars
                                         all denominations of Macao         Macao in 2017. However, due to
                                         pataca and Hong Kong               the Covid-19 pandemic and other
                                         dollar coins.                      factors, he decided to take on this
                                             Payboy’s three machines at     venture on his own under the brand
                                         the Original Technology stores     name Payboy.
                                         in the city have since collected       “In recent years, there has
                                         more than 1.2 million coins with   been a boom in entrepreneurship.
                                         about 60 per cent of them being    Whether it's government incubators
                                         MOP ten-cent coins. “The main      or [private] accelerators, young
                                         purpose is to help the public to   people have more ideas to start their
                                         rediscover the value of coins.     businesses.” Looking back on his
                                         They may consider that the         entrepreneurial journey, there were
                                         amount of coins accumulated        bumps along the road, but Leung
                                         is small, but the value is often   is glad to have had the support of
                                         greater than people expect,”       different government departments
                                         says Leung.                        and units, such as the Economic and
18 |   Macao Magazine 68 February 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                   Businesss   | 19

                                                                                                                                                                reflect on why we all generate so            an online sales platform for the
                                                                                                                                                                much garbage in our lives, so I hope         store soon, so that customers can
                                                                                                                                                                to implement minimalism in my own            buy their desired products without
                                                                                                                                                                life. However, it is not easy to live that   leaving home. She also hopes to
                                                                                                                                                                kind of life in Macao. For instance,         hold regular workshops on healthy
                                                                                                                                                                products in supermarkets usually have        eating and natural products to
                                                                                                                                                                multi-layer packaging,” she says. Wong       promote a healthy living culture
                                                                                                                                                                was inspired to start her own business       and deepen the connection
                                                                                                                                                                when she came across the concept of          between customers and the shop.
                                                                                                                                                                “shop naked” online. “Before I opened
                                                                                                                                                                my store, I worked in the make-up            GATHERING COMPANIONS
                                                                                                                                                                and skin-care industry and later
                                                                                                                                                                became a stay-at-home mum. At that               Three years ago, Less is More
                                                                                                                                                                time, I didn’t have the urge to start a      was one of only two “naked
                                                                                                                                                                business.”                                   selling stores” in the city. “Many
                                                                                                                                                                                                             people would curiously hang
                                                                                                                                                                FROM ZERO TO ONE                             around outside the store when
                                                                                                                                                                                                             we first opened, so we had to go
                                                                                                                                                                    From the store name and                  out and talk to them about the
                                                                                                                                                                logo, to the location of the store,          shopping model and further their
                                                                                                                                                                daily operations and inventory               understanding of it.”
                                                                                                                                                                management, everything was a                     The store has seen the gradual
                                                                                                                                                                new experience for this young                emergence of a few competitors.
                                                                                                                                                                entrepreneur. “Every day was a               Wong also commented on the two
                                                                                                                                                                challenge, because I didn’t have the         or three “naked selling stores” that
Rachel Wong began to                     LESS IS MORE — “NAKED SHOPPING”          philosophy into practice in her own       and plastic containers. For         relevant experience, so I had to figure      have recently opened: “The aim of
notice how much waste                                                             life, she also started a business, Less   example, customers need to bring    everything out myself,” Wong admits.         these stores is to inspire people to
our society generates
                                             Concepts such as Danshari            is More, to popularise her beliefs and    their own containers to the store       However, the business was                simplify life and focus on what they
after having her first
child, leading her to
                                         (a Japanese word which means             lifestyle to reduce unnecessary waste     when buying cleaning liquid,        disrupted by Covid-19 and the store          love and what's important, so I'm
open zero-waste shop                     “decluttering”) and minimalism have      in the city.                              though she also provides clean      was closed for more than a month.            glad to see this lifestyle becoming
Less is More in 2019                     swept across the world in recent              Located in Rua Nova à Guia, Less     reusable glass containers at her    After that, the business had to rely         more popular.”
                                         years, encouraging people to re-         is More opened in May 2019 and            store for convenience.              on regular customers' orders for                 “My ultimate goal is of course
                                         examine their relationships and other    focuses on selling organic health             Starting a family made Wong     a period of time. Today, thanks to           to make waste reduction a daily
                                         personal matters as well as to reflect   products, such as natural food, fruit     notice just how much waste a        Macao’s remarkable results in the fight      habit for people in Macao. Not only
                                         on what they really want in life and     vinegar and oil, spices and cleansing     single household could produce.     against the pandemic, the business           for our kind of shops, but also for
                                         to abandon unnecessary baggage.          skincare products. Unlike traditional     “I have always been interested      volume of the startup returned to its        supermarkets and other large chain
                                         32-year-old Rachel Wong is just one      stores, products are sold packaging-      in minimalism. Especially after     pre-pandemic level.                          stores that can try ‘naked selling’, ”
                                         example. In addition to putting the      free to reduce unnecessary wrapping       the birth of my child, I began to       In addition, Wong plans to add           Wong says.
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                                                                                                                                                                      Marco Duarte Rizzolio
                                                                                                                                                                     co-founded Follow Me
                                                                                                                                                                    Macau with his business
                                                                                                                                                                            partner in 2017

