Page created by Neil Williams

Table of Contents

     Introduction ...................................................................................................... 3
1.   Sectoral and overall shares and actual consumption of energy from
     renewable sources in the preceding two years (Article 22(1)(a) of Directive
     2009/28/EC) .................................................................................................... 4
2.   Measures taken in the preceding two years and/or planned at national level
     to promote the growth of energy from renewable sources taking into account
     the indicative trajectory for achieving the national RES targets as outlined in
     the National Renewable Energy Action Plan (Article 22(1)(a) of Directive
     2009/28/EC) .................................................................................................. 7
2.a Information on the progress made in evaluating and improving
     administrative procedures to remove regulatory and non-regulatory barriers
     to the development of energy from renewable sources (Article 22(1)(e) of
     Directive 2009/28/EC) ................................................................................... 41
2.b Information on the measures in ensuring the transmission and distribution of
     electricity produced from renewable energy sources and in improving the
     framework or rules for bearing and sharing of costs related to grid
     connections and grid reinforcements (Article 22(1)(f) of Directive
     2009/28/EC) ................................................................................................... 45
3.   Information on the support schemes and other measures currently in place
     that are applied to promote energy from renewable sources and report on
     any developments in the measures used with respect to those set out in the
     National Renewable Energy Action Plan (Article 22(1)(b) of Directive
     2009/28/EC) ................................................................................................... 47
3.1. Information on how supported electricity is allocated to final customers for
     purposes of Article 3(6) of Directive 2003/54/EC (Article 22(1)(b) of
     Directive 2009/28/EC) .................................................................................. 66
4.   Information on how, where applicable, the support schemes have been
     structured to take into account RES applications that give additional
     benefits, but may also have higher costs, including biofuels made from
     wastes, residues, non-food cellulosic material, and ligno-cellulosic material
     (Article 22(1)(c) of Directive 2009/28/EC) .................................................... 66
5.   Information on the functioning of the system of guarantees of origin for
     electricity and heating and cooling from RES, and the measures taken to
     ensure reliability and protection against fraud of the system (Article 22(1)(d)
     of Directive 2009/28/EC) ............................................................................. 67
6.   Information on the developments in the preceding two years in the
     availability and use of biomass resources for energy purposes (Article
     22(1)(g) of Directive 2009/28/EC) ................................................................ 70
7.   Information on any changes in commodity prices and land use in the
     preceding two years associated with increased use of biomass and other
     forms of energy from renewable sources (Article 22(1)(h) of Directive
     2009/28/EC) .................................................................................................. 71
8.   Information on the development and share of biofuels made from wastes,
     residues, non-food cellulosic material, and ligno cellulosic material (Article
     22(1)(i) of Directive 2009/28/EC) .................................................................. 72
9.   Information on the estimated impacts of the production of biofuels and
     bioliquids on biodiversity, water resources, water quality and soil quality

      within Lithuania in the preceding two years (Article 22(1)(j) of Directive
      2009/28/EC) .................................................................................................72
10. Estimate of the net greenhouse gas emission savings due to the use of
      energy from renewable sources (Article 22(1)(k) of Directive 2009/28/EC) 72
11. Report on (for the preceding two years) and estimate (for the following
      years up to 2020) of the excess/deficit production of energy from renewable
      sources compared to the indicative trajectory which could be transferred
      to/imported from other Member States and/or third countries, as well as
      estimated potential for joint projects until 2020 (Article 22(1)(l) and (m) of
      Directive 2009/28/EC) ................................................................................. 73
11.1. Details of statistical transfers, joint projects and joint support scheme
      decision rules................................................................................................. 73
12. Information on how the share for biodegradable waste in waste used for
      producing energy has been estimated, and what steps have been taken to
      improve and verify such estimates (Article 22(1)(n) of Directive
      2009/28/EC) .................................................................................................. 75
13. Amounts of biofuels and bioliquids in energy units (ktoe) corresponding to
      each category of feedstock group listed in part A of Annex VIII of Directive
      2009/28/EC taken into account for the purpose of complying with the targets
      set out in Article 3(1) and (2), and in the first subparagraph of Article 3(4) ... 76
14. Number of operators producing energy from RES and its change as
      compared with Lithuania’s first progress report on the promotion and use of
      renewable energy sources ................................................................................ 76
15. Progress made in achieving the national target set in Article 1(5)(1) of the
      Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Energy from Renewable Sources and
      the difference between the national targets and recommended value and
      essential causes thereof .................................................................................... 77
16. Additional information .................................................................................... 78
16.1. Information on the compliance of biofuels and bioliquids with sustainability
      criteria (the fifth paragraph of Article 18(3) of Directive 2009/28/EC) .......... 78
16.2. Implementation of the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public
      Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental
      Matters (Articles 6 and 7 of the Aarhus Convention) ...................................... 78


        The 2019 Report of the Republic of Lithuania on progress in the promotion and use of
renewable energy sources (hereinafter, the ‘Report’) covers the 2017-2018 period and has been
drawn up in accordance with the Procedure for reporting to the European Commission on
progress in the promotion and use of renewable energy sources 1, the provisions of Directive
2009/28/EC 2 and Directive (EU) 2015/1513 3 and the template for Member State progress
reports under Directive 2009/28/EC drawn up by the European Commission 4 used to ensure
that Member State reports are complete, cover all the requirements laid down in Article 22 of
Directive 2009/28/C and are comparable with each other, over time and with National
Renewable Energy Action Plans submitted by Member States in 2010.
      In accordance with the Methodology for calculating the share of energy from renewable
sources in gross final energy consumption 5, the share of energy from renewable sources is
calculated as the gross final consumption of energy from renewable sources divided by the
gross final consumption of energy from all energy sources, and the calculated gross final
consumption of energy from renewable sources is adjusted taking into account the statistical
transfer between the Republic of Lithuania and other European Union Member States, the
results of the implementation of joint projects with other Member States and third countries and
joint support schemes with other Member States.
      The Report relies on information and data provided or published by the Ministry of
Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, the Ministry of the Environment of the Republic of
Lithuania, the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania, the
Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania, the Ministry of the
Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania and the Ministry of Agriculture of the
Republic of Lithuania and enterprises, institutions and organisations subordinate to them,
Statistics Lithuania, and electricity, heat and biofuel producers.

