A quick guide to EU Funding 2014 2020 - Deloitte

Page created by Jeanette Simmons
A quick guide to EU Funding 2014 2020 - Deloitte
A quick guide to EU Funding
2014 - 2020

Grants & Incentives
A quick guide to EU Funding 2014 2020 - Deloitte

 1. Introduction                                                                         4-5

 2. Acronyms                                                                               6

 3. Overview of New Framework Programmes 2014-2020                                   7 - 11

 4. EU Competitive Programmes                                                       12 - 42
    - Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL JP)                                    12
    - Baltic Sea Research and Development Programme (BONUS)                               12
    - Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs (COSME)                                     13
    - Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)                                                    14
    - Consumer Programme 2014-2020                                                        16
    - Creative Europe                                                                     17
    - Customs 2020                                                                        20
    - Employment and Social Innovation Programme (EASI)                                   20
    - Erasmus+                                                                            23
    - Europe for Citizens                                                                 29
    - Fiscalis 2020                                                                       30
    - Galileo and Egnos (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) Programmes    31
    - Health for Growth                                                                   32
    - Hercule III                                                                         33
    - Horizon 2020                                                                        34
    - Internal Security Fund – Component for Police Cooperation                           37
    - LIFE Programme                                                                      39
    - Pericles 2020                                                                       41
    - Rights and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020                                          42

 5. Contacts                                                                              44

1. Introduction
“A quick guide to EU funding” is an edition                measurable EU targets for 2020 that will steer the
published by Deloitte Limited, Grants & Incentives         process and be translated into national targets:
Unit, responding to the need of researchers,               for employment; for research and innovation; for
public and private sector entities, and the                climate change and energy; for education; and for
community in general for quick, concise and                combating poverty” 1. In order to achieve these
accurate information on funding opportunities              targets pursued through the EU policies, a wide
available through the Competitive Programmes of            range of Competitive Programmes are adopted
the European Union (EU). It constitutes a simple           providing to different types of beneficiaries
tool for providing the key information available           financial support, in the fields related to the
to those with an interest in EU funding for the            different EU policies.
period 2014-2020, such as the budget available,
beneficiaries, thematic categories, programme and          EU Competitive Programmes are programmes
sub-programme details, supported actions, level of         financed directly from the EU’s budget in the form
funding and links for more information.                    of grants and cover priorities, as defined by the EU
                                                           and aimed at contributing to the implementation
The main objective of the guide is to serve                of EU policies. They are administrated by the
as a starting point for identifying the funding            European Commission and are competitive and
opportunities available that match the proposers’          transnational, thus participation of partners from
themes and project requirements. Potential                 more than one member states is often required
proposers are thus equipped with the basic                 in order to submit a proposal. These programmes
information that is necessary before studying              are managed at central European level, without
thoroughly the Work Programmes of each                     the intervention of the Institutions of the Member
programme that is of interest to them and                  State. The proposals submitted compete with
identifying the Open Calls for Proposals, which are        proposals from all Member states and successful
appealing to them.                                         proposals are selected after a comparative
                                                           evaluation of all proposals submitted.
EU Funding Programmes
In March 2010, the Commission adopted its                  EU Competitive Programmes in this Guide
communication Europe 2020, a strategy for smart,           This guide presents briefly the Programmes of the
sustainable and inclusive growth, designed to              Multiannual Financial Framework for the period
deliver a high level of employment, productivity           2014-2020 2, which have already been adopted
and social cohesion. According to José Manuel              by the European Parliament and are managed
Barroso, “The Commission is proposing five                 centrally by the European Commission.

    		The functioning of the MFF 2014-20 will be reviewed by the Commission in 2016 taking full account of the
      economic situation at the time as well as the latest macroeconomic projections.

Funds whose management is shared between              financial assistance that is necessary for improving
the EU and the Member States, such as Structural      the situation and developing sustainability with
Funds or Cohesion Funds, are not included in the      the emphasis on political, institutional, legal,
present edition.                                      administrative, social, and economic reforms that
                                                      will align their practices to EU standards.
The main Programmes of the 2014-2020 period
which are also presented in the guide are Horizon     Neighbouring Partner Countries may also
with a budget of €77,03 billion, Connecting           participate in certain programmes, as defined
Europe Facility with €21,94 billion and Erasmus+      in the Annual Work Programmes, subject to
with €14,8 billion (all amounts are in current        conditions. These include the following:
prices). The guide also includes programmes
covering other important policies of the EU (i.e.     • South East Europe: Albania, Bosnia and
Employment and Social Innovation programme,             Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of
LIFE programme, Consumer programme, Creative            Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo (under
Europe, etc.)                                           UNSC Resolution 1244/1999).
                                                      • Eastern Europe and Caucasus: Armenia,
Geographical Coverage                                   Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russian
Participating countries are usually divided into        Federation, Ukraine.
two groups: Programme Countries and Partner           • Mediterranean Partner Countries: Algeria, Egypt,
Countries. Programme Countries include the              Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian
28 Member States, the European Free Trading             Authority of the West Bank and Gaza Strip,
Association Countries/European Economic Area            Syria, Tunisia.
– EFTA/ EEA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway)
and Candidate Countries under Framework               Finally, wider cooperation with other
Agreement. Partner Countries include third            non-European third countries will be assessed on
countries that are contributing financially to the    a case-by-case basis, depending on the nature of
programmes’ budget and have signed in this            the activities contemplated.
respect a Memorandum of Understanding.