                                         FOLLOW ME MACAU — THE                    exhibitions and events, the organisers   services in response to the latest
Startups need                            BUSINESS OF TRAVEL                       or their companies will reserve a day    market trends.
capital, both at                                                                  for them in Macao for team-building          In this difficult time, the
                                             Macao's business environment         activities. So, about six months to a    business fortunately has the strong
the beginning                            not only encourages more                 year after we launched, we changed       backing of the Macao Young
and in the middle                        local young people to pursue             our business strategy a little bit. We   Entrepreneurs Incubation Centre,
                                         their dreams, but also attracts          focused more on a B2B (business-         which was funded and established
and later stages                         people from overseas to explore          to-business) model, which means          by the Macao government at the
of development.                          opportunities in Macao. Portuguese       planning actitives for different         end of 2017.
                                         entrepreneur Marco Duarte Rizzolio       companies,” Rizzolio says.                   The centre provides a 24-
– Marco Duarte Rizzolio                  took advantage of Macao's booming            This change quickly received a       hour shared workspace for
                                         tourism industry, for example.           positive response from the market;       Macao entrepreneurs, as well as
                                         The entrepreneur developed and           the platform has successfully            diversified support services such as
                                         launched Follow Me Macau, a one-         attracted companies from Singapore,      professional consultations, training
                                         stop booking platform for Macao          India, mainland China as well as         and coaching, access to expert
                                         travel experiences, opening a new        Hong Kong and Taiwan. Prior to the       advisors, road-show marketing and
                                         chapter in his career.                   pandemic, Follow Me Macau had            investor-investee matching.
                                             With years of financial              an average of two clients per month          Follow Me Macau was one of
                                         experience in Spain, Italy and Brazil,   that engaged them to put together        the first members of the centre
                                         48-year-old Rizzolio moved to            corporate events.                        and Rizzolio said that he had been
                                         Macao seven years ago with his wife                                               fortunate enough to visit other cities
                                         and family. “Before my departure,        PANDEMIC CHALLENGES                      in the Greater Bay Area through
                                         I did a lot of research on Macao                                                  the centre's exchange activities and
                                         and I thought there was a good               However, the pandemic has            entrepreneurship competitions to
                                         opportunity to grab [in the tourism      disrupted this progress, with travel     expand his network and raise his
                                         market].” After a stint at a gaming      restrictions and quarantine measures     business to the next level.
                                         company, he co-founded Follow            having a major impact. “Since the            Compared with neighbouring
                                         Me Macau in 2017 with his business       outbreak, business has come to a         cities, Rizzolio, who is also
                                         partner, offering a one-stop guide       complete halt,” Rizzolio said. “There    a guest lecturer at the City
                                         to Macao allowing travellers to book     have been no phone calls or emails.”     University of Macau, says that
                                         dining, shopping, leisure, cultural,     Although the outbreaks have been         the entrepreneurial environment
                                         sporting and other activities on         controlled in the mainland and           in Macao is still in its infancy,
                                         the platform.                            Macao, and some travel restrictions      but with the strong promotion
                                             The platform initially operated      between the two places have been         of the local government and the
                                         on a B2C (business-to-customer)          eased, entry to Macao from other         rich resources of the mainland,
                                         basis, but Rizzolio gradually            places remains severely restricted.      especially the Greater Bay Area,
                                         saw more room for expansion in               “A small number of companies         the entrepreneurial ecosystem will
                                         corporate events and incentive travel    started inquiring about our service      gradually improve.
                                         (sometimes referred to as MICE –         in February or March last year, but          “Startups need capital, both at
                                         Meetings, Incentives, Conferences        the business situation is still poor.”   the beginning and in the middle
                                         and Exhibitions).                        Rizzolio expects to see an upturn in     and later stages of development.
                                             “Every year [prior to the Covid-19   his business in 2022 due to wider        While Macao doesn't have a
                                         pandemic], a number of visitors          takeup of vaccinations and further       complete capital market, Hong
                                         come to Macao for MICE. These            relaxation of travel restrictions. At    Kong, Guangzhou and Shenzhen
                                         business tourists usually stay           this stage, Rizzolio is focusing on      have a complete system, so the
                                         in Macao for three to four days.         reducing costs, as well as developing    focus is on how to connect and
                                         In addition to participating in          and preparing new products and           share these resources.”
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The sign “Change                             “China is a dream market for          going through a change in family
Starts Here” greets                      startups and many Portuguese-             life cycle, these entrepreneurs have
customers as
                                         speaking startups want a piece of the     brought a new energy to Macao’s
soon as they enter
Rachel Wong's Less
                                         pie, so Macao can serve as a bridge       entrepreneurial environment.
is More store                            to attract startups from relevant              It also raises the bar for creativity
                                         regions to Macao,” he adds.               and ingenuity in developing fresh
                                             Macao’s drive for domestic            industries and services. This is a
                                         economic diversification and              challenge the new generation of
                                         integration into the Chinese national     business people are keen to take up.
                                         economy provides a wider spectrum              However, these entrepreneurs
                                         of business opportunities today for       are not alone, they have the strong
                                         entrepreneurs based in the city.          backing of the Macao government
                                             Leung, Wong and Rizzolio              through funding and support
   Scan the QR
   code below                            represent very different business         programmes of varying kinds. In
   to watch the                          sectors, ranging from finance, to         a sense, Macao’s entrepreneurial
   video:                                no-frills retail and travel apps – the    environment is itself in its early
                                         very definition of diversity – but have   stages, a period full of excitement
                                         also brought insights from their own      and enthusiasm combined with
                                         lives, whether spotting a business        imagination and growing expertise
                                         model overseas, having international      but most of all a determination
                                         corporate experience, or simply           to succeed.
24 |   Macao Magazine 68 February 2022