  The Procedure for reporting to the European Commission on progress in the promotion and use of renewable
energy sources, as approved by Resolution No 1314 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of
15 September 2010 approving the Procedure for reporting to the European Commission on progress in the
promotion and use of renewable energy sources
  Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the
use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and
2003/30/EC (OJ L 140, 5.6.2009, p. 16)
  Directive (EU) 2015/1513 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 September 2015 amending
Directive 98/70/EC relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels and amending Directive 2009/28/EC on the
promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (OJ L239, 15.9.2015, p. 1)
  The Methodology for calculating the share of energy from renewable sources in gross final energy
consumption, as approved by Order No 1-170 of the Minister for Energy of the Republic of Lithuania approving
the Methodology for calculating the share of energy from renewable sources in gross final energy consumption

1. Sectoral and overall shares and actual consumption of energy from renewable sources
in the preceding two years (Article 22(1)(a) of Directive 2009/28/EC)

    Table 1: The sectoral (electricity, heating and cooling, and transport) and overall shares of energy from
                                              renewable sources (%) 6
                                   Indicator                                        2017                  Change
    Energy from renewable sources: heating and cooling 7 (%)                        46.50                  45.25
    Energy from renewable sources: electricity 8                                    18.25                  18.41
    Energy from renewable sources: transport 9                                       4.29                   4.33
    Overall share of energy from renewable sources 10 (%)                           26.04                  25.03
    Overall share of energy from renewable sources, taking into account
                                                                                        -                  24.21
    statistical transfers between countries

         Table 1a: Calculation table for the renewable energy contribution of each sector to final energy
                                               consumption (ktoe) 11
                                     Indicator                                         2017                2018
    (A) Gross final consumption of energy from renewable sources for
                                                                                    1,185.6               1,166.9
    heating and cooling
    (B) Gross final consumption of electricity from energy from renewable
                                                                                       191.0               197.6
    (C) Gross final consumption of energy from renewable sources in
                                                                                       73.6                79.8
    (D) Gross total consumption of energy from renewable sources 12                 1,450.2               1,444.4
    (E) Overall share of energy from renewable sources, taking into
                                                                                            -             1,397.1
    account statistical transfers between countries

    Table 1.b: Total actual contribution (installed capacity, gross electricity generation) from each renewable
    energy technology in Lithuania to meet the binding 2020 targets and the indicative interim trajectory for
                          the shares of energy from renewable resources in electricity 13
                                                                        2017                            2018
                                                                MW             GWh              MW             GWh
    Hydro 14:                                                   877.0          446.3            877.0          451.8
    non-pumped 15                                                117           602.4             117           431.0

                                                                           2017                           2018
                                                                  MW              GWh            MW                  GWh
                                                  >10MW           90              495.2          90                  363.7
     mixed 16                                                       -                -             -                -
     Geothermal                                                     -                -             -                -
     Solar:                                                        73.8             68.0          82.0             86.6
                                            photovoltaic           73.8             68.0          82.0             86.6
                                concentrated solar power            -                -             -                -
     Tide, wave, ocean                                              -                -             -                -
     Wind:                                                        518.0           1,224.7        533.0           1,240.7
                                                  onshore         518.0           1,224.7        533.0           1240.7
                                                  offshore          -                -             -                -
     Biomass 17:                                                   70.0            430.5          76.0            495.0
                                            solid biomass          45.0            303.3          51.0            355.1
                                                   biogas          25.0            127.2          25.0            139.9
                                                bioliquids          -                -             -                -
     TOTAL:                                                      1,538.8          2,169.5       1,568.0          2,274.1
                    of which in combined heat and power             -              430.5           -              495.0

 Table 1c: Total actual contribution (final energy consumption 18) from each renewable energy technology
   in Lithuania to meet the binding 2020 targets and the indicative interim trajectory for the shares of
                     energy from renewable resources in heating and cooling (ktoe) 19

                                 Indicator                                             2017                 2018
     Geothermal (excluding low temperature geothermal heat in heat
                                                                                        0.4                  0.0
     pump applications)
     Solar                                                                              -                     -
     Biomass 20:                                                                     1,168.8               1,157.0
                                                            solid biomass            1,158.5               1,145.9
                                                                   biogas             10.3                  11.1
                                                                bioliquids              -                     -
     Renewable energy from heat pumps:
                                                  - of which aerothermal
                                                                                            -                    -
                                                   - of which geothermal
                                                  - of which aerothermal
     TOTAL:                                                                          1,169.2               1,157.0
                                             - of which district heating 21          47.6%*                46.7%*
                                       of which biomass in households 22             39.7%*                39.4%*

16In accordance with new Eurostat methodology.
   Take into account only those complying with applicable sustainability criteria (cf. Article 5(1) last subparagraph
of Directive 2009/28/EC).
   Direct use and district heat as defined in Article 5(4) of Directive 2009/28/EC.
   Facilitates comparison with Table 11a of the NREAP.
   Take into account only those complying with applicable sustainability criteria (cf. Article 5(1) last subparagraph
of Directive 2009/28/EC).
   District heating and/or cooling from total renewable heating and cooling consumption.
   From the total renewable heating and cooling consumption.

   Table 1d: Total actual contribution from each renewable energy technology in Lithuania to meet the
 binding 2020 targets and the indicative interim trajectory for shares of energy from renewable resources
                                     in the transport sector (ktoe) 23,24

                                  Indicator                                        2017                 2018
 - Bioethanol                                                                       8.3                  8.0
 - Biodiesel (FAME)                                                                 63.5                 69.8
 - Hydrotreated vegetable oil                                                        -                     -
 - Biomethane                                                                        -                     -
 - Fischer-Tropsch diesel                                                            -                     -
 - Bio-ETBE                                                                          -                     -
 - Bio-MTBE                                                                          -                     -
 - Bio-DME                                                                           -                     -
 - Bio-TAEE                                                                          -                     -
 Biobutanol                                                                          -                     -
 - Biomethanol                                                                       -                     -
 - Pure vegetable oil                                                                -                     -
 Total sustainable biofuels                                                         71.8                 77.8
 Of which:
  sustainable biofuels produced from feedstock listed in Annex IX Part             71.8                  77.8
        other sustainable biofuels eligible for the target set out in Article        -                     -
  sustainable biofuels produced from feedstock listed in Annex IX Part               -                     -
             sustainable biofuels for which the contribution towards the             -                     -
          renewable energy target is limited according to Article 3(4)(d)
                                             imported from third countries           -                     -
 Hydrogen from renewables                                                            -                     -
 Renewable electricity                                                             1.84                  2.02
 Of which:
                                               consumed in road transport          0.90                  0.93
                                                consumed in rail transport         0.29                  0.42
                                      consumed in other transport sectors          0.65                  0.67

23Forbiofuels take into account only those compliant with the sustainability criteria, cf. Article 5(1) last
24Facilitates comparison with Table 12 of the NREAP.