Moreover, the Instrument for Pre-Accession
Assistance (IPA II) for EU candidate and potential
candidate countries is available, with which the
EU continues to offer its support during the period
2014-2020 with regard to the technical and

2. Acronyms
AAL Ambient Assisted Living                        GDP Gross domestic product
AAL JP Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme     GNSS Global Navigation Satellite Systems
BONUS Baltic Sea Research and Development          H2020 Horizon 2020
                                                   ICT Information and Communication Technology
CEF Connecting Europe Facility
                                                   IPA Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance
CIP Competitiveness and Innovation Programme
                                                   KA1 Key Action 1
Co2 Carbon dioxide
                                                   KA2 Key Action 2
COSME Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs
                                                   KA3 Key Action 3
COST European Cooperation in Science and
Technology                                         Mbps Megabits per second

DG Directorate General                             OER Open Educational Resources

EASI Employment and Social Innovation              OLAF European Anti-Fraud Office
Programme                                          PCP Pre Commercial Procurement
EEA European Economic Area                         PPI Public Procurement of Innovative solutions
EEIG European Economic Interest Grouping           PROGRESS Programme for Employment and
EFTA European Free Trading Association Countries   Social Solidarity

EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation            RDI Research, development and innovation
Overlay Service                                    SIRE Safety, Information and education, Rights
EIP Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme      and redress, and Enforcement

EIP European Innovation Partnerships               SME Small and medium enterprises

ERA European Research Area                         TEN Trans-European Networks

ERC European Research Council                      UNSC United Nations Security Council

EU European Union                                  VET Vocational, Education and Training

EURES European network of Employment Services

3. Overview of New Funding
Programmes per thematic category

 Thematic Categories                   Programme
 Audiovisual Sector and Media          Creative Europe

 Consumer Safety                       Consumer Programme

 Culture                               Creative Europe

 Democracy and Civic Participation     Europe for Citizens

 Economic growth and competitiveness   Competitiveness of Enterprises
 		                                    and SMEs (COSME)
 		                                    Horizon 2020

 Education and Training                Consumer Programme
 		                                    Customs 2020
 		                                    Fiscalis 2020
 		                                    Hercule III
 		                                    Internal Security Fund
 		                                    Component for Police
 		                                    Pericles 2020

 Energy                                Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
 		                                    Horizon 2020

 Entrepreneurship                      Employment and Social
 		                                    Innovation Programme (EASI)

 Environment                           Baltic Sea Research and
 		                                    Development Programme
 		                                    Horizon 2020
 		                                    LIFE Programme

 European Citizenship                  Europe for Citizens
 		                                    Rights and Citizenship
 		                                    Programme 2014-2020

 Health                                Ambient Assisted Living Joint
 		                                    Programme (AAL JP)
 		                                    Consumer Programme
 		                                    Health for Growth
 		                                    Horizon 2020

 Industry                              Horizon 2020

Thematic Categories               Programme

    Information and Communication     Ambient Assisted Living Joint
    Technologies                      Programme (AAL JP) Competitiveness of
    		                                Enterprises and SMEs (COSME)
    		                                Fiscalis 2020
    		                                Galileo and Egnos (European
    		                                Geostationary Navigation
    		                                Overlay Service) Programmes
    		                                Horizon 2020

    Internal Market                   Consumer Programme 2014-2020
    		                                Customs 2020
    		                                Fiscalis 2020
    		                                Hercule III
    		                                Pericles 2020

    Justice and Security              Horizon 2020
    		                                Internal Security Fund – Component
    		                                for Police Cooperation
    		                                Pericles 2020

    Labour Market                     Employment and Social Innovation
    		                                Programme (EASI)
    		                                Rights and Citizenship Programme

    Law Enforcement                   Customs 2020
    		                                Hercule III
    		                                Internal Security Fund – Component for
    		                                Police Cooperation
    		                                Pericles 2020

    Social Affairs and Human Rights   Employment and Social Innovation
    		                                Programme (EASI)
    		                                Horizon 2020
    		                                Rights and Citizenship Programme

    Space                             Galileo and Egnos (European
    		                                Geostationary Navigation Overlay
    		                                Service) Programmes
    		                                Horizon 2020

    Sports                            Erasmus+

    Telecommunications                Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
    		                                Horizon 2020

    Trade and Commerce                Competitiveness of Enterprises and
    		                                SMEs (COSME)

    Transport                         Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
    		                                Horizon 2020

    Youth                             Erasmus+
    		                                Horizon 2020

Programme, thematic categories and beneficiaries

        Programme                  Thematic Categories               Beneficiaries

 Ambient Assisted Living Joint   Health                       Private Sector
 Programme (AAL JP)              Information and              Academic institutions and
                                 Communication Technologies   research centers

 Baltic Sea Research and         Environment                  Private Sector
 Development Programme                                        Public Sector

 Competitiveness of              Trade and Commerce           Private Sector
 Enterprises and SMEs            Economic growth and          Public Sector
 (COSME)                         Competitiveness
                                 Information and
                                 Communication Technologies

 Connecting Europe Facility      Transport                    Public Sector
 (CEF)                           Energy                       Non-Profit Organizations
                                 Telecommunications           Academic institutions and
                                                              research centers

 Consumer Programme              Health                       Public Sector
 2014-2020                       Consumer Safety              Non-Profit Organizations
                                 Education and Training
                                 Internal Market

 Creative Europe                 Culture                      Private Sector
                                 Media and Audiovisual        Public Sector
                                 Sector                       Non-Profit Organizations
                                                              Academic institutions and
                                                              research centers

 Customs 2020                    Internal Market              Public Sector
                                 Law Enforcement              Central Government
                                 Education and Training

Programme             Thematic Categories                 Beneficiaries

 Employment and Social         Social Affairs and Human     Private Sector
 Innovation Programme (EASI)   Rights                       Academic institutions and
                               Labour Market                research centers
                               Entrepreneurship             Non-Profit Organizations

 Erasmus+                      Education and Training       Private Sector
                               Youth                        Public Sector
                               Sport                        Non-Profit Organizations
                                                            Academic institutions and
                                                            research centers

 Europe for Citizens           European Citizenship         Public Sector
                               Democracy and Civic          Non-Profit Organisations
                               Participation                Academic institutions and
                                                            research centers

 Fiscalis 2020                 Internal Market              Public Sector
                               Information and              Central Government
                               Communication Technologies
                               Education and Training

 Galileo and Egnos (European   Space                        Central Government
 Geostationary Navigation      Information and              Private Sector
 Overlay Service) Programmes   Communication Technologies   Public Sector
                                                            Academic institutions and
                                                            research centers

 Health for Growth             Health                       Non-Profit Organizations
                                                            Academic institutions and
                                                            research centers

 Hercule III                   Education and Training       Central Government
                               Law enforcement              Academic institutions and
                               Internal Market              research centers
                                                            Non-Profit Organizations

Programme           Thematic Categories                 Beneficiaries

Horizon 2020               Energy                       Private Sector
                           Environment                  Public Sector Bodies
                           Health                       Non-Profit Organizations
                           Industry                     Academic institutions and
                           Information and              research centers
                           Communication Technologies
                           Social Affairs and Human
                           Economic growth and