           Healing in                      Text Rafelle Allego
                                           Photos Denzel Calangi      M       usic’s power to stir or still
                                                                              human emotions was already
                                                                      noticed in ancient times. The Chinese
                                                                                                                 worked in the field for 13 years, first
                                                                                                                 encountered this style of therapy in
                                                                                                                 2003 at Michigan State University in

           harmony                                                    philosopher Confucius wrote: “Music
                                                                      produces a kind of pleasure which
                                                                      human nature cannot do without."
                                                                                                                 the US, where she had enrolled after
                                                                                                                 finishing her education in Macao at
                                                                                                                 Sacred Heart Canossian College.
                                                                      Whether making music or simply                 After completing her dual
           Music helps those affected by   Christal Chiang has been   listening to it has a power to bring       Bachelor of Arts in Music Therapy
                                           sharing music therapy in   us together, lift our spirits, calm our    and Psychology in 2008, she sat
           a wide range of mental and      Macao since 2008
                                                                      nerves and soothe our wounds. Its          for the US Certification Board for
           physical concerns. Therapist
                                                                      healing effects in a clinical setting      Music Therapists exam and became
           Christal Chiang has pioneered                              were recognised at least as early as       a board certified music therapist.
           the practice in Macao.                                     1789, when music therapy emerged           This US certificate is recognised in
                                                                      in the US.                                 countries and territories without
                                                                          According to the American Music        music therapy training such as Hong
                                                                      Therapy Association, the practice          Kong, Japan and Singapore.
                                                                      harnesses music-based treatments               However, she's unable to
                                                                      to help people with everything from        practice clinically in Macao as music
                                                                      developmental issues to depression,        therapy is not recognised among
                                                                      insomnia, substance abuse, mood            Macao’s list of 15 qualified medical
                                                                      disorders and rehabilitation. It is        professional disciplines.
                                                                      particularly helpful for patients with
                                                                      dementia or Parkinson’s disease,           STRIKING A CHORD
                                                                      as well as children with learning
                                                                      disabilities or behavioural concerns.          Chiang returned home in 2008
                                                                          Local practitioner 37-year-old         and convinced the Concordia
                                                                      Christal Chiang is one of just two music   School for Special Education in
                                                                      therapists in Macao. She provides          NAPE that music therapy could
                                                                      therapy sessions for those in need,        help students. The school created
                                                                      especially children and older adults.      a role for Chiang, who soon began
                                                                      Having played piano as a child, Chiang     counselling children with autism
                                                                      understood the power of music and          and attention-deficit hyperactivity
                                                                      knew it could help people. “I found        disorder (ADHD).
                                                                      more connections between music                 While her US certification is