2. Measures taken in the preceding two years and/or planned at national level to promote the growth of energy from renewable sources taking into account
the indicative trajectory for achieving the national RES targets as outlined in the National Renewable Energy Action Plan 25 (Article 22(1)(a) of Directive
                                                                   Table 2: Overview of all policies and measures of 2017-2018

                                                                                                                                                                    Start and end
                                                                                                Type of                              Target group      Ongoing or
                                Name and reference of measure                                                  Expected result                                       dates of the
                                                                                                measure                             and/or activity     planned
                                                                                     Measures of general scope
     1. The National Energy Independence Strategy recast by Resolution No XIII-1288 of         Regulatory         The share of      Companies in the    Ongoing      Since 2012
     the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania of 21 June 2018 amending Resolution                                   renewable         energy sector,
     No XI-2133 of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania of 26 June 2012 on the                              energy sources in   energy consumers,
     approval of the National Energy Independence Strategy.                                                      the country’s      public and local
                                                                                                                   gross final         authorities,
     The share of energy from renewable sources in Lithuania’s domestic energy                                  consumption of         Lithuanian
     production and total final energy consumption will be further increased, thus                                energy will          Electricity
     reducing dependence on fossil fuel imports and increasing local electricity-generating                    increase: 30% by       Association,
     capacity.                                                                                                   2020; 45% by        drinking water
                                                                                                                 2030; 80% by           suppliers
     Article 14 of Law No IX-884 of the Republic of Lithuania on Energy                                              2050.

     The Plan of Measures for the implementation of the National Energy Independence
     Strategy, approved by Resolution No 1210 of the Government of the Republic of
     Lithuania of 5 December 2018 approving the Plan of Measures for the
     implementation of the National Energy Independence Strategy

     2. The National Strategy for the Development of Renewable Energy Sources, as              Regulatory         The share of      Companies in the    Ongoing      2010-2020
     approved by Resolution No 789 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of                              energy from        energy sector,
     21 June 2010 approving the National Strategy for the Development of Renewable                                 renewable       energy consumers,
     Energy Sources.                                                                                             sources in the     public and local
                                                                                                                country’s gross        authorities
     By increasing the share of renewable energy resources in the country’s energy                                    final
     balance, to meet energy needs in the electricity, heating and transport sectors to an                      consumption of
     optimal extent using domestic resources, to phase out imported polluting fossil fuels,                    energy will reach


                                                                                                                                                              Start and end
                                                                                          Type of                            Target group        Ongoing or
                           Name and reference of measure                                               Expected result                                         dates of the
                                                                                          measure                           and/or activity       planned
and thus to enhance energy security and energy independence and to contribute to                        at least 23% in
international efforts in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.                                                   2020

The 2010-2015 Plan of implementing measures for the National Strategy for the
Development of Renewable Energy Sources, as approved by Order No 1-180 of the
Minister for Energy of the Republic of Lithuania of 23 June 2010 approving the
2010-2015 Plan of implementing measures for the National Strategy for the
Development of Renewable Energy Sources.

3. Law No XI-1375 of the Republic of Lithuania on Energy from Renewable                   Regulatory      The share of     Energy producers       Ongoing      Since 2011
Sources.                                                                                                  energy from       and consumers,
                                                                                                           renewable        public and local
The legal basis for the public administration, regulation, supervision and control of                    sources in the       authorities
the renewable energy sector of the Republic of Lithuania and the organisation of                        country’s gross
activities in this sector, as well as state regulation and supervision of operations of                       final
energy grid operators and producers of energy from renewable sources and their                          consumption of
relations with controlling authorities have been established.                                          energy will reach
The purpose is to ensure sustainable development of the use of renewable energy                         at least 38% in
sources, promote further development and deployment of innovative technologies                                2025
and consumption of generated energy.
The main objective is to achieve a share of energy production from renewable
sources of at least 38% in the country’s gross final energy consumption by 2025, and
that this share be further increased.

4. The 2012-2020 National Forest Sector Development Programme, as approved by             Regulatory   Increased annual State Enterprise State    Ongoing      2012-2020
Resolution No 569 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 23 May 2012                        amount of felling         Forest
approving the 2012-2020 National Forest Sector Development Programme.                                      waste and        Administration,
                                                                                                        unsellable small private forest owners
The purpose of the programme is to implement a long-term Lithuanian forestry                             timber used as
policy that is consistent with other related policies and to set objectives and targets                biofuel: 500,000
for the development of the forestry sector up to 2020.                                                     m3 in 2020

                                                                                                                                                             Start and end
                                                                                        Type of                            Target group         Ongoing or
                          Name and reference of measure                                              Expected result                                          dates of the
                                                                                        measure                           and/or activity        planned
5. Separation out of the biodegradable fraction of municipal and economic waste:
                                                                                        Regulatory   Development of      Operators of waste      Ongoing      Since 2012
(5.1.) Determination of the composition of mixed municipal wastes and assessment                     municipal waste      sorting facilities,
of the amounts of biodegradable municipal wastes.                                                     use in energy           operators of
                                                                                                       production            regional non-
A procedure is laid down for assessing the composition of mixed municipal wastes                                          hazardous waste
and the composition and quantity of wastes being sent for disposal in regional non-                                         landfills, legal
hazardous waste landfills, and for reporting on the assessment of amounts of wastes.                                     entities established
                                                                                                                          by one or several
Article 7 of Law No XI-1375 of the Republic of Lithuania on Energy from                                                  municipalities and
Renewable Sources.                                                                                                         tasked with the
                                                                                                                          administration of
The National Strategic Waste Management Plan, as approved by Resolution No 519                                          the municipal waste
of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 12 April 2002 approving the                                                management
National Strategic Waste Management Plan.                                                                                       system,
The Procedure for determining the composition of mixed municipal wastes and                                                    within the
assessing the amounts of biodegradable municipal wastes, as approved by Order No                                          municipal waste
D1-661 of the Minister for the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania of 31                                                management
August 2011 approving the Procedure for determining the composition of mixed                                                    region,
municipal wastes and assessing the amounts of biodegradable municipal wastes.                                              Environmental
                                                                                                                         Department under
                                                                                                                         the Ministry of the
                                                                                                                          Environment, the
                                                                                                                         Protection Agency
(5.2.) Separation out of the biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal waste   Regulatory   Development of     Economic operators       Ongoing      Since 2012
having regard to the renewable part of the energy produced from industrial and                          the use of        producing and/or
municipal waste.                                                                                     municipal and/or     using biogas and
                                                                                                     economic waste     solid recovered fuel
A procedure is laid down for determining the biodegradable fraction of municipal                       to produce          from municipal
and/or industrial waste (hereinafter, ‘industrial and other economic activity waste’)                     energy          and/or economic
and solid recovered fuel used to produce energy from renewable sources.                                                 waste and operating

                                                                                                                                                                Start and end
                                                                                           Type of                              Target group       Ongoing or
                           Name and reference of measure                                                Expected result                                          dates of the
                                                                                           measure                             and/or activity      planned
Articles 7, 9, 10 and 27 of Law No XI-1375 of the Republic of Lithuania on Energy                                              or supervising
from Renewable Sources.                                                                                                           landfills

Article 6 of Law No I-2223 of the Republic of Lithuania on Environmental

The Methodology for separating out the biodegradable fraction of industrial and
municipal waste having regard to the renewable part of the energy produced from
industrial and municipal waste, as approved by Order No D1-810 of the Minister for
the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania of 4 October 2012 approving the
Methodology for separating out the biodegradable fraction of industrial and
municipal waste having regard to the renewable part of the energy produced from
industrial and municipal waste.