Internal Security Fund –   Justice and Security, Law    Central Government
Component for Police       Enforcement, Education and
Cooperation                Training

LIFE Programme             Environment                  Private Sector
                                                        Public Sector
                                                        Non-Profit Organizations
                                                        Academic institutions and
                                                        research centers

Pericles 2020              Law enforcement              Central Government, Public
                           Education and Training       sector
                           Justice and Security
                           Internal Market

Rights and Citizenship     European Citizenship         Public Sector
Programme 2014-2020        Social Affairs and Human     Central Government
                           Rights, Labour Market

4. EU Competitive Programmes

AMBIENT ASSISTED LIVING JOINT                          • make researchers benefit from collaboration
PROGRAMME (AAL JP)                                       with other experts at European scale;
                                                       • help governments gain cost efficiencies and
KEY INFORMATION                                          increased sustainability of health and social
Total Budget: €700 million                               care, while tackling the societal challenge of
Thematic Categories: Health, Information                 demographic ageing.
Beneficiaries: Private Sector, Academic                SUPPORTED ACTIONS
institutions and research centers                      The AAL JP aims to combine social, technological
More information: AAL Association, Central             and business aspects to deliver:
Management Unit                                        • New models of service delivery and care that
http://www.aal-europe.eu/                                contribute to greater self-reliance for older
                                                         adults and greater support for informal carers.
PROGRAMME DETAILS                                      • Adapted living spaces that can improve the
The Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme              quality of their everyday lives.
(AAL JP) is an initiative under Article 185 of         • New ways for older people to remain active,
the Treaty on the Functioning of the European            including contributing as volunteers or
Union. AAL JP is a funding activity that aims to         providing mutual support.
create better condition of life for the older adults   • New ways of mobilising active and trusted
and to strengthen the industrial opportunities           networks, both formal and informal,
in Europe through the use of information and             professional and in kind, to provide all types of
communication technology (ICT). It carries out its       support.
mandate through the funding of across-national
projects that involve small and medium enterprises     LEVEL OF FINANCING
(SME), research bodies and user’s organizations        (EU CO-FINANCING RATE)
(representing the older adults). It aims to:           Maximum funding from the AAL Joint Programme:
• give older adults access to more and better          €3 million. Total budgets for projects should range
   products and services for ageing well. These will   between €1 million - 7 million.
   help them to keep living independently in their
   own homes and to participate in economy and         BALTIC SEA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT
   society for more years;                             PROGRAMME (BONUS)
• create a larger market for industry and especially
   SMEs at European level and improve EU               KEY INFORMATION
   competitiveness in ICT based products and           Total Budget: €100 million for the years
   services for ageing well;                           2010-2016
                                                       Thematic Categories: Environment

Beneficiaries: Private Sector, Public Sector           the Baltic Sea region enhancing sustainable use
More information: Bonus Secretariat (EEIG)             of coastal and marine goods and services of the
http://www.bonusportal.org/                            Baltic Sea.
                                                     BONUS brings together the research communities
PROGRAMME DETAILS                                    of Earth system research in marine, maritime,
Baltic Sea Research and Development Programme        coastal terrestrial, economical and societal fields
(BONUS) is an initiative under Article 185 of the    to address the major challenges faced by the
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.     Baltic Sea region. The main aim of BONUS is to
BONUS is a joint Baltic Sea research programme       generate and disseminate knowledge and provide
producing knowledge to support development           necessary know-how in order to resolve challenges
and implementation of regulations, policies and      in the way of sustainable use of the Baltic Sea
management practices specifically tailored for the   ecosys¬tem goods and services in the coming
Baltic Sea region. It issues calls for competitive   decade and beyond.
proposals and funds projects of high excellence
and relevance based on its strategic research        SUPPORTED ACTIONS
agenda. BONUS is supported by national research      • Facilitation of researchers’ collaboration,
funding institutions in the eight EU member            networking, human capacity building and joint
states around the Baltic Sea and the European          use of research infrastructures.
Commission’s Research Framework Programme.           • Support to European, regional and national
BONUS vision is ‘Economically and ecologically         coastal and marine environmental policies and
prosperous Baltic Sea region where resources           plans, in particular HELCOM’s (Baltic Marine
and goods are used sustainably and where the           Environment Protection Commission – Helsinki
long-term management of the region is based on         Commission) Baltic Sea Action Plan.
sound knowledge derived from multi-disciplinary      • The calls will include research, innovation,
research.’                                             training and dissemination activities.

The strategic objectives of BONUS (2010-2016)        LEVEL OF FINANCING
are the following:                                   (EU CO-FINANCING RATE)
• Understanding the Baltic Sea ecosystem             The level of financing depends on the theme
   structure and functioning.                        called but indicatively, it may range between €2
• Meeting the multifaceted challenges in linking     million - €3 million per project.
   the Baltic Sea with its coast and catchment.
• Enhancing sustainable use of coastal and marine    COMPETITIVENESS OF ENTERPRISES
   goods and services of the Baltic Sea.             AND SMEs (COSME)
• Improving the capabilities of the society to
   respond to the current and future challenges      KEY INFORMATION
   directed to the Baltic Sea region.                Total Budget: €2,3 billion
• Developing improved and innovative observation     Thematic Categories: Trade and Commerce,
   and data management systems, tools and            Economic growth and Competitiveness,
   methodologies for marine information needs in     Information and Communication Technologies