                                                                      and life – with the rhythm, melody,        unrecognised in Macao for clinical
                                                                      harmony, everything,” she says.            services, she is able to conduct
                                                                          She decided to study music therapy     short-term, group therapy projects
                                                                      and psychology. Chiang, who has            via intermediary groups.
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             All images on this spread courtesy of Christal Chiang
    At Concordia, she helped her         after, she began teaching music         weaken the muscles around the          physical recovery, reduce stress,        which are responsible for encoding       The choir at General Union of
students lengthen their attention        students at the Macao Polytechnic       vocal cords and affect coordination    improve mental agility and rebuild       memory and guiding complex               Neighbourhood Associations
                                                                                                                                                                                                        of Macao’s Centro de Cuidados
spans and improve their cognitive        Institute, including about music        and communication, rendering           self-esteem. Before the pandemic,        behaviours, respectively.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Especiais Rejuvenescer
abilities through music. For example,    therapy.                                speech slow and laborious – but        the choir performed popular ‘oldies’         For example, when people               helps people who have had
Chiang uses the melody and changes           She also leads music therapy        singing can help.                      dating from their youth at least twice   learn song lyrics, even simple ones,    strokes or have dementia and
the words of the popular children’s      with local associations and NGOs,            “Specifically, if they have       a year for family and friends. Not       it activates cognitive functions,          Parkinson’s disease rebuild
song “The Muffin Man” to encourage       such as the General Union of            Broca's aphasia [damage to the         only did the choir offer participants    while learning to play instruments       self-esteem and connections

children to choose coloured bells.       Neighbourhood Associations of           areas of the brain responsible for     a sense of accomplishment, but           improves coordination, strength,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        (Opposite page) During a music
This interactive exercise not only       Macao (UGAMM). At UGAMM’s               speech and motor movements], a         Chiang says it also provided a fully     patience, communication and mood.         therapy group session at the
helped the children expand their         day centres, where older residents      typical characteristic of this group   supportive social network.                   Chiang primarily helps             Centro de Apoio Vocacional Kai
vocabulary, but also improved their      can connect and find support,           is losing fluid speech but retaining                                            children with special needs and           Lung for members of Macau
engagement and focus.                    she helps those with Parkinson's        the ability to sing. This all comes    SPECIAL EDUCATION                        developmental delays at inclusive           Association for Intellectual
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Development Services, Chiang
    Chiang left Macao to work as a       disease and dementia via group          down to the neurological system,”                                               education programmes and
                                                                                                                                                                                                             encourages participants to
musical therapist with neurological      sessions.                               Chiang explains.                           Musical therapy can prove to be      nonprofit organisations, including                     clap to the beat
patients at Singapore General                Chiang also helps patients               When used in tandem with          highly beneficial for young people,      the Fuhong Society of Macau, a local
Hospital for three years, then           recover from strokes by organising      speech and language therapy,           too. Music activates the brain’s         NGO supporting individuals with
rejoined the school in 2014. Soon        choirs at the day centre. Strokes can   singing can speed individuals’         temporal and prefrontal cortices,        mental health conditions.
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            “Music is non-threatening,                                                                                         Using instruments and voice, Chiang
                                                                                                                                   works with service users to help
            non-pharmaceutical and                                                                                             them improve their overall wellbeing
                                                                                                                                          and reach personal goals