6. Training of specialists installing small-scale installations for producing energy
from renewable sources and monitoring of the quality of their work:
                                                                                           Regulatory        Training              Installers,      Ongoing      Since 2012
(6.1.) Training for certification of specialists installing installations for producing                   procedure and         establishments
energy from renewable sources.                                                                          conditions for the    training them, the
                                                                                                         certification of     designated public
The training procedure and conditions are laid down for the certification of                            installers are laid        authority
specialists (installers) installing (including commissioning and adjustment) of small-                         down
scale (up to 100 kW nominal output capacity) biomass boilers and non-stonework
heaters, geothermal systems and heat pumps, solar light installations and solar energy
installations for producing heat energy, in accordance with the requirements of
Directive 2009/28/EC.

Articles 5 and 45 of Law No XI-1375 of the Republic of Lithuania on Energy from
Renewable Sources.

The Training Procedure for the certification of specialists installing installations for
the production of energy from renewable sources, as approved by Order 1-329 of the
Minister for Energy of the Republic of Lithuania of 30 December 2014 approving the
Training Procedure for the certification of specialists installing installations for the
production of energy from renewable sources.

                                                                                                                                                                     Start and end
                                                                                              Type of                              Target group         Ongoing or
                                Name and reference of measure                                              Expected result                                            dates of the
                                                                                              measure                             and/or activity        planned
     (6.2.) Certification of specialists installing installations for producing energy from   Regulatory     Procedure and      Energy employees,        Ongoing      Since 2012
     renewable sources.                                                                                    conditions for the   including installers,
     The following is laid down for specialists installing installations for producing                       certification of     the State Energy
     energy from renewable sources and other energy employees:                                                 specialists       Inspectorate under
     1) qualification and qualification improvement requirements;                                               installing         the Ministry of
     2) lists of categories and areas of activities and work;                                               installations for         Energy 26,
     3) the main functions of participants in the certification process, the certification                 producing energy     certification bodies,
     procedure and requirements for the register of their certificates;                                     from renewable              energy
     4) dispute resolution arrangements.                                                                   sources and other        undertakings
                                                                                                             employees are
                                                                                                               laid down
     Articles 5 and 45 of Law No XI-1375 of the Republic of Lithuania on Energy from
     Renewable Sources.

     Articles 6 and 28 of Law No XI-884 of the Republic of Lithuania on Energy.

     The Certification Procedure for employees constructing and operating energy
     facilities and installations, as approved by Order No 1-220 of the Minister for Energy
     of the Republic of Lithuania of 7 November 2012 approving the Certification
     Procedure for employees constructing and operating energy facilities and

     (6.3.) Procedure and conditions are laid down for the quality monitoring of              Regulatory     Procedure and            Installers,        Ongoing      Since 2012
     installation operations performed by energy employees installing (including                             conditions are     certification bodies,
     commissioning and adjustment) small-scale (up to 100 kW nominal output capacity)                      laid down for the      the supervisory
     installations producing energy from renewable sources (biomass boilers and non-                             quality              authority
     stonework heaters, geothermal systems and heat pumps, solar light installations and                     monitoring of
     solar energy facilities for producing energy) (‘installations’ [invalid since 1 July                     installation
     2019].                                                                                                  operations by
     Articles 5 and 45 of Law No XI-1375 of the Republic of Lithuania on Energy from
     Renewable Sources.

 National Energy Regulatory Council since 1 July 2019

                                                                                                                                                             Start and end
                                                                                          Type of                           Target group        Ongoing or
                          Name and reference of measure                                                Expected result                                        dates of the
                                                                                          measure                          and/or activity       planned

The Quality Monitoring Procedure for installation operations of installations for the
production of energy from renewable sources, as approved by Order No 1-330 of the
Minister for Energy of the Republic of Lithuania of 30 December 2014 approving the
Quality Monitoring Procedure for installation operations of installations for the
production of energy from renewable sources [invalid since 1 July 2019].
Wider use of felling waste for energy production:

(7.1.) More favourable conditions for preparing and storing felling waste.                Regulatory   Development of     Forest owners,         Ongoing      Since 2010
                                                                                                       biomass use in    managers and users
In order to create more favourable conditions for the preparation and storage of                           energy
felling waste, the key biological, environmental and technological requirements for                      production
felling (wood preparation and extraction) in forests have been set out.

Article 16 of Law No I-671 of the Republic of Lithuania on Forests.

The Rules on felling, as approved by Order No D1-79 of the Minister for the
Environment of the Republic of Lithuania of 27 January 2010 approving the Rules on

(7.2.) Promoting the use of felling waste.                                                Regulatory   Development of      Authors of the        Ongoing      Since 2011
                                                                                                       biomass use in    forest management
In order to promote the use of felling waste, the drawing up, coordination, approval,                      energy               project
registration and quality control of all internal forest management projects of any form                  production        (authors of the
of ownership are regulated, and it is stipulated that the design part of an internal                                     forest management
forest management project is to include an estimate of the amount of potentially                                         project and/or legal
usable felling waste.                                                                                                    entities drawing up
                                                                                                                         forest management
Article 14 of Law No I-671 of the Republic of Lithuania on Forests.                                                            projects)

The Rules for the drawing up of internal forest management projects, as approved by
Order No D1-406 of the Minister for the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania of
1 September 2006 approving the Rules for the drawing-up of forest management
schemes and the preparation of internal forest management projects.

                                                                                                                                                               Start and end
                                                                                         Type of                              Target group        Ongoing or
                         Name and reference of measure                                                 Expected result                                          dates of the
                                                                                         measure                             and/or activity       planned
8. Trade in wood in the rough and felling residues produced in State-owned forests.     Regulatory     Development of       Wood sellers (state    Ongoing         Since
                                                                                                       biomass use in       forest managers),                    1 January
The procedure for organising and administering trade in wood in the rough and                              energy              wood buyers                         2018
felling residues produced in state forests (hereinafter, ‘wood’), conditions for                         production          (natural or legal
participation in wood sale auctions, procedure for awarding wood purchase and sale                                           persons buying
contracts, determining wood prices and assessing bid prices, concluding purchase and                                              wood)
sale contracts and paying for wood have been established.