Beneficiaries: Private Sector, Public Sector                 provide venture capital to enterprises, in
More information: Directorate-General for                    particular in their growth phase.
Enterprise and Industry                                 •   Enterprise Europe Network: a network of
http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/initiatives/cosme/            business service centres. The Enterprise Europe
index_en.htm                                                 Network is a “one-stop shop” for the business
EASME-COSME-EEN-CALL-2014@ec.europa.eu                       needs of SMEs in the EU and beyond.
                                                        •   Entrepreneurship. Support will be given to
PROGRAMME DETAILS                                            encourage trans-national networks, to exchange
The programme for the Competitiveness                        good practices and identify scope for expanding
of enterprises and SMEs (COSME) aims at                      business activities.
encouraging the competitiveness of European             •   Improving framework conditions for the
enterprises. With small and medium-size                      competitive-ness of enterprises and policy
enterprises (SMEs), current and potential                    development. Analytical work will be
entrepreneurs and business support organisations             undertaken to facilitate evidence-based policy-
as its main targets, the programme provides better           making by national and regional policy-makers.
access to finance, deliver business support services    •   Internationalisation of SMEs. The COSME
and promote entrepreneurship. It largely continues           programme will provide SMEs with support
the activities started under the Competitiveness             to facilitate business expansion in the EU
and Innovation programme (CIP) and also ensures              Single Market and in markets outside the EU.
continuity with initiatives and actions already              International business cooperation will be
undertaken under the Entrepreneurship and                    fostered, in particular, to reduce the differences
Innovation Programme (EIP), such as the Enterprise           in regulatory and business environments,
Europe Network.                                              between the EU and its main trading partners.
COSME will support, complement and coordinate
actions by the Member States. The programme             LEVEL OF FINANCING
will specifically address problems of a transnational   (EU CO-FINANCING RATE)
nature which, by means of economies of scale            40%-60%
or by their demonstration effect, can be more
effectively addressed at the European level, such       CONNECTING EUROPE FACILITY (CEF)
• overcoming market fragmentation in the Single         KEY INFORMATION
   Market;                                              Total Budget: € 21,94 billion
• facilitating the adoption of best practices across    Thematic Categories: Transport, Energy,
   all Member States.                                   Telecommunications
                                                        Beneficiaries: Public Sector, Non-Profit
SUPPORTED ACTIONS                                       Organizations, Academic institutions and research
• Access to finance for SMEs through dedicated          centers
  financial instruments. The financial instruments      More information:
  target companies in different phases of their
  lifecycle: creation, expansion and business           PROGRAMME DETAILS
  transfer. An Equity Facility for Growth will          Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is the new

funding mechanism for infrastructure projects of         including by ensuring that no Member State
common interest for trans-European transport,            is isolated from the European network, to be
energy and telecoms networks. CEF will support           measured by the number of projects effectively
the development of high performing, sustainable          interconnecting Member states’ networks and
and efficiently interconnected trans-European            removing internal bottlenecks.
networks in the fields of transport, energy and        • Enhancing Union security of supply, to be
digital services. CEF shall enable the preparation       measured by the evolution of system resilience
and implementation of projects of Common                 and security of system operations as well as
interest within the framework of the trans-              number of projects allowing diversification of
European networks (TEN) policy in the sectors            supply sources, supplying counterparts and
of energy, transport and telecommunications.             routes.
In particular the Connecting Europe Facility shall     • Contributing to sustainable development
support the implementation of projects aiming            and protection of the environment, notably
at the development and construction of new or            by fostering the integration of energy from
upgrading of existing infrastructure in the field of     renewable sources into the transmission
transport, energy and telecommunications.                network and developing carbon dioxide
                                                         networks, to be measured by the transmission
SUPPORTED ACTIVITIES                                     of renewable energy from generation to major
                                                         consumption centers and storage sites, and
Transport                                                the sum of Co2 (carbon dioxide) emissions
• Removing bottlenecks and bridging missing              prevented by the construction of the projects
  links, to be measured by the number of new             which benefited from CEF.
  and improved cross-border connections and
  removed bottlenecks on transport routes which        Telecommunications networks
  have benefited from CEF.                             • Accelerating the deployment of fast and ultrafast
• Ensuring sustainable and efficient transport in        broadband networks and their uptake, including
  the long run, to be measured by the length of          by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs),
  the conventional railway network in the EU-27          to be measured by the level of broadband and
  and the length of highspeed railway network in         ultrafast broadband coverage and the number
  the EU-27.                                             of households having subscribed for broadband
• Optimise the integration and interconnection of        connections for above 100 Mbps (megabits per
  transport modes and enhancing interoperability         second).
  of transport services. The achievement of this       • Promoting the interconnection and
  objective will be measured by the number of            interoperability of national public services
  ports and airports connected to the railway            online as well as access to such networks, to
  network.                                               be measured by the percentage of citizens and
                                                         businesses using public services on-line and the
Energy                                                   availability of such services across borders.
• Promoting the further integration of the internal
  energy market and the interoperability of
  electricity and gas networks across borders,

LEVEL OF FINANCING                                       Energy
(EU CO-FINANCING RATE)                                   • 50% of the eligible cost of studies and/or works.
                                                         May be increased to 75% for actions with a high
Transport                                                degree of regional or Union-wide security of
• Grants for studies, 50% of the eligible costs.         supply, strengthen the solidarity of the Union or
• Grants for works:                                      comprise highly innovative solutions.
- for railway networks, and road networks in the
   case of Member States with no railway network         Telecommunications
   established in their territory or in the case of a    • Actions in the field of generic services: 75% of
   Member State, or part thereof, with an isolated         the eligible costs.
   network without long-distance rail freight            • Horizontal actions including infrastructure
   transport: 20% of the eligible costs; the funding       mapping, twinning and technical assistance:
   rate may be increased to a maximum of 30 %              75% of the eligible costs.
   for actions addressing bottlenecks and to 40%
   for actions concerning cross-border sections          CONSUMER PROGRAMME 2014 - 2020
   and actions enhancing rail interoperability;
- for inland waterways: 20% of the eligible              KEY INFORMATION
   costs; the funding rate may be increased to           Total Budget: €188,83 million
   a maximum of 40% for actions addressing               Thematic Categories: Health, Consumer Safety,
   bottlenecks and to a maximum of 40% for               Education and Training, Internal Market
   actions concerning cross- border sections;            Beneficiaries: Public Sector, Non-Profit
- for inland transport, connections to and the           Organizations
   development of multimodal logistics platforms         More information: Consumers, Health and
   including connections to inland and maritime          Food Executive Agency
   ports and airports, as well as the development        http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/index_en.htm;
   of ports: 20% of the eligible costs;                  http://ec.europa.eu/contact/index_en.htm
- for actions to reduce rail freight noise including     eahc@ec.europa.eu
   by retrofitting existing rolling stock: 20% of the
   eligible costs up to a combined ceiling of 1% of      PROGRAMME DETAILS
   the budgetary resources referred to in point (a)      The Consumer programme aims to contribute
   of Article 5(1);                                      to protecting the health, safety and economic
- for better accessibility to transport infrastructure   interests of European citizens. The programme
   for disabled persons: 30% of the eligible cost        intends to integrate consumer interests in all
   of adaptation works, not exceeding in any case        Community policies, and places a special focus on
   10% of the total eligible cost of works;              consumer protection and consumer awareness
- for actions supporting new technologies and            in the new Member States. The Consumer
   innovation for all modes of transport: 20% of         Programme will support EU consumer policy in
   the eligible costs;                                   the years to come, contributing to the objective
- for actions to support cross-border road               of placing consumers at the centre of the Single
   sections: 10% of the eligible costs;                  Market. The programme has four priorities: Safety,
- Grants for telematic applications systems and          Information and education, Rights and redress,
   services (20%-50%).                                   and Enforcement (SIRE).