            – Christal Chiang

                                                                               class, it’s not that simple. Conventional
                                                                               music is about quality and performance
                                                                               skills, whereas music therapy focuses
                                                                               on developmental goals and evaluating
                                                                               progress, says Chiang.
                                                                                    Sometimes the goal will be to improve
                                                                               a child’s social skills such as focus, eye
                                      At the Fuhong Society’s centre near      contact, teamwork and confidence. At
                                 Nam Van Lake, where Chiang provides           other times, Chiang aims to enhance
                                 group sessions for children under six,        speech and cognitive skills – including
                                 she incorporates a mix of instruments,        learning the ABCs, colours and numbers
                                 singing and movements. “Some [children        – or physical skills, such as coordination
                                 with special needs] have difficulties         and strength.
                                 sitting down and focusing for long                 Chiang is collecting data at Escola
                                 periods of time,” she says. “But in music     de Santa Madalena, where she provides
                                 groups, they participate better because       music therapy, to document the benefits
                                 they find it more fun.”                       of music groups in Macao classrooms,
                                      Musical activities with colours,         and add to the growing body of research
                                 numbers, steps and lyrics keep children       on the subject. “In these few months,
                                 engaged, while the act of singing and         we’ve seen some improvements among
                                 learning lyrics also supports speech          students in the schools’ music therapy
                                 development, says Chiang. For some            session group,” she says, adding that
                                 children, it can be hard to process           results should be published this spring.
                                 everyday language because adults talk              “Music is non-threatening, non-
                                 quickly. But, when listening to lyrics,       pharmaceutical and non-invasive,” says
                                 they have more time to process and            Chiang, who hopes to share this versatile
                                 understand each sentence.                     practice of musical therapy with more
                                      Musical therapy groups also provide      people. “This makes it safe to apply in
                                 a safe, positive space for children to work   medical settings, rehabilitation centres,
                                 on social skills and collaboration, learn     schools, nursing homes – as well as in
                                 patience and work in teams. “Music can’t      psychiatric settings.”
                                 be made alone,” says Chiang. “When we              And, since so many people love
                                 play together, we have to wait for each       music, patients often find it to be a social,
                                 other so we can make beautiful music.”        pleasant way to heal and learn. “Music
                                      While it might appear like the           therapy is not paracetamol,” adds Chiang.
                                 children are simply taking a music            “It's a humanistic approach.”
30 |   Macao Magazine 68 February 2022

                                         SOCIAL AFFAIRS

                                         Reaching global goals
                                         through local action
                                         Spurred into action by first-hand experience of the pandemic,
                                         a pair of young Macao women set up Genervision House to
                                         promote the United Nations’s Sustainable Development Goals
                                         within their own community.