Article 7 of Law No I-671 of the Republic of Lithuania on Forests.

The Procedure for trade in wood in the rough and felling residues produced in State-
owned forests, as approved by Resolution No 972 of the Government of the Republic
of Lithuania of 30 November 2017 approving the Procedure for trade in wood in the
rough and felling residues produced in State-owned forests.

9. Increasing the possibilities and methods of using geothermal energy.                Informational      The overall       Public authorities     Ongoing      2016-2020
                                                                                                        potential of the
To increase the contribution of geothermal energy to the country’s energy resources,                        country’s
its rational and efficient use, the overall potential of geothermal resources in the                      geothermal
country is assessed by identifying shallow and deep geothermal resources and their                       resources was
development guidelines and utilisation possibilities and methods.                                        evaluated and
                                                                                                       shallow and deep
Article 4(1) of Law No I-1034 of the Republic of Lithuania on Subsoil.                                    geothermal
                                                                                                       resources and the
The 2016-2020 National Geological Survey Programme ‘Geoenergy and Safe                                  possibilities and
Environment’, as approved by Order No D1-880 of the Minister for the Environment                        methods of their
of the Republic of Lithuania of 3 December 2015 approving the 2016-2020 National                        utilisation were
Geological Survey Programme ‘Geoenergy and Safe Environment’.                                              identified

The 2018 Plan of implementing measures for the 2016-2020 National Geological
Survey Programme ‘Geoenergy and Safe Environment’, as approved by Order No
D1-130 of the Minister for the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania of 20
February 2018 approving the 2018 Plan of implementing measures for the 2016-2020
National Geological Survey Programme ‘Geoenergy and Safe Environment’.

                                                                                                                                                            Start and end
                                                                                         Type of                            Target group       Ongoing or
                          Name and reference of measure                                               Expected result                                        dates of the
                                                                                         measure                           and/or activity      planned
The 2017 Plan of implementing measures for the 2016-2020 National Geological
Surveys Programme ‘Geoenergy and Safe Environment’, as approved by Order No
D1-191 of the Minister for the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania of 2 March
2017 approving the 2017 Plan of implementing measures for the 2016-2020 National
Geological Surveys Programme ‘Geoenergy and Safe Environment’.
10. Simplification of the building permit issuance procedures for installations          Regulatory      Improved        Producers of energy    Ongoing      Since 2017
generating energy from renewable energy sources.                                                       procedures for      from renewable
                                                                                                      issuing building     energy sources
As of 1 January 2017, to simplify the building permit issuance procedures for                              permits
installations, including those generating energy from renewable energy sources, the
following was established:
1) classification of structures by their intended use;
2) a list of structures classified under the category of special structures;
3) a list of simple structures and the features and technical parameters of buildings
classified as simple structures and simple structures of engineering facilities.

Articles 4 and 24 of Law No XI-1240 of the Republic of Lithuania on Construction.

Technical Construction Regulation STR 1.01.03:2017 ‘Classification of structures’,
as approved by Order No D1-713 of the Minister for the Environment of the
Republic of Lithuania of 27 October 2016 approving Technical Construction
Regulation STR 1.01.03:2017 ‘Classification of structures’.

11. Nearly zero energy buildings where a major proportion of energy comes from           Regulatory    Increased use       Designers and        Ongoing      Since 2017
renewable energy sources.                                                                              and efficiency        investors
                                                                                                      improvement of
As of 1 January 2017, the design of new buildings (parts thereof) is to consider using                  energy from
engineering systems that are high-efficiency and/or ensure the use of renewable                          renewable
energy sources, giving the main reasons justifying the selected design solutions.                         sources
Articles 8 and 51 of Law No I-1240 of the Republic of Lithuania on Construction.

Technical Construction Regulation STR 2.01.02:2016 ‘Design and certification of
energy performance of buildings’, as approved by Order No D1-754 of the Minister
for the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania of 11 November 2016 approving

                                                                                                                                                        Start and end
                                                                                          Type of                         Target group     Ongoing or
                           Name and reference of measure                                              Expected result                                    dates of the
                                                                                          measure                        and/or activity    planned
Technical Construction Regulation STR 2.01.02:2016 ‘Design and certification of
energy performance of buildings’.

12. Renewable energy sources for industry LT+                                             Financial   Reduced energy        Industrial      Ongoing        2014-2020
(Measure No 04.2.1-LVPA-K-836 of the 2014-2020 EU Funds’ investments in                                   intensity in     enterprises                        Call I
Lithuania).                                                                                                industrial                                    (25.10.2016-
                                                                                                        enterprises by                                    25.1.2017);
Installing the capacity for producing energy from renewable energy sources and                          increasing the                                  Calls II and III
developing new more efficient technologies and installing them at industrial                          use of renewable                                    (24.7.2017-
enterprises in order to use energy for the internal needs of the enterprises and                       energy sources,                                   15.12.2017)
ensuring the supply of excess energy to other industrial enterprises or its transfer to                    additional                                   (separately for
centralised energy networks.                                                                              capacity of                                      SMEs and
                                                                                                      energy produced                                         large
Subparagraph 6.2.7 of the Rules on the distribution of responsibilities and functions                 from renewable                                        industrial
between institutions with regard to the implementation of the 2014-2020 Operational                   sources: 48 MW                                     enterprises);
Programme for European Union Funds’ Investments, as approved by Resolution No                          (59 MW by 31                                         Call IV (
528 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 4 June 2014 on the                              December 2023)                                    (scheduled for
distribution of responsibilities and functions between institutions with regard to the                                                                      2019 Q4)
implementation of the 2014-2020 Operational Programme for European Union
Funds’ Investments, and project 2, Priority 4 of the Annex to these Rules.

The Schedule of conditions for the financing of projects for Measure No 04.2.1-
LVPA-K-836 ‘Renewable energy sources for industry LT+’ of Priority 4 ‘Promoting
energy efficiency and renewable energy production and use’ of the 2014-2020
Operational Programme for European Union Funds’ Investments, as approved by
Order No 4-647 of the Minister for the Economy of the Republic of Lithuania of 20
October 2016 on the Schedule of conditions for the financing of projects for Measure
No 04.2.1-LVPA-K-836 ‘Renewable energy sources for industry LT+’ of Priority 4
‘Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy production and use’ of the 2014-
2020 Operational Programme for European Union Funds’ Investments.