SUPPORTED ACTIONS                                   CREATIVE EUROPE
Under Objective 1 - Safety:
• scientific advice and risk analysis relevant to   KEY INFORMATION
  consumer health and safety regarding non-food     Total Budget: €1,46 billion
  products and services;                            Thematic Categories: Culture, Media and
• coordination of market surveillance and           Audiovisual Sector
  enforcement actions on product safety             Beneficiaries: Private Sector, Public Sector,
• maintenance and further development of            Non-Profit Organizations, Academic institutions
  databases on cosmetics.                           and research centers
                                                    More information: Education, Audiovisual and
Under Objective 2 – Information and Education:      Culture Executive Agency
• building the evidence base for policy-making in   http://ec.europa.eu/culture/creative-europe/calls/
  areas affecting consumers;                        index_en.htm
• support to consumer organisations;                eacea-helpdesk@ec.europa.eu
• enhancing the transparency of consumer
  markets and consumer information;                 PROGRAMME DETAILS
• enhancing consumer education.                     Creative Europe will replace the MEDIA, MEDIA
                                                    Mundus and Culture programmes of the previous
Under Objective 3 – Rights and Redress:             programming period 2007-2013. Creative Europe
• preparation by the Commission of consumer         helps the cultural and creative sectors to seize the
   protection legislation and other regulatory      opportunities of the ‘digital age’ and globalisation
   initiatives;                                     and it enables the sectors to reach their potential
• facilitating access to and monitoring of the      so that they can contribute to the Europe 2020
   functioning and the effectiveness of dispute     goals for sustainable growth, jobs and social
   resolution mechanisms for consumers.             cohesion. Moreover, it opens up new international
                                                    opportunities, markets and audiences and
Under Objective 4 – Enforcement:                    builds on the success of the MEDIA and Culture
• coordination of surveillance and enforcement      programmes.
   actions with regard to cooperation between
   national authorities responsible for the         The programme:
   enforcement of consumer protections laws;        • safeguards and promotes European cultural and
• financial contributions for joint actions with      linguistic diversity, and fosters Europe’s cultural
   public or non-profit bodies constituting Union     richness;
   networks which provide information and           • contributes to Europe’s goals for smart,
   assistance to consumers.                           sustainable and inclusive economic growth;
                                                    • helps the cultural and creative sectors to adapt
LEVEL OF FINANCING                                    to the digital age and globalization;
(EU CO-FINANCING RATE)                              • opens up new international opportunities,
50%-70%                                               markets and audiences;
                                                    • builds on the success of the MEDIA, MEDIA
                                                      Mundus and Culture programmes.

SUPPORTED ACTIONS                                       EU and beyond; it funds cooperation projects,
• Cross-border cooperation projects between             literary translations, networks and platforms.
  cultural and creative organisations within the EU
  and beyond.                                           Supported actions
• Networks helping the cultural and creative            • Transnational cooperation projects bringing
  sectors to operate transnationally and to               together cultural and creative organizations
  strengthen their competitiveness.                       from different countries to undertake sectoral or
• Translation and promotion of literary works             cross-sectoral activities.
  across EU markets.                                    • Activities by European networks of cultural and
• Platforms of cultural operators promoting               creative organizations from different countries.
  emerging artists and stimulating a truly              • Activities by organizations with a European
  European programming of cultural and artistic           vocation fostering the development of emerging
  works.                                                  talent and stimulating the transnational mobility
• Capacity building and professional training for         of cultural and creative players and circulation
  audiovisual professionals.                              of works, with the potential to exert a broad
• Development of fiction, animations, creative            influence on cultural and creative sectors and to
  documentaries and video games for European              provide for lasting effects.
  cinema, television markets and other platforms.       • Literary translation and the further promotion of
• Distribution and sales of audiovisual works in          translated works.
  and outside Europe.
• Film festivals that promote European films.           Budget
• Funds for the international co-production of          At least 31% of the total Creative Europe budget.
• Audience development to foster film literacy and      Level of Financing (EU co-financing rate)
  to raise interest in Europe’s films through a wide    50%-80%
  range of events.
• The European Capitals of Culture and the              Sub-Programme: MEDIA
  European Heritage Label.                              The MEDIA sub-programme of Creative Europe
                                                        supports the EU film and audiovisual industries
Sub-Programme: CULTURE                                  financially in the development, distribution and
The Culture sub-programme of Creative Europe            promotion of their work. It helps launch projects
supports cultural and creative organisations with       with a European dimension and nurtures new
a view to helping them operate transnationally          technologies; it enables European films and
and promoting cross-border circulation of works         audiovisual works to find markets beyond national
of culture and mobility of cultural players. It helps   and European, borders; it funds training and
to launch projects with a European dimension            development schemes. The training and market
and to share cultural content across national,          access schemes have a new “Mundus” dimension.
and European, borders; it enables cultural and
creative players to work internationally and to         Supported actions
internationalise their careers and activities in the    • The development of European audiovisual