                                         Text Rafelle Allego
                                         Photos courtesy of
                                         Genervision House
                                                                        A    chance encounter online
                                                                             between two overseas
                                                                        Macao students led to a dynamic
                                                                        partnership – as the two young
                                                                        women pooled their skills to
                                                                        educate their home city about
                                                                        sustainable development and
                                                                        encourage a new generation to
                                         Genervision House              step forward.
                                         arranged a tour of Oscar           The local NGO Genervision
                                         Farm in Coloane with
                                         the Society of Food and
                                                                        was founded by two students in
                                         Environmental Health to        January 2021. Their mission is to
                                         discuss food waste and         share knowledge and promote
                                         sustainability                 sustainable development through
                                                                        events, educational videos, field
                                                                        trips and cross-sector collaboration.
                                                                            The group’s work has already
                                                                        won international recognition. In
                                                                        October 2021, the United Nations
                                                                        Sustainable Development Solutions
                                                                        Network Youth (SDSN Youth)
                                                                        invited Genervision House to join,
                                                                        the first group in Macao to do so.
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After completing her
UNHCR internship in
Jordan, Christy Un
headed back to Macao
where the idea of
creating Genervision                                                                                                    the London School of Economics               During quarantine, they              now pursuing a PhD in international
began taking shape                                                                                                      and Political Science before joining     constantly messaged each other           relations from Tsinghua University
                                                                                                                        a UNHCR internship in Jordan,            and made video calls and so their        in Beijing. But they continue to plan
(Opposite page) Arianna
                                                                                                                        assisting refugees from Syria.           idea for Genervision House took          and invest in Genervision House in
U did her UNESCO
internship one year
                                                                                                                            The experience was a powerful        shape. The pair chose the name           their free time.
before Christy Un did her                                                                                               one. “As I worked inside the refugee     “Genervision” to signal that it’s time       “We really want more people
UNHCR internship                                                                                                        camp on a daily basis, I interacted      for the next generation to step up       to learn about the UN SDGs, from
                                                                                                                        with refugees and learned about          and create a more sustainable world,     school students to corporates,” says
                                                                                                                        their respective stories. From these     they explain.                            Un, who is the association’s chief
                                                                                                                        interactions, I learned more about           After quarantine, both young         operating officer while still working
                                                                                                                        Syrian culture, refugees’ difficulties   women took up new jobs. Un               full-time. “At first, it was just the two
                                                                                                                        as well as their determination to        worked as a research assistant           of us but then, in less than a year,
                                                                                                                        create possibilities for themselves.”    for the United Nations University        we now have 10 core members, all
                                                                                                                            Though they hadn’t met in            Institute in Macau’s Cyber Resilience    of whom are volunteers,” she says,
                                                                                                                        person, Un discovered her future         project, while U freelanced as a         adding that some work virtually
                                                                                                                        teammate’s blog online and reached       communication consultant. U is           while others reside in Macao.
                                                                                                                        out to her in 2019.
                                                                                                                            They travelled together in Jordan
                                                                                                                        and Egypt in 2020. U then continued
                                                                                                                        her international trip alone before
                                                                                                                        both had to return to Macao due to
                                                                                                                        the pandemic. For several months
                                                                                                                        before their return, Jordan was
                                                                                                                        under a stringent nationwide
                                                                                                                        curfew, with air-raid sirens echoing
                                                                                                                        through the capital Amman every
                                                                                                                        day, Un recalls. The country also
                                                                                                                        suffered from a supply shortage at
                                                                                                                        the beginning of the pandemic and
                                         With 750 member organisations           NO BETTER TIME                         Un recalls eating only warmed-up
                                         across 127 countries, the UN                                                   frozen meals for weeks on end, apart
                                         programme empowers young people             While starting an association      from occasional fresh vegetables
                                         to plan, advocate and work towards      during the Covid-19 pandemic           delivered by her kind landlord.
                                         achieving the UN’s 17 Sustainable       posed a number of challenges,              “It was also very difficult to
                                         Development Goals (SDGs).               Un and 27-year-old co-founder          obtain real-time information as
                                             “It feels exciting to be part of    Arianna U say the devastation          the situation unfolded rapidly and
                                         [SDSN Youth] because we can do          and uncertainty around the globe       changed every day,” Un says, adding
                                         more with international resources       motivated them to act.                 how grateful she is to her Jordanian
                                         and assistance,” says 24-year-old           In the years leading up to         friends who supported and assisted
                                         Genervision House co-founder and        Genervision, U, also a Macao           her. “It was also not easy to fly back
                                         Macao resident Christy Un, her eyes     resident, had worked for a year in     as flights kept being cancelled.”
                                         sparkling with excitement. “We want     Mozambique as one of the first         Eventually, she managed to get on
                                         to collaborate with different experts   UNESCO interns from Macao,             a Macao-bound plane, where she
                                         worldwide so we can bring the best      specialising in communications.        was amazed to discover that U,
                                         practices to Macao, as well as share    Meanwhile, Un studied for a Politics   who had been in Norway, was a
                                         our stories with a global audience.”    and International Relations BSc at     fellow passenger.
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Genervision House founders
Christy Un and Arianna U spread
their message at a UN Sustainable