                                                                                                                                                                Start and end
                                                                                              Type of                           Target group       Ongoing or
                               Name and reference of measure                                              Expected result                                        dates of the
                                                                                              measure                          and/or activity      planned
     13. Promoting high-efficiency cogeneration in Vilnius City                               Financial     The share of      Lietuvos energija,    Ongoing       2014-2023
     (Measure No 04.1.1-LVPA-V-108 of the 2014-2020 EU Funds’ investments in                                energy from         UAB 27; UAB
     Lithuania).                                                                                             renewable             Vilniaus
                                                                                                           sources in the        kogeneracinė
     Development of the use of energy from renewable sources for efficient heat and                         final energy       jėgainė (Vilnius
     power production at the CHP plant in Vilnius.                                                         balance: 23%;     Combined Heat and
                                                                                                             additional          Power Plant)
     Subparagraph 6.2.7 of the Rules on the distribution of responsibilities and functions                   production
     between institutions with regard to the implementation of the 2014-2020 Operational                    capacity for
     Programme for European Union Funds’ Investments, as approved by Resolution No                          energy from
     528 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 4 June 2014 on the                                renewable
     distribution of responsibilities and functions between institutions with regard to the                   sources:
     implementation of the 2014-2020 Operational Programme for European Union                                 228 MW
     Funds’ Investments.

     The Schedule of conditions for the financing of projects for Measure No 04.1.1-
     LVPA-V-108 ‘Promoting high-efficiency cogeneration in Vilnius city’ of Priority 4
     ‘Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy production and use’ of the 2014-
     2020 Operational Programme for European Union Funds’ Investments, as approved
     by Order No 1-108 of the Minister for the Economy of the Republic of Lithuania of
     approving Schedule No 1 of conditions for the financing of projects for Measure No
     04.1.1-LVPA-V-108 ‘Promoting high-efficiency cogeneration in Vilnius city’ of
     Priority 4 ‘Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy production and use’ of
     the 2014-2020 Operational Programme for European Union Funds’ Investments.

     14. Development of municipal waste incineration capacity                                 Financial     The share of       UAB Vilniaus         Ongoing      2014-2023
     (Measure No 05.2.1-LVPA-V-022 of the 2014-2020 EU Funds’ investments in                                  landfilled       kogeneracinė
     Lithuania).                                                                                          municipal waste:       jėgainė
                                                                                                              30%; the
     Construction of facilities for incinerating (use for energy generation) of municipal                    developed
     waste.                                                                                                  capacity to
                                                                                                          generate energy
                                                                                                          from municipal

 State-controlled group of energy undertakings UAB Ignitis grupė since 2019

                                                                                                                                                          Start and end
                                                                                          Type of                         Target group       Ongoing or
                          Name and reference of measure                                               Expected result                                      dates of the
                                                                                          measure                        and/or activity      planned
Subparagraph 6.2.7 of the Rules on the distribution of responsibilities and functions                 waste: 160,000
between institutions with regard to the implementation of the 2014-2020 Operational                   tonnes per year
Programme for European Union Funds’ Investments, as approved by Resolution No
528 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 4 June 2014 on the
distribution of responsibilities and functions between institutions with regard to the
implementation of the 2014-2020 Operational Programme for European Union
Funds’ Investments.

Paragraph 65 of the Administration Rules for the 2014-2020 Operational Programme
for European Union Funds’ Investments, as approved by Resolution No 1090 of the
Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 3 October 2014 approving the
Administration Rules for the 2014-2020 Operational Programme for European Union
Funds’ Investments.

The Schedule of conditions for the financing of projects for Measure 05.2.1-APVA-
V-022 ‘Development of municipal waste incineration capacity’ of Priority 5
‘Environmental protection, sustainable use of natural resources and adapting to
climate change’ of the 2014-2020 Operational Programme for European Union
Funds’ Investments, as approved by Order No D1-224 of the Minister for the
Environment of the Republic of Lithuania of 15 March 2017 approving the Schedule
of conditions for the financing of projects for Measure 05.2.1-APVA-V-022
‘Development of municipal waste incineration capacity’ of Priority 5 ‘Environmental
protection, sustainable use of natural resources and adapting to climate change’ of the
2014-2020 Operational Programme for European Union Funds’ Investments.

15. Promotion of small-scale biofuel cogeneration                                         Financial     The share of    Heat suppliers and    Ongoing      2014-2023
(Measure No 04.1.1-LVPA-K-110 of the 2014-2020 EU Funds’ investments in                                 energy from        (potential)
Lithuania).                                                                                              renewable      independent heat
                                                                                                       sources in the      producers
The installation of new biofuel-based high-efficiency cogeneration units (with an                       final energy
electrical power of up to 5 MW and a rated thermal input not exceeding 20 MW) in                       balance: 23%;
district heating systems (except in Vilnius and Kaunas).                                                 additional
Subparagraph 6.2.7 of the Rules on the distribution of responsibilities and functions                   capacity for
between institutions with regard to the implementation of the 2014-2020 Operational                     energy from

                                                                                                                                                             Start and end
                                                                                         Type of                            Target group        Ongoing or
                          Name and reference of measure                                              Expected result                                          dates of the
                                                                                         measure                           and/or activity       planned
Programme for European Union Funds’ Investments, as approved by Resolution No                           renewable
528 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 4 June 2014 on the                             sources: 18 MW
distribution of responsibilities and functions between institutions with regard to the
implementation of the 2014-2020 Operational Programme for European Union
Funds’ Investments.

Schedule No 1 of conditions for the financing of projects for Measure 04.1.1-LVPA-
K-110 ‘Promotion of small-scale biofuel cogeneration’ of Priority 4 ‘Promoting
energy efficiency and renewable energy production and use’ of the 2014-2020
Operational Programme for European Union Funds’ Investments, as approved by
Order No 1-338 of the Minister for Energy of the Republic of Lithuania of 30
December 2016 approving Schedule No 1 of conditions for the financing of projects
for Measure 04.1.1 -LVPA-K-110 ‘Promotion of small-scale biofuel cogeneration’ of
Priority 4 ‘Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy production and use’ of
the 2014-2020 Operational Programme for European Union Funds’ Investments.