works in particular films and television works      • Activities aiming at supporting European
   such as fiction, documentaries, children’s and        audiovisual production companies, in particular
   animated films, as well as interactive works such     independent production companies, with a
   as videogames and multimedia with enhanced            view to facilitating European and international
   cross-border circulation potential.                   co-productions of audiovisual works including
• Initiatives presenting and promoting a diversity       television works.
   of European audiovisual works, including short
   films, such as festivals and other promotional      Budget
   events and activities aimed at promoting film       At least 56% of the total Creative Europe budget.
   literacy and at increasing audiences’ knowledge
   of, and interest in, European audiovisual works,    Level of Financing (EU co-financing rate)
   including the audiovisual and cinematographic       50%-80%
   heritage, in particular among young audiences.
• Activities helping European and international        Sub-Programme: CROSS SECTORAL STRAND
   co-production partners to meet and/or               The cross-sectoral Strand will include the
   provide indirect support for audiovisual works      Guarantee Fund, the support for Creative Europe
   co-produced by supporting international             Desks which will replace MEDIA Desks and
   co-production funds based in a country              Cultural Contact points from 2014 as well as the
   participating in the Programme.                     support for transnational policy cooperation. The
• The development of a comprehensive range of          cross-sectoral strand will also provide support
   training measures promoting the acquisition         for studies, analysis and better data collection
   and improvement of skills and competences by        to improve the evidence-base for policy-making,
   audiovisual professionals, knowledge sharing        funding for experimental projects to encourage
   and networking initiatives, including the           cooperation between the audiovisual and other
   integration of digital technologies.                cultural and creative sectors, and funding for the
• Facilitating access to professional audiovisual      Creative Europe Desks which provide assistance to
   trade events and markets and the use of             applicants.
   online business tools inside and outside the
   Union and facilitate circulation of European        Supported actions
   films worldwide and of international films          • Support to Creative Europe Desks.
   in the Union on all distribution platforms,         • Support to EU Presidency conferences.
   via international cooperation projects in the       • Policy development activities.
   audiovisual sector.                                 • Studies and evaluations.
• Supporting a European cinema operators’              • Communication and valorisation activities.
   network screening a significant proportion of       • Financial guarantee facility (as of 2016).
   non-national European films.
• The establishment of support systems for the         Budget
   distribution of non-national European films         Maximum 13% of the total Creative Europe
   through theatrical distribution and on all other    budget.
   platforms as well as for international sales
   activities, in particular the subtitling, dubbing   Level of Financing (EU co-financing rate)
   and audio-description of audiovisual works.         50%-80%

CUSTOMS 2020 PROGRAMME                                SUPPORTED ACTIONS
                                                      • Joint Actions pursuing the exchange of
KEY INFORMATION                                          knowledge and good practice between customs
Total Budget: €522,9 million                             officials of the participating countries.
Thematic Categories: Internal Market, Law             • European Information Systems facilitating the
Enforcement, Education and Training                      exchange of information and access to common
Beneficiaries: Public Sector, Central Government         data.
More information: DG Taxation & Customs               • Training activities leading to human competency
Union                                                    building for customs officials across Europe.
cooperation_programmes/fiscus/index_en.htm            LEVEL OF FINANCING
http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/common/          (EU CO-FINANCING RATE)
contact/index_en.htm                                  For grants, 100% of the eligible costs where
                                                      the latter are travel and accommodation costs,
PROGRAMME DETAILS                                     costs linked to organisation of events and daily
Customs 2020 will support cooperation between         allowances. Customs provides other types of
customs authorities in the EU to help maximise        interventions as well (not grants) such as public
their efficiency and avoid mismatches in their        procurement contracts and reimbursement of
work, which could hinder the functioning of the       costs incurred by external experts.
Customs Union. It will facilitate networking, joint
actions and training amongst customs personnel,       EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL INNOVATION
while also funding IT systems to enable the           PROGRAMME (EASI)
development of a fully-fledged electronic customs
in Europe. The Programme’s objectives are:
                                                      KEY INFORMATION
• to support the preparation, coherent application
                                                      Total Budget: €919,47 million
   and effective implementation of Union law and
                                                      Thematic Categories: Social Affairs and Human
   policy in the field of customs;
                                                      Rights, Labour Market, Entrepreneurship
• to develop, improve, operate and support the
                                                      Beneficiaries: Private Sector, Academic
   European Information Systems for customs;
                                                      institutions and research centers, Non-Profit
• to identify, develop, share and apply best
   working practices and administrative
                                                      More information: DG Employment, Social
   procedures, in particular further to
                                                      Affairs and Inclusion
   benchmarking activities;
• to reinforce the skills and competences of          http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.
   customs officials;                                 jsp?catId=1081&langId=en
• to improve cooperation between customs
   authorities and international organisations,       PROGRAMME DETAILS
   third countries, other governmental authorities,   EaSI brings together three EU programmes
   including Union and national market                managed separately in the previous programming
   surveillance authorities, as well as economic      period 2007-2013: PROGRESS, EURES and
   operators and organisations representing           Progress Microfinance. The main objectives of EaSI
   economic operators.                                are the following:

• Strengthen ownership of EU objectives and           Supported actions
   coordination of action at EU and national level    • Development and activities of EURES cross-
   in the areas of employment, social affairs and        border partnerships where requested by services
   inclusion.                                            territorially responsible for border regions;
• Support the development of adequate social          • Provision of information, counselling, placement
   protection systems and labour market policies.        and recruitment services for cross-border
• Modernise EU legislation and ensure its effective      workers;
   application.                                       • Development of the multilingual digital
• Promote geographical mobility and boost                platform for the clearance of job vacancies and
   employment opportunities by developing an             applications;
   open labour market.                                • Development of targeted mobility schemes,
• Increase the availability and accessibility of         following calls for proposals, to fill job
   microfinance for vulnerable groups and micro-         vacancies where labour market shortcomings
   enterprises, and increase access to finance for       have been identified, and/or to help workers
   social enterprises.                                   with a propensity to be mobile, where a clear
                                                         economic need has been identified;
SUPPORTED ACTIONS                                     • Mutual learning among EURES actors and
• The modernisation of employment and social             training of EURES advisors, including EURES
   policies with the PROGRESS axis (61% of the           cross-border partnership advisors;
   total budget).
                                                      • Information and communication activities to
• Job mobility with the EURES axis (18% of the
                                                         raise awareness of the benefits of geographical
   total budget).
                                                         and occupational mobility in general and of the
• Access to micro-finance and social
                                                         activities and services provided by EURES.
   entrepreneurship with the Microfinance and
   Social Entrepreneurship axis (21% of the total
                                                      The overall EURES budget is expected to be
                                                      around €20 million per year. The following
Sub-Programme: EURES
EURES, which is the European network of               minimum percentages will be respected: (a)
employment services, should promote the               transparency of job vacancies, applications
better functioning of the labour markets by           and any related information for applicants and
facilitating the voluntary transnational cross-       employers: 32 %; (b) development of services
border geographical mobility of workers,              for the recruitment and placing of workers
providing greater transparency on the labour          in employment through the clearance of job
market, ensuring the clearance of vacancies and       vacancies and applications at Union level, in
applications for employment and supporting            particular targeted mobility schemes: 30 %; (c)
activities in the areas of placement, recruitment,    cross-border partnerships: 18%. Any remaining
advice and guidance services at national and          amount shall be allocated to one or more of the
cross-border level. Member States should be           thematic sections referred to in points (a), (b), or
encouraged to integrate EURES services, making        (c), or to a combination of them.
them available in a “one-stop shop”, where

Level of Financing                                       and social progress, in partnership with the social
(EU co-financing rate)                                   partners, civil society organisations and public and
95%                                                      private bodies.