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Image courtesy of the United Nations
Development Goals workshop at the
University of Macau

(Inset) U accepts a generous
donation from Wynn Macau during
the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao
Commemoration Festival on World
Environment Day in June

                                                                                   implementing and tracking the                 In the past 12 months, Genervision     community of like-minded people and                          First proposed
                                                              Gender Equality,     progress of Macao’s sustainability.      House held workshops at Wynn                working with policymakers.                                 in July 2014, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     17 Sustainable
                                                           Reduced Inequality,     For this reason, the group is learning   Macau and Sands China. Staff from               “Everyone has a role to play, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Development Goals
                                                  Climate Action, and              and sharing knowledge about the          both integrated resorts participated        raising awareness from different corners of            build on the original
WHAT ARE THE SDGS?                       Sustainable Cities and Communities.       technology needed to make Macao          in interactive role-playing discussions     society is just the first step,” says 23-year-            eight Millennium
                                             While all the goals are important,    a smart city.                            and learned about the companies’ best       old Gladys Ng, the Environmental, Social               Development Goals
    At the turn of the millennium,       the pair believe these specific SDGs          In the same vein, the pair also      practices relating to SDGs.                 and Governance and community project
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (Below) Gladys Ng
the UN established eight Millennium      are the most essential for Macao.         raises awareness about cybercrimes,           At Wynn Macau, its sustainability      manager at Genervision House. “Many
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         is the community
Development Goals (MDGs) to              For example, the UN’s “Sustainable        because they believe Macao needs         efforts combine environmental               people in Macao are unfamiliar with the                        project manager at
create a more equitable, healthier       Cities and Communities” goal              to protect citizens and companies.       protection with community care.             term ‘sustainable development’ or perceive                     Genervision House
and more sustainable future for all.     focuses on making human habitats          “This relates to the ‘resilience’        Through an innovative approach, it          it as solely environmental protection. We
To build on the MDGs’ momentum,          “inclusive, safe, resilient and           of the city,” Un says. “It also has      contributes to the SDGs by donating         want to start by changing people’s minds
the UN proposed an expanded list         sustainable”, which Un and U say          many societal, environmental and         its surplus uneaten fruit to the Fuhong     through education and media exposure.”
of 17 goals in July 2014 that outlined   is directly relevant to Macao’s           governance benefits.”                    Society of Macau where they are turned          While the SDGs have been translated
global targets for 2030. Some of the     urban lifestyle.                                                                   into fruit tea.                             and circulated in Chinese, many
goals focus on tackling poverty –            “Macao faces floods and               A SPIRIT OF COLLABORATION                     At Sands China, they discussed all     misconceptions remain. “When they’re
such as No Poverty, Zero Hunger,         typhoons,” says Un, of the                                                         the sustainable development systems         just starting to learn about the term,
Quality Education and Reduced            importance of addressing this SDG.            Achieving the SDGs by 2030           already in place within the company,        people might associate it at first
Inequality – while others tackle         The group also supports “smart city”      will require cooperation between         with their workshop session ending with     with environmental protection,”
employment, consumption, health,         initiatives because smart technology      the government, private sector           a call to action for sustainable business   says Ng.
wellbeing, climate action, clean         has the power to improve                  and local people. All too aware          and personal change.                            “If people have more
water and more.                          infrastructure, communication,            of the collective efforts needed,             By forging partnerships across         opportunities and channels to
    While it intends to address all      safety and sustainability. In addition,   Genervision House holds workshops        different sectors, Genervision House        learn about sustainability, it is
the 17 SDGs in Macao in the future,      if Macao evolves into a smart city,       for corporations and policymakers,       hopes to reach more people. It also         only a matter of time before they
Genervision House currently focuses      the pair believes there would be          where the NGO demonstrates how to        advocates a three-pronged approach:         understand the importance of the
on five areas: Quality Education,        greater transparency for planning,        implement SDGs holistically.             raising awareness, creating a diverse       SDGs,” adds Ng positively.
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Genervision House                            Un agrees, adding that the group         events in the future and are currently
hosted a beach potluck                   plans to raise awareness through offline     planning another farming event.
event with the Language
                                         activities, such as workshops, and online        In addition to community events,
Exchange & Culture
Promotion Association                    content, for example monthly newsletters     the association seeks to collaborate with
in March 2021 to                         and videos. “We’ve also held experiential    policymakers and present solutions
discuss gender equality                  activities, like our Gutenberg Soap Series   to bring the SDGs to the fore. While
                                         Workshop,” says Ng.                          sustainable development has played a
                                             In collaboration with local artist       more central role in recent policy plans,
                                         Oriana Cheong, participants gathered         the city has yet to integrate the SDGs into
                                         at the Centro de Cultura e Artes             official strategies.
                                         Performativas Cardeal Newman in May to           “Our vision is big, and it definitely will
                                         discuss sustainable consumption, while       take time, but we are hopeful,” Un says.
                                         carving beautiful patterns on recycled       “We're just beginning, but we’ve seen
                                         soap collected from staycations and          many more new faces and heard many
                                         quarantine stays. They then used the         more new voices who care about this
                                         patterned soap to stamp greeting cards       topic... We can all adopt [the 17 SDGs] in
                                         made out of recycled paper.                  our daily lives. It’s never too late to care
                                              For International Women’s Day in        about sustainable development.”
                                         March, Genervision House organised a
                                         potluck event at Hac Sa Beach in Coloane
                                         with the Language Exchange & Culture         Interested in learning more about
                                         Promotion Association to discuss gender      Genervision House’s activities and
                                         equality – another SDG – over board          events? Scan the QR code to visit
                                         games. Ng says they strive to host more      their website.
38 |   Macao Magazine 68 February 2022                                                                   Arts and Culture   | 39