16. Targeted research in smart specialisation                                            Financial       Results of      Science and higher      Ongoing      2014-2023
(Measure No 01.2.2-LMT-K-718 of the 2014-2020 EU Funds’ investments in                               research into the        education
Lithuania).                                                                                           development of         institutions;
                                                                                                     the use of energy   university hospitals
Research carried out by high-level groups of researchers to produce results in line                   from renewable
with the themes of R&D activities relevant to the economic sectors, which could                        sources which
subsequently be commercialised.                                                                            could
Attracting researchers from abroad to carry out research aimed at producing results in                subsequently be
line with the themes of R&D activities relevant to economic sectors, which could                      commercialised
subsequently be commercialised.
R&D activities of parallel laboratories to produce results corresponding to the themes
of R&D activities relevant to economic sectors, which could subsequently be

Subparagraph 6.2.7 of the Rules on the distribution of responsibilities and functions
between institutions with regard to the implementation of the 2014-2020 Operational
Programme for European Union Funds’ Investments, as approved by Resolution No
528 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 4 June 2014 on the
distribution of responsibilities and functions between institutions with regard to the

                                                                                                                                                         Start and end
                                                                                        Type of                          Target group       Ongoing or
                          Name and reference of measure                                             Expected result                                       dates of the
                                                                                        measure                         and/or activity      planned
implementation of the 2014-2020 Operational Programme for European Union
Funds’ Investments.

Schedule No 1 of conditions for the financing of projects for Measure 01.2.2-LMT-
K-718 ‘Targeted research in smart specialisation’ of Priority 1 ‘Promoting research,
experimental development and innovation’ of the 2014-2020 Operational Programme
for European Union Funds’ Investments, as approved by Order No V-237 of the
Minister for Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 10 April 2017
approving Schedule No 1 of conditions for the financing of projects for Measure
01.2.2-LMT-K-718 ‘Targeted research in smart specialisation’ of Priority 1
‘Promoting research, experimental development and innovation’ of the 2014-2020
Operational Programme for European Union Funds’ Investments.

17. The 2014-2020 Lithuanian Rural Development Programme.                               Financial   Development of     Farmers and forest    Ongoing      Since 2014
                                                                                                       renewable           managers
The 2014-2020 Lithuanian Rural Development Programme, as approved by Decision                            energy
No C(2015)842 of the European Commission of 13 February 2015.                                       production from
                                                                                                    agricultural and
One of programme’s priorities/target areas is facilitating the supply and use of                        forestry
renewable energy sources, by-products, waste and other non-food raw materials for                      resources
bio-economy purposes. Support is provided for investments in the use of waste from
primary agricultural production for obtaining biogas, through the installation of
biogas plants using generated heat and electricity solely for agricultural needs, and
investment in forestry technologies for the production of biomass and promoting the
use of forest management and felling waste. Total investments in renewable energy
production amount to EUR 81,306,344.21 (target value for 2023).
Support is also provided for investments in the creation, improvement or
development of all types of small-scale infrastructure, including investments in
renewable energy production and energy saving.

The Financial Plan for the 2014-2020 Lithuanian Rural Development Programme, as
approved by Decision No C(2015)842 of the European Commission of 13 February

                                                                                                                                                           Start and end
                                                                                        Type of                           Target group        Ongoing or
                         Name and reference of measure                                               Expected result                                        dates of the
                                                                                        measure                          and/or activity       planned
The Administration Rules for the 2014-2020 Lithuanian Rural Development
Programme, as approved by Order No 3D-507 of the Minister for Agriculture of the
Republic of Lithuania of 26 August 2014 approving the Administration Rules for the
2014-2020 Lithuanian Rural Development Programme.

18. The 2014-2020 Operational Programme for the Lithuanian Fisheries Sector.            Financial    Development of      Pond aquaculture      Ongoing      Since 2014
                                                                                                       the use of         farms and CSA
The 2014-2020 Operational Programme for the Lithuanian Fisheries, as approved by                       renewable             enterprises
Decision No C(2015)5897 of the European Commission of 17 August 2015.                                energy sources         (enterprises
                                                                                                                        developing closed-
Reducing the dependence of aquaculture enterprises on energy sources by using                                          system aquaculture)
renewable energy sources and promoting energy efficiency. This Operational
Programme encourages investment in the improvement of energy efficiency and the
use of renewable energy sources.

The Lithuanian Aquaculture Sector Development Plan for 2014-2020, as approved
by Order No 3D-393 of the Minister for Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania of
1 July 2014 approving the Lithuanian Aquaculture Sector Development Plan for

Most of the objectives and targets of this plan will be implemented through the 2014-
2020 Lithuanian Fisheries Sector Operational Programme. Measures for the
implementation of the plan are financed with appropriations from the Lithuanian
national budget and the resources of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

19. Measures and appropriations for the use of renewable energy sources in all          Regulatory    Increased use     Public authorities,    Ongoing      Since 2013
sectors of the national economy.                                                                      and efficiency     local authorities,
                                                                                                     improvement of     Research Council
The Inter-institutional Action Plan implementing the goals and objectives of the                       energy from      of Lithuania, AB
National Strategy for Climate Change Management Policy identifies, inter alia,                          renewable      Energijos skirstymo
measures for the use of renewable energy sources in all sectors of the national                          sources        operatorius, state
economy (energy, industry, transport, agriculture, etc.) and appropriations for                                        science and higher
implementing these measures, and aims to ensure inter-institutional cooperation.                                             education

                                                                                                                                                       Start and end
                                                                                      Type of                          Target group       Ongoing or
                         Name and reference of measure                                            Expected result                                       dates of the
                                                                                      measure                         and/or activity      planned
The Inter-institutional Action Plan implementing the goals and objectives of the
National Strategy for Climate Change Management Policy, as approved by
Resolution No 366 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 23 April 2013
approving the Inter-institutional Action Plan implementing the goals and objectives
of the National Strategy for Climate Change Management Policy.

20. Investments in forestry technologies                                              Financial   Development of      Private forest       Ongoing      2014-2020
(Measure of the 2014-2020 Lithuanian Rural Development Programme).                                  the use of       managers, local
                                                                                                    renewable        authorities and
Facilitating the supply and use of renewable energy sources, by-products, wastes,                 energy sources     micro and small
residues and other non-food raw material for the purposes of bio-economy. The                                          enterprises
activity supported under the measure includes, inter alia, the modernisation of
forestry, the deployment of felling, round wood logging and wood biofuel production
technologies, and the provision of services in the forestry sector.

The 2014-2020 Lithuanian Rural Development Programme, as approved by Decision
No C(2015)842 of the European Commission of 13 February 2015.

The Financial Plan for the 2014-2020 Lithuanian Rural Development Programme, as
approved by Decision No C(2015)842 of the European Commission of 13 February

The Administration Rules for the 2014-2020 Lithuanian Rural Development
Programme, as approved by Order No 3D-507 of the Minister for Agriculture of the
Republic of Lithuania of 26 August 2014 approving the Administration Rules for the
2014-2020 Lithuanian Rural Development Programme.
21. The Climate Change Programme.                                                     Financial   Development of    Producers of energy    Ongoing      Since 2010
                                                                                                    the use of        from renewable
The funds of this Programme are used, inter alia, to promote the use of renewable                   renewable         energy sources
energy sources and to introduce environment-friendly technologies, including high-                energy sources
efficiency cogeneration.