Sub-Programme: MICROFINANCE FACILITY                     Supported actions
& SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP                                • Analytical activities:
The Microfinance and Social Entrepreneurship axis        - gathering of data and statistics;
shall increase the access to, and the availability of,   - surveys, studies, analyses and reports;
financing for legal and physical persons.                - qualitative and quantitative evaluations and
                                                           impact assessments;
Supported actions                                        - monitoring and assessment of the transposition
• Extend the support given to microcredit                  and application of Union law;
  providers under the current European Progress          - preparation and implementation of social policy
  Microfinance Facility (launched in 2010).                experimentation;
• Provide funding for capacity-building of               - dissemination of the results of those analytical
  microfinance institutions.                               activities.
• Support the development of the social
  investment market and facilitate access to             • Mutual-learning, awareness and dissemination
  finance for social enterprises.                        activities:
                                                         - exchanges and dissemination of good practice,
Budget                                                      innovative approaches and experience, peer
The total proposed budget for the microfinance              reviews, benchmarking and mutual learning at
and social entrepreneurship axis is around €171,15          European level;
million for the period 2014-2020. The following          - Council Presidency events, conferences and
minimum percentages will be respected: (a)                  seminars;
microfinance for vulnerable groups and micro-            - training of legal and policy practitioners;
enterprises: 45%; (b) social entrepreneurship:           - drafting and publication of guides, reports and
45%.                                                        educational material and measures relating
                                                            to information, communication and media
Level of Financing (EU co-financing rate)                   coverage of initiatives supported by the
Except in the case of joint actions, the financial          Programme;
appropriations allocated to the Microfinance and         - information and communication activities;
Social Entrepreneurship axis shall cover the full        - development and maintenance of information
cost of the actions implemented through financial           systems in order to exchange and disseminate
instruments.                                                information on Union policy and legislation and
                                                            on the labour market.
The Progress axis shall support the development,         • Support with regard to:
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of             - the operating costs of key Union-level networks
the Union instruments and policies and promote              the activities of which relate to and contribute
evidence-based policy-making, social innovation             to the objectives of the Progress axis;

- capacity-building of national administrations and   PROGRAMME DETAILS
   specialist services;                               Erasmus+ is the new EU Programme for Education,
- organisation of working groups of national          Training, Youth and Sport for 2014-2020. It
   officials;                                         brings together the previous Lifelong Learning
- networking and cooperation among specialist         Programme, Youth in Action and five international
   bodies and other relevant stakeholders;            cooperation programmes. It also includes sport.
- funding of European-level observatories,            Overall the programme is aimed at supporting
   including on key thematic sections;                the development of actions, cooperation and
- exchange of personnel between national              tools linked to the objectives of the Europe 2020
   administrations.                                   strategy and its flagship initiatives.

Budget                                                Erasmus+ is designed to support Member States’
The total proposed budget for Progress is around      efforts to use efficiently the potential of Europe’s
€500 million. The following minimum percentages       human capital that remains underexploited,
will be respected:                                    while confirming the principle of lifelong learning
(a) employment, in particular to fight youth          by linking support to formal, non-formal, and
unemployment 20%;                                     informal learning throughout the education,
(b) social protection, social inclusion and the       training and youth fields. In addition to providing
reduction and prevention of poverty 50%;              grants for individuals, Erasmus+ will support
(c) working conditions 10%. From the overall          transnational partnerships among Education,
allocation for the Progress axis, and within its      Training and Youth institutions and organizations
different thematic sections, 15% to 20%.              to foster cooperation and bridge the worlds of
                                                      Education and work in order to tackle the skills
Level of Financing (EU co-financing rate)             gaps we are facing in Europe. It will also support
80%                                                   national efforts to modernize Education, Training
                                                      and Youth systems.
                                                      In the field of Sport, there will be support for
KEY INFORMATION                                       grassroots projects and cross-border challenges
Total Budget: €14,8 billion                           such as combating match-fixing, doping, violence
Thematic Categories: Education and Training,          and racism.
Youth, Sport
Beneficiaries: Private Sector, Public Sector,         Sub-Programme: KEY ACTION 1 (KA1) –
Non-Profit Organizations, Academic institutions       LEARNING MOBILITY OF INDIVIDUALS
and research centers                                  Projects under this Action promote transnational
More information: Education, Audiovisual and          mobility activities targeting learners (students,
Culture Executive Agency                              trainees, apprentices, young people and
http://ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/                     volunteers), and staff (professors, teachers,
https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/about-eacea/               trainers, youth workers, and people working in
contacts_en                                           organizations active in the education, training and
                                                      youth fields).