                        ARTS AND CULTURE

                        new                    strings
                        We talk to Teresa Lam Teng Teng and Kevin
                        Chio, who opened the first professional
                        Chinese puppetry theatre group in Macao,
                        about sharing local stories through puppetry.

                        Text Rafelle Allego
                        Photos Denzel Calangi        N      estled between quaint townhomes and
                                                            produce stalls in Coloane Village sits an
                                                     unassuming, three-storey house. But looks can
                                                     be deceiving: inside the quiet abode awaits
                                                     a riot of creativity and artistry, music and
                                                         This is the House of Puppets Macau, a
                        A tabletop puppet that       performance venue established in 2021 by
                        Teresa Lam Teng Teng         Teresa Lam Teng Teng and Kevin Chio. The
                        and Kevin Chio made          venue is home to the Rolling Puppet Alternative
                        while they completed
                        their studies in the Czech
                                                     Theatre (滾動傀儡另類劇場), the first
                        Republic                     professional Chinese puppetry theatre group in
                                                     Macao, and also serves as a creative hub for all
                                                     kinds of other artists.
                                                         The couple is on a mission to elevate Macao’s
                                                     local arts scene, build a community across
                                                     greater China and encourage critical thinking
                                                     through their socially driven productions. “Art
                                                     is about experiences, feelings and exchange
                                                     of thoughts to encourage everyone to think
                                                     on their own,” says Lam. “It is not only about
                                                     inspiring but also educating in a place with
                                                     space for everyone, like the House of Puppets.”
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