Article 10 of Law No XI-329 of the Republic of Lithuania on Financial Instruments
for Climate Change Management.

                                                                                                                                                                       Start and end
                                                                                                Type of                              Target group         Ongoing or
                               Name and reference of measure                                                  Expected result                                           dates of the
                                                                                                measure                             and/or activity        planned
     The Procedure for the use of funds from the Climate Change Programme, as
     approved by Order No D1-275 of the Minister for the Environment of the Republic
     of Lithuania of 6 April 2010 approving the Procedure for the use of funds from the
     Climate Change Programme.

     22. Research on the development forecast, efficient use and social impact of             Informational    18 publications     Public and local        Ongoing      2017-2021
     renewable energy sources.                                                                                      in WoS           authorities,
                                                                                                                  journals 28,     companies in the
     The purpose of the long-term research and experimental development programme                                5 articles in      energy sector,
     entitled ‘Research on the development forecast, efficient use and social impact of                        popular science    energy consumers,
     renewable energy sources’ is to examine development trends in the production of                             magazines,       other stakeholders
     renewable energy sources, forecast the prospects for their use, assess environmental                      presentation of
     problems and analyse the priorities and principles of the National Strategy for                             results at 5
     Sustainable Development, combining environmental and energy objectives.                                  international and
                                                                                                                  7 national
     Subparagraph 4.2, Annex 6 to Order No V-273 of the Minister for Education and                            conferences, etc.
     Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 24 April 2017 approving long-term research
     and experimental development programmes for 2017-2021.

     23. ‘Renewable energy sources in Lithuania’ website.                                     Informational    Raising public       Energy producers       Ongoing      Since 2011
                                                                                                                awareness            and consumers,
     The website presents up-to-date information on the legal framework for renewable                                              science and higher
     energy sources in Lithuania and the funding mechanisms. It offers calculators that                                                 education
     help determine possible energy outputs from specific renewable energy sources                                                 institutions, public
     (RES) and estimate the energy demand. The website has an interactive map of the                                              and local authorities
     RES power plants operating in Lithuania. It also provides statistics on RES use in
     Lithuania and the European Union. http:www.avei.lt

     24. Priority transport of electricity from renewable energy sources in electricity        Regulatory       Increase in          Producers of          Ongoing      Since 2011
     transmission and distribution networks.                                                                     electricity        electricity from
                                                                                                              generation from      renewable energy

 foreign journals with a citation index included in the Thomson-Reuters Web of Science (WoS) bases

                                                                                                                                                         Start and end
                                                                                          Type of                         Target group      Ongoing or
                          Name and reference of measure                                               Expected result                                     dates of the
                                                                                          measure                        and/or activity     planned
Electricity grid operators (or transmission system operators) must give priority to the                 renewable         sources, and
acceptance, transmission and/or distribution at transparent and non-discriminatory                    energy sources      operators of
rates of the full amount of electricity from renewable energy sources offered by a                                          electricity
producer that complies with the provisions of Article 3(2)(1) of the Law of the                                           transmission
Republic of Lithuania on Energy from Renewable Sources.                                                                   systems and
Article 17 of Law No XI-1375 of the Republic of Lithuania on Energy from                                                    electricity
Renewable Sources.                                                                                                         distribution
Articles 31(2) and 39(2) of Law No VIII-1881 of the Republic of Lithuania on

25. Reduced grid connection rates for power plants using renewable energy sources.        Financial     Increase in       Producers of       Ongoing      Since 2011
                                                                                                         electricity     electricity from
The price for power plant connection to the power grid is equal to the price of the                   generation from   renewable energy
work performed by the successful tenderer in the public procurement procedure for                       renewable            sources
producer power plant connection to the power grid. The person that has constructed                    energy sources
or installed a power plant pays, in accordance with the procedure laid down by the
Government or an institution authorised by it, the actual grid connection costs:
1) 40% of the grid connection costs, where the installed capacity of the power plant
exceeds 350 kW;
2) 20% of the grid connection costs, where the installed capacity of the power plant is
not above 350 kW.
These provisions do not apply when the person constructing or installing the power
plant performs the grid connection work himself in accordance with the statutory

Article 21 of Law No XI-1375 of the Republic of Lithuania on Energy from
Renewable Sources

The Procedure for promoting the use of renewable energy sources to produce energy,
as approved by Resolution No 827 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania
of 4 July 2012 approving the Procedure for promoting the use of renewable energy
sources to produce energy.

                                                                                                                                                               Start and end
                                                                                          Type of                             Target group        Ongoing or
                          Name and reference of measure                                                Expected result                                          dates of the
                                                                                          measure                            and/or activity       planned
The Methodology for determining grid connection rates for electrical installations, as
approved by Resolution No O3-235 of the National Control Commission for Prices
and Energy of 29 July 2011 approving the Methodology for determining grid
connection rates for electrical installations.

26. Tariffs for the buying-in of electricity from renewable energy sources.               Financial      Increase in          Producers of         Ongoing      Since 2011
                                                                                                          electricity        electricity from
A procedure has been approved for setting the maximum level of fixed tariff                            generation from      renewable energy
(hereinafter, ‘maximum tariffs’) for producers participating in the auction which                        renewable               sources
produce electricity from renewable energy sources and for the fixing of feed-in tariffs                energy sources
for excess electricity, with a view to establishing transparent, objective and non-
discriminatory principles for setting feed-in tariffs and maximum tariffs.
Note. In fact, the procedure was in place until 2015, as there was no longer a free
promotion quota afterwards.

Article 11(1) of Law No XI-1375 of the Republic of Lithuania on Energy from
Renewable Sources.

The Methodology for setting tariffs for electricity generated from renewable energy
sources, as approved by Resolution No O3-233 of the National Control Commission
for Prices and Energy of 29 July 2011 approving the Methodology for setting tariffs
for electricity generated from renewable energy sources [invalid since 21 May 2019]

27. Ensuring power grid access and grid optimisation.                                     Regulatory   Improved access         Transmission        Ongoing     Since 2011
                                                                                                       to the electricity       systems and
Services of public interest cover the connection of the power plants of renewable                           grid for        distribution system
energy sources to power grids and the optimisation, development and/or                                    installations           operators
reconstruction of the power grids by the grid operator, ensuring the development of                        generating
production using renewable energy sources. Requirements have been laid down for                         electricity from
grid operators to have in place a procedure for grid use enabling producers of                             renewable
electricity from renewable energy sources to use operators’ grids, without                              energy sources
undermining the principles of transparency, objectivity and non-discrimination.

Articles 21 and 14(7) of Law No XI-1375 of the Republic of Lithuania on Energy
from Renewable Sources.
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