Supported actions                                     approaches in the fields of education, training and
• Mobility of learners and staff: opportunities       youth. More specifically, the following types of
   for students, trainees, young people and           cooperation are supported:
   volunteers, as well as for professors, teachers,
   trainers, youth workers, staff of education        Strategic Partnerships aim to support the
   institutions and civil society organizations       development, transfer and/or implementation
   to undertake a learning and/or professional        of innovative practices at organizational, local,
   experience in another country.                     regional, national or European levels.
• Joint Master Degrees: high-level integrated
   international study programmes delivered by        Knowledge Alliances aim at strengthening
   consortia of higher education institutions that    Europe’s innovation capacity and at fostering
   award full degree scholarships to the best         innovation in higher education, business and the
   master students worldwide.                         broader socio-economic environment.
• Master Student Loan Guarantee: higher
   education students can get a loan backed up by     Sector Skills Alliances aim at tackling skills
   the Programme to go abroad for a full Master       gaps, enhancing the responsiveness of initial and
   Degree. Students should refer to national banks    continuing Vocational, Education and Training
   or student loan agencies.                          (VET) systems to sector-specific labour market
                                                      needs and demand for new skills with regard to
Budget                                                one or more occupational profiles. The sectors
• At least 63% of the total Erasmus+ budget for       that will be eligible under this Action are those
  KA1 as a whole and of which:                        which have constituted a European Sector Skills
• At least 77,5% for the Education and Training       Council (Textile/Clothing/Leather, Commerce)
  field.                                              and those with skills imbalances to which
• At least 10% for the Youth field.                   current Commission policies respond (Advanced
Level of Financing (EU co-financing rate)
For mobility activities the following lump sums       Capacity Building projects are transnational
apply:                                                cooperation projects based on multilateral
• For students: €700 per month                        partnerships between organisations active in
• For staff: €70-€140 per day                         the field of youth in Programme and Partner
• For VET learners: €24-€96 per day                   Countries. They can also involve organisations
                                                      from the fields of education and training, as well
Sub-Programme: KEY ACTION 2 (KA2) –                   as from other socio-economic sectors.
EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICES                            Supported actions
                                                      Transnational Strategic partnerships aimed
The actions under Key Action 2 make it possible       to develop initiatives addressing one or more
for organisations from different participating        fields of education training and youth and
countries to work together, to develop, share         promote innovation, exchange of experience
and transfer best practices and innovative            and know-how between different types of

organizations involved in education, training and          youth organisations in Partner Countries;
youth or in other relevant fields. Certain mobility     • launch, test and implement youth work
activities are supported in so far as they contribute      practices, such as new forms of practical
to the objectives of the project.                          training schemes and simulation of real life
                                                           cases in society; new forms of youth work,
Knowledge Alliances support the following                  notably strategic use of open and flexible
activities:                                                learning, virtual mobility, open educational
• Boosting innovation in higher education,                 resources (OER) and better exploitation of the
   business and in the broader socio-economic              ICT potential;
   environment;                                         • cooperation, networking and peer-learning
• Developing entrepreneurship mind-set and skills;         activities fostering efficient management,
• Stimulating the flow and exchange of                     internationalisation and leadership of youth
   knowledge between higher education and                  work organisations.
• Information and Communication Technologies;           Budget
• Environmental technologies (Eco-Innovation);          • At least 28% of total Erasmus+ budget for KA2
• Cultural and Creative sectors.                        as a whole and of which:
                                                        - at least 77,5% for the Education and Training
Sector Skills Alliances support the following              field.
activities:                                             - at least 10% for the Youth field.
• Defining skills and training provision needs in a
  given specific economic sector;                       Level of Financing (EU co-financing rate)
• Designing joint curricula;                            • Strategic Partnerships: Maximum grant:
• Delivering joint curricula.                             €150.000 per year (i.e. €12.500 per month).
                                                        • Knowledge Alliances & Sector Skills Alliances:
Capacity Building projects support the following          Maximum EU contribution awarded for a 2-year
activities:                                               KA €700.000, Max. EU contribution awarded
• promote strategic cooperation between youth             for a 3-year KA €1 million.
   organisations on the one hand and public             • Capacity building in the field of youth:
   authorities in Partner Countries on the other          Maximum. grant awarded €150.000.
• promote the cooperation between youth                 Sub-Programme: KEY ACTION 3 (KA3) –
   organisations and organisations in the               SUPPORT FOR POLICY REFORM
   education and training fields as well as with
   representatives of business and labour market;       Structured Dialogue promotes the active
• raise the capacities of youth councils, youth         participation of young people in democratic life
   platforms and local, regional and national           and fosters debate around topics centered on
   authorities dealing with youth in Partner            the themes and priorities set by the Structured
   Countries;                                           Dialogue and the renewed political framework
• enhance the management, governance,                   in the youth field. Structured Dialogue projects
   innovation capacity and internationalisation of      can take the form of meetings, conferences,

consultations and events. These events promote       Level of Financing (EU co-financing rate)
the active participation of young people in          Structured Dialogue Meeting: Maximum grant
democratic life in Europe and their interaction      awarded €50.000.
with decision-makers. As a concrete result of
these events, young people are able to make their    Sub-Programme: Jean Monnet Activities
voice heard (through the formulation of positions,
proposals and recommendations) on how youth          The Jean Monnet Actions aim at promoting
policies should be shaped and implemented in         excellence in teaching and research in the field of
Europe.                                              European Union studies worldwide. These Actions
                                                     also aim at fostering the dialogue between the
Supported actions                                    academic world and policy-makers, in particular
• National meetings and transnational seminars       with the aim of enhancing governance of EU
  that offer space for information, debate           policies.
  and active participation of young people –in
  dialogue with youth decision-makers -on issues     Jean Monnet Module: A short teaching
  which are relevant to Structured Dialogue or to    programme (or course) in the field of European
  the EU Youth Strategy.                             Union studies at a higher education institution.
• National meetings and transnational seminars
  that prepare the ground for the official Youth     Jean Monnet Chair: A teaching post with a
  Conferences organised during each semester         specialisation in European Union studies for
  by the Member State holding the turn of            university professors or senior lecturers.
  Presidency of the European Union.                  Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence: A focal point of
• Events that promote debates and information        competence and knowledge on European Union
  on youth policy themes linked to the activities    subjects.
  organised during the European Youth Week.
• Consultations of young people, with a view         Jean Monnet Projects support innovation,
  to find out their needs on matters relating        cross-fertilisation and the spread of European
  to participation in democratic life (online        Union content.
  consultations, opinion polls, etc.).
• Meetings and seminars, information events or       Jean Monnet Support to Institutions that
  debates between young people and decision-         enhance teacher and training activities on
  makers/youth experts around the theme of           European Union subjects at the postgraduate
  participation in democratic life.                  level and/or for other relevant stakeholders and
• Events simulating the functioning of the           Associations that have as their explicit purpose
  democratic institutions and the roles of           to contribute to the study of the European
  decision-makers within these institutions.         integration process.

Budget                                               Jean Monnet Networks foster the creation and
At least 4,2% of total Erasmus+ budget and of        development of consortia of international players
which at least 10% for the Youth field.              in the area of European Union studies.